Pokemon Trainer Vicky - Seras0 - Pocket Monsters (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter Text Chapter 2 Chapter Text Chapter 3 Chapter Text Chapter 4 Chapter Text Chapter 5 Chapter Text Chapter 6 Chapter Text Chapter 7 Chapter Text Chapter 8 Chapter Text Chapter 9 Chapter Text Chapter 10 Chapter Text Chapter 11 Chapter Text Chapter 12 Chapter Text Chapter 13 Chapter Text Chapter 14 Chapter Text Chapter 15 Chapter Text Chapter 16 Chapter Text Chapter 17 Chapter Text Chapter 18 Chapter Text Chapter 19 Chapter Text Chapter 20 Chapter Text Chapter 21 Chapter Text Chapter 22 Chapter Text Chapter 23 Chapter Text Chapter 24 Chapter Text Chapter 25 Chapter Text Chapter 26 Chapter Text Chapter 27 Chapter Text Chapter 28 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 29 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 30 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 31 Chapter Text Chapter 32 Chapter Text Chapter 33 Chapter Text Chapter 34 Chapter Text Chapter 35 Chapter Text Chapter 36 Chapter Text Chapter 37 Chapter Text Chapter 38 Chapter Text Chapter 39 Chapter Text Chapter 40 Chapter Text Chapter 41 Chapter Text Chapter 42 Chapter Text Chapter 43 Chapter Text Chapter 44 Chapter Text Chapter 45 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 46 Chapter Text Chapter 47 Chapter Text Chapter 48 Chapter Text Chapter 49 Chapter Text Chapter 50 Chapter Text Chapter 51 Chapter Text Chapter 52 Chapter Text Chapter 53 Chapter Text Chapter 54 Chapter Text Chapter 55 Chapter Text Chapter 56 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 57 Chapter Text Chapter 58 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 59 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 60 Chapter Text Chapter 61 Chapter Text Chapter 62 Chapter Text Chapter 63 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 64 Chapter Text Chapter 65 Chapter Text Chapter 66 Chapter Text Chapter 67 Chapter Text Chapter 68 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 69 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 70 Chapter Text Chapter 71 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 72 Chapter Text Chapter 73 Chapter Text Chapter 74 Chapter Text

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Welcome to the world of Pokemon.

I couldn’t help but think this as my class once more erupted into an argument that would inevitably lead to a fight.

Being in the equivalent to an elementary school class was… new. I mean, I had done it before, but having adult brain in child body led to an interesting perspective.

First thing you should know. Kids are dumb. They don’t get basic stuff like “Ivy, Kiba is picking on you because he thinks you are cute. If you want to mess with him just kiss him on the cheek or something.”

No, that hadn’t gone well. Ivy thought I was gross. And Kiba had thrown some absolute sh*tstorm tantrum at me ‘telling.’


But here I was listening to a teacher talk about… Pokemon. Of course it was Pokemon. Sure we still did math, and reading, but we also had a class on survival and pokemon husbandry.

Because everyone was basically expected to leave home at around 10 and go on a journey.

Not everyone did. And it wasn’t required, but almost everyone at least tried. Sure, the amount of kids coming home that first night in tears wanting their parents was…

Common. Very very common. I had seen it myself, staying up late the night of the Journeys.

“Vicky. Stop spacing out. You are on my team to take care of Tauros!” I glance up. Ivy was poking me with a pencil.

The brat.

“Stop poking me.” I said as I rose up to follow the rest of the class ignoring Ivys huff of irritation as she ended up following me out to the pens.

Viridian City.

I always got a bit of amusem*nt at the fact this is where I lived now. The Kanto Region. It was where my connection with Pokemon began.

Even if it was completely different. Pokedex? Yeah they have those. They are a book full of basic information. Half of which is wrong. Trust me I read through it.

Some of the people that I knew from the games, anime and manga, were alive, but nothing like they were in them. The broad strokes were about right, but that was it. Lance was the Kanto Champion, but I was pretty sure he wasn’t secretly part of Team Rocket.

So best timeline?

Anyway. It was surprisingly peaceful right now. Sure wars happened. There had been a war between Johto and Kanto a decade back, but it had been short. Peace had been restored, and the two countries were now working together.

Pokemon ate pokemon… And humans if they were hungry enough. The whole don’t go into tall grass isn’t quite right, because a lot of pokemon didn’t live in tall grass. But not going without your own Pokemon for protection was real.

Which is why we all had classes on how to interact with Pokemon. The school we went to had a barn out back with a large field, where the teachers would release a few Pokemon during these lessons. Learning about different types. How to feed, and interact with them.

“Hey Tauros.” I tell the big guy as I walk up to him. His huffing snort as he paced around told me today he was going to pretend to be difficult. The teachers all had their Pokemon act differently each time we interacted with them.

It was actually pretty smart.

“Vicky! Tauros is using a threat display! Stop walking up to him!” Ivy whispered tugging at my shirt.

And then suddenly Tauros was moo-calling. Because I had just pulled out a Sitrus berry out of my backpack. Poor Tauros had a hankering for Sitrus berries. I had picked this one on my way to school this morning knowing that I would be assigned Tauros. Adult brain being able to track basic stuff like when I get assigned to each Pokemon was pretty easy.

“Here you go buddy. I know you're supposed to be difficult, but you deserve a reward today.” I whisper to him secretly earning me a happy call of his name as he started chowing down. “Go on Ivy, you need to check him out right?”

“Ugh! Vicky! That’s cheating, we are supposed to deal with Tauros when he is being difficult!”

“Offering a Pokemon their favorite Berry is a good way to calm them.” A voice called out and Ivy jerked as Mrs. Hikaru mentioned from behind me. “Although I do believe we had this conversation last time Victoria.”

“Ughh. But I don't want to fight Tauros today!” I whined out. “You know he enjoys pushing everyone in the mud.” I whine to her. The fact Tauros was Mrs. Hikaru’s pokemon meant it was on her orders that he often left the children covered in mud on their way home.

The womans smile would be almost sad*stic for a moment. “It is part of the class Victoria.”

“Well solving problems is part of what we learn here.” I cut back, but it seems my backtalk hadn’t worked.

“I will have a note for your mother after class Victoria.”

“Ugh!” I grunted as I let Tauros finish his berry, I pulled out the brush from Ivys hand that we were meant to use to comb his fur down, and check for injuries. A common issue that trainers needed to do.

“You messed up Vicky!”

“Not really. My solution was fine. Mrs Hikaru just doesn’t like me being mouthy. C’mon Tauros lets go near the pond. We will need to clean the mud off ya… And don’t even look at me like that!” I push the Pokemon that was giving me an evil eye. “Not if you want any more Sitrus berries…” I leave off tempting and suddenly he was happy to follow along without a problem. Leaving Ivy whining at me for not doing it ‘right’ sure Ivy because being thrown into the mud by a bull is the right path.

Hauling the happy to follow Pokemon across the enclosure to the muddy pond to get some water I was actually surprised to see a bunch of kids already there.

“Ivy. Keep an eye on Tauros okay?” I tell her, because Tauros would happily run off if we let him just to give us trouble. It was his job and much like his trainer he was a sad*st.

“What, Vicky! Stop running off we have a… She isn’t listening.”

I ignored Ivy as I rushed up to the pond, there was a crowd of three boys and between their laughter, and the fact they were throwing rocks at something?

“VICKY JUSTICE KICK!” I roar out as I sparta kick Kiba in the back sending him yelping into the muddy pond. “You two!” I yell out pointing at the other two boys.

“sh*t it’s Vicky!”

“Dammit Vicky! Stop kicking us in the pond!”

“Stop being assholes!” I cry out ready to engage in mortal combat with the two other boys when I notice Kiba was having problems.

Oh… “HAHAH Kiba you idiot! Why would you mess with a water Pokemon and then get in the water moron!” I burst into laughter a pointed at Kiba as he struggled in the water.

“YOU BITCH! You kicked me in here! Help! Get this thing away from me!” He cried out as a Feebas that they had obviously been messing with continued to batter the boy with Tackles. The fish was getting its revenge.

I broke out into chortles loving the revenge I was seeing, but well…

Feebas didn’t much like my laughter. A moment later a fish slapped me off my feet and into the mud. Kiba finally managed to run away, and I decided to just learn how to breath again for a few minutes.

A face arced over me. A Tauros joining it a moment later. Ivys green hair thankfully blocking the sun from my eyes. “That was dumb.”

“V-victory is mi-ine.” I wheezed aloud. The splashing of the pond telling me the Feebas was still around.


I was thankfully no longer squelching as I reached home. Although I was coated in mud still. I sighed taking off my shoes and letting them squelch outside the door. Mama would kill me if I walked inside.

“Mama! I’m home… Also I need a towel.” I call out waiting a moment for her to turn the corner.

She looked like me, but made tall. Blonde hair the color of golden wheat, and blue eyes. Although she was pretty short, which made me dread my eventual max height.

“Vicky… Why are you coated in mud?” Mama called as she came out of the kitchen. A towel in her hands. Shoulders falling I reached into my backpack and pulled out the note Mrs. Hikaru had given me. “I found a Feebas. Tackle hurts. Also Mrs. Hikaru wanted me to give you this.”

“Victoria Ferrous.” I winced. Full name. Not good. “I told you not to cause any trouble for your teachers! This is three times this month they have sent home notes!”

“Sorry Mama. It was my fault. I got mouthy, instead of just staying quiet.” I answered truthfully, which always seemed to make my Mama a little disgruntled, probably happy that I wasn’t always trying to hide my troublemaking. But having me say it outright was probably irritating.

“Grounded. For a week.”

I sighed. Not too bad, but it could be worse. I mean this was a world where no kid was an indoor kid so it really was seen as a punishment. And it sorta was. Sure I had a computer, but well… The Internet and games weren’t nearly as popular here.

“Yes Mama… Oh wait.” I argue. “I need this afternoon first.” I tell her remembering that I still had something to do.

“Vicky. You are grounded.” Mama spoke simply without a hint of give.

I blink. Oh right. Kid thing. It was really weird to remember having full control of your schedule then become a kid again.

“Mam-” I stop myself. Whining wouldn’t help. “Sorry Mama. Can I explain what I need to do first? This is important.”

Although I got in trouble a lot, my ability to actually reason as an adult earned me an absolute ton of brownie points. Let me tell you having an eight year old that does her own laundry and chores and stuff as casually as I do, was something my parents both teased their friends about.

“You have one minute.” She tells me holding up a finger.

“The Feebas, that got me all muddy. He is stuck in the pond on the school field. I’m gonna move him to our pond so the kids don’t keep messing with him… Her? I don’t actually know. How do you tell the difference between male and female Feebas?”

“I don’t think there is one, or no one cares. Vicky. It’s a Feebas. They are… Well they live everywhere. We had this talk about Magikarp.”

“Don’t talk shi–stuff about Magikarp.” I argue instantly. My homeboy Magikarp is the MVP.


“Right. Sorry no cursing. But please! Feebas is a good Pokemon Mama. They are super cool, you know?”

“Feebas are bottom feeders Vicky. They literally survive on pond gunk.”

“Which is why they are good for ponds. Ours is getting pretty nasty. Feebas would love it.” I argue with a smile already feeling it going my way.

“Didn’t you say it attacked you? I don’t want a dangerous Pokemon in our pond… Or you messing with it.”

“He was being harassed by a bunch of kids, and.. Well I was laughing at Kiba when I kicked him in the pond, so I think he thought I was laughing at him?”
“You kicked Kiba into the pond?”

Blinking realizing that I had actually gotten away with that, after everything. Mrs. Hikaru had been more interested in making sure we weren’t going to be attacked by the Feebas more than what had caused it.

“He deserved it. He was throwing rocks at Feebas. So I kicked him in. Leveled the playing field. The Feebas got a few tackles in. It was even.”

“Victoria! We do not condone wild Pokemon attacking people!”

“Even when they threw rocks at the Pokemon first?” I asked my ability to see things as an adult meant I could see my mother restrain herself from agreeing with me.

“Even then.”

“Right. Sorry. I’ll not do that again… Can I go help the Feebas now? Twenty minutes tops. I just need to get a bucket. And maybe some berries?”

My mother exhaled. Her hand pressing against the bridge of her nose as she considered it. I smiled. Although wiped it off my face before she could see it. No reason to seem smug, smug changed parents' minds.

“Fine, but! But. You do not get in that pond, or near the Feebas if it is showing any aggression. And Take Meowth with you.”

“Aww Mama, not Meowth, he is such a massive pain- friendly Pokemon that I love and adore.” I instantly change my complaint as the Pokemon in question walks into the hall. Meowth was Mama’s Pokemon, he was old. Grumpy, and a cat. So he basically was the biggest downer of all time.

He literally ate a pidgey I was playing with infront of me before. Whole. Feathers and all.

“Meowth.” He greeted me casually walking over and looking like he was about to jump on my shoulders for a free ride before suddenly veering off. I snickered I was still covered in mud.

“Meows? Watch Vicky for me? She is going to go help a Feebas, don’t eat it dear, I don’t want to consider where it has been. Just make sure it doesn’t drown her.”

“Meow.” He offered with a sigh as the cat stretched.

“Great. One sec, I need my bucket.” I order as I hurry up the stairs wincing at my mothers yell not to leave mud on the floors.

I was gonna be scrubbing the floors tonight. Dangit.

With my bucket in hand, and still in muddy clothes I raced back outside, Meowth, the absolute asshole he was, had decided since he couldn’t ride on my shoulders. The Bucket would do, so I was forced to haul his fat lazy butt back to the school field.

“Stupid cat.” I moan as I put the bucket down my arms aching. Seriously I was already tired, and now I would have to haul a bucket of Water filled with fish back home too.

Stupid cat.

Especially when I remembered Feebas were like 15-16 pounds.

“Alright Meows, stay here okay? Only help if I’m drowning or something.”

“Meo-Meowth!” I looked at the cat that was looking at me giving me a specific sort of look. One I had grown used to recognizing since Meowth was an asshole.

“If I fall in, I’m on my own to you huh.”


“Really? You are gonna do me like that? What would Mama say?”

That earned a moments consideration before he seemed to look around the field and shrugged. “Meowth.”

“Wow. You would just run off huh. Well I’ll remember that next time You need me to clean up a hairball in order for Mama to not change your dinner. The Hairball food is super gross right? Well well well.” I taunt as I step away earning a hiss for my trouble.

I guess this is what I get for taking Mama’s meowth. The alley cat… Literally that is where Mama found him, still had that sort of arrogant swagger of a trainer pokemon, alongside the cat pride.

He was a pain in the ass. Nice to cuddle on cold days though.

Ignoring my cat I walked up to the water. “Hey Feebas. You still in there?”

A long moment nothing happened, and I sighed. Maybe he had already jumped out of the pond back to the river? Sure it was a long trip, but… Feebas. They were river fish, and they were hardy as f*ck. If Magikarp were tough because of stupid. Feebas were tough because just nothing stopped them.

I grabbed a Cheri Berry from my backpack, one I had grabbed a few off a tree on my way over and pulled it apart, letting the juice drip down my hands into the water. “Hey Feebas. You want a Berry? I just want to talk okay? I’m not the jerks that threw rocks at you.”

I waited a while, letting the juice drip before poking half of the Berry into the water. A moment later it was scooped right out of my fingers by a hungry fish.

“There you a-Pffft!” I spit the nasty pond water out of my mouth. The Fish had spun back into the pond and kicked up water into my face.

“Okay.” I licked the other Cheri Berry letting the taste wash away pond water. “Listen I have more Berrys for you. Here is the deal okay? I want to move you to another pond. It’s one at my home. It’s bigger than this one, and it feeds our Berry farm. So lots of overripe berries fall into the water. There isn’t any other water pokemon there. Think about it. You can hang out. No more kids throwing rocks, or big pokemon like the Tauros drinking your water, and all the berrys you can eat. How about it?”

Slowly the Feebas rose up until his mouth was mostly out of the pond. “Feeeeb.” I offered the other half of the berry which quickly disappeared from my fingers. I reached into my bag and grabbed a few more. Which earned me an interested look from the fish.

“I didn’t really understand that one buddy. Here have another Cheri.”

He gulped that one down and seemed quite happy at his treat before once again. “Feeeb. Feebas.”

Understanding Pokemon wasn’t a science, and no one could just ‘speak’ to them like Yellow from the Manga. I had looked. But people could pretty easily understand a pokemon they had been around for a while.

Pokemon were capable of being just as smart as humans after all.

Maybe not Slowpoke… Or maybe they were just smart in their own time. Which was about two hours after everyone else. Well not all Pokemon were human level. Sometimes they had to have some years on them first, or just evolve a bit.

So it took me a minute, but the way he was saying it sounded sad.

“Are you asking… Why I would help you?”

“Feeb.” That was a confirmation.

Huh. How rough. “Listen. I even like Magikarp. Feebas are great. You are a great Pokemon! I mean, sheesh you guys evolve into the most beautiful Pokemon in the world! Literally! Milotic is called that. You just have a rough early period. I just want to help out.”

“Fe-feebas Feeb!?” Huh. That was definitely a question. A shocked question? What was shocking?

I looked back to Meowth, sometimes you could get another Pokemon to translate but my cat was sleeping in my bucket.

I sighed. Figures. “Okay wait hold on. That was a question. But I don’t follow. Magikarp?”


“Okay not that… Umm. Great Pokemon? Feebas are great?”

“Feeb… Feebas.”

“So not what your question is about, but you disagree? Aww. That’s so. Okay I’ll come back to that! Milotic?”


“Milotic? I mean, have you seen a Milotic before?”


“Never? Wait… Did you know you could evolve?”

“Feeb! Feeb.”

“You didn’t know you can evolve. Holy sh*t. Pokemon… Pokemon don’t know what they can evolve into? No wait. Some do, but I guess. You probably never had a Milotic Mama or Papa huh? That makes sense… Okay so yeah Feebas Evolve into Milotic! They are awesome! They are this long Eel pokemon. With the most beautiful scales in the whole world. They change colors at different angles, and they are considered super rare and valuable Pokemon. EVERYONE wants a Milotic.”


“Yeah You can evolve into them, you just need to be beautiful.”

“Feeeeeeeeeb.” The moan soul shattering.

“No no no! No way relax! Listen. I know how to evolve you okay? There are two ways to do it. One I make you feel beautiful! Which you are! Feebas are great!”


“I’m not lying! The second is to get a Prism scale. Feebas can make them naturally… somehow? But that’s not a big deal, I can buy one too. Milotic shed them. I mean… They are pretty expensive for my pocket change, but listen. Come with me. Live in my pond. I promise I will help you evolve. I mean… I wouldn’t mind having a Milotic partner.”

“Feebas! Feeb!”

“Hah! Yeah you can be my partner! I don’t have any pokeballs. They uh… Don’t let us kids have them. I hate it but I mean… If you give a kid a Pokeball…” I trailed off meaningfully. Although Feebas didn’t seem to get it.


“Cool. Let me get my bucket…. And move my lazy cat.”


“Mama! I’m home! UGH.” I grunt as I set the bucket full of fish down. Meowth casual sauntering past me, uncaring to help. Jerk.

“Feeb.” My little buddy, who was actually pretty cool. He seemed pretty sorry for making me carry him all the way home. At least he was looking around in wonder at the house.

Right. Wild Pokemon. “Cool huh? I’ll show you my room some time as well. Although I think I’ll need to put you in the pond first… My arms are a little done.”

“Oh need your big strong papa to come rescue you!?” A voice called out from above me suddenly as I was lifted into strong arms. Laughing maniacally as I was shaken about I felt my grin grow.

“Papa! When did you get home!”

“About five minutes ago! Your mother told me you were out catching a Feebas.”

“Not catching! Helping! I mean. I would catch him if I had a Pokeball…” I trailed off teasing earning a scoff.

“Not a chance, Trouble. Not until you are ten.”

“Fiiine. Anyway Papa! This is Feebas. Feebas this is my Papa Victor Ferrous. I’m named after him.” Papa was tall and large. Since he worked with Pokemon all day he was super strong. Although he often came home smelling like a barbeque since he worked with Growlithe all day.

Papa worked with the Police Growlithe training department. Basically he trained the Growlithe that all the officers would take out with, teaching them scenting tracking, and battle.

His partner Growly who was in his Pokeball right now was Papa’s first Pokemon, and was considered a pretty strong Growlithe, which is how he got the job when he retired.

“F-feeb.” The poor fish was trying to hide in his bucket as Papa looked in.

“You don’t need to be scarred Feeby. Papa is cool and totally understands that not all Pokemon are great until they evolve. He is nice. Right Papa?”

“Sure Trouble. Hello Feebas… Vicky. You do know Feebas don-”

“Victoria! Victor! Both of you! You are covered in mud. Go get cleaned up!” Mama interrupted instantly the housewife furious as she took in her family's appearance.

I had been covered in mud and dirt when Papa grabbed me… oops. Sorry Papa.

“Ah my beautiful and beloved wife!” Papa called out teasingly and suddenly I could see my Mama’s eyes open wide. “Don’t you dare you-” And they were off. Papa chasing Mama through the house to give her a muddy hug.

Papa helped me put Feebas in the pond a little later, but well… He slept on the couch that night.


“Love of my life?” Victor asked as he rolled over in bed.

“Yes Dear?” His wife responded by putting the book down she had been reading.

“Why does our daughter love the ugliest, most useless pokemon in the whole world? It took us how long to get her to stop trying to fish up Magikarp?”

“Years my beloved… Years. And I don’t know. Feebas don’t even evolve so I have no idea what our daughter is on about.”

Victor looked over to his wife long after their daughter had gone to bed. Her blonde hair up in a bun, and sundress did nothing to hide her beauty from him. Her blue eyes shared by their daughter looked worn out.

“I never know whether to say we were blessed by her, or cursed.”

“Don’t say that!” He laughed unable to resist teasing her as he pulled her close. “It could be worse. She could be a Ponyta girl.”

“Oh don’t you start! Ponyta are amazing Pokemon! I always wanted one.”

“Yes dear.”

“At least the Feebas won’t turn into a twenty foot serpent in our pond someday.”

“Thank Arceus for that.”


“Okay so Feeby. Operation turn you into a twenty foot sea serpent begins now.” I tell the Pokemon swimming in my pond, his head poking out to listen as I pointed to my marker board I had brought out.

“So first thing first. I’m working on getting a prism scale. Which is sorta the easiest way to evolve you.” I point at my perfect drawing of a prism scale. Ignore the fact it looked like just a bunch colors. I may not be an artist. “Problem is. They are expensive. I checked at the jewelry shop in town, and they did have some! But it was really expensive. I even asked if they had any off hand that weren’t used in jewelry and they do… But they are still expensive.” I groan pointing to the number beside the picture. “This is a bit outside of my current price range. I already checked my savings, and we aren’t even close… Damn that fishing rod!”

If only my desire for Magikarp wasn’t so strong I would have more money! I mean it wouldn’t be even close to enough still but it would save me some time if I am saving it from allowance.

“Anyway, here is the deal using my allowance. I will have enough to buy one in about two, maybe three years.”


“Hey now no need to be sad! Like I said this is just the option that will absolutely happen. A few years!” I tell Feebas using a raised finger. “But that is only if everything else doesn't work out!” I point at the white board. “So option 2! This one is free. All we need to do is make you beautiful! When you feel beautiful on the inside, you will become beautiful on the outside.”

That earned me a few blubs of water. Obviously Feebas didn’t share my confidence.

“Until then! Well. You wanted to be my partner right?” I ask, earning a startled splash from the fish as it literally jerked in shock at the offer.


I smiled at the quick confirmation. “I wasn’t kidding when I offered! I think Feebas are great.” I reached out and to his shock poked him on the nose. “Since you will be my partner. We will need to get to know each other, and we can even do some training to strengthen you up! How about it?”


“Awesome! This is gonna be fun! So first off. Here are a bunch of berrys… Which is your favorite?”


“Oh good choice!”


“Vicky… Why do you have a Feebas in a bucket?”

“Ms. Kurosawa said to bring in a pokemon today.”

“A family pokemon Vicky. We are supposed to bring in one of our parents captured Pokemon. Your Feebas is in a bucket.”

“Listen Ivy… Growly is with Papa at work. And Meowth threatened me with his claws. So I took my cowardly ass outside and picked up my best bud Feebas.”


“Vicky! Language!”

“No, now my arms are tired can we take this inside?”

“Ms Kurosawa is gonna kill you.”

I shrugged as I continued to haul my fish inside the classroom. The classroom that had a bunch of excited students inside, everyone had a pokeball with them, to show off a family pokemon and discuss things we have learned about them while living with them.

That was supposed to be the lesson, but most of the kids simply brought their parents strongest biggest Pokemon to show off.

I brought Feebas, because we were besties. Plus no one was allowed to say anything bad about any pokemon brought in. I had asked Ms. Kurosawa directly, and made sure that she would remind everyone because Feebas needed some more moral support from more than just me.


“Ms. Kurosawa! You are looking beautiful today!” I offered with a smile as the older woman looked down on me. Fortunately I was a pretty good kid mostly, outside of my occasional bored nonsense, so she simply gave me a look. “If you make a mess you are cleaning it up after class Ms Ferrous.”

“You got it! Hear that Feebs? Let’s try to keep the water in the bucket.”


“Feeby agrees.”

“Very well. To your desk Victoria.”

“Sure! Oh, umm, maybe another reminder about Pokemon and their feelings?” I prompted quietly when I noticed Feebas was looking around excited.

For a moment it looked like Ms Kurosawa was not going to agree. But a moment later her stern face melted into a small smile. “I will make sure the class remembers Victoria. Off you go.”

I smiled as I finished making my way inside to more than a few wrinkled faces. Feebas unfortunately had a reputation as being gross Pokemon. So the kids weren’t happy, but before anyone could say anything. Ms, Kurosawa came in clutch.

“Class! Let’s start quieting down, and a reminder! We are having a lot of pokemon coming through today. Pokemon that are family members to those bringing them in. So if you have nothing nice to say. Say nothing. Smile and be polite, we are here to share what we have learned about pokemon in our family.”

The very stern call was pointed at a few of the troublemakers who grumbled but seemed to accept what they were told.

They might be little sh*ts, but they were also about to get to see cool Pokemon. Plus people were nicer in this world in general.

I assumed it was because if you talked sh*t here, that weirdo you were making fun of, might pull a dragon out of his pocket.

sh*t was wild like that.

“I have my moms Venasaur!” I glanced up as Ivy popped a Pokeball. And the teacher winced as the Venusaur let its weight be felt on the school's flooring.

I kept my laugh hidden but Ms. Kurosawa was looking pissed.

We had been told to keep our pokemon inside appropriate. Rumor is some kid years ago brought a Waillord to class.

None of the kids had listened to that rule if they could. I highly doubt Ivy was the only one to bring something huge.

“Vena-Sauuur!” It roared out which did have me laughing as Ivy was doing jazz hands as the Venasaur showed off for the class. Aww it was being nice to Ivy.

“This is Venasaur! My Moms starter! When I go on my adventure I’m going to get a bulbasaur that was one of Venusaur's eggs!”

“Very nice Ivy.” Ms. Kurosawa said not sounding like she thought this was nice at all. “Why don’t you talk to us about taking care of Venusaur in your home.”

“R-right! Venusaur needs lots of light, so we actually have a greenhouse in our backyard for him to live in! Venasaur eats a lot of food as well! Dad says that just because Venusaur could live mostly on sunlight. Giving them normal food is necessary! Otherwise they might not grow right!”

“Thank you Ivy, why don’t you go ahead and return Venusaur now.”

“Yes Ms. Kurosawa! Venusaur Return!”

The class pretty much went like that. A lot of Kanto starters. Although even I looked on in awe at a Charizard standing proudly in the classroom.

So cool.

Dragons! My eyes might have been sparkling.

“Victoria. Why don’t you introduce us to your friend.”

“Oh! Yes!” I grunted as I lifted Feebas up in his bucket. Seriously. The fish was close to eighteen pounds plus water. It was heavy.

“This is Feebas!” I introduce, as I put him down. I could feel his nervousness at the way he was wiggling a little from all the eyes on him. Leaning down I whispered. “Don’t worry buddy. You got this!”

“Feebas is one of the Fish Pokemon. Like Magikarp. But Feebas is actually a really important pokemon to the ecosystem! See Feebas are able to live in almost any source of water even shallow ponds and stuff! They can eat just about anything to survive because they are so hardy, but you usually see them around ponds and things, they actually help keep our ponds clean for other Pokemon!”

“So they eat garbage?” A call came out, and I could see Ms. Kurosawa already acting walking over and whispering something into an ear, considering the rapidly paling face from the girl, Brittany? Something like that.

Well she was in trouble.

So was I though. Because Feebas was dunking his head into the bucket trying to hide.

That bitch hurt my fishs feelings. If Ms. Kurosawa wasn’t here, I would be teaching her Mr. Fish style kungfu.

“They can eat anything! But it’s not garbage! They can eat anything so it lets them keep ponds clean of algae and buildup! We wouldn’t have Goldeen without Feebas! Or Staryu and Starmie since they only like clean water! Feebas are great! They help all the pokemon around them, and because they are so necessary most pokemon won’t even attack them to try and eat them!”

“I actually didn’t know that Victoria. Tell us about taking care of your Feebas?”

“Oh sure Ms. Kurosawa! So Feebas will eat just about anything, so we keep him in our feeder pond. It’s where our water for our Berry trees come from! Without Feebas in there we had to work really hard to keep the water fresh so it wouldn’t get nasty! But ever since I brought him home, our pond has been really pretty! I even go swimming with Feebas now!” I continue to pump my little fish up, and thanks to Ms. Kurosawa I actually had a few of my friends mention how useful a Feebas was.

My little fish was crying at the compliments as I picked up his bucket and took him to my desk.

That was almost a disaster!

Chapter 2

Chapter Text

“Wow Vicky. This pond IS clean.” Ivy mentioned as she followed me over to Feebas Pond. The pond was practically sparkling.

It actually hadn’t been this clean before I had talked my boy up. Afterwards he had made it his goal in life to clean up the whole pond. It was actually a little heartbreaking. My poor fish was so desperate for attention.

So I had brought Ivy over to get some.

“Yeah, Feebas worked really hard, you know?” I mention as I slip into the water giggling as Feebas swam up to brush against me. I gave him a hug and a kiss on his forehead. “Come on in the water is great.”

Ivy did just that, the girl already in her swim suit she hopped in and giggled as Feebas wandered over to say hello. I might have maybe kinda asked her to be very sensitive to Feebas’s feelings on her way over.

I was really glad I had though. She didn’t even look grossed out as she gave him a pat on the head and a heartfelt “Thank you Feebas.” My poor fish was so embarrassed at being thanked he had started swimming in circles really fast.

It was so funny that even Ivy let out an honest laugh as she chased after Feebas that became our first game, water tag with a fish was a little unfair. Feebas was the clear winner but we had plenty of splash fights and laughing fits as we played in the pond.

This was nice. I loved this world. It was so peaceful.


“Growly! No!” I whined at the puppy Pokemon.


“Nooo. It’s my birthday I wanna sleeeeep.” I continued to whine hiding under my blankets only to have puppy nose burrowing in. “Eee!” I squealed when cold wet nose touched my unprotected sides. “Okay! I’m up!”

“Good job Growly, C’mon birthday girl, time to get up, your mom has breakfast ready.”

“Evil!” I curse at him as I rise up, “Pffft.” I blow out my long blonde hair from my mouth. Running my hands through my strands I take a moment to grab my brush and brush it just enough it isn’t in a flurry before grabbing one of my hair bands and pushing it out of my eyes.

“Okay. I guess I’m up… For more sleep! Hehehehe!” I giggle as I jump back into my bed already hearing Growly come rushing back into the room to finish his duty, “No Growly I’m sleeeeeeping! You can’t st- EWW! GROWLY! DON’T LICK MY TOES!”

A few minutes later I am dragged into the dining room by Growly who was tugging me by the bottom of my pajama pants.

“Okay Growly. You did it. Vicky is here. Good job!” Papa called out instantly causing the puppy to rush over and stand at attention at Papa’s side. Growlithe was super well trained. Police dogs were like that.

“I got slobber on my pants.” I hint at my papa only earning a smile and a pat on my head as he pulls out my seat.

“Play games with Growly, you only earn one prize.” Mama says suddenly as she drops a plate of goodness in front of me.


“Slobber.” She affirms earning a whine from Growly, and a look pout from Papa.

“So Jenny let you off today? For the whole day?”

“The whole day Trouble. It’s my favorite daughter's Ninth birthday after all.”

“Only daughter!” I grumble at him as I begin to stuff my face. This was nice. Papa worked with the police and police work sometimes had odd hours so there had been birthdays he missed before. Not that I held that against him.

But it was nice he was here for this one.

“So we have a few things planned for you today. Which should we do first?” Papa teased to himself hemming and hawing.

“Presents!” I told him instantly. As if there was any other option.

“No!” He offered with a wide smile which earned a whine from me as I pouted at him,

“Finish up. We are going to meet your Grandma.” He informed me.

My smile grew then. Gram Gram and Papa did not get along. “Yeah laugh it up kid. You know how she is about birthdays.”

“Ugh. True. I’m gonna get my cheeks bruised.” I moan rubbing my face I can already imagine the pinches!

“Heh.” He chuckled as he patted my head consolingly.

“Oh. Let me go wish Feebas good morning before I get ready!” I stand up, grabbing a sausage from the plate along with a Chesto Berry which were always nice in the morning to help wake up.

“Hurry up! Your Grandmother is expecting us to be on our way soon!”

“Feebas is family too!” I call back as I rush out into the cool morning air. Hurrying over to the pond I call out “Feebas!” Which pretty quickly earns a reaction.

“Feeb!” As the fish splashes out of the water in a big jump before splashing back down.

“Oh! Nice height! Very pretty!” I compliment my fish as I bend down to give him a pet on his head. “I’m gonna be gone most of the day to see Gram Gram Feeby, you’ll hold down the house right?”


“That's my guy! Here, I brought you some of my special breakfast.”


I giggled as he wiggled in the water at the idea of special breakfast. Passing the sausages and Berry over I smiled down at him. “I’ll come hang out once I get back okay Feeby? We will make it a special birthday swim. Maybe we will head down to river instead of staying in the pond. We can practice your current swimming some more.”


Smiling I stood. Nothing could tear down this good mood!


“Owww!” I wince my cheeks practically bruised as the old hag I called Gram Gram pulled away her steel trap fingers.

“Hehe, it's a birthday little Trouble. Gotta bruise those cheeks!” She cackled like some witch! As she pulled away. “What’s this? My worthless son returns? Feh!”

“Mom. Not on Vickys birthday.”

“Pfeh! I’m not talking to you! Dog lover!”


“Now where is my beautiful daughter heh?”

“I’m here Mother.” Mama said as she walked in to get a hung from Gram Gram.

“Good good! How my worthless son got a beauty like you I will never know! Must be something I did. Your Meowth is well?”

“Meowth is as prideful as always and healthy as a Tauros.”

“Good! Hah! Bet he keeps that pup in his place too.”

“Mom. Growly and Meowth get along just fine…”

“Pfeh! Probably the cat taught that dog a lesson then huh!” With that Whirlwind Gram pulled them into the old house. The Ferrous family had apparently been Meowth and other cat pokemon breeders a few generations back. Every member of the family had taken a Cat like Pokemon. Until Papa had found Growly as a pup and that was that.

Gram Gram never forgave him for that. Although I got it. The Ferrous family hadn’t done much breeding in years. It was a long story, but lets say that Pokemon acclimate to their surroundings after a few generations.

“And you? When are you going to get a nice Meowth? Or a Skitty?” Gram Gram asked turning to look at me with an eager smile.

“I got Feebas as my first Partner Gram Gram!” I chirp happily. Well he would be a Milotic eventually.

The look of disgust on her face was absolutely hysterical. I couldn’t help but burst into a quiet laugh. Even if I wasn’t going to use Feebas as my starter I would have said it just for that look!

“A fish! My Granddaughter! A fish trainer!” She fake sobbed as she led us all inside. Grandma hated any pokemon that wasn’t a cat.

“Luxray are cute!”

“Lions! Those are barely cats! Betrayal!” I giggled as I settled next to her earning a pat on my head for my troubles.

The next few hours were fun family stuff. I talked about training Feebas, and how school was going. Papa and Mama spoke with Gram Gram a bunch too. As we spoke Gram Grams Persian a cat that looked as deadly as a knife but was actually a total baby came to demand attention from me.

I knew all the best spots to scratch. The old cat was Grams ‘prized’ breeder so he basically spent his whole life as a pampered baby.

“I heard a little pidgey tell me you wanted something special for your birthday.” Gram Gram finally mentioned as the conversation wound down.

“Mom! No presents until after dinner!” Papa tried but failed to hold back Gram Gram.

“Pfeh!” She offered as she held out a small box for me. “My granddaughter finally shows interest in beauty and not mud and fish and you expect me to wait! Some son you are!” She teased as she handed me the small wrapped box.

“Thanks Gram Gram, I love you too.” I offer giving her a kiss on the cheek and a strong hug before pulling away and peeling the small box open. The thing was hand sized, probably the tiniest present I had ever been given.

But my gasp was loud enough to echo. My jaw dropped.

“Is this!”

“A Prism Scale Necklace! Your Mother mentioned you even went down to Ruthberts to ask if they had one.” I was shook. There in my hand was the key to my Feebas’s future. “Go on, put it on.”

I shook my head instantly. Gently reaching into the necklace and pulling the silver necklace apart letting the scale drop into my hands.

“W-what Vicky!”

“Sorry Gram Gram! Sorry Mama. I needed this scale. Gram Gram I love you sooo much you are the best of all time!” I tell her horrified face as I once more give her a kiss on the cheek.

“Dad! Get the car!”

“Vicky what?”

“No time to answer! We need to go home really fast. But then we have to come back! Gram Gram deserves to see this too! Please hurry! This is the best birthday present EVER!”

Looking horrified at my casual destruction of the gift, they at least seemed interested in my urgency.

“Okay. I’ll play along.” Papa shrugged, willing to put up with me. Which is why he was my favorite. “We will be right back.”

“Yep! Super fast trip!”

“Victoria Ferrous!”

“Sorry Mama!”

Papa followed me back to the car as he started up driving us back across town to home.

“Vicky? You know you destroyed your grandmother's gift.” He offered after a minute of driving.

“I know. She’ll understand why…. I probably should have waited though. It was a pretty necklace.”

“Heh.” His chuckle told me he found the whole thing funny. But he was a guy so jewelry was a whatever thing for him anyways.

As we pulled up into the drive way I was already off, rushing to the pond. “Feebas!”


“Come on buddy. We have to go, I have a surprise for you!” I tell him as I hold out the bucket I carried him around in.

With a sigh and a stern. “Grandma won’t be happy.” From him he drove us back, with Feebas happily enjoying the ride.

He had never been in a car before after all.

Pulling back up to Gram Grams house I waddled my way to the backyard after calling out for everyone to come. Grandma had a very traditional house, including a koi pond.

Although it was full of Goldeen and things rather than Koi. It should have Magikarp, but Gram Gram was one of those Magickarp haters. Just because they sometimes evolved into Gyrados and trashed places…

Well okay, I get not keeping them in your house…

I was totally gonna keep them in my house someday!

“Daughter of mine. I hope you have a good reason for all this?” Mama asked as she came up to me and watched as I released Feebas into the pond. Mama did not look happy.

“Kehehehehe!” I cackled Feebas swimming back around to look at me wondering what was going on.


“Gram gram! Come here, sit here.” I pull her over to the bench that was lining the pond. “Front row seats.” I whisper to her with a wink as I hurry back to the confused Feebas.

“Feeby… Today is my birthday. It's a special day that humans celebrate, they get gifts today. To say we are glad you were born. But Feeby. Today I got a gift for you. One that we can share forever and ever. I think you are beautiful inside Feeby. You are my bestest friend. So I want to let your beauty shine through.”

I pulled out the Prism Scale. Letting it shine in the light to catch his eyes.

“FEEEEBAS!” He roared as he practically had a heart attack on seeing it.

“So Feeby, will you… Will you share your evolution day with me?” I asked holding out the scale.

“Fe-FEEBAS!” He cried. Literally cried. Fishy tears… It was kinda cute. Good thing I wasn’t a sad*st otherwise I would bully 100%.

“Evolution?” Mama asked behind me, but Gram Gram suddenly shushed her, eyes sharp. As I pushed the prism scale into Feebas’s head. Slipping it between his scales.

And suddenly light.

My eyes lost sight, it was bright, but a moment later. I didn’t need vision.

“MIIIIII!” Milotic cried out in its evolution the massive serpent, cried out to the heavens weeping at finally achieving its destiny.

“Yeah, see. I always told you. You are the most beautiful one of all.”

“Arceus.” I heard gasps from behind me.

“No! Milotic!” I teased turning, as I wiped my tears from my eyes. Milotic was already wrapping around me, crying his little soul out as he finally felt as beautiful as I kept telling him he was.

“That’s why I wanted the Prism scale! Thanks Gram Gram!”

“Well I’ll be.” She muttered looking as shocked as Mama and Papa.

“Vicky! How?”

“Daughter of mine… We need to get a pokeball… Now.” Papa said suddenly going white. “We have an uncaught Milotic in front of us.”

That caused a stir among the adults as they swiftly pushed Papa out the door. To go to the store and buy one.

“Hmph. It’s not a cat. But I’ll allow it.” Gram Gram grumbled after a time earning a snort from Mama and a honest laugh out of me.

“Want to pet him?”

“Damn right.”


So there was a problem with having a crying Milotic.

“Miiiiilo. Heavy.” I grumble as the serpent had wrapped me up tight, refusing to let go after his evolution. But he didn’t care. He was practically purring against me. I eventually gave up trying simply stroking his head, where he was thankfully no longer crying.

“Okay. That’s a good boy. Just take the time you need. Partner.” I whisper to him, earning a trill of happiness as his body tightens just a tad.

“Back. Alright let’s get this done quickly.” Papa said as he came in carrying a new Pokeball. He walked over to me and handed it over. “Your pokeball… Your pokemon. This is a big responsibility Vicky. I don’t know… I’ll leave that for later. Once you capture Milotic, you will need to be registered as a trainer. It’s a little early for it. No you can’t go on your journey until you are ten.”

I blinked at all the information he had just dumped on me as I took the Pokeball. “You ready Milotic? Only for a bit, then you will be right out. I promise.” I tell him holding out the Pokeball but I didn’t even get a chance to do anything. His nose instantly pressed against the ball. And suddenly I was a lot lighter with twenty feet worth of sea serpent no longer in my lap.

“Whew.” I groan as I fall back holding the Pokeball that contained my friend. “Milotic! I Choose you!” I called out, tossing the ball, and a moment later Milotic was sitting in the pond.

“Milotic!” He cried out before rushing back over and beginning to wrap me up again.

“Victoria.” Gram Gram finally spoke. “I didn’t know Feebas could evolve, much less into a Milotic.” She spoke simply a question in a statement.

“Yeah they do? It’s like Magikarp? You know how they are weak and they turn into a Gyrados. Same thing with Feebas and Milotic. Although Feebas don’t evolve through strength like Magikarp.”


“Yeah! They evolve with a Prism Scale. Which you know Milotic drop in the first place.”

“I did know that. I just didn’t know they had anything to do with Feebas.”

“Yep! It’s because of how Feebas evolve see, they only evolve… when they feel beautiful!”

That earned a round of blinks.


“Yep!” I laughed at Gram Grams confusion. “Anyway the Prism Scale is like… Concentrated beauty to Feebas, so if you give them one, they feel beautiful, so they evolve! Isn’t that right Milotic? Didn’t I tell you! You were always beautiful!”


I giggled as he immediately began rubbing his cheek with mine. How cute!

“Vicky. You aren’t to tell anyone what you just told us.” Gram Gram spoke simply, earning a confused look from me.

“What, why? People are going to ask about Feebas.”

“Tell them he ran away or something. Vicky. Milotic Prism scales are very very expensive. Knowledge on how to evolve a Feebas into one would… There are people that would do almost anything to get that knowledge.” Papa explained seriously as he bent down and put a hand on my shoulders. “Promise me. You won’t tell anyone.”

“Oookay? I won’t tell anyone.”

“Good.” Papa offered sighing as he settled in beside me. “We will have to call the whole family let them know.”

“Pfeh! Those cheapskates! Tell them nothing.” Gram Gram hissed.

“You know we can’t do that mother. A Milotic! I don’t think there is a single Milotic in all of Kanto other than this one. If nothing else the Pokemon Association will want us to begin selling scales.”

“Why would the Pokemon Association want that?” I asked curious. “Don’t they just run the gyms and League?” I couldn’t help but ask only to watch as all the adults shared a look.

“The Pokemon Association doesn’t just handle the League Vicky. They also do conservation, and pokemon growth in a region. Millotic are very rare Vicky. I don’t think there is another one in all of Kanto. So the Association will definitely want to get involved with the sale of Prism Scales. Being able to buy them within the region will save Kanto huge amounts of money on taxes.”

“Oooh. It’s a money thing.” I nodded that made sense.

Papa chuckled. “Not just that, but the Association also tries to keep pokemon numbers up. Since Milotic is unheard of in Kanto, they will want to try and find out where it was found, and if there are more.”

“Well I mean… I could do that.” I offer. Earning a sudden widening of Papa’s eyes.

“That’s right. The Milotic scales let you evolve Feebas into Milotic… How often does a Milotic shed a scale?”

“No idea!” I offer simply shrugging. Listen they never go over this sort of stuff in the games, or anime.

“Okay that is something we can find out as we go. Mother, do we wait and try to get a flock of Milotic first, or tell the Association? You know them better than we do.” Papa asked, and I was left blinking.

A flock of Milotic!? Why would we need so many pretty Eels?

Actually dumb question. Continue.

“For now say nothing. Girl. Favorite Granddaughter of mine. Milotic is a secret for now. Tell no one, and show no one. Keep him here if you want, or keep him in a pokeball.”

“Aww.” I groaned, but I nodded without arguing. Everyone had been really tense since Papa left to get the pokeball.

“I’ll go talk to Agatha. That old hag. She can ask some questions without causing a big stir.” Gram Gram said with a chuckle.

“Thank you Mother.”

“Bah! Don’t you thank me! This is for my Granddaughter, who is going to make us rich! Rich beyond our wildest dreams!” Gram Gram breaking out into full cackles was pretty funny.


The rest of the night was pretty quiet. I slept over, Milotic not wanting to let me go so I slept nice and warm curled up with my beauty snake.

The next week I had off from school, Papa and Mama basically had me staying over with Gram Gram and not letting me out, but that was fine Milotic and I were getting used to his new body.

But in the background stuff was happening. Gram Gram was on the phone with ‘old friends’ all the time. Papa was double nervous and even had Growly staying to guard the compound.

But finally a week after everything started. Gram Gram had a guest.

The old lady walked in, a large cane preceding her for a bit. I only noticed because Growly had looked up noticing something off.

“Well, that is certainly a Milotic.” The old woman said as she stepped onto the walkway that surrounded the Koi pond.

“Yep! Milotic is a Milotic.” I answer back before focusing him back on the game I was playing with him. Milotic was still new to his body so I was helping him learn small controls. We were currently playing a game where he was trying to stack rocks atop each other with his tail.

It was going okay.

“Vicky. Brat, come up here. Say hello to an old friend of mine. Agatha. My Granddaughter Victoria.”

“Hiya. Nice to meet you.” I offered, doing the little bow that was pretty common here in Kanto. It was basically Pokemon Japan after all.

“Hoh? So you are the girl that wrangled a Milotic. She is smaller than I thought.” Agatha offered looking me over.

“She is only nine Agatha, She is normal sized.” Gram Gram offered.

“Hah! I just expect a girl that can catch a Milotic must be a good swimmer. I didn’t think there were many good swimming places here in Viridian.”

“I’m a terrible swimmer actually.” I answer honestly. I mean I wouldn’t drown, but I hated going underwater with my eyes open, so it made it hard.

Agatha blinked. “If you aren’t a good swimmer how did you catch a Milotic?”

I opened my mouth to answer truthfully, but Gram Gram was giving me the look to remind me to lie.

“I seduced him with Cheri Berries mostly.” I answer instead. Still the truth.

“Pfft!” The old woman broke into a cackle at that. “I suppose that’s one way to skin the meowth!”

“Agatha!” Gram Gram hissed. Earning a further chuckle. Gram Grams defense of cats coming into play.

“It’s an expression, Melany. An Expression!”

“Pfeh! Not under my roof it’s not.”

Chuckling, the old woman turned back to me. “Well it’s a hell of a catch girl. You are going to make your family quite wealthy with that one.”

“I guess?”

“I don’t suppose you would tell this old woman where you caught him? Let others share in a prize catch?”

“Agatha! Stop trying to get my Granddaughter to tell you family secrets.”

“Oh? It’s a family secret now? Didn’t she just catch him?”

“It is now.” Gram Gram offered her smile turning feral.

“Pfft! Hahaha, just like you Mel just like you. Alright you convinced me, let’s go sit and talk about what I can do to help keep the association from busting down your door.”

“They wouldn’t actually do that right?” I asked suddenly, really hoping my image of men in black suits busting the door down to kidnap Pokemon wasn’t real.

“Hardly. But they are likely to list your friend as a conserved species, which means they might try to say that you have to take it to a refuge. Of course they would require you to pay for the housing, and maintenance, which would probably just cover the value of its scales.”


“Hah! It can be. But let’s see what we can do to make that not happen.” Agatha informed me as they walked further into the house.


“Okay Vicky. Sign here.” Papa informed me after taking me to the Pokemon Center a few days after Agatha showed up. There had been a meeting after that with a guy in a suit that was apparently the family lawyer, and a guy from the Pokemon Association that had been very… He had tried to be nice, but I could only feel greed from him as he looked at Milotic.

Anyway it was all taken care of. There had been a contract signed between the Ferrous Family and the Association about Milotic. It was pretty simple.

We couldn’t sell his scales to anyone but the Association, in exchange the Association would pay current market rate for them. We couldn’t move to a new region with Milotic. As he was a conserved species here in Kanto. And we had to try and ‘breed’ Milotic to produce more.

Not that it would work. Cause Feebas.

Thankfully as a Breeder family already, Gram Gram had been able to tell the Association to very kindly f*ck off, when they had offered their help with that.

That was it. Milotic was known and now accepted by the Kanto Pokemon Association, and today in the Pokemon Center I was filling out the paperwork to register him as my Pokemon.

“Done.” I answer my name spelled out on the papers.

“Excellent! Ms. Ferrous your Milotic’s checkup is completed as well. He is perfectly healthy and wonderfully taken care of. Excellent work.” Nurse Joy tells me with a happy smile which I returned. We had been forced to request a private meeting with nurse Joy which she had accepted, but finding a Milotic had not been something she expected, she had been through the roof after meeting him.

Milotic had that total chad energy. All the girls fell in love with him. I would have to be careful to keep him from becoming a playboy.

“Your Pokemon.” Nurse Joy informed me, handing back the Pokeball which I grinned as I received. “As a registered trainer, you are permitted full access to the Pokemon Center at any time. If your Pokemon are ever hurt, or need healing please come see me.”

“I will! Don’t worry! Milotics health is very important!”

Walking out of the Pokemon center hand in hand with Papa I couldn’t help but think that this was a great day. Everything was working out, and Milotic was now registered as my partner, which required me to finish registering as an actual trainer. Luckily the tests were meant for ten year olds. And not even smart ten year olds. I took me an hour to finish the whole thing, and I had my license not long after.

“This means I can actually show him to people now right?”

“Yes Vicky. You don’t have to keep him hidden anymore. But just know that when you do, you are going to get a lot of attention. People are going to want to see him, or they will want to take him. Some might try to trick you into trading him, Which you ar-”

“Are never going to do. Don’t worry Papa. Milotic is my partner! I wouldn’t trade him, not even for a Legendary bird.” I offer, which earns a snort from my Papa.

“Well if that is the offer. Say yes.” He offers poking me a little earning a giggle.

“No way! Milotic is my partner!”

“Alright let’s stop yelling the name of your new Pokemon and head home okay? Your mom has been cooking a special welcome home dinner.”
“Awww Yissss! Let’s go!”


While I had brought Feebas up to my room a few times like I told him I would, now that he was a Milotic he could actually travel under his own power. For some reason they actually floated a bit once out of the water. So I would often wake up to an Eel having slithered into my bed as I slept.

Milotic was a bit of a snuggle bug.

Unfortunately it led to situations like this.

“No Growly! I give I give! I’m up! Milotic plea-please move! He is LICKING MY TOES!” I begged breathless as I couldn’t help my giggles as Growly was taking his duty to make sure I was up seriously. Unfortunately I was pinned under almost four hundred pounds of Eel. So I couldn’t actually get out of bed, which is the act Growly required from me, for him to stop.

“Growly, let her off, I don’t want to have to wash her sheets.” Mama called out which did pause my torture as I whined breathless.

“T-Thank you. Almost peed!” I gasped as without the constant torture attack I was able to wiggle Milotic off my legs. My dumb fish was passed out uncaring about the horrible torture his favorite person in the whole world was subjected too.

Grumbling, I got up to get ready for the day, leaving my lazy Eel in bed. A quick shower and a brush of my hair let me put on my hair band and I was ready for the day. Milotic joined me in his pokeball. And I was good to go. Back to school.


I had been given permission to show Milotic to people. The knowledge of his existence was already spreading around town thanks to the Pokemon Association having sent out ‘hunters’ to see if they could track down more of them.

Poor bastards. They were going to be stuck wet and cold and not getting anywhere.

“Vicky!” A voice called out as soon as I entered the classroom.

“Hey Ivy.” I wave as the green haired girl runs up the fact she wasn’t slowing down meant I braced myself as she slammed into me.

“Are you okay!? Hurt? Sick!?”

“Fine. My birthday was a crazy day. So I had some family stuff I had to stick around for. I mostly just spent time hanging out with Gram Gram.”

“Are your cheeks okay?”

“They are fine!” I grumbled… They still hurt evil old hag.

“So what took you out of class for so long! You were gone for a week.”

I sighed. Pulling out the Pokeball. “This is why.”

“What does your parents' Pokemon have to do with it?”

“It’s not my parents' Pokemon. He is mine.”

The gasp in my ear as Ivy sucked in air and didn’t stop meant I had just long enough to put my hands to my ears.

“EEEEEeeeeee! You have a Pokemon! Your own Pokemon!?!”

“What? Vicky caught a Pokemon?” “What kind?” “Is it a Magikarp? I bet its a Magikarp.” The torrent of voices of our classmates all called out from around the room. And I mean. Kiba was sorta on point, even if he was wrong.

“Thanks Ivy. Really helping me here.” I grumble, earning a contrite look from the girl. “Yes I caught a new Pokemon. I’ll show you later.”

“Aww. But Vicky!”

“Sorry I have to talk to Ms. Kurosawa about it. If she gives permission I will show everyone during our class.”

“C’mon! Let’s go find Ms. Kurosawa!”

“Ugh Ivy! Stop pulling!”


“Okay Class. We have a special treat today. Vicky was allowed to register as a trainer for her birthday, and she captured her first Pokemon. Since so many of you have wanted her to show you what she caught, we are going to spend a little time letting Vicky talk about her new partner. Go ahead Vicky.”

Ms. Kurosawa offers, although the fact that a moment later she was grabbing a camera ready for Milotics release told me she was still in awe of my partner.

I had been forced to release him in her office after Ivy had dragged me over there, and well…

Ms. Kurosawa was more than happy to let me talk about Milotic.

“Okay. Let’s do this.” I sigh, as I stand in front of the class. Pulling out my pokeball.

“Come on out Milotic!”

The gasps as Milotic fully formed and trilled out a quiet greeting to the room was my only warning before all the kids starting speaking, squealing, or clamerbing from their desks to try and come closer.

Ms. Kurosawa was on top of it, after snapping a few pictures, she blocked the kids that were hurrying forward and regaining the classes discipline.

“Alright everyone back to your seats! Vicky is going to talk to us about her Pokemon today!”

I waited for everyone to calm down, although Milotic was loving the new attention, it was completely different for him from how it had been the last time he had been in front of the the class.

Once everyone quieted I began.

“So this is Milotic. The Tender Pokemon. He is a Water type, and people call them the most Beautiful Pokemon in the world.” As I say that Milotic trills and curls around himself letting his scales shimmer in the classroom light.

The kids were oohing at the display.

“Milotic is a pretty unique Pokemon. Their scales called Prism Scales are super valuable because of their looks, and because of how rare a Milotic is. You might have noticed the Pokemon Association Hunters in town this last week? That is because of Milotic. They are trying to find if there are any other Milotic in the area.”

“Where did you find him! I want one!”

“Sorry Cami, that’s a secret… Literally a family secret, I was told not to reveal anything about where Milotic came from. Family stuff. But my family used to be Pokemon Breeders. It is likely we will actually be doing that again with Milotic, trying to create a population of them here in Kanto. According to the Kanto Pokemon Association. There is only one other Milotic in all of Kanto, but that one is a foreign trainers Pokemon. So he is not a native and will be leaving once the league is over.”

“Wait! Vicky! Does that mean I can get an Egg? Please, please! I want my partner to be a Milotic! It’s so beautiful!” Kina called out waving her hand.

“Gram Gram said, that market price for a Milotic right now is over a million dollars.” I inform the girl earning a dropped jaw at the reveal of that knowledge. “So I have to be super careful not to let Milotic get stolen.”

The look of despair on Kina’s face had me smiling. I had been horrified at the price too. The fact was Milotic were in the super rare class of Pokemon.

I mean I understood it. How many people are going to look at a Feebas, and train it, and then even more importantly, train it so that the Pokemon feels beautiful? Who would even think that was the way to do it? It was such an odd training method.

Well, I knew for a fact that I wasn’t the only one that knew that Feebas evolved into Milotic. There were other Milotic trainers out there, and someone had to try and breed them at least once or twice, but at the same time. How many of those trainers would know exactly what caused the evolution? Most of them were probably natural evolutions without a Prism Scale. Maybe Feebas fans that took good care of their Feebas end up with a Milotic.

And end up capturing more Feebas to try and evolve them, only for it not to work. After all. Feebas have to feel beautiful to evolve. That is a really really difficult requirement.

This also wasn’t the Pokemon world I was familiar with where the Pokedex shared all the information with anyone that wanted it.

Secret Pokemon Knowledge was a real thing. Families that discovered something secret often kept it that way. Like the Blackthorns and their dragons.

I had even learned more about where my family and their breeding focus came from. We were immigrants from Galar.

The Meowth of the Galar region was a steel type. So when we came here to Kanto we bred and sold special Galar Meowths in the area and made a ton of money… Until the Meowths stopped being Galar variants, and we simply focused on cats in general.

Which was interesting. That was why we were the Ferrous Family.

Live and learn.

Anyway, I did go on to explain a lot about Milotic, how to take care of Scaled pokemon, nutrition, everything I had learned so far. Since class was completely disrupted at this point Ms. Kurosawa released us to the field to let everyone interact with Milotic for a while.

He loved it. The attention whor*.

Funnily enough Kiba got a face full of Water after trying to pet Milotic.

Vengeance was sweet for Milotic that day.


Things got more peaceful after that. Sure I sometimes had people stop me to ask me questions about Milotic, but thankfully I knew most of them, and could leave them with a teasing smile. The ones I didn’t recognize, especially the ones that offered me food, or treats were quickly run away from, straight towards the nearest police officer.

Considering Papa worked for the police, it meant they were pretty protective of me.

Otherwise most days were spent like this.

“C’mon Milotic, don’t give me that look. I am like at least forty percent sure this will work. I saw it in a cartoon once.” I tell him as I finish tying the rocks to his tail.


“I know it’s heavy. It’s a rock. Just trust me.” I tell him the big old rock was tied to his tail as I finished, settling onto the ground beside him. “Okay Milotic! I know you have it in you. Now lift that tail! Think Iron thoughts!” I call out as I settle in and begin doing push ups beside him.

Well I did like four before having to stop but Milotic was stronger than me. “That’s it! Keep it up. Remember your tail is iron!”

“Vicky what are you doing?” Gram Gram asked as she walked up to the two of us training by the Koi pond.

“Training! Milotic needs to learn Iron Tail.”

“Iron Tail. Can they even learn that move?”

“Sure! Okay Milotic. Keep it up! Remember your tail is Iron!”

“Vicky, I can’t say I have ever seen a trainer try and teach Iron Tail to a Pokemon in this way. But you are the trainer. Just don’t injure Milotic.”

“I won’t! We will visit Nurse Joy at the Pokemon Center after!” I tell Gram Gram while urging Milotic on. Power!


“MIII!” Milotic cried out as his tail glowed white and smashed down into the rock I had brought over for him to practice with. The fact the stone shattered under the power of his Iron Tail had me cheering as I pounced onto Milotics neck.

“You did it! Also I’m not crazy, that actually worked!”

“Milo Miii!”

“Yeah it was super cool. Great job buddy!”


“Impressive Trouble.”

“Papa!” I called out, turning from my tight hug with Milotic to see him standing on the deck. From the way he was standing he had definitely been watching for a while.

“Mom told me you were training Milotic in Iron Tail. Doing some weird stuff like tying rocks to him. But I’ll be. Looks like it worked.”

“I took the idea from a cartoon. I was only like forty percent sure it would work!” I said proudly.

Chuckling he stepped forward patting Milotic on the head as he then threw me into a big hug. “Well You will be a great trainer my dear. Look at you already teaching your Pokemon new moves.”

“Yeah Iron Tail is super important for our eventual domination of all of our enemies!” I cackled and Milotic sang alongside me.

“Scary!” Papa offered messing my hair before he turned. “C’mon Trouble dinner is ready. Time to tell your Grandmother that you actually succeeded.”

“Yeah! Gram Gram watched for a bit lets go tell her!”

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

“Huh. What’s this?” I asked as I woke up one morning a few months after Milotics' evolution. He had stirred me awake before forcing something into my hand. Blinking my tired eyes I was forced to rub them on my forearm since my hands were now full of Milotic slobber. Finally I cleared them enough and using the harsh morning sunlight I blinked when I realized that inside the saliva was something glittering brightly.

“Oh! It’s a Prism Scale.”


“Yeah…. OH sh*t. MAMA! PRISM SCALE!” I called out as I hurried out of bed, wiping the scale on my pajamas to clear it of the slobber. Hurrying down the hallway past sleepy Growly who was growling at me for shouting so early, I rushed into my parents room leaping onto their bed earning some grumbles from the half asleep adults as I shoved the scale into their face.

“Oh.” Mama whispered looking at the glittery scale that sparkled in the early morning light. “Ooh!” Mama quickly wrapped me in a hug and started laughing as we giggled at the shiny trinket. Papa gave us both a single look of pure Done. stood up and headed out of the room with a blanket over his shoulder. I could hear him and Growly head towards the living room and flop onto the couch.

But Mama and I were soooo excited! The first Prism scale!

“We are gonna be rich!” Mama chortled which wasn’t what I was going for. But yeah I mean that was gonna happen too.


Fortunately, that wasn’t the only scale we got that day. Turns out Milotic created multiple Prism scales in a batch. We would still need to work out how often it happened, but the first shed gave us five of the pretty scales.

I did keep the first one. But the other four were sold off to the Association according to our little deal, and my bank account basically went from grade school kid to that’s a lot of zeros in a flash.

Everyone was happy. The extra money didn’t go all to me, most of it was set aside for feed and care costs. Bigger pokemon ate more. That meant more food. My parents had taken care of the cost so far, but now I had enough to take care of it like a trainer is supposed to.

That and we could actually buy some stuff for him. First we hired some contractors to expand our pond. It went from a feeder pond for our berry trees, to a massive pond that went all around the farmland giving Milotic plenty of room to swim around. It reminded me of a water park as it meandered around.

That cost a chunk of the first sales right there. But Milotic was so flattered that we did so much just for him, that the entire afternoon that the crew that expanded the pond, he was crying in my lap at how much we loved him.

He was a cry-baby when he wasn’t Mr. Steal yo Girl.

Of course that opened up the question that I asked a few days later while visiting Gram Gram.

“So I still have this Prism Scale. Can I evolve another Milotic?” The question caused the entire room to go silent as all the adults looked to each other.

“Well Trouble. We have been talking about that.” Papa answered slowly. “If you want more Milotic. We think that’s great. But first… We want to make sure we have enough protection in place first. Expanding the pond was one of the steps, But I’ve been talking with the Chief.”

“Officer Jenny.”

“Chief Jenny Trouble. Officer Jenny is her daughter.”


“Chief Jenny always has some Growlithe that flunk out of the training course, some are just too aggressive to be police dogs. They usually get sold to people who need guard dogs. Or battlers.”

“OOOooh! Can we get more puppies!” I asked no begged as I nearly stood up from the table.

“They are a little expensive for now. So let’s see how long it takes for the next batch of Scales. That way we will have a better idea of cost. But yes daughter of mine. We can get more puppies.”

“Pfeh! Dogs! What good are they! Get some Persian instead!”


“Don’t you ‘mother’ me boy!”

The argument went a long way, but even Gram Gram couldn’t deny that Growlithe made top tier guard dogs. And Persian… Well they would kill anything that attacked them. Maybe.

But I was gonna get puppies? Best day ever… Second best day ever!


Time passes as it always seemed to as a kid, in fits and spurts. The Summer heat turned to fall, to winter. Each season brought new adventures, and my and Milotic continued training for when we could go on our journey.

And we kept getting Prism Scales. Turns out we get a batch every three to four months. Of course the third time they came in I noticed that Milotic was actually pulling them out early. Which was causing itchy spots.

Silly boy. I forced him to stop doing that, and it balanced out to about five every five months. If I let them come out naturally.

Considering that a scale did have a variance in price depending on how it looked, how large it was if it was scuffed or damaged. Meant as the time went on, my bank account was shooting up.

Which was only half the benefit of having my own Pokemon. I said before it was a very stupid person that wandered into forests without something to protect themselves with, because Pokemon can and would eat someone if they were hungry enough.

But I had protection now!

Milotic was happy to join me on my adventures into the forests and fields around Viridian, although I avoided the titular Viridian Forest itself only touching the outskirts.

Beedrill were not a laughing matter.

Instead we explored what interested me the most.

The water. I mean it was basically not going to happen, but Dratini…

Well I didn’t find one. But I did find this little guy.

“Aww he is a baby.” I cooed as Milotic brought the tiny Feebas up to the surface. We were on one of the rivers outside of Viridian, long off the beaten path. I loved coming out here, because with Milotic I was safe from Hungry Pokemon, but more importantly I could see all the Pokemon scurrying around and living their lives.


“Yeah you are a cutie yes you are!” I baby talked at the little Feebas that was hanging out in the shadow of Milotic.

“Does he have a parent around Milotic?”

“Mil.” He didn’t. That was sad. But to be fair fish. And Feebas weren’t exactly on anyone's dinner plate. “Well in that case. You want to come home with us? I don’t have a Pokeball, but we have a big pond at home.”

“Fee! Feebas?”


Milotic let off a calming trill at the little fishes questioning noise.

“See even Milotic is okay with you coming with.”


“Hehehe such a cutie!” I giggled as we hauled the little guy out of the water. We hurried home from there. Dropping him into our expanded pond to his happy little splash.

I hmmed a little.

That was a good idea. We were going to need more Feebas eventually. And if we were going to evolve them into Milotic… Then it would be best if they weren’t recently captured, instead understood we were all friends.

“C’mon Milotic, I’m gonna get my bucket this time.”



“Okay Milotic. Try it now. Ice-beam!”

“Miiii!” Milotic cried out once again trying to charge up the attack only for cold air to escape.

“Hmm. You’re definitely having trouble focusing it. I can feel the change in temperature though Milotic. So you are using Ice energy.”


“Try again huh? Okay how about this this time. Focus on the cold and keep it in for longer, let it get colder then try.”

“Mii!” And my big silly Eel did just that. Its neck arched as it focused trying to draw cold type energy into a ball. Finally after almost a minute. It released in a cry and this time.

Well this time It was an Ice beam.

The Frozen rock looked like it had been in the arctic fighting against hoarfrost. But that was it. Ice beam.

“GREAT JOB!” I cried out in excitement jumping onto Milotics neck to hug him tight as he cried out to the air in exaltation. It had been months of work to try and teach him Ice-Beam.

Made me want to get a TM for it. TMs were a thing. They were just super expensive. Plus the training to learn the move was good to strengthen Milotic anyways. So honestly better to just keep practicing.

“Trouble! Come inside!”

“Coming Papa!” I yell back smiling. Papa must have just got home! “Come on Milotic. Time for a nap.”


Returning Milotic to his Pokeball I raced inside. Only to slow because Papa had a look on his face that made him wary.

That was his I’m gonna tease you face.


“Nothing Trouble come over here and sit.”

“No.” I tell him instantly glaring as I looked around looking for the trap.

My denial made Papa smile even wider. “Are you suuure?”

“Stop teasing!”

“Hehehe.” He chuckled as he patted the living room couch that he took a seat on.

“Fine! But I will prank you if you are tricking me.” I grumble as I sit beside him only for Mama to look in a moment later.

“We are.” Papa said grinning and I felt very uncomfortable. Like I was in a trap.

“BARK!” I jerked as the loud bark ripped through the room as Mama revealed herself fully.

She was holding a Growlithe.

But that wasn’t Growly. It was too small. And it was a girl…


“Hahaha!” *Click* Papa? I looked into the eye of the camera before snorting realizing his plan. But if he wanted a picture that was fine, because Puppy!

“Careful Trouble, this little girl dropped out of Police training.”


“Yeah yeah. I know you didn’t drop out you decided to leave. Right?”


“She was a bad fit for Police Growlithe training. Too aggressive. Too headstrong, but I offered her a job as a guard. And Vicky, if you want. As your second registered Pokemon. I know you want to be a train-”

“Yes! I accept! Growlithe! I’m Victoria! I’m gonna go on an adventure all across the world soon! I’m going to find rare Pokemon and love them! We will need to be strong. Super strong legendarily strong! So join me!”


“Eh… That was a no?”


“Wha. That sounded rude! Hey!”

My fathers laughter as I was completely dismissed by the little Growlithe was so mean! I sent him a glare but he simply shooed me towards the pup that was now on the ground out of Mama’s arms.

“Fine! Growlithe. You think I’m full of hot air huh? Well I have a Pokemon already. So how about a match! If I prove that I am going to be strong, Join me!”

“Grrr, Growl!”

“Awesome outside then!” I stomp past the Growlithe that followed me out into the dusk light, and grabbed Milotics ball.

“Trouble! You will need this if you win.” Papa called out and a moment later I juggled the Pokeball he had thrown me.

I gave him a strong nod, after a moment even if Growlithe was making laughing noises at me.

“Okay! Here we are this is our training area, so we can mess it up. Now Growlithe. This is a one on one battle. My Pokemon I trained vs. You. Ready?”


“Milotic! I choose you!”

The slow rise of Milotic as he appeared from the light of his Pokeball flooded the courtyard with light.

And Growlithe suddenly didn’t look as confident. But only for a second before it barked and spread its legs puffing up to seem bigger.

“Alright. Growlithe! Fight!

“BARK!” The Growlithe was well trained. Papa trained her well after all! She instantly burst out a flamethrower.

“Watergun! Put out the fire!”

“MIIIIII!” But Milotic was a Water type. Growlithe flamethower might be impressive but Milotic and I had gone through a ton of training to enhance his special attacks. The water gun easily fought back the blast of fire until the Flamethrower ran out.

“Now Milotic, Aqua Ring!”

“BARK!” Growlithe seeing his attack failed, went for a tackle, which hit a moment after Milotics Aqua Ring. Problem was?

Even as Growlithe jumped back to avoid a follow up Iron Tail Milotic shot out, I could already see the bruise healing from Growlithes attack. Aqua rings constant healing removing the effect of Growlithes attack entirely!

But I did get to watch as Growlithe Glowed white for a moment and started racing.

Agility? Quick attack? I wasn’t sure, but considering how big Milotic was it gave me a chance.

“Milotic, Let’s try out your new Icebeam on the ground! Make it slippery!”

“MII!” It took a few moments of charging, but Milotic managed it, a burst of arctic cold. The Growlithe jumped away from the Icebeam that landed close to him, but then Milotic simply swished it across the ground. Freezing long strips of ice.

“BARK!” The Growlithe wasn’t putting up with that. A second Flamrethrower raced out, cutting across the ice strips to still hit Milotic.

“Watergun again!”

“MIII!” And the two elements once more smashed together.

“Milotic, once the flamethrower ends! Go for another Icebeam, Coat the ground!”

I called out just in time, as Growlithe ran out of breath, and a moment later Milotic quick charged the icebeam again.

I was so glad that Pokemon were natural murder machines, because just figuring it out once in training meant Milotic had a firm enough understanding to use it in actual battle.

This time my plan worked. Growlithe started running to dodge, trying to use it’s agility but it slipped on the ice paths Milotic was forming, and went spinning.

“Now Ice beam her down!”


The attack would be resisted. Growlithe as a fire type was strong against ice, but Growlithe was now wet from the water guns Milotic had fired, and flat on the ground.

A moment later a frost covered pup slowly clambered to its feet.

“Still good to fight Growlithe?”

“BARK!” I winced at the force of the noise. Growlithe didn’t like losing.

“Alright, Milotic, Water gun!”

“GROOOWL!” Growlithe charged back with another flamethrower blasting into the water attack to try and fend it off. But that was it.

Growlithe hit the ground a ways away puffing as the battle was over.

“Okay that’s it!” I called out, earning a trill from Milotic but a growl from the Pup.

She was trying to rise to her feet.

Walking up to her I stopped in front of her ignoring the fire in her eyes.

“You're strong.” I tell her earnestly. “You have a fierceness I need. That my team will need. But you can be stronger. You can be a legend.” I tell her “But no one becomes a legend alone.”

I put down the Pokeball before her. “We train every day. Body and mind. Every other day we work on attacks. Refining every hint of power in every attack we use. No attack is useless, and every attack can be made better. Your Flamethrower is wide. You probably were taught to make it big and bright right? All the better to scare someone. I’ll work with you on making it thin and hot. So it burns.”


My smile turned bright as she pushed her nose into the Pokeball. “Papa! I’m going to the Pokemon center!” I call out hurrying over to see Nurse Joy.

My poor puppy was hurt!


Adjusting to life with a new Pokemon was fun! Growlithe was very… Opinionated. And a puppy that was opinionated that could open doors on her own?

Well that was how I kept getting woken up, or pulled out of whatever I was doing at any time at the demands of Puppy teeth for more training.

Even Milotic was getting worn out with how often Growlithe wanted to train.

The fact was I had to return Growlithe to her pokeball during school hours, otherwise she would literally leave home and come find me demanding training. It had been a lesson learned in detentions. Ms. Kurosawa had not been amused.

Growly, Papa’s Growlithe was not a fan either. He was like the older tired doggo that clocked in his nine to five, only for my girl to run in and demand he get off his lazy butt and work more.

I felt really bad for him, and made sure when he was napping I would distract her.

Of course another good thing did come from having a second Growlithe.

“Gram Gram! Love you!” I called out as I watched her walk into our home. It was time to start expanding our Milotic farm, as Mama called it.

“You are looking well. Your Pokemon?” Gram Gram asked as she settled beside me.

“Great! Growlithe is running me ragged but we train a lot, and Milotic is super healthy!”

“Good to hear. Now let’s get this started. I heard you already have a Feebas ready to evolve?”

“Sure!” I call out as usual Gram Gram took over the pace of any situation as she entered. I could already see Papa sigh, as he got up from his chair. He had just sat down to put his feet up, but Gram Gram wanted to get this evolution train going.

We head out to the long pond that was almost like a big circle river around our trees now, and I quickly released Milotic. “Hey Milo. Can you gather everyone up?”

“Mii!” With a gentle ripple Milotic disappeared And not a minute later Feebas started popping up in front of me, I giggled as I took off my shoes and slipped my feet into the water to pet my friends.

“Vicky… How many Feebas did you catch?”

“None! I didn’t catch them. I just offered them a chance to live in our pond instead of in the rivers. They all wanted to.” I inform everyone as I giggle as the Feebas tickle my feet for attention. They were like puppies. Water puppies.

“How many did you find then?” Mama asked, irritated as she was giving me a look that made me smile in apology.

“There are ten? Milotic, was it ten?”


“So ten Feebas we found while exploring. I’ve been giving them a new home.”

“Well that makes this easier doesn’t it?” Gram Gram asked with a chuckle as she looks over the fish. Thankfully she hid her obvious distaste from the Feebas.

The cat lover didn’t like fish. Go figure?

“So how many should I evolve?” I ask which earns that moment of quiet looks among the adults.

“I had only thought of adding one more.” Papa answers, Mama nodding but Gram Gram shrugged.

“Plans changed. How many scales you got?” She asks me, and I grin “Five!”

“Well sounds like Five it is. Get to it girl.”

“Hold it! Mother! We don’t have that many Pokeballs. I only brought one. We will have to go to the store first.”

There was a quiet moment as Gram Gram simply smiled at Papa before he had a realization. He sighed shoulders slumping.

“I guess I’ll get on that then.”

“Well what are you waiting for?” Gram Gram asked, causing Papa to release an even louder sigh as he turned and walked over to our car.

Poor Papa. Gram Gram was pretty mean to him.

“So if we are going to have so many Milotic, what are we gonna do? I don’t think I can train that many of them at once… Maybe.”

“We aren’t training them for battles Vicky. These five will be family owned. Although we will probably still register them under you. But they will mostly stay here, be fed and pampered and produce scales for us.” Gram Gram answers.

“Like your Persian?”

“Exactly like my baby. The scales from these fellows will probably be more valuable than from yours as well. Since they won’t be training and getting them scuffed in fights.” Gram Gram informed me as she settles into chair. My fishing chair that I used when hanging out with the Feebas.

“That sounds kinda sad though. What if one of them wants to be a battler?”

“Hah! Then you train them, or even sell them off to some battler. Don’t be daft child. We want happy Pokemon, not troublemakers. Not that I am all that concerned. Water Pokemon are usually happy to be fed and left alone for the most part… Except Gyrados.”

“I love Gyrados.” I whispered, stars practically shining in my eyes.

I could literally see the shiver run through my Gram Gram at those words. “No you don’t. You just think you do. Those things are monsters. Believe me. Had to deal with a Gyrados attack a few times. It’s never pretty girl.”

“If people treated Magikarp better, you wouldn’t have that problem.” I grumble. But I wasn’t going to argue with Gram gram anymore.

“I’m back.” Papa huffed with a bag from the Pokemart on his arm. “Okay Vicky. Go ahead and pick out the ones we are evolving.”

I nodded looking into the eager eyes of my little friends.

“Okay everyone listen up okay? I can only choose five of you right now. But that’s just for right now. All of you are going to become Milotic eventually I swear it. With so many Milotic around and more Prism scales, we will be able to get all of you evolved pretty quick! Just a month or two. So guys if you get chosen today? Remember your Feebas friends. Don’t be mean to them. We are all together in this. Okay?”

“Fee!” “Feebas.” “Fee Feebas!”

I grinned at the positive and grumbly noises from my little guys. But I reached into my shirt. There was a silver necklace. Which had my Gram Gram hum a little as she noticed it was the necklace she had given me for my birthday. But now it had five different Prism Scales on it, instead of just the one.

“Your gift was great Gram Gram.”

“Hmmph! Of course it is.” She offered, but the way she reached out to grab my shoulder said how much she appreciated that I liked her gift.

With that I started pulling off Prism scales. And sticking them onto the Feebas nearest me. I was picking randomly, trying to be fair.

And so we watched as five Feebas became Five Milotic. My Milotic watching on as they called out their euphoria at evolving. He joined in a moment later, and I got enjoy five Milotic, singing to each other.

“Beautiful.” I told them. Although I turned from them for a moment to pet all the Feebas that were looking morose. “You will have your turn soon. I promise.” I tell them patting heads and even pulling crying Feebas into my lap for pets.

An hour later Nurse Joy was giving me a particular look as she registered the five Milotic under my Trainer ID. Even if they were listed as non combat Pokemon.

I just gave her a bright smile… And a few minutes to snuggle with one of the Milotic during its examination. Listen. Me and Nurse Joy have an understanding.


Of course, popping up with five more Milotic had the Pokemon Association in a frenzy. Thankfully Gram Gram took care of all of that. Although a lot of people in suits were wandering around the outskirts of our home for a good while.

It was definitely becoming a problem. But Growly, and Growlithe, were having fun tracking them down the moment they got too close.

Papa was also quick to call in backup from Officer Jenny when needed.

I guess the Viridian police department were super happy to be able to throw Pokemon Association agents into jail for an hour or two to ‘check them out’ while they could.

But I wasn’t really focused on all the drama with having so many Milotic. I was too busy with Growlithe. She was… Difficult.

“No Growlithe!” I called but she continued unheeded. Smashing into Milotic with a physical attack, which Milotic reacted by wrapping her up and then sliding into the water.

Pulling my waterlogged puppy out of the river a bit later, and another loss on her record against Milotic.

“Okay this needs to stop.” I tell her as I grab a towel and start trying to dry her off. It was pretty easy. Fire pokemon don’t stay wet if they don’t want to.


“I know! But you need to listen. I saw Milotic prepping for that grab which is why I called for you to stay back.”


“No, don't do that.” I tell her firmly spinning her so we are face to face. “Don’t just disregard what I am saying. Growlithe. I think you have what it takes to be a champion pokemon. You are aggressive and skilled. Despite a type disadvantage you have Milotic on the ropes sometimes. But you can’t do it if we don’t have trust together.”


“No you don’t… You are a good dog. You listen. But you don’t trust… You don’t trust me to lead you. This is my fault. Papa didn’t want me battling despite having my trainer license now. He wants me to wait until I’m 10 to start my journey. But you want to fight, so you feel I’m holding you back huh?”

My question hit on some truth because Growlithe went quiet after that.

“Okay wait here.” I tell her with a boop on the snoot. I headed inside. “Mama? I need your help.”

A few minutes later. I stood beside Growlithe as Mama stepped out of the house, Meowth at her side lopping along.

“I Challenge you to a Pokemon Battle!” I called out, causing Growlithe who had been looking back and forth between us suddenly perked up.

“I accept. One on One battle.”

“Agreed! Growlithe I choose you!”

“Meowth, let’s mark your territory.” Mama spoke sounding almost sinister. As Meowth was suddenly grinning teeth glinting and claws revealed.

Mama I knew was actually a real battler. She had completed her Journey. Earned all the Badges in Kanto, and took part in the League Conference. She hadn’t won. But well…

She was not some novice. Even if she was out of practice, and Meowth was a lazy house cat now.

“Growlithe, This won’t be an easy fight. Trust me.” I order and then Mama drops her hand signaling the fight begins.

“Agility Move! Then Fire spin! Keep Meowth away!”

“Meowth agility back. Payday through the fire.”

Urk! I grimaced as Meowth without hesitation sped up to catch Growlithe who wasn’t moving enough. She hesitated again instead of listening and by the time she noticed Meowth charging her it was too late. Her Fire Spin was ignored as Meowth bashed a handful of change into growlithes face.

“Shake it off! Flamethrower! Keep it thin! Try for a burn!” I shouted out, only for Mama to speak again.

“Meowth, Sand attack.”

“What!? Close your eyes! Dodge!” Thankfully Growlithe did as I said cutting off her Flamethrower and jumping to the side.

Somehow Meowth that little asshole had picked up dirt during Payday just for this.

That was a nasty combo.

“Fire spin again! Block sight between Meowth and you!”

“Meowth dodge back gather for another payday.”

Mama was so serious! Scary! “Okay Growlithe. Howl! We aren’t afraid!”

“Meowth Payday. Silence the dog.”


Before I could even open my mouth Growlithe yelped as the payday hit her throat as she howled. Disrupting the boost.

“Okay that’s bad. Growlithe. Agility! Then Fire spin, but run around Meowth! Stop him from being able to gather more for Payday!”

“Meowth, Bite.”

And then Meowth wasn’t being encircled by Growlithe, instead that lazy cat somehow appeared on Growlithes back Fangs bared.

I winced at the yelp as Meowths fangs pierced puppy fur.

“Growlithe! Don’t panic! FIRE SPIN YOURSELF!”

“Meowth! AGILITY!”

But even Mama was a tiny bit too late and Meowth yelped himself as he got burned by the flames he ended up jumping around a little bit until he rolled and they went out. But I could see he was burned a bit.

“That’s enough.” Mama called out firm and Meowth froze in his tracks suddenly falling onto all fours and looking grumpy at his wounds.

Growlithe though? It was obvious why Mama called the fight. She was panting struggling to get back on her feet but failing.

I rushed forward even before Mama could say anything. “You did great Growlithe. Let’s go get healed up. We learned a lot didn’t we?”

“Wait Vicky.” Mama said as she walked up. “Growlithe. You never stood a chance against Meowth. You are too young. Too inexperienced. But I’ll admit. You managed to actually injure Meowth. Impressive. Go ahead Vicky.” Mama offered and I nodded returning my pup and rising to my feet.

“Want me to run Meowth to Nurse Joy too?”

“Please.” mama offered pulling out Meowths pokeball and returning the irritated cat. With both Pokeballs I rushed out of the field. Worried for my pup. This was the first time any of my Pokemon had actually gotten injured.


Waiting in the lobby for Nurse Joy to finish healing the two Pokemon. I paced around a bit. Growlithe had still hesitated in trusting my orders at first, and while she did at the end… She also lost.

That was bad. I had been pretty sure I could beat Meowth… Mostly because he was a lazy cat that hadn’t been a battler in years. But well. Experience tells I suppose. That move with payday sandattack had been…

Damn Mama was scary.

Anyway, we had lost. Growlithe… I don’t know how she would take it. She had lost against Milotic too, but that had been different. That had been me showing that I had strong Pokemon already. That Growlithe could trust me to guide her growth.

“All done.” Nurse Joy interrupted my pacing as she handed me back the two Pokeballs.

“Thank you Nurse Joy. How were they?”

“Oh minor injuries at best. Your Growlithe just needs some rest before she battles again. Meowth was fine.”

Putting Meowths ball away for a second I released Growlithe. Watching as she stretched for a moment before turning to me.

“How are you doing Growlithe?”

“Growl!” She told me looking actually quite pleased with herself. It took me a moment to notice her tail was wagging.

“It was a tough battle huh?”

“Bark!” Growlithe nodded, seeming pleased with herself. Right, she was a battle maniac. Win or lose she was just happy to test herself. I reached out and gave her a firm scratch.

“You did amazing Growlithe. We just need a bit more practice between the two of us, don’t we?”

That caused Growlithe to look up into my eyes despite her pleased look at the scratching before giving me a firm nod.

I couldn’t help but break out into a happy smile. I hadn’t screwed up! We were totally going to be battle buds!

“Battle buds.” I whisper to her and that caused her tail to wag furiously.

“How lovely.” Nurse Joy spoke looking pleased as she watched Growlithe.

“Thanks. We had our first real battle together.”

“How nice!” Nurse Joy says patting Growlithe on the head as well. “You two will definitely grow strong together.”

“Thanks Nurse Joy.” I say turning to look at her. Out of my eye I see a Chansey wandering around.

Which gave me… An idea.

“Hey Nurse Joy? Weird question, do you know any Chansey I can get for my team? I really want someone that can help keep my Pokemon healthy when I eventually go on my journey.”

Nurse Joy blinked. Actually looking quite surprised at my question. “A Chansey? They aren’t good battlers Victoria.”

I blinked in return. Chansey… Not a good battler? Have these people never heard of Stall Chansey? f*cking invincible pink blobs are not to be underestimated. Ever.

“I didn’t mean for battling but support… But Chansey could totally be a top tier battle Pokemon.” I argue which earns me a sort of twisted smile from Nurse Joy as she pats my head.

“Well I can’t help too much. The Chansey Population has been low for a few years now. Unless you catch one in the wild, or pay for one. I can’t help you.”

“Pay?” I asked grinning.

She opened her mouth to say something but then remembered who it was she was speaking to. My army of Milotic must have flashed through her head. Before she chuckled. “I’ll call my cousin who is our head breeder. I’ll let her know you have some interest.”

“Thanks Nurse Joy!”

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

“Wow. They are all so beautiful Vicky.” Ivy muttered beside me as she had come over to hang out and swim again after school.

“Yeah they are cool. C’mon. Because the pond leads back into itself, we can set up Milotic races.”

“Wha-Race!?” Ivy stuttered looking at me in shock.

“Of course. They like helping people. Let's go ride some of them! Although I have to leave my partner out of it. He is too fast to be fair.”

“Y-yeah! Let’s go!”

I laughed as Ivy tugged me along, suddenly our afternoon hanging out and swimming had turned into an amazing adventure.

The Milotic mostly hung out in the pond, although they could move around as they like. The weird hovering ability they had meant they weren’t water locked. So they would happily wander our property.

Quite often slithering up the berry trees to get treats. Although Mama had to discipline them a few times for that.

She just called out to them and glared… That pretty much sorted it. Mama was scary.

“Hi guys!” I called out to the Milotic hanging around the river and in return I got turned heads and happy calls as we approached. The fact that a moment later I actually slipped into the water with them had them swirling around happily.

Ivy eagerly joined me in the water a moment later.

“So… You guys want to race? See who is faster carrying me or Ivy?” I teased, and I had plenty of eager helpers one slipped into the water and came up under me so I was forced on her back.

“Oooh!” Ivy earned the same treatment, and a moment later without any mark. The two Milotic were off. Swimming down the path with Ivy and I squealing at the sudden acceleration. The race soon simply turned into rushing around splashing in and out of the water.

Our rides would get stopped by the others every few cycles and force us to switch to new ones, but it was all in good fun. Even the Feebas would jump out of the water at our passing taking part.

It was overall a really fun day. We all ended up warming up in the sun after an hour of playing in the water. Berry juice slathered over Pokemon and human faces alike as we simply lived.


The first time the new Milotic shed. Was a wonderful day. We had almost thirty Prism Scales once they were done. Although I had made sure that it was only when their scales were fully formed and ready to be shed. Finding out that my partner had been forcing them out early had been a wakeup call.

Milotic in general were almost too eager to share themselves. I guess that is what happens when you have a Pokemon that everyone thinks of as trash, even themselves, only to suddenly gain value.

I guess that fact I valued them even as Feebas meant they were a little too self sacrificing.

Of course. We had another five Milotic to get registered that night. With eleven Milotic in total, I was pretty sure we had more of them than anyone else in the entire world. Or at least more than anyone was admitting.

So of course a few days later after registering the next batch. The Pokemon Association had finally had enough.

I was at school when it started, but as I walked home it was impossible to miss the line of fancy cars that were lined up outside our home.

Seeing that I palmed Growlithes Pokeball and broke out into a run.

Luckily before long I noticed Mama and Gram Gram both outside the house looking over the pond. As I rushed closer I noticed the line of suited men that were inspecting my Milotic. I frowned. They better not be bothering my babys.

“Mama!” I called out as I approached.

“Ah Vicky. Come here.” Mama called waving me over pulling me into a side hug as I approached.

“What’s going on? Are they bothering my Milotic?”

“No honey. That’s why I am here watching. The Pokemon Association goo- men. Are doing an inspection of the Milotic habitat. Apparently with how large our flock is growing they are very interested in why so many are gathering here, and to make sure they want to stay.”

“Got it.” I answer, hearing the unspoken reminder of ‘don’t tell anyone.’ After all Milotic was a family secret now. Gram Gram had been firm. I still wasn’t sure I liked the whole family secret thing. It kind of went against the grain you know?

I mean, the whole thing with the Pokemon games was to catch them all, but the reason for that was to fill out the Pokdex. The open source, concentration of all the known information on Pokemon.

I had re-opened my paper ‘pokedex’ a while back after realizing that no one knew about Milotic, only to realize on a second read through all the information I had assumed to simply be incorrect because it was out of date, wasn’t even close. It was what people actually thought. There were only like five of the Eeveelutions known. Since some of them had difficult evolution requirements. Or had only been registered once or twice.

Some Pokemon were considered myths. Or were so rare no one knew anything about them. Like Dragonite.

Yeah… That had been a shock to the system. Sure Lance of the Elite Four had a Dragonite, but that was because the Blackthorn family of Johto. They were a family of dragon tamers or more accurately a Clan. They hoarded their dragon knowledge, and to the layman Dragonite were legendary pokemon equivalent to the Legendary birds or something.

This world. It was like Pokemon, but the knowledge wasn’t there. I still hadn’t quite figured out what had changed, or if it was just hundreds of things.

Anyway, with that I realized how valuable my nerd Pokemon knowledge was. I could sit down and name off a dozen Pokemon that had evolutions that no one knew about. Oddish for example evolved into Gloom. And everyone knows that you could use a Leafstone to get a Vileplume.

Bellossom? Completely unheard of. Well it was known to exist, but only listed with a single picture and a “This Pokemon exists. Rarely found in jungles. No other knowledge.”

That was pretty much it. I could tell the Pokemon Association right now to collect sunstones and use them on Gloom.

Boom. A new Kanto only species.

Considering that the number of variants, type, and value of pokemon all across the world had recently become a big factor in International Politics…

I learned that from the TV. Listen Mama likes the news, and I was mature enough to understand it, even if I mostly listened while doing homework.

But it means that new Pokemon were a big boon for the Pokemon Association, or government of any region.

You might think that it should be common sense for people here. ‘Oh you have a Pokemon. Rub them with this Evolution stone, see if they evolve.’

But that makes sense in games. Where stones are easy to get. That is not the case in the real world. Evolution stones are expensive. Like, rare to get your hands on any of them. And that is if there is enough in the country to supply you, and if they haven’t all been purchased by rabid Eevee trainers.

That last part isn’t a joke.

Eevee is the single largest source of where evolution stones go towards. A lot of people like Evee. They are small, and cute, their evolutions retain their small size making them excellent pets for more casual trainers, and the variety meant people could often show off their wealth, or uniqueness by having an eeveelution.

Eevee breeders were big business.

Anyways, what that all means is that the Pokemon Association of Kanto is very interested in ensuring any new species becomes a Kanto only species. That way it becomes something they can use in war, or trade against other regions.

Basically politics.

Which is why they were currently examining everything they could about the area trying to figure out what they can about the Milotic. They would have asked a lot of questions about where they came from, or how they were brought here.

But ‘Family secret’ was an actual law on the books in Kanto. Secret Pokemon knowledge was not required to be shared, and in fact couldn’t be forced by the Pokemon Association.

It was an old rule from when the association first became a thing. Back when the gym systems first rose.

But that didn’t mean they couldn’t try to suss it out themselves. After all, if they discovered it on their own, well, it must not have been a good secret.

“Hey!” I called out pulling myself out of my thoughts, as I noticed one of my Milotic was being pressured a bit too much by one of the guys in suits. With a throw Growlithe was at my side and growling earning me the attention of all the people harassing my babys.

“Don’t touch Milotic. You are irritating her! She is a sweetheart, and that means you are pushing too much back off!” I yell at the man who had been trying to push some sort of device into Milotics face for a minute now, causing her to slowly back away, only to be trapped against the side of the pond.

Looking me over for a moment the man sighed. “Listen, kid. I’m just do-”

“Bark!” Growlithe didn’t care. In her eyes someone was bothering her herd that she was supposed to protect so a moment later the man was backing up as Growlithe bared her fangs and stalked him down.

“W-whoa, call off the Growlithe!”

“Growlithe. That’s enough. He isn’t bothering Milotic anymore, see. She went under.” I said and she had done just that. Once she wasn’t being pressured anymore she disappeared back under the water. I could see her shadow under the pond swiftly vanish.

This jerk had scared my Baby!

My glare towards him didn’t seem to affect him much, his eyes focused on my angry pokemon, but before I could say anything more a voice interrupted.

“Takashi. Go take a break. You pushed too much.”

“Yes Taicho!” The man nodded as he stepped around Growlithe to leave.

Another man, this one wearing his suit casually, even having his tie half undone as he looked me over. The messy hair and looks didn’t suit the idea of a ‘taicho’ but if he was their boss and looked like this, that meant he was important enough to get away with it.

“So you're the Milotic girl. Nice to meet you. Chief of Ecology with the Association Richard Brushfire. A pleasure.” He mentions smoothly, as he nods towards one of my Milotic that was accepting the attention of some men in suits taking pictures. “Beautiful Pokemon. They are well taken care of.”

“They are friends. Of course I take care of them.” I answer simply. “But they are gentle. If your people bother my Milotic again they won’t like it.”

“Roger that.” He answers casually, seemingly unconcerned. “I don’t suppose you will tell me why so many Milotic seem to be coming to this pond over anywhere else?”

“Family secret.”

“Yeah I figured that would be the answer.” He sighs scratching his messy stubble for a moment as he pulls out a cigarette and then a lighter. He flicks it twice.

“Flamethrower.” I say simply with a glare, and suddenly that cigarette he was trying to light was burnt to ash. Growlithes Flamethrower was narrow, a thin line. It wasn’t powerful yet. We were still working on mixing accuracy and power.

The product of months of training and focus to narrow the stream.

“Fair.” He coughed after a moment taking the butt of the cigarette from his lips and stuffing it into a pocket. Which made me ease off on my glare. If he had littered I would have been forced to dunk him into the pond for the Milotic to ‘play’ with.

We stared at each other for a minute before he sighed again and turned away.

“Pfeh! Good job Granddaughter. You showed that one.”

“Gram Gram!” I called out surprised as she had appeared behind me while I was dealing with Brushfire.

“Yes my dear. I heard these ones showed up. Did they cause too much trouble? I can send a complaint if they did.”

“Only one got a little pushy with Milotic, but it was dealt with.”

“Brats. Coming onto our land and messing with our Pokemon. Tch, bet they didn’t learn much though. Did they?” Gram Gram asked with a smile that I returned. Not likely. We didn’t have anymore Feebas in the pond right now.

I had been busy training Growlithe. Seriously, she was a battle maniac!

“Just remember they can’t do anything to you, or your Milotic. So don’t ever let those bastards push you around.”

“Mother, please don’t curse around Vicky.” Mama says as she walks over looking annoyed. “You know how impressionable she is.”

“I’m not impressionable!” I instantly argue, only to be ignored. This being a kid thing again sometimes was a real bastard.

“Sorry to intrude.” Richard was back this time with a stack of papers under one arm.

“What do you want? Ready to leave?”

“Unfortunately not.” He was as calm as ever. “Due to the numbers here, your land has been labeled as a potential conservation for Milotic.”

“You bastards!” Mama hissed which had me blinking in shock, Mama just cursed. sh*t was getting real.

“I agree with my daughter. You can’t do that.”

“I can. As the only location Milotic have been found within Kanto, the Pokemon Association has determined something about this location is drawing them here. So we are labeling it as a conservation in order to learn more.”

“That’s dumb.” I tell him instantly. “We built the pond after I brought Milotic home. There isn’t anything special about our pond.”

“That is up to the Pokemon Association to decide.” He answers simply.

“What does that mean then?” I turned asking Gram Gram, who was glaring but not cursing the guy out.

“It means the land becomes Government protected. While we still own this land, the Association have complete control over it from here on in order to ensure the Pokemon they are trying to conserve don’t leave.”

“That’s right.”

“Dumb. So dumb. We built the Pond last year! But whatever, so they can bother us a bunch?”

“It means that everything on the land becomes part of the conservation Vicky. Including our Berry tree farm.” Mama hissed glaring.



The Berry trees across our land had been Mama’s baby. Her family had been Berry farmers before she became a trainer, and on her travels, she had gathered up all sorts of rare berries from across the world.

When she retired she came home to Viridian and expanded the farm by a ton. Mostly it was a hobby for her. We did sell the berrys all the time and we made good money from it, but for Mama it was… A family thing. Something her family had done for generations.

“This is blatant strong arming. How dare you.” Gram Gram finally said as she watched me come to the realization of what was happening.

“It’s the decision of the Association.”

“Then perhaps the Association should be careful over its decision.” A voice called out, and I turned to see Agatha. Gram Grams friend called out. “It is a foolish decision to ostracize someone bringing such value to our home.”


“Melaney. I hope I got here in time.” Agatha offered as she walked up grabbing the paperwork out of Richards hands. “Look at this. Is the Association trying to pick a fight with the Kanto families?” Agatha asked, earning a tired sigh from Richard.

“I’m just doing my job Ma’am.”

“Sure you are. Go call your boss. Now. Before you make any further foolish decisions. I would hate having to smuggle my friends' family out of the country. I rather like Kanto.”

For a moment Richards' casual rumpled look sharpened, at Agatha’s words, but he didn’t seem to respond to the threat. “I’ll reach out.” He offered turning and walking away.

I waited a moment to see if anyone would say anything, but the adults were simply quietly looking between each other, sharing something nonverbally, I was missing… mostly because I was too small to see it.

Stupid shrimp legs!

“So… What now?” I asked, interrupting the stare off.

“Nothing for now, why don’t you head inside and relax. I am sure you have some homework.” Mama offered but I denied that instantly.

“Fate of the orchard is at stake. Homework can wait… Besides I already did it. Just math stuff. Don’t brush me off.” I demand earning an amused look for a moment.

“You are too headstrong.” Mama said patting my head as she said nothing more. Making me realize it really was just going to be a wait. I sighed.

“Fine. C’mon Growlithe.” I call out my pup running after as I head inside. There wasn’t much I could do here. Even with an adult brain, kid body made any solution I come up with difficult to implement, better to let the adults handle it. Agatha seemed to be here to help so that was nice.

I’m glad Gram Gram had a friend.

Heading inside I plopped down on the kitchen table with a grunt. This was such a mess.


A few hours later Mama came inside. I had watched as the Pokemon Association goons left in their cars.

“How did it go?”

“Better than it would have without help.” Mama answers sitting down looking to me. “The Association is withholding the Conservation of our land, but they are listing the Milotic flock as a protected species.”

“What does that mean? I mean… They are registered to me right?”

“Right. You are fine dear. You are still their trainer. It just means that the flock has a lot of protections and restrictions.”

“What kind of restrictions?”

“Nothing that you need to worry about.”

“That isn’t an answer. And what if I break these ‘restrictions’ without knowing?”

Mama snorted, but eased back.

“The Milotic flock is not a protected group. It doesn’t affect you because you already ‘caught’ them, but if any more Milotic show up, they can’t be captured by us. They would be either left free, or captured by the association for their protection, but left alone. Basically normal trainers can’t capture any more Milotic that show up.”

“But what about our plan to expand? We weren’t going to stop with just ten Milotic.”

“I’m not sure yet Vicky. We weren’t planning for this. We will have to get a lawyer to go through the requirements to find out what we can do.”

“Can they do this?”

“Usually no. In fact Agatha will be reaching out to some of the other Pokemon families. I can’t imagine the Blackthorn will take this overreach by the association sitting down, but… The pokemon Association has grown powerful over the last few decades. Who knows what will happen.”

Mama sounded tired. That more than anything pissed me off. Damn these jerks for causing trouble.

“I’m home!” Papa called out from the front earning a relieved sigh from Mama as she got up to tell him everything that happened.

He had heard some of it, already. News was spreading around the city.


Honestly despite everything, not much changed after the Association stuck their nose in. We did have more people showing up usually on the weekends to check on the flock of Milotic, but otherwise they left us alone. Almost religiously so. My guess was, Agatha was raising a stink.

Regardless, it didn't stop my games with my buddies. Milotic was currently undergoing mostly physical training. Lazy fish had been slacking, but I needed him to be physically fit for the future.

Growlithe, I had training mostly on learning new moves. Flamerthrower and fire spin was a solid start, but there were other fire moves she could learn. We were basically going down the list of moves and helping her get the hang of them, and then to power them up.

Will-O-Wisp is our current game. A fire that doesn’t really do damage, but burns. Interestingly it wasn't a normal flame but blue-white fire.

It was a work in progress. Mostly Growlithe was ending up with Embers. But it was good endurance training to keep spamming the fire while trying to control it.

But things continued into normalcy. A while later we got another batch of Prism Scales. And that calmed things. Because the Pokemon Association was very happy with the new luxury good. And we were happy because money.

Lots and lots of money.

Over fifty scales, each of which sold for huge sums. And this time we weren’t saving many since we weren’t expanding our Milotic flock.

I did keep a few just in case. But otherwise, we had a massive influx in cash. Of course most of it was under control of my parents, but that was fine. It’s not like there was much out there I wanted.

Well there was one thing.

Or two.

I grinned as I considered it. We did need more defenses for our home. It had been a topic of discussion that Papa had mentioned. Bringing Growlithe home was good, but he had thought about bringing another Growlithe, or even a few more just to make sure poachers couldn’t get away with any of our Milotic.

But then I had a better idea. It would be expensive, but well that was hardly a concern.

But first I would need a disguise!

Listen if it was good enough for Jessie to be able to trick people constantly by putting on sunglasses and a new dress it would probably work for me.

Or it would fail, because this wasn’t an anime, but it would be fun anyways!

I had enough funds, mostly because I was a responsible girl, and this was the Pokemon world. Where everyone trusted ten year olds to go on journeys on their own.

So I had access to all the money we had made.

Deciding to do it, because f*ck the Pokemon Association, I returned Growlithe and Milotic and headed out into town.

After a quick stop at an ATM to get all the money in cash I would need, because I can guarantee everything I did today was going to be looked into after this, I headed towards the Viridian city mall.

First I bought a new jacket, and sunglasses, and even a fake wig that I found at a store. The spikey red hair would fit with my plans pretty well.

With that I hid in a bathroom and changed and then…

“Ruby Red.” I offer my face in the mirror a wink and finger guns. No one would recognize me now, especially if I don’t pull out Milotic.

With that I was ready. I headed into the city.

Ruby was a fire Pokemon trainer. Obviously. My red jacket and red hair and my fiery smile informed everyone of what I was.

Which is why when I entered into one of the Pokemon Association shops that catered to very specific items it wasn’t odd at all as I walked straight towards the sections of Evolution stones the shop had for sale.

The price tags were ridiculous, and I had to restrain myself from whistling as I looked over the many zeroes.

But it was fine. I had already known how much they would cost.

“I need a Fire stone for my Evee. Flareon fits me better don’t you think? Also a second one if you have it, my little sisters birthday is coming up. You understand.” I spoke with a more haughty accent to the clerk, only receiving a quick bow as the Kanto politeness meant they quickly ran me through the process. Dropping the money in cash instead of a trainer card might be a little weird, but not super out of the ordinary, I looked like a rich girl after all.

And with that. They packed the two fire stones in a fancy little box, like you would get from a Jewlery store. And I sauntered out of the store.

Thankfully, there weren't many video cameras or things like that around the city. So I was able to easily make my way back towards home before disappearing into a park bathroom, and coming out as Victoria again.

Then I walked home. My backpack heavy with the future.


I didn’t just do it right away. Instead I hid the fire stones in my closet, and simply let the days pass for a while. Training my partners took up most of my time when School wasn’t taking up the rest.

But the months were getting closer and closer to my tenth birthday. And once that passed? It wouldn’t be long until my journey began.

So late one night, long after I would normally be in bed, I slipped out of bed with Growlithe at my side. Growly looked up at my passing, as we walked out of the house. He was on guard duty currently, but I put a finger to my lips as we passed and walked out into the night.

There was an area perfect for this a bit into the forest. A stream passing through a small clearing.

Growlithe, didn’t know what was up yet. I hadn’t explained to her what the plan was. Only that we were going to do something special.

Then finally we stopped. Enjoying the sounds of pokemon skittering around in the night. Metapods humming quietly, and the entire place sounded calm and peaceful.

“Okay, Growlithe… I got something for you, but it’s a big choice.”

I pulled the fire stone out of my pocket.

“This is a fire stone. It’s super rare, but I got one for you. It will let a Growlithe evolve into an Arcanine.” I inform her simply, earning a blink, and then the lovely sight of my Growlithe the normally fierce battler, that she is literally so shocked she leapt onto her back paws and then continued to fall back.

My giggles earned me no favor from Growlithe as she rose back up and growled at me in annoyance before refocusing on the stone in my hands. She looked from it to me, then again.


“Yeah. It’s true. The only way to turn into an Arcanine as far as I know. You use a fire stone. So Growlithe. I told you when we first met, that we would have to be legendarily strong. So… Growlithe. How about it? Want to become a legend?”

“Growlithe.” She offered simply along with a nod. Before she closed her eyes and huffed out a cute puppy breath, and then her nose bent in, touching the Fire stone.

And there was light.

I grinned as Growlithe grew. Bigger and bigger.

Did you know Arcanine stand at around six feet tall? That they weigh around 350 pounds? The biggest dog in the old world was an English Mastiff. They only weighed around 200 pounds…


They were big f*cking dogs.

Heckin big boys, and girls, You could say.

Of course Arcanine, wasn’t going to allow her evolution to be silent. As the light began to fade it was joined with a howl. A massive intake of air blew around me and then Arcanine called out her existence into the world.

She howled.

And the world listened.

I didn’t because I had put my hands over my ears and was wincing at the volume.

But afterwards there wasn’t a single pokemon making a sound in the whole forest.

She stood huffing a little at the exertion, at her call as she looked down, and then down some more to meet my eyes. Even as I stood I wasn’t up to her chest, which meant I felt tiny compared to my puppy.

“So, want to go for a run?” I asked, and the doggy grin I got in return said it all.

I clambered onto her back, and grabbed fur. And we were off.

Arcanine were some of the fastest land based Pokemon. I mean even Rapidash weren’t as fast!

So when Arcanine started running? I started holding on for dear life, because she started moving so fast, I wasn’t able to see without the wind stinging my eyes.

We ran for hours. Although I kept redirecting her back towards home from time to time. I didn’t want to have her run in a straight line away from home.

And in the wee hours of the morning, the sun thankfully still under the earth. I stumbled home exhausted and wind swept with a Pokeball on my hip that felt warm as Arcanine rested from her first exercise as an evolved pokemon.



“Vicky! Wake up.”

“Blurgh.” I retort, only for the Growly attack to come. My whines of surrender are ignored. Growly has no concept of surrender.

Only drool.

I was dragged from bed eventually when Growly refused to stop going for my weak point. Feet dripping in drool I stomped out of my room and into the kitchen.

“You don’t look great Vicky, you sick?”

“Tiiired. Stayed up late…” I mutter blinking weakly as I sat down, a large yawn ripping from my throat as I settled in.

“What were you doing up so late? You know you have a bedtime…” Mama asked looking unhappy.

“Secret training… Oh, we will need to pick up new Pokemon chow.” I muttered tiredly as I blinked into the plate of food put in front of me, my mind unable to figure out what I was supposed to do now.

“Vicky. Did you capture a new pokemon? You know you aren’t supposed to buy Pokeballs.” Papa asked, glancing up from his own breakfast with a frown. I blinked at him, before shaking my head.

“Noo? I didn’t.” I looked at myself for a moment realizing that I was still wearing my outfit from yesterday including Arcanines Pokeball.

“Here.” I say as I grab the ball and toss it.

And in a rush of sound Arcanine was standing in our kitchen.

Wow she was big inside. Definitely not an inside dog… Oh who was I kidding?

She was gonna be my snuggle buddy from now on.

There was silence in the room for a while. Even as Arcanine started slinking over to my plate, and I, as was tradition, slipped her a sausage.

“Growl?” Growly was funnily enough the one to break the silence as the old pup made a sound of demand.


“Oh Arceus.” Mama said in shock which startled Papa from where he had been having an almost religious experience.

“She’s beautiful.” Papa finally said as he rose up and stroked a hand through Arcanines fur. “I guess, this is my mistake. I guess I wasn’t a good enough trainer to see it. Your potential.” He tells Arcanine.

“That’s dumb. You're a good trainer. Arcanine was really well trained when you gave her to me already Papa. She is just headstrong.” I whisper sleepily. My plate nearly becoming my pillow.

“Hah! That’s not possible Trouble. A Growlithe becoming an Arcanine isn’t something that just happens. She was special and I missed it… I guess it’s good I gave her to you.”

“Nah, I just cheated. Fire Stone evolves Growlithe into Arcanine, I bought one last week.” I tell him simply my response is broken by a massive yawn as I just plop my head into Arcanine fur.


I ignored the conversation going on around me, because oh my god Arcanine is the fuzziest. This is it. This is how I sleep from now on. Warm and soft and Arcanine had a soft rumble when she breathed that was super relaxing.

This is the life.


“Wha!?” I jerked blinking as I looked up to Mama.

“Oh my child… This is all your doing!” Mama said turning to Papa and pointing at me.

What did I do?

“I don’t know if I can take responsibility for this my love.” He said shaking his head, but he was laughing a bit. “If I could, I think I would have had an Arcanine myself by now.”

“Ugh!” Mama made a noise of disgust at that, but I was looking around trying to figure out what was going on.

“What?” I asked fuzzily, what was everyone talking about.

“Nothing Dear. Go back to sleep. You aren’t going to be any use until you get some sleep. At least she doesn’t have school today.”

“Thank Arceus for small mercies.”

Whatever. Soft and warm. Sleeeeep.


I gave off a deep yawn as I stretched walking into the kitchen. I don’t know exactly what time it was, but it was mid afternoon by the sunlight coming in through the windows, but I wasn’t exactly thinking about that. Because I had slept like a baby curled up with Arcanine.

My girl was the softest bed in the world.

“Morning.” I called out as I entered the kitchen to see Mama, Papa, and Gram Gram all sitting around the table. “Oh Hi Gram Gram!”

“Victoria. It’s nearly 1 in the afternoon, you can’t really call it morning anymore.” Gram Gram teased as she reached out to start settling my hair when I sat next to her.

Of course that was when Arcanine walked into the kitchen giving plaintive looks for food as well.

“Hungry?” I ask her, getting a soft whuff in return.

Instead of grabbing the food I looked to Papa who sighed. “I put together a blend for Arcanine until we can get something shipped in. It’s in the fridge.”

“Thanks Papa!” I chirp as I head into the fridge and grab the big bowl of Pokemon chow. Most of it was berries at this point, but I could also see some of the Growlithe chow in there, although not much.

Growlithe and Arcanine were different Pokemon after all, they had different dietary requirements.

“Now that the beast isn’t going to eat us. Sit down child.” Gram Gram ordered as Arcanine began chowing down, her first meal.

“What is it Gram Gram?”

The old woman gave me a single arched eye before pointing… At Arcanine.

“Where did you learn you could evolve Growlithe into the Legendary Pokemon with a Fire stone?”

My little sh*t brain almost instantly popped up with ‘internet’ but that joke didn’t exist, and Gram Gram would not be amused.

“It just made sense?” I offer with a shrug.

“Oh it made sense did it? Explain it to me.”

I bit my lip as Papa and Mama were both watching on, apparently this was an interrogation because they wanted to know too.

“Okay so Growlithe can’t evolve on her own. We know that. Everyone knows it’s only rare that a Grolwithe becomes Arcanine, that’s why they are the Legendary Pokemon. Now we do know that Growlithe becomes Arcanine. 100% everyone agrees to that.” I waved my hands a little as I explained.

“So if it’s not an experience or strength evolution like most Pokemon. There is only a short list of what is needed to evolve them. Like… Graveler! The discovery of how to evolve Graveler into Golem was only found a few years back right? In the wild the Graveler will join together, and their combined power is what prompts the evolution. We created the transfer cord so trainers could do it without an avalanche of Graveler.”

It was a neat explanation. A transfer cord connected two Pokeballs together, and allowed the Pokemon to share power causing some Pokemon to evolve.

Basically instead of ‘trading’ Pokemon you did it this way. Funnily enough, it actually was discovered after the Association created the trading machine. Which did something similar.

The Transfer cord was just a way to do it without trading the Pokemon.

“Right. Which is why everyone thought there must be something we needed to find. Like Onix and the metal coat, to evolve into Steelix.” Gram Gram said.

“Exactly! But everyone has been digging through the weeds looking for that and not realizing that Arcanine might usually live in plains. But they probably evolve near volcanoes!” I grin teasing the older people with an explanation that honestly, was just a guess.

“They probably stumbled across a fire stone in the Volcano and evolved. Then they go to the plains, because Arcanine are fast! Like super fast! So of course they would want flatland. There aren't many pokemon that can keep up with an Arcanine running.”

“So you went and bought a Fire stone… To test this?” Mama asked, looking a little pale. “What if it didn’t work?”

“Then I have an expensive rock, or I sell it back? But I was like 99% sure. Like I said, it made sense.” I shrug. “And it worked. Isn’t that right Arcanine?”

“Whuff.” She offered back licking her jowls from her breakfast.

“Let me call Agatha… This could work to our benefit.” Gram Gram suddenly said. “Vicky. Keep your dog inside until we figure things out.”

“Yes Gram Gram.”

That was how Arcanine and I ended up playing games in my room for most of the day until Agatha showed up.

Also Arcanine cheats at Pokemon world version of Monopoly. It’s the only explanation.

“Well. That is certainly an Arcanine.” Agatha muttered her eyes wide as she took in my doggo. Who was curled around me as we watched TV in my room.

Mostly Pokemon battles. I would watch the pro battles with my team, and if they saw something like a move they wanted to learn I would work with them on it.

It was pretty efficient actually, Pro’s tended to know their stuff after all.

“Oh, hey Agatha.” I called out only to earn a sigh from the older woman.

“I don’t even want to know how you managed that. Melaney would kill me for stealing a family secret of this magnitude. But the Association is going to freak… heh.” Her words ended in a sharp grin. “Alright girl, stay hidden for a bit longer. I’ll take care of this. Hehe.”

Agatha laughed darkly as she left my room. I could hear her chatting with Gram Gram in the living room, but honestly? Okay. Sure. I would let the adults handle this.

Besides, this match with Lance was pretty awesome. He had a dragonite!

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

The next day Papa, Mama, And Gram Gram piled me into Papa’s car and we drove into the city.

We were going to the Pokemon Association Viridian branch.

Apparently. Agatha had set up a meeting.

Thankfully All three adults had told me firmly not to say anything, or answer any questions without them okaying it first. That my job would be boring, but I had to be there regardless.

Okay. Boring but okay.

Honestly. It wasn’t even worth the effort. We were invited into a room with Agatha, and a few men dressed in suits and asked for Arcanine to be released. Which I did at Papa’s confirmation.

The men did lots of tests on Arcanine. Apparently to ensure she was being taken care of properly.

But otherwise half their questions were returned with “Don’t answer that Vicky.” “Family Secret.” or my favorite. “Stop asking my daughter, she is underage, You will ask me.” Papa getting all protective was cute.

And then not long after we left. With my Trainer registration card updated with Arcanine, and apparently a confirmation she wasn’t stolen?

It was weird. But apparently Arcanine were so rare that trainers had to be checked to ensure they weren’t stolen from a preserve, or from another trainer.

I wonder what they were going to think when I gave Papa his birthday present? Growly deserved to evolve too after all. He was a good boy!


“Vicky! I challenge you to a battle!”

“No thanks.” I replied, turning away as our lunch started. I was hungry, and didn’t have time for the ‘battles’ the kids here tended towards…

It was pretty bad. Most of the time they only had like Pidgey or Rattata.

Which don’t get me wrong. That little rat scared me.

But not at the hands of these guys.

“Don’t run away! Vicky!”

“I’m literally not running anywhere. What do you want Kiba?”

“Fight me!”

“No.” I tell him, turning to continue to walk to the cafeteria. Mama packed me some goodies this morning, for being a good girl during the Pokemon Association meeting.

Damn right I’m gonna enjoy this.

A hand tugging my arm stopped me cold as I turned to Kiba.

“Don’t be a coward! I don’t care if you have a Milotic! My Poochyena won’t lose! It’s a rare pokemon too! They don’t have them here in Kanto!” He proclaimed and I heard a few oohs from the other kids.

It was true. Here in Kanto Poochyena didn’t exist.

Because Growlithe killed them. At least that was the general consensus. Poochyena couldn't keep up with a pack of Growlithe. Their dark time working against them. Sure a Mightyena was much more common than an Arcanine. But not all Dark types stuck together in little gangs. Poochyena weren't quite loners, but they usually only gathered in small groups. Two or three. So a Mightyena and maybe two Poochyena running into a pack of twelve or more Growlithe? Well. Scorched Hyena was good enough for Growlithe.

“I don’t have Milotic with me right now. He is home resting with the flock. Kiba let go.”

“Hah! You still have a Pokeball! Is it your Growlithe? Let’s go then. A battle between your dog and mine!”

“That wouldn’t even be a competition Kiba let go.” Seriously Arcanine would be overkill on a normal pokemon. She had been trained as a police dog first after all, and she was a battle maniac, I had been run ragged working with her as a Growlithe. The power increase of an Arcanine would be too much for a school yard brawl.

“Oh! Gonna trash talk Vicky? That means you can’t refuse! That’s the rules.”

I sigh. Damnit. The kids did have a rule like that. If you talked sh*t, you had to back it up. It was one of those weird schoolground rules the kids all followed. Like that swing was always that persons, and things like that.

“Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you Kiba.”

“Hah!” The Brash boy laughed off my warning as he turned and headed towards the field. I followed after, swiftly gaining a following. Pokemon battles weren’t really allowed, but they were also something that inevitably happened. As long as no one got hurt the teachers let it happen.

Following Kiba’s stupid spiky shonen hair I split from him and took my position as he did the same.

“Alright. Poochyena! Time to bite!” He called out and his Poochyena burst onto the field, giving a little howl in its excitement.

“Let’s not do any bites, that might be too much!” I called out opposite Kiba, as I threw Arcanines ball.

The burst of bright light quickly grew much larger than Poochyena, and then as Arcanine solidified, she howled. But this wasn’t Poochyena’s little howl.

This Howl rattled the windows of the school, it caused everyone to back up. Although I had been smart and covered my ears it still was a bit too much.

And then Arcanine breathed in and was ready for battle.

I could see Kiba’s throat swallow as he was forced to face a Pokemon that was as big as a grizzly bear, and much much smarter.

Arcanine took a moment to look over her foe. The Poochyena was frightened but had its teeth bared. It would fight. For a moment Arcanine looked over her shoulder to me, and I could feel her exasperation at this match.

But that was okay, I had a way to keep her interested.

“Arcanine. This is a practice match. Goal is as follows. Don’t get hit. Don’t hurt the Poochyena to knockout.” I called out, loud enough for Kiba and his Poochyena to hear. A moment later Kiba cleared his throat.

“You heard her Poochyena! This is accuracy training. Start it off with a scary face!”

“Extreme speed into double team. GO!”

While Arcanine wasn’t happy not to be able to go all out. She did love challenges. So the moment I called it out, she was gone. A burst of embers left in her wake as she suddenly started running.

With double team, after images of her began appearing, and I sighed in relief that Scary Face didn’t work. But the biggest boost came from the small training we had done so far. After all Arcanine was always wanting to do more. Extreme speed was Quick attacks big brother. Better in every way but much harder to learn. Unless you are an Arcanine.

So of course first thing I had done was get her to start using it less as an attacking move. And more as a combo. Bursting into the movement of extreme speed but turning it into another attack… we didn’t quite have it yet, but moving fast into a double team? That she could do.

“Howl to power up Poochyena!” Kiba called out.

“Disrupt it with Roar!” I responded. It was something I had seen in an elite battle before. Roar was a fear effect it caused wild Pokemon to flee, but it didn’t work on trainer Pokemon. At least it didn’t make them flee.

But it was still something that caused them to jerk.

Arcanines roar washed over the starting to howl Poochyena, causing it to swallow its howl in shock and jerk away from the much bigger Pokemon.

“Great job! Agility!”

“P-Poochyena! Uhh… I know! Roar back! And then bite!”

The idea was good. Poochyena’s roar was loud and it did cause Arcanine to still for a half moment, but it wasn’t enough.

“Extreme speed dodge!” I called out, and the moment Poochyena had created for the attack was missed as Arcanine disappeared.

“Alright Poochyena, Hit them wi-”

“ENOUGH!” The loud shout startled both of us and the Pokemon as well as everyone turned to look at the very angry teacher.

“H-hey Ms. Kurosawa.”

“Victoria! Kiba! With me! Now!”

Kiba and I met each other's eyes as we quickly returned our Pokemon and followed after the angry woman.



“Couldn’t go one day could you trouble?” Papa asked as he walked into the office. I just shrugged Innocently.

This was totally not my fault.

“Your daughters ar-Arcanine… Roared loud enough to crack some of the windows of the school. Here is the bill.” Principal Fuya offered with only a hint of a crack on Arcanines name.

“We will take care of it, I apologize Principal… Kids will be kids?” Papa offered, and unfortunately while the principal did have a slight twitch of his lips at that, he shook his head.

“We have a no battling during school hours rule for a reason. Mr Ferrous.”

“My Daughter is very sorry. I will ensure she is punished appropriately.”

The principal huffed but nodded after “Very well. I will leave it at that. After all, a young trainer with her potential… Well no point in wasting time any further.”

I actually winced at that. To be let off with a slap on the wrist because I had an Arcanine? Because I was special? Ouch… that hurt.

“It was my fault.” I offer getting their attention. “Please let Kiba off. This is my fault.”

“Wha? No! It was me! I’m the one that dragged you to the field, you even told me to leave you alone so you could eat! This is my fault!” Kiba offered instantly. The boy instantly realized I was trying to cover for him as well.

So I kicked his shin. Hard.

“Definitely my fault. Kiba is just still deaf from the battle… And dumb apparently.” I whispered the last part, but I could tell both adults heard.

Kiba funnily enough didn’t.

The loud rattling of a door opened too forcefully brought our attention away and thankfully kept the adults from saying anything more as the door to the office opened.

“What did my brat do this time?” A woman stomped in, her hair as spiky and grey as Kibas.


“Battling during school hours that resulted in broken windows.” Principal Fuya offered earning a sigh from the woman.

“What’s the damage, how much am I paying?”

“Nothing Akari. The damage was my daughters fault. It’s been a while.” Papa spoke and suddenly Akari perked up as she noticed Papa in the room.

“Well hell maybe this day isn’t a complete disaster, Mr. Ferrous, You never did come over for that dinner I said I owe you.” I gaped. Was she.. Flirting!? Did Papa have game!?

“Akari. As I said last time, I cannot receive gifts, while working with the Department. Or bribes to breed their pokemon together.” He said flatly.

“Don’t say that! My Mightyena was saved by your little Growlithe boy. Don’t tell me he wouldn’t enjoy a little-”

“Akari. We have little ears.” Papa interrupted but that only earned a giggle from me as I realized it wasn’t just Papa with game. Apparently Growly was a little stud.

“Oh is this cutie yours? Hah! Hey girly, I’m Akari, your Daddy is a good guy ya? He saved my butt from a real nasty pack of beedrill a few years back.”

“Papa is pretty cool like that.” I agree earning a chuckle as the woman leans up to wink at Papa. “Even your daughter thinks your cool eh? Sure we can’t get that Dinner?”

“Mooooooom!” Kiba whines and that only makes me laugh more as the sound of betrayal was too much for Kiba.

I couldn’t help but giggle at Kibas utter disgust at his mother flirting.

How funny.

“Fine, seems my pup is going to block me this time. But don’t think I’m done Mr. Ferrous. I’ll reward you some day, mark my words.”

“My Wife would have something to say about that Akari.” Papa offered out sounding a little tired form the womans aggressiveness.

“Hah! Invite her too then.” Akari offered with a laugh as she pulled Kiba out of the office.

“Wait, did she just sneak Kiba out of here while distracting everyone?” I couldn’t help but ask, and my words earned a startled jerk from the Principal as if he was going to rush out the door before seemingly giving up.


So Arcanine was a lovely Pokemon. Her aggressive nature as a Growlithe was eased a tiny bit since she became so much more powerful in a moment, but she still had a constant need to grow stronger, and while she was more of a match for Milotic, fact was, type advantage meant Milotic still won most of the practice battles we had.

Which had swiftly punctured her arrogance.

But she had caused some other problems. News reporters had taken to watching our home trying to get new images of an Arcanine. I had heard the phrase “Home Grown Legend.” Bandied all over the local news in the last few days.

An Arcanine was serious business for Pokewatchers.

All in all it really put a damper on our training. And Arcanine was starting to get irritated that even when she dragged me outside to get some exercise people were bothering us. Papa had to call the police a few times for trespassers even.

Which is what eventually led to her crashing into a tree because someone was not where they were supposed to be. Some weirdo that wanted to hug my Arcanine. Well I returned her, and then had Growly who was on guard duty take care of that, but it led me to heading into town.

Arcanine needed a visit from Nurse Joy.

Stupid weirdos! Only I got to snuggle with Arcanine!

“Nurse Joy!” I called out as I entered the quiet Pokemon Center. Sure we had traveling trainers coming through, but it was a slow period right now. Viridian was busiest

“Oh! If it isn’t Vicky. How are you?” She asked smiling at me over the counter as I walked up with a grin.

“I’m alright. Arcanine is a little roughed up.” I lean in to whisper. “Someone snuck onto our property and she was distracted while training Extreme speed. She hit a tree. Don’t bring it up, she was really embarrassed.” I whisper at the end. She really was embarrassed.

Nurse Joy has a little frown when she hears Arcanine is hurt but giggles a little at the end of the story. “I will heal her right up, and I won’t bring up how it happened… I don't suppose?” She trailed off.

I grinned. Knowing exactly what she wanted. “I don't have anywhere else to be. If you need an extra long examination…” I trailed off earning a brilliant smile from the pink haired woman.

“Why don’t you come on back with me. Arcanine will likely appreciate the company.” She said and I followed her around the counter.

See Nurse Joy loved Pokemon. I mean. Duh. But she did have a weakness for rare beautiful pokemon. Like Milotic, and Arcanine.

Which is why I bribed her with time with my buddies so that she could do this.

“SWOOO FUFFFY!” She screamed into Arcanines mane. Arcanine was used to this by now, plus like many Pokemon had a soft spot for Nurse Joy.

So we pretended not to see the pink haired nurse snuggling face first into Arcanines fur as she hugged her.

She pulled away a bit so she was resting her cheek on the fur. “I love Chancey, she gives the best hugs out of any Pokemon, but a fuzzy Pokemon like this! I wish it wasn’t a family secret, so I could interrogate you on how I could get my own.” Nurse Joy sighed.

“Sorry. Gram Gram was firm.”

“Oh I know! Please don’t think I am actually asking. Us Joy have a firm neutrality when it comes to information we might learn when helping Pokemon. In exchange of course we are paid well for our duty.” She offers smiling as Arcanine nuzzled her a little in turn.

Like I said Pokemon love Nurse Joy.

“Oh Vicky… There was something I wanted to speak with you about. Do you remember your request about purchasing a Chansey?”

My eyes widen as I sit up from where I had been slouched on the couch as Nurse Joy snuggled Arcanine. “Of course! Did you hear back from your cousin?”

“I did. I’ll… I’ll admit to you Vicky. I hope this doesn’t hurt your feelings. I didn’t really make it a priority at first. Chansey are not exactly something we eagerly try to trade out of the Clan, even if they aren’t Clan Secret Pokemon or anything. But when you showed up with this girl.” Nurse Joy said stroking Arcanines chin, causing the big girls eyes to roll up at the feeling. “I realized you deserve the chance.”

I took in her words for a moment and shrugged. “I get it. I’m not even on my journey yet. Milotic aside, I was nothing special. Although even Arcanine doesn’t really make me special…”

“Well it made you special enough for me to put in a call. You are also in luck. There are some requirements though, if you are still interested.”

“Of course! Chansey is so strong! And she would be so useful even outside of battles.”

Nurse Joy titters. “I can’t say I have ever heard of a strong Chansey, but I am glad you respect them. We have a Chansey that would be willing to head out with a trainer. But the price is high. A lot less Chansey have been found in the wild in the last few years.”

“Well Nurse Joy. As long as the price isn’t too obscene. I think we have a deal. A Chansey would be huge for the training plans for my team.”

“Well in that case. I will ring her up. She will give you a call in a few days. Once the trade is complete. We can have her Pokeball transported over.”

I gave a dopey grin. Pink blob! I couldn’t wait!


“Are you sure about this Vicky… You are going on your journey in less than a year. You really don’t need to buy Pokemon… Especially once so expensive.” Mama asks concerned.

We were taking a momentary pause from the Video conference with Nurse Joy… The other Nurse Joy. The Cousin that apparently trained the Chansey before they were sent out to assist Nurse Joy. The other one.

This world! If it wasn’t a family of twins in the thousands, with the Jenny Clan, it was the Joy Clan!

“I am. Chansey are amazing at taking care of the health of other Pokemon. They can even provide food with their Egg, they are super nutritious. Plus, I need one for a training idea.”

“Very well. The Money from your Milotic is yours. I just want to make sure you aren’t spending it on things you don’t need… Or on Pokemon you can catch on your Journey.”

“I don’t have any plans on buying any other Pokemon. I just need Chansey.” I explained urgently. And I did. A Chansey! If I was right? If my idea worked? Well my Pokemon wouldn’t be easy to deal with at all! And even if it didn’t work I wanted a healer on hand! This wasn’t a Game. A Pokemon could get injured far from any civilization! Far from a Pokemon Center.

“Alright.” Mama offered before rejoining the vid chat, and accepting the offer for Chansey. Nurse Joy… No, the other Nurse Joy. Was more than happy to transfer Chansey over to our Pokemon Center, after the cash went through.

Which is how on a lazy afternoon after school. Damn school wasting most of my day! I walked into the Pokemon center, and was handed a Pokeball.

Nurse Joy was kind enough to let me use one of the conference rooms for a bit and I released Milotic, and Arcanine first, letting them settle in.

“Now, it’s your turn, Come on out Chansey!” I called and in a flash a big pink blob was bouncing on her toes in front of me.

“Chanse-y Chans!”

“Nice to meet you too!” I couldn’t help but exhale in a rush as I smiled broadly. “I’m Victoria, But my friends call me Vicky! This is Milotic, and Arcanine!” I waved to the other two Pokemon which both called out their greetings and were greeted in turn.

I let this go on for a bit letting everyone settle in, it was important after all for my Pokemon to work well together.

“Chansey, I know it’s weird to be traded, instead of captured. But I went out of my way to have you join my team, because I am planning on going on my journey soon. When I do, I wanted someone with me that could help take care of my Pokemon. But that doesn’t mean that is all I think you can do. If you want to battle, let me know. I can definitely train you to be a strong Pokemon.”

“Chansey?” The pink blob queried a little confused, pointing her little fin hand at herself.

“Yeah. You. Chansey are really strong, and if you use a few specific moves, you can beat a lot of pokemon out there. But only if you want. I know not all Chansey like to fight.”

“Chanse! Chansey.” She offered waving her arm back and forth.

I couldn’t help but giggle at that. “Well we can train you a bit, and if you like it, we can do some test battles, but if you end up not wanting to, that's fine… But I do have plans to have you help train my other Pokemon. It’s gonna be a little tough on you, even if it will be really tough on them.”


I giggled at her questioning tone, it sounded like. ‘Me?’ “Yeah Chansey, you're going to be super important to training my team. Arcanine wants to become a Legend… More than she already is, and we will need your help with that.”

“Chansey! Chanse.”

My smile was wide as I hugged the pink blob.


As much as I wanted to start on my secret training plan. I still had a life outside of training. School took up most of my day, and of course I still wanted to spend time with Mama and Papa, and Gram Gram.

Which is why after school a few days after picking up Chansey I headed over to Gram Grams house to see her. She had taken to inviting me over to visit at least once a week.

I mean, Gram Gram had loved to have me over before, but not only did she really enjoy chatting with me now about different topics, but it was also a lot easier to get there.

Get out of school. Release Arcanine. Ride Arcanine to Gram Grams.

It let Arcanine stretch her legs, and I got to visit Gram Gram. Plus I loved hanging out by her pond. It meant, we could have tea surrounded by our Pokemon. Milotic resting in the Koi pond, Arcanine acting as a big pillow, and Gram Grams Persian cuddled up.

I loved it! Plus I had to introduce Gram Gram to Chansey!

But this time it was weird. First off, there was a car in the driveway. And it wasn’t Papa’s or Agatha’s. Weird!

I slid off Arcanine and returned her, as I headed inside.

“Gram Gram! I’m here!” I call out as I enter, stepping into the living room only to still because Gram Gram had company.

A family in fact. I blinked as I was the center of attention from the family that were all wearing really fancy Kimono.

Did I just step into a period drama? I wondered for a moment, but it was only when Gram Gram gave me a look that I must have said it out loud.


“Vicky. Come in, sit. We have guests. I doubt you recognize them, but this is your Uncle Leopold, and his family. His wife, Melissa, and your Cousin Elizabeth. They are visiting from Fuschia city.”

I blinked. Oh yeah, the man in the old style Kimono did look a bit like Papa. “Huh. Yeah I do recognize him, Gram Gram has a picture of you. Right over there in fact.” I say pointing to a table Gram Gram kept a bunch of pictures of the family on. Right up front was a Picture of Papa, and his brother when they were younger.

“Well it's nice to actually meet you!” I offer with a chirp although I sensed the tension rather quickly.

“Yes, it is nice for my good for nothing son to show up for the first time in more than a decade to see his mother.” Gram Gram offered with a hint of fire in her tone. “Or see his niece for the first time.”

“Mother. My job doesn’t give me much off time. Not like Victor.”

“Pfeh.” Gram Gram mocked simply.

Oooh. That wasn’t an, I’m being silly and acting like a grumpy old lady Pfeh, that was I am actually a grumpy old lady Pfeh.

I learned over the years to tell the difference.

“I suppose that makes us cousins.” A voice spoke, as a girl probably five years older than me stood from the couch. The pretty Kimono she was wearing was adjusted without a misstep as she stepped over offering me a bow.

“Elizabeth Ferrous, of the Fuschia Ferrous Clan.” She bowed in greeting.

“I didn’t know there was a Fuschia Ferrous Clan… Or that we were a Clan… I like your Kimono though. Very pretty.” I said with a smile, but I definitely hit a nerve somewhere because she was hiding a glare behind a blank face.

“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you Victoria.” She offered with a stilted uptick making what she said sound utterly fake. The fact she looked over me for a moment after hinted that she was trying to insult me.

But jokes on her. I have no shame! Ponytail in a tangled mess from the Arcanine ride. Growlithe T Shirt that Papa had bought me a while back… That still fit, because my body refused to grow. A pair of shorts cause they were comfy and easy to wear. And clean socks. Cause Gram Gram would kill me for tracking my dusty hiking boots in her traditional Kantonian home.

So of course I just smiled brightly. “You can call me Vicky! We are family after all. Elizabeth huh? Do you prefer Liz, or Beth? Or Eli? No Eli would be weird I think… Right?”

“Elizabeth, I don’t use nicknames.” She offered with a fake smile.

“Riiiight.” I offer in return before just walking past her. “Nice to meet you.” I gave a small bow to Melissa who was apparently my Aunt. That was cool. It looked like she was going to spurn my greeting but since Gram Gram was right there she gave a head nod

“Nice to meet you.” She offered back, although it didn’t sound sincere.

“Pfeh. Trouble, come sit. You had a good day at school?”

“It was okay! I’m still in detention from the Kiba fiasco last week. But we can talk about me later! Hello family, what brings you all to Viridian?” I asked, looking toward the family all dressed up like they were in a period drama.

How exciting!

Finally after a moment of stillness my Uncle responded. “We are here visiting-”

“Come here to sniff around for money.” Gram Gram interjected immediately. “I called the family about the new family secret, if not what the secret is. Apparently my good for nothing Son wants to be more directly involved.”

“Oh! They want to know how to get a Milotic?”

“Oh no dear. My worthless son and his money grubbers want to take over the flock and move it to Fuschia city.”

“Fuschia is on the ocean, it will suit Water Type Pokemon far more than the small rivers and lakes you have here in Viridian Mother, and we can help protect the flock better than Victor can. He still only has the one Pokemon left does he not? He couldn’t even finish his Gym run.”

Oooooooh! Family drama! I almost wished I had popcorn! Was this a certain bitterness between brothers! And was my Uncle here to try and take over my Milotic! How exciting!

Of course I knew they couldn’t and Gram Gram knew that as well.

They were registered to me after all, and not Gram Gram, or the rest of the family could touch them without my permission.

“Pfeh. Money grubbing doesn’t suit you. The Flock stays here, and your Brother my worthless son has done well protecting them.” Gram Gram offered. Although I blinked, realizing Gram Grams plan in an instant as our eyes met. I kept my smirk off my face, but I did wink at her, which I noticed caused her lips to twitch.

My Uncle apparently didn’t know that the Milotic were my Pokemon. And not registered under the family.. Clan? Did I have a Clan? That was weird!

“Victor has a single Growlithe. Our family still has our Pokemon teams. Elizabeth's starer Skitty has taken her to the Indigo League. She has more than proven herself dependable. Under her, the duty of managing and protecting the flock, the new Clan resource will be well protected into the future. At least better than a Berry Farm.” He said and then I was frowning a bit.

Mama’s Berry Farm was great! We supplied all of Viridian city! Hell! The Milotic adored the Berry Trees! You couldn’t push a Berry tree on our farm some days and not knock a Milotic out of it!

“No.” Gram Gram said with a simple word. Denying my Uncle. “The Milotic are fine where they are, besides, the Pokemon Association will make the move difficult.”

“I have connections with the Association and have already gotten an acceptance to re-home the Flock. The concerns of being so close to Johto, and if fighting starts up means the Kanto Association members would prefer the Rare Pokemon farther from the border.”

“I didn’t give permission for any such move. Nor did I give you permission to even speak with the association in regards to them. You forget yourself.” Gram Gram said a simple sentence without any of her usual joking taunts.

Uncle bowed his head slightly. “I simply wished to ensure that the Association would not cause any issues. They will not.”

“I am sure you made no promises to them in order to gain that permission either.” Gram Gram asked, her Persian on her lap no longer purring. Despite being a total baby, he did have a scary face. Something about the way his eyes were set, made it always look like he was glaring.

Hence one of the reasons he was so prized as a breeder. But right now it worked pretty well as he was glaring at Uncle who was looking a little uncomfortable about the whole thing.

“I work with the Association Mother. Of course I have had discussions about the assistance they will provide for our Flock.”

I almost spoke then. He has never even seen my fishies! How dare he claim them.

But Gram Gram wasn’t putting up with that.

“They are not yours.” Gram Gram said, glaring now as well. “The very fact you would move behind your family's back is why you will not have them.”

“Mother! I am looking out for the future of our Clan! Elizabeth is responsible! She has proven her strength in battle, and she-”

“Has nothing to do with this conversation.”

Ouch. Gram Gram bringing some heat.

“I disagree. Victor has made his interests in the Clan clear. I have expanded the Clan and set up a true clan home. My daughter has done everything to prove herself a member of the Ferrous Clan including ending up within the top eight of her last Indigo League attempt. More than high enough to earn respect from any battler.”

“Again. Elizabeth has nothing to do with this. The Flock does not belong to you.”

Oh man. I really wanted Popcorn. This would be great with Popcorn.

Uncle Leopold looked like he was about to blow a blood vessel in his forehead.

“The Association has concerns about the protection of the Flock. This can be a simple fix, Mother. Settle the Flock in Fuschia. I will even move you there if you wish. I am sure you will enjoy spending time with your family.”

“I do. Which is why I am confused why my Good for Nothing son appears now of all times. Interesting that it is only now, when a large cash cow falls into our laps. You certainly didn’t come for any of the holidays over the last fifteen years.”

“I was in Fuschia city, and busy Mother. I was ensuring our family had not just a home, but a compound open for all of the family when needed.”

“I don’t remember any invitations to this compound before now.” Gram Gram wasn’t joking anymore. And Uncle Leopold didn’t quite flinch, but I think he realized he had trapped himself a bit.

“I am now.”

“Not interested. I’m not leaving my home. The one your Great Grandfather built.”

“Mother. We are getting into details that aren’t important. You know as well as I do that the Ferrous Clan can’t continue as it used to. We are making too much money now. Too much attention. The Pokemon Association likes having a contact within each of the important Kanto Clans. We are on that list now. I know Victor won’t do it. I don’t know why you would even allow him to handle such an important resource!”

“I never had any issue with dealing with the Association.” Gram Gram sighs. “This conversation is over Leopold. You aren’t getting what you came here for. Are you here for anything else, or was your Greed the only thing that brought you home?”

“This isn’t my home!” He snapped and I blinked at that, his family also looked surprised at his outburst.

“Ah.” Gram Gram says simply. “So it is still about that.”

His fist clenched, and I could see him restrain himself. “No. I am no longer a child. Nor will I act like one. Mother. I am trying to do what is best for the family.”

“My Son. You are trying to do what is best for your family, at the expense of your brothers. You still can’t get over your grudge against him. Just because he left, does not m-”

“This isn’t about Victor!” Leopold snapped. “You have the greatest prize our family has ever had standing almost unprotected in a farm pond! Don’t you see how foolish this is! Let us take them to Fuschia! They will be safe and support our clan for centuries! We can be the second Blackthorns!”

“Okay. This back and forth was fun for a while, but it's gotten a little too real.” I interrupt. “I think I’ll step in. My Milotic aren’t going anywhere. They love the farm. The trees provide lots of extra food for them. We literally have to poke them out of the trees somedays.” I interrupt popping Gram Grams plan. She was looking pretty upset, like real upset. So I think it has gone past fun.

“Your Milotic?” Elizabeth asked with a noise closely resembling a scoff. “You mu-”

“Yep. All of the Milotic, all eleven of them are registered to me. I’m their Trainer. So bothering Gram Gram isn’t going to get you anywhere.” I say earning a surprised look from Leopold.

“Pfeh. I wasn’t going to tell them Trouble. I planned on leading them around for a long time with that.” Gram Gram offered, but I could tell her joking tone was flat.

“Yeah I know. But it was starting to not get fun for any of us. Listen. I’ll be honest. I don’t know you. I mean this is the first time we have ever met.” I point out my Uncle's face looking quite irritated. “If you actually mean what you said, then instead of demanding we do it your way, why don’t we all get together. I am sensing a lot of bad blood between you and Papa, but I don’t have any issues with you. I don’t mind having more help protecting my Flock.”

But Uncle Leopold didn’t seem to have any desire to respond to me. “Mother. You allowed a child to register ownership of the Milotic! This is! This is preposterous!”

“I didn’t allow anything Leo. Vicky is the one who caught them. Who brought them in. She probably knows more about Milotic than any trainer alive. They are hers. She simply allows the family to manage her extended flock and take care of the finances.” Gram Gram was smirking a bit. “So if you want to make any deals about their care. She is the one you need to speak to.”

“That! Why!? Why would Victor allow a child control of the finances of the entire Clan!?”
“Because my Flock, my Milotic are not the resources of the Clan. I don’t know where you get this idea, but it's wrong.” I muttered, but Gram Gram surprised me with an answer.

“It's because your father is a smart man. He knew he had no idea what to do with all the money rolling into your account, and asked me for help. I started pouring some of the money into additional investments. Of course those investments are done through the Clan so your cash is revitalizing our extended families finances single handedly.” Gram Gram says with a shrug.

“Oh cool.”

“Cool… All you can say is cool?” A heated voice asked and I looked towards Elizabeth, who at that moment looked very much like her father. “You have control of the entire Clans finances because your investments are controlling the entire income stream, and you say cool? Grandmother… I agree with Father. This girl should not be in charge of such a vital resource! She is a child!”

Elizabeth stood pointing a finger towards me. “You have an entire Flock of Milotic and you are trying to call us greedy? Such a find would have spread to the entire Clan from anyone with any duty to their family!”

“I didn’t know you existed until like ten minutes ago. So maybe stop flipping out?” I asked, looking towards Gram Gram. Ignoring the way Elizabeth was not handling me telling her to calm down very well. “So the investments are done through the Clan?”

“Correct. It allowed the investments to have a much higher return. Clan Ferrous might not have the funds it once had, but we have been in Kanto for generations, and we were well respected for a long time. When I started investing, by using the Clan name, I was able to get very nice opportunities. Pfeh. If I had known it would bring this trouble. I would have just done it under your own name.”


“But this way it helps the whole family? I mean. Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever met any other members of the family before. How come I didn't know this Clan stuff?”

“Simple girl. Your father was kicked out of the clan for abandoning it!” Uncle Leopold said with a heated not quite shout. “He abandoned his duty, and so the clan excommunicated him! Mother is the only member that was willing to even talk to him!”

“Oh. Drama Bomb. I guess that explains why everyone is so worked up… The funds were put through Clan channels, so you thought Gram Gram had control of the Flock. You didn’t realize she was just trying to help me.”

“Hah! You might look a little slow, but you are quick on the uptake, Trouble.” Gram Gram teased earning a pout from me. I was super smart, you know! I literally had straight A’s and my teachers thought I was a genius! Adult brain is stronk!

“So if Papa was excommunicated, doesn’t that mean I’m not a member of your Clan?” I asked thinking it through. “Well I guess that means you really really can’t do anything about the Milotic can you?”

“Hehe! No Granddaughter of mine. My good for nothing son certainly can’t.”

“You mean this kid has complete control of the Flock and we can’t do anything?” Elizabeth asks surprised. “But Father!”

“I am aware Elizabeth.” He spoke firmly, although he didn’t snap. “I suppose as always you are enjoying your little game Mother?”

“No. I didn’t have any fun with this, my son. I thought I would, but I most certainly have not.” Gram Gram says finally, quietly. Weak in a way I have never known her.

“Then we should leave. It seems our business here was… A waste of time.”

“Wait!” I called out before they could move. “I don’t know the history of all this. But really. We are family right? Why don’t we all just… try to work together? If the Prism Scale money is helping the rest of the family, even if I never met you before. That’s a good thing.”

“Never. I will never work for Victor. Or his spawn.” Uncle Leopold said simply before turning and offering a bow to Gram Gram. His family stood doing the same, ignoring me completely before walking out, in a little parade of Kimono and hurt feelings.

“Wow. He really has a stick up his as–butt.” I hastily corrected. Usually my near misses made Gram Gram chuckle, but not this time. She patted me on the head.

“Victoria. I want you to know. What your Uncle said, and whatever questions you have. Your Father did nothing wrong. He simply followed his dreams, with my blessing. But it had repercussions. You are my Granddaughter, no matter what the Clan would say.”

I smiled. “I love Papa, and I love you. So I can’t really care that much about a Clan that I didn’t even know existed until a few minutes ago.”

“Heh! Good. Don’t mind it at all. Live your life as you want. Your Father did that, and he is happy. That is all I want from you.”

“Thanks Gram Gram. I think I wouldn’t mind learning a bit more about this whole Clan thing either. Even if I’m not part of it.”

“I’ll be happy to explain it all to you my dear. Now I think we all had a busy afternoon. I know you were coming over to play, but why don’t you head home.” Gram Gram said, sounding tired. But not the physical kind. I knew it well. Nothing hurt worse than family conflict.

“Sure Gram Gram. I love you the mostest.” I tell her as I wiggle into a hug earning a tight squeeze before she lets me go.

I headed back outside. Noticing Uncle's family clambering into his car as I passed. But I just shrugged. Throwing out Arcanine. And ignoring their reactions as I climbed on her and raced home.

If the Pokemon Association thought we weren’t able to keep our Milotic safe, I would just have to grow so strong that any fear was wiped away.

Chapter 6

Chapter Text

With the oddness of meeting my extended family and an awkward conversation with Papa. I pushed any thoughts of that away to focus on what is important.


I felt kind of bad in a way. Most kids my age did have a Pokemon, even if it was just a family pokemon that they were responsible for, to teach them what they would need on their journey, but there was a difference between that, and what I had.

The early trainer license I was given in order to ensure Milotic was registered to me, meant they would be joining me on my journey. It meant I was legally allowed to take them to a Pokemon Center and use all the benefits that entailed, as well as battle them for money, or even start my journey if I wanted.

I didn’t cause Papa said not until I was ten, so I could start at the same time as the rest of the kids my age, but I would have an advantage. I had years to train Milotic. Up until now mostly focusing on his move roster.

Arcanine I had less time with, but she was also a Police Growlithe, so she already had solid training, and the spark that meant she wanted to train every moment of every day.

But other kids wouldn’t have that time. They would head out with their baby starters, and be expected to evolve them as they go, and catch new Pokemon on their journey.

I already had thirteen Pokemon… Even if most were Milotic and weren’t battlers.

But as unfair as it was in some ways, I wasn’t about to let this chance slip me by. The Pokemon world was crazy, and while I wasn’t planning on saving the world or fighting God. Who knows what would happen. So I was gonna cheat.

Well in between tea parties with Chansey below the Berry trees.

With the testing and discovery that the Iron Tail training like Ash did in the anime worked. I was more than willing to copy a few other things. ‘Cough’ Counter Shield ‘cough’ from the cartoon to see if it would work.

But I had another idea as well. It was why I needed Chansey. Chansey were healers. But they also got a lot of support moves. Softboiled was an amazing healing ability on top of Healing pulse. It meant Chansey could restore injuries, and fatigue amazingly well. Hence why they were so popular with Nurse Joy and Pokemon centers.

So they were built to take care of Pokemon. The perfect workout buddy.

More importantly. I had read something back in the old world that had given me the idea.

First things first. Teaching Chansey a new move… Which was slow going. I knew Chansey could learn it. But it wasn’t a natural move like Healing Pulse. It was a move that only came from two ways in the game. Breeding, or Move Tutor. Which were people that could teach moves to Pokemon.

So I knew it was possible… Just not how. Thankfully Pokemon were literally designed to learn moves and fight. And with Chansey willing to put in the work, it only took two months of daily attempts before Chansey figured it out.

Two months. I mean it took less time than teaching Milotic Ice Beam, but I also did have a better understanding of what to say and do to help.

But it was no wonder professions like Move Tutors were a thing. If you already knew what to say to a Pokemon to get them to learn a specific move, especially a useful move, it made sense that trainers would pay you good money to teach their Pokemon.

Saves a lot of time.

“Yes!” I couldn’t hold in my shout as Chansey activated the move. Her little hand flippers showed a purple field that almost seemed to absorb light. The field we were practicing in was just another part of the orchard, it was quiet, and purposefully out of the way.

I didn’t want anyone seeing what I had planned.

At first it didn’t look like anything had changed. You can’t see Gravity after all.

But the way all the grass suddenly arced downwards, how all the noises from insects in the area cut out.

“Chansey!” Chansey called out dancing around a bit at the success.

“Yeah! It’s amazing Chansey! You really did it!” I gushed as I hugged the blob. Earning a full squeeze back as Chansey lifted me off the ground and started dancing. My own giggles matching her own as we danced around the clearing giggling together.

Two months of effort to get this far.

“Okay Chansey! Let's go grab Arcanine and Milotic, I want to show you and them just how important you are to our team!” I inform her as she settles me down with a pat on my head, as I run off to a clearing nearby where Milotic and Arcanine are training.

Today was Speed day. Milotic was working on his movement. Without water, he could still move around in a sort of floating motion, but it was much slower. So today he was doing sprints, trying to get used to moving faster.

Arcanine was in a grid square. Her job was to move back and forth over and over, constantly changing directions to the four cardinals points on the grid. Arcanines greatest strength was her amazing speed. I wanted to make sure she didn’t have just speed, but maneuverability. She had to be able to change her direction on a dime.

“Break time!” I call out pulling both Pokemon from their practice. Arcanine was practically sweating, breathing deep after working hard to improve. Milotic was a bit lazier as long as I wasn’t there, and while he was a little tuckered out, he had been mostly half assing it.

At my call both of them turned and walked up, Arcanine taking a moment to grab some water from the pond river.

“Alright Chansey, can you fix them both up?”

“Chanse!” My pink blob walked up to Arcanine first, and with a Softboiled which created a weird energy egg that slipped into Arcanine restoring her health and stamina. She instantly started shaking to stretch out, sending Arcanine drool across the clearing.


Chansey even took a moment to wipe the drool from her face, much to Arcanines embarrassment. Doggo gonna doggo I guess.

“Here Chansey.” I offer my blob a towel as everyone settles in Chansey giving a healing pulse to Milotic as well once her face was clear of slobber.

“So I want everyone to give Chansey a round of applause today, despite my complete ignorance on how to properly teach it. Chansey has learned the move we spent two months working on!”

“Woof!” Arcanine offered a happy whuff, while Milotic trilled and used his ear fins to clap a little.

Chansey turned more scarlet than pink for a moment as she hid herself behind the hand towel. It was hardly enough to block her from sight.

It was cute though.

I giggled as Arcanine even gave her a lick as a reward which Chansey used her towel to wipe down.

“So! That means our special let’s become legends training begins now!” I call out earning a riveted look from Arcanine, and a bit of a sigh from Milotic.

Milotic was a lazy Eel.

“Okay Arcanine. This first training is easy, because we need to find out how much you can take. First rule of secret training… Don’t overdo it!” I poke Arcanine in the nose, earning a lick as Arcanines tongue came out in response.

Cute! Unable to resist I distracted myself with booping the snoot and getting a tongue to pop out each time.

Favorite hobby found.

But eventually Arcanine huffed at me to get on with it.

“This training is going to be rough, and we have to be very careful not to overdo it, especially at the start. So let me step back here. Chansey. Go ahead.” I comment standing well behind the pink Pokemon.

And a moment later both of my Pokemon gave out a noise as if they were struck. Milotic went from floating to resting in the grass, his normal melodic voice grunting a bit.

Arcanine was staying on her feet but I could tell just how much strength she was using to sustain that.

“Arcanine. Slow walk, get used to the feeling of being heavier! Milotic, Same for you. Don’t just sit there. Try out the muscles, see how it feels!” I grinned as both Pokemon did just that. Slowly starting to move around. “If you feel it is too much, call out instantly! Don’t try to power through! If you injure yourself you set back your training not forward!”

Gravity was an interesting move in Pokemon. It was described, if I recall, as creating an area of “intense” gravity. Was it twice as much? Three? No idea. But it didn’t actually hurt Pokemon, and they could still fight under the effects.

So it should be safe for them. Plus with Chansey, both the creator of the field, and their medic, she would know instantly if a Pokemon was getting overwhelmed. This was step one in my Legendary Pokemon fitness plan. Train in heavy gravity, which as long as this world ran on anime physics which…


So it should. It would leave my Pokemon much stronger and faster than normal. Watching everyone falling into their roles. Chansey, having to refresh the gravity pretty consistently, was also giving her training in using her new move.

So everyone was training. With a sigh I realized I needed to put in some work too. I started jogging around the clearing. I would need to be used to long distance travel so endurance was my keyword.

For the next hour until Chansey needed a break we all sweat.

Chansey and Healpulse, and Soft Boiled meant we weren’t dying after our exercise. Chansey was a good blob!


Training became our go to. When I wasn’t at school Arcanine was whining and whuffing at me to do more training.

Battle junkie!

Yet time passed. School continued on. People reacted in awe to Arcanine and Milotic. We continued taking care of the Milotic flock.

And then Papa’s birthday came up.

I couldn’t hide my excitement as the sun rose on the day, the Fire Stone was hidden in my pocket ready to go as Mama wished Papa a Happy birthday with a birthday breakfast. Papa had the day off, we spent it doing things for him. I cuddled with him as he watched his favorite TV shows. And Mama and Papa sent me over early to Gram Grams to help her ‘prepare’ for Papa showing up.

Which meant they were going to spend some private time together.

But I didn’t mind. I took Growly with me, and his Pokeball for Papa’s gift. Even if Gram Gram hated dogs in the house.

Except Arcanine. She was nice to her.

I grinned. It was perfect. Gram Gram had used me to help her cook dinner, and all the while I was practically bouncing until finally Papa and Mama showed up. Both looked relaxed.


But we all sat down, ignoring Gram Grams pointed remarks about dogs. And simply enjoyed sharing in each other's company.

Then… As Dinner finished Gram Gram passed Papa a little box with a “Happy Birthday son.” Mama gave Papa a box too.

And then I slid my box across the table to the surprise of the others.

“Happy Birthday Papa.” I offer with an ear splitting grin. Oh I was waiting for him to open that.

Of course being Papa he instantly knew I had something planned and opened Gram Grams gift first.

Just to spite me I knew!

I pouted at him, as he threw me a grin before opening the gift. “As always mother… Thank you for the cat themed merchandise.” Papa said dryly pulling out a pair of cufflinks with Meowth paws printed on them.

“Pfeh!” She offered in return, although both were smiling at the common refrain. Then she reached out and grabbed Papa by his cheek and pinched, earning a yelp. “There, a birthday pinch.” Gram Gram offered with a laugh as Papa rubbed his cheek and glared.

Mama bought Papa a very nice new belt to hold his Pokeball and his duty equipment. The fact it had a few Growlithe paw prints on it meant Mama and Gram Gram had been conspiring for sure.

Papa’s chuckle when he noticed it meant he realized that too.

But then finally, he reached for mine. My grin grew so wide, I am sure it must have been disturbing.

“Okay Trouble I’m opening it.” He tells me with a laugh at my eager urging.

And then his smile disappears as he opens the box to see a Fire Stone. Mama’s gasp was loud enough to get Gram Grams full attention as she wandered around the table to see, since Papa was quite frozen.

“When I bought the Firestone for Growlithe. I bought two. So Growly could evolve if Papa wants.” I tell the room causing an intake of breath from the adults.

To them Arcanine was still the ‘Legendary’ Pokemon.

To me it was just a good doggo.

“I don’t know if I can accept this Vicky. You should keep it. Use it on an Eevee or something.” Papa argued trying to push the box towards me.

“Nope.” I answer simply, putting my chin into both hands. “I don’t need it, or want it. If I got an Eevee I would probably use a Leaf stone. Or an Ice Stone. Both are cute.”

“What’s an Ice stone?” Mama asked, but it was surprisingly Gram Gram that answered.

“An evolution stone, you can find them in Alola. It’s highly regulated… The only reason I know about it is because my Grandfather had a friend with an Alolan Sandshrew from a trade, he never did manage to get one. Now how my Granddaughter who I know has never been to Alola before knows that is interesting.” The trailing off at the end told me Gram Gram expected an answer.

“Internet.” I answer with a shrug.

Which was a complete lie. But Gram Gram wasn’t an internet person.

“Pfeh.” She answered but something about her eyes told me she wasn’t done. “Well worthless son of mine, what are you waiting for? Turn your pup into a Dog. At least we will get some use out of it as a guard dog for my Grandaughters Flock of Pokemon.” Gram Gram ordered, earning a snicker from me and jolting Papa out of his staring contest with the jewel.

“I can’t. One Arcanine is already too much. If people see we have two? Vicky will be in danger, people will know she… that we have a way of evolving Growlithe! That would put a target on our back. Her back.” He told Gram Gram who looked at her son and then once more grabbed his cheek in a pinch.

“Silly boy! We have a flock of Milotic! You think we are not already targeted? Boy. You ran away once when duty called I understood then. But are you going to flee from being your daughter's protector? I don’t believe it.” Gram Gram said with a firm tone staring into Papa’s eyes as she nodded.

“Besides, you think no family has ever learned how to evolve, or breed rare, valuable, powerful Pokemon before? This isn’t the first time! The way you survive isn’t to hide what you know. It’s to use the knowledge to protect your family! Evolve your pup so it is strong enough to protect your family! Is this your dog brain at work?” She mocked a little. Easing up the tension that had been rising.

“Mother.” Mama offered gently pulling Papa out of Gram Grams grip. “Perhaps a gentler approach?”

“Pfeh!” Gram Gram as usual had no need for ‘gentle’ “It is a gift from my Grandaughter. Stop being a fool.” She finally added, and Papa sighed, rubbing his face at what he was facing.

“Sorry Papa. I know it’s a big deal, but I figured, we might as well, you know? Plus Growly is a good boy, he deserves to be an Arcanine. Don’t you think?” I say, but honestly I hadn’t expected this much resistance to the idea.

“No Vicky. You didn’t do anything wrong, I just never expected… I became a Growlithe trainer back when I first went on my journey, you know?”

“Yeah Papa told me Growly was his first Pokemon.”

“Pfeh. Should have been a Meowth!” Gram Gram hissed, but Mama actually glared a little and Gram Gram quieted down.

“Well I never was any good as a trainer. I only got three badges. And most of that was luck. Going through the Rock and Water gym back to back… well it burnt me out. I wasn’t very good at raising other Pokemon. I had a Spearow back then too. Well he didn’t much like me. Anyway Trouble. I never… I never expected the chance to have a Legendary Pokemon. Growlithe was good enough for me. I’m almost afraid I wouldn’t be able to train them right.”

“Growly is a good boy Papa! He won’t be any different as an Arcanine! You just give him belly scratches and treats and he will love you like always.” I chirped before finally my Papa sighed.

“Well since every girl in my life is telling me to stop wasting time.” Papa had glanced to Mama who was giving him the, you had better do this look.

Papa grabbed the Fire Stone. “Okay when we get home. I’ll offer it to Growly.” He agreed and Mama let out a breath of relief. Gram Gram was grinning wide.

“Come on out Growly.” I call out releasing Growly from his Pokeball, startling everyone else.

“Bark!” Growly yelled at me as he didn’t like being put into his Pokeball by anyone but Papa.

“Sorry Growly. It was a surprise.” I tell him which earned me a few moments of glaring before the old pup huffed at me and looked around, seeing Papa he simply walked over to sit at his side. As usual Growly was very loyal.

Which made Papa’s wide eyed look at his partner all the more hilarious as Papa went from Growly to the Fire Stone.

“Hey Growly.” He finally said earning his Pokemons full attention. “Do you want to be an Arcanine?” Papa asked hesitantly. But a moment later Growlys tail started wagging.


“Well I guess…” Papa began to offer the Fire Stone, but I reached out pushing that back quick-fast. Practically jumping over the table to stop him.

“Uhh Papa. Maybe outside.” I point out earning a startled look from everyone present before Gram Gram realized.

“Don’t you dare evolve in the house!” She barked an order and that was that. Papa laughed a bit as he got up and headed out into the yard, next to the Koi Pond Papa once more offered Growly the Fire Stone.

And then in a quiet moment Growly looked up at Papa, Gave him a bark, a word passing between two old friends and Growly nudged the Fire Stone with his nose.

And in a moment of blinding light.



Things did get a bit complicated after that. One Arcanine had caused a flurry of news and attention from the Pokemon Association.

Two? Well that had caused an uproar. But I was kinda used to it by now. Sure I had a few times where people casually tried to get me to spill on how it had happened, but I had adult brain. So none of them got more than a mocking laugh.

Thankfully this time Papa was getting most of the attention. Mostly because while my Arcanine was Legendary, Growly, now Arcany was… Well a monster. Growly was Papa’s Partner. They had spent years working together, and while Papa had given up on his gym challenge that was twenty years ago. Papa worked with Growly every day as a police trainer.

Growly had fought other Growlithe every day for years to train them.

So Arcany was a f*cking Monster. Capital M.

When Arcanine had first met Arcany she had very swiftly submitted with a wagging tail.

Because Arcany was almost half again as tall as Arcanine.

He was a BIG boy.

Papa soon grew used to having Arcany instead of Growlithe.

In his own words. “It makes training the more obstinate Growlithe a lot easier.”

Of course having two Arcanine in a house made things a bit more difficult at times. Especially since I couldn’t order Arcany around.

“Arcany, you can’t sleep here.” I grumbled as Arcany passed out in his usual spot, his little Growlithe puppy bed, something he refused to stop using, but the problem was it was in the hallway, the hallway that he now barely fit in.

The hallway that meant he now blocked the entire hallway I had to use to leave my room. And of course if we moved his doggy bed he would just pick it up and put it back in ‘his’ spot.


“Nooo!” I whine as he whuffs at me and then lays back down. “I need the bathrooooom!” I whined at him but his bulk continued to block me, uncaring. What a jerk!

“You are doing this on purpose!” I hiss at him, earning a doggy smile that I caught in the corner of my eye. “Fine! Then I will climb Mount Arcany!” I tell him, and do just that, With a leap I clamber over the bear sized dog to his amusem*nt before sliding down the other side to freedom.

“Jerk face.” I tell him as I pass, giving him a scratch behind his ear like always, and I could hear his tail thump thump thumping against the wall.

So yeah having a massive bear dog in the house made things difficult, at least Arcanine preferred sleeping IN my room, or in her Pokeball if she wanted rather than in the hallway.

It was also a good thing that we had the Prism Scale income, because two Arcanine were enough to eat us out of house and home.

“Morning Papa!” I call out as I enter the kitchen after hitting the bathroom, earning a smile and a plate of food as I sat beside him. “Any more problems with the Pokemon Association?” I asked. They had set up a meeting today with Papa.

“Nothing too troublesome this time, Trouble. They want to do a spread of Arcany in the association magazine, apparently they want to show off that they have two more Arcanine in Kanto.”

“How many is that now?”

“Last I checked? Five? Known? One is wild, the other two are trainer owned, but neither trainer says they know how the evolution happened. Might be they stumbled on a Fire Stone somewhere. Or they know and just don’t want to share.” Papa offered.

“Maybe!” I agree and chow down.


Of course that wasn’t my only Arcany, adventure. Summer was hot, as Kanto homes didn’t tend to have AC, and while I had begged to get one installed with all that delicious Milotic Prism Scale money, Mama had refused.

Apparently she didn’t want to seem weird.

Stupid weird traditions! I grumbled, but it did lead to Mama buying me cool drinks I could chug down by the dozen.

Which is why when I walked out of my room grumpy and sweaty to get something to cool off, I stilled with narrowed eyes as I discovered my path was blocked.

Arcany was splayed out right in front of the fridge. Obviously enjoying its cooler temperature against his back. He was fully on his side, massive orange legs tangled with the kitchen tables and chairs and I just knew he would scatter them around the kitchen when he got up.

“Arcany! Moooove I need my sooooodaaaaa!” I whine as I walk over, grabbing the handle of the fridge only to know it wouldn’t move. Over three hundred pounds of very relaxed Dog was blocking the way. I sat down trying to use a bit of leverage by pushing with my legs against the pup, but I might as well have been trying to push a skyscraper.

Stupid massive fluff dog!

No, that's a lie. The problem was he wasn’t stupid! His tail was gently flapping against the floor and I noticed his eye was open and he had one of his little doggy smirks.

“Oh so it's like that then huh?” I grumbled as his tail only increased its pace. “C’mon Arcany. Just moooove. It’s hoooot!” I whine as I push against his fur. Which only made it all worse, because he was a fire type, and so he was honestly really warm to the touch, it was awful.

My pushing was ineffectual, and my whining was ignored with the grace of an old dog dealing with annoying puppies.

The jerk.

“C’mon don’t be mean, just move!”

And then the jerk revealed his motive. With Mama and Papa out of the house he was without anyone above him, but there was one thing he couldn’t get away with without assistance.

The jerk licked his lips.

“Oh you absolute jerkface. That’s extortion!” But all he did was lick his lips again.

I growled which only made his tail wag harder as I desperately tried to move him myself then, tugging on his paws was pointless his legs alone were probably as heavy as I was. The big fat jerk.

“Ugh! Fine! But I’m telling Papa you are extorting me for treats.” I grumble at him, finally causing him to perk up a little at the T word.

He sat up a bit although still in front of the fridge and opened his mouth as if waiting for my payment.

“You are the worst.” I grumble at him, as I dig through a few cupboards with Puppy locks to keep him out. Not that it would really stop him, but Papa was not okay the last time he had tried to break into something he wasn’t supposed to.

With that I grabbed a Growlithe treat. The bone shaped dog treat was pulled out and waved at him, but he just kept his mouth open as if waiting.

“You jerk face.” I grumble as I walk over and put it in his mouth, and then proving he was the absolute worst, he sat there and ate it slowly still in front of the fridge, despite my orders for him to move, he ate the whole treat like it was expensive ice cream, before he finally rose up a little took a single step away and lay back down.

But at least I could open the fridge. Grabbing one of my sodas I realized I was more sweaty than I had been before.

“I’m going out to the Pond!” I yell at him as I stomp out the house.

When Papa got home I complained to him about Arcanys' crime, only for Papa to laugh until he cried at my description of Arcanys extortion.



I couldn’t help but laugh at Chanseys motions as made pumping motions with her little arms as we stood in the Gravity field.

Chansey had taken a while to get to the point where she could use Gravity and be able to join in the exercise with Arcanine and Milotic…

And a few of the Flock who were interested in growing stronger. I was more than happy to sneak a few of them over to our training area deep on the farm and let them build some muscle.

I was practically dreaming of the day someone decided to try and mess with my babies.

If their Prism scales weren’t quite as perfect? Well that was something I was willing to allow, and not all of them wanted to train so we still got pristine scales as well.

But Chansey was my main focus right now. Watching my Pink blob pump herself up through exercise was absolutely adorable. Whenever she moved it was always with this energy and perkiness.

So cute! We bonded pretty quickly. I don’t know if that was just Chansey, or if it was something I did, but we definitely shared a wavelength. Our shared love of Pokemon, had meant that Chansey had taken up healing lots of wild Pokemon that wandered by. And I fully supported that.

Today though we were moving away from move training. Almost everything I had done up to now was work on Chansey move list. Healing, support, debuff moves like Gravity.

But today we were Gym buddies. Because I was exercising a bit under the Gravity as well. While Chansey was cutely moving her muscles like she was benching weights, I was just walking around. One massively heavy step at a time.

I had a towel around my neck but it felt like I was carrying a Growlithe around my shoulders. But I kept moving. Slowly letting the weight work my muscles.

If I was on earth I would never have done this, but this was not earth. Pokemon often attacked humans only to lead to minor injuries.

A HyperBeam hitting a human on Earth wouldn’t leave more than a smear. Here it just knocked you through a wall and left you with a bad week in a hospital.

Well for most people anyways. Aura was a thing, and humans can use it. Although I wasn’t really working towards that. The amount of people that had knowledge of Aura was… Zero? Just about zero in my experience. But I was fairly confident that the durability of humans in this world meant I would be able to handle some light training.

Chansey being right there with me helped me feel one hundred percent confident. Chansey healing was magic.


So we worked out, sweating together as we worked on our physical fitness. Chansey moving on to using the small array of moves she had, Pound, Double Slap, and of course Iron Tail.

Tying rocks to Chansey’s little tail had been hilarious.

I started feeling my muscles really protest the abuse so I moved out of the field letting out a sigh when I finally escaped.

Whew. I was sweating and exhausted just from a short stint inside.

I had no idea how Arcanine handled it. My girl literally never wanted to leave the high gravity. The fact she had seen pretty hefty improvements to her physicality over the last few weeks of practice had turned her into a Gravity junky.

I might have to start calling her Vegeta or something.

I wonder if a normal Arcanine can go shiny? I shook the stupid idea out of my head. Seriously too much anime up there. “How you doing, Chansey?”

“Chanse-EEE!” She called out, continuing to pump up and down. Her tail shining with Steel energy as she spun her little tail around. I had only really taught it to her for one reason. Which was going to be one of our secret moves… Although I hadn’t had a chance to test it yet.

But Gym Bunny Chansey? Had I unleashed a monster? I giggled at the thought. I guess it was still a good thing that Chansey hadn’t gotten much out of battling when we had done some practice matches. She hadn’t really wanted to hurt anyone, although she had done the battles to the best of her ability, in the end it had been obvious she preferred to just help out rather than take part.

Well, I was still planning on having her used in matches, but just as a setup, or debuff Pokemon.

Although I suspected I would have to rely on her battling prowess at some point in the future. Hopefully it wouldn’t hurt her feelings too much to fight.

I turned to look at the rest of my team. Milotic was slacking again. The Eel was supposed to be working on his movement again. Since he was the slowest of my team on land, including Chansey. Although I suspected 90% of his speed was just laziness. I had seen him move pretty quick to come snuggle or to get a treat.

Lazy fish.

Regardless it was nice to see my team strengthening themselves.

I could feel a tooth filled smile stretching across my face at the idea of what was going to happen once we started our Journey. We were going to wreck the Gym circuit! I was giggly when Chansey finally took a break settling next to me as I passed her a bottle of water while she cooled off.

Unfortunately Chansey was able to train for the least amount of time. Using Gravity when she was already exhausted wasn’t easy.

But she was getting better at it. Her Gravity use had, at least in my opinion, been getting stronger as well. Which made sense. She was constantly using the move. Over and over for hours at a time only broken up by breaks to hydrate.

It made me wonder if creating a submission fighter was possible.

Chansey didn’t like hurting Pokemon after all, maybe just utterly pinning them would count for a knock out?

I would actually have to check into that.

Of course my little break with Chansey was broken up by a massive crash followed by a yelp. I gasped that flash of fire had been huge!

“Arcanine!” I cried out as I instantly started running, bulldozing through the Gravity without a care.

My dog was hurt!

I grit my teeth as I stomped into the field past the trees to see what had happened. Wincing as not only was Arcanine on her side, but a tree wasn’t standing anymore.

“Arcanine! Milotic!?” I cried out as well and a moment later my noodle was at my side rushing towards Arcanine to look her over as I stumbled after. Chansey was already ahead of me as well. Doing her little shimmy jog as she rushed towards the downed Pokemon.

I stilled when I finally made it to her before sighing in relief.

She was definitely knocked out, with a big bump on her head, but she would be fine. “What happened?” I ground out not feeling super great under the gravity.

“Chanse? Chansey chanse… Chansey.”

“I didn’t catch most of that. Sorry.” I offer, actually sad. I always felt like I messed up when my team tried to communicate with me and failed.

A moment later Chansey reached up and put her hands up near her mouth and growled looking like.. Oh my god she was doing Arcanine charades!

I almost died laughed.

Mostly cause I fell to the floor and that actually was pretty dangerous in high Gravity. But after wheezing a bit from knocking the breath out of myself. I followed Chansey’s charades as she made an Arcanine face and then slammed her face into where the tree had been…

“That idiot.” I couldn’t help but growl earning a startled laugh from Chansey as I turned to my dog.

I knew exactly what she had done now. With my heart no longer pounding a heavy metal song in my chest. I could think.

My girl had tried to train Flare Blitz. A move I had ordered her not to play with.

Flare Blitz was Arcanines most damaging move. It was also a signature move they learned upon evolution.

But it was a recoil attack. It was a wild attack uncaring that it would reflect damage back. The harder the hit, the more the damage.

It was big, flashy and powerful. Arcanine had been wanting to use it ever since she evolved.

But it was the exact kind of move I hated the most. Hurting yourself to hurt others. Nope.

Not a f*ckin’ chance in hell.

I had put a firm ban on that move. Of course my hard headed pup had wanted to practice it. A battle maniac like her wouldn’t mind taking damage to hit even harder.

I gasped then sighed as the Gravity returned to normal letting my aching muscles relax as all of us gathered around Chansey healing up Arcanine.

“Should I take her to the Pokemon Center?” I asked Chansey before my Pinkette gave a shake of her head then to my utter delight she threw a flipper towards me.

She was definitely trying to give me a thumbs up, probably trying to be reassuring.

But she had no fingers!

I burst into giggles, which I only realized after was probably her intention as Arcanine finally stirred twitching as she came to.

Looking around, before noticing me close by and my very very unhappy look.


Her whine and drooping ears didn’t move me at all.

Chapter 7

Chapter Text

“Class, I want to introduce a new student today! This is Zelos Bia. She joins us from distant Unova! Let’s all be kind to her!”

I glanced up from my personal notebook, my absolute irritation with incorrect Pokedexs available made me start writing one for myself. Going through all the weird evolutions I could remember. But the call made me look up to take in our new classmate. She looked like… An American? I laughed, that's right Unova was basically Pokemon America.

She had long blonde hair, longer than mine, and where mine was more golden, hers was a straw color almost white. She was tall, taller than most of the girls in the class including me. She wore a casual outfit that made me think rich girl. Every piece of clothing she wore, from her blouse that covered an undershirt looked expensive. Bangles on her wrists. And a skirt over workout pants showing she was definitely athletic.

She also had a Pokeball belt on her hip with a few balls on it.

Neat. She might have some cool Unova Pokemon… I never played Black and White… So I have no idea. Unless the Pokemon were in other versions anyways.

“Ms. Bia, go ahead and take a seat there. We are going over some Kanto history today, so I won’t make you take the test, but it might be fun to learn more about the region.” Mrs. Hikaru informs the girl earning a nod as the class begins.

Of course before class was over, she was surrounded by the other kids. Asking her questions and wanting to know what her favorite Pokemon were, then of course Kiba stepped up.

“Hey back off!” Kiba demanded as the others made room for him. Not because they were afraid but because Kiba was pushing them away. “New girl! I’m Kiba! You got Pokemon, so let’s battle and see what you are made of!” Kiba demanded while holding Poochyena's ball.

“Oh? Fine. I wouldn’t mind a workout.” Zelos said as she stood up, her hand shifting across her three Pokeballs on her waist.

“Kiba don’t get the new girl in trouble on the first day!” I called out, but Kiba scoffed and the new girl didn’t seem to care about getting in trouble. The class wandered out. And I sighed. Dammit, Ms. Kurosawa had the next class. She was going to murder everyone for not being ready for class.

I stood up, sighing. I did want to see the Pokemon Battle, plus with Chansey I was sorta the go to medic for the kids. After all, most of them didn’t have a trainers license and would get in trouble if their Pokemon were hurt.

Besides, watching Kiba get his face kicked in, or actually win would be fun. Despite being far behind I knew where to go. The place the kids would go to battle was out beside the Pokemon fields. Far enough away the teachers wouldn’t see from the building.

As I walked through the crowd I saw that Kiba and new girl were already facing off.

“Go Poochyena!” Kiba called out, his only Pokemon quite to howl a challenge as it landed.

“Oh, a dark type, and a dog? Very well! Herdier!” She calls out and I whistle as a Pokemon I hadn’t seen in this life popped up. Herdier was a second evolution, a normal type dog. It was basically a Yorkshire terrier from my last life, but this one was a Pokemon.

“Alright! Poochyena! Go for a Bite!”

“Herdy! Play ROUGH!” She calls out laughter and a moment later we understood why, because while Poochyena ran in to bite, Herdier was simply faster. Her pokemon was well trained, I noticed. Quick on its feet and it even set up so that if the Bite did hit, it would strike Herdiers tough fur.

But then Herdiers attack struck Poochyena first. And the Fairy type move battered the poor pup into the earth, a loud yelp coming from poor Poochyena. And that was it. A single Super effective move took out Poochyena.

“Heh. I thought you Kantonians were supposed to be good battlers?” Zelos mocked, co*cking her hip as she looked over the group. “Anyone else want to go?”

“Go Chansey!” I call out and instantly get the eyes of the new girl. Her glare at me was ignored as Chansey instantly went over to Poochyena where Kiba was holding his Pup. Poor boy was looking pretty worried.

But Chansey took care of that. A soft boiled and a few moments patting poor Poochyena with a Healing pulse and he was back on his feet and licking Chansey in thanks.

“Alright Chansey come on back.” I call out, but I don’t return her, instead having her happily trot over to give me a hug. If there were going to be more battles, which was likely she might as well stay out to heal.

“Huh? Not going to fight then? Just a Nurse Joy wannabee?” Zelos mocked but I simply shrugged. Kids playing strongest on the playground was pretty tiresome.

“I’m just here to make sure no one gets hurt.” I tell her with a shrug. It would be super messed up to beat the new girl while she was figuring out her place in a new region. She was just following jail yard rules. She got challenged and beat Kiba down without effort. So now everyone would give her a bit of respect.

I could understand that. She was obviously nervous. I could tell from the way she was standing, arms shaking a little as she had challenged everyone.

“Aww. Vicky. C’mon I want to see Milly today.”

“That is not his name. He is a boy.” I tell Ivy who huffed at me.

“Well any of you others want to go! Herdier is only my first Pokemon!” Zelos called out, earning a little bit of ire from the kids. A challenge? Well some of them couldn’t refuse. I smiled as I watched a few more battles take place. Some as short as Kiba’s type advantage, or simply being more powerful As Herdier fought Rattata caught in secret. Or a Pidgey.

Chansey went out after every fight to heal up. And even Zelos thanked her when she healed up Herdier after a nasty clash between him and a Weedle that got through a Poison Sting.

Well if she can thank Chansey she was a good girl so I was happy to watch.

But unfortunately I had a very aggressive dog on my hip. And the more Herdier won, the more he started barking, and howling. In Pokemon he was basically calling out that he was the strongest here.

I could feel Arcanines Pokeball shaking as she wanted to come out.

And I was doing my best to quiet her. I know she wanted to fight, but c’mon. Fighting a Pokemon like Herdier after it had already gone through a bunch of battles was bullying.

“Calm down.” I whisper to her Pokeball as I pull it off my waist. “Let’s give Zelos some time to settle into class, and let her Herdier get some rest, if you want to fight, you want to do it while he is fully rested right?” I whisper and after a few more shakes of the ball Arcanine settles down.

To my relief.

Arcanine had been growing really strong thanks to our consistent training. I really didn’t want to see her fight someone unless they were a full trainer.

“Alright, looks like my Herdier is the strongest Pokemon here!” Zelos called out, earning a few grumpy looks which then turned to me. And a moment later I realized everyone was looking at me. Even Zelos who was following everyone else's eyes.

“Don’t give me that look!” I demand pointing. “I’m not battling someone on their first day!” I tell them earning a few groans and a frown from Zelos.

“What. Scared to fight me?” She demanded and I simply blinked.

“No. It’s just you did such a great job showing how cool your Pokemon is, but he is getting tired you know? We will definitely battle some other day… Also Mrs. Kurosawa is going to kill us soon unless we get back to class.” I called out much louder earning looks of horror from the kids around me as the group began dispersing as some ran back to class, and others sauntered back.

“Hmph! Don’t think my Herdier is tired just from that! He can definitely fight anything you throw out.”

“Maybe!” I offer with a smile as I hop off the fence I had eventually gravitated to, returned Chansey and started walking. “But you really should hurry if you don’t want to get in trouble! We are already way late for our break.”

“R-right!” Zelos called as she broke into a light jog… Which passed me in the dust cause her legs were really long.

D-dangit! I broke into a run to catch up. I didn’t want to be the last one back!


Thankfully Mrs. Kurosawa didn’t kill us… She just gave us the max difficulty chore on the fields as we were forced to take care of Tauros while he was told to basically attack us. ‘Wild Pokemon training.’

He wouldn’t actually hurt us, but it was supposed to represent a wild Pokemon getting angry and how we should handle it.

So there was a lot of mud. And being ‘seismic tossed’ by Tauros as he happily dumped us all into the mud. Other than a few bruises no one was hurt.

“H-hey Vicky. Do you have any Sitrus berries?” Ivy asked as she panted in the mud beside me. I had long since given up and was simply laying there.

“Nope. We were supposed to deal with the Mareep today. So I didn’t bring any Sitrus berries, and Tauros hates most others. Unless you want him really angry with you for giving him a berry he hates…”

“No thanks.” Ivy whispered in horror as another child got flung into the mud beside us.

Pokemon World had no chill.

People really were just tougher. It wasn’t quite to the point I would consider it super strength, although I had met some martial artist types that were ridiculously strong compared to a ‘normal’ person.

But it also meant that kids were treated a lot more hands off here. So wild Tauros wrestling.

Well Kiba tried wrestling Tauraos and got a one way trip back into the same pond I had kicked him into so long ago.

“Really?” Zelos questioned looking down at us in disgust at how muddy we were. “Come on out Herdier!” she called out instead of doing what she was supposed to.

“Hey don’t do that! This is a no Pokemon zone.” I called out, but was ignored.

I grinned, turning to look Ivy in the face who was grinning as well. We both turned to watch as Zelos tried to guide Herdier into… Well herding Tauros.

Then Zelos learned why we don’t bring in Pokemon to help with this. For one Tauros turned at the barking dog. Immediately threw an absolute sh*t fit. And then Zelos learned that Tauros was actually part of Mrs. Kurosawa's former Indigo League ready team.

Mrs. Kurosawa had actually done really well in the League although she hadn’t won, or gotten an Elite Four battle.

But that doesn’t make Tauros not a monster of a Pokemon. Herdier yelped as he was tossed into the air. Literally disappearing from sight as he was launched.

Tauros used Strength. It was super effective.

“H-herdier!?” Zelos cried, but a moment later she squawked as she was lifted and tossed into the mud right beside Ivy and I.

A few seconds after her splash down Herdier howled as he splashed into the pond beside Kiba.

“Sorry. I tried to warn you. Tauros isn’t just a farm Pokemon. Mrs. Kurosawa fought in the Indigo League during her journey and Tauros was one of her mains.” I inform the muddy blonde laying still beside me.

She slowly sat up, staring at her clothes that were now coated in mud and I could see her throat swallow a bit as she swallowed down the obvious tears growing in her eyes. “I hate this place.” She whispered as she sat up returned Herdier who was spraying Kiba as it tried to dry off and started walking off.

“H-hey!” I called out rushing up. Uh-oh. Red alert. Little girl crying! “Wait up Zelos. It’s okay! We are pretty used to getting muddy like this so we have it all worked out, C’mon lets get you cleaned up okay?” I say with a smile as I offer my hand.


Zelos Bia

Zel had never wanted to come to Kanto. It was a backwater. Not like Unova and the big cities that she had grown up in. She had been happy. Her Pokemon she had captured before her journey would mean smooth sailing through it, and with her good looks and money, she would be a hit on the battle circuit.

But then Daddy got a transfer to Kanto. She had begged him not to travel all the way to Kanto, but it was too late. An Ambassador travels where he is needed.

She hated it. She argued, pleaded, but in the end she got on the plane. At least she was allowed to take her team, and she even had an allowance to capture many of the Pokemon in Kanto. Not that she really wanted too. They were weird. Different from the Pokemon in Unova.

It was just one year. She only had to stay for one year! Once her first Journey was finished, she could just travel to Unova using the money she earned.

But then again Mom had ruined her life. She had admitted Zel to a weird hick school. Instead of the one that all the rich people would go to. It was public school!

So now Zel was on the other side of the world dealing with hicks in a farm field, and all of her friends are not only on the other side of the planet, but thanks to the time zone difference, they were all asleep during most of her day!

She hated it!

And now her favorite clothes, her special outfit she had picked out to wow the other kids, was covered in mud.

“-It’s okay! We are pretty used to getting muddy like this so we have it all worked out, C’mon lets get you cleaned up okay?” The other blonde asked. Zelos frowned as she looked the other girl over. Ratty jeans that looked like they were often covered in mud. A flannel shirt that was over another t-shirt, and her hair up in a ponytail tied back with a tiny hair tie. And big clunky boots that weren’t cute at all.

No style. No flash. Zelos would have made fun of her back home. No taste for fashion, she looked like a farmer. But right now Zelos was covered in mud. And if this trash heap of a girl could get her cleaned up before she burst into tears she would take it.


“Great! C’mon. Ivy you too!” She calls out turning behind her to see the green haired girl sit up and wipe some of the mud off her body to join them.

Tauros raging around to the sound of children fighting it was their backdrop as they headed over towards the pond.

“I am not getting in that.” She demanded simply, and the other blonde laughed.

“Don’t worry we only shove Kiba in there. No, I just don’t want to make another pond. Tauros would be grumpy, and Mrs. Kurosawa would make us fix it.” The blonde offered with an easy laugh as they finally reached the other side of the pond.

“H-hey Vicky! A little help?” The gray haired boy called as he slogged over his shoes squelching on the grass.

“Sure Kiba. Get close.” The Blonde. Vicky, Zel supposed was her name, offered with a smile as she reached onto her belt and pulled a Pokeball off it. “Okay let’s get cleaned up!” She called out and suddenly Zel gasped, because what materialized around them was a Milotic!

“Miiiii!” Milotic cried out as it came into being, before arching down and to Zels surprise. Vicky reached up and hugged her Pokemon. Mud and all. Milotic seemed not to care as it trilled happily at the attention.

“Okay Milotic we are powerwashing today!” Vicky called out, and Zel had just a moment to wonder what she meant before Milotic suddenly used Water Pulse.

On them.

Zel's scream had just a moment to eek out before she was surrounded by swirling water completely around her. The water suddenly spun around quickly, like she was in a washing machine. For a few seconds everything was a blur as the water spun around them.

And then it was over. And she was gasping for air. The other three kids were giggling as they wiped hair out of their eyes and smiled at each other.

“What was that for!” Zel yelled as she turned on the blonde. Sure she now wasn’t covered in mud, but everything she was wearing was soaked!

“Ah sorry. I jumped the gun!” The blonde offered seriously. “Sorry about that. I should have warned you, I’m so used to everyone knowing about the Powerwash special.” She offered and Zel noticed she did actually seem contrite. Although with that Zel was having trouble taking her eyes off the Milotic.

“Well now I’m soaked. And these clothes are probably ruined!” She hissed but Vicky simply waved her hands in denial.

“No way no way! Milotic was just step one, now we dry off. It’s okay. We do this all the time.” She says hurriedly, and then grabs a second Pokeball.

And Zel feels her throat close up as something massive appeared beside her. Not just massive but truly legendary.

An Arcanine. She had never seen one in person, only once or twice on TV when they rarely appeared in League battles.

But this one was right there. Close enough to touch!

“Bark!” It called out and the noise startled her causing her to flinch even as it started licking the girl beside her…

“N-No! Arcanine! Staaaahp!” Vicky called out giggling as her Pokemon. Her Arcanine! Showed its affection.

This was impossible. Vicky was a weird farm girl! Why does she have a Milotic! Why does she have an Arcanine! This is impossible!

“Down girl down! We need a blow dry express. You ready for it?” Vicky spoke as she struggled to keep the massive dog from her face.

Finally it stopped. “Whuff.” It offered with a big doggy grin and then it turned and started running.

And oh my god was it moving fast! Zel jumped back until she was back to back with the other girls because the Arcanine was starting to blur around them!

“Sunny Day first! Extreme speed! Now Fire Spin!” Vicky called out, and as the sun overhead suddenly brightened drastically Zel yelped as the fire burst around them, hotter and hotter. Until it was like she was in an oven. She could feel the water drying off her clothes as the heat hit her. This was crazy!

She figured it out. The Extreme speed! The Arcanine was literally pushing the Fire spin to be even stronger by creating wind that the fire was absorbing. And all the while it was running through it! Completely unbothered!

She had challenged this girl to a battle earlier! What was her Herdier supposed to do against an Arcanine!?

Finally the heat stopped and it left her breathless as the rest of the kids were happily patting themselves down checking for damp spots as the Arcanine slowed coming to a stop in front of the other blonde with its tongue happily hanging out of its mouth.

“Good girl! Who is a good girl! You are!” Vicky suddenly called out as she tackled the head of her Arcanine in a massive hug giggling as she was lifted bodily off the floor by the Pokemon. Who seemed to wiggle in happiness. It’s tail thumping the dirt ground.

Zel stared in shock at Vicky. The blonde was a farm girl. A nothing! How can she have two incredibly rare pokemon! Even in Unova Milotic were top tier rare Pokemon!

And an Arcanine? Forget about it. There were a few packs of Growlithe around the area in Unova, but none had an Arcanine.

“How do you have an Arcanine!?” She demanded her voice breaking a bit at the very idea. That was a Legendary pokemon!

“Oh? I raised her as a Growlithe! You should see Arcany though! He is huge compared to Arcanine.”

The dog gave a grumbling growl at that which earned Vicky's full attention. “Aww I love you mostest, even more than Arcany!” She tells her Pokemon earning a return to the thumping tail

“That doesn’t explain anything!” Zel almost screams but Ivy the mousy girl walks over and shakes her head.

“It’s a family secret. We take those pretty seriously here in Kanto, it’s considered super rude to ask about stuff like that. Same with Vicky’s flock of Milotic.”

“FLOCK!?” She gasped, causing the green haired girl to blink before giggling.

“Yeah Vicky has eleven Milotic at my last count. Vicky! Did you get any more Milotic?”

“Nope!” She calls out with an impish grin that Zel couldn’t decipher but Ivy seemed to.

“That’s crazy.” Zel whispered and Ivy shrugged.

“That’s Victoria Ferrous.”

Zel had no answer to that. But how!? How could someone so dorky have such amazing Pokemon! She couldn’t accept this!


After school I was attacked.

“Battle me!” Zelos demanded before I could walk out of the schoolroom. My point towards my face was seemingly taken as an insult because she turned red.

“Yes you! I want to fight your legendary Pokemon!”

I opened my mouth to retort, before shutting it. “Okay.” I agreed. She knew what she was getting into. And I had Chansey in case anyone got hurt.

With that, despite school being over, and half the class having rushed towards the exit. Everyone stopped.

The whispers that followed even caused other classes to start running after us as we left the school building towards the battle field.

“I’ll start with Arcanine.” I tell her, as I pull her ball from my hip she did the same once we were facing each other.

“GO!” I called out and Arcanine appeared with a roar as she was practically buzzing at the chance for a battle.

And a moment later Something I hadn’t been expecting popped out.

“Fraxure!” I couldn’t help but gasp. It was a Dragon Pokemon! So cute! I could practically feel the stars in my eyes as I looked at such a cutie.

“Pay attention!” Zelos demanded and then I remembered to focus.

“Fraxure! Dual CHOP!”

“Extreme Dodge!” I called out, and as Fraxure burst into motion for an attack Arcanine simply disappeared a burst of dust all she left behind as she moved.


“Tch Fraxure, Dragon dance! If she wants to play around!”

Both Pokemon began powering themselves up. I grinned. How fun! None of the other kids tended to use their status buffs except Kiba since I had literally beat it into his head.

“Flamethrower!” I called out, and in a moment Arcanine was shooting a line of ultra hot flame towards the dragon.

“Dodge it with dig!” Zelos called out and I gasped in happiness as the little dragon burrowed into the ground dodging Arcanines charge.

“Arcanine. Agility! Keep moving! The attack will come!”

“Fraxure! You know what to do!” Zelos called and I grinned at that. How smart! Training your Pokemon into a move without actually saying what it was!

Nothing happened for a few moments Arcanine kept herself in a jog circling the battle but leaping, or changing course from time to time, but nothing. Only as the time started stretching did Zelos call out.

“Dragon pulse!”

And from a hole that suddenly appeared in the ground A blast of draconic energy burst out.

“Dodge it!” I called and Arcanine managed, The angle of the hole meaning it was pretty easy to move out of its field of view.

“Keep it up!” Zelos called and then a few moments later a new hole appeared and a new pulse.

My mind raced. What was happening, that was so fast it was almost like. “Fraxure! It dug multiple escape holes and is attacking you from them in surprise! Arcanine. Flamethrower down any hole you see!” I called and My dog did just that, Roaring in anger at being attacked from below it started shooting fire down the holes collapsing them each time.

The two methods slowly wore on, but Zelos cracked first. “It’s not working Fraxure! Hit them with a Dual chop!”

“Arcanine! Jump!” I called out and my Dog did just that, leaping into the air and just barely dodging the Fraxure coming up from directly below her, its tusk blades glowing.


“Dragon Pulse!”

We both shouted together and the attacks collided, but it was obvious in an instant one was overpowering the other. And it wasn’t the Dragon.

Fraxure cried out as the flamethrower blasted it back down into the ground.

And then Arcanine was back on the ground having landed and was moving again. Fraxure grumbled out a roar as it clambered out of the ground, but I could tell it was done.

I waited, not giving any orders as Zelos kept glaring at the field. I hoped I wouldn’t have to tell Zelos to recall their Pokemon. It was pretty messy when dealing with kids. Half the time they would freak out.

“Fraxure! That’s enough. We will train harder and get them next time!” She called out and returned her dragon. To my relief. I didn’t have the heart to order an actual physical attack out of Arcanine. Her flames were strong, sure. We trained them hard, but her physical attacks were godly thanks to the Gravity training.

“Hey let’s call it here okay? Any more and the teachers are going to come out.” I call out, earning another glare from the girl, but slowly she nodded. I smiled as I walked up and gave her a big hug to her immediate shock.

“Wha-let me go!”

“No way! That was amazing! Your Fraxure is so cool! I love Dragon types! Did you capture it as an Axew? It was really well trained!” I tell her as I finally put her back on her feet. Even if she was taller, I was definitely stronger.

“Of course! I met Axew when I was little and successfully caught him. He is my partner.” She answered hautilly.

“That’s so cool! We don’t have many Dragon Types here in Kanto. You are so lucky to run into one.”

“It’s nothing compared to an Arcanine.” She muttered but I grinned.

“So? It’s still cool!” I smile as I pull out Chanseys ball. “Want to heal Fraxure? Come on out Chansey!” I call and my pink blob of love comes jumping out looking around for her target.

“Fine.” Zelos grumbled after a moment releasing her Fraxure who was still scuffed and beaten up, but Chansey quickly took to her task ignoring the dragons grumbles as she smothered him in healing. He still looked tired after, but at least he didn’t have any more scrapes.

“Great job Chansey!” I tell her as she in turn buries me in a hug that has me giggling in delight.

“You're weird.” Zelos suddenly says as I peek curiously over Chanseys shoulder.

“Am I?” I can’t help but ask, causing Zelos to roll her eyes.

“Of course you are! You have super rare pokemon, but you're not even a trainer, and you act like! Like a total dork!” She says.

“Well yeah?” I chirped, confused why this was such a big deal? Being a Dork is like 10/10 fun. Being serious all the time makes everything boring.

“Ugh. I can’t believe you are the strongest Trainer in this school. Don’t think this is over, dork. I’ll train and beat your Pokemon, Legends or not!” And with that Zelos flipped her hair over her shoulder and started walking away. Fraxure hurrying after.


“Vicky! You shouldn’t let her talk to you like that.” Ivy said looking grumpy. “That was really mean!”

“What? Was it?” I asked, thinking about it. Adult brain had difficulties treating insults from pre-teens as serious. “I mean I am a dork though?”

“Ugh, You're impossible!”


“Okay! Chansey, Gravity!”

“Chanse!” And the field we were training in shifted. Nothing dramatic, it wasn't an anime. The color palette didn’t change, and no fuzz appeared, but like before the grass seemed to suddenly press down like something massive was pushing it all down.

“Okay! Practice time! Arcanine, Extreme Speed! Milotic, strength! I want your physical attacks to shock other Pokemon! Work on Aqua tail! Go!” I call out and both Pokemon step into the gravity field, or float in Milotics case, and then they go at it. Arcanine was furious about making herself so fast that no one could ever touch her. There was a reason that Extreme dodge had been our go to opening move against Fraxure.

Milotic though was still having trouble moving fast on land, his normal floatiness didn’t work so he was using muscle power, so instead I had him working on physical attacks. Aqua tail was his strongest since it was a Water STAB attack.

When activated there was a blue light on the Pokemons tail, but it also created a whirlpool effect that increased the damage. So it was also kinda beautiful, but it was important. Milotics Tail was his main form of physical attack after all.

I wanted Milotic to train this move until he could do it in his sleep.

“Good job Arcanine! That agility is looking great! Milotic! Make sure the Aqua tail is perfect! Don’t just spam them out. Try to make them as good as you can! I know the gravity makes it hard! Great job Chansey! Those toe touches are looking great!”

“Trouble what are you doing?” I eeped and leapt off of my feet before turning to see Papa looking over my Pokemon with a certain look in his eye.

“Nooo! This is secret training! I told you!” I whine as I run up and try to push him out of the clearing behind the house. “You can’t see, it’s a secret!”

“Hey now, I already figured it out. Gravity. Your Chansey can use gravity and is making your other pokemon train in high gravity… It’s brilliant.” He admitted almost breathless but I refused to be flattered! It wasn’t my idea anyways!

“Idea thief!” I proclaim as I continue to try and push him. Papa is immune to push! Vicky takes backlash! I grunt as my pushing failed to do anything as Papa lifted me up making me glare and grumble as he tucks me under his arm, my arms and legs hanging as he walks up to Chansey.

“I’ve been wondering what you have been doing with Arcanine. Her fitness has been insane, but look at this no wonder. She is doing dodging practice under Gravity. Wow. I actually fought a Clefairy that used Gravity against my Spearow once. It completely crushed my team. We could barely stand in it. Look at Arcanine go.”

I grumbled watching sideways as Arcanine continued her practice. As dedicated as always she ignored any outside interference as long as it wasn’t an order to stop. Single mindedly she raced back and forth in the big square we had burned into the grass training multi dimensional dodging within the square.

“You are making sure she is being fed enough? I can’t imagine the calories she is burning.”

“Of course! Nurse Joy and I went through it! Chansey keeps a close eye on Caloric intake, and we take break days in between to ensure full rest. Well mostly. She still wants to train so I have her work on her flame attacks every other day…. Eventually I’m going to have her start integrating flame attacks into her dodge practice. Can’t hit her if she is always moving, and spraying fire everywhere.” I inform him, earning a whistle.

“Good job kiddo.” He finally said after a few more minutes causing my face to flush.

“Y-You! Praising me won’t make me forgive you for acting like a ninja! Sneaking into my special training!”

All I got was a chuckle from Papa as he patted my head finally putting me down. “I’m going to get Arcany. I want him to see this… And get some exercise.

“... Fine. I do love Arcany.” I begrudgingly accept earning another chuckle as Papa pats my head.

Stupid Papa! I wanted to have his first realization of how strong my pokemon were when I won the Indigo league!

“Break! Chansey rest up. Arcanine! Get a drink and walk slowly! Stretch out! Milotic you too! No falling asleep, work your tail slowly, let the muscles stretch out! You lazy eel!”


School from then on ended with Zelos challenging me to a battle. Funnily enough she was pretty popular in class, pretty and smart, and she quickly had a clique of other girls following her around, and yet despite being the Alpha girl in class. Whenever anyone needed Pokemon help, they came to me.

Rattata attacking people in the outside bathroom?

Arcanine had a roar to talk to them with.

Spearow causing trouble with lunch? Chansey happily used gravity. Had a forceful ‘conversation’ with the bird pokemon, and then healed them and sent them on their way.

Goldeen spitting water at people near the river? Milotic would Aquatail the fish right out of the water and onto dry land as a reminder. I would put them back in the water after of course.

Which sorta pissed Zelos off. She seemed to take it personally that she wasn’t the strongest Pokemon trainer in school. Apparently it was an Unova thing? I don’t know, I just grinned and happily battled her every day. She was getting better, but the difference between any of her three Pokemon and my two monster battlers was too much.

Her third Pokemon was actually a Snivy. Because she was already 10, and was just waiting on the traditional start time for the journey in Unova before she moved here. They gave her one as a starter for her Journey here in Kanto. It was cute. But not really ready for battle, and so I haven’t actually fought it yet.

That and it had weakness to both fire and ice. So it wouldn’t last long in a fight with my Fire dog, and Ice shooting eel.

“Thank you Chansey!” I chirp as my blob healed Herdier, earning a whuff of thanks from the dog as well.

Zelos though was not smiling. Another battle, and another loss. Herdier was strong, like really strong, but he wasn’t able to match Arcanines speed and power, or Milotics crazy defenses.

“How have I still not managed to KO even one of your Pokemon! You let me fight just your Milotic with both of my battlers and they couldn’t even tire him out! This is!”

“I train really hard you know?” I answer before Zelos could blow up any more. “Like really hard. We even went to the Pokemon center and Nurse Joy helped me put together a dietary and fitness build for my Pokemon. I mean. Arcanine is a fitness nut. Literally I have to put her in her Pokeball when I come to school or she breaks in to make me train her more… Milotic is a lazy guy though.”

“Fine! I’ll go train more too!” She yelled, grabbing Herdier and hefting him in her arms. “Don’t think you will be on the top forever! Once Herdier evolves he will definitely match up to your Arcanine!”

“Herdier is pretty great!” I offer with a grin. That fight would be great, a heavy defense Pokemon like Stoutland would be a great training partner for Arcanine!

“Ugh!” Zelos growls out as she stalks off.

“What did I say?” I called out, but no response came forth. She was simply upset about something.


“Don’t know Milotic. Maybe she is just upset she lost again? Kids have trouble with losing too much. But I can’t really give her a win, she would know and that would be worse.”


“Yeah it’s troublesome.”


“What’s going on?” I asked as I looked out towards the Milotic field. I had woken up this morning to the noise of trucks. Which had instantly sent me scurrying to get ready to outside. If someone was bothering my Pokemon again!

“Easy Trouble. We were contacted by a Pokemon Professor, since Milotic haven’t really been native to Kanto he wanted to gather data for the Pokedex. Remember the Pokemon Association wanted to list Milotic as Nationally registered Pokemon?”


“Well they are here to gather some data for it. Next Pokedex release will have Milotic as listed within Kanto… although that might be another year? Honey when is the next Pokedex release scheduled?”

“It’s every four years!”

“Right… When is the next one?” Papa called out and Mama came out of the kitchen to glare at him. Papa had pulled me onto the couch next to him while he told me about the professors.

“Two years Victor.” Mama told him in a, are you dumb tone that had me giggling as Papa pouted.

“Thank you Dear, love of my life.”

“Yes dear.” Mama called back flatly and headed back into the kitchen.

“So they aren’t bothering the Milotic? Are you sure. I should-”

“Easy Kiddo. Professor Cerise is a professional. His team won’t be bothering the Flock. I made sure. They are just taking pictures and studying them. The Flock was actually pretty flattered once the first picture was shown back to them.”

I sighed. “I was wondering where my partner was. Of course he is out there. Probably hamming it up too.” I said flatly. I hadn’t awoken with my normal Milotic cuddle Pillow while surrounded by warm Arcanine fur.

“So Professor Cerise? Isn’t he out of… Vermillion city?”

“Oh? You actually know who Cerise is? I’m impressed. Good job.” Papa offered me a pat on the head as a reward.

“I should go out and talk to him then I guess. He probably has questions.”

“Oh the Professor himself isn’t here. He just sent a team. Professors don’t usually move around too much. They have a lot of responsibilities.”

“Oh. Bummer.” I grumble but shrug. If the Milotic were happy to get their picture taken then that was fine. I wandered back upstairs. Arcanine wouldn’t be able to get any training until the assistants left, so I had better distract her.

I didn’t want to be dragged around again. Seriously dragged out of bed by a leg and hauled outside before the sun is up only needs to happen once.

Arcanines wagging tail and eager looks for exercise had not at all saved her from a grounding.

Chapter 8

Chapter Text

“Happy Birthday!” I smiled as Gram Gram pulled me into a tight hug. And then as usual pinched my cheeks until I cried.

“Look at this! Ten years old! My little Grand daughter!” Gram Gram offered tears in her own eyes as she looked me over.

I grimaced. You know kids were supposed to grow when they were my age you know? But my stupid body hadn’t gotten that message. I had grown a whole half inch in the entire year! Bullying! Arceus! I am pretty sure my being here is your fault! How dare you make me small!

“Hah! Look at that grumpy face!” Gram Gram laughs at my obvious irritation, my height had become a common mention over the years as I remained tiny. “Well come on then. You brought your fish right?”

“Of course! Milotic is having his evolution day as well!” I told her as I grabbed his Pokeball, I would release him into the Koi pond once we were inside. He even had a special Berry cake that was good for Pokemon that I had bought from a cake shop in the city.

Heading into the house. I settled in for my birthday party. This year was a bit special. 10th birthday. It means I would go on my journey on the next Journey date, which was only a month or so away.

I was nervous. Heading out into the Pokemon World with nothing but my Pocket monsters to protect me? To go do… Something? I mean I was planning on the Gym Challenge, but I wasn’t obsessed with it like Kiba.

I guess I would just head out and see where my feet take me.

An hour later I finished my cake, as Milotic trilled happily at his. When the presents were broken out.

It was my 10th birthday, so this was the day I was given everything I would need for the Journey.

New Boots. A new satchel that had the crazy near infinite space effect on it. Camping gear. Cold weather gear. And an electronic map. It was like Pokegear, but it didn’t have any call ability. Just a GPS map.

It looked sort of like the early Pokedex. It had that same weird sideways flip open function. Unfortunately they were nothing like the virtual Pokedex I remembered from the Anime. Even the large one that Ash first received from Oak.

I still hadn’t gotten an answer as to what happened there. Was it just not out yet? Ash had received an early version right? So maybe I’m just a year or two ahead? Who knows. Doesn’t explain why so much stuff is unknown though.

In the end it was a peaceful evening. I loved my new hiking boots, and would start breaking them in soon. My new journey clothes were great! They were really tough. I guess parents knew kids would be rough on clothes.

I also got a new hat!

“I made this for you. I figure this is best, if it gets damaged you can just repair it. I know I taught you how to fix them.” Gram Gram offered as she pulled out a big straw sunhat.

“Ooh! I love it!” I whisper, unable to keep the smile on my face as she pushes it down onto my head. It was big. The brim was longer than a normal straw hat, but that just made it better. “Thanks Gram Gram.”

“Pfeh! Just keep it on your head. Sun burn will make your journey a lot more painful.”

“Got it!”


The next month passed with startling speed. Every day was like normal except all the adults around me were giving me tips on things to avoid, or do.

“Don’t get overconfident in swamps! I once got stuck in the mud up to my head! Luckily, I had one of my Pokeballs in my hands or I would have been in trouble!”

“Make sure you check that you aren’t camping on top of a Pikachu den! That was a shocking morning!”

“Make sure you change your underwear!”

It got a bit tiresome. But as the time of Journeys came closer, more and more adults came out of the woodwork to try and offer their sage wisdom.

Class had turned heavily towards survival training, and things that someone on the road would need to know. And every class was reiterated that if you are in trouble go to a Pokemon Center. They would find help.

But as it came closer. The kids were going crazy. Most of them didn’t already have a registered Pokemon like me, so they were waiting for the day they got to choose. Technically I could ‘choose’ a starter as well, but the fact was there was a limited amount of Starters available, and as much as I loved Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. I already had a strong team.

So I didn’t add my list to the starter Pokemon request.

And then it happened.

The morning I woke up to start my Journey.


“Yes I have it.”


“Yes. It’s in my pack already. Mama, I’ll be okay, I didn’t forget anything, if I did, I can either come home to get it. I have Arcanine. Or just buy it from a store.”

“G-good.” Mama offered her eyes tearing up as she looked me over in my new outfit, bag over my shoulder, and of course Pokeballs on my waist.

I looked myself over. Cooling undershirt? Check. Flannel top. Check. Nearly Infinite space bag over my shoulder. Check. Heavy duty Pokeball belt? Check. Jeans tucked into my hiking boots? Check.

Big old honking straw hat? Check!

I was ready. “I’ll call you from the first Pokemon Center I stop at. I promise.”

“You have to!” Mama was full on crying now. Papa looked on, seeming filled with pride as he watched me hug Mama hard. Then it was his turn.

“Take care of yourself, Trouble. And don’t hesitate to ask for help from any officer you run into, even Jenny.”

“I will!” I answered simply as he hugged me tight. Arcany was here too looking over Papa’s shoulder in support. He was gonna miss me too. Or at least all the snacks and treats he would extort out of me.

And with that a few more goodbyes. Gram Gram pointedly carrying a young Meowth, one of her Persians litter that would love a trainer. That I promptly ignored. I really didn’t need a cat right now.

And then I was on the road. I walked through the city. I considered tackling the Viridian gym first, but well... Giovanni wasn’t gentle even with first timers. So I decided to see the world a bit more first.

First though? I was going to indulge a bit. I ran to the Pokemart. I wanted like a million Pokeballs… And Premier balls! They were pretty! I was going to replace my partner's Pokeballs with Premier Pokeballs.. Mostly because I wanted to be able to quickly recognize their Pokeball in an emergency.

After thoroughly annoying the Pokemart lady. And filling my bags Pokeball pouch with Pokeballs, and grabbing a bunch of other medicines. Although Mama had bought me some of everything to start with, but this wasn’t a game, If my Pokemon got burned or something? I wanted a Burn Heal.

After I left, I turned north, heading for Viridian forest, the first stop for just about all beginning trainers here in Viridian, a long walk through the woods.

As I walked down the road I passed, and was passed by lots of kids my age starting their journey. Some had stopped to battle. Although for the most part most were nervously walking towards the forest.

To the first night on their own.

I sped up as I walked down the long sidewalk when I realized I was coming up to someone I knew.

“Hey Ivy!” I called out, causing the green haired girl to literally jump into the air. She was so startled.


“Hey, you excited for your journey?” I ask, although I knew she really wasn’t. Ivy had been more and more nervous as the days drew closer. Even earning her partner Bulbasaur from her parents hadn’t been enough to shake off her nerves.

I am honestly really glad I ran into her. Some kids ran home that first night. Journey over. But it was important in Kanto to at least make the attempt. An adult that had even one gym badge was considered far more reliable than someone with none, regardless of anything else.

It was like… Boyscouts and Girlscouts? I guess. I had never done the scout thing before, but my brother had. But I had heard some jobs were more likely to hire you if you had the badges.

It was like that, but much more prevalent. Badgeless adults had a harder time in life.

“N-not really.” Ivy muttered but I nodded and my gentle smile seemed to make her calm a little.

Making fun of people for being scared of their journey was like the number one way to insult someone in Kanto. ‘You wouldn’t make it a night on your journey!’ often got someone into a school yard brawl if hurled out.

“Want to go through the forest together?” I offer instead. I had honestly not planned on spending much time in Viridian. I liked bug Pokemon Caterpie number one. But I wasn’t planning on catching any. So I had been planning on just passing through.

“Yes!” Ivy gasped relieved as she grabbed my arm seeking comfort.

Unfortunately she was still taller than me. Dang body, grow big!

“C’mon! It’ll be fun. Just like survival class, but this time we have Pokemon with us. And you can find new friends! You like Butterfree right? You should catch a Caterpie, and raise one. Butterfree are super powerful!”

“I don’t think Butterfree are that strong Vicky.” Ivy argued, a bit of her usual force coming out to play. I smiled, getting her to argue with me meant she wasn’t thinking about being scared!

“They totally are. Stall Butterfree is a monster! I mean even their standard ability is super good. See Butterfree eyes are great at making sure their attacks hit. So you can use abilities that are harder to hit like Sleep powder. What you do is teach it Substitute. And you just keep sleeping your opponent! You can use roost to heal up any damage you take and…”

I grinned as my explanation kept Ivy focused on moving forward as we passed into the forest. The green haired girl had completely forgotten to be terrified.


“Bulbasaur, use Vine whip!” Ivy called out as she faced off a Caterpie. The little bug had been the first Pokemon she noticed as we made our way through the forest.

“Bulba!” She cried out and a moment later Caterpie was wrapped up in vines and pulled in.

I was standing far back. This was Ivy’s first capture. It was important that she did it herself. With a few hesitating steps she approached the lightly wiggling Caterpie held in Bulbasaurs vines before pressing her pokeball against it.

The vines retreated when Caterpie disappeared in a flash of light into the ball.

A few moments later the shaking stopped and the lock activated.

“I, I did it!” Ivy screamed out as she danced around with her new Pokeball.

It was cute how excited she was now. Her first Pokemon that she actually captured!

Finally she calmed down enough that a moment later she released the bug, and Caterpie greeted her.

“Hi! I’m Ivy!” She offered her hand and Caterpie happily crawled up her wrist settling on her shoulder wiggling happily at its new friend.

“Great job.” I say finally intruding, earning a beatific smile from the Greenette.

“I did it Vicky! I actually caught a Pokemon!”

“You did great, without even hurting him either. That’s really impressive, Ivy.”

She smiled brightly in turn. And with that adrenaline running through her veins any anxiety disappeared. She was hooked. I petted Caterpie a little and then we linked arms and continued our travels. The forest was beautiful. The air was so clean and fresh, and all the time I could see Pidgey flitting through the leaves hunting bugs. Or Rattata hunting through the grass.

It was nature. And it was great.

I mean it wasn’t my first time in the forest. We all went in a least once as kids, but this was the first time without an ‘adult’ ready to protect us. Hence the anxiety.

We walked for a few hours, Ivy getting a kick out of feeding her new Caterpie as we walked but nothing jumped out that Ivy or I wanted to capture.

Finally though, as always during a Journey. A battle was needed.

“Hey you two! I challenge you!” A voice called out and we both stopped, stomping out of the brush was a boy probably a year or two older smiling as he pointed a Pokeball at us.

“W-what?” Ivy hesitated, but I shrugged. “Two on two so we both fight at once, or do you want to do two separate battles?” I ask, earning a look of shock from Ivy.

“Hah! I like the spirit. Let’s do a two on two! I don’t want to hang out here all day!”

“Alright. Two on two battle. No substitutes. Standard rules?”

“Done Kid.” The older boy was grinning.

Fact was, there were actually rules for winning battles. You could just do a practice battle, or an actual battle. Actual battles had money change hands.


“Don’t worry about it Ivy. We are going to have to battle someone eventually. Let’s do it.”

“F-fine! Bulbasaur. I need you!”

“Hah! Alright then. Charmeleon! Nidorino!” Both second evolution pokemon I noticed. Huh. What a jerk. He wasn’t even trying to pretend to go easy on new trainers.

Made what I did next guiltless.

“Milotic.” I call out simply.


“The hell!?” The boy gasped at the appearance of something that shouldn’t be. I was just a brand new trainer after all right?

“Are you ready?” I called out, and after a moment's hesitation that made me wonder if the boy was going to try and bail out. He shook it off. Trainers were stubborn.

“Charmeleon! Flamethrower that Bulbasaur! Nidorino! Poison sting!

“Aqua tail!”

“B-Bulbasaur Umm! Leech seed!?” Ivy called out hesitating, but that was okay. A moment later Milotic smashed the Nidorino straight into the Charmeleon causing the Flamethrower to putter out leaving Bulbasaur only singed and then Leechseed launched hitting both of the trainers Pokemon although Nidorino was already passed out.

Charmeleon groaned as it struggled with the seed and pushing its companion off it.

“Charmeleon! Flamethrower again!”

“Chaaar!” The lizard began blowing fire at us, Bulbasaur smart Pokemon that she was hurrying behind Milotic letting the fire roll around Milotics bulk.

“Watergun.” I called out.

And then Charmeleon gasped as it was blasted into the ground. A moment later it was obvious the Pokemon was done.

“Well I think that covers that.” I called out, and only once the boy had nodded did I do the nice thing. “Chansey patients for you!” Chansey danced around the clearing to the other boys surprise and healed everyone up. Charmeleon grumpy at his loss was pacing, but that was that.

Some money passed hands silently, and the boy stomped off into the forest.

“Good job Ivy.” I tell her, earning a frown and a glance away.

“I didn’t do anything.”

“Ivy. Your Bulbasaur has never been in a battle. And neither have you. You hesitated, but called out your attack. You did the first step. Bulbasaur wasn’t hurt too bad. And you won. I think you did good, but if you are worried about not doing well? Then break down what you did. What could you have done better? And then take that, and bring it with you into the next battle.”



We were stopped twice more that day, both times Ivy battled as I cheered her on. She lost the first one, but her second battle ended with her Bulbasaur taking out a Charmander. That had Ivy nearly dancing in joy.

It was a good fight. Bulbasaur used her vines to dodge incoming fire attacks until her leech seed had sapped the Charmanders strength.

I kept quiet about the Charmanders obvious exhaustion. The Charmander had been in battles before this, his trainer must not have any potions or anything either. Chansey took care of that afterwards and I whispered to the boy that unless he wanted to keep losing, taking care of his Charmander after every fight should be his top priority.

He had been pissed. Not sure if he listened.

Then as the sun started getting closer to the horizon we decided to make a camp. It took a bit of doing but both of us got our tents up and Pokemon around a fire where we heated up some food for everyone. Both of us wincing a bit at our aching feet.

“Even the survival hikes didn’t really prepare us for walking all day huh?” I mention as I groan at the ache in my calf.

“No! They should have had us walk more.” Ivy whined as both of her feet looked sore. Poor thing. I don’t think she had broken in her walking shoes before today.

But we would both be fine. Chansey had already given us a once over. Our feet were just sore now, no more blisters.

Of course that was when Arcanine decided that she had enough.

“OOF! That’s my kidney!” I wheeze as Arcanine dropped on top of me. Demanding her training time. “Get uuup!” I whine breathlessly as three hundred pounds of dog crushed me. With her uncaring bulk.

“Vicky, you okay?” Ivy asked, but I just waved her off weakly. Instead I turned to my Goddess. A hand outstretched begging for help.



“Chansey Chanse!”

Arcanine did a huff as she rose off me, letting me gasp air into my desperate lungs as my Goddess pulled me into a hug.

Chansey best Goddess.

A few minutes of soft cuddles and I was back on my feet and facing down my dog. My dog that refused to not train.

“Arcanine look around you. This is a forest. We can’t train half of what we normally do, and the rest is secret training. You remember what Papa said? We can’t show people our secret training. So that means light exercise through the forest.”

“Whooooooo.” She gave off a plaintive whine that didn’t at all tug at my heart strings.

“Ughhh We can’t do our normal training, but there is some stuff we can work on. Plus we have some new training partners as well.” I mention turning towards Ivy who was blinking owlishly at suddenly being invited into the conversation.

“Huh? Training? But we just spent all day walking and battling!”

“Ivy… Bulbasaur spent most of the day in your Pokeball. And while the battles were good experience. That wasn’t training. I bet Bulbasaur and even Caterpie are more than ready for some additional exercise. Gotta work off dinner you know?”

“Bulba!” Bulbasaur agreed, stamping her little feet and even Caterpie was wiggling looking forward to growing stronger. Most pokemon were battle maniacs after all.

“But I’m tired!”

I nodded as I patted her head. Before taking her by the shoulders and walking her a bit out of camp. Her Pokemon followed as I settled her on a stump.

“Okay. Your Pokemon don’t need your body right now Ivy, they need your mind. So tell them what to work on.” I say as I settle on the stump behind her, my three looking at me eagerly.

“Since we aren’t doing our normal training! Milotic speed training! I want you to move between those two trees constantly, work on maneuvering. Dodge through branches. The goal is to increase your ability to avoid attacks while moving. Arcanine! Move training! We can’t use fire, but you have some other type moves. Iron Head still needs some work. Chansey lets get some protect training! Arcanine target Chansey while Chansey blocks your attacks!”

With that my Pokemon went at it. Shocking Ivy behind me who was looking in shock at how quickly I sent my Pokemon to their tasks.

“J-just like that?” Ivy asked and I grinned at her.

“You have to figure out what your team needs. Then set them a way to work on it, or a goal.” I waited for a few moments but Ivy seemed stuck.

“You're overthinking it Ivy. Right now Bulbasaur and Caterpie are blank slates. Anything you have them do will make them stronger. But I can give you some advice if yo-”

“Yes please!”

I giggled at the desperate call. “Okay listen you can split most training into three things. Moves. Physical fitness and special moves. You train moves to learn a specific move if you think your Pokemon needs it, or to enhance moves you already know but that you want to be stronger or use in a new way. Chansey is working on Protect. To make it more efficient. Protect is a move you usually can’t use multiple times in a row without it failing. Chansey is working to see if she can increase the reliability even a little.” I ticked off a finger.

“Then you have Fitness. Milotic is working on Physical fitness, his land speed is slower than in the water, and it uses a different way of movement so he isn’t as sharp as he is in the water. So we are working on enhancing his ability to dodge attacks on land… Which is where most of our battles will take place.” Another finger.

“And then special moves. See Arcanine isn’t just training Iron Head. She is using Extreme Speed first to move far faster than anyone can expect and then hit Iron Head. That way even if I call Iron Head, it will be far faster than anyone expects. Hence it’s a special Move. A combination move in this case.” My final finger.

“Wow. I didn’t know you were that smart.” Ivy muttered, earning a shocked look from me before she went red realizing what she had just said.

“ROOD!” I call out almost laughing as Ivy splutters trying to take back what she had just said.

“I-I didn’t mean it like that! You just didn’t pay attention in class most of the time! So I didn’t expect you to have it all broken down so easily.”

“Ivy… I was first in class in every subject.” I tell her, earning my own startled look. “W-what?! No way!”

“Yep. Why do you think Mrs. Kurosawa never cared when I would do my own projects?” I asked, causing her eyes to widen in surprise.

“How!? I never saw you study!”

“I did. I read all the textbooks and did most of the homework in like the first month of every year.”


“Oh I like doing my own thing, so if I just do everything the class needs really quick I can spend class doing whatever I want. Mrs. Kurosawa and the other teachers never brought it up, because they didn’t want anyone else copying me.” I offer with a giggle. Honestly school for nine year olds wasn’t exactly difficult. So it really wasn’t such a big thing for an adult that could just sit down and hammer out the work.

“Anyway! Your Pokemon need your attention.” I point out.

“But you said you would give me some advice!”

I giggle. I couldn’t help it. It was such a kid thing. Get an explanation that gives them advice, but it wasn’t direct enough. So instead of trying to think it through. Demand a direct answer.

“Okay how about this then. Your Bulbasaur already did a ‘special move’ earlier today. Remember when Bulbasaur hauled herself around with her vines?”

“Yeah? She couldn’t dodge the Charmander without it. She isn’t very fast on her feet.”

“Right.” I answered with an impish grin, getting a bit of delight as I waited for her to realize that she already had the answer. It took a few moments as her confusion slowly shifted until she realized what I was pointing out.

“Oh!” She gasped “I should have her train using her Vine Whip to move around!”

“Bingo.” I answer, “It might not be something you can do much when Bulbasaur evolves, but it will also help strengthen her vine whip which is a big move in the Bulbasaur lines moveset.”

“But what about Caterpie?” She asked and I grinned not saying anything earning a scowl. “Vicky!”

“How can Caterpie do the same thing?” I ask, and after a moment she didn’t seem to get it. So since this isn’t something she had actually seen yet.

“Caterpie! Use String shot on that branch!” I call out, and then turn to Ivy waving her at her Pokemon.

“OOoooh!” She said as she watched her Caterpie swing a bit from the String Shot. “Caterpie! Try to swing using the branch to another spot. If you can get it down, you can move a lot faster than just on foot!”

“Now you got it. Trust yourself Ivy. They are your Pokemon. And you are their trainer.” I tell her before turning to my team. “Milotic! Stop being lazy!”


The next few days of walking through the forest fell into a routine. Other than Ivy having a bit of an anxiety attack the first night that ended up with her sleeping in my tent. We were both having fun. Ivy’s training of her Pokemon was paying off, Bulbasaur was moving way faster than she would at this point in her training, and so was even taking out Charmanders with surprising ease when we ran into other new trainers.

Although a large factor of her victories were that she had completely healed Pokemon. Quite often the challengers we would run into had a starter that was a little roughed up. After every battle Chansey took care of them.

But only after. A trainer had to learn not to fight with their Pokemon on their last legs, and a loss would stick in their memory more than a victory.

Funnily, I didn’t end up having any more matches. The kids we ran into were mostly from Viridian, so knew me, and avoided fighting my Pokemon. So I ended up mostly playing referee for the matches, which was fun.

The actual Pokemon in the forest were about what I remembered from the games. Sure we ran into some Nirdoran male and female. Or near a river, a Poliwag and the like. Although Poliwag were common in Viridian so that wasn’t a surprise. But nothing outrageous.

I mean the most dangerous thing in the forest was Beedrill Colonies. I think we got more warnings about Beedrill in Viridian forest during school than anything else.

Which is why I had avoided any area I had seen a Weedle or Kakuna. Beedrill mostly attack people harassing their lower evolutions, or getting too close to their colony.

Unfortunately… Kids will be kids.

Ivy and I were walking beside a stream trying to find a good crossing point when we heard it. It was hard to miss a few hundred Beedrill all getting pissed at once. It makes a very loud noise.

Worse? Was the scream.

“Arcanine!” I yelled out. Quickly jumping onto her back. “Ivy stay here! Get your Pokemon out in case you need to protect yourself!” I yelled back before Arcanine dashed forward. Tearing through the forest like it was a dense woods. Because Arcanine danced through the trees, always rushing forward in bursts of speed that caused my eyes to burn and I had unfortunately lost my hat.

“Wait Vi-” Her voice was lost in the wind.

I hope Ivy picked up my hat.

It was easy to find the origin of the problem. The Beedrill swarming made it pretty noticeable.

“Arcanine! Fire Spin! Start pushing them back!” I called out as we burst into a clearing where the Beedrill were hammering down at a squirtle desperately trying to protect its trainer. I leapt off after a moment into a roll, and Milotics ball was already thrown.

“Milotic! Ice fort!” I yelled as I rushed up to the squirtle that looked like it was in rough shape. I could see the many many cuts and holes where it had been poked. “Chansey!” I called out. And my pink Goddess was there. Happily throwing up a Protect to stop a Beedrills attack and instantly blasting a healing pulse onto the squirtle, and boy laying under him.

That squirtle had literally covered his trainer after he had fainted. Damn. What a trooper. I would just have to make sure he survived.

“Alright Beedrill! That’s enough! You head home, or I am going to teach you all a lesson!” I roar out but the sound of the Colony buzzing overhead meant none heard. Or didn’t care.


“Arcanine! Flame wheel! Milotic support! Chansey GRAVITY!” I roared out, and my pokemon jumped into action. Arcanine roared a blast of fire burning around her. Then she ran.

Fire spin already had a circle of fire surrounding the icy fort that Milotic had created to give us cover, melting it a bit, but this? Flame Wheel surrounded Arcanine. She was a streak of white hot fire burning across the forest and wherever it went Beedrill fell out of the air as Arcanine struck them down.

But it was so much more effective because a moment after I called out, the Gravity dropped every Beedrill in the sky into a face plant, smashing the ground. Arcanine didn’t even have to attack after that, just trampled the yellow and black Beedrill into the ground in her passing.

I winced. Seeing them begin to be covered in flame. I realized after a moment that if I didn’t do anything, those Beedrill were going to die.

Which was bad. As much of a pain in the ass Beedrill were to Viridian forest. They were necessary to keep populations of other Pokemon down.

Grimacing, I grabbed my pack. And started chucking Pokeballs at the downed Beedrill that looked to be in the most dangerous spots. Too much fire, or just Arcanine being a bit too much.

After a while I realized that while the clearing was still on fire, although Milotic was working on that. There wasn’t any more Beedrill…

Oh man. Mama was gonna be SO pissed when she opened all those Beedrill Pokeballs.


Kenta Mizutsu

“Hey kid you alive? Please still be alive. I don’t really want to figure out what to do with a corpse.”

Kenta gasped awake, jerking away as he looked for the buzzing. But it was silent. His head jerked around searching again and again, but nothing. It was quiet. Other than the sound of crackling fires.

“Hey, looks like you didn’t die. Cool.” A girl's voice called out and Kenta looked down and gasped.

The Legendary Trainer! The girl that had an Arcanine before she even began her journey was crouched beside him. She was famous in the school. The strongest battler, with the strongest Pokemon… That brought him back to what had happened.

“T-the Beedrill! Squirtle?” He asked looking around for his partner, but it was only a second he got his response.

“Squirt! Squirtle squirt!” His Squirtle called out as it was being looked after by a Chansey of all things. A few bottles of what looked like Antidote surrounded the pair. Then Kenta noticed the large Pokemon surrounding him. Milotic! He had seen the flock of them from afar. When the rumor came that there was an entire flock of Milotic his mother had taken him to see them.

They weren’t as cool as a Blastoise though. But right now. They were very cool, because he realized he was surrounded by a claw of ice.

“What happened?”

“Heard the Colony go crazy and the scre-yell. You made. So I came running. Arcanine is pretty quick in the forest.” She offers with a shrug. Kenta felt his heart rate skyrocket when he realized he was resting up against the soft fur of the Legendary Pokemon!

He almost jerked away but the Legendary trainer quickly pushed him back down. “Easy now. You just got attacked and hurt pretty bad. Chansey did a lot, but she can’t heal everything. So rest for a bit we used some Antidote on you and Squirtle, but you got poked a bunch.”

“The Beedrill? Where are they?” He demanded once more starting to freak out but she patted her belt.

“Caught. I ended up being a little rough with them so I caught them. They aren’t here to hurt you anymore. But what happened to piss them off so much?” She asked and Kenta had to swallow back a bit of bile.

“There was a Beedrill. I thought it was alone… I thought Squirtle and I could catch it. It would give us a lot of strength for battles… All I did was piss it off, and it started buzzing… And then there were so many.”

“Yeah.” She muttered, sounding a little tired. “Listen. You almost died. You would have if your Squirtle wasn’t the bravest turtle on this side of Kanto, he covered your body with his when you went down. I know your parents, and your teachers told you to stay away from Beedrill and their line in the forest unless it’s a wandering weedle. And even then.”

“I know.” He spoke tears starting to cover his eyes.

She sighed. “Alright. C’mon. Your journey isn’t over Kid.” She said as she patted him on the head. “So you made a massive blunder. You got hurt. Your Pokemon got hurt. But it isn’t the end. Apologize to your Pokemon. Promise to be more careful, and mean it, and then you are still in a forest. So you got a walk ahead of you.” She tells him and he can’t help but blink as she rises up.

Sun blazing through gold hair she grins and offers him a hand.

And Kenta takes it. “Kenta. Not kid.”

“Heh. Vicky.” She introduces herself.

That was how Kenta found himself riding an Arcanine through the forest to Vickys other friend she was traveling with.


“Ivy!” I call out as Arcanine makes it back to Ivy on the edge of the stream.

“Vicky! Are you okay? Who is that?” She called out thankfully I noticed she was carrying my hat.

“Ah Ivy this is Kenta. He pissed off some Beedrill.” I introduced sighing as Arcanine finally slowed down and came to standstill.

She had been a bit… Well she was high on her victory over the swarm of Beedrill and it was obvious she was super happy about the battle. It was cute. Her tail hadn’t stopped wagging since the battle ended.

But I had another problem.

“Ah niceth to meeth you.” Kenta spoke weakly, his face was puffy. Ivy nodded at him, noticing the holes in his clothes, and the blood as well.

“Should he be moving?” She asked instantly, looking him over and I shrugged.

“Not really. But Riding on Arcanine was fine, we went slow. Help me bring him down.”

“I don’th need help! I can -Wha!” He nearly slipped off, unable to keep his legs under him as I grabbed him, Ivy rushing in.

“Slow down Kenta. You just had a ton of Beedrill stings.” I told him as we got him down. “We need to make a camp here tonight Ivy… Also I need to head home. Mama is going to wonder what is going on with the Beedrill, and I probably need to talk to Officer Jenny about getting them released.”

“Wait. You caught the Beedrill? How many did you get?” Ivy asked eager to hear as we pulled Kenta down from Arcanine and towards a nice dry spot to set up camp.

“A whole colony.” I offer with a wince earning a wide eyed stare from around the boys head as Ivy took in what I said.

“That’s… Isn’t that bad for the environment?”

“Soooo bad.” I whine. As we settle Kenta down. I help Ivy put up both Kenta’s and her own tent and setting up a fire and some food for Kenta and Squirtle. Both were fine now, but they would need some rest.

“I’m gonna head back to Viridian. I’ll be back soon, probably before morning, but by then for sure.” I tell her.

“O-okay…” Ivy looked a little nervous but I gave her a thumbs up.

“You got this Ivy. No stress. Just let Kenta rest up, and I’ll be back.”

“Okay.” She offered again more firm and I smiled as I hopped onto Arcanine.

“Home Girl. Fast.”

Chapter 9

Chapter Text

I had ridden Arcanine plenty of times before this. Not just that first night with her. But usually we stuck to forests away from the city.

This time?

Arcanine was running straight down the main street of Viridian going faster than any car could hope to match. I know for a fact we were making a scene because I could hear the gasps from the pedestrians as we blazed past them in a blur of orange and red.

Which meant that despite having been walking for a few days out of the city. It took no time at all to reach home. Man. I could make return trips multiple times a day if I really wanted. I mean Arcanine didn’t mind. She was thrilled to be able to just run for a while.

As I ran down the main street my eyes happened to notice something off about the Pokemon center, but Arcanine was running too fast for me to get a close look.

But finally we stopped at home. Where, to my surprise, a police bike and another vehicle I didn't recognize was already parked out front.

“Thanks Arcanine. Grab some water, and rest up for the return trip.”

“Whuff.” She offered lightly panting happily as she jogged off.

“Mama! I’m home!” I call out as I step inside, hearing a few voices inside still at my call.

“Victoria!” Ooh. That was Papa. He came around the corner looking actually a little mad.

“If this is about the Beedrill, I have an excuse.” I offer hands up as I notice Officer Jenny turn the corner with a scowl, and another man that I don't recognize, following behind.

“Victor. Let Vicky speak. She knows about the rules. She wouldn’t have caught so many Beedrill without reason.” Mama said and while that at least gave me a moment of breathing room, Officer Jenny wasn’t having it.

“It had better be very good, because this could be an ecological disaster!” She said, glaring at me, and I nod.

“Well it was either capture them, or let them die.” I say which after a moment the man behind Jenny grabs her shoulder.

“A bit more of an explanation perhaps?” He asks, and I nod quickly.

“Of course. It’s a bit of a story. You are?”

“Ranger Tetsuhara.” He offers which made me wince. Pokemon Rangers were all about keeping the population stable.

“Right… Mind if I sit. Riding Arcanine all the way home is killer on my butt.” I inform the group getting a snort from Papa as he reaches over and pulls me into a hug before tugging me towards the kitchen. Mama grabbed me into a hug as well for a moment.

Settled around the table I nodded. “Right so. It started when me and Ivy were walking down a stream. We heard a massive Beedrill commotion, a whole Colony got pissed at something… Then we heard a scream.” I saw officer Jenny wince at that.

Beedrill were the leading cause of death in the area. Especially for kids just starting their Journey.

“Yeah. So I jumped on Arcanine and raced towards the scream, I-”

“Vicky! Beedrill swarms are dangerous I told you to avoid them!” Mama interrupted looking upset at me. “What if you had tried to help and only gotten hurt!”

“I was pretty confident I would be okay Mama. Besides… Well Kenta was the one who caused the problem. He tried to capture a lone Beedrill.”

“Yeah Beedrill don’t tend to wander far from the Colony at this time of year.” Ranger Tetsuhara offered and I hmmed interested. I hadn’t known that.

“Anyway he was in bad shape when I got there. Arcanine pushed them back with Flame spin, and Milotic created us some cover with Ice beam. Chansey did what she could to help. Kenta was… In bad shape. He was unconscious and his squirtle had jumped on top of him to try and keep him from getting hurt anymore.”

“Arceus.” Jenny whispered with a grimace.

“He is okay! A little puffy, but fine. Ivy is looking after him while he and Squirtle get some rest.” I tell her with a thumbs up. “Chansey is a Goddess.” I inform the officer of this important fact with a nod of my head.

Chansey is bless.

“So you pushed the swarm back. Why did you catch them?” Ranger Tetsuhara asked.

“Right. So there were still a lot of them. But I had hit them hard. I warned them away. But that didn’t work. So Chansey used Gravity.” I tell the group earning confused looks from most of the listeners.

“Gravity causes flying pokemon to crash into the ground. They get too heavy to fly.” Papa informs the group and I nod.

“When they crashed into the ground. Arcanine started smashing them a bit… But the grass was catching on fire, and the flames were building up. I noticed some of the Beedrill were knocked out, in the fire. So I had to do something. So I started throwing Pokeballs. I had a ton because I wanted lots of Premier balls.” I inform the group pointing out on my belt that my three Pokeballs were all the white of Premier balls.

“Oh Vicky. You are definitely my daughter.” Mama said with a laugh as I grinned.

“Anyway. So once I got Kenta healed up and I used a bunch of Antidotes to make sure he would be okay we met back up with Ivy and she is watching him while I race home… I was gonna have Mama call the Rangers honestly, so we could release the Beedrill maybe?”

“Possible but difficult. Beedrill that get captured tend not to re-integrate with wild Beedrill well. Unless they are strong enough to take over a colony anyways.” Testuhara offered and I frowned.

“What can we do then? I don’t want to cause a disaster!”

“No. You did what you should have.” Jenny finally offered with a sigh. “If what you said is accurate you aren’t in trouble. I’ll interview this Kenta, or have one of my sisters do it. Another time. Tetsuhara, This is in your purview now.”

“Thanks Jenny. Okay Kid. Your colony is at the Pokemon center right now. Let’s figure out how to get them settled back in their home without causing them to frenzy.”



There was a limit on how many Pokemon can carry with them at any one time. It was enforced through the Pokemon transfer system which was basically science fiction in my eyes, but eh, you get the idea.

Except it was possible to carry more, you just had to have permission like a Pokemon ranger.

So I was riding on Arcanine leading Tetsuharu through Viridian forest while carrying a ton of Beedrill in my backpack as I had the whole swarm once they were healed up at the Pokemon Center.

It was pretty cool. To know that at any time I could just unleash a swarm of bees.

“BEEES!” I cried out to myself unable to resist and burst into giggles as Arcanine jumped a stream. Having to slow to let the Ranger slowly drive through the water.

This was great.

With that, we were there. The clearing was scarred from our battle, but this is where we were trying to get to.

I waited for the truck to stop and turn off as Tetsuhara steps out. “Huh. I’m not used to being outraced in the forest. Your Arcanine is certainly something.” He says as she walks up, having already grabbed a big jug from the back of his truck.

“Thanks. Arcanine likes to run.”


“I’ll say. Okay so here is the plan. We release them slowly, give them this honey water, as a peace offering. Hopefully despite them being captured it won’t mess with their instincts too bad. And we can walk away with just a days work. Ready?”

“Yeah!” With that Arcanine dug a small hole and Tetsuhara began pouring in the water going back to his truck for a few more jugs just to make sure it was full enough to keep the Beedrills attention.

“Go ahead kid.” He ordered as he stepped back towards his truck, And I reached into my bag for the first Pokeball.

With that I started throwing. The first Beedrill was pissed although he wasn’t aggressive thanks to the whole being captured thing. But when I offered him the water, and then broke his Pokeball it seemed to confuse him. Even as he started drinking. Then I did the same to the next, and the next. Slowly the swarm started growing, but luck was with us. Since I was offering them something to eat first, that was a big priority for the Hive they calmed quickly instead of irritating the entire swarm.

By the end of it. More than fifty Beedrill were buzzing around the clearing, newly released and stomach filled.

And it was a relief when Tetsuhara mentioned that they were returning to their previous colony. “Looks like it all worked out.” He muttered and I nodded as I grinned at the Beedrill. Funnily enough they were pretty chill with me now. I mean it was a fact of life that Pokemon respected humans that could beat them. So I had a few Beedrill that would buzz over and settle on my shoulder to rest before hurrying away.

I guess they understood I wasn’t a threat anymore.

“They seem friendly.” I mentioned, and Tetsuhara laughs. He had hidden himself inside his truck once the release started so I was talking to him through his slightly opened window.

“They probably accept you as part of the swarm. You did defeat them after all. And then you gave them food. These will be pretty aggressive against any other trainer for a year or so until they get old enough for the new generation to take over scouting and food gathering. But we will post a warning and keep an eye on the swarm to make sure it doesn’t get any more aggressive. Just be aware, if we have any trouble with it, you will likely be called up.”

“Oh. That’s kind of cool actually. Sure. I’ll come help.”

“Glad to hear it, kid. C’mon let’s get out of here.” He said his voice louder as the swarm had finally diminished leaving the two of them staring at the empty hole that had once been filled with Honey water.

“Yeah. I need to get back to Ivy and Kenta.”

“Well I’ll come with. I want to check on the kid to make sure he is okay.”

“Great!” I couldn’t help but smile. That would be nice. Kenta was doing okay, but having an adult look him over… Well an adult that actually knew what to check for with Beedrill stings, would be good.


We came upon Ivy's camp not long after. Arcanine was happy about all the exercise she got so I didn’t return her, letting her run around the camp and play in the water.

Zoomies man. Didn’t matter how big the dog was.

“Vicky!” Ivy blasted into me in a hug as she squeezed the nervous girl obviously was freaking out and it didn’t take me long to piece it all together. She had been worrying that Kenta was going to die or something while I was gone. The way she was hovering, the look of relief on the boy's face told me that.

Well the part of the face that wasn’t a balloon.

“Ouch. You certainly got stung, didn't you.” Tetsuhara called out as he stepped out from his truck walking over to Kenta who flushed, although I could barely tell since his face was already pretty red.

“Imm finn.”

“Sure you are. The missy took care of you, but as Ranger it’s my job to make sure. Honestly? You will be okay. Antidote, and Chansey heals is good enough to get you through it, but I could drive you to the hospital if you want. I bet you would feel a lot better with some proper work.”

“Nuu. Imm Finn!”

The older man barked out a laugh “Alright kid. You're on your journey and I certainly can’t force you. Here. This is a Antidote that has been made specifically for Beedrill stings. It should at least reduce the swelling.” He offered, pulling out a bottle with Beedrill stripes on it and offering it to the boy who quickly accepted it. A few sprays from the bottle and while it wasn’t immediate. I could tell it was already working.

Pokemon Medicine was crazy.

“Alright. You look like you’ll survive and I can’t force you to come with. You two watch him tonight?”

“Sure. Chansey will help as well.”

“Then he’ll be fine. I’m heading back to Viridian. Good work today Missy. You handled everything well. When you finish your journey, think about Ranger duty.” He offered with a grin that I returned. Pokemon Rangers were cool. But I don’t think I really wanted to spend my life rescuing ten year olds from Beedrill.

With that we all settled in. Kenta started looking a lot better. And I set up my tent, as I told them what we had done with the Beedrill.

Kenta didn’t look very comfortable knowing the Colony was back up and running, but that was fine.

In the morning we were going the other way.


“Whoa.” Kenta muttered, catching my attention as he watched Ivy train with Bulbasaur and Caterpie. “Your pokemon are so strong!” His exclamation caused Ivy to flush bright red.

“I-it isn't that impressive!”

“No way. That Bulbasaur is really fast! And look at your Caterpie! It can jump around the entire clearing! And String shot would slow down Pokemon that try to follow. Wow that’s a great move.”

“Vicky is the one who came up with it!” She immediately deferred and I scoffed.

“Not a bit. You used it in the battle first, remember? I just reminded you that you had a good idea and should practice it.”

“Squirtle and I don’t have anything that cool.” Kenta mentioned his own Squirtle was watching in awe at the Pokemon around him training. Arcanine alone was a large focus as she was bouncing between trees, practicing moving without touching the ground. Or as little as possible.

I wanted her to be able to avoid ground moves like Earthquake, by avoiding the ground. So that was her current training.

Basically just playing the ground is lava. She was loving it.

Milotic was working on his defensive ice. Creating a structure of ice to control the battlefield was too useful a move not to work on, and so he was creating walls of ice around him as he moved trying to break up the flat ground.

“I don’t… Squirtle and I don’t have any cool training like that… We have just been practicing Water Gun.” He mutters and I guess it was time for big sis Vicky to help out once again!

I grinned as I walked over and tried to throw an arm over his shoulder, but Kenta was tall for his age…


Realizing that wasn’t working I grumbled as I waved Milotic over and after a moment of confused staring by Ivy and Kenta. I stepped onto Milotics tail as he raised me up and then threw my arm over his shoulder.

“Just ask Big Sis Vicky for advice!” I tell him with a grin. A moment pause as everyone took in what I did before I earned myself a sound of disgust from Ivy and Kenta chuckled at my words.

“Please!” He offered with a chuckle.

“Okay. So first off there are three things you can focus on…”


Watching Squirtle start his Water Gun training but this time, trying to narrow the beam was interesting. With a bit of direction Kenta looked more confident. Man kids really just run into Viridian forest with their Pokemon and battle them a bunch and then rush to Brock to get smashed huh? I mean so far most of the new trainers we met didn't even know the basics of training!

Eh. They probably did. I admitted, but new Pokemon Excitement had them turn off their brains.

With a little guidance and an explanation towards what he could have Squirtle work on, his brain turned on, and he had his Squirtle turning its water hose like Watergun, into a sniper. I wonder if he would end up learning Snipe Shot like Inteleon? A lot of moves that were Pokemon Specific ended up proliferating after a bit. Extreme Speed for example was Arcanines signature move, one that they learned during evolution, but others could learn it.


That was an interesting idea.

I tucked that away for later.

Of course our training made noise, and the sound of battle always brought in interested parties.

“Hey it’s more trainers! I challenge you to a battle!” A voice called out as a small group of three slipped out of the forest. I blinked. I recognized one of them, as a girl from our class Ami, but the other girl, and boy were unknown to me. Although maybe they were in another class?

“Oh look. It’s Kenta.” The boy in the lead called out, but it was more teasing than anything, and I could see Kenta tense up in irritation.

“Daisuke. Go away.”

“Hah!” The boy mocked as the three kids strode up. “Let’s battle Kenta. I want to see what kind of battler you are!”

I settled back along with Ivy, while the other girls that Daisuke had following him, settled in to watch and cheer for their friend.

It went unfortunately how I expected. Squirtle, had just spent a good while training, after just having a serious attack on him yesterday. He was tired.

Kenta was too bull headed to notice, and when it was all said and done, Daisuke took the win with his Charmander, despite the Type disadvantage.

Squirtle gasping for breath on the ground.

“Chansey!” I called out disrupting the taunts from Daisuke from a furious Kenta as Chansey took one look at what was going around and started helping Squirtle. Kenta looked from Daisuke to his Squirtle before realization washed over him and he rushed away from the other boy to settle next to Chansey and help Squirtle.

Kids. The three trainers left after that. None of them wanted a battle with me, and Ivy refused since Bulbasaur was already tired. Hearing this Kenta dropped his head in shame.

He was young. Hopefully he will learn.


The next afternoon to all of our surprise, we stepped out of a tree line and into sight of Pewter city. I stopped at that whistling a bit as I realized that we had done it.

“Yes!” Ivy cheered as she jumped into the air. “I want a bath!”

“I want clean clothes.” Kenta muttered tiredly.

“Greasy food.” I add in earning a few sparkling eyes. Ivy and Kenta had a few battles over the last morning in the forest, it actually explained why there had been so many trainers near here. They had come out of Pewter to the northern part of the forest to test the new Trainers.

Anyway they each had won a few battles and so had actual money in their pockets. For me it wasn’t a big deal, but for them?

“I want all the soda I can drink!”

“OOoh! Ice cream!” Ivy added, and the two kids utterly enthralled with eachothers ideas on what sweets to buy as I chuckled following after.

The walk into Pewter was thankfully peaceful, a few Pokemon in the tall grass around us, or flying through the trees, but nothing coming after us, and no trainers stopping us demanding a battle. We rolled into the city and hit the Pokemon center right away, mostly at my insistence. We all got a room and the Center did some laundry for all of us, as we showered and cleaned up while our Pokemon rested.

Honestly, Pokemon Centers were awesome.

I quickly enjoyed a shower and switched to a clean outfit I still had left before I headed to the Pokemon Center office, where vid phones were available free of charge.

I put in my trainer license, which sort of acted like a mix of credentials and debit card which authorized my use of the phone.

And then I called home. The evening I had rushed home, I hadn’t had time to talk to my parents after Officer Jenny and Ranger Tetsuhara. We had been in too much of a rush. So I only offered a hug and a “I’ll call you!” before rushing off.

But now it was time for my first call home.

“Vicky!” Mama smiled joyously when she saw me. “You made it to Pewter?”

“I did!” I chirped pointing behind me where the video could see out the window onto the Pewter city streets. “It was a fun hike! I made a new friend. Well. Saved a new friend.” I offered with a laugh as Mama chuckled.

“I’m proud of you Vicky. You did a very mature thing not just saving that boy and his Pokemon, but even saving the Beedrill… I’m really glad you didn’t decide to try and keep any of them… Beedrill give me the creeps.” Mama muttered, rubbing her arms making me laugh.

“I like them, but making sure the Colony was okay is more important than increasing my team. How is Papa? And Arcany? And the flock?”

“Your Papa is fine. At work currently along with Arcany. He works so much more now that Arcany evolved. Apparently more and more of the Police Growlithe are coming here to be trained under an Arcanine.” Mama huffs. “He will be sad he missed your call, if you stay around Pewter, try calling later in the day, he would be thrilled to hear about your journey so far.”

“I will! I think I’ll try the Gym here, but I also want to… Well journey! Maybe find some new friends!”

“Well make sure not to capture too many. Remember any Pokemon you capture you have to take care of and feed and support… Please no more Beedrill Colonies.”

“I promise no more Beedrill.” I cross a finger over my heart. I liked Beedrill, but I liked Butterfree more. Stall Free was a monster… Maybe I would go find a Caterpie… I hadn’t captured any on the walk through the forest but now maybe I should… No, maybe later.

“Good. Tell me everything about your trip. Even if it seemed boring.” Mama demanded as she settled into a chair to listen.

So I settled in and went through everything I had done in the last few days.


The next day after wandering around Pewter with my friends and eating ourselves stupid I woke up early. Far earlier than the other two who were sleeping in and wandered over to the Pewter Gym.

It wasn’t quite what I remember from the anime. Mostly it seemed bigger. And there was even a receptionist at the front. Luckily it was so early. I was the first one there. Not many ten year olds are going to get up at the crack of dawn.

“Good morning! Welcome to the Pewter Gym!”

“Good morning!” I greeted back, the teenage girl sitting at the front had the looks of a trainer herself. Probably a Gym trainer then. Someone that worked with Gym leaders to sharpen the training on their Pokemon.

It also looked good on resumes, to have been a Gym trainer. Along with giving some trainers that may be slowing on their journey a steady paycheck and a reason to settle down. They also helped train the Gym leaders pokemon.

“I’m looking to set up a challenge against Brock.”

“Excellent! How many badges do you have?”

“None. This would be my first challenge.”

“Oh how fun! You must be a Viridian trainer then. We were expecting trainers from there to start showing up in the next few days.”

“I am. And there are three in my group, so I expect you will get a few more challenges later today.”

“Hah! Well you are in luck. We are still receiving a lot of challenges right now just from the Pewter trainers, but you are here so early, that we don’t have a challenge selected. So if you are alright with a battle right now?”

“That would be perfect!” I grinned. An early morning battle, which means win or lose I would have the rest of my day to figure things out!

“Very well let me alert the Gym Leader.”

I was practically buzzing as I readied for my battle. I hadn’t gotten a lot of Physical training with my Pokemon over the last few days. But we trained hard for months before. I could only hope we were ready.

“Ms. Ferrous. Brock will face you now.” The receptionist called out and I gulped as I wandered through the doors to face my first Gym challenge.

As I walked through the doors the lights were off before they suddenly flipped on revealing the battle arena, and Brock.

He was sitting atop a rock looking at me as he waited for me to adjust to the light.

“I’m Brock. Welcome to Pewter Gym. My rock hard Pokemon are full of grit. I hope you are ready to face their determination.”

“I am Victoria, of Viridian City. My Pokemon are ready to be challenged!” I spouted out the first thing that came to me and Brock nodded, standing and pulling off two pokeballs from his belt.

“This match will be a 2 on 2. If your Pokemon is returned it is out of the battle.” A third voice called out almost startling me, as a referee came out of a side door half way between the two of us. “The Gym leader will send out a Pokemon first.”

“Geodude!” Brock called out and my smile started dipping.

That Geodude was weak. It wasn’t always easy to tell a Pokemons ‘level’ as such a thing didn’t really exist in this world. But Pokemon that were stronger tended to have signs to show it.

Or perhaps, that was what Brock wanted me to think? This was the first challenge for many trainers. As Giovanni was a bit of a dick even to new trainers. So Brock was the first stop for many first timers looking for a badge.

“Alright. I’ll start with my type disadvantage. Try to weaken his Pokemon first. Go Arcanine!” I called out at the end, earning a startled look from the referee although Brock didn't seem to move as Arcanine came into being.

Her roar was loud, shaking the gym with her eagerness.

Even her tail was wagging like crazy as she prepared for battle.

“A-ah the opponent Victoria of Viridian sends out an Arcanine! Battlers ready!” The referee found his voice after a moment and a hand was raised.

Then it fell. “Begin!”

“Arcanine! Extreme Iron head!” I call out and my doggo disappears in a flash of flame as she begins to run.

“Geodude! Harden and Brace!” Brock called out but it was nearly too late as Arcanine slammed into the Rock Type sending the little boulder flying into the wall with the force of her change. A moment later she was hunched down ready to pounce forward or away as the dust cleared from where Geodude was sent into the Gyms wall behind Brock.

A moment later Arcanine let out a whine as the Geodude revealed itself, knocked out in the whole.

I blinked. What? But Gym leaders were tough!

“What happened?” I couldn’t help but ask aloud as I looked from Geodude to Brock.

“Ah.” Brock offers with a chuckle. “I suppose this is a bit awkward. I was told you didn’t have any badges.”

“I don’t.” I tell him honestly. “This is my first Gym battle… Arcanine and I have been with each other for a while though.”

“Ah well. Most of the Gyms base their challenge towards how many badges a challenger has. After all, we don’t want brand new trainers to face a fully evolved Golem. Their Starter and the few Pokemon they catch in the first few weeks of their challenge, wouldn’t stand a chance.” Brock explained even as the Referee stood quiet.

“Oh!” I remembered something like that from Pokemon Origins. The gym leaders used less Pokemon and weaker ones depending on the badges of their opponent. “Then… Can we fight against your stronger team? Arcanine has been looking forward to a challenge since I told her about the Gym Challenges. I want… I want to face your strongest if that’s okay? Arcanine and I. I want to see how far we have to grow.”

“Hah! I like it! That determination is good. Very well. Geodude return.” Brock summoned back his Geodude and then walked behind him. Putting the Pokeballs into a machine, where they disappeared. And after a few moments of pushing some buttons a new set of Pokeballs appeared.

Six of them. I could feel my eagerness grow as Arcanines tail started wagging in her own excitement.

“Normally I send out a Pokemon first, but since your Arcanine is already on the field. Let’s have a six vs six match.” I nod, despite only having three Pokemon but that was fine. I just wanted to push my Pokemon against powerful challenges.

“Alright. Golem!” And Brock sent out his first Pokemon. The Golem slammed into the earth with a crash as it roared.

I felt Arcanines return growl deep in my bones as the two Pokemon faced off.

“Six vs six match! Same rules. Match! Begin!”

“Extreme Iron Head!”

“Golem Harden!”

The two pokemon Smashed into each other, but this time it was obvious Golem wasn’t a low level Geodude. The crack made me wince as the sound reached my ears, and a moment later Arcanine blurred away dodging a retaliatory swipe from the golem.

Although it was obvious Golem hadn’t taken that hit for nothing. Its face was bruised from the hammering blow.

“Dodge away and Howl!”

“Rock polish! Golem!”

I grimaced as Golem polished itself, it would be a bit harder to keep away with speed now.

“Extreme speed Iron head!”

“Rock throw!”

“3D maneuvers!” I called out. This was one of the moves I had trained with Arcanine. Trying to increase her mobility. All those times bouncing among trees in the forest was training for this. As rocks split from the ground from Golems attacks. Arcanine continued charging in, leaping off the ground as the rocks were shot forward, and then Arcanine was bouncing atop the launched projectiles jumping from rock to rock.

The move so shocked the Golem that it didn’t even have a chance to withdraw, or do a protection move as Arcanine smashed into him again. With Howl boosting her power. This time it overcame Golems. Defenses and with a crack the Golem was smashed backwards causing the poor Pokemon to roll a bit before stopping.

“Golem is unable to battle!”

“Impressive! To think a new trainer could handle my Golem. That Arcanine is truly a Legendary Pokemon!” Brock offered with a smile as he returned Golem, and another Pokeball made its way into his hand.

“Let’s see how it handles this! Go Rhydon!”

“Rhydon!” It called out thumping its chest. But Arcanine was too excited about its last victory.

“Rhydon! Earthquake!”

“3D Maneuvers Arcanine!” I called out just in time as Arcanine leapt from the floor to slam into the side of the gym before leaping off traveling across the entire room during her leap to hit the other side and then leap off again.

The Earthquake hit during the leap and the entire area turned wavy even I fell to my knees as the ground below me moved like water for a moment.

“Now Arcanine! Extreme Iron Head!”

“Rhydon! Drill run! Stop that attack!” Brock yelled out and as a blur of Fire rushed towards the Rhdyon it spun its entire body stomping towards Arcanine.

The smashing noise of a drill on steel echoed through the gym as the two Pokemon smashed into each other with startling force. “Arcanine! Don’t engage in a battle of power! Back off and move! Out speed him!” I call out, and instantly Arcanine pushes away from the power conflict, disappearing in a burst of speed that leaves Rhydon off balance as Drill run suddenly has nothing to fight against.

“Iron tail Rhydon's legs! Slow him down even more!”

“ARCANINE!” The call echoed around the gym even as Brock ordered Rhydon to Dig. But it was too late.

Rhydon couldn’t match Arcanines speed. And Iron Tail came out in a buzz of power smashing into Rhydon's leg, nearly knocking it off its feet and smashing into the ground.

“Don’t let up!”

Another Iron Tail was readied, but Rhydon was returned in a burst of red.

“Amazing. For a new trainer to push me so hard with just one Pokemon! I look forward to seeing where you go in time, but this isn’t over. Let’s see how you handle my partner. Onix!”

And then one of the biggest Pokemon I had seen in person burst into the arena floor.

Oooh. That was a big Onix.
“Arcanine Double team! Don’t let it hit you.”

“Onix! Rollout!” And suddenly the entire gym consisted of boulders swirling around seeking out Arcanine.

“Extreme dodge! Whittle it down when you can with Iron head!”

And Arcanine tried. She leapt over the swirling stones smashing into the Rock type when she could before leaping away, but between the constant motion and difficult terrain Arcanine made a mistake. She mis-timed a jump, the ground too broken up from the earthquake before, and now with Onixs move damaging the ground. Her leg simply went through the earth instead of giving her height to jump.

I gasped as Arcanine was rolled over. And then as if Onix was trained to do just this. Arcanine was wrapped up in a coffin of boulders as Onix tried to squeeze the life out of Arcanine.

“Return!” I called out just snagging Arcanine between the curls of boulders. And then the arena went quiet for a moment.

“You care for your Pokemon. You might have been able to break your way out of that wrap, but not before your Arcanine was injured.” Brock offered, with a smile that I could see across the gym. “Well done.”

“Thank you.” I reseal the Pokeball to my waist. Sorry Arcanine, you would have to wait for this battle to end before I could bring out Chansey.

“Milotic! Your turn!”

And then it was rock snake vs Water Eel. As Milotic fanned his tail.

“Amazing. I’ve never seen a Milotic in person! But this is a battle. Onix! Rollout!”

“Surf!” I shouted out and suddenly there was a wave of water coming off a Milotic. It wasn’t an amazing attack. Honestly Milotic and Arcanine fell behind a bit in special attacks. They were both still young, I had seen a Blastoise use surf in a tournament once that filled the entire arena with two feet of water.

Milotics surge of water was more like a wave enough to push something back, but not flood the gym.

But it was enough as Onixs Rollout was pushed back giving Milotic breathing room.

“Alright Milotic! Ice beam up the wall. We aren’t staying on the floor.”


“Onix Rock throw!” Milotic dodged the thrown rocks as he created a ramp of ice along the edge of the gym wall and slithered up. Literally taking him away from the ground.

“Milotic! Surf! Let's flood the arena!”

“Onix! Smackdown!”

I cursed as Milotic, despite sending out another burst of water that Onix wasn’t happy about, had the ice structure he was climbing on shattered and Milotic was grounded to the earth.

“Milotic Rain dance! Bring in more water!”

“Onix Rock throw!”

“I grimaced. Millotic didn’t have enough water to really get moving fast enough to dodge. So he tanked it, letting the rocks smash into him but he was a Milotic. He wouldn’t go down to a few pebbles.

As the rain began I nodded. “Now Recover!”

And all the bruises and scratches caused by the rocks and Onixs attack disappeared as Milotic trilled happily.

“Don’t let it go. Wrap it!”

“Milotic! Surf to avoid the attack!” I could only hope with rain dance and the water already in the arena it would give Milotic enough motion to escape. Onix roared as it smashed through the inch or so of water on the ground that was growing as it sought out Milotic, but Milotic was faster.

Gravity trained meant despite Milotic usually being a special attacker if anything my Milotic was all heavily trained muscle. As his surf pushed Onix back, it slowed the rock snake, but didn’t shake it off.

“Fine! Milotic Iron Tail that Onix when it moves in!”

“Miiii!” Onix rushed forward to finish its attack, but it wasn’t fast enough as Milotics tail began glowing white spread and open it suddenly whipped out and smashed the rock directly in the face as it drew closer for a wrap.

The sound of steel smashing into rock echoed through the arena as Onix forward momentum was halted for a moment, literally stalling out the full force of Onixs attack.

Brock and I both were silent for a moment waiting to see, was Onix, out or just slowed. And then the rock type groaned as it rolled over obviously out of the right.

“I guess it was a critical hit.” I muttered. As Onix was returned.

“Amazing! That was a great battle. Unfortunately, I am ready for Water Type Pokemon. Go Kabutops!”

“Wha!” I gasped as the fossil Pokemon emerged the Kabutops didn’t roar, instead a clicking came from under its shell as the massive scythes shrieked as they met as if sharpening each other.

“Kabutops Stone edge!”

“Dodge!” I called out, and breathed out in relief as Milotic managed in a burst of speed to avoid the row of sharp rocks that burst out of the ground towards him.

“Don’t let up Kabutops. Cross Poison!” Brock called out and I stilled before smiling. “Milotic don’t dodge! Recover!” He stilled, letting the injured scales across his body disappear in a burst of light even as Kabutops rolled in with a crossed slash from his claws.

Milotic cried out in pain for a moment, and I could see that it had happened.

Milotic was poisoned.

“Milotic Iron Tail!”

The Kabutops actually nearly managed to dodge, somehow it was incredibly fast, much faster than I thought it should be, but it wasn’t enough. There was more water in the arena now. And Milotic was moving much faster still. Gravity training was crazy effective.

“Block it!” Brock called out. An Kabutops large scythes surged between him and Milotic. But it wasn’t enough to stop the force of Milotic when he got going. His Glowing fan-like tail smashed into the chest of Kabutops and lifted the ancient pokemon straight off its feet as it went flying through the air.

“Milotic! Surf again!”

“Kabutops! Use Whirlpool! Bring Milotic to you!”

“Milotic Ice beam! Cut off the Whirlpool!” I countered.

The two Pokemon were going at it. The floor of the gyms was filling with water. And I noticed it was designed to purposefully ensure the area could get filled with water. I don’t know if that was Brock just being really nice, or just a Gym rule.

Either way it was making this rock type Gym into a pool. And now it had an ice bridge cutting off half the arena.

“Milotic Aqua Ring!” Instantly the glowing ring surrounds Milotic slowly healing him. It would help stave off the poison at least a little.

“Kabutops! Ancient power!”

Kabutops clicked loudly as its scythes crossed an aura like ring of power generating behind it and then its claws open and a surge of power rushes outwards. Smashing through the ice and heading for Milotic.

“Milotic! Water Pulse!”

Milotic Water pulse was just like Arcanines extreme speed, a move they learn upon evolving. A pulsing blast of water that looked more like some magical effect than just water rushed out of Milotic, and the two moves connected in a frantic burst of power. But it was obvious that Milotics power was not quite on par with Kabutops.

We would have to train hard in our special attacks, after this!

Milotic cried out as the Ancient power smashed into him pushing him back into the water that was now deep enough to disappear into.

“Milotic! Recover.”

“Kabutops! Rush in. Don’t give it time to rest!”

“Milotic. We are all set now! Use Extreme Speed Aqua Tail!” I called out just as Kabutops climbed over the ice Bridge. It suddenly found itself face to face with Milotics tail surrounded by a whirlpool.

But this Kabutops wasn’t just some novice trainers, Pokemon. It was part of a Gym leader's top team.

It managed to cross its scythes Blocking the Aqua tail for a moment, but again. Milotic was much stronger on physical attacks than Special. His blow would not be stopped and for a second time Kabutops found its feet not touching the ground as it was thrown aside.

The momentum of Extreme speed mixed with Milotics gravity trained physique meant that Kabutops wasn’t anywhere close to strong enough to hold back Milotics attack.

Yet as Milotic swam forward to keep hammering Kabutops he stopped. I was blinking a little in shock as Kabutops was obviously out of the fight. Twitching a little from the blow.

I guess we had been wearing him down pretty heavily. Kabutops was a Rock and Water type, but that meant Water type moves dealt normal damage. I guess that Aqua Tail STAB was just too much.

“Kabutops can no longer battle!”

“Wow. Kabutops is my answer to water type Pokemon. I never expected to see him get taken out like that. Well done. Your Pokemon is truly well trained.I acknowledge your strength. I forfeit.” Brock said and I was so shocked Milotics Pokeball slipped out of my hands and into the pool of water. Causing me to yelp as I dove for it. Pulling back my arm with a sigh as I found it quickly.

“What do you mean forfeit?! You said Six on six! You still have two more!”

“You set up the terrain well. Neither of my next Pokemon would handle being dropped into a lake well. And your Milotic is recovering through the damage. Sure it's exhausted, but in order to defeat you, I would have to risk injuring my Pokemon. Plus you still have more Pokemon as well. Even if I defeat your Milotic… No, this was well fought. I never expected to be pushed back by a fresh trainer. I guess someone who has an Arcanine is on another level.” He chuckles.

“Oh.” I blinked. I had been so hyped up… Having so much fun. My heart was pounding, and I noticed I was practically shaking. I hadn’t really thought about that. Crap Arcanine was still hurt. And Milotic was poisoned. Even if all that did was give him more defense thanks to Marvel Scale.

“Chansey!” I called out as I released my girl, she quickly looked around and gave a little ‘tut’ sound as she splashed into the water and started shooting out Healing Pulse. Kabutops actually sat up after a few moments of that and clicked at her, sounding pleased.

“Hoo a Chansey? Don’t see those on the battle circuit very often.” Brock offered, as he too jumped into the waist high water splashing over to Kabutops to check him over, ignoring the rain and water that continued to build up. Kabutops clicked at Brock for a few moments but it looked like Brock was pleased as he stroked his Pokemons shell and whispered something to them.

How nice!
I joined him jumping over to Milotic who was getting mothered by Chansey at his condition. Milotic was looking a little purple from the poison.

“Hey buddy. You did it. You were amazing.” I whispered to him as I pulled his big head in for a hug, earning a deep crooning noise from Milotic at my words. The lazy fish was of course more than happy to just curl up and bask in his rewards as Chansey healed him up.

I giggled as curled around me, his bulk more than I could hope to resist so I found myself seated on one of his curls as he covered me.

“You know I’ve never fought a Milotic before. I have to admit, I’m glad they aren’t native. That Pokemon is powerful for a Water type.” Brock offered as he waded over to me.

“Milotic are the bestest!” I nodded seriously. Earning a crooning “Miiii!” in return as I grin and continue stroking his head, tickling his antenna and fins. “Do you need help clearing out the water? I’m sure Milotic can probably help out.” I offer only to earn a shake of Brocks head.

“There is a system that will drain all the water. But we will need to get out first. I don’t want anyone sucked into the pumps. But first. Victoria Ferrous, of Viridian city. You have fought a hard battle, and earned this Boulder Badge.” Brock pulled out a badge seemingly reaching deep into his pocket and pulling out a case with a Boulder Badge. There must be a ton of them in the case.

But I took it gently, because unlike all the others? This one was mine.

“Thank you.” I offered a little choked up as I looked at the Boulder Badge. Mine. My first badge. A real badge. Wow. I had actually just finished my first Pokemon Gym challenge. I could feel the smile stretching across my face as I held it up showing it to Milotic, letting him see what he had fought so hard for.

“C’mon let’s clear the gym so we can get this cleaned up… I do have more challenges today.” Brock offered gently, holding out his hand.

“R-right!” I called out grabbing it as I pulled out my Pokeballs. Time to return everyone and go to the Pokemon center for a checkup.

Chapter 10

Chapter Text

“Here they are. Your Arcanine was a little beat up, but she is fine now… Her fur was so soft!” Nurse Joy informs me with a squeal as I grin up at her.

“It really is!” I tell her grabbing my Pokemon from the tray. What a day! My badge was now pinned inside my Badge carrier that I had to purchase from the Pokemon Store. No way was I going to Ash Ketchum and just pin them inside my jacket.

“Vicky!” Ivy calls out as she enters the Pokemon center. “You are finally up! Me and Kenta already scheduled our match against Brock! The receptionist told us that Brock is full up the rest of the day! We tried to get you up, but you must have been sleeping like a rock.” Ivy grumbles at me as she pokes me a little. The Greenette was followed by Kenta who was smiling a little at me.

“You snooze, you lose Vicky. We will get our matches out of the way first.” He smiles which I return, waiting for a few moments to best pop their bubbles.

I opened my mouth, “I alrea-”

“No time! C’mon Vicky we need to get you to Pewter Gym so you can schedule your match for tomorrow! Brocks schedule is super packed you know!”

“Ivy, I alre-” I attempt again only to be pulled along.

“No talking! More running!” She urged me along tugging and pulling.

Laughing to myself I let Ivy pull me along, oh well. If she wasn’t going to listen. So I was once more rushed towards Pewter Gym by my meticulous friend until I was pushed in front of the receptionist.

“Vicky needs to schedule a Gym battle with Brock!”

“Huh? Ms. Ferrous?”

“Hello again.” I wave giving it a second before Ivy turned to look at me in confusion.


“Yeah I fought Brock this morning when I got up early. I got lucky and Brock had an opening really early.” I tell her with a grin earning a stumped look from Ivy for a moment.

“W-wait! You already had your match! But I wanted to watch!” Kenta moaned, earning a chuckle from me at his groans.

“I wanted to see it too! Vicky!”
“What can I say, I tried to wake you up, but you were sleeping like a rock.” I joke. Earning a groan of frustration from Ivy as well.

“Hey no Rock puns in my Gym. It’s a rule!” Brock called out as he suddenly appeared from a side door smiling to his receptionist for a moment.

“No promises.” I offer with a smile as he nods to me.

“Vicky, back again? I’m afraid it will be a bit before I can offer you another match.”

“That would actually be fun. But no my friends didn’t understand I already had my match. So they dragged me over to schedule one.”

“Ughhh!” Ivy gave off a groan of utter embarrassment at what she had done but I started patting her back.

“So these are your friends? Should I be worried for my team?” He asked semi-joking.

“They just have their normal starters.” I inform him, earning a chuckle at that.

“Good. Onix is still sulking.”

“Why? He totally rolled Arcanine…. Ack!” I jerked back as Brock dope slapped me across the back of my head.

“No puns!”


“Well Onix isn’t used to losing.”

“Well it was a monster. Honestly. I still can’t believe he took out Arcanine like that. How did you come up with that move? I never expected a Rock type to be able to keep up with Arcanine.”

“I had to fight someone who used a Rapidash a few times. They kept trying to outrun my Onix. so I came out with, Rollout Wrangle.” He gives me a peace sign which I return.

It was an honestly amazing move. “I’ll have a counter next time. Arcanine won’t lose again.” I tell him firmly, that feeling of competitiveness rising up.

All I got was a toothful smile in return.

“W-wait! Arcanine got taken out!? THAT Arcanine?” Kenta asked, looking pale. “B-But It’s so strong!”

“R-right? How is Bulba supposed to defeat an Onix that beat Arcanine!?”

“W-whoa guys relax. I wasn’t fighting Brocks normal team.”
“Right. Vicky proved she had been training her Pokemon for long enough that I pulled out my stronger team. You both will be facing my first badge team. Don’t worry it will be a challenge, but it is doable.” Brock offered and the fact it was coming from a gym leader seemed to have Ivy relax a little although I could see it struck Kenta bit.

He wasn’t strong enough to face Brocks strong pokemon? Just his baby team? I could practically read the thoughts on his face.

I walked over and slapped him on the back with a grin. “Hey. I had Two years with Milotic. And a Year with Arcanine. They have as much training as you will when you get to reach the League. Stop thinking that you don’t match up to me. Because it’s not just us competing it's our Pokemon. Think about where Squirtle will be in a year.”

Kenta blinked before nodding, his face firming. “I’ll grow strong enough that you won’t have to save me someday. I’ll do the saving.”

“I look forward to it!” I tell him with a grin Ivy not having the same issue with Brocks announcement only looked relieved she wouldn’t be facing down a Pokemon that defeated Arcanine.

“I did want to see your match though Vicky! You shouldn’t have raced off on your own!” Ivy came back to herself after a moment once more bossing at me.

“Sorry sorry!” I offer with a laugh as I wave my hands at her pointing finger.

“Oh? Well we do record all matches. They play on a loop on the TVs there in the corner. If you want to watch it. Maddy? Can you play Victoria's match this morning?” Brock offered earning starry eyes from my friends as the Receptionist nodded easily.

“Well I have to run. I look forward to facing you both later.” Brock offered Ivy and Kenta earning a happy smile and a fierce look respectively.

Leaving them to watch as the Match began with Arcanine Vs Golem. It looks like they cut out the Geodude part.

I sighed, settling in to let the match play out. Maybe a second viewing would give me some ideas for better training.

I would not let Arcanine fall so easily next time even if rock types are some of the strongest Pokemon for Arcanine to face. Being type advantage and strong defenses making her physical moves weaker.

Arcanine was still The Legendary Pokemon. I wasn’t about to give her a bad name.


Not long after hearing all about how amazing my match was from Ivy and Kenta. I once more split off from my friends. They needed to prepare for their matches later today, and I needed to do some more training.

I wandered up into the hills around Pewter before I found a quiet spot.

“Come on out everybody!” And my three Pokemon burst into being around me. Instantly Arcanine wandered away. It was obvious she was unhappy. Grumpy was a good word for it.

I pat Milotic on his head and hug Chansey, before following after Arcanine who had wandered a bit away and was grumping to herself. Letting out a huff as she sat down.

I settled in next to her, despite her head turning away from me.

“I’m sorry. I messed up.” I tell her, earning instant attention. “I thought I had it all planned out, but Brock taught me different. Despite type advantage, and everything I thought we had it. But I was surprised by Brock. Bad. I led you wrong. I still have a lot to learn. I’m sorry I failed.” I tell her earning a grumbling growly deep in her throat as she nearly knocked me over with a push of her head.

“Arc! Arcanine!”

“I know.” I tell her, she was obviously blaming herself. “But a loss of a battle isn’t on you Arcanine. I’m the trainer. It’s on me. It means I didn’t teach you the right thing, or I wasn’t prepared with a quick order on how to react. We both got surprised, but you were in a battle. I’m responsible for callouts. That move really threw me for a loop. I had no idea what he was doing until it was too late.”

I sigh. “I’ll admit I went into the gym with part of me thinking I would definitely win, and another thinking that despite all of our training, if Brock was serious we would probably lose hard. Instead we went through a tough battle. Definitely the toughest battle we have ever had right? And in the end we won.”


I looked into the large eyes of my pup, and I wished I could just hug the pain away. That sense of failure. But I couldn’t. But I knew what I could do, that was healthier.

“Well. If you are upset. Then how about we get up, dust ourselves off, and train. I think I have some new ideas. If nothing else. We can just train our speed even more. I don’t want to ever be caught again.”

“Arc!” She woofed standing up tail raised ready for training. For exercise and for battle.

“Good girl.”


I spent a few hours with my Pokemon training. Gravity training added in while Milotic worked on his Special attack abilities. The weakness of what should be his stronger aspect had hit us hard. So he was sitting on the edge of a river constantly shooting water moves into the water to try and work on increasing the force of the water. First stage was narrowing the focus.

Funnily I was doing the same training Kenta and I had figured out for his Squirtle.

The goal was to try and get more water pushed out in a smaller time. Narrowing the beam of moves like Water Gun should be good practice. One it was narrowed down with much greater force, we could train increasing the width without losing any of the pressure.

Chansey was keeping Gravity up to give some exercise for the lazy eel, and for Arcanine, who was working on her power.

She hadn’t liked the fact that Rhydon had matched her Iron Head. I could see it in the way she worked on her strikes. She wanted to be strong enough to smash through anything.

I guess I would get her there. For now Gravity training was our primary edge, but I knew it wouldn’t push us into the true elite tier.

Lance the Dragon Master would smash my team.

Cynthia? She would demolish us.

As much as I didn’t like him, Leon wouldn’t even count us as a speedbump. If he was as skilled as he was hyped up to be in the Anime.

Considering how weird everything was, I wasn’t sure what continuity I was in. Eh. Whatever. I shrugged. Not my problem. I would take the world as it came.

Still I needed more edges if Arcanine was going to become a legend… Well more than she already was. Arcanine was training furiously today. Her movement is even sharper than it ever has. After all she felt true battle, and even defeat today.

“Arcanine. ” I called out, interrupting her constant running under gravity. I waved her over and it was only a moment's hesitation before she wandered over. “Catch a drink first, and get some food in you.” I tell her pointing towards the bowl of food I had been preparing as I thought. The very expensive special order Pokechow mixed with vitamins, and her favorite Liechi berries

I don’t know how she ate them cause they were honestly spicy, more like a Jalapeno, or other pepper rather than a Berry, but she loved them.

Nurse Joy had helped me figure out the right mix for Arcanine to do the best. Well she had helped me figure out the right balance for all of my Pokemon.

Milotic also came over once his bowl was done.

While they ate I talked to her about my idea.

“So I told you about Counter Shield before. The idea is to use a move as both offense and defense. Like surrounding yourself in a Flame wheel, but not just using it as an attack. The goal is to hold the move around you and make it strong enough to push A pokemon or their moves back. Basically if you get wrapped again, you light yourself on so much fire they can’t hold you anymore.” Arcanine nodded eagerly at that idea. She hated her loss.

“That’s what we are going to work on today. While you are doing that, Milotic will be doing Damage control, making sure the fires you make don’t go out of control.” Milotic nodded for a moment as he ate.

“But Milotic, keep working on your training through it all, remember to narrow the pressure so more water comes out. We want you to be able to flood an arena eventually. That’s the goal.”


“And Arcanine. Today's goal is to do something similar. We need to pressurize the fire, if it’s just a weak flame nothing will be blocked, but if the fire is thick enough it will push attacks away almost like it has mass. So we need to strengthen your flames!”


“Alright finish lunch, we have a few hours before Kenta and Ivy’s match.”

While they were doing that. Once I was sure I didn’t need direct supervision, I pulled out my Sorta-Pokegear and opened the map.

I needed to find something. I had seemed to already build my team around Rare, or ‘legendary’ Pokemon. Well there was another Pokemon in Kanto that fit both categories in a way. And my memory was pretty good about where I could find a bunch of them, I just needed to actually find it on a map.


“And to your victory, I give you a Boulder Badge.” Brock offered to Kenta who had just finished his match with Brock. It wasn’t quite your own knock down drag out explosion filled battle, but it was fun. Squirtle had done well to keep Brock's Rock Types away, and the training you had suggested to increase the pressure of Squirtles attacks had meant the little guy was doing a lot of damage.

Ivy had won earlier. Bulbasaur utilizing its 3d movement to avoid attacks, and batter Geodude with vines, and Razor leaf. Then while avoiding Onix, and leech seeding him till the match finished.

Brock was a good trainer. He pushed both of my friends to their limits, but still made sure their smart training would be rewarded.

I congratulated them both as we left heading out on the town for a second day gorging on good food.

“Seriously stalling Onix and using Leech Seed to slowly drain him down was brilliant Ivy.”

“I… My Mom mentioned doing it once, I was just copying her.” she muttered but I shook my head.

“Nope! Stealing ideas isn’t wrong! Bzzzt!” I poke her in the head earning a squeak and a swatted hand.


“Ivy! You are a trainer. If someone says something and it gives you an idea to make your pokemon stronger. You do it! If you heard how someone defeated a Pokemon once, and you use that same method that’s good! Take the good! Humans always learn like that.” I tell her earnestly.

“A-ah. Okay!” She nods.

I nod pleased that she took my words to heart. This world was pretty rough at times. It was important to make sure your team was as strong as they could be.

I grinned as I stuffed some more french fries into my mouth. As Kenta nodded as well. “I learned a lot from Brock. His use of harden is something I can use with Squirtle with Withdraw. Make an attack and then have Squirtle hide away.”

“Don’t stop there.” I tell him. “Combine Withdraw with an attack. Use Water Gun to push squirtle out of the way of attacks as well. I bet that would give you some good mobility along with a defense boost.”

Kenta looked surprised before his face morphed into a grin. “Good idea!”

We continued eating and chatting about Pokemon until we were all stuffed and we headed back to the Pokemon Center.

While Ivy and Kenta passed out. I made a call to Papa to tell him how everything has been going as well as show off my new badge. He was super surprised that I had beaten Brock's real team.

I went to sleep that night pretty happy overall. After all this was only the first step on my journey I had almost a full year before the next Indigo league. Plenty of time to beat all the gyms and hopefully get some more Pokemon.


“Sorry… I don’t think I’m ready for Mount Moon.” Kenta Mentions nervously the next day as we all had breakfast. “I want to try and catch a few more pokemon down here and maybe work with Squirtle some more… We weren’t ready last time. I want to be next time.” He tells us seriously. His Squirtle chirping as Kenta rubbed his head.

“Wha! Kenta you can’t j-”

“I think it’s very mature of you Kenta.” I cut in, interrupting Ivy's response. As she turned to me in surprise.

“What, we can’t split up Vicky!”

“Actually. I think it's a good idea.” I turned to Ivy as she was the one this would most effect now. “Ivy I like traveling with you, but this isn’t our journey together. It’s your journey. I think it's great that we all got together through the forest. I was honestly gonna be pretty lonely on my own for so long. But I had my friends and that was great… But if Kenta wants to stay. I think I’ll head off as well. There is a Pokemon I want to hunt down.”

“B-But! Vicky! You can’t leave me all alone!”

“I’m not.” I tell her, smiling gently as I lean in and poke her forehead. “You have your team. Your Pokemon. Your friends!” I pointed to her belt that had her Pokemon strapped there. Although it was only two pokeballs right now.

“But what if we get attacked!?”

“Then you rely on your Pokemon to help, or you run. Journeys are usually pretty safe, you know?”

“But but!”

“Ivy. It's not forever. Not even for super long. I still need to go to Cerulean right? So we might even meet there. If not, maybe Vermillion. I will probably be around there on my hunt. You know Nurse Joy will let us leave messages for each other. We won’t be apart. Just not standing side by side.”

Ivy was biting her lip and looking scared but she needed this, the Journey was meant to give kids time to sort of take on responsibility. She couldn’t do that if I followed her everywhere. She needed a chance to make decisions on her own. With her team. To build trust with her Pokemon.

Ivy was looking pretty sad so I pulled her into a hug much to her shock as she finally relaxed. “I wouldn’t say this if I thought you couldn’t do it Ivy. You're really strong you know? You just haven’t had a chance to realize it yourself yet.

“But I only have Bulbasaur and Caterpie!”

“Then use this as a chance to catch some Pokemon! I hear Clefairy live in Mt. Moon. But you can also find Geodude. After Brock you should realize how strong they can be. Onix can live there too. Zubat.”

“Ugh don’t bring up Zubat. They swarm like Beedrill.” Kenta mutters shivering which I restrain myself from laughing at.

“It will be fun. Remember, not forever. Just until Cerulean or so. Who knows? Maybe Kenta will meet up with you before I get there as well.”

“I’ll try.” He adds with a smile and Ivy nodded.

“Fine.” She said that, but her face showed anything but.


“Okay Arcanine. You ready?”


I grinned. I had bought an actual saddle for her for long distance running. It had cost a pretty penny, but Prism Scales still made me a ton of Poke Dollars.

I spent a good half hour making sure it fit and testing everything, letting Arcanine get a feel for it as she walked in circles behind the Pokemon Center. But it was time. Everything was ready.

“Okay Arcanine! We are going East! Then south. We need to hit Vermillion! Ready!?” I ask as I pull myself into the saddle and get comfortable.


“I know you are. But really Arcanine. If you get tired or thirsty tell me! This isn’t an endurance run. Just a faster trip than me walking.”

She grumbled a bit at that. Arcanine really liked anything to do with training. But I patted her head. “Okay! Let’s go!” And with that Arcanine burst into a run and instantly I was sighing with relief.

A pair of goggles around my eyes and a strap for my hat to make sure it wouldn’t go flying meant it was a much more comfortable trip than last time. I could actually see where we were going.

We raced up the hilly terrain of Mt. Moon although we didn’t go inside the mountain, instead Arcanine simply ran up the paths until they cut off before jumping, uncaring about things like falls, or heights. She practically ran up the mountain on the outside, howling all the while when she felt like it letting everyone know she was here.

Multiple times we ran through batches of Pokemon scattering them in a flurry at our sudden passage. A few times like when a Geodude yelled at us for jumping on his head. His voice disappearing almost instantly far behind us.

But on we ran. It honestly hadn’t been that hard to find what I was looking for. Sure the maps in my Sorta-Pokegear weren’t like Google maps. There were massive empty spaces on the map. But there were plenty of books, and the internet still existed in a rather anemic form.

Searching for storms out in the ocean, especially ones that never end, hadn’t taken me long to find. Especially since I already knew it was off the coast of Kanto. And since the way Kanto was shaped, that really only meant one area it could be.

If it was near the Orange islands to the south, or the Sevii islands then they would have said that. Instead in the Anime that I remember it had been off the coast of Kanto. A boat to get to a small island covered in Dewgong, and then close enough to take a dewgong to it close enough to get there in just a few hours.

So I was heading to Vermillion city to buy some equipment and then hit the ocean.

In the anime Goh had figured out the area of Dragonite Island by finding rescue reports of them saving people. Me though? I had just tracked down some old sailors talking about the ‘eternal’ storm off the coast that you really didn’t want to take your boat into, but was safe to go around.

Well that was all I needed!

“C’mon Arcanine! I’m feeling so excited!”

“Wooooo!” She howled as we came to a stop on the other side of Mt. Moon for a moment before racing off. Leaving a trail of frantic Pokemon in our wake.


“Here you are dear. Be careful if you are heading underwater. Never know what Pokemon you might run into.” The old lady that sold me a diving suit and a rebreather tells me sternly as I nodded.

“No worries! I have a strong Water Pokemon!” I grin as I pile it all into my bag. The rebreather alone had cost a pretty penny, but it was basically super tech, using the storage tech from the bags to let someone breathe underwater with just a small face rebreather for hours. Honestly I wanted one for more than just this hunt.

Drowning was scary. I still remember that one Pokemon movie with Ash drowning.


So I bought this, it would stay in my bag for whenever I needed it.

It had only taken a few hours to get to Vermillion most of which was spent figuring out how to get to it. The trails were weird, some of them literally crossing mountains for no reason. I guess Ash and his group getting lost while following main roads wasn’t as unexplainable after all.

Arcanine was taking a well deserved rest, not that she wanted one and I was gathering the equipment I might need for the trip. Including a stop for more Pokeballs… I wanted some more Premier balls, just in case!

After all, the goal was to catch a Dragonite. Or one of its family. I like Dratini just as much! I wouldn’t mind training a Dratini from scratch as well.

Then came the annoying part. I needed to get to an island off the east coast of Kanto, it was a weird little pit stop that was mostly just a little village of people that lived there. Also Dewgong. Lots of Dewgong.

But it was so small, it wasn’t like they had a consistent ferry. The people that live on the island just have their own boats usually. Or Dewgong.

Which is where Milotic came in. I went out of the city a ways till I was in the rough beaches around Vermillion city and summoned my boy.


“Hey buddy. You ready for a long swim? We need to get out of the Vermillion bay and then head east. It's gonna be a bit of a swim.”

“Mii! Miii!” Milotic instantly cried out and wiggled around me. We had of course gone swimming before, but it wasn’t like with Arcanine where I could ride her for long distances. We had mostly just swam in our pond river. Or in the rivers around Viridian.

“Good. Let me get changed into my suit. It’ll keep me warm. I don’t want to spend six hours or more in the ocean without something to keep my body warm.” I tell him as I quickly pull out the suit. It was a wetsuit, the same sort of thing I might have bought back in my other life. It wasn’t anything special, just a suit meant to keep you warm in the ocean.

Pulling off my normal clothes I stuffed them into my bag besides my goggles. They were both diving and riding goggles. Then I took a few minutes grunting as I forced myself into the wetsuit. It wasn’t easy but the lady I bought it from had explained how to use it well enough. Once I was done, and zipped up. Milotic helped finish the zipper. I was ready. “You ready Milotic!”


With a wide grin I slipped onto Milotics' back. And in a surge we were in the water. Racing through the ocean. For this bit I didn’t even need a rebreather, although my bag was in reach if I ever needed it. We simply enjoyed racing through the water, jumping in and out together. My compass guided us on our way.

Chapter 11

Chapter Text

Almost eight hours later we finally splashed up onto the beach of aptly named Dewgong Island.

I was exhausted. Milotic was too. He didn’t have the crazy stamina of Arcanine who wanted to run and exercise constantly. So we both slumped into the sand together finally free of the ocean.

“That… was fun… But also long.” I tell him earning a tired “Miiiiiiiii.” in return.

“Yeah. Next time, shorter trips. But we have to do that again. I loved swimming with you Milotic.” I tell him, thanking him for his effort. Even if eight hours of constant ocean got old around hour five.

Especially since Milotic was pretty bouncy. My stomach hadn’t quite rebelled, but I wasn’t going to risk eating anything. I returned him to his Pokeball to get some rest as I just lay back for a while enjoying having ground beneath me.

“Ho! You alive down there?” I wave my hand as a voice called out, throwing a thumbs up before letting it slump back into the sand. Sand. Saaaand.

“Hey kid. What are you doing way out here? If you are here to catch a Dewgong, I get that, but not much else out here.” An old man that looked like every scraggly fisherman I had ever met leaned over me.

“Long story.” I tell him tiredly. “You don’t happen to have a Pokemon center?”

“Not out here. We do have Kas, she opens her home as an Inn when wanderers come through… C’mon I’ll show ya.”

“Thanks.” I whimper as I get up. My butt was so sore. Arcanine and then Milotic meant I had been riding Pokemon for most of a day. I stood with a wobble and a bit off balance but I grunted and pushed it away as I followed the old man.

I could use a night's rest. So could Milotic. He led me into the small village on the tiny island, honestly it was what? Less than ten buildings in total?

The largest was an old mansion home, the old man led me there heading up the small steps into the front.

It had been redecorated, and I could see it was almost like a small Inn. A kindly woman sitting at the front desk reading a book looked up at our entrance.

“Oh Frank?”

“Kas. Got a young’un washed up.”

“Frank! If she washed up, you should be calling the doctor!”

“Ah. I interrupt the woman's obvious shock. “I rode my Pokemon here. I wasn’t shipwrecked or anything. I was resting on the beach when.. Frank? Mr. Frank offered to take me to an Inn?”

“Oh thank Arceaus. Honestly Frank, your words have meaning!” She hissed at him before shaking her head. Please come in. Let’s get you situated. I bet you are hungry? I’m afraid we aren’t entirely free. I know you trainers on their journey are used to Pokemon Centers…”

“Ah That’s fine. I have money. Don’t worry about that! Food sounds wonderful, and a room for the night? I wasn’t expecting to be out on the ocean so long. I think starting again tomorrow will be best.”

“Hmm. Ocean travel is dangerous riding on a Pokemon. I hope you are being careful?” She asked as she began pulling things off a shelf behind her a key with a little tag along with what looked like some basic linens and towel and the like.

“The price for a-”

I interrupt and just hand her my Trainer card, which she nods quickly swiping it through a little old fashioned till.

“Oh looks like you are all set. You really should ask for the price first dearie. You wouldn’t want someone to rip you off.”

“I would anywhere else. But little towns like this are filled with good people.” I offer with a smile that earns a bright smile in return.

“Well aren’t you a little charmer? Frank I got it from here, off you go. Dinner will be ready once I settle our guest in.”

“Right.” The older Fishman nodded both to Kas, and myself before wandering off.

“Right, forgive me, I forgot everything. Introductions. I’m Kasumi, the proprietress of this little Inn. My family owned a fishing business that used this island. The Dewgong often chase fish right into our nets, Great great Grandfather loved them. But now I just run the Inn out of the old mayor office.”

“Cool!” I tell her honestly. Dewgong fishing on a little sleepy rock? That actually sounded delightfully sleepy. Small towns like this were the best. Where everyone knew each other and were friends… Or had feuds that lasted generations. Either way.

I was led through the old mansion up into a room where Kasumi opened the door with the key. “The door does lock, so everything is safe inside. Not that we get much issues with thieves out here. I’ll show you to the baths although it will take a few hours for them to warm up. Unfortunately the heater isn’t what it used to be.”

“Oh I have a fire Pokemon. Honestly she would probably enjoy heating up the water. If you show me the heater, she can help.”

“Oh that’s kind of you dear.” She accepted and I grinned. Putting most of my stuff down I grabbed Arcanines ball and followed. She led me to a surprisingly big bath. It almost looked like a hot spring, but it was pretty obvious it was just a facsimile of one.

“Very hot spring chic.” I couldn’t help but say as I followed her into the bathroom over the stone flooring towards a door in the back of the room.

“Oh yes. My Grandfather had hoped to turn this island into a resort island. Unfortunately, it isn’t exactly warm here. He installed this Hot spring bath, but it still never went anywhere. Now it is just a pleasure for everyone that lives here. Honestly most everyone comes here to bathe, or at least we used to. The heater has been finicky for a while.”

“I suppose there aren’t a lot of fire Pokemon in the area either that you could catch to replace it.”

“Oh no. Not a one!” She chuckled at that opening the door leading to a well sized room that had a large boiler in it. Part of it seemed to be working, but I could see that for the most part the boiler was cold.

“What's wrong with it?”

I asked as I looked it over. It didn’t look broken.

“Hah! It’s ancient! This Boiler was installed before I was ever born. Don’t worry about it, I do have the parts needed to at least get it up and running on backorder, but they are old parts. They don’t make boilers like this anymore.” The woman chuckled, her graying hairs hinted at just how old this monster of metal really was.

“Alright, where should the fire go?”

“Right here dearie.” She said pulling open a hatch in the boiler. “Just have your Pokemon heat up the water inside, the Boiler will take care of the rest.”

“Perfect… Umm you’ll want to stand back my girl is a bit big.”

“Oh? One of those Charizard trainers? I went with Squirtle when I was a girl.” Kasumi offered with a chuckle as she backed up and then I released Arcanine.

“Woooo!” She gave a little howl as she stretched out her tail already wagging.

“Oh my Arceus!” Kasumi gasped in shock as she took in Arcanine, the woman's jaw dropped.

“Arcanine. Got a bit of training for you… And it would really help me out. Use your Flamethrower to heat up the Boiler. Let's do some endurance training. Just keep the heat up so it heats the bath out there. Oh is there a temperature gauge or something for her to keep an eye on?”

“That! That’s an Arcanine!” The woman was still gasping as she stared.

“Yep.” I agreed, giving Kasumi a few moments to take it in. “You can pet her if you want. She is friendly.” As I say that Arcanines tail began wagging.

“Oh my!”

Which is how Kasumi got so distracted petting Arcanine, dinner was an hour late. Much to the grumbles of a few old fishermen out in the dining room. But I was nice and warm after a bath, and the food was still good when it was done.


The next morning over a pretty delicious breakfast I was inundated with questions.

“How long you had your Arcanine?”

“Couple years. She was a gift from my father.”

“Oh? Your father could give away an Arcanine? He must have retired. Is he some famous battler?”

“No? Papa works for the Police, he trains Growlithe. He gave me Growlithe as a guard dog. She was too aggressive for a police dog. So I took her as my second Pokemon. And then well. Family secret. But Papa has an Arcanine too.” I tell them to their astonished looks.


“Hell of a thing. But good! We need more Arcanine! Show those Johtans what for!”

“Oh stop it Bill the war has been over for years.” Another old man grumbled from behind a newspaper.

“Bah. This war is over. Next war is coming.” The oldman grumbled.

“I hope not! I hate the idea of Pokemon in a war.” I add with a frown. Then I shrug. Hopefully peace would prevail.

“So what are you doing so far out in the boonies then Arcanine girl? Ain't much out here but Dewgong.”

“Oh… Well I’m going to explore the storm.” I tell them. I wanted to keep it secret, to protect the Dragonite, but hopefully I wouldn’t stop here on my way back, or just wouldn’t tell them. Then it wouldn’t matter. If I did stop here, I could just say I didn’t find anything!

“Oh. Nothing in there.” One fisherman said simply.

“Aye. We explored the storm as kids. Nothing interesting. Not even any good Pokemon. The storm drives them all off.” Another replies casually putting a bit of his breakfast into his mouth.

“Oh yeah herald checked from the sky to the ocean floor to see if there was anything interesting. Not a thing. Just a weird storm.” Another said.

That's when I realized it. I felt a smile crossing my lips. “You are all so cute.” I couldn’t help but admit causing a bit of a quiet. “You're all trying to protect the Dragonite.”

“Girl… Don’t know what you are talking about.”

“It's okay.” I inform the town. Because honestly it was nearly the entire town as I waved my hands in front of me. “I totally get it! They help people so we definitely don’t want everyone bothering them! I think it's sweet you all keep them secret.”

Frank, the fisherman that found me yesterday, was looking uncomfortable. “We don’t bother them, and they have rescued many of us during storms. We do our best to ward away people from getting close. Girl, I-”

“I’m not going to go throwing Pokeballs at them. I swear. I do want to see if any want to join my team. That’s it. If all of them refuse. I’ll just leave after having a fun adventure.”

“Swear it on your Arcanine. You aren’t there to poach them.” It was Kasumi who spoke up from behind me as I turned and then I nodded once.

“I swear on my Arcanine. I am not here to hurt the Dragonite. I just want to see them and see if any of them want to join me.”

A breath seemed to go out of the entire town as they took in my words. It took a few moments before Kasumi seemed to nod, taking a seat beside me.

“We have kept the secret of the island for generations… My great grandfather didn’t settle here to fish. He did it because a Dragonite saved his life. He built the town here to hide them. He started telling everyone that he explored the whole storm, and there was nothing interesting.” Kasumi tells me as she settles onto the table.

“The secret has of course spread to most of the island.” Frank offered with a gruff voice. “But that’s because the Dragonite will rescue anyone who gets shipwrecked or lost at sea. They save us, and then when they get home we all tell them that we know. That they saved us all. We keep them safe.”

“Yeah. Poachers would go crazy over an island filled with Dragonite, Dragonair and Dratini.” I agree. “They are basically legends after all.”

“That they are. They are our legends.” Kasumi offered, looking me over. “A girl with an Arcanine, also wants a Dragonite? You certainly have a nose for them. Legends.”

“I guess I do. So yeah, that’s why I’m here. To go see the island…”

“Well we do get people searching for them from time to time. We get enough sightings around here, but I can’t say I ever expected to find someone who absolutely knew… How did you know?” Kasumi asked and I could do nothing but smile.

“Sorry, that’s my secret.” The old woman huffed at my words.

“Well I wish you safe journeys and I hope you are true to your word girl.”

“Vicky. Victoria Ferrous, and I am. I will never tell anyone about the island. I swear.”

The whole room nodded. Seemingly satisfied.

An hour later I was suited back up and earning a few more gasps from Milotic as my boy showed off a bit. Mr. Steal yo Girl was actively stealing the attention of every girl on the island much to his delight.

But soon we were back in the water. With a specific direction from Frank the Fisherman about where the storm was so I wouldn’t end up off target.

And Milotic Swam.


As we approached the storm reaching from the ocean surface to high in the sky I grabbed my rebreather and settled my goggles back on my head. “Good to go!” I call out as I stuff the rebreather in my mouth and then Milotic goes under. This time for a much longer period.

Milotic was almost faster under water than on the surface as he simply dashed through the ocean. The sky darkening above me meant we were under the surface but that hardly mattered because below the ocean it was calm.

And nothing came close to touching Milotic. A few times Pokemon looked like they might look for a fight. A big Tentacruel noticed us, but by the time he started pursuing he was left in our bubbles.

Extreme speed training had taken a long time for Milotic to get. And he could really only do an approximation underwater. But that still meant he was moving at least a bit faster than a quick attack underwater.

It was blazing fast. Although unlike Arcanine this level of speed was a strain for Milotic. He would need more endurance training. But this being an ocean voyage wasn’t a good time for practice.

He still did it a little, just to show me he could. Showing off for me as always.

Finally I noticed the light start brightening above me, and as he swam the ocean floor started rising up. Sand appearing below us.

Without even needing a call Milotic rose up, and then we burst out of the ocean revealing a lone island in front of me, surrounded in a massive circular storm.

Dragonite Island. Home to an entire population of Dragonite Dragonair, and Dratini.

I grinned as I took out my rebreather. “Come on Milotic, let's go!”

Before I even hit the beach I could already see Dragonite, and Dragonair coming to see what was going on. As Milotic settled onto the beach a few Dragonite were wandering over doing their cute little roar speech greeting as they wandered up.

“Good morning!” I chirped at them as I slipped off Milotic letting him stretch out a bit and cool down from his dash.

“Gaaar.” The Dragonite greeted as he… She? I couldn’t tell. Looked pretty interested in their new guest. Milotic was actually getting a lot of attention from the Dragonite as more than a few were giving him interested looks.

Oh no Mr. Steal yo Girl strikes again!

“Hi! I’m Vicky, that’s Milotic. I wanted to come to your island to see if any of you wanted to join me on my Pokemon Journey.” I tell the first Dragonite who scratched their head for a moment before shrugging at me.

It was so cute I broke out into giggles. “That’s okay! I’m not here to force anyone. Just to see. I really like Dratini, Dragonair, and Dragonite. So I figured if anyone wanted to go and see the world. They could join me. I can promise lots of food.” I tell them earning a sort of churring noise that I took as amusem*nt.

It started walking away before stopping and waving me to follow. “Sure!” I chirped, turning back to Milotic, but I stopped. He was getting a lot of attention so I left it at that. Some Dragonair as well were floating over to see what was going on. But I followed after the Dragonite.

The tour of the island was full of cute Pokemon. I got to play with a Dratini that was fascinated by my goggles. Which I happily planted over his head earning the cutest little giggle noise from him as he quickly ran off to show the others. Dragonite took me through lots of interesting places. Although mostly it was just Dragons.

Dragonair tended to settle in small batches to watch Dratini. Dratini wandered all over playing. Dragonite tended to be in twos. Which as I watched and learned from the way they interacted made me think they were couples.

Interesting stuff! So Dragonair raised the Dratini communally, but Dragonite tended to couple. It was a question I couldn’t help but ask.

“So do you tend to stay with one partner, like fall in love and stay together?” I asked and after a few more clarifications the Dragonite nodded happily.

Sooo cute! They had little husbands and wives!

Unfortunately I wasn’t a protagonist. So no Dragonair that couldn’t fly that I could help them learn Dragon dance and prove my leadership skills so they would stay with me forever. The Dragonite I spoke to mostly seemed uninterested in leaving. More than happy to just chill out.

Dragonite were so chill. Honestly I think for Dragon types they were the most relaxed. It was pretty cool.

Then again I did remember Iris’s Dragonite. That f*cking rage dragon that literally had zero chill. Maybe he just didn’t have a girlfriend?

Cause all of these Dragonite were happy couples and total chill. One was literally buried in Dratini that were obviously playing a king of the Dragonite belly game and despite catching a few twisters from overeager Dratini he literally continued snoring away.

I fell in love to be honest. That level of don’t give a f*ck was incredible.

Unfortunately, though none of the Dragonite were interested in joining me, and the few Dragonair that heard me out, refused as well. Although I did note they seemed more interested. The Dratini of course were all excited but they were pushed away by the Dragonair. I understood, and even gave one of the Dragonair a laugh as goggles Dratini returned and made motions to want to become my Pokemon.

He was hauled away by what I could only think was his mother not long after.

So cute.

But I wasn’t about to steal someone's kid. Especially since this island was incredibly safe for the Dragon family.

I could understand not wanting to send your kids out into the wilds. With that I made a pitstop behind the waterfall to quickly gather up a whole bunch of Dratini sheddings. They were worth top dollar all over the world. People made boots out of them or something.

I would have to do something with those sometime.

But as I was grabbing the last ones I heard an explosion which had me drop what I had and hurry out.


As I rushed out the Dragonite that had been escorting me around was looking towards the beach concerned. “That might be my friend!” I tell him as I start running, but a moment after they scoop me up without another sound and suddenly I was airborne.

It was amazing. 10/10 magic dragon princess carry.

But I didn’t get a chance to really enjoy it because holy hell was it fast. In just moments we were on the other side of the island touching down towards the beach.

The beach, that was now much tenser than I had left. Milotic was looking angry as his fins were up showing a threat display and opposite him was a Dragonair. Doing the same. Worse, was another Dragonair to the side that had the obvious marks of Milotics tail imprinted on its face. I could see sort of what happened, the Dragonair had attacked Milotic. Milotic defended… The other Dragonair was angry?

I just wasn’t sure why.

Milotic was too lazy to cause a fight. “Hey Milotic what’s going on?” I call out as I am set back onto my feet on the sand and I rush forward earning a look from the Dragonair that was causing this but that was it. Instead it kept its focus on Milotic and Milotic to my shock called out as well. A warning.

To back away.

I stopped cold. Milotic? A moment later my escort was beside me and they gently tugged me back a bit until the area around the two Pokemon was safe.

A battle was going to happen. I turned to my escort. “Hey what's going on? Milotic wouldn’t pick a fight!” But it simply shook its head. It looked a little confused, it was obviously trying to explain but didn’t have the words.

Then two Dragonair came up, bumping me a little to get my attention. Which had Dragonite grr a little in acceptance, as the group enacted a little play for me.

First two Dragonair danced together. Then Dragonite came in and did some obvious flirtations with one of the Dragonair… I still wasn’t sure about any of the genders but I put that to the side.

The partner of the Dragonair got angry and had a pseudo fight, and Dragonite won. But then, the Dragonair he was wooing also started a play fight. In the end Dragonite ‘won’ and the Dragonair he had been flirting with was doing a dragon dance with them… OOOOOH!

“Oh sh*t. This is a courtship ritual!” I asked turning to Dragonite to receive a happy nod.

Hell. Milotic got some serious game then! He had flirted with a Dragonair that had a partner, and now he was being sized up… If he was good enough for her to choose him… Ouch. That was kinda harsh… But they were dragons. There was a reason they had a reputation for pride. Strength was important to dragons.

But it made me realize what was happening.

“Okay! Thank you for explaining!” I offered before stepping forward a moment. “Milotic! Don’t use Ice moves! Show her your strength as a Dragon!” I called out. Which earned a flap of Milotics fins as he acknowledged the order. “I believe in you!”

And that was it. I stepped back and settled in the sand as the Pokemon continued to size each other up.

There was a certain… Language being used, a body language between the two as they prepared for battle. I could tell Milotic was serious. Damn he must really like the look of that Dragonair. He loved attention but had never shown even any interest in the female Milotic of the flock.

I guess my boy liked them exotic.

And then in just a moment the battle began.

Dragonair let out a Howl that sounded like a mix of a lions roar and a siren singing as she let out a twister.

Milotic let out his own. Twister was a move Milotic learned, but we had never practiced it. But he gave it his all. The two dragon forces smashed into each other, and Dragonairs STAB was definitely the superior, but when the remnants of the move washed over Milotic he stood firm.


As if my boy would be beaten by a weakened Dragon move!

And then it was on. The two rushed in. Circling, Dragonair using dragon dance but ending it with Dragontail whipping out.

But that was the only other Dragon type move Milotic knew. So when his own tail glowed a light blue which looked rather pretty actually. It didn’t matter that Dragonair had STAB. The two tails bashed into each other, and I could tell the exact moment Dragonair realized she had bit off more than she could chew.

Because Milotics tail battered the dragon danced STAB attack away without even slowing down. A static ringing noise echoed out as the two moves hit and Milotic cried out a loud “Miiii!” As his tail battered the Dragonair away from him. She landed in the sand with a cry as she hit hard before she rose back up once more the two Pokemon resumed their standoff, but this time?

Well even I could see the interest of the Dragons around me. This had changed from something amusing to something… Interesting.

Dragonite tapped me on the shoulder pointing and I grinned. “I caught Milotic as a Feebas. I told him… I believe in his beauty, his strength. And we worked together until I helped him evolve. And then? Then I trained him so that no one could ever denounce how special he is. My Arcanine is strong too. Any Dragonite, or Dragonair, or Dratini that joins with me would be able to grow just as much.” I tell them and they nodded a little before turning back to the battle. Which had continued.

Milotic proving his strength in physical attacks had definitely caused a change in the ritual, because Dragonair was now seeming less aggressive sending out a few twisters that were pushed back and then ignored as they washed over Milotic. But then Milotic proving that he was a chad. Took on his own offense.

He swirled with water as Water Pulse activated, and blasted off in just a few moments. The very thin move blasted a line in the sand past the Dragonair kicking up sand for a moment. But not a drop touched her.

A warning shot. And then it was on. Twisters began firing, pushed back with Water Pulse which did manage to push back the attack entirely. Milotics water pressure training showed an improvement in the moves power, even if it wasn’t anything awe inspiring.

But it was enough to prove that he could do damage, that was all it needed to.

With the special attacks proven, they started circling each other, and Dragonair to my surprise began initiating a dragon dance.

It wasn’t an offensive move this time, in fact it was like she was waiting!

“Milotic Dragon dance! Do what she does. Use Dragon energy like with Dragon tail! You can do it! Prove you are just as much a Dragon!” I yelled out realizing my boy was floundering.

He didn’t know Dragon Dance.

But Milotic wasn’t about to let something like that stop him. He did as I recommended. A few moments later he started following her dance, although I could see it wasn’t right, it took a few turns before his tail went that same glowing light blue.

Clever boy! He was using the Dragon energy from Dragon Tail to try and get the feel of the new move!

And slowly, it wasn’t perfect. It was rough, and he couldn’t really fly too much off the sand, even if Milotic could float a bit, Dragon dance activated, and the two came together.

Oh my! I covered my eyes!

But you're damn right my fingers split open.


My Dragonite island adventure took a bit of an extended timeframe. Instead of just an afternoon because of Milotic proving himself a manly man he got the girl and so the two of them disappeared for a while.

I didn’t mind. Arcanine was having fun training on the beach, the Dragonite happily taking the challenge Arcanine was giving out, and with Chansey the loser could be healed to battle again.

Turns out despite being chill Dragonite loved to fight. I suppose it made sense if their courtship literally revolved around proving you were the strongest love interest.

Arcanine loved the fact that some of the Dragonite also had Extreme speed, and so were actually able to keep up with her.

And so we spent a few days just hanging out. I didn’t mind. Dratini were the cutest of all time. So I spent most of the day playing with baby dragons, while Arcanine trained, and Chansey healed.

Everyone was happy.

And then on the morning on the third day. As I came out to the beach from a cave I had camped up in Milotic rushed over. And gave me a big eel hug.

Awww. “I love you too buddy. Where is your new girlfriend?” I asked, only to be answered by her as she called out as she flew down.

“Preeeee!” And then Dragonair was there, landing above the sand. And I jerked back as she swung a tail at me lightly.

Oh she was mad.

Milotic wasn’t happy either. “Mii!”

“Pree. Dragonair!” She snapped, and then the two Pokemon were getting tense. Something was off.

“Hold up!” I call out getting in between them quickly. “Dragonair… It's nice to meet you. I’m not sure exactly what's going on, but Milotic is my partner, and I don’t want to interrupt your relationship. I’m really happy he found someone he likes.”

“Pree!” Dragonair made a scoffing noise as she glared. Turning to Milotic she snapped out a few more lines. “Dragon! Dragonair!”

“Milotic.” My boy said simply an absolute denial. Which didn’t make Dragonair happy.

“Wait!” I call out again. “I think I get it… You want Milotic to stay here with you?”

“Dragonair!” She snapped, but it was definitely a yes. I blinked Milotic? My partner staying? Impossible! He was my partner!

But it wasn’t just my decision. I turned to Milotic looked so confused. “Milotic. Do you want to stay?” I asked, and he hesitated, giving me a shrugging wiggle. “But you want to be with her?”

I nodded. Makes sense. He jumped into a summer fling and now he was shocked their lives weren’t the same. I turned towards Dragonair.

“Why don’t you come with him instead? I came here to see if a Dragon wanted to join my team. You are more than welcome to join us on our journey.” I asked and that caused her to jerk a little before denying instantly. A sound of… dismissal escaping her as she looked me over.

Like ouch.

“I’m not good enough huh?”


“Then let’s make it into a match. You like to fight over your relationships right? I won’t give up on Milotic either. He is my partner! So let's have a battle. If I win, you join me.”

“Dragon! Dragonair Drag!”

It takes me a minute to make out the way she was talking. “Oh, I won’t use Milotic, that would be weird. I have another Pokemon. If you can beat my other partner. Then Milotic will have to… He will have to choose. I can’t force him. But it won’t matter. You won’t win.” I tell her and that did it. She hissed a noise that was definitely unhappy escaping her.

“That’s right. You won’t win. And when you lose you can join me, and I will train you into a monster. You will become legendary. Just like Milotic.” I tell her and despite everything she jerked a bit at the fervor of my voice before scoffing, and nodding.

“Great. Let’s go.”

Thank Arceus for Chansey. Arcanine had been battling a lot in the last few days, but with Chansey and a full night's rest she wasn’t hurt or bothered. She was instead eager to battle some more when I released her. Listening to her howl of challenge, which earned a few Dragonite stirring from their naps.

But Dragonair was pissed. After all, I was basically challenging her for her newest lover.

But I would be damned before I handed over my Partner to anyone. Much less an upjumped Dragon.

“Arcanine. We have to win this. Milotic is part of our team. So this Dragonair needs to go down. She is resistant against fire moves.” I tell her, although considering how many dragons she had fought over the last few days she probably knew better than I did.

And then as both Pokemon settled into the sand, as everything went quiet. I knew the battle would begin soon. A Dragonite stood out from the sand and then roared.

As the roar ended the battle began.

“Extreme Iron head!”

“Preee!” Dragonair retaliated, a blistering twister tore through where Arcanine had been standing a moment before. And then Dragonair was letting out a cry of pain as she was smashed by Arcanine.

But this Dragonair wasn’t weak. She roared as an Aqua tail smashed into Arcanines side, both Pokemon eating sand from the attack.

“Shake it off Arcanine! Howl!”

Dragonair flinched back from the volume of Arcanines call, but she began a dragon dance, in return both Pokemon powering up.

“Arcanine! Extreme Iron head!”

“Preee!” Dragonair called out as she heard my call as she started trying to fly up and away, but Extreme speed was called that for a reason.

The Dragonair barely moved before a dog barrelled into her slamming her into sand. “Bite attack!” I called and Arcanine bit down dark energy causing a more powerful damage as her body was bitten.

But Dragonair was a dragon. The aqua tail build up was so fast I didn’t get a chance to start yelling to dodge before Arcanine was once more blasted away from Dragonair.

I grit my teeth. Water was super effective, even if Dragonair wasn’t an amazing physical brawler. It was still hurting my pup.

“Alright Arcanine! Double team! Not more letting that Dragon get a hit in!”

“Bark!” And then Arcanine was gone. Practically vanishing as more and more doubles of her appeared as she started running around.

A twister was sent out but hit nothing but an after image.

“Iron tail!” I called out, and then Dragonair was crying back into the sand as Arcanine knocked her out of the air.

“Hold!” I called out and a moment later Arcanine slowed watching Dragonair struggle to lift herself out of the sand.


“You're strong!” I call out at her heated cry. “You even earned the love of Milotic! We don’t have to do this! We can work together. Grow strong together! You can stand beside Milotic on the battlefield! Work with him, train with him every day!”


She denied me, still upset.

“Fine. Arcanine… Play rough.”

And as smoke appeared around Dragonair Arcanine jumped in and suddenly stars appeared as she was whacked around.

When it was done. She was unconscious. I fingered a Pokeball for a moment but eventually put it away.

I didn’t want a dragon on my team that hated my existence. We would have to talk this out first.

Chapter 12

Chapter Text

“P-pree?” The confused noise had all of us looking towards Dragonair who had been taking a nap after Chansey healed her. Milotic was curled up around her so as she awoke she quickly snuggled closer as she made some questioning noises.

“Mil. Milotic.” He offered I could hear him trying to be kind even if the exact words were lost on me, but Dragonair seemed heartbroken. Nearly crying as she pressed herself against him.

Damn now I feel bad.

I wait a moment for her to turn to look around and see me sitting with Arcanine beside me.

“Pree… Dragonair.”

“No.” I shook my head. I could tell what that meant right then. It was a disheartened noise. A surrender. “I won’t capture you.” I tell her earning a jerk from her head as she wonders what is going on.


“I discussed it with Milotic while you were… unconscious. We can set something up to come visit you. It can even be pretty often, Milotic is plenty fast to be able to swim here from Vermillion or something. But I won’t capture you. You don’t want to come with me and I’m not in the habit of building a team with Pokemon that don’t want to join me.” I tell her with a sigh.

“Dragon, Dragonair.”

“Of course I want you to come.” I tell her instantly hearing the sound asking if she wasn’t good enough.

“Listen. If you choose to come with, I would be happy to take you with me. To fight alongside you, to train you to be a legend. I think that’s my goal, you know? I started this journey just because it's expected… But I want to make a team of Pokemon that everyone says are legends. A legendary team… But not made up of legendary Pokemon. I want their strength to be something we work on together to build towards.”

Funny to think that it took me not capturing a Pokemon to get an idea of what I wanted out of this journey.

“Anway I’m getting side tracked. Dragonair. I beat you in a battle. Both of my battle Pokemon defeated you. You may be strong, but you aren’t that strong. Not enough to overcome my team. My training. So the question is. Do you want to come with? Do you want me to train you? If not Milotic will come to visit a lot. I’m not cruel. I am super happy Milotic found someone he likes, and I’m glad you like him.”

“Pree.” She turned away from me looking up towards Milotic as she snuggles into him for a moment. A quiet few seconds pass. Then she pulled away and untangled herself from Milotic. With a haughty air she slithered across the sand until she was standing across from me with nothing between us.

A moment of silence and she barked a question. I wasn’t sure what it was, but Milotic suddenly stirring in happiness meant it was a good thing. A few moments and Milotic came to my rescue as I tried to work out what was being said.

Funnily enough his charades were worse than I expected. Not having hands I guess will do that, but his spinning into a dragon dance made it click at least a little. She was a dragon, they did all their relationships like this. A battle of sorts. But it was more than that. A discourse. Agreement.

“If you come with me. You will have to actually be on my team. If you refuse to do anything I say, then it's a no go.”

“Dragon! Dragonair… Dragon Drag Dragonair.”

She pointed towards Milotic, and I almost snorted, but I got the feeling that was a bad idea.

“Milotic will be with you. If I ever send Milotic home because I need to switch out my team… I don’t know why I ever would. But you will be with him, and I won’t send you away either. Wherever he is. You are.” I offer, and earn an accepting trill from that.

Then she hesitated and then seemed to stand taller made herself puff up a bit, and she pointed towards Milotic. It took a few moments before I got it.

“You want to be able to stand equal to him. You want to grow strong? I will train you hard. You will get the same training as the others. Or even more since you are behind. I promise you Dragonair. If you join me. You will not be weak. Ever. You will grow equal to any Dragonite that there ever was. I swear that.”

That was an acceptance, but not a defeat. Now it sounded like a challenge. I reached into my pocket and grabbed one of my premier balls.

“Dragonair. Join my team let's become a legend together.”


She pushed her nose forward and into the Pokeball. And then she disappeared in a flash of red light.

I breathed out a solid chunk of air as I fell on my butt. “That was exhausting.” I mutter as I fall back into the sand more than willing to lay there for a while.


“Oh right. Here buddy. Let’s not keep you away from your Girlfriend.” I mutter as I release her, with a loud cry Dragonair appeared and she was quite pleased to then cuddle with Milotic. What a day… Oh right. It was still early morning…

Nope. Taking a nap. Pulling my sun hat over my face I simply plopped in the sand.

Waking up a bit later I was greeted with a sand colored dog nose, and a cuddly fish with his QT Dragon GF.

Man what a weird group. Chansey was out too, but she had wandered off to play with the Dratini after healing up Dragonair earlier. So she was probably having fun.

“I guess we should get some training in then. Dragonair. Let's go find Chansey, and then? Then we will show you how Team Legend trains.” I say as I sit up wiping sand from my hair. I adjusted my hat without a care to keep the sun off me as I got up. Already Arcanines tail was wagging up a storm, and Milotic was looking eager to show off for his girlfriend.

Chansey was easy to find a group of Dratini circling her happily as she played with them. Her mothering instincts were pretty strong after all.

“Chansey! Training time. Dragonair is on the team.”

“Chansey Chanse!” And as always my pink blob goddess was more than willing to be the force of nature that my team pit themselves against to sharpen them into legends.


Dragonair's first meeting with my good frienemy Gravity was a hilarious experience. Chansey had been getting a lot better at using the ability, for almost a year now she had basically used it constantly over and over until she simply couldn’t anymore almost every day.

If Arcanine and Milotic trained their body every day, Chansey trained this one ability. The old adage of training 1000 punches once, vs training 1 punch 1000 times came into play.

Gravity was Chanseys best ability and her healing was getting amazingly solid as well.

So as Chansey improved in ability Arcanine and Milotic had both grown with her.

But Dragonair? Well she ate sand on the deserted section of the beach I had claimed for a spot of introductory training.

The force of Gravity was a bit too much for the surprised dragon.

“So this is one of our secrets to our strength. I call out to her.” As she slowly rises up from the ground and noticed Arcanine already moving full tilt just as fast as always, Milotic also showing little issue had her slump.

“It's gonna be tough especially at first, but Chansey is here to heal you and make sure you are healthy as you go through the training. So Dragonair… Are you ready to sweat?” I grin almost menacingly as the Dragon starts to realize what she was in for.


That night a little fire set up to heat up some food I couldn’t help but feel at peace. My pokemon were passed out around the fire. Milotic and Dragonair curled up as only two eels could. Arcanine was my backrest happy in her doggy dreams after a day of exercise. Chansey was there as well, happily helping me cook. As always she wanted to support the team.

It was perfect.

Which is why I was sad that I would have to leave. As much as I loved this little island surrounded by cute dragons, I still had things to do. Pokemon to catch, gyms to battle.

Plus Mama and Papa are probably getting worried that I didn’t call. It’s been a lot longer than I wanted to be out of touch.

So tomorrow I would return to civilization. It was almost too bad. This island had a bunch of berry trees that the Dragons ate, plus since it was just dragons here I didn’t have to worry about someone stumbling upon my Gravity training. Which was a pain because I couldn’t just train anywhere.

I sighed, grabbing my ladle out of the pot, and started parting out bowls for everyone. Arcanine was already perking up in her little dream to get some. Heavy training meant heavy hunger.

Ugh. I would have a long swim tomorrow.


Considering Milotic knew how to get back to Vermillion we didn’t bother to stop back on Dewgong island. As much as I might want to. I wanted to get to a Pokemon center to call Mama and Papa. And since this time we were a bit more on point for where we needed to go it didn’t take nearly as long. Although it was still a good six hours of swimming to once more come into the Vermillion harbor.

Once more taking a few minutes on the rough rocks of the beach I finally hauled myself through town and ended up tiredly dragging my feet as I entered the Pokemon center.

“Hi Nurse Joy. Can I get a room?”

“Welcome to the Pokemon Center. Are you alright?”

“Just tired. I was in the ocean for hours.” I yawn out groaning a bit as I rub my butt. My butt hurts.

“Of course. Shall I look after your Pokemon?”

“Please. We all went through an adventure, we could probably use a checkup even if I do have Chansey with me.”

“Oh you have a Chansey? That’s so nice. I’ll give them all a nice checkup.”

I throw a thumbs up as I wander off to the rooms and crash for a bit. I would need to change out of the wetsuit but for now all I wanted was to lay flat for a while.


“Hi Mama!” I called out as soon as the video phone connected, earning a look of relief from Mama.

“Vicky! You had us all worried girl! Did you get lost? You should have been in Cerulean days ago!”

“No no not lost. I went on a bit of an adventure. Milotic and I went out onto the ocean. I was looking for something. Anyways. I’m okay! Sorry I took so long… Well Milotic sort of found himself a girlfriend, and that took a few days for them to get ‘settled in’ and everything.” I tell her, finger quoting as I said settled in.

“Oh!” Mama looks a little surprised before laughing a bit. “Of course I should have expected this. You found a wild Milotic?”

“Huh? Oh no worse. Milotic totally impressed a Dragonair.” I tell Mama, whispering the name of the Dragon and looking around a bit to make sure no one was around. Thankfully the Pokemon center was empty.

I could see Mama slowly come to the realization of what I had just said. “V-vicky! Did you find a Dragonair!?”

“Yeah. Well.. It’s a long story. Next time I’m home I’ll tell you the whole thing. But yeah I uh.. Well I managed to convince the Dragonair that if she wanted to stay with Milotic she had to join my team. So I have a Dragonair now too.”

“A-ah.” Mama made a broken noise in her throat for a moment. “Victoria! How did you even find a Dragonair! Those things are almost myth! If not for that Blackthorne clan in Johto we wouldn’t even be sure they are real!”

“I know Mama. Sorry. But they are pretty cool. Dragonair and Milotic had this battle for him to prove he was worthy of being with her, and he impressed her, now they are totally dating, it’s super cute how they cuddle together.”

“Oh my… Vicky.. They may not be ‘compatible’ with each other. That could end badly. Pokemon sometimes will match with eachother out of species, and it doesn’t often go well…”

“Huh? Oh you mean eggs? They can make eggs. They sh-” I stop myself from saying egg groups. That idea didn’t really exist I remember. Most of the time it was determined through experimentation if Pokemon could mate.

But I already knew they were incredibly compatible. I mean. Both shared the exact same two egg groups. Dragon, and Water 1. They might as well be cousin species in some ways.

“I think it’ll be okay.” I finally say earning a concerned look from Mama.

Then she sighed. “I’ll reach out to Grandmother. Tell her what you did. Those pokemon are on the conservation list too, you know.” She muttered tiredly at me. Which I couldn’t do anything but flush a little and rub the back of my head.


“No, don't feel bad. You are supposed to go out and find rare Pokemon, you are on your journey. Let us adults handle the adult issue. I’m proud of you Vicky. Arceus knows whatever luck you are running on doesn’t come from me or your father. But… I’m proud of you.”

“A-ah!” I flush completely compliments! My weakness! “T-thanks Mama.” I shuffle quietly embarrassed at her earnest words.

A quiet laugh is all I get in return. “Since you can’t tell me everything. Just make sure you do your best to let us know if you are going to be out of contact for so long okay? I worry.”

“O-of course!”

We ended up chatting for another while. Mama mostly asking me how I was, if I was eating enough and all the things a worried parent might ask.

But eventually the call had to end.

I was back in my comfortable clothes, with my hat on my head, and I was ready!

To get back on Arcanine and run for another hour or two to get to Cerulean. Ugh!

“Here are your Pokemon. They all look healthy and happy. Your newest catch was quite energetic as well, but she calmed down when she saw my Chansey.”

“Thanks. Yeah I’m still working with her.”

“Well it was my pleasure. I don’t get to interact with such rare pokemon very often.” Nurse joy whispers as she hands me my Pokeballs. I simply give her a grin in return.

With that I marched out of the Pokemon center stretching in the afternoon sunlight. I wanted to reach Cerulean before I had to sleep, but I also wanted to give Dragonair some more training. Once she started to get used to the gravity training she seemed all for it. Dragons liked growing stronger after all.

I enjoyed the quiet walk up the main street of Vermillion as I headed north. I stopped at a few shops on the way, gathering some more food, as the five days were a bit longer than I expected to go without a restock.

But after I bought even more food as I wanted to make sure I had the right Pokefood for Dragonair. If she was going to train hard, I wanted to make sure she was healthy and enjoyed her food.

Working really hard just to eat horrible food? I couldn’t imagine that.

So with that I headed out of Vermillion. Once we were in the clear I released Arcanine, attached her saddle, and headed north.

The rolling forested hills that lay between Vermillion and Cerulean were pretty to look at, if samey after a while, but I had left my goggles back on Dragonite island. Dratini had loved them too much, and I realized only as I pushed my face into Arcanines furry mane that I had forgotten to buy new ones.

Oh well. At least Cerulean was known for water trainers, I would pick up some new goggles there.


A half hour into the run, I had Arcanine pull off into a clearing a good bit away from the road. I sent her to look around to make sure there weren’t any trainers around before I pulled out the rest of my team.

“Okay guys! You all know what to work on Milotic lets get that pressure up! Dragonair! Physical training for you. Let's get you nice and fit! I call out earning a trill from my eel and a nod from my Dragon.

Dragonair was unable to fly of course as Gravity specifically stopped that. So instead I had her practicing a quick attack equivalent. Working on moving under the heavy gravity to increase her speed. She was determined. Sort of like Arcanine in a noodle body.

Milotic would often get distracted because of her training, the chad would stop to watch.

He was so in love it was hilarious. I was glad we managed to settle everything.

Fortunately, my team was pretty self sufficient except for when I had to remind Milotic to keep training. Once Arcanine came back she was more than happy to jump into training without a word.

Which gave me plenty of time to work with Dragonair. It seemed to help as my attention on her seemed to help her relax especially when my orders seemed to help. I even gave her a brief on how we would train Iron Tail once she got her fitness up.

We spent a few hours training until Dragonair was getting too tired to recover from Chanseys healing. When we stopped I had been making lunch during the last bit of the training. And with my Pokemon tired and full I let them nap as I joined them relaxing for a bit. Arcanine would be good for another run soon. Chansey healing was super strong, but I still didn't want to overwork Arcanine.


Walking into Cerulean as the sun was setting I made my way towards the Pokemon Center. Thanks to my Map I knew how to get to it. So despite only passing through Cerulean before I wasn’t worried about getting lost.

Wandering through the town of water was an interesting experience. Lots of canals and rivers ran through the city, another sign of their pride in their water type Pokemon.

It was pretty, that was for sure.

Entering the Pokemon center, the first thing I did was speak with Nurse Joy to see if Kenta, or Ivy had made it here yet.

“Oh? Yes, Ivy Vinewood left a message for Victoria Ferrous. But she is still in town, so you should be able to wait here for her. I know she was planning on coming back tonight.” I smiled and thanked Nurse Joy as I decided to make a call. Papa would be nice to hear from since it was late enough he should be off work.

Half way through my conversation with Papa about how everything has been going, I hear a cry behind me.

“Vicky!” a voice called out and slammed into my back as small arms wrapped around me in a strong hug.

“Ivy!” I giggle as she sticks to me like a leech.

“Where were you! You said you would only be a day or two!”

“Sorry sorry! Hey Papa can-”

“Trouble. Focus on your friend. Just call me again soon. Proud of you.” He ended the call with a smile, and I couldn’t help but turn a little red at that. What is it with my parents hitting me with the Proud of you card!? Unfair! Bullying!

“Oh Ivy? Is this your friend?” A voice behind me called out and I turned only to still for a minute.

Because there standing in front of me was Brock, Misty, and Ash motherf*cking Ketchum.

“Yeah! This is Vicky! She is amazing! We split up after Brock's gym.”

“Heh, I remember. Nice to see you again Victoria.”

“Brock…” I shook my head. Not the time to freak out. “I see you started a Jounrey.”

“Yeah.” He offered with a happy smile. That was nice.

“Ash, this is the girl I told you about. The one that fought my best team and won. Just before you. See she has about as many badges as you, but is way stronger.” Brock offers, but is ignored.

“Wha? She doesn’t look like much! I’m Ash Ketchum from Pallet town! And I have two Badges!” He offers with a smirk showing off the inside of his jacket that had the boulder and Cascade badge.

“Victoria Ferrous of Viridian city.” I reply, pulling out my bag I open it and pull out my badge case. “I only have the Boulder badge.” I offered, although I noticed that his Boulder badge looked different than mine. Huh. Mine had an extra little mark on it that his didn’t.

“See Brock! I already have two, and she only has one! Hey, let’s have a battle! I heard you're strong.”

“Pika! Pi!” I turned to Pikachu and I couldn’t help but melt a little. He was so chubby!

“What a cutie!” I couldn’t help but say, ignoring Ash for a moment while I tried to process as I offered my hand for scratches to the rat, which he hesitated a moment before bending forward since I didn’t invade his space and got to scratch his puffy cheeks.

I forgot how chubby Pikachu was back in the beginning.

“H-hey! I challenged you to a battle!” Ash interrupted and I sighed. I was standing right in front of his glaring eyes and I nodded.

“Alright. Trainers should battle if challenged.” I agree. Ash gave a confident smirk as he nodded.

“C’mon there is a battle space behind the Pokemon center!” he eagerly called out, already running ahead.

I couldn’t help but turn to Brock, giving him a quirked eyebrow. “No warning for your pal?”

“He already got it. It will be good for him to be reminded that there are strong trainers out there. Those badges aren’t a sign of anything.” Brock sighed. “Try not to hurt his Pokemon too much.”

“I won’t. I don’t punish Pokemon for trainer stubbornness.” I tell him as I check my belt. Making sure I had my Pokemon before nodding. Walking out with a quiet Ivy and Brock and Misty following.

I literally felt my skin prickle. So I was in the anime timeline. It was so weird!

But I followed along. Battling Ash huh. Well let's see if he can keep up. Pikachu wasn’t the monster it would become later on, and Ash? Well he was pretty much getting by on luck and some of his Pokemon being strong right about now.

Behind the Pokemon center was a battling area marked out and ready and Ash was already on the other side practically vibrating as he was waiting for me.

“Alright.” I call out “Standard battle rules?”

“Yes!” Ash replied. “Pikachu, I choose you!”

“Well then. I guess I’ll have to go with Milotic!” I called out and my Partner appeared, earning a loud gasp from Misty at the rare water type. Although Ash didn’t seem to know anything about them. Pulling out an actual paper Pokedex to my surprise, and started flipping pages.

“Ash! You won’t find a Milotic in a Kanto Pokedex! They don’t live here! Milotic is a Water type Pokemon!” Misty interrupted stopping Ash from wasting any further time as he nodded.

“Fine! I just beat a Water Type Gym! We can handle this!”

“Very well.” I offered with a nod.

“Battle begin!” Brock called out and we started.

“Pikachu! Thundershock!”

“Pika! CHUUUUU!”

“Thunder Rod!” I called out, smiling as Milotics' tail turned white from Iron Tail as he pushed it into the ground in front of him.

This was the culmination of why training Iron Tail had been so important for my team. A steel move that would act like a lightning rod, redirecting the lightning damage through the steel and into the earth.

We hadn’t gotten much practice, in fact up until now I wasn’t even sure if it would work. I hadn’t had any Pokemon with electric moves until Dragonair who has thunder wave, after all. But I was confident. Pokemon moves were magic, but it should work. And as Pikachus Thundershock hits Milotic I could see him wince a little but nothing like what a electric attack would normally do.

“W-what!?” Misty gasps in shock at the outcome but I ignore the peanut gallery as they talk about what just happened.

“Milotic! Water Pulse!”


The sound of Water cutting through the air echoed as it blasted out. It still wasn’t that much stronger than it had been against Brock. But Brock also was facing me with Pokemon with years of training and experience. Pikachu tried to dodge, but Milotic was used to facing Arcanine in practice bouts.

Pikachu was quick, but he wasn’t extreme.

Water Pulse slammed into the retreating mouse and hammered it all the way across the arena until it landed in front of ash.

“Piiiii.” I could hear faintly as Pikachu picked itself up and shook the water off, but I could tell and so could Ash that the hit wasn’t gentle.

“Pikachu! That! Quick attack this time! Go around him!”

“Piiika!” The little rat called out causing a white aura to surround him as he charged in, and was immediately met with a Iron Tail acting like a wall.

Pika’s Quick attack might as well have been moving at a brisk walk compared to Extreme Speed.

The rat managed to dodge away with a cry but it was obvious his Quick attack had failed the white aura disappearing.

“Hit him with a Thunder shock again! Just don’t let up!”

“Thunder rod.”

The sparkling thunder was bright and powerful, but almost all of it simply soaked back into the ground since Milotic was floating and all the energy went straight through his tail.

“Milotic! Iron Tail!”

“Miii!” And Milotic moved. Much faster than the startled Pikachu that was panting after its massive electric release expected because a moment later Pikachu was batted away with a small *dong* as Milotics fan-like tail swatted the mouse.

This time it was obvious Pikachu was done.

“W-what!?” Ash gasped, unable to understand what was going on. “But Pikachu hit! Your Pokemon didn’t take any damage!” But the moment Pikachu didn’t get back up, that was his whole focus running up to his Pokemon with a cry of “Pikachu!”

“Chansey.” I call out releasing my girl. “Chansey help out that Pikachu.” I called out and she danced over towards Ash who had jerked at her appearance, but a few moments later Pikachu was looking much better after a heal pulse.

“Chansey chanse!”

“Piii Pika.” The two pokemon spoke to each other.

“Hey Ash. We aren’t finished are we?” I ask, and he looks up and shakes his head.
“No way! If Pikachu won’t work, then I still have the rest of my team!”

I nodded. And then he returned to the battle circuit Chansey wandering over to the others patting Ivy on the head in greeting.


And Bulbasaur came out. I could tell instantly, he was a lot stronger than Ivys. Probably a good year or so older and with a lot more battling experience.

“Another type advantage. But it won’t matter.” I told him and Ash scowled.

“Bulbasaur! Razor leaf!”

“Milotic Iron tail and parry them away!”

The two moves met in a flurry Milotics tail acting like a shield. Blocking the leaves and stopping them cold with seemingly little to no damage.

“F-fine! Bulbasaur! Leech seed!”

“Surf! Knock the seeds away!”


The two moves met and while Milotic was still not the strongest with special attacks it did its job. The seeds never managed to reach as they were pushed away with water pressure.

“Agh!” Ash scowled as his move failed again. Even if Bulbasaur I could tell was only getting more serious. Good.

“Vine Whip! Like Ivy showed us! Get above it and keep up with Razor leaf!” Ash called out and I nearly whistled as Bulbasaur started using Ivy's 3d maneuvers. Pulling itself into the air on its vines and beginning to attack from awkward angles.

“Ice beam! Freeze one of the vines!” I called out and despite Milotic taking a few razor leaves, his attack worked, hitting a light pole that Bulbasaur was using and freezing the vine solid to the metal, earning a cry of pain from Bulbasaur and stopping him from being able to move. Instead he was stuck hanging.


“Hey Ash. Recall Bulbasaur. He can’t get out of that on his own like this.” I call out, seeing Bulbasaur try and fail to break the ice from his trapped vine.

Ash hesitates, but after a moment he nods. “Bulbasaur return.”

Thankfully the return brings the vine with and the ice is left as a sculpture hanging from the pole.

“I think that's enough.” I call out even as Ash goes to grab another Pokeball. I step away from the battle space for trainers and walk up to Milotic patting his head and telling him he was amazing as I walk up to Ash.

“I-I still have Pokemon!”

“I know. But you should know when to say enough is enough. Can any of your Pokemon beat Milotic? Can they beat the rest of my team as well?” I ask and he hesitates.

“There isn’t any shame in not putting your Pokemon into pointless battles, Ash. You have potential. Don’t get stuck in thinking every battle needs to be fought to the bitter end.” I tell him, because honestly if his Pokemon with super effective moves against Milotic couldn’t even start to bring him down, nothing Ash had left could win.

He lowers his head and nods quietly without a word, he takes his Pikachu and runs off.

Yeah I know that feeling.

“I feel kinda bad.” I muttered but Brock was suddenly there.

“Don’t be. Ash wants to be a Pokemon Master. That means losses. It means hitting walls and having to learn to overcome them.” He offers a smile and I return it.

“I’m surprised you didn’t teach him that then. Your Pokemon could have taken out his team.”

Brock looks a little embarrassed. “Ah, I left them all at home. My… Dad took over the gym, so he needed the gym Pokemon including my main team. I only took a few that I knew wouldn’t be missed. I wanted to train a new team anyways.” He offered with a shrug and I nodded.

“Wow.” Misty whispered word had me turn from Brock as she approached Milotic who was being checked out by Chansey despite not really being hurt. “Milotic.” She whispered, stepping closer catching his eye .


“Ah sorry I’ve just never seen a Milotic before. You’re really beautiful.”

“Mii! Milotic.”

“Oh, Umm Handsome, you're very handsome.” She corrected herself at Milotics' whining tone but that was fine he perked up with that.

“Milotic is pretty awesome.” I say breaking away from Brock for a moment to join Misty at Milotics side.

“Yeah.. Where did you even find him?” She asked but I shook my head.

“Family secret.”

She groaned at that which made me chuckle. “Yeah I get that. You did great, buddy. I’m really impressed with how you handled that fight.” I tell him earning a purring call as he nuzzled me wanting attention.

“Do you think Ash is going to be okay?” Ivy asked, having been looking towards the Pokemon center since he ran off.

“I think Ash will be okay.” Misty offered simply. “He shouldn’t have such a big head anyways.”

“I think you are just upset that he beat you.” Brock offered which had Misty turning on him instantly.

“The match was interrupted and I was about to win, not him!”

I chuckled at their bickering. I returned Chansey and Milotic and walked over to Ivy. “C’mon let's head inside. I want to hear all about your adventure.” I tell her earning a bright smile as she nodded, standing tall and looking proud.

“I made it all the way to Cerulean on my own!” She says proudly, which earns her a pat on the head.

“Great job. I knew you could do it.” I say earning a flush.

“Well I didn’t make it all the way alone. I met up with Brock Misty and Ash in Mt. Moon. There were these people putting up lights through all the tunnels and it was causing the Pokemon to freak out…”

Chapter 13

Chapter Text

“Clefairy!” Ivy's new Pokemon chanted as Chansey looked her over.

“Huh. Clefairy can be pretty hard to catch, good job Ivy.”

“I didn’t do anything. I just got lucky. We fell into a pitfall that those Team Rocket people had dug and Clefairy was in there. We helped each other so…”

“Luck is a skill too.” I tease with a grin. “Still cool. Cleafairy are neat, they have a lot of really useful moves.

“Anyway that’s how I met Cleafairy, and then I traveled with Brock, Misty, and Ash.”

“I’m glad you found a good adventure.” I told her with a thumbs up that had her blushing. “Have you seen Kenta?”

“No… I called him though, he is still in Pewter. Apparently he has been training hard with Squirtle, and he caught a Pidgey that he wants to train.”

“Awesome. I’ll have to give him a call.”

“Well?” She asked me, earning a confused look.

“Well what?”

“Ugh. Vicky! How about your adventure! You went off on your own to capture a Pokemon right? What happened?”

“Oh! Right. Well… I traveled to Vermillion, bought some ocean gear and traveled on Milotic for a long time. In the end Milotic got some interest from my newest Pokemon, and they battled it out in a courtship ritual. Then we had a whole thing because she wanted Milotic to stay with her, but I was like no way! And so we had a battle with Arcanine. Arcanine won, and then after we had a talk I told her she could come with us instead! Eventually she agreed so I captured her, and we started her training. She seems happy.”

“Ugh, you're the worst. What Pokemon did you capture!” Ivy called out as she reached over to start poking me earning some giggles as I was ticklish.

“Okay! Okay, I surrender. I was just teasing!” I quickly grab Dragonairs Pokeball. We were in the Pokemon centers rec room, along with Ash and his group, but thankfully it was quiet otherwise. As I swiftly released Dragonair.

“Preee!” She cried out looking around for a moment before her wing ears lowered. Ah right. She was probably thinking Milotic would be out.

“Hey Dragonair. This is my friend Ivy. She will likely be traveling with us a lot. I just wanted to introduce you. Let me go ahead and release Milotic as well, you can spend some time together.” I tell her earning a perked up ear wings as I release my boy, and the two swiftly began swirling around each other.

“Oh!” The loud shout from the other side of the room caught my attention as Misty stood up and rushed over.

“Oh oh oh!” The red head repeated watching as my two Pokemon cuddled. “You have a Dragonair as well!?”
“Yeah we just caught her. She basically fell for my Milotics manly charms. He totally flirted with her and then well. He proved he was strong enough to be her partner.”

“Oh my gosh! They are such a cute couple!” Misty nearly squealed as she looked them over. The Redhead joining Ivy and I on the couch.

“Wow Vicky. You found a Dragonair! That’s… Well actually. That is about normal for the Legendary Trainer I guess.” Ivy said after a bit.

“Buh! Don’t call me that embarrassing name!”

“Legendary Trainer?” Misty asked, although barely tore her eyes away from the cuddling eels.

“Yeah Vicky had Milotic for years now, but she also has an Arcanine. She was the strongest battler in school, AND she had legendary Pokemon, so kids from other classes started calling her the Legendary Trainer.”

“Aww that’s cute.”

“It’s embarrassing!” I hissed but Ivy and Misty both just giggled at me.

“Anyway! I still need to challenge the Cerulean Gym. Have you battled it yet Ivy?”

“Ah.. Um no. The gym is.”

“My sisters are having some trouble handling the influx of trainers.” Misty offered and I nodded.

“Gotcha. So I guess they are pretty backed up then.”

“What nothing? I’m one of the Cerulean sisters, and you say nothing?” Misty asks, and I blink.

“Is it that big a deal? I mean Brock is literally the Pewter Gym leader.”

“Huh. Most people react a lot more strongly once they learn that.”

“Fame is kinda rough huh? Yeah not really my thing. Although I will admit the Mermaid outfits you use in your sets are pretty cool. Are those a custom job or do you buy them somewhere?” Swimming through the ocean as a Mermaid… I mean that just sounds awesome.

“Custom jobs. Sorry.” Misty offered. Ivy laughed at my pout. “Although if you wanted to trade your Milotic…”

“Not a chance.” I cut that off instantly with a Glare. “None of my Milotic are for sale.”

Misty nodded for a moment before blinking and looking shocked. “Wait! You have more than one!?”
“Oh yeah Vickys’ family has a Flock of them at Viridian city. Although all of them are Vickys.”

“You!” Misty looked like she wanted to say something but her voice was gone. I threw up a hand. “You are the Milotic farmer! I’ve been trying to reach out for years! Every call, every letter nothing! My Sisters and I have been going crazy!”

“Sorry. Family secret. And they are under the protection of the Pokemon Association. So we aren’t really looking or willing to trade.”

Misty let out a plaintive groan before seeming to come back to herself. “Fine. I’ll just have to find one myself!”

“I hope you do.” I offer and she grins.

“Alright I’m going to go to Cerulean Gym to try and get a battle date. Come on lovebirds. Time to go.” I call out to Dragonair and Milotic earning Pokemon pouts from both. “Sorry.” but I swiftly returned them and headed out.

“I’ll come with! I want to check my match schedule as well!” Ivy chirped as she jumped to her feet.

“Ah we are going to be heading out towards Vermillion. Ivy, it was nice traveling with you.” Brock called out and Ivy did a little bow towards him in thanks. Ash was still quiet as we left.

Oh well.

We headed over to the Gym and the receptionist outside took my information. Unfortunately they weren’t kidding. Due to the injuries of their Pokemon ready for battle. The Cerulean Gym had a wait list almost a week long.


“Yeah.” Ivy muttered her match was scheduled for five days from now.

“This is crazy. The journey period just started! How can they already have a week-long wait?”

“Unfortunately we had a trainer come through that was overly aggressive.” A voice spoke up behind us. “Daisy Cerulean Gym Leader. Nice to meet you.”

“Victoria Ferrous of Viridian city. Nice to meet you. Your pokemon are injured? Can the Pokemon Center not help?”

“Of course. But the Cerulean Center is already understaffed. An unfortunate coincidence. There was a Pokemon Center… Oh it was in Viridian city actually that got blown up. Most of the extra Chanseys in Kanto were transferred to help.”

“That makes sense.” I muttered realizing that Ash had probably blown up the Pokemon center… Nurse Joy had better be okay! I would be super pissed if she was injured…

“I have an idea then.” I offer with a smirk. “I have a Chansey on my team. If we heal your Pokemon, have a battle with me and Ivy, and afterwards Chansey will do her best to heal your team so you won’t have to wait a full week for gym challenges.”

The blonde Gym leader seemed to consider it, Humming to herself as she poked her lips with a finger. “I think that's fair!”

“Good. In that case. Let’s have Ivy go first.”

“Wha? Vicky?”

“It’s okay. She has one badge, so let's heal the Pokemon you would use against that first.”

“Alright! Let me get my sisters!”


“That was… Anticlimactic.” I muttered. I now had a Cascade badge in my badge case. I had battled a Gyarados that the Sisters had with Milotic, but it hadn’t really been a fight.

Gyarados was powerful, angry. But Daisy could barely control him. In the end, it hadn’t taken me long to ice him into a loss, and the Gym leader had surrendered then, Gyarados was their strongest Pokemon.

“Well at least we aren’t stuck here for an entire week.” Ivy offers and I laugh at that. Fair enough!

“Yeah. C’mon I want to get out of here before the sisters try to drag me back in to steal Milotic again.”

“They weren’t trying to steal him… They just wanted you to work at their Gym. And by you. I mean Milotic.” Ivy offers straight faced, before both of us broke into giggles again.

The sisters at the Gym were a little much for me. I was glad it was all over. Badge secured, and Milotic unstolen.

“C’mon Vicky! Maybe if we hurry we can catch up with Misty Brock and Ash!”

“Oh? You want to travel with them?” I asked as I hurried after Ivy.

“They were nice!” Ivy offered with a shrug and I couldn’t help but nod. If she wanted to travel with them that was fine with me… Although Team Rocket… Ugh.

We raced back to the Pokemon center to heal up a bit more, and to confirm that the group had left. Nurse Joy confirming they had left hours ago.

“Vicky! Can we ride Arcanine to catch up?” Ivy asked, turning to me, and well… I couldn’t say no.

“Sure. C’mon help me get her saddle on.”

“Oh you got a Saddle?”

“Yeah I knew I would ride Arcanine enough that I needed one.” I reply as I summon my dog that was already tail wagging at the idea of getting to run some more.

Once the saddle was on, I jumped on and held out my hand. “C’mon Ivy sit in front of me. I don’t want you to slip off.”

“Right! Thank you Arcanine.” Ivy whispered as I pulled her in front of me. By this point we had gotten the beginnings of a crowd. People looking in shock at an Arcanine. But I ignored them, instead once Ivy was on. We were good to go.

“Arcanine! Let’s go!”


Then we were gone. A blurr that left a few startled screams behind us as Arcanine tore down the road. Passing cars as if they were standing still as we blazed south out of the city.

Ivy squeaked, eyes closed and I grinned from behind my new goggles letting me see where we were going.

Honestly it didn’t take long before we caught up with Ash and the group.

Arcanine came to a stop in front of the three earning startled shocked looks from Ash and Misty, although Brock had of course already seen Arcanine.

“Look!” Ivy called out, pulling out her cascade badge to the group. “I won!”

“O-Oh! Ivy, great job!” Ash offered although he seemed to be fascinated by Arcanine I helped Ivy settle off Arcanine as she ran up and showed her badge.

“You got a battle with my sisters? I thought they were out of action for at least another week?” Misty asked, and Ivy pointed towards me.

“Vicky has a Chansey! It helped recover all of the Cerulean Gym Pokemon and we both had a battle.”

“Your Gyms Gyarados needs more training.” I tell her, earning a startled look from the red head.

“You fought Papas Gyarados!?”

“Yeah?” I offer a shrug. “It didn’t really listen to Daisy. Maybe next time I come through they will have it a bit better trained.”

“Wait, your sisters have a Gyarados? Wow, they must be amazing.” Ash said, causing Misty to glare at him.

“It was my fathers! My sisters don’t even know how to control it! Why they would even use it I don’t know!”

“I asked for their strongest personal team. Like I did with Brock.” I shrug, “I beat it, and Daisy surrendered after.”

“Ugh Daisy!” Misty whined, putting her head in her hands for a moment.

“Anyway, Ivy wanted to travel with you guys. So I helped her catch up.” I say patting Arcanine on her head in thanks for the trip.

“Of course! Ivy, you can join us!” Ash offered with a thumbs up and Ivy smiled in return. “Your help with training Bulbasaur was so useful!”

“Thanks Ash.” She said flushing a little.

I could practically smell the crush Ivy was currently suffering from, but despite my face curling into a smirk I let it go. Best to not tease her.

“Anyway. I’m going to train for a while. So I’ll probably meet you in Vermillion.” I tell the group, Ivy looking towards me suddenly in surprise.

“W-what? Vicky, you don’t want to travel with us?”

I shake my head and my hands. “Not that! It’s just that Dragonair needs lots of attention right now. I can’t really train her around people. Family secrets.”

“Oh right! I guess that makes sense.” Ivy says weakly, and I smile softly.


“That’s dumb! How can training be a family secret? It’s training! You must be cheating somehow.” Ash called out interrupting. Earning some irritated looks from his group.

“Ash you idiot, family training techniques are super common! I have some too! Tricks that I wouldn’t train a pokemon with in front of anyone but family. I bet Brock does as well! Stop being stupid!”

“It’s stupid to hide how to train Pokemon!”

“You! How can you be-”

“I actually agree!” I offer with a thumbs up to Ash. “Family Secrets are kinda dumb. Knowledge about Pokemon should be shared. But it is how it is right now.” I tell him with a shrug. “Hey if you don’t like it. Become powerful enough that you can change it.”

“Maybe I will!”

“Hehe!” I laugh at his words. He had no idea what it even meant, but it was funny.

“You’re really going to leave right now? We just met back up.” Ivy asked and I nodded, turning to focus on her.

“Sorry Ivy. I promised Dragonair training that would make her as strong as Milotic. I really do need to work with her. So until next time. Or Vermillion Pokemon Center. I’ll definitely meet you there.”

“R-right! Vicky! Good luck!”

“You too! Bye-bye!” I call out as Arcanine wheels around, and disappears down the road in a blurr.

Time to get some training done!


We ran until we were deep in the mountains. Arcanine ended up finding a good clearing with a river flowing through it and then ran around for a while just to make sure there wasn’t a single human anywhere near.

Once we were sure it was clear, I started training.

Gravity training focused on Dragonair getting her physical ability up. Milotic once again trained his water pressure. Arcanine of course doing a bit of it both. She still loved the physical training, but I needed to get her Counter Shield to the point where it would do something to help her in case she gets pinned or caught.

Although once again Dragonair got my full attention, and once again I was struck at how different training a Dragon was.

Dragonair was proud. She had the will of Arcanine to just keep going, even when I needed her to stop and get some rest to keep her from hurting herself. She compared herself to Milotic, and even Arcanine seeing them walking in the Gravity without issue and grew desperate to catch up.

“Hey! Dragonair it's time to stop… Dragonair!” I grunted, she was ignoring me again which I needed to nip in the bud.

I was once again thankful this was an anime world where ten year olds could lift boulders and trees and throw them around without anyone batting an eye because I once again walked into the Gravity field.

I tried to avoid doing this a lot, although it was inevitable I had stepped into it plenty of times. Needing to walk around inside the gravity field to keep my Pokemon training. *cough* Milotic *cough* it had meant I had grown a lot stronger than a normal ten year old, and that was saying something in this world.

I don’t know if it was an Aura thing. Or just different realities following different rules, but I was thankful for it as I walked up to Dragonair as she was glaring into the air and constantly practicing Dragon tail.

I stopped directly in front of her. Forcing her to stop by literally pushing her head back .

“Dragonair look at me!” I say and she growled at me, her normal harmonic sound obviously angry.

“No! You need to stop. Look at Milotic. Look at Arcanine! They are both taking a break right now. Do you know why?” I demand and point forcing her to notice the other two Pokemon already eating their lunch as Chansey heals them.


“It's because your body breaks down when you exercise, when you train. That pain in your muscles right now? That is your body saying you need time to recover so that it can grow. Right now you are just breaking breaking breaking! If you break something too much, it can’t be fixed!”

I point her towards the camp outside the Gravity field. “Come with us. Eat, rest, let Chansey look you over and make sure your body can heal the damage you did to it. Cuddle Milotic. When you have had some time to rest you will feel better, be ready for more training and it will do you better than this. Please… Dragonair. Trust me.” I hold out my hand.

She hesitates. Our relationship was different from the rest of my team. Sure Growlithe was a little monster at first. But once she had lost, and I had started training her, she was fully on board. Milotic had loved me from day one. And Chansey was just a sweetheart.

But Dragonair didn’t trust me yet. Didn’t have that faith in me yet.

Slowly she lowered her head until it was close enough for our skin to touch. Her slippery scales were cool against my palm as I bent in letting my forehead touch her own just underneath her horn.

“I know you want to grow strong. But no one gets strong alone. Look at Chansey. None of my team would be as amazing as they are without her. She helps us grow stronger. Milotic is there for you. A partner that he adores, and you love in turn. Arcanine is a Rival someone to battle against to test yourself. And I am here to help. Make sure you grow strong. To make sure you don’t hurt yourself doing it. I’ve seen Pokemon that were trained too hard. Or weren’t given proper rest. They stop being able to battle. Please trust me. I don’t want that for you.”

“Pree.” She trilled slightly as she leaned away but there was something in her eyes… She gently nudged me with her tail as she headed towards the camp.

I smiled widely as we both settled down to eat, Dragonair curled up in Milotics coils, both of them being sweet with each other, as Chansey looked her over.

The fact that after about thirty minutes of rest healing and food she looked and must have felt so much better definitely helped because not long after when I called out for another round of training she trilled in agreement instead of being grumpy or simply doing as I said without acknowledgement.

It was a start.


Two weeks. I spent two weeks so far up in the mountains. Only taking small trips into Vermillion to gather food and call my parents to let them know I was still alive. Papa had been super surprised to hear about Dragonair but had agreed that any story needed to be told in person, and definitely not over a public vidphone.

I honestly hadn’t seen Ivy and the gang again, but I had been checking in and leaving messages. But when I woke up a nice hazy morning curled up with Arcanine while Milotic and Dragonair were a snake pile with Chansey joining me curled next to Arcanine, the fact that Dragonair refused to start training had startled me out of my routine.

“What’s going on Dragonair?” I asked, Milotic was also hovering, acting weird as he refused to move away from her.

“Preee!” She called out seemingly quite pleased, but it wasn’t until she guided me towards a spot on her belly that I noticed it.

“You got a big bulge here. I know you didn’t eat anything big. You aren’t a snake like that so whaaaaaaaa!” I started screaming when I realized what it was. “P-Preggers!” I felt my hand rub along the bulge, along the very obvious egg shaped bulge.

“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!” I muttered. Totally forgetting to say Arceus I was so in shock.


“Yeah no kidding you can’t go into a gravity zone! I don’t know what that would do to an egg… Oh how long until you lay?” The way she shifted and I could feel the egg shift a little reminded me that Pokemon lay eggs pretty much like Chickens. They form and pop out preeeetty quick.

“Right. Okay this isn’t a good place. I want to have an incubator ready. I’m gonna run to a Pokemon center! Dragonair return. Milotic Chansey you too!” I call out putting all my Pokemon in their balls but Arcanine who was looking at me eagerly her tail already bouncing.

“Let’s go!” I call out, barely taking the time to put all my stuff away. I needed to get to Vermillion city Pokemon center. They should have a shop I could buy an incubator there!


As I raced I was pretty sure one of the groups I blurred past was actually Ivy and Ashs gang. Luckily I passed them right outside the city limits so they should be able to catch up soon.

But I didn’t have time for that!

I raced into the Pokemon center gasping for breath despite not having run myself.

“Oh, Vicky? Is everything okay?”

“Nurse Joy! I need help. B-Bbbbbbb Baby emergency!” I cried out in a stuttered gasp.

Poor Nurse Joy looked like she had aged a century in half a second. “D-did, w-was it consensual?” She asked, suddenly moving out from behind her desk as she kneeled next to me. “Are you hurting anywhere?”

“What?” I blinked a few times before my face must have went post nuclear. “NOT ME!” I shouted horrified. It took a second for Nurse Joy to hear that and let out the loudest gasp of relief I had ever heard.

“Thank Arceus.” She muttered and I had to question just how many ten year olds on their journey came into a Pokemon center with such worries… I would maybe ask another time… Or not.

“My pokemon! She has an egg!”

“Oh! How wonderful.” Nurse Joy sounded utterly thankful it wasn’t a child pregnancy as she rose back up and patted my head. “Don’t you worry about a thing come along. Let’s give her a checkup and make sure she is comfortable.”

“Thank you!” I followed after I was led into an interesting room that was a bit warmer and humid than normal. I realized it was probably a pretty common thing… I mean Pokemon centers were there to heal and help Pokemon, and Dragonair wouldn’t be the first Pokemon to end up with a paramour on a journey.

So of course it would need an egg laying room. For concerned trainers with their beloved partners.

“Go ahead and release the mother here.”

“Come on out Dragonair! … And Chansey.” I called out a moment later. Remembering I already had a pokemon that would have known what to do with an egg laying mother… f*ck I totally panicked.

“Oh that’s right you do have a Dragonair… Oh my.. Vicky. Is it alright if I record this and make some notes? I don’t believe many of my sisters had ever had a chance to help a Dragonite line egg laying before.”

“Oh… Umm. Okay? I don’t think that would be a problem. It shouldn’t hit any family secret stuff right?”

“No, not at all. Joy Clan are allowed to bypass most of that in order to better assist Pokemon. This will be a rare treat. I think the last time one of our clan helped with a Dragonite birth was… Oh my it would have been half a century ago! I believe a family in Pallet town perhaps?” She shook her head as her own Chansey entered the room, and I sat back letting the three nurses all go to work. Dragonair settled into a comfortable dip in the floor that was even filled with warm water which she seemed to appreciate.

It was easy enough, certainly not something that required me to freak out. Two Chansey and a Nurse joy was overkill since Dragonair passed the egg in less than an hour of easy motions. It honestly didn’t even sound like it hurt her as she finally laid the egg in the shallow water. A Chansey quickly scooped it up and cleaned it as if it was an everyday thing…

For a Chansey it actually was.

Then the egg was placed in my lap. And Dragonair was cooing over it as I sat beside her on the edge of the dip.

“It’s amazing Dragonair.” I coo to her as I stroked the egg holding it close to keep it warm.


“Oh let me summon Milotic.”

The release of Milotic was a bit frantic as the expecting father immediately rushed his paramour and checked her over before realizing the egg was already out of her.

I laughed aloud when he literally fainted at the sight of it.

I guess it was just too much for the first time father.


An hour later, and I was in the rec room of the Pokemon center. Chansey had just returned from a store in town to purchase an egg carrier. Unfortunately Nurse Joy had informed me that an actual Poke egg incubator was an expensive piece of equipment, and no one sold them here in Vermillion instead I had been told about egg carriers.

It was basically the top half of a set of overalls that had a pouch to hold the egg in while walking and moving. After being assured that Pokeeggs were incredibly tough. As long as I wasn’t purposefully trying to harm it, the baby would be fine.

So I now had a big old egg resting against my chest as I took a break from earth shattering changes in my life. I was half napping on the couch when voices I recognized came into the Pokemon center.

It wasn’t more than a minute before Ivy came hurrying into the rec room looking for me.


“Here.” I call out tiredly hand waving over the backrest of the couch.

“Vicky! We saw you run past us and you didnnn, OH!” She cried out as she took in the egg settled against my chest. “Oh my gosh! A Pokemon egg!”

“Yep.” I answer. As Ivy settles in next to me, but her cry had been heard .

“A pokemon egg?” Misty asks, coming around the couch looking interested but it was Brock who seemed to rush over.

“Oh! It is. Look at that Luster. It’s recently laid. Looks warm enough.” He says hunkering down and seemingly doing a check on it.

“Yeah. I woke up this morning with Dragonair ready to lay.” I answered the unspoken question. Ivy’s eyes going super wide at the reveal as she looks at the egg.

“That’s a Dratini egg!?”

“Yeah. Milotic is the father.”

“Waaaa!” Ivy gasps at the reveal.

“Wait. Milotic and Dragonair!? They can produce an egg? Are you sure?” Misty asks, but it was Brock who interrupted.

“Of course. Many Pokemon of different species can be bred together. It can often leave the children with the ability to learn some moves they usually don’t learn.”

“Yeah. Milotic and Dragonite are compatible. Really compatible it turns out.” I mutter with a laugh. It hadn’t been long at all since their union to already have an egg. Well I guess it was fast in the games as well.

“Amazing. An incubator would probably be a good idea.” Brock offered and I nodded.

“Yeah I wanted to get one, but no one in Vermillion sells them. I probably need to go to Celadon.”

“Vicky! What are you going to do with Dratini when it hatches? Is it going to join your team?” Ivy interrupts more focused on the Pokemon than the details of its care.

“Probably not. I might end up letting it grow up at home. I guess it depends on Dragonair and Milotic as well.”

“Ooh but it's gonna be so cute! I mean, a real Dratini! Other than the Blackthorne family, I don’t know of anyone that actually has a Dragonite line, and you have two!”

“Yeah. I have to be careful though. Can you imagine how many people will want to try and kidnap Dratini? It's dangerous.” I say with honest fear.

Especially with Team Rocket following this group around.

“Oh no! Who would do such a thing!”

“Team Rocket.” All three of Ashs group answered Ivy instantly, which then she had to nod at, must have had some run-ins with them too.

“Yeah, So I think I’ll probably head out and disappear for a while until they Hatch. Once they are hatched and ready, I can capture them and they will be a lot safer.”

“Good idea.” A new voice suddenly called out and I startled as I sat up to see who now knew about my baby, but to my surprise it was someone I knew.

“Ms. Agatha!”

“Victoria. I see you continue to blow your previous nonsense out of the water every time we meet. Your Grandmother called me about your newest Pokemon… I didn’t expect this.” She pointed towards the egg, and I had to chuckle a little in embarrassment.

“Yeah it was a bit of a surprise to me too.”

“No doubt. I find children rarely think about the outcomes of such couplings.” The old woman laughed then at her own joke earning a nervous look from everyone.

“Right. What are you doing here Ms. Agatha?”

“You have a Dragonair child. Of course the Pokemon Association became very very interested. Worse. Of course now you also have an egg. You have no issues stepping on toes girl. I’ll give you that.”

“Err, am I? I’m just capturing interesting Pokemon.”

“Hah! Capturing interesting Pokemon she says. Girl Johto delegation of the association are already throwing a fit about one of ‘their’ dragons that have been caught by a Kanto trainer.”

“What!? Dragonair isn’t one of their dragons! She was wild!”

“Oh believe me, I know. Everyone in the Association knows. Even the Blackthorne know. But they are causing a ruckus anyways. Budge up girl, I’m not standing any longer than I have to.” She orders suddenly and I jerk aside, letting her join me on the couch. “The rest of you, go on, I’m sure you have your own things to do. Victoria and I need to talk.”

Ivy seemed to hesitate. Even as Ash said he wanted to go fight the Gym. But I shooed them off. “Remember we will keep meeting up and having fun together Ivy, but it's still a separate journey for each of us.”

“R-right. Good luck Vicky.”

I waved at her as she left looking back over and over before she was out of sight.

“So Blackthorne. Do I need to worry about the Champion coming down to try and take my Pokemon?”

“Hah! That brat? Goodness no. It’s politics girl. Politics between Kanto and Johto. The Johtans are clamoring for some additional benefits in our alliance as a Kanto trainer ‘stole’ one of their family Pokemon. The Kanto side is arguing it wasn’t a theft, that no Pokemon breed belongs only to one family. Basically if they lose it, it's on them. All the while the Blackthornes are staying out of it. You aren’t the first trainer to have a member of the Dragonite line.”

“Yeah Nurse Joy said about half a century ago they had a Dratini egg born in Pallet town.” I added and suddenly something that had been niggling at me for a long time started to make sense.

“Oh yes… Sam. He had a Dragonite for a time, when he was on the League circuit…”

“I get the feeling that something happened?” I asked casually. I hadn’t heard anything about Professor Oak since coming to this world. This was the first time I might get an answer!

“He died.” Agatha offered simply but I could tell the depth of her emotion and everything became clear.

Sam. Samuel Oak. Professor Oak. The reason there wasn’t an electronic Pokedex. The reason that Pokemon knowledge was so insular and hidden away still. Why everything about this world was so similar but different.

Professor Oak didn’t exist! He had an Arcanine! He had a Dragonite! That was why no one knew about the Arcanine evolution! He was probably the one who shared it with everyone! Dragonite too! They were nearly myth if not for Blackthorne but Professor Oak had a Dragonite! It was on his League team! So he must have shared a ton of information on them.

He had been a super strong battler too, so his reputation along with the discoveries probably laid the groundwork for people to start sharing more Pokemon information!

My utter mind f*ck went unnoticed as Agatha sighed. “Which is why I am here. I don’t believe it was Blackthorne that caused his death. But it certainly could have been. You and I are going on a little trip.”

“Where?” I asked, finally shaking my head clear of all the little hints and things I had noticed. I really wanted to ask Ash about who had given him Pikachu now.

“The Pokemon Association headquarters. They want to confirm that Dragonair was wild caught to shut down the Johto argument immediately. You unfortunately are caught in the middle of this mess… Again.”

“And I suppose I shouldn’t mention the Dratini egg.”

“Definitely not. In fact, don't say anything. I’ll be speaking for you. The scum at the Association will undoubtedly try and get you to talk and spill secrets. Just remember to say nothing, no matter what they try.”

“Okay.” There wasn’t much else I could say about that. Geeze. This world just got complicated.

Chapter 14

Chapter Text

Agatha led me to a black car that already had a driver in the front seat, so she ushered me into the back and then we were off. It was comfy, but wasn’t an Arcanine.

“Melaney is going to meet us at the association. Hah! You should have seen her face when the Association came sniffing for information about your Pokemon. She was rightfully furious.”

“Oh Gram Gram is going to be there… That's a relief.”

“Oh not good enough for ya am I?” The old woman chuckles but I shake my head.

“No way you're super reliable, but Gram Gram is family.”

“Hah you think highly of this old woman. Reliable she says!” Agatha spoke but I finally caught it, she wasn’t just repeating my words.

“Oh, were you just talking to your Gengar?” I ask, realizing that her tendency to repeat amusing words wasn’t for herself, but a joke between her and her companion.

Of course my words caused a spark as the woman stared at me. “How did you know I had a Gengar?”

“Your shadow.” I answered looking down into the shadow at her feet, which was currently staring at me. I waved hello which had a little purple arm slip out of the darkness to wave back.

Realizing I had a Pokemon in front of me I did what my instincts always demanded. I reached into my pocket and pulled out some berries. “Hungry?”

“Geng!” The ghost rose up quickly snatching the berries before munching on them happily.

“Bah don’t give him snacks. He overeats enough as it is. Lazy ghost.”

“Geng, Gengar!”

“Aww I’m sure he is just starving. Want some more berries?”


The old woman gave me one of those looks. Which I grinned even as I put my hands back in my pockets. Gengar and I both knew the moment Agatha looked away he would have a treat.

Agatha knew it too.


“Yeah Papa calls me that too.”



Driving through Kanto was a different experience than riding. It was slower, but also faster, because Kanto does have some freeways which are kept Pokemon free so traveling to Viridian and then up the road to Indigo Plateau. I guess Agatha was serious. The Pokemon Association themselves wanted to talk. This wasn’t just where the Elite Four hung out, or the Indigo League took place, but the HQ of the Association.

We drove up mountain roads that were marked no walking. Trainers had to go up the walking path after all. But they still needed a way for people who work up here to get here without relying on them all being strong battlers.

We pulled into the Plateau town, it was mostly quiet. The League matches were over, had been for about a month since before the yearly Journey begins. So it was a quiet period, but the buildings we passed were numerous, just empty for now. Waiting for League season where thousands of people would come through wanting to see the matches live.

We pulled into a parking lot outside a fancy marble style building with a big Pokemon League symbol on the front showing this was the League HQ.

“C’mon girl. Remember don’t say anything. Melaney and I will be speaking for you.” Agatha orders stepping out Gengar sneaking a last berry out of my hand as she turned her back. I clambered out and followed her towards the building.

Inside a large reception area was ignored by Agatha she turned and headed down the hall which I dutifully followed. A few men in suits were obviously security but they made no move to stop Agatha or me.

She led me deep into the building taking an elevator up to another floor and then into a small room that already had Gram Gram sitting on a couch.

“Gram Gram!” I called out happily, earning a smile from the older woman as I rushed in, settled into the couch and accepted a warm hug.

“How is my favorite Grandchild doing?”

“Better than my cousins if I am the favorite.” I say instantly, earning a round of laughs from Gram Gram and Agatha.

“Thank you Agatha.” Gram Gram says then turning to her friend.

“Bah, It was me, or some of the goons, and knowing the girls' Pokemon she likely would have knocked them all out and continued her journey without a care.” Agatha offered and I couldn’t help but shrug at that.

If a bunch of men in suits came up to me and told me to go with them, that is likely what would have happened to be fair.

“Alright. Now that you are here Victoria. Let's get this over with.” Gram Gram utters as she rises tugging me along with her.

“I doubt the officials will be ready for you so quickly, Melaney.”

“Do I look as if I care? They drag me all the way out here, and pull my beloved Granddaughter from her Journey? They are lucky I left Persian at home otherwise I would have him give them all a scratch!”

“Heh.” Agatha chuckles dryly before shrugging. “Alright, let’s go push some stupid fools to get on with it and stop wasting our time.” Agatha grinned Gengar shimmering in her shadow smiling evilly for a moment.

I just gave him a wave as I followed.

The two women marched down the hall, back into the elevator, and then to a floor that had another reception.

It reminded me of a CEO meeting room, there was even a pretty woman sitting at the reception filing her nails.


“Apologies, the members of the Association are in a meeting right now- Ma’am! You can not e-” The poor Receptionist tried to stop Agatha, but was literally walked right past as if she didn’t exist.

Ouch, Agatha.

She pushed the door of the room open without a care and we all walked into a meeting room split in two.

One side was obviously the Kanto side of the Association, the other Johto. It reminded me of the British house, with the two sides arguing with each other and everything.

But the room went silent when Agatha marched us in.

“Agatha. What is the meaning of this? We haven’t called for you yet.” An older man with a large mustache spoke up first from the Kanto section, but another from across the way rose immediately.

“Is this how the Kanto delegation wishes to handle this? Interrupt our demands when we are proving our point?”

“Shut up.” Agatha orders and the room goes silent, mostly because Gengar was causing Agathas shadow to distort and shift, his big grin showing behind her. “You wanted Victoria Ferrous and her Dragonair here for an inspection. Here she is. Inspect. A trainer on her first Journey has more priority over whatever dick waving you are all getting up to in here.” Agatha demands and waves me forward which I do without any issue.

Listen if I was actually ten I might be intimidated by all the powerful people. But adult brain was like pfft. That man is super fat. And hahaha that guys mustache makes him look like a biker in a suit.

You know mature stuff.

“Fine.” A third man, one that sat between the two groups said, interrupting the grumbles from both sides. “This board's purpose is to ensure young trainers are safe to grow on their Journey. Let's not waste the child's time anymore than we must. Is there a representative from Clan Blackthorne here today?”

“There is.” And who else entered the room from the Johto section than Lance Wataru. The Champion of the Indigo league. Also a Dragon Master.

“Very well. The inspection will commence to determine if the Dragon captured by this trainer is a member of the Blackthorne clans brood.”

Lance nodded walking forward although he stopped a good distance away. “Agatha.”

“Brat. Don’t think I’ll let you stomp all over this.” She grounds out with a glare before turning to me. “Go on girl. Release your Dragonair.”

“Gotcha. Come on out, Dragonair.” I called and then she was there, her release call echoing out as she shifts her coils a bit taking a moment to look around, before her eyes lock on Lance as if a magnet connected the two.

“This isn’t one of ours.” Lance answers instantly after a single glance. “She is too small to be one of our Dragonairs. She is definitely wild caught. She doesn’t have the strength of our Clan. Does tha-”

“Drag! Dragonair!” My girl hissed suddenly glaring, cutting off Lance as he turned back to her.

“Your pride is misplaced.” He offers simply “Blackthorne trainers have raised dragons for generations. You simply didn’t have the benefits of that level of support. I am sure you will grow strong. But you are not a Blackthorne Dragon.” He offered simply, but made no apology for the insult. Which Dragonair had obviously noticed

“Great. That solves that entirely.” I call out instantly getting Dragonairs attention with a pat on her slippery hide. “Although now that you are here. Lance. When I face you after crushing the Indigo League, after overcoming the Elite Four. When I stand before you in a challenge match against the Champion… I am going to make you apologize for those words. Dragonair will crush your most powerful Dragonite. I’ll make sure of it.”

The room was silent for a moment even Lance had an eyebrow raised at my declaration. The Champion looked me over for a moment. My big straw hat. Covering my messy blonde hair. The egg carrier I wore on my chest, showing that my clothes beneath made me look more like a farmhand than a Battler. My slightly ragged jeans with my big muddy boots, probably didn’t help either.

Agatha burst into a harsh laugh.

“Oh you think, you’ll overcome me by then do you?” She asked with a grin and I smiled back.

“With a year to focus on training my team? I’ll become the most powerful Pokemon Trainer in both regions by the end of the League. Get ready Agatha.” I told her. “Because I’m coming for you too.”

“Preee!” Dragonair called out settling around me probably for the first time utterly accepting of our connection. Dragonair was always a prideful woman. It fit that the first time I showed my own pride we really clicked.

“Hahahaha!” It was Gram Gram this time that burst out laughing, “That’s my Granddaughter alright! Haha! Look at your face Agatha!”

“Bah! Your Granddaughter is as dense as you, Melaney.” Agatha offered but nodded, turning back to the crowd who had been watching, interested at the drama unfolding. “I believe that answers the questions the Johto delegation requires. We are done here. I don’t believe any of us want to waste any more of a young trainer's time. We are leaving.” Agatha demanded and then made good on her words. Bustling Gram Gram out of the room.

I didn’t, not right away. Instead I met Lance's eyes and let him feel how determined I was to beat him. “Dragonair. Let’s go. We have training to do.” I say keeping eyes locked on Lance as Dragonair gave a single nod. Her own desire for strength only grew at being insulted.

I returned her and walked after Gram Gram. Both of us were silent as we headed out of the building towards the car Agatha had brought me in. “Come home for the night. Rest up before you head back out. I want to hear all about your adventure.” Gram Gram ordered. And I nodded.

“Sure. Sounds fun.” I tell her with a smile as she reaches out and pinches my cheeks to my horror.


“Calling out the Champion himself in the middle of the Pokemon Association board? You get that from your mother surely, because you definitely didn’t get it from me!”

The scoffing noise Agatha made had Gram Gram turn to glare at her friend.

But Gram Gram you just said I got that from you!?


Pulling up to home was a nice feeling. I quickly hopped out once the car stopped to race inside.

“Mama! Papa!” I called out only to get a surprised squeak from Mama in the kitchen as she poke her head out and with a happy cry of my name pulled me into a strong hug. I had to shift sideways to make sure the egg wasn’t crushed in the press.

How nice!


“Oh look at you!” Mama started crying as she held me tight. It had only been like a month Mama! Don’t cry!

“You’ve changed so much!”

“Hey! You're supposed to say you grew so much!” I countered instantly, unhappy although the laugh Mama gave had me pouting.

Cause I hadn’t grown. Like at all! Arceus! This is bullying!

“I love you Vicky.” Mama said wetly as she pulled me into another tight hug.

“Love you too Mama.”

“Good. When is my worthless son getting home, daughter?” Gram Gram asked as she walked in, I could hear Agatha's car leaving not long after. Oh that’s too bad, but I guess she can’t be here when they ask all about Dragonair.

“Not long. He took today off, we thought you were going to get us to come with?”

“Eh. It was faster to just get it over with.” Gram Gram offers. “The scum just wanted to throw their weight around. It was a quick fix. Lance was able to confirm it wasn’t one of their dragons.”

“Oh! The Champion came to help?”

“He is a Jerk. I’m going to destroy that man's whole career in less than a year.” I inform Mama with a single firm nod. My course was set.

“Vicky! You can’t just…” Mama trailed off, unsure what to say.

“Oh she did. Right in front of the whole association board. Even told Agatha she would overcome her and crush Lance and his strongest Dragonite for his insult against her Dragonair. Hilarious. Definitely my GrandDaughter.”

“I thought you said I definitely didn’t get that from you? Gram Gram!”

“Nonsense. You heard it wrong.” Gram Gram says with a wink to me as she settles onto the kitchen table.

“Of course Gram Gram.” I answer agreeably as I pull away from Mama. “Oh, here is Dragonairs Egg. I don’t know what I’m going to do with them once they hatch.” I tell Mama, earning a shocked look as she glanced over the egg.

“That is a Dratini Egg? Are you sure!?”

“Dragonair laid it this morning… It was a… Thing.” I answer, shuddering. This morning felt so far away now. But wow what a day.

“Oh.” Mama whispered, before sighing and shaking her head. “Of course. I guess I should have expected this. You are… You after all.”


“You are fine child. You have the luck to catch Pokemon that most never even see. Keep it up.” Gram Gram offered with a shrug. The sound of the door opening drew everyone's attention. “And that would be my worthless son.” Gram Gram called out, earning a sigh from out in the hall.

“Hello Mother.” He said tiredly before having to deal with me. As soon as I heard Papa I jumped out my chair and ran to give him a hug.

Listen I missed my parents, they were great.

Making sure we weren’t squeezing the egg I gave Papa a great hug as he returned it.

“Look at you!” He said smiling as he pulled away. “You’ve changed so much!”

“You are supposed to say grown!” I repeat scowling. Why did I love these parents!?


“An entire Island.” Gram Gram whispered her mind in shock as I went over how I caught Dragonair.

“Yep. Dratini are sooo cute. Honestly I might not have gotten any of them to come with in the end, but Dragonair fell for Milotics manliness. And they had a little courtship. Milotic proved he was strong, and that's that.”

“I just can’t believe they can make a viable child.” Papa muttered.

“Super compatible.” I answer with a tired look as I pat the egg. Earning a laugh from Papa.

“But an entire island of Dragonite.”

“Dragonite Island.” I answered, earning looks from all three adults.

“Yes. Well what are we going to do?”

“Nothing.” I answer, cutting off the adults. “They don’t want to be bothered. They help everyone who runs into trouble around the island, but they are happy in peace. So I won’t ever tell anyone where it is. Or how to get to it.” I answer causing a bit of a silent conversation with the adults.


“No.” I shake my head. “They are happy there, and frankly I don’t want to know what will happen if someone goes and starts trying to capture them. There were a lot of Dragonite on that island. A brood of Dragonites all coming to rescue their children? Yeah that is a disaster none of us want.”

“Besides. Milotic and Dragonair will probably supply us with lots of little Dratini. I doubt they are happy with just one… If you catch my drift.”

Papa snorted at my joke but Mama gave me a look.

“Alright.” Papa said standing up and patting me on the head. “I’m proud of you Vicky. If you think keeping the Island a secret then of course we will support you. I never thought we would have so much money just from the Milotic. We leave it at that.” He said and despite Gram Gram usually bossing him around she nodded at his decision.

“Right! So I need to go check on the flock and say hello. And where is Arcany? I don’t see him.”

“We have a dog house by the stream for him now… He broke our couch.” Mama said looking grumpy, and glaring at Papa who did his best not to look at her as he smiled and patted my head. “C’mon I’m sure he will be happy to see you.”

“Yeah!” I laughed out. I rushed outside ahead of Papa to see my Pokemon. The Flock started up a musical trill as I approached Milotic head poking out of the river at the noise to greet me until all ten of the Flock were there begging for attention.

“Hey guys!” I couldn’t help but call out as I approached reaching out to rub heads and fins. “Look at this! Milotic found a girlfriend, and now he is a father!” I tell them showing off the egg which had many happy trills from the group as they all looked it over like happy siblings.


“Arcany!” I called out looking behind me as the utterly massive Arcanine charged over only stopping at the last moment from bowling me over when he noticed the Egg. Instead I got slobbered all over as he licked and licked and licked.

“Pffft! Arcany! I give!” I cried out but he had no mercy in his heart, only lick. “Ack! Was your father a Lickitung!?” I demanded through the shower which only seemed to irritate him and then the licking picked up, his tongue was nearly as wide as my entire face so it was an unbeatable assault.

“Miii!” The Milotic laughed at my defeat as they all gave little fish chuckles.

“Yeah yeah! Laugh it up!” I grumble at them as I wipe slobber off my face and with an evil grin I flick it at the Milotic, earning little eeps from them as they quickly ducked into the river to avoid the slobber.

A rumble from my belt told me that Arcanine wanted out, so I quickly released her. Seeing her standing next to Arcany was always a trip. It really showed the difference between the much older Arcany and Arcanine.

Arcany was still a good bit taller and wider.

But as usual Arcanine wanted to train, and cared little about how he was bigger. So with a crouched leap she jumped onto Arcany, which I hastily moved away from as the two Pokemon started play fighting. With fireballs and attacks.

It was nice to be home. I released Milotic and Dragonair as well, much to her surprise when she saw all the other Milotic. Although she could easily tell which one was ‘hers’ somehow. Maybe he was just stronger looking?

Anyway it was a nice evening hanging out with my friends talking with Papa and Mama and just enjoying being home for a night.

Unfortunately in the morning I saddled up Arcanine and left. I wasn’t giving up on my Journey, so I wasn’t going to stay at home. No, I needed to take my pokemon up in the mountains for some training.

I had rather stupidly challenged the Champion after all. I might not reach him, but I was going to prove to everyone that my challenge had teeth.


With Arcanine it didn’t take us long to return to the camp we had set up in the mountains above Vermillion city. I could have gone into town and started on taking out Surge, but I had learned my Pokemon had an issue against Brock, and hadn’t really taken the time to solve it.

So I settled in, really making camp this time. Using my Pokemons help to make it much more comfortable, we were probably staying here for a while.

Once everything was settled and food started cooking my Pokemon got to work. Arcanine and Milotic faced off in the Gravity field, both of them were working on enhancing their special attack. Blasting Flamethrower into Water Pulse to keep enhancing their core strength. Chansey there to keep the gravity field active and to heal the inevitable mess ups.

But me and Dragonair once the Egg was settled in the tent, nice and warm and safe away from the training, went to work.

While Dragonair exercised. I taught her Iron Tail. And started her on learning how to Thunder Rod.

The rocks tied to her tail made the motion to work Iron Tail even sharper thanks to the Gravity. Over and over Dragonair hammered her tail thinking thoughts of steel.


Every few days I would wake up and take Arcanine into Vermillion in order to buy more food, and supplies. I would usually stop at the Pokemon center to do some laundry and take a non-Milotic water shower as well. Although between Milotic and Arcanine hot water wasn’t hard to come by.

I of course called home as well to let everyone know I was alive. But for a good month that was my life. You would think ‘how boring’ if I broke it down like that, but it really wasn’t. I was training giant monsters to become more powerful.

It was f*cking awesome.

And all of us kept busy when we were on down time. Dragonair and Milotic obviously had their own thing. Arcanine was more than happy with just training all day every day. This was probably the greatest time of her entire life. Chansey of course spent all of her time taking care of the egg, and I had never seen her happier.

Meanwhile I was coming up with moves, and other ideas to enhance my Pokemon's power. One of them came to me when I realized Dragonair was starting to catch up to the immense physical strength of the others. As she grew physically stronger, it made me want to give her a special attack worthy of her, and well.

I did remember how to train a Pokemon for one. So one morning while Milotic and Arcanine continued their competition to see whose special attacks were stronger. I brought Dragonair a good way away.

“This move is going to take patience. It will drain you when you use it. So we will learn it slowly. First, your dragon energy. You need to raise it to the absolute maximum you can, until it fills every inch of your body. Then bring it all right to your chest. Condense it down. Then release it. It’s called Draco Meteor. There isn’t a stronger Dragon Type move that exists.” I promised her, and that idea got her fired up.

The attempts wore out her special attack making her dragon powers weaker for a time. But that just gave us an excuse to refocus on the physical. The fact was after a month it was starting to activate. Draco Meteor shattering huge chunks of the mountain side when it activated only made her train herself harder to reach that power.

And thankfully trust me more.

In fact, since Dragonair was with me so much out of her Pokeball and just living with me and the team, we started actually bonding over our experiences. Arcanine being annoying and waking up the team at the crack of dawn?

Dragonair and I would roll our eyes at each other. Milotic found napping, when he was supposed to be practicing? Dragonair and I would drag him back to training.

It was nice.

“Okay Dragonair! One more time! Fill your whole body with energy, raise it up and up and up until you can’t possibly raise it anymore! And then condense it all into a ball in your chest, and fire!”

“Preeee!” Dragonair cried out as the power flowed through her, I could practically feel it gathering and then she rose her head into the sky and cried out as a ball of energy was launched skyward.

For a moment I wasn’t sure if it worked but then finally it rose up and came down not as a single projectile but as a barrage of energy.

Huh it really did kinda look like meteors.

When they landed the explosion was immense, rocking the whole mountain and probably sending up smoke and dust that could be seen for miles.

And then it was over. Dragonair sighed, feeling tired as she looked over her work and I nodded.

“That. That was Draco Meteor.”

“Drag, Dragonair!”

“Yep. I think… I think we should move on. We have been making enough noise on these mountains for a while. I don’t want someone to come snooping. Great job Dragonair.”


Chapter 15

Chapter Text

I marched into the Vermillion Gym the next day after resting at the Pokemon Center.

It was quiet. Unlike say Cerulean which tended to be incredibly busy, Surges Gym was nearly empty.

Surge was one of the tougher battlers in the Kanto area. He was a man that held back less than most other gyms.

But that was fine. I was here for a challenge.

“Welcome. Are you looking for a Gym Challenge?” A receptionist at the front who had been watching TV just a moment before called out.

“I am. Also please tell Lt. Surge. I am looking to face his strongest team.” I offer as I hand over my Trainer ID to the receptionist. Getting a raised eye since I only had two badges in the system, but she shrugged.

It wasn’t her job to stop someone from getting demolished.

“Lt. Surge will be ready for you. Please enter there.”

“Thank you.” I answered after a few minutes of waiting later.

I stepped through the door into Surge's Gym. It was a lot like Brocks. Just with less boulders hanging around. But it was simple. Which made sense. Surge was a Kanto trainer through and through. No tricks, or anything. Just pure overwhelming power.

It was a hallmark of Kantonian trainers. Overwhelming powerful attacks. We weren’t a country well known for using a wide variety of skill moves. More the blast everything and sort it out after people.

“So you wish to challenge my team? Well you are certainly brave. Although maybe foolish is the better word!” A voice called out as the lights came on, and Surge was there in all his glory looking down on me from his… Height.

Stupid Surge. Stupid tall people.

Just for that I was gonna crush him.

“I am. Victoria Ferrous of Viridian City. I am here for a challenge, to be tried and tested.”

“Oh? Hah! The balls on this one! Alright. I’ll show you Pokemon that fought through a war. Are you ready, girlie?” He asked, standing tall arms crossed.

“In that case, Surge. I will show you legends.” I raised a Pokeball and the referee spoke up.

“Six on six. Returns are free for the Challenger. The Gym Leader releases his Pokemon first.”

“Go! Electrode!”

“In that case! Arcanine! You are up!” I called out and my girl came onto the field with a roar, and a crackle of flames.

Her training had meant that she clothed herself in fire whenever a battle was starting. There ready for a hint of power to turn into her Counter Shield.

“Hah! You weren’t kidding! That’s certainly a Legend! You that kid I heard about then huh? Alright. I’ll take this seriously then! You ready?”

I nodded.

“Then battle start!” The referee called out and Arcanine was already moving.

“Extreme Fire Fang!”

“Thunder!” Surge called out but it was too slow. The Electrode was already freaking out when Arcanines jaw clamped down in a massive bite.

“Let it go and retreat!” I yelled instantly, and Arcanine did as I said, just in time for the Electrode to release a massive amount of electricity in shock.

“Fire spin! Block its sight!”

“ThunderBolt! Blast straight through the fire!”

The two powers clashed, Fire spin reaching out to surround Electrode, but the thunderbolt was gathered and shot directly at Arcanine. Where she already had her tail slammed into the ground with Iron Tail and the bolt passed through her after just a few moments.

Surge I could tell was shocked at that. But Electrode wasn’t in a good way. The fire spin was burning it bad, and it was to my shock that Surge called out a move I didn’t expect.

“Light Screen! Block the fire back.”

“Flamethrower! Push right through!”

The fire slammed into the forming light screens but it wasn’t enough. The battle wasn’t over.


“Dodge! Don’t let it get close!” I scowled at Surge. There was only one reason to try and get an Electrode close to an enemy.


“Hah! Your dog is fast but this is an enclosed building! Good luck dodging!”

“Double team! Then hit it again with Flamethrower!”

Arcanine vanished, splitting into two, and then four, and more as she dashed around, the rollout slamming through after images over and over while getting hit over and over by fire from different angles.

“Explosion now!” Surge called out, realizing it was over, and hoping for something, but Arcanine was too fast. She was already on the other side of the gym as Electrode exploded the force of it rocking me back.

If that had hit, it would have been a terrible hit.

“Not bad. Never expected to fail to even make a hit on a new trainer. But he did his job! Go Electabuzz! Do your thing!” he called out meaning as his Pokemon started moving. I had no idea what move it was going to do.

“Extreme double team! Don’t let him find you!”

“Doesn’t matter!" Surge called as the move activated. Electabuzz slamming the ground. I barely had a moment to gasp recognizing the move when the whole Gym shook Earthquake!?

Unfortunately Arcanine was on the ground when the move went through, and I winced at the yelp that echoed out as she was hit.

“Hah! How's that for you girl?”

“Arcanine! Extreme Fire Fang!” I called out and the dust that was ripped up by Arcanine crashing into the ground was dispersed as she moved. A blur of light and heat as she moved across the entire gym in a moment. The Electabuzz didn’t have a chance to do more than start flinching when the fangs crashed down on it, and then kept going. Arcanine dragged the Pokemon across the room as she bit and threw it against the wall.

The smoke cleared and it got up, and it was pissed. But not unscathed, it’s left arm was hanging limp as it rose up,

“Thunder Punch!”

“Dodge and Retaliate!”

The punch hissed through a double team image as Arcanine jumped. She hit the ceiling on all fours, her fire fangs activating again.

It was a move we had trained hard with during this last month. A physical Fire attack? With her overwhelming Physical power, and the STAB from it being a fire move, it was one of her most damaging moves. Although, Flame Wheel was more accurate. Fire Fang could cause a flinch, like it had against the Electrode.

And I still refused to train Flare Blitz.

She leapt from the ceiling straight down, once more trailing lines of fire because of her speed.

“Again!” Surge called out and his Electabuzz raised its fist, crackling with lightning the two attacks clashed.

But Electabuzz was down to one arm, and it was being crushed by the entirety of Arcanines bulk.

The poor Electric type was smashed into the floor, the bite once more connecting and then Arcanine bounced away.

Ready for the battle to continue.

And to my shock it wasn’t over. Electabuzz rose from the ground. Scratched and bleeding it stood looking not too happy.

“Thunderbolt! Blast the whole Gym!”

“What!?” I gasped when I realized that would include me and Surge.

That asshole!

The blasts of Thunderbolt rolled over the entire Gym, and struck both Arcanine and myself and Surge. But while the big man barely seemed to care it sent me on my ass as well.

“D-Dick!” I screamed at him after the electricity cleared. He just electrocuted me!

“You are on a battlefield girl! You think an enemy won’t aim an attack at you, or spread it wide enough not caring if it will hit you? You wanted a challenge? There you go. Trainers aren’t outside the battle. They are on the battlefield!”

“Fine! Flamewheel! Smash that Pokemon flat!”

“Thunderpunch again! Push them back!”

Flamewheel caused fire to burst around Arcanine into a massive conflagration as she then became a stream of fire. But Electabuzz wasn’t a pushover. Surge had probably more than twenty years of battling under his belt. And this was his team.

Even if a Gym leader might get less time to focus on the best of the best team, needing lower level Pokemon for the badge requirements. They still fought a war at the man's side.

The clash of power was ear shattering. Physical vs Physical, Element Vs. Element.

There was only one reason it was Electabuzz that was sent slamming into the wall, despite the fact that the hit had definitely hit. Arcanine was panting and to my dismay paralysed from that attack. Electabuzz’s Static ability in play.

But Arcanine was an absolute physical power monster. Gravity training and her own unending desire to exercise meant she overpowered the older more experienced Pokemon.

A whistle came through the air at the same time the referee called out. “Electabuzz is unable to battle!”

“I haven’t been pushed this bad since the last time I challenged Lance.” Surge called out and I couldn't help but puff up a little.

“But if he wanted he could wipe my entire team with his Ace. Yours is already flagging. Go Jolteon! Discharge!” He called out as soon as it hit the floor.

“Thunder Rod!” I cried out but it wasn’t going to happen. Arcanines body was locked up, and the burst of lightning slammed into her.

She cried out in pain for a moment but that was it. She kept her feet. She was determined not to be beaten again.

“If you can’t move then don’t! Counter Shield! As big as you can! Don’t hold back!”

“Again!” Surge called, but Arcanine roared through gritted teeth as her fire exploded around her, swirling and expanding to slowly fill the entire Gym. I could see Surge jerk back as the fire grew towards him.

I didn’t flinch. A little burn could be taken care of by Chansey just fine. And the Egg was with Nurse Joy right now.

“What’s wrong, Surge? Fire a bit too much for you?” I taunted voice harsh as our eyes met. And he realized I had learned from his trick. I was doing the same thing to him as he had done to me earlier.

I could see the instant his shock at the fire turned to amusem*nt.

“You got me.” He admitted “Full blast Discharge! Let’s see who can withstand it longer!” Surge called out as the fire expanded to consume us all. A moment later, so did a blast of lightning.

I screamed, at the same time that Surge yelled out in pain. The two of us, more than willing to take pain for a win.

I guess this was what Surge was going to teach me. That sometimes as a Trainer. I needed to take the hit too.

And then it was over. The fire disappeared and the lightning crackled out. And I was gasping shivering despite the heat as I felt my skin flash fried.

Thank Arceus this wasn’t earth. I would have had Third degree burns across my body and my clothes would have been ash. Instead my clothes were a little ashy, and I had 1st degree burns, but I was otherwise fine.

And Arcanine was still up. Her breath was coming heavy, and I could see she was still fighting off the paralysis. But Jolteon was definitely rougher. Counter shield wasn’t focused on damage after all, but on deflecting attacks. The damage it did was secondary to protecting.

So Jolteon had taken the full force of the fire, while Arcanine had blocked most of the Discharge.

“Fire Fang if you can!” I called out, and Surge was only a second ahead of me,

“Thunder Fang!”

Arcanine rose to her feet, and despite her muscles struggling, she blurred into Extreme speed.

And a moment later Jolten wasn’t just fighting a battle, but was fighting off a much larger dogs jaws around its neck.

I could see it struggle and cry out as Arcanine bit down.

As Jolteon was thrown away it landed painfully in front of Surge. It struggled a bit before whimpering and falling to the floor,

“Jolteon is unable to battle!”

I could see Surges mind running as he returned his Pokemon. Coming up with a strategy to win.

But I wasn’t going to make it easy for him.

“Arcanine Return. Good job girl. But you can’t take all the battles. Your friends will get jealous.” I called out as she disappeared looking a little irritated.

Paralysed, damaged from three battles and she still wanted to fight.

Damn battle maniac.

“Heh. Smart. Now I can do this. Magneton! You're up!”

I winced. A steel type, and I just returned my Fire type. Dammit Surge. You're a real dick bag.

“Milotic! You're up!” I call releasing my boy. Much to Surges amusem*nt.

“A water type? Sure that’s a smart call?”

“If you actually manage to hit him with an electric attack I’ll be impressed.” I taunted back.

“Battle Begin!”

“Milotic! Safeguard!”

“Magneton Thunder Bolt!”

“Thunder Rod!”

“Tch. Seriously? Even water types can do that? Tricky move.” Surge called out as Milotic tanked the electricity without a concern, and Safeguard activated making sure he couldn’t be paralyzsed.

“Flash Cannon!”

“Milotic! Extreme dodge!” Milotic still wasn’t able to really use Extreme speed on the ground. His movement was just too slow compared to Arcanine, but at this point it was definitely faster than a normal dodge, as the Steel attack blasted his previous position he was already long gone.

“This one is fast too? Heh interesting team! Keep it up Flash Cannon!”

“Block it with Water Pulse!”

The two blasts collided, but it was obvious right away which of the two Pokemon had the advantage Flash Cannon blasted through Water Pulse without too much resistance, causing Milotic to cry out in pain as it hit.

“Aqua Ring!”

“Thunder Bolt!”

Milotic was building up its recovery move. Aqua ring gave a passive heal but it did take concentration.

Honestly this was a bad matchup. Normally like Brock I would try flooding the area to give Milotic an advantage, but against an electric type, that was just asking to be destroyed.

Milotic cried out in pain as the blast hit, but Aqua ring was active.

“Use Recover!”

“Thunderbolt again! I thought you said your water type wouldn’t get hit?” Surge taunted.

I grimaced. I really didn’t want to fall into a heal off. Because Milotic would grow tired from being hit faster than Magneton would from blasting him.

“Extreme Aqua Tail! Get close and show him your strength!”

“Magnet rise! Don’t let it get close!” Surge countered, Magnet Rise causing Magneton to fly high up near the Gyms roof.


“Hahaha! Ten year olds with bad words! Never stops being funny!” He laughed uproariously at me.

“Icebeam! Freeze it solid!”

“Block it with Flash Cannon!” Once again the two moves smashed together and Milotic proved to be unable to overcome the attack.

“Milotic return! This is a bad match up for you.” I finally did the smart thing returning my panting partner before grabbing my third Pokeball.

“Yeah what’s next?”

“The secret Ace of my team.” I tell him simply. Throwing the Pokeball.

“Chansey! Chansey!” My pink blob called out bouncing a little as she revealed herself.

“Really? A Chansey?”

“Chansey Light Screen.”
“Hah! Thunder!”

The blast hit and even with Light Screen I could see Chansey take some damage. That Magneton was a monster.

“Now Chansey Gravity!”


And then Magneton fell the f*ck down.

“Chansey Return! Milotic!”

And suddenly Milotic wasn’t so far away anymore. “Milotic! Extreme Aqua Tail!”

“Thunder yourself!” Surge called but it was too late. Milotic had the same crazy physical power as Arcanine and Magneton learned that when his Aqua Tail slammed into him, a whirlpool of water swirling around his tail as Magneton was unable to even lift itself from the ground, But Miotic was a smarty.

When he hit he pushed the Magneton away, watching it screech as its metal body loudly ripped a scratch in the stone floor all the way unil it hit the wall. And then it was brightly lit Thunder going off too far to hit Milotic,

“Again!” I called just as the electricity was over, Magneton was slammed once again by a tail throwing it across the room.

“Return!” Surge called out suddenly and Magneton who was not looking well, disappeared.

“Damn kid. Hell of a move. What are you feeding your team?”

I didn’t say anything, just keeping myself firm, waiting. And then Surge grinned. “Fair enough. Come on out Ampharos!”

“Huh.” I couldn’t help but admit Mareep was more of a Johto Pokemon, but then again… War.

“Milotic! Get behind the Light Screen. Stay defensive! Now Icebeam!”

I watched as Milotic rushed over, and got ready for battle, while Ampharos was struggling just to stand. There wasn’t much time left on the Gravity effect, but it was still enough to extremely hinder Ampharos.

“Thunder bolt! Push the Ice beam away!”

“Miiii!” Milotic cried out as its attack was hindered by the massive blast of lightning. Dammit. Surge sure had some monsters. But it couldn’t puncture Lightscreen after being damaged by Ice Beam.


“Do it again! The screen won’t last forever!” Surge called out, but as the attacks began. I changed it.

“Milotic Extreme speed to the side!”

“Keep on target!” Surge called, but it wasn’t that easy. Sure. Milotic wasn’t really moving in a blur, but he was moving at quick enough speed that Ampharos wasn’t able to keep its Thunder Bolt on target, Ice beam streaking out and managing to hit its side. Disrupting the Thunder attack.

But despite the hit, I was shocked when Ampharos suddenly moved, much faster and let out a much more powerful move. Gravity had run out!

“Zap Cannon!” Surge called out after the attack was already sent!

“Thunder Rod! How did you?”
“Hah! I was in the War kid! Handsigns are a thing! If you always scream out your attack you give your enemy too much time to react!”

I grit my teeth as Milotic tried to block the attack with Thunder Rod, but this wasn’t just electricity it was a bullet move. The electricity moved wrong. It struck, and only some of it was redirected.

“MiiiiiiI!” Milotic screamed as the attack struck him, obviously seriously injuring my poor water type.

Times two damage with an attack as powerful as Zap Cannon will do that.

“Milotic return.” I called out, While he wasn’t out. I didn’t want him to face another hit while he struggled through paralysis. Safeguard had worn out when I returned him before. Damn. That was my mistake.

“Not bad kid. What else you got?”

“Milotics Partner. The one you just injured. I hope you're ready, cause I can feel how pissed off she is.”

“Ooh. Nasty!”


“Dragonair!” The roar of Dragonair nearly shook the entire arena.

“Dragon rush!” I called out instantly, and then Ampharos was back pedaling as the incredibly fast Dragonair suddenly surrounded herself with an aura of an angry dragon.

And she blurred across the arena.

Unlike Milotic Dragonair didn’t have the speed issue on solid ground. In fact she was so fast now she didn’t even need to use Dragon Dance to fly like most Dragonair do at first.

She simply moved. Slamming into the electric Pokemon even as it began charging an attack but it was too slow. Slammed into the ground with a thunderous crash. Dragonair roared again, exulting in injuring the one that hurt her love.

“Damn kid. Am I fighting a newbie, or Lance?” Surge joked as he returned, Ampharos who had obviously flinched badly at Dragonairs attack, and was about to be slammed again.

That would certainly have ended it.

“I’m not at Lances level yet. But I will. He insulted my Dragonair. So we are going to crush the Indigo league and meet him at the end. So I can force him to take back his words.” I inform Surge as Dragonair drifted a little into a curl, ready for the next enemy.

“Hah! You challenged the Champion? I was right, you definitely got some balls on you. Alright girl. This is my Partner. My strongest Pokemon. You ready?”

“I am.”

“Rai-Raichuuuuu!” His Raichu called out as it formed, and for a rat it was huge. Definitely an older Pokemon and from the way it literally sparked constantly. Surge wasn’t kidding. Just looking at it, made me want to wince.

“Dragonair! Dragon dance!”

“Ooh!? Gonna power up huh? Raichu! THUNDER!”

I could taste Ozone suddenly as Raichu began powering up and I grimaced. “Dragonair! Thunder rod!”

“Not gonna save you this time kid!” Surge taunted as the entire Gym seemed to be building up towards something.

He was right. I could feel it growing, Thunder rod wouldn’t stop this level of attack. At least not with how little my team has mastered it.

“Protect!” I roared out instead. Chansey had happily taught Dragonair this move at my insistence. I had planned on using it against Lances Dragonite when it went for a HyperBeam. But this was gonna need it too.

“Hah!” Surge just laughed as the entire Gym went up in electricity. I grit my teeth as it hit me as well.

And for what felt like half a minute nothing existed by electricity.


Then it was over. I was on the ground. I could taste copper but I couldn’t let that be it.

I looked up, and Dragonair? Well she had survived. Protect and Thunder Rod had managed to protect her enough she wasn’t out of the battle.

“Dra- dra” I couldn’t talk. My tongue was numb. f*ck. I had gotten paralysed from how much electricity had blown through me! Damn Damn damn!

“Dra-” My mouth wouldn’t work. But Dragonair wasn’t stupid. She noticed me unable to order and burst into a Dragon Rush.

Which was not the move she needed to do. Raichu probably had the ability Static too hitting it with physically moves without a safeguard would just end with a paralysed Pokemon! f*ck.

A moment later Raichu was slammed across the arena, unable to avoid the ridiculous speed of my Dragonair, but after Dragonair cried out as her muscles locked up.

“Sorry girl. You wanted my best? Here it is. Can’t tell you how many enemy soldiers died after they got paralysed and couldn’t even order their pokemon, or release and return more. It was the best trick I came up with on the Battlefield.”

Raichu had flinched as well, but Dragonair was struggling just to move, she had already fallen to the ground unable to rise. And my hands were struggling to raise.

Of course. I did have a secret move. “Cha-chansey!” I managed to say, and that was all I needed. Chansey released herself, and since she was right next to me. As long as she didn’t interfere with the battle it wasn’t an issue. After all, plenty of trainers kept a pokemon with them all the time.

A moment later under a pretty pink light, my body relaxed and I could move.

“Dragonair! Lightscreen!”

Dragonair managed it even as Raichu was powering up another move.

“Dragon Rush!” I called out desperate. But again she pushed through the paralysis.

“Preee!” She roared as she soared across the field, ignoring the buildup of the attack that Raichu was about to release to slam into Raichu.

Which then caused his Thunder to once more release.

This time. Chansey was there. Protecting me from the effect as it ripped across the entire Gym.

And then it was over. Dragonair was obviously hurting. Despite being resistant to electric attacks she had just tanked an immense hit.

And Raichu wasn’t looking good. It was weak to Dragon attacks. Despite its strength two Dragon Rushes were more than it was ready for.

“Iron Tail!” Surge called out suddenly, as Raichu shook off the hit and charged.

“Dragonair Dragon tail!” I cried out, and Dragonair moved to retaliate. Unfortunately Raichu disappeared in a blur of quick attack. Huh I guess I wasn’t the only one to use that trick. Dragonair still hadn’t learned Extreme speed!

The force of the Iron Tail rang out across the arena for a moment. But Surge went from looking confident to concerned when Dragonair barely flinched from the move, before her tail swept out and battered the Raichu into the floor with a crash.

“Dragonair has Marvel Scale Paralysing her only makes her even harder to hurt.” I informed Surge with a grin as his physical attack did almost nothing considering Dragonair defense was boosted.

“Raiii-CHUUUU!” The Mouse screamed out as it began charging from the hole.

“Dragon Tail again! Knock it away!”

“Preeee!” Dragonair cried out her tail whipping out again and as Raichu tried to blast the area with Thunder again it was suddenly blasted away. Once again the increased physical power of my training meant that even as Raichu exploded in thunder it missed Dragonair who was already moving away.

“Now! Twister while it's in the air!”

“Raichu! Thunderbolt! Right through!” Dragonair made to attack with Twister but she jerked, flinching as paralysis once more caused her to be unable to move.

“Thunder Rod if you can!” I cried out but it wasn’t enough. The Thunderbolt slammed into her and skid her across the ground as she was blasted back from the attack.

“Dragon tail! Don’t let Raichu get another attack!”

“Attack again Raichu, but be ready to block with Iron Tail!”

Luckily Dragonair didn’t care about things like ‘blocking’ before Raichu could gather electricity for another attack Dragonair was there. Moving in a blur.

Raichu was struck, full out blasting him into the wall his Iron Tail doing nothing to stop the overwhelming power of Dragonair.

Surge and I were both looking on, wondering what would happen, waiting to see.

But as we waited, Raichu didn’t rise. The poor mouse's eyes were swirling after being battered by Dragon Tail. And I sighed in exhaustion, as Surge returned his Pokemon. Finally ending the match.

“Chansey.” I called out pointing.

“Chanse!” She called out as she started healing Dragonair cheering her friend on.

“Damn kid.” Surge says as he steps over ignoring Dragonairs glare as she is being healed. “Here. It’s my Thunder Badge. Never thought I would give away the special ones.” He said as he handed me the Thunder badge.

“Special ones?” I asked confused before I earned a surprised look from the incredibly unfairly tall man, who then guffawed.

“Wait wait. You don’t know?”

“Don’t know what?”

“You challenged my real team.”

“Yeah? I fought Brock's no badge team, and it lost in a single hit, so I asked Brock to give Arcanine a Challenge, and I figured it would be more useful for my team to face fully ready Pokemon rather than half trained teams. What?”

“You have no idea? Damn. Well listen kid this is my normal Thunder Badge. Compare it to the one I just gave you.” I looked at the Thunder Badge and then at mine. In the middle it had a little star symbol. Something the basic one didn’t.

“What does the star mean?”

“It means you challenged the Gyms top team and overcame it.”

“Okay? What does that mean?”

“Hah, it's mostly bragging rights kid, but it also means the badge has no time limit. If you come back to challenge the league in a decade that badge will still cover one of your badge requirements. Usually Badges only last two years. But the Star badges mean you proved yourself good enough to truly defeat a Gym Leader. It also means your matches will be shown off at the Indigo League, Enjoy your fame kid.” He offered with a chuckle.

“Huh, fame? What do you mean shown off?”

“Hah! Part of how the association pays for all this is through marketing, kid. Gym matches are recorded. You must have seen the highlight clips? They play before every Indigo League.”

“Yeah? I guess I have. But I mean, they are usually just short clips, most of the time you don’t even see the trainer.”

“Most of the time is right kid. The League makes those clips and sells them! You can buy those highlight clip shows at the league kiosks. You can even see the full match recordings. Of course that's for normal matches. A Star Match, like what you just did? That is going on its own thing. It will be sold as the best of the best stuff. Hell, if you do well enough in the League you can guarantee the likeness of your team will be sold somewhere. You ever have a Pokedoll?”


“Well it was probably based on some League winner. Or someone who did a Star Match and got famous.” Surge laughed at my confused look “Ah I guess you are too young for that still. Don’t worry about it. Just know that if you keep this up, you will be a household name. Well. Maybe not you.” He offered with a shrug.

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“Your team. You won’t get past the League with your Pokemon. Zero chance.” Surge offered a shrug.

“Why not! They beat you!” I argued a little offended that my team was being besmirched.

“Oh they are strong, no doubt. Hell I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Dragonair move that fast. But that’s all it is. Speed and power. You don’t have an ounce of skill in them. All they know how to do is brute force it. Go up against a Pokemon trained to deal with power, and your team will get stomped.” He shrugged at my glare.

“My Pokemon are skilled too! They have a lot of strong moves, and are good at using them!”

“Eh they have a few strong moves but good? Listen kid. Since you beat me, take this as honest advice. Your Pokemon are bruisers. Nothing wrong with that. Hell they whipped my team alright. But they don’t have the finesse you see in the real elites. You want to strengthen your team? Your team needs to work on more than just flashy moves, or power. I can tell they got strong too quick. They don’t have that sense of how to keep going, or what it means to go against someone stronger than them.”

“What? My Pokemon have lost plenty! They faced strong enemies before!”

He nodded, reaching out to push my hat down over my eyes, I squawked at him.

“You got a team that will take you to the League. But not if you want all the Star Badges, and you won’t win. Someone will out skill you. Trust me. I respect the power. I think when it comes to Gym leaders. Your team is closest to how I fight. Overwhelming power. I don’t bother with the other stuff. Just hit them so hard they lose. It works in a war. Not so much in a League. Or against the elites.”

Surge walked away then heading towards the exit.

“Wait! What am I supposed to do then? How do I train a Pokemon for skill!? I thought that is what I was already doing!”

“Sorry kid. I can’t help you there! I can just tell you from my own experience. Your team as it is won’t get you a league win.”

I stood there in the quiet Gym as Gym trainers came through and started cleaning up the damage. Dragonair and Chansey beside me, but I was lost.

Chapter 16

Chapter Text

My feet eventually got me to the Pokemon Center. I handed off my team to Nurse Joy as I sort of walked around in a daze, pacing the Pokemon Center Lobby like some weirdo.

But what the hell. I had won, but I sure didn’t feel like it. I patted the Egg which I had picked back up as I walked almost like a worry stone just gently stroking the to of the shell.

My pokemon were unskilled?

I sighed. Rubbing at the bridge of my nose. Okay. Don’t close down and get irritated, Vicky. What does that mean?

It means. I messed up. Or rather. I got tunnel vision… Big shock there. My tendency to focus on things that worked had bitten me in the ass once again. I had so many plans! Ways to train my Pokemon and make them stronger, but I had hit the Gravity Training, and the effect had been so powerful.

I had put everything else to the side. Even when I trained on the off days I tended to focus on power training for Special Attacks…

I had lost track of what I was supposed to be doing. Training was more than physical training. It was mental.

I puffed out my cheeks. Vicky you idiot. Dumb blonde. Moron!

“Idiot. What are you doing?”

Eh? “Eh?!” I gasped nearly jumping as I realized that hadn’t been my voice in my head.

“Zelos.” I greeted after a moment.

“Vicky. You look… Bad.”

I grumbled. Just because I was still all frizzy from Surges buttheadedness! “I’m fine!”

“Riiiight.” She muttered focusing on my face. “What happened? Get your butt kicked by Surge? Was his trick of blasting everything, and then if it survives blast it again too much for you?”

“No! I beat him… Barely. I got… I guess I got overconfident. Surge told me… My Pokemon aren’t skilled.”

“Did he? I could see it… Fight me.”


“I didn’t stutter moron. Fight me.” She pulled out a Pokeball.

“Oh.. Okay? Let me get my team?”

“Do that.” She offered with a turn throwing her blonde hair over her shoulder as she sauntered out of the Pokemon Center.

Zelos was trying to cheer me up with a Pokemon battle? How nice! I knew my attitude would work on her eventually!

I caught up to Zelos outside. She was already standing on the Pokemon battling area behind the Center.

“Use your Milotic.” She called out without any preamble, and then she threw a Pokeball and a Serperior erupted from the Pokeball. I was actually pretty shocked as I took in the fully evolved Pokemon.

“Wow! Your Snivy evolved already? That’s great!” I looked over the snake grass Pokemon. It threw me a single haughty look before sniffing a bit and turning away from me.


“Of course he has! I was the strongest Trainer in all the schools I went to before yours! You might have been stronger than me then! But now? Go on! Send your Milotic!”

“Right right. Milotic!”

Thankfully my team had been healed from the gym, but I could tell Milotic was still tired out, but he didn’t show any signs of it.

“Miii!” He cried out looking fierce, towards the Serperior. The fact he was easily twice the grass types size, and obviously more muscular didn’t cause any concern in the Grass Snake.

No, it simply kept a disinterested look on it’s face.

“Serperior, Grass Blade Dance!” She called out suddenly and Serperiors tail grew bright with it’s grass type energy and it was on.

Slow. It was really slow. I almost cringed. Of sure it was quick. For a normal trainer I bet Serperior moving at that speed would startle any Pokemon not using Quick Attack.

But Milotic didn’t even lose track as the Serperior rushed in. Then it leapt. I blinked.

“Aqua Tail!” I called, letting Milotic prepare to blast the attack away.

Serperior's leap let him spin, putting plenty of force behind the impact, but it was still not even close to the blows Arcanine and Milotic would trade. But to my surprise that wasn’t it.

Milotics Aqua Tail smashing the Grass Blade aside, worked against us. As it used the rotation to shift and attack again. Milotic out of position had to bend far backwards for the Grass Blade to miss.

And then it was on. The two similar Pokemon trading blows and yet.

Milotics power was only getting in the way. Every blow Serperior was avoiding using the power to simply turn it’s attack into another.

If it wasn’t for Milotics purely superior speed he would have been taking blow after blow.

There was a weird feeling. Neither of us spoke Zelos and I. We simply stared, letting the battle play out

If the battle stayed the same way as it had at the beginning I would have lost. 100% Milotic for all his speed and power, simply couldn’t land a strike against Serperior.

But training strength so much did lead to another benefit.

Serperior tired out first. Eventually he couldn’t quite dodge a blow, and from then on it was over. Zelos and I both called an end to the battle at the same time.

“Hey Zelos. Let’s travel together for a while? I could really use a sparring partner… Please.”

She blinked huffing a little as she rolled her eyes. “I thought that was obvious already idiot. I need more practice fighting your stupid overpowered Pokemon if I am going to show you Kantonian trainers what an Unova battler is like.”

“Sounds perfect!” I grinned.

Now I just had to stop myself from making the same mistakes over and over again, learn a new way of training my team, and make sure I was still keeping up on my other training all a the same time!

Where was my easy fun Pokemon Journey!? Was Nintendo right? Was a Hard Mode wrong?

No. It was Nintendo that was wrong.

“I’m glad you're my friend Zelos.”

“Friends? We are rivals! Rivals you dork!”

She was so nice!


While Zelos left for a bit to resupply. I did the same. I prepped for a much longer travel period than normal. Zelos was on foot, so that meant I couldn’t follow my usual once a week food run… Well I could, but Journeys should be experienced together if you were in a group! So I went to the Pokemon center and bought all the different Pokefood I would need for my group's nutrition.

Otherwise I was ready to go. I waited at the Pokemon center once I bought everything for only about ten minutes before Zelos walked in looking irritated.

“Ready?” She asked and at my nod turned out of the center. I jogged to catch up.

“So you beat Surge?”

“Yeah. A few weeks back. I ended up having to backtrack.” She grumbles. “You Kantonians need to fix your maps… Stupid dead end.”


“It’s fine. I got my fifth badge out of it, so at least it like, wasn’t a total waste of my time.”

“Five!? What are you doing back here then? Shouldn’t you be fighting Koga in Fuschia?”

“Are you kidding?” She turned to me like I was crazy. “I’m not fighting your crazy powerful gyms. Three of the badges are from minor gyms. I don’t care if I can’t take part in the Indigo League next year. I want to travel back to Unova after this. I’m going to fight in the Vertress Confrence next year! I have some friends that I need to head home and battle.”

I nodded. Minor Gyms. I hadn’t considered those, they had a bit of a stigma for not being ‘real’ gyms to the people of Kanto, not that all Gyms were created equal anyways. Cerulean comes to mind.

“Oh I get that. You want to travel home. Yeah I guess that makes sense! Are you going to take part in the Musicals in Unova too?”

“What? No? I’m not nearly good enough for those. You have to be really good at dancing and singing for those.” She offers with a shrug as we march down the road. Most people took a boat out of Viridian, but we were going to take a path towards Celedon apparently. I was mostly just following Zelos.

“Oh. I guess I thought it was more popular. What about the Pokemon Movies?”

“Ugh. What do you think Unova is? Musicals and movies? No. It takes a ton of work to get a movie gig. Most of the time they take the Musical Pokemon since they already have the qualifications… Or you have Rare pokemon. What about you? Gonna make a movie?” She riposted turning my question back on me.

“Eh? I wasn’t planning on it. I think it would be embarrassing.” I say with a shrug. The idea made me nervous for some reason.

“Well they would take you in a heartbeat. A Dragonair, A Milotic and an Arcanine? Your Pokemon could be world famous if you went to Unova.”

“I want to go someday, but I don’t think I want to be in the movies… Anyways! How did you train your Serperior so quickly to be so skilled? He was able to fend off Milotic which is amazing!”

“Ugh. Your ridiculous cheating Pokemon! Your Pokemon has no finesse. It just throws attacks out and expects to hit.”

“Does it? They usually hit.”

“No you usually smash through everything in the area there is a difference. Here Serperior come on out!”

I watched as her Grass snake materialized and looked around for a moment before glancing me over and giving a little sniff of distaste… Ouch.

“Serperior. We are going to show off our deflection training!” Then to my surprise Zelos grabbed a rock and chucked it at her Pokemon.

I blinked. Animal abuse!?

But it wasn't, Serperior reached out and to my surprise deflected the rock well enough that it went straight up, without looking keeping his eyes on Zelos is dropped back down, so he flicked it back towards her.

She simply stepped aside letting the rock fly by.

“See? Your Pokemon would have just smashed the rock aside, because they are meatheads. Serperior redirects the attack, and turns it into riposte.”

“That’s really smart… But throwing rocks at your Pokemon is a little…”

“Idiot! I trained him with a bouncy ball! I wouldn’t throw a rock at my Pokemon if they weren’t able to handle it! Moron!”

“A-ah! Sorry!”


So Zelos had this air of being the confident cool girl, even if I could see through it and see the lonely girl in a distant land.

But honestly? After this? All of her coolness points are gone. She isn’t cool.

She is a dumpster fire.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, honestly offended as I watched Zelos prepare her meal for her team. Her poor poor team, forced to deal with Zelos’s cooking.

If you could call it that.

“Making food?” She asked confused as I reached over and pushed her hand holding a ladle out of the soup of Pokemon Chow watching as it splattered down into the cooking pot.

In case you didn’t know. Pokemon chow should not be watery. I nearly gagged before regaining myself.


“What? What do you mean no!?”

“That is not food. Everything about that is wrong. Your poor Pokemon. I am so sorry.” I apologized to Stoutland. Her Herdier had evolved at some point on her journey and was currently sitting beside her. Waiting for it’s meal… It even had a cute little bowl!

“Whuff.” He offered with a shrug.

“Hey! They like food time.”

“Starving Pokemon often like food… Which that is not. Okay first off Zelos. This is not the right Pokechow for your team.” I point out. The bag of Chow on her side was quickly pulled up and the description thrown in my face.

“It says it's good for all Pokemon!”

“Oh Arceus. It's worse than I thought.” I whispered a prayer to the God of Pokemon. This horrible girl.


“Not this time. Okay full stop. Toss that out in the bushes it’s garbage. You can use some of my Pokechow. I don’t have a good nutrition balance for Serperior, but I can use some berries to balance that out, but I do have Dragon and Dog chow. Should be fine for Stoutland and Fraxure.”

“I don’t need your food! I just made them food Vicky!”

“Oh sweet summer child.” I sighed. “Listen. That Pokechow brand you are using? It is designed for sedentary pet Pokemon. Meowth that lay around the house all day, but still get supplemental nutrition from treats, or from hunting. Your team are battlers! They need way more nutritionally dense food to keep going… How many times have your Pokemon tired out in battle, or mid training? Heck why do you think Serperior tired out so fast against Milotic?”

My question cut out some of the offended anger as she actually considered it for half a moment, before reddening.

“Okay so sit here.” I demand, putting her next to my pot. I had already made most of a meal. I would just need to do a second for her Pokemon. But first.

“Chansey! I need your nutrition knowledge!” I call out, summoning my Goddess.

“Chanse! Chansey!” She bounced a little pulling me into a hug, before nodding determinedly. Her little arms pumping as if determined. Walking over to Zelos’s Pokemon she immediately began an examination. Zelos’s team looking a little uncomfortable, but all Pokemon know you don’t argue with a Chansey.

Her eagerness made even funnier when Serperior tried look untangle himself from her grasping… Fins? I don’t know what you would call her cute little arms.

But it was to no help Serperiors little “Serp!” Gasp of surprise as Chansey straight up dead lifted him to pull him closer, had me smiling.

“W-what? What is she doing?”

“Chansey is checking your Pokemon for nutrition issues. Don’t worry. Chansey went to a nursing school for this sort of thing. Since they can actually talk to the Pokemon they can ask questions about bone or muscle issues that we might not notice. Nurse Joy helped me at first setting up a nutrition plan, but Chansey is the one that makes sure everything is working.”

I watch as Zelos’s head seems to be spinning as she is absorbing so much information right now. It looked like her entire worldview was changing.

Think of me as an idiot will you!

But I shook my desire to taunt her away. She needed to learn this, cause it was important to her friends! So I pulled her attention away from Chansey back to me, and the Pokechow I had pulled out of my bag.

“This is Dragon type Chow. I had to special order it cause Kanto doesn’t have many Dragon types. But it works great! So first thing we need to know when preparing food. What kind of flavors does your Fraxure like? My Dragonair likes her food Dry, but hates bitter foods. So I use Apicot Berries. They are super dry, which she adores, and are the exact opposite of bitter. I honestly can’t eat them, they are so sweet.”

“W-what?” My question obviously since she didn’t know.

This girl!

“Your Pokemon need to eat to build up strength and endurance Zelos. If you make something they don’t like the taste of, they might not eat it all. So you have to know your Pokemon's preferences.”

“I-I don’t know!” She hissed, sounding embarrassed.

“Okay, let’s find out. Hey Fraxure, come over we are going to do some taste testing!” I call out as I pull out my berry storage. We will find out.

“Is this really that important?”

“Of course! Pokemon break down muscle every time they train, they have to eat the right nutrients to heal the damage to grow stronger. If they aren’t eating the right thing the muscle won’t heal right, or will just eat itself to fix the damage which makes them weaker not stronger! Then you have bones, endurance, fat reserves!” I ran a list of things off my fingers as I walked Fraxure through a taste test to figure out his favorite Berries.

“R-right…” she muttered looking furious for a moment before she took a deep breath and let it out. I realized it wasn’t anger at me. It was at herself.

“Vicky, can you help me set up a nutrition plan for my Pokemon? I want to make sure they are healthy.”

“Sure! This can be fun too! Finding out what flavors your Pokemon like, or just making them a good meal is great! I’ll teach you everything!” I offer with a happy smile as I pull her into a side hug.



Traveling with Zelos was different to Ivy. For one, Ivy was much more willing to go with the flow. Get distracted by new Pokemon? Ivy was down to play with them, or wander around a forest.

Zelos did none of that. Slow down?

She left you behind.

Fortunately for me, I had an Arcanine. Over the course of the first week she left me behind three times, but much to her consternation I was there with her again in minutes when I realized she had left.

The first time she had just gone a bit down the road, before stopping. Probably intending to yell at me for not keeping up. Only for me to show up on Arcanine making her realize it really didn’t matter.

It was fun! Traveling slower let me notice all the Pokemon in the area. Even if Zelos didn’t want to stop.

But nothing could stop my desire to play in the woods with cute Pokemon! Judging stares? Hah! As if such a weak thing could hinder me!

Of course we battled all the time. Her pokemon were all… Zippy? I was surprised that so often even Arcanine found her attacks missing as her Pokemon, usually her Stoutland seemed to always know where my pokemon were going to attack, her team was already ready to punish my team.

That was it! A lot of her attacks were ripostes. Always waiting for the attack to come in before hitting back harder. I wondered if she taught her team Counter, and went from there?

It did give me some ideas though.

Funnily enough we both had a small team still.

“Hey Zelos. You haven’t captured any Pokemon here have you? Why not? Lots of Pokemon in Kanto don’t live in Unova.”

“Because, I’m not a Kanto trainer! If I capture a bunch of Kanto Pokemon I won’t even be able to take them all when I go home, and everyone is going to think I’m some foreigner! It's annoying!” She grumbled as she stomped down the road.

“That’s kinda silly isn’t it? You would have rare Pokemon in Unova. Moves that no one else is prepared for. You want to hit the Vertress Conference there. Wouldn’t having Rare Pokemon help?”

“A little, but not as much as you would expect. But there is a stigma associated with people who end up with teams of foreign Pokemon. They are usually purchased by their parents… Worse, I’m going to be a year late. So I’m going to be eleven when I get there. Everyone is going to think I’m weird.” She whined, reminding me despite everything she was just a ten year old.

“Not weird. Different! You will have an experience none of them do. They all journeyed through Unova, but you went to a different region and had to handle new Pokemon, and a different way of battling… Isn’t Unova all about double battles?”

“It's much more common there than here. But not all about it. We do single battles too.” She grumbles kicking a rock down the road as she stomps a bit. “But having Kanto pokemon will make me stand out! I’ll be weird!”

“Different.” I remind her with a smile. “And the thing about different, is that yeah sometimes people will look at you badly, but at the same time. Some will notice how you do things differently, how you work on problems at angles they don’t expect.”

“Ugh. Stop trying to get me to capture more Pokemon.” She says but this time at least she didn't call me an idiot.

It was working!


“Okay so like this?” I ask Zelos. After teaching her how to cook and prepare nutritionally useful food for her Pokemon, which right after had been showing a huge uptick in energy and happiness. She had offered to trade that knowledge with hers on how to make Pokemon more skillful.

Really she just said better at battling, but that is what she meant.

“Good enough. Alright Milotic you got the targets.” She called out. I had set up a series of Targets packed together around him, that Milotic had to strike with his tail without breaking them.

It was meant to help him control his strength, He would use a tail attack and strike each of the targets in a quick order.

“I still don’t really get it though.” I offered, looking to Zelos who immediately turned me with her normal look of irritation.

“Your Pokemon only know how to blast things at full power, but they always attack with very direct motions. This is part of how I taught Serperior to fight with his tail. Your Milotic acts like his tail is a club. But it isn’t. It’s a sword! You don’t have to go full power every time, you can block and parry. This will train the motions into muscle memory.”

“Well if it works.” I mutter. Milotic had broken every target so far. His tail striking out with an uncontrollable power.

I guess it really was a problem. They had power training, but controlling your strength after spending so much time in heavy gravity must make it much more difficult to actually control yourself normally.

So I settled back. Milotic kept hitting too hard, but slowly he started to get control of his power, striking the target just with the tip of a tail before pulling back and striking another.

Over and over we watched him try. Until he was able to start speeding up his tail into a blur as it flashed out and just scraped each target, before moving on to another.

“Damn.” Zelos cursed beside me as she watched. “I really don’t think Serperior can keep up with that.” She muttered to herself as the flashing tail of Milotic was soon a blurr.

“Just means you need more training.” I tell her with a nod. “We both just started our journey. We might be strong in different ways, but that doesn’t mean anything. There are so many powerful Pokemon in the world. So many powerful trainers, that I can’t even imagine the difficult fights that are ahead of us.” I say simply. Imagining all the battles I had seen in the anime against legendary Pokemon.

That only the strongest, most powerful trainers were even able to slow them down.

It made me think of the Shamouti islands. Three Legendary birds that if unbalanced would cause horrible weather throughout the entire world…

f*ck Legendary Pokemon were scary. Damn idiots for trying to capture them! Every bad guy that tries to capture a Legendary ends up totally screwed either due to the power of the Pokemon, or through some upset in the natural world.

I shook that thought away. I could only pray that when that clusterf*ck happened, Ash would take care of it…



“Oh it’s Celadon! I call out as we turn a corner in a forest and come across the sight of Celadon City stretching out before us. We had been traveling slowly, just enjoying learning from each other.

Once Zelos realized how important what I could teach was, she was more than happy to learn more cooking skills to make her Pokemon happier. Stoutland practically turned into a puppy, he had so much more energy!

His fur was soft, but Arcanine was softer!

Still, we kept moving slowly every day and now we were here. Our next destination. Celadon not only had a gym, but it also had some huge department stores. If you wanted to buy it, you could find it in Celadon.

Hurrying into the city, Zelos behind me yelling at me to slow down as I rushed towards the city excited to look around.

I could hardly slow down! I wanted to buy an incubator for my little Dratini Egg, to make sure they were comfortable! And I wanted to restock on some vitamins I had been adding into my PokeChow. I had used a lot more in the last few weeks helping Zelos.

Plus! There was lots of other stuff! I could use some new clothes!

“Finally! Stop running off!” Zelos huffed at me as she caught up, slightly out of breath, I was too, but I was more excited.

“C’mon let's go shopping!” I call to her with a smile as she rolled her eyes at my eagerness.

“I don’t need to buy anything.”

“PokeChow.” I interrupted her.

“Tch. I don’t need to buy anything but PokeChow-”

“Vitamins for your PokeChow.”

“... I don’t nee-”

“Some cooking stuff. I won’t always be around for you to borrow my stuff.”

“Fine!” She exploded stomping past me into the massive shopping center.

I grinned skipping as I caught up with her. Guiding her towards the building map, so we could find out where we needed to go.


I grinned as I carried the Incubator. Dragonair and Milotics' egg was resting inside, warm and safe, and more importantly well taken care of. Even if I would miss having it close at hand.

“Is that everything?” Zelos grumbled at me. I had ran her through a few stores for supplies she needed to better cook for her team, and she was grumpy a bit at how much she had to spend.

But she couldn’t rely on my stuff forever! I might not be around and she had to have it.

“Want to check out the Celadon Gym? It's a grass type Gym.” I offer instead pointing at the building that was in sight of the entrance of the Department store.

“Huh. Grass type huh? They any good?” She asks, standing up her bag once more resting against her hip.

I don’t know where she got a Poke Bag that looked like a purse, but all power to her.

“Erika is supposed to be very talented. Very elegant as a battler. Although watch out for Powder attacks.” I add remembering that Erica liked Gloom and that line.

“I can handle that. Let’s go. I want to get a badge today, and you already had me running around.”
“Think of the tasty treats you will make for your team!” I beg as I follow after her, earning a scoff at my teasing.

We both walked up to the Celadon Gym taking in the fact it was more greenhouse than building as we entered. A receptionist wearing a very fancy Kimono was waiting.

“Welcome to the Celadon City Gym. Gym Leader Erika-Sama is currently not taking challenges. The Gym was damaged in a fire a short time ago.” The Receptionist offers which had both Zelos and I frown for different reasons.

Wasn’t there a whole thing with Ash and a fire at Celadon Gym? I don’t really remember… But while I was distracted with that, Zelos was angry.

“What do you mean not taking challenges! That is what Gyms are supposed to do!”

“Apologies. The Gym is not currently safe to battle within.”

“That’s! That stupid! We can battle outside then!”


“I think that is enough.” A calm voice called out behind us as a woman in a Kimono entered. “Thank you Sandy, and you Ms. Trainer. Please do not harass my people. The Gym is closed. I apologize for the inconvenience.”

“Erika-Sama!” The receptionist called out in surprise at her appearance, rising and offering a bow. “I hope your business was successful?”

“It was. Supplies for the repairs are paid for and on their way.” Erika mentioned with a smile earning a relieved sigh from the receptionist.

“Well I’m here for a Gym Challenge.” Zelos interrupted suddenly, without a care.

Riiiight. She was basically an American. Heh. Yeah we did tend not to care about social norms of other places.

I could see Erikas nose crinkle just a tad at the interruption before she turned to Zelos. “The Gym is not taking challenges currently.”

“So people can come all the way to your Gym but you won’t battle them just because your Gym was damaged? There is plenty of space outside!” Zelos snarked pointing at the door, which indeed, despite being in the middle of the city there was a park nearby that had a Pokemon battle square.

Most did after all. Always good to have a place for the kids to battle rather than let them battle where they wanted to.

“Erika-Sama is-”

“No. That’s fine. I have business to do, but if this trainer desires a battle so much. I accept. I will simply have to make it quick.” She offers with a gentle smile, every inch the Kanto Onna-Bushi. Heh. I couldn’t help but chuckle. I had a feeling that Zelos was about to face a Pokemon team a little higher than she was prepared for.

“Good! Finally.” Zelos snarked back, throwing her hair over her shoulder. The white blonde flowing easily at her movement, despite being on the road for so long. Many mornings were spent waiting for her to finish her hair care routine.

Unlike mine where I just washed it and threw it in a lopsided messy ponytail.

Ain’t nobody got time for that! I had Pokemon to play with! Sticks in my hair? Who cares!

“Excellent. A moment to gather my team.” Erika offered with a tiny bow before turning back inside, as Zelos nodded and marched out.

“Sorry for her. She is Unovan.” I apologized to the receptionist who was looking rather irritated over everything that had just happened. I got a huff from the prim looking woman before I followed after Zelos.


“The Challenger Zelos Bia from Unova is the winner.” I called out. Somehow I had been pulled into the referee position during the fight.

It had been a rough fight. I was right. Erika hadn’t pulled out her main team, but it was one of her stronger ones. And Zelos had been on the back foot the entire battle.

But she had overcome. In a really impressive showing she had managed to eke out a win over Erika.

“Very well.” Erika called out giving a short nod. “You may need to work on your manners, but your love and care for your Pokemon is obvious. Very well. You have earned a Rainbow Badge.”

“Yes!” Zelos called out in delight even doing a little wiggle at her success. Fraxure wiggled as well, delighting in succeeding in the battle, even as he sneezed. Erika’s Gloom, and its many spore attacks had made the battle difficult for him.

“Return Fraxure. I’ll take you to the Pokemon center right away.”

“Good. Your Pokemon battled well. I would hate to make them suffer for any longer than needed.” Erika offered a short bow, well knowing the effects of powder and spore attacks on Pokemon.

“You aren’t too bad. Your Pokemon know how to battle.” Zelos offered, as close to an apology as she would give.

“So it probably wouldn’t be a good idea for me to battle you in this open arena… I would probably end up destroying it somehow…” My memory of what Brocks Gym looked like after our battle comes to my mind. “Can I ask how long it will be before you are accepting matches again Erika?”

“Oh? You are willing to wait? How polite. Very well. I expect the Gym to be back in shape within a week at the most.”

“Cool. I’ll come by in a week or so.”

“Ugh! Vicky! I’m not waiting around for a week!”
“I know. You want to move on, I think we should split up again. It will give us both some time to make sure we understand what we taught each other.” I tell her with a grin. Her attempts at cooking were getting better, but I still ended up needing to ‘rescue’ her from time to time as she got flustered and didn’t know what to do if something went wrong.

“Fine! Next time we meet, we will have another battle! Don’t think you will win so easily!” She demanded with a pointed finger before she walked off towards the Pokemon center.

“Hmm, are you sure the two of you are friends? She seems quite… Difficult.” Erika asked as she watched Zelos walk down the street in a huff.

“Best friends!” I tell Erika with a grin and a thumbs up. Earning an odd look, but in the end Erika shrugged.

It was fine. Most people just didn’t understand that Zelos was a Tsundere!

Chapter 17

Chapter Text

We split up. Zelos marching off probably for Fuchsia, or Saffron city. Hopefully Ash will have dealt with Sabrina before she gets there.

But I walked the opposite way. After another call to my parents to let them know I was going to begin some more training. I headed into the mountains around Celadon City finding a good quiet spot that should last until the week is over, it’s not like we would be making lots of explosions like Draco Meteor this time.

Where before I had trained for power, without realizing that only half solved the problem, this time I was going to train my Pokemons skill.

Zelos had given me an idea with her target training. Forcing the Pokemon to create attack patterns that would be faster than just smashing through things. It honestly reminded me of sword training, learning forms so you can instinctively attack and defend.

My Pokemon needed that but more. After all! We were Team Legendary!

“So is everyone ready?” I called out earning firm nods from my team.

All four of them were in a square. Arcanine to Milotic. Milotic to Chansey, Chansey to Dragonair, and Dragonair to Arcanine.

Each had a target on their body. A cloth ribbon in different colors. Red for Arcanine, Blue for Milotic, Purple for Dragonair, and Pink for Chansey.

Chansey loved her little ribbon, and I had a feeling that anyone that even came close to touching her new bling was going to have a tough time, since the goal was for each Pokemon to only hit the ribbon of their opponent, without being hit in turn by their aggressor.

Dodge and accuracy training. Also a way to help them pick up different attack patterns with their moves, instead of just smashing everything aside. It was partially done under Gravity. Since it would be unfair for Chansey to have to split her focus, but I knew she would activate it whenever she could.

The Goddess of Gains would not be denied.

But there was one more trick to it. I didn’t want to totally rely on my team having to guess their movements. So I added one more idea that had only taken a short stop at the Celadon department store.

“Okay everyone! Follow the beat!” I called out as I hit the play button on the boom box.

The sound of music filling the clearing as my Pokemon began dancing. While attacking and dodging.

I giggled at how silly some of them looked, although I made sure to stifle it so they couldn’t hear me. Milotics bouncing snake dance I literally couldn’t look at or else I might laugh too loud and hurt his feelings.

What can I say, Coordinators had given me an idea. I think it was Serena in the anime that had a dancing Eevee. It eventually evolved into a Sylveon but more importantly, it was surprisingly difficult to hit in battle even as en Eevee. It’s dancing movements giving it a really unpredictable movement style.

I wanted my own Pokemon to have a more erratic movement in combat. A way of moving that altered the pace of their movement in ways the enemy would have trouble predicting.

Honestly it was sorta half giving up. If I couldn’t get my pokemon the skill because I was too dense to figure out good training program, I would just make it so Pokemon that were super skilled couldn’t predict my brawlers movement!

So this was Five training styles all at once! Power with Gravity! Skill by moderating their attacks to only hit the targets. Dodging with Music! Endurance. Because it was going to be tough to keep it up for long periods. And Counter Shield training, because the goal was to dodge or block the attack from hitting their target!

Thankfully Celadons department store had a ton of stuff to buy including all the food and vitamins my team needed. And so Fire blazed, Water swirled, Dragon power roared, and Chansey giggled.

Cause she was awesome.

And my team trained.


Positions changed after every round. When my Pokemon needed a break I went to work. Chansey of course healed everyone, but that wasn’t all that they would need after such an intense training session.

Chansey and I would take each of them and run them through a medical check. Checking muscles, cooling them off, making sure they were hydrating, if their muscles were still sore after Chanseys healing I would even give them a massage to try and relieve any lingering pain.

Pokemon training was more than just yelling moves at them after all. I was checking Milotics fins earning a purring “Miiii!” From him at my attention after a few rounds. He had taken to using his fins to ‘bounce’ him a bit on dry land, to add to his avoidance dance. It was a good idea, but it was definitely wearing him out. Despite his fins made for swimming, lifting his entire bulk over and over on dry land in Gravity was taking its toll.

“I’m not seeing any muscle issues Milotic. Looks like you are just stretching the muscles in ways you never had before. We will have Chansey give you another heal after, but she is resting. So just try not to use your fins. Rest them for now.” I tell him as I rub my thumbs into his fin ears. Finding the muscle and trying to soothe it.


“Yeah I know it hurts buddy. You did great though. You really forced Dragonair to struggle just to get an attack anywhere near your scarf.” I tell him earning another purr as he enjoyed my attention.

I looked up to see my team resting. Dragonair was siddled close by in the river, apparently enjoying the way the slow moving river ran over her sore muscles. Arcanine was completely passed out on her side snoring as her legs kicked a little.

Doggy dreams. How cute!

Chansey was resting her feet in the water as she lay back. Her poor feet must hurt from all the movement under heavy Gravity.

I guess having her jumping around in Gravity was a little much for her little feet.

Still I had seen amazing improvement in just the few days we had been doing this. It helped that we did it multiple times a day. I mean my Pokemon were eager for the training… Well Arcanine and Dragonair were. Milotic was perfectly content being a lazy fish. And Chansey? Well the Goddess of Gains was more than happy to both help and train. She was funny like that.

But Arcanine had been working herself ragged to improve. My poor girl had taken it a bit personally that she had been defeated in the gym battles. Aside from Cerulean.

Trying to explain that it was normal for Pokemon to not defeat entire teams of Gym leaders, top Pokemon hadn’t quite landed. She had refused to accept it. After all, my dog wanted to be Legendary. That is what I promised her after all.

It was kinda cute how much she was a battle junkie. I would just have to do my best to make sure she gets there.

Of course hiding outside Celadon in a forest, making lots of noise does eventually draw attention. As I continued stroking Milotics fins, I heard voices approaching.

I frowned. I really didn’t want to be disturbed right now. At least no one had seen the actual training. I continued soothing Milotic as I looked towards where the voices were coming from.

“Which way?” A voice called out and I frowned as a few moments later I heard a Pokemon reply and the ruffling of bushes.

My pokemon had noticed of course. Even Arcanine had stirred awake at the sound of unfamiliar voices and was sitting up looking focused.

You could take the dog out of the police academy, but not the police academy training out of the dog.

A moment later a Raticate slipped out of the bushes looking startled at seeing my team all focused on it. As it let slip a startled “Rat!” As it stilled. Getting the attention of its trainer. Two people slipped out of the bushes behind the Raticate looking surprised at seeing an array of rare pokemon.

All was quiet for a bit before the Blonde girl scoffed. “See! I told you the Arcanine tracks went this way!”

“Well I have to give it to you. You were right.” The male agreed with a chuckle. “It only took us a few months.” He seemed to joke at her earning a scowl.

“As if there is anyone else in Kanto that could track an Arcanine. You are lucky you are teamed with me.”

“I suppose I am. So you are the one huh?” The man asked turning back towards me. “The Trainer that has an Arcanine.”

“This is my team, yeah. I’m Vicky. Can I help you?”

“You might.” The male called out with a laugh. “We’ve been tracking your Arcanine for a while now. Did you really have to lead us all over Kanto?”

“We?” The woman asked eyebrow raised.

“My lovely partner has been tracking you.” He offers with a smile as an apology.

“For what? I don’t think I know you.” I tell them something about the way they were looking at me… Yeah I didn’t trust these two. I patted Milotic on his head as I stood up, ready to battle if it came down to it.

What was up with these two that were making me so uncomfortable… I think I recognized them?

“You don’t know us yet...” The man said with a shrug as he reached at his belt and grabbed a Pokeball.

“Agreed. I suppose we will just have to introduce ourselves! Go Tentacruel!” She called out, as her partner moved at the same time.

“Go Cloyster!”

“Haha!” The two laughed as their Pokemon materialized and I readied for battle. My Pokemon looked suddenly more than willing to teach these two a lesson.

But then suddenly they shifted, grabbing the mountain hiking gear they had been carrying and throwing it aside.

Revealing a familiar dark outfit underneath.

“Prepare for Trouble!”

“And Make it Double!”

Ah that is why my bad feeling was. I grimaced and as my Pokemon read my unease as they gathered around ready to battle. As the two Team Rocket members both spoke the next line of the Motto. Arcanines growl a reverb backdrop as they continued.

“Here’s our mission, so you better listen!”

“To infect the world with devastation!”

“To blight all people in every nation!”

“To denounce the goodness of truth and love!”

“To extend our wrath to the stars above!”


“And Butch, of course!”

“We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night.”

“Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!”

“Arcanine! Extreme speed grab! Milotic Ice Beam, slow them down! Dragonair! Dragon Rush! Chansey! Gravity!”

“W-wait! You can’t use so many pokemon that’s cheating!” Cassidy cried out as my team all began moving.

“Yeah! That’s our job!”

I ignored the peanut gallery.

Team Rocket. Pokemon Thieves and general pains in the ass. Did they think I was going to treat them like a Gym Challenge?

My Pokemon didn’t hesitate much to the Surprise of the two Rocket Members. Their Pokemon reacted quickly, even as Arcanine slammed into Tentacruel causing the two of them to break off from the fight. Arcanines teeth firmly gripped on tentacle as she started running. The sound of the Pokemon smashing into trees as Arcanine hauled it along only distracted me for a moment.

Cloyster had snapped shut as the attacks rammed into it. Ice building up along the ground freezing it in place keeping it from moving, as Dragonair slammed down with a little roar smashing it through the ice and then into the frozen ground.

Cloysters Shell making a harsh shrieking noise at the hits. Chansey though hadn’t aimed at the Pokemon. Gravity slammed down over the two Rocket members, Butch and Cassidys calls to their pokemon were stifled as they slammed to the ground.

“Don’t forget the Raticate! I called out to Milotic who switched targets from the Cloyster. Raticate had been hesitating not sure what to do without an order, but seeing Milotic focus on him, his fang began glowing bright.

Hyper Fang.

“Milotic Aqua Tail!”

Milotics Aqua Tail was an interesting move. It created a whirlpool of water around his tail when he attacks.

Before this, I had only really focused on his physical power with the attack, but with Zelos giving us advice we had changed that! Milotic had been training for the last few days on not just smashing through everything, but instead using his tail as a sword.

Hyper Fang wasn’t simply smashed aside, instead it was deflected Aqua tail hammering against it at the perfect angle that Raticate found itself redirected almost directly upwards.

The angle was a little off unfortunately. Milotic was still working on it. Unlike Serperior who could have launched it into the air and then had time to prepare a second strike as it fell. Raticate was knocked a bit too far away.

“Ice beam where it lands!” I called out with a grin, as the Rat landed with a crash only to be instantly coated in ice.

Dragonair was still smashing Cloyster, her shrieks of real anger entwining with the hammering staccato that echoed from Cloysters shell at her strikes.

Chansey on the other hand had instantly focused on the reall threat.

Both members of Team Rocket not only found themselves under heavy Gravity, but Chansey standing over them with her hands on her hips. Her face even bloated out a little as if she was puffing out her cheeks in anger.

So cute!

Of course Team Rocket didn’t think so when she raised her little hand up.

Which then glowed white.

“H-hey, we can talk abou-OOF!”

“N-Not the face! It’s too beautiful to be-OOF!”

“Double Slap.” I couldn’t help but comment as both Rocket members now had massive imprints on each cheek.

Well that and a date with unconsciousness, because Chansey had just slapped the sh*t out of them both.


The fact they were foaming at the mouth? Well I am sure they would be fine. I wandered over. And after a moment grabbing their Pokeballs I returned Cloyster, who almost looked relieved at being freed from Dragonair, and Raticate. Tentacruel took a little longer. Arcanine did eventually wander back into the clearing tail wagging happily as she dragged the Tentacruel that had long since lost consciousness around like a chew toy.

I returned it as well, and then helped Chansey heal Arcanine of Poison. Silly dog.


“So these two tried to capture your Pokemon?”

“They called themselves members of Team Rocket.” I tell Officer Jenny back in Celadon. The two idiots had woken up a few minutes after I started dragging them to Celadon. Their attempt to run had ended with doggy slobber. Arcanine pinning them down without much trouble. With Milotic and Dragonair wrapping them up we had all headed back to the city. Listening to the idiots blathering on and on about how I was a twerp and I would pay for this had gotten old quick.

Their Pokemon Chansey and I had looked over, the three had looked pretty terrified. I had even given them some food, just something tasty to help calm them down. They had been really hesitant at first, but giving them some food had warmed them right up.

The barked orders from Team Rocket to them had been ignored once Arcanine had started growling.

With that I had turned over Team Rocket and their Pokemon to Officer Jenny. Hopefully their Pokemon would be released, or if they were stolen Pokemon returned to their owners.

“Well… You certainly cause a stir. Alright we will deal with them from here. Good job. Pokemon thieves are a serious threat, especially Team Rocket.”

“Thanks Officer Jenny.”

She patted my head causing my big sunhat to flop over my eyes as she headed back into the Police station.

Whew. I sighed, feeling my shoulders dropped. That could have gone way worse. I was really relieved that we hadn’t been blindsided.

Those two had just tried to steal my Pokemon.

My fist clenched, I might have some serious words with Giovanni in the future.

I shook out my fist, letting all the anxiety flow out of me. My team was fine, they were strong, and wouldn’t be taken easily, if at all.

A little bored of running off into the forest, I decided I would take a break from that for the next few days until Erika’s Gym was open.

I headed to the Pokemon Center, dropped off my team to get a checkup as I settled into a comfy one room suite.

A shower with clean water and not warmed river or Milotic water was exactly what I needed.

After that I took my team and headed towards the battle squares.

You would be amazed at how many kids wanted to battle their Pokemon that either were too young to have their Journey, or had come home to live a more normal life but still wanted to give their Pokemon some battles.

Many of them would try to keep their Pokemon in shape to run through the Indigo League after their first year, despite heading home to return to school.

So as I approached I could already see a ton of people hanging around the battle squares in a nearby park. Since we were in a big city they even had seating bleachers rising up around the squares where plenty of people were resting, some quite old as they enjoyed the battles taking place.

It still struck me sometimes just how integral Pokemon Battling was to this world. It was like all the sports fans in the entire world, only cared about one Sport. Pokemon Battling.

Not that other things didn’t exist. Contests were popular, if not hugely popular in Kanto. But Battling? Battling was eternal.

Walking into the square I wasn’t paid any attention at first, after all, the Ryhorn that was battling a Nidorina was taking up everyone's attention. The two Pokemon battling it out, their trainers, both were probably a little older than me shouting orders.

It was nice. Everyone was cheering and enjoying the battle. And the Pokemon? I could tell right away they were having a blast. Ryhorn was practically smiling as it plowed the Nidorina with a tackle, while Nidorina was swift to jump back to her feet. She refused to lose.

It was great.

I took a minute to look around. Picking my first target. I wasn’t about to bully some pre-journey kid. But I was here to finally get some real battles under my belt. What better place than where everyone who had already done their Journey tended to gather?

My eyes instantly honed in on a group of punks. I smirked. They were all wearing dark clothes, and looked like they were troublemakers, but they were also older than me by at minimum a few years.

Better even? Everyone was avoiding them. That meant they had a reputation in battles, or just in general.


“Hi!” I chirped as I approached one of them, a guy who looked like every Dark Type Trainer. Which was hilarious since we had so few of them in Kanto. His big dark jacket and pants all matched in color, and his hair was spiky as if he was mimicking his Pokemon.

Considering he had a Houndoom on his jacket, and his hair looked like horns I could guess.

“Huh? don’t know you.” He muttered loudly catching the attention of the group as they all turned towards me, with smirks after a moment.

“Nope. I’m an out of towner. Waiting for Erika’s Gym to finish getting repaired. Mind telling me what the rules are for battles? I want to give my team some exercise.”

“Ho? This little kid wants to battle us huh?” I got a few nasty smiles, from his group, but a few happy ones too.

Everyone wanted to battle someone new after all. To test themselves, to win, to prove they were good trainers.

“You sure you shouldn’t be talking to the kiddy side?” He asked, pointing across to a smaller battle square where kids who hadn’t had their Journey were battling. Mostly with unevolved, or even uncaptured Pokemon.

Funnily enough City Pokemon would often hang around the battle squares looking for a fight. The fact that the kids that lost would often take the Pokemon to the Center where they would get healed and a meal out of it plus the experience in battling without having to worry about severe injury attracted a lot of the battle junky Pokemon.

Plus some would get attached to kids and be their starter. Not every kid got a Region starter after all.

“I’m sure! My team is pretty strong. I’ve already got three badges you know!” I say, purposefully sounding childish. The first battle would inevitably be a curbstomp. Especially since I was planning on focusing on one of my team to get her some experience.

“Hah! Alright. C’mon kid. Let this Senior trainer show you what's what!” He chuckled evilly, but I grinned like the sun had just come out of the clouds.

“Perfect!” I chirped happily. Earning a confused look from the punk. His Houndoom jacket kept amusing me. His Houndoom wouldn’t do much against Dragonair. She was so used to fighting Arcanine, it wouldn’t even be a fight.

We waited for the battle to end, the Rhyhorns trainer pulling off an amazing Pound attack that flattened the Nidorina and left the two trainers wandering to the Pokemon Center. Before anyone else could claim the square. My new friend sauntered out every inch of him screaming punk.

It made me laugh. He was way too silly looking to really pull off the dangerous look.

“Alright kid. Let’s do this! Don’t think I will accept you backing out!”

“Same! Fight me with everything you have! My Team needs some exercise!” I call out happily earning a scowl and a few laughs from his people at how little his attempt at intimidation worked.

“Go Houndoom!” He cried out his evolved Doggo landing in a flash, its dark flames causing my nose to crinkle at the smell. It howled long and loud. The fact that the kiddy square Pokemon all jumped at the noise and backed away told me that this guy might have abused his experience a bit more than I expected.

Well good thing I was basically using Prison Yard rules.

Well I moved my hand away from Dragonairs Pokeball. I had intended on giving her the battles first. I wanted to give her more experience in battles, maybe pushing her towards an evolution.

But you don’t send out a Canine type to challenge my team without facing the Alpha Dog.

“Well stop hesitating! Just send out your Starter or something I want to get this over with!” He called out and I nodded. Grabbing Arcanines ball.

I could literally feel her perk up inside as I chose her, her eagerness almost causing the Pokeball to vibrate.


See. Just like Mightyena. Houndour and Houndoom didn’t really live in Kanto. They were Johto Pokemon, and there again was a reason why they didn't live here. Growlithe would be their main competitor. Unlike Poochyena, and Mightyena though. Houndour’s advantages meant they weren’t wiped out. First they had an easy evolution. Hounddoom like this one, would be a bit much for a Growlithe to take out. Which gave the Johto dogs an advantage, second?

They too fought in packs.

Both species had probably been competing for areas as long as they existed, but there was a reason Houndooms had never managed to wipe out Growlithe from Johto. It wasn’t that Intimidate knocked out Houndooms Attack, leaving them mostly their Special Attack. Because Growlithe were just as likely as Houndoom to have Flash Fire, meaning both Canines could be immune to fire attacks.

It was because for as rare as they might be. Arcanine exist. Just that. Their mere existence meant Houndoom would never be the top dog in the Kanto-Johto regions.

Of course Arcanine had heard the howl. Had listened in her Pokeball to another dog, daring to claim dominion.

The moment I threw the ball. My hands were already covering my ears.

“HOOOOOOOWWWWWLLLL!” Arcanine howled thankfully not the move, just pure noise a roar. The battle square felt like it shook at the length of her howl. I could see every Pokemon and Trainer in the area jerk towards the battle, even those that had just been walking down the street were suddenly very focused on what had just happened.

The poor punk across from me, looked like someone had just killed his dog.

Don’t worry! I will make sure Arcanine doesn’t!

Just a little light battling!

Arcanine finished her howl, bending down low, her mouth opened, as she exhaled fire, her fur nearly lighting up with flame, her Counter Shield training had been actually enhancing her fire abilities a lot. She still wasn’t as amazing as she could be, but her fire was getting stronger. She glared at the Houndoom, which was looking anything but confident.

I hadn’t really noticed it, but Arcanine had been getting a lot bigger over the last few months. Constant battle training, and good eating had earned her a good bit of extra height.

And weight of course, but that was all muscle. All of it. Every inch.

“Hey you ready? We are in a battle!” I call out cutely, diving the dagger in even further by laying my cheek on my palm. “Unless you don’t want to get this over with like you said?” I teased.

My cute confused look turned sinister as I smiled all teeth matching the look of my dog as we grinned sharply. “But don’t worry… I won’t accept you backing out.” I call out as Arcanine nearly burned with energy just standing there ready for the order.

I could see the boy swallow, before shaking his head. Trying to un-psych himself.
“That’s right. It’s on! Houndoom! Dark Pulse!”

“Counter Shield.” I called out, watching as Arcanine nearly blurred, the energy beam passing beside her as she both dodged the attack, and hammered at it with her flame, weakening the attack as it was forced to push against the flame.

“Extreme Speed!”

I didn’t even need to add anything special to it. Arcanine blitzed, and Houndoom who was building up a second Dark Pulse had a moment to realize it was about to be in for a load of pain as Arcanine tackled it.

The Houndoom yelped as it was bodied, landing with a roll nearly at the feet of his Trainer before managing to scramble to its feet.

It already looked wrecked. It was breathing heavily and had the look of someone that was about to ask for the number of the train that just hit them.

“H-Houndoom! Nasty Plot! Then Dark Pulse again!” I watched as Houndoom suddenly surrounded itself in purple energy looking furious and dangerous, and then a dark pulse began building, but it was much larger than it was before.

“Dodge practice!” I called out and Arcanine knew what to do instantly, as the Pulse of power ripped across the field I wanted to whistle. The Houndoom wasn’t a pushover. That was a strong Dark attack the energy seemed to sear the ground as it passed, maybe a special move? I thought, A mix of Dark energy and fire? That was interesting.

But it never even came close. Arcanine had spent most of a week working on dodging incoming attacks. The black beam that erupted out from Houndooms mouth was avoided in an absolutely beautiful side flip.

She bounced to her right, literally doing a complete flip in a single easy motion as casual as I would do a skip, and the beam ripped past her missing entirely. The whole crowd went wild at the sight.

“W-what?” The punk called out shocked. It had been so fast that Arcanine had been a blur as she dodged.

I grinned, skill training had definitely helped! We still had a long way to go of course, but Arcanine especially had managed huge improvements on her battle skill. Mostly because even Dragonair didn’t have the same determination to battle and improve that Arcanine had.

My doggo was an adrenaline junkie!

“Smog!” The Punk yelled out, and immediately, purple smoke began trailing out of the Houndooms mouth as it made ready, but that wasn’t happening. I didn’t want to deal with a poisoned pup!

“Flamethrower! Burn that smog away!”

Arcanine exhaled a long blast of fire. Unlike how we usually train she wasn’t narrowing the blast at all. Simply expelling it all to burn the growing purple smoke that was erupting from the Houndoom.

“Now!” The punk yelled out to my surprise. A moment later through the fire and smoke came a streak of dark power.

Dark pulse! Sneaky! He definitely had some experience! He used the blocked view to charge up an attack and didn’t even say it.

His Houndoom was certainly well trained.

My Arcanine was a Legend.

Even as the pulse burst through the flamethrower, Arcanine was gone. Vanishing in a near static like blur as she moved. Jumping high into the air. It might as well have been fly. The pulse blew through her previous location, and as the smoke and fire from the attacks cleared no one could see where Arcanine was.

But I knew.

I grinned. “Extreme Speed! End it!” I call out earning surprised looks, as the punk told his Houndoom to dodge.

It didn’t matter. How could your Pokemon dodge a move that could carry Arcanine across the entire arena in a blink?

She landed suddenly behind the Houndoom, the slight click of her paws the only noise the Houndoom could hear, nearly face to face with the punk before she vanished right before his eyes.

Houndoom cried out as it was struck, once more rolling and skidding across the ground before ending up almost at my feet this time.

Exact opposite of where it had been.

The crowd was quiet. Everyone was watching Houndoom, wondering if it would get up, but as the moments passed it didn’t.

It was definitely done.

“I think your Houndoom is done.” I call out earning a jerking jump from the punk who definitely looked shocked.

“Right.” He finally said returning his Houndoom. “Didn’t expect that.” He finally said simply giving me a nod as he turned and walked over to the Pokemon Center.

Of course that meant the attention all turned to me.

“I’m more than happy to battle anyone that wants!” I call out, earning plenty of eager challengers.

Of course to their disappointment I returned Arcanine.

Until I threw out Dragonair anyways.

Chapter 18

Chapter Text

A few days of battles showed results. It meant my Pokemon were internalizing the training that we had done. Dodging was done with a tighter focus, and their accuracy was up. No longer relying on just overwhelming power, but a skilled single attack to end the battle was a sure sign of Dragonairs improvement.

She especially enjoyed the fact that Arcanine was still struggling with not overwhelming speed and power from the get go. Meaning Dragonair was improving in a way faster than Arcanine was.

It was funny how grumpy Arcanine was when Dragonair showed off.

Still it was useful. Dragonair has improved so much! We both knew it. I could see it in the way she moved, and reacted. The way she listened to me.

We had developed a real bond, an understanding that following me, listening to my training had changed her from a strong Dragonair, to a monster of her type.

I could see the way she kept pushing herself in battles as well. She wanted to push to the next stage. I could feel it.

But battling like that meant that time flew by, and finally Erika’s Gym re-opened. I had an early scheduled match all ready for me. So when I walked into the Gym it wasn’t much of a surprise that I was quickly led into the Gym arena.

What was surprising was just how many people were there.

“What’s going on?” I asked the Gym Trainer that was leading me inside.

“Heh, are you surprised? You’ve been battling the trainers in the city for the last few days, of course everyone would want to see your match with Erika-Sama.” She replied as she led me to my position. Erika was sitting Seiza across from me. Since the entire arena looked more like a forest clearing it looked surprisingly comfortable as she rested among the flowers and grass.

“Welcome Challenger. To Celadon Gym. I am Erika. I understand you wish to challenge my true team?”

“I am Victoria Ferrous of Viridian City. I do! Face me with your strongest Pokemon!” I called out almost eagerly. Battling was fun!

“Very well. Standard League Rules.” She agrees standing. Her real team already on her. Good she had listened to my request I had put in for this timeslot. Although my eyes widened, full League rules meant that she could return Pokemon without them being counted as out.

That was weird for a Gym match. Usually Gym Leaders accepted a handicap that they couldn’t return Pokemon.

“Then I will release my Pokemon first. Go Vileplume!” She calls out releasing a surprisingly large Vileplume. It was definitely a Pokemon that was both well taken care of, and used to battle.

“Go Dragonair!” I called out. Much to the surprise of the crowd, and Erika herself.

“I am surprised. I expected your Arcanine.”

“I don’t like leading off with Type Advantage.” I offer with a shrug.

“Very well.” She nodded simply.

“The match begins!” The referee called out, and Dragonair roared as she began a Dragon Dance. Without a word from me.

“Vile!” Erika’s Vileplume called out as it suddenly seemed to explode in a heavy cloud of powder. Although I couldn’t tell without any further info.

“Dragonair! Use Twister to blow the powder away!” My instinct to use safeguard was probably the wrong plan her. Twister not only pushed the powder back, but also knocked the Vileplume a little.

Defense and Damage combined. I just had to keep fighting Smart. I didn’t want to get lost in the fight like I had against Surge.

“Sunny Day!” Erika called out then, and I felt my eyebrows raise. Sure Grass types were heavily boosted in it, but that also enhanced fire attacks. I watched as the Gyms Skylight suddenly let all the light in as if it was in the middle of a noonday sun.

“Rain Dance!” I taunted back. Watching as the sun above swiftly clouded over and began raining.

But it actually started raining inside the Gym.

“Very well! Toxic!”

“Extreme dodge! Don’t get hit!” I cried out instantly, as Dragonair was forced to use every inch of training she had up to now to wiggle and squirm away from the glob of horrible toxic mass that shot at her.

“Petal Dance! Support the Toxic!” Erika called out as Vileplume danced, hundreds of petals bursting off of her and shooting across the arena. They gathered under the toxic goop as it fell, and I realized that it wouldn’t be the last time I had to deal with the sludge.

“Extreme Dragon Rush! Get in close! Disrupt the Vileplumes concentration!” I called out, knowing that moving Petal Dance like that would be hard to do unbothered.

Considering Dragonair already had a Dragon Dance active, and so disappeared in a fzzt of speed as she blitzed across the Arena only to build up her Dragon Rush aura, smashing the Vileplume into the ground made me sigh in relief as the mass of Toxic was released, and Petal Dance was let go.

“Sleep Powder!” I gasped as on impact Dragonair was enclosed in a cloud of powder, her body slipping to the grass.

Erika hadn’t even needed to call out! Her pokemon was well trained, even as Dragonair smashed into Vileplume it had already released the Sleep Powder. Practically in reaction. Or maybe in reaction in truth.

Dammit Maybe Safeguard would have been smarter.

“Return!” I call out instantly, pulling Dragonair out of the sleep fog, and putting her on my belt.
“Milotic Go!” I release. Much to the surprise of Erika and the people present. In all the battles over the last few days, I hadn’t used Milotic at all.

“Beautiful, but not as beautiful as my own flowers.” Erika called out with a smile. Sleep Powder finally cleared revealing Vileplume looked rough, but was still on its feet.

“Milotic won’t lose to anyone in handsomeness!” I called out in return as Milotic gave off a cry of agreement, earning surprised looks from many of the crowd that Milotic was a boy and not a girl.

“Huh. Interesting! Vileplume! Toxic leaf!” She called out and I blinked before gasping as all those leaves created by Petal Dance suddenly rose up!

She hadn’t lost control of them, but was saving them for another Pokemon! I was so surprised as was Milotic that neither of us had a moment to react before Milotic was plastered with Toxic covered leaves.

Safeguard on the tip of my tongue far too late.

The attack enhanced that I could see Milotic take damage from the grass even as the Toxic hit.

Wow. A muli-attack move that could be used as an entry hazard!? That was insane! I felt myself smile even as Milotic grunted at the attack. Despite being a grass attack it didn't hurt my boy too bad.

“Milotic Aqua Ring.”

“Vileplume mega Drain!” She called out and instantly a beam of green shot out aiming for Milotic.

“Dodge!” I cried out and this time Milotic had time to see the attack coming even as he was building his aqua ring. He shifted his entire body snake like shifting until the green beam hit nothing but air between his coils as he was ready.

“Dragon Tail!” I called out and Milotic moved. Much faster than most people would probably expect. Even Erika was startled at how fast he zipped across the arena. It wasn’t Extreme speed level, but for a non speed enhanced move, it was fast.

Just like before Vileplume was struck, unable to move away fast enough, and again she released a Sleep powder on hit.

I nodded. It had definitely been part of Erika’s training of Vileplume to release that move whenever it was struck. Smart. Brilliant even.

But it didn't matter since Milotic already had a status Condition.

“Return!” Erika called back although Vileplume, to my surprise had been standing back up after a second massive hit from my team.

Amazing. I had considered Erika might be around Brock level in strength, they were both about the same age, but Erika was proving that to be incorrect.

Her Team were definitely fighters.

“Venusaur!” She chose her second Pokemon and I grimaced. Venasaur was a tough Pokemon to beat.

“Ice Beam!” I ordered as fast as I could once Venasaur was in the battle.

“Light Screen!” Erika ordered just as quickly, the two of us eyeing each other over the field as our Pokemon moved.

Light Screen weakening Ice Beam severely. Which had me grinning. What a fight! I hadn’t expected Erika to be this strong!

“Petal Dance!” Erika called out, and just in that moment I knew it was a powerful attack!

“Water Pulse! Blow the petals away!”

“Miiiii!” Milotic cried out as he began blasting water against the hurricane of petals bearing down on him

I grimaced, his toxic would be draining him all along as well… I would have to do something. The Petal Dance was pushing Milotic back.

“Ice beam! Right through!” I call out, the now wet petals would be alot easier to take out with the effective move.

But Erika wasn’t done.

“Keep it up Venusaur!” She called out only seeming to charge up more petals, even as the Ice beam crushed through the dizzying array of petals all of them that came too close simply freezing over and falling to the ground.

“Ice beam again! Hit the Venusaur!”

“MIIIII!” Milotic was getting upset, I could tell. He may be my most relaxed out of my team, but he was also my starter. My partner. In a lot of ways he hated that he wasn’t the strongest. Arcanine was at the moment, and Dragonair was swiftly catching up.

But Milotic was my partner. The pokemon that would go well above and beyond for me in a crutch.

So this time his Ice beam despite blasting through the Petals, despite waning terribly by the Light Screen, continued on, and Venusaur only had a moment to cry out as it was frozen over.

“Miiii!” Milotic called out in challenge, looking proud of itself.

“Return buddy!” I called out, while Milotic had been happy to crow over his victory, I could see the Toxic had weakened him terribly.

I wasn’t even sure he would have time for a recover…

“Return.” Erika called out a moment later as Venusaur disappeared. “Go Exeggutor!”

“Arcanine!” I called out, and the two new Pokemon took the field. Arcanine calling out her arrival with a roar that caused gasps from the crowd.

“Very impressive indeed. But you will find this a difficult battle! Hypnosis!”

“Extreme Fire Fang!” I called out instantly. Falling asleep now would be horrible! Luckily Extreme speed overcame any concept of who attacked first.

Exeggutor cried out in pain as Arcanine slammed into it, pinning it down with his bite, the damage I could tell instantly, was damn close to an instant loss. As the flame around Arcanines mouth wasn’t let up, simply biting more against the eggs.

But then its Hypnosis went off. And Arcanine slumped asleep.

Although Exegutor didn’t have much going for it. Both Erika and I grasped what happened instantly.

A burn.

“Return!” She called quickly, desperate to keep the burn from knocking her Pokemon out of the battle. She hesitated for just a second before throwing out a second ball.

I was surprised to see Vileplume back on the field. It looked exhausted, but it was still active.

“Aromatherapy Vileplume!” Erika called out and I gaped before cursing.

Her Frozen Venasaur and burned Exeggutor were now back in action! Aromatherapy removed status conditions from your entire team. But then in an instant I remembered something.

“Return!” I called back desperately, before throwing my next Pokemon.

“Chansey chance!” My pink blob called out as she danced a bit upon her entrance earning gasps from the crowd, and a surprised look from Erika. Chansey looked around for a moment trying to figure out her role.

She still didn’t really like fighting, but she did like popping onto the battlefield to help out her friends.

“Chancey! Copycat!” I yelled in delight a moment later Erika’s face turned into a frustrated scowl.

Aromatherapy was a recovery move. It removed status conditions from an entire team. Including those in Pokeballs! And Chansey had Copycat which performed whatever move was last used!

“Vileplume! Mega Drain!” Erika was on it. Hitting Chansey with a move that my blob winced but mostly ignored as the Green beam hit her, before I raised her Pokeball. “Return! Thanks Chansey. You saved the whole team!” I told her earnestly, as I grabbed a different ball.


“ARCANINE!” She yelled out. My girl was mad. “Extreme speed! Flame wheel Counter shield!”

“Mega-” Erika didn’t even have a chance to call out the move. Arcanine disappeared. A fireball surrounded her as she smashed into the flower pokemon. Her Flame Wheel kept active even after the hit.

Vileplumes instinctive powder attack burned away in flame as Vileplume rolled to a stop infront of Erika. Knocked out.

“Excellent performance.” Erika offered a nod. An acknowledgment of quick thinking. “But not enough. Tangrowth!”

A massive Tangrowth landed on the field. At least it looked massive to me, it wasn’t exactly a common enough Pokemon that I knew its normal size.

“Ancient Power!” Erika called out, and I startled. Wait, Tangrowth… That’s right. It was one of the Ancient power evolutions! Man. I barely ever thought about Tangrowth. Grass types weren’t my speciality.

“Extreme Fire Fang!” I called out in response, Arcanine disappearing in a burst of power to smash into the grass type. Her fangs burning into the tangled vines biting and tearing away.

But then the earth shifted and blasted Arcanine away. She landed with only a few grunts. Her body more than ready to handle a type effective attack, but I could tell that Ancient Power might have just changed the game. Tangrowths Ancient Power had definitely kicked in. Empowering the Pokemon as an aura of odd colors shifted around it.

“It’s going to be faster and tougher! Extreme Flame Wheel! Blast past it, don’t let it get a hit in!”

“Ancient power again! Knock it down!” Erika called out. But again Extreme speed meant her attack simply couldn’t keep up. Tangrowth was once again blasted into with a fire move, and I doubt it could have stayed in the battle if not for the buff Ancient Power had given it.

A moment later Arcanine was running past it a ball of fire dashing around. Chased after by a glowing rock power that simply couldn’t keep up as Arcanine rushed through the arena, jumping off trees and rebounding back.

“Power Whip!” Erika called out, and I winced. That was a powerful Grass move. But it wouldn’t stop Arcanine!

“Plow through it!” I called out and Arcanine listened, making no move to dodge the attack and instead tanking through the type weak move to smash into Tangrowth putting it down. Even if Arcanine was wincing a little from the move slamming into her side as she plowed Tangrowth into the floor.

“Arcanine Return. Take a break. You can’t hog all the battles.” I remind my girl as I once more throw out Dragonair.

Dragonair who was no longer sleeping. And she was a little annoyed at having been put to sleep.

“Parasect!” Erika called out although from her look she wasn’t confident that this battle was going her way. “Use Stun Spore!”

“Twister! Push it away!” I call out instantly, and the battle began. Parasect was simply too slow. I could tell and Erika could tell.

“Keep using Stun Spore!” she called out and I frowned. What was she planning?

“Twister it away!” twister was a great move, and it was hitting Parasect who wasn’t enjoying the experience.


“Do it again, Dragonair!”

Once more the spores were blasted away but I finally noticed what Erika was going for.

“Dragonair watch out, the spores are still in the air!” I call out, startling Dragonair as she noticed the spores that were now filling the entire room.

The Gym was an enclosed space! And Parasect was letting out a monstrous amount of spores on each attack. Even I started noticing my body getting a little sluggish, and I could see most of the crowd was feeling it too.

“Apologies. I am immune to Stun Spore, but I know how uncomfortable it is.” Erika called out, as she shifted her actions to attack. “Giga Drain!”

“Dragonair! Safeguard!” I called out I wasn’t going to risk it again this time. Destroying any hope of Stunspore doing anything to my dragon. Tanking the Giga Drain which wasn’t very effective Dragonair began moving even before I called out.

“Extreme Dragon Rush!”

“Preee!” She cried out as she blitzed through the haze of stun spores, uncaring of their danger with Safeguard protecting her. Smashing into Parasect, the poor bug and grass type smashed into the ground a long ways away. Unconscious.

“Excellent work Parasect. You set the battlefield perfectly for our victory. Take a nap. Victreebel!” She called out releasing a fresh Pokemon. Dangerous but nothing I couldn’t handle!

“Use Swords dance!” She called out instantly.

“Dragon dance in return!”

Both Pokemon powering up as Erika and I kept our eyes locked on each other.

“Move into the sky! Use Twister!” I decided, I didn’t like the look in Erika’s eyes.

“Swords Dance again!” I frowned. I had hoped to see what her plan was, but no way was I going to let Dragonair anywhere close to a Pokemon empowered with Double swords dance! Its physical attack power would be monstrous!

“Stay high and use Draco Meteor. Blow it away!” I called out, revealing Dragonairs ace with Draco Meteor.
“Sucker punch!” Erika replied and I gasped as Victreebel jumped into the air in a flash. Not extreme speed, but Sucker punch was as fast as a quick attack. But! But! How did a Grass type f*ckin Fly!?

“Apologies. My Victreebel was trained to use her vines in order to leap into the sky. Yours is not the first time I faced a flying Pokemon. I once lost a tournament to a similar problem. I swore it would not beat me again.” Erika called out and I gaped because Dragonair fell unconscious to the ground.

My hands went to my belt. I knew the smart play would be Arcanine. My Extreme speed trumped Sucker punch.

But on the other hand, I could feel a certain partner of mine for once actually truly furious.

His Big Tailed Dragon GF had just been punched.

“Go Milotic!”

And my partner appeared. Surprising Erika with his appearance.

“MIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” He roared into the gym. The loudest I had ever heard him. As he absolutely raged. I could practically feel the water in the air shift as he roared.

“Sucker punch!” Erika called out as she noticed Milotic so angry.

“Safe Guard!” I called out instead, causing Victreebels preparation to attack lead to nothing. Sucker punch only worked if there was an attack incoming.

And Milotic was my partner. No way would he disregard my order no matter how mad. A moment later with immunity against the Stun Spore in the air.

“Milotic! Extreme Speed!”

“Sucker punch!” Erika called out, and I could feel her frustration that so many of my team had Safeguard rendering them immune to her plan to win.

He had never managed Extreme Speed before. On land he simply struggled to develop the speed. Where Dragonair had her flight. But I knew it was possible. Dratini could learn it, and they didn’t fly.

So Milotic hadn’t managed it… Mostly cause he was a lazy fish.

But right now he definitely wasn’t lazy.

Milotic was absolutely pissed.

He slammed into Victreebel, Sucker punch failing utterly since it only worked if it hit before the Opponent, and Milotic wasn’t about to allow that.

Thankfully Victreebel had a low defense.

“Victreebel, switch to Leaf blade!”

“Dragon Tail! Like we learned Sword fighting!” I called out and I knew it probably wouldn’t be enough.

Victreebel had its physical power enhanced about four times the norm with Swords Dance.

Milotic may be a powerhouse physically, but that was nowhere near the same thing. But what Milotic did have was speed.

He was far superior to Victreebel, and this time he wasn’t playing around.

Victreebels leaf blade swung down and it was parried to the side, the Dragon Tail just managing to disrupt the attack, and then again and again.

Both Erika and I were silent. We both knew that this was no longer a battle of trainers, but of Pokemon. This is what Surge had been trying to tell me, what Zelos had understood so casually.

The two Pokemon were battering each other. Victreebel’s Leaf Blade hammering over and over, if it hit a single time, Milotic would be done, but it didn’t. Over and over my lazy fish parried, and dodged, using his superior speed to make all that power, that enhanced overpowering type advantage attack pointless because it simply couldn’t hit Milotic.

And it wasn’t just skill. Milotic was buzzing. Literally, disappearing and moving in Extreme speed as he snarled at every strike. And over and over, his Dragon tail was cutting into the Grass type.

Slight hits not using all of his power, because dodging was more important. Not getting hit was the goal.

Until finally. Milotic went for the kill.

Victreebel groaned. Dragon Tail slammed onto its head so hard that it nearly flattened the Pokemon.

But Victreebel wasn’t some new trainers Pokemon.

Leaf blade in the last moment when it realized it was going to be hit, had struck out.

And Milotic slammed into the ground.

I would have to do something nice for Zelos next time we met. Because if not for Milotic and Serperiors constant battles and training Victreebel would have just wrecked Milotic.

We both returned our Pokemon. Taking a moment to size each other up. I knew that Erika hadn’t expected to be pushed this hard. She was younger than most of the other Gym Leaders. Other than Misty and Brock she was the youngest. Although I wasn’t sure who was actually the youngest between them.

But she was not playing, her grass types had fought like monsters.

But I wasn’t about to lose. I couldn’t. Arcanine wouldn’t ever live with herself, if she was taken out.



We both looked each other over for a moment.

“Extreme Flame Wheel! Burn away the Stun Spore and attack!”

“Guard it! And Double Edge once it hits!”

We both called out, watching as our Pokemon battled. Arcanine slammed into Venusaur with a bang, but surprisingly, the tough Pokemon survived the hit.

Damn that Venusaur was likely the Kanto starter Erika received. Even if her Oddish and Vileplume was her actual starter. That meant Venusaur had been at her side her entire battling Career.

Its return attack and Double Edge slammed Arcanine back the attack causing me to flinch at the sound of the two Pokemon hitting each other.

Thankfully, despite Arcanine stumbling and away shaking her head. Venusaur didn’t take the hit well. It shifted a bit and slumped. Knocking itself out with its attack.

But now there was only one Pokemon left.

“Go Exeggutor!”

“Again Arcanine!’

And I could see Erika looking closely, hoping that her chance would happen. Even as she called out, “Confusion!”

But Stun Spore hadn’t affected Arcanine much yet. Despite how dense it was, she was blazing in fire burning it all away.

And Exeggutor fell.

I slumped tired. I had won. Damn. I had thought after Surge the battles would be easy again for a bit. But Erika was a bit of a monster.

“I am impressed.” She finally offered after returning her Pokemon. She strode across the field even as big fans began blowing, sucking the spores out of the Gym. I was grateful, because I couldn’t feel my legs anymore.

A moment later a mist begin spraying into the Gym, and I could see the relief of the crowd as people suddenly started moving and shifting again.

“Antidote for StunSpore. Unfortunately my Gym is required to be able to handle any effects my battles might have on the Gym.” She offers with a shrug. “It's unusual it ever gets this bad of course.”

“I still can’t believe some of the moves you pulled. Exeggutor managing to sleep Arcanine wasn’t something I dreamed could happen.”

“Says the girl that has a Chansey, and manages to Copy a move that puts half her team back into combat condition.” Erika snarked a little with a disgruntled look.

“You sucker punched my Dragon!”

“Your Pokemon are all too fast!”

“Your Pokemon used Toxic on Petal Dance and then surprised my Pokemon with it! You created an entry hazard move with two offensive moves!”

“Your Pokemon fought back against Victreebel without getting hit!”

“Your Victreebel knocked out Milotic! That is crazy!”

“You have Legendary Pokemon!”

“I can’t really argue against that.” I muttered as I realized the two of us had been snarking at each other in front of the whole crowd who were all cheering at our back and forth. Both of us flushed a little at the audience. I rubbed the back of my head, while Erika simply returned to her lady like persona.

“Victoria of Viridian City. Please take this Rainbow Badge. You earned it.” Erika spoke, pulling a badge out of her sleeve. I accepted it with a bow. When I stood both of us were smiling.

“Pokemon center?”

“Oh absolutely.” Erika assured me, as we both left the Gym and the crowd to get our Pokemon checked out.


Erika and I chatted as our teams were looked after by Nurse Joy. Despite being half a decade older than me, Erika and I were getting along pretty well. Talking about our Pokemon and previous battles.

Turns out while she was now a Gym Leader, she had gone through the Indigo league and ended up in top eight before being knocked out by someone that had a full team of Fire Type Pokemon.

“That’s rough.”

“Type advantage is a difficult hill to surpass. Sometimes you can make the climb, sometimes you can’t. Your Arcanine cut off many of my normal ways to overcome fire types with its speed. I can’t say I have ever seen a Pokemon move so fast.”

“My speciality is Physical strength and speed. Surge mentioned that I needed to stop relying entirely on it, and start adding some actual skill training in. I didn’t get what he meant, but Zelos, my friend showed me a few things. It helped.”

“Ah yes your Unovan friend.” Erika spoke a slight hint of distaste in her voice, although she kept it very hidden.

“Yep! Milotic did great fending of your Victreebel, I would have lost if he couldn’t keep it back.”

“Defeat by a thousand cuts, yes. Victreebel does tend to get hyper focused when he is empowered. This will be a good learning experience for him not to lose track of the battle. A single hit would have taken out your Milotic at that point considering how hurt it was from Toxic.”

“Yeah. I’m just lucky he learned Safeguard. Otherwise your Stun spores would have come into play.” I add earning a chuckle from Erika.

“If you hadn’t taken out my Sunny day, your Pokemon would have struggled far more with Solar Beam. Although even though most of my Pokemon move far faster in the sunlight, your extreme speed still trumped that. I am almost tempted to ask how you taught all of your Pokemon that move. It’s… Exceptionally useful.”

“I can’t go into it. But Arcanine learns it automatically, it’s their signature move.” I explain earning a nod of acknowledgement from Erika.

“She is a beautiful Pokemon.” She admits with a heavy sigh. One that I recognized.

“Want to pet her? She loves attention.”

“Oh no. I couldn’t… Perhaps just a few moments?” She asks shyly and I snicker at her desire to touch the fluffy tail.


After hanging out with Erika for a while she had to head back to her Gym for another battle, but I was once more alone. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to head first. Koga? Sabrina? I shuddered at that idea. I think I would go off and battle some other Gyms first. I really didn’t want to be turned into a doll.

So Fuschia it was. Koga and his stupid Poison types would be annoying, but I could deal. I took a break that night, resting my entire team and rewarding them all with a lavish dinner. Watching Dragonair absolutely swoon over Milotics victory as she cuddles up with him on my bed afterwards was super cute…

I might need to get a second incubator at this rate.

Well that was future Vicky's problem!

Arcanine and I cuddled after eating. My dog was utterly pleased with herself. This was her victory after all, and she didn’t even get knocked out!

In the morning I saddled her up, and we blazed out of Celadon. I wanted to take a short vacation.

We traveled through Kanto stopping pretty frequently when something caught our eye. We hung out in a stream with a pod of Poliwhirl while Milotic and Dragonair went swimming. We raced a herd of Ponyta on some ranch. We even slowed down to a trot as we passed through a really beautiful forest that was full of bird Pokemon, each of them chirping at us at our intrusion.

It was perfect. This is what a Pokemon adventure should be. I realized that despite everything. I hadn’t really done much traveling up to now. Most of the time I was just stuck in one place training, or following along making sure my friends were okay. Sure while traveling with Zelos I stopped and played with Pokemon, but I had kept my distance while traveling.

I guess I was afraid to get attached. My Pokemon instinct was to catch every Pokemon I ran across, but I knew that was dangerous. Foolish even. I didn’t have a Professor to send my Pokemon to. Anything I caught went home. And Mama and Papa had to take care of it.


I hadn’t really considered what Pokemon I wanted. That I had to have. Sure I always wanted a Dragonite. And Arcanine was amazing. Milotic had been a surprise chance that I never would let go, because they are awesome.

But what other Pokemon did I want to capture?

As we walked under the branches of the forest as Pokemon Bird song filled my ears I found myself unsure. Did I want to build my team for pure competitive power? Or just a team of my favorites? Did I want to try Contests? I hadn’t really thought about any of this. Just enjoying being in a peaceful world full of awesome creatures.

I patted Arcanine, earning a wiggle from my girl as she felt my attention.

I took a deep breath and let it out.

Who cares? This life was a gift. I wasn’t going to waste it getting stuck in thoughts about the path I should take. A Journey wasn’t about choosing where you wanted to end up and heading there in a straight line after all! A journey was about the places traveled in between.

Like Celadon. I had just spent a few days battling all the kids in the city, Arcanine was practically famous there. How many young trainers had battled Arcanine, or seen her battle and decided right then and there, they wanted an Arcanine? That they would train a Legendary Pokemon as well?

I smiled at the thought, deciding it was fine. Whatever path I went down I would do it with a smile on my face and a team of fun Pokemon to play with. If my Pokemon wanted to battle. We would battle. If they wanted to do contests, we would do that. If they wanted to be a lazy fish… Well Milotic really did need the exercise, and I knew Dragonair would be unhappy if he went full lazy, so he has to keep training to get stronger too.

I laughed a little at my own image of Milotic desperately trying to escape for a few minutes of lazy rest with me, his trainer hounding him, and his Dragon GF constantly wanting her man to get stronger.

So funny!

“Hey Arcanine. I don’t care which direction. Let’s just go and see what is over the horizon!” I call out suddenly, Arcanine eagerly barking at my words as she started running.

Chapter 19

Chapter Text

The next morning I blearily popped my head out of my tent looking around the plains that I had camped out on. Where was I? No idea. Arcanine had run and run. Exploring to her heart's content. Until eventually she had found something that caught her interest, and that was that.

Looking over to my pup who was currently on her side fully asleep made me giggle, because she was covered in Growlithe.

We had found a wild pack of puppies running through some wide plains, their barks and howls had attracted Arcanines attention, and so we had veered off to meet them.

The Pack had loved Arcanines appearance, yipping and dancing around her, and thankfully although they had been wary of me at first, they soon accepted my appearance. And I got to enjoy the feeling of being buried in yippy happy puppies.

Hence why I was now exhausted. We had stayed up super late under the moon playing.

I grumbled tiredly now I had to get up and feed my crew.

I walked past Milotic and Dragonair who were happily snoozing in their own pile near my tent, and Chansey as usual was more than content to just snuggle up with puppies. Since she had given all of them checkups and even healed up some minor injuries she was now as part of the pack as Arcanine.

I grabbed my supplies, and got ready to cook a whole lot of puppy chow. It was the least I could do for Arcanines new friends. The smell of food earned lots of tired puppy eyes as they looked around trying to figure out what smelled good, before all coming over to lay near me, puppy faces begging for a meal.

Of course I couldn’t resist, and while I received payment in petting soft puppy fur, I would slip them bits of chow before the meal was done, meaning that by the time Arcanine woke up tail wagging at the smell of food, I was nearly piled on by a horde of wild and hungry Growlithe all looking for a treat.

Of course Arcanine was a puppy at heart still, I oofed, as she plopped her head into my lap literally laying on some of the pups, looking up at me with big pleading eyes.

Which I couldn’t resist. Slipping a coop of food onto her tongue which she eagerly licked up.

“I really shouldn’t spoil you like this. You do know it's really bad puppy training.” I told her, but the way her tail instantly started wagging a bit more told me we both knew I wasn’t super good at resisting cute dogs.

I stroked her head a few times, clearing out her crusty eyes from her night sleeping, as I waited for the food to finish cooking. I had to shoo the Growlithe Puppies away a few times. At least some of them had Flash Fire as an ability just like Arcanine. Meaning fire wasn’t a fear for them and sticking their head into a pot of cooking food was just as good as anything else.

Silly puppies.

“C’mon out you go, it's not done just yet.” I grumble at the eager pups. Their little tail fluffs wagging around eagerly.

“Miii?” I heard a questioning tone from Milotic and I grinned at the two lovers.

“Yep, food for you guys is almost done too.” I told him with a thumbs up. Getting a pleased wiggle in return. Dragonair was still cuddled up with him, more than willing to simply stay with her lover.

Chansey was still napping on the ground, but I would have a morning meal ready for her too.

Of course such things are interrupted when I heard hooves.

I blinked. Hearing more than a few hoof beats breaking up the morning quiet, I couldn’t quite see over the tall grass around us, but suddenly the Growlithe were growling and alert, swiftly gathering up into a pack. Even Arcanine looked surprised.

But before she could join the pups we heard it.

“They are here! Don’t let them run!” A man's voice ripped out as the sound of the horses barreled down onto us. I yelped as a Rapidash nearly ran over my tent only barely avoiding me and Arcanine as it deftly dodged to the side Dragonair, and Milotic were both rising up ready to defend themselves, but it was the Growlithes who reacted first.

Fire types gonna Fire.

I winced as the tall grass burned, immediately beginning to spread.

“No!” I called out. The Growlithe began firing Flamethrower all around them in an attempt to attack the Ponyta and Rapidash riders.

“What? A girl? Holy Reverse world. Is that an Arcanine!?” One of the men yelped as Arcanine rose up and growled, The Rapidash the man was riding, rearing at Arcanines ‘sudden’ appearance in their midst.

The group of five men riding horses all started freaking out, dodging away from my girl, but I had something else I needed to focus on.

“Milotic! Surf! Dragonair! Rain dance! Put out the fire! Arcanine! Put an end to this!” I call out instantly, not willing to be stuck in the middle of a field on fire. My pokemon jumped to it, As Chansey jumped over to me, guarding me from the other side that Arcanine wasn’t on.

Rain started splashing down on me, but it was Arcanine that instantly grabbed everyone's attention.

My hands covering my ears just in time as she barked, a single echoing time catching the attention of the pack of wild Growlithe, and the men that had been attacking them.

I grimaced. They were attacking them too. What was going on?

“What is going on!” I demanded once every eye was on Arcanine. Even the Growlithe quickly rushed back to circle Arcanine. Taking courage from her presence.

“The hell is going on!” A man demanded, as he rode closer his Rapidash looked a little worn out since it had just fought against an onrushing wave of water from Milotic and now the rain.

“That’s what I said! You first!” I demand staring up at the full grown man with all of my tiny height but with the power of an Arcanine at my side. He looked like he was going to argue for a moment but eventually he waved at the Growlithe.

“I’ve been tracking this pack on my land for weeks. They have already burned down a few of my fields, and eaten some of my livestock. I’m trying to round them up!” He called out. The cowboy like man tugged lightly on his reins and Rapidash jerked around looking ready to run, or do battle.

“Well how about we all calm down, and not cause the wild Pokemon to try and defend themselves by burning down the field we are all in!” I grumble, wiping the rain from my forehead. I had left my hat in my tent… Which was now flattened, from a Ponyta running over it, and a surf knocking it around..

Dammit. I would definitely be hitting a Pokemon Center tonight to dry everything off.

“Listen girl. I don’t know who you are… Or why you have an Arcanine, but this is my ranch. I make the laws here.” He demanded pointing. “I don’t even know what you are doing on my land, but I can guess you got lost. Take your Pokemon and get out of here.”

“Dragonair. Cut the rain out.” I call out, causing her to trill and earning the attention from the men who all jerked, and a few curses of “Arceus!” Called out as she wiggled a bit and the rain stopped.

“Absolutely not.” I tell him then getting his attention, and considering I had brought to attention even more angry Pokemon right next to him. I think I had the edge of intimidation. “These Growlithe were perfectly friendly until you attacked them.”

“They are not friendly… Well maybe with you and that big guy, but they have killed my Livestock. They are wild animals, and they are hungry. They need to be stopped.” The man glared down from his wrinkled face, no mercy at all in his eyes.

“Well this isn’t the way to do it!” I argue but earn a swift shake of the mans head. His Cowboy hat pulled off and whipped for a moment to clear it of water before putting it back on his graying brown hair.

“You want to capture them? Do it. Otherwise back off kid. They are wanderers, I can’t even chase them off, they will just be back next year. They know food is here so they won’t stop coming back.”

“Why not capture them then!? Growlithe are great Guard dogs.”

“I don’t have any need in a pack of Growlithe kid. They make good guard dogs, but they also eat like a full grown Miltank, and other than these Growlithe the area is peaceful.”

I looked from the angry growling pups to the group of adults. “Fine!” I grumble turning to the pack of pups and grabbing my pack from the ground and reaching into my Pokeball pocket.

Papa would be irritated, but he literally trained Growlithe for a living. Besides, Gram Gram was always saying we needed more guards for the Flock. Maybe I would expand it a bit. I bet I could hunt down some more Feebas.

It was surprisingly easy to capture the pack. Once I explained I was going to send them to a place where there would be plenty of food, something to guard, and an Arcanine there to lead them. They were all for it.

I think Arcanine being here was the biggest factor. Growlithe were pack animals. And Arcanine were their leaders. Of course they did what she wanted.

So once I was done the Cowboys and their leader nodded satisfied with the outcome. Although I knew I would be getting a ton of questions from Mama and Papa soon.

I would have to beat them to it. I bet there was a Pokemon Center nearby… Probably. Where was I again?


“Trouble, why do I have an entire pack of Wild Growlithe in my living room?” Papa asked calmly although I could tell he was irritated. One of the Growlithe was actively trying to chew on the living room couch in the background of the video call.

“Sorry Papa. They were going to be killed! They had attacked some livestock on a ranch out here by Cerulean. Which I am at again because Arcanines and I were exploring… Anyway they were going to be killed. We ran across them in the middle of the night and spent the night with them, but then some ranchers showed up on Ponyta and Rapidash and were going to drive them off or kill them, but I was like. No way you can’t hurt my new friends! And then they stopped because Arcanine, and-”

“Okay okay. Vicky breath girl. Arceus, my daughter.” Papa sighed to himself which made me pout. “Okay. I’ll call the Pokemon Rangers and get this sorted. You know you aren’t supposed to capture an entire pack of Pokemon… Again. DejaVu.” Papa muttered suddenly and I realized we had a very similar conversation about the Beedrill. I was grinning when he realized it as well.

“Stop capturing packs of Pokemon!” He ordered with a pointed finger… But I’m proud of you for saving the pack. I guess I’ll have my hands full for a while.”

“Arcany can help. They listen to Arcanine really well.”

“Well thank Arceus for that.”

“Besides we needed more Guard dogs for the Flock right?”

“Hah, tell that to your Mother. Meowth isn’t pleased.” Papa tells me, and I could just see Meowths feet in the background laying out on the top of the curtains far away from the pack of eager Growlithe.

“He will get over it.” I answer with a sunny smile. That Cat deserved his fate for all the trouble he gave me!


“Bored. Bored. Bored.” I whispered to myself as I lay on the bed in the Pokemon Center. My stuff was all drying out still, Nurse Joy had helped me set it all up to dry but it meant I was sort of stuck in Cerulean.

Honestly I had tried everything to keep myself occupied. Play with Arcanines tail until she got fidgety.

She sat on me after to make me stop, So I guess she wins this round.

Coo over Milotic and Dragonair being lovey dovey in the corner. Even played checkers with Chansey.

She won… I think Chansey cheats at board games.

Eventually I decided the room was just too boring. Gathering my team I headed out to Cerulean city to wander around. The many rivers and streams criss crossing the town were nice, and more than once I saw Goldeen or other pokemon swimming through the crystal clear water.

Only the no fishing signs stopped me from going after a Magikarp I saw.

One day!

My wandering feet did eventually lead me to the Cerulean Gym.

Mostly because a lot of foot traffic was heading there, and I followed along the paths slowly. I could hear the cheers from inside and it took me a few moments to remember Mistys sisters did a form of Pokemon Contests.

Or were they more like Musicals? Honestly it was one of those weird things that obviously caused the idea of contests in the Pokemon world from when it first appeared, but was still totally separate and weird in the fact that ‘contests’ weren’t a thing yet.

At least in Kanto. I had seen contests on TV sometimes. Rarely though. Usually mentions of them on the news and about how they were a weakening of the Battle attitudes of young trainers.

Kanto was very conservative after all.

My feet followed the crowd and soon I was paying a small price to walk into the Cerulean Gym this time not as a contender, but just to see the show.

I settled onto the bleachers surrounding the pool below as a second show began. Watching as the Waterflower sisters swam and played with their pokemon.

Dammit. I wanted a Mermaid tail too! This was so unfair! I wanted to swim around with Milotic as a mermaid!

I grumbled to myself as I watched, despite the good show. It was fun, like a mix of Waterworld, and a idol group, just without the animal abuse, or horrible control.

The show ended with a big explosion of water above the three sisters all resting on Shellder as they waved to the crowd.


With that the show started wrapping up, and I had wasted a few hours wandering and watching the show. So I figured I should go check on my stuff, see if it had dried enough. Or maybe take Arcanine on a run. She would be getting huffy soon without some exercise.

But then as I was wandering out of the Gym something grabbed me. Two arms sticking out from under my armpits as I was lifted off the ground my boots still waving as I kept trying to walk before realizing I couldn’t.

I hadn’t been paying attention.

The crowd around me had split in two as they were all looking at the two women that were holding me up in shock.

The two very familiar women.

“Look Violet! You were right!”

“Of course I was Lilly! See Daisy! It’s the Milotic girl!”

“I do see sisters! Excellent spot!” The eldest of the girls appeared infront of me, still wet from the pool, but now having legs rather than her mermaid tail.

Oh it was three…


“I think I need an adult.”

“Don’t be silly! We are all adults!” The three girls chirped in unison as they dragged me off despite my kicking legs! Curse my tiny stumps!


“So that’s the deal.” Daisy offered with a big smile as she offered a hand to me. Which I immediately pushed away.

“Bzzt No deal!” I tell her in immediate denial. “Milotic is busy we are battling.”

“Ugh, that is such a shame! Such a beautifully handsome Pokemon doesn’t deserve to be stuck fighting constantly! Let us show off to the world his beauty!”

“No.” I deny instantly arms crossed in front of my face as an X. “He isn’t a toy to play with, he is my partner.”

“Aww.” Daisy pouted trying to puppy dog eyes me, but hah jokes on her!

I only gave in to real puppies that do that.

“How about one show?” Lilly offers after a moment. “Let’s do one show with your partner! Even just one will be an amazing experience for him!”

I hesitated at that. This time she hadn’t said it would be good for her, or her family, but good for Milotic. That was actually tempting. Of course I wanted Milotic to have fun, and do whatever his heart wanted.

“Fine. One show, only if he wants to do it. I already know it will take some time for training him up right?”

“Not too long! We will just have him help move us around during the show! Oh this will be so fun!” The sisters all cheered together as I rolled my eyes. Eventually I was led into the center of the Cerulean Gym and released Milotic.


“So we got an offer Milotic, they want to know if you want to take part in one of their shows. You remember fighting their Gyarados right? Well they also do shows with Pokemon. It’s a way to show off, and people come from all over to see beautiful Pokemon… And these girls I guess.” I added purposefully just to poke the three sisters that were all looming over me.

Milotic made a humming noise for a bit as he seemed to think it over. “You only have to do one show if you want, Or whatever you want really. But lots of people will be watching.”

“Milo. Milotic, Mi mi Milotic.”

It took me a few seconds to process what he had just said, until I finally understood. Aww! How cute!

“Of course Dragonair will get to see the show. I am sure the sisters will make sure you look very handsome for her.” I added a little loudly making sure they all heard.

Which was probably a mistake.

“Eee! He wants to show off to another girl!? Girls! We have to do our best!” Daisy offered eyes practically glittering in happiness, the other two girls both nodded fiercely as they passed messages to each other back and forth with their eyes.

Milotic would definitely be in for an experience. Let’s hope it goes well.

I sighed.


The new week was spent hanging around Cerulean. It was pleasant enough. I mostly spent it taking Arcanine into the woods so she and the rest of the team could blow off some energy.

Milotic though spent his days at the Cerulean Gym which I would visit every day as well. No way was I letting my partner out of my sight for too long.

His training was interesting, the girls were definitely Kanto-style Coordinators. I could even see some of the way they said things, it felt more like they were using Coordinator lingo for things. “Appeal” was a word I heard often when I sat in their practice.

I had a feeling they did their best to hide any mention of it to outsiders due to Kanto’s conservative outlook on Contests.

But well, whatever. If someone wanted to do a contest they should do a contest. It was annoying that such a popular thing wasn’t done in Kanto.

At least not yet. I did know eventually their would be contest halls. Or at least there had been.

The down time made me reflective I grumbled, as I watched the sisters make a combo move with their Pokemon leading to Milotic dancing in a water pulse dance with Daisy on his back.

I grumbled a bit at that. That was my spot!

Still… Oak.

What to do with that massive f*ckup. Oak was dead. I struggled to take just how much that changed the world in. Oak did so much, I mean… He was the guy that focused on Human Pokemon Friendships. His thesis had altered humanitys understanding of Pokemon to a huge degree. He trained a ton of other Professors.

He created the Modern Pokedex. He broke the monopoly of knowledge.

Now I was facing a world where even basic stuff was unknown. In my bag a certain notebook I tended to doodle in whenever I thought about it was burning a hole in my pocket.

I had started with just the Kanto Pokedex. Writing all of the Pokemon I remembered, their evolutions, and what battle strategies I could remember to an extent as well. But it had been their evolutions that I knew would cause a massive issue.

I knew all the weird and exotic evolutions. At least all of the ones for multiple regions of rare Pokemon.

Although I had immediately deleted the entry on Unknown once I wrote it. Best to leave that particular disaster alone. Still, there was that option on my brain. And since I was sitting watching my Pokemon Train without my input I was given time to consider it.

Do I release the information?

I was distracted as Milotic did a really cool leap into the air that turned into a really pretty corkscrew that caused water drops to glitter around him. Before splashing back into the water.

I cheered, distracting myself from my worries.

Eh that was a problem for future Vicky. All I needed to worry about was the Indigo League Journey for now.


The cheering of the crowd was nice. I had a front seat view to the show as three mermaid girls were playing in the water with their pokemon.

And my partner. Dragonair was actually with me. Part of my requirements for Milotic taking part was Dragonair getting to see her husbando showing off.

She hadn’t been interested at first, until Milotic started getting into it, and then I kept catching her eye sliding towards him.

It was adorable.

Milotic was full of energy and was enjoying the cheering crowd. He was such an attention Ponyta.

The crowd was also keeping an eye on Dragonair though. Wondering if she was part of the act, but Milotics show was definitely the center of attention.

I ignored the crowd though. Milotic was my only focus, as I cheered him on whenever he did something cool. I had to support my boy after all!

The act continued Milotic releasing Water Pulse to the applause of the crowd as it caused hanging water droplets in the air that sparkled under the lights, as some of the other pokemon released Bubbles, or bubble beam to creat more atmosphere. The sisters were singing as they played, literally acting like mermaids.

I wasn’t jealous that I didn’t have a mermaid tail thing. No way. I just really wanted a mermaid tail thing!

Still the act was fun, Milotic was having fun, and that was all I cared about. Slowly the show came to an end. All three sisters together on Milotics back as he leapt out of the water, his aqua ring now coated in bubbles floating around him as he released an aqua pulse nearly rattling the windows above me as it burst out in a corona of water splashing against the walls of the gym, although only a few drops landed on the crowd most of it sliding down the gym walls into drains.

The sisters knew that stuff would get wet here after all.

And that was it. The final move left the crowd cheering as Milotic floated above the water glittering like a beautiful prince.

Which is exactly when Dragonair had enough. She was smart enough to see the show was over.

She burst from beside me with a loud “Pree!” Milotic jerked from looking around the crowd taking in the cheer to focusing on her, and with a little bump, the three sisters who had been using his back as a ride were bumped off, all three of them giving a little surprise sound as they were dropped ten feet into the water.

Honestly the crowd immediately burst into laughter at what had just happened as three grumpy Mermaids surfaced to see what was going on.

Only to be forced to watch as above them two noodles began dancing.

Dragonair who had learned Water Pulse from her beloved was releasing the attack around, not quite hitting Milotic, but I alone knew that was just how the Dragons mating dance began.

You have to prove your strength after all, but it was absolutely fascinating that she wasn’t using Dragon type attacks! For Dragonair to use Water moves instead?

Even I wasn’t sure what the meaning was.

Milotic responded back in kind, Water pulses were soon echoing around the Gym as the two began spinning together, Dragon dancing causing an aura to glow from both of them, as they spun and spun in the air. Although with how much water was being thrown around it was almost like they were still underwater.

And then they came together, swirling so closer you couldn’t make out where one ended, and one began, just two lovers dancing together in happiness.


“Pleeeease please please!’

“No.” I grumble trying to keep walking out of the Gym, but these grabby sisters were trying to pull me back in.

“Just one more show! We will include your Dragonair this time pleeeease!”

“No!” I struggle against their grip. This time though they had made a mistake! They hadn’t lifted my feet from the ground so I was literally dragging the three sisters behind me as they kept trying to pull me back.

But I was stronk! Three dainty girls like the WaterFlower sisters couldn’t stop me! I had a Journey to get back to!

“We have to! That was amazing! The best show we ever put on!”

“I don’t care!” I grumble “I agreed to one show! Now let me go!” I continued to stomp the ground moving forward dragging three larger women behind me much to their frustration.

Finally their grip failed and I was able to make my escape.

“Noooo!” The cries of the sisters fading behind me as I ran.

Whew, that was close!


“So what do you think Chansey? Think you can do it?” I asked once more training my team.

It really didn’t get old.

“Chanse… Chansey?”

“Yeah I don’t know how easy this one is for you to learn either.” I told her. Aromatherapy was a move Chansey could learn. But only by breeding in the games. But I mean. Extreme speed was the same way for Dragonair, but she had learned it.

I refused to accept that Chansey couldn’t learn it, and franky I needed her too.

At the moment Chansey was mostly my team medic not just in battles either.

“Do you remember how it felt to use it last time?”

“Chanse, chan.”

I smiled at her hesitant nod. “Remember how tough Gravity was to learn?”


“Well think like that it took us a couple of months to get it down and that move wasn’t even one you had used before! I believe in you Chansey. We just need to keep practicing until we get it.”

“That’s my girl!” I cheer as she stands up looking very fired up as she begins making motions with her arms trying to activate the move.

It didn’t work, but it was keeping motivated while it didn’t work that was important.

With that I turned back towards the rest of my team. Arcanine was once more improving her special attack moves. We were doing Pressure training for her again. She was running me around between training so I didn’t want to over work her body.

That and Chansey wasn’t using Gravity on my team for once.

Milotic was doing the same, mostly keeping Arcanine from causing a forest fire.

While Dragonair? Well I had given Dragonair a different challenge.

Evolution was weird.

Some Pokemon had to feel beautiful. Some had to be held upside down. For every Pokemon there were that many weird evolutions. Most came from just strength, get stronger eventually you evolve.

Dragonair was one of those. At least that was what I had always assumed. But there was two things that made me try this out.

Dragonair was currently playing catch. About a hundred feet up, and she wasn’t allowed to use her mouth once she dropped the Rock.

She was not feeling happy right now. Dragonair scales are incredibly slippery. Not slimy, or anything, but they were very smooth, and just touching them felt like touching a frictionless surface.

Trying to wrap herself around a falling rock was an exercise in frustration.

Which is sort of what I was going for?

I mean I was only going to try this for a bit just to see if I could force it. It was another anime idea.

Ash’s Dragonite had evolved while racing down trying to rescue him. Now a few facts about that stood out to me.

First his Dragonite hadn’t even learned Dragon Dance before Ash helped her learn. That meant she probably wasn’t the strongest Dragonite in the world. Once she learned Dragon Dance she evolved almost the same day while trying to rescue falling Ash.

Previously during the episode Goh had wondered what had caused Dragonair to evolve into a Pokemon with arms. Ash had said something very interesting after.

“Dragonite evolved arms so they could rescue people!”

Something like that. If that was true. Considering Ash may be a complete idiot, he did have a strange connection to Pokemon. It meant that societal frustration could be what prompted their evolution.

Feeling unable to do something without arms.

So I was testing it. I hadn’t told her exactly what the training was for. Mostly because I didn’t want to have her think about evolving.

I mean, I had thought about jumping off a cliff or something and having her try to rescue me, but for one.

Don’t do that. That’s dangerous!

For two, she didn’t love me as much as say Milotic who falling wasn’t an issue for.

So I tried this. Turn it into training, see if she could get frustrated with trying to keep the rock in the air while constantly dropping it.

The second thing that made me think it was possible was Lance actually. See Dragonair evolve into Dragonite at level 55. But there was in fact a Dragonite that was level 47 in the games. Lance had a underleveled Dragonite. A few of them in fact.

It made me wonder if the Blackthorne Clan didn’t in fact know a way to push Dragonair to evolve.

I turned away from her for a moment back towards Milotic who was definitely whining.

“Milo. Milotic!”

“Arc! Arcanine Arc!” But Arcanine wasn’t having it. She was looking tired, a bit of drool around the corners of her mouth frothing up meant it was almost time for a break, but as always she wanted to train more, while Milotic was getting annoyed wanting to take a break.

It was funny how out of sync Milotic was with the other girls.

Lazy fish.

“Arcanine! Bring it in! Break time.” I called out, causing her to shoot me a look of betrayal as Milotic gave a fishy laugh at her as he floated away towards the camp.

Irritated Arcanine gave me a huff as she wandered over before plopping onto the ground huffing out a huge breath as she grumpily did as I said.

I smiled, grabbing a towel and a bit of Milotics cold water to wipe her down.

I didn’t want her to get too overheated. Which despite being comfortable near volcanoes and in fires, she could get. Too much strain could cause Growlithe and Arcanine a problem.

So I cooled her off as I wiped her down, eventually her irritation disappearing as she realized just how overheated she was. She grumbled but gave me a lick in thanks as I wiped down her muzzle.

Good dog.

After that I passed out food Dragonair coming down utterly huffy at how irritating the task I had given her was, but I didn’t say anything.

The goal was to make her frustrated after all. Although I don’t know if it was working. I figure try it once more after she finishes up lunch, if it didn’t work, I would switch her to something else.

So we all enjoyed each other's company as usual, Arcanine eating her food quickly with the eagerness only a dog could, while Milotic and Dragonair remained cuddled passing foot to each other.

It was adorable.

Chansey of course was more than happy to just eat normally. Although as usual she was cuddling Dratinis egg. It was still in the incubator, but that didn’t stop Chansey from taking care of it.

It was very cute.

Ah, so many cute Pokemon everywhere I looked! This is the life!

I looked around while eating, hoping to catch sight of some cute wild Pokemon, but I guess our training with powerful moves had scared everything off. That was kinda sad. I mean, sure I was being a good girl and not capturing every Pidgey I could see, but I still wanted to see them!

Oh well. I would just have to live with my cute team being all cute or lovey dovey.

Afterwards we all went back to training.

Dragonair once more grumpily went up into the sky with the rock in her mouth before dropping it and trying to catch it.

Arcanine I stopped from doing more Pressure training, instead I had her switch to helping out Milotic this time.

Since Milotic was still struggling with Extreme speed. Even if I knew most of the trouble he was having was just a desire not to actually move so fast. I had Arcanine and him spar. Basically tag. Since there was no Gravity training involved, it gave Arcanine an easy exercise that I knew she would need.

She got grumpy with only light exercise.

Chansey was still taking care of the egg, which everyone on the team was thankful for. The expectant father most of all.

As we settled in I was calling out to Milotic to keep working on it. I knew even with Arcanine dogging him, if I turned away Milotic would stop trying so hard. He was so cute, as long as I was watching he did his best, even if he was lazy.

As I was calling out I was thinking of the future. I still wasn’t confident in my last few gyms. My Team was really growing strong, Arcanine alone from how she was when we first fought Brock to now had become so much stronger. She had gained almost as much mass as Arcany had. And he was old!

Honestly it made me wonder if she was gonna become some sort of Alpha Pokemon. Although I had looked into the concept there wasn’t much out there on Giant, Alpha, Totem, or whatever you wanted to call them Pokemon.

It made me once again a little annoyed at all the secrecy. I mean I understood it, I just thought it was annoying. If I didn’t have to hide Gravity training all the time, I could travel with friends more.

But I had chosen my path. If I hadn’t already said I would beat Lance, I probably wouldn’t even take part in this year's Indigo League. I really wanted to travel and pick up some more cuties. But travel to other Regions was… Complicated. You could do it, but Pokemon restrictions meant it could be a real pain in the ass.

For example I could take my teammate Milotic out of Kanto, but if I tried to bring any of the Flock that would be a big no no.

If I traveled to Johto and captured one of their restricted Pokemon, I wouldn’t be able to bring it back over to Kanto.

Which was super annoying!

Now that only counted for restricted Pokemon, and Johto and Kanto didn’t have many restrictions on each other since we were already so close and with the wars, Pokemon had been… well there were plenty of times during the wars attempts had been made to capture Pokemon and bring them over to each region.

But let's say I want a Rookidee? Traveling to Galar would require me to get permission to travel. And if I wanted to capture a Pokemon I would have to do even more paperwork. And if I wanted to catch a restricted Pokemon? Forget about it.

Not that Rookidee are restricted, flying types rarely were, but it was a Galar symbol. Sort of like Kanto and Growlithe. We were pretty proud of our Fire Dogs. If a Johtan caught a Growlithe it would probably cause some grumbles. Even if it was legal.

I groaned a bit at the thought of the hassle just to capture a foreign Pokemon. I mean my family had originally left Galar with a restricted Pokemon. Our Meowth breeding had been what helped solidify us here in Kanto.

But that Meowth had been illegal to bring out of Galar. Pokemon poaching, if you wanted to call it that, was super illegal. And was way more restricted now than it had been back in my Great great Grandfathers day.

Also probably a lot easier back then. The Pokemon Capture system, meant if you captured a Pokemon nowadays it was registered.

Unless you were using an illegal Pokeball.

But I wasn’t Team Rocket.

It did make me wonder what regions I could get to, and what Pokemon that I could find super useful wouldn’t be restricted. I would have to find out… Actually. That was a good idea! I grinned as I rose up Even if Professor Oak was dead… Well there were other professors! I even knew one lived in Viridian City! I could reach out and ask him questions about what regions allow travel and what Pokemon are restricted!

I giggled to myself. That could be fun! A bit of travel before I finish the gyms! I mean it would only take me a few days between Gym Battles if I raced straight towards each one!

Smiling, I was thinking about getting our camp all packed up for a run to Viridian before I heard it.

Dragonair was falling straight down. Racing after the rock.

Which was falling towards the ground. She must have completely lost control over it.

She was practically hissing as she raced after the rock, her annoyance was palpable as she had an aura of Dragon rush around her.

I think she was planning on smashing the rock more than grabbing it.

Racing down though it happened.

A bright flash filled the clearing.

“Preeeee-Preeeeeee!” Dragonair evolved. Her body shortened, but then grew, wider stronger. I could hear her voice change, grow more powerful as she suddenly disappeared from the air and then she was hovering over the ground.

The rock held between her hands. There was a heartbeat. And another before she seemed to realize what she had done.

“Onite? Dragonite Drag?” She questioned looking surprised at herself as she realized she had hands.

Then she smashed the rock into dust dropped it to the ground, and enjoyed the use of her new legs as she began stomping on the slowly disappearing rock.

I couldn’t help it. I burst into laughter at the sight of her just pulverizing the rock that had been annoying her for the last few hours.

“Miiii! Milotic Miiii!” Milotic was suddenly there, in a static-burst of Extreme Speed.

That lazy fish!

But then the two lovers came face to face, and I could see the flush go up Dragonites face as she was examined by her husband.

It was awkward for a moment. I could see Dragonite hesitate, almost cringe back at her new body.

Aww she was shy that he wouldn’t like her because she wasn’t his Dragon Eel GF anymore.

But I knew my Fish. He wasn’t just beautiful on the outside after all.

He was just as beautiful on the inside.

He slowly drifted in, and pushed his forehead against hers. His big fins reaching up and wrapping around her, as she instinctively did the same with her new arms.

It was sooooo romantic! They were staring all dreamy like into eachothers eyes. And Milotic was showing that her arms didn’t matter! Because he had fins before she had arms and she didn’t care.

Oh my Arceus it was too much for my heart!

The love between my two friends was too much! Too bright! I couldn’t look! I covered my eyes, like staring into the Sun it was too much for mortals to see!

My fingers totally split.

I saw it. I saw it all.

Chapter 20

Chapter Text

We didn’t break camp.

In fact Chansey, Arcanine and I went on a looong walk not too long after. Dragonite had apparently decided to test out her new body.

Milotic approved.

We came back to camp long after night fell. I cooked a large meal for everyone, getting a feel for Dragonites new tastes. I would probably need to find out her new nutritional needs as well. But that was it. Dragonite was tuckered out, and her and Milotic were all curled up together for the night.

The next day again I pushed back any thought of leaving.

“Drag, Dragonite!”

“Yeah it's like this.” I gesture showing a punch which she was watching and trying to replicate. It took a few tries before she had the basics of it down.


“Punches are very strong, and they open up a lot of options, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Mega Punch. See you get a lot of options!” I told her ticking off my fingers, which utterly fascinated her for a moment as she realized she could do the same thing. Copying me cutely.

“Pree!” She sang out a laugh delighted in the simple act.

I mean wow. Could you imagine just not having hands, and then growing them? It must be utterly alien.

I guess I had been right. The frustration of not being able to grab something had pushed her evolution through. Did that mean anything really? Nope. I already knew Dragonair could just evolve normally in battle as well, all this had done was give me a pretty neat piece of info that wasn’t really useful for much.

Still cool though.


“Yeah we will work on all of those! We can work on your basic punches, and then just change the element on the fly. I bet it will really help out in battles.”

“Pree!” She sang pleased at the idea.

“Okay so we will finish some training today, break for lunch, but then we do need to hit a Pokemon Center. I need to make sure I have your nutritional requirements right.” I tell her thinking about the nutrition chart I had put together with Chansey.

Unfortunately there were a lot of guesses involved. Hopefully Nurse Joy would have a more accurate one.


“Of course I’ll make your food tasty! But we have to make sure it makes you strong too.” I tell her at the unhappy noise she made about her food.

Silly Dragon.

With that I started packing up, which Dragonite slowly joined me, hesitating a bit but enjoying being able to help as she lifted things as I taught her how to pack up the camp.

It was so cute!

“Oh my God.” I uttered awestruck as I realized how much of a fool I had been! A damned idiot! Moron! Idiot Sandwich!

“D-dragonite! Come here.” I waved shakily at her as she looked at me curiously but did as I asked, once she drew close I settled her down opposite me and held out my hands. “Like this.”


“Yeah, just like that. Okay so follow along with me. Patty-cake, Patty-cake-”


I could absolutely die happy. I was still grinning long after I returned everyone and rode Arcanine to the nearest town which ended up being Fuschia.

Being able to play Patty cake with a dragon! It was so cute, Dragonite was so utterly enthralled with the child hand eye coordination game! She was sooo cute!

I squealed as I rolled around on the Pokemon Centers bed. I couldn’t handle it! Oh!

Oh no! I’m a fool! Damned dirty fool!

“Noooo!” I couldn’t help but cry into my pillow.

I hadn’t bought a video recorder! Or even a Camera! I missed out on pictures of Dragonite being f*cking adorable!

Failure! A complete failure as a Pokemon trainer! Take away my license! I cried into the pillow at my own foolishness!

But a knock interrupted my pity party. “Huh?” I chirped as I got up wiping my face to remove most of the tears.



We cheered as we met pulling each other into a hug. “I knew it was you! Someone said a girl riding an Arcanine went into the Pokemon center!”

“Yeah! Who else would it be?” I laughed, only to remember what I had just been crying about. “Ivy!” I cried as I surprise-grabbed the greenette pulling her into a tight hug as I started bawling into her shoulder. “I’m the woooooorst!”

“Wha-Vicky!? Are you crying!? Why are you crying!?”

“I’m dah woooooorst!” I cried out helplessly!

“What happened!? Vicky! Talk to me!”

“I didn’t taaaaake Pictuahhhhhhhs!” I cried out helplessly. Dragonites cute little confusion about dealing with hands! I missed it forever!


“So all of this is because you didn’t take pictures of your Dragona-Nite. Your Dragonite learning about her hands?”

“It was so cute Ivy! The most precious thing I ever saw! I missed it!”

“Vicky… Why are you like this?” Ivy asked with a sigh sounding quite put out.

But I simply shrugged. I guess it was pretty bad crying all over her, but she just didn’t understand the cuteness level. It was like a million. A million cuteness. I could have recorded it and just played the video in contests and won every Pokemon Contest forever.


“Anyway…” Ivy attempted her best to change the subject looking uncomfortable with my cuteness overload. “I’m glad I caught up with you again. I got split off from Ash and his group, and I haven’t seen them in a while… Have you seen them?”

“Nope.” I shrugged. “They are probably lost in a forest somewhere or something. It happens.”

“Oh.” Ivy looked a little downtrodden then but I smiled.

“I did run into Zelos though.”

“Oh! How is she?”

“Well her Snivy is a Serperior now. Which is awesome, but more importantly. I had to teach her how to cook.”

Ivy blinked trying to process that as I waited for her reaction, my mouth struggling not to burst into a smile.

“You taught her how to cook?”

“She was completely incompetent at it!”

“No I refuse to believe Zelos the coolest girl in our year-”

“Hey, what about me? I’m cool!”

“-Doesn’t know how to cook…Vicky. No one thinks you're cool. You just have cool Pokemon.”

“Wha! They are my team that makes me cool!”

I saw Ivy’s lips twitch as she struggled not to laugh at my whining. “Afraid not. I think you have to be a little taller to be cool.”

My mouth dropped! How dare she make fun of my perfectly normal height! I mean I was below the average but that was normal too! For an average to exist some people had to be below it! Just because I was well below it didn’t matter! Details! Unimportant!

“Oooh that’s it! Ivy! I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle!” I said with an evil grin as she went from teasing to an ‘oh sh*t’ look on her face.

“No way!”

“Hehehe! When two trainers eyes meet a challenge happens!”

“That isn’t true at all!”

“It’s the law!”
“What? No it isn’t!” Ivy yelled lunging for me to either strangle me or smack me.

I yelped falling backwards off my bed ending up with an angry Greenette following me down.

Man I missed having people with me!


After Ivy spent a few minutes fixing her hair which I didn’t bother with, we left my room and headed to the cantina. The basic meals the Pokemon center offered were nice so we settled down with some tasty meals as we talked about adventure so far.

“So Ash and his group got tickets for the S. S. Anne, I didn’t, so we ended up splitting up. I was a little sad, I wanted to go on a cruise ship too. But well. I think you're right. I hadn’t really had my own adventure. So I waved to them goodbye and set out of Vermillion city.”

She took a deep breath as she exhaled.

“It was really scary at first. I ended up cuddling with Ivysaur that first night.”

“I see no problem with this, I cuddle one of my Pokemon every night.” I assure her earning a snort.

“That’s because you're weird. People don’t usually travel with their Pokemon out, or hug them all the time like you do.”

“That’s just a Kanto thing actually. There are lots of places all over that it’s normal to walk around with your Pokemon. Kanto is just being weird.” I tell her with a firm nod as I stuff a burger into my mouth.

“I think it’s just the polite thing to do Vicky.”
“Sounds like a tradition to me!” I tell her pointing with my burger.

“Gross. Don’t speak with your mouth full.”

The thought did cross my mind, but sticking my tongue out full of half eaten food was a little too childish even for me.

So instead I just shrugged. “Oh how many badges did you get?”

“I defeated Fuschias Gym yesterday so I have five!” Ivy looked so happy.

“Oh! Did you go to… Saffrons Gym?” I questioned with a whisper.

Funnily enough Ivy played along looking around and leaning in. “Y-yeah. Sabrina was really scary she had this Haunter that floated around and kept making her laugh… It was really weird.”

“Oh good!” I chirped much louder, startling Ivy. “That means she isn’t crazy anymore! Phew. I really didn’t want to get turned into a doll.”

Ivy was left blinking at me for a moment before her eyes widened. “What do you mean turned into a Doll!?”
“Eh nothing you have to worry about now.”

“Don’t just blow off saying something that scary!”
“Nope. This conversation is over. C’mon finish your food.”



Stepping out of the Pokemon center with my team back on my hip, I felt much better. I still had to stop and get a video recorder, but unfortunately there wasn’t a lot of shopping in Fuschia. It was a very old sort of city. A place where everything felt older. Like I had stepped into a city that hasn’t changed since it was first built centuries ago.

It was nice.

Which of course immediately stopped being nice when I realized someone I knew was standing in front of me.

“Oooh. Hi Cousin Elizabeth. How are you?” I asked trying to hide the wince at the look I was receiving.

“Victoria.” She acknowledged. Funnily she was still wearing a semi fancy Kimono. Did my Uncle's family actually wear Kimono, and Yukata everywhere? That would be so cringey!

“Oh! You’re Vicky's cousin, I’m Ivy, one of Vicky’s friends. It’s nice to meet you.” Ivy gave a bow to the Kimono clad girl. But received only a faint nod in return. Before once more turning to me as if expecting something.

The silence stretched on for a moment, before Elizabeth seemed to realize I wasn’t following along on her script.

Mostly cause I had no idea what she wanted. Listen I don’t really do complex social interactions okay? I play in the mud with my eel, and wrestle my dog all day.

“It is custom in our Clan Victoria to bow when meeting a member of the main house. Your father may have been excommunicated, but I would have expected even you to know that.”

“Nope.” I say simply with a shrug. “Papa and I never really talk about the whole Clan thing. I mean neither of us are members. So can I help you Elizabeth?”

The older teen crinkled her nose before sighing. “Yes you can. Father and the Elders would like to speak with you. Please follow me.”

She immediately turned and started walking off.

I didn’t move an inch. I was honestly wondering how long it would be before she realized I wasn’t moving, when as the thought crossed my mind she stalled, slumped a little and turned around.

“The please was a polite fiction. You are being summoned to the main house.” She finally spoke once she reached me once again.

“Yeah no thanks. Since I’m not a member of the Clan it seems kinda weird for me to be ordered around you know?” I ask with a shrug pushing my hat off my head so it fell behind me on its strap. “I meant if someone from a different Clan walked up to you and demanded you go with them… Would you?”

I could see I was utterly pissing off my cousin.

Which… Hehehe

But also she was doing a great job of controlling herself. Even if Ivy’s curious look between the two us had been noticed and made Elizabeth twitch a bit.

“You are right. Then instead. Please join me at the Clan Compound… This is… I am not attempting to be rude Victoria, but many of the elders wish to meet with you. Excommunicated or not, you are family.” She asked, keeping her voice from showing just how irritated she was.

I had a feeling getting to know me more was the absolute last thing she wanted to do.

Hence why I immediately smiled and gave her a thumbs up. “Sure sounds interesting!”

The eye twitch was great. Man teenagers were amazing to mess with. All the desire to be seen as in control like an adult, but none of the experience. Lovely. Not that adults were really that much better at not losing their cool.

“Good. Please follow me.” She asked before turning and walking down the road. Ivy looked confused as she sort of danced on her feet for a moment.

“Sorry Ivy. I think this is a private family stuff, thing. Meet up at the Pokemon Center tonight?”

“Oh! Yes, that's fine! I’ll just go… Oh the Safari Zone. I’ll go try that.”

“Yeah! Have fun! Watch out for Tauros if you are trying to capture other Pokemon they have a thing about jumping in front of Pokeballs!” I call out as I finally start catching up to Elizabeth.

“So. How have you been? Are you going to fight in the Indigo League this year?”

“Possibly.” She answered simply. Seemingly ending the conversation for a while as I continued walking beside.

Eventually she got sick of the silence and nodded. “Yes. If everything goes well I intend to place extremely high in the League. The Clan was very pleased with my last years position. I aim to win the entire League this year.”

“Wow that's pretty cool. It takes a lot of work to beat a League. What is your team like? I know you have a Skitty? I think Uncle Leopold said it was your starter last time?”

“Correct. Skitty is a Hoenn feline Pokemon. They don’t live here in Kanto. Father had to travel to Hoenn years ago for business he collected one. They were thankfully not a restricted Pokemon.”

“That’s cool. She must be pretty strong if you take her into the League, ever thought about evolving her?” I asked earning a sudden scowl from Elizabeth.

“Of course I have! She is my partner we fought together for years but she still won’t evolve!”

I opened my mouth closed it. Then shrugged.

“That’s because Skitty doesn’t evolve through strength you need to use a… I think Moon Stone? Pretty sure Moon stone…” I mumble a bit. I couldn’t remember if it was Moon Stone, or Shiny Stone or something. It was one of those. Geeze. I’m really glad I remembered this junk, who would have thought Pokemon facts would come in such clutch?

“I don’t appreciate your jokes.” Elizabeth said simply with a glare. “You’ve never even seen a Skitty before, how would you know what they need to evolve.”

“I don’t know… I guess it just makes sense.” I offer purposefully keeping my smirk at the lie on the inside.

“Tch.” My Cousin made a noise of utter doneness at my flippant response.

Now I was just wondering if she would actually try it. Oh man, even if she doesn’t do it, this will be hilarious! Either she tries it, and it works in which case all the bad things she is thinking about me right now were totally wrong.

Or she keeps that arrogance and ends up with a Skitty when she could have a Delcatty. Evil grin tugging away at my lips I followed the dark haired teenager. We walked down the street for a bit, turning onto a much smaller road that after a small way stopped at a gate. It took me a few moments to realize it was actually a private road.

That’s right. Uncle Leopold had set up a Clan Compound here in Fuschia. I guess I was about to see it.

“So, if Uncle Leopold set up a Clan Compound, how many families actually live here… And how many I guess don’t? I talked to Gram Gram a bit about the Ferrous Clan but she gets a little touchy about it.”

“You don’t even know that?”

“Nope.” I offer with a popped P. I could feel her teeth grinding behind her noblewoman facade.

“The Ferrous Clan isn’t overly large. We aren’t the Blackthorne that had its branch families create an entire city around them. Right now, the main house, our house-” She offered being very firm in saying she was of the ‘main’ house.

Jokes on her, I could care less.

“Is here of course. As well as many of our cousins' families. Grandfather had two sons. Our fathers, but he also had two brothers and two sisters. Many of their descendants live here. The Compound is growing well.”

“But Why?”

“Why what?” She asked testy.

“Why do they live with you? I mean, I am pretty sure housing prices aren’t that high.”

“Protection, and convenience mostly. How do you not know this?”

“I don’t know. Answer my question and I will at least know enough to answer your question.” I told her. Earning only a confused look and a sigh as we continued walking down the gravel road. The forest growing right up to the road the chirps of birds sang along our way.

“The Ferrous Clan are Pokemon Breeders! We are easy targets for anyone looking to steal away Pokemon. If you steal an egg, then when that Pokemon hatches, it isn’t going to care who it actually belongs to. So the family has always stuck close to each other. The main branch of the family takes on the job of protecting the rest… It is why your father was excommunicated. Not only did he take on a dog, but he abandoned his duty.”

I took that in for a while. I guess it made sense. This world had police sure, but when everyone walked around with a Pokemon capable of smashing a person into paste.. Or at least most people did. Then you probably didn’t have time for the Police to show up if you were attacked.

So the family stayed close, protection in numbers, and the ‘Main’ family took on the duty of securing the rest of the families.

“Is that why Uncle Leopold kept talking you up as being a strong battler to Gram Gram way back?”

“That’s right! Father is aiming for the position of Clan Head so I am showing the entire Clan that my battling skill is great enough to protect them into the next generation!”

“Oh. Uncle Leopold isn’t the Clan head?” Clan politics was so confusing.

“Not yet!” She snapped glaring. “He will be! There is no one else who can do it! Your father is not in the running!”

“Right because he was excommunicated. I remember.”

“Good, don't let it slip your mind. Father will be the Clan Head. No one else.”

Since I could totally tell Uncle Leopold's lock on the title of Clan Head didn’t seem as secure as Elizabeth was trying to hint that it was, I let it drop with a smile and a nod.

Besides, we had come up to another gate. This one was an entrance to an old Kantonian style compound. Large walls with cute little tile roofs on them ran all around.

The gate was open but there were Pokemon resting on the wooden doors.

Cat Pokemon.

An old Persian that was definitely related to Gram Grams prized Breeder cause they had the same eyes. And a much younger Meowth.

I guess that made sense. If you had Pokemon they could act as guards even better than a human, and since the Ferrous Clan was all about cats… Well it made sense.

“Good morning Persian.” Elizabeth called out giving a bow to the older Persian that was resting on what should be a little lamp pillar, just inside the gate, but it had instead been converted into a little kitty bed. He had a little roof over his head!

f*cking adorbs.

My feet of course moved before I was thinking, taking me closer but before I could get close enough to offer some scratches to the old cat, a hand grabbed my arm and dragged me away.

I pouted as I was dragged away from the old Persian, I knew his scary face was just how he was born, he wanted scratches and attention! I know it! I grew up around Gram Gram! I know the secrets of Persians!

“Don’t bother Persian he will cut your head off.”

“Doubt.” I muttered, wishing I could push X as hard as possible.

“Welcome to the Ferrous Clan compound.” She offered directing me down the old style path that ran straight between a row of old style Kantonian houses.

It wouldn’t have been out of place in some old Hisuian Isekai adventure. Just with everything being stone or concrete, and better kept. It was a mix of old and new.

It was quaint.

But seriously guys. I think this may be too many cats. Like… Even I’m saying that?

Everywhere I looked a cat Pokemon was hanging out. Persian and Meowth were the most common, although I did see a few Purrloin as well. Which impressed me. Someone must have traveled to Unova.

“I think I’m starting to see why my Papa catching a Growlithe was such a big deal…” I muttered vividly imagining Papa coming home with Growly for the first time.

Man talk about a ‘cat’astrophe.

Giggling to myself I followed after Elizabeth, waving to people as I passed. Many of them had at least one feature I recognized from my own. Although none were Blonde, or blue eyed. Those were traits I picked up from Mama after all.

I did stick out a bit being the only blonde in a sea of Black hair.

But I was kind of surprised at how many people there were. Men, women, old grannies, and old Grandpa’s. Kids as well. Plenty of them were looking curiously at me from beside Meowths that were obviously attached to them.


But Elizabeth didn’t stop and no one stopped her. A few bows in her direction as she walked which she returned and on we went, down the road that was wide enough for cars but felt much smaller with all the homes having large porches full of sleeping cats, or kids playing in the middle.

Honestly? I kinda get the whole living in a Compound now. It seemed really fun and cute.

Unfortunately there weren't enough Berry Trees. So that’s a no from me. Where would Milotic climb? What would I gather in the morning to feed Arcanine a treat? I hadn’t been at home long enough for Dragonite to slot into the berry tree formula, but I went to Dragonite island. I saw those lazy dragons sitting under a berry tree and literally just shaking it with one arm until berries fell on them.

There at the end of the street was a mansion. It really was. Larger by a full story over every other home on the street. Three stories instead of two at most. It loomed large at the end of the street.

It even had little Persian statues on each side of the steps leading up. Those were usually Arcanine, but I guess my extended family was a little cat crazy.

“Come inside. The elders are waiting for you.” Elizabeth called pulling me away from taking in the sights. I hurried forward catching up to her at the large front doors which she pushed open.

A f*cking maid was there. I blinked. As she gave a little bow. “Welcome home Miss Ferrous. Your Father and the elders are awaiting you in the meeting hall.”

“Excellent. Come along Vicky.”

“Weird. Thank you.” I tell the maid as we walk past The house was in an older style, but it was new. I could see signs of modern touches everywhere. As we walked through the house, I could practically see the Meowth watching me glowing eyes in the dark spaces.

Jokes on them, if they try anything I’ll pull out a heckin’ big doggo that would love to play with them.

The thought put a smile on my lips once again as I followed Elizabeth through the warm halls and into a large room. A long floor table resided in the middle but to my surprise there were seating all around the edges of the room. Like it was meant for lots of people to gather together.

“Elders. Father. I have returned.”

“You brought the girl.” Uncle Leopold said simply informing the room.

The chairs along the outskirts of the room were empty, but along the large flat table on comfortable looking cushions sat an array of old men and women.

“Excellent. Come in come in.” One of the older men called out waving me inside. So I stepped forward. If they thought I would act like a normal ten year old they were about to be mistaken.

“Hiya. I’m Vicky. Nice to meet all of you!” I chirped out as I walked over to the table and promptly plopped into an empty seat.

I studiously ran my eyes over the crowd watching the emotions play over their face.

Some immediately grew angry at my faux pas some amused.

I made a note of all of them. The amused ones could be fun.

“Niece… It is impolite to sit before you have been invited.” Uncle Leopold spoke chidingly, but to my amusem*nt he only said that after he swallowed back the anger my action had caused.

“Sorry about that.” I answered simply, but certainly didn’t make any move to actually get up. That earned a few frowns, but the elder that called me in simply continued.

“I believe as this is the first time our young Grandchild of the Clan has joined us, we should be polite. I am your Grand Uncle, Your Grandmother is my elder sister. Feel free to call me Grandpa Roy. Many of the youngins do.” He offered with a grin that literally looked like the one Papa would often give me

I returned it happily.

The other Elders all introduced themselves, some with more cheer than others.

When it was finished I decided to get to the heart of the matter.

“While I am enjoying meeting all of you, and seeing the Compound which is super homey. Why did you ask me to be here, or I guess I should say why did you try and order me to show up? Papa was excommunicated so I’m sorta in a weird spot.”

“Indeed. That is true. Your fathers choices forced our hands in his Clan status. But it seems times have changed.” Grandpa Roy offered with a stroke of his beard. “Much to the chagrin of our current Clan Head. Me. I am an old man Victoria. Your fathers excommunication was done as a necessity at the time. At least that is what I thought.” He sighed looking a little ashamed. “Victor Ferrous has made something of himself in the last few years. That is without even considering the Milotic.”

“You are talking about Arcany.”

“Arcany? His Arcanines Nickname?”

“Yep! He used to be Growly. I don’t even think he would respond to a normal Growlithe call. I mean. Papa works with Growlithe all day, so saying Growly was a good way to get his partners attention. It just sorta stuck.” I say with a shrug, but only Grandpa Roy seemed interested. The others had a polite disinterest. Or a very obvious disinterest in Uncle Leopold.

“How nice. Now of course our interest in your fathers improvement is between us and him. But that does leave you in an interesting spot. We have very rarely ever excommunicated anyone from the Clan before. Usually for great crimes, in the past. Your father was the first to be done because of… A failure of duty.”

“I get the feeling I’m being propositioned to rejoin the clan.” I offer a little dryly, earning a chuckle from Grandpa Roy and a scowl that was failing to remain hidden from Uncle Leopold.

“That’s correct. While we have excommunicated people before, this is the first time we have had to consider children involved. You of course were not raised within the Clan. Either the Viridian old home that Sister Mel keeps up, or here our new Compound that the distant families have begun gathering at once again.”

“That’s right this whole place is new.”

“Yes. The family used to be much more spread out… Unfortunately the loss of our unique Meowths caused a splinter in the family that is only now being restored.”

“Interesting. But I still don’t really get why you brought me here… Especially without one of my parents here.”

“You are ten, and on your Journey. You are an adult in the eyes of Kanto.” Uncle Leopold surprisingly answered. “A Journey is the path to adulthood. To see how well you can handle the real world… You trained an Arcanine. I don’t believe many would consider you still a child.”

“Okay. So that explains why you wouldn’t think to mention this to say Gram Gram.. Ah Grandma Melaney.” I answered since I doubted most would know who I was speaking to. “I doubt she would be okay with not being here… Or telling me about it.” I say pointedly looking at Uncle Leopold.

“The Clan felt a more personal meeting between us and you was needed.” Grandpa Roy offered instead.

“So you wanted me alone so you all could pressure me into giving up my Milotic flock.” I say sharply, straight through the atmosphere of faux kindness. “I’m not feeling very re-assured.”

“Hah! I told you this wouldn’t work as you thought. The girl is obviously still wary.” One of the Elder woman spoke then a biting grin that reminded me of a cat.

Well it reminded me of Gram Grams smile too.

“We are not here to entrap the girl.” Grandpa Roy spoke instantly in a sharp tone looking straight at Uncle Leopold. He sighed then turning to me. “Yes Victoria. We wanted to get a measure of you. And offer you to become a member of the Clan as you should have been in truth. And yes. We are concerned about the Milotic. As you know my elder Sister used our Clan contacts to set up the investments in your name. The returns on which are quite astounding.”

“Yeah Gram Gram showed me the books when I asked.”

“Then you should know that it is the largest investment the Clan has seen since our Meowths stopped being born as Galarian variants. Much of the family has been returning, we have seen a massive increase in our unity and growth. This Compound wasn’t nearly as nice even just a few years ago.”

“Okay, but the Flock are doing fine.”

“We thought the same during the last War. We lost family members then.” Uncle Leopold said. “Mother is too stubborn to ever leave the Viridian home, even when many of the Clan left during the start of the last war. It was the first home of our family. She grew up there and won’t leave. But Viridian is close to Johto. If a war flares up again. Viridian is in the red zone… Close enough to the border it will likely be struck full force before a response could be gathered.”

“We worry about the source of our family's wealth. We simply want to ensure that a surprise accident can’t send us once more spiraling.” Grandpa Roy offered.

“I’m not sure I can help you.” I tell them. “My Flock lives at my home. Where they are happy. I’m happy there too. And I honestly don't really know if I want to join a Clan.” I answer with a shrug. “I’ve never been in a Clan, never needed one before.”

“Understandable.” Grandpa Roy spoke up instantly, silencing a few of the group who looked like they were going to say something. “As I said Victoria, this wasn’t meant to trap you. Know that you are welcome here in the Compound. That we are family. Even if you don’t wish to rejoin the Clan you are still family, and this compound was built to house family.” He offered with a smile.

I felt my back untensing a bit. I had been worried about how they would react to a negative.

“I’m glad you didn’t start yelling or something.” I couldn’t help but admit, earning a chuckle from the old man.

“I don’t yell much anymore. Now in my youth, I tanned your fathers hide more than once.” He offered with a wink which I couldn’t help but laugh at that reveal.

“Papa is pretty reliable, so that surprises me.”

“Oh he may be reliable now. But he was a troublemaker as a child. Should I bring up the Krabby incident Leopold?” The old man offered with an utter sh*t eating grin, as Uncle Leopold went instantly red looking quite unhappy at that reminder.

“I doubt ancient history needs to be brought up right now Elder.” He nearly hissed before turning to me. “Let me be blunt then, since the Elders wish to remain gentle. What will it take to have the Milotic brought to Fuchsia?”

“Last time I thought you said you refused to work with Papa’s Spawn?”

He twitched a little before nodding. “The Clans' future is more important than my pride. The income stream must be protected… I spoke out of anger, last time. There is many years of history between your Father and I. Things you are assuredly not aware of. I do not hate you Victoria. You are simply attached to someone that I retain only bad memories of.”

Huh. That was actually surprisingly reasonable. But then again Gram Gram wasn’t here. So I guess it wasn’t as bad.

I groaned a little as I rubbed my forehead. I hated this sort of stuff. Reasonable people worrying about reasonable problems.

But especially when I just… Didn’t want to do it. I wanted my comfy farm life. With poking Milotic out of Berry trees, and river races.

“I can’t give you any satisfactory answer right now.” I say sitting back up straight. “I can understand your worries. Even if, bluntly, it isn't really my problem. But you are family, and I’m not entirely unsympathetic to your concerns.” I stand up startling most of the room.

“I will have to talk to my parents, and think about what you brought up.”

“Then please take all the time you need. Move at the speed you are comfortable with Victoria.” Grandpa Roy offered kindly. “But do remember, regardless, you are welcome to come home. To this home. I am sure we can find a place for you if you would like a room as well.”

“I’ll think about it. Thank you.” I told him before deciding I didn’t want to be here anymore.

It was making me anxious. I would have to apologize to Ivy I decided as I headed just outside the main house between the two Persian statues. I really wasn’t in the mood for hanging around. So I grabbed a Pokeball.

“Dragon! Dragonite!” She called out to me as she stretched a bit looking around curiously at the people and Pokemon around her.

All of whom were looking at her in shock and surprise.

“Hey Dragonite. I need to get home. Do you want to fly to Viridian city with me?” I ask only for her to jerk towards me and practically dance on her new legs.

“Great. So it will be that waaaaa-” I was cut off as my Dragon happily reached over and grabbed me in a slightly too tight grip still and burst into the air.

I am pretty sure she even burst into Extreme Speed there for a moment before the next thing I could see was the beautiful sky.

And then she was off. Luckily I kept my goggles around my forehead for emergency Arcanine runs whenever she had the zoomies.

So I slipped them down and was able to see.

The sky was so beautiful up here. The ground was disappearing beneath us as she raced towards home. I only had to help her adjust her course a few times on the way home.

Chapter 21

Chapter Text

Dragonite landed with a gentle poof. As dust was blown away from her incredibly powerful wings.

I was honestly really wanting to see what her strength would be like with a few months of Gravity training.

But I hopped down after thanking her and tossing out Milotics Pokeball. Letting Dragonite and him have some time to themselves.

Of course the pack was here. Growlithe all over the place had been on guard as soon as I landed, but had relaxed when they realized it was me.

Considering the pack were my Pokemon as well, I felt bad that I hadn’t spent much time with them. But they were all happy to see me, tails wagging as they ran up for attention. I pet little heads and stroked bellies for a few minutes just soothing myself with puppy therapy. Best therapy there is.

But I knew I couldn’t stay out here all day. I had just… Too much inside. I let out Arcanine who instantly took command of the pack leading them away Chansey who I released just after followed after to check on them.

“I’m home.” I called out feeling kinda dull as I stepped into… home.

Interestingly Mama and Papa were both home. It took me a few seconds of thought to remember it was the weekend. As a trainer I hadn’t paid much attention to the day of the week. Seeing them both hanging out on the living room couch even if both had startled at my sudden appearance was exactly what I needed. Well that and one other was inside.


“Trouble!” Both called out happily at my appearance but I walked right past their grasping arms for a hug.

Arcany was laying around the couch like some massive living extension and practically drooling in a nap. Completely uncaring about my appearance. I felt that. Arcany probably recognized my scent before I even stepped foot inside and let it go straight to not a problem.

I walked over and fell face first into Arcanys fur.

Then I screamed.

Arcany who had been napping startled a bit, raising his head up but one he noticed it was just me he dropped his head back down.

Arcany was reliable like that.

Finally out of air I pulled away from the fur and stood back up.

“Okay I feel better now. But I could use a hug.” I was swallowed up in Papa’s strong arms a moment later as he pulled me towards the couch and settled with me between Mama and him.

That felt nice.


“I’m okay. Just frustrated? Irritated? Frustittated?”

“Not a word, but go on.” Mama said as she pulled off my hand and started running a hand through my hair.

“Right. So I met the rest of the family. I was in Fuchsia and Elizabeth came to ‘ask’ me to come to the Clan Compound.”

I could feel Papa tense up under me but I just flopped over on him. “It wasn’t that bad. Definitely they wanted the same thing as last time, but I hate that they actually sounded reasonable.” I tell him as I stare up at the familiar ceiling. The right sounds, the right smells. I could feel myself relaxing.

Home. It was nice.

“He didn’t… They didn’t bother you too bad did they? You know you don’t have to listen to them.” Papa said and I knew that his slip was telling.

“Apparently if I want, I can be in the Clan.” I answered simply as I looked up into Papa’s face from below only to see a rather…

Well I guess conflicted, would be the best descriptor.

“They are considering inviting you back too apparently Papa.” That did more than give me a conflicted look he looked…


Like a kid that was being offered something he had always wanted.

It made me remember that Papa was only about thirty years old. Adult brain reminded me how young that really was still. How even in your thirties you could still feel like a child.

I patted his arms.

“Yeah… It wasn’t terrible. Grandpa Roy was… Nice?” I thought. I mean he at least tried to portray himself that way.

“That old fart is still alive?” Papa asked with a crinkled smile that suited a much younger man. Before realizing what he had just said around me.

His very ‘Impressionable’ child.

“Yep. Still alive. Still farting.” I assured him. Earning a sigh from my mother and a failed attempt to hide his amusem*nt from Papa. “He mentioned a Krabby incident that he had to ‘tan your hide’ about. Mind sharing?” I asked only to see Papa go utterly bright red and then instantly put a hand over my mouth.


My mumbled demands for a story were ignored until I gave up and he finally took his hand away.

“Fine. I’ll ask another time… Anyways. They led me into a room with all the Elders I guess? And Uncle Leopold. Who is still kinda a jerk, but he was nice enough to, if not apologize, at least explain that I just reminded him of you… So yeah.”

“Yeah.. Leo and I… well no matter what, I doubt we will ever have a relationship again.” Papa said looking out the window for a minute as he viewed old memories.

“They didn’t try to pressure you did they?” Mama asked, sounding…

Well that was her battling voice.

“Not really and yes. Sorta? They just explained why they wanted the Flock ‘protected’ farther from Viridian… I don’t know. I can sorta understand it! Which is what is annoying me! It’s not unreasonable for them to be worried about the Milotic! But really? Is a War with Johto even likely!? The last one ended with a ceasefire between us, specifically because neither side could win!”

“That happened a year or two before you were born Vicky… So you might not realize just how bad it was. War between regions starts with all the strongest trainers releasing their most powerful Pokemon on each other… There is a reason the war was short. They usually are.” Papa said in a tone that was almost… Haunted.

I shuddered, realizing once again that Papa and Mama had lived through that. A time of War.

“They are family. So I get why they are worried.” I tell them grumpily as Papa pats my head.

“Do you want to move the Flock?” He asked, putting the question on me.

“No.” I grumble, “I love it here. The farm. The trees, our river stream. It’s home! I hate that I am even conflicted about it! I want to tell them to fu-forget about it.” I hastily corrected under both parents knowing frowns.

“You were always a good girl. Wanting to help out everyone you could.” Papa said calmly as he continued to stroke my hair.

“I hate the idea though. I mean… This is home. My Pokemon are supposed to be here.”

“We could always move.” Papa offered. “I can train Growltihe in Fuchsia. We can set up a second farm there too. Right?” Papa asked Mama, and while I could see her want to argue, she nodded. “Yes. We have the money. We can go anywhere.”

“But this is home.” I answer. And I could see Mama understood.

“Then Vicky. Darling. My troublesome daughter. Do what you want. Just because someone has a good reason, has a well thought out argument doesn’t mean you have to listen.” Papa said, he laughed a little.

“When I turned my back on the Clan it was the same. They had a path all set out for me. All I had to do was follow it, but it wasn’t my path. My goals. It hurt them. And it hurt me. But I would do the same thing again.”

I blinked taking that in before pouting and sighing as I cuddle in more.

“Nope. Done thinking about this for now. Cuddles.” I tell them as I squeeze Papa with a hug before turning to the TV.


Later that evening I called the Fuchsia city Pokemon center. Assured Ivy I just had to deal with some stuff, and I was sorry for bailing on her. She thankfully understood, I guess I must have looked a little frazzled, but she was being gentle with me which sort of made me feel bad. I was an adult you know!?

In the end I promised we would hang out again soon.

My team settled in. Papa had in fact got me a Camera so I could take pictures of Dragonite being adorable. As always Papa was reliable, and it did make me feel better.

The fact she was walking around with Milotic with one of his fins in her hand. Was the cutest thing ever.

All the bad feelings went away when I saw them being all lovey dovey. And I took as many pictures as I could.

I was so happy my partner found his BDGF, Big Dragon Girl friend.

Chansey settled in to take care of the dratini egg, Arcanine played with Arcany much to his annoyance. And I had a cuddle pile with the Growlithe and Milotic flock.

It was… Perfect.

Eventually I needed some quiet though. I left my team to it. Instead hopping the river with some MIilotic help, and heading into the Berry tree Orchard. I walked under the branches for a while simply enjoying feeling like I was a child again. Regardless of my true age, this place made me feel like I was little again. I walked across the Orchard coming out the other side and once more needing a bit of assistance. Stupid tiny legs.

And then back beyond the borders of the farm I simply sat on a rock and listened to the Pokemon wandering around. Pidgey in the trees above. The faint purring crinkle of Caterpie, the distant buzz of Beedrill.

I don’t know why moving away from Viridian bothered me so much. I’ve moved around plenty in my last life.

I guess I was just used to everything staying the same. Papa and Mama, always there whenever I came home. The house. The Orchard.

I had grown used to the stability.

Was I worried for my Milotic? For all my Pokemon? I guess I hadn’t ever considered living in Viridian city as dangerous. Beedrill swarms? Eh Growly will handle it. Or the Police.

Angry Raticate? I had a Meowth.

Now I learned that part of this world that I had done my best to ignore for ten years wasn’t going away.

War. I hadn’t really wanted to consider War here in Kanto. I had read things during History Class. About the Old Wars. But class had been light on details about the more recent wars.

I guess that was on purpose. The adults probably didn’t want the children to know how close a war could be.

It struck me then. That this world as peaceful as it seemed was nothing of the sort. Children sent out at ten with a monster to train it and gather more. To become powerful.

How different it was to the old world. How different it was to my common sense.

No wonder everyone thought I was weird. No wonder they thought it was wrong of me to want to play with Magikarp. To have a Gyarados.

I mean they were wrong. But the life and death of people on this world suddenly felt more of a threat than ever before.

“I guess I’ll just have to become so powerful, it doesn’t matter then.” I decided speaking aloud to the forest around me.

I would come up with something to satisfy the Clan, not because I thought I needed to, but because they were family, and I was interested in getting to know them.

I would grow strong enough to beat the Indigo League. Not because it was expected of me, but because Pokemon battles were fun.

I would destroy the Elite Four. Not because I wanted to challenge the Champion, but because I wanted to see. The pinnacle of what was possible.

And I would kick Lance in his dick after trashing his wannabe Dragon Team.

Not because I wanted to be Champion, but because he had called my Dragonair weak.

I nodded. I was just ten. If war comes I will deal with it. I will be as ready as I can, but I won’t destroy my life in fear of it.

I nodded. First? I needed to get my team together. Stop feeling sorry for myself, and finish getting ready to destroy the Indigo League.


I didn’t end up spending the night at home. After walking home with a bit of a pep in my step. I told Mama and Papa about an idea to come up with a compromise. They hadn’t liked the idea too much, but it was a fair idea in my opinion.

Gram Gram was informed over the phone and huffed at me, and called me Trouble, but said she would take care of it all. That I should get back to my Journey.

So I did.

I grabbed my team together, and hopped into Dragonites arms. The sun was going down by the time we left. But I didn’t care. Dragonite could see pretty well in the dark, and I wasn’t afraid of anything out there.

I had my team at my side.

Flying through the sky in a dragons arms, getting a Princess carry? It was amazing. I didn’t even care if it was getting cold out.

I would snuggle with Arcanine later. Dragonite had her orders on what to find. She kept her head on a lookout as she raced through the sky wind practically hammering me at how fast we were going.

It was great.

Imagine riding a jet airplane, but on the outside. It felt kinda like that.

“Drag!” She called out suddenly pointing and I grinned. I had no idea where we were, but she had found what I had asked for.

A really tall waterfall.

We settled down in a rush, and I could see Pokemon that had been hanging around yelp at the sudden appearance of a Dragon.

Slowpokes looking up from the water edge. Giving little gasps but only like a minute after we arrived.


But there were other Pokemon too. Oddish were hiding in the grass, and an Ekans of all things had very quickly disappeared not wanting to pick a fight with my revealed team.

I quickly set up a camp. This is where we would likely be hanging out for a while. But that was fine. I had a goal. Like hell I would allow anyone to look at me and say I wasn’t able to protect my own Pokemon!

“Alright team. You know what to do!” I called out, earning little cheers from my buddies even as I turned towards the water…

I sighed. Grabbing my wet suit. This was gonna be a cold experience.


With a rebreather and wet suit I was ready. That and Arcanine setting up a fire near my tent to start warming it up. I felt safe enough jumping into a freezing cold river in the middle of the night. Arcanine and Chansey would be working out, but I would be going in with Milotic.

No idea what Water types would be down here after all.

I had grabbed one more thing from my pack. A set of glow sticks that lit up the dark water around me. Then I slipped in. The current was pretty weak. Having just come off the waterfall it came into a cove before once more turning into a river.

Here is where I should be able to find my target.

Honestly it didn’t take long. Once I was in the water face prickling at the cold plenty of Pokemon were in sight. Including my target.

They seemed pretty uncaring of my appearance as I swam over. Just continuing to swim in circles.

Magikarp were like that. Luckily I knew the trick to any Pokemons heart.

I pulled out a bundle of berries from my hip and offered… him one. Gold whiskers. Male Magikarp. Cool.

He blinked then again, and then swam over to eat one of the berries.

Mwahaha they thought I couldn’t catch Pokemon!? Fools! I could seduce any Pokemon with berries!

I didn’t catch him. Instead after eating all the berries. I played with him a bit. Swimming beside him and basically just showing him I thought he was cool.

Magikarp were like any Pokemon. They wanted attention. They wanted to be loved.

And boy was this Magikarp lucky, because no one could love a Magikarp like I can!

Eventually I was getting too cold, and had to leave but I made sure Milotic told Magikarp we would play more later.

I went to sleep warm in my tent knowing that operation ‘Oh f*ck did that little girl just release a Gyarados!?’ was well on its way.


So the next morning I did the same thing. My pokemon worked out after making some space near the water while I dived in.

Magikarp had actually been waiting for me!

I was surprised when he actually swam over and did a little wiggle at me, inviting me to swim after him. The three of us played tag for a bit, and I shared more berry treats as time flew by. My Rebreather thank Arceus had refilled overnight so I had plenty of air to play with him that morning.

Which is why when we finally surfaced and Magikarp tried to basically follow me onto the grass by splashing up I was more than assured of my choice.

“Hey don’t do that. You can’t breathe up here buddy.” I say as I pick him up, he was a little small for a Magikarp I thought. Maybe a young one? How cute!

“C’mon let’s get you in the water.” I say as I heft him up without any difficulty and placed him back in the water.

I really needed to eat something so I had to take a break from swimming.

“Karp! Magi-Magikarp.”

“Wha? No.” I told him firmly, as I slid knee length back into the water and put him inside. “You can’t breathe out here. So you aren’t staying out of the water. That’s silly.”

“Karp! Karp.” I yelped as he splashed out of the water and I only barely caught him before he landed back on the grass.

“No you don’t!” I grin as I adjust him so we are looking face to face. “Listen little buddy. I want to be friends. I’m happy you want to spend time with me. I really honestly am. But rule number one of any friendship. You shouldn’t hurt yourself to sustain them. If you do, it’s not a friendship at all. So listen. I’m not going anywhere.”

I had sat back in the water so he was resting on my lap and able to breath as I spoke.

“I just need some food, and I can’t really eat underwater… And I need to cook food for my team. If you are still hungry I’ll make you some too. How about that?”


“That’s cute, look how excited you are. Okay I’ll make some for you. But you have to stay in the water! I don't have a bucket or anything for you… Actually. Fine. Milotic! Iron Tail!”

With a bit of work a pit was dug beside the seating near the fire pit. And Milotic filled it with water.

My new little buddy could sit with me as I cooked and ate food. I made him a nice little meal as well that he wiggled at the taste of.


“So Magikarp. Do you want to join my team?”

“Magikarp! Magi-Magi! Magikarp!”

“Yeah I hoped you would say that. Oh. Since I didn’t say it before. My name is Victoria. Victoria Ferrous. And this is Milotic, and Arcanine over there. And that is Dragonite, Dragonite and Milotic are ‘together’ so don’t mind their sappyness. Mama and Papa always said I wasn’t allowed to capture a Magikarp you know? They are scared of Gyarados. But I’m not. Because I know that when you evolve you will still be my friend.”

I tell him whispering like it's a secret before I pass him another bit of food.


I giggled at his call that was practically a promise. I don’t get why people always thought Magikarp and Feebas were dumb. They just weren’t used to people, or Pokemon being nice to them. So they usually just clammed up and tried to be ignored.

“Oh right. Here, do you see this? It’s a Pokeball. But this isn’t just any old Pokeball. See this is a normal one.” I pull out both, the standard red and white Pokeball, comparing it to my Premium balls. Which I preferred.

“This one is special. It’s called a Premium ball, and I captured my whole team with one see.” I show Magikarp my belt where the white balls all rested. “I use these for my team, the Pokemon I am going on my Journey with. So Magikarp? Do you want to be on my team?” I ask, offering a Premium ball.

A moment later it was already slapping shut. Magikarp hadn’t waited a moment before pushing forward.

Yep. He just wanted a friend.

And I had finally captured a Magikarp! I squealed as I rolled around on the grass with the Pokeball for a while.

Ignoring the look that Dragonite was giving me I brushed myself off and released Magikarp back into the little water pit. He blubbed happily as I reached down and pet him a bit.

“Well Magikarp. We got a lot of work to do. You want to be a Gyarados right?”


“Thought so. So we are going to train hard!”


Magikarp was a cutie. He wasn’t super focused. Unfortunately I think Magikarp and Feebas both have that problem, they get distracted pretty easily, but that was okay. If he got distracted and wanted to play, then we played. If he got hungry. I got him some food.

But with a mix of Arcanine and Dragonite, it wasn’t like I had any difficulty heading into a nearby town to buy some supplies, and let the parents know I was still alive.

I uh… Hadn’t told them about Magikarp yet… No reason why that is, must have slipped my mind…

Anyway! Training Magikarp was fun, see I had a plan.

“Okay Magikarp just like Dragonite showed you!” I called out, watching as a moment later Magikarp splashed out of the water, then while he was in the air he began spinning.

I was pretty sure this wasn’t going to work as I hoped.

I mean Magikarp weren’t exactly the brightest, and my little buddy wasn’t either. But the thing about training is you get benefits whether it works or not.

Right now he was training splash to get into the air. And maneuverability which he would need regardless.

Who cares if Dragon Dance was definitely not on the list of learnable moves for Magikarp? Had anyone ever tried before? Doubtful.

Besides Gyarados could learn it.

So there had to be some connection there. Now why was I having Magikarp try to learn Dragon Dance? Because our training was to get him to climb that waterfall!

I look over at the rather tall waterfall and nod. If he could climb that I was sure he would evolve. Magikarp had done just that multiple times in the anime, games, and other media. Climb a waterfall, and force an evolution.

Become the Gyarados of your dreams!

As Magikarp fell back into the river after failing to activate Dragon Dance. I sighed a little. I did feel a little weird with Magikarp. With Feebas it just fell into place. But I almost felt like I was manipulating Magikarp.

I didn’t think I was? I mean what Magikarp didn’t want to evolve? Didn’t want to be loved?

And I really just wanted to love him. But it felt different with me coming out and specifically trying to find a Magikarp. I mean, It was the norm in this world.

Go out, find a Pokemon, catch it, and now it is yours.

But it felt weird. Which is why I decided that no matter what I was gonna get this Magikarp through his evolution. Not for me, or my team, but for him.

Besides, the rest of my team were training hard right now.

We would need it. Arcanine was helping Milotic with his defensive moves. Dragonite was still just getting used to having limbs.

I had given her a task to work on fine control.

I had set up a series of rope hanging targets and put them all around her. Every time she hit one it would fly off but come back.

So she had to keep hitting them so they wouldn’t touch her.

Hopefully it would give her a solid foundation on using her limbs for combat that and I had Chansey helping her out sometimes.

Chansey as always was being cute and exercising. She was practicing a dance she knew under her heavy gravity.

If you have never seen a Chansey wiggle her butt to music you are missing out.


But back to Magikarp and my training. I had picked Dragon Dance because if it did work, it would enhance his speed and power. The perfect choice to help him climb a waterfall. So I kept him positive!

“Snack time!” I called out and giggled as he came racing over wiggling and splashing out of the water all the while as I revealed my fish food Pokechow snack.

It was basically onigiri with pokechow mixed in, and his favorite Berry on the inside. Turns out my fishy boy really liked spicy flavors. The first time he tried one of the mega spicy Liechi berries he practically breathed fire.

But he refused to eat any other berry after.

Silly fishy!

After his snack and all fired up.


He raced back out into the river.

“Okay! Magikarp! You can do it! I believe in you! Now Splash!” I yell out and he bolts into the air. Honestly he had gotten a lot stronger just with a bit of attention.

Well and short bursts of Gravity. Chansey and I were being careful though. We didn’t want to hurt him, or discourage him from continuing.

But his muscles were definitely getting bigger he splashed high above me, having really hit a perfect jump.

“Now Dragon Dance! You are a Dragon on the inside! The sky belongs to you!”

“Kaaaaaarp!” He cried out as he began to spin emulating Dragon Dance.

He splashed down. But I whooped and hollered about how cool it was. More than giving him enough confidence to try again.

And again.

And again.


Magikarp was a lonely boy. I mean that literally. He got pretty lethargic every time I left him alone, or when I had to head into town. He only bounced back once I came back to camp with a treat, or something just for him.

It made me kinda sad.

We had spent a lot of time exploring the Waterfall basin of this river. There werent any other Magikarp here. Which was weird. I mean, he had been completely alone. Just swimming in circles because he didn’t have any stimulation.

Like a lion pacing in the zoo.

No wonder he was so awkward. He hadn’t had any friends. My team were nice enough, but he was still sorta awkward around them. That was okay though. I made sure every night as I went to bed, as I settled into my tent, I would tell Magikarp and the rest of my team stories for extra bonding time!

Just little things about a boy whose family fought Dragons on a windswept island. About Princess in castles, or Heroes on quests. Whatever came to mind.

Of course I also told my little fish buddy about Magikarp that jumped over a waterfall and became a dragon.

He liked that story best.


I spent at least a few weeks in that little waterfall basin, on the edge of the river. The native Pokemon had eventually either gotten used to my presence, or fled in terror from the sudden onset overpowering Gravity that often struck the area.

That and the flaming angry doggo.

While my team once more improved themselves every day. As Dragonite got used to having limbs, even joining Chansey in cute little dances, Magikarp had grown strong!

Strongest Magikarp in Kanto! I guarantee it! I giggled as my little buddy once more rushed the waterfall.

Ever since I had told him the story he had obviously wanted to do it. To race up the waterfall. To defeat it. So I was behind him one hundred percent.

He splashed out of the water slamming into the current and swimming upwards with a single minded devotion.

Up further and further he went constantly pushing upwards against the waterfall. Which goes to show just how powerful he had become. He had even been growing a bunch in the last few weeks. Obviously all the nutritious food I was stuffing him with was working.

But his charge up the waterfall once more ended in failure, he hit a mid section of the fall and the torrent of water was just too much. He slowed, and in that moment he fell.


He seemed to curse his whole way down as he splashed into the water below.

I waited a bit for him to pop back up. This wasn’t our first failure not even close, but as he didn’t show after, I slowly grew concerned.

Considering I was working with a Water pokemon, I was still wearing my wet Suit so I quickly hopped into the water. Seeing my little buddy floating sideways a bit under the water made me concerned, but I realized he was okay as I got close and he sort of wiggled away.


I swam after. And each time he wiggled a bit out of the way purposefully not looking at me. Over and over until finally I managed to get my arms around him. Floating in the river I hugged my little guy until he finally stopped trying to swim away.

Slowly I brought him towards the shallows keeping my arms around him until I was sitting in the shallows with him in my lap staring off listlessly.

“You upset?” I asked him quietly long after I had settled him in.

He sort of flopped a bit in my lap without a word.

“Yeah.” I tell him putting my cheek against his. “You know. I’m not upset at you for not making it up the Waterfall.”


“No. You did great. You didn’t fail.”

“Karp. Magikarp.”

“No not at all. I’m super impressed you improved so much in just a few short weeks.” I play with his whisker a bit as I cuddle him.

He sort of flops against me again.

“Okay let me put it this way for you. You didn’t fail Magikarp.”

“Karp Karp.”

“Nope. Failure doesn’t happen because you don’t succeed. Look. You didn’t fail. You just didn’t succeed. Failure, only happens once you give up. Not before. So you haven’t failed not at all. Not even a little.”

“Kaaaaarp.” He sort of cries a bit making my own eyes prickle. This poor fish.

“Never ever. You are on my team. You already got captured so we are stuck together, forever and ever.”

“Karp?” he questioned almost plaintively. Like he was begging.

How could I resist?

“Yeah… And Magikarp! If you can’t believe in yourself! Believe in me! Believe in your trainer that believes in you!” I told him pulling a perfect Kamiya impression as I pulled him up in my lap so we were looking at each other. “Because I don’t ever plan on giving up! Do you!?”


“Yeah! So let’s go! Again and again! Even if the chance of success is one, or even zero! Together! We’ll make it a hundred!” I call out fist pumping.

“Magikarp!” He agreed with a bellow. Hell yeah! I knew motivational anime speeches would be applicable some day!

He leapt out of my lap in a splash plopping into the water and staring once more at the Waterfall.

Yeah. He had the fire this time but I wanted him to do it. To push past his limits! It came to me, because I’m a genius! “Milotic! Rain dance!” I call out startling my lazy Eel who was resting watching his waifu dance with Chansey.

Such a Chad.

A few moments later it started raining, and then more and more. Milotic may have done a bit too much. And I could hear the fire going out.

Good thing we had Arcanine.

“Alright Magikarp! I believe in you! That waterfall is gonna fail! Today! Or tomorrow! Or someday! Go!”


I watched the revitalized Karp race towards the Waterfall once more. The rain enhanced his speed thanks to Magikarps ability.

He still fell.

But this time, my cheering told him he wasn’t failing. Just not there yet.

Chapter 22

Chapter Text

Magikarp was taking a break hanging out with me near the fire where I was preparing an after workout meal. Arcanine and Dragonite were once again fighting each other.

Blasts of power and roars of anger constantly ruffled my hair and hat, but I had long since grown used to the feeling of standing ten feet from a grenade testing ground.

“Chansey Chanse?” A call came out over the explosions, and I looked up to see Chansey looking quite surprised. She was sitting across from me on the other side of the fire, and her surprise was obvious.

Because the egg in her lap was rocking.

“EEEEeeee!” I squealed as I jumped away from the pot. I could hear the battle between my team end as well as suddenly everyone was gathered around to look at the egg slowly rocking in Chanseys lap.

“Is it… is it hatching?” I asked after the rocking continued for a good while.

“Chansey.” That was a yes.

“Oh man, oh man! It’s hatching!” I could feel myself practically shivering in excitement as I watched. Slowly, the shaking grew stronger, cracks breaking up the purple spotted egg that grew wider and wider.

“C’mon on little one. You can do it. Come on out. Everyone is so excited to meet you.” I kept whispering to the egg, Dragonite and Milotic joining me in little crooning calls of welcome.

And slowly, ever so slowly. The egg cracked more and more, until finally a cute as a button Dragon nose poked out a chunk of the shell.

“Draaaa!” It called out instantly, as it felt the cool air.

“Dragon! Dragonite!” Dragonite wasn’t able to control herself, she was tippy tapping on her feet as she hugged Milotic tight literally squeezing Milotic so tight his face was turning white.

Poor guy wasn’t looking too good, but them's the breaks when you have a Dragon GF.

Well I guess wife now. Cause they were parents.

Slowly a cute little Dratini slipped out of the egg breaking itself free and looking around with the cutest Purple eyes. Its eyes were a little darker than other Dratini I had seen. Probably an effect of Milotic since their eyes were always a deep red.

“Dratini?” It seemed to question as it finally pulled itself out of the egg shells. It was surprisingly long. It was the first thing I could think of. It was already so long, I expected like puppy size, but they were almost five feet long? As an estimate?

Quite the long little noodle.

“Dragonite, drag dragon.” Dragonite offered reaching down and as gently as she had ever touched anything she lifted up the Dratini who was more than happy to let her.

I remembered just in time.

As Dratini was introduced to Milotic who was having an absolutely freaked out face. I started snapping pictures.

These were going in the goddamned scrap book.


I managed to just save the meal after forgetting about it, but it was alright. Training was over for the day. All of my team were being introduced to our new little one.

Who was a boy. Our littlest man.

Arcanine we discovered was Dratini’s favorite mountain to climb. Dragonite was where he ran to whenever he was scared. Milotic was the one who taught him all the underwater stuff. Doing manly father son activities. I mean they can’t really fish, but they were certainly hunting. So I counted it as fishing.

Magikarp was a little bummed at first. Having seen all of our excitement, but only until Dratini decided he liked hanging out in Magikarps little water pit and cuddling with him.

Well our lonely boy happily played with baby noodle.

So many pictures!

It took all of us a few days to get back on the training schedule. Even Arcanine had been distracted wanting to play with the little Dragon.

Honestly he was a little cutie. He had the cutest little laugh too! A little chime noise he made whenever he was delighted by something. Which was all the time.

I sighed in satisfaction at being able to tickle his little belly. Arceus was a good God for allowing me this.

I had also captured him, using one of the Premium balls, because a cutey this adorable didn’t deserve some standard run of the mill Pokeball!

So I guess that meant I had six Pokemon on my team.

Of course Dratini wasn’t going to be a battler anytime soon. He would need months, if not years of training to get him to where he needed to be.

But I also had no idea how quickly they would evolve. It wasn’t like I could check the Pokedex for this sort of stuff.

So I had decided to document it all myself!

“Pokemon Professor Vicky on duty!” I giggled as I continued to fill out my Pokemon Notebook. Writing about how long it had taken for the egg to hatch, how big Dratini was and everything else I could think that might be relevant.

I vowed to update Dratini’s entry constantly as he grew.

But other than Dratini constantly shedding his skin at least once a day, we simply got back into the training schedule. Magikarp was still my focus, and we once more began our waterfall training, much to Magikarps happiness at the renewed attention.

He must have thought I had forgotten him or something. Silly fish.

I did stop at the Pokemon Center in the small town we were close to. Violet Town, was a sleepy foresty place. I was honestly surprised it even had a Pokemon Center.

But after stopping in, making sure my little buddy got a checkup from Nurse Joy, not that it was super needed with Chansey on duty, but they did have machines in the center that Chansey couldn’t replicate.

He was fine. Healthy as a Dragon.

After a call home telling them the egg had hatched, and assuring Mama and Papa I was okay. I had been out of touch for a bit. I headed back up to our little camp.

I could have headed out. Could have continued my journey, but that wasn’t going to happen. That would be admitting that I didn’t think Magikarp could finish his objective, and I did believe he could do it. Every day he was getting closer.


“Go!” I cheered as Magikarp once more hit the waterfall. Rain falling atop us, all the team cheering him on. The last few times he had gotten so close I was sure it would happen soon. The weeks of training him had all led up to this.

I didn’t regret it for a moment! Magikarp was a good boy!

And this time. With all the training we had done. With my support making sure was well fed, and growing stronger by the day, he finally went past the point he had always failed. He continued on, his tail a blur, his face…

Well it was still Magikarp face. But it was cute!

And finally, at the peak of the waterfall under the pouring rain he leapt.

Over the top of the Waterfall. Silhouetted in the sky. For one moment, totally free.

And in a flash of bright light, he lengthened his cry growing into a roar as he raced into the sky. Not even the air able to hold him back anymore

I was grinning like a loon, but then I started frowning. Because after his evolution, he didn’t come back down like I expected…

Gyarados can fly?

I watched as he circled in the air. Literally riding the air currents.

Gyarados can fly.

Wow. Did not expect that. I mean I remember in the Legends game, there was a flying Gyarados… But I always thought that was just a bug on release or something.

But no. Gyarados can apparently sometimes fly.

“That is one of the coolest things I have ever seen.” I told Milotic who was floating beside me.

He made a huffy little noise as he turned away from me.

“Oh don’t be like that, you are still my number one fish, or eel. But I’m proud of him too.” I told my pretty boy who after a few moments reached out with his fin to hold my hand. Yeah he had started doing that after Dragonite evolved.

It was the cutest sh*t.

And then as if deciding the sky wasn’t enough for him Gyarados began diving down catching my eye.

I whistled at his speed and waved at him cheering him on.

A moment later he hit the Waterfall basin like a hammer. A massive plume of water rose up, I quickly grabbed my hat to keep it on as the wave rolled over me.

Well there goes lunch.

Dratini was giggling as he curled around Dragonites leg as the water rolled over him.

So I would say worth.

And then as the flood of water and waves finished drawing back. Along with my cooking pot, and some of my tent. Gyarados lifted himself out of the water looking down towards me.

“Hug?” I asked opening my arms wide.

The noise Gyarados made wasn’t really speech. Just a roar of emotion.

I always thought it was weird that Gyarados don’t usually say their own name like other Pokemon… I guess that means they just don’t actually talk much.

Well I watched the looming impending disaster with a wilting smile as Gyarados rushed forward. Mouth wide open.

The last thing I saw was the way his jaws were closing around my feet, cutting off the sunlight.


“Umm. Miss? Are you okay?”

I continued to squelch my way into the Pokemon center. Pulling off my Pokeballs and dropping them onto the tray. Leaving a thick mucus behind.

“Rough day.” I admitted sounding a little distant to my own ears. “I need a room…. Please.”

“R-right. Here you can have room three, and I’ll just take care of these?” Nurse Joy asked, looking at the tray with a little bit of horror.

“Y-yeah. Be careful with ball five… Yeah.” I muttered as I turned and headed into the Pokemon center.

A shower. I needed a shower.


After a shower followed by a nap I felt more alive.

“Oh Vicky, I see you are feeling better!” Nurse Joy called out as I walked into the lobby of the center.

“Yeah. I feel alive again. Thanks for not… well making a fuss. Do I need to clean anything up?” I asked looking around the lobby that was already clean.

“Oh you are fine dear. You should see the lobby during rainy days.” Nurse Joy chuckled, her Chansey beside her giving little Chansey giggles.

“Thanks.” I said a little weakly, as my team's Pokeballs were returned to me.

“I didn’t see anything wrong with your team. They are all looking very healthy, good job.”

“Yeah.” I shuddered imagining my newest member again. I could still taste fishy salvia in my mouth. I suppressed my body's desire to puke as I attached my team to my belt.

“Thanks again Nurse Joy.”

“Of course. Be safe.” The pink haired woman called out as she waved to me as I left.


Elizabeth Ferrous


“I think my words were quite clear, daughter. Mother has reached out to discuss setting up a second enclosure for the Milotic here. It turns out our discussion with your cousin was effective.”

“They actually agreed? Just like that?”

“Oh no. The deals that Mother ripped from us make this a bitter pill, but at least if another war happens, or poachers, we will have a backup. The Association has already agreed as long as the reserve is properly set up.”


“It does mean that in the next Indigo League your position will be watched closely. How ready are you?”

“I train every day, father. Even with school taking up a good amount of my time, my Team is ready for battle. I will assuredly rank even higher this year… Especially if I do not face the League winner before the end.” Elizabeth muttered, her last League had ended up with her losing to the boy who would go on to win it all.

“Yes it was bad luck for you to face him. Will he be taking part again this year?”

“I don’t know…Probably. He never showed any signs of retiring.”

“No battler with such skill as that, would retire easily. Very well. Whatever you need to ensure your position let me know. We have to be careful with Clan funds still, but this is important for our families future.” Father offered smiling lightly at her. As always Father was more than willing to take on a burden, if it meant her advancement.

Many thought Father cold, but Elizabeth knew. Father had worked many jobs when she was little, just to ensure that the family would never be in such straits again in the future.

“Yes Father… There is one thing. A… Victoria. When I last talked to her, she mentioned something.” Elizabeth said. She had been muling over her cousins words for weeks. What else could she do? She had been searching for the secret to Skitty’s evolution since they first became partners.

“What is it?”

“Skitty. She can evolve, but the method to obtain it is locked within Hoenn. At least… I thought she was taunting me. Making fun of my inability to evolve her.” Elizabeth couldn’t help but trail off. She had thought Victoria to be an idiot. Yet, does an idiot really have access to so much wealth? Does a fool learn how to capture Milotic, or evolve Arcanine?

“What did she say?” Father asked, looking suddenly focused.

“A Moon Stone. She said Skitty evolves through use of a Moon Stone.”

“I see… It sounds like nonsense.. But pull one from the clan stockpile. I will take any questions regarding its use. If she was being honest… Then I will truly not understand my niece.”

“Me either Father.”


I was once again riding Arcanine.

Listen as much as I loved Magic Princess Dragon Rides. Arcanine and I…

Well we had a saddle. Plus being on the ground meant we got to see things. Like cute Pokemon! Not that we saw much more than them fleeing in terror after eating our dust.

Arcanine was not a gentle runner.

“Whoooooo!” She howled as she leapt over a cliff.

“Ahhhhhh!” I yelped as she landed among the trees far below bouncing between their branches as I held on tight before she bounced thrice and hit the earth, once more dashing off with barely a slowdown in her stride.

Stupid show off dog!

“Stop trying to scare me!” I called out, not that it mattered. The wind took my words away in an instant. That is what happens when you are moving at over two hundred miles an hour while riding.

And there, just in the distance as we race out of the forest.

Was Fuchsia City.

This time unless something crazy happens, I should be able to challenge Koga.

Our final run into the city was quiet, Arcanine knew this area. We raced straight towards the Pokemon Center. I sighed as she finally came to a stop standing tall and practically vibrating in excitement as I stumbled off my pup that had a liiiittle too much energy.

“Alright. Go take a lap.” I say earning a bark of happiness as Arcanine disappeared. Off to lap around the city in a rush. I sighed waiting for my pup to come back resting my back against the Pokemon Center wall. Thankfully, it was a warm night.

It felt sorta surreal sometimes, when I gave an order to an animal that my mind, that deep dark part of me was telling me was a massive threat, that instead happily listened to my words and understood them

It reminded me once again of just how… Human, Pokemon were in a way. I still had no idea what Arceus was thinking when he made Pokemon capable of understanding human speech, but not able to communicate. It was one of those weird little things.

I mean Meowth even showed us that if a Pokemon worked at it, they could speak normally. What a weird weird world. I rolled my eyes as Arcanine reappeared tail practically uncontrollable as she danced around in front of me begging for an order to run some more.

“Go on then take a lap!” I called out laughing as she literally did a backflip before disappearing in a blur. Her dance practice certainly had paid off.

“Excuse me? Is everything okay?” A voice startled me a bit as I turned only to relax.

“I’m fine Nurse Joy. My Pokemon has the zoomies and needs to run around a bit to burn off some more energy.”

The pink haired woman blinked, then recognized me even in the low light outside the Center.

“Oh. I see. I was worried when I saw someone just standing out here… What are Zoomies?” She asked as she settled in beside me. Her question had me giggling as I hadn’t realized that particular phrase wasn’t common here.

“It’s when canine Pokemon run around, usually in circles or back and forth because they have too much energy. Arcanine is running laps around the city right now.” I explain pointing to my pup who just came rushing back and once again looked like she was ready for a hundred more laps.

“Go another lap!” I call out laughing as Arcanine once more did a backflip before blurring away.

Arcanines trick had obviously startled the Nurse as she suddenly burst into giggles at how silly the scene was.

“I can see what you mean!” She giggles wiping her eyes a bit at how hard she was laughing. “Zoomies? I like it.”

“Glad to be of service.” I replied as I looked up into the night. So many stars here in Kanto. There was still plenty of man made lights, but nowhere near the level of what it was like on earth.

That and I was pretty sure the stars were just brighter here. Or maybe closer? I had no idea what space was like in this world. Other than the Pokemon that inhabited it. Arceus was a weird llama.

“Chansey?” I blinked. That wasn’t my girl.

“Oh I will be in soon Chansey, this is just… Oh why don’t you come and see as well. It is quite a show.” Nurse Joy offered, patting the air beside her and Chansey nodded, stepping out.

I blinked.

That was a Chansey? I blinked. My Chansey didn’t look like that… Had I forgotten what Chansey look like?

I grabbed my Pokeballs and threw Chanseys ball in front of me. A moment of later a cute “Chansey! Chanse!” Was called out as she danced around a bit before looking around. Then I looked from Chansey to Chansey.

Yep. That was a Chansey alright… But my Chansey looked way different.

She was a lot less… round? My Chansey looked more like an egg, while Nurse Joy’s Chansey looked like a ball.

Listen, I didn't want to call that Chansey fat… But she was a little fat. Not enough exercise?

“Oh my. Is this your Chansey? She is quite… Athletic isn’t she?” Nurse Joy of course noticed it immediately, as my Chansey danced around a little greeting her fellow.

“Chanse! Chansey chanse?” The Nurses Chansey seemed to ask, and Chansey giggled before doing something I hadn’t expected.

Chansey just flexed on the other Chansey, and faintly against her pink fur, I could see muscles.

A lot of muscles.

The Nurses Chansey seemed to gasp looking startled as my girl flexed and showed off her conditioning.

“Yeah… We exercise a lot. I mean like every day all the time… I guess I hadn’t noticed how much she had bulked up.” I muttered quietly, staring at my girl as the two Chansey chattered away.

“Woof!” Arcanine suddenly intruded demanding attention from me as she was panting and bouncing around waiting for orders.

I hadn’t even noticed her come back.

“Go on then! One more lap!” I ordered earning the happiest puppy smile in the world as she disappeared.

Nurse Joy, distracted from the Goddess of Gains, blinked. “Is, is she always-”

“Always.” I say quickly sounding a little tired. Keeping up with Arcanine was a full time job after all. Ever tried sleeping in when you had a three hundred plus pound dog whose only goal in life was playing right that second? Didn’t think so. Especially since Arcanine was too smart to be stopped by things like doors. Or angry yells.

She would just pick me up and drop me in a river if I really got obstinate about sleeping in.

“So what routine does your Chansey go through? I… well my own partner could use some more exercise.” Nurse Joy offered sounding a little embarrassed as she scratched her cheek a little.

“I… I really can’t say, Family Secret.” I grumble, earning an understanding look from Nurse Joy.

“Oh I do hate that.” She says. “Not that I am saying to break it. Please don’t think I am, the Joy Clan is neutral to all of that, but there are times I wish we could do away with all that nonsense.”

“Yeah I agree.” I glance at my Chansey happily chattering away with her fellow. “It’s kind of a mess huh? The Clan politics keeping stuff all secret. It must be rough as a Nurse needing knowledge that could potentially already be known about Pokemon, but not being able to get at it.”

Nurse Joy was quiet for a while before speaking again.

“Yes.” Nurse Joy said a simple word with layers of emotion. “There is a saying in our family. That we are each taught. We are reminded of it when we lose… When we lose our first patient. ‘A nurse only knows what they know. They aren’t Arceus.’ We all hate it all the same.”

I frowned. While I definitely benefited from the secrets that I had, I couldn’t help but feel… A little sick in that moment.

How many Pokemon had died because a family coveted their secrets? How many friends had been lost because a Nurse Joy hadn’t known something important?

“Yeah. Maybe I’ll just have to do something about that someday.” I muttered a little harshly.

“What was that?”

“Nothing Nurse Joy. Nothing.” I offer with a smile. Someday… Maybe someday I would do something about that.

“Woof!” Arcanine appeared once again still as energetic as ever, but I was planning on getting to sleep at some point tonight.

“Nope. You're done, time to cool off.” I tell my girl earning the most heartbreaking look as she looks as if I just crushed her hopes and dreams, even falling onto her side like I had just killed her as she gave a quiet little howl of utter dejection.

Which is when I emptied a bottle of water on her head.

“Come on, quite the act.” I cut through her little pity party, earning a huff, as she blew her cheeks out at me.

She stole that look from me! The jerk! That was my face against my parents when they were being silly!

Then she blinked, noticing a drop of water going down her face.

“sh*t.” I managed just before she turned herself into a spin dryer, as she started shaking purposefully hitting me with the water she shook off.

“That’s it! Get in the ball!” I growled, earning a doggy laugh as she disappeared.

Nurse Joy chuckling behind me earned a little glare too as I sighed. “I’m gonna need a room.”

“Of course.” The Nurse said with a smile as she happily led me inside.

Chapter 23

Chapter Text

It was a foggy morning as I walked up the steps to the Fuchsia Gym. The old Kantonian mansion out in the forests of Fuchsia was my current destination.

It was time to face another challenge.

As I approached a door opened, and to my surprise Koga was waiting for me. I stopped for a few seconds as we sized each other up.

“You recognize me.” He offered in a calm tone.

“I have heard about Fuchsia Gym.”

“Good. Come.” He offered quickly, turning back inside the mansion and led me away. I expected to have to deal with weird traps and rooms and things but none of that came, instead I was led to the courtyard where a small table had been set out on the walkway.

“It is a chilly morning. Tea?” He offered taking a seat, I hesitated before shrugging. I wasn’t a fan, but it was cold. Something warm would be nice.

He accepted my nonverbal reply and poured me a drink. As he did I noticed that atop the table was a folder with papers inside.

“Yes I thought you might notice that. You see, one of the jobs of my Gym is to face trainers while understanding their strengths and weaknesses. My ninja investigate all who would come to challenge me.” He opened up the folder, inside was a picture of me from my Trainer license, but then a much larger candid shot from when I was stepping off Arcanine.

It was from yesterday night.


“Yes it does tend to cause some discomfort to trainers who I explain this to, but we are Pokemon trainers. A momentary discomfort to have a true third party speak of our weaknesses? That is more valuable than any discomfort… If you will listen.”

“I will.” I could see what Koga’s schtick was. He gathered a bunch of information on trainers, and used it against them. Honestly it would be helpful. The same thing would happen in the Indigo Tournament. Every match I had, more of my Pokemons skills, strengths and weaknesses would be seen by my competition.

“Victoria Ferrous. A name I am familiar with, although you are no longer of the Clan… Yet that might change.”

“Not sure yet. It’s kinda weird. The Clan thing.”

“I see.” He offered simply with a shrug. “You have an advantage that few trainers receive. Powerful Pokemon attained a few years before you even begin your Journey. Oddly, most that do receive their Pokemon early receive them already trained. You captured and trained your Pokemon yourself. Impressive.”


“But it has also created a weakness in your methods. You have powerful Pokemon, you have always had powerful Pokemon to battle with. You don’t know the feeling of being outmatched, of being forced to strategize to your fullest in order to create that small sliver of a chance for victory.”

“You’re saying I’ve never been the underdog?”

“Exactly. You Victoria have always had the advantage. How will you fare I wonder in defeat? In being pressured to the fullest and yet not being able to rise to theoccasion?”

“I can’t say.”

“Wise. Most would argue, bluff themselves pretend they would be fine and it would not shame them. It takes wisdom to know what you do not know.” The Shinobi offered with a small grin. “There is much else I would wish to share with you, but hearing it verbally will not truly teach you. I offer you this instead. A match. I will use the greatest of my Pokemon. The team I am preparing to claim a position within the Elite Four. My team will push you harder than any trainer you have faced, it wi-.”

“I accept.” I cut him off instantly. He really didn’t need to push me for this. I’ve been wanting to battle someone on the absolute pinnacle for a while now!

“So quickly? You will not earn a badge if you fail, and you will fail. I have studied every match you have taken part in. I know all the tricks you have developed so far.”

“Good. Defeat me Koga of Fuchsia Gym.” I felt excited! A challenge! A real challenge!

He smiled. “I was not wrong about you.” He offered, standing and closing the file leaving it on the table as he walks out into the courtyard.

A poison type Gym. This could be a real mess, but it could also be super fun! I felt myself grinning. This was so interesting! I had faced kids, and Gym Leaders. But a man that planned on joining the Elite Four? Not just planned on, but I knew would eventually do so?

Yeah I wanted to face that. To see how far above me the ceiling was.

My hand fell to my Pokeballs ready to throw when a voice called out startling me.

“Fuchsia Gym Leader Koga accepts the challenge. No switch outs. Six on Six battle. Begin.”

“Venomoth.” Koga calls out simply summoning one of the smallest Venomoth I had ever seen. It was about half the size of a normal butterfree I estimated.

Were they always that small? My hand threw out Milotic.

“Safeguard!” I called out instantly. No way was I fighting a Poison Type master without that to help.

“Shadow Clone.” Koga spoke quietly with no heat or urgency, and his Venomoth went from one, to twenty in an instant. I blinked. Wasn’t Shadow Clone just the name of the Japanese version of Double team? What the heck?

“Milotic! Water Pulse!”

“Shadow fog.” Koga offered and I blinked. What was Shadow Fog? Ghost type move? I shook my head, no I watched in awe as the Venomoth cloud that were being ripped apart by Milotics Water Pulse began vanishing into a cloud of Poison Powder that ballooned up.

Soon the whole side of the field was covered, and despite Milotics Water Pulse shooting holes through the cloud, it didn’t seem to make a dent. It roiled, growing thicker and thicker.

“Rain Dance! Let’s wash that cloud away!” I responded with the first thing that came to my mind.

But Koga was silent. I figured he was somehow communicating without me knowing. Even as the clouds above opened up and began pouring rain onto the field, the poison cloud didn’t seem to be stopped. I narrowed my eyes.

That wasn’t right. No way that a cloud of spores doesn’t at least get dented by rain. What the hell was Koga doing?

“Now.” Koga said simply, and Milotic and I both prepared as something shifted in the cloud suddenly, Venomoth appeared, Just one.

“Extreme Aqua Tail!” I called out, As Milotic suddenly blurred. The static noise of an Extreme speed overpowering the rain as suddenly Milotic was there.

And then Venomoth was in two pieces…

I blinked.

Milotic Blinked.

That was when the real Venomoth behind the substitute appeared right in front of Milotics face.

“Flash.” Koga said simply, and suddenly the whole field was bright a sun descending on the field.

Milotic and I both cried out. That was bright! Way way too bright!

“Milotic Surf! Push everything away!” I called out even as I couldn’t see. And a few moments later I felt the flood of water roll past my ankles.

But nothing else. I blinked the stars out of my eyes. I could barely see, but Milotic was still standing.

But he was waving around.

“If you just permanently blinded my Pokemon Koga!” I growled as I realized Milotic wasn’t just waving, he was stumbling, unable to see.

“Your Pokemon will recover its vision, Venomoth. Finish it.” I flinched. “Protect!” I called out, but nothing happened, despite Milotic using the move. I couldn’t see Venomoth. Just the stupid cloud of Poison that kept me from seeing what was going on.

“Milotic. Safeguard. Then Aqua Ring.” I called out. Wanting to make sure Poison continued to be off the table. My Partner despite not being able to see did just that. His scales glowing once more with a fresh Safeguard and then a ring of healing water appearing around him.

“You have prepared enough Venomoth.” Koga offered simply, and then in a burst of speed the cloud of Poison burst out in an eruption as Venomoth and its many clones suddenly rushed forward.

“Milotic Ice beam the ground! Create a barrier!” But It was too slow. Venomoth simply buzzed around the ice shield and Milotic couldn’t see to react fast enough.

“Sludge Bomb.” I couldn’t even say anything to retaliate, because Koga had said that long after the attack had launched and struck.

He wasn’t calling out the attack, simply informing me of what it was.

I winced as Milotic. My partner. A pokemon that had taken hits from super effective moves and shook them off, was launched away. Rolling and tumbling across the muddy yard from the blast of purple sludge that exploded against his face.

Critical hit.

I flinched. “Recover!” I cried out, and as Milotic was pulling himself back up out of the mud he did just that. His injuries vanishing in a flood of power.

“Again.” Koga offered, but again, it was for my benefit. As Venomoth had raced across the field, his entire swarm of clones surrounded him as he once more blew Milotic across the field.

“Surf! Try to flood around you!” I called out, and Milotic did so, but it wasn’t working. He couldn’t see Venomoth. And the clones were buzzing just as loud as the real thing.

His surge of water missed flooding through empty space, as Milotic blindly searched around.


And with that one word, the match ended to my shock.

A sleep powder was blasted into Milotics face, and he slumped to the ground.

Safeguard had just run out. Koga had been timing it perfectly.

“Return.” I call out quickly, seeing Venomoth preparing another attack.

What a monster. Is this what Brock had felt when facing me? Seeing his Pokemon get trampled over?

It was… It was fun. But I couldn’t enjoy it. Injuring my partner? That was not okay.

“Arcanine!” I threw her ball out. Letting her land in the muddy water and roar out a challenge against the bug.

“As I predicted. Begin.”

“Extreme Flame Wheel! Smash the Venomoth!”

But even as Arcanine vanished in a blurr, Venomoth began its own attack. Arcanines flames burst through a Shadow clone. And then another.
But that only gave Venomoth the time to set up. Even as more Shadow clones appeared around the field meaning Arcanines exertion wasn’t working.

“Okay Arcanine! Fire spin! Let's start creating hazards!” I call out shifting strategies.

A moment later though Arcanine was hammered by something. I growled as another Sludge Bomb hit.

“Interrupt her attack.” Koga offered again long after the attack had gone through.

Arcanine wasn’t blinded, so unlike Milotic she leapt back to her feet in a moment, even if the hit had obviously hurt. “Double Team. Keep the fire going! Don’t let Venomoth catch you again!”

My dog burst into action, rushing around the field, her copies jumping and leaping as they left trails of fire at her speed.

“Fire Spin. Let’s put the heat on the Venomoth! Just like with the Beedrill!” I called out, and Arcanine did just that rushing around the field, as she activated a fire spin, a tornado of flame rising up, causing the light rain to burn away. Venomoths cloud of Poison burst up in an explosion, but Arcanine didn’t care.

She only cared about running.

“Good. I was hoping you would not be defeated at the first step. Venomoth. Supersonic.” He called out, this time the attack came after. The noise was overpowering. I winced covering my ears. And even Arcanine slowed as the noise struck her ears, causing her run to stutter to a stop as she struggled to overcome the noise.

It was overpowering. I attempted to shout out. To tell Arcanine to move to do something.

But my voice literally couldn’t reach her.

Then it was over. My ears ringing, I called out, telling Arcanine to attack.

But she stumbled. Arcanine shook her head, as she sort of stumbled as if she was drunk.


“Confusion… Arcanine! Fire Spin yourself! Don’t let Venomoth close!”

But that wasn’t enough. Arcanine looked around as if she couldn’t understand what I said.

“Sludge Bomb.” Koga called out, speaking louder since I was still wincing at my ears and even then I barely heard him.

Arcanine cried out as she was struck. Sent rolling and tumbling across the arena.

“Arcanine!” I waited with my heart in my throat. As the mud covered form didn’t move. Then with a twitch she stood. Slowly clambering to her feet.

Then like a dog, she shook. Her mud covered coat was suddenly moving like a whirlwind. The mud she was coated flinging across the field. Koga would probably have to have his ninjas clean the roof, the mud had been flung so far.

But to my shock I realized Arcanine hadn’t done it just to clear the mud away.

Her confusion was over, and she had done it to mark the Venomoth clones!

Only one Venomoth had mud on it!

“Extreme Fire Fang!” I roared out, and Arcanine did the same. Our spirits in tune as she blitzed across the field, nothing but eruptions of mud trailing behind her as her paws ripped the muddy field apart.

And then Venomoth squealed as it was ripped out of the sky.

I had learned from Surges fight. Arcanine and I had been training on our grapple move. Grabbing with her jaws Fire fang active, and then if she got her actual jaws on the target, not letting go. Turning it into either another Fire Fang, or a Bite.

Or just doing what she was doing now.

Flamethrower erupted out from her jaws as she held her head towards the sky, Venomoth clutched between her fangs. Causing the flames to erupt sideways as Venomoth blocked the line of fire.

And then it was over.

Arcanine dropped the unconscious Venomoth.

I held my breath for a moment. My heart was pounding. My eyes burned. My ears run. But we had done it. Taken out the Venomoth.

“Return.” Koga called out simply, Venomoth disappearing, and I returned my focus towards Koga as he grabbed his second Pokeball.

“Muk.” He called out revealing his second choice.

Where Venomoth was tiny. Muk was huge. A mountain of sludge and a smell that made me instantly gag ripped through the area.

Arcanine instantly yelped at the stink flinching back despite her previous battle spirit.

“Extreme Flame Wheel!”

“Minimize.” Koga informs me again only after the move begins. The mountain of poison and horrible gunk practically vanished, as it dropped in size suddenly.

Arcanine still hit though. Blasting the pile of sludge with a wall of fire as she plowed through it.

But Muk wasn’t ending it there.

Suddenly its arm shot out of its back, and slapped Arcanine across her face causing her to yelp as she flinched her front legs completely leaving the ground as she struggled to control herself.

I noticed why a moment later. She had mud in her eyes. I flinched. Seriously Koga? You asshole.

“Toxic Mud Slap. I found the normal Mud Slap to be a good move to adapt into a stronger move. And Muks Toxic makes using mud a good transfer method.”

I grit my teeth. Before I could even call out an attack. Muk had moved first. Exploding in a sludge bomb point blank, Arcanine having flinched at Muks horrible stench attack meaning she couldn’t even dodge.

I winced as she hit the ground and rolled.

This time she didn’t rise up.

“Return.” I called out, knowing she was done.

“Your Pokemon are strong. You focus on Evasion and Poison… If my Pokemon gets poisoned early on in the fight, I bet the rest of the battle would be me just chasing after your retreating Pokemon.”

“Correct. I am Koga, and my specialty in Poison types isn’t my only ability. Evasion moves are my strongest tool. It does not matter how powerful your Pokemon is, if they can not land a hit.”

I nodded. Made sense. I mean, they usually banned evasive moves in some tournaments, that’s how broken they were in Pokemon games.

I gripped my next Pokeball. “Go Dragonite!”

She appeared, a single flap of her wings landed her on the ground with a rumble. She was quiet. Suspiciously so, until I got a look at her face.

Ooooh she mad. She looked like Iris’s Dragonite at that moment. As she slowly worked her hands as if just hoping to get her hands on her enemy to rip them apart.

“I had seen a single picture of your Dragonite from afar, I will admit seeing a Dragonite from this close is always an impressive view. Are you ready?”

“I am.”
“Muk Acid Armor.”

“Dragonite! Extreme Dragon Rush!”

The two Pokemon moved. Muks tiny form suddenly glowing as it seemed to have a flowing stream of something coating it, but that was all I could see because a heartbeat later Muk was an explosion of poison as Dragonite smashed into where Muk used to be.

I quickly put my goggles on.

I was well within the splash zone.

But to my shock Muk wasn’t knocked out.

“Substitute!” I gasped. Realizing that Muk was still unharmed, it had replaced itself with a substitute!

Damn ninjas!

“Dragonite! Fly!”

I called out just as a sludge bomb roared towards her. She just managed to slip past the attack as she burst into the air. Her natural space now as a flying type, meant the attacks completely missed as she disappeared into the air.

f*ck. How do you handle evasive Pokemon?

Step 1: Don’t fight them.

Damn f*cked up on step one.

Okay how else?

Have a move that always hits like swift… f*ck. Okay don’t have that. How else!?

I closed my eyes Dragonite was up in the sky waiting for a response, and Muk was definitely not going to hit her from up there.

Although he was definitely getting type to prep more nonsense.

There was a move that increased accuracy… I know there was. I remembered seeing someone mess with an evasion team using it. I also knew Dragonite could learn it, but right now with my ears ringing and my eyes still showing stars from Flash. I wasn’t able to think.


“Dragon Dance!” I called out as loud as I could.

If Koga wanted to turn this into a buff fest? I would give him just that.

Koga continued to say nothing, but that didn’t matter to his Muk, who was continuing to do buff moves after buff moves.

It had even gotten smaller. But that didn’t matter. If I couldn’t catch him with skill just use power.

It was quiet for a minute. Both of our Pokemon simply taking the time to do what they wanted. Before finally Dragonite Roared.

“Extreme Dragon Rush!” I yelled out in response, causing Dragonite to go from high in the sky to on the floor in an instant.

She might as well have teleported.

The next moment the ground exploded. The purple aura of angry dragon energy slamming into the mud had caused a massive explosion.

Dragonite was as buffed up as Dragon Dance could go. That meant not only was her speed and strength out of this world. But she was also using Extreme speed to go even faster.

Straight down.

Did she use Dragon Rush, or Earthquake? I had to question as the ground beneath me rumbled as something like five hundred pounds of angry dragon hit the ground.

I rolled and struggled to get back to my feet after the strike.

I was really glad I was a 100% Verified super genius… for putting on my goggles. I wiped the mud from my face to see what happened. Dragonite was upright, and Muk? Well he was a splatter… Mostly there… And over there, oh and there was a piece of him over there.

“Gunk shot.” Koga simply replied, and all those pieces of Muk that we had just smashed? They weren’t actually Muk.

Substitute again. Motherf*cker.

“Protect!” I called out just in time as chunks of filthy… something shot from multiple locations around the field. How?

I kept my eye out watching as the Protect shield blocked multiple hits, but it took a few moments before I got it.

Only one of the hits was real.

“Dragonite! Most of the attacks are illusions! It’s Muk using Double Team! Find the one that is hitting for real!”

“Drag!” She roared out, instantly her head shooting towards her left. Her eyes tracking.

She blitzed without a word. She knew what to do. Once again the static noise of Extreme Speed echoed out, as mud literally burst from where she was from the shockwave of her launch she rushed towards where the mini Muk was hiding.

The shattering of the ground at her hit once again caused the mud to splatter across the area and once again when it cleared Dragonite was on watch.

So was I.

I didn’t believe for a second that would be it.


“Protect!” I called out just in time. Once again a barrage of Gunk Shot slammed into Dragonites shield, and once again only one of the attacks was real.

Dragonite didn’t need to be told this time. She shot off. Once more in a burst of speed searching.

The game of cat and mouse continued but I was watching Koga.

He wasn’t ruffled at all. His Muk continued to play cat and mouse.

“I thank you Victoria. It is not often one gets to battle a Dragonite. The experience will help me greatly against Lance.” Koga offered, finally breaking his silent vigil.

I just scoffed. “I doubt Lance and I will fight much alike.”

“No you don’t. But it is valuable all the same.”

“Do you have time to talk? Your Muk is getting close to being smashed.”

“Oh? Is that what you believe to be happening? Muk has already won this battle.”

I blinked. What was that supposed to mean? His words made me double check my eyes roving around the battleground trying to catch what Koga had noticed.

When I finally realized it as a protect once more blocked an attack.

Dragonite was breathing hard.

And her skin was turning purple.

“What? When!? None of your attacks hit!”

“Muk poisoned her on her first aerial strike. When she hit the ground she landed in a patch of Toxic, that Muk had left on his substitute.” He answered simply.

I flinched. I had missed it. Too focused on trying to keep an eye on the tiny ninja Muk.

I hate ninjas.

“Dragonite! No more Protect! Hurricane!” And at my call Dragonite did just that. Her fings flapped once. Then twice, and then the entire area suddenly started being blasted with heavy wind.

I hadn’t really done much training with this move. After her evolution we had mostly focused on adapting to her new body, over working with moves.

But all Dragonite could use Hurricane, it was their evolution move. Just like Extreme Speed was Arcanines.

So while it was definitely not as strong as it could be. Dragonites training had focused on the physical, I pulled a Surge.

If I couldn’t hit Muk then I would just hit everything, and I had been watching.

Muk had powered up his Def, but not his SpDef.

The sound of the wind was all I could hear for a while before it finally died down. Dragonites wings were beating weakly as she hunched over gasping for breath.

“Return!” I called out instantly. She was done.

“Return.” Koga spoke not too long after, as I noticed that Muk wasn’t minimized anymore, but full size and unconscious.

I was a little surprised to see Muk unconscious already.

We had only hit it… Once? I wasn’t even sure to be honest. Koga must have noticed my confusion.

“Substitute.” He replied to my confusion which filled me in. Substitute took the Pokemons health to make, that’s right. Muk had probably used it three times, leaving him with only a quarter of his normal health.

“Wait.” I called out as he reached for his next Pokeball. My own hands were hovering over mine, rubbing each ball. I had a decision here. I sighed. Closing my eyes as I nodded. “I forfeit.” I call out surprising the ninja.

“Are you sure?”

“I am. I have three other Pokemon, but none of them are prepared for this sort of battle.” Chansey would do it, I know she would. She was strong, and more than willing to help out, but it would hurt her every time she was forced to attack.

Dratini was just outright not an option. The baby was a baby.

And Gyarados? Well… He still needed a lot of training to catch up. He had only evolved two days before. He wasn’t ready for this level of battle either.

Besides, I shivered. I was still a bit hesitant to release him.

“I see.” Koga offered with a simple nod. He steps away from where he had been standing this whole time turning towards the house that was utterly covered in mud…


My hand grasped the plastic of Dragonites Pokeball. I had lost. Finally, truly lost. Honestly? When my ears stop ringing and my eyes stop flashing, maybe I would get a little depressed but right now, I am just wet, cold, and muddy.

“Please join me.” He offers startling me from my attention towards the mess. I eeped a bit as I broke out into a jog to catch up.

“Umm Sorry about the mess?”

“Oh? Ah, it is no matter. The Genin will have a new task to work on, nothing more.” He offered with a shrug, and continued to lead me inside. A moment after entering, a woman dressed in an expensive Kimono approached, offering towels, and assistance in wiping the mud off the both of us.

My apology didn’t faze her, as she simply pushed a towel into my face and started wiping.

Ack! Her Mom power was stronk!

When we were clean enough not to make a disaster I was led into a nice little tea room that was warmed up.

I hesitated because I was more worried about my Pokemon. But Koga waved me forward. “There is a transporter here that will take your team to the Fuchsia Pokemon Center. A minor benefit of a Gym Leader.” He spoke softly waving me over and after a few moments I confirmed the machine hidden in a small hutch was just that.

I placed my Pokeballs inside watching as they teleported away.

“Come sit. Victoria Ferrous.” He added taking a seat in Seiza, which I did sort of copy. I was never good at it though.

He took a moment to sip at the tea, which I copied. Blegh. But at least it was warm.

“Your battle today, are you proud of it?”

I blinked at the sudden question taking another sip of warm tea as I considered it. Am I proud of the battle? How it went?

“Not entirely. I could have done better.”

Koga nodded. “I once fought Lance Wataru, years before he became the Champion.” Koga offered simply, taking a sip. “In that early battle I lost. Although he was fighting my eight badge team, and not a team I was preparing to take a challenge to the Elite Four. That day I knew he would become the Champion. That Johto had once more defeated us.”

“Lance is the Indigo Champion. He is the Champion for both regions.”

“Yes, and yet still he is a Johtan. If a war once more broke out. Everyone knows what side he would be on… Even with every other member of the Elite Four on our side. Lance, ‘our’ Champion is nothing of the sort.”

I waited, quietly I didn’t have anything to say, and while I was pretty sure I was picking up on what he was saying ‘underneath’ what he was actually saying. I wanted him to actually say it.

“When I fought you today, I felt the same thing I faced when I fought Lance. If you had been fighting my Eight Badge team, you would have won your Soul Badge. With Star.”

I don’t think I’m at the same level as Lance.”

“No. Not yet. He has years of experience you don’t. A Clan that honed him into a Champion. Yet even so you challenged him.”

“Yeah. I did.”

“At your current rate. Despite your explosive growth. You will not reach Lance. You may be capable of taking the League. But even the weakest of the Elite Four would put a halt to your path.”

I shrug. “I’ll grow a lot between then and now. I don’t even have a full team yet.”

“Indeed. You still have time. Your Journey is not yet complete… Which is why I wish to offer you a choice.” He looked up Koga’s eyes sharp, the eyes of a man that was very much capable of murdering someone if he must.

I had a realization that Koga being a Ninja meant that during the last war he very likely terrorized Johtan trainers.

And probably put an end to many.

“Stay and train under me for a few months. You nearly embody the ideal of a Kantonian trainer. No tricks that some other Regions use, but simply overwhelming power used exactly where it needs to be. Over the next few months I will train you and your team every day. We will sharpen each other iron on iron.”

I honestly hadn’t expected that. I had walked into this room expecting maybe some advice, and an offer to challenge again. Maybe an offer to show me where I needed to improve.

“You want me to become a Gym Trainer?”

“No. A Gym Trainer is similar, but I have no desire in wasting your time on petty chores. I want to hone you to the edge, so that when you hit the Indigo League. Johto is reminded why Kanto stands on its own. Why no matter how many Dragons they send over Mount Silver. It is Kanto they fear above all other regions.”

“Why me? I know I’m not the only talented Kanto girl. I mean. I bet there are trainers a year or two older than me that would probably send me packing.”

“It is because they are older than you that weakens the statement. Did you know that Lance was fifteen when he finally defeated the Indigo League? That it took an additional year afterwards to make him ready to challenge Champion Blaine? Did you know that the League he competed in before that final match was the Kantonian circuit? He traveled through our Gyms. Defeating every Challenger.”

“Ah, he made everyone afraid that even at fifteen he was scary. So you want me to do the same thing but at ten.”

“Exactly. I almost wish we had sent you to the Johtan circuit. The impact would be all the greater, but make no mistake. I want you to defeat Wataru. I want you to crush the confidence of the Johtans.”

I considered what Koga was really saying. The heavy heavy politics that were in play. The fact that there was tension between the two countries, the fact that Lance was Johtan, and in essence had no peer?

I could see why someone like Koga, a ninja, might want to ensure Lance was humbled.

“One question. Do you want Lance defeated because you want to prevent the Johtan side of the League from thinking they could beat us in a war. Or because you want the Kanto side to feel confident that they could beat Johto?” I asked fiercely. Daring the man to lie to me. As I struck at the true question.

If I defeated Lance. Would I cause a f*cking war?

Koga blinked a single motion across his face before he was blank.


“You are more aware than you let on.” He replied. “I will be clear then. I wish to ensure that the Johtans do not grow confident enough to start another war. Nor do I want Kanto to fight once more on the battlefield with Johto. The last war left us only devastation. Even winning would only lead to our own destruction.”

“In that case Gym Leader Koga. I accept! Let’s train hard!”

He nodded, smiling as he finished off his tea. “Indeed.”

Oh that was a sinister smile, there goes all my confidence.

Chapter 24

Chapter Text


After recollecting my Pokeballs from the transporter, I left for the day. Koga had told me to come by tomorrow in the morning, and we would begin.

Honestly it was still kinda weird. It wasn’t unheard of for an older trainer, or even a Gym Leader to take on trainers. Gym Trainers were just that. But I could tell that whatever Koga had planned, it wasn't normal training.

I sighed. I had a feeling I was really going to be pushed. Koga I felt, wasn’t the type of guy that had any chill.

Still I had a day. So I headed first to the Pokemon Center. I wanted to check on my team, and make sure everyone was fed.

Heading inside I claimed a room and released my team one at a time.

Milotic first.


“Oh don’t be down. You did great.” I told him as after releasing him he had grabbed me in his coils and was pouting. Gently stroking his fins I soothed his worries. “We fought really really strong Pokemon today. And we did great!”


“I’m not lying. We all got too used to winning. It’s good that we lost. We needed to learn what a loss was like.” I tell him as I sooth his mood. It was fine. A little bit of skinship is always important!

I giggled as he breathed out a huff against me, his blow holes? Actually I don’t know what they are called… Maybe I need to go ask a Pokemon Professor? Anyways, his huff blew air up my side tickling me.

“We just have to train hard and beat them next time. Besides he is going to help us train, so we will definitely defeat him before we leave. We gotta collect all those star badges you know? I like shiny stuff.” I tease him, earning a little wiggle of amusem*nt from my fish. Realizing I had him. I bent down and between his Blow holes, and blew him a massive raspberry.

“Mill!” He squealed, wrapping me up entirely to push me away from his sensitive scales. I got a little glare from my partner but my unrepentant giggles earned me a bit of ire.

That stopped when I saw him finish wrapping me up so I couldn’t escape.

“H-hey, Milotic, let’s not do anyTHIIIING!” I squealed as he pressed his blow holes up against my belly and raspberried me right back. My arms trapped at my sides all I had was kicking legs to try and resist my partners betrayal! “Me-Mercy!”

But Milotic had no mercy in his heart that day. He kept doing it until I was a crying mess. “P-pleeeease! I give Surrender!” I cried out trying to breathe before finally my partner accepted my unconditional surrender. Limp as I gasped for air still being held gently in his coils I could do nothing but breath as he looked down at me.

He looked smug!

Oooh! It was on now! I reached down and grabbed my Pokeballs throwing one to the corner of the room.

“Drag?” Dragonite questioned as she appeared looking a little down herself. But I had the perfect pick me up. Pushing my traitor off of me I leapt over to Dragonite and motioned for her to bend down.

Then I whispered my plan in her ear making sure my curious partner couldn’t make out what I was telling his wife.

Dragonites slight gloom at the loss disappeared as I finished my explanation. Looking from me, to Milotic.

Milotic was a very smart boy, because almost instantly he started slowly backing away. Too bad he wasn’t a genius boy, because if he was he would have run when he had the chance. Because a moment later Dragonite sauntered over to him arms wide and pulled him into a tight hug.

Then a moment later she pressed her face between his blow holes, and blew the loudest raspberry I had ever heard.

Of course it was completely overshadowed by the squeal Milotic released.

Dragonite stopped a moment later, holding her squirming eel husband for a moment until he stopped wiggling. Their eyes met, and I knew the face of doom.


“Dragonite.” She denied instantly, almost sounding husky as her grip didn’t slacken in the lightest. Then she went back on the attack.

It was Super Effective.


An hour later after Nurse Joy came to check on who was dying in my room. I finally granted mercy to my partner who looked worse now than he did after fighting Koga. Laying upside and limp in Dragonites arms after his tort-teasing. I let them both rest in their Pokeballs as I threw out Arcanine.

She was the one I was most worried about.

Her appearance in a flash of light showed I was still a novice when it came to knowing my team. Because Arcanine didn’t look down at her defeat. Oh no.

I almost had to go grab the fire extinguisher that was in every room. Because Arcanine was literally fired up.

“Hey! No fire inside!” I chastised quickly which did thankfully have her reel in her flames, but did nothing to dampen the eager look on her face.

I felt a chuckle break out as I looked at my dog. Shaking my head. What was I worrying about again?

“I accepted an offer by Koga to go through some training. You will definitely get a chance to fight his team again.” I told her which only made her eagerness all the more apparent as her body was practically vibrating at how much she wanted to fight again.

Her eyes were also blazing with fire. Literally.

“Arc! Arcanine!”

It took me a second as I considered what she barked before I got it. “No, we can't charge over there right now and battle him. Seriously Arcanine?”

She whined a bit her tail wagging, as she lowered herself onto her forearms butt up in the air as she hit me with Baby Doll Eyes.

It was not very effective.

“Not a chance. You just got knocked out, we are taking a rest. I am putting some food in you, and we are taking it easy. Tomorrow's training might actually be more crazy than our normal stuff.”

“Aaaarc.” She whined again pleading but I wasn't about to give in to that.

“No way. In fact. Just to keep you from running off…” I trail off noticing the way she stiffened and stopped her tail wagging. Yeah she was definitely planning on doing just that.

I threw out a Pokeball. “Dra? Tini-tini!” He cried out happily as she noticed we were in a safe place and instantly clambered onto Arcanine. She huffed as she settled all the way down letting Dratini climb up his favorite mountain. The little guy settled on her back and started making a nest in her fur curling up happily.

Arcanine puffed up her cheeks before popping it at me, a sign of her irritation with me before she lay all the way down and decided to take a nap.

Silly dog.

I checked in with everyone else. Even Gyarados, although I asked Nurse Joy for access to a larger room for that… And took a bath after.

Everyone got fed, and readied for the next day.


“Hello?” I asked as I walked up to the entrance of the Fuchsia gym. The large wooden door had opened automatically for me last time, but this time. Despite feeling like I was being watched, no one appeared. I knocked a few times and waited.

“Your situational awareness needs work.” The voice directly behind me mentioned startling me enough that I leapt off my feet.

“Don’t do that!” I hissed, turning to see Koga wearing his ninja outfit standing behind me.

“Come.” He offered instead of accepting my reprimand, which made me think I was going to be facing jump scares for the next while. I sighed and jogged along to catch up.

“So what kind of training first?”

“First? We gain understanding.” He offered simply leading me towards the same yard that we had our battle in the day before. It was still trashed, but it was obvious someone with Pokemon had gone through to fix some of it.

There was even grass starting to grow in the blasted out craters.


There was also a small table, and tea. What was it with people and tea? I could feel my stomach rumbling already. Stupid leaf water.

“Sit.” He ordered before taking his own seat. I now had tea in front of me. Greaaat. “Release your Milotic first.”

I shrugged doing just that. Milotic blinked at the situation before him as he settled closer once Koga motioned for him. “Your Pokemon are powerful. Well trained even. If not fully trained, but are they willing to put in the effort it will take to face a Champion? To face the Elite Four? The League?” He asked and I nodded instantly.

“Of course.”

“Ah, you speak for them quickly. But we are seeking understanding. Well? Do you have the will to push beyond any normal limits? To fight beside your trainer among the strongest Pokemon in the world?” Koga asked Milotic.

My mouth shut, as I realized where Koga was coming from. Not all pokemon wanted to put in the effort to become that strong. Just like not all humans wanted to go out and run marathons.

“Mii? Milo.” Milotic questions, sounding a little confused.

“You are a good partner for her. But she is seeking to stand upon the very pinnacle of the world. So do you have the will to stand beside her? Or should she find a new partner?”

“Milo!” My buddy denied instantly, sounding offended at the very idea.

“I have seen you battle. You do not give it your all. While you did fight hard, you never push yourself to the limits. As it stands, out of the three Pokemon I faced yesterday. You are the weak link.” Koga spoke absolutely no cushion for his impactful words.

Milotic flinched back at his voice.

“Hey. Milotic always fights for me!”

“Yes, but he has no spirit. You noticed it. That while he stands at your side, he does not seek to improve. He is not happy in battle.”

I flinched this time. “Milotic is very happy! I make sure of it!”

“You do your best. But he does not have the spirit of a battler. Compare him to your Arcanine. One seeks to improve to become the best. The other? Does nothing of the sort.” Koga said his eyes never leave Milotic who was looking stressed out.

I reached up to try and soothe him, but my fingers only made him flinch back.

“Just as your trainer must decide how far she wishes to go. So do you have a choice in this. Because if you are not willing to put in the work, you will hold her back from her future.” Koga answered and I felt myself puffing up. How dare he! Milotic was my buddy! My partner! He was great! I loved him even if he was lazy!

But for Milotic? Koga’s words hit him like a Hyper Beam. I could see in the way he was wavering. I could practically feel his heart breaking.

No way!

“No way!” I instantly denied nearly jumping out of my seat. “Milotic is my partner! I don’t know what kind of relationship you have with your team, but none of us are perfect! If he doesn’t love training as much as Arcanine, that doesn’t make him wrong! He will always be on my team, there is no one else I would want at my side!”

The field was quiet for a moment before I felt a fin wrap around me and pull me close. Milotic snuggled his head into the crook of my shoulder for a moment.

But it wasn’t for comfort. Instead a hiss filled the air as he blew the air out of his blowholes. A rumbling noise more like an engine than a Pokemon.

“Good. It seems you have found your spirit after all.” Koga answered simply after taking in the sight of Milotic for a moment. “That feeling inside you? The outrage? Keep it close. Because you will be tested the hardest by my training. Keep the will to improve going strong, and I will ensure that you are ready to stand at your trainers side. No matter how far she climbs.”

“Mii!” Milotic grunted a harsher noise than his norm as he nearly glared at the Ninja.

I shook my head as I turned to Milotic, pulling his attention to me with a hand on his cheek. “I never doubted that however far I ‘climb’ that you will be with me.” I tell him firmly, which only seemed to fire him up even more instead of re-assuring him.


“Excellent. Now, let us speak of the rest of your team.”


Koga didn’t question Arcanine, or Dragonite, simply reaffirming that they wanted to grow as strong as they could. Stronger than any other. Before nodding and accepting their dedication.

But then I pulled out Chansey.


“Yes. I have heard about your Chansey. Why didn’t you use her in our battle?”

“Chansey is strong, she loves getting stronger, but she doesn’t like hurting others. She would have fought hard, but I don’t want to hurt her by making her hurt others.” I answered with a shrug.

“I see. Do you accept that? Your trainer believes you to be strong, but has no faith in you, will not force you to battle. Are you happy accepting that?” Koga asked, and once again I was forced to scowl.

“Chansey is my friend. If she doesn’t want to fight she doesn’t have to! She has helped my team so much it’s not even funny, so-”

“That is not what I asked. I asked if she was happy knowing that she did not have your faith in battle.” Koga asked, and I was about to rip into him again when Chansey reached out and put her arm over my mouth. I blinked looking towards her as she looked.


Chansey shouldn’t be sad! Chansey was best when she was perky and happy, but her arm was still over my mouth.

“Chansey… Chanse chansey chansey.” She said, sounding… sad. Neither of us were seemingly capable of fully understanding such a long statement, but a moment later Chansey sighed, turning to me, and pushing my cheeks until I was staring into her eyes.

“Chansey.” She apologized holding my face between her flippers. She bent down and put us forehead to forehead for a moment.

Then I was engulfed in a warm hug. Which I instinctually returned.

A few moments later she pulled away and gave me a firm nod. A certain fire blazing in her eyes that I recognized when she was at her most eager for training.

But this wasn’t about training. It was about being willing to be strong. Not just train to get there.

I nodded in return, what else could I do when my kindest Pokemon showed off just how far she was willing to go.

“You want to fight.” I say, not a question but a statement. We both knew.

She nodded her arms pumping once a sign of how firm she was.

“Excellent. Surprising, but excellent.” Koga broke in, giving a small nod. “I am impressed. Chansey rarely accept battling as an option. You have won her over.”

“No. I didn’t do anything. She just… Discovered her own desire, I guess.” I offered. It was what I was feeling from her at that moment. A sense beyond the five. More than intuition.

“Chanse.” She agreed with a final nod before she turned to Koga. Firm.

“Then it is decided. I look forward to seeing what you can do with a firm resolve.” He looked back to me. “You do have two others.”

I wince. “Yeah. I have a Dratini.” I reveal earning another look of surprise from Koga before he catches on.

“The Dragonite, and Milotic?”

“Yep. They are a couple.”

“I see… This is something you should never reveal to anyone you don’t fully trust… No even more keep it in your family. Blackthorne will not react to you catching a wild Dragonite, more than they already did. But if they believe you will start breeding the line. They will not stand idly by.”

I nodded. “I’ll just say I caught another one. I basically did after all.”

“Do so. I have never come up with a training plan for a Dratini before.” He muttered, sounding interested.

“He is too young. He is basically still a baby. He… light training might not be a bad idea. He is a Dragon after all, but that is it.” I interrupt before Koga could come up with something crazy.

He quirked an eye brow. “Have you ever trained a young Pokemon before? One that is recently hatched?” He asked me and I shook my head.

“Let your Pokemon train, even the youngest. It is healthy for even baby Pokemon to exercise.”

I puffed up my cheeks for a moment thinking about it. I didn’t want Dratini to get hurt! He was our happy little camper!

But he probably would like a chance to practice moves…


“Good. I have a few young Genin that would be suitable for practice battles. Finally, your sixth Pokemon. I haven’t gained any information on it.” He asked, prodding to find out what he didn’t know.

I winced. Which was noticed by sharp ninja eyes.

“You… Fear your last Pokemon?”

“No! It’s not fear… Just… It’s kinda…” Ugh how do I explain this?

Oh right. Just do.

“Okay here. I’ll show you… Just don’t freak out okay? Everything is under control.”

The ninja gave me a quirked eyebrow at my explanation as I backed away from the table… Then thought better of it and backed away even more.

He was a chonker after all.

With a sigh I dragged down my goggles making sure they were sealed around my eyes, and even grabbed my re-breather. Mostly because it would work as a mouth guard.

Then I released my Gyarados.

His roar shook the entire mansion as he came out a wordless roar as always Gyarados weren’t very chatty. More the rampage type.

Of course a moment after his materialization. He focused on me, his eyes focused as they narrowed.

I sighed a little, a whistling sound coming out of my rebreather as a moment later the sun cut out.

Ah. I had made a joke like this before. Gyarados had no mercy. Only slobber.

A moment later I was lifted off my feet, boots kicking in the wind as Gyarados rose back up waving me from side to side.

In happiness.

See Gyarados doesn’t have arms. Like any animal that doesn’t have arms, their mouth tends to act as their hands…

Yeah Gyarados was hugging me, by stuffing me in his mouth.

It was sweet. If not utterly disgusting, fish saliva isn’t like mammal saliva, it was worse. I was in his mouth. So I was basically laying on top of his tongue that was licking me happily as Gyarados did a little dance showing how happy he was.

Of course that was my understanding. I figured most people that would see a Gyarados swallow a girl and then shift around as if he was struggling to swallow her would have a different reaction.

This is why I had hesitated in throwing out Gyarados in battle, well other than the fact he still needed a lot of training anyways.

After a minute or so I patted his cheek. “C’mon pal. Time to let me go.” I call out from around the rebreather.

Unfortunately the thing didn’t really block out the smell, or make it easier to breathe.

Slowly I was shifted down, to be placed on my feet, even if it was obvious my big fish didn’t want to let me go.

Once I was finally released I pulled my hat off, massive clumps of saliva sticking to my entire body as I waved my hand to mostly get it free. My goggles stayed on. But I took off the rebreather, blew my lips a bit as I could still taste the fish saliva. Forcing myself not to gag I did my best to clear out my mouth.

Peeling a chunk of sticky saliva out of my hair and throwing it to the ground in a sticky heap beside me I turned to Koga who had been watching.

I could tell right away, he had in fact been ready to save me. He was no longer sitting but was on his feet with a Pokeball clenched in his hand. But it was his face. Slack and staring other than his raised eyebrows that told me he had eventually realized what was happening.

“Yeah… This is Gyarados he is a good boy… Just a little affectionate. I’m working on that.”

“I see.”


A week into my training. I decided to take a small break.Weekends were for relaxing after all! Up until now I had been staying in a room in Koga’s ninja mansion. Which was meant to help me adapt to ninja stuff. But listen, you can only get trapped in a pitfall you didn’t notice in the middle of the night while walking to the bathroom so many times before you decided you needed some normalcy.

Walking through Fuchsia was interesting. The town felt old. Lots of tiny little streets you would find in cities from before cars were a common thing. Lots of old compounds. And homes that were probably taking design ques from a few hundred years in the past.

It was an odd feeling. Viridian tended to be more of a new town. So I wasn't used to everything looking like it was from the warring states period of Japan.

Well I was being a little overblown with that, but still. It was weird.

Still I wasn’t walking through Fuchsia today to enjoy the architecture. No, I was heading through town to reach something I hadn’t had a chance to really enjoy yet!

As we came down the stone path, my boots stomping through the rocks turning to sand I felt a big grin spread across my face.

The beach! Fuchsia was famous for its beach!

Mandatory Beach episode!

I giggled as I quickly shucked off my boots and raced out onto the yellow sands.

Rushing past the sun bathers and the people running around playing beach games. The day was warm but not too hot, and clouds were out lazily drifting across the sky!

“Perfect day for the beach!” I yelled out to the waves earning a few weird looks from people that could hear me, but what did I care! Beach day!

I had gone shopping the day before for a new swimsuit. Unfortunately Fuchsia really needed better options, for some reason they didn’t have any mature styles of bathing suits in my size. I was stuck with a variety of Pokemon themed one pieces…

I picked the Dewgong style one after an hour of looking them all over. Not a single Magikarp themed one? I was very disappointed!

“Come on out! Beach Party!” I yelled out, releasing almost all of my team from their Pokeballs.

There were a ton of Pokemon on the beach, far distant from the relaxing area we were in, there was even a beach battle zone!

So releasing Pokemon wasn’t unusual, but releasing my team? Yeah that was a bit of a shock to people.

I could hear the distant gasps as people ever curious about Pokemon in this world looked over only to startle at the incredibly rare Pokemon I had just let out.

Men and women, girls and boys all wandering around in their swimsuits, whether swimming in the ocean, sunbathing, or playing games all stopped once they noticed.

That even included the bunch of Pokemon already on the beach. Kanto wasn’t a very progressive region when it came to keeping Pokemon out of their Pokeballs, but a beach was different. Plenty of people would let out their Pokemon to play with. So my team was getting looks from all over.

Not that any of us really cared.

“Mii! Milo milotic mi.” Milotic called out happily at seeing the waves in front of him as he quickly reached over to Dragonite who was looking around, and grabbed her hand with his fin as he tugged her into the waves.

“Preee!” She squealed in happiness as she followed her love.

Arcanine was already off. A blitz of sand was the only thing remaining of her as she raced across the sands.

She hadn’t ever run on sand before! Within moments my pup had the zoomies like crazy and was rushing to and fro kicking up a spray of sand as she passed.

And then my silly ditz of a dog started attacking the ocean. Rushing in as the waves retreated to bite at the sea foam before retreating under the threat of the waves.

She was getting a lot of attention from everyone watching, plenty of the people around us were calling out and pointing at my group.

It was cute.

Chansey though was looking around happily as she took in the whole scene. Since no one seemed to be injured she finally found her focus on a group of beach goers and Pokemon playing Beach Volleyball and wandered over with a quick. “Chansey!” To me as she ran off.

I watched as Chansey approached the group, one of the sides was down a teammate as the trainer looked like they were off to the side resting.

The lone Machoke flexed at Chansey as she approached trying to show off, only to get flexed on when Chansey did the same, and somehow despite being a blob of pink and goodness the Machoke realized he wasn’t the chad between the two. I giggled at his look of shock, but Chansey was invited to the game, only to start with a twenty foot back flip kick to spike the ball straight into the sand.

Really Chansey? Did you have to emasculate the poor Machoke completely? He was crying!

Oh no. He was just worshiping the Goddess of Gains. Nevermind.

I giggled as I turned away leaving her to her fun. I noticed Dratini was following his parents into the surf squealing at the cold water as he played among the waves. I noticed both Dragonite and Milotic were keeping a close eye on him as he played though so I relaxed. I didn’t want anyone to get the stupid idea of trying to mess with him.

With that I was ready. I quickly grabbed my goggles and my rebreather. And pulled up my last Pokeball.

“Hey Gyarados. No flying today okay?” I whispered to his ball knowing he could hear me.

I wanted to keep the whole flying Gyarados thing a secret until the League.

I could feel a nasty smirk spreading across my face as I imagined the faces of all the fools that would challenge my flying Gyarados.

“Hihihihihi!” I giggled uncontrollably for a minute before clearing my throat and readying myself for my overly affectionate blue baby.

“Go Gyarados!” I called as I tossed the Pokeball into the ocean and a moment later in the waves he rose up as usual with a roar.

Funnily enough out of the corner of my eye I had noticed one of the life guards coming over looking obviously fascinated by Dragonite and Milotic. The woman had been walking over with a big smile was now no longer doing that instead backtracking with her butt in the sand as she realized what had just popped into being.

I ignored the screams of shock from the beachgoers, they were just fussing. Instead I focused on my blue cutie!

“Hugs?” I prompted arms wide and ready. Instantly his eyes were set on target as his mouth opened and he rushed forward.

The sun disappeared.

I of course couldn’t tell what the beachgoers were doing at this point. But I could guess. They had just seen a tiny little girl release a Gyarados and then get swallowed by it. I kicked my feet a bit which was the only part of me outside his mouth.

I could feel him wiggling side to side happily at being with me once again. My poor guy got lonely in his Pokeball, but he really was too big to leave out… Now if only his mouth wasn’t full of icky goo. I mean sure, I wasn’t new to this anymore. Gyarados got a morning hug… And a before lunch hug… And of course his goodnight hug. So I wasn’t as bothered by it anymore really. I mean still gross though.

Oh well. We all accept sacrifices for our loved ones. It was gross, but it wasn’t painful or anything so I accepted the hug.

I could faintly hear screams of horror from outside, though. I sighed. “Okay buddy. You gotta let me out early, so people don’t freak out… I don’t want anyone attacking you.” I told him patting his cheek, and I could feel his hesitating since I was ending his hug early. He did bend down and I could feel my feet touch sand as he pulled away.

But not without massive lengths of fish saliva streaming from him to me as he pulled away.

So gross!

Taking off my rebreather I quickly blew across my lips trying to keep the taste out of my mouth.

“Your alive!?” A voice called out and I glanced behind me at a group of four trainers all with Pokemon out looking ready to battle. I blinked. Oops. I guess it was a good thing I had Gyarados let me go. Now how to deal with this? I had just scared a whole bunch of people that were just trying to relax and hang out in the sun…

“Oops?” I offered knocking on my head cutely. Ah yeah that did it. That look of utter incomprehension? Perfect. Once more I avoid all responsibility for my actions by confusing everyone!

I turn back towards my Blue Cutie. “Wanna go explore?” I ask him, earning a roar of happiness as he bent down. I clambered up only stepping on his nose for a moment as I grabbed onto his horn above his head.

“Let’s go!” I called out with a laugh as Gyarados didn’t hesitate. Leaping from the beach spray with massive acceleration only to splash us face first into the ocean.

It was a good thing I was so strong, otherwise I would have been flung off!

But I had my rebreather on once again and I was giggling as I escaped into the ocean! Free of all consequences!


Standing atop Gyarados as we explored the bottom of the ocean was great! We found all sorts of Pokemon to say hi to! Although most ran away as soon as they saw my lonely blue cutie. But that was fine! Because I was here to show him he wasn’t alone!

Even Dratini eventually joined us. We hadn’t gone far from the beach so seeing my little noodle boy swim up appearing almost out of nothing as he blended into the water so well was great. He was soon leading Gyarados and I around to little nooks and crannies that he wanted to explore with us!

It was adorable that Dratini was completely unafraid of Gyarados. They were little buddies! Despite their size. Gyarados was pretty young too. So the two of them got along super well! Watching my tiny little noodle lead the massive noodle around was so adorable Gyarados was always so enraptured in whatever Dratini wanted.

Eventually though it got cold, I had worn a bathing suit and not my wetsuit. So I decided to head back. Plus Dratini had gotten a little too close to an angry Krabby and almost got his little nose clamped, so he was feeling far less adventurous than before.

I guided my little explorers back to the beach. Gyarados’s sudden appearance once more startled the beach goers, but considering I was literally standing on his head that should keep them from freaking out.

“Oh my god!” I squealed loudly as I looked over to my team.

Dragonite and Milotic! They were! They were! Too f*cking cute!

I could guess instantly what had happened. Plenty of people were out on inner tubes to rest in the waves. The tiny tubes were definitely too small for Dragonite, but she must have wanted to ride in one!

Milotic was all curled up in a ring with Dragonite sitting atop him. Her little feet splashing in the water as Milotics head rested on her stomach as the two of them floated around.

Ugh! Heart attack!? Is this how I die!? Cute Overload?

Since I was back, Dragonite and Milotic even gave little waves of greeting! Nooo! They were too bright! I covered my eyes which was dumb.

Mostly cause I was ten feet off the ground and holding onto Gyarados’s horn to stay upright… Well I had been holding on. My fall wasn’t very dramatic. I gave a half startled gasp before I slipped sideways off Gyarados as his horn was pretty slick with all the water, and had a short trip to land in the sand with a ‘poof’ that probably sounded worse than it was.

Honestly I was fine. Tripping under Gravity was worse.

Groaning a bit I started to rise up when a hand quickly grabbed my arm and tugged me up. “C’mon!” I was urged on with surprising urgency as I was tugged to my feet spitting sand. I weakly tugged back on the hand as I wiped the sand from my eyes. Finally I could blink away the annoying sand and caught sight of who was tugging me along.

“Officer Jenny?” I questioned noticing her pulling me away and her Growlithe on the beach not far away fur ruffled up and looking like it was preparing for battle.

“That's right. Now let’s move! We need to get away from that Gyarados!” She urged and it was then that I noticed it wasn’t just Jenny rushing away. The entire beach was scattering at Gyarados’s second appearance.

Well that just wouldn’t do.

I put my feet down, and while I didn’t mass anything close to Officer Jenny, I was a strong little girl!

I slowed her with more force than she was expecting, forcing her to finally stop and look back and realize that Gyarados was hovering over me because of course my noodle boy didn’t want to be left alone!

Her surprise gave me just enough leverage to push her hand off my upper arm even as she struggled to reach back out for me. I giggled as I danced back under Gyarados’s shadow.

“Hey! That is dangerous!”

“Say what now?” I question as I reach up to Gyarados who instantly lowered himself letting me clamp onto his entire face.

Despite that fact I was small enough to fit in his mouth I grabbed onto his cheeks and giggled as he lifted me off the sand, his head bobbing a little in a dance at how happy he was to be hugged by me this time.

“This crazy girl! Hey Gyarados are dangerous! Get away from it!”

“For you maybe! This is my Pokemon! Why would I get away from him? You are being silly!” I called down, turning just my head so I could keep holding tight. With a frown I noticed the Growlithe looking like it was preparing a Flamethrower.

“Arcanine! Take control!” I called out. And then in a blur of sand and static noise my girl was there. Standing between Gyarados and the Growlithe.

The Growlithe who instantly hesitated. It’s training of listening to Jenny going against its instincts to listen to an Arcanine.

Thankfully, her sudden appearance drew a lot of attention from Jenny who yelped and landed on her butt in the sand.

“Wha? What is going on here!” She demanded, sounding pretty irritated at the whole situation.

“Don’t know. But you need to stop being mean to my Gyarados! He is a lonely boy with a kind sensitive soul!” I yell down earning a few extra shakes from my noodle as he wiggles happily.

I was just being a little protective, but really if she makes him cry I’ll… I’ll Hyper Beam her police bike! Officer Jenny’s always protective of their bikes!

“I got a report of a little girl kidnapped by a Gyarados!” Jenny yelled up at me looking pretty pissed.

“Kidnapped? Isn’t that impossible? Gyarados is my big sappy boy! Isn’t that right my cutie?” I asked, mushing Gyarados’s face as I squeezed harder.

Which then made him start licking me…

“Ack! No no lick-Blegh!” I whined as I got fish saliva in my mouth!

Gross! So nasty!

“Just… Just come down here… Let me fill out my report.” Officer Jenny demanded with an exhausted noise as she pulled out a notebook.

“Urp! Y-Yeah down is good.” I said face turning green at the taste in my mouth.


“Officer Jenny.” Koga’s voice interrupted the stare off between me and Jenny. She was still pissed about all the calls about a wild Gyarados kidnapping a little girl on the beach that she was still apparently fielding.

Seriously, people need to relax about Gyarados. They weren’t that bad! Just have an electric type if you are so afraid!

“Gym Leader Koga. Now is not a good time.” She offered only turning away from me for a moment as she had been trying to glare me into submission. Unfortunately for her I was a precocious type! Which made me immune to stern glares!

“I am afraid, it is. Victoria is one of my Gym Trainers.” Koga offered, which caused Jenny’s neck to literally snap as she swung back to him with a glare.

“You have got to be-”

“I am not, and I know it is routine to warn trainers about dangerous Pokemon, but Victoria has shown no issues in controlling her team. Even the Gyarados. It is in fact surprisingly… compliant to her whims.”

“You don’t have to say whims. That makes me sound dumb. At least say orders.” I mutter, earning a single look from Koga before he turns back to Jenny.

“I don’t care if she is a Gym Trainer Koga. We can’t have kids releasing Gyarados on the beach! Do you have any idea of how much trouble she has caused? How many hysterical calls we received from people freaking out? It’s a Gyarados!”

“It is a trainer’s Pokemon.” Koga offered with a shrug. “Unless you are saying the Gyarados caused any destruction?”

“No.” She offered with a petulant noise.

“Then did it attack anyone?”

“Unless you count nearly swallowing its trainer… No.”

“Then it appears, Officer Jenny, that people were making unneeded calls to the Police.” Koga offered without any heat, before turning to me. “Do you have your team?”

I patted my hip, where despite wearing my Dewgong swimsuit I had my Pokemon ball belt.

“Then we should be on our way. I am sure Officer Jenny has more important things to concern her time with.” He ordered as he turned away and walked up the stone path back towards Fuchsia. I hopped off Officer Jenny’s Bike that she had settled me on after pulling me off the beach and turned to the red faced officer.

“Sorry Officer Jenny.” I said earnestly before running off to catch up with Koga.

“That was a bit more of a mess than I expected.” I speak at Koga’s back after a minute of silent walking.

“It was irresponsible.” He offered simply without stopping.

But see, that kinda pissed me off.

“My Pokemon were perfectly well behaved. It is not Gyarados’s fault that people are afraid of them, and I won’t punish him by keeping him from activities because people are afraid!” I snap instantly. Having had quite enough of today's nonsense.

Koga actually stilled at my anger as he turned to me. “It is the first duty of all trainers, especially in Kanto to protect the people around them. It is why we are given such latitude, the duty of those on their Journey is to show that they are responsible not just for their own safety, but the safety of their fellow man.”

“Gyarados isn't a threat to anyone! And I also have a responsibility to protect and care for my team! Make sure they are healthy and happy!”

“Your Pokemon are tools. If your use of them causes harm, then that is a failure on-”

“Pokemon are not tools!” I yell cutting him off. I glare at him for a while before shaking my head. “Today. My Gyarados got to spend time with me while he explored the ocean for the first time. He got to play with his friend Dratini, and in the end he had a good time. If scaring people that should know better is the price I pay for his smile. Then I will do so every time.”

“Then you will cause mayhem wherever you go.”

“Maybe. But maybe people need mayhem as a wake up call. There were a lot of people who got to see me interact with Gyarados, who saw that he wasn’t some monster running around trying to destroy but just like every other Pokemon! They just want to be treated well, and have the same relationships that other Pokemon enjoy.” I yelled out heated from all the irritation I had been dealing with over the last hour.

“Your well trained Pokemon is not the same as Gyarados in the wild. You have likely never seen the aftermath of a Gyarados Rampage. I have, many times. People rightly fear Gyarados for a reason.”

“No, that isn't the same thing at all. A lot of those rampages are probably caused by people mistreating Magikarp in the first place! Gyarados are incredibly loyal to people that they love!”

“Every year hundreds are murdered by rampaging Gyarados. Every year. People are afraid of Gyarados for a reason, Victoria. I can guarantee you at least some of the people on the beach today have lost someone in a Pokemon attack, and at least one was likely from a Gyarados.”

“Then they need to see even more that we can be friends!”

Koga stopped talking for a moment. Simply staring at me for a while before sighing. “Friends. I have heard many people say Pokemon are friends in my life, many of them die at the hands of Pokemon.”

“Some Pokemon require friendship to evolve! Saying something like Pokemon aren’t our friends is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!”

“Pokemon do not need Friendship to evolve.” Koga argued instantly, sounding confused at my statement.

I looked him up and down for a moment remembering something from the early games. “You have a Golbat don’t you?”

Koga was quiet at my sudden non sequitur. “I do.”

“But you never managed to evolve him. No matter how much you trained him, or how many tricks you tried. Right?”

“Crobat is a rare evolution. Only a lucky few have ever evolved.” Koga offers blandly, but I quickly cut him off.

“It’s a friendship evolution. Only someone that creates a true friendship with their Golbat will cause it to evolve.” I answer for him suddenly cutting off his dismissal. “If some Pokemon literally need friendship to evolve. What the hell are you on about talking about them like they are tools?” I stomp past him then, leaving him in my dust as I stalk back to the Gym.

I was gonna come back next weekend. Gyarados was going to play on the beach until people realized there wasn’t anything to be afraid of! That their own fear is what was causing those rampages!

Chapter 25

Chapter Text

“Nin-Nin.” I whispered with a grunt as I was once more climbing through the rafters of Koga’s stupid ninja mansion.

Stupid pitfall traps.

Stupid tripwires.

Stupid fake hallways made with mirrors. My nose still hurt.

But I continued crawling. Today Koga was forcing me through his ‘Ninja Training’ because as he saw it a Trainer must be capable of surviving any experience. A normal ten year old probably would have argued with him, what does running through a gauntlet of traps chased by ninjas have to do with Pokemon Training?

I was not a normal ten year old, and I knew just how easy it would be to bypass a Pokemon in a battle to kill a trainer if I ever faced someone truly out to kill me.

So I was climbing through rafters in the mansion, avoiding traps, and dodging the ninjas that were searching for me.

They were going easy on me I knew, but at the same time.

Vicky Stronk! My unusual strength meant I had some tricks that they weren’t expecting.

Besides, Ninja-Tag was fun! If tiring.

Except when it wasn’t. I had nearly made it, when the lack of any sound tipped me off.

I dropped, just in time to avoid f*ckin shuriken!?

“H-hey! That’s dangerous!”

“It would be an important lesson.” The ninja offered. Some older man with graying hair that hadn’t given me a name.

“Sure Bob whatever you say.” I grumbled as we faced each other in the hallway. His lack of any emotion might be considered a good sign, but I knew he really hated it when I called him Bob, but that was his fault. He refused to give me a name to call him, and if it was good enough for Tom Cruise, it was good enough for me!

He shifted, all the warning I got before I leapt, hitting the wall of the hallway, that had a spinning wall for quick escapes. I dropped a smoke bomb as well. The loud thunks of shuriken hitting wood behind me made my mad dash all the more important.

I flung out a Pokeball.

“Venonat!” My little guy said, looking around.

“Sleep powder.” I whisper pointing at the fake wall, watching as he blasted the area. I started running. Almost there!

“Ven!” I heard Venonats warning just in time.

I juked, grabbing Venonat, as I rolled to the side, the attack behind me dodged by just the smallest increment as I came out of my roll and set my Venonat in front of me.

“Golbat!” Bob had sent out his Pokemon.

“Alright then.” I grunted, already coming up with plans to win this. “Venonat, use-”
“Hold.” A voice called out, and a new ninja appeared, coming down the hall behind Bob. “The girl has a challenger.” Then in a flash the ninja disappeared in a smoke bomb. Although it had taken me two weeks to know that they were just jumping into the trap door in the ceiling.

I sighed mostly in relief as the Ninja nodded, disappearing as well. “Alright C’mon little buddy. We have a gym challenger to take on.” I tell the Venonat who gave a cute little nod.

Venonat was one of Koga’s Pokemon. I had put in charge of him as part of my challenge to fight every gym challenger that wandered through. Venonat was a pokemon that would be used for Koga’s second or maybe third badge challenge.

He wasn’t there yet. Freshly caught, barely trained, and I wasn’t allowed to do any training outside of battles with him.

He was my handicap, and also Koga’s main training of me. While the rest of my team were battling Koga’s powerful Pokemon.

I was learning how to battle with a disadvantage.


“Venonat Double Team!” I called out, watching as the Trainers Sandslash used Rapid Spin once more, missing the little bug type as it blasted through a fake.

“Poison Powder!” I called out, watching as another cloud of poison was released, this time the poor Sandslash couldn’t stop in time after its miss. The Ground type ran right through the powder coming out the other side landing back on his feet only to cough a little.

“No! Sandslash! Use Fury Swipes quick!”

I nodded, a good plan. The Sandslash turned and started cutting down Clones in a barrage of swipes. The third hit, striking Venonat causing my little bug to cry out as she rolled away.

That was her third hit during the fight. She was done.

“Well fought Venonat. Return! And you trainer! You have proven yourself. You may proceed… but be careful of the traps! Hihihihi!” I gave off a cackle as I pushed backwards hitting the spinning wall letting me disappear leaving the Trainer alone in the hallway.

I sighed, pulling off my ninja mask and heading over to the little table that had some water for me. I placed Venonats Pokeball in the transporter.

Koga had been brutal in his training of me over the last month.

When I had accepted his offer to be trained under him. I wasn’t sure what I had expected, but Koga treated my training as even more important than any training for my team.

Which meant that I was constantly battling… Without my team.

“My weakness is that I rely on my pokemon's strength. So let’s see how I do without them to fall back on huh?” I couldn’t help but remember what Koga had said as I took a sip of water. Although Koga had said I wouldn’t be a Gym Trainer. It turned out that it was a perfect opportunity for me to train against a variety of trainers with pokemon not my own. So my job was to act as one of Kogas testers in the gym.

I was using borrowed Pokemon, fighting in a way I wasn’t used to, against novice to expert trainers.

It was fun! Especially considering I wasn’t really supposed to win against the kids. I was really just testing them, but my job from Koga was simple. Extend the battle as long as possible. Find out if the trainers Pokemon had the endurance needed for battles.

So most of my time was spent dodging, and prepping move traps from them to blunder into.


But I had learned a ridiculous amount. It was kind of eye opening how Pokemon battles went when you didn’t have an Psuedo-Legendary to battle with.

There was a lot more involved that I had never really considered. But I was improving!

“Hey, another trainer is coming. Five badge.” A voice spoke from directly behind her, but jokes on the stupid ninjas! I had been jumpscared by them for over a month! I was immune!

“Right!” I chirped out pressing the transporter hidden in the desk and a batch of Pokeballs were released to me.

Putting my mask back on I snuck up against the wall waiting for my prey. When I heard the tripwire go off I couldn’t hide my giggles as I slid into the hallway through the rotating door. I loved walking out and seeing some dumb kid hanging from their ankles.

Usually with their Pokeballs falling to the floor out of reach.

“Ah it’s Kiba.”

“What Vicky?” I heard in response to the gray haired kid. sh*t no one was supposed to know it was me.

“Incorrect! I am the Protector of the Moon! Glorious Beautiful Kunoichi Nike!” I ended off with a Sailor Moon pose pointing at the idiot caught in a trap.

“Vicky, stop being a spazz and help me down, the blood is rushing to my head.” Kiba replied back instantly as he couldn’t reach his ankles.

He earned a Pokeball to the face for his troubles.

“Ow! Vicky tha- oof!”

“I am Glorious and Beautiful Kunoichi Nike! Protector of the Moon!” I yelled at him throwing another Pokeball. And then just because his face was stupid I started pelting him with a few more delighting in his crys of pain.

Suffer Kiba! How dare you call me a spazz!

“I give! I surrender!”

“Say it!”

“Ugh… Fine. I surrender Glorious and Beautiful Kunoichi Nike.”

“And the title.” I demand arms crossed.

“Ugh why are we even friends? Protector of the Moon.”

I nod walking over to the switch that would lower the snare trap slowly to the ground. Koga didn’t want to brain the kids after all.

After he stands back up, he is glaring at me. “Vicky, why are you dressed as a Ninja.”

“I don’t know any Vicky. I am Nike.” I informed him promptly.

“Vicky. How many short blondes do you think live in Kanto?”

I puffed up how dare he! “I’m not short! I’m perfectly average for my age!”

“Below average.” he muttered, earning another thrown Pokeball which he avoided with a yelp. “Stop throwing Pokeballs at me!”

“Stop being an idiot!” I yell back which only earned me a glare.

“What are you even doing here?”

“I’m training under Koga in how to better handle Pokemon battles with weaker Pokemon.”

“Wait. Weaker Pokemon?” He asked eyes sharp.

“Yep. My normal team are all undergoing harsh training, and I am too! Training using weaker Pokemon and forced to face all challengers!” I put my hands on my hips showing off how cool I was.

“I challenge you.” Kiba uttered darkly with a fierce grin. The sort of look that would look closer to a wolf. “Oh I challenge you so hard.”

I blinked. Suddenly feeling… “Ah. Well, I accept?”

“Hehe-AHAHAHAH!” Kiba broke into harsh cackles as he threw out his first Pokeball.

“Whooo!” Mightyena roared out as he appeared ready for battle. Only to instantly tuck his tail and roll over on his back and show his belly to me.


“Hey buddy you evolved! That’s amazing!” I told the puppy as I walked over and rubbed his belly like I knew he liked.

“Stop petting Mightyena! We are about to fight!” Kiba yelled angrily which I promptly ignored turning back to the puppy that was starting to relax since Arcanine wasn’t here.

“Berry?” I offered pulling out a few from my hip pouch.

I never go anywhere without some Berries on me after all. Never know when you are going to sedu-feed a hungry Pokemon.

After a few berries disappeared into the puppy stomach, and I got a tongue swiping across my mask covered face. Kiba had enough.

“Hey! It’s time to battle Mightyena! Vicky doesn’t have her real team!” Kiba calls out and even Mightyena perks up a little at that finally.

“Alright, fine.” I mutter standing up to move away from Mightyena and readying my Pokeball. Then I blinked “It’s Nike!”

“Yeah whatever!” Kiba answered with a grin.



“Don’t be a baby.” I tell him as I pull out another Poison Sting from Kiba’s skin.

“This is against the rules! You aren’t supposed to aim at the trainer!”

“I aimed at Mightyena, it’s your fault for telling him to dodge.”

“Ouch! I don’t want to hear that right now!” He grumbled, as I sprayed more antidote on his pin pricks where Poison Sting had penetrated. Causing him to yelp. “Be gentle!”

“I am!” I grumble pulling another one free. “Done.” I tell him, once more spraying the hole but finally finishing up. “Never seen someone tank an attack to their face before. Usually they dodge.” I told him poking his cheek earning a flinch.

“Ouch! That hurts you spazz!”

I narrow my eyes, but I am a mature fully adult person, at least on the inside… So I only poke him one more time earning a yelp before standing up and moving away. “Good fight.” I add as I move. “You have defeated me, earning the right to continue on to challenge the Gym Leader. Good luck.” I tell him smirking under my mask as I suddenly disappear into the revolving wall.

“Vicky! Hey where did you go!?” I could hear him call out from the hall as I giggled and put my Pokeballs once more into the transporter.

“Well fought.” I almost yelped as I turned to glare a little.

“Janine.” I grumbled as she once more tried to jumpscare me. The girl smiled at my tone.

“I am surprised. I expected you would go easy on a friend, but you battled him harder than most of the others.”

“I trusted Kiba to be at a higher level than where he should be. He did good.” I say as I finished teleporting the Pokeballs away. “What’s up?” I asked her as she hadn’t vanished or tried to tease me again.

Janine was Koga’s Daughter, and was already being trained up as the future Gym Leader. Considering how important Fuchsia Gym and its ninjas were to Kanto, she had to be incredibly strong to even be in the running.

She was. We had battled a few times and Janine was strong.

“Father is summoning you.”

“Cool. Do you know what he wants?” I ask as I grab my water bottle off the table and take a drink before following after the Kunoichi already moving.

“Nothing that he shared with me.” She answered simply and I nodded.


I followed the Kunoichi through the compound. Avoiding the pitfalls I had learned through repetition where they were as we walked.

Koga was as usual waiting in his usual spot. Legs crossed and waiting for his challengers for the day to make it through the mansion.

I giggled as I could faintly hear the cursing of many trainers that had just had the floor dropped out from under them, or legs hooked into snares.

This place spoke to my trollish soul.


“Koga.” I greeted back with a wave as he nodded .

“You have grown much in the last month. I wonder. How close are you now to achieving your goal. How far have you come?” He wonders and I notice that beside him on a pillow are my Pokeballs. The Premium Pokeballs obviously not his own.

Ah. While we had battled over and over again in the last few months… He hadn’t given me a rematch.

“It’s only been a month.”

“And yet, we will battle regardless.” He answered instantly. This man was getting far to used to my argumentative mouth.

“There is only one way to find out then. Koga, they say that when two trainers' eyes meet, they must battle.” I joke to him our eyes locked on each other.

“Indeed. Janine, ensure the trainers waiting for their turn do not disturb us.”

“Yes, father. What should I do if they come to see what is happening?”

“Nothing. It would be good for any trainer to see a high level battle in person. Come Victoria.”

“Ah, wait a sec.” I mutter as I gather up my balls. Stopping Koga’s dignified exit which he obviously intended to lead to a great battle.

The man was a bit of a drama queen. Especially for a ninja.

“What is it?”

“Let me change? It’s sunny today and I want my hat. Plus these face masks are itchy, and these sock shoes you gave me feel weird I want to get my boots.” I mutter ticking off issues on my fingers. Janine breaking into quiet giggles behind me as I could just feel Koga’s irritation at my… Me-ness?

“Change quickly.” He ordered and I gave him a jaunty salute as I raced off to do just that. Finally I could get out of my ninja cosplay! I mean sure learning how to do ninja stuff was fun and I learned a lot. But this outfit was all tight and weird. I liked my clothes more!

Quickly grabbing my clothes from the small room that Koga had given me while I worked as a Gym Trainer, I switched over feeling nothing but relief that I could actually breathe in my comfortable clothes.

Then I stomped out to the field. Purposefully stomping my feet to make noise.

It made the other ninjas flip out.

Stepping out into the sunlight with my hat back on my head a grin tugging at my lips. Yeah this was where I was meant to be. I stepped out, my six Pokeballs back on my hip where they belonged as I faced Koga.

“Are you ready?”

“I am!” I agreed eagerly, hand already full of a Pokeball as he nodded.

Another ninja appeared. Koga’s referee. “The battle will be a six on six battle. No switch outs. The Gym Leader will release his Pokemon first.” The referee nodded stepping back as Koga nodded.

Venomoth. I nodded. That Pokemon in particular was a bit of a monster. But I was ready this time.

“Go!” I released my first choice.

“Miii!” Milotic appeared in a flash, his fins shifting as he psyched himself up for the battle ahead.

Last time Milotic had failed.


“Preparation!” I yelled out, even as Koga’s Venomoth instantly exploded into a cloud of Poison Powder.

And Milotic moved.

It had been Koga forcing me to rewatch my older battles with the other Gym Leaders. Pointing out my good points and bad that had created this.

In his own words. “Your battle against Brock showed that your Milotic is excellent at changing the terrain but you almost completely gave up on this afterwards. Foolish.”

The truth was I had gotten arrogant with how powerful my team was. I had started thinking that I didn’t need to do anything but hit so hard the enemy would fall.

I had learned from Koga one thing at least. Always treat every battle as if it was life or death.

Milotic sparkled as water gathered and in a rush of water he shot off a Hydro Pump straight downwards into the earth, in an instant a rush of muddy water splattered back up and flowed across the field.

Koga hadn’t seen this plan yet. Although I bet some of his ninjas had been watching when Milotic and I trained for it. But we had been sneaky too!

They had thought creating a pool of some sort was all I was planning with this move.

They were wrong!

A moment later without a word as the blast of water cut off sight, Ice started growing. And in a moment Milotic was gone a bubble of ice covering his position. At the same time as Koga’s Venomoth hid itself away in its Poison Fog Move.

“Bug Buzz.” Koga actually called out, as Venomoth suddenly Vibrated from within the cloud and a hypersonic sound smashed into the ice. It continued slowly causing the ice to crack and splinter.

Why not after all? Venomoth was still hidden with the cloud, and Milotic was trapped under the Ice.

Except not! I almost laughed as the Ice shattered revealing… Nothing! Just a pool of frothing muddy water with chunks of ice floating in it.

I grinned brightly at Koga’s annoyed look. He hadn’t seen what Milotic had done!

“What’s wrong Koga? Lose track of your target?” I taunted as he ignored me, continuing to look across the field for anything different.

It was the wince he gave when the first chunk of ice hit him that told him what was up.


I adjusted my hat, glad that it was so big as it kept the chunks of hail from really smashing me up.

But for Venomoth?

I smiled as I noticed the cloud of Poison was getting hammered.

Kage Bunshin. Koga’s go to move was weak to damaging weather effects. Sandstorm, or Hail.

I couldn’t see it, but I knew that within that cloud a half dozen clones had just been popped.

“An intelligent plan to overcome one of my unique moves. Will you have time to think through the Elite Fours unique moves when you face them? You have to do more than plan for a month if you wish to defeat them. You must be prepared to counter their moves as they come.”

“I know. But Koga? I can say the same thing to you. Do you even know where Milotic is?” I call out as I wince as a chunk of ice hits my thigh.

That was gonna bruise!

He huffed out a silent chuckle. The closest thing Koga had to a laugh. “I will find out. Venomoth. Supersonic. Locate the Milotic.” He called out, and I blinked before remembering that Koga had some pretty strong Pokemon from the Zubat line! He had taught his Venomoth echolocation!

“Too bad, that won’t work. And that is game.” I called out to Kogas surprise, when Venomoth continued looking around without being able to find my Pokemon.

Until a moment later the ground near Venomoth erupted in a blast of water as Milotic appeared from underground an Extreme Aqua Tail already active as it smashed Venomoth in half.

The substitute popping a moment after.

But before Venomoth could even engage Milotic splashed back into the water and disappeared.

I smiled. I would have to thank Zelos next time I saw her, the idea for this move had been taken from her Fraxure back when we first fought.

Hiding with Dig and then attacking out of pre-prepared holes

Milotic couldn’t use Dig. Not the move anyways, but he did have HydroPump, and Water Pulse, and what was earth going to do against high pressure water?

Milotic had just blasted a hole through the earth below us with pure water pressure, and it was thanks to a mix of the Hail distracting Koga from all the water still pouring out of the muddy hole Milotic had been hiding in, and the fact that no one expected a Water type to dig through the earth that it had worked.

I was planning on using this move in the League too. I bet it will be great!

“Venomoth. Toxic.” He ordered having to actually take charge in order to regain control of the battle.

A moment later Venomoth was dumping a huge amount of purple sludge into the hole Milotic had just jumped out of.

And yet, the whole time that was happening the hail continued to fall.

Venomoth continued to lose health as it was battered by the nasty shards of ice.

I could see Koga already realizing I had him pinned. Although in a real League match they would probably start a countdown if my Pokemon didn’t reappear, that didn’t bother me. Milotic was preparing his second attack.

“Venomoth Roost.” Koga called out and Venomoth moved. Shifting back into what remained of his poison cloud before settling down to heal.

The only problem with my move is I lost the ability to give direct orders to Milotic. We had this whole attack planned out, but that was it, it was pre-planned we lost ability to make adjustments.

But I smiled at Koga.

Milotic exploded out of the ground in a new hole a moment later, and Venomoth just started rising back into the sky, “Venomoth. Flash!” Koga tried to call out but it was too late.

Once more with the static noise of Extreme Speed Milotic vanished slamming a truly massive attack into Venomoth once more.

This time it wasn’t a substitute.

Venomoth skidded across the muddy ground a moment later even as Milotic already rushed back into his hole.

“Venomoth. Psychic dig it up.” Koga called out, and I grimaced as the ground around Venomoth began shifting and moving.

I tsked, again, I couldn’t communicate with Milotic right now. He was blowing through the earth creating aquatic paths and wouldn’t even know how to react to Venomoth ripping the earth around him into the sky.

I grimaced as Milotic was found. He was digging forward with Hydro pump until suddenly he dug into a giant hole, falling out of his little path into the hole only to realize the sky was above him, and an angry glowing moth.

“Mii!” He squeaked, which was absolutely adorable as he started to rush back into the hole only for his body to lock up and rise slowly out of the mud.

“Use surf! Break the hold!” I called out, even if Milotic couldn’t aim an attack as he was held in place, he could still use his moves!

“Miii!” He cried out sounding muffled as he couldn’t open his mouth but a moment later a torrent of water escape from around like a wave, and Venomoth seemed to almost hiss as it was forced to back away and break its powerful hold.

“Ice beam!” I called out, urging Milotic on, but Koga wasn’t an elite for nothing.

“Psybeam.” Koga responded as the two attacks met, a burst of energy erupting as the two Pokemon stared each other down for a moment.

“If this was Milotic of a few months ago, you might be able to overpower us Koga. But not anymore. Ice beam! Punch through it!”


“Miii!” Milotic cried out as he didn’t attack right away instead he seemed to swallow deep even as the Psybeam raced towards him, the purplish energy beam nearly touching him before Milotic finally opened his mouth in a silent scream.

And the overpressured Ice beam went to work. Smashing the Psybeam aside in a roiling torrent of energy.

When it was over Venomoth was frozen solid, and Milotic was breathing deeply, exhaustion already hitting.

I waited for a moment before realizing Koga had no intention of returning Venomoth.

Being frozen wasn’t equal to losing.

“Milotic. Preparation Ice!” I called out instead of finishing the Moth Milotic turned still tiredly breathing heavily as he started shooting out Ice beams.

Structures of Ice soon littered the battlefield, as Milotic prepared for what came next.

“Alright buddy. Take out Venomoth!”

“Milo!” He agreed surging forward surfing across the muddy ground as he came up to Venomoth who was nearly thawed, but before his Aqua Tail could strike. Venomoth disappeared in red light.

“Return.” He said simply. Nodding to me. As he threw out a second Pokeball.

“Muk! Muk muk muk!” Koga’s Muk called out seemingly happy to battle again as it waited for the word to begin.

“Begin.” Koga offered, and I nodded.

“Milotic recovery mode.”

Milotic disappeared back into a watery hole, even as Muk once more shrunk to a much smaller form.

A moment later Hail began smashing the ground once again, Muk making little sounds of irritation at the attack.

“Ignore the hail.” Koga called and Muk nodded. Continuing to prepare for the battle. I could see Muk using a normal substitute. Since Kage Bunshin would only be instantly popped in the hail.

Milotic burst out of the water, this time not going for a physical attack, instead he landed atop one of his ice pillars climbing all the way to the top as he looked down on Muk.

Muk had gone full evasion, making it damn near impossible to hit, but at the same time Milotic had been recovering, Aqua Ring now floated around him and Safeguard active. He was as recovered as he could be without an actual rest.

But even as Muk began pelting him with Sludge Bomb.

Milotic began preparing.

Normally I would have him use Dragon Dance as a status enhancer. Speed and power tended to handle most issues with Milotic already being overpowered physically, but no matter how fast he was, he would have trouble catching Muk.

But I had known what Koga’s game was for over a month.

Did you really think I wouldn’t do some research to make sure my partner wouldn’t be stumped by evasion moves again?

“Coil.” I said a single word, long after Milotic had already begun,

Even as Muk retaliated. As Ice pillars shattered from Sludge Bombs Milotic kept running, stopping to use Coil whenever he could.

Coil is actually a move Milotic learned naturally, funnily enough it was a poison Move even if all it did was enhance a Pokemon.

But this one was special. Attack, Defense, and Accuracy all got a buff from Coil.

How did that work? Pokemon Space Llama Magic. Ain’t got a clue.

But after a few moments of Muk chasing Milotic around trying to bypass his defenses and healing from Aqua Ring, Milotic turned.

And Muk learned the difference between a glancing hit, and a full fledged strike as Milotic blurred into static, smashing the tiny Muk with a full force, completely accurate Aqua Tail.

Milotic took a Sludge bomb to the face as soon as Muk hit the ground. Koga’s training proving itself once again as Muk retaliated even after being struck full bore.

The two Pokemon were both exhausted. Muk, as tiny as it was now, seemed to be struggling to pull itself together, and Milotic was definitely on his last leg.

“Muk.” Koga said a simple name but Muk obviously understood as it shot forward.

“Muuuuuk!” It roared as it drew near Milotic prepared to smash it.

And then everything was fire and noise.

I grunted as I was pushed entirely off my feet rolling a bit in the mud before I managed to stop myself.

Ears ringing again, I grimaced. Was this just going to be a thing with Koga?

I looked up to devastation. The ice pillars were gone, and both Muk, and Milotic were down. Muk looked the worst of it, but Milotic had obviously been hammered badly.

“Explosion.” Koga offered. I growled at him, as I returned my partner.

“Dick move.” I cursed at him, although as always Koga ignored me as I grabbed my next choice.

“Wheezing!” Koga’s Pokemon called out.

“Dragonite!” I released my girl, watching as she landed with a thump, her eyes narrowed. Although I had distracted her with Milotic a month ago, the loss had given her fits.


“Now!” I called out, instantly, Dragonite vanished in a blur the mud kicking up in contrails from just how fast she rushed Weezing. Even as the floating ball began using what I recognized as a Smokescreen which Koga was a fan of, it didn’t matter.

Dragonite hit first.

She slammed a Dragon Rush into Weezing, the dragon energy slamming into him as she rushed right with him unwilling to give up a second, as Weezing was hammered over and over, Dragonite roaring in her anger as her Dragon Rush swapped over to something even more dangerous.

Outrage. One of the most damaging Dragon type moves and one that kept her focused on attack as she continued slamming her claws into Weezing without a moments rest.

I knew Koga would have to react.

I had specifically had this in mind for Weezing, and it was a plan that only Dragonite could do.

Weezing kept trying to get an attack off, but they were slow Pokemon, even with Koga’s ninja training.

This wasn’t the first time I battled Koga’s Weezing. I had seen almost all of Koga’s team, or at least what I suspected was Koga’s team by now.

So I knew that the best way to handle Weezing was just overwhelming power, and Dragonite was the only one that could do it.

“Very well. Do it.” Koga offered actually sounding irritated, as Dragonite kept a firm group on Weezing none of his attempts to escape her rage had worked.

“We-weezing!” He cried out as he shifted, his body bulging for a moment, before he exploded.


Once again the entire field was wrecked, once again I went tumbling as the pressure wave hit me.

But this time I was ready for it. No one suspected Muk of exploding, but Weezing? Hell it was as expected as a Voltorb blowing up.

But I had sent Dragonite out for a reason.

I smiled, teeth flashing as I stared down Koga who was looking more than irritated. Even if he kept his face passive. I had known him for over a month now, and I was good at irritating people.

Dragonite roared as the explosion ended showing she was not only still standing, she was looking even more pissed than before.

“Multiscale. It’s Dragonite’s ability. The first hit they take is heavily protected, their scales act like a shield.” I call out, Koga may have noticed Dragonites resistance to attacks over the month, but I doubt he understood exactly what she was doing.

“To force me to use Explosion twice, I will admit Victoria, you have broken my expectations. I will no longer hold back.”

“Like you were before.” I grumbled at him as he threw out his next Pokemon.

But I was more focused on Dragonite.

Outrage for all of its power, and it was powerful, had a weakness.

Dragonite was looking around, as if she was drunk. Confusion.


“Tentacruel!” Koga’s Pokemon cried out as it landed, the rather large Tentacruel looked it’s namesake. Full of tentacles and cruelty.

f*ck... Wasn’t I a Japanese Schoolgirl? Damn that was bad.

“Dragonite! Snap out of it! Smash him down!”

“Ice Beam.” Koga called out simply and I winced as Dragonite was blasted my poor Dragon had looked back at me in utter confusion before getting hit.

“Draa!” She cried out in pain as she hit the mud rolling and shaking as she started freezing up from the attack.

“C’mon! Fly!” I cry out hoping it would reach her but she was just… Not there.

Dammit. Outrage had backfired. This is why I hate moves that have negative effects!

I watched with a wince as she fell. Iced over into the mud.

“Return.” I pulled her back. Promising I would give her a whole night of attention from Milotic and me when this is over.

“If you are going to use that move in the future, you should train it more. While you have diversified your moveset, you haven’t taught your Pokemon how to get the best out of their new moves. Or how to mitigate the issues.”

“I know!” I snapped at him, before releasing a sigh and nodding my head, “Sorry.” I offer wiping some of the mud off myself, as I grab my next Pokeball. I took a deep breath let myself calm down.

My next Pokemon wouldn’t react well if I was angry. So I calmed, brought out a smile and did something cute to calm myself back down.

“My Cute Blue heart! Gyarados, I choose you!” I call out watching as he appears, the mud shifting heavily as he appears a roar on his lips.

What is it with my team and roaring? Ah well, it’s cute.

That was about when Gyarados turned around.

“H-hey, cutie, we rea-Mmph!”

The sun cut out.

A minute later I was back on my feet wiping the slime out of my eyes and Gyarados was ready to battle his cute little heart out.

Koga by this point was completely used to Gyarados and his silliness.

Gyarados was at a weird point in my team. Normally they were physical attackers, but my guy was sorta opposite. See, I hadn’t had time to do any gravity training with him since before he evolved. Koga and his ninjas around meant I wasn’t about to risk showing off my super secret training method.

Even if sometimes I really wish I could stop trying to keep it secret. Stupid Family Secret laws.

Anyways, it meant for the most part I had worked with Gyarados on special attack moves, rather than Physical.

Well that and listening to orders. My newest blue noodle had a tendency to hyperfocus a bit…

Well he would just attack attack attack, and when he got bored… attack.

It was cute if not a little dangerous.


“Sludge Bomb.”

“Thunderbolt!” I called out almost cackling. That was a move that had been a mess to teach my poor boy. I had tried to do it my own way at first, but Koga had gotten irritated that I had ‘wasted’ a whole day of training to try and teach this one move.

I swore then never to tell him how long it took to teach most of my moves to my team.

But he had sent me into town to the store to purchase a TM.

I bet he was regretting that now.

Tentacruel moved first. Despite Gyarados being faster than most other Gyarados with all the speed training we had done as a Magikarp, he was still only recently evolved, and without a lot of the physical training the rest of my team had gotten.

So a ball of poison rocketed out of Tentacruels tentacles and smashed into Gyarados.

The force of the explosion was enough to rock my boy back, but there was one thing even Koga had learned about Gyarados by now, it was that when I said to do something.

He did it.

Twice now Gyarados had kept attacking even when he really should have stopped, and it was only when I physically intervened that I managed to calm him.

So the blow hurt, but his retaliation was incoming.

The sound of thunder rocketed the field as Tentacruel lit up.

The cry of the Pokemon was wince inducing. The high pitched screech was not easy on the ears.

A moment later it was over, and Koga proved his skill as a trainer wasn’t a joke.

Tentacruel disappeared, becoming a small army of Tentacruels as it activated Kage Bunshin.

A move that had stymied Gyarados in the past. He got hyper focused on destroying the fake substitutes, and ended up getting hit all the while.

“Cutie! Use Surf! Hit them all!” I called out, and he roared, as a wave of water blasted out of his mouth as he aimed it down, the roiling water spreading out and smashing into the bunshin.

Some of them popped. Not all of them, but enough were hit that a chunk of them disappeared.

“Retaliate!” Koga called out, and a moment later a barrage of attacks fired back.

All but one were fake.

But I had no way of knowing, and Gyarados wasn’t looking ready to dodge.

The second Sludge bomb sent him tumbling to the side, smashing into the mud. Which only held him for a minute before he rose back up practically thrashing the ground in his anger.

Okay there was a play here.

“Surf again!” I ordered and the burst of water once more splashed across the field, a few of the Bunshin standing too close to him got popped, but for the most part a Tentacruel, wasn’t going to worry about water.

Which is why my plan was so insidious.

The explosion of another Sludge Bomb roared out, but I knew Gyarados could take it.

“Dragon Dance! It’s time to show off my Blue Heart!” I call out, and instantly, Gyarados was back upright and wiggling his body preparing.

Gyarados didn’t care whether he was hurt. Or tired, or even unconscious.

He was my heart. And he wouldn’t be stopped.

I could see Koga’s eyebrow quirking up as he knew as well as I did that Gyarados wasn’t a powerhouse like the rest of my team yet. So why had I just ordered Gyarados to buff his power?

I smiled, flashing Koga all my teeth as I pointed towards the sky.

“CLAIM IT!” I roared out, matched by my Gyarados as the next sludge Bomb missed as Tentacruel aimed too low.

Because Gyarados had just fled into the sky.

I had planned on keeping this secret, but if I was going to beat Koga here. I would need every trick in my book.

Plus I knew for a fact seeing a flying Gyarados was going to stymy him for at least a moment.

And it did.

Both trainer and Pokemon stared into the sky as Gyarados floated on air currents that should be far too weak to carry him, but did so anyways.

“Rain Dance!” I called up to him. And a few moments later the field shifted as water fell.

I could see Koga coming back to himself as he realized what I had just done.

“Tentacruel! Mo-”

“THUNDER!” I roared.

“-ve off the ground!”

I blinked as lightning flashed, and all of the Bunshins popped. The flooded ground conducting the lightning right to all of them.

Of course me and Koga got hit as well, but that was just what a high level battle was like, we both flinched being struck. Him more stoic than my yelp as I was knocked off my feet.

But that didn’t matter, because Tentacruel was now alone on the field.

No Substitute to hide behind. No Bunshin to scatter around.

Even as Tentacruel attempted to strike Gyarados down, it didn’t work.

I had been training under Koga after all, you think I wouldn’t have my Gyarados hide among the clouds?

It was my new secret move. Rain Dance, to create the clouds, Fly to hide among the clouds acting just as good as Koga’s stupid Poison Fog.

Plus it made Thunder super accurate. So for Gyarados this combo was even more effective!

“Return.” Koga called out, pulling Tentacruel out of the barrage of Thunders that Gyarados was launching down.

“Golbat.” He ordered, and I frowned.

I was pretty sure that Golbat was Koga’s Ace. I had only seen it fight twice now, and both times it had been… Intense.

“In the sky Golbat!” He ordered for once not waiting for his Pokemon to figure out the battlefield on its own. Mostly because Gyarados was still flaring lightning in the clouds above our heads as he prepared.

But Golbat, wasn’t Tentacruel. It shrieked once, and then exploded into a swarm of copies.

I glared. It had taken me both battles before I figured out what was happening. Why that single Golbat could go from a single Pokemon into a swarm of hundreds.

It was a mix of KageBunshin, and Double Team.

Some of them were the ‘real’ clones. Some were after images.

But it was a hell of a sight as it looked like Koga released hundreds of Pokemon at once.


I knew it was the only move in my set though. Golbat was a flying type, an electric attack would do some serious damage.

But even as the bolt of lightning slammed through the swarm, the swarm continued moving, surging into the clouds.

Then both Koga and I were useless. We couldn’t see what was happening thanks to the clouds and rain covering the fight, but we could hear it. Thunder echoing through and the sound of wings heard even over the rain.

Finally after a minute or so of silence, I winced as I saw my boy fall from the sky.

“Return!” I called out instantly, as he wasn’t falling by choice.

Then out of the clouds came a swarm of Golbat. All of them shrieking and fluttering down into a mass of wings and anger.

My hand instinctively went to Arcanines ball, but I hesitated. I was fairly confident in Arcanines ability to handle the swarm. She hadn’t liked her loss in the last battle, and had thrown herself into training even more than before.

I knew she could do it. I had a plan all planned out.

But this wasn’t her fight.

“Chansey!” I called out as I released my girl.

“Chanse! Chansey!” She called out dancing from foot to foot cutely as she greeted the day.

“Alright girl. You know the plan!” I called out, and smiled as she nodded. If I had to give an award for Pokemon most improved over the month training with Koga? That would be Chansey.

Not just because she had agreed to actually battle, and had been put up against strong Pokemon that challenged her in every way, but because she had also taken a liking to Koga.

Yeah oddly enough the two of them had become… Friends? It was weird. She just really liked the ninja aesthetic I guess.

So when Chansey immediately brought her hands together I knew what was coming up next.

A sandstorm kicked up instantly, blurring sight and obscuring what she was doing as Koga’s Swarm hesitated, before going on the attack slipping into the storm to attack.

The KageBunshin would start popping soon in the sandstorm, so Golbat had no choice but to go on the attack.

I could hear Golbats Air Slash cutting through the storm aiming for Chansey, but never touching her.

Chansey was a Ninja now.

“Nin-nin.” I whispered. Something I knew no one would hear as I braced myself.

Because a moment after the entire field suddenly shifted.


I winced glad for my normal clothes, because between my hat, and my hastily raised goggles I didn’t have to deal with sand particles as heavy as much larger rock start pelting my eyes.

Golbat didn’t have that luxury, especially since he would be flat on the ground knocked out of the sky in that moment.

I could hear a few moments later the sound of two loud slaps echoing through the field even over the loud noise of sand slamming into the muddy ground.

Then as fast as it appeared. The sandstorm disappeared. A sunny day flooding the field showing Chansey standing over Golbat. Obviously having protected him once he had been knocked unconscious.

As I took off my hat and whipped the sand off it, I noticed with a giggle that Koga was half kneeling on the ground, struggling to deal with the increased Gravity.

Chansey even took a moment to heal up Golbat, who had two massive red spots on its cheeks from Chanseys Gravity enhanced Double Slap.

I waited for a while, until Chanseys Gravity ended, causing Koga to gasp in relief as he managed to regain his feet.

“R-Return.” He spoke after a moment brining Golbat back.

Then he didn’t bring out his next Pokemon, simply looking me over with a almost constipated look on his face.

“Chansey is pretty strong!” I informed him with a peace sign and a strong pose which Chansey immediately copied, even if she didn’t have fingers.

He didn’t say anything simply nodding slowly before giving out an actually audible sigh.

“Very well. Let us finish this battle.” He drew another Pokeball and chucked it.

“Nido! Nidoking!” It roared much to my surprise.

“I thought your last Pokemon was that Arbok!” I couldn’t help but say. I had fought plenty of Koga’s Pokemon over the month. I mean that was a huge chunk of what we had done. Battle after battle.

But this? I hadn’t seen a Nidoking.

“I suppose you would say he is my secret weapon. I hadn’t expected to need his power against you.” He offered which had me chuckle and Chansey did a cute little dance as she spun around on one foot, waving at Nidoking in greeting.

It didn’t at all look like it was having fun. It huffed, and a damn cloud of purple smoke left its mouth.

“Take her out.” Koga ordered simply, and Nidoking roared before charging across the field.

“Chansey. Show everyone how amazing you are!” I called out earning a happy chant of her name back to me before she let out a short little gasp as Nidoking slammed into her. Both of them disappearing into the sand.

The sounds of the battle were all I could make out.

Loud stomps. Ground rumbling. Explosions. It was probably an amazing battle.

But I unfortunately didn’t get to see any of it.

Sandstorm is OP.

I winced as the Gravity once more rose up, and I could hear a rumble of something hitting the ground harshly.

Oh. I knew what was coming next.

So I sat down.

Then the earth shook.

I might have picked up TM Earthquake at the same time that I bought Thunder for Gyarados. Well I bought a lot of TM’s at the time. Including Sandstorm which Chansey was using.

I had figured it would be a great counter to Golbat at the time. Drop the Golbat swarm to the ground and hit the lot of them with Earthquake.

It hadn’t been necessary though. Between Sandstorm and Gravity Golbat was all alone by the time Chansey was done.

But now? I winced as the earth shook rumbling and roiling.

Nidoking despite being a Ground type, was actually weak against Ground attacks, thanks to his Poison typing.

Finally everything went quiet.

I waited, and once again the Sandstorm disappeared. The sun hammering as Chansey used Sunny Day to end the storm.

There on the ground was Nidoking. Unconscious.

Chansey wasn’t untouched.

I blinked almost startled at how badass Chansey looked at that moment. She reached up almost casually to wipe away a bit of blood from a scratch on her cheek and then she swiped a hand down.

Recoveries glow flowing over her putting her back at full health as if she hadn’t just got into a cage match with a Nidoking.

“Return.” Koga called out simply Nidokings body flowing away in light. It was quiet for a moment as Koga seemed to taking in the fact he actually lost.

I was honestly pretty startled it happened too.

I mean I knew Chansey was an absolute monster, but for her to just outright brawl with a Nidoking? That was… Awesome!

I couldn’t help it. “Chansey!” I cheered loudly jumping into the air waving in happiness.

Her awesome serious mode immediately ended as she did the same. Both of us rushing to each other and slamming into a hug as we giggled and danced together.

Only long after we were satisfied at our victory did I turn to Koga.

He had been waiting casually standing among the ruined ground.

I definitely had the sense that he hadn’t expected us to pull out that win, but I guess he hadn’t taken into consideration that I hadn’t shown him every bit of training we had done. I had disappeared some days on Arcanine back, or in Dragonites arms to work through some special training that needed to happen.

Mostly with the new TM moves that we had learned.

But also to work on the many tricks I learned over weeks of battling trainers every day with underleveled Pokemon.

I lost far more often than I ever won, but I couldn’t deny it was a delight. Switching to new Pokemon facing challengers that had full teams and trained pokemon.

Forced to prove to myself that I actually wasn’t half bad at this whole trainer thing.

“Koga?” I eventually prodded the man had been watching me for a while

“Victoria.” He responded reaching into his pocket as he walked closer stepping up to Chansey and I. He offered my girl a nod, which she returned happily.

Then he pulled his hand free and offered to me a Badge.

With a star on it.

“Congratulations on completing your training under my gym. It seems I have far less to teach you than I expected.”

“Thanks.” I responded almost shyly, I had no idea what else to say! I hadn’t thought I would pull out the win either!

Koga was really strong!

If I hadn’t been facing him for over a month constantly seeing his every trick and learning how to counter them this battle would have been just as harsh as the one before it.

“Thank you. Koga-Sensei.” I offered after a moment realizing how stupid I was being. I offered him an actual bow. “I really appreciate everything you have taught me.”

“Good. Then my time was not wasted.” He offered seemingly back to himself as he nodded once to me as my head rose. “But while you have defeated me, you are not yet finished.”

“I’m… Not?”

“No you still have a duty to complete Victoria. You have proven yourself a trainer. Now you must prove you are a ninja.” He offered, and for the first time I saw him have a real smile. I blinked and suddenly he wasn’t alone. Almost the entire Ninja Clan was suddenly there.

Janine standing just behind her father with a grin on her face that I could see even through her mask.


“The Challenge does not end until the sun rises once more. Now, you have one minute head start. No Pokemon are allowed to assist you. Good luck.” He offered with an actual evil smile on his face!

Bullying!? Was this hazing!?

I realized how serious he was a moment later and returned Chansey and threw my Pokebelt at him with a pointed finger that I knew he would understand as I turned and ran into the forest around Fuchsia.

A minute later an entire army of ninjas chasing after me, all planning on tormenting me through the night.

Chapter 26

Chapter Text

I had mud in my boots.

It was pretty much all I could think about as I squelched back to the Fuchsia Gym. The asshole Ninjas had chased me all night. Sleep? What was that, did it taste good?

f*ckers. I had been forced to jump into a swamp at one point and pull off the old breathing through reeds trick I had seen on some anime just to get five minutes of them not sticking kunai into my butt.

Janine hadn’t been fooled for long though and after she purposefully plugged my reed with her finger forcing me up. I had five new holes in my butt from her chasing me around and cackling.

Hence the mud in my boots.

“You did good.” She offered with a grin as she easily kept pace beside me, showing none of my exhaustion as she walked steadily to my heavy trodding steps.

“You are very mean.”

“Aww come on you lasted the whole night! Father is very impressed. Now you just have to train more so you can stay fighting fit all night like me.” She teased.

I glared at her, because I know for a fact she and the horde of Ninjas chasing me throughout the night had been on shifts. Staying up all night, my pitted ass.

“You suck.”

“Survival training always sucks. But at least now we can be confident you can survive a night running away from angry Johtan trainers.”

“I wouldn’t need to run if I had my team.” I grumbled at her, but it didn’t have any heat. Knowing that you could escape from people on foot by yourself?

Well I am sure there were many trainers during the war that had either really wished they had this training, or gone through it and had a much higher chance of surviving.

So I just glared letting her know I wasn’t happy as I continued squelching up to the Gym.

At the foot of the entrance stood the beautiful woman that was actually Koga’s wife, and Janine's mother. Her expensive and perfectly tailored Kimono hid the fact she was just as much of a ninja as Koga was.

Seriously, she might even be scarier. She had that air about her. Like she could smile at me while stabbing me in the throat at the same moment.

I greeted her with a stiff bow which she returned as she instantly attacked me with a towel.

“Blegh!” I managed to get out as she rubbed my face vigorously, Janine standing beside me giggling as Tsunade went to work on me.

I mean thankfully she wasn’t blonde and ‘stacked’ so I wasn’t worried about getting flicked into the ground or anything.

“Acceptable.” She said after a while as she guided me inside to the baths.

I took a long time warming up and relaxing in the waters. Aya, Koga’s sister joined at one point, which I was thankful for, she had saved me from the water at one point as I had almost fallen asleep her giggles telling me how silly I must have looked.

Then I crashed into bed forever and ever.


“You are leaving.” Koga spoke practically appearing at my side as I stepped out onto the steps of the Gym.

“Yep. As fun as this has been. I still need to finish the other Gyms on my Journey.”

“Good. Time is short, but for you that should be no issue… I suggest you stop at Cinnabar on your circuit. There is a secret Gym there, still being run by our former Champion Blaine. I expect you will learn much from a match with him. It is hidden, you will need to gather some information to find it.”

I nodded slowly. I already intended on doing just that, but it was good to know that Blaine was still there taking challenges. “I’ll do that.”

“Do not forget what you have learned Victoria, the world is more dangerous than you believe.”

“I’ll do my best to stay safe. I promise.”

Koga nodded. He started to turn before stopping. “You are an acceptable student, but the path you have chosen to walk will not be easy. If you need assistance. The Fuchsia clan will not forget you.”

I was actually a little surprised Koga wasn’t a man that showed his emotions much.

“Thank you Koga-Sensei. I learned a lot, I owe you. I won’t forget that.”

“Good. Defeat Lance, and I will find my time to not have been wasted.”

“So just defeat the strongest trainer around and I’ll have been worth it. Sure. I’ll get right on that.” I muttered as he walked away, although I noticed he had a smirk on his face, as he left so he definitely heard me.

I turned, for the first time in a while heading out of the Fuchsia Gym free to do whatever I wanted.

“Hmm. Greasy food first.” I decided aloud, smiling as I put a bit of pep into my step. I hadn’t been able to eat anything unhealthy the whole time. Koga’s wife was an excellent cook, but it was all very traditional foods.

Unfortunately halfway to the nearest fast food place, I was attacked.

“Vicky Justice Kick!” I cried out as Kiba attacked me with a tackle. The two of us tumbling and groaning in the dust as while my kick had connected he had still knocked me off my feet.

“B-Bitch!” He groaned rolling the ground. “Why’d you kick me!?”

“You jumped me asshole!” I snapped back.

“Do you have any idea how long I have been waiting for you?” He growled, Mightyena was there beside him. I noticed the dog sniffing his master a bit before settling down. Uncaring about his master's distress.


“I was busy! With secret stuff!”

“Ninja training.”

“Noooo. I never did any ninja training ever. Like at all, You must be talking about the Magical girl Pretty Protector Sailor Nike! She is as amazing as she is mysterious.” I inform him with a firm nod.

“You are such a dweeb.” He groaned into the ground for a moment before pushing himself up and clutching his stomach as he glared at me, just in time to catch a Pokeball to his face. “Bitch!”

“Don’t call me a dweeb!”

“Stop being a dweeb and I’ll stop calling you one! You spazz!” He yelled earning a second chucked Pokeball which he barely blocked by covering his face. “Stop aiming for my face!”

“Hmph! We are done here.” I told him standing up and wiping myself down before taking two steps, which ended as Kiba grabbed my boot and I tripped face first right back into the dusty road.

A quick kick to his face leaving a dusty boot imprint later, we were glaring at each other, Mightyena sensing a battle was about to ensue didn’t look very confident.

“Let’s go you spazz.”

“Fine! Arcanine I choose you!” I roared glaring at the boy as the two of us faced off once again.

Or at least that was the plan because a moment after appearing Arcanine betrayed me! Betrayal most foul!

“Oof!” I gasped as she turned and with all her bulk just flopped right on top of me.

I was dying! Too heavy!

Oh wait actually. It wasn’t too bad. Just bulky so I couldn’t get her off me.

With a bit of wiggling I managed to get my head out from under her fur and catch sight of her face.

Oh no she was sulking. “Aww c’mon don’t be like that. It was just one battle!”

My argument was ineffective. Instead I got a glance from her as she puffed up her cheeks before huffed all the air out and just rolled over on me, meaning I was once more in the fur jungle.

That was about the time I felt someone start poking me with a stick.

“Kiba! I’ll kill you, you better stop!” I screamed out, but I am sure all he heard was muffled shouting as the stick did not in fact stop it just started poking harder.

I couldn’t even reach for my other Pokeballs!


“C’mon it was just one battle! I was saving you for last! But Chansey did a great job! You can’t be mad!”

Arcanine could in fact be mad as I learned over the next twenty minutes of her absolutely refusing to get off me.

There was a rock poking me in the back.


“So does that happen often?” Kiba asked as I stared at my burger. “The whole pleading with your pokemon thing.”

“I wasn’t pleading.”

“You were crying by the end. Sounds like pleading to me.”

“Kiba.” I hissed leaning in until our faces were practically touching. “I have ninja training now Kiba. I will kill you and no one will ever find the body.”

“Pfft. You don’t scare anyone. You aren’t tall enou-Ack.”

“What’s that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of you choking on your burger.” I say sweetly, after jamming his half eaten burger into his throat.

Of course a few moments later the two of us were kicking each other under the table which Kiba swiftly learned would only lead to one winner as my boots and strength had him yelping.

Rubbing his shin, he glared as he finished off his burger. “So what was that all about yesterday?”


“Don’t play dumb! That battle! Was that Gyarados flying? Did your Chansey, who is a sweet lady who wouldn’t hurt a fly, beat up a Nidoking? What the hell Vicky! I was watching and I almost didn't believe it.”

“I don’t see why any of that is weird.” I answer as a take a chunk out of my burger.

“Don’t give me that sh*t! Since when do Gyarados fly!? And what the hell is up with Chansey?”

“Gyarados are flying types. They could always fly… I guess. And Chansey has always been strong.”

“Bullsh*t.” He grumbled glaring. “Gyarados don’t fly Vicky. Everyone knows that! I mean I have an aunt that moved up to the mountains to get away from any large bodies of water specifically because she is terrified of them. How did you teach a Gyarados to fly? It’s scary!”

“It’s really cute honestly.”

“Only you would think so, you Magikarp fanatic!”

“Damn right! Magikarp are great!”

“Magikarp are useless. You're just a weirdo. Ow! Stop kicking me!”

“Stop being stupid and I will think about it.”

“Yeah whatever… I fought Koga after you did. Nothing he brought out was even close to that match you had. You really are a monster you know?” He said, quieter than his usual boisterous tone.

“Eh. I just had a few extra years of training my team. Plus that was my rematch against Koga. he beat me the first time.”

“I’ve had years with Mightyena too, but we can’t do half of the sh*t you pulled.” He pointed out before sighing. “Don’t let some idiot beat you in the League. With all your crazy sh*t you better win.” He demanded with a pointed look.

I took in the serious tone the way he was looking and I gave him a firm nod. “I have no intention of losing to anyone.”

His smile after was much like his dog, all teeth.


After lunch with Kiba he took off with just a wave over his head as he walked away. Hopefully the sight of the battle between Koga and I will give him inspiration for the League.

We all had a long way to go in our own way. It was something I had learned, no matter how strong my team was, that was only a piece of the puzzle.

I shook that thought away. I had something I needed to do. Specifically a grumpy pup that needed some treats and exercise.

I headed out of town towards the forest before releasing my still sulking girl.

The moment her paws hit the ground she turned her back on me huffed loudly.

I flopped into her back which only earned another huff as she purposefully turned her head away from me.

“I’m sorry I didn’t use you against Koga in the rematch.” I say which was completely ignored. “You know I trust you. I love battling with my girl.” I started lightly petting her which didn’t get her tail going like it usually does.

I huffed a bit myself as I leaned against her only earning a cold shoulder.

“Is my favorite fluffy puppy upset?” I baby talked to her. “Does she think I don’t trust her? Or that I don’t love how strong and amaaazing she is?” I cooed earning a whine from my girl.

I smiled. She was getting irritated with my baby talk.

“Is my little puppy all-pfft!” I was interrupted by a big paw that came up and mashed me in the face. Arcanine was huffy at me.

“Oh you want to fight do you?” I taunt reaching over and grabbing her snout and wiggling it back and forth, earning me a growl as she suddenly turned on me. She was on me. Her paws reaching out to push into my face as I kept grabbing her nose and wiggling it in a way she hated soon we were rolling around on the ground my strength and hands meant she couldn’t just put me down completely as I was always able to reach up and irritate her.

Ten minutes later I was out of breath and my face was lightly scratched up from her constant attempts to pin me down. Paws weren’t the most gentle thing on skin. She had given up and simply decided the best way to get me to stop irritating her was to once more lay on top of me. Her bulk kept me pinned.

“Feel better?” I ask, earning a huff but she did angle her head down towards where my head was pinned beneath her arms. Then she licked.

“Pfft!” I blew out my tongue as she left a trail of saliva across my face.

I could see the instant she knew what she was going to do.

“No you don’t.” I roared as she leaned down to start licking me frantically. Using every ounce of strength I lifted her off me enough to free my arms, and then her snout was caught in my hands her tongue half way out of her mouth as I clamped down.

“Haha! Who has got who now!?”

Her narrowed eyes told me her thoughts about that as she went on the attack.

“Ack! Too much tongue!” I couldn’t help but yelp as she lowered her snout to start licking like an ant eater in and out over and over,

“Noooo!” I cried out as I couldn’t over muscle her off me and so I was tortured until finally I released her snout.

Only to remember that Arcanine has no mercy in her heart!

An hour later now completely soaked from Arcanine spit I glared up at her weakly as she panted happily atop me.

“Satisfied now?”


“Yeah I bet.” I grumble at her poking her a bit until she finally stands up off me letting me up. A quick use of a towel from my bag later and the two of us were facing off sitting across from each other.

“I might not use you in every battle you know?”

“Arc! Arcanine!”

“No, of course I am happy to have you battle, but this was Chanseys turn.”


“No Milotic and the others needed this win too. You had already defeated one of Koga’s Pokemon. I needed the others to know they could do it too.”

“Ararar-acanine.” She whined at me almost pleading.

“You act like we won’t have a ton of battles soon! We are getting ready for the League, there will be hundreds of strong trainers to fight!”


I rolled my eyes. Her snippyness told me plenty about what she was feeling. “Of course I will still need you! Just because Chansey is strong doesn’t mean you aren’t my ace still!”

“Arc! Arcanine Arc-arc!” I sighed as she rose up on her hind legs begging.

“Silly dog.” I whisper as I rise up and swamp her in a hug before she could fall. Easily holding up her bulk as her arms fall on my shoulders. “You are the one I trust the most in battle, you should know that. Just because Chansey has found her desire to battle, doesn’t mean I am going to have her replace you! No one can replace you.”

She looked down on me for a while before huffing and I could hear her tail starting up.

Once the Arcanine super tail motor began, it wouldn’t stop. Her gentle lick across my nose told me she was happy again as well.

“There, see. Now how about we go run around, find a place to get some exercise, we will be heading to Saffron next. We have to face the Psychic Gym Leader, and she is crazy strong.”

“Arc!” She barked happily, of course the idea of a strong challenger was all Arcanine really wanted.

“I’ll let you start the fight, how about that?”

“Arc!” She wiggled happily the idea of battle once again turning my battle maniac into a happy pup.


“Yeah Mama. Training is all done. I beat Koga.” I showed off my new badge to my mother on the call as she looked surprised at the sight.

“And a Star Badge! Vicky. You are definitely going to cause a stir during the League. Look at you. I never earned a single Star Badge! You have collected them all so far!”

“I just have some advantages with my team. That’s all.” I demurred. Honestly nothing that I had done was that special, even Gravity training should be an idea that someone else has somewhere in the world.

“Well your father will be so proud when I tell him! Everyone knows Koga is a tough Gym to defeat, especially if you challenge him late. Look at you.” Mama said looking almost teary eyed at my accomplishment. Which made me go all gooey on the inside.

“T-thanks!” I offered with the brightest smile I could to tell her how happy I was. Mama and Papa were the best!

“But you really should catch some more Pokemon… Or take an extra Milotic Vicky. You are going to need six Pokemon for the League.”

“I have six Pokemon though?” I answered instantly, without a thought.

Like a damn idiot.

I realized it the moment it left my mouth. The absolute fool! Idiot sandwich!

“Oh? Who is your sixth? You told me about your Baby, but you didn’t tell me you caught someone new.”

“A-ah. Umm No, I didn’t! Just a slip of the tongue, definitely!”

The instant the words came out of my mouth I knew Mama wouldn’t buy it. In fact I knew she didn’t because her eyes narrowed. The same look of ‘you f*cked up’ that she gave me whenever she caught me doing something I wasn’t supposed to.

“Victoria. What are you hiding?”

“Hiding? Me? Of course not.” I rambled a bit so far on the back foot I might as well been metaphorically falling over.

“Victoria Ferrous.”

I felt myself floundering. Quick. Come up with a lie!

“I caught a Magikarp and helped it evolve into a Gyarados, and he is a good boy!” Wait? f*ck. That was the truth. sh*t.

“VICTORIA!” Mama, literally screamed into the phone forcing me to yank it away from my ears. “What are you doing! Gyarados are not safe! They are incredibly dangerous! You need to release it immediately! No I’ll call the Rangers they can-”

“No.” I said absolutely firmly, as firmly and seriously as any ten year old could ever sound. “I will not. He is a good boy, and my friend.”

“Arceus.” Mama whispered as she struggled to say something to override my stubbornness. “Vicky, you, they. Gyarados!”

“Yeah. He is great. He helped me beat Koga. We played at the beach on the weekends… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I knew you would react badly! I kept trying to tell you how sweet Magikarp and Gyarados could be, but-”

“Victoria Ferrous! We told you to stay away from them because they. ARE. DANGEROUS!” Mama once more yelled. Making me wince as the video phone captured the entirety of her meltdown. She stopped then. Took a breath for a few minutes. “Come home. Jump on Arcanine, or Dragonite, and get home. Now.”

I opened my mouth to say anything, but I realized instantly that this had escalated.

Mama was really freaking out… sh*t she probably wouldn’t handle Gyarados hugs very well either would she? “Okay. I’m on my way right now.”

Mama breathed heavily for a few moments before she nodded. “I’ll see you soon.”


I was honestly pretty nervous as Dragonite touched down. It was getting late the sun had gone down before I had even left Fuchsia, which left home lit up by the lights around it.

Dragonite gave a questioning little purr as I sort of paced a bit instead of heading inside. The kitchen lights were on, and I could see a few Growlithe already perking up at my arrival from their gathering on the well lit porch.

“I’m really worried. I was told a whole bunch that I wasn’t allowed to go capture a Magikarp or a Gyarados, but… It’s my journey and he isn’t a threat to me. Mama and Papa… And Gram Gram too I suppose. Aren’t going to take this well.

“Pree? Drag-Dragonite Dragon.” She comforted after making an “Ah” Noise patting me on the shoulder a bit.

“Yeah I can’t stay out here all night… Besides, I didn’t do anything wrong. Magikarp, and now Gyarados is my friend, it’s not wrong to make friends!” I give a nod which she nods along with. Dragonite and Gyarados didn’t do much together, but Gyarados being a friend for little Dratini had warmed Dragonite to the big fish.

“Why don’t you all settle in for a while? No telling how long this is going to take.” I tell them, releasing everyone from their Pokeballs. Except for Gyarados.

I would need him with me. Dratini was half way up my leg when Dragonite scooped him up, earning a little giggle as the family went over to the stream and trees to greet the Flock. Chansey wandering over as well to give everyone checkups.

I sighed psyching myself up even as the Growlithe pack ran over to demand treats. After a few berrys slipped into puppy bellies I could hear the front door open.

It was time.

It was Papa that was standing at the door. He didn’t look happy. He wasn’t glaring but I could sense tension in the way he stood.


“Come inside Vicky.” He ordered not unkindly, but it was with a definite unhappiness.

Yeah this was gonna be rough.

I stepped inside, and I could feel myself relaxing regardless. The smell of home was something you never really forgot, plus Arcany perked up at my entrance and gave me a little whuff of greeting from around the living room couch, which was apparently his new spot. The fact I could see his old puppy bed under his butt, not even starting to hold his massive body, made it all the cuter.

Ah, Pokemon were so cute!

But Papa led me into the kitchen, where Mama was baking.

Stress baking. I recognized it. She didn’t really enjoy baking stuff, but when she was upset she tended to start.

Gram Gram being there as well made me wince. This was a ‘family’ talk.

“Sit.” Papa ordered and I settled into my chair slowly trying to look anywhere but at all the eyes there were on me. Although Mama wasn’t looking at me. Too busy stirring something in a bowl furiously.

“Vicky. Why did you capture a Gyarados?” Papa asked after a moment as he sat in his chair.

“I didn’t… Well okay I know what happens when you capture a Magikarp. So yeah I captured a Gyarados… I wanted one.” I answered, stating the truth. I had always wanted one. They were awesome. Cute and scary all at once.

“We told you. Many times in fact, you weren’t allowed to play with Magikarp.” Papa’s voice wasn’t loud. He was speaking calmly, but I knew he wasn’t happy.

“That was when I was a kid, and I’m on my journey now.” I answered, trying to be reasonable. I mean it was the truth.

“Vicky. You know we are taking care of any of the Pokemon you catch on your Journey. It’s why we told you to be careful about how many Pokemon you catch. We have to be able to afford and take care of them. But that isn’t the point. We specifically told you not to capture a Magikarp. You are smarter than this, so don’t play it off. Why did you disobey us?” Papa demanded firmly.

“You were wrong.” I answered simply. My eyes locked onto his as I said it. “You’ve told me since I was little how dangerous Gyarados are. How Magikarp are terrible Pokemon to train because at any time they can go wild and attack you. I’ve heard it all! You told me horror stories all the time remember? About trainers who couldn’t control Gyarados, but you were wrong! All of you!” I yelled, my heart beating fast in my chest.

“Vicky! Do not raise your voice to us!” Mama demanded threatening me with a spoon. “You are in so much trouble right now. I can’t even describe it to you! You broke the biggest rule we gave you! It was practically the only restriction we put on your Journey!”

“Because you were wrong!” I almost… Almost snapped back. Instantly it was only a little heated. “Gyarados aren’t these horrible monster seeking to attack everyone! They are just-”

“They do attack people. All the time. Victoria, why are you unable to understand this?” Gram Gram asked softly. Looking upset.

Crap I made Gram Gram upset too.

“That isn’t the same thing at all.” I argued. “My Gyarados is a sweetheart. I mean literally. Dratini is his best friend and they play together. Dratini.” I repeated waving my hands. “Dragonite would never let Dratini around a dangerous Pokemon. Gyarados… No Magikarp he was utterly alone when I found him. Utterly. All he was doing was swimming around in circles just waiting for something to happen, and you know what? I happened. I reached out to him and showed him that life wasn’t bitter loneliness and cruelty! Yes Gyarados are dangerous! Most of them have no socialization! They never had friends, or family to develop those sorts of skills! Of course they are aggressive!” I waved my hands above my head as I tried desperately to get my point across.

My words were taken in for a while, all three adults hearing me out, which just went to show how awesome my parents were.

But that doesn’t mean they agreed.

“Vicky. You wouldn’t be our child if you weren’t trying to help out every Pokemon you could.” Mama offered settling her mixing bowl down with a thud. “But you were told. Firmly. Multiple times not to do exactly what you did. Arceus only knows where your fascination with Gyarados and Magikarp came from, but that isn’t what we are angry about. You disobeyed us.”

Papa broke in then. “And that is the crux of the issue. Vicky. You know we love you and we worry for you, and there are reasons we put down the rules we did when you set out on your Journey. If you aren’t responsible enough to listen, maybe you aren’t ready for your Journey.” Papa said and I blinked.

Was that even an option!?

I didn’t even know how to respond to that. “You are grounded for now to start. We will figure out what we are going to do… we will figure out your punishment tomorrow. Go to bed Vicky.” Papa demanded.

I hesitated.

Part of me was getting angry. I didn’t like being treated like… well like a child. At least not in this. Not for something this important.

Another part of me realized that they weren’t trying to be mean.

They were scared.

That was the part of me that realized I messed up. Not in actually capturing Magikarp. Gyarados was my sweet blue heart, and anyone that tried to bully him would earn a Vicky Justice Kick in short order.

But my parents were really not okay with a Gyarados around their ten year old. Their… well even I could admit. Their very small, ten year old.

Who was walking around with a monster in her pocket, that they were all afraid was going to eat her someday.

I mean it could happen, but it wouldn’t be a painful experience. Just uncomfortable for both parties I am sure. I doubt Gyarados were built for puking.

I ran through ideas. Arguments I could make. Forcing them to meet Gyarados, but I realized everyone was tired. Mama was still stress baking and Papa was angry at me for not listening.

Gram Gram just looked disappointed.

Alright. “Okay. In the morning then.” I agreed firmly. Stepping away from the kitchen before a voice called back.

“The Pokeball.” Gram Gram said suddenly. Causing me to still as I still had Gyarados on my hip. “We will hold onto it.” Gram Gram spoke firmly, but this time I frowned for real.

“You do know that I still need to feed and take care of him. If you want to hold onto him. It can’t be for very long.”

“Pokemon don’t get hungry in their Pokeballs Vicky. He can last a while.” Papa said, but I immediately turned to him.

“Put Arcany in his Pokeball for a few days then.”

The instant denial on Papa’s face that he stopped himself from voicing the denial was all I needed. I held up my Sweet Blue Hearts Pokeball. “Since you are afraid. I’ll let you hold onto him tonight.” I offer handing the Pokeball to Papa who nodded, and swiftly minimized it and put it in his pocket.

“Go to your Room vicky. We will talk more in the morning.” Papa ordered.

“Okay.” What else could I say?


It took forever to get to sleep. To relax from all the anxiety of what had happened. But the feel and smell of my own bed. The room I grew up in, and the noise of my Pokemon out the window lulled me to sleep eventually.

One of the Growlithe had even snuck in as he had apparently been using my bed in secret and cuddled with me, so that was nice.

Although he kept trying to steal my pillow.

After waking up pillowless I grumbled and ignored the happily snoring Growlithe as I stumbled out of my room into the bathroom to wash up. With that I headed outside.

My team of course needed some breakfast. Cooking up breakfast for my team right outside the house felt weird. Even Chansey happily chattering away beside me as we cooked enough for everyone made the whole situation a little surreal.

Of course, it was mostly weird because I didn’t have a big fish hanging over me wiggling back and forth as I cooked.

Seeing that Mama and Papa were up, and my meal was almost done I headed inside.

“Morning.” I called out to my parents who were both waking up nursing cups of Coffee as Mama cooked breakfast.

“Good morning Vicky. Your Pokemon taken care of?”

“Mostly. I still need to feed Gyarados.” I answer simply purposefully not sitting down as I started the parents down.

The tension of course ratcheted up as I spoke but Papa sighed. “Alright. Let’s get this over with. C’mon trouble.” Papa said as he stood up and headed back into his room for a moment before appearing with Arcany following him, and Gyarados’s Pokeball in his hand. The Premier Ball obvious.

He led me outside and towards the whole flock. To my surprise Papa gave a quick whistle and the entire pack of Growlithe started rushing from every corner of our land. Watching them climb out of holes they had dug, or from under bushes had me fighting back a smile as they rushed over, lining up beside Arcany in a line.

Arcanine even settled in purposefully pushing one of the Growlithe out of the way to sit beside Arcany, which was hilarious because then all the Growlithe had to push each other around to settle into ‘their’ spot.

Papa had obviously given them some training.

“They are so cute. You didn’t tell me you had been training them?”

“You ever lived in a house with a pack of wild Growlithe? No. You didn’t. Trust me, your mother would have killed them if I hadn’t stepped in.”

“Oops.” I offered simply earning a snort from Papa.

“There is a reason we worry about you Vicky. You don’t always think things through when it comes to Pokemon.”

“Yeah, but I’m right.” I offer simply. “Gyarados would never hurt me. Ever.”

“Well that’s what I am here to see. If something happens I don’t like. Arcany and the pack are right here.” He answered firmly, and I shrugged.

Gyarados was a sweetie.

Finally he handed me the Pokeball and I nodded preparing to throw.

When I had a thought. A realization. Perhaps an epiphany.

So I lowered my hand. “There is one thing I should probably say before I release my sweetie…”

Papa quirked his eyebrow up at me, already judging me with his stare.

“So Gyarados… Well he is a little lonely, so he tends to hug me when I first release him especially when I haven’t for a while. So just… It’s not dangerous at all? It’s just how he shows affection.”

“My confidence in this is already zilch, and I know when you are being evasive. What are you saying Vicky?” Papa asked with a strong stare. Ah! He was using his Growlithe training voice! I was weak to that!

That wicked little part of me wanted to right that moment just release my sweetie and shock Papa with what would happen, but I knew that was the childish part of me.

And this was serious.

“He is going to put me in his mouth in a hug.” I say simply, and the moment it took Papa to take in what I had just said really had it all. First he blinked as if he couldn’t comprehend what I had just said, and then twitched, and his hand rushed to his face to pinch the bridge of his nose.

“You ha-”

“It’s perfectly safe. He doesn’t have arms and he is lonely Papa. He just wants to hug me. Just relax okay. Give it a minute he will let me go right after and I can show you why he is probably my sweetest Pokemon.”

“You should not be letting your Pokemon, any Pokemon put you in their mouth Vicky. That’s just… Bad training in general. If I had a Growlithe that had a tendency to grab people with its jaws I would train it out of them!”

“I know.” I agree easily. “It isn’t something to be proud of, but Gyarados is really really young Papa. He was a tiny Magikarp, and I’m the first person to ever really interact with him. I’m still socializing him, but in order to do that, I can’t stop him from showing affection. That is how you get angry Gyarados.”

Papa sighed looking every inch the man that wanted to ground me forever and throw Gyarados’s Pokeball into the hands of the first Ranger he could find.

But he didn’t. Whether it was because my Pokemon knowledge gave me some leeway, or because I actually was pretty good with Pokemon he eventually relented.



“Chansey is your sweetest Pokemon.” He offered along with a ‘do it’ gesture with his hand.

I stilled at that. “You have never seen her battle before, or you wouldn’t be saying that.” I tell him utterly dead serious. I nodded after turning away. “Come on out! My Sweet Blue Heart! Breakfast time!” I shouted out happily as I tossed the Pokeball towards the stream.

And a moment later a light roar shook the area startling the Milotic who were playing, although Milotic being my partner, and their leader quickly called out and all of them calmed instantly. The entire Flock watching on in interest at their newest guest.

But Gyarados didn’t notice any of that. As always when he was released his eyes instantly swept around searching for the one thing he treasured.

It was honestly really flattering. My arms widened like I was gonna give a hug and a moment later he struck.

The sun disappeared around my feet.


“I can’t believe this.” Papa said, sounding a little high strung as I continued wiping saliva out of my hair.

“Yeah he is pretty great.” I chirped, as I sat atop Gyarados’s head spike my Blue heart was laying on the ground and gurgling happily at our closeness as Papa stood to the side surrounded with surprised Growlithe who all looked ready for battle. Even Arcany was standing ready to fight but it was Arcanine beside him who was yawning and lying down without a care that had helped relax Arcany.

“How is he so passive? I’ve seen trainer Gyarados before. They are never this…” Whatever he was going to say never reached an actual word because Papa was poking Gyarados, touching and even pulling his whisker a bit to see if he would react.

He didn’t. Gyarados was used to Dratini playing with him, he didn’t get angry at being touched.

“I told you. Gyarados is a sweetie. I raised my Blue Heart right!” I crow a little vindication running through every inch of me, as Papa’s attempts to pull a bit of aggression out of Gyarados failed again and again. In fact the Milotic Flock had even wandered over and were checking out their new friend.

All of it was done to the soundtrack of Dratini who was giggling as he played with Gyarados’s tail that was splashing happily in the water as his lower half was still in the stream. Seeing my little noodle rising up out of the water on the end of Gyarados’s tail and then getting dropped back into the stream with delighted giggles was a wondrous backdrop.

“Ah let me get your breakfast sweetie.” I called out remembering why I had needed to bring out my boy. As I climbed down his face. His complete nonreaction as I stepped down onto his nose and then his lip as I climbed down showing Papa just how safe my boy was.

Then I settled onto the grass and headed over to the big pot of Chow I had been cooking just for him.

Chansey had already pulled it off the fire and simply hauled the pot up in her arms completely unbothered by the weight of the thing as she waltzed over as if she wasn’t carrying a heavy pot. Then as easy as could be Gyarados opened his mouth and Chansey and I poured the food in.

Honestly most of it was for taste more than anything. Considering how big some Pokemon could get. A lot of Pokechow had super nutrient dense food that didn’t taste good, but could fill up even a Snorlax with just a pot full of chow, but by cooking it with his favorite super spicy Liechi berries cooked in, and turning it into a sort of stew Gyarados got a nice taste along with all the healthy vitamins he needed.

The fact it made my eyes water just coming near the pot because of just how spicy Liechi was was an unfortunate fact of life when you lived with a spice lover.

Pouring it in, earned a pleased grumble from my fish as he waited until it was fully poured out before closing his mouth and seeming to enjoy the flavor for a bit before swallowing.

And then he opened his mouth again and sighed pleased.

Even if his sigh made my nose run from how spicy it was.

Papa had been taking this all in with a look of sort of offended bafflement.

“Gyarados should not be this calm.” He finally repeated himself. “Vicky. Gyarados are never this calm.”

“Of course not. Most people don’t train them right!” I answered firmly even as my eyes watered and I realized I didn’t have my travel bag that had my tissues ready to blow my now runny nose from all the spice.

“Ack, one sec!” I cried out as I rushed back to the house so I wasn’t doing a Cubchoo impression. As I entered I could see Mama hovering over the kitchen window obviously fretting as she could see Gyarados.

After clearing up my sinuses so I wasn’t dying. I didn’t head back outside.

“Mama?” My question startled her as she had been locked onto Gyarados out the window.

“V-vicky?” She asked, whirling around. It took a moment but eventually she seemed to breathe again as she held her chest. “Don’t startle me like that.” She whispered before catching my concerned eye.

“Did… Is the reason you don’t like Gyarados… Did you ever?” I asked, as I realized Mama wasn’t just scared for me.

She was just plain scared.

“I was eighteen.” She finally answered after a while. “I was too late to see everything myself, but it was a town in Johto. I was… well I was trying to show off by collecting the Johto badges. I was getting ready to retire, but I wanted… It doesn’t matter. I was wandering around a place called the Lake of Rage. It-”

“I’ve heard of it.” I offered. “They have a lot of Gyarados attacks there, that is what earned it the name.”

“Exactly. The Gyarados had rampaged the day before. There was almost nothing left. Just… Just those who hadn’t been able to escape. I offered to help cleanup. Meowth’s sense of smell is particularly good. We helped the Johto rescue teams.”

She didn’t say anything more, but she didn’t need to. I could hear it. See it on her face what she had found.

Bodies. Probably a lot of them. Probably kids too.

“My Sweetie isn’t like them. I know… I know you don’t believe me, but it’s true. He isn’t angry. I’m making him the happiest Gyarados that there ever was. So he won’t have to be like that. So that people can realize that they all don’t have to be like that.”

“I know. You have always been like that. I still remember when you dragged Feebas home.”

“Feeby was so cute back then.” I answer with a nod.

Mama actually snorted a bit, breaking some of the tension that had been running through her. “Only you Trouble would think a Feebas is cute… But I guess only you would evolve them into a Milotic as well.”

I smiled at her. “Want to come meet him? I promise he is nice… Just don’t offer to hug him, we are still working on that.”

“I.. I don’t think I’m ready for that Vicky. Why don’t you go on. I’m sure your father is getting nervous standing next to a Gyarados.”

“Gyarados is playing with Dratini he won’t go anywhere, but okay. I’ll head out… But if you ever want to try. Let me know Gyarados would be happy to meet you, and we could even go for a ride! His flight isn’t as smooth as Dragonite, it’s like a roller coaster!” I call out as I rush out the kitchen to get back to Papa.

Not hearing the quiet question of “Flight?” That Mama uttered a moment later.

Rushing back outside I hurried over until I could flop onto Gyarados’s face next to where Papa was still standing and poking and messing with Gyarados.

The fact I was basically hugging Gyarados’s face which hadn’t even earned a twitch from him caused Papa to startle back a bit. “He won’t bite. I do this all the time so he knows it’s okay.” I tell Papa as I grab big blue cheeks and mash them around “Isn’t that right my Blue Heart! Aren’t you such a good boy!” I cooed which finally caused a reaction as his mouth opened, and his tongue rolled out to splatter across my entire body.

“Pttth!” I spit gagging a bit as icky fish saliva got in my mouth.

“Heh.” Papa chuckled as he looked at my disgust for a moment. “Alright. Vicky. Alright. You win. You can keep him.”

“A-awesome.” I gagged from the floor as I was spitting and trying to get the not just disgusting taste, but incredibly spicy taste out of my mouth.

“But you are still grounded, and you will be helping Mother with the yard work around her home. For a week.”

“Wha? Why am I still grounded!”

Papa this time kneeled down and he was not smiling at me as he poked my nose. “Because you were told. Specifically to stay away from Magikarp and Gyarados and you disobeyed. You took a risk, and yes this Gyarados is… Unique. But I and your Mother still gave you a rule and you broke it.”

“That’s… Fair.” I sighed. Aww man. I was grounded! For a week! And I hated yard work! It wasn’t like you were growing something or doing something useful! Who cares what a yard looks like! It wasn’t even a garden or a farm just grass!

“Also do not release your Gyarados anywhere in the city. I do not want Jenny to be hounding me for the next ten years.”


Chapter 27

Chapter Text

“Booored.” I moaned into my pillow. Day three of my grounding, which no matter how good I acted hadn’t been rescinded left me with very little to do. Sure I did a lot of chores. Partly because Mama had rather frankly reminded me that since I was here, I could take care of my own Pokemon.

But I was boooored! I couldn’t go out and play, or wander around as I tended to before my Journey, and while I could play with the Growlithe, that got a bit exhausting after three days. Even for me.

“Up you go Trouble. Mother has a bunch of weeds to pull out.” Papa interrupted my pity party with the order looking in from the doorway before walking away.

I sighed into the pillow, was getting up and weeding, less or more boring than doing nothing? I considered it for a few moments.

Less. Okay.

“Yes Papa.” I called out as I rolled sideways, flopping out of bed, grunting as I hit the floor because standing was too much to ask right that moment. I sighed and slowly sat up, rising to my feet just in time for a Growlithe that I had been chasing out of my room for the last few days to scramble inside and instantly jump on my bed, once more claiming my bed for himself.

“Dammm-dangit Pillow!” I grumble hastily correcting myself in case Papa was still nearby. Pillow was what I had decided to call this Growlithe, because he literally stole my pillow any chance he could get. He was one of the few Growlithe that had come to like being inside, and had apparently decided that since I was gone, my room was now his.

He was a little jerk, but he was nice to cuddle at night.

Still he drooled! And stole pillows!

I grumbled when I realized he was already laying on his back legs spread and tongue hanging completely out of his mouth, on my pillow that trying to move him would just be an ordeal.

And he would just come running right back once I leave. Pillow knew how to open doors…

I almost stomped out of my room but managed to keep myself from doing so as I passed the kitchen where Mama was thankfully no longer baking, but instead cleaning up breakfast. “Do everything your Grandmother needs.” Mama called out and I threw her a thumbs up as I passed, Papa already out on the porch overlooking the pack playing around in the yard.

As I left I grabbed my hat from the coat rack near the door, slipped into my stompy boots, and finally grabbed my Pokeball belt. Everyone’s Pokeball was left open in a Pokeball drawer near the front of the house. It was locked up tight with a code to keep out thieves something that people kept for their pet Pokemon, or in our case, Pokemon that were allowed to wander free.

Well everyone but Gyarados. He wasn’t socialized enough to stay out, and he didn’t like being locked away… One near explosion as he started trying to force himself out of the ball had proven that.

So he was the only ball on the belt, he didn’t being on the belt since I would walk by the front door all the time, and Mama had been at least soothed enough that I was listening and not causing problems.

So I took my belt. There was a cultural thing. Most trainers never went anywhere without a Pokemon, but even fewer went anywhere without a few Pokeballs on hand, and my belt had a few stored in a back pouch. I wasn’t worried about much but…

Never knew when I would need a few Pokeballs. Mostly for chucking at irritating people.

Straightening my hat I stepped out beside Papa. “Ready!”

He gave me a smile which was nice as he promptly tugged my hat down over my eyes.

I squawked in outrage and fixed it only to see Papa already rushing for the car. “Last one in has to clean Arcanys Puppy bed!” He shouted out behind him which had me white out in horror.

Arcany didn’t let anyone touch his puppy bed. Cleaning it was a monstrous chore as you had to fight him the entire way. Literally if you tried to wash it he would just grab straight out of the washer even if it was wet and covered in soap and drag it back to his ‘spot’ to sit in it.

The messes… The horror!

My feet raced down the steps but it was far too late.

Legs… Too short! I shouted in outrage as I made it to the car long after Papa had already slipped in, puffing I glared.

“Well I guess you have another chore for tonight. Good luck.”

“I’m gonna tell him you are trying to clean his Puppy bed, so he goes and sits on you.” I threatened, earning a chuckle from Papa as he slipped on his seatbelt.

“I’ll just tell him I told you to do it.” He retorts, earning a glare, because Arcany would figure out he was being tricked, and then he would be mean.

I should probably put on a bathing suit before trying to clean his puppy bed because otherwise I was liable to end up dunked in the stream.

The jerk.

My grumbling ended though as we started pulling out, rolling down the window I waved to my Pokemon that were noticing me leaving. “Going to Gram Grams for chores! Be good while I’m away!” I called out to my team, bar Gyarados who was in his Pokeball resting as I was still working on his socialization thing.

He was still not quite understanding inside and outside… He had almost stuck his head through my bedroom wall. Not my window. No. That was way too small for him to fit.

The wall.

Anyways my team all gave me little waves. Dragonite with her hands which I giggled at because it was still cute she had hands now. Her own fascination with them made it adorable whenever she realized she had done something automatically. This surprised like happy look.

With that I settled into the seat of the car back to feeling a little bored. I hadn’t ever taken myself as someone that gets antsy, but I was feeling it a bit. That desire to just… Go. Huh. What a weird feeling.

But grounded. Super bummer.

The next few moments were quiet. Papa wasn’t usually super chatty as he drove, and I was still feeling bored. Then we hit the first red light and I happened to glance out the window only to jerk to the side and with a yelp.

“A-arcanine! What are you doing you dork!” I screeched as I rushed to roll down the window because standing there at the light tail wagging happily and looking like a dog on a walk Arcanine was there face practically pushed up against the glass waiting for me.

“Arc!” She barked at me happily as she tippy tapped right there on the street to my horror. There was actually a car behind her in the lane, and I could see the driver looking on in surprise at the damn Arcanine blocking them.

“No! Don’t you give me that! Go home Arcanine! Home!”

“Arc!” She barked instantly, refusing as she hopped from side to side.

Okay so being grounded it wasn’t like I had been able to take my girl out on ‘walkies’ or anything. Considering Arcanines idea of a ‘short walk’ was something like a hundred miles minimum.

“No! Bad Arcanine! Bad!” I shook a finger at her which she completely ignored. She was in full on zoomies. Nothing beat her zoomies.

Of course right then something happened that had me spinning in shock.

Papa revved the engine on his car.

Instantly Arcanine was ready leaping to look down the street her butt in the air and her tail spinning like a helicopter practically lifting her off the ground in excitement.

I turned, staring at Papa in horror as he had an utterly amused smirk on his face. “Papa… Officer Jenny is going to kill you.”

“Not if she doesn’t catch us! Race you there!” He called out to Arcanine just as the light turned green and he hit the gas. I was jerked back into my seat thankful for my seatbelt as Papa floored it.

Arcanine barking in joy as she easily kept pace with the car.

But well… It was the most exercise she had in days.

Well until Officer Jenny pulled us over.


“Not if she doesn’t catch us.” I mocked Papa as I slammed the door shut with a glare. He was hunching a bit as he stepped out.

“Listen, no one could have guessed Jenny would be right around the corner.”

“She probably heard your tire squeal. It’s not like many people drive like maniacs in the city.” I tell him hands on my hips sternly, earning an apologetic shrug. Arcanine of course hadn’t cared. More than happy to run laps around the car while Jenny gave Papa the dressing down of his life.

I had even gotten in trouble because I didn’t have her Pokeball on me!

“So, how much is it going to cost me for you to not repeat this story to your mother? Or mine…” He added as we walked up to Gram Grams gate.

“Oh I’m not sure that’s on the table.” I added with a sinister grin as I entered the gate holding it open for Arcanine to saunter inside her movements more bouncy than normal as she was still in full on zoomies.

“I’ll take care of Arcanys Puppy bed… And I’ll feed the pack.”

“An interesting start.” I offer as I knock on the door to Gram Grams house making sure that Papa knew he would be groveling a bit more before I agreed to keep my mouth shut.

Seriously Officer Jenny had been so mad.

“Ah there is my worthless son.” Gram Gram called not from inside, but off to the side she came around wearing the same sort of big straw hat that I did and was a pair of big gardening gloves.

“And my troublesome Grandaughter.” I winced. Gram Gram was still mad I guess.

“Morning Gram Gram. I’m here to help!” I offer, deciding to ignore her irritation with plucky determination!

“So you will.” She offered after a moment her face gaining a sinister smile. “And so you will. Hehehe.” She offered as she took off the gloves she had been wearing and stepped close enough to hand them to me. “Weeds in my garden. Off you go.” She ordered instantly and I deflated.


“What’s this?” She asked looking at Arcanine who had been bouncing around the front lawn of Gram Grams little estate.

“Oh right she followed us… If you put some music on, something with a fast beat that will keep her occupied.” I decided, if she had the zoomies the only way to win was to give her some sort of exercise. The fact her tail started wagging told me it was a good call.


“I’ll take care of it Mother, I have an idea of what Vicky means. Go on Trouble get weeding.”

“Yeah yeah.” I offered as I headed for the back. Time for chores I guess.

I wandered into Gram Grams little garden, mostly she did it for flowers and the like, but I could tell some of the plants were herbs for cooking, or just to smell nice. I made sure to grab the actual weeds and not something Gram Gram was actually growing.

I didn't want to imagine how much trouble I would be in if that happened.

Faintly I could hear some music start up and a few happy barks from the other side of the house.

That brought a smile ot my face, which kept me from being too down as I pulled the weeds for Gram Gram. Arcanine would be occupied.

This week was already taking forever. It was good that I wasn’t feeling pretty chipper when I finally finished pulling all the weeds out of the ground, wiping a bit of sweat from my brow as I stood up and hefted the basket of weeds in to my arms I headed out through the back gate where an alley held all the trash bins for Gram Grams richie-rich street.

Some rich person had obviously not wanted to have to haul the trash to the front of the street so they had an alleyway built instead.

As I pushed the back gate door open and headed for the bins I stilled.

The bins were shifting.

“Rat! Raticate!” A heard a voice hiss out from behind me. A Rattata came out from behind the bin in front of me, and then two, and then four.

I sighed turning around.

Rattata were cute. So were Raticate…

But Raticate and Rattata were aggressive little f*ckers when it came to food. I took in the leader of this little band of troublemakers.

“Listen. I’m just throwing these weeds away. You can go back to doing what you like but if you attack me, you aren’t going to like what happens next.” I told them firmly but unfortunately, it was no good.

I had accidentally put myself between the pack, and I was small.

I sighed. People got attacked by wild Rattata packs from time to time, thankfully unless you really pissed them off, they wouldn’t do much more than bite at your ankles until you ran away.

I even remember Meowth chasing a pack of the little guys away from the house once. They had been eating up the berries. I always felt bad.

Meowth and Mama had zero chill when it came to things he could eat, or the Berry Orchard respectively.

In the end I was calm. They were irritants, but not lethal.

Unfortunately for them, I was not in the mood to limp home for Chansey to heal me up.

“ARCANINE!” I called out as loud as I could as the Raticate seemed to be about to attack. My yell startled them all back for a moment but that was all. The heavy basket in my arms flipped and used as a shield while I waited.

I thought about releasing Gyarados, but well…

Since Arcanine was here, it was best to rely on her. She understood restraint… Mostly.

I could only imagine the rampage Gyarados would do if he came across a pack of Pokemon attacking me.

That might actually be a real disaster.

I yelped as I was pulled from my musing, as I raised my shield just in time to see a massive Raticate fang burst through the bottom of the weave tearing the basket practically in half as it barely stalled him. The rat just tried to Hyperfang me!

“You little sh*t!” I cursed at him kicking at him from around the basket. Knocking him away with a booted foot.

That would have hurt!

I growled at the pack that were all making their move on me. But unlike most of the people this pack probably ran into, I wasn’t going to run!

I had backup!

I grinned as suddenly something large leapt over the back wall crashing into the alleyway gravel in a blaze of flame.

“Arcanine. Be gentle.” I tell her as the pack turns to see what had just intruded.

I could see the exact moment that they realized what they were facing.

The Raticate made a squeak that was obviously of terror as he suddenly started trying to flee.

Arcanine, unfortunately for the rats, took this entire situation in one way.

Time to play.

I sighed as she leapt quickly grabbing the Raticate for a moment behind its head, a ‘kill’ move in a single leap.

Then she lifted it up, shook it a little and then dropped it back down as she leapt a dozen feet away and ready to battle some more.

Arcanine was literally playing with it.

“R-rat! Squeak!” It desperately squeaked as it regained its feet looking around confused. Obviously the wild rat was shocked it was still alive. Around my feet the little Ratattas were already fleeing running wildly away from the big dog now playing with their pack leader.

“Arcanine. Stop being mean. Hey you! Get out of here, and don’t try to attack people again! Or next time someone will kill you instead of letting you go.” I ordered much to Arcanines shock as she pleaded with me, giving a puppy stare and a whine in her throat.

“No, we don’t know where it has been, I’m already going to be washing your mouth out after this.” I tell her earning a stricken look from my girl.

The Raticate though was slowly backing away its fur in disarray, obviously terrified at what had just happened.

Good I was scared too! That f*cker had big teeth! Even if he was kinda cute though. Real Capybara energy… I mean just one wouldn’t hurt… Or twelve? I could feel my hand slipping down to my belt Pokeballs just sitting there not being used look at their cute little tails… But in the end I hesitated and the Raticate vanished as the last of the Rattata squeaked at it to catch up.

It turned and practically quick attack dashed its way down the alley a blur of white as it disappeared at full speed.

Which honestly? Kinda slow. Six outta Ten.

“C’mon girl. Let’s make sure you didn’t catch anything. Chansey will need to give you a checkup. Honestly putting a rat in your mouth? A wild one?” I told her, earning a panicked look as I started to head back into the gate when Papa was suddenly there fists clenched like he was about to punch someone.

“Vicky! You alright, what happened?” He demanded his eyes roving over the alley way.

“Just some Rattata and an aggressive Raticate. All taken care of.” I offer with a shrug. It wasn’t very often that I had to deal with aggressive wild Pokemon, considering the noise my team tended to make, but I wasn’t exactly on the backfoot by a pack of angry rats.

I had a big ol’ Doggo.

Papa took a moment to make sure that I was right, before he suddenly pulled me into a hug and then dragged me back into the gate.

“Victor?” Gram Gram was there, hurrying at a much slower pace that Papa had probably raced over with.

“She is fine.” He called back with a tightening of his grip on me. I threw a thumbs up from around Papa as well.

“Thank Arceus, what happened? Vicky my girl, you alright?” Gram Gram asked as she checked me over. I gave her a happy smile.

“Fine! Your basket got ripped up though. Sorry.” I offered I had dropped the Basket after Papa had grabbed me so It was laying in a mess in the alley.

“Just some Rattata, Mother.” Papa offered with a heated look.

“Tsk! Damn those Jennys! They are supposed to make sure wild packs don’t wander right into town! My Granddaughter could have been hurt! I’m gonna-”

“It’s okay Gram Gram. It was just bad luck. But I doubt they will be back around. Arcanine scared them good.” I chirped a bit, but that didn’t seem to help.

“Of course dear. But really Victor! You work with Jenny, you had better give them a piece of my mind when you see her next!”

“Of course Mother. I’m not pleased either. I’ll talk to Jenny today.” Papa said with a scowl as he continued to hold me tightly.

“It was just some Rattata? They were just digging through the trash. It’s not really that big a deal?” I asked

“Vicky. Wild Pokemon attacks are serious no matter what Pokemon is doing the attack! Especially in town! What happens if they attack a child… A much younger child?” Papa asked and I really didn’t have a retort for that. That Hyperfang would have… Well a little kid would have been messed up healing is pretty crazy here, but that would have been a nasty wound to deal with especially if it hit an artery or something I guess…

“At least that pack probably won’t try to attack anyone again. Not after Arcanine spooked them.” I offered which Papa snorted at.

“That’s the truth. There aren’t many wild Pokemon that would forget a meeting with your girl.” He said as he threw a smile towards Arcanine who was once more looking pleased.

“Still I want to call that Jenny! They are supposed to be keeping the Pokemon from getting this wild. And where were you?” Gram Gram asked turning to Persian who had slunk outside to sit near Gram Grams feet. “Not much use were you huh? A bunch of rats attacking my Grandchild and you were napping in the sun!”

“Perrr.” Persian offered with an innocent look which wasn’t helped by his naturally aggressive face.

“Pfeh. Lazy cat. Letting the rats build up around my home.” She grumbled at him, ignoring his attempts to look innocent.

“Aww Persian is fine Gram Gram. I don’t think that pack was from around here. They looked like they were traveling around, so they were probably not here long. I’m sure Persian would have helped out.” I said throwing Persian a wink which he gave me a kitty smile in return.

Of course Gram Gran wasn’t buying it for a moment, as she scoffed before once more pushing forward to hug me.

“Silly girl, you should be more careful. A pack of rats like that could have…Even if they aren’t likely to kill you my Girl, they can still injure you!” Gram Gram stopped before sighing. “You are expected to learn a lot on your Journey especially how to be more careful. You have strong Pokemon Granddaughter, but please. Be more careful for our sake, if not your own.” She whispered into my head for a moment.

“I try to always be careful, Arcanine was here, and so was Gyarados if I was in any danger. Doubt they would have had any fight in them if I released my sweetie.” I say with a grin which caused Gram Gram to frown a bit before she scoffed.

“Good. If it’s ever a choice between your safety then you don’t hesitate for a moment.” Gram Gram told me firmly before she started dragging our little group inside.

I spent the rest of the new hour spending time with Gram Gram as we chattered about simple things, Persian napping in my lap as we ate cookies and chocolate milk.

Gram Gram was in full comfort mode, which was nice, cause no weeding.

Arcanine went back to dancing, while Papa went out to speak to Jenny about the Rattata pack. I doubted they would cause any more trouble, but it was what we were supposed to do if ever we were attacked by Wild Pokemon in the city. Apparently.

Gram Gram didn’t have me do any more weeding before I went home, and she never brought up Gyarados, but I could see the way her eyes would sometimes angle down to the lone Pokeball on my belt.

Whatever she was thinking she didn’t share, but she did give me a strong hug as Papa finally came back. Driving home with Arcanine happily chasing the car was fun. At least this time Papa didn’t try to race her and get in trouble with Jenny.


“Freedom!” I cried out as I woke up a week after coming home, and finally free from my grounding.

I jumped out of bed ignoring how Pillow was grumbling at me from his Pillow. My new pillow Mama had bought for me still felt weird, but at least it wasn’t covered in Growlithe hair all the time.

Listen the little bastard was more stubborn than any Pokemon I had ever met. After a week of fighting over my pillow he won.

I took the L.

Racing into the bathroom to get ready I was out almost as quickly racing down the halls skidding on my socks into the kitchen. Wet hair still dripping behind me which I ignored with the grace of ten year olds everywhere.

“After ten thousand years I’m free!” I cry out to Mama and Papa who were both sitting in the kitchen.

“Ten thousand years is it?” Mama offered flatly as she pointed a spatula at me, “I’ll ground you for ten thousand years alright!”

“Noooo!” I whined as I slipped into my seat. “You caaaaan’t!”

Mama huffed before slipping a plate of breakfast out for me. “When are you leaving?” Mama asked after a bit of all of us eating.

“After Breakfast. I need to get to Saffron, and face Sabrina!”

“Alright. Finish breakfast, we want to talk to you before you run.” Papa said, patting me on the head as he took a sip of his coffee and Mama and Papa shared a look to each other.

That didn’t look good. Serious looks between adults could mean trouble, but I nodded.

Wasn’t like I could refuse.

I ate my breakfast while shooting suspicious looks at my parents as they both obviously had something planned, when I finally cleaned my plate Mama took it to clean as Papa sighed.

“Alright Vicky. We’ve had the week to think about everything. Obviously we aren’t going to stop your Journey. You are doing… You are making us very proud of how you are handling things. I can’t wait to see you in the League Stadium in a few months.” Papa said with a smile.

“But you still did something bad, even if it all worked out in the end. Even if you were right in some crazy way.” Mama cut in. “Not that I am not very proud of you, but this Journey, it’s meant to be more than just… Fun. You are supposed to learn what it means to be an adult, and that means. Knowing when you are doing something dangerous. Even if you were lucky.”

“Magikarp was never dangerous. Neither was Gyarados.”

“This Gyarados… Potentially isn’t dangerous.” Papa added. “I know you understand that some Pokemon need a lot of work, a lot of training to be safe. You are young Vicky. We weren’t sure you were ready for that sort of Pokemon, even if we knew you liked them.”

“So we gave you a rule, something we expected you to respect to stay away from them… Just, imagine what it would have been if that Gyarados had evolved and was like all the other Gyarados? What if he attacked you? You could have been really seriously hurt, and since you are traveling alone-”

“I’m not alone! I have my team. And Chansey!” I interrupted Mama but she nodded gently.

“Yes, which is one of the reasons we are so proud of you. You had your whole Journey all planned out before you even started. We weren’t sure why you wanted a Chansey so much when you first brought it up, but there is no doubt in our minds that it was just another one of your little brilliant moments.” Mama offered smiling as she pulled me into a hug for a moment.

“But we still worry. We will always worry, and so Vicky. Here is a new rule for you. Be careful.” Mama whispered into my ear as she held me tightly. “Don’t take risks. Please.”

I held still because I could feel Mama’s tears on my temple.

“Okay.” I answered what else could I say? I hugged Mama back although I made sure not to squeeze too hard.

I was pretty strong.

“Vicky. I know you like to think the Journey is a fun adventure, but it can also be a dangerous one. So please daughter of mine. Use your head so you can always come home safe and sound.” Papa offered standing up from his chair and joining Mama and I’s hug.

I sighed. Would I capture Magikarp again? Absolutely. He didn’t deserve to be alone, but maybe I would have brought him home and done more to make Mama and Papa realize he wasn’t dangerous.

Ah. I suppose, this was me realizing I needed to start being ‘mature’ a little more, and ‘childish’ a little less…

Well maybe only a liiiiittle less.


Considering that Arcanine had spent the week at a very low level of exercise, I didn’t jump onto Dragonite, to fly to Saffron.

“Ready girl?” I asked as I finished fitting the saddle. Her shimmy of happiness told me she was especially when she pushed her side up against me, basically telling me to stop playing and get on.

I walked past her, giving her a scritch as I walked up to Mama and Papa.

“You’ll take care of him?” I asked quietly. Dratini had decided he wanted to stay here. I understood it, he had a whole flock of Milotic to play with every day, and he never had to go into a Pokeball, and just like the Milotic he found himself quite often sliding into the berry trees to eat and nap.

He loved it.

I understood that, even with how much I tried to keep him out of his ball that he was happier here. At least for now. The training he had received with Koga had lit a fire in him sure, but he had also understood that real battles wouldn't be happening for a while yet, he was too young.

So he was gonna stay and do some growing.

“We will take good care of Dratini.” Mama offered smiling as Dratini had climbed up Mama while I had saddled Arcanine, and was now rubbing his head against her cheek.

He had learned swiftly to suck to Mama to get treats.

I was so proud!

“Make sure you call us as often as possible.” Papa said messing my hat up causing it to drop over my eyes which I gave him a glare for.

“Of course!”

“Then you are officially ungrounded. Go on then Vicky. Finish your journey.”

“Umm! That’s the plan!” I chirp then turn towards Mama for a hug and then I look to my Baby. “I’m gonna miss you little buddy. Don't worry though. We will see eachother again soon!” I offer pulling him into a cheek rub before I fight back a sniffle.

I raced away, because if I stayed any longer I was going to start crying! Leaving my baby Dratini! It was too much! I hopped onto Arcanine, and within a second she was gone. No hesitation she raced off into the forest in a static filled blurr. Nothing would catch us until we made it to Saffron.

Arcanine howled as she ran, all the energy of a week stuck cooped up was too much for her, and there was nothing she loved more than to just move.


I barely managed to keep Arcanine from running right through Saffron as we reached the city, only with a promise of a battle did she finally accept stopping even if she was practically prancing as I continued to ride her through town

I couldn’t help but chuckle at all the attention she was getting.

My silly dancing puppy was catching everyone's eyes as we galloped through the streets of Saffron following signs towards the Gym.

Honestly I didn’t even need the signs, because Saffron Gym was massive. Tons of people were walking in and out of the Gym, and I had to stop myself from giggling as a lot of them looked like weirdos. Most of them were walking around staring at spoons or were arguing with each other with fingers against temples like they were trying to have psychic battles.

It was hilarious!

Giggling as I walked Arcanine up to the Gym I finally hopped off her, and quickly pulled off her saddle letting her stretch out a bit although she barely stopped wiggling and dancing as I returned her to the Pokeball.

It was time… Hopefully Sabrina wouldn’t turn me into a doll.

“I don’t do that anymore.” A voice right behind my ear startled

I instantly spun, using my expert Ninja knife hand skills to be on guard against attack.

Only, there was nothing. No one was close enough to have spoken.

“Creepy.” I muttered aloud as I felt something was definitely watching me.

“Rude.” The voice spoke once again behind my ear. Only now that I was searching I realized my instincts were wrong. It wasn’t from behind my ear.

It was in my head.

“So is invading someone's brain.” I retorted instantly, turning back to the entrance of the Gym to see the doors open.

“How can I invade something that is wide open?” Sabrina spoke aloud this time walking out of the Gym with an air of perfect control. Honestly I wasn’t even sure she was actually walking and not just levitating herself forward. The casualness of her movement was just that sharp.

“That sounds a little insulting, but I’ll be the bigger girl, and let it pass. Sabrina.”

“Good. It is pointless to complain regardless. You came for a challenge, and so you will get one.” She spoke simply but then she stopped as if waiting for something. I could see the way her eyes roved around me looking for something that wasn’t there.

“You are late, and alone.”

I glanced behind me and around a bit before looking at her. “Yeah? That’s what it looks like? Also I’m not late. I showed up exactly when I wanted!”

“No. You were supposed to be here a month ago… At least according to my vision.” Sabrina watched me with a hyperfocus in her purple literally glowing eyes for a while which I did what I always did when people said wacky sh*t.

I shrugged. “Kay.”


“That’s my line.” I grumble at her earning the first shift in her facial features as her eyes narrowed a little in irritation.

“I take it back. Dolls are perhaps a fitting punishment.”

I narrowed my own eyes because I was a master at f*cking with people… “Two outta Ten. Creepy jokes can be fun, but they are best when they still have some humor.” I tell her calling her bluff cause I was pretty sure that was Sabrina’s attempt at a joke.

Her eyes shifted to surprise after a moment as she seemed to take in what I said.

“There are creepy jokes?” She asked with a blink.

I blinked back.

“Haunter is more of a surprise gag kinda guy isn’t he? You don’t know much about creepy jokes do you?”

Her eyes narrowed instantly and my feet were lifted from the concrete in an instant as I was tugged up the final stairs to the Gyms landing. Sabrina dragged me rather close.

“I do not know the ‘Creepy Jokes’ teach me.”

I considered it. Hemmed a bit reached up and played with my hat for a bit. I still had some time before I really had the pressure of hitting Blaine and Giovanni…

In the end I had to ask myself a question. Did I really want to teach the scariest girl… Okay second scariest girl fight me! In Kanto about how to actually use her creepiness instead of just throwing it around like a hose in a water balloon fight?

I blinked, scoffed at myself and bonked my head.

“Duh Vicky.” I rolled my eyes earning a pleased look from Sabrina who had seemingly been reading my mind the whole damn time..


But I smiled, and I could tell my face grew extra sharp. “Let me teach you everything I know about gap moe, and how creepy can be an extremely useful tool.” I inform her, earning a far too serious nod from the girl who really was too much like a kid trapped in an older womans body..

Which sorta matched me in a way. Huh.

“Please Senpai.” She asked with a bowed head. Ack! My heart! How the hell could I refuse my cute Kohai! Did she steal that line out of my head!? My Creepy Kohai couldn't possibly be this Cute! I thought with a giggle as I grabbed her arm in mine.

“Let me teach you the ways!”

Chapter 28


A/N Hmm? What's that? You thought this was dead? You thought I abandoned PTV? You thought I was ignoring Milotic, my fishy wishy? Arcanine my battle junkie puppy? Chansey the goddess of gains wouldn't urge me on? Dragonite? My favorite Big Dragon GF? Gyarados? My loneliest boy? Dratini my little darling with a chime like laugh? You think I would do that? You think I'm the type to just forget my Pokemon? For shame! For shame on all of you!

So here is a chapter I literally just wrote in like the last two hours or something. Been super sick, and not really up to writing GitC so I popped open PTV and just fluffed around for a bit. Had to do a bit of a time skip though. I just couldn't get around the Sabrina setup. I give you a bit from the backend, but I just... Couldn't. Anyway. I'll hoping to write a bit more of this now that I'm through the 'stuck' section. Now I just need to go read up on all the other Pokemon stories I haven't been able to touch since I stopped writing PTV... Yay!

Chapter Text

I blinked awake at the feeling of something shifting around me.

“Mrgle?” I mumbled as I blinked my eyes open. It was dark. A bit of moonlight flooding in through a window giving me just a bit of light to work with.

“Milo.” A soft voice whispered from around my chest. I looked down at my best boy who was wrapped around me, obviously seeking comfort from the pouty look on his fishy cheeks.

I realized that one of my legs, I couldn’t tell which had gotten caught in his curls and was pointing straight up in the air, my other leg probably buried in my blankets somewhere. It wasn’t the most uncomfortable position I had woken up in since I found my team.

“What’s wrong little fish?” I whispered back and his massive red eyes opened a bit wider to look at me, and he sort of mumble whispered at me.

I hmmed sleepily as I wiggled a bit and managed to get both of my arms free from blankets and Milotic coils. Wrapping both arms around his nose I pressed my lips to his cool scales.

And instantly blew a massive raspberry right above his nose.

“Miii!” He squealed, causing the whole bed to shift as he jerked around tossing blankets and causing me to feel like I was on an ocean during a storm for a second.

I placed a kiss on his nose after knowing what was coming. His eyes narrowed at me, and he wiggled, suddenly returning my attack. A raspberry blowing across my stomach that was unprotected after my shirt had rolled up a bit in the night.

“Eee!” I squealed back. Trying to escape, but only barely able. Then it was silent and he flopped his head down onto me with a wet sounding plop.

“You okay little fish?” I asked, now more awake, but I didn’t get a response, just a sort of sigh. “Little fish? Pretty fish? Handsome wonderful-fish?” I murmured, complimenting my best boy. Eventually my words got him squirming as I stroked his long fins.

“Mii-Milo.” He sighed looking up at me from a half lidded eye.

“Oh, I’m sorry little fish.” I sighed. I had been so busy over the last week. Helping Sabrina. Having our match, which Milotic hadn’t taken part in. Getting the star gym badge… Honestly the match was pretty disappointing. Then sticking around to help Sabrina for a bit…

Okay I had stuck around to see the effects of my trolling on the Pokemon world.

I still remember the first trainer to come by while Sabrina was working on it. The fact Sabrina had greeted him with an idol-like entrance, with a cute song and dance, that shifted into horror as the music started jittering, with Haunter having merged with her face to make it look like her face was melting as they battled?

The poor kid had peed himself…

I might have come close to doing that myself, but that was from laughter.

But it had left me without a lot of hang out time with my team. Milo was lonely.

“I’m sorry little fish. Beauty fish. Best fishie.” I whispered, my words perking him up a little as I focused on my boy scratching his favorite spots and just cuddling with him for a while. It felt like I had been at Sabrina’s gym for a long time really.

“I think we’ll leave tomorrow, little fish. Back on the road. Just us.” I told him and that earned me a slight twitch in his fins a sign of pleasure.

I guess my poor Pokemon had been a little left out, I mean I fed and still trained them, but it had been a much slower week than normal where we literally did nothing but goof off- I mean train together on the road.

If Arcanine hadn’t gotten her battle against Sabrina she definitely would have been bouncing off the walls…

Well, more than she already was.

Poor Sabrina. She really only had a small assortment of Pokemon and had mostly kept up with her psychic powers. Overpowering people with her combo of powers and psychic pokemon. It worked, and the fact her father was apparently the previous gym leader meant her takeover was accepted by the association. Her lack of high end teams was ignored for now.

But it wouldn’t be forever.

Of course Sabrina was now plotting to fix that. With her restored focus she would be a good gym leader. Her pokemon had gotten stronger in just the short time we had been together.

In the end, teaching Sabrina how to troll Kanto had been an interesting diversion, but I had Pokemon journey stuff to do.


“Haunter if you don’t stop poking my butt with your cold hands. I’m gonna call out Arcanine.” I warned, and the yelp of the ghost Pokemon could be heard from underneath my bed.

I didn’t mind the trolling. It seemed like a natural thing from the Ghastly line of Ghost Pokemon. I mean every Ghastly, Haunter of Gengar I had seen in the show had been a troll.

But my butt was cold now, and in the middle of the night!?

“I can’t stand this.” I grumbled swearing not to capture a Haunter in the future…

Okay maybe one… Or two? Gengar were kinda cute…

Okay nevermind. But no cold spots while I’m sleeping!


“So you are leaving.” Sabrina offered as I met her in her little dining room in the back of the gym, where the gym leaders' rooms were located.

She had leant me a spare bedroom rather than have me run out to the Pokemon center every day. So we ended up sharing breakfast.

Also, she had just read my mind again, because she had just walked into the dining room as I was looking to see if there was anything I wanted to eat in the fridge and started talking, nearly jump scaring me into bashing my head on the top of the fridge.

“Yep. I got more stuff to do.” I said carefully, pulling my head out of the fridge and glaring at her tiny smirk. Sabrina REALLY liked jump scares.

“Blaine will be a difficult fight. His star badge may be a cliff you can not overcome… If you fail and need assistance in training… My door is open.” She said in her usual slightly ponderous manner. I blinked and then smiled brightly then before even Sabrina could think about what I was planning I walked over and hugged her.

“You’re my friend Sabrina!”

“Aa.” The noise of surprise that escaped the girl was very cute. And then Haunter joined in on the fun, hugging Sabrina, and the poor girl just couldn’t quite process.

“I’ll definitely stop by again. I mean, I kinda want to see what the first horror coordinator will be like.”

“Horror Coordinator?” She muttered the strange words kick starting her brain. Also pretty normal when dealing with Sabrina, sometimes she would short circuit, get lost in her own head, and then jump right into the conversation like nothing happened. “I see… Acceptable description.”

“Yeah! I thought it up while trying to figure out what your theme would be described as. It’s a cool new mix of coordinator, and horror comedy. So Horror Coordinator. I think you’ll be knocking the socks off the Hoen Coordinators soon!” I giggled. I was almost tempted to yell out Kanto represent! Or something equally patriotic.

I mean… It was the best region after all.

Sabrina looked at me with that weird look of almost amusem*nt on her face and I realized she was listening in again. So I just mentally stuck my tongue out at her, and a moment later her actual tongue popped out of her face.

But it was more… Cute? Kinda dopey? Like she didn’t know how to use it.


Then suddenly it grew huge and licked me across the face.

“Blegh! Haunter!” I yelped, wiping the ethereal cold off my face. I shivered a bit, my body reacting to it, but I shook it off.

Although Sabrina’s Pokemon weren’t really a match for my own, there had been some mixed training, and most of it was getting used to ghost and psychic type pokemon.

Including figuring out how to resist their attacks a bit. Psychic was easy. Dark type attacks, but ghost was a little trickier…

Arcanine with a cowlick….

“Pffft!” I burst into laughter as the image shot back into my head. That picture was going into the scrap book for sure. Arcanine had looked so confused why everyone was laughing, even with a big pompadour like fluff on top of her head from Haunter.

It had actually become one of Haunters favorite tricks to play on trainers if they ran from the gym. A big flowy cowlick waving on top of some poor young trainer's hair showed the whole city as they ran crying to the Pokemon center that they hadn’t made the cut.

Oof. Sabrina might not be turning people into dolls anymore, but her reputation might actually be more scary now.

But also, it would be more exciting. Like being dared to go into a haunted house. A test of courage. Exactly what young kids would have a blast with even as they piss their pants….

Okay maybe she still needed to tone down her routine a bit more…

Well time to go!

Definitely not running from the repercussions of my actions!

“You have my number.” I finally said as I caught my breath from my laughter spree.

“I do. Also, I have memorized your psychic signature. No matter where you go on this earth. I can find you.” Something like that could have been terrifying! Especially with the intense focused look in Sabrina’s eyes! But not me! Definitely!

“Cool! We’ll hang out sometime!” I said and hurried out the door. I would eat on the road… Far from here.


“HOOOOOOOoooooowwwwlllll!” Arcanine roared her return to the wilds with a noise that echoed for miles. I had expected a reaction so I had covered my ears, but whew! She could get loud when she wanted.

Then she shifted on me, tail wagging so fast it was just a blur of motion.

“Yes. We get to go on a run. Saddle up.” I called out as I pulled the saddle out of my bag. She instantly rushed over and crouched down. A minutes work and a few of those wasted petting soft belly fluff and the saddle was secured.

“Alright girl. Let’s go straight to… Well actually Pallet town might be best? It’s certainly an easier trip from there to Cinnabar.” I muttered, pulling out my Pokegear map and checked. Yep it was definitely closer to Pallet town over the water. Basically straight south…

Well it was a longer trip here to Pallet town, and I really needed to give Arcanine some room to stretch her legs.

“Okay girl see?” I said showing the map. “That’s pallet town. You understand where it is.” As usual Arcanine looked at the map and obviously wanted to just ignore it entirely, but nodded.

Hmm… She was definitely needing a bit of a pick me up.


This might be a little rough on my butt, but I knew exactly how to encourage my girl.

“Oh wow, look at that. It says it takes six hours to get there by car. Wow. I guess we better plan for an overnight trip then huh? It might take us a while to get there.” I said lying through my teeth.

This thing didn’t have google maps. It had no information on how long it would take to get anywhere.

“Arcanine!?” She barked affronted beyond belief.

“Yeah that’s a long run huh? Hmm. Should I pack some extra food?” I wondered aloud tapping my chin.

“Arcanine! Arc! Arc!” She barked, stamping her feet, a literal fire in her eyes and fur fluffed up.

Yep. She was ready to race the time now.

“Huh. I guess I’ll just time you then!” I said, trapping her, something she realized. Heh. Sometimes Arcanine liked to take a slightly longer route to get to places to earn more zoomies. She thought I didn’t notice!

I saw it! I saw it all Arcanine!

But now I would get Arcanine her exercise and a straight shot!

I’m a genius!

“Alright. Timer… Start!” I said, jumping on and strapping in, and hitting the button on the timer watch.

Of course the moment I said start, a realization hit me.

I was not a genius.

“TOOOoooooo FAAAAAaaaaasssst!”


I saw Pallet town coming. Saw the nice houses. The dirt roads. The peaceful atmosphere.

Before it was all disrupted by the dust cloud.

Of course I only had about… Well, seconds to see the village, be through the village and then hit the ocean.

“BLURBLGLURBL!” I gasped as the spray of ocean water hit me right in the face and then I was back out and Arcanine was prancing! Literally prancing around in circles on the beach.

I coughed out what I thought was a young goldeen from my mouth, pulled the strap on the saddle and just flopped over poofing into the sand.


“Okay. You… Win.” I accepted defeat with all the grace I could manage with half my face buried in the sand.

Kinda hard to act tough when you stopped being able to feel your own ass.

Arcanine was not a gracious winner.

Despite me not giving her time on the watch. She didn’t really care about that. It was more about messing with me for having played her…

So she was just prancing around me in circles showing her victory.

“Ooh. My poor butt.” I moaned because yeah. Saddle or not. When you are riding an animal going… What was the number again. 250 MPH? Something around there. I remember reading about it back in the old world. Although that was pokedex information so who knew it if was accurate. But frankly…

Yeah I believed it. If I hadn’t had goggles I would have been blinded by bugs or leaves as Arcanine absolutely destroyed the distance from Saffron to Pallet town in like… Twenty minutes? Less? God it took Ash like literally months to make that journey, what the hell was that kids sense of direction?

It felt like hours, but I was just going to take this as a bad Vicky plan. Never ever challenge the competitive Arcanine that could run at over two hundred miles an hour and then strap yourself to her.

Just… Bad idea all around.

Eventually I got enough strength back after Arcanine started licking my ear forcing me to push her away to sit up.

“Okay that beach? Preeeetty nice.” I muttered. It was a long stretch of beach on the south coast. It was quiet, and surprisingly tame. Vermillion had to have wave breaks and stuff for their docks. But out here, the waves were just calm.


“Beach party!” I decided then and there. We would party and train. Have lunch, and then continue onto Cinnabar!

I threw out my team Milo cried out happily as he splashed into the water, as did Gyarados. Chansey joined me on the sand clapping her hands at the view. Dragonite instantly took to the sky flying up and then divebombing Milotic into the ocean.

Ooooh. Frisky Dragonite.

Good luck Pretty Eel. Considering how strong that divebomb was… Well. He’s gonna need it. The downsides to have a big dragon GF I guess.

Of course a moment later the sunlight turned off.


Blegh! Fish saliva!

I was wiggled up and down by a tongue larger than me for a few moments before my good boy lowered his head and settled me onto the sand.

Of course he opened his mouth and a whole drop of saliva came with me. Which considering how big his mouth was, was about half my size.

Wiping my eyes clear, I quickly gave my big fish a bright smile so he knew that I loved him.

Then I instantly turned and puked into the sand, because fish saliva is hella gross and some got in my mouth!

Once I had that covered up I walked into the ocean to meet my fate.

Well at least until Gyarados came in with me and started swimming around, coming up under me and lifting me out of the water. I sighed in happiness, resting on his forehead crest, saliva gone, and just soothing rumbles of my big old fishy boy.

All is forgiven. Anyone who doesn’t dream of magic dragon fish rides in the ocean with the warm pre-noon sun shining down on them is lying. This was the life.

“That’s a good fishie fish.” I said just scratching his head just above his crest on his actual scales. It was a tough spot for him to reach naturally considered it was behind his protective crest.

It was also very sensitive, and apparently itched. So his gentle circles were soon more like a wiggle as he practically danced under my touch.

Ahhhh yisss! This was the life. I heard a super loud splash and looked over before bursting into laughter. Although never stopping my scritches.

Arcanine had obviously gotten bored.

Chansey was happily playing in the sand. Building little sand castles, very cute!

Arcanine wanted to play.

Arcanine used flail! Chanseys sand castle took damage!

Chansey became enraged!

Chansey used Seismic Toss!

It’s super effective!

Now Arcanine was dog paddling back to the shore looking a liiiittle water logged. Of course the moment she made it back Chansey gave her a ‘I’m looking at you.’ Wave with her arms pointing to her eyes and then to Arcanine and Arcanine very carefully moved a good distance away from Chansey before shaking her self like a whirlwind and then lighting herself on fire.

These total goofs!

“Okay Arcanine, okay! Let’s make a game for you, okay girl?” My callout earned me a jerk of Arcanines head and big dopey doggy smile.

Yeah that was my girl alright.

I jumped off Gyarados, although I did it into the water so I could swim over by his eyes letting him see I was there and stroking his cheek. His eyes closed in happiness and he wiggled even more.

Then I swam up to the beach breaching with a gasp and stretching out. That was a good little break. Of course I had to get changed first, or ask for a blowdry special. Arcanine hadn’t exactly waited for me to get changed into my swim suit.

My boots were full of water too. But eh. Not the first time. At least it wasn’t swamp water this time.

Now to distract, train, and occupy my battle maniac…


“Okay! I got it. We’re gonna do some battling!”

“A-arc!?” She looked deliriously happy all of a sudden…

Hmm. I really hope this wasn’t another bad Vicky plan.


Nope. This was a GREAT Vicky plan!

I was laughing in delight at the looks the old man was giving Arcanine. After getting changed, still barefoot as I left my boots to dry, riding Arcanine, with Gyarados on my hip as he didn’t want to be without me.

So cute!

This whole situation was perfect.

Chansey was actually staying on the beach playing in the sand, and Dragonite and Milotic were… Occupied.

We headed back north into pallet town. This was supposed to be a beach party, but sometimes a little spice was nice.

Pallet town was a quiet little town. Long stretches of land kept all the homes plenty private and it was quaint and beautiful. Practically a retirement village.

Which is what had given me the idea.

A large pack of retired older people in Kanto, standing right next to the border, but in a pretty safe place as there were pretty hefty mountains cutting it off from Johto… That was actually a thing wasn’t it. I wonder how many of the old people in this town were hidden monsters ready to call forth their fully evolved Pokemon to smote some Johto youngsters if they caused trouble?

Koga had opened my eyes to a lot of the politics in how Kanto and Johto was set up. There were tons of little checks and balances between the two regions. The constant wars and battles had been going on for…

Well longer than anyone had written down.

So of course I rolled back into town riding Arcanine and looked for the first old person I saw.

“You want to battle!?” The look of surprise on the old woman's face that was watering her garden outside of her cute little home wasn’t the aghast horror or shock it was…


“Oh dear, I haven’t had a good battle in… Well far too long. That arcanine wouldn’t get any challenge from my old lizard. Hanabi! You even awake you sleepy head?” The woman called out voice carrying, and a gruff rumble echoed out as a f*cking Charizard stepped out from behind the house.

I was right!

Old people were f*cking cool in the Pokemon world! Hell yeah! This old lady absolutely used to rumble!

The Charizard spotted Arcanine and for an instant there was a shift, its shoulders raised. Its tail plumed in power and it looked every ounce the ancient dragon it resembled.

I wished I had my camera in my hand because nothing quite prepares you for the sight of a dragon preparing for a battle, but then it floomped. That’s the best description I could give. Smoke exhaled from its mouth. Its shoulders kinda slumped, and its gut stretched a bit from where it had sucked it in. It looked tired. It could still fight if it needed, but it had no desire to rumble with us.

Of course Arcanine’s tail went from vibrating to slowing instantly at the sight.

“See? This old girl is as good as me now a days! Hah! Old bones like us.”

“I don’t know ma’am. For a second there I felt like I was about to face Koga again.” I told her, and the old lady flushed into a delighted smile covered by her hand.

“Oh stop it! I was never a Gym Leader. Although back in the day I did work as one of Blaine-sensei’s Gym assistants, back before he joined the elite four. Those were the days!”

“Aaaarc.” My girl whined before I could say anything else, because I really did want to know more about that topic, but I just laughed and patted her head.

“Well I’m trying to find a battle for my battle junkie here. Know anyone around that wouldn’t mind one?”

“Oh, you are a delight! I’ll take you to Matthew myself. Hehe. That old timer always talks up his Gym leadership position! Pah! He was a minor Gym leader! I’d like to see him face a real fire type in their prime!” She cackled in delight and hurried to put her watering can down and take off some of her work clothes before nodding to me and beckoning me down the road.

I think I might actually love this town.

Anyway that’s how I came face to face with an old man that was staring at Arcanine like she was a legendary Pokemon, and when I offered to battle the smile that spread across his face took off forty years.

People in the pokemon world? Battle Maniacs. All of them.

I could practically hear the battle music start as the man pulled out an old, but well cared for pokeball from his hip.

Chapter 29


Update schedule? Uh... Random I guess.

Chapter Text

Matthew had accepted my challenge with the giddiness of a teenager, the smile on his gnarled face stretching wide, but before we could even start we had been interrupted.

This was an old person village.

A few pokemon were sent off to all the neighbors and very quickly the grassy field outside the man's house was gathering a crowd of old timers, and some younger people. Sons and daughters, and grandchildren gathered around to enjoy the show. I of course was a little embarrassed at it, since I was still wearing my damp clothes and no shoes. But I was a little distracted.

While I was being… Pampered?

Well Arcanine certainly was, but there was plenty of attention going my way as well.

“Oh look at this fur! You feed her delightfully well! I don’t think I’ve seen such a coat on even those pampered growlithe that never lift a paw. What do you feed her?” Midori asked. The old woman had taken one look at Arcanine, gasped and started strutting around her like a dog show judge.

Which apparently she was. Or had been. She was one of the first to try and make coordinators happen in Kanto. It hadn’t caught on, but she apparently did good work as a Pokemon assessor approved by the Pokemon League.

“It’s a mix actually. Papa trains Growlithe in Viridian, so we’ve been making growlithe chow forever. So we know all kinds of tricks. For Arcanine we upped the calories, adjusted a few ingredients to more dense food stuff. A higher percentage of red meat for her coat. Some grubage for digestion. Rice, and stuff. Spice it up, mostly Cheri berries, but I always add a few Liechi in as well for a bit more kick.”

“That much spice? Is that healthy?”

“Of course! Berries are all healthy for Pokemon, it’s just a matter of if they like the taste. Arcanine loves spicy food, and hates dry food. So I always make sure everything melts in her mouth, longer stew time for most of her stuff, but she works hard, so she deserves it.”

“What a precious child! My Maddy! Have you ever heard of such a thing? Isn’t your grandson still buying off the shelf slop for his Growlithe?”

“He is Midori, which you know. You’ve seen me throw my shoes at that boy for bringing that garbage home. Fool thinks he’ll be some champion with half starved Pokemon too.” She offered with an audibly disappointed sigh.

“I had a friend with a similar problem. I helped teach her to prepare food for her team, maybe he just doesn’t know how?” I offered to mitigate the odd little spat, both women looked at me and burst into stifled giggles.

“Oh no, don’t you worry that boy won’t learn to cook. Thinks he’s too good for that. It’s fine, he’s fifteen and still struggling to get to the league. He’ll give up soon and get a job he’s more suited for, or just disappear into the wilds. Nothing to worry about.”

Okay a bit sinister but like.

People who don’t feed their battling team right are in the wrong so I would just ignore that.

“And more importantly… The physique. Perfection.” Midori said, practically sighing out the words. “Whatever training you do little one… Keep doing it. I’ve never seen such even proportions. I’ve seen plenty of trainers try those new gizmos but balancing muscle groups on a Pokemon is extremely difficult. This! Ah! I could die happy!”

“Thanks. I can’t discuss it. My other Pokemon are just as good. Chansey especially.”

“Oh, a Chansey? You train her? That’s inordinately rare. Rather odd.”

“Chansey took a while to find her fighting spirit, but it burns as strong as any pokemon now.” I said, basically just repeating something Koga had said once. It sounded all wise, and I even mimicked his speech, which sent Midori tittering but Maddy beside me had twitched a bit and was looking at me with deeper eyes.


The way she had just moved.

I moved in response.

Ninja greetings!

So cool! Nin-nin!

Maddy or Madeline was old. Graying hair and wrinkled skin, but she wore it with pride, and now I knew why.

This woman had absolutely ninja battled people. Probably among tree tops, and definitely among a striking moon backdrop or something. “It’s good to see Koga has a good eye for talent. That little wet behind the ears brat.” She said, showing teeth in a grin that looked almost feral.

Midori picked up on the words that were whispered quietly and her eyes widened before they narrowed and she rose up the sleeve of her Hakama? Pretty sure that was a Hakama and not a Kimono. I was always terrible about telling them apart. Over her mouth showing her own sinister smile.

Village of badass grannies!

“I see. That does make more sense. Good.” Midori offered patting at Arcanines barrel, having been checking her muscles. “If you weren’t already prepared I would have sent a phone call to Koga, or some of the others for a bit of training.

“Nope. Got that already. Done enough running through swamps for one month thanks.” I muttered, and both women tittered at me.

Evil badass grannies.

Then Maddy patted me on the head and passed me a piece of candy.

Oh! Hard candy!

All is forgiven!

Before I could pop it into my mouth Matthew finally decided it was enough.

“Alright! That’s everyone that’s coming. C’mon now girl! I want to fight that Monster of yours!” He laughed in delight.

I couldn’t help but feel the energy.

The man was old. There was a weariness to his voice like he used to yell all the time but now it took more out of him. But his stance was the easy confidence of a man who did this a lot.

I had seen similar confidence in Koga. In Surge even.

“Victoria Ferrous. Please fight me with all you have!” I called out with a grin and then Arcanine took to the field.

There was no need for another word as she howled. The noise wasn’t a roar. No this was a howl, a call that she was here, and everyone should listen.

And oh boy the Pokemon did.

I had seen dozens of Pokemon around already.

Some of the children had little ones. I had even seen a Pikachu resting on top of a little girl's lap begging for attention.

Some bigger stuff. Older Nidoran, and Nidorino were there. Some were covered in scars, monsters that looked ready to fight anything. A Meowth that would have put Mama’s Meowth into the ground. Well maybe. Mama had taught Meowth… Tricks.

Anyway, there were all sorts of hidden champions all around us, but at Arcanines howl?

Well the old champions may be old. They may be tired. But none of them would accept such a thing without at least a response.

In one moment to the next the village came alive.

A massive plume of flame arcing into the sky almost white with its heat from down the lane. I think that was Hanabi the Charizard.

A hyper beam ripped across the sky from the other side of town. Powerful. Focused.

A roar from a Nidoking that stomped its way out from a shed behind a house. It was down an eye, its face covered in scars and it was almost graying with age, but it stomped out like a gangster about to have the time of its life.

Then more.

A golem rose out of the earth down the road where it had been partially buried, in the soft grass and its steps rumbled the earth.

More and more. Some Pokemon didn’t approach, but still acted. Shooting blasts into the sky. Some stomped over standing around the crowd of villagers. And the energy was spreading.

Electricity shooting through the crowd, people and Pokemon alike.

The children, and teens were looking a little nervous. Although some of the littlest ones were having a blast at the light show and Pokemon.

But the adults? Anyone who looked over forty or so?

I felt like every single one of them was going to walk into the ring and challenge me.

“There is a saying.” I muttered, but my voice carried, and there was a moment of silence at my words. “When two trainers' eyes meet. They must battle.” I finished the statement, and met Matthew's eyes. The old grizzled trainer looked like his birthday had come early.

All of them, at once.

And he looked like he was going to choke slam me through a table. But that was just my imagination…

I hoped.

“That’s right girl. The rule of true trainers! Matthew Katsugawa accepts your challenge!” He cried out in delight. For a second the ancient old man wasn’t ancient but the rambunctious teenager that challenged everyone and anyone to a fight that met his eyes.

There was actual whooping from some of the watchers. The older watchers they had seen it too.

This wasn’t a village of retirees. It was a village of Pokemon trainers. Intense Pokemon trainers. People that never retired. Never could. It was in their blood. The sort of people that hadn’t stopped after their journey. No these were the types that dedicated their lives to the thrill.

If I hadn’t gone through Koga’s training I might feel nervous with all the sinister smiles aimed at me, but it wasn’t at me. But the battle ahead.

They all wanted to see what a Legend could do.

The moment was broken with a thrown Pokeball. The throw wasn’t as strong as it once had been. I could see it. It had fallen far earlier than he intended, age had worn down his arm.

But still the ball tumbled, hit the grassy lawn, and a King Arose.

“NIDO-KIIIIING!” The Tyrant roared in return, a challenge to Arcanines howl. This monster! It was old. Weathered. The look of a creature that had seen its fair share of years.

But none of that mattered.

Not its obvious deep breath after its roar as if its lungs were quite up to the task of that level of noise anymore. Its steps were slower, almost but not quite ponderous. Its horn was even broken at the tip. An old war wound no doubt.

But none of that mattered.

Because I was in the presence of the king of kings.

“Alpha.” I said and my word spread through the crowd, only increasing the energy. They had known. Some of the looks I received were respect. They didn’t think I would know what I was facing.

“That’s right girl. Meet the King of the Vermillion territory. Back fifty years this old man ruled the forests. Untouchable. Until me.” Matthew laughed. The ‘old man’ comment earned a slightly tilted head from the Nidoking who snorted at Matthew, in irritation at being called that, but that was that.

An old comradery existed between them. Old and fire hardened trust.

“Good. Maybe you’ll give me a challenge. Arcanine. The legendary Pokemon.” I called in turn. Simpler and yet. In Kanto? All the more ancient a reputation.

“The Battle is until knockout, or surrender. Trainers ready!?” Granny Rumi, the first woman I had met was the ref although she was on the other side of the fence from the field.

Smart. She had done this before.


“Always.” He agreed.


“Get to it!” Matthew called out. While I started with something much simpler.

Arcanine was practically buzzing. Waiting.


And The earth changed.

In one moment to the next. The Tyrant Pokemon was hidden from view by massive slabs of rock ripped straight out of the ground by a single titanic stomp.

Stealth Rock? A weird Rock Tomb? Or just Rock Throw without any of the f*cking around?

I don’t know. If it was any other pokemon that move would have stopped them. Cold. That much rock? Even a rock type would have splattered against it and been stunned.

Arcanine barely slowed. She ran straight up the new stone monument, already trailing fire as she reached the top.

Leapt and used that to see what was inside.

The fact she instantly used Flamethrower, keeping it up even as she landed, told me a lot.

Arcanine always went for the physical attack. It was just in her nature.

To go for a flamethrower… It meant she had no target. Dig.

“Mobile!” I called and Arcanine responded, leaping off the rocks to build up speed. And then the real attack happened.

Normally pokemon use dig for a surprise attack.

This Nidoking was no normal pokemon. The rocks shook and I felt real respect.

Those rocks weren’t just for defense.

The tough old bastard Nidoking had brought them up and then dug under them so he could use them.

I didn’t need to say anything. Arcanine blitzed into her top speed despite the shaking earth, and the massive slab of stone slammed down where she had been kicking up dust and dirt and unsettling more than a few of the youngsters from their footing. Nidoking used Strength.

It missed, but would have been super effective. A defense, obstacle move, and damage move all in one.

Matthew wasn’t just some trainer. He knew his sh*t.

As the ground rocked the old timers all stood rooted. Not even the ones that looked like they would keel over at times due to age. They rode the vibrations better than they could on solid ground.

No, they rode out the earth shifting beneath them like it was a lovely summer wind.

Of course I wouldn’t fall over either. “3D!” I demanded, and Arcanine responded.

It was… Actually, I was kinda sad I had noticed it. Through the dust and debris, but I had goggles for a reason. It felt almost like cheating that I even could see it, because I would stake money that even just a decade before this, I wouldn’t have.

What Nidoking was doing next. His foot rose up, but slowly, and it wasn’t motioning forward.

The old bastard struggled to move as fast as he used to. Otherwise he likely wouldn’t have used this attack in plain view. Old injury? Arthritis? I had no idea, but it was slow. More than enough time to call it out, for Arcanine to hear and respond.

If this monster was in his prime. That might have actually been it for Arcanine. She was weak against ground type attacks after all.

Because a moment later where the earth had shaken at the crash of the slab, now? Now the earth turned to liquid beneath his feet as he stomped down.

“Earthquake.” Matthew spoke the word only after the attack went off. Mostly the audience’s benefit.

The power of the move was honestly awe inspiring. But it wasn’t just that.

It was the control. I felt a rumble, but the earth below me didn’t send me flying. Or Matthew. The crowd was fine. Cheering at the sight.

It was just the area within our once grassy field arena. King wasn’t just a powerhouse, but a Pokemon that had control equal to its decades.

But because of that one fact. That he was slower…

Arcanine was nowhere to be seen. The roiling earth cleared out the dust and showed there was nothing. Besides Nidoking on the ground in the arena.

Then the roar came out. Nidoking looked up and three hundred pounds of Arcanine landed on him teeth first.

3D maneuvers were still one of our best ‘moves’ against rock and ground type attacks. Don’t stay on the ground, jump high, bounce around, and if you had to touch down?

Land on the pokemon controlling the move, because they wouldn’t be affected giving you a stable platform. Koga had definitely taught me a lot. Taught my team a lot. We had grown.

The Tyrant responded. Instincts letting him react. He started glowing and while Arcanine came down onto him. Her fire fang big hard scales. Hurting him, but a lot of the power was stalled out.

He had grabbed her.

She realized it and then she was ripped away and thrown straight up.

Everyone gasped.

I just whistled. That was really far!

“Too much for your Legend?” Matthew called out half taunting, and half concerned. What a nice guy!

“What? Oh, a fall from that height? Nah. She’ll be fine. You should focus on the battle though. It’s not over.” I called and that earned a vicious grin from the old man.

“You heard the kid King!” And the grizzled Nidoking roared in challenge at the descending pup.

Which really only encouraged her.

She landed in a crouch without any harm. Just one moment high in the sky and the next perfectly calm.

Arcanine was used to heavy gravity. Terminal velocity wasn’t going to really hurt her. She was tough.

“Go.” I called out again, and it was on. Arcanine rushed forward this time using Flame wheel, burning a line through what had once been grass but was now just mulch as she flashed across the field.

But the old Nidoking might be slow, but he had experience. Spread his arms and a pure white protect field slammed into place.

Probably one of the cleanest examples I had ever seen of the move. And Arcanine bounced off, thankfully not just face first, but running up and then bouncing away.

Then it all reset.



We both called out, but it was too much. King was experienced, but there was experience, and then there was reflexes. One of the Pokemon had a young body trained hard and ready, and the other was old, slowing down.


I saw it, Arcanine saw it. But…

Too slow. The old Alpha just couldn’t prepare it in time, and Arcanine blitzed him with a Flame Wheel extreme speed tackle.

The old King hit the dirt hard.

Even arcanine stopped as the Tyrant seemed to huff for breath. It was definitely done. But no one wanted to call it. Not the Pokemon, not the trainers. Not the ref.

We all just stood there. Waiting, as the Tyrant gathered himself. Slowly sitting up and wiping the mud off his scales. But after a moment he grumbled and scoffed “Nido, Nidoking.” Then just rubbed at his arm as he sat there looking pretty grumpy.

And the energy of the crowd breathed out in a sigh of relief.

“He totally just said he’s too old for this, didn't he?” I said in secret delight, because that noise? That was definitely the old man grumbling about these damn kids and their fancy ‘new moves’ that he never had to deal with back in his day.

“I want to hug him so bad.” I whispered. But shook it off.

Hurt Pokemon Vicky. You know what to do.

“Arcanine. Let’s go get chans-”

“Chansey!” The voice of a goddess called out from behind the crowd and a few people split to show that Chansey had decided to join us. She was even cutely doing a little jog pose as she gently waved through the crowd leapt over the four foot fence like it was barely there and then jogged over.

I could see the look of surprise on the old timer's face at the sight of my goddess though.

“Chansey!” She greeted Nidoking and he scoffed and grumbled looking away, every inch the old man refusing any healing that he was fine! And he certainly didn’t need a Pokemon center, it was just a fall!

Of course the scary power in his gaze might work on a normal Chansey… Maybe. They were pretty stubborn sometimes.

But my Goddess?

She just smiled, walked over, ignored his throaty growl and with a casual deadlift, lifted the… You know what? I had no idea how much this alpha Nidoking weighed, and I wasn’t about to try and deadlift him from muddy ground like Chansey did.

Right now only God, Nidoking himself, maybe Matthew his trainer, and now Chansey had any idea how much the old alpha weighed.

Of course if you asked Chansey she would probably tell him he should gain a few pounds or something because her cheery pace never faltered even as her feet sunk into the mud as she carried him out of the little arena to the trainer.

The trainer who looked like he was having a heart attack… Good thing Chansey was here!

“Chanse! Chansey!” She greeted Matthew, and settled Nidoking down on the dry ground with a gentleness that was scary, leaving the big Alpha looking a little shell shocked at his treatment.

Then she went to work Healing pulse, and a bit of fussing got Nidoking looking much less helpless but still a little confused at what the hell was going on. As Arcanine then got her turn which Arcanine walked forward, sat and allowed Chansey her examination.

No one escaped the after battle checkup.

“Is that a Chansey?”

“Yeah! Isn’t she great?” I asked, as I walked over only once she was finished and gave her a big hug from behind rubbing my cheek against hers. Chansey of course instantly reciprocated then patted my head telling me I was a good girl.

“I’ve never seen a Chansey in that kind of… Shape?”

Funnily instead of dispersing most of the crowd of people and Pokemon were scrunching in now that the battle was over. There was definitely a sense of pride in the Pokemon, and a excitement among the older humans.

“Not bad kiddo! Not bad at all! You show those Johto brats what Kanto can do ya?” An old man offered with a delighted cackle before he was slapped over the back of his head.

“Oh leave off Tanaka, the only one she needs to show is herself! She’ll do fine.” The old woman snapped, then smiled at me. “You’ll do fine in the league dear. Oh I can’t wait to see the league matches this year. I wasn’t planning on getting tickets but well… What’s one more year ey?” She added with a sly wink.

“Mother! You said you’d watch the shop this year!” A younger man said, and the woman cursed under her breath at being caught out.

“I just laughed in delight, because these old people were just the coolest.

“Well girl old King hasn’t had a dustup like that in a while.” Matthew said walking over after having checked on his Pokemon. The two had shared manly glances at each other, but with Chansey having fussed over the big Pokemon. King had just huffed sending his trainer away.

“It was fun! King was… Intense. I don’t want to imagine what he would have been like in his prime.”

“Hah!” Matthew laughed in a broken chuckle that ended in a small coughing fit but he just waved me off. When he got himself back under control he just smiled. “Just a cough kiddo. Getting old does that. I think even in his prime King might have lost to your Arcanine. What a Pokemon.” He sighed in delight.

He wasn’t the only one, with eyes on Arcanine as she rested besides King. There was a light breeze and her fur ruffled with the grass in the patch the two were sitting next to. Like reigning champions the two Pokemon rested under the eyes of the many of the crowd. More than a few brave children got close, but never got the nerve to make it the rest of the way. Pulled away by adults or rushing back to skirts.

There was something… special about seeing an Arcanine and an Alpha Nidoking resting after destroying an entire field in battle. Arcanine of course had a cute little smile on her face. Not lording over her win, for once but just looking satisfied.

King looked every inch the Tyrant resting after a hard fought battle, ancient scars on display. Tired. But not entirely beaten.

I wish I had my bag. I’d have grabbed a picture. Either way. It was wonderful.

“Well I think this means Sanai is going to be throwing together some food for everyone turning this into a party.” Matthew noticed a small group of women moving through the crowd chatting about a party.

“Is that normal?”

“Hah! For that woman? She’d throw a party if a storm comes in, just to have something to do!” Matthew laughed a belly roar that ended too soon as his breath hitched.

“Ah! I have to go actually! My team is still at the beach.” I jerked up. I hadn’t intended for this to turn into such a big thing.


“Yeah! I’m heading to Cinnabar soon to challenge Blaine! So we were camping at the beach, but I figured I would come by and see what the battles were like in Pallet town. Arcanine! Sorry! We need to go check on everyone! Chansey? Ah there you are…” I giggled as my Pink blob was playing with the kids now holding a kid at the end of each flipper as she danced around.

“Chansey!” She called back gently, setting the disappointed back down and patting their head.

Arcanine roused. Taking a moment to look back to King. Both Pokemon acknowledged each other before she moved rushing over and I jumped on. Returning Chansey I waved at everyone.

“It was super nice to meet all of you! Thank you for the battle! To the beach!”

And Arcanine was gone, leaping over the crowd landing on the road and bursting into speed that I was struggling to stay on with. “Slooooooow dooooooown!”

Chapter 30


Had a slight accident about posting the wrong story to PTV this morning. For those who noticed it and were confused. Sorry about that!

Chapter Text

As incredibly fun as the diversion had been. The beach was where I needed to be. Dragonite and Milotic were still missing in action, so I just settled in to make everyone lunch. Arcanine was prancing around like the queen of the beach and I was doing my best to be supportive of her win while also not letting her ego get too big.

A losing battle that.

Mostly she earned spoon tasting privileges while I cooked. Which she took great delight in. Running over at my call and licking the spoon frantically while Chansey just tittered silently from behind her.

Chansey was more interested in looking after a Shellder she had found that had washed up on shore looking a little sick. Poor thing had definitely been poisoned. Probably Tentacool They were kinda everywhere in the Kanto sea.

Gyarados was back out of his ball and basically splish splashing in the very very shallows of the beach, barely any of the massive noodle was even in the water. His big face parked almost on the cooking fire I had made just to be close, and was just happily smelling the spicy food.

Both Gyarados and Arcanine were spice fiends after all.

And of course when Arcanine wasn’t looking I would drop a little onto his tongue. My Big Blue Heart was a big sweety after all, and deserved treats to know I loved him bunches.

Arcanine finally finished marking her territory in the sand. She came over and stretched out. Literally stretching her legs until she was belly in the sand and then exhaling as she relaxed. I petted her on the head as I passed, grabbed a bag of rice out of my bag. A little bit of rice was good for Arcanine’s digestion, and even Gyarados and Chansey enjoyed a bit of it.

Of course I was making food for all of my team, even the missing members. I uh… had a feeling Dragonite and Milotic would be hungry when they got back.

I was just boiling up the rice when I heard it. The cracking of heavy feet. I looked behind me and felt a smile come to my lips because what was coming down the road was a Ryhorn drawn carriage in an old style, and probably all of pallet town, riding Pokemon, or just walking down with beach umbrellas and beach stools or towels.

I guess I hadn’t escaped the old timer's attention after all.

“A Gyarados too huh?” Matthew called out from atop the Ryhorn cart as he wheeled over the Ryhorn, the pokemon looked a little uneasy with the sand, but relaxed when they spun around a bit.

Though the man did this with a deft hand his eyes never left Gyarados. Looking for any sign of aggression from my big boy, but Gyarados was perfectly content.

“Yeah! This is my Big Blue Heart!” I called out, I dropped my cooking spoon into the pot and threw a big hug around Gyarados’s face which earned me a nice lick in turn.

Which immediately burned.

“Eeeee!” I yelped, rushing straight for the ocean and jumping in scrubbing at my face. “Burns burns burns! Spicy tongue!” I yelped as I came out of the ocean. Liechi berries BURNED!

Then a click clacking noise echoed over the beach and it was such an odd noise I actually stopped to figure out what it was.




Gyarados was wobbling his mouth open, and there was a clacking noise from the back of his throat. And it was the best thing ever. I would remember this moment forever and ever because my lonely blue heart?

He was laughing.

Gyarados laugh.

I stood there for I don’t know how long before it finally hit me. I didn’t care that the old people didn’t really get what was happening. Their confusion wasn’t my concern.

My only concern was my biggest laughy lovely boy!

I slammed into him in a burst of delighted laughter as we both laughed together. “You got me! You silly boy!” I told him stepping away from the hug and grabbing his big lips and tugging at his face a bit. “Is that your new move huh? Spicy tongue!? Huh!?” I pressed him laughing as he just click clacked all the louder.

“Uh? Kid?”

“Huh?” I asked turning to look behind me leaving Gyarados to his laughter for a moment. “Yes?’

There were a few of the old timers looking a little nervous.

“You okay? What-”

“Oh! I’m fine! I was cooking with Liechi berries! I gave my big boy some and when he licked me the juice burned. Also! Do you hear that!?” I asked, ignoring the rest of their concern, because my Gyarados was laughing!

“Uh yeah? Is your Gyarados okay?”

“He’s amazing! That’s laughter!” I told them waving my arms at my chuckling Gyarados. “I’ve never heard him laugh before!” I said in absolute delight. Even Arcanine and Chansey had wandered over and were looking happy. Chansey was bouncing in the sand clapping a little while Arcanine just looked pleased at the noise.

“Laughing… A Gyarados?” Matthew asked, sounding really confused. The old man pulled off his hat and rubbed his fading grey hair. “You sure that’s what it is? Looks more like he’s about to puke.”

“Nah. His puke face is more like…” I reached over and climbed onto My Blue Hearts face, pulling his upper lip down and stepping a bit to adjust his bottom one, which let me do without complaint and then I slid sideways so the old timers could see. “This! But he is making his happy face.”

The old man looked pretty uncomfortable, but just nodded slowly. “Right… If you’re sure. You, uh… Got that beast well trained.”

“Oh he’s a sweet heart!” I denied with a waved hand. Then I started scratching his little nose and he wiggled happily flopping like a worm all through his body.

“Right.” The old man just shook his head. Which was good, because I would totally be proven right!

The noise of something sizzling caught my ear. “The Rice!” I yelped, rushing over and quickly stirring the rice, saving it in time.

And as I finished cooking the beach came alive. People set up all over. A few even set up fires. Hanabi that ancient Charizard lighting a fire with an ember as well before settling in with a loud yawn and curling up.

People threw out camping supplies, and made an actual beach grill a bit further down and soon squid and calamari was sizzling and everyone was getting into it. Kids were coming down as well, carrying floaties and tugging along Pokemon.

It was… Fun. “No running from a Pallet town party kiddo.” Matthew told me, having settled into a beach chair not far from my own fire with a happy sigh as he looked over the water. Although I noticed he was on the other side of the fire from Gyarados.

“I can see that.” I said with a laugh. “I just had to be here in case my other two show up. They went off on their own for some… Private time.” I added and the old man’s breath hitched as if he swallowed spit before he coughed and then was laughing.

“Yeah that so?” He said, roaring into laughter.

“Oh darling I simply can’t comment on the Gyarados. Interesting choice. He looks healthy though. But oh you must show me what you are feeding them.” Midori said having hurried over once she had set up her own beach spot.

“Sure it’s nothing special. That’s the spicy pot. For Gyarados and arcanine. I’ll feed Arcanine off the top of it, and then fill it with super dense food for Gyarados after and he gets the whole pot after that. Then just some rice, I’m finishing that now, and of course I have people with tastebuds food here.” I pointed to another set of pots.

“Two more? Quite a bit of food.”

“Ah it’s just a taste thing. See the smaller one? Chansey likes bitter things, but can’t do Spicy like at all. Her whole face scrunches up and she really doesn’t like it. But my other two haaaate bitter stuff.” I laughed in delight the few times the Pokemon had decided to be tricksy and try and grab food that wasn’t theirs was hilarious.

“Oh my. That’s a lot of work.”

“My team are professional battlers. They work and train all day to be the best. If I’m not putting in this much work to their nutrition and tastes then I’m a failure as a trainer.” I answered simply.

“Delightful! Such a good girl!” Midori declared in delight, reaching in the old woman started pinching my cheek lightly as she smiled down at me.

“It’s just the basics.” I mumbled.

“Oh no Victoria. It is most definitely not the basics. But it is wonderful training.” Midori said happily. “Tell me about this? What sauce is that.”

“Mostly Cheri as a base for the spice, it’s cheap, and I can get a lot, and Liechi berries are expensive but also make a big difference so you don’t need a lot. I get some herb packets from pokemarts. I found some that each of my team like, and mix those in as well. Chansey actually likes a curry brand for her flavoring.” I added reaching into my bag and grabbing the curry sauce mix to show to Midori.

“Very true! Bravo!”

“Oh leave her alone already Midori, the kid is working, give her space.” Matthew called grumpily from his chair, and Midori scoffed.

“You just want to hog her once she is done, probably tell her all about your time as the Gym leader of the fighting Gym isn’t that right?”

“I was stronger than some of the main gyms in the day!” He said hotly and I ignored the two squabbling old timers retreading well worn arguments.

“Food’s done!” I called and Arcanine jerked up from the sand where a few children had been brave enough to come over and pet her, and then build sand castles around her.

Chansey of course was happily dancing with them, but once more broke off, this time for lunch.

I didn’t need to partition out Chanseys food. She was amazing and quickly got her own ready while I grabbed…

The Bowl.

Back when Arcanine was a Growlithe she was an aggressive little sh*t, and had gotten a bit food defensive.

Still was, but at least with Dratini around she had learned to chill her sh*t.

Not that it meant she allowed anyone near her bowl. I still sometimes had to chase her down to pull it out of her mouth after meals.

I partitioned out her meal, adding the rice, stirring it all up, almost looked like a spicy curry by the end considering how much spice was in this thing. It actually made my eyes water a bit. Arcanine was right there when I turned around, tail vibrating.

“You know no crowding me with food.” I demanded and she very purposefully took two steps backwards.

But no more.

“Brat.” I told her as I walked a few steps over and placed the bowl down.

Instantly it was attacked.

Ignoring that. I went back and dumped some very expensive calorie dense pokeblocks into the stew, which instantly filled it back up, added a good portion to the pot and raising the whole thing I then stirred that. A few minutes and that would be ready for Gyarados.

I heard it. The noise of whistling wind.

It was a normal sound for me. Dragonite wings on the air.

I uh…

Didn’t expect the reaction from a bunch of Kanto veterans though.

“Dragonite!? Attack!?” The call whipped through and more than a few of the old trainers whipped out Pokeballs looking ready to start blasting.

“No no!” I called out as loud as I could. “It’s okay!” I didn’t quite convince all of them. And then there she was, zipping over the trees, Milotic wrapped all around her which I was thankful for.

I think that was the only reason she didn’t start taking fire from some of the old timers. She noticed the whole thing with a look of surprise, but I waved her down and she gave a little shrug and finished her flight, thankfully landing in the water so there was no spray of sand from her back blast, and then Milotic helped them both right onto the sandy beach.

Then he fell, rolled over completely belly up and made a noise like he was dying.

Dragonite on the other hand looked…

Pretty great. Were her scales a bit shinier and the smile was definitely brighter.

Oh my.

I ignored my fish for a moment and scooped out Dragonites meal which she happily came over to get, surprising me with a hug before taking the plate and just plopping down in the sand to eat.


“Dragonite is my Pokemon. She’s great.” I told him and that sent a ripple through the crowd, but I did my best to focus on my team grabbing the final plate of food, and walking over to sit next to the head of my poor Milotic who was getting a lot of weird looks.

You know. Cause he looked dead.

“You okay?”

“Miii.” She released a noise of exhaustion.

“That’s rough buddy.” It’s really all I could offer him, as I settled the plate next to his head, and patted him under his jaw. “Why don’t you eat up, get a little energy back.”

“Milo.” He grumbled, before turning right side up, looking less dead already and starting to eat. I snickered. He just wanted sympathy. Dragonite must have been a little demanding.

“That’s… Well girl that is a set of Pokemon alright.” Matthew uttered from his chair no longer looking at the see at all.

“Yep! This is my team. Well I have a few more but they are back home. They aren’t battlers. I still need to capture a sixth before the League starts.”

“Only got a bit of time for that darling. Will that be enough to train one?”

“I have a few ideas for emergency captures to be honest. But I’m just… Trying to find the right fit. I’d rather have a pokemon that is less trained, but is meshing into my team, than just a strong Pokemon.”

“Hmm. I remember being your age. Having my perfect team all planned out. It doesn’t usually work out kiddo. Find Pokemon that you can work with and train them.” Matthew offered.

“Yeah I know! That’s not what I mean though. I don’t know. I guess. Most of my Pokemon I didn’t really go out and capture. We more… because friends, or decided to join together. I like that more than just battling a Pokemon into submission.” I shrugged. “It’s complicated.”

“Hah. Well This is quite the team regardless… The Dragonite? Is that?” Matthew asked, not quite finishing his question.

“Not from Johto. I already had the Pokemon League raise a big stink about it when she was a Dragonair, even had Lance come in and verify it. She’s a wild one.”

“Really? So there are wild Dragonite out there?” Midori asked, walking up and standing beside me, as she stared at my girl chowing down. She was already nearly done, licking the plate clean as she finished.

“Pfft. As if humans have seen every inch of the world. Or have any idea what’s really out there. Arceus blessed us with a truly beautiful world.” I offered, and that earned me a lot of looks.

“Hah! The great birds are the ones that filled the world with weather and brought about life!” Matthew argued humphing and I laughed because of course different regions would argue their religion was the right one.

Mama and Papa had never really taken us to any churches or anything, and I mean.

I knew Arceus existed. I knew the whole creation myth. Trying to say one Pokemon did this or that was silly when I knew whatever legendary had actually done.

I shrugged, not caring to argue.

“Amazing. A Kanto Dragonite. Who would have thought. It’s been… What since that Samuel boy?”

“Aye. His Dragonite had real potential. Think this one is a child?”


“Ah.” I interrupted Midori and another woman that I didn’t know. “I can verify that Dragonite wasn’t born from Samuel Oaks Dragonite. Although… Does anyone know what happened to Oak? Or his Pokemon I guess.”

The mood turned a bit somber at my question. I hadn’t thought to ask before. I mean… Agatha hadn’t said much either.

“No one knows exactly.” Matthew interrupted with a gruff tone. “Johto. Probably. Damn Blackthorn. Surprised a kid your age even knows the name.”

“I’ve heard of him.” Was all I could really answer before shaking it off. “I know Agatha, who-”

“Ugh.” Matthew groaned and Midori broke into laughter.

“Don’t bring up that old hag.”

“Oh don’t be such a sourpuss Matthew, just because you never managed a win against her.”

The man grumbled looking like he was grinding his teeth but said nothing more.

Ah. That was kinda funny.

“We don’t know dear. No one does. Samuel Oak, was a hero to Pallet, grew up here. Planned on being a champion likely would have, but… Johto. Or maybe even some elements in Kanto weren’t happy. Him, his Pokemon.” She shook her head.

“I see.”

“Well we aren’t here to get morose.” Matthew argued. “Sam was a good kid. Hell of a battler. Taught him a few things back in the day. Before I retired. Kid wanted every badge in Kanto before he went for the League. Heh. Don’t think he quite made it.”

“Wait… How many minor gyms are there?”

“Four? Five? Changes sometimes.” The man offered. “Some close down. Not enough support. Some take over the big gyms, like Saffron.”

“How many did Oak get before the League?”

“Ten?” Matthew questioned but Midori just hummed to herself and ended up shrugging.


“I bet I can get them all. I’m already collecting the Star badges.” The idea made me smile. Get all the badges! Gotta collect them all!

“Oh? You’ve gotten some Star badges?” Matthew asked, sitting up. “I got three back when I ran my circuit. Heh! I had more than anyone in Kanto that year.

“Yeah.” I walked over to my bag and grabbed the badge carrier out of a side pocket. Flipping the sleek little case open I opened it off to show off a little standing proud as all six Star Badges were displayed.

“My goodness!” Midori responded first in an honest gasp.

But Matthew took the cake in response. He started snickering, then chuckling then full of guffawing and then turned it into a full belly laugh raised to the sun.

“I don’t think it’s really that funny.” I mentioned but he shook his head, slowly regaining control.

“Girl. Vicky. No, Victoria. Yeah. Listen kid. You’re doing something right. Keep doing it.” He said and nodded as if his words were great wisdom.

“Idiot.” Midori offered before looking down at me and patting me on the head. “You’re a good one. Strong, and well taken care of Pokemon, and they adore you. Obvious to anyone. That’s how a trainer should be. Heh. I look forward to seeing the league this year.” She laughed a little sinisterly and Matthew joined her, both old people sharing a look of sharp teeth.


“I’m surprised you took out Koga though.” Matthew offered. “He’s a tough customer.”

“I didn’t the first time. But he trained me, and on the second go around I knew his team pretty well I could plan for them. He taught me a lot. But… The Star Badge doesn’t feel as earned. I need to make sure I get the next two. To make sure I deserved it.”

“Heh. If he handed it to you, you deserved it. But enough about us. Looks like the food is done.”

“Huh? Oh!” I jerked as a new woman in an apron and a big smile walked over carrying sticks of fried squid. “For the champion of the battle!” She called out, earning cheers from everyone on the beach as she handed me the food which I took and quickly scarfed down. I hadn’t eaten yet! Yummy! “And I guess some for you.” She offered, handing Matthew a stick and a pile of papers of Takoyaki.

“Hmmph!” He grumbled but took the food, and then she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Oh! That must be his wife.

But I really was hungry. The Squid went down amazingly, but I scooped out some rice as well, into a bowl, tossed some of the squid in, then poured the less spicy remains of the bowl over it and dug in myself.


I ended up mostly just settling in and listening to some of the old people that gathered around a fire talk about their own journeys. Hearing how it used to be sixty years ago to start a journey was both horrifying, and absolutely thrilling!

But of course as I did that my Pokemon enjoyed themselves.

Milotic eventually stopped pretending to be squeezed dry and was swimming around coming out of the ocean with all sorts of things. Shells, or interesting bits or bobs. Either for me to ooh over, or handed to Dragonite and given bashful looks in turn.

So cute!

Gyarados just hung out with me. The old folks got used to his massive face towering over them. And even relaxed when I used him as a chair.

Dragonite, when she wasn’t being flattered by Milotic, was following Chanseys lead and playing with the children which to my amusem*nt she seemed to really like. Dragonite for all their being a dragon thing, really were some of the nicest dragons.

Mostly. Except for Iris’s one. The jerk.

And of course Chansey was leading the children in some stretches and beach exercises.

Chansey, always working for those gains.

Arcanine of course was the queen of attention. She walked along the beach doing whatever caught her interest, whether that was chasing after frisbees thrown by the younger kids, being fawned over, or licking the absolute crap out of a little girl that had spilled a Takoyaki on her head.

I had to pull Arcanine away as the little girl was crying up a storm, but eventually had calmed down and I let her pet Arcanine as an apology so there was that.

Of course sometimes she would just go. Run off at whatever caught her attention. The sand skipping up around her as she shocked the crowd with her speed. A poor Spearow getting a little too close to the food had been chased away and it was only Arcanine being nice that let it survive as she could have easily snapped it out of the air as it fled the sudden appearance of something three hundred times its size.

It was nice, and Cinnabar can wait until after the party.

Chapter 31

Chapter Text

“Drag, Dragonite.” Dragonite complained at me.

“I know, I know! I couldn’t help it!” I mumbled as we flew over the ocean. Under the morning sun.

I hadn’t intended to stay so late, but the stories were fun, and the atmosphere was great, and then it was late, and I was invited to stay the night, and well…

The food was really good.

Matthews' wife Hanna knew how to cook. Like really knew how to cook.

Now it was morning and there had been breakfast as well…

In other words we made a late start and Dragonite was teasing me. “C’mon let’s fly off that meal, find Cinnabar Island and set up a match!”

“Draaag!” She called out and burst into an even speed. All I had to do was hold onto my hat. And enjoy the ride.

Very soon after smoke rose out of the horizon and there it was.

A small volcanic island.

Cinnabar Island.


“Yeah! That’s it!” I laughed as we circled around the island from the sky checking it out. Almost all of it was jungle, and it made me wonder what Pokemon hung around the green island, but there was also a small little section of the island that was the town.

“Let’s land outside of town! Don’t want to cause a big fuss!” I called out and Dragonite nodded. We circled closer but ended up needing to land in the jungle itself.

The beaches were entirely covered in people for a long way down.

“Jeez what’s with all the people?” I wondered and then as I reached the town I remembered.

“Ooooh. Cinnabar is a tourist trap. Right.” I muttered. The streets were covered in shops. People hawking goods, and lots of tourists in bathing suits wandering around laughing in the sun.

Pfft. Why would they come here? They could just get a flying pokemon and go to any beach in the world?

People are so weird.

As I clomped into the town I started looking around. Now where was the gym… Oh right. I walked past the broken down old Gym. Blaine was working out of the volcano for whatever reason.

As I looked around I stopped because…

I knew that orange and green outfit.


“Huh? Oh hey! Vicky!” Brock greeted me, and there was Ash, and Misty.

“Huh! You! I want a rematch! Right no-”

“Ash, we are here for the gym remember!” Misty snapped at Ash and he backpedaled but I just laughed instead.

“I’ll be happy to fight you Ash, but I’m looking for Blaine's Gym as well. At least the real one, and not this old thing.”

“Oh? You know the Gym resting on your nose is just heat haze?” A voice spoke up and we all turned. Long wig, dark glasses, and a sort of… Hippy? Was that a thing in the pokemon world? Drugs and stuff? I actually didn’t know…

I’d be careful.

But regardless I knew this man. From the anime, and since Koga had warned me to come here. It’s not like I hadn’t seen pictures of the former champion before Lance before. Well…

Pictures without the wig anyways.

“Oh hey Blaine.” I greeted hand raised casually, and the old man jerked and looked around to make sure no one else had heard.

“Ah. The former Champion, master of the flame is-”

“Right in front of me. Koga mentioned your secret Gym, but that I would need to gather information on it… It’s in the volcano. Isn’t it?” I asked and the man literally sputtered in denial before his shoulders fell.

“How did you know?”

“You’re a fire type specialist…” I said trailing off and just rolling my hand a bit in a circle as if that should explain everything.

It totally did too. Of course his secret gym was in the volcano. I understood Pokemon trainers pretty well.

Most of them were absolutely crazy. Live in caves, as Rock specialists. Or practically be born for water. I side eyed Misty. It would be like hearing of a secret water type gym and not immediately checking the rivers nearby.

Obvious to anyone. Also I had seen the anime.

“Wait… This is the Gym leader! I’m Ash Ketchum! I-”

“Hold on kid. Just hold on.” Blaine offered with a sigh “I’ll deal with you in a minute?” He asked me, and I nodded with a thumbs up.

“Very well. Ash Ketchum. I don’t accept challenges from just anyone anymore. Not after this town was ruined by fools more interested in trinket trash than Pokemon. Normally I offer some riddles and see if someone can earn their place, but that didn’t quite work out.” He glanced to me.

“What!? But!” Ash started whining but I actually interrupted.

“That’s not entirely fair, that means this is my mistake, not his… Ash is… a little unfocused, but he’s good with Pokemon. He’s worth giving the challenge too… But if you aren’t sure. How about we give it some time? I’m not really in a rush. So how about I hold off until you decide if you want to give Ash a try? I’ll uh… Stake my chance on it!” I said nodding.

While Ash was a sh*t at times in the first season. He was a good trainer. And deserved a fight. Besides. He and his Charizard needed this. It was one of the times they worked together!

And I wanted to fight that Charizard when it was actually working with its trainer someday. It was a powerhouse.

Heh. I guess I was getting that trainer competitiveness as well!

“Wha! No! Vicky don’t do that! Ash is a moron!” Misty screeched, and Ash turned to glare at her, from where he was looking at me, looking thankful, and a little embarrassed.

Brock looked concerned too, but didn’t say anything.

“Heh. That’s something I haven’t seen before… Alright. Here.” He reached into his pocket and gave me a tissue packet.

“The Riddle Inn.”

“That’s right. I run an Inn on the island in my spare time. There aren’t any openings for lodging anywhere else on the island. I only invite trainers that I think have a chance. Stay the night tonight. We’ll see.”

“Thank you Champion Blaine.” I said the last part quietly bowing.

“Former Champion.”

“Wait what!?” Ash asked shocked at the reveal, but as expected Brock and Misty probably actually paid attention to school… Or the news… Or just, anything besides pokemon. Even stuff directly related to Pokemon…

Or remembered Pokemon he had seen before…

Okay Ash was not the smartest cookie, but he had good instincts.

They both knew who Blaine was and gave him a bow as well.

“You’re embarrassing me. I’m just a gym leader now. Prove to me you are worthy of a challenge young man. I look forward to it.”

“W-wait. How do I do that? Do I need to battle someone? Bu-He’s just walking away.” Ash whined and I laughed, ignoring him to offer a hand to Togepi who seemed delighted at the attention and grabbed onto my finger before shaking it up and down.

How cute!

“This is Togepi.”

“Yeah I know. Very cute. She’ll be a strong one once she evolves. Her Metronome giving you trouble?” I asked, as the little one played with my finger and I smiled brightly at her, which she returned. What a little cutie!

“Wait! You know about Togepi!? How? Even Professor Cerise doesn’t know anything!” Misty demanded and I looked up to her.

“I know lots about Pokemon!” I said, smiling. “She looks like she is doing great. Just be her friend, and she’ll evolve eventually.”

Misty seemed confused at my words, although Brock had heard me too, even ignoring Ash’s pacing that was filled with muttering as he nibbled at his thumb.

He was trying to think of a way to impress Blaine…

It wasn’t going well.

“But I asked how did you know?” She asked, but I just ignored her looking to Brock.

“You look good Brock! How’s the journey been?”

“Heh. It’s been an adventure. I wouldn’t change it for the world though.” He offered and I smiled at that. “How about you? Catch any new Pokemon?”

“Well you know about… Oh! Yes! My Big Blue Heart! Oh gosh Do you want to meet him? He’s the sweetest baby!” I said delighted practically bouncing.

“Wait! Challenge me! If I beat you Blaine will accept my challenge for sure!”

“Ash you idiot.”

“I don’t think that’ll work Ash.” Brock added, but I shrugged.

“I don’t think we’ll figure out what Blaine wants today, but rather than just stand around doing nothing some training battles sounds fun! How about we find someplace and go to it?”

“Yeah!” Ash cheered seemingly perfectly happy now that he had a pokemon battle to experience. What a funny guy.

“But uh.. That could be hard. The jungle is pretty dense, and people are everywhere on the beaches.”

“There has to be some place to have a Pokemon battle on the island!” He decided and started… well running around looking.

On foot.

I mean, sure his Charizard doesn’t listen to him, at least I think it doesn’t. Some things were different after all, but like…

You have a flying type Pokemon Ash.

“For a Pokemon trainer he kinda forgets he’s a pokemon trainer sometimes huh?” I asked his companions and both sighed, chin dropping to their chests.



We eventually found an out of the way area that was either a pokemon lot or a tennis court.

“Ash Ketchum! I Victoria Ferrous accept your challenge!” I called out, earning a smirk from the boy as we faced each other.

“Well get ready to lose!”

“How many pokemon?”

“I have six Pokemon!” He said, sounding proud, and I just nodded.

“Well I only have five. But that’s fine. Let’s do six on five.”

“What!? I-I don’t need a handicap!”

“Yes you do.”

“You do.” Brock and Misty both chimed in and Ash turned on them but I cut him off.

“It’s fine. It’s an advantage yes, but you caught more Pokemon. So you have more pokemon for battle. It’s a good thing, an advantage you earned.”

“Heh! That’s right! I’m the better trainer with six Pokemon!”

“Ash…” Brock muttered in irritation. But I just looked to him and smiled and he nodded.

“Six on five battle. Trainers ready? Begin!”

I threw, and Ash called out.

“Go Pidgeotto!”

My ball released and Arcanine took the stage.

“Sorry, if I don’t start with her, she gets… Moody.” I answered, but no one really heard Brock Misty and Ash were all reacting. Despite having seen her before Brock was examining her with his eyes, Misty was sighing at her fur, and Ash.

“What was that Pokemon again?” He muttered having pulled out a paper pokedex and was going through it…

“Ash! That’s an Arcanine!” Misty yelled at him.

“She’s a fire type!” I called out to inform him of the obvious and he looked up in surprise and flashed me a thankful smile.

“Right! In that case. Pidgeotto use Gust!”

“Go.” I called, and my lack of attack seemed to confuse Ash until Arcanine just disappeared, and when Pidgeotto stopped to try and find her she turned around to find Arcanines drooly mouth right there.

The bird screeched in shock and fear.

“Let her go Arcanine!” I called out before the battle was just outright over. This was training.

A much droolier Pidgeotto fled into the sky a few moments later, feathers far more rumpled and looking very unhappy.

“Pidgeotto! Use Quick Attack!”

“Ash! That Arcanine moves too fast for that!” Brock called out, and he was right. I didn’t have to say anything. Extreme Speed kept Arcanine well out of reach of Pidgeotto. Even if the bird was pretty fast.

“Sand attack!”

“Shield.” I called out, and Arcanine burst into flame. Flame Wheel was an attack that covered the pokemon in flame and then they tackled their enemy.

Arcanine was just doing the first part. It was my version of counter shield for Arcanine. At least the prototype for it. The problem was, my pokemon really were better at physical attacks than special, but something like this was a special attack for sure.

It still worked.

The sand blasted forward but hit the thermal strength of the fire and despite flickering it held and kept the sand off Arcanine.


“As one trainer to another. That was Flame Wheel. It’s normally an attack move, but I trained Arcanine to use it as a shield against some moves that are tricky to deal with. The flame is strong enough to stop some things from getting through.”

“Whoa.” Misty called out. “Ash! Be careful! Vicky knows what she’s doing!”

“So do I!” He snapped, growing frustrated. Hmm. Ash did need coaching at times, but that wasn’t really useful Misty. All you did was make his hackles rise up. I was getting a little annoyed at the two. Brock wasn’t too bad, but Misty kept kinda interrupting the fight with her comments, and most weren’t really useful.

I sighed. Nothing I could do to change it now.

“Pidgeotto! Fly high and Gust!”


I called out, and Arcanine burst into motion again, Pidgeotto flew higher, but she could only get so high before her gust failed.

And there were walls and fences around us.

With four bounds to reach the highest edge Arcanine leapt and once more snatched the bird out of the sky.

She once more screeched, this time more in outrage at the treatment.

Arcanine spat her out once they were on the ground.

Then her tail started wagging as slobber sloughed off the poor bird.

This was cruel, but… Well both trainer and Pokemon could use some experience. Pidgeotto should be doing gust on the move. Or quick attacking to get around or something.

Too slow.

Way way too slow for a Pokemon that is supposed to be one of the speedsters of Kanto.

“Pidgeotto! Ugh! Return! You did great girl, that was just a bad matchup. Alright, Let’s go Squirtle!” He yelled, and I already knew how this would go.

“Evade.” I called out and Arcanine nodded. We were on a wavelength. No need for me to say more.

“Squirtle Water Gun!”

“Squirt! Squirtl!” The little turtle called out, and I knew I would be asked to cuddle him after. Soooo cute! Oh my Arceus!

The water blasted out, and Arcanine moved, almost casually showing off how little danger she was in. Oh Arcanine was kinda taunting the poor guy.

She sidestepped, leapt, flipped fully sideways laned and ducked. Every stream of water missing completely and she made it look easy.

“Squirtle! Ugh! Hold still!”

“Ash. Have I called out an attack at all this battle?” I called out to him, and he looked at me like I was crazy.


“Have I called out a move name?” I repeated the question more urgently.

“No? That’s the problem!”

“Exactly. Ash. Every time you call out the attack, you are telling your opponent what is about to happen.”

“They do it at the matches all the time!”

“Ash, that's usually the commentators! The trainers don’t do that!” I said to him. “Watch! I’ll show you. Arcanine! Tackle attack!”

“Wha?” The confusion from the trainer didn’t stop Squirtle from leaping to the side and hiding in the shell. Saving him from Arcanine who had risen up on her hind legs and slammed into where Squirtle used to be.

“Arcanine! Tackle attack!”

“Squirtle dodge!”

“Arcanine! Tackle attack!”

“Squirtle dodge!”

“Arcanine! Tackle attack!”

“Squirtle dodge!”

“Arcanine! Tackle attack!”

“Squirtle dodge!”

“Get it yet!?” I demanded and Ash looked confused.

“Arcanine! Go!” And she did another slow tackle attack, but without knowing what exactly was coming Squirtle tried to read Arcanine for too long, and instead got his shell stomped on.

I didn’t say anything, and even with Ash yelling to dodge. Squirtle was really confused.




“Okay.” I called Arcanine off. And Squirtle popped out of his shell looking a little exhausted and shaky, but he was on his feet a few moments later.

“Rrrrr! You shouldn’t make fun of me!”

“I’m not! This is something that I had drilled into my head while battling too! You just haven’t run into anyone willing to do it for you yet.” I side eyed Brock but he shrugged.

“I explained it a few times but…”

I nodded. Ash was stubborn.

“Fine Squirtle! Attack!” Ash called out and instead of doing that Squirtle turned and looked at him.

I couldn’t see the turtles face, but I could guess.

‘What the hell does that mean!?’

“You have to train for that Ash!” I called out, interrupting the poor boy's uncomfortable stare off with the pokemon. “Okay! I think I got my point across with that one. I’m gonna come at you again! So ready up!... Arcanine! Go!”

“Squirtle Water gun all around you!”

“Squirt!” The water type confirmed returning to his shell and a burst of water shot out and then spun him around.

That wasn’t going to really stop Arcanine, but it was smarter than trying more Water Guns normally. So I’ll approve!

Arcanine came down and grabbed Squirtles shell in its mouth having leapt over the water and just snatched it right up.

Arcanine used shake. It vibrated the air…

I think it’s pretty effective.

Squirtle was dropped and sort of oozed out of his shell, eyes swirled.

That’s gotta be dizzying.

“Return!” Ash called and looked pretty upset.

Yeah. Sorry buddy.

“Fine! Pikachu!”

“Oh alright. Arcanine. Go!” I called out, and this time I was more serious. Pikachu wasn’t at the top of his game right now, but his special power was still remarkable.

“Thunder bolt!”

The charge up was a bit too long. The aiming was longer as Pikachu closed his eyes while charging it up. Curling in and then flinging it out aiming at where Arcanine had been.

It missed entirely. I wanted to say something about that too, but…

No. That was something Ash and Pikachu needed to discover on their own.

Arcanine tackled Pikachu from behind, bowling over the mouse as it gave its little cry of pain.

“Pikachu no! Buddy!?” Ash called out and then slowly Pikachu rose up looking dirty and scuffed.

Arcanine hadn’t hit him that hard, but this wasn’t champion Pikachu. This Pikachu was still chubby, without the lean athleticism that he would gain in the future.

“Piiiika!” Pikachu tried again, as it regained its feet, but again the attack went wide as Arcanine moved before Pikachu had even aimed it.

The second tackle was enough to cause the poor mouse to slump.

Ash rushed in and gathered his buddy up checking him over. I just waited.

“It’s okay Pikachu. Just rest.” Ash whispered and headed back. Misty quickly hurried over and gathered up the mouse letting ash focus.

“Alright. It’s all on you! Charizard!” Ash roared and I gasped in delight.

A Charizard! Amazing! So cool!

“Chaaaaaar!” He roared, sending out a flame from his mouth as he released into the air, but then he instantly sort of slumped and puffing out air and not looking very interested in a fight.

Arcanine, despite buzzing for a battle, waited, and so did I.

“Charizard! Flamethrower!” Ash called, but nothing happened.

Yeah. That’s what I was afraid of.

There was a moment where we all just kinda waited. Wind blew, and a little dust swirl blew over the court.

“Charizard!” Ash whined, pleading with the Pokemon, but Charizard seemingly was taking enjoyment in ignoring his trainer.

“Ash.” Brock moaned face palming, and I could see the eagerness in Arcanine drooping along with her tail.

Damn. Arcanine just got combat blocked. I was gonna need to set up some spars with her or something or she would hound me.


I shook off the pun and was about to speak when a voice cut in.

“Hey! You kids! This isn’t a battle stadium! I’m calling Officer Jenny! Don’t you move!”

“sh*t! Cheese it!” I decided, jumping onto Arcanine and my words caused a panic from the others. Ash returned Charizard and booked it along with Misty and Brock and all of us ran off.


“So… Why did… we run again?” Misty asked, gasping for air.

“Eh, mostly because it seemed more fun than sticking around.” I admitted and got a glare from the girl at that.

But Ash was quiet holding Pikachu which was being looked over by Chansey and glaring at the ground.


“How about we split up for a while? Meet up at the Riddle Inn tonight?” I asked the group. I could just go do my own thing for a while. I really wanted to dive into the ocean around the island, and explore the jungle!

“Aw. Oh sure. I wanted to see your Milotic.” Misty grumbled, and I just laughed.

“Well if you want to come with, I’m fine with it. I wouldn’t mind going scuba diving to see what Pokemon are in the ocean around here.”

“Oh! That would be so fun!” Misty called out looking delighted, she turned to the boys and noticed that Brock looked a bit iffy about it, but Ash was off in his own mind.

“You go Misty. We’ll meet up tonight. I’ll stick with Ash. We can do some guy stuff.” Brock offered smiling, and Misty’s smile was bright as she nodded. “Oh… Brock will you?”

“Sure. I’ll take care of Togepi. I don’t think she’ll like diving too much.” He laughed and then Misty handed over her baby and I nodded patting Arcanine.

“C’mon we can ride back to town, find some diving business or something. Unless you have gear?” I asked, and Misty shook her head.

“Not on me. That would be perfect.”

The redhead climbed on the back of Arcanine who easily took our weight and we were off leaving Ash and Brock in the small alley we had hidden in.

Glad I got out of there. Ash was kinda… Difficult to deal with.

Chapter 32

Chapter Text

“Ah! I’m so excited I haven’t been able to go diving in a while.” Misty exclaimed as she stepped out of the changing room on the beach.

The service she had used was a tourist trap sort of place. So it was expensive. But going diving around the island had been worth it.

I was back in my wet suit with my rebreather. Standing just outside. I did quickly finish putting my bag into the lockers. Although I had a smaller bag I had bought full of pokeballs in case I found something to catch.

Misty looked at me, with my small rebreather while she had one of the much larger ones with a sigh. “Too bad this equipment is so old.”

“It’ll be fine. You’ll forget about it once you are in the water.”

“Heh! That’s true. C’mon!” She said hurrying down the concrete pier.

“Alright. Milotic! You’re up!” I called out, and my partner appeared trilling happily in the gentle waves.

“Arceus every time I see your Milotic it takes my breath away. You’re so handsome!” Misty gushed to me, and Milotic in turn kneeling down on the dock and offering her hand, and Milotic let her pet him a bit.

“Milotic is the best. You going to use any of your team?” I asked, and Misty nodded, a moment later a Starmie materialized.

“Starmie! Let’s go exploring!” Misty called and I laughed as she jumped into the water.

I jumped right in after her. Milotic instantly wrapping around me in a hug. The rebreather double checked and we were off, chasing after Misty who was riding her Starmie and racing ahead.

The water was pretty clear out here. Despite as we hurried out of the dock area the many many floaties and surfers above us.

None of that really mattered to us though. Because below us was the real treat.

Pokemon darted too and fro.

A lot of Krabby was my first thought. They wandered around the sea floor fighting each other and eating whatever they could get their claw into.

Shellder were also common. We passed over a trio of them all clustered together napping on a rock, but left them alone even if Misty circled them a few times practically squeeing at their cuteness.

She was a water type pokefreak after all.

I still remember the last time Milotic and I had done this it had been fun, but we were traveling. This was the first time I was doing it for fun!

I split off from Misty for a moment pointing for Milotic to see what I was looking at. There A small group of Seel were swimming around together snapping off crustaceans and things from the sides of rocks and mostly just playing.

So cute!

They startled at Milotic’s appearance, but when it was obvious I wasn’t a threat, they were soon swirling in the water around us spinning and playing before zipping off into the ocean.

We passed by a Magikarp as well. Just swimming around mindlessly. He didn’t even react to Milotic or I as he just kept swimming past us and then out into the fog of the ocean after a while.

Kinda sad.

I was distracted by Misty waving and holding up a Staryu in delight like she had found treasure.

I just laughed around my rebreather and Milotic and I hurried over. The Staryu was pinging, and Misty’s much bigger Starmie seemed to be responding, but even I had no clue what they were saying. Misty seemed perfectly content to hug the Pokemon regardless.

Something caught the corner of my eye and I looked gasping.

Corsola! I waved at misty and pointed and she seemed confused as I hurried over to the pink Pokemon resting in the sun.

Misty didn’t look very interested as I approached, but the Corsola quickly zipped away at our approach and I didn’t want to scare it. But Misty practically tackled me out of the way as Starmie chased after it, I looked over to Milotic who arched his head to meet my eyes and we both burst into giggles.

The look of desire on Misty’s face had been hilarious.

I wasn’t exactly surprised to see Johto Pokemon in the ocean in Kanto. It’s not like Pokemon cared about regions after all. And I had found Feebas of course.

But it was still a reminder that Pokedex information had been so far behind even in the old anime.

I shook it off and Milotic and I chased after Misty to see if she had managed a capture. When we finally found her she was floating morose in the water her Starmie zipping around her to perk her back up.

No go, I guess.

I swam over and patted her shoulder and she let out a long sigh, bubbles flowing around before she rose up and looked ready to continue.

We both swam further out. Over the shelf break and then down.

The light dropped off, but thankfully just on the side of the shelf break was a reef and a ton of pokemon and fish swimming around.

Misty this time pointed, and I nodded as we swam over an Octillery that quickly crawled into the reef to hide.

Remoraid swam around in big schools, and I watched as they turned and blitzed a school of fish. Their water attacks killing a fish each and then the school simply swam through and each picked up a fish to eat on the go.


Misty and I explored the reef for a while. Finding even things like Goldeen in some corners, and a Seaking that was defending it’s territory.

I guess even if they were more river fish, it wasn’t like Pokemon cared about salt or fresh water.

I giggled as Misty absolutely geeked out at the Seaking eyes practically sparkling as she watched him swim around protecting his territory.

Milotic and I left her to it, instead exploring around the reef. Pokemon ducking away from his massive form, but there were some that didn’t mind. I was giggling as Milotic gave me a concerned look as Remoraid started attaching to his belly like they do with Mantine.

Exploring a bit. I came face to face with another Octillery inside the reef his eyes glaring a bit and I quickly gave him an apologetic smile before slowly backing away. He ignored me after thankfully.

Then Milotic and I both felt it. A wave crashed into both of us, sending me almost tumbling and Milotic just rocking along the pressure for a second.

I reached up and grabbed onto him just as he charged.

We needed to find out what was going on!

Very quickly we figured it out as Misty came rushing right past us full speed on Starmie her eyes frantic. She didn’t stop just zooming right past us, and Milotic and I turned around to see what she was running from before both of us released a big pile of bubbles.

Gyarados! Angry Gyarados!

He was rushing right for us, but Milotic was incredibly agile under water, and we avoided his attempt to tackle and bite us. The massive angry boy smashing into the wall of the shelf break with a massive crash before he turned to try and fight us more.

What had Misty done?

Of course a moment later the girl in question zipped over and grabbed at me and tried to tug me along, frantic to get me out of there.

But there was no way I was going to run from this! Either this Gyarados needed help, or he needed some time out!

Despite Millotic already being free, I knew the exact best way to handle this fight!

I pulled out the pokeball from my hip and popped it open without throwing it, as I didn’t want to lose it in the waves. The gleaming white premier ball split and in a burst of red energy, that quickly expanded, causing the water pressure to push Misty and I both back, despite Milotic blocking for us.

And then there he was. His roar was actually really interesting under the water.

Instead of just pure rage and rocks smashing together, it almost sounded… Did Gyarados have a form of echolocation? It really sounded like stones cracking together in a rumble.

The wild Gyarados didn’t react well, instantly he went into a rage and attacked.

It gave me a moment to take in the differences.

Blue Heart was a lighter blue, more a sky color, than the darker ocean blue of the wild one. And he was smaller.

My biggest fish was actually kind of a smole boy.

Not that it mattered. The wild Gyarados’s charge ended instantly. Blue Heart smashing his head into the larger Gyarados in a blue of motion that once more sent me spinning away from the battle as the water pressure couldn’t handle it, and the wild Gyarados was smashed back into the wall, but this time against his will.

But that wasn’t the end. Rising up, the larger Gyarados raged as it charged back, and Blue Heart fought just like I had trained him.

He was smaller, but stronger, and much much faster.

The wild rage simply couldn’t reach and Blue Heart soon had the Gyarados by the throat and then just surged.

Blasting upwards his smaller body nonetheless hauling the large fish right along with him as he made for the surface.

I looked around and found Misty cowering, and for a second I wanted to poke and tease her, but I realized she wasn’t just cowering to avoid the attacks, but in actual fear.

She was shivering, terrified.

I waved to Milotic, and soon my good boy helped as I gently touched Misty and she only barely responded. He rose up below us and helped bring us back to the surface.

Which was stopped as Gyarados was there. Two of them still fighting.

That wild Gyarados… He shouldn’t be that strong. Something was wrong.

Blue Heart finally took a hit, a nasty tackle that rocked him back, but still barely fazed him, but this wild pokemon looked beat up but still raging.

They disappeared into the gloom once again.

I don’t… I don’t think that Gyarados was always wild. Too strong. Yet he was absolutely raging at… Misty? No I don’t think it was Misty. He went after me right after.



I don’t think this Gyarados liked people very much.

My heart broke, but there was nothing I could do about it right now. Maybe talk to an Officer Jenny?

There was silence all of a sudden, and Milotic curled himself around Misty and I and growled the vibration in the water made my spine tingle.

There coming out of the water was the Wild Gyarados. He looked like he had just gone five rounds with Mike Tyson. Bruised and beaten.

Or at least he should be beaten.

He saw us, and that fight went back into him. He roared.

And then I felt it. Electric yet not. Fire but not as hot.


The slow brightening of light in the gloom of the shelf, I looked over, My Big Blue Heart must have come back and wrapped around to protect us. Because he was there.

I wouldn’t have been able to see it on land. Maybe if it was nighttime and dark, but light was slowly spreading up his tail, down his barrel, it brightened around his back fins, causing him to glow bright white from the inside out, more and more was gathered, and then his eyes opened pure white light spilled forth.

I forgot.

Gyarados. They aren’t just fish.

They are laser fish.

The Hyper Beam was everything I expected from one of the most powerful attacks in the pokemon world. A wild overwhelming power that wasn’t slowed at all from the water pressure. That considered water between it and it’s target to simply be an annoyance. The Hyper beam lanced out even as Milotic kept a hold on me, and Misty Starmie there as well, covering Misty, trying to protect her.

As everything went white.


“Misty!” I called out as Milotic had brought us to the surface, I pulled off her rebreather and she was still awake. Eyes wide, and panting. Her breath coming out in sharp gasps.

“Hey. C’mon Misty. You’re okay. Everything is safe.”

“I.. I… I!” She stuttered as she seemed to finally come into control of herself.

“It’s okay. Fights over. Everything is peaceful now.” I looked over to the floating Gyarados. He was unconscious, but he would be fine after a bit. Blue Heart was still swimming below us, like a protective shark. Shooing away any of the native life that might want to see what is going on.

None even tried it. Most pokemon are smart enough to run and hide when two Gyarados go at it.

“Milotic. Take Misty to shore.” I ordered, as I slid off. Misty was competent to ride, but I don’t think sticking this close to Gyarados, either of them was helping. He nodded and quickly started off Misty easily adjusting to holding on, as the motion atop the water seemed to help her calm down.

Blue Heart came up under me, and I quickly adjusted, so I was standing on his crest. “Good job my heart.” I whispered bending down and scratching under his crest. He had done so well! That Hyper Beam!

I would never forget what it felt like to be so close when he fired. When he turned into something more than just a monster, and into a divine force.

I was maybe, just a little intimidated by Hyper Beam as a move. But to pull it out of nowhere? My Big Blue Heart was holding out on me!

Finally I turned my attention back to the unconscious Gyarados.

There was something I had to know.

I pulled out a pokeball and tossed it.

“Someone is going to die.” I hissed in rage as I stared at the floating Pokeball. The one that hadn’t even attempted a capture.

That meant this Gyarados belonged to someone.


I knew it was going to cause some problems, but I couldn’t just leave the Gyarados out in the middle of the ocean.

He would definitely attack another trainer some day. So Blue Heart and I had slid under the larger pokemon and started dragging it back to Cinnabar.

We weren’t that far out, so already I could see people freaking out. Beach goers fleeing from the sight of a Gyarados approaching.

I sighed, nothing I could do, but just act.

Finally we reached the beach and we hauled the Gyarados up onto the beach as gently as we could.

“Come on out Chansey!” I called and Chansey bounced into existence on the sands dancing a little before hurrying over to the unconscious pokemon and offering her help.

Which is about when the sirens could be heard.

Officer Jenny came racing over the side of the pier on her bike. Getting massive air and then landing with only a little sliding of sand under her tires before slid slid to a stop and Growlithe was quickly released.

“Stop right there!”

I just raised my hands and waited. Jenny were pretty quick to jump the gun, but would also hear things out once it was needed.

While Jenny was quickly securing the scene and demanding answers. I looked around and spotted the red head further up the beach sitting on the steps leading up to the boardwalk looking back in fear. I just waved at her, and even waved off Milotic who was looking between me and Misty and he nodded, simply settling in to be with the redhead for a while.

“Are you listening? You are in deep trouble! Disrupting the beach! Bringing wild Gyarados out of the ocean! What are you thinking!”

“Neither Gyarados are wild.” I denied instantly and angrily. “That one attacked me and another diver while we were in the ocean, I released my Gyarados to defend us, but when I checked. That Gyarados has been captured. My pokeball wouldn’t even activate.” I almost yelled, because frankly.

I was so mad.

Really really mad.

Someone had abandoned the Gyarados, and not in the right way.

You can’t just release a pokemon as powerful as a Gyarados into the ecosystem. Worse? You can’t release one without actually releasing it! You are required by law to break a pokeball, if you are releasing a Pokemon. So they can be captured in case of emergency.

Someone had f*cked up.


“Check for yourself.” I said waving at the unconscious Pokemon. And Jenny did just that.

Her pokeball didn’t activate either and she went from angry at me. To angry at someone else.

Not that I was free to go. I settled in, and Gyarados slumped into the sand beside me happily as I just scratched his scales and whispered how proud of him I was.


An hour later Nurse Joy had arrived to do an emergency capture override of the Gyarados sending it to the Pokemon center.

The fact Officer Jenny was not happy, whoever had captured that Gyarados was in for a rough time when they were tracked down. Until then I was given an unneeded warning about scaring people and then sent on my way.

I met back up with Misty who had been hanging around. Resting against Milotic and not really interfering in the whole investigation.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine!” She snapped, but then her face melted. “I’m okay. Thank you. For saving me.”

“I’m just surprised…”

“I don’t… I don’t like Gyarados. I can handle them if I can run away, but down there, with two of them and they were everywhere, I just panicked.” She muttered rising up she stalked around a bit rubbing her arms. “Don’t tell Ash and Brock.”

I nodded slowly, I did vaguely remember Misty had problems with Gyarados, but also that eventually she would get over it.

I would just have to leave her to it.

“C’mon let’s get that equipment turned in, and get some food in you. Then we can find the boys. Think they are at the Inn yet?”

“It is getting late… But no. Just find wherever the Pokemon battles are. Ash’ll be there.” Misty replied and I laughed, trying to act normal with the older girl. This whole thing had been…

Not as relaxing as I had wanted.

Chapter 33

Chapter Text

“Welcome to the Riddle Inn.” Blaine greeted Misty and I. We had tried to find Ash and Brock throughout the city, to no luck. Pokemon battles weren’t very popular with the tourists I guess.

So we headed to the Inn.

“Blaine, thank you for letting us stay here.” I greeted with a bow that Misty copied.

“Think nothing of it. Come I’ll show you your rooms and where the hot springs are located. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them. Your companions are already planning on doing just that.”

“Ah! So they are here. We weren’t sure.”

“They arrived not long ago, after dealing with some criminals causing trouble. I heard about what happened on the beach.” Blaine said suddenly, his voice changing removing the alolan twang and instead going to his real one. “Thank you for making sure no one else got hurt. An improperly released Gyarados is a danger few of the tourists would be ready for.”

“It’s nothing… I’m more angry it happened at all.” I mumbled fists clenching at the thought of some trainer just… Abandoning their Gyarados. Probably even abusing it considering its reaction to finding people.

Blaine nodded, pulling down his glasses showing his tired eyes. “Which is why we do our best to protect people and Pokemon both.” He offered “Come enjoy the baths, relax.” He said and I nodded, deciding to do just that.


“This is nice.” I muttered. Japanese baths, and more importantly, these were pokemon friendly. Not that everyone wanted to enjoy it.

Dragonite did. She was sighing happily as Milotic hung out behind her. He didn’t have any interest in the hot water, but they were cuddling and being sappy.

Chansey was loving it. Sitting beside me, both of us with a cool towel on our heads just soaking.

Arcanine was resting with her front paws in the water doing little doggy paddles. The heat didn’t bother her at all as she just enjoyed the atmosphere.

Gyarados hadn’t had any interest in the springs either, and since Misty was joining me with her team? I had let my Blue Heart know that I loved him very much through the pokeball, but he had been happy to stay close to me in ball form.

“It’s so nice.” Misty agreed from the other side of Chansey.

“Whoo!” A voice called out and I blinked as there was a splash through the bamboo barrier.

“Hey Ash, don’t do that. This is a hot spring.” Brock’s voice called out just after.

“Sorry Brock.” The boys' voices carried over and I laughed at the noise.

“Ash! Don’t cause trouble! I don’t want to get kicked out because of you!” Misty instantly roared disrupting the peaceful atmosphere.

“Wha-Misty! Hey, you missed it! Team Rocket showed up! We sent them packing and Blaine agreed to a match!” Ash called out and I nodded fully expected. As if Team Rocket wouldn’t be the catalyst for Ash getting what he wanted. It was like clockwork.

“Oh… Well that’s good! When is the match?”

“After dinner!”

Misty nodded at that and settled back in. “I guess you won’t lose your chance to fight Blaine afterall.”

“I was never worried.” I answered calmly, not even opening my eyes. Hotsprings were so relaxing.

“Chanse-chansey chanse.”

“Yeah, this is the life alright. Think we could find some hot springs around home?” I asked jokingly and she tittered.

Ash's match after dinner huh. That should be interesting.


“I surrender!” Ash yelled out clutching Pikachu who had been burned from Blaine's Magmar.


If my pokemon were all physical monsters, that Magmar was a special attack monster. Just its fire body was enough to deflect attacks. The heat alone enough to protect the pokemon from attacks.

Blaine looked to me, and I looked to him.

That pokemon wouldn’t be the only one I would have to face when we battled.

I nodded, and he smirked a bit at that. It seems I would have my battle with the former Champion sooner than I thought.

But before that, we had injured pokemon.

Chansey was released, and her happy cheer startled Ash out of his freakout over Pikachu, and soon enough the mouse was already stirring.

“It seems we still have time for another match.” Blaine called out, and there was a surprise that rippled through everyone but me.

“Ash’ll probably be ready for a rematch before you know it. Are you sure you want to battle now?” I asked. But I knew the answer. I recognized the look of a pokemon trainer ready to rumble.


I nodded. Stepping forward to take Ash’s place, the boy looked shocked before nodding as he and Chansey settled outside the ring next to Misty and Brock.

“Blaine. Let me face your strongest team!” I call out and Blaine stares at me for a while before his lips curve into a smirk.

“Very well, I Blaine, Gym Leader of Cinnabar Island, and holder of the Volcano Badge accept your challenge. Six on six, no returns. Magmar.” He called out and I took a moment to settle into my spot.

This was… Probably the worst possible battlefield arena for me and my team I realized. Lava below a hanging arena. Literally the arena was suspended over a pit of lava. Damn Fire Type trainers being so extra.

Milotic’s dig would be useless. The arena was small. No places to hide… The heat would stop a lot of terrain moves from working. Plus the ceiling was low. This entire arena trapped two pokemon close to each other.

I realized suddenly that was the point. Blaine was an old school Kanto trainer. Where Koga was the kind of guy to do everything to win. No matter how dirty. Blaine was the type for direct overpowering battles. He wanted to pit pokemon head to head, and see who came out on top.

A Kanto ninja and a Kanto Champion. Blaine wanted the direct in your face brawl. If Koga tested a trainers ability to use their pokemon abilities in a wider range. Then Blaine just wanted to know if you had the power to fight back.

A direct head to head face to face battle. An arena that limited tricks.

I looked to Magmar, and grimaced. Its Flame Body was a huge negative to my team. Sure Milotic might actually be a solid choice with his Marvel Scale, but with how hot it was?

I wasn’t sure a water type was the right choice.

No. As always, there was only one choice about what Pokemon starts off the fight. If Blaine wanted to fight like Kanto trainers, I had no choice but to oblige. But I wasn’t sure he was ready for my overwhelming force!

“Arcanine!” I roar releasing her, and she roars along with me.

Blaine and my eyes met.



The white hot image of Protect slammed into place, just keeping Arcanine back, but I noticed instantly it wasn’t a normal protect.

Magmar had raised up its heat haze. If Arcanine had been a normal Pokemon, it definitely would have been burned just touching the protect shield! That was cool!

But Arcanine was immune to fire type attacks, something Blaine should know, even with how rare Arcanine were. Growlithe had Flash Fire too after all.

“Don’t let up!”

“Magmar.” Blaine demanded, and he did something I cringed at.

The arena they were on, was suspended above the lava above a damn Volcano, because Blaine being a fire type trainer was extra like that.

But the lava suddenly surged up splashing up and covering not just Magmar and sending Arcanine away with the force of it. But Magmar seemed to coat himself in the lava.

“Lava Plume.” He informed me, and I grimaced, Lava armor? That was a neat trick.

But Blaine wasn’t ready for Arcanine. This move would be excellent against a Growlithe. Giving extra defense.

Arcanine wasn’t going to be bothered by this level of temperature or defenses.

Yet it wasn’t just an attack on Arcanine. Like all the high end matches. The move didn’t care if it hit me. The heat alone was enough to make me gasp, just to keep breathing, but I was also forced to step back to avoid literally molten lava hitting near me.

f*ck you too Blaine. You bitch!

“Enough playing!” I called out, and Arcanine moved. Arcanine slammed into the fire duck with bone crunching force, completely ignoring the lava armor. Even Blaine looked shocked as Magmar yelped. Dark energy of a Crunch slamming down onto him as Arcanine caught him in her jaws. Magmars heat, which normally blocked attacks from hitting him, was completely penetrated by Arcanine and her dark energy fangs that crunched down into him.

Extreme Speed was still king. Magmar was quickly slammed into the ground once then twice as Arcanine didn’t let up. The duck struggled, blasting fire all around it, but Arcanine ignored it, in fact it only made the flames coating my doggo burn brighter and hotter.

Blaine noticed though. “Cough!” He demanded and I blinked, unable to parse out what was happening, before suddenly Magmar did indeed cough and a surge of purple poison fog burst forth right into Arcanines face.

“Smash him.” I ordered. It was too late to try anything besides just do as much damage as I could.

“Punch!” Blaine ordered.

A lightning covered fist slammed into Arcanine's face and sent her skidding away as Magmar flipped and rolled back to its feet.

“Go!” I called, knowing that speed was still in our court.

Blaine said nothing as Magmar moved. To strike again, its fist still surrounded by lightning.

Arcanine bodied the flame duck slamming him backwards and ignoring the strike that barely hit her flank. Dark energy once more chomping down and crashing into the pokemon causing it to… Honk? It was a cry honk and roar mixed into one.

This time Arcanine didn’t hold on her instincts as always top notch, shaking her head and sending Magmar rolling and sliding across the arena.

But Arcanine was breathing heavily. That lightning punch had been brutal, and the poison was working its ill effect.

Magmar rose up. I swallowed. Really not happy that the pokemon was still up, as it staggered to its feet it looked furious, fire rose up around it like a storm of rage and anger, and it released it all.

But not as fire. In a scream of noise the fire shifted into a whole different type of heat. I leapt to the side cursing as I rolled on the way too hot rock. Hissing as the rock practically burned even through my jeans. Stupid lava arena!

“Thunder Bolt.” He informed us even as our ears were ringing. The blast had been awe inspiring. Something I would expect from a certain mouse behind me rather than a fire type. The lingering power arced over its body, never quite reaching Magmar as the flames flowed over its body.

Blaine I realized was just like me. Only where I had trained for overwhelming physical force, he had gone for special attacks. That one move likely would have overwhelmed anyone on my team if it hit. It was just that powerful. I looked behind me. Where the Thunder Bolt had shot straight across the arena leaving a blasted crater in the rock wall that was still red hot.

“An excellent attemp-” Blaine shut the f*ck up right quick when the dust cleared showing a steel sparkling Arcanine.

“Yeah, we’ve trained against electric moves.” I called out rising up and patting myself down. Once again an attack aimed at me.

Yeah okay I get it Blaine. f*ck you too.

“I see.” Blaine offered and that was all he managed when Arcanine moved. The steel type energy that coated her head faded away. She hadn’t taken that blow safely. Arcanine had smashed her face into the ring to Thunder Rod the electricity away, something we had trained over and over again with Dragonite to make it instinct whenever she heard the crackle of lightning.

It still wasn’t perfect. Not that I would tell Blaine that, but Arcanine would definitely be feeling the electricity flowing through her. But it had been severely diminished nonetheless.

Magmar was once more struck as a fur missile, but this time As the crunch slammed down onto it. It was too exhausted to keep fighting. Magmar cried out once again before being flung across the arena and didn’t rise.

“Return.” Blaine called and he looked at me. “For my Magmar’s attacks to be so completely ignored.”

“You talk too much. Send out your next pokemon. You poisoned my Arcanine, remember?” I almost snapped. Not in the mood for the mid battle congratulations. Not after dodging so many attacks. Even Surge hadn’t been this specific about setting his Pokemon in a way to aim attacks at me.

“Of course. Forgive this old man’s musings.” He offered with a nod and flung out another Pokeball.

“Rapidash!” The pokemon cried out as it appeared, and I couldn’t help but gasp. Rapidash! It was a unicorn! I want one!

I shook it off. Focus!

“Begin.” Blaine called out, and Arcanine didn’t wait. She was flagging, but it didn’t matter when speed was still on her side. She slammed into the Rapidash which shrieked at the blow, but it was a well trained monster.

Despite being tackled it stomped out, its hoof catching Arcanine even as her Crunch slammed down, sending her sprawling away, and Rapidash rolling and then quickly slamming back to its feet.

“Arcanine. Do it.”

Once more Rapidash moved, trying to dodge the attack that was coming, but even as one of the fastest pokemon in Kanto, it simply couldn’t keep up.

Maybe if it was a short race and rapidash had time to build up speed, but the arena was small, and Arcanine was queen of both endurance and short burst speed.

The Rapidash was slammed into so hard with Crunch, that it actually went fully out of the arena Arcanine bodying the horse right off the stone arena. It’s hooves just not able to get a grip to save it.

For a moment I thought that was it but instead of a ring out Rapidash whinied and fire burst out.

I had always considered what kind of crazy sh*t a pokemon that focused on pure special attack power could do compared to my team.

Now I knew.

Rapidash was firing out a torrent of fire from each of its hooves. The four flames surging downward with so much force that it actually raised the Pokemon from over the edge and then it cut out letting it land with a loud clop clop clop of her hooves on the arena.

That… That was f*cking cool.

“Whoa.” The audience behind us called out, but I grimaced.

“Arcanine.” I called out and she turned, her mouth was frothy. She was panting, and she looked a little purple.

Our eyes met, but as much as I could see her desire for more. More battle, more action! I watched as her hackles lowered and her head fell. She gave out a rather icky cough and puked up something onto the arena.

“Arcanine withdraws!” I called and Blaine looked pleased. But I didn’t pull out a Pokeball. Arcanine still had some energy and she leapt out of the arena landing next to Chansey who instantly started helping her.

The poison would be cleared out in moments, letting Arcanine at least watch.

“Go!” I called out releasing my next choice.

“Draaaaaa!” Dragonite roared in excitement at being able to battle again.

“Ah. There it is. The rumored Dragonite.” Blaine called out, but while his words were neutral enough, I could sense the hostility in them.

He nodded to me and the battle was on.

“Water!” I called and Dragonite nodded, as she buzzed into Extreme speed just like Arcanine.

I could hear the sigh of irritation from across the arena as Rapidash was once more outsped.

The attack slammed into the fire type that had raised up its flames to block it, but Dragonite Water Tail hit like a truck sending the Rapidash skidding across the arena.

Its hooves just weren’t made for this stone I guess.

“All out!” Blaine demanded, and suddenly the Rapidash that had been floundering turned into an inferno. So bright Dragonite was forced to look away, but that was the one moment she shouldn’t have done that.

In one moment to the next Rapidash went from across the arena to slamming into Dragonites stomach. The noise of the blow echoed around the caldera, sounding like a high speed car wreck.

“Flare Blitz.” Blaine called and that fit because There was just an arc of fire linking the two positions.

But as the flame cleared, it was obvious this wasn’t without cost.

Rapidash fell to the floor.

Dragonite didn’t look like she was doing too great either.

Panting a bit and wincing. That was with Multiscale giving her the first hit protection…


My pokemon had physical power that shocked my opponents, but it wasn’t like other pokemon couldn’t get that strong as well…

I shook it off as Blaine called out his next Pokemon.

“Groooowl!” The rather large Growlithe roared out as it took the field, and my eyes narrowed.

Growlithe was a weird matchup for Dragonite.

Blaine and I both nodded at the same time resuming the battle.

“Destroy the dragon!” Blaine called out.

“Overwhelm!” I called back. And instantly Dragonite was across the field. Extreme speed was a move that was simply too much for most pokemon to handle. But this Growlithe might not have evolved, but he was still a champ.

The attack slammed into a protect, and the moment Dragonite was free they both reacted. Dragonite throwing out an Aqua tail, smart enough to know when to switch to that move.

But then Growlithe took the hit and retaliated with something I wasn’t expecting.

“Play Rough!” Blaine called out in excitement as Dragonite yelped at the attack, smoke blocking them both from view and suddenly there were noises of Dragonite taking hits before she was sent flying away.

“So you figured out dragon types' weakness with Fairy. Cool. Dragonite into the sky!” I roared and Dragonite responded bursting from the earth straight into the air. She almost instantly reached the ceiling of the caldera Hovering right at the top. She was on her last leg already. I grimaced as she was panting heavily.

Thankfully the weakness with an attack like Play Rough was it was a close up attack. Not something you can do from range.

Dragonite would be at a weakness at range. Unless..

“Full power!” I yelled and Dragonite howled as her body glowed an overwhelming orange.

When her mouth opened and an orb of pure destruction freed itself, I could see Blaine panic.


I just snorted and then ran. Quickly jumping up and then behind Chansey and Arcanine.

“Chansey.” She muttered to me a little annoyed but I just shrugged. Ash and co were wondering what the hell was going on.

Bluntly? I was paying Blaine back for all the times he had attacked me.

The orb split, and then rained down. More and more orbs of power rained down and when the first one hit, the entire volcano rocked.

Again and again the force slammed down, and I could hear the poor Growlithe yelping as the arena it was on suddenly began cratering, and rocking violently.

Chansey used Protect to keep a few stray orbs from hitting us, and that had Ash and his friends yelping and diving for cover as well.

Then it was silent.

I poked my head out and Chansey gave me a not entirely kind shove back to where I should be which I hurried over and stood in place.

The whole place felt like it was one moment away from disaster. The arena no longer stretched across the lava, instead one edge had broken loose and was now hanging into the lava.

Blaine I noticed poke his head out from behind a rock on the other side of the arena, and then stood a little too casually, brushed himself off and walked over to retake his place.

“I had to return Growlithe.” He offered simply and I nodded. Looking to the rather precarious arena.

“Now what?”

“Now? The battle is over. This location is no longer safe to continue.” He offered without any real emotion simply continuing to wipe down his shirt from the dust.

“Oh… Yeah, probably don’t want to cause an eruption.” I muttered realizing that might be a bit more than a concern.

“No, no we don’t. Which is why we don’t usually use indiscriminate bombardment attacks inside an enclosed space.” Blaine offered, voice still casual and I got the feeling that had been a bit more pointed.

I just ignored the critique.

“Yeah, only someone really asking for it would keep using area attacks in such a small place and piss off their opponent huh!” I chirped, so sweetly it was almost a toxic attack all on its own.

Blaine watched me for a moment before snorting in amusem*nt.

Chapter 34

Chapter Text

Blaine led us all out of the destroyed arena. Ash and co. were really quiet, each of them seemingly taking in the battle they had witnessed with a silent awe.

Finally we were all settled around a table in the Inn’s main room and Blaine sat waving at me to sit.

“Due to the circ*mstances I am calling the gym match complete.” He said immediately, and I blinked. I mean, sure that was his arena, but like. Couldn’t we just go out and finish somewhere else? He had his volcano top arena too right? I remember it from the anime.

“Oh…. When do you want a rematch? I wasn’t really planning on staying for very long, but-”

“You misunderstand. The match was your victory.” He offered, and I took a moment to notice how… Tired he looked. He wiped a hand over his face. “Koga was right. You have what it takes. If Growlithe had managed a win against your dragon, I might consider continuing the match, but as I had to withdraw him, that means he is out.”

“I hit you with my best pokemon against your team right at the start. You could have still won.” I offer back.

“It’s not about winning or losing Victoria.” He offered, “I am old. Despite what it looks like, my Pokemon don’t have the might we once carried. They are still battle ready, but I am old. I no longer have the will to truly lead them any longer. No. You proved to me you have the spirit. Kanto has made its mark on you. No matter where you go, who you battle, they will all know that the power of Kanto lives on.”

“What?” Ash asked, interrupting, although Blaine didn’t seem annoyed. He instead turned to Ash, and waited and so Ash resumed his question. “What does that mean?”

“Heh. Children these days. It is the Kantonese philosophy of Pokemon battles young Ash. Overwhelming might. No games, no tricks. We train our Pokemon for such power that all such strategies are useless. You saw that in our battle did you not? Do you think most tricks would work against young Victoria’s power? Her might? No.” He said with a chuckle, but I frowned a bit.

“But don’t take that as the only way to fight.” I interrupted Blaine, I looked to Ash. “Having strong Pokemon is great. Your Pikachu is like that, but don’t just rely on that. Figure things out. Try new strategies. Pokemon trainers can’t become complacent…” I laughed because that was one of my own weaknesses.

“Koga left his mark on you.” Blaine grumbled, but I shrugged.

“Koga was a good teacher, but I don’t think I’ll ever battle like him.”

“Nor should you.” Blaine grumbled, and I just sighed leaning back.

I guess that means I won?

“So do I get a badge?” I asked then after fidgeting in place for a bit.

“Oh yes, of course. You defeated me truly, don’t take the early ending of our match as anything but a victory. You proved you have the strength of a Volcano young Victoria. So now I give you this.” And Blaine pulled out a badge. “The Volcano badge. With Star. Become the rising star of Kanto. I’ll put my hopes on you.”

I took the badge but winced a bit.

All of these old guys really put too much on my shoulders.

“I’ll do my best, but that’s for me. I’m not battling for anyone but myself.”

He smirked and nodded. “Good. Forge your own path with the fires of a Volcano hardening your resolve.”

Ash Misty and Brock were oddly quiet. The boy looked a little shell shocked, and was kinda slumped into his seat. While the two older trainers simply were taking in everything that had happened with a focused air.

I kinda wanted to say something, but at the same time…

I rose up. “Thank you for the battle Blaine.” I offered before turning to Ash. “I’m going to head out. Ash. Everyone gets stronger at their own pace. I know you have potential. I look forward to the day that you truly come into your own as a trainer. That day? I’ll be there.” I offered him the only thing I could.


Despite him being a little sh*t now. This was still the kid that someday won it all.

“Leaving so soon?”

“Yeah. I’ll hit the Pokemon Center, and probably fly out tonight. It’s late, but…” I shrugged. I wanted to get away from this island.

Even if I had intended on exploring the Jungles, I kinda just wanted to go home.

“Then. If I may, one last piece of advice. Get your sixth pokemon sorted. Now. Before the League. You seek to challenge Lance? Doing so without a complete team would be foolish. You will not overcome his dragons at anything but using everything you can to equalize the board.”

I already knew that, but I kept the sarcastic response to myself instead just sighed through my nose. “Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Blaine nodded and I walked out. Time to hit the Pokemon Center. Chansey was great, but everyone could use a checkup and then if Dragonite was up for it, we would fly home.


After twenty minutes with Nurse Joy my team was returned, and I had to practically crawl over travelers sleeping in the Pokemon Center lobby to get out. Then I just released Dragonite and she stretched looking as healthy as ever.

We took to the dark skies, and then instantly blurred north. It was cold. I shivered a bit at the frigid air, but Dragonite was warm, and we were moving fast.

Back to Viridian City. Back home.

The moon gave both of us plenty of light to see, and within just a few minutes I could already see land, and then we blazed through, over Pallet town, over Route 1. Heh. It had taken Ash an afternoon with Spearow chasing him to travel the Route, but for Dragonite we were over it in just a minute or so.

Then. I saw the lights of Viridian.

Dragonite knew the route by heart, and we flew just out of the city, following a familiar road until we found the berry farm. All the trees in neat lines made for an easy landmark from the sky, even at night. Then with a floomph of her wings we landed.

I released everyone, and made to race for the door when suddenly the stars winked out.


“Gyarados!” I laughed as I realized he had taken his opportunity for a hug snatching me right off my feet, a few moments of my feet kicking and I was back on my feet. Honestly I was still kinda cold, but his mouth was warmer than outside. Although now I was coated in saliva and it was chilly. “We really need to work on that.” I told him and he just gave me a big dopey smile.

A second later a loud squeal of delight echoed out and from the stream came Dratini.

He raced right over slamming into Dragonite and Milotic wrapping around them with his much larger body.

Aww. He had grown so much! He was probably closer to eight feet now than his original six.

“Alright. I need a hot shower. Relax everyone. We are home!” I called out and then stomped up to the door. I opened it. The lights were still on, and the warmth of home hit me.

“I’m home!”


The next morning I woke up feeling warm and happy. Mama and Papa had been delighted to see me home. Less so with all the Gyarados saliva I trailed into the house, but we had spent the night cuddled up on the couch as I told them about my latest adventure.

It felt… Perfect.

I rose and stretched out. None of my Pokemon had slept with me last night. Arcanine had cuddled up with Arcany and Gyarados had been happy to hang out in the stream. And I had kicked Pillow the Growlithe off my bed. He had eaten some food off the table while I had distracted everyone and he was being a little fart monster.

Of course that didn’t mean I didn’t wake up with a Pokemon.

I blinked at my utterly fogged up window and a big Gyarados face mushed up to the glass.

“My Blue Heart? Please don’t break my bedroom window. Papa will be pissed.” I told him as I rose and hurried over. Gently getting him to back up a bit so I can open the window.

He rumbled happily at seeing me, and I reached out and stroked his face. “Good morning.” I whispered to him and wiggled in happiness.

“I love you too.” I told him, having a good clue at what his different movements meant now.

I continued to scratch under his chin and then behind his ridge for a while, just waking up from the cool air.

“Alright my Blue Heart. I need to get ready. Play with Dratini and the Milotic for a little okay?” I asked him, and although he made a grumbling noise about it. He did eventually move away crawling across the grass back to the stream.

That was a good bit of damage to the yard… I’ll just pretend I don’t know how it happened. I decided staring at the grooves in the grass that my Blue Heart made in the earth.

Window closed. I changed out of my PJ’s and opened my door only to sigh.

Arcany was sleeping in.

“You do this on purpose.” I informed his butt that had flowed into my room once I opened the door. The fact his tail was starting to wag told me I was right.

Grumbling but only half annoyed, I climbed over the Arcanine that really shouldn’t be an inside dog… Ah who am I kidding? Papa and I would both be crying tears about how cold it is outside if we made either of our big pups sleep outside. The Growlithe pack was the same. They had basically taken over the living room.

Papa to my complete amusem*nt had even bought little doggy beds for them which made the living room seem much smaller, but all the cozier.

I was sure Mama was not pleased.

Meowth certainly wasn’t…

But I just grinned in delight at his irritation.

The dining room already had the smell of warm food, but I would need to prep breakfast for my team before I could enjoy it.

“Morning Mama.” I whispered as I gave her a big hug that she returned one armed as she worked on… Miso? Guess we were having a traditional breakfast this morning.

I hurried out and started prepping food. Laughing as the Growlithe horde all charged over to where I was cooking for my team and settling into a super cute line of puppies all begging.

This had Papa written all over it.

“Alright. I know you lot have already been fed!” I warned them, but they all knew I was a softy and just kept licking their lips as they waited.

I sighed, and continued working.

The atmosphere of the farm left me with a smile on my face as I cooked. The sound of Milotic singing to each other filled the air and wind flowing around the trees. It was peaceful and soothing.

“Alright! Breakfast is ready!” I called out, and got a stampede of my team all coming for food. I fed all of my pokemon Chansey happily helping me pass out the food, and in the end I scooped up the bits at the bottom of the pot and let each Growlithe lick a bit off the spoon. Of course some of the spicy stuff sent them running for water, while others just wanted more.

“Trouble! Breakfast!”

“Okay Papa!” I called back, packing up my equipment and running inside to join Mama and Papa at the table.

I devoured breakfast, but didn’t rush off once I was done. Just enjoying the atmosphere of being around my parents for a while. But eventually Papa asked the question.

“When are you going to go after your last badge?”

“Today.” I decided. “The sooner I get it, the sooner I’m free to focus on training for the League.” I said foot tapping at the floor.


He was still the Gym Leader of Viridian handing out the Earth Badge.

What would he be like? Should I confront him? Team Rocket was definitely bad. I mean, sure they weren’t trying to destroy the world, but they still hurt a lot of people and Pokemon.

Mewtwo… Did he exist? Would I be facing Mewtwo today? I shook it off.

It didn’t matter. If I did, I would decide when it happened what to do. And if I didn’t then I could hope he wasn’t currently enslaved.

“Giovanni huh?” Papa said, sounding not at all pleased about it. “Be careful Vicky. A lot of bad rumors about unfair battles surround that man. If he tries anything other than a gym match you get out of there and call Officer Jenny.”

“Yes Papa.” I agreed and Papa nodded before reaching over and fluffing my hair.

“Still can’t believe you are wiping the Gym Leaders! Heh! Did you know I got to talk you up to Malcolm? He was always acting so arrogant just because his son made it top eight in the League his first year. Never mind that Malcolm helped train his team before his son ever went on a journey.”

“You helped me with my team.” I pointed out and Papa instantly scoffed.

“That’s not the same thing at all!”

I looked to Mama, and we both rolled our eyes. Papa was pretty competitive for a guy that gave up on his Journey.

“I’m happy I make you proud.” I told him instead, and that earned me some honest affection as he reached over and pulled me into a tight hug.

“Always. You’ve always made me proud.”

I snuggled into the hug, just happy for the affection.


I walked up to the front of the Viridian gym with a glare.

So this was it. The headquarters of Team Rocket.

It was f*cking gaudy. Giovannia had chosen a greek style, with pillars and even his gym trainers were in like… Hoplite armor.

Which was doubly weird because I hadn’t learned anything about what ancient Greece in the Pokemon world would have been like. And why was Giovanni using this aesthetic? This was Kanto!

I shook it off and stomped forward. “I’m here to challenge Giovanni for a gym badge.”

The two guards nodded and the stone door slid open… Why a stone door? This was almost as extra as Blaines Volcano arena!

I walked in, and scoffed. Giovanni was up on a second floor with a light to backdrop him into the shadows as he rested on a throne with a Persian in his lap.

A very familiar Persian actually. That was one of ours.

“Who comes to challenge the Viridian Gym?” Giovanni asked, haughty and arrogant.

“Victoria Ferrous. I have come to defeat your most powerful team!”

“I see. Very well. We will have a three on three battle. No returns.” He called out to me, and I frowned.

That wasn’t how any of the Star Matches had gone so far. My confusion must have been evident as Giovanni spoke.

“Do you think you are the only challenger I will face today? I only face trainers with at least seven badges.” He said as he waved his hand at me. “If you can defeat me, you will receive your badge.”


“Giovanni of the Viridian Gym versus Victoria Ferrous! Three on three!” A new voice called out from the loudspeakers and I saw Giovanni not even getting off his couch simply grabbing a ball from his belt and releasing the Pokemon without moving.

“Nidoking!” The pokemon roared, and I instantly reacted.

“Arcanine!” She appeared in a flurry of fire as she growled deep in her chest.

“Begin!” The loudspeaker called out, and Arcanine didn’t hesitate.

“Go!” I called out to confirm, and she was moving. Extreme Speed blurring her across the arena into a bone crushing Flame Wheel. The fire leaving after images in her wake as she moved so fast.

It slammed into the Nidoking which hadn’t been ready. Giovanni hadn’t given any instructions. Just watching.

Something was weird.

Nidoking was slammed a few steps back from the blow then reacted. But I didn’t need to call out what to do, because Arcanine had some experience fighting a Nidoking. And a stronger one at that.

I was frowning as the arena shook from the Nidokings Earthquake.

Slow. This Nidoking… It wasn’t extremely strong. Not like what I expected from someone at Giovanni’s level.

Arcanine jumped around dodging the Earthquake. And when it was over. A second blow sent the Nidoking skittering across the arena.

“Return.” Giovanni called and Nidoking disappeared in red light. I was glaring because a moment later a Golem slammed into the earth.

“Steel! Go!” I called the moment the battle resumed and Arcanine instantly began shining as she disappeared in blur.

This was wrong. Giovanni wasn’t saying anything. He was doing nothing.

Steel Head smashed into his Golem, and it cried out in pain, the Pokemon had braced itself, but Arcanine hit the rock and ground type with such force his brace only made it worse. Sending it rolling backwards, it built up speed and slipped into a rollout.

I waited. Arcanine would know what to do, but this…

What the f*ck was going on!?

The moment Golem raced at Arcanine she dodged upwards, flipping around in the air and landing behind the rolling Golem.

Most Pokemon wouldn’t have been able to keep up with the speed of a rolling Golem.

Arcanine was not one of those. She blurred and blasted into Golem from behind. The poor Pokemon was accelerated into the wall of the gym, well outside the arena.

“Return.” Giovanni called and I was starting to feel really uncomfortable. This wasn’t a Star match. This felt like bullying some kid. Giovanni wasn’t even trying. He said nothing to his Pokemon. Simply allowed them to lose…

“Rhydon.” Giovanni called and I was really glaring now, because once again the call to begin happened, and Giovanni said nothing.

I didn’t say anything either. Just glared up at the man with all the vitriol I could.

It wasn’t even a match.

Steel Head rocked the Rhydon, and the big pokemon was too slow to resist. Maybe if his Trainer helped this would have been a match. The Pokemon were strong, but… This wasn’t right.

“Return.” Rhydon was pulled from the battle as it was unable to rise after Arcanine smashed him a few times. “It seems you have earned the Earth Badge.” Giovanni called out, and one of his Trainers walked up beside me with a Star Earth Badge.

The temptation to just knock it from his hands, maybe step on it a few times was there. Instead I took it and walked out. I had no interest in being here any longer, and maybe I would call Koga and let him know what had happened.

This was wrong.


“You did it.” Papa offered as I showed off my Badge case.

All eight of the Kanto gyms were represented, and each had a star on them.

“Giovanni… Something is wrong with him.” I replied, but Papa and Mama didn’t care. Papa lifted me right off my feet and spun me around laughing in delight.

“You did it! My daughter! Our daughter!” Papa said turning to Mama and she smiled proudly as well, which made me feel better.

“Vicky. I am very proud of you.” Mama whispered as my parents both hugged me tightly.

Aaaaaah! I flushed as I just buried my face into Papa’s neck. How embarrassing!

“We’ll have to head over to your grandmothers. She’ll want to see this.” Mama offered, and Papa laughed as he nodded.

“She’ll die from how proud she’ll be.” He said, and I scoffed.

“I hope not.”

“Hah! Arceus, when was the last time someone in their first year had a full star badge lineup?” He asked Mama and she shrugged.

“Honestly I don’t know. But this means… Vicky. Are you ready for the Pokemon League? The Indigo League is happening this year. It’ll be tough. Tougher than you are probably expecting. Remember every trainer has to fight a gym at their best to get in.”

I wanted to say of course I was. But…

“I still need to find a sixth Pokemon for the team. I could use a Milotic, or Growlithe, or something. Maybe Dratini if he is up for it? But otherwise… I need to capture a new Pokemon.”

Chapter 35

Chapter Text

“So then I had Dragonite use Draco Meteor and it blew up the entire arena… Most of it fell into the lava. Blaine was pretty grumpy about it, but really I think it was his fault.”

“Definitely! What kind of gym leader sends lava toward a ten year old!” Papa growled and I just laughed because I knew Papa would agree with me that Blaine was a dick.

We were all at a fancy restaurant the next day.

Gram Gram had demanded to take us all out to celebrate the completion of my gym challenge. Now we just had to wait a few months for the League to start.

“Pfeh! That damned old fool. I should send in a complaint!” Gram Gram offered with a glare at nothing.

“It’s okay Gram Gram. I think destroying his lava arena gym hurt him more than anything else.” I explained with a totally gentle and calm smile that wasn’t at all a bit sinister.

“To think the former champion is hiding out in a volcano acting like a child.” Gram Gram snorted back. Gram Gram was taking Blaines actions a bit personally.

“I think losing to Lance threw Blaine off a lot more than he wants to admit.” I added and Gram Gram nodded.

“His loss was a strike to Kanto alright.”

“Enough about that. Tell us about earning your Earth Badge.” Mama prompted and I just frowned.

“Giovanni didn’t take it seriously at all. I think he purposefully set up the entire match to go fast towards his loss. Like he didn’t care at all.”

Everyone was quiet at that, as I just decided to dig into the food. It was good. Expensive but good. Gram Gram had picked the fanciest place in Viridian.

“It doesn’t matter. No one can deny you’ve earned the badges, and if they do? Then crush them during the League.” Gram Gram said with a bloodthirsty grin that had me giggling into my food.

“I’ll do that Gram Gram. Although I really need to figure out what I’m going to do for my sixth slot. I need to start training them so the pokemon I choose will be ready for the League.” I mumbled and Gram Gram scoffed.

“Pfeh! I have a few Meowth that would love to have a strong trainer.” Gram Gram offered and I giggled even as Mama nodded along while Papa grumbled.

“Just take a Growlithe!” Papa offered, and Gram Gram and Mama both glared at him.

“Maybe.” I offered getting glared at instead. “But I don’t just want to double up. I should go… Exploring or something. Maybe spend a month out in the wilds hunting for a new friend, and then the last month prepping?”

“Finding a new Pokemon is always a struggle. Do you know what type you are aiming for? Or what Pokemon?” Papa asked and I shrugged.

“I kinda want another Dragon type. I like them. Getting a Fairy type would be funny since I want to fight Lance, but I’m not really attached to any of the Kanto Fairies.”

“Fairy type?” Gram Gram asked, and I noticed Mama and Papa were looking a little confused too.

“Yeah. Like Jigglypuff. Or Clefairy.”

“Those are just Normal type pokemon.” Papa offered and I shook my head.

“Nope. Fairy type. Did you not know that?” I asked surprised. Had I never mentioned Fairy type pokemon to my parents?

“Pfeh. Professors try to create new types all the time. Usually it’s just a weird Pokemons ability.” Gram Gram offered but I shook my head.

“No Fairy Type is a real thing. They are strong against Dragons. Immune to dragon type moves actually. So they are tough.”

“Really?” Papa asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah! Play Rough is a Fairy move.” I explained and Papa blinked in surprise.


“I mean… I think Zelos knew about it. So maybe it’s something Unova already recognizes?”

Papa shrugged but Mama looked impressed. “Where did you learn about it Vicky? Did you meet a professor on your journey?”

“No. I mean Ivy captured a Clefairy, and Arcanine likes Play Rough which is super strong against Dragonite.” I lied, with a shrug. “It just makes sense to me.”

Mama didn’t look like she was going to accept that flatly, but Papa came in clutch.

“Do Growlithe have any other Fairy type moves then?”

“No, that’s the only one. But it’s super strong against Dragon types. So that’s always fun.”

“Huh. I’ll have to let Jenny know. That could come in handy if she ever has to deal with an out of control dragon type.”

“Blaine used it on my Dragonite during the match. So I knew he at least knows about it.” That seemed to settle it for Mama as she nodded looking pleased.

“Well that’s all well and good. But back to the task at hand.” Gram Gram demanded. “Any idea what you are going to hunt for Granddaughter mine?”

“I don’t know. I said I want another Dragon type, but other than… Alola?” I wracked my mind. Where else were there Dragon Types? Mostly it was later gen games. Alola had almost all of them, Galar pretty much did have all of them….

But both places were a bit difficult to get to. Maybe we could have an Alola vacation? That actually sounded really fun. I always wanted to go to Hawaii.

But then there was Paldea. Too far…


Kitakami. That was supposed to be in the same continent as Kanto and all the ‘Japanese’ locals.

“Has anyone ever heard of a region north of Kanto called Kitakami?” I asked, and that earned a confused look all around as all the adults looked at each other.

“No.” Gram Gram said first. “Why Granddaughter mine?”

“I just… I heard a rumor. Apparently it’s a place locked away by mountains and I might be able to find some rare pokemon there.”

Gram Gram frowned but shook her head. “I’ve never heard of it. You said it’s a region?”

“Well… It might just be a small area. I think it only has like, one town? What was it again?” I muttered trying to remember. “Mossy town? No, that’s not right.” Ugh stupid DLC locations! I only knew about the place because of all the cuties you could capture there!

“Hmm. Never heard of it.” Papa offered but he reached over and ruffled my hair. “But if it’s really a small place then you should talk to the rangers. They travel all over the continent when needed.”

“Oh. That’s a good idea.” I muttered, I would check the internet too when I got back home. Either way I shrugged the thought away. “Anyway. I’m not sure what Pokemon would be a good addition to my team yet. So I think I’ll go exploring for a while. I have two months until the League starts.”

“Hmm. Those two months will disappear quickly, but it is your journey, and you’ve certainly earned the right to do what you feel is right.” Mama told me, reaching out and resting a hand on my shoulder.

“But if you want to leave Kanto on your journey, you’ll need to report it to the League. You need a region pass.” Papa added in. “This Kitakami? You called it? If you want to leave you’ll make a big splash if you actually find anything as well.”

I nodded slowly at Papa’s words. That was a serious consideration as well. If I went there… No. I wasn’t going to play that game. If me finding rare pokemon made people want that pokemon too, then they could go out and catch them or not themselves. That was the whole point of Pokemon. I would just do what I felt was best.

I was going to Kitakami. Decision was made.

“Speaking of splashes… I’ve been in touch with that old bastard Roy. You talked about allowing the clan to manage some of the Milotic.” Gram Gram began and I frowned. The fun atmosphere took a hit, but she noticed and smiled sinisterly. “None of that. I’m not about to let them take advantage of you, my grandchild mine.”

“It’s okay Vicky. Mother has raked the clan over the coals for their request. You’ll like this one.” Papa offered, smiling as well. So I nodded letting Gram Gram continue.

“They bought up a big section of forest near Fuchsia for the Milotics. Planted berry trees and ensured they would have a river run through the area to give them a home. But that’s for them not you. They clan will be managing the site, and will be acting as a stable for your pokemon.” Gram Gram said, smiling in delight.

“Umm. But I want my Pokemon to be at home with me.” I replied but Papa laughed.

“Vicky, there are only so many pokemon we can keep an eye on at a time. With the Milotic, and the Growlithe we are already stretched thin, especially since I work. But since the clan will be upholding a stable for you, that means you can capture far more Pokemon and have them be taken care of while you are away. Of course you can bring pokemon home, but this will mean you can capture more Pokemon.”

“It’s a good thing Vicky. It’s a lot of work to act as a stable, and a lot of responsibility, but with some of the Milotic moving the clan will already be doing so for some of your pokemon. Now they have to do it for all of them.” Mama agreed and I nodded with less hesitation. I guess it would be nice to be able to capture a whole bunch. I had just been thinking about going to Kitakami and finding some rare dragon types. So having space for them would be nice…

Wait. Did this mean I could capture lots of Goomy!? I imagined an entire horde of Goomy all looking cute and derpy! Yes!

“I suddenly feel a chill.” Papa whispered loudly to Gram Gram who laughed at him as Papa shuddered at my big smile.


My feet dangled into the stream as Milotic swam by in a frenzy.

The Fuchsia reserve had been ready for a little bit, and since I was home Gram Gram had said we would be heading there today to settle the Milotic in. The sooner the better in her own words.

They had been waiting for me to come back from my journey to do this, so now it was time.

I just didn’t really want to. Each of the Milotic were my friends. Some liked doing the races. Some would sing songs, and some liked to cuddle up, and I knew them all.

They were my friends. I didn’t want them to be so far away in Fuchsia.

But when I had called them all together and asked them, some had seemed pretty excited. A new place, bigger with a chance for more Milotic to show up?

I guess not all of the Milotic had paired off. There were a few more girl Milotic than boys in the pond. So the chance to move to a new area and have more Milotic had excited them.

It was just… Sad.

But, the flock would be happier in the long run. I hadn’t seen the stable area the clan had set up, but Gram Gram had talked it up quite a bit. The clan had even gone so far as to plant berry trees in the area.

It kinda showed just how serious they were about it all.

So yeah. I guess I might make some stops to capture more Feebas soon as well. The new stable wouldn’t be limited like our current berry farm by the League. The Clan had basically managed to remove the conservation status as long as they were at the new stable.

On one hand… More beauty noodles.

On the other they would be in Fuchsia.

I sighed as I laid back. The Milotic were still being cute, figuring out who was going to go, as they raced through the stream talking amongst each other.

Then I felt something warm and wet wrap around my leg and a moment later I had happy giggles as Dratini climbed out of the water using my leg as a ladder and landed his face on my chest.

“Hey buddy!” I cooed, pulling him into a hug. He was getting so big! Mama had showed me all the Dratini sheds she had been collecting. I had even okayed the sale of them as well, but that was something Mama and Papa were taking care of.

“Tini! Dra-Dra!” He chirped at me, wiggling until he could coil up on top of me. Rubbing his head against my cheek the whole time.

Dratini was such a happy boy as he greeted me, but then he looked back towards the stream and seemed to ask me a question.


“Yeah, some of the Milotic are going to a new home. They will still be our friends, and stuff, but they are going to a much larger area. The Ferrous clan will take care of them as well.”

“Tini.” he replied, his ears dipping a little as he gave me big puppy dog eyes.

“I know little buddy, but you’ll be able to see them I promise. I’ll likely have everyone visit all the time. Your Mama can get there in like an hour of flight, so if you ever want to visit it’s not far.”

“Tini. Dratini.” He replied, seeming to try and perk up. So I reached up and tickled him. His happy squeals echoed over the clearing, and more than a few Milotic gave bursts of chiming laughter at the noise.

It was fine. My flock would grow. My Pokemon would be happy and healthy and safe as well. The clan would do well by them and that meant the clan would do well. And despite everything they were family, even if estranged.

“Trouble! You ready?” Papa called and I nodded. Despite it only being a short flight on Dragonite. Papa was driving Gram Gram and I over to Fuchsia for the transfer.

I reached over and grabbed my backpack. Considering we were moving the flock, there was only two options. Transport them to a pokemon center in Fuchsia and pick them up, or since home was my stable. Take the Pokeballs and make the trip ourselves.

Of course to do that, we had to get League permission first, which we had done.

“Alright! It’s time my beauties! Who is going to the new home?” I called out and there was a rush before the Milotic popped out right in front of me.

Six of my cuties. Two pairs, and the two girls that hadn’t found a partner. That meant only four Milotic and my partner of course would still be at home.

“I’ll come see you guys all the time! And if you ever have any trouble I’ll come running! And if anyone is mean you tell me and I’ll beat them up!” I demanded as I rose up and pulled the closest pretty noodle into a hug. Then the others all gathered around cooing happy noises.

“Yeah I know.” I told them. This was a fun adventure for them, and they would be happy, but it still made me sad. I’d have to go capture a bunch of Feebas soon. I did have a savings of some Prism scales to evolve more of them.

“You ready Trouble?” Papa called and I nodded.

“Alright everyone. Time to go.” I pulled the pokeballs out and started returning. Then I hurried to the car. We had to stop to pick up Gram Gram and then drive to Fuchsia.


“It’s… Okay I guess.” I muttered a little petulantly I would admit.

The stable space that the clan had set up was actually pretty beautiful. It even had a little waterfall which I knew the Milotic were going to have a great time with. Sure it was only like five feet high, but that was still enough for them to delight with it.

“I’m glad it meets your expectations Vicky.” Grandpa Roy offered with a smirk that told me he knew I was actually impressed.

A much faster flowing river. A mini waterfall, all winding through a forested space, that looked more natural than our own berry farm. Berry trees were still young. Many of them with sticks and things to help hold them upright, but they would be blooming soon. There was even an underwater cave that was built up, so the Milotic would have a private space they could hide if they wanted.

It was… Wonderful. Honestly.

It just wasn’t home.

“You ready to release them?” Grandpa Roy asked, and I sighed and nodded. Pulling out the balls from my bag.

“Milotic! Go!” I called out throwing Pokeball after Pokeball. Each one released a Milotic into the river.

And every one of them chimed in happiness as they looked around. Some immediately slid out of the river to look around, some diving down.

“They are truly beautiful.” Grandpa Roy offered smiling in delight at their appearance.

“Yeah, they are pretty awesome.”

“Melaney spoke about capturing more?” He prompted and I huffed at him.

“Yeah I’ll go out and catch some more soon.” I offered without saying anything more. I’m not sure if he knew or not, but I wasn’t going to tell him.

“Thank you Vicky. I know you were hesitant to do this. It means a lot to your family.” He said resting a heavy hand on my shoulder.

“Oh? We’re family now?” I asked a little sarcastically.

Papa had gotten an interesting reception when we had pulled up to the clan compound.

“Yes. Your father has been reinstated in the clan, which means you are a member in truth.” He offered and I blinked. I hadn’t heard about this.

“When did that happen?”

“A week ago. Your father hasn’t told you?”

“No, but I was busy.” I offered with a shrug. Papa and the clan thing had always been a sore topic. Grandpa Roy reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“You are welcome to come to the clan home whenever you like, it’s your second home now too. There is a room being set aside for your family if you need to stay here for any reason, and if you do decide to stay long term a home will be prepared.”

I just nodded, not sure how to feel about that. This place wasn’t home.

One of the Milotic thankfully interrupted as it popped out of the water and called for me.

“Mi! Milo!”

“Yeah? You like it? I’m glad.” I said walking up to him and giving a hug that had him crooning.

“You have a good relationship with them.”

“They’re my friends. I believed in them.”

“I see you are working your magic on my favorite granddaughter.” Gram Gram said as she walked over and Grandpa Roy sighed.

“Big sis…”

“Not a word out of your mouth! Pfeh!” She said but despite the harsh words she walked over and the two hugged.

“You’ll make sure the Milotic and any Pokemon Vicky catches are taken care of?”

“Yes Big Sis. The new stable has already been registered. Any Pokemon over her limit will come here.” He said mostly looking at me as he spoke.

I nodded, a little annoyed by that as well. Yet all I could do was take a deep breath and accept the changes. In the end, it was fine. I could get here pretty quick from Dragonite or Arcanine back in case I needed to.

“Good. Then when Vicky runs off and captures more rare pokemon they will be safe. Kitakami wasn’t it?” Gram Gram asked and I nodded surprised she brought it up, but a moment later I knew why.

“Kitakami?” Grandpa Roy asked, and I looked at Gram Gram surprised she was revealing it so easily. My concern was noted and Gram Gram just smiled and threw me a wink.

“Vicky heard a rumor about a place called Kitakami up in the mountains north of Kanto, south of Sinnoh. She wants to go there, but didn’t know exactly where it was.” Gram Gram offered and then gave her younger brother a look. “You ever heard of it?”

Grandpa Roy looked a little confused for a moment. “No, the name isn’t familiar.”

“Well surely some old maps of the regions have something.” Gram Gram prompted and Grandpa Roy sighed. “I’ll be happy to help look into it. Little Hime is a ranger as well. I’ll give her a call see if she knows about it.”

Gram Gram nodded at his words and then just looked at him.

“Ah of course. Yes, I’ll go make the call now.” He sighed with a tired sigh that Gram Gram cackled at.

Gram Gram was scary.


My cousin Hime was actually a pretty cool ranger and didn’t look like a ‘Hime’ at all with her tanned skin and scars from handling dangerous pokemon. Unfortunately she had never heard of Kitakami. So that was a bust.

Grandpa Roy was hosting Papa Gram Gram and I at his main house, showing us to the rooms that were now reserved for us.

I watched Hime head out of the house. Her Persian followed at her heels as I considered what to do.

There was still the internet, but this was not the modern connected interface you expect. It was dialup connections to websites hosted by random people, and good luck finding anything in particular since there was no such thing as a search engine.

But honestly my eyes were constantly shooting over to Papa.

He was outside of the main house, and to my surprise was getting a lot attention. Old women selling things along the main road had all approached him to give him hugs or tug on his cheeks. Men walked by did double takes and then walked over to slap him on the back.

The atmosphere was way more positive than I expected. It made me realize the truth.

This was Papa’s home. Here, where everywhere he went someone called out to him in surprise this is where he was born.

This was Papa’s farm.

I had a sinking feeling I would have to be a lot nicer to… ‘my’ Clan from here on out.

I still wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Being part of a clan, before this, we had just been a family and that was good enough for me.

Then again. I now had lot’s of uncles, and aunties, and cousins, and grandparents. Maybe I would like some of them”

“Sorry about that Vicky.” Grandpa Roy offered cutting through my introspection as he walked up shaking his head.

“I’ll find it one way or another. Even if I have to go exploring.” Besides, I wasn't giving up yet. “You said you had a computer I could use?” I prompted and Grandpa Roy nodded.

“Oh yeah, that box. Never can deal with them myself, but Leo has one for his work. C’mon. I’ll show you where it is.” I followed after, and had to roll my eyes at the fact that Leopold didn’t have his own house. Oh no. He had a section of the main house that his little clan settled in.

Grandpa Roy led me over and then into a study, a nice wooden desk with an old CRT monitor on top.

Well I guess technically it was new.

“Uh… Turning it on is?” Grandpa Roy looked around, but I settled into the desk and just opened the drawer in the desk, finding the tower, and hitting the power button once I was sure it was actually off, and not just in sleep mode or something. “Ah you got it.”

“Yeah computers are simple enough once you get it.”

It took a while to boot up. The weird Pokemon OS loading and whirring and finally it opened.

I ignored the files on the desktop, and opened up the internet. Waiting again as it slowly connected. Grandpa Roy meanwhile had grabbed a chair and dragged it over.

“You don’t have to wait. This could take a while.”

“Nonsense. My Grand Niece is doing the most interesting thing in the whole place right now.” He offered with a wink, and I smiled a little at that despite myself.

FInally the internet connected, and I decided to check maps first.

Of course 90% of all terrain on a map was just darkened out with. ‘We don’t know what’s here, but powerful Pokemon.’ But I typed in Kitakami into the program and after a bit of whirring nothing really popped out.


“This is the Kanto maps website so it might be limited.” I offered, closing down that site, and typing in Sinnoh maps instead.

That led me down a goose chase of the internet just refusing to connect to websites in Sinnoh, or only finding old information in Kanto websites.

But eventually I found what I needed from the ‘Kanto Mapping Society’ maine page. Apparently they traveled all over and brought maps from all different regions to update their world map.

I wasn’t able to access the full world map they were working on as I wasn’t a member, but I was able to pull up a very modern looking Sinnoh map.

Immediately I went south out of Sinnoh to see if there was anything listed across the ocean gap between the two landmasses.

There was. Lists of small towns and things on the coast. Places that Sinnoh would interact with some were registered as part of Sinnoh, some weren’t.

But there was no search function for place names. It was more just a digital picture of a map.

So instead, I zoomed in, and started checking roads.

“What are you doing?”

“If Kitakami is here, it has to have roads. Even the most remote place would have a road connecting it out of the area. So I’m just going south into the mountains following each road. Hopefully I can find… Mossui.”

There it was. A road leading through the mountains actually went fully south around a large mountain, and then up a long trail before hitting Mossui town from the south.

“You found it?”

“I found it. That’s Kitakami.” I quickly pulled out my Pokegear thing, and started inputting information.

The actual map function of my GPS ended long before it reached that far north of Kanto, but it did have more than just a map function. I could input the actual latitude and longitude and then… Boom. It wouldn’t be perfect, but it could put me pretty close to the right spot with the GPS system.

I had a direction that would lead me straight to Mossui town.

It was far. Like really far. More than three thousand miles north of Kanto. Through unexplored lands, and regions that had no diplomatic contact with Kanto.

So on Dragonite back, I could probably get there in a few hours of straight flying.

Of course that was if I didn’t have to deal with the true final boss of the Pokemon world.


Traveling regions like Papa had said wasn’t usually recommended. Sure most of the regions north of Kanto were barely considered such a thing. Tiny places, mountain clans, or small city states, that wouldn’t bother me, but not all. Most regions were insular and really didn’t like foreigners traveling through them. Places were still heavily cut off. I mean I was lucky that Mossui was even on a map. Likely the only reason it was on a map was because of trade.

I remember Mossui being big on Rice and Apples. Something they might sell to Sinnoh.

Yet even with all that, the biggest problem might be at home. The Pokemon League might not let me go so far. I might even need to get a pass to go to Sinnoh before I could head to Kitakami from the north.

“Well I know where to go now.” I muttered.

“Huh. You heard about such a far away place?” Grandpa Roy asked and I did my best not to get nervous.

“It’s kind of a long story. But now I at least know it exists for sure.”

“Indeed! What a fascinating thing. You say there are rare pokemon there?” He asked, stroking his chin and I sighed, that was definitely greed in his voice.

“Yeah see the map? The Mountains surround the place, almost cutting it off from the rest of the region. So a lot of pokemon are up in the mountains that you can’t find anywhere else on the continent.”

“Perhaps… Perhaps you could use some company on your journey?” Grandpa Roy probed, and it took me a moment to realize he wasn’t asking for himself of course.

“I think I’d prefer to go solo thanks though.” I demurred but we both knew what he really intended. If I was going to go capture rare pokemon, then the clan could benefit if another clan member also came with to capture more. “I do plan on capturing some pokemon enough to breed them though.” I offered mostly thinking about Goomy of course.

I needed a horde of little slime dragons in my life!

“Well if you are going on a capture spree that’s alright. Maybe another time.” He offered as he rose up. “Give me a little time to speak to some of the League contacts. It won’t be the first time the clan has left Kanto to try and bring back a rare pokemon.” He said and I was surprised at the sudden offer.

I guess… There might actually be a benefit of this whole clan thing.


Chapter 36

Chapter Text

Well this was kinda awkward.

“My Niece’s travel plans are already there.” Uncle Leopold said bluntly, in a monotone.

Grandpa Roy had done exactly what he said he would. He had set up a meeting with a Pokemon League Official to get me permission to travel out of the region, and more importantly, to go to a place that was well outside of Kanto diplomatic contact.

The fact it was so close to Sinnoh was causing some issues, as Kanto and Sinnoh weren’t on the best terms at the moment.

The league official didn’t say exactly why, but he had used it as an opening argument to try and deny the pass.

“Yes I see that. Mossui town, near the Sinnoh regional airspace.”

“Outside the regional airspace. The land Kitakami is currently an outer territory at best.”

“An unknown territory, to an unknown land. We checked our records after your request, and found nothing on this Kitakami prefecture. It is dangerous to allow a child on their journey to travel so far. Irresponsible one could say.” The Pokemon League official offered.

The man was… Smarmy? He actually kind of reminded me of my Uncle, which made this all the more awkward. The man's suit and tie gave him an impression of an official, but the way he seemed almost too slick made him seem slimy.

“My niece, Victoria Ferrous who just obtained her eighth Star Badge from all the main Kanto Gyms. If such a trainer does not qualify to journey outside the region then no one qualifies.” Uncle Leopold replied equally as smarmy.

Grandpa Roy had somehow put the two of us into a room with the League Official that had arrived at the clan compound that afternoon.

Why? I still had no idea. Because Uncle Leo definitely wasn’t my biggest fan. To my surprise he had through gritted teeth congratulated me on my Star Badges. But hadn’t really said much else to me before leading me into this situation.

“Youth is still a factor.” The official replied, but Uncle Leo shook his head.

“As a trainer on her journey, region passes are considered the norm even if this is an unusual destination. The League has benefited from the Ferrous Clan’s recent discoveries. Discoveries led by my niece. I expect the League will continue to benefit, unless the League wishes to re-evalutate the Ferrous Clan’s working relationship with the League?”

Did… Uncle Leo just threaten the League that stuff won’t be as friendly between them if they kept this sh*t up?

Okay that was kinda cool, and unexpected. I didn’t expect him to go to bat for me like that.

The official understood the threat as well.

“There is no need for that Leopold. The Indigo League is very happy with the growth of the Ferrous Clan over the last few years. We are simply wanting to ensure that the… Dangers of this request are understood.”

“Olive. The only dangers involved are probably whatever rural fool decides to challenge my niece to a pokemon battle.” Uncle Leo replied with a sarcastic edge. “Unless you believe some barely on the map rural town will have dangers equal to the great Kanto Gym Leaders? Including Blaine?”

“No, of course not! I am confident young Victoria will be safe on her travels… But it’s not only direct danger that the League is worried about. Diplomatic issues could stem from such a trip.” Olive? Was that the man's name? He hadn’t introduced himself, as he seemed to already know Uncle Leopold and the two had instantly gotten into it when they sat down.

Also he was lying. He had just tried to argue it was dangerous for me since I was young like thirty seconds ago. Were we supposed to just pretend he hadn’t said that?

“We have confirmed that the territory is not a part of Sinnoh? Not even one they proclaim ownership of, without actually controlling did we not?”

“We did. It’s too far out in the mountains for Sinnoh to have any interest in, but-”

“Then any diplomatic issues can be safely handled by the Indigo league diplomatic corps can it not? My niece believes there are rare potentially unattributed pokemon in the area. Has the League grown so scared of other regions ‘diplomatic’ responses that we refuse to even attempt to grow stronger?”

Olive sighed, rubbing at his forehead. “Leo. You know that isn’t the case. You know that there is more going on right now than the League is revealing. Things are quiet on the surface, and we are trying to keep it that way. Kanto has already gained a few massive advantages over the last few years, and young Victoria is a person of interest. There are concerns.” Olive offered and Uncle Leo just scoffed.

“My niece could go and capture Pokemon in Kanto and still wipe the floor with any of the Johto braggarts. Letting her do this, should be of no concern. The Ferrous Clan believes this to be an important matter for the growth of my Niece.” And the clan being left unsaid, I noticed.

“The Ferrous Clans growth has already been a topic the League has catered to.”

“The Ferrous Clan did a favor for the League in that matter.” Uncle Leopold looked to me then. “Making sure the Prism Scale sales continued to grow, and pulling the Milotic out of the danger zone of Viridian City was a favor the Ferrous Clan made to the League.” He explained.

Olive sighed. “It was a shared favor if anything.” Then the man shook it off. “I see that the League isn’t going to be able to stop this. Very well. The Indigo Pokemon League will approve the region pass request for Victoria Ferrous. Under a few stipulations.”

“Stipulations are unusual.” Uncle Leopold offered back.

“But required for this. Pokemon captured will need to be examined to ensure that nothing brought back is a protected species. Since this is an unknown region.”

“What nonsense! The protected species clause is only applicable for pokemon captured in that region! Even if Johto, or even Sinnoh complains this is outside their territory!”

“I understand Leo. This is more to ensure that the Silver League doesn’t feel slighted. This regulation has been passed around between the two regions as a new law by both halves of the League, to try and unify the regions further, and ensure there are no surprise pokemon if any conflict does arise.”

Uncle Leo looked to me and I shrugged in response. I honestly didn’t care.

“Very well. We will allow an examination of any pokemon captured out of the region.” Uncle Leopold grit out through almost but not quite clenched teeth.

“Good. Then that is the only restriction the League will request upon return. Of course since Young Victoria is leaving the Pokemon transport system territory, that function will be turned off. Her pokeballs will not teleport back to her stable. She will be responsible for taking care of any captured Pokemon until she returns to Kanto.”

“I understand. I have a Chansey, so that won’t be a problem.”

“Excellent, then let me prep the paperwork, and young Victoria, let me be the first to say that I look forward to seeing what Pokemon you bring to your team. The League is very excited to see your performance this year during the Indigo conference.”

“Uh thanks… Oh, so with this… How easy would it be to have a second region pass?”

“Hmm? You wish to bring someone with you? I was under the impression you were going alone.” Olive asked, looking from me to Uncle Leopold who looked at me with a heavy glance.

He probably thought I had changed my mind about Elizabeth coming… Sorry.

“Well nothing locked in, but I have a friend I was thinking about inviting. She’s good with Grass types, and I know there should be a few cool grass type pokemon in Kitakami.”

Olive blinked before smiling. “The League is always looking to support young trainers.”

“If you wish to bring someone, then I am sure Elizabeth would be willing to-” Uncle Leo tried to cut in, but I interrupted.

“I, uh… Was thinking about my friend Ivy actually. Or Zelos? No wait, she’s an Unovan so I don’t think she could. Yeah Ivy.” I offered and Uncle Leo looked like he was going to have an aneurysm.”


“Hey, if Elizabeth want’s to go, she could go herself you know? It’s not like I’m the only person with a flying type Pokemon.”

“Most trainers aren’t willing to head so far into the unknown.” Uncle Leo replied and I raised an eyebrow at that.

“Then that sounds like their problem, not mine.”

“Oh I have no doubt that if a discovery of rare pokemon happens, this won’t be the only Kanto Visitors that Kitakami you called it? That they receive.” Olive offered, but then he turned serious. “If you wish to travel with another trainer to Kitakami, please contact me at this number, and I will set up the request, be aware it might take a few days to approve.”

“Gotcha. I’ll uh… Go ask her then.”

“Right after you sign this.” Olive interrupted pushing a whole pile of paperwork at me.

Humans really did ruin pokemon with bureaucracy.


“You want me to what!?”

“Travel with me out of the region to a whole new place where no one in Kanto has ever seen or heard of to capture rare and powerful pokemon!” I cheered into the phone.

“Vicky, what?” Ivy asked, sounding super confused. It hadn’t taken me long to get in touch with her, funnily enough Ivy had finished her gym challenge as well. Without all the nonsense that Ash and Co. got up to, she had blitzed through the gyms in a normal length of time, and was now home preparing for the Indigo conference.

“It’ll be fun!”

“Vicky, that's crazy! What about all the wild Pokemon whose territory we will have to travel through? I don’t look forward to facing a swarm of Pidgeot or something!”

“Dragonite is more than fast enough even carrying both of us. We’ll be in Kitakami in a few hours… Well, if you want to come.” I said calming down from my good cheer. “If you don’t want to come I don’t want to pressure you, but I figured you would appreciate the offer. There are a lot of grass types there. Pokemon we don’t see in Kanto.”

The line was quiet and I heard some shuffling, before a quiet voice whispered in. “What kind of grass types?” She asked quietly, and I grinned because I knew I had a traveling companion!

Eat that Ash! You might deal with crazy sh*t, but I’m traveling into the unknown wilds!

“I can’t confirm exactly which ones but, like a lot actually. Ghost grass types, a few pure grass types-”

“Okay fine I’m in. Do you have any idea how rare it is to find a pure Grass type?”

“Uhh. Tangela? I think that’s it that’s native to Kanto… Johto has a few, including Chikorita.”

“Aaaaah!” Ivy made a moaning noise of want. “If I could have a Chikorita! Is there Chikorita there Vicky? Please tell me there is!”

“I actually don’t think there is. Sorry.”

Ivy blew a sigh into the receiver. “It’s fine. Besides! You know I catch more than just grass type pokemon Vicky! Just because my family raise Bulbasaur!” Ivy suddenly shifted yelling at me for teasing her about grass types.

I mean… It had nothing to do with her family, Ivy was just obsessed with them.

“Of course. How is Ivysaur doing anyways?”

“Venusaur! He evolved while I fought Giovanni! It was an amazing match Vicky you should have seen it. Giovanni threw out this amazing Nidoking and Venusaur lifted herself up and landed right on top of him knocking him flat! He might not be strong enough to move around much with his vines anymore, but they are still way stronger than normal!”

“Whoa. That would be a nasty Takedown. Amazing!”

“It was! Knocked the Nidoking right out! Venusaur was so proud!”

“That’s awesome Ivy. I want to hear all about your gym battles. But first… You coming to Kitakami with me?” The line went silent and then I heard something I didn’t expect. Ivy almost cursed!

“Shoot! Yes. I’ll talk to my parents, I’m coming! If I die or something I’ll haunt you!”

“Okay let me give you a number. This is Olive the Pokemon League guy. He is the one approving the region pass. So you’ll need to call him. Just tell him you are joining me. He’ll have some paperwork to sign… So much paperwork.” I whispered the last part in terror.

“Okay! I’ll do it now. I have to convince my Mom first.”

“Good luck.”

“Actually I think I’ll need it.”


The car ride back to Viridian had been nice. But right after we dropped off Gram Gram, Papa took a bit of a longer route back.

“Trouble? Are you sure about this? I support your wanting to travel, you’ve certainly earned that from how well you’ve done. But this could be dangerous. You’ll be far from anyone you can call on for help.”

“I’m sure.” I decided to be firm. Papa sounded a little scared. “I’ll have my team with me. Three pokemon that I can ride away from danger if I have to, and I won’t even be alone! Ivy is coming along. But… More than that? I really want to do this. There are more Pokemon in the world than just what I can find in Kanto. This might be the best chance I have to find a few pokemon that I’ve wanted to find for a while. If I can convince them to join me anyways.”

“Heh. I think You’ll be able to handle that part. Just… Be careful. Promise if something starts getting dangerous you’ll get out of there. Come home.”

“I promise.”

“Then go out there Vicky, and capture all the pokemon you’ve ever wanted.” He said and I laughed at the pride in his voice.

It was kinda fun to have a family that really believed in you. We parked at home, and before Papa could get far away I stomped in front of him with my arms up, and only let him walk into the house once I was snuggled up to his broad back as he piggy backed me into the house.


“You got everything?”

“I’m double checking the list right now.” I told Mama as I had everything that was in my bag strewn across the floor of my room.

A lot of it was food.

Pokemon in Pokeballs were in a form of stasis so in an emergency they wouldn’t need to eat, but that was kinda unfair, and all of my team liked running around during breaks and things.

But I had washed and repacked my clothes. Stocked back up on potions and other medical supplies even if Chansey had most of that covered, you never know.

And finally while at the Pokestore I bought Pokeballs.

A lot of them.

All the pokeballs!

I had no idea how many Pokemon I was going to capture, but just like when I had captured the Beedrill Swarm, I was gonna be ready in case of a Goomy swarm.

They would all be mine!


“No sinister laughter in the house.” Mama called out from the doorway well used to dealing with my nonsense.

“Yes Mama. I think I got everything. Enough food for a month for my team, and then some. Including extra berries of all types in case I meet a new friend with different tastes.” I rattled off.

“Okay okay. I believe you. You always were good at preparing… When are you meeting with Ivy?”

“Soon. She is saying goodbye to her family, once she is done she’ll call me up, and Dragonite and I will pick her up… Then it’s all set. Pokeballs are no longer locked into the transfer service.” I said, patting my team locked into my new pokebelt.

Papa had surprised me with a belt that had a much better lock function. Instead of being locked into place on my hip, there was now a new piece of leather that hung down in a cool sling look that had the balls attached to it.

It looked really cool!

“Vicky. Be safe. Be kind to the people you meet. Wherever you travel, that’s going to be their home.” Mama said and I paused to look up at her.

“I know. The first thing I’m going to do is visit the town and talk to the people there. Make sure they don’t freak out.” Mama nodded at my answer and walked in pulling me into a hug.

“I love you Vicky. Come home safe.”

“I will. I’ll have my whole team with me! Nothing will bother us. Can you imagine some random pokemon picking a fight with Dragonite? Or Arcanine?”

“It’s not the one or two pokemon I worry about. It’s the dozen that all attack at once. Wild swarms don’t follow rules. So keep your eyes open.”

“I will.” Mama nodded and before she could say anything more the phone rang.

“That’s probably Ivy!” I called, running out of my room to get it.

“Ferrous Residence!”

“Vicky! Okay! I finally got my Mom to stop crying. I’m ready!” Ivy called out breathlessly with a sense of excitement shown through every word.

“Okay give me five minutes. I’ll be on my way!”

I hung up and turned and Mama was there. Eyes looking tearful.


“No, don’t you’ll be home soon enough. Go. Vicky finish packing and go. Come home safely.”

“I will.” I ran into my room gathering everything up and storing it in my bag, double checking it was all in order before rushing out the house.

“Bye! I love you!” I rushed past Mama giving her a hug and then to Arcany to scratch him under the chin then out the house. “Dragonite!”

“Draaa!” She cheered, stretching for a moment before nodding to me. She knew what was going on after all. Then we were off. Blasting through the air at incredible speeds, and then in seconds we were landing in Ivy’s front lawn.

“I’m ready!” My friend called running out of the house.

She had changed up her outfit I noticed.

Ivy had joined me in the big hat club, but she was wearing cute overalls and big boots as well. We actually kinda matched, only instead of my red flannel, Ivy had a cute green hoodie on over her overalls, which matched her green hair.

I didn’t even get down from Dragonite’s back. Just reaching a hand down and pulling Ivy into place, as Dragonite cried out, and then we were in the air once more. Ivy squealed as the ground suddenly disappeared.

“Hold on!” I called out loudly fighting against the wind. Dragonite! That way!” I called out pointing in the right direction.

Then we were off.


Dragonite was mostly a pretty comfortable ride even with how fast we were going. The wind simply parted for her in passing, and turbulence was a non issue. The only negative was the cold. We were really high up, to avoid any territorial pokemon, or people. And it was heckin cold!

I probably should have put on the heavier jacket before leaving.

“Wow.” I heard Ivy whisper behind me. Now that we were stable the wind had almost a bubble around us, letting us hear each other much more clearly.

Far down below was the valley in between a set of mountain ranges we had just flown over. There so far below we could barely see was a river leading to a small lake, but it looked very picturesque from up here.

“Ever gone flying on a Pokemon before?” I asked her, looking over my shoulder as she still clutched tightly to me despite how easy the flight was.

“Never!” She said with a wide smile.

I just grinned in delight at that. While I wasn’t going to force her into some death defying flight this time. I would have to go up with Ivy another time to really let Dragonite let loose.

“We should be getting closer! Keep an eye after this next mountain, we are looking for roads, or rice paddies!” I called out and Dragonite and Ivy both responded back. Although I knew Dragonite would spot it long before either of us did. Dragonite had great vision.

The screech of anger pulled all three of our eyes over.

An entire pack of Fearow were screeching at us. Four of them, with Spearor in support all flying in formation, but I could hear Dragonite’s scoff under me, so I relaxed too.


“It’s okay Ivy.” I called back although that didn’t reassure the girl until she noticed the same thing I did.

Dragonite was already pulling well away from the Fearow that were struggling to catch up, and were falling behind more and more.

That would have been a nasty battle for anyone traveling without a Dragonite or something equally powerful.

I imagined someone with a Fearow of their own trying this and getting attacked by four pokemon…

Yeah no wonder people were worried about traveling through unknown areas. “That was scary.” Ivy whispered into my back and I nodded.

“It’s okay. Our Pokemon are powerful. And if we have to, we can always jump off Dragonite to let her fight better.”

“What!? Vicky I am not jumping off!”

“I’m not saying we have to, or should. Just that we could if we needed Dragonite to body some stupid Fearow.” Blue Heart would be right there to catch us after all.

“Never!” She screamed in my ear, which was a bit of an overblown reaction if you asked me.


“That’s it.” I said looking down. The GPS on my map told me I was in about the right spot, and we were. Down right at the base of the stupidly big mountain was a huge amount of rice paddies, and apple orchards.

I recognized the purposeful line of trees even from a distance as something man made.

“That’s it?”

“Yeah. Mossui town, and look! See! I told you this place was cut off!”

There was exactly one road which was a dirt road heading south out of the small group of buildings at the base of the mountain. It ran through the forest and then up around, again and again up the mountains that surrounded the entire area.

Kitakami was basically one huge mountain range all around a valley, with another even larger mountain in the center.

But all around the base of the mountain were massive forests, and lakes. It was the perfect place for Pokemon to avoid human contact. The very Rural human town was tiny compared to the grand area of the valley. Hell 99% of the human area was rice fields, and orchards.

The humans probably kept to themselves, and the Pokemon likely did the same.

“Yeah.” Ivy whispered, and I nodded.

We were here, and it was time.

“Dragonite! Let’s land just outside of town on the road! C’mon Ivy! It’s time for an adventure!” I called out in delight, also it would be nice to be on the ground. My hands were super chilly!

Chapter 37

Chapter Text

The dirt road leading up to the actual town was old and worn, it did have tire tracks, but the indents in the road made me think this town used carts more often than cars.

But my focus was soon removed from that because holy sh*t there were so many cute pokemon! The rice patches were actually a hot spot. And it seemed the people here cultivated that.

Yanma and Yanmega both buzzed around, eating bugs, and to my delight there were a few Woopers swimming in the paddies Making little Wooper calls.

I had to resist the impulse to start chasing them. Woopers were so cute!

“What is that?”

“Wooper? Water and ground type. They are common in Johto.”

“Oh! I’ve heard of those! I think.. Does it evolve? Get bigger?”

“Yeah Quagsire.”

“That’s it! I saw one at a tournament once!” Ivy exclaimed, but the noise sent the Pokemon all disappearing away from us. “Oh! I didn’t mean-”

“It’s okay. We aren’t going to capture anything without introducing ourselves first anyways. C’mon.” I said hip bumping her a bit to get her moving again.

We had already seen a few Johto Pokemon way up here. That filled me with hope we might see even more!

The road ended, and there, on an old wooden bench, were two people. A younger man with dark hair, and an older woman that had fully grayed out, but still looked as active as ever. They both were wearing work clothes, dried mud on their boots.

They were obviously taking a break from working the rice paddies.

“Hello!” I greeted them, but they had both been watching Ivy and I for a while as we walked up.

“Outsider children?” The man greeted not quite with hostility, but he wasn’t looking kind either.

“I’m Vicky! This is Ivy! Is this Mossui town?” I asked, although I already knew it was.

The man looked at the woman and then back to us.

“It is. What are you doing here?”

“Great! I’m a Pokemon Trainer from Kanto! It’s a region to the south in case you didn’t know. This is Ivy also from Kanto! We came here looking for pokemon to make friends with!”

“Then just leave. There is nothing for you here. We don’t welcome Outsiders here.”

“Vicky?” Ivy asked, looking worried but I just shrugged it off. I didn’t come all this way to leave without my arms full of Goomy.

“I’m not here to intrude on your town. I just figured it would be polite to introduce ourselves. We are going to head around the mountain to find Pokemon. We won’t bother you.”

“Girls. You are young. Outsider or not. Leave Kitakami. Head back up the road and do not return. This place is protected, pokemon take even less kindly to outsiders than we do.” The old woman offered and I instantly locked my eyes on hers.

Huh. Her eyes were cool. All golden and almost slitted. Very cool.

“I know. You have your ‘Loyal Three’ right? Your legendaries. And the Ogre on the mountain.” I revealed.

The old woman blinked in shock, and even the man looked concerned.

“You know things we don’t usually share with outsiders.”

“I heard the story.” I demurred with a shrug. “I understand you are worried that we might cause trouble, but that won’t happen. Ivy and I are friends with Pokemon. I’ve come to make new friends! To see if anyone wants to join my team and travel all over the world!” I said arms raised up above my head.

“Hmph. You are a child. The woods and Mountains of Kitakami are dangerous. Pokemon have lived here undisturbed by humanity since this town was built. They are dangerous and powerful. Far too powerful for a young child! Where is your parents? The ones who brought you here? I will speak with them.” The man replied, sounding just a bit pissed.

“I’m a full fledged trainer in Kanto. We traveled on our own.”

“What? What sort of fool place would send such tiny children out into the wilds!?”

“Kanto sends out most children at ten to start a Pokemon Journey.” I answered and the man literally stumbled back looking shocked.

“Does your region have no urge to protect its children!?”

“Actually we are sent out with Pokemon to grow strong enough that we can survive. Because the world is dangerous no matter where you are.” I answered with a shrug. “Besides Ivy and I have both completed the Journey and received permission from the Pokemon League to travel outside Kanto! We are both amazing!”

“Children.” He scoffed, but the woman shook her head.

“Enough Kito. There is no point in arguing against the ways of other regions. Girls, we will not stop you if you wish. It is not our way, as long as you do not cause trouble for us. But neither will we assist you. Your safety against the great packs are in your own hands, do not beg us for help. Unless you are leaving immediately after.” The old woman offered, sounding at least a little softer at the end when offering some minimal help.

“Great! That’s a relief!” I called out happily even if Ivy didn’t look as confident. “Alright! Then I guess Ivy and I will be off to see what we can find… You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find some Goomy would you?” I asked suddenly and both adults blinked before a disgusted look crossed their face.

“You are looking for the slugs?” The old man asked in disbelief and I instantly knew I had my answer!

Goomy were here!

“Yes! More than anything! Where can I find them? Can you tell me? I mean I’ll find them either way, but it would save me time!”

“What’s a Goomy?” Ivy whispered to me but I just smiled brightly at her.

“If that is what you seek…” The man shakes his head. “They are often found in caves near the Mossfell Confluence to the east. Near water and caves. They infest the damp caves found there. Disgusting things.”

“Then you won’t complain if I just capture all of them right?” I asked just to be sure, but the look of disgust was good enough for me.

“Alright! C’mon Ivy! Time to capture the bestest blobs!”

“Blob? Vicky, what are you trying to capture exactly?”

But I was already moving. No point in talking to these people. We had introduced ourselves to some of them, and now it was capture time!

“Vicky! Wait for me!” Ivy called out as I ran east out of the town laughing as I kept spotting cool pokemon!

This was a wonderland!


“Sleep powder!” Ivy cried out while I just laughed. The attack only kinda worked, hitting a few of the pokemon, but Ivy was running around and the pokemon were following. We hadn’t gone very far out of the town, just off the road. Following along a small stream on our right, and grassy fields and forests to our left. Before Ivy had gotten distracted by something and walked right into a patch of Fomantis.

Honestly the pure grass type was super cute, and I wouldn’t mind capturing one myself, but Ivy had freaked out when they all woke up as she made too much noise and then attacked her. Which only caused her to make more noise, pissing them off even more.

Venusaur was currently decimating the entire field of them with sleep powder as Ivy ran around in circles around her Pokemon as they chased after her.

I guess they didn’t want to consider Venusaur as a threat as she was just too big.

Either way?


“Help me!”

“Why? You got it under control! Fomantis are Grass types! They spend most of the day sleeping under the sun! So watch out for the... Oh you figured it out!” I called out as Ivy started screaming as she dodged honestly pretty weak Solar Beams. These Fomantis weren’t exactly powerful.

Her screams only made me laugh harder, as now the Fomantis had circled around behind Venusaur to chase Ivy, and Venusaur was slowly circling around, trying to follow and help only for it not to work, as the little grass types chasing Ivy were faster.

Oh man this was great. I should have brought Ivy with me on my journey more!

“Vicky! Help me!” She screamed and I sighed nodding.

“Alright! Arcanine! Go play gently with the Fomantis to give Ivy some breathing room.” I called out, and I nodded as Arcanine barked happily and then charged… Arcanine I said gently… Gently!

“GENTLY!” I yelled as Arcanine plowed into the Fomantis and was happily chomping on them, shaking them and then sending them flying.


I slapped my face. “Arcanine return!” I demanded and Arcanine looked up at me with a mouth full of Fomantis that were all freaking out.

But her Puppy dog eyes didn’t work and she disappeared into a red light, letting the poor Fomantis fall to the earth, all of them a bit shaken at the Hurricane Arcanine. Ugh. Those poor Pokemon were looking more than a litt-

“RIIIIII!” A voice called out and I turned just in time to receive a kick straight to the face.

“Bwuh!” I grunted as I was knocked fully off my feet, landing on my back and having the air knocked out of my lungs for a second.


“Ri! Riii!” An angry demand was made down at me and I opened my eyes to the face of…

“Riolu! Ri!” It said staring down at me hands on its hips as if standing over someone it had defeated and not just cheap shotted.

Which is when I kicked out. “Ri!?” It cried out as I mule kicked the pokemon right off of me, sending it flying away.

“That… Hurt!” I gasped out as I rose up slowly watching as the female Riolu did the same.

Our eyes met.

“Rii!” It charged and did a leaping kick.

Unfortunately for it, it had practically screamed what it was going to do so I had plenty of time to react.

So as it was flying in the air I grabbed it’s foot.

“Nin-Nin. Bitch.” I mocked it as I spun around and around, then tossed the tiny two foot tall Pokemon back across the field sending it tumbling into the grass.


“Ivy! You deal with the Fomantis! Try to calm them down! I have a sucker punching little brat to deal with!” I called out, even if my face hurt and I still felt low on breath.

No way was I going to be kicked in the head by some… Cute pokemon… No, I shook it off. It had kicked me! It earned a tanned hide after that!

“Riolu! Rii, rio!” It seemed to snap at me as it climbed back to its feet and even mocked me by wiping the grass off its shoulders all casually.

That was kinda cool. You little bitch!

“Alright then! You want some? Come get it.” I countered and I could see Riolu getting hot under the collar at my mocking.

“Riolu!” It said firmly, and then blurred.

Quick attack!?

I couldn’t dodge it, no matter how much I tried, and that tiny pokemon slammed into my stomach sending us both tumbling.

I grabbed on though. I was strong! I didn’t let it hit and run, even as the air was knocked out of me again I held on to her, and we spun around in the grass, sliding down the embankment. It struggled to escape, flailing as I landed her right into the stream.

We both separated at the touch of icy cold water. The mountain stream was probably snow runoff! I yelped as I struggled to get out of the water, but a strong hand grabbed my ankle and flung me off my feet face first into the water.

Oh it was gonna be like that? Underwater I reached out and grabbed onto the ankle of the tiny Pokemon. The water wasn’t very high, but if you were only like two feet tall it was still high enough she was almost swimming and tugged her ankle out from under her.

Then I stood up, her ankle in my iron grip and roared as I flung her straight out of the water and then slammed her back face first into the stream.

I coughed out water, and then broke into laughter in between coughing attempts to regain some air.

The noise the Riolu had made when she smashed face first into the water! It was a long scream of “Riiiiiiiiii-Boof!”

I was going to remember that forever.

She soon righted herself coughing out water as well, but then she looked at me with a glare.

So I splashed her ass.

“Riiii!” it squealed at the cold watery surprise in its face, and then it splashed me back and then it was on.

Both of us smashed the water at the other just to make the wave all the higher. I did have some advantage in being almost two feet taller, but then again Riolu was a Pokemon.

“Riii!” It cried out and slammed a Vacuum Wave into the water.

The splashing wave managed to knock me off my feet. I was off my feet, rolled around into the now rough seas, but it wasn’t a perfect technique.

Riolu was damaged by the recoil!

It too was sent tumbling into the waves.

“Vicky!?” Ivy called out and I sputtered as I managed to regain my feet and wave her off. Riolu was coughing a bit from the water flooding over it and was glaring at me once more.

“Pretty mid to be honest.” I told her, and despite probably not understanding she realized I was mocking her.

“Vicky! Be careful! Release one of your Pokemon!”

I’m fine Ivy, this Riolu was gonna get wrecked!

Of course as I thought that, I could see it charging up another Vacuum wave…

“Fudge!” I cursed and instantly ducked under the water as the wave was released.

Everything got a little topsy turvy for a bit, and then after a few seconds I was able to find the bottom of the stream and push myself back up.

Gasping for air I looked around for Riolu.

“Riii!” It called out, once more revealing its position as it came flying down from the sky towards me.

I only had one chance.

Vicky used Dive!

Riolu’s High Jump Kick missed!

It slammed into the water with more force than a tiny two foot Pokemon should be able to do, but it was also slamming into the water and not me. Which opened her up for an attack!

“VICKY USES GERMAN SUPLEX!” I screamed out as I exploded back out of the water behind where Riolu was still trying to regain its feet. My arms wrapped tightly around her little body and I flung myself backwards into the water.

“Riiiiii-” *Splash*

After a few seconds of water all around me I pushed myself back to my feet.

“IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE!” I cried out arms raised to the sky. Yeah! Vicky wins! Vicky is the champion!

“Lucario.” A voice called out and I looked up to see a pretty unhappy much bigger, much angrier fighting type staring down at me, from the other side of the stream from Ivy.

“Rio! Riolu!” The little brat splashed back to her feet and pointed at me, not noticing the fun was over as an adult was here. Then a second later it followed my stare and noticed the adult.

“Eep!” It squeaked.

Yeah, that’s how I felt too.

“Lu-Lucario.” It said with a tone I was well familiar with. Angry parent voice.

“Ri! Rio!” Riolu tried to deny whatever had been said and pointed at me as if that was the right answer.

Silly pup. You never try to say it’s someone else's fault. That only makes parents angry.

“Lucario!” Mama Lucario snapped and Riolu flinched and seemed to almost sink into the stream.

“Vicky what do we do?” Ivy called out and that finally broke my staring contest with the Lucario.

“Nothing Ivy. It’s okay.” I called back. As I slowly made to move out of the water. Lucario probably wasn’t going to attack us from behind.

Which is when I heard something both cute and concerning.

*Achoo!* The Riolu sneezed loudly, shaking its little head after and I frowned.

The water was super cold. Dangit. It was just a baby, even if it needed a good ass whooping…

I sighed. Reaching for my pokeballs on my belt, Lucario noticed the movement and growled a warning at me.

I flinched a bit. Even from across the stream the Lucario’s growl nearly shook my chest.

But I wasn’t going to try and capture the pokemon. So instead I slowly continued to reach for my Pokeballs and then without any sudden movements released the one pokemon that would sort this out.

“Chansey!” She cried out happily as she appeared on the side of the stream. I had made sure she wouldn’t appear in the water.

Chansey wouldn’t have liked that.


“Chansey! Chanse!” She greeted the Lucario and then Riolu sneezed and Chansey’s eyes practically turned into stars of light as she focused utterly on the baby pokemon that was sneezing and wet.

“Chansey!” She demanded and even Lucario flinched back at the depths of Chanseys call.

Which is the exact worst thing ever happened. *A-achoo!* I sneezed as well. And then the full attention of Chansey locked onto my soul. I could feel the way her eyes shifted into stars of focused light.

There was no escape.


A few minutes later. The situation had changed.

Arcanine had been released which almost started a fight between Lucario and Arcanine as they both sized each other up.

Then Chansey had looked at Arcanine and with one word any hope of battle was over. Riolu and I had both been given a blow dry express as Arcanine had dried us both out completely.

Chansey had still forced me into fresh clothes, and when I came back from around a tree redressed, she had wrapped a blanket around me and snuggled me up to Arcanines side, even dropping a little pat on my head telling me I was a good girl and I should stay put.

Then Chansey did the same thing with Riolu. The baby pokemon was pressed into my side and the moment Chansey’s back was turned I felt the baby pokemons elbow blast me in the side.

I returned the favor and a moment later blankets were forgotten as I tried to hit her with a noogie on top of her head, while she was going for kidney shots.

“Lucario!” The voice startled us both and we went back to just snuggling into the warm fur of Arcanine pretending as if nothing had happened.

Yep. Perfectly good girls here! Lucario scoffed and then to my surprise walked away disappearing into the forest.

“Vicky…” Ivy added, sounding disappointed. She had actually been nice enough to start setting up a small camp. A fire thanks to Arcanine was going and she was currently warming up some water.

“It’s this Riolu! She’s crazy!” I whined to Ivy who just sighed.

“I’ve never even seen these Pokemon. Why are you picking fights with them?”

“Huh? Really? Riolu and Lucario are fighting types. The Emanation, and Aura pokemon respectively. They actually can tell people's emotions through aura to an extent so they can tell good and bad people apart!” I said which is the exact moment I was elbowed in the side again.

“Okay they can usually tell.” I corrected as I punched back through the blanket.

Ivy didn’t seem to appreciate that Riolu and I were still trying to hit each other but didn’t argue. A few minutes later as the water was finally warmed up Lucario returned with an arm full of apples.

“Oh that’s nice. Thank you.” I answered as Lucario didn’t just give one to Riolu, but handed me and Ivy one as well.

I munched down and Ivy smiled brightly at Lucario. “Thank you!” She looked very happy that all the fighting was over.

“Chansey!” The goddess agreed, taking an apple, and then wandering over to my bag and digging through it. She then came out with a few berries from my bag and handed them first to Riolu and Lucario.

Riolu quickly took the berry and scarfed it down as she fought between eating the apple and the sweet Pecha berry.

I was given a Pecha as well afterwards and I nibbled on it between my apple as well.

“Lu-lucario.” Lucario spoke looking at Chansey, and then Chansey giggled.

“Chanse! Chansey chanse.” She offered, reaching over and to my surprise patting me on the head. I flushed a little because Chansey being affectionate was nice but! I had a feeling she was treating me like a kid!

“Lu.” Chanse got a response and Lucario nodded her head slowly reaching over and patting Riolu on the head as well.

Riolu and I shared a look and scoffed together as one.

It’s not like we liked being treated like kids!

Ivy started giggling and I turned to glare at her which didn’t help as she just laughed more… Which is when I noticed that Riolu was glaring at her too.

I turned my glare to Riolu who glared back at me, but then I noticed something important.

“Are those rain clouds?” I asked, and Lucario, Ivy, and Chansey all turned to look.

“Oh no.” Ivy exclaimed seeing the darkening clouds coming in over the mountains.


Chapter 38

Chapter Text

“Chanse!” I was spoken to firmly with no leeway. Which meant all I could do was sigh.

“Ri ri ri ri.” Riolu laughed at me as I was scolded for trying to help.

It was getting dark, and not entirely by the sun disappearing. But with Chansey babying me refusing to let me move from warm Arcanine fur. That left Ivy alone to find a place to camp.

“No Chansey, I trust Ivy, but we don’t know what this place is like. I should go too.”

“Chanse.” And Chansey denied me instantly as she pointed at Lucario who was apparently going to help us out considering Riolu and I’s current situation.

We probably had avoided catching a cold, but we both were still being babied especially with the rain coming.

“Fine, but someone is going with Ivy to back her up.” I argued and Chansey nodded without hesitation.

So I released Milotic. Dragonite was probably pretty good to help as well, but she had flown Ivy and I over half the continent.. When I released her next I wanted her to be able to get a full meal.

“Miii!” Milotic called out and then looked down at me, noticing my situation.

Then he laughed too.

“Mii mii mii mii!” He trilled, his laughter coming out like wind chimes.

“Oh laugh it up.” I snarked at him, but he leaned down and gave me a cheek rub.

“Oh It’s Milly!” Ivy exclaimed happily and Milotic turned to give Ivy a greeting as well.

“He’s a boy! His nickname isn’t Milly!”

Ivy of course continued to ignore me as she hugged Milotic. Then finally she turned back to me.
“You know I have my own team, and Lucario is coming with me to get a good cave. I don’t need Milly.”

I nodded. I knew that. But that didn’t change the fact I didn’t want Ivy to get hurt, just because I had roughhoused with a Riolu.

Ivy stood firm before sighing as she slumped. “He’s coming regardless huh? Alright fine. Lucario? You said you knew a good cave we could set up in?”

“Lu!” She replied with a firm nod, and Ivy hefted up her bag.

“Okay I’ll be back soon!” Ivy offered and followed Lucario out of the small camp we were in now.

“Rio.” Riolu grumbled petulantly and I nodded. Yeah, totally unfair. We were fine. Just a bit chilled from the stupid snow drift stream, sure it was colder up here in Kitakami than it was in Kanto, but that was nothing!

Vicky strong!

“A-a-Achoo!” I sneezed and instantly Chanseys gaze fell upon me like some terrible omen.

Then a few moments later Chansey handed me a cup of hot water to drink and even snuggled me in closer with the blanket.

Dangit. It was so hard to argue against Chansey!


Twenty minutes later things were looking pretty bad. The raid clouds covered the entire east side of the sky, and I could literally see the rain falling down over the mountains creating a haze under the clouds. It was a massive storm.

Everything was packed up, just the fire and extra blankets Riolu and I were under. Although both of us were feeling fine considering how often we were poking or hitting each other when Chansey wasn’t looking.

This Riolu was a brat!

“Lu!” A voice called out as Lucario came running into the camp. Instantly she checked on Riolu and nodded and then turned to Chansey. “Lu. Lucario Lu.”

“Chansey!” Chansey nodded looking happy as she turned to me and waved me up.

Finally! I rose up throwing the blanket over my shoulders like a cool cape and then as I took a step Chansey was there pushing me back and shaking her head.


Then she pointed to Arcanine who was already up on her feet and stretching looking delighted in getting to move around again.

“Oh come on. I can walk!”


I in fact could not walk according to the Goddess. I sighed and climbed onto Arcanine, even being nice and helping Riolu who Chansey also wasn’t letting walk on her own and the two of us crowded onto Arcanine’s back.

I was instantly elbowed in the stomach, so I pushed Riolu’s face into Arcanines fur for a second.


“Sorry.” I quickly let her up and then did my best to seem like I was being good. Once we were ready I returned Chansey and Lucario led us at a pretty good speed for someone not named Arcanine.

We ran through the forests for a few minutes. I could see lot’s of Pokemon hunkering down. Trees were filled with bird Pokemon nesting up. I saw a Hoothoot hiding in a tree, its red eyes glowing in the fading light.

Starly nestled up to each other in little clumps, usually with a Staravia providing shelter as well together.

Bug pokemon either didn’t care, or hid themselves under the leaves. I saw a tree that had an entire swarm of Cutiefly bunching up under its branches preparing for the storm.

The forest was definitely alive, even if everyone was hiding to ride out the storm.

Pretty quickly we came across a cave, dug into the mountain, it looked like an Onix, or maybe a Golems work? I don’t think Onix were native here, or at least weren’t in the future.

Either way the cave had a pretty narrow entrance, but as Arcanine ducked to bring us in, Milotic greeted me from just inside and I relaxed a tad. Milotic would make sure Ivy would be safe, and nothing in that cave would handle Milotic’s wrath.

Just inside was a much larger room, definitely a nesting site for some rock type, but it was empty, and there was Ivy already setting up the tent, a place for a campe fire, already set up with a few pieces of wood already gathered.

“Thanks Ivy.” I called out as Arcanine padded over and quickly started the fire. Bathing the cave in a warm glow as Arcanine simply did her stretch flop to end up laying on her belly near the fire.

“Of course!” Ivy chirped happily. “This time I get to help you during the journey. It’s nice!” She said and I laughed.

“Ivy, you've definitely helped me before.”

“Pfft.” Ivy scoffed with a laugh. “You would have been perfectly fine without me holding you back on the journey.”

“That’s silly. You helped me a ton.” But Ivy just ignored me, as she finished setting up her tent.

“Okay that’s done. Lucario? Can you get more fire wood before the rain makes everything wet?”

“Lu!’ Lucario agreed, and I was surprised at how well Lucario and Ivy were working together. I wonder if Ivy would end up with a new Pokemon out of this?

I made to get up to help, but before I could do much Chansey released herself.

Then pushed me back to Arcanine.

“I can help!” I whined but Chansey cared not for my pleading. Instead she grabbed my bag from me and started setting up everything to make food.

I was usually the one to cook because Chansey already took on a lot of responsibilities, but it looks like my role had been usurped.

Chansey sent me a look and then smiled.

It was a soft smile of happiness but I understood its true meaning.

‘Look at me. I am the trainer now.’

I pouted even as I curled up into Arcanine. She was pretty warm, and this cave was still a little chilly.



Dinner was nice. Chansey was a good chef, and I released everyone to eat, even Blue heart, who didn’t mind at all being released outside the cave as the rain that was now coming down only made his tail flop around slapping the wet ground in happiness.

He got his meal and sighed into the cave making everyone's eyes water at the heavy spice.

Riolu it turned out liked spicy foods too, and the first time she tasted Arcanines spicey chow she practically drooled for more.

Lucario on the other hand wasn’t a fan, and ended up joining with Chansey for a less mouth melting meal. Chansey was more than happy to make extra and share.

Ivy’s team also joined the meal.

Venusaur was released outside as she was just too big to be inside as well, but she loved the water maybe even more than Gyarados.

Then I got to meet Ivy’s other pokemon.

“You know Butterfree of course, and Clefairy.” Ivy introduced her team but I was more impressed by her other partner.

“And this is Tauros. Say hi Tauros.” Ivy prompted and the big bull mooed at me.

“Ivy! You decided to get a Tauros?”

“Well Mrs. Hikaru had us working with hers for so long. I figured I had a good idea on how to work with them, so when I found him in the Safari zone… Well it was perfect. Tauros has been a big help… I uh… Ride him a lot. Venusaur is a little too slow for a ride pokemon.”

I giggled at the idea, because Ivy riding on the back of her Venusaur would be a pretty funny image.

“Well it’s nice to meet you Tauros.” I greeted him, although he mostly just ignored me, focusing all of his attention on Ivy.

Aww. He loved her.

But then Ivy hesitated at her last ball and shrugged. Releasing a familiar pokemon.

“Fo!? Fomantis.” It squeaked as it blinked looking around. Then it grew quiet as it seemed to hunch into itself and curl up.

“Hi… I’m Ivy, I’m sorry about capturing you, but you were jumping at my head, and you got hit by Venusaur’s vine whip and I just had the pokeball in my hand… Umm…” Ivy was kinda floundering and I didn’t really have an answer this time. Ivy and Fomantis just kinda sat next to each other for a while. Until eventually Fomantis was returned.

With that everyone was fed, and we all settled in. The rain outside was coming down like crazy, and I did return Gyarados just like Ivy did Venusaur. Most of the pokemon ended up returning to their balls since nothing was really going on. Although Arcanine stayed out to keep the cave warm and the fire running, and Chansey stayed out to keep checking on Riolu and I.

Even if I was fine! I was just feeling a bit sneezy! Probably the pollen up here or something!

Lucario settled in, and Riolu eventually moved over still carrying the blanket that Chansey had given her and cuddled into her mama.

The two were cute. Well. Riolu was cute as long as she wasn’t awake.

I settled into my sleeping bag, not bothering with a full tent, with Arcanine to keep me warm, and cuddled in for the night as well.


Unfortunately the next morning the storm had not let up at all.

In fact it only got worse.

Thunder and lightning filled the sky so constantly I was wondering if there was a Zapdos up there f*cking around.

“A-achoo!” I sneezed grumbling. I was still totally fine! Just my nose was a bit runny.

“I guess we stay inside today.” Ivy offered and I nodded even as I sniffled at my runny nose a bit.

“Yeah. It’s okay, we have plenty of time to find more friends.” I told Ivy and she nodded, but then I turned to Lucario. “You’re of course welcome to stay with us as long as you want.” I offered and I was talking to Lucario because Riolu was a little brat. Even if she was looking about the same as I was.

Her nose was a bit runny and she was grumbling and getting antsy even as Chansey and Lucario mothered her.

“Lu. Lucario.” She replied back and did a bow that was a thanks and agreement all in one.

“No problem.” I waved her off. This storm was pretty rough, and it was always nice to have more company… Even if that brat could go take a hike into the storm for all I care. I still had bruises on my sides from her stupid puppy paws.

Probably sensing me, Riolu turned and glared and we both glared at each other for a few moments.

“Alright.” Ivy decided as she moved over and walked into her tent a few moments later she came out with a radio. “Let’s see if we can get any stations!” She proclaimed and we all sort of nodded and settled in around Ivy.

There was a radio station that got through.

It was terrible. Some absolutely terrible oldies station.

We all listened to it anyways.


Lucario it turned out was really really good at cheating at cards.

I was glaring at the blue jackal with as much suspicion as I could, which I was pretty sure she was picking up with her Aura sensing power.

Yet, she just continued to win!

“Aaaaaah!” Ivy screamed into her thighs at once again being destroyed by the Pokemon that hadn’t known what cards even were before this!

Riolu was only semi interested, and mostly just sent me superior looks whenever I lost a hand as well. Which was going to hurt that little brat a second taste of the German Suplex if she kept it up.

That earned me a raised eyebrow from Lucario and I looked away.

Lucario-mama was pretty scary to be honest.

“It’s okay Ivy. There is always the next game.” I reminded her, but Ivy lifted her head from her thighs, almost crying.

“But she’ll just win that one too!” She cried out and returned to her Sandshrew impression as she curled up into a ball.

“Yeah.” I had to admit. She was definitely cheating and winning and you know what? I threw down the cards for the final time. “I’m out.”

“Me too.” Whispered Ivy and the admittance of our failure actually made Lucario look quite smug.

Overly smug.

Being stuck in a small cave was pretty boring, it was even worse when you were stuck with cheating at cards pokemon.

“Alright.” I decided, rising up, under the watchful eye of Chansey who hadn’t played cards, but had kept a close eye on me to make sure I was being careful. My nose had stopped running so Chansey was thankfully no longer babying me too bad. “I’m going to sleep.”

“I guess it is getting late, I’m not tired yet though. So I’ll stay up for a while.” Ivy offered looking out of the cave where the rain was still coming down unseen in the darkness of the night.

I slipped into my sleeping bag. Arcanine had already been napping, but as I settled in, she rolled over a bit letting me curl into her back where all the fur was super warm and soft. Ivy went to her little tent she had set up. Lucario and Riolu once more curled up together. The two wild pokemon had been given some spare bedding which Riolu seemed fascinated by even if Lucario didn’t seem to care.

Living in the wilds I guess made it less of an issue. Especially since with the fire going, and Arcanine still napping in the cave, the whole place felt warm and comfy, even with the storm outside.

Slowly I drifted to sleep.



Ivy poked the fire with a stick, making sure some of the wood that had been gathered would catch alight and build up.

They were running out of firewood, but thankfully Arcanine was a fire type so even if they ran out they would have fire.

Lucario and Riolu were sleeping in the corner and Ivy was actually really reassured that Lucario was with them. The pokemon was mature and gentle and had even helped keep her calm when Vicky and Riolu started showing signs of being sick.

Ivy wasn’t sure she could do this on her own, and so losing Vicky would have been… Scary.

Although it would be nice if Vicky and Riolu would stop roughhousing every moment they were put anywhere near each other.

Ivy was a little scared Lucario would react badly since Vicky definitely wasn’t being gentle, yet thankfully it had all worked out.

She flinched as thunder roared above them.

“Cleffa?” Clefairy asked from her side and Ivy felt herself react as she threw a smile at her friend.

Bulbasaur, now Venusaur might have been her partner, but they felt almost like… Siblings most of the time since they had grown up together. But Clefairy was Ivy’s friend. A companion that she was doubly glad for. So many lonely nights that had made her want to give up on her journey only to be reassured by her friend.

“I’m okay Cleffy. Just wish this storm would end already.”

“Cleff. Cleffairy Cleffa cleff.” She chattered back. Ivy wasn’t as good at parsing out what her pokemon were saying as Vicky seemed to, but it was that chatter that Clefairy liked to do, that was Ivy’s favorite thing. Just the noise having someone there was enough to soothe her.

“Cleffa. Clef.” Clefairy complained about something so Ivy followed her gaze and then landed on Vicky.

Vicky who was half out of her sleeping bag, leg kicked up on top of Arcanine and snoring.

Vicky snored.

She hadn’t last time, but she was a little sick right now. And it sounded like her stuffed up nose was making her snore.

Cleffy was right.

“Yeah it’s kinda annoying.” Ivy agreed, and Cleffy nodded as Ivy had actually been right about what she was complaining about.

Then thunder broke out once again and Ivy flinched, before relaxing.

“Aeeeeee!” A noise came from outside the cave. A haunting cry. Almost a scream.

Ivy was on her feet instantly holding her stick as she waved it at the entrance of the cave. “What was that!?”

“Lu. Lucario, Lu.” The voice of the mature pokemon dragged Ivy’s attention away from the cave entrance. Lucario was still laying back Riolu napping happily away curled up in a blanket ball against the side of her chest avoiding her spike.

But she was waving at Ivy to calm down. That it was okay.

Ivy nodded slowly, but then the noise happened again.

“Aeeeee! Woooooo!”

Ivy’s back hit the cave wall as far from the entrance as she could.

“Clefa! Clefairy.” Cleffy tried to soothe her, but that noise was really really scary.

“I-is that a ghost?” She asked, teeth almost chattering. Ivy really really didn’t like ghosts.

Lucario wasn’t answering, just seemingly unconcerned as she lay calmly holding her baby.

“WoooHoooooo!” The noise came again, and it was getting closer.

Arcanine woke up. The dog jolted a little and looked to the entrance. Suddenly a steady growl escaped her, vibrating the whole cave.

“Whazzat!?” Vicky came awake instantly at the noise sitting straight up blinking sleep out of her blue eyes.

“Something is outside!” Ivy hissed and Vicky looked at her blinking slowly as if she hadn’t understood a word that had just been said.


The noise was close. And Ivy screamed a bit as there, outside the cave, just through the entrance!

Glowing red eyes.

“Phnglfrump.” Vicky mumbled as she rose up looking exhausted. She reached into her bag and Ivy was sure all of her powerful pokemon were about to be released but instead she held a Pecha berry in one hand and started stumbling for the entrance.

“Vicky! What are you doing!?” She hissed, but her friend ignored her, and Arcanine seeing her trainer seeming to have this, had stopped growling and just laid back down.

“Wha! It could be dangerous!”

“Phnglfrumper.” Vicky mumbled tiredly again and then to Ivy’s shock just walked out of the firelight, out of the cave.

Ivy’s feet moved before she could think about it.

What if it was some ghost possessing her friend!? Her sick friend? Her sick friend walking out into a storm?

She raced after her, uncaring that she wasn’t wearing her boots, just like Vicky and there, as she left the darkness she saw it. Vicky bent down, just at the edge of the storm having stopped before heading out too far.

Hand outstretched with the berry.

And a.. A … G-g-ghost!

Its red eyes glowed in the darkness and its body shifted definitely immaterial, Ivy couldn’t see most of it but she knew what a ghost looked like!

Ghosts ate people! Cursed and caused problems! Everyone knew you had to be extra careful around Ghost pokemon!


But Ivy’s voice didn’t escape her as slowly the ghost approached and Vicky mumbled again.

“Ssokay. Warmzinside.” Vicky mumbled and to Ivy’s horror, Vicky reached out and picked up the ghost.

Ivy stumbled back, but Vicky didn’t even pay her any attention as she sleepily stumble walked back inside, Ivy back pedaling as Vicky approached, and there in the light of the fire was the pokemon.

A ghost. It’s body a shifting mass of shadow. It was tiny, with a… Piece of wood on its head? Its eyes were locked onto Vicky’s face, even as it held the Pecha berry in its hands, as Vicky carried it like a baby.

Ivy nearly stumbled over Lucario as she backpedaled.

“V-Vicky?” She finally managed to squeak out in terror, but her friend just continued to mumble sleepily as she walked over and dug into her bag pulling out a towel.

Then flopped onto her sleeping bag, settled the little ghost in her lap and started… Drying it?

A few moments of roughly running the towel over the pokemons wooden… Mask? Head? With the pokemon making little “Phan! Phan!” Noises at the sudden motion, and then Vicky pulled the towel mostly away, and patted the pokemon on the wood, before gently rubbing the towel in a few spots that were still wet.

Once she was satisfied. The pokemon still clutching the pecha berry tightly. Vicky grabbed another spare blanket out of her bag. How many of those did she have!?

And wrapped the little… Stump? It looked like a stump. The stump pokemon up in the blanket and settled it next to the fire. One more pat on the head, and Vicky flopped back onto her sleeping bag, and curled up back to sleep.


“Phngmrgle.” Was her only response.

Then the little pokemons eyes went from Vicky to Ivy.

Oh no.

Chapter 39

Chapter Text

I woke up feeling pretty great. I think I had slept in? Oh Arcanine was still snoring, and the sound of rain explained why she was still napping and not demanding exercise, wow getting to sleep in for once was kinda nice.

I rose up and stretched a jaw breaking yawn escaping me as I stretched.

Then I blinked and looked around and instantly stilled.

Ivy was awake and glaring at me, eyes red and almost puffy.


“Vicky.” She greeted me cooly, completely unlike her normal self.

I mean…

“That’s really cute.”

“Don’t.” She hissed. In her lap was a sleeping Phantump curled up in a ball almost looking like he was suckling his thumb as his hand was pressed up against the front of his stump. “I refused to sleep! Do you know how many stories there are about Ghost types attacking people in their dreams, or eating dreams! Or worse!?”

“What? Phantump are sweethearts though. And Dream Eater is just a move, most Pokemon aren’t going to just attack someone.” I responded honestly confused. They were one of the few Ghost types that didn’t have any scary stuff directly relating to them.

Sure people would get lost in the woods looking for them crying, but they were crying because they were little kids, not because they wanted to get people lost.

“Vicky. Ghosts terrify me!” She hissed quietly, the noise not even ruffling the Phantumps body as he continued to snooze away curled up against her.

“You don’t like Ghost types?”

“Ghosts are scary!”

I just continued to look at her because I just… Why?

They are just a type of pokemon! No different than Grass types to Fire types.

“Phantump is very nice and gentle… And he’s a Grass type.” I offered casually. And Ivy’s glare didn’t lessen at all.

“I. Don’t. Like. Ghosts.”

“You seem to be okay with Phantump now.”

“...He was crying.” She answered a little bitterly, but I noticed the way she brushed her hand over the little guy's head.


She might have been scared of Ghost types. Something I didn’t know, but had still wanted to comfort him.

“Well Phantump are absolute sweeties. Really. They evolve into Trevenant, which is like a giant moving ghost tree. They protect forests, and are also very kind.”

Ivy blinked and then puffed out her cheeks in irritation, even as she then held the Phantump all the tighter.

“You should ask him if he wants to go with you.”


“Great. I’ll make some breakfast and-”



“He isn’t going to attack me in my sleep?”

“No, of course not.”

“Then I’m going to bed. Don’t wake me up.”




Everyone was fed, and Ivy had taken Phantump into her tent and they were sleeping being all cute.

The poor little guy must have been exhausted because he was still napping despite the hours going by.

I guess being lost in a forest during a massive storm would be pretty scary. I just… I really hope they weren’t actually children that had died in the forest. I really hope that was just weird Pokedex lore. I mean, ghost types still laid eggs, so I was leaning more towards it just being goofy pokedex bullsh*t again.

“Looks like the storm is finally breaking.” I mentioned to Lucario as I came back from checking the entrance. It was still raining a bit, but it wasn’t constant anymore.

“Lu.” She nodded, having been kneeling by the fire and filling a bowl of pokemon stew.

Lucario very much enjoyed my cooking and that was something I was very proud of.

“What are you going to do?” I asked her as I settled in to grab some of the food for myself. It was tasty enough for humans too. “I mean you’re welcome to stay! Ivy and I will likely use this cave as our base camp, and having more around just means more security.” I trailed off because Lucario was looking out towards the entrance and then back to me.

“I see.” I nodded. She wanted to go, and had only stayed because of Riolu potentially getting sick and then the rain. “Well come back anytime for lunch. You can even bring the brat.” I offered, pointing a spoon at Riolu who was practically licking her bowl clean after her own lunch.

“Rio! Riolu! Riii!” She instantly snapped back at me, and I couldn’t help but respond back.

“Mlegghhh!” I pulled at my cheeks and waggled my tongue at her. A pretty common playground insult in Kanto.

“Ri! Riolu?” She snapped at me, then looked to her mama, who just sipped at her stew and then scoffed at Riolu who looked frustrated and instead of responding how I expected she scoffed and settled back down.

Then of course she realized she was still hungry and wanted more and I gave her a haughty look as she looked from the bowl to the pot of stew that I was standing over.

“Riiiiiiiiiiii.” She growled out and I laughed at her obvious irritation before I held out a hand.

“Bowl.” She didn’t look like she wanted to, but eventually her stomach forced her forward. And she handed me the bowl and I refilled it. Even tossing in some spicy Lechi for her that I prepared beforehand.

She took it and even offered me a gritted thanks with a “Riol.” And then she hurried over to Lucario and settled in to happily eat next to her mama.

I nodded pleased, as everyone was nice and stuffed full of tasty and healthy food.

I settled in, and grabbed Ivy’s radio. Quietly turning it on, to see if the channels were back, and the music one was.

So I set that to play very quietly, so as not to wake up Ivy, and the pokemon enjoyed the quiet music in the cave as we waited for the rain to finally end.


Mid afternoon we finally saw actual sunlight. Slowly the clouds were parted by the power of the sun and I walked out to check. Everything was wet and muddy, but I could hear pokemon beginning to call to each other and head out looking for food.


“Yeah, looks like the rain is finally over.” I told her, turning to see Lucario had joined me at the entrance.

“Lu. Lucario.” She stated, nodding firmly. Then to my surprise she reached out and patted my head. “Lucario.”


She turned and headed back inside and after a few calls, Riolu joined her. Both looking ready, and both Pokemon started heading out.

“It was nice to meet you.” I told them, and while Lucario nodded, Riolu blew a raspberry.

Which I instantly returned, almost starting the fight all over again, but Lucario wrapped an arm around Riolu’s shoulder and guided her away, even if both of us were glaring at each other.

With Ivy still sleeping I wasn’t going to head out too far, but it was tempting even so. With the rain that meant there should be more Goomy wandering around…

Oooh! Ivy! I’m sorry for keeping you up all night, please wake up!

At least Phantump was looking better. The poor guy’s stump had been super waterlogged last night. I might have been half asleep, but at least I still knew how to take care of cute pokemon!

Well okay. If Ivy was still asleep, that didn’t mean I had to stay inside the cave.

Besides, Arcanine needed some exercise.

“Come on girl.” I whispered and Arcanine jerked to her feet, tail already flailing as if I had just said the magic word.

“Walkies!” I said and that tail exploded as she practically ran past me.

Right no leash. So that meant she was finally free.

I made it outside just in time to see her already running around in the mud and absolutely harassing a poor Starly that she had nearly ran over. The poor bird had tried to flee into the sky only to slam right into far too much dog.

I rolled my eyes as Arcanine didn’t even notice. Running around and smelling trees and splashing in the mud.

I was going to have to throw her in a lake after this wasn’t I?

“Milotic! Come on out!” I called and Milotic cried out as he stretched in the afternoon air. He looked around curiously at all the water for a moment before trilling as he came over for a hug.

“Rain is all up. I figure I’ll let out Dragonite and give you two some time together, but do you mind watching the cave entrance? Ivy is in there sleeping.”

“Miii!” He trilled happily and nodded, and a moment later Dragonite was out as well. She instantly glomped onto Milotic preeing for him and then noticed me and came over to hug me as well, rubbing her cheek against mine.

“You heard right?” I asked, and she nodded. Great that meant I could do a little exploring. I mean Walkies.

Definitely just letting Arcanine stretch her legs.

A moment later, Milotic and Dragonite were curled up in front of the cave entrance being adorable and I followed after the cries of birds as massive muddy doggy prints.

It didn’t take long to find her, and I sighed when I discovered what had caught her attention.

A small pack of Skwovet were being harassed as Arcanine ran around the tree they were in and they were screaming at her as she ran around and around.

“Arcanine! Leave those poor Skwovet alone!” I called out and she turned to look at me, and whined and I noticed what had gotten her attention.

The Skwovet had Lechi berries…

“You glutton! You just ate! Leave them alone.” I called out and finally she whined again and with only a few backward glances did she slowly walk back to me.

“Silly dog.” I told her as I grabbed her cheeks and rubbed them a bunch. “I’ll give you some Lechi berries as a treat when we get back. First we need to get you some exercise.”

“Arc!” She said happily now, almost bouncing on her paws as I rolled my eyes.

“Okay let’s do this.” I said as I walked over and climbed onto her back. “There. Now this mountain has all sorts of stuff. Let’s do a quick exploration.” I offered and held on as Arcanines back bunched under me.

And then we were off.

Kitakami was a pretty crazy place. With the giant mountain in the middle and all the mountain ranges surrounding it, the place was actually really varied in its geography.

Lakes and rivers. Forests. Even a barren spot that I had seen in the game, but haven’t looked at yet.

We ran around mostly on the same side of the mountain we had started on. Arcanine loved leaping over the rivers and streams to get to the other side.

Me not so much.

But I spotted all sorts of pokemon as we ran around.

But no Goomy.

I kept an eye out, but I didn’t see a single one of the little blobs. “Alright girl, let’s head back.” I called out which Arcanine stopped almost on the dot as I spoke and then turned to look back at me with big puppy dog eyes.

Then she whined.

“No, none of that. We need to get back. We’ll go on another run later. I promise. I want to look all over this mountain, and that’s gonna be from your back. But I don’t want to leave Ivy alone… besides, I owe you a treat.”

At the magic words her lips were licked and she sort of perked up but she was still down.

“C’mon now. Let’s go.” I urged and finally she turned and blitzed into a run to head back to the cave.

We raced back, and from Arcanine’s back I waved at a few pokemon that we passed. Most of them hurrying to hide at our very loud very fast travel through their territory.

Then our blitz through the forest was stopped suddenly, as Arcanine jerked away and in a blur of dark energy a Mightyena blurred into sight. The Suckerpunch missed as Arcanine zigged just in time.

“Whoa!” Then I ducked as a pulse of Dark energy blew over my head.

Arcanine slowed for a second and went into a battle posture, her growl deep and dark, as more and more Mightyena and Poochyena slipped out of the darkness between the trees. Each of them glaring and mouths open baring teeth.

The yips and laughs of the pokemon echoed around the forest and I realized there were quite a few of them.

“Wow you guys picked the wrong targets.” I called out, as I slipped off Arcanines back. Which only made the swarm start drawing in even closer.

“Arcanine. Go. Blue Heart! I need some protection!” I called out, and at those words Gyarados appeared with all the anger his species was known for.

The pack of Mightyena stilled at his appearance, but it was too late for that.

Arcanine was already blurring, and all the Sucker punches in the world weren’t going to stop her.

Gyarados wrapped around me. His pure bulk kept me safe as he roared, and then a blast of purple energy blasted out, Twister. Huh, I hadn’t seen him use that move before. But the whirlwind of energy blasted out over my head, although I couldn’t see what had happened, I could hear the crashing sound of explosions and cries of hyena getting blasted around.

“Come on out Chansey.” I called pulling free the Goddess who instantly took in the situation from her position between my Blue Hearts coils and nodded. But she didn’t rush out. Simply waiting calmly, as the explosions and cries of pain continued.


“Chansey! Chanse chansey.” She lambasted another of the Mightyena.

She had come out after the devastation, and had started with the Poochyena. The little ones had very quickly cowered at her showing their bellies when one of the Poochyena had thought taking a bite from her had been a good idea.

The poor pup was still dazed, both of its cheeks puffed up to a comical degree.

That had taught the others, and now she was working her way through the pack, even healing the leaders.

Arcanine was at my side practically buzzing as she was obviously hoping for more battles.

Gyarados was just glaring. The most quiet I had ever heard him, which was saying something. As he literally loomed over me, casting me in a shadow and glaring at any of the hyenas that so much as looked my way.

I felt very safe.

So this was what the villagers had meant. A full pack of Mightyena twenty or more strong had attacked us out of nowhere. A normal trainer would have been in some serious trouble.

I would have to alert Ivy. Neither of us were allowed to wander around without our pokemon at our sides.

At least until all the packs in the area learned not to mess with the two human girls.

“Chansey!” She called out and walked back to me, wiping her flippers together as she had finished the job.

All of the Mightyena and Poochyena were revived if not fully healed.

All of them were inordinately wary.

“We aren’t going to do anything further. You can go. And you should. Don’t attack us again, or we won’t be as gentle!” I called out and the pack sneered and growled, but the leader, a big female turned and walked back into the forest and all the others followed.

“Arc! Arcanine!” I looked to my girl as she had barked back into the forest, but whatever she had called out she didn’t give me any clues just wagging her tail happily as she had gotten the battle she desired.

“You realize you are covered in mud now. That means a bath.”

“Arc?” She yelped looking at me and I just gave her a flat look. She had ended up rolling around in the mud as she fought, and was liberally coated.

“Alright Blue Heart? You mind carrying me back?” I asked, turning to my big boy who instantly jerked his head away from the forest and rumbled in happiness at the idea.

I ignored Arcanines flopped over ears as she followed dejectedly as Gyarados did a few Dragon dances, getting the heft he needed and then flew over the treetops back to the cave as I stood atop his horns.


Arcanine was forced to sit outside the cave when I got back. As I went in to check on Ivy, who was still passed out.


Milotic and Dragonite had done a good job and so I just waved them off as I walked Arcanine back to the streams.

“Alright. Time for a clean up. And don’t you dare shake all over me!” I told her finger wagging but she just looked at the water and then whined.

“I know it’s cold! Trust me, I know. But you are covered in mud.”

“Arc!” She said and suddenly burst into flames hot and bright for a few moments, and then when it dimmed but didn’t go away her tail was wagging sending a few embers around and most of the mud was drying.

“You’ll still be dirty.”

“Arc!” She argued, and I narrowed my eyes, before sighing. “Fine. If you can dry off all the mud and not cover everything in dirt I won’t make you go in the stream… For now. When we get home, you’re still getting a full bath.”

“Arc!” She argued, but I shook my head and she finally huffed out a doggy sigh and then burst into fire again.

I left her there to bake the mud off herself. I saw her using a tree to rub against as I got back to the cave.

That poor tree.


“Vicky?” The sleepy call pulled me from where I was relaxing.

“Hey Ivy. Did you sleep well?”

She blinked sleepily at me, and then looked at the Phantump that was still curled up to her chest looking up at her with his big pinkish red eyes.

“I slept fine.” She decided and then crawled the rest of the way out of her tent.

“Can you hold him?” She asked, and I nodded, and offered both my hands to Phantump, who hesitated for a second but then reached for me, and soon I had a cutie settled in my lap as Ivy went to use the bathroom. Just as she was walking out I remembered.

“Oh! Don’t go anywhere without a Pokemon! Arcanine and I were ambushed by a Mightyena pack a while ago.”

“What? Are you okay?”

“Fine! Chansey healed up the pack after. Just be careful. Pokemon here can and will try to eat you!”

She shuddered at the idea but nodded and once she was outside I heard the heavy thump of her Venusaur join her.

I looked down and into the pink red eyes and smiled at Phantump. “You hungry?”

He sort of jittered a bit, and that was good enough for me!

“Let’s find out your favorite, and I’ll make you something to eat then. Let’s see, here are the basic berries. Let’s figure out what you like.” I hummed as I spread out each of the berries in front of him, and giggled as he looked between them all and me with a shocked look on his face.

“Yeah, figure out which one you like the most!” I assured him and giggled as the little ghost started looking pretty excited.

Chapter 40

Chapter Text

Ivy came back into the cave to see me feeding the little Phantump some sweet berries.

“He’s got a sweet tooth.” I told her, smiling brilliantly as the berries quickly disappeared bite after bite.

“That’s… Good.” She decided as she wandered over and settled down. “The rain stopped?”

“Yeah, not super long ago now. I had to take Arcanine on a walk. Mightyena ambushed us but we sent them packing. Been mostly waiting for you to wake up.”

“Thanks.” She offered, looking a little awkward. “How do… How are you so calm with ghost types? Don’t they scare you?”

“Not really. They’re just pokemon, same as any other.”

“But what about all the rumors? Like Gengar! And-”

“That stuff is so overblown. Absolute lies!” I said, shaking my head. “They are just pokemon, it’s nonsense. Phantump evolve into Trevenant, they are forest guardians. Taking care of things. Gengar are just pranksters. Even Drifloon don’t kidnap children. They can’t even move a child. They are balloons.”

“What’s a Drifloon?”

“Ah, nothing, just a ghost type that floats around like a balloon. Sure they can be dangerous, but so can any pokemon.”

Ivy looked a little hesitant, but as Phantump finished his meal he looked up to see Ivy and raised his arms practically instantly. Despite the mouth hole around his stump covered in berry juice. Cute!

I think despite me pulling him into the cave, the little guy had definitely bonded to Ivy.

She hesitated for a moment before sighing, and holding out her own arms, and he quickly floated off my lap to cuddle up with her. Which she sighed at, as she grabbed a napkin and cleaned up his face.

“You should ask if he wants to join you.” I said the moment Ivy got comfortable and then she got very uncomfortable.


“Well, think about it. A Trevenant would be huge for your family. Imagine a big tree pokemon that can control trees in a forest.”

“Wait. They can control trees!?”

“Yeah, It’s cool.”

Ivy looked down at the little stump and maybe held the little guy a little closer.

“Where did Lucario and Riolu go?”

“Ah, once the rain let up Lucario decided to head out.”

“I thought you would… I mean. I thought you would try to catch them.”

“Eh? Lucario didn’t seem interested.”

“I didn’t just say Lucario.” She answered with a bit of sass.

“I don’t want that brat!”

“Okay sure.” She answered and then shrugged as she leaned back with a big yawn.

“I’m going to be heading out soon. I want to see if I can’t find some Goomy, now that it rained.” I told her and she blinked.

“Ah… Thanks for waiting for me to wake up. Should I come with?”

“If you want to! Or you could play with your Fomantis, they probably want some sunlight since the sun finally came out.”

“Oh yeah!” She said looking happy, She hadn’t done much with the grass type since capturing it. “You go ahead. I’ll hold down the camp this time.”

“Alright! I’m off then!” I called out standing up and stretching as I went to grab everyone. Time for some fun!

Milotic and Dragonite both looked up as I stepped out of the cave. “Alright! Ivy is up, so we are going to explore. You two ready?”



“Awesome!” I returned both of them as I stretched and finally Arcanine met up with me.

“You look silly.” I told her, as she now had brown mud baked onto her fur everywhere.

“Arc!” She just barked uncaring and wagged her tail.

“Alright alright, let’s go look around. I need to find some caves. You ready?”


“Sounds about right.” Then I jumped onto her back. I could have taken some time to put on her saddle, but we weren’t really traveling. We sped off. “Just stay close to the river! There has to be a cave near the water for the goomy!” I called and Arcanine sped over to run along the river.


Finding a cave was actually kinda hard. Arcanine ran up and down the river without really spotting anything for a while.

Unfortunately despite my thoughts of there being a cave close to the water, we ended up instead running up along the mountain itself before finally finding something that would work.

Arcanine was a big help.


“Here? It’s kinda small.” I mumbled looking at the hole in between the big boulders that led into the darkness, but as Arcanine huffed a bit of flame for me to see, I could see it did go in deeper.

“Arcanine.” She almost whined, nose snuffling at the hole and tail wagging.

I had asked her to find me goomy. Which would be Dragon types that smell like water and leaves.

I had hoped that would be enough.

“Okay. I’m going in.”

“Arc!” Arcanine barked and before I could try it her teeth grabbed at the back of my shirt and pulled me back.


She mumbled with my shirt in her teeth, but she certainly wasn’t going to let me go.

“Okay. Okay fine. Crawling in alone is dumb. I won’t do it.” I assured her, and I was instantly dropped onto the not so soft dirt. “Thanks.” I mumbled at her with a glare, but then looked at the hole.

I didn’t want to just smash in the hole, if this was a Goomy cave, then they might be using the small entrance as a form of protection.

So instead I just crawled over to the entrance.

“Hello? Is there any Goomy in there? My name is Vicky! I’m a pokemon trainer. I’m looking to make new friends.” I called out into the hole and just waited.


I shrugged at her. “If you are asking if I think that’ll work. I really don’t know. Can’t hurt.”

She huffed at me, and then I just sat there waiting.

And waiting.

“I don’t think it worked.”


“Okay so plan B.” I said as I decided to stand up. “Let’s look around. Can you smell any trails? Like slime trails? Goomy are slimy.”

Arcanine returned her nose to the ground and started snuffling. Very quickly she circled around the entrance a few times nose to the ground before slowly walking off in a direction.

Well that could work. I followed her for a minute as we moved over the rough stone into the forest.

The very wet forest, which I’m sure wasn’t making her job any easier, but Arcanine seemed to be having fun.

I would have to add some tracking training to her skill set soon. Papa would probably know how to train for tracking. I would have to ask him.

Arcanine led me into the forest, around trees, and in one case through a bush that to my delight had a hole where all of the leaves had been chewed away!

Goomy signs!

Then we ruffled through a bush and Arcanine stopped.

There was a small pond. Heavily filled from all the rain, and it was practically covered in bushes, and all around the bushes.

Were a dozen Goomy all chewing away at the leaves while sitting in the water.

“Oh my glob.” I said, unable to stop myself.


“Goomy!” They instantly noticed me and dove for cover. Hiding in the shadows of the bushes or even jumping into the water. And squishing down hiding underneath.

One, probably the smallest, also tried to run but it seemed confused and ended up running in circles before just stopping as it saw me and then just didn’t move.

“Hello.” I called out, but that didn’t seem to do anything, so I waved Arcanine back and slowly stepped forward and then another until I was right up by the water. And the one Goomy that was just sitting there…


He or she was just shivering. In terror.

“I’m not gonna hurt you. Any of you. I promise.” I told it softly, but it was still just sitting there shivering as if it couldn’t move from all the terror.

I looked around and slowly walked to one of the bushes and grabbed a few of the leaves from the top where they couldn’t reach and then slowly cautiously walked over. I stepped into the water as gently as I could but every ripple that touched the Goomy only made it shiver all the worse.

But I continued closer. I had to. I couldn’t just run away now.

“Hi.” I whispered gently, and then held out the leaves on my palm, just in the water in front of it. The leaves in reach to snack on. “You can eat these if you like. I’m sorry if I’m scaring you. I’m Vicky, a Pokemon Trainer. I’m on a quest to find new friends.”

And then I waited.

Nothing. No movement. It just stood there wobbling a little but not running or doing anything else.

I looked to the others I could see in the bushes and they were just as terrified. Each of them hid as deep as they could in the shadows.

What should I do? Do I leave? Do I just throw a pokeball? No, that’s the wrong choice obviously. I just wanted them to not be scared. Even if none of them wanted to come with me.

“You’re very cute. Just a little blob of cuteness all wrapped up in tiny little Goomy.” I told him, and that opened the floodgates. “I’ve always liked Goomy. You guys are super cute, and nice. One of the nicest dragons for sure. You guys also just eat leaves, and stuff, so you don’t even hurt people. I’ve come a whole long way just to meet you all. I want to make friends with all the Goomy in the forest. And play with you all, and just have fun. I’m sorry if I scare you.”

And then my smile fell because the Goomy just… Sat there. Scared.

I was scaring it.

I didn’t want to scare it.

Placing the leaves in the water in front of it, I slowly rose up and backed away.

“Arc?” I just shook my head and walked past.

Punching through the bushes ignoring the minor cuts and scrapes.

My eyes were stupid and crying right now.


“Arc, Arcanine?” My girl nudged me a bit, giving my face a big lick a moment after before I could respond.

“Blegh! Arcanine!” I grumbled at her, but she was still nudging me with her cold nose and I sighed and rubbed my eyes. “It’s stupid.” I revealed.

I was crying because Goomy were scared of me, and I just… I hated that.

They were one of my favorites, but I had scared that poor Pokemon half to death, and it hadn’t even worked. I couldn’t get it to calm down enough to actually listen.

And it just… Sucked.

I had come all this way to meet Goomy, to capture them and have the cutest blobs in the entire world.

“Arc! Arc-Arcanine!” She said before nuzzling me, and I wrapped my arms around Arcanines head.

“You’re such a good girl.” I told her, even if I wasn’t sure what she had actually meant. It didn’t matter. It sounded reassuring.

“C’mon let’s go check in with Ivy. I need some time to think.” I told her, and soon I was once more mounted and we were off.

But I couldn’t help but look back towards the direction of the pond.


“Vicky?” Ivy gasped as I walked into the camp. Looks like she had been getting ready to head out herself, but she paused in putting on her backpack when she saw me, and instead rushed over and threw herself into a hug. “Are you okay!?”

“Yeah. It’s silly. I’m fine, I didn’t get hurt. I just… I found some Goomy. But they were terrified of me, and I just… I don’t want them to be scared.” I offered sighing as I accepted the hug, and the worried look after.

“C’mon sit down then. Do you… Do you want to tell me what happened?”

“Not much to tell Ivy. I found some Goomy, but they were really really scared of me. Like utterly terrified. One got so scared it just… Couldn’t move. So I had to leave. I was scared I might actually hurt it if I stayed. It sucks. Where’s Phantump?”

“Oh Vicky.” She offered and sat beside me as I settled on my sleeping bag. “Phantump decided he wanted to come with me, so I captured him… But let’s focus on you. Is this the first time you’ve tried to capture a pokemon only for it not to work?”

“What? No! I’ve had Pokemon say no before! Like… Well I can’t talk about that.” I mumbled Dragonair had been an almost miss after all. It hadn’t bothered me as much then, mostly because they were still cute with me. “It’s not the failed capture Ivy. It’s that they were scared.”

“Okay. So you don’t like pokemon being scared of you, well is there anything you can do to be less scary?”

“If I knew that, I would be doing it.” I grumbled.

“C’mon Vicky. You know more about pokemon than anyone! I’ve never even heard of Goomy before. So what do they like?”

“Leaves. Being wet. They don’t like getting dried out. And they are very weak, so they don’t usually like fighting.”

“Okay. So they are weak and scared. Makes sense to me. A lot of pokemon are like that. How do you interact with scared Pokemon.”

“Calmly move away from them. If you have to interact with them, then offer them food, and slowly acclimate them to your presence.” I recited straight from Mrs. Hikaru’s lesson.

“Right. Maybe you just rushed it a bit too much.”

I blew out air as I realized I probably had. I should have just settled in to watch them quietly, or something rather than rushing to the water. I had just wanted to hug them so much!

“Alright. Well I’m going to go check on the Fomantis we saw yesterday again. I want to catch a few more of them, to make sure we can breed them back in Kanto.” Ivy said, suddenly standing up. “Want to come with? Play with the grass pokemon?”

“I do think they are cute. Just wait until you see their evolution.”

“You know what they evolve into! Tell me!” She demanded and I did laugh at that as I rose up.

“C’mon we can ride Arcanine back there. I’ll tell you all about the cool not bug type Lurantis!”


“Pfft.” I snickered as quietly as I could as Ivy despite having her own Fomantis that was actually pretty friendly with her now. Apparently she had bonded with the little guy while I was gone. But the wild ones? Those she was still struggling to interact with.

Because she had to run down the road dodging weak solar beams once again when she accidentally nudged one of them as she was crawling around them.

“Don’t laugh!” She whispered angrily at me as she finally made it back to where I was sitting against a tree.

“Do you want a good hint that might just make this really easy?” I offered and she narrowed her eyes.


“Fomantis are so grouchy because they are sleeping while collecting sunlight. It’s like their favorite thing. Absorbing sunlight.” I reiterated the most important part.

Ivy scrunched up her nose but eventually she seemed to catch on and she pulled out a pokeball.

“Venusaur! Come on out. Quiet now.” She called quietly, and Venusaur appeared, only making a short noise as it reformed. Then it turned to Ivy wondering what she wanted.

“Venusaur use Sunny Day over the Fomantis.”

“Saur.” It agreed and a moment later its flower seemed to open even more than it was before and then the sunlight turned glaring.

Every Fomantis made a really cute little beep noise as they opened their eyes and then began shaking and opening their leaves.

It took me a second to realize they were giggling.

They loved it!

“Okay Venusaur! Keep the sunlight coming. I’m going to try and make some new friends.” Ivy offered and then did just that, wandering closer, making sure not to nudge any of them, she caught up to her own Fomantis that was practically back asleep in the sun and she whispered to him quietly, then she moved on. She found another one, and started whispering to it. I couldn’t hear what she said, but slowly she got her response and she moved on. On the third attempt it must have worked.

She pulled out a pokeball and booped the Fomantis on the head.

It disappeared into her Pokeball.

She must have found one willing to come with her.


Ivy was so cool. Crawling around in a horde of pokemon and making friends with them.

I felt my smile disappear.

That hadn’t worked for me.

Despite the harsh sunlight, I felt like someone had just dropped a Rain Dance on my head.

I caught the motion out of the corner of my eye and reached up and caught it.

“Ninja reflexes.” I informed the pokemon that had just thrown a… Pecha berry at my head.

“Rio.” She scoffed as she walked over then pointed at Ivy. Riolu looked pretty amused at Ivy rolling around in the grass.

“She wanted to capture more Fomantis. So she is giving them some Sunny Day extra sunlight to make them happier, and asking if they want to come with.”

“Riolu.” The pokemon nodded pleased, and I noticed another familiar face.

“Hey Lucario.”

“Lucario.” It greeted back, Riolu quickly chattered away to Lucario and I realized she was telling her mom what the silly humans were doing.


Lucario looked on, watching as Ivy continued to roll around in the grass between the different grass pokemon, and trying to seduce them.

At least that’s how it looked to me.

I took a bite of the Pecha berry and instantly earned a squawk from Riolu who turned to me angry. It only took a second to realize what had pissed her off as she made to swipe the berry from my hands.

“You threw it at me, that makes it mine now!” I told her and then bit into it to hold it in my mouth as I fended off both of the fighting pokemons paws as she went to grab it from me.

A few minutes later Ivy’s voice interrupted.

“Vicky are you fighting Riolu again?” I looked up from where I had Riolu in a headlock, giving her my best noogie, while she was biting at my arm trying to break free.

She wasn’t really biting too hard, more a warning than anything which is why I wasn’t hitting her with the super Vicky Noogie special.

“She started it!”

“Riolu, I’m sorry for Vicky. Vicky let her go!” Ivy demanded and I sighed as I rolled off the pup and started rubbing at my forearm that now had pokemon teeth indented into them.

“If I get rabies from this, I’m gonna kick your ass.”

“Rio!” She hissed and then made a gagging noise as she pointed at her tongue.

Heh. I guess I don’t taste very good. Before she could say anything more, I reached down, picked up the long forgotten berry and slammed it right into her mouth.

“There, that should-Oof!” I wheezed as Riolu slammed a paw into my side in retaliation.

“You two really can’t stop can you?” Ivy moaned.

“Lu-Lucario Luca.”

Ivy took a second, but the sigh from Lucario clued Ivy into what the pokemon had meant.

“Yeah.” Ivy sighed along with her.



Chapter 41

Chapter Text


“Very!” Ivy chirped out. She captured another four Fomantis and seemed utterly enthralled by her new Grass types. We were back at the cave without Lucario and Riolu who had said goodbye as we made our way back.

“Well I’m glad you bonded with them.”

Five Fomantis were at Ivy’s feet and despite there being no sunlight in the cave they didn’t seem irritated, as they quite happily napped around her. She was grooming each of them. Using what looked like a mix between an animal grooming kit and a gardening kit.

It was kinda funny. But the Fomantis seemed to delight in the attention, each of them hovering around her legs as she pulled one onto her lap and simply worked them over. Checking leaves. Clipping here and there sometimes. Spraying stuff on or under their leaves.

“Any issues?”

“A few mites. Pretty normal in wild grass types. This stuff clears them off, and Grass types love being mite free. Don’t you?” She asked, and got a cute little sleepy blink from the Fomantis in her lap as shifted to look up at her.

“Fooo!” It agreed and Ivy’s smile ballooned into a massive grin.

“That’s right!” She agreed, reaching around and hugging the grass type to her chest.

It was honestly super duper cute.

“Did you check over Phantump? He probably won’t have any issues, but.”

“I checked his stump that night. It helped keep me awake.” She answered and glared at me. “He had a few issues, but I cleaned him up too. It was… Weird though.”

“I’m glad you caught him. He’s a sweetie.”

“He is.” She agreed after a few moments. “How did you even know about them? I’ve never heard of a Phantump before.”

“Ivy.” I said, utterly serious as I locked eyes with her. “I love pokemon.”

“That’s not an answer.” She grumbled, but her Fomantis patch were eager for her attention, so she swapped out for another one and started taking care of them.

“Alright. I’m gonna head out for a bit then. I want to… I don’t know, apologize to the Goomy maybe? Anyway I’ll be back.”

“Okay! Be careful.” She called out and I waved over my head as I left the cave and stretched.

I decided to just walk to where the Goomy cave was, so instead of releasing Arcanine, I called out my partner.

“Miiii!” Milotic cried out and stretched before turning to look at me, and to my surprise, he leaned in gently and wrapped me in a hug with his fins.

“H-hey.” I grumbled, but leaned into the hug regardless. “I’m fine. Honest. Just annoyed that I couldn’t capture any Goomies. But I’m not gonna give up. I just need to try something different. You want to walk with me?”

“Milo!” I smiled as he unwrapped from around me, but I still had a fin reaching down and wrapping around my hand. We walked hand in fin through the forest, enjoying the ambiance. Pokemon calls filled the air.

“Hmm. Do you think they would like it if we made it rain?” I asked and Milo nodded, which made me laugh, because he definitely didn’t know. But just wanted to make me happy anyways.

“You’re such a goob. Should just call you a Goober. The evolved form of a Goomy.” I teased and he actually looked offended for a moment as he puffed out his cheeks and bumped his nose into me. “Okay. Okay. You’re not a Goober. You’re my very special partner. The best Milotic in the whole world.”

“Miii!” He trilled agreeing with me and I laughed as we continued walking.

Soon enough we found the cave, and I didn’t see any trails of slime or anything so I turned towards where the little pond was.

I was much more quiet as I found the bushes that Arcanine and I had pushed through and this time I very quietly peered through it.


“Goomy goom? Goom!” They chattered to each other quietly. Each of them happily chewing on the leaves around the pond, or slipping in the little bit of murky water and drinking it up, looking refreshed every time.

“So cute!” I whispered, as I watched. But eventually I had a decision to make.

So I grabbed a berry out of my pack and waved for Milotic to stay here. Then I made sure to make a bit of noise as I crawled through the bush.

The goomies just like last time quickly worked to disappear and hide.

But I came fully into view, and with a few moments work I grabbed a bunch of leaves from the tops of the bushes, the places the Goomies couldn’t reach, and then walked over to the edge of the pond.

There wasn’t one freaking out right in the middle this time, but I placed the leaves down and then the berry I quickly cut up into bits and placed them all over the leaves.

“Sorry for scaring you all earlier. I hope we can still be friends.” I explained as I then slowly stood up and backed away. “Milotic, do a rain dance!” I called out calmly, but not quietly, and then a few moments later rain fell down into the pond. A cloud hovered over the pond. “I hope you all enjoy.” I said as I finally walked back through the bushes.


“I think I’m just going to take it slow. C’mon let’s go exploring a bit more. There’s a lake up there we can check out.”






They were so cute! I was hiding behind some bushes with Milotic as we watched a small group of Wooper play in the shallows. A bigger Quagsire was half way in the river just kinda floating and keeping an eye on them.

“Do you think they’ll mind if we come out to play?”

“Milo.” Milotic replied and then to my surprise he lifted off the ground and flowed over the bushes I was hiding behind.

“Milo! Milotic.” He greeted staying away from the river, but even then the Wooper instantly shifted readying to flee, as the Quagsire lifted its big head out of the water giving Milotic a dopey look.

Eeee! So cute!

But then Milotic greeted them again. “Milo. Milotic.” And he just kind of floated over to the river a bit further down and slipped in, then he looked at me.

The Wooper were watching him intently, but shifted and almost jerked into the water as I slipped through the bushes, but I did the same thing Milotic did.

“Hello. Please pardon us. We won’t bother you.” And I followed Milotics path to the river and settled in beside him.

“Milo.” He trilled both for me and the Wooper, and to my delight they relaxed at Milotics crooning.

You utter Chad! I was smiling dopily as he serenaded me and the Woopers. Even the Quagsire had lifted its head out of the water and was rocking a bit to Milotics singing.

It caused a calm to fall over the river, and to my delight one of the Woopers. Probably the bravest! Hopped over and settled next to me, and warbled along with Milotic.

He wasn’t nearly as good at singing, but it was like seeing a little kid try to sing along with an adult. It was adorable.

I smiled at the Wooper, and since I totally had this now. I reached into my bag. The Wooper still going quiet, and I almost did as well, before I calmed and slowly pulled out a berry.

“You want some?” I asked it, and a moment later I got a delighted smile.

“Woop! Wooper!”

“Okay how about I split it, and the others can have some too?” And I did just that, with a bit of work I split the berry and handed a chunk to the Bravest Wooper. Who also got a bigger part.

The other two slowly came forward and when I offered them the berry their hesitation slowly disappeared and soon I had a little kindergarten of Woopers around me. They sat down around me, faces covered in berry juice and sang along with Milotic.

Ahhhhhh! My heart!


Eventually it was an explosion that pulled me away from the Woopers, and I quickly threw out Dragonite, while returning Milotic.

“C’mon we have to go!” I called as I jumped into her arms, and she blurred into the sky. The explosion had caused a dust cloud to rise up, although I took heart that it wasn’t smoke. Just dust.

And then we were there. Practically instantly as Dragonite simply pushed the air away from her as she raced to the source.

There was Ivy.

Venusaur and the cause of the explosion of dust.

A Golem. Thankfully I breathed out in relief as Venusaur had beaten the Golem unconscious and was standing protectively in front of Ivy, against the small group of Gravelers and slightly larger group of Geodude.

A horde.

“Solar Beam!” Ivy called out, and a moment later Venusaur started sucking in energy towards her flower, and this sent many of the Geodude fleeing, although it only caused the Graveler to get more aggressive. Thrown Rocks slammed into Venusaur, but a moment later it was over.

The blast of solar energy washed over the group and that knocked the fight out of all of them. It didn’t outright faint many of the Graveler, but it was enough damage that whatever had caused them to get angry with Ivy they were now more interested in leaving. I watched as Geodude helped Gravelers, and Gravelers helped the Golem, up and then walking from the clearing. I landed down besides Ivy a moment later.

“You okay?”

“Yeah! Just… I was exploring and stepped on a Geodude. And then he attacked and so I had Cleffy knock him out, but he called for more and more and more showed up.” She exclaimed a little exasperated.

“Nasty.” I mumbled but patted her on the shoulder. “Good job.”

“Thanks.” She smiled shyly before sighing in exhaustion. “Can you have Chansey look after Venusaur. He took a lot of boulders there.”

“Yeah. Chansey! You’re up!”

“Chansey! Chanse!” She cheered as she quickly hurried over to Venusaur and with a few moments of healing he looked much better without the scuffs on his head.

“That was kinda scary.” Ivy added after a moment of checking on Venusaur. “I mean, I’ve been chased by a Geodude before! Mt. Moon was full of them, but I’ve never seen an entire swarm like that!”

“It’s this place. Kitakami I mean. The pokemon aren’t as used to humans.” I shrugged as I walked over and ran a hand over Venusaur's cheeks. “You did great! Thank you for protecting Ivy.”

“Veen! Ven-a-Saur!”

“Vicky! Of course Venusaur protected me! She’s my partner!”

“Right.” I agreed with a grin. “Anyway. The pokemon here. That swarm reaction? That was something that pokemon would do against a pokemon trying to eat them. They aren’t used to humans. So they react with full force.”

“It’s scary.” Ivy reiterated. I just smiled.

“They’re scared too. That’s why they acted like that. But not all the pokemon are going to do that. I was just playing with some Wooper! They are so cute Ivy!”

“Did you catch one?”

“Huh? No, we were just playing, and then I heard the explosion so I came running.”

“Oh. Sorry, do you want to go back and find them?” She asked, sounding pretty disheartened and it took me a moment to realize what she meant.

“Oh no! I wasn’t going to capture a Wooper. They are cuties, sure, but that group was a little family, and I don’t think any of them wanted to battle.” I shrugged, I couldn’t just force the cuties into a battle where I would take them away from their home.

“Right. Like Fomantis. Most of them didn’t want to leave their home either.” She agreed and we both smiled to each other as we were both on the same wavelength.

“So want to ride Dragonite and search in a different area for cool Pokemon? There’s a forest north of the lake that might have something cool.” I offered and Ivy took a second to think and then nodded.

“Yeah. I’d like that.


“Whoa it’s so misty!”

“Yeah, I wonder what causes this fog. It’s kinda pretty though.” I muttered as we landed in a really dense foggy forest.

“Drag.” Dragonite said, looking around the forest in irritation.

“What’s wrong? Don’t like the fog?”

“Drag. Dragonite.” She said, shaking her head.

“Let’s have you return then! Take a break. Thanks Dragonite.” I added and she nodded as she disappeared.

“Oh! It’s my turn then!” Ivy suddenly said as I was reaching for a pokeball. “Come on out!”

“Freeee!” Butterfree proclaimed as it instantly hovered around and then to my amusem*nt practically slammed itself into Ivy’s hair hugging and rubbing at the green strands.

“Butterfree!” Ivy laughed as she very weakly struggled against his attempts to love his trainer.

“You’ve done a great job. Butterfree really loves you!”

“Almost too much sometimes. C’mon Butterfree I’m trying to show off.” Ivy begged him, and a moment later he finally broke free before doing a single quick fly by to rub his cheek against hers.


“Hush you.” She demanded but she was smiling and flushed regardless. “Okay! Butterfree! Use Flash!” She called out and I blinked as a moment later the dark foggy forest had a bright spot light shooting into it.


“Oh cool. Oh! You got flash for when you stall people!”


“It’s when you use Substitute and sleep moves and just try to whittle away at someone. Remember I told you about it.”

“Yeah.” She said nervously, smiling. “I remember. It’s uh… My favorite tactic? I just didn’t know it was called stall.”

“Ooh! Ivy’s gonna be a mean battler!” I teased her and she huffed at me.

“I did earn all of my badges after all!”

“How many Gym leaders gave you looks after like they really didn’t want to give the badge to you?” I continued to tease, and then Ivy’s ears went red and I realized I might have actually touched on something.

“Iiivy~” I said teasingly.

“It was The Fighting Gym in Saffron, they looked so conflicted because I only used Butterfree and the gym leader used his entire team. He uh… Never really did anything?”

“That’s amazing! Great job!”

“It was kind of embarrassing.”

“No way! The only one embarrassed was him! I can’t wait to see your matches during the Indigo league. I bet that’s gonna be hilarious!”

“Anyway! Butterfree! Guide our path okay?”

“Free! Butterfree!”

“C’mon.” Ivy said and stomped off I just giggled as I followed her.

“So what do you think is out here? Any more Grass types?”

“Grass obsessed! Just admit to being a mono trainer already.” I demanded.

“I am not!”

“Hehe.” I continued to giggle at her, I had been teasing Ivy by calling her a mono grass trainer since we were kids. “Umm Not a lot of grass types here I think. Maybe more Phantump, or Poltchageist? This seems like their kind of haunt… Heh. Haunt.” I chuckled and Ivy looked at me in confusion.

“Poltchageist is a grass and ghost type. So haunt. Get it?”

“Vicky…” Ivy says shooting me a look of disappointment and disgust. “Wait. Another Ghost and Grass type?”


“That’s so weird. Ghost types are kinda rare. So to have two of them be grass types as well.”

“Eh. They are only rare in Kanto. Plenty of Ghost types out there. I mean, I’m here to hunt another one as well.”

“Wait which one?”

“Only the cutest, most bestest! The single most amazing Ghost type pokemon to ever exist or will ever exist forever!” I proclaimed loudly and without any hesitation. Then I took a deep breath “MIMIKYU!” I called out in a loud yell startling Ivy and Butterfree who jerked to look at me. “IS THERE ANY MIMIKYU HERE!? I WANT TO BE FRIENDS!”

“Vicky! Why are you yelling!? What if we get attacked by a pokemon!”

“Then we deal with it. This is plan one of finding a Mimikyu! Yell real loud calling for them, and hope one hears and wants to be friends!”

Ivy just gave me a look and rolled her eyes. “Only you would think to find a pokemon by yelling for them real loud.”

“Well sure if Mimikyu wasn’t the cutest and bestest pokemon ever then it wouldn’t work, but if you know what a Mimikyu is, then you know this is the best way to find them! Or at least I think it is…. MIMIKYU! ARE YOU THERE!?” I yelled out again getting a second jolt from Ivy.

“VIcky! Stop that!” She hissed and whacked me on the arm.

“No amount of physical violence will stop me from finding my new best pal Mimikyu.” I told her firmly, then turned. “MIMIKYU! DO YOU WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH ME!?”

The forest was silent, the fog muffling my voice.

I just waited for a while looking around hopefully, as Butterfree continued to light up our area.

But nothing came out.

“C’mon. Let’s keep walking. Maybe we’ll run into something?” Ivy offered and I nodded, slowly.


Ivy just sighed as she tugged me along.


“It’s not like I’ve given up or anything. I mean I’m sure I can find one eventually, I just hoped to have something more to add to my team by now. Ivy already caught Fomantis, and Phantump, and I haven’t added anything new! I was really hoping for some cuties by now. I mean, sure I haven’t traveled up on the mountain yet, where the Gibble will hang out, but no Goomy? No Mimikyu? It makes me sad.”


“Yeah I know! You’d think I would have found like a dozen pokemon that want to go out on an adventure, travel the world, eat good food, and become as strong as legends! But I keep scaring them. This place… You pokemon aren’t used to humans. So you either attack full bore, or you run away. Probably because you think we are going to eat you or something. We aren’t. The only reason I’m holding you is so we don’t just leave you on the ground paralyzed.” I informed the poor Starly that was in my arms.

It and its friends had decided to attack us. For no reason! At all! I mean, sure I had been yelling. And the sun was going down, so maybe I woke up a few of them, but that wasn’t really my fault. I was Mimikyu hunting!

“Butterfree is pretty good with that Stun Spore.” I said to Starly as I patted its head one last time. Its struggles were growing a bit stronger, as the stun spore wore off.

“Alright. I’ll let you go.” I offered, releasing the bird as I turned my attention to Chansey who was still healing the Staravia that had led this band. Butterfree had released a pretty big stun spore and half the birds had fallen out of the air to smack into trees.

“All done?” I asked, and Chansey nodded looking pleased as it quickly jumped into the air and away leading its entire group out of the clearing.

“Vicky, can you please stop yelling now?” Ivy asked, glaring at me, but honestly she just looked cute with her hands on her hips and leaning forward a bit…

Okay it was more looming cause she was taller than me, but still.

I opened my mouth to once more point out what I was doing but instead just sighed.

“Yeah I’ll stop yelling.”

“Good!” Ivy added with a huff, and then she looked at me, and looked a little conflicted. “I’m sure we’ll find one and when we do I know you’ll manage to make friends with them.”

“That’s now what happened with the Goomy.” I grumbled, stomping off a bit into the forest.

“Oh Vicky, that’s just special circ*mstances! You’re great with Pokemon.” Ivy exclaimed as she hurried after me, running around to my side and looking all sad.

“It’s fine Ivy. Honest.” I admit as I stop and turn towards her. “I’m just grumpy because my overhyped assumption of this trip ran face first into a mountain. But I’m disappointed, not disheartened! I’ll find some new friends for sure!”

Ivy just smiled and nodded at me, and we both shared a smile.

“Oh look a Pikachu!” Ivy called out and I could practically feel my neck pop as I jerked to look behind me in the direction that Ivy was looking at.

There, hidden in the shadows of a tree half hidden, was not a Pikachu.

A Pikachu didn’t move like that. It wasn’t textured like that.

It’s head was wrong. It’s eyes weren’t actually eyes. And its ears were a little crinkled. It stepped out and did a movement that made me realize one thing. It was trying to pretend to be a Pikachu, but it wasn’t. It was doing a little dance. Making itself known. Attracting attention. The actions of an ambush predator my brain noted, but ignored because my brain was far too full of what I was seeing.

“Mimikyu.” I called out, and instantly the atmosphere changed. Its actions stopped.

It stilled and then its entire body jerked to focus entirely on me, with a horrid grinding that reminded me of bones grinding together, the entire forest seemed to go deathly quiet at the noise.. As if everything knew what that noise meant, and hid from it.

“KuUkukkKu.” It called back, and if I was any other trainer I would say the noise was almost spine raising. A sort of unearthly grinding voice ethereal and wrong, nothing like normal pokemon sweetly calling out their name.

“V-vicky? I don-don’t think that’s a Pikachu!” Ivy stuttered.

“Yeah. It’s a Mimikyu. They just pretend to be Pikachu. Hi! My name is Vicky… Do you want to be friends?” I asked, and as if me responding to it was a trigger it suddenly blurred forward.

“KuUkUuKuKUKuKu!” It cried out with a hair raising cry as it charged, in a zigzag pattern, its eyes stars of focused intent, its shadow claws sliding out of the costume and then rocketing into the earth in a moment and pushing it up and forward.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEE!” Ivy screamed out, but I was barely paying attention to her.

The Mimikyu flying towards me with its dark claws raised and its twin eyes glowing stars of focused intent were taking up all of my attention.

Chapter 42

Chapter Text


The dark foggy forest didn’t seem so daunting with Vicky at her side. The blonde kept screaming into the fog and then waiting excitedly like any moment a ‘Mimikyu’ would pop out of the fog and they would be best friends forever and ever.

Ivy had to admit to herself that it was actually pretty likely. Vicky just had that kind of energy. Pokemon just seemed to adore her, and she them.

Well her energy and her seemingly endless pockets full of berries.

Although that didn’t make this forest any less creepy.

The sun was nearly down, which wasn’t exactly Ivy’s chosen time to wander around a forest, but Vicky had wanted to do it late at night. ‘Better chance to find a cute Mimikyu!’ so she said.

Ivy was mostly just wondering what she would even find in a forest this foggy as they would all be hiding as there was no sunlight left.

And Vicky was being Vicky.


On and on. Eventually even Vicky stopped yelling as much as they wandered around. They weren’t finding much. Most of the pokemon that they got anywhere near fled the moment we approached too close.

While they walked they talked, and things turned to Vicky’s rather disappointing attempt to capture the other random pokemon, Vicky was sure she wanted, but Ivy had never even heard of.

“It’s fine Ivy. Honest.” Vicky admitted looking upwards. “I’m just grumpy because my overhyped assumption of this trip ran face first into a mountain. But I’m disappointed, not disheartened! I’ll find some new friends for sure!” She said cheering herself up.

Ivy felt herself smile, at Vicky’s return to form. The girl never let something keep her down for long. They smiled together, sharing a look.

Then, just over Vicky’s shoulder Ivy noticed it. Yellow with a particular set of ears, even if one looked crooked. A familiar silhouette after spending so much time with Ash.

“Oh look a Pikachu!” She said, and instantly there was a reaction.

Vicky jerked towards where she was looking fast as lightning.

Ivy didn’t get it. Vicky didn’t want a Pikachu. She had never shown more than passing interest in them.

Even if this one was acting weird. PIkachu had good ears, it should have definitely heard them, and been watching them but instead it was doing a little hopping dance in the grass as if trying to draw in their attention.

“Mimikyu.” Vicky breathed out a sound of shock and awe.

And instantly the forest changed.

Ivy felt it, as something was not right something was suddenly oppressing onto her.

Then the Pikachu that was definitely not a Pikachu turned, its neck snapped creaking at the movement, and Ivy felt her stomach do a flip. Horror at what she had just seen flowing through her This was wrong.

Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong!

“KuUkukkKu.” It… Said? Cried? Growled? Ivy wasn’t sure what to describe the noise. The grinding of souls against each other their cries making a noise to warn away all from the terror in front of them!?

Ivy felt her hands reach for her Pokeballs. Venusaur’s ball firmly in her grip. Something was very wrong!

“V-vicky? I don-don’t think that’s a Pikachu!” She admitted staring into the false eyes on the THING that was masquerading as a Pikachu! Made all the worse because Ivy knew what a pikachu looked like. Knew how they moved, and how they acted, and that thing was wrong on every level.

“Yeah. It’s a Mimikyu. They just pretend to be Pikachu. Hi! My name is Vicky… Do you want to be friends?” Vicky asked, and then as if that triggered something the Mimikyu moved.

“KuUkUuKuKUKuKu!” It called as it rushed them. Ivy saw it all. Dark shadowy claws freed from underneath… Whatever it was. Glowing bright lights appeared not from the head of the creature, but its chest. It’s ‘head’ somehow bending back with a crackle of noise that still sounded like breaking bones!

Then it leapt!

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEE!” Ivy screamed as she stumbled, back Pokeball instead of throwing in between them instead landing to the side as she jerked at the sudden motion of the pokemon taking to the air.

“Venusaur!” Her partner cried out, but far too late, because a moment later the Mimikyu smashed into Vicky, and Ivy jerked her eyes away, afraid she was about to see her friend's blood as those dark evil wicked claws hit her.

“Ku!KukuUukuKku!” It made the noise again and Ivy simply pointed for Venusaur but then when her partner didn’t actually do anything Ivy raised her eyes.

Vicky had been knocked onto her butt from the impact, but there was no blood.

Instead those ghastly arms of darkness were wrapped around her almost multiple times clinging around her chest and pinning her arms to her sides, but…

Vicky wasn’t in pain. She was making soothing noises with her mouth.

“Shhh. It’s okay. Shhhh.” She whispered aloud.

Venusaur stomped to look full at what was happening but didn’t look worried.

Ivy struggled to keep her eyes locked onto one thing.

What was going on?

“What was going on?”

“Give me a second Ivy. I’ll explain after.” Vicky whispered, but never took her eyes off the…

Okay it looked like some kind of doll? It was crinkling and crackling as Vicky gently held the pokemon to her chest, even if that was unneeded because it didn’t look like it was letting go.

Ivy got a chance to really look and she was just confused.

It was a Pikachu doll? Or not? Ivy rose shakily and slumped against Venusaur’s hide.

“Ven.” She called quietly, supporting Ivy like always.

“I’m okay Venusaur just… Scared and confused.”

Vicky didn’t respond to her though. Instead she continued to be focused on the really scary pokemon attached to her chest.

“Do you want to be friends?”


“I mean it. I know what Mimikyu are. I know why you wear that costume, but it doesn’t matter to me. You’re special. An amazing pokemon that deserves to have someone care about them just like all the others. So… Mimikyu? Do you want to be friends?”

“KU! Kukukukuu!” It seemed to ramble and Vicky let out such a happy laugh that even Ivy relaxed as she snuggled up to the… It was crying?

“It’s okay, Happy tears are good too.” Vicky offered, and shifted freeing her left arm a bit to bring it up and… She rubbed at the pokemons chest?

No Vicky said it was a costume?

“There, no more tears. Let’s be friends… Forever and ever.” Vicky offered and that seemed to do the opposite as it caused the pokemon to cry even louder as it tugged her even tighter.

“Hehe! This definitely made up for this entire trip. I’ve honestly had a rotten time you know?” She told the pokemon, smiling brightly as she spoke. “But this? Even if I don’t make any more friends on this entire trip. Meeting you? Was worth it all.” She then hugged the pokemon even tighter to her chest and both of them seemed to just luxuriate in the hug.

“I still have no idea what’s going on.” Ivy whispered a little annoyed, even if the scene was… A little sweet. She was still a little freaked out by the strangest creepiest pokemon she had ever seen! Some kind of zombie ghost pikachu thing! This was so creepy!

First Phantump, and now Mimikyu! If Ivy hadn’t met Lucario and Riolu, and captured her own Fomantis, she would be running from this region as fast as she could, because this place was creepy.

“Mimikyu, have to hide themselves under a costume.” Vicky suddenly explained softly, eyes meeting Ivy’s for just a moment, before returning to her new ‘friend’ and smiling. “It’s not their fault. Looking at a Mimikyu straight on causes some reaction with almost everything. Some pokemon and people have heart attacks because of it. Basically their body is super scary. Or they just have some weird ability I’m not actually sure. But… It doesn’t matter because they really just want to be loved. It’s why they dress up as Pikachu. So maybe someone will love them like they’re a pikachu.”

Vicky then smiled and stood up “But I don’t care what costume Mimikyu wears, because I don’t love the costume. I love the wonderful pokemon inside it!”

“K—-KUJKUK!UK!UK!UK!UK!” The pokemon started crying… From its chest. No Ivy noticed. There were two little eye holes that the pokemon inside was looking out from, and it was definitely where its eyes were because the streams of tears had caught even Vicky off guard as the girl desperately attempted to comfort her new pokemon. Holding it to her chest and rocking it lightly.

Of course Vicky would capture the weirdest pokemon of all time by loving it even if it’s terrifying. It reminded Ivy of Feebas.

It reminded Ivy that Vicky was the only one that knew how to evolve Feebas into Milotic. The only one that had loved that ugly fish enough to help it evolve into the most beautiful pokemon in the world.

But that was Vicky’s family secret, and she wasn’t going to ever admit to knowing it. Ivy slumped back to the ground against Venusaur and decided to just relax for a bit to stop her heart from beating so hard.

This was just another Vicky adventure.


Mimikyu were even cuter in real life than they had been on a screen. Imagine a sort of derpy stuffed animal, ratty and worn, but desperate to be loved.

I hugged my Mimikyu tighter, swearing I would fill this pokemon with so much love, they would never worry about it again for the rest of their life.

“C’mon Vicky. Why don’t we get out of here? It’s getting cold.” Ivy demanded, as the girl sat up from where she had been sitting against Venusaur catching her breath. I sent her an apologetic look.

Ivy had quite a fright. I would have too, if I wasn’t already ready for it. I could feel the mixture of leaves and branches that cracked and tore whenever Mimikyu moved too fast. I would have to get them some better quality stuff soon so their costume didn’t creak so much.

And the shadow arms were just how they interacted with the world. But it must be really scary seeing them flying through the air readying a glomp attack.

“Sure. Let me get out Dragonite?”

“Yeah, this forest is super creepy, I want to get out of here.” Ivy said and I smiled. She had put up with enough tonight.

“Come on out Dragonite.” I called and she appeared with a quiet yawn as she looked around, once more shivering a bit at the cold fog, but then she looked at me, and her eyes drifted down to see Mimikyu.


“This is Mimikyu. My new friend!”

“KuKukkukUUKuku.” Mimikyu greeted, and Dragonite just stared for a while before slowly nodding.

“Drag.” She said bluntly. And then turned to Ivy and offered her arms.

Aww. Ivy rushed over after returning Venusaur and leapt up, and then I walked over and with a bit of work climbed onto her back.

Then we were off, into the sky above the forest and free of the fog. Mimikyu tightened their grip around me at the sudden move, but I was pleased to note they didn’t seem bothered by Dragonite. That was good.

Only a short flight later we landed outside the cave and all of us entered checking to make sure it was still empty, which it was.

“Drag?” Dragonite questioned and she walked over to the fire and held her hands out over it and then looked at me.

“Oh sure, let’s get you warmed up. It’s kinda chilly.” I released Arcanine with a bit of trouble. My arms were still wrapped up in Mimikyu hug that had tightened during the flight but had loosened now that we were in the cave.

“Arc. Arcanine?” She questioned, sniffing at Mimikyu who was only slightly turning away from me to see what Arcanine wanted. The sniffing continued and started to dip under Mimikyu’s costume.

Mimikyu of course didn’t like that, and their wooden tail lashed out and bonked her right on the nose.

“Arc!” She yelped in surprise, but not pain I was relieved to note.

But then she got competitive.

“Arc! Arc!” She barked and a moment later I was nearly pulled off my feet as Arcanine reached out and bit down on Mimikyu’s Wood Hammer.

Then she decided that tug of war was the game of the night.

“Kukukuu!” Mimikyu seemed to hiss out, but then I was dragged nearly off my feet as Arcanine decided the game was on.

“Arcanine!” I yelped, but she didn’t care, glaring into the eyes of Mimikyu who was seemingly willing to compete just as much as Mimikyu refused to let go, and so I was dragged around the cave as I couldn’t compete with more than three hundred pounds of world class dog wanting to play.

“Help?” I asked Dragonite who just huffed and ignored my plight as Ivy had instead taken on the job of lighting the fire and was bringing it up.

Ivy also just ignored me.

So I was dragged around the cave desperately fighting to stay on my feet.


It had taken a lot of work to finally get Mimikyu to let go of me, so I could cook dinner, but to my happiness Arcanine’s previous play had actually loosened up Mimikyu and they were currently resting on top of Arcanine’s fur, seemingly quite happy by the warmth.

Although their eyes never left me. And every time I looked I gave them a happy smile which perked them up.

I was gonna fill that pokemon with so much love!

“Thanks Vicky.”

“Sure Ivy, it’s the least I can do after tonight.” I offered, handing her a bowl of rice with a curry topping that had very little heat but would fill Ivy right up. It was what Chansey was going to eat as well.

Mimikyu had a taste for spice which made me sigh. Why did I have so many spice fiends on my team!?

At least it made it easier to cook. I made a big bunch of food for Arcanine and Mimikyu which was just about finished. I hurried over and pulled it off the fire and put together a plate for Mimikyu.

“Mimikyu? Try this for me. Tell me if you like it okay?” I asked and they hopped off Arcanine and scurried over making me giggle as they zig zagged over and practically crawled up my arm, looking from the food to me, back to the food.

“Hehe! It’s okay, I make sure all my friends get to eat. It’s spicy, so tell me if you like it okay?”

“Kuu… KukKuU!” They responded back as they dug in, their costume basically landing on top of it. I held everything steady as I let Mimikyu eat the food. A moment later they pulled away and the plate was completely sparkling clean.

“K-kukukuukukU!KUkUK!UkuKUKUku!UkUK!” They suddenly burst into speech practically vibrating as their shadow hands slipped out and grabbed into my arm.

“I guess that means you liked it.” I confirmed and the Pikachu head flopped up and down in rapid fire, cracking each and every time.

I noticed it made Ivy flinch at the noise.

“I’m glad.” I said simply, as I put the plate down and gave Mimikyu a nice big hug. “Want to hang out with me while I feed the rest?” I asked and got another spine crunching head nod. So I just lifted them up to my shoulder and let them get settled in. clinging on with Shadow claw. As I rose up and hummed a song as I got Arcanines meal ready. Mimikyu snuggled up to my cheek the whole time.


After dinner I settled into my sleeping bag with a still clingy Mimikyu to do some settling of everything.

“Okay so. Like I said my name is Vicky. Victoria Ferrous. I’m from Viridian City in the Kanto region which is super far to the south.”


“Yeah. I’m here to make new friends. You being the first!” I added unable to resist reaching down to Mimikyu who was settled in my lap to pet up and down their side.


“Yeah! It’s amazing. I’m so happy I found you! But I should explain what I am doing, because while I’m happy if you stay with me forever! There are some options you can choose from! Also I have some questions too. So I’m going to do this.”

I reached out with both my hands and placed them in front of Mimikyu. “So we are going to play a game of questions so we can get to know each other and we can both be on the same page!”

Mimikyu nodded as they tilted their head a bit at my hands wondering what I was getting at.

Very cute! The costume head tilted with them and it was pretty cute.

The crackling bone snapping sound, not so much, but the uncomfortable feeling was also part of their cute point!

“So first off… Are you a boy or a girl?” I moved my hands showing that left was boy, and right was girl.

“Ku?” Then Mimikyus shadow hand reached out and touched my left.

“A boy! How nice!” I said smiling. “Okay so next question. I’m a pokemon trainer. That means I train pokemon to be as strong as they can and battle them against others. To grow stronger, to protect the things I care about. Sometimes just to get back at people that are mean. I battle for all sorts of reasons. Do you want to be one of my pokemon that battles with me? Or not.”

Instantly Mimikyu grabbed onto my right and tugged it up and down. Battling it was, but I had to be sure.

“Are you sure? You’ll still be my friend even if you don’t battle for me! I don’t want you to choo- Okay.” I stopped as I was interrupted as Mimikyu practically leapt onto my right hand and jumped up and down. “Alright. Battles it is. In that case! Let’s grab a pokeball. Do you know what a Pokeball is?” I asked, and to my surprise he nodded up and down.

A moment later I pulled out one of my Premier balls and held it between my hands.

“This is a Premier ball. I like them more than the normal ones. So I use them as my special pokeballs. All of my battle pokemon go into Premier balls. So… Mimikyu, will you join me?”

And before I could finish. He pressed himself into the pokeball and he disappeared into light.

The pokeball only rang a single time before locking in.

I felt my smile stretching across my face as I released him and he came out in a cry and then leapt at me a big hug.

“I’m happy for you vicky.” Ivy offered although she didn’t sound very happy.

“Thanks Ivy! I’ve wanted to make friends with a Mimikyu forever!” I admitted and Ivy frowned for a second before shrugging.

“You always had weird taste… But I guess now that we aren’t in a foggy forest, he is kinda cute… A little.” She admitted. Which she quickly learned was a mistake.

Mimikyu shifted, his neck snapping as he locked onto Ivy who flinched at the sudden attention.

“KuKuKuku!Ku!” He cried out as suddenly he leapt at her. I hummed as I ignored Ivy’s scream as Mimikyu smacked into her chest and wrapped her up in a hug. Her surprised eyes went from him to me.

I just sent her a smile and a thumbs up.

Great job Ivy! Really building up my newest little buddies confidence!


“This time for sure!” I called out the next morning. Hat on head. Mimikyu on my shoulder! Finally a pokemon small and cute enough to carry around! I was always the one carried around by my pokemon! I finally got to enjoy the Pokemon trainer dream! Sure, Mimikyu wasn’t cuddly if you touched him under his costume. He felt more like cold, not quite wet, nothingness as his body wrapped around my hand for instance. When I had cuddled him in the night.

But that was A-okay! Better than any Pikachu! Oh! I couldn’t wait until I ran into Ash again! “Mwahahaha!” I had the best shoulder pokemon now!


“Ah sorry I just laugh at things that amuse me! Also I love that you are here!” I told him earning a wiggling motion that was probably a blush from my newest friend. “Cute!” I proclaimed earning more wiggles.

I continued to ignore the bone cracking noise he made as he shifted.

I set off. Once more for the Goomy pool! I was going to seduce them with berries! I was sure of it!

Mimikyu was my partner today so we could get some more time together, and honestly it was kinda weird having a pokemon so small with me.

I mean, Arcanine was one of my smallest pokemon. And she was a three hundred plus pound dog.

Carrying around Mimikyu who felt almost weightless was so nice!


“So there’s a pool of Goomy that I found. I wanted to offer them all to come with! I think Goomy are great, and I wanted to bring all of them that wanted to come with me back to Kanto. But I scared them. It made me really sad.” I trailed off taking comfort in Mimikyu’s presence. I had made a new friend. I could do it again! “But that wasn’t a failure. Not really. You only fail when you give up!” I proclaimed happily Mimikyu raising up his Wood hammer tail alongside me in support.

I love shoulder Pokemon!

Chapter 43

Chapter Text

Sneaking through the bushes that led to the clearing full of Goomy I peered out and was shocked at what I saw.


No delightful little gooey boys. “Kkukuk?” Mimikyu whispered right into my ear, a spine tingling sound. But to me it was cute.

“They were here last time… They probably just went home.” I stood up brushing out my hat from some of the leaves I had moved through, before thinking better of it and grabbing leaves from the bushes and piling them into my hat.


“Goomy eat leaves. So I figure I can give them a treat. They seemed to like these bushes last time I saw them.” I explained and Mimikyu nodded his costume head up and down in understanding. Then to my surprise, his claw reached out and grabbed a few leaves and dumped them into the hat as well.

He wanted to help!

I smiled happily and when my hat was full I made sure to reach up and nudge him into my cheek for a bit of skinship. “Thanks Mimikyu.”

“K-K-Kukuku!” He seemed to stutter and I giggled at his awkward flailing.

The creak snap of his costume was ignored, when we got home, I’d find him some supplies to get rid of that. It was kinda loud.

Then I walked through the forest. Pokemon all around, but they left me alone. No packs of Poochyena this time.

But as I drew close to the cave that the Goomy had come from I heard it.

The sounds of battle.

“Hold on!” I grunted as I raced forward, uncaring that some of the leaves were left behind. I came out of the trees and stilled.

There in front of the little was a Goomy, dirty and tattered and using every ounce of his strength.

Because in front of him was an Ekans.

It was a minor thought, but I remember that one of the animals that would eat slugs back on earth were snakes…

“Mimikyu! Shadow Claw!” I called out without hesitation. Mimikyu leapt from my shoulder with a cry.

“KuKukukKukUku!” It roared and its claw came out in a blaze of darkness, but unlike last time I had seen him leap in the air, claws outstretched. This time it was an attack.

The blow struck the Ekans that had instantly turned its head towards me at my yell. Giving me enough time to notice that the Ekans was uninjured despite the single Goomy desperately trying to hold it back from entering their little cave.

I ignored that though. Instead rushing straight for the injured pokemon.

Baseball sliding I quickly grabbed my belt. But before I could throw out Chansey I was surprised.

“G-Goo!” The Goomy responded to my presence with a tackle attack. Slamming into my stomach and knocking the breath out of me even if it didn’t hurt more than that. Arms came forward and instead of pulling out Chansey, I simply hugged the poor pokemon to me. Mostly so he couldn’t hurt himself anymore.

“It’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. I promise. I’m here to help.”

“G-Goo!” It gave out a muffled grunt, but it was tired and hurt and couldn’t possibly resist my secret move.

Let’s Snuggle Forever wasn’t just a Mimikyu Z move!

“KuKukkku.” I looked up to see the Ekans in full retreat sliding through a bush and Mimikyu hurrying over.

“Can you go into my bag?” I asked him, and he tilted his costume head and nodded. “Second inside pocket on the right, the one with the zipper. That’s it. The potion? It’s a spray bottle. Purplish liquid.” And he pulled it free. My smile of thanks almost had my poor Mimikyu melt into a puddle.

“That’s the one! Here, can you spray it on him. Perfect just like that.” I said guiding Mimikyu who sprayed the potion over the Goomy that was actually pretty hard to hold, but I was succeeding mostly by being a lot healthier than the poor little guy.

Finally I loosened up and Goomy was revealed to be in much better condition than he had been before.

He looked up at me with his tiny little eyes and glared. At least I think it was a glare, it was mostly just cute.

“Feeling okay?”

“Goo!” He retaliated by smacking into my face with a tackle.

Between his gooey form, and his own tiredness it didn’t hurt too bad, but did send me crashing onto my back as he sort of blooped off me and landed on the ground.

“That was a little mean, but I get it.” I muttered, rising up and rubbing at my now slimed face.

A little gross, but I’d deal.

“Are you okay?”

“Goo!” He demanded and woogled his way to stand between me and the cave entrance. There he glared.

This Goomy.

He or she, I realized I wasn’t sure. But they were perfect. So fierce! A fierce little slime dragon! Wanted to hug them tight, and feed them leaves and berries and praise their bravery!

Instead I took a deep breath and slowly got up and moved a few steps away. Carefully disengaging.

“Okay. We aren’t here to hurt you. See? We are moving away from the cave. Not gonna hurt you or your friends. See look?” I pointed at my hat that had a bunch of leaves surrounding it despite my abandoning it. “I brought you some food, because I wanted to meet with you.”

“Goo!” They… I think roared would be the best description, but it was so cute I couldn’t think of it as fearsome.

“Okay. See I’ll listen. I’m not gonna hurt you.” I whispered calmly, moving further back even leaving my hat on the ground still covered in leaves as I backed away slowly.

The clearing was quiet for a little while Mimikyu, climbed back up onto my shoulder. I gently pet him in thanks, but never took my eyes off the bravest Goomy who was focused on me.

Then far enough, I slowly sat down, legs crossed and waited.


“Nope.” I answered back calmly. “I’m not leaving, but I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to talk.”

“Gooooo.” The little slime ball growled cutely and then to my surprise behind the little goo ball, another one poked its head out.


“Goo! Goomy!” The brave one turned and called back to the others, and they listened, sliding back into the shadows of their little cave.

The Goomy spun back to me, but I hadn’t moved. Calmly I reached into my backpack and I noticed the poor thing twitch, but instead of what they must have expected, I pulled out a Pecha berry and took a nibble. Peeling a section off I offered it to Mimikyu where it quickly vanished beneath his costume.

“Want some?” I offered and Goomy just glared and I nodded. Too soon still.

So I just settled in.

Today was the day after all. This hadn’t gone how I wanted, but I could figure it out. First I just needed to get the Goomy to calm down.

So I nibbled on the berry and just waited.

Slowly, even the fiercest of Goomy grew tired of watching me calmly eat. He bravely moved over to me, his little face glaring and came up short puffing himself up again, but I didn’t react, run away or attack. Just gave it a bit of time for him to deflate.

“You want some?” I offered and they sort of wiggled and blew itself back up, making them look big.


“Yeah! You’re very brave and strong!” I agreed and that only made it puff up a little larger before it sort of deflated.

“Want some water?” I offered and Goomy perked up at that but then shook itself as if fighting back its own wants.

“Goom.” It denied with a cute little wiggle shake.

“Well okay, but I’m going to get my water out.” I mentioned casually, as I reached into my bag and slowly brought out the canteen. It was still glaring as I stuffed the Pecha berry into my mouth to hold it, and uncapped the canteen then casually upended it gently on top of their head. “Oops.” I said very fakely. As I pulled the berry free from my mouth.

Pretty much instantly despite being a grumpy little goomy it preened under the water, its coloring changed as it grew damp.

I hadn’t even realized the poor guy was a little gray. “Goom.” He said after I cut off the flow of water, and then he did a cute little shake, but none of the water really escaped him. Despite rolling down his body it was all very quickly absorbed.

Then before anything else could be said. A tiny bit of the Pecha berry was poked right into his little mouth area.

He did a wobble. Then sort of took in the flavor before perking up.

“Goo!” He exclaimed and I grinned and offered him the rest. My palm was gobbled up as he grabbed it then backed off to happily chew the treat.

Haha! Success!

I went to put my chin in my hands before wincing at the slime on my palm touching my chin. A moment of wiping my hand clean on my pants, and a bit of rubbing my chin into the opposite shoulder from Mimikyu who was still quietly watching all of this happen.

“Do you like Pecha berries?”I asked and Goomy, probably without even realizing it nodded happily as he chewed the berry. How cute!

Then he realized who he had been responding to, and did a cute little ‘jump’ back as he glared at me.

While still eating the berry.

I of course had the perfect solution for this.

I pulled out… Another Pecha berry! Well a small chunk of one. The berries were pretty big actually.

“Goo?” He gasped tiny eyes never leaving the berry as I waved it around.

“I suppose I could give you another one…” I offered and he hesitated looking at me with suspicion. But then I just broke into a smile cause he was too cute to hold out on and I placed it down in front of him.

Then I grabbed another berry and gave it to Mimikyu. He was being so amazing not causing any trouble or anything and I really appreciated his presence.

Also shoulder pokemon!

“Thanks Mimikyu.” I said aloud, just so he could know how much I appreciated him.

“K-Kkuuuu!” He said sounding shy, but it was cute.

Goomy was a little startled but calmed down as he was still chowing down on the berry.

“So want to share some berries with your friends?” I asked and Goomy stilled as he seemed to realize he had eaten the whole thing.

“Goo! Goomy Goo!” He said while doing another little leap back as he had come closer to get the berry. I wasn’t exactly sure what he meant but I just shrugged.

“How about I just give you some berries? It doesn’t have to be me giving them one directly.” I reached into my bag and pulled out a handful of different berry types. And offered them, but there was a problem.

Goomy had no hands. He looked from berries to me, then to his friends that were not hiding as well as they should. Peering out more and more to see what was going on.

“I’m not going to hurt you or your friends. I think Goomy are great.” I explained and I waited. Then slowly. The protective instinct of the Goomy was overcome. Slowly. He woogled back, but not to run or anything but telling me to follow with a movement of his head.

I didn’t cheer because that might startle him. So I rose up and even stopped to gather up my hat and a bunch of the leaves.

Then I followed him towards the cave entrance. He planted himself right at the entrance looking brave and strong as I approached and even puffed up as I started getting too close.

So I settled on the spot close enough and placed my hat on the ground, and started parceling out the meal.

A leaf with a berry bit on top set out close to the bravest Goomy who watched over me with a firm will… Only allowing some minor distraction from the berries.

But soon more Goomy were woogling out of the cave and giving happy cries of delight once they bit into the berry.

Well after a bit of scared inching closer and closer.

Poor Goomies were scared of me.

I would just have to shower them with love and affection!

I even reached back into my bag for my Canteen, and started pouring a bit of water on each of the Goomy in range. Perking them all up each time.

Soon even the bravest Goomy had fallen prey to my wiles and was snacking on a delicious berry.

I sat there. Surrounded by slimes. Queen of the Slimes!

Queen of everything!


“Gooooo!” The noise escaping the little Goomy I was playing with was the best thing ever.

Eventually as I fed and watered the Goomies they had relented and started actually relaxing. Mimikyu had even taken to relaxing, as he was currently hiding under my hat and cute little noises kept creeping out that were his little snores.

I mean, sure it kinda sounded like screams of the damn echoing from far away, but he was just snoring so that was cute!

But more importantly. I had a Goomy in my hands.

Pushing both hands up against the Goomies cheeks I then lifted watching his body stretch out earning me a happy little noise as they slowly stretched back out until they were touching the floor, and then I just let go, and their whole body floomped back together to the sound of giggles.

They liked it!

With the assurance they liked me playing with them, I picked it back up and started moving it from hand to hand, letting it basically fall into the lower hand, before switching it up and letting it slide to the other.

The absolute delightful giggling laugh filled the clearing telling me I had found the perfect game for Goomy.

And for me it reminded me of all those slime toys I had seen when I was a kid in my last life. What was it called again… Gac? Gak? Something like that.

Only this was a living creature and it responded and giggled as you played with it.


“Goom!” The brave Goomy called out a warning and all the Goomies started rushing into the cave. The one in my hands struggled against me, and I quickly placed it down so it could run as well. I looked to where Goomy was looking and locked eyes with something I wasn’t expecting. The one forest creature I didn’t expect.


He wore similar enough clothes to the Kitakami residents I had talked with. So I casually brushed off the slime from my hands and rose up. I felt myself falling into a glare though, because around his neck? There was a very familiar Ekans…

With the snake around him, and his general scowl he didn’t look very kind. It was hard to tell his exact age. The teenager was probably sixteen? Maybe twenty? He was covered in mud and other stuff. Coating some of his skin making it hard to really figure him out.

And then he got really close and I instantly stepped back and coughed.

Repel! The boy was coated in Repel, and I knew why Pokemon avoided it, it stunk. Like distilled Muk yet not as toxic.


“Hi.” I gasped out as I plugged my nose and leaned away. The boy scoffed at my actions.

“I don’t know why you are playing with such filthy creatures, but move aside. I’ve been tracking this nest for days.” He demanded and I blinked.

“Are you talking about the Goomy?” I asked, watching as the boys brown eyebrows cinched down into a glare.

“What else would I be talking about besides those little plague monsters.” He asked but shook his head. “I heard from the elders you are on some strange Journey. It seems stupid for you to be running around this forest alone, so I’ll warn you now. Powerful Pokemon roam the forests. You should leave before you get attacked and killed.” He offered not entirely unkindly.

I co*cked my head and just nodded slowly. “Yeah I know. The powerful pokemon are why I’m here. I’m actually trying to make friends with the Goomy, but you scared them off.”

“F-Friends? Those things carry the worst of diseases and plagues! You should kill them whenever you see them! It’s the only way to keep the crops from dying!”

I had a lot of doubts about what this guy just said, but arguing with someone as a ten year old was kind of an uphill battle. But it was obvious this guy was serious.

“I’m not from around Kitakami, so I don’t really know your history and things. But Goomy are pretty nice. They aren’t exactly aggressive. I’m su-”

“What does that have to do with anything? If they aren’t poisoning the water, they are eating the crops! Devouring the leaves right off the trees until they die!”

I blinked and felt my eyes narrow because Goomy weren’t really good climbers. Everything I’ve seen from them showed they tended to eat leaves near the base of things like bushes not really climbing up trees.

He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Move aside. It’s time to kill this nest an-”

This time it was me who cut him off. I moved to stand directly in front of the nest and glared with all my might.

“You’ll have to go through me if you even hope to lay a finger on them.” I threatened, and like clockwork it was decided, he reached for his belt pulling a Pokeball from it and then I was about to do the same, but I already had a pokemon out Mimikyu had stopped his snoring and I could tell my hat where it was sitting on the floor was focused on the threat.

The teenager seeing my hesitation must have thought he had won.

“Go! Snorunt!” He called out and I blinked at the Ice Type as it materialized.

That… Snorunt weren’t exactly known for being powerful…

“Powdered Snow! Show this Outsider the power of Kitakami!”

Before I could even call out an order… Well my hat moved from where it had been laying on the ground. In a quick zig zag Mimikyu raced towards the Snorunt, which yelped, shifting the attack and blasting my hat.

Which was instantly pelted by snow and then even started freezing up, but that caused the hat to go flying and then it revealed Mimikyu unharmed underneath.

Heh. Mimikyu used Disguise… On top of it’s Disguise!

“M-M-Monster!” The teenager yelped, and then did something I really didn’t expect. He threw something that made a rattling noise. It distracted Mimikyu for a moment as he stopped to figure out what was going on, and then the teenager returned his Pokemon and raced towards me. I yelped but instead of attacking he grabbed me, lifting me entirely off my feet, throwing me over his shoulder and tried to run.

“Let go!” I yelped as I kicked him, making him drop me, and then I fell into a ninja roll and ended up back on my feet.

“Fine! Die then!” He yelped and then just took off…

Like really fast.

I turned back to Mimikyu who was half way away from where the object thrown by the teenager had landed and me.

Aww. He had raced to come save me.

“Thanks Mimikyu!” I called out arms open.

“K-KKUKU! KUKUU!” He cried out and smashed into me, as I giggled as his Shadow Claw wrapped around me.

“Such a good boy! Thank you for protecting me!”

My shirt got a little wet, from the crying. But that was okay. Instead I walked over to the object that was thrown…

It kinda looked like a stick figure man?

It was a bunch of weird pieces of wood wrapped together as well. I bent down and picked it up, and I noticed it made a cracking noise that was very very familiar…

“Ah! It’s what you use to make the neck of your costume stand up! That’s why it crackles!” I called out and Mimikyu gave a little nod of his costume at my words in fact making the noise.

A moment later he pointed at it with his claw, which was easy enough for me to understand. I handed it over, watching as it disappeared underneath his costume and I could hear the crackling noise erupt out.

“That’s… So weird… Why did he throw that? Just as a distraction? Was he just… Walking around with one in his pocket?” I wondered, staring out towards where the teenager had disappeared… “At least the Repel isn’t stinking up the whole place anymore.” I decided and instead headed towards the cave entrance.

There the bravest Goomy was holding the entrance. Shaking and shivering, but not from fear.

It was cold. The Powdered Snow had landed all over the clearing and Dragons were weak to Ice.

“Are you cold?” I asked, and got… Well if it had teeth I think they would be chattering.

“Arcanine! You’re up! Sorry girl. I just need a heater again.” I called out as Arcanine materialized, and Arcanine slumped as she looked around for a battle. She sent me a look of puppy dog eyes, but I just smiled and pointed towards Goomy.

The Goomy who was now stock still as he stared up and up at the very large pokemon in his clearing.

Then Arcanine sighed and burst into flame. The chill of the snow vanished and very swiftly the snow along with it. In fact as the snow cleared and became water. Goomy relaxed and even wandered over to a small puddle and took a drink.

“Goo! Goomy Goo!” He called out to Arcanine to my surprise and she barked, then lowered her nose and started sniffing. After a few moments she gave Goomy a big lick that stretched out his whole body.

Then to my amusem*nt Arcanine gave a look even on a dog I could recognize.

Oh sh*t I f*cked up. Was pretty universal.

She started jawing, licking wildly but I could see the very amusing problem.

There was slime in her mouth. And it was a bit sticky.

I giggled because it was absolutely hilarious. Once I was able to look at her and not start laughing I called her over and spent a minute with my hand in her mouth wiping slime away.

Chapter 44

Chapter Text

Arcanine de-gooed, now back in her pokeball I faced the Goomy horde.

There were a bunch of them, and more were poking their heads out from around the little cave entrance.

The bravest one was looking up at me, and for once I actually really liked the look on its face. It wasn’t scared.

I kneeled down and then sat in front of it.

“So that’s why you guys are scared of humans huh?” I asked and got a nod from the little blob.

I nodded at that and sighed, settling Mimikyu in my lap. There was still a crackling noise inside the costume as Mimikyu shored it up with the new material.

More Goomy were coming out as I watched. The fear of me was gone, and instead was interest. I guess saving them from a bad human would give me a little more credit. But I was still frowning.

If I left… When I left, he would be back.

“That kid. The hunter with the Ekans, and the Snorunt. He’s gonna come back.” I said and Brave Goomy puffed up while the others flinched back.

Yeah. That’s what I was afraid of. “You’re very brave. You do a great job protecting your friends… But even if you beat him. He’ll just come back with more pokemon.” I added and Brave slowly deflated before my eyes they nodded and then called out.

“Goom! Goomy goo.” And all the Goomy deflated. Instantly I noticed the change. They started moving. More and more Goomy started coming out of the cave all slowly lining up with the others. I recognized what this was.

A migration.

Brave had figured it out. The only way to survive would be to leave and find a new home…

“No.” I answered as much as I had wanted to capture all of the Goomy, or at least all that wanted to come with… It felt wrong to do it like this. So I would have to handle this very very well. For my own morals. “Listen. I live in a place super far away from here. It’s called Kanto, and we don’t have any Goomy. None! Not a one.” I said attracting some attention, as I spoke loudly, but I was mostly speaking to Brave.

“Goom?” Brave asked, but I couldn’t tell exactly what the question was. So I reached into my bag and pulled out something very slowly and carefully, and placed it on the ground.

“I want to help you. All of you. Goomy are friends! You aren’t dangerous, and it’s wrong to hurt you. I can help. Please let me help… I can take all of you out of Kitakami, all the way to Kanto. I have a stable, a-a place that's just for me to keep my pokemon. It’s safe and warm, with a big river! I can bring all of you there. And release you. You can live there safely. No more hunters trying to hurt you. Or even pokemon trying to eat you! It’ll be safe, and I’ll make a cave just for you, where you can eat all the leaves you want, and play in the water with the Milotic that live there already!”

I then reached into my backpack, into the pocket that I stored my pokeballs, and started just pouring them out.

“See! Each Pokeball can take a Goomy, and I can transport you safely! No dangerous travel to find a new home. It’ll be perfectly safe. You’ll just… You just have to trust me.” Then I just waited, staring into the eyes of dozens of Goomy, some so tiny they were carried by the bigger ones.


“Goom.” Brave Goomy responded sounding pretty negative and I took that and nodded.

“I know. Listen. You don’t really know me. We’ve only just met. I haven’t earned that level of trust yet… But I want to help you. I actually came to Kitakami to this land.” I added, waving around when I noticed their confused looks at the name. “I came here to meet Goomy and bring some of you back with me. But I’ll bring you all if you want! No limits! I got tons of these.” I added gesturing at the rolling around Pokeballs.

“Goom… Goomy goomy?” The question to my surprise wasn’t at me.

“KkkKukkukkuku.” Mimikyu answered back from my lap and I don’t think the answer really satisfied the Goomy.

“Maybe a good judge of my character? Come on out Milotic!” And Milotic appeared around me, already half wrapping me up as he hovered off the ground around me and then arched his neck down and I gave him a big hug as he nuzzled me back.

“Miii! Milo!”

“Hi partner. Can you help? The Goomy are in trouble. I want to help.”

“Mi. Milotic Mi.” He trilled and looked at the Goomy.

Then they started talking. Milotic’s trilling call was matched by not just Brave but lots of little Goomy Voices. Some sounded very depressed as they called out to Milotic.

But I had faith. My partner was a total chad, and there wasn’t a pokemon alive that he couldn’t seduce!

“Milo.” Milotic finally spoke not to the Goomy but to me. Rubbing his cheek with mine a bit.

“Thanks partner. So how about it? Goomy. All of you? Will you take a risk and come with me. Or take a risk and head out into the wilds to find a new home?” I asked and the Goomy collectively seemed to turn to each other to ask themselves just that.

Finally Brave Goomy slid forward and called out.

“Goomy. Goo.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t understand.” I replied because it sounded serious, but the clarity wasn’t there.

“Goom… Goomy goo.” He puffed himself up and then the Goomy moved.

Each one slid over towards a pokeball, and slowly poked it.

Zip. *Chime*

Zip. *Chime*

Zip. *Chime*

On and on it went, until there weren't any pokeballs to slide into.

I quickly grabbed my bag to pour out more. Even holding some out to Goomy to help capture them one by one.

Until finally, it was just me and Brave.

Brave who looked up at me and moved towards a pokeball. But I stopped it. Grabbing the pokeball before it could.

“Hold on. I have… Do you want to be one of my pokemon?” I asked, and Goomy sort of looked at me like it didn’t understand. “Right details. So… I’ll take all of you to my stable where you can live however you all want, but I’m a pokemon trainer. I catch pokemon to train them to become strong. So will you be one of my team members? You’ll travel with me, and train and do lots of adventures. And I promise you’ll get strong. I’ll help you evolve.”

The forest was quiet as I offered the Premier ball to Brave and a moment later the noise echoed out.

Zip. *Chime*

But the premier ball in my hand was empty.


My shoulders slumped. “I’m sure at least one of them will want to get trained up and be my friend.” I responded and Milotic leaned over and rubbed his head on top of mine. It was comforting, but kinda annoying because I had really wanted a goo dragon.

“KuKkKukuku.” Mimikyu called out from my lap. The first time in a while the pokemon had said anything. I looked down into his little eye holes, and I saw sympathy and worry in equal measures.

“Oh don’t you worry at all Mimikyu.” I said reaching down and pulling him into a hug. “Just because I want to add more pokemon to my team doesn’t do anything to change your position in it. We’re friends now. Forever and ever.” I told him and giggled as once again my shirt started getting wet from happy Mimikyu tears.

So this hadn’t gone entirely how I wanted. That’s okay! I had a whole horde of Goomy to take home with me! They would love the Stable land, and I would play with them and eventually one will become my newest bestie!

“Yeah! Vicky made lots of new friends today! They just don’t know it!” I called out and Milotic laughed at me, but was nice enough to help me gather up all the pokeballs. Which I quickly organized in my bag between occupied or empty.

“Alright. Let’s go.” I decided, rising up, but… “I wonder what’s in the cave.” I muttered and looked towards the Goomy cave entrance.


“Yeah it’s a bit big for you buddy. But it’s time to explore.”

“Mii.” He agreed, rubbing me once more, and then I pushed the pokeball to his snout. Once he disappeared I gave his pokeball a squeeze, and stood up.

“C’mon Mimikyu. Let’s look around!”


I slid onto my belly and with a bit of finangling managed to slip into the dark cave. Unfortunately it was dark, and I didn’t have a flashlight on me. With a bit of grumbling I found what I could use in my bag.

A lighter. Something I didn’t use much. It was a campfire lighter but I just used Arcanine with a click the light came on and if I hadn’t known it was a Goomy cave I would have shuddered.

Everything was coated with goo.

“K… Kukkku.” Mimikyu seemed far less enthused about the cave as he looked around and even flinched as a drop of slime slipped down and almost landed on his costume.

“Want to stick to your Pokeball?”

“Kkukuku!” He refused instantly and I smiled at his obvious attachment. “Okay, how about you just hang out in here?” I offered lifting up my hat, and a moment later he was stuffing his costume up into the hat and then settling in on top of my head.

I could feel his weird body slipping into my hair a bit to hold on, but it wasn’t painful, and the scritching feeling was kinda nice actually.

“Okay let’s go!” I started crawling further in.


So it turns out the reason the Goomy picked this cave wasn’t just because of the small entrance.

“Nice.” I whispered quietly. On the other side of the tunnel that was definitely formed by a Pokemon. Probably a Geodude, or a Graveler or something, as it was only a few feet wide and a few feet high. But enough I could crawl through without too much trouble. Even rise up to my feet if I crouched real low.

But at the end, it connected to another tunnel.

The reason the Goomy had used it was revealed. The exit was high up on the wall of a much larger cave, the exit showed slimy goomy trails up and down the rock face because at the bottom was a small pond. The water dripped down from above and formed a cave pool. It was only a foot or so deep at the maximum but it was perfect for Goomy. Just not a good place to eat.

With a bit of work I climbed down from the goomy entrance high up the wall, slipping and sliding down…

“Okay I’ll need to get some help to get back up there.” I muttered as I looked up at the hole that was six or so feet above my head along the absolutely slime coated wall.

I shrugged. I had pokemon that could help. Instead I turned around and looked around at the cave I found myself in. My little lighter barely giving me the light to see the other side.

“Cool.” I said and my voice echoed. “Echo!” I listened as my voice repeated over and over and over.

“SKEEE SKEEE SKEE!” The noise struck me back echoing through the cave with a force I could almost feel.

It was a noise I recognized.

“Ah… My old nemesis.” I whispered as I fingered a pokeball. “Go Arcanine! Blaze a trail!” I called out. Now that I was out of the tiny Goomy tunnel, the cave was much larger, and as the horde of Zubat approached they were struck by a fur missile.

I hadn’t actually done much exploring in caves in this life, but I remembered how often these damn bats ruined my journey through Mt. Moon in the games!

“Okay Chansey, you are up! Let’s heal them up and remind them to calm down. Arcanine! I could use some light! Let’s explore!” I giggled as I got happy tail wags and a little Chansey gasp as she ran around and started healing up the Zubats.

Time to see where this cave takes me!


“I am a bit lost.” I told Arcanine who was just as turned around as I was. We had even tried to use her nose to go back towards the Goomy tunnel, but had gotten a bit turned around again.

Luckily I wasn’t really that worried. I could always capture a native pokemon and have them lead me out or something.

Besides, it was kinda fun. When I wasn’t just staring at a crossroads I was pretty sure I had seen before.

“Do you think these tunnels are all just Golem or Graveler just wandering around?” I asked Arcanine and she shrugged at me.

Yeah I figured as well.

“Okay let’s try… That way?”

“Arc!” She agreed and off we went. I was actually walking mostly because Arcanine speed and low ceilings make for a dangerous combination.

“Kukukuk.” Mimikyu spoke from under my hat and I nodded. He sounded a little depressed.

“It’s okay! Just because you don’t know these caves isn’t a bad thing.” I assured him and he went back to worming his way into my hair some more as we walked. “Huh! Oh! Look, sunlight!” I called out happily. Far in the distance, I could see the bright light of the sun.

I broke into a jog Arcanine practically dancing around me as she wanted nothing more than to just take off full speed, but she kept close and I huffed a bit despite all my fitness training jogging what I realized uphill was a bit of a workout.

Finally we broke out of the cave and I gasped. We were pretty far up the mountain, and on the north side instead of the east.

“That’s the Barrens over there.” I said, as I looked over the plantless area on the northern side of the mountain. Large rock outcroppings covered it, giving it a very different look to any other section of Kitakami.

I stretched and winced as the cool air of the mountain ran over my still rather gooey clothes.

“Okay! It’s time for a clean up. Mimikyu, can you hold onto my hat, and bag over here?” I asked as I walked over to a rock. It took a few moments but slowly Mimikyu untangled himself from my hair and he hopped off landing on the rock with my big hat still hanging out on top of his disguise. I giggled as it looked rather silly. “Thanks Mimi.” I said dropping my bag next to him.

“Ku! Kukuku!”

I smiled at his happy answer, and quickly checked myself over. Nothing in my pockets that would get bothered by the water.

With that it was time for a bit of cleanup.

“Milotic! Quick wash!” I called out walking far enough away Mimikyu wouldn’t get bothered and then I was soaked as Milotic appeared in light all around me, and used surf to just absolutely swamp me in water. I held my breath as he spun around the water making a whirlpool of water that helped rub all the goo off. Then it was over and the water flowed away, it would have pulled me right off my feet if Milotic hadn’t wrapped around me holding me in place.

“Whew! That’s always a rush!” I called out and Milotic trilled happy back at me. We threw each other big smiles.


“Miii! Milo!” Milotic called out looking towards Mimikyu and floating over, giving my new friend a greeting. They both got into a conversation that I wasn’t able to follow, but Milotic was being nice and friendly at least.

“Okay Arcanine! Spin dry special!”


A minute later I was patting myself down making sure I wasn’t on fire anywhere, and then I nodded to Arcanine. “Good job!”

She gave me a doggy smile and her tail wagged a bit behind her. With that done… Well I had to figure out what to do next. I should go back and see Ivy soon, but…

But more importantly… Since I was already up here…

“Do you think we can find some Gible up here?” I muttered and looked around. The cave hadn’t been exactly full of interesting pokemon. In fact, besides Zubat, it had been almost completely barren. Only a few Geodude hiding in the ground had caught my eye.

“Milotic! Return! Mimikyu! You want to-oh, fair enough.” I said as Mimikyu had leapt at me, landing on my head and instantly worming his way back into my hair. My bag landing in my hands that I quickly threw over my shoulder.

We were free of that cave so that only meant one thing! More Pokemon! More friends!

“Let’s try going higher! Arcanine! Up the mountain!” I called out, finally freeing my girl from her restraints as I jumped on. I could feel Mimikyu jerk a bit wondering what was going on and then Arcanine threw herself forward.

“KUUUuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Mimikyu cried out as he held onto my hair as the wind battered my hat and Arcanine rushed practically straight up the mountain jumping from rock outcropping to out cropping until, we finally found a section of the mountain that was flatter.

“Arc!” She cheered as she landed strutting around a bit as if she had just won a contest or something.

“Silly dog.” I told her and rubbed her mane, but then I had to focus on my other pokemon. “You okay Buddy?” I asked and my hat just shuddered and I could feel Mimikyu worming his way through my hair trying to tighten down. “Hey it’s okay. We stopped.” I said but he certainly wasn’t letting go.

“Arc!” Arcanine called out and I looked up to see she was calling out at the Piloswine that were staring at us backing up against a small pack of Swinub…

Urge to pet piglets… Rising… But no, they were scared.

“Sorry to bother you! We are just passing through!” I called out calmly and even patted Arcanine on the back to get her to relax. She had shifted into battle mode the moment she saw pokemon. Not because she was worried about attacks, but because she wanted to play.

“Pi-Pilo! Piloswine!”

“Okay! It’s okay! We aren’t going to touch you or your Swinub! Honest! We will just go right up that way okay? Nothing to fear from us!” And Arcanine sighed at the lack of battle and switched to pouting mode and walked up the flat path that spiraled around this section of the mountain.

The pokemon thankfully started to relax… But since I was here. “You wouldn’t happen to know where the Gibble Gabite or Garchomp live do you?” I called out and all of the pokemon surprised me by nearly leaping into the air. Instantly they circled around gathering up the Swinub and faced outward looking as if they were ready for a battle…

I mean… Sure they were Ice types, but Garchomp are Garchomp…

And Gible are Gible and probably try to take a bite even if they are weak to them.

I waited a minute as even Arcanine was interested and slowly the Piloswine seemed to relax.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you. I just… I’m looking for them, and if you know where they might be?”

The pokemon didn’t seem at all interested in helping me after their scare, but one of the Piloswine stepped out and then Turned upwards. Pointing it’s snout.

“Pilo.” It offered and then gathered back together with its little pack. I guess that was my answer

“You heard them Arcanine. We need to go that way! I pointed up and more towards the western side of the mountain. And a moment later we were gone. Leaving the cute little piglets in our dust. And poor Mimikyu once more struggled to stay stuck to my head.

We raced around. Plenty of pokemon were passed by in a flash, although the density of the pokemon we saw started to dramatically slim down as we reached the western side of the mountain.

Something I noticed with pleasure because I was pretty sure I knew why.

Garchomp were always considered a pretty aggressive pokemon. I mean, anytime a wild Garchomp were shown in the anime they had always been these absolute beasts wrecking everything around them. Even powerful Ice types… wasn’t it one of the Hisui promotions that showed that? I think it was an Alpha Garchomp that time…

I shook it off, and instead had Arcanine start guiding us. Her sniffer once more coming in handy. Being so familiar with Dragon types. I didn’t think it would take us too long to find our quary. Although that wasn’t quite right. Turns out?

They found us first.

Arcanine was leaping around, but even she had to slow during her leaping fiery trail up the mountain.

And it was just as we landed, and she rocked from the weight of her landing that the attack happened.

“GARBITE!” The scream was the only warning she got, as suddenly out of holes all around us Gible and Garbite launched out, mouth first.

“Arc-” Before I could even call out, she acted.

The Gabite came out from the ground below us. Out of a hole in the rock that expanded instantly as it rushed out. The Gible, leapt out of holes as well, acting like the earth sharks that they were.

Arcanine leapt. I was rocked back against her, as she basically leapt straight up to avoid the dog pile. It meant I couldn’t see what was happening below us, although she seemed to know as she adjusted herself a bit in the air and as we landed we were now turned around and facing the group as we stood on a large boulder to face…

It was a Gible nest.

The whole place was dug down into the mountain, it was a creche. With tons of Gible sized holes throughout the whole thing. On the walls, on the ground, everywhere.

Gabite turned to glare at us, and I narrowed my eyes. The entire creche was locked onto Arcanine and ready to take a bite.

What a cool defense method.

Any pokemon that accidently fell into the creche would be dogpiled by tons of Bite attacks. It’s only Arcanines speed that kept her from getting torn apart like the Gible were piranha.

“Hi! Nice to meet you!” I called out, this did not in fact help the situation.

“GARRRR!” The Garbite opened his mouth and it was a male. I noticed the cut in his dorsal fin, and charged an attack. So did many of the Gible.

Most instantly flubbed the attack which was actually super cute seeing them mimic the others and just exhale nothing, but then the actual attacks came.

“Dragon breath! Dodge it!” I called, and Arcanine did just that, before the Gabite could even finish its attack Arcanine was gone. Having leapt completely over the edge of the creche leaving us completely out of sight.

She turned back to me, I looked at her. And I giggled, while Arcanine gave a doggy grin as the attacks all just started exploding around inside the stone pit.

Apparently none of the Shark dragons knew how to end a move early.

We waited as the sound of dragon breath ended before Arcanine hurried and peaked over the edge, letting me lean over as well.


That hadn’t gone well. Most of the Gible were on their backs, steam and smoke coming out of their mouths and there were scorch marks everywhere.

The Gabite looked a little roughed up as well. A lot of the Gible near him were okay and were all looking to him.

I realized that they were little idiots. They had all looked to the Gabite for what to do once Arcanine disappeared…

And then blasted him.

Feeling a little responsible for it I whistled.

Then I pulled out a nice big Oran berry. “Here! Sorry about that!” I called out to him and tossed the berry right at him.

Which also happened to be a mistake.

Every Gible between me and the Gabite leapt to grab the berry. Even the ones that had moments before been nearly unconscious after getting blasted with a dragon type attack.

The Gabite did not in fact make a grab for it, instead just glaring as it bounced off his chest, and he instead reached out to smack four Gible that were all leaping at him, teeth first.

While he was distracted keeping himself from being bitten by his… Kids? Little siblings.

Another Gible ran over and snatched up the berry, swallowing it whole.

This Gible was then instantly dog piled and a rumble broke out, that the filled Gible seemed to barely even notice despite being bitten multiple times as the little horde of teeth all tried to get a berry…

Okay my usual method might not work here.

“Sorry!” I called out again. Even as Gabite did not look like he was going to accept my apology. Wisps of Dragon energy flowing out of his maw in a clear threat display.

“Do you want some berries? I really didn’t mean to get you all so hurt!” I called out, but it was Mimikyu still hiding in my hat that alerted me. The feeling of him tangled in my hair suddenly jerked and practically pulled my head to look behind me.

“Oh hello.”

“GARRRRR!” The roar of a full sized very angry female Garchomp echoed off the mountain tops.

Huh. This was going to be…


Chapter 45


Extreme speed chapter posting Go! Enjoy!

Chapter Text

Garchomps threat display was aggressive which was expected. Roaring and releasing Dragon Breath around it showing off its power.

It was strong for sure. This was the Queen of this mountain, without a doubt.

Which is why I stepped off Arcanine.

“Mimikyu, keep an eye out behind me okay? I’m going to be a little distracted, if any of the Gible or Gabite try to attack me, hit them with… Do you know Play Rough?” I asked and Mimikyu was silent for a moment before sliding down out of my hat, taking a second to untangle himself. He looked up at me, as he fell into my arms and nodded.

“Perfect, Play Rough will hit them pretty hard. Just don’t hurt any of them too bad. If it gets too much, call out, and I’ll release some backup, but I’ll be trusting my back to you.” I told him, and that was all he needed.

“Kukkkukuku!” He cried out and leapt landing behind me. I nodded and focused on the Garchomp that was already preparing to strike.

“Arcanine. Go.”

That was all that needed to be said as she crashed head first into the Garchomp an instant later the echoing noise of a gong blasted out across the mountains.

I could hear how the noise startled the Gible and Gabite. But I didn’t care.

Because it was time to battle!

A second later Garchomp rose out from a cracked boulder she had been slammed into and Arcanine howled her strength.

But I frowned because on her head, despite Iron Head being in effect, there was definitely a bit of blood.

The Garchomp had Rough Skin.

“Be careful! The Garchomp will scratch you back with every attack!” I called, and Arcanine nodded taking in the information.

And then as the Garchomp snarled out a roar and charged again, its axe fins glowing with Dragon type energy. Arcanine charged back in with a Flame Wheel. The fire burst into life around her as she ran and made her seem so much bigger.

Arcanine hit first, but Garchomp despite being overwhelmed, roared and slammed its fins into Arcanine and they both fell into the ground in a scuffle, of fire teeth and scales.

I winced as Arcanine used a Fire Fang to bite down on Garchomp and in turn ended up getting those sharp scales tearing into her mouth and tongue.

She yelped which gave the Dragon enough room to do something I didn’t expect. The ground rumbled, and as Arcanine was on her hind legs from flinching away sand ripped up from the earth and suddenly her footing was gone as she sank a few inches into the earth, as the sand also rolled up her limbs grabbing her.

“That’s… Sand Tomb.” I remembered. And tsked. That was a hold move.

Garchomp had a few moments as she rose back to her feet and roared.

The Gible and Garbite roared in time with her, but despite the damage Arcanine was taking fighting against the grabbing earth….

Roaring in her face was a quick way to really piss her off.

“AAAARC!” She Roared back and fire burned around her. I smiled, because someday, there would be a time when the sand holding her back wouldn’t just be blasted at by flame, giving her all the movement she needs.

It would be turned to glass. But that day wasn’t today. Despite our strength, we still had a long way to go yet.

But Garchomp? She wasn’t equal to Blaines Magmar. Or even Koga’s team.

She was strong, true, but wild power didn’t match trained strength.

Arcanine prepared an attack, but I cut her off.

“Stop playing! And instead Play Rough!” I called, and that was it. Garchomp moved to run into Arcanine again, but it was too slow.

Arcanine shifted, and instead of a brutal attack, the energy around her shifted into a fog as the noise of multiple blows reached out from within the hidden area.

It was over in an instant.

The fog cleared, and Garchomp was down.

A moment later I jerked and looked behind me because the same noise echoed out, and I looked to see Mimikyu appear standing on top of the Gabite that had made a move on me while I was distracted.

Many of the Gible were looking on as well. Their eyes sort of blank, but I had a feeling that depending on my actions I might just get swarmed.

I smirked.

“Come on out!” I threw a pokeball even as Gabite slowly tried to return to its feet looking beaten, the pokemon obviously intending on fighting, but then a cheerful call echoed out.

“Chansey! Chanse!” The descended goddess cheered and looked around nodding. Then she motioned as if she was rolling up her sleeves.

And despite the dragon types' hesitation none of them could keep up with her as she simply bulldozed through them on her quest for healing.

A Gible leapt at her, as she hovered over Gabite, and instead of getting a bite it was slapped straight into the sky.

One Gible tried to blast her with Dragon breath, only for her to pick up a boulder to block the attack without even really focusing on it and then slam the rock onto the Gible to quiet it. I could see the poor dragon twitching weakly under the rock.


That’s Chansey alright.

Despite winning, Arcanine was humbling herself before Chansey, whining as she scooted over to her tail between her legs as she showed her slightly bleeding tongue.

Chansey glanced over from healing a Gible which was held in her fins and looked sort of shocked about it’s new position but Chansey nodded, and blasted Arcanine with a Healing Pulse, then simply stuffed a Soft Boiled egg into Arcanines mouth which she gently chewed already looking better.

Then Chansey turned her eyes onto Garchomp.

Without hesitation she walked over and started her work. Healing up the mighty Dragon. A moment later Garchomp jerked awake and rose instantly, locking eyes onto Chansey.

They stared into eachother eyes, even as Chansey continued to heal the dragon.


That was as far as the Dragon got into what had looked like a rather nasty bite before it was grabbed by its horn protrusion and just tossed directly into the side of a mountain with one move.

The Gabite and Gible all jumped at the sudden noise of their leader smashing through rock, and I looked over to see Garchomp herself seemed startled at her new position.

Then Chansey as usual just hurried over and started healing again.

I could almost see the thought shoot through the Garchomps head, it probably didn’t know exactly what happened. So it just relied on instinct.

She made to attack Chansey again.

This time the dragon came to upside down, having been embedded into a boulder. And a much less happy Chansey looming over her.

“Chanse.” She demanded simply, a single word.

And the Garchomp staring at the upside down pink blob must have realized something was up.

She nodded.

And Chansey’s frown turned into a smile.

“Chansey!” She cheered and then finished her job of healing.

“K-k-k-k-k-k!” Mimikyu seemed to stutter as I looked down and found him hiding behind my leg.

“Yeah Chansey has that impression on pokemon. She’s great though. You’ll be good friends with her, I know I am.” I assured my little buddy and he nodded, but didn’t stop sort of cowering.

But he would get comfortable with her soon. He still needed a full checkup after all. I don’t think Chansey would let that pass.

So instead I focused on what I was here for.

It wasn’t beating up on Dragons, despite that being pretty fun too.

I walked over to Garchomp. Completely at ease despite walking up to a pokemon that towered over me. This was a pretty big Garchomp too. She wasn’t Alpha big, but she was big enough that she was probably close.

“Hi! I’m Vicky. I’m a pokemon trainer! I travel all over and take part in powerful battles. But what I really do is find friends that want to grow to be the strongest together with me!” I said and the Garchomp turned her eyes on me, and just glared teeth bared.

“Oh don’t worry. I'm not looking to capture you. This is your home, your family. Instead… I want to find one of the Gible, a Gible that wants to come with me. To see the world. To battle pokemon all over, the strongest pokemon in the world! And then? Defeat them.” I finished my speech with a clenched fist.

Garchomp’s teeth slowly disappeared as her lips lowered back over her jaw.


“That’s right! I’m looking for a new friend! So how about it? I think my pokemon proved they are strong right? Let me find a Gible that wants to come with me, and I’ll leave you and your family alone! I mean… If you don’t accept my offer. I’lll leave. I won’t force it if you refuse.”

“Gar.” She scoffed looking deeply down on me. “Gar. Garchomp gar.” She said with distaste in the way her voice rumbled.

I frowned at her as well.

“Chanse.” Chansey interrupted then and pointed at my belt instead of answering my confused gaze.

Right at a specific Pokeball. Well far be it from me to not follow Chanseys advice. I pulled it off my belt and released it at my side.

It’s kinda funny. I don’t really think about how big my pokemon are most of the time. Or how far they have grown under my care.

So when I released Dragonite who stomped onto the earth as her weight landed on the rock I blinked in realization. Dragonite was kinda big. She a big girl. A great big honker chonker.

She dwarfed Garchomp completely. Wider and taller, and just from a glance between them healthier. Garchomp had dozens of old scars across her body, and a leanness that hinted at food not always being easy to get.

Dragonite had none of these issues and instantly the Garchomp was on the back foot. I could read it in her body language. She went from downtrodden but petulant to seeing a true threat to her in a way Arcanine and Chansey weren’t.

“Drag. Dragonite dragon.” She greeted Garchomp and then looked around at the Gible and lone Gabite. The dragons all watched her with a locked on gaze. Not one of them let their eyes wander.

It was interesting how different these dragons were from the Dragonite I had met on the island. There everything was relaxed. Here? Not so much.

The Gible were much more aggressive. It was neat.

Finally though, whatever Dragonite was saying got through to Garchomp, and she huffed out a rumbling growl then stomped off towards the Gible.

“Kukkkukukuk!” Mimikyu whispered from my shoulder which he had climbed back up onto in all the commotion. He was looking around in shock at all the powerful pokemon that surrounded him.

“My friends are pretty amazing. Don’t worry. You’re on my team now too. We’ll get you trained up too.” I assured him, which earned me a shadow claw through my hair as he seemed to worry at it.

I rubbed my head against him for a second before refocusing.

Garchomp walked down into the Gible pit and then roared. A call that echoed out, and instantly the Gible reacted. Running all over each other to gather around.

How cute! They all gathered in a semi circle in front of Garchomp. Gabite was the only one that stood at her side. But even from out of the holes in the walls more Gible showed up. What I had seen so far wasn’t even the entire group. Likely some had been sleeping, or just weren’t strong enough to fight.

I watched as they piled out, little shark dragon faces all focused on their leader.

Then she huffed and turned to me, eyes locked onto my own.

Ah. I guess I got to pick after all.

I stepped forward fearlessly, walking down the sand covered rock ramp that led down into their little creche.

And as I walked, the attention of the Gible turned from their leader, onto me. If I was a normal person I might be getting a little worried at walking down into a pit of sharks, but honestly?

It just made me want to pick them up and play with them all! Look at their little teef! They all had cute little over, or underbites! It actually was slightly different on each Gible! One little female I noticed had an overbite that made her look like some genki girl anime character.

I threw her a smile, and then she opened her mouth showing her teeth. That was a threat display! How cute! Kinda like a croc or an alligator!

I walked past the Garchomp, who had definitely leaned over to try and intimidate me, but how could I be scared when there were so many cuties!

Besides, it was just an ego threat, and not an actual one. She loomed, and her mouth opened, but her axe fins were kept well back.

One of Garchomps eyes kept shooting over towards Dragonite who was quite literally casting a shadow over the entire proceedings standing on the edge of the pit with the sun behind her.

The first Gible I walked up to took a bite at me unconsciously. It was just their pure instinct at work. I stepped back and avoided it. Giving it a look. It had no intention of not trying again. Kinda cute, but not what I was looking for.

“Gib!” “Gib gib.”

“Gible!” They chattered to each other as I walked closer among them, but none of them were standing out to me.

Even if my instinct was to grab all of them. Then I saw it. A scuffle. One of the Gible noticed another pushing forward and when he looked back he reacted smashing into the other one to knock it back.

The smaller Gible didn’t just get pushed away, she was knocked away, rolling in the dirt. Then despite having just taken an attack she rose up and pushed against the back of the Gibles in front of her again.

Only to once more be snapped at, and pushed away once she was noticed.

The Runt.

A tiny female. That’s what I was seeing. She was tiny compared to the others, covered in old scars… Yet.

She got up.

I moved through the crowd without hesitation pushing away Gible that snapped and bit. Stomping on one larger Gible’s head, that made to bite at my legs, literally walking over him.

These little guys weren’t strong enough to be scary. Their bites would hurt, but they would have to actually bite me first.

Then I pushed the Gible in the back that was snarling at her to the side, grabbing his fin and tail, and just swinging him away as he rolled around in the dirt like a wheel for a few seconds.

Then I was there. The female rose up and noticed that the Gible that had just hit her wasn’t there, instead I was.

“Hi.” I whispered calmly, as I pulled out a Potion from my bag. “My names Vicky.” I introduced myself, and then I moved to spray the potion ready for what was going to happen.

The snapping jaws came down, but not on the potion but instead biting down on the Oran berry I had prepped for the attack.

The look of surprise on the Gibles little face was pretty cute. I reached out before she could react and sprayed the potion on a bite that she had just earned for herself.

“There you go.” I whispered quietly, and she seemed confused for a moment, before her instincts came out and she instantly gobbled down the berry. Like a feral dog given food, she nearly choked on it, getting it down far enough it couldn’t be stolen from her. “Doesn't’ that fe-Shoot!” I cursed.

The moment her mouth was cleared she leapt for a bite. Realizing I didn’t have a good defense as I had gotten too close, I shoved my hands forward, dropping the potion bottle and grabbing top and bottom jaws.

It didn’t quite work, and I winced as the line of sharp teeth hidden behind her gums cut my hands, but I kept her from biting down entirely. Muscles in my arms strained as I held back the pokemon that had me in a dangerous position.

I breathed in and out.

The anger flowed out of me, even if the pain distracted me.

I could hear a growl flow over the audience and I recognized it.


Okay time to calm things.

Instead of pushing her away, I instead pulled her closer. Until we were eye to eye.

My blue eyes met her black ones.

And I held her gaze. I couldn’t allow fear to stop me. The pokemon would react to that, so despite the pain, and the surprise at being bitten, I just held that little dragon's attention.

“Don’t you want something more?” I asked her, and that earned a widening of her eyes. As the feral instinct gave way to the intelligence behind it. “If you do. If you want to be more. I can help you get that.” I grunted out as I felt blood flown down my fingers.


“Do you want to come with me?” I asked directly, and that was when I felt it. The other Gibles moving in around me.

Ah that’s right. I was kneeling on the ground with my back turned to an entire army of shark dragons.

But the sound of whistling calmed me, and let me stay focused on the dragon in my hands.

Slowly her jaw unclamped making me wince at the feeling of teeth leaving my flesh.


Dragonite was there behind me, looming and a single Gible under her foot. The one that had just leapt at my back teeth first.

Yeah I was safe.

Mimikyu also made his presence known as he growled out something that sounded particularly threatening from behind me. “KUKukuKuKUKUU!” He nearly howled and I could feel a coolness brush my back. Some kind of attack was being built up by him.

But I kept my eyes locked on Gible, and it finally stopped biting fully, letting me clutch my very ouchie hands to my sides to hide how bad it hurt.

“Gib? Gible?”

“Yeah I’m sure. I looked over all the Gible here, and you? You are the one that I know will become more powerful than them all.” I said confidently, with a hissed breath I reached into my bag ignoring the mess of blood and held out a Premier ball. Putting it between us. Even as its white shell ran red. “Join me.” I said confidently, and a moment later Gible looked at the ball to me, and then nodded, but didn’t do anything with the pokeball.

Ah, it was confused. It didn’t know what a pokeball was!

“It’s a pokeball, you rest inside it, and a trainer can take you all over the world. It means… It means you’re part of my family.”

It tilted its head, which was actually its whole body, and I pressed the ball against Gible.

A moment later it disappeared inside, and the pokeball only rocked a few times almost like it was surprised, before it calmed and the pokeball locked.

A moment later, Chansey was at my side. “Chansey.” She whispered gently, and let go of the pokeball that I had been staring at to see… Yeah that was pretty bad.

“Chansey.” She huffed at me and I looked away from the blood and instantly my resolve crumbled.

“Owie.” I said, and then more and more it hit me, and my eyes clouded over. “C-chansey!” I cried and she looked at me as if trying to decide whether me doing something this stupid meant I deserved comforting…

Then she reached out and patted me on the head. “Chansey chanse.” She assured me, and a pink light flowed out from her palms bluntening the pain instantly.

I was still trembling and crying a bit as she then scooped up the same potion bottle I had used on Gible, and sprayed my hands down, with a surety that she had done that before. Then she reached out. “Chansey.” And poked my pokeballs.

“Miii!” Milotic cried out in an angry trill as he appeared and instantly wrapped me up in his coils, turning towards the Gible behind me, and in just a single hissed verbiage sent out a warning that would have caused my spine to tingle if it had been aimed at me.

“MILOTIC.” He growled and Mimikyu eeaped behind me.

“Chanse.” He was interrupted and Chansey’s order cut through his anger. A moment later some cool clean water was flowing over my palms and I flinched. But chansey gently soothed me, and was cleaning up my hands.


“Dragon. Dragonite Dragon drag.”

“Gar! Garchomp! Gaaa-Eck!”

There was a whistling noise behind me and then a massive crash.

I think Garchomp said something silly.

Then it was mostly over. I sniffled a bit as Chansey continued to take care of me, and Milotic trilled against my ear as he rubbed against me.


I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and looked at my hands.

There were little bite marks of pale flesh now. The wound completely healed away with a bit of potion and Chansey’s work, but… They still hurt a bit. A dull ache, that I knew from previous healings would fade over the next hour or so.

Pokemon medicine really was crazy.

“Chansey chanse. Chan chan.” I was assured and Chansey smiled and patted my head.

I guess I was okay.

“Lets… Let’s get out of here.” I decided and rose up, walking over and picking up Gibles, blood covered Pokeball.

I stared at it for a moment. I would never be able to tell my parents I had done this. They would kill me.

Hell I should be calling myself a moron for it too. What kind of moron puts their hands anywhere near a Gibles mouth…

But, that was just it wasn’t it? Pokemon training was as safe, or as dangerous as a trainer wanted it to be.

If you wanted to be safe, there were plenty of Caterpie, or Pidgeys in Kanto that would grow strong with some training. Lot’s of easy to get along with pokemon that would love you without danger.

But… I wasn’t a safe trainer. The same urge that had sent me to Dragonite Island.

The same desire that sent me into a stream one late night to find a Magikarp.

I loved Pokemon. I loved them. Would I accept the pain of injury to make a new friend? No, that wasn’t the real question. Would I accept pain to help a friend? Of course. So of course if I saw a pokemon in need of help I would reach out a helping hand. Regardless of the pain I might receive in return.

Gible deserved to be happy too.


“Milo? Miiiiilo?”

“I’m okay.” I said confidently. As I wiped at my eyes a bit and turned to see my pokemon looking worried for me. Mimikyu was literally reaching out to me, his shadowclaw hidden in the shadow Dragonite and Milotic cast, too afraid to get in between me and my team, but looking worried.

I flashed him a happy smile and held out my arms. “Come on Mimikyu. Want a hug?” I offered and was instantly slammed into which had me twirling a bit as I giggled. “I never introduced you to everyone huh? We'll do that when we get out of here. I think Garchomp is about done with us.” I mentioned looking over and seeing her very much not happy as she was standing in front of another Garchomp shaped hole in the rock.

“Return everyone. Yes, that means you Arcanine.” I called out as my girl had been basically running circles around the pit the entire time.

“Dragonite? Can you fly us back to the cave?” She nodded gently picking me up and even being nice enough to princess carry me as we fled into the sky.

I leaned into her, one arm cuddling Mimikyu to my chest.

The other holding Gibles bloody pokeball.

Chapter 46

Chapter Text

“Umm… Ivy? You okay?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” She informed me bluntly as she poked at the fire with a stick. If she was just grumpy, I would have, but like…

The cave was trashed. Her tent was knocked over, and it had holes in it now, and that didn’t even touch on Ivy herself.

Her hair was covered in leaves, like something had stuck them into her hair, matching the color.. It was kinda pretty in a way but… She also had leaves sticking out of her clothes and she looked a little haggard.

I opened my mouth to press, but the cool feel of Gibles pokeball in my hand reminded me.

“Yeah I get that.” I answered instead, wandering over and sitting across from her. I sat on the little log that I had been using as a seat and just stretched out my legs.


“Oh? Sure Mimikyu.” I agreed, and he nodded. He was pointing outside the cave asking to go.

Not sure what he was doing though.


“Huh? Oh the blood? Nothing to worry about.” I waved it off. I still had dried blood on my shirt and pants even if I had washed up at the river before coming in. “You look like your day went as well as mine.”

“It wasn’t… Bad. Exactly.” She offered and I just waited, as she seemed to grumble about it before sighing. “I caught a new pokemon. It’s… Not what I was expecting.”

“Yeah? What is it?”

“Not sure actually. I think it was a… Sewaddle? It was… I thought it was a grass type.” She said with a sigh and I blinked.

“Oh! Sewaddle are so cute though! And they are grass types. Well Bug Grass, but-”

“Of course you know what it is.” Ivy said with a laugh and then sighed. “It was going pretty well, and the pokemon was very friendly… Just a little too friendly.” She admitted and I just co*cked my head because… That made no sense. You can’t have a pokemon that’s too friendly Ivy.

Like saying something is too cute.

“Don’t give me that look… Here. Come on out!” She said grabbing a pokeball on her belt and then.

“Oh my Arceus! Look at the little cutie!” I cooed as Sewaddle appeared and looked around, looking a bit confused for a second. Then my voice got its attention.

And it leapt at me. I pushed my head back, but it wasn’t going for a kick or a headbut, instead it landed on my knee and instantly raced around my clothes. Tiny needle like teeth going to work and my jeans slowed it only a bit as suddenly little leaves were sewn into my clothes.

I looked up at Ivy whose entire outfit was sort of covered in leaves…

I just threw a thumbs up at Ivy. Good choice!

She rolled her eyes at me and sighed.

“I don’t see the issue.”

“Just wait until she starts pulling pieces of your sleeping bag apart to sew into other things.” She muttered pointing at her tent.

“Huh. Well she is a wild pokemon Ivy.” I said, looking in delight as my jeans got a spiraling set of leaves sewn into them. “Hey Sewaddle? Can you look here for a second?” I asked, getting her attention which was a struggle, she gave me a glare at my interruption. “See that?” I said pointing at Ivy’s tent. “That’s Ivy’s shelter. You can’t sew it up, or do anything to it. She needs that.” Sewaddle looked from me, to the tent then to Ivy and then to the tent.

“Sew!” It cheered and leapt off me, to jump at the tent. I blinked as Ivy just groaned.

“I tried that already Vicky.” She grumbled, and I did shoot her an apologetic look.

I guess Sewaddle really was just a sewing fiend. A black hat seamstress? Sewing whatever she set her eyes on? Heh.

“Don’t laugh.”

“No! Sorry I wasn’t laughing at you Ivy. Honest.” I assured her. But looking at Sewaddle, Hmmm. That was definitely a problem.

“Sewaddle, return.” Ivy called out, and the pokemon jerked up from where it was cutting a fresh hole in the tent, as it disappeared into red light.

“That’s gonna be a tough one to train.”

“I’ll just need to work on it… Preferably as far from my bedroom as I can get.” Ivy said with a sigh, and I just giggled at her.

Ivy’s room already looked like a forest, I couldn’t imagine how it would look covered in actual leaves.

“What about you?”

“Oh! I actually… Well It was good? Mostly? Mostly good?” I confirmed to myself. “I managed to convince the Goomys. I captured tons of them so they will come to Kanto with us.”

“Vicky… You really shouldn’t do that. The Rangers are going to be mad.”

“There was a Kitakami guy that I met. He was hunting them Ivy. Not to eat or something. To exterminate them.” I said and Ivy actually gasped.

The idea of exterminating a group of pokemon was pretty crazy in Kanto. Even things like Grimer, and Muk weren’t treated like that.

Not to say certain groups wouldn’t be killed if needed, but it was still a big deal.

“Yeah. I saved them, and convinced them to let me take them home. It’ll take a lot of effort to make sure they fit into Kanto, but I think it’ll be okay. They are herbivores, and very friendly.”

“If you say so.” Ivy said with a shrug. We both knew it would be up to the Rangers anyways. “Well congrats on getting the Goomy you were looking for… Is that how you got hurt? The Kitakami hunter?”

“Nope. Afterwards I searched through the cave the Goomy had been using and it went on and on and on. I popped out on the northern side of the mountain. But I knew there was another pokemon that I wanted to capture so I went further up the mountain to find them.” I shrugged. “They were pretty aggressive, and I got bit while trying to connect to Gible.”

“He bit you?”

“She, and yeah. They are predators, and their instincts are strong.” I nodded, as I grabbed the blood covered pokeball. “Come out Gible!”

The splash of light and then she appeared blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light inside the cave, I could see the way her eyes dilated as her instincts kicked in. Which is why I jumped to my feet and caught her just as she leapt at Ivy.

Grabbing her under her arms I hefted her up and around bleeding off the momentum of her leap. Although she reacted to my grab by going after me. I wiggled her around keeping her mouth from snagging me.

Ivy had leapt to her feet as well, nearly falling backwards as the pokemon attacked her.


“Sorry sorry. She’s pretty wild still.” I said and then I shifted my hands grabbing her top fin, and her tail and sending her into a funny little forward roll away from Ivy and I.

Ivy looked utterly confused as Gible came out of her roll and teetered a bit before shaking off the dizziness.

“Hey Gible. No bite.” I said and my voice had her focus on me once more. This time. Her eyes didn’t quite dilate and she seemed to calm down.


“Yeah. You’re pretty quick to bite things huh? That’s okay. We’ll work on that. Make sure you feel safe. You hungry?” I offered and instantly Gible jerked a bit at the words.


I smiled and slowly moved over to my log. “Why don’t you come sit with me? I’ll make some yummy food for you?” I offered and then did just that before she could respond. Turned my back and settled onto the log. I looked over at her, noticing she had instinctively moved after me and then stalled as my eyes met her. I held her gaze unwavering.

“Gible, come sit.” I demanded, and that seemed to jolt her. She slowly took a step, and then another and then reached the log and climbed up onto it, almost curiously and then copied me, sitting on the log facing the fire.

I smiled and got to work. Watching out of the corner of my eye as Ivy gave me a glare and then settled back on her log, Gible locking onto her and staring.

“That’s Ivy. She’s a pokemon trainer too, and she is very strong. If you bite her, her pokemon will get angry.” I said, speaking slowly, and calmly as I took out a pot to get some water going.

“Gib.” She muttered, tearing her eyes off Ivy to focus on me, at my hands moving around. She looked almost entranced as she watched me work, slowly pulling things out and getting them ready.

“Gible?” I asked and she focused on me hard. “Let’s find out what your favorite flavor is okay?”

She didn’t quite tilt her head, because Gible were all mouth and necks but she did look confused.

So I started pulling out berries, and instantly got her absolute attention with food.

“I’m going to give you each of these. I said as I pulled out the berries. Then you are going to tell me which one you like the most, okay?”

“Gib.” She responded, mouth opening wide and literally salivating at the sight of so much food. So I placed the first berry out of her reach and she quickly scooped it up and it disappeared into her mouth, chewed up and swallowed.

Then the next, and the next.

“Which one did you like the most?” I asked, and Gible just looked at me.


I blinked.

She didn’t.


“Were any of the berries better than the others?” I asked, and again just received a blank look. “I pulled out more berry chunks and placed them on a plate and offered them to Gible, but those were just instantly grabbed and stuffed into her mouth.

“She probably doesn’t have a preference Vicky. Some pokemon are like that. My Dad’s Venusaur will eat anything.” Ivy offered and I nodded.

There were a few natures that didn’t give benefits and negatives to stats, and meant Pokemon didn’t have a flavor preference.

Does that make my Gible Quirky, or… Hardy? I don’t think she fits as Docile or Serious.

I shrugged it didn’t really matter. I would learn more about her personality as time went on, so instead I focused on the advantage this would give me.

If she didn’t care what it tasted like I could pack her full of extra vitamins to help build her up. Right now she was small and scrawny.

The runt of the pack.

But to do that, I needed expert advice.

“Come on out Chansey!” I called as I released her and she looked around and waved a greeting.

Her appearance instantly had Gible jumping up into attack mode. Her leap for a bite was stalled completely as Chansey simply grabbed her mid air.

“Chansey.” She said scolding and that was all that needed to be done. Gible froze.

Chansey looked down at the Gible in her fins, and Gible stared up at her, and slowly that mouth closed more and more until it shut completely.

Oh my Arceus!

Gible had a very cute overbite! A single tooth sticking out over her bottom jaw. It was so cute! Wait… Was this the first time I had seen Gible with her mouth fully closed? I snorted at the fact my Gible was just always ready for bites.

Properly disciplined. Chansey settled her back on the log and Gible was quiet as Chansey looked to me.

“Help me figure out her diet?” I begged and Chansey giggled and nodded.

“Is Gible going to keep doing that? The biting thing?” Ivy asked a little warily.

“It’s instinct for them I think.” I replied as I started gathering things out of the bag for Chansey. “They eat anything that lands in their creche on the mountain. I think it’s how the Gible survive. Eat whatever they can right away or their siblings will eat it instead. Very cutthroat. It’s why she is so scratched up. She was the runt.”

“Wait… Those are scratches and scars!?” Ivy demanded, sounding outraged.

“Yeah? They are pretty rough with each other, and she was the smallest Gible out of them all.”

Ivy looked fierce for a moment as she rose up and slowly approached Gible who locked eyes on her. Ivy approached slowly and then knelt down.

“My name is Ivy, don’t worry. We’re going to be friends. I hope we can get along.” She offered Gible and I smiled in delight at the confused look on Gibles face.

“Kukukuk!” The voice from the entrance of the cave called out quietly as Mimikyu returned and to my delight, I now understood what he had gone out to do. He came back and offered what he had found to Ivy.

The flower looked a little wilted, a wild flower. Held out by a hand of shadow. “Kukuku?”

What!? Mimikyu got a flower for Ivy?

Ivy blinked in shock looking down at Mimikyu and the flower and she slowly took it.

“Thank you.”

“Kukuku!” He cheered and then scurried over to me, sliding around my leg for a second before climbing up my back and landing on my shoulder.

“That was very nice of you Mimikyu. Good job!” I faux whispered, and Ivy I noticed had a smile on her face.

Heh! Mimikyu was such a sweetheart! Did Milotic have competition for most Chad pokemon!?


Gible devoured her meal and to my amusem*nt immediately rolled onto her back and just fell asleep right there on the ground. I let her sleep and even settled in for the night as well.

Ivy grumbled for about an hour about her tent being full of holes but eventually she fell asleep and I did as well. Drifting off into a nice restful sleep. Dreams of fluffy pokemon filled my brain until something suddenly changed.

I awoke suddenly as I felt it. Something stepped on me. I opened my eyes and came face to face with Gible.

She stared into my eyes.

I stared into hers.

Mimikyu kept snoring under my hat curled up by my pillow, and I realized my pokeballs were beside me outside of my sleeping bag, and out of reach.

I kept calm despite my heart hammering in my chest.

Gible wasn’t looking at me like I was friend shaped.

She was looking at me like I was food shaped. It was in the way her eyes were locked onto me. The way she moved.

I worked a hand free of my bag slowly, something she noted and was eyeing, and then calmly I reached out a hand.

She tensed. A hunger in her eyes. But I didn’t angle for her head. I aimed for her red belly. She stilled as my hand touched her scales, and then I stroked, even scratching a bit.

Her eyelids lowered a bit, and even in the dull dark of the almost burned out fire, I could see her eyes dilate back to a normal size as she seemed to relax.

“Gib.” She muttered her head slowly arching up to the ceiling as I stroked her belly gently.

I guess it had worked. I remember old nature videos about how sharks actually liked belly rubs, so half asleep as I was I tried it.

“That was dangerous for both of us.” I whispered. If Gible had attacked me, I likely would have been okay after with Chansey here, even if I likely would have been in a lot of pain, but if I had cried out?

No chance my Pokemon wouldn’t have noticed.

“We’ll need to work on our relationship more.” I muttered as I stroked her into a catatonia. “You must be hungry again huh? That’s good. A really good sign. Let’s fill up your belly.” I continued to whisper soothingly, more for myself than Gible.

That had really shocked me

Was that a Dragons nature, Gibles trauma of being mistreated as a runt, or just a quirk of hers?

I wasn’t sure, but it had certainly scared the crap out of me. I was absolutely sure, if I had reacted too fast, or done something to show myself as prey she would have attacked me.

Gible, unlike the rest of my team, was going to be an interesting problem to solve. I had captured her because I liked Dragon types. Because Garchomp were cute and strong.

I had done it without really considering what that meant.

“Dragon types are difficult to train huh?” I whispered to myself. Although Dragon types were rare in Kanto, there were still trainers from other regions with them. And that was a line of thought that ran throughout.

I guess I had been lucky with Dragonite and Dratini. Both of them had been happy campers.

Gible I now knew would take a bit more of my effort to bridge the connection.

Slowly I rose up, keeping Gible content with belly rubs, which was definitely cute all on its own. As I rubbed my eyes with one hand and decided to get up for the day.

Too much adrenaline to go back to sleep now.

I picked up Gible which only slightly brought her back to awareness, but my continued scritching soothed her and I settled in front of the fire and started stoking it up.

I’d get a big meal in her and hopefully showing her she didn’t have to go hungry would help forge our relationship.


“Vicky? You’re up early.” Ivy muttered sleepily as she tucked her head out of her tent. It had been about twenty minutes and the smell of food cooking had probably woken her up.

“Had a bit of an interesting wake up call. Hungry?”

“I could eat.” She agreed after a moment of blurily staring at me. She disappeared back inside and came out a bit later in her pajamas.

The movement caught Gibles eyes and she stilled, but she didn’t move to attack.

She was way too stuffed for that.

So happily she just returned to her previous position, eyes half closed as she just luxuriated in her full belly.

Mimikyu was happily eating his own spicy meal.

The fact I didn’t have to cook massive pots full of food right now made the whole process pretty quick.

I still needed to feed Dragonite and Arcanine and Chansey though. Pokeball stasis was great, but food was food.

But that could happen later. I parceled out a hefty serving of breakfast for Ivy as she settled in, and then rose up.

“I’m going to wash up a bit.”

She blinked at me for a few seconds before nodding slowly. “Okay.”

Aww Ivy was all sleepy.

I moved over to Gible and slowly crouched down so she could see what I was doing. “Gible. We are going to wash up a bit. Come with me to the river?” I asked her and she just blinked at me. “How about you give me your claw?” I offered to hold her hand, and she didn’t seem to understand that one either, but she reached out to me.

Probably thinking I was offering more food. I gently grabbed her claw and she jerked back so I let her go, but then when I didn’t do anything else just continue to offer my hand she reached back.

I grabbed her hand and helped her up onto her feet and then I rose up and started walking not tugging, but showing her I was going to move, and in a few moments she followed. Waddling after me.

“Kukuku!” Mimikyu called out and a moment later I had a shoulder pokemon as well.

“Heh, glad you decided to come.” I greeted him which earned me a happy shiver and I guided Gible out of the cave which she seemed to go along with purely out of bemusem*nt.

I took her to the river, and although she didn’t want to go into the water, I showed her how to wash her hands up. Which she did with a bit of hesitation. Taking a drink of the water as well, but otherwise quickly hurrying away from the edge.

Cleaned up I got up and offered my hand again.

She blinked up at me. Her mouth closed and snaggletooth on full display before she reached out and took my hand.

I smiled, and led her back to the cave.


“I’m going to do some training today.” Ivy informed me as I got back. “I still want to look for more pokemon, but I need to spend some time on my team, and work with my new pokemon to see who wants to battle.” She explained stretching out.

“Hmm. I still have a few more pokemon I want to look for, but some training could be nice. Want to have Chansey help?”

“Oh! That would be a big help actually. Is that okay?”

“Sure, I wouldn’t mind some training too. Want to train together?” Ivy didn’t immediately respond as she frowned a bit. Then whatever was on her mind was decided and she nodded.

“I do. I don’t want to show you everything in case I see you in the league, but facing each other will give our new pokemon some experience.”

“Exactly!” I nodded along as I rose up.

This was actually going to be interesting, and I could tell Ivy thought the same.

Both of us would be using new pokemon. Pokemon we hadn’t trained yet. We had never had that chance before.

“Ivy… You know what they say right?” I suddenly asked, eyes locked onto her own.

“Umm, what?”

“When two trainers' eyes meet they have to battle!” I declared and pointed at her. “Ivy! I challenge you!”

There was a quiet pause in the cave and then Ivy just scoffed. “Vicky, you are so lame.”

Chapter 47

Chapter Text

I was totally not pouting still when Ivy turned around across the field from me. I wasn’t! I wasn’t lame! I was so cool! I had a cool nickname and everything!

“I’m sorry I called you lame… Now can we focus on the training?” Ivy asked, and I definitely didn’t pout at her even harder.

She sighed and rolled her eyes which of course meant everything she was about to say was a lie!

“You are very cool and impressive. Totally amazing. I accept your challenge.”

“Fine. I guess I’ll let you train with such a lame person.” I agreed not being passive aggressive at all. Definitely.

“Go! Fomantis!” Ivy started and the Fomantis looked around sleepily for a moment before seeing Ivy and instead of readying for battle, it wandered over to her and climbed up onto her foot.

My desire to call Ivy lame was there, but honestly I couldn’t say it, because Fomantis was obviously really in love with Ivy and that was cute.

“Umm… Maybe a different one!”

“Just release all of them and find one willing to battle!” I called out, and she nodded suddenly releasing all of her Fomantis…

Which all wandered over and seemed happy enough to climb up onto Ivy’s feet. I burst into laughter because it was so cute!

“It’s not funny.” Ivy whined but she didn’t really do anything to stop it, instead crouching down and petting the Fomantis getting their attention. “Do any of you want to battle for me?”

The Fomantis all seemed to sort of preen at Ivy’s attention, but didn’t show much interest. Ivy’s shoulders slumped.

Then one of them seemed to notice. I think it was the first Fomantis Ivy captured. Because each of them had been pruned and taken care of by Ivy but this one had the most attention given to it. The most elaborate change to her flower head.

“Fo! Fomantis. Foooo!” It cheered and jumped off her shoe.

“Oh! Fomantis! You want to battle with me?”

“Fo!” It agreed, and Ivy looked a little teary eyed as she nodded firmly.

“Can the rest of you move back a bit?” She told her little bundle of flowers who did so, moving behind her, and then just seeming to find a sunny spot and falling asleep.

I nodded then considered what to do. Goomy were out. They hadn’t agreed to battle or train with me yet. Gible… Probably wasn’t a great idea to start out with.

That only left! “Okay Mimikyu! Time to get some practice in!” I called and pointed and from my shoulder Mimikyu leapt off to land in front of me.

“Kkukuku!” He cheered and Ivy nodded.

“Are you ready then?” She asked and I was about to nod before stopping.

“Ah… I don’t actually know all of Mimikyu’s moves.” I called out and Ivy twitched as well.

So neither of us actually figured that out.

“Quick break!” I called and she nodded so I hurried over to Mimikyu and knelt down.

“Okay let’s go over all your moves okay?”

“Kukuku!” He nodded and I smiled as I pointed off to the side. “Shadow Claw!” And then a claw of Shadows slipped out and ripped into the earth.

“Cool! Okay You probably know Wood Hammer, right?”

“Kukuk!” He did, so I had him show me that. He leapt and spun slamming his ‘tail’ into the earth. It did a little indent into the grass where it hit. Very strong. Super strong.

But then Mimikyu cried out a bit as he staggered back before righting himself.

Wait… “Wood hammer is a recoil move!” I remembered, shocked at forgetting that! “Chansey!” I called out, quickly throwing out her pokeball and she appeared beside me looking around and not seeing anything wrong.


“Mimikyu used a move that does recoil damage. Can you check him over please!” I asked desperately and Chansey nodded, patted me on the head and quickly using a heal pulse on Mimikyu.

“Kukuku! Kuku?” I calmed down, because Mimikyu was confused, and I didn’t want him to think he did something wrong.

“It was really cool! Look how strong it was!” I assured him as I picked him up. “I just have a rule not to use Recoil moves on my team. I don’t like you guys hurting yourself just to do a bit more damage.” I explained and pet him on the head so he can be sure. “So for now. No Wood Hammer. Okay? We’ll train a way to use it later, as it’s a good grass type attack. Maybe we can reduce the damage to remove the recoil or something. Wood Club? Something like that.” I said and Mimikyu sort of tilted his head.

Yeah, the idea of not sacrificing himself probably didn’t make much sense. Pokemon were usually pretty quick to accept damage to attack. They loved battling after all.

“Don’t worry. We’ll work on it. Let’s see, what other attacks do you have?” I asked and Mimikyu perked up as he showed off. Scratch, Astonish. These were good moves. Then Mimikyu showed off Shadow Sneak, and I was super happy to see that.

Shadow sneak basically extended a shadow from Mimikyu's shadow that stretched out and attacked a pokemon.

The reason it was so good despite being low damage?

It was a priority move! Just like Quick attack, or Extreme Speed.

It meant that with some training Mimikyu would be able to outspeed other pokemon just like the rest of my team!

I nodded. That was a good step.

“Next move?” I asked and he sort of wiggled as he wasn’t sure what to do. Then he looked over to Chansey and called out.


“Chanse? Chansey!” She agreed to his question and then She released a Heal Pulse.

I blinked wondering what was going on and then Mimikyu nodded at Chansey and…

Released a Heal Pulse.

I blinked he looked up at me, definitely hoping for a positive reaction.

Which I gave him!

“Copycat! You have Copycat! That’s amazing!” I cheered as I lifted him up and spun him around. Earning a wiggly motion as he made sure his disguise was covering his bottom. “Mimikyu! Copycat is a really good move! It’s a great way to turn some enemies' moves against them! That’s cool!” I cheered and Mimikyu looked really happy as his shadow arms flowed around him as if he wasn’t sure what to do.

So I hugged him to my chest.

“Hehe! You are going to be so strong!”



“Okay ready?” I called and Ivy nodded, her Fomantis looking towards Mimikyu.

“Begin!” I called out, and Ivy reacted first.



Mimikyu disappeared even as the Leafa*ge rose up from around Fomantis.

Then he re-appeared right in her face with a cry. “KUKUUKU!” And it blasted into Fomantis with ghost energy.

But then Leafa*ge blasted into Mimikyu’s face.

Fomantis kind of flinched but her reaction was to scream and hit Mimikyu with everything.

Kinda cute.

“Fo! Leafa*ge again! Make it so Mimikyu can’t get close!”

The little grass type listened despite freaking out from Mimikyu’s Astonish as she used Leafa*ge again and again to surround herself in leaves like a shield.

“Mimikyu! Don’t get close! We won’t play their game! Copycat! Blast their own Leafa*ge with your own!” I called and Ivy jerked to look at me with a glare.

A moment later a war of leaves broke out as the two attacks slammed into each other over and over.

“Dangit Vicky!” Ivy yelled at me, and I just laughed.

Ivy’s Fomantis also had two other moves. Growth, and Ingrain. Both of which Copycat could now copy if she used them.

And Fomantis wasn’t very strong. So it only had Leafa*ge and its weak Solar Beam, which only really worked if they had a lot of time to gather up light.

Wild Pokemon could be very strong, but they often weren’t. Even Mimikyu was super weak compared to my normal team.

But only for now. The first step was to practice! Give them some experience.

“Okay! Mimikyu! We are switching moves. Shadow Sneak!”

“Ingrain!” Ivy called out in turn. Our eyes had met, and I had conveyed that I wasn’t going to let the battle end right there.

This wasn’t about winning after all, but about getting our pokemon experience.

A moment later a shadow behind Fomantis rose up and struck her, causing her to cry out, but not move, because she had dug in her roots and was locked tight.

I looked on. Fomantis now had a shield of Leafa*ge, and was healing every turn. Even if the shield had been damaged. This was a good setup for Ivy.

“Prepare it!” She called out, and I blinked because I wasn’t sure what it was.

Sneaky Ivy!

“Mimikyu! They are being sneaky. So be sneaky right back. Copy cat!”

Only it failed.

I blinked. As Mimikyu looked to me and shrugged.

Wait… “Fomantis has no idea what you mean! That was just you wasting time so Fomantis could heal up!”

“Hehe!” Ivy offered and I scoffed at the audacity of this bitch!

“Shadow Claw!”


The two pokemon went at it, but Shadow Claw was much stronger than Astonish, and Mimikyu sliced through the leaves until it reached Fomantis and slammed into her.

She slumped and Ivy and I both waited to see, but she just released a dizzy noise as she rocked around.

“I think that’s it.” I called and Ivy nodded. “Chansey!”

“Chanse!” She chirped as she walked over and healed up both pokemon as I walked over to Ivy.

“That was sneaky.”

“You’re the sneaky one! Mimikyu is pretty strong.”

“I can’t wait until your Fomantis evolves though. Lurantis has some amazing moves.”

“Lurantis? What’s it like?” Ivy asked, and I shrugged.

“Big. Pretty! It kinda looks like a bug type, but it’s pure grass. So that’s gonna trick some people. It’s got a special move too. Solar Blade.”

“Solar… Blade?” Ivy asked and I nodded.

“Think Solar Beam, same mechanic of needing to charge it up, but instead it’s a more physical attack, a blade.” I said, making a wooshing noise as if the end of my hand had a sword. “It’s really cool. Solar Blade is super strong, and easily top 10 coolest looking moves. It’s a lightsaber!”

Ivy just sort of nodded at my explanation. “That does sound amazing… I’ve never heard of it before.”

“It’s Lurantis’s iconic move. A few other pokemon can learn it, but not many. Not even many other grass types. I think… Lilligant can learn it!” I tapped a fist into my palm as I remembered another pokemon that could get it.

“What’s a Lilligant?”

“Just another grass type… They used to be in Hisui… I don’t think they are in Sinnoh anymore though, I thought they were here in Kitakami though?” I muttered trying to remember.

It was kind of weird that one of the big Hisui Pokemon didn't exist in modern Sinnoh. Lilligant, either version wasn’t in Sinnoh anymore, but I had thought that Liligant did exist in Kitakami.

Even if Petilil was an Unova Pokemon… Why were they in ancient Hisui then? There was no way Unova had any connection to Hisui!

“Ugh.” I ran my fingers through my hair.


“Pokemon migration factors over the centuries is really weird Ivy. But good news! There might be Petilil or Lilligant here in Kitakami. We just need to check around some more… Maybe on the other side of the mountain? If the Fomantis all live here, then maybe the Petilil live on the other side so they don’t fight?”

“Let’s check!” Ivy demanded looking fired up at the idea of another grass type.

“Grass obsessed.” I teased and she gave me a look telling me she was going to stuff grass in my mouth if I kept it up.

“Right! C’mon Dragonite! We need a ride to the other side of the mountain!”

“Pree! Drag!” She agreed, stretching out.

Ivy returned everyone and Mimikyu slipped back into my hat. Training day canceled for more pokemon hunting!


We ended up flying over the town which I don’t think even noticed our passage, but nothing was really happening so I just appreciated it for its rustic charm, before we flew over the apple orchards and then into the wilderness beyond the zone Mossui town had made for itself.

There we landed to get a look from the ground. Returning Dragonite, Ivy and I walked along the planes and light groves of trees to see what we could find.

Ivy spotted something first before sighing. A pair of Sewaddle making themselves clothes in a tree.

“You don’t want to say hello?” I asked and she puffed up a bit and shook it off.

“I think one is enough.” She muttered, reaching at the leaves that were sewn into her coveralls.

I just giggled at her and waved at them as we passed, one of them cutely waving back.

I loved pokemon!

We moved on, seeing a few herds and packs of different pokemon on the plains, but because of the clearer view we saw them quickly run off once they noticed us.

It was kind of a relief, because I didn’t want to beat up a bunch of pups again.

I guess out here, there was more human interaction even if it wasn’t part of Mossui anymore.

Ivy and I ran around, exploring. Both of us had a good time laying on our stomachs as we watched a pack of Furret running around a tree not far from us playing a game. Both of us struggled to keep from giggling at the adorable pokemon.

But neither of us made a move to try and capture one. “Too bad it isn’t a grass type.” I told Ivy as we finally started rising back up and she missed the elbow that she sent at me, making me giggle and run away leading into a game of tag.

Which Ivy failed completely.

Ivy might have longer legs, but her endurance wasn’t nearly as good.

“Mwahaha! Ivy, you need more exercise!”

“That's!... Not!... Fair!” She gasped as she grabbed her knees.

I just giggled at her, until she caught her breath enough to keep going.

We both were just wandering around when we heard it. The noise of a pokemon battle.

I was off before Ivy could register what it was. The crashing noise of moves blasting terrain urged me on, and I ran to find it. I could see the dust coming from ahead of me, a copse of trees hiding whatever was going on inside.

“Vicky, wait!”

Ivy was falling behind, so I threw out a pokeball. “Arc!” Arcanine called out and then looked on in confusion as I just ran right past her.

“Pick up Ivy!” I yelled as I kept going. Legs pumping. The thought of slowing down to ride Arcanine didn’t even register.

Then I hit the trees and I could see what was up.

A Staraptor was fighting a group of Seedot, with a Shiftry at its head.

Unfortunately I think the Starapter had the advantage here.

The group were working together using whatever moves they could, but barely any of them hit, and Staraptor was overwhelming them.

“Vicky!” I turned to see Ivy riding Arcanine arrive beside me and I pointed.

She took it in, and within a second her decision was made.

“Arcanine! Flamethower on the bird!” She called out and I looked over… My eyes met with Arcanine.

And then flamethrower happened, because in that one look I understood.

On one hand was Arcanines loyalty to me. On the other was the chance for a battle.

And one side instantly won.

“You traitor!” I called out as Arcanine burst forth Ivy still riding and blew a blast of flames at the Staraptor. I could just sigh and face palm as Ivy led Arcanine into a short battle before the Staraptor realized how outmatched it was and fled full speed into the sky.

“Yeah! Take that! Don’t pick on grass types!” Ivy yelled out at the sky, and I just rolled my eyes. So she says while stealing my fire type!

Then she leapt off, and rushed to the Seedot, and scratched up but still defensive Shiftry.

I didn’t get involved though. This was Ivy’s specialty, and more importantly. If she thought she could calm them and help then she could do it. If she failed she failed. But she should still have the chance to try. So I walked over to the preening Arcanine.

Her fur was all fluffed up as she sat looking proud of herself not looking at anyone but just letting her fluff shift in the light breeze.

Which is why I instantly grabbed the deadly weapon.


“Yooooowl!” She cried as I squirted her right on the nose. She leapt back falling completely onto her back and trying to fend me off as I squirted her again.

She acted like I was murdering her when I did this which made the next part even funnier.

Once she was properly chastised, I adjusted the nozzle and then squired off to the side of her head.

Three squirts and she had forgotten all about pretending I was murdering her and she was attacking the stream. Chomping down on each squirt.


“Nah I’m good. Just let me know if you need anything!” I called out barely looking away from Arcanine attacking the evil streams of water that were shooting past her head.

Once the bottle was empty I put it back into my bag, earning a whine from Arcanine as she wanted to play more.

“Nope.” I denied her and that probably did more to punish her than the initial water bottle sneak attack.

She squirmed around playfully but I just looked down at her arms crossed and she huffed as she laid back still for a minute as she realized the worst thing ever happened. Playtime ended.

I rolled my eyes at her reaction and instead reached out to poke her back paw. Playing with the fluff between her toes causing her to kick as I tickled her. “Traitor.” I taunted her and she whined at my teasing.

Then I looked over at Ivy who had somehow convinced the Shiftry to trust her, as she used Potions to heal up the pokemon. The Seedot were jumping around her, and two Nuzleaf were keeping an eye on me and Arcanine as Shiftry watched Ivy closely.

I just waved at the Nuzleaf and returned to poking at Arcanine. This situation was already fully under control and I could already see how it was going.

Ivy was going to walk away with another Grass type.

I almost giggled, but I held it in.

“Seed! Seedot, Seed!” The little Seedot demanded as Ivy stood up, having healed everyone up. The Shiftry jolted but eventually it huffed in irritation and nodded.

The Seedot then went to Ivy, and Ivy offered it a pokeball.

The whole situation was really sweet.

“Alright girl. Time for us to go.” I told Arcanine who finally rolled back onto her paws and shook the leaves and dirt off her coat.

“Arc!” She called out happily dancing around me a little as Ivy walked away from the Shiftry waving goodbye at them.

We both left the little copse of trees and headed back into the plains.

Only once we were far away did I speak. “Grass type obsessed.” I told her and started running as she flailed at me. I cackled as she chased me again.

Chapter 48

Chapter Text

In the end we never found any Petilil. As the sun started drooping down we flew back to our cave and settled in for another night in Kitakami. I crashed into my sleeping bag stretching out on the soft floof.

Mimikyu, snoring already with my hat covering him on top of a section of my sleeping bag. Ivy had her new pokemon out around her.

Fomantis I learned were nocturnal, being much more active, and not just snoozing the day away.

But Ivy had a lot of new pokemon. Her little team of Fomantis. Her Sewaddle, which she had managed to distract him with an older shirt that he was sewing into a cocoon of leaves at this point. Seedot seemed pretty fascinated by everything. Exploring around the cave and all the equipment we had.

I looked at my pokeballs. Mimikyu was already out, and I still didn’t want to bother the Goomy until we were back in Kanto…

Gible… I should do some more connection stuff with Gible, but I certainly wasn’t going to sleep with her out unless I had more than just her out.

But I couldn’t let that night scare make me not want to connect with her.

“Come out Gible!” I called loud enough Ivy could hear and she nodded, instantly scooping up the Fomantis around her so they were on her lap and off the ground.

Gible appeared and I could see her instantly take in the situation around her. Her jaw worked as she looked for whatever her instincts were demanding of her.

I gave her a couple seconds. Long enough that her sudden release wouldn’t cause a startle bite before speaking.

“Hi Gible. You want some food?” I offered and that got a reaction, she turned to me, and her eyes were thankfully her normal blank look.


“Yeah, why don’t you come sit here, and I’ll get you some food.” I offered, patting a comfy spot on my sleeping bag beside me, and she stared blankly at my offer for a few seconds before it seemed to process through her brain.

She took a step, and then another and another until she was beside me. Her eyes watched me move, as I reached into my bag and pulled out some food stuff.

I quickly set up a pot and got some protein kibble along with some berries for flavor and texture going. Dragonites food would be good enough for Gible for now, but I should probably get some specific kibble differences for the species.

Luckily Gible didn’t seem to care about flavors. I glanced over as I was chopping berries and almost went still, as I realized she had shifted, mouth open in a very obvious instinctual reaction to food. But she was practically touching my elbow and I had a feeling she would clamp down on me, just as happily as on whatever I offered her.

I hummed as I finished the chopping, tossing the mix of cut berries into the pan. Then very slowly, I pulled out a berry chunk with my cooking spoon and considered how to best do this.

“Gible do you want a taste?” I offered and I could see how my words barely registered in her eyes. Lazer focused on the good before her.

I sighed a bit. I would need to do something here. I plopped the spoon into the pot, and then adjusted myself so I was facing Gible a bit more. Then I reached out and gently touched her.

She twitched and instantly went on the attack. Mouth snapping as she tried to bite whatever was coming for her but I was quick, and I expected it. I grabbed her. Right on her little shoulders so she couldn’t bite me, and yet she still tried.

I could hear Ivy gasping a bit from across the fire, and her pokemon all started moving, but I only caught it out of the corner of my eye, because I was more focused on my Gible.

“Hey. Look at me Gible. Come on. Look at me.” I whispered quietly, just loud enough she could hear, but enough she might not fully understand without actually listening, and slowly she stopped her thrashing attempts to bite me and blinked.

Her eyes dilated returning to a more normal size. It was kind of interesting how her eyes did that. “Hey back with me?” I asked and she just sort of hung in my grip for a minute before she spoke, her voice almost clueless.


I snorted at the complete lack of comprehension in her tone.

“Yeah you’re back with me. Let’s get you fed okay? You don’t have to struggle for food anymore. Whenever you get hungry. You can tell me, and I’ll give you food.”

“Gib?” She asked, sort of pointing into her mouth, drool practically flowing out of her maw. I nodded, as I set her down, and grabbed the pot of stir fry Gible food. Throwing it onto a plastic plate I very carefully offered it to Gible between us.

“Eat slow.” I warned, but that wasn’t heeded and she instantly started trying to shove the entire plate into her maw. I struggled against her just a bit, but tipped the plate in, and then had to work a bit to get it out of her mouth as she choked down the entire meal.

“Gible the plate isn’t food. It’s like eating rocks. It won’t be good. Don’t bite it.” I instructed her, and she wasn’t fully instinctual, because she sort of listened, letting go of her bite and I pulled the plate free, and sort of made a choking swallowing noise and then opened her mouth.


“Feel nice and full now?”I asked and she looked at me blankly.

Ah of course, did she even know what being full meant?

“Let’s clean up the plate. Cleaning up is part of eating okay?” I explained and she just looked on blankly, but when I offered her my hand, she looked from it to me, and back to it still confused.

Reaching out I slowly touched her hand and she didn’t react negatively, I slowly stood up holding onto her little claw hand and started walking letting her see what I was doing.

And Gible rose up onto her tiny legs and followed me out of the cave.

She helped me clean the dish, well mostly just watched, but she did try. And then I brought her back inside, and returned her so she could sleep.


“Yeah Ivy?” I asked, looking at my friend who looked a little worried.

“That pokemon… She’s dangerous.”

“All pokemon are dangerous Ivy. All of them. Never forget that. But yes, some are more dangerous than others. Gible is still very feral, and may be for a long time. She’ll take a lot of work until I can fully trust her, but she needed help.” I answered simply with a shrug.

“Are you sure? She seemed…”

“Uncontrollable? Wild? Yeah. Her line of pokemon have a reputation for being aggressive to start with, but honestly Ivy. There isn’t another Gible in the world I would pick over her if I had a choice.” I said as I flopped onto my sleeping bag. “She’s my friend now.”

Ivy just sighed and shook her head. “Just be careful. Everyone always warned us about capturing pokemon that don’t take orders well.”

“Well I guess that explains why we are friends then, because we both have that problem.”

“What? No I don’t! All of my pokemon are sweethearts!” She denied looking a little offended and confused.

“Ivy. Your Sewaddle is turning your pillow case into a leaf fort.”

“What!? No! SEWADDLE! I said leave my bedding aloooone! Noooo!” She screamed as she pulled out what used to be her pillow, but was now sewn into a leaf pile. Just a mess of leaves covering it.


The next morning Ivy demanded some training battles and marched out of the cave early.

“She’s just grumpy because she didn’t have a pillow last night.” I told Mimikyu who looked on, confused at Ivy’s retreating back as she stomped out of the cave.


“Eh it’s okay. If we have to, we can always fly out of here and hit a pokemart or something.” I shrugged it wasn’t a big deal, Ivy was just grumpy.

Mimikyu was such a sweetheart for worrying though.

I followed Ivy out of the cave and towards our little battle space, and her grumpiness had increased her seriousness.

“Go!” She called out instantly as I arrived and Fomantis appeared looking eager and ready, it’s little eyes narrowed aggressively.

“Okay! Mimikyu!”

“Kkukuku!” He cheered as he leapt off my shoulder and it was on. Our pokemon battled both enjoying the fight, as they both tried to get stronger.

“Cut it up with Shadow Claw!” I called out, as Mimikyu defended against a Leafa*ge.

“Drain Mimikyu Fomantis! You can do it!” Ivy called out in return, switching to a different attack.

We were both smiling widely, Ivy’s irritation disappearing as our pokemon battled it out also having a blast.

Of course then something smacked into the back of my head.

“Ow!” I whined spinning around and glaring at the interloper.

“Rio rio rio rio!” Riolu laughed at me, hands on her knees.

“You little sh*t!” I snapped, reaching down to grab the apple she had bonked me with and chucking it back, but she just casually caught it with one hand and sent me an evil jackal grin.

“Vicky! We are battling!” Ivy called out, but before I could complain at her for calling me out she turned to Riolu. “That wasn’t very nice Riolu, you shouldn’t interrupt a battle. If you want to play with Vicky you can do it after.”

“What!? I’m not playing with that brat!”

“Rio! Riolu, Lu rio!”

We both exclaimed in disgust before realizing we were both saying the same thing.

“You both are silly.” Ivy decided and we turned to her with a glare and she just rolled her eyes at our shared glare. “Are we going to finish this?” Ivy asked, waving at Mimikyu and Fomantis that were both looking at us with confusion.

“Rio!” She called out and to my surprise she ran out onto the field and faced me with a challenge on her face.

“Oh it’s like that is it?” I grumbled before pointing firmly. “Mimikyu! We are changing targets! Sorry Fomantis! Use Shadow claw on that pup!”

“KuKukkUkUU!” He shouted as he leapt to do just that.

“Rio!” She shouted as she took a firm stance and then shot forward her paw glowing as it clashed into Mimikyu’s claw with a screech of metal.

They both were blasted back and then it was on.

“Hehe! Mimikyu! Teach the pup a lesson! Use Astonish!” Riolu had fallen back into a wide stance looking for the attack, but then suddenly the ghost attack surprised Riolu by appearing suddenly in the corner of her eye, slamming into her.

But she didn’t flinch, In her paw she retaliated, as a Vacuum Wave roared out, and surprised Mimikyu.

Unfortunately, his disguise was already damaged, so he took the blow to his little face!

“Ri ri ri ri!” She laughed as Mimikyu fell back with swirly eyes. I guess he had been too tired to go all out against Riolu after Fomantis had worn him down.

“It’s okay Mimikyu! You did great little buddy!” I called out, as I grabbed another pokeball, throwing it out.

“Chansey!” She cried out looking around at the fierce looking Riolu that looked like she was still going to fight, and Mimikyu looking a little tuckered out.

“Chanse!” She cheered and then hit Mimikyu with a heal pulse.

Riolu though, didn’t realize the battle was over. The little battle maniac!

She charged suddenly going for a Steel Claw on Chansey.

Leaping into the air she came down crying out, when it felt like everything stopped.

Chansey had reached up and simply slapped a fin into the outstretched blow, and then with a casual twist tugged Riolu right out of the air and into a nasty overhead slam.

Riolu cried out in shock and a bit of pain at the hit and then laid there on the ground staring into the sky huffing lightly as the wind had probably been knocked out of her.

No one struck at the Goddess without divine punishment. Of course I didn’t have a chance to walk over and tease the sh*t out of Riolu because suddenly a firm call echoed out.


I looked over and Lucario was glaring, not looking very happy.


“Lu, Lu. Luca.”



I watched the back and forth for a moment before suddenly Lucario blurred. A sound met my ears I was quite familiar with. Extreme Speed.

Lucario suddenly appeared slamming a fist into Chansey. Tanking the hit like it was barely there, Lucario had a moment of surprise on her face as Chansey’s flippers grabbed her wrist.

And then in an echoing boom. Lucario ended up in the dirt right next to her daughter. Both pokemon, shocked at their circ*mstances, simply lay in the dirt. As Chansey looked over them.

I was frowning though. What had Lucario wanted? Was she angry and lashing out at Chansey for hitting Riolu, looking for a challenge, or what?

I walked over as the battle seemed over. Lucario wasn’t hurt hurt, but it was obvious she was surprised at what had just happened, and Chansey had seemingly knocked whatever fight she had in her, right out.

“You okay?” I asked, and Chansey turned to look at me, throwing me a ‘fin’ up. I threw her a thumbs up right back.


So instead I turned to the two pups.

“You two okay?”

“R-Rio!” Riolu growled, realizing I was the one asking, she jumped to her feet and glared at me, before rushing to her mothers side. “Rio?”

“Lu, Lucario.” She replied back rising up and brushing herself off. Chansey just watched on with a look in her eyes.

A challenge.

Lucario looked to Chansey, and then bowed her head in defeat. “Lu-Lu, Rio.” She offered and Chansey smiled brilliantly, blasting mother and daughter with a Heal Pulse.

“R-Riolu?” The poor girl looked from her mother to Chansey back and forth utterly shocked. I actually winced, because Riolu? She almost looked heartbroken. The shock of a child's faith in their parent being battered.

I doubted the pup ever expected her mother to lose.

“Luca, Lu.” Lucario explained calmly to Riolu reaching out and patting her on the head, comforting the little girl.

“Rio! Ri! Ri ri Rio!” She argued and then looked to Chansey demanding.

Chansey looked a little sad and just shook her head. “Chanse. Chansey, Sey, Chan.” She explained and Riolu looked none too pleased.

“Ri! Rio!” She argued, but Lucario reached out and picked up her daughter, shocking the pup and holding her tight as Rio looked pretty upset. Almost…

No. She was crying.

I think I understood what was going on, and since the fighting stopped I relaxed despite Riolu being upset. Noticing Ivy had stepped away and was settling cross legged in the grass holding Fomantis in her lap as they watched what was going on. I threw her a smile in thanks for being okay with just stepping back.

She threw me a thumbs up.


Whether the action, or it was time, Chansey looked over to me and smiled, waving me over. Since Chansey wanted me to, I walked over and leaned into her side for a second in greeting.

Lucario looked at me, and simply sent me an apologetic nod of her head.

I just shook my head in return, there was nothing to apologize for. Riolu was just angry and surprised, and not okay with her mom not being the strongest ever.

As Lucario pet Riolu’s head calming her daughter, she looked to Chansey and they started chatting. To my amusem*nt, Chansey placed a hand on my head and was petting me as well.

But the conversation between the two continued on, and on, until Lucario asked a question, and Chansey tittered and nodded.

Riolu hearing the question instantly snapped out of her fit and snapped out a refusal. Turning to Lucario and whining at her.

Lucario just smiled and patted her on the head.

Then the Jackal looked at me. “Lucario. Lu-lu.” She spoke solemnly. I looked to Chansey and she met my eyes and rolled her eyes as if I should know what was happening…

“Oh no! No no no no! I’m not letting that brat join my team!” I denied and Chansey tittered and Lucario’s eyebrows quirked up as if she was judging me.

I’m not here to be judged!

“Don’t give me that! She doesn’t want to be on my team! Chansey tell Lucario!”

“Chanse.” She denied me and patted my head, then she flexed her fin and pointed at a sullen Riolu.

Then she pointed at me.

“Lucario wants me to make her daughter strong.” I answered the entire reason for this situation.

“Chansey.” She agreed.

I groaned, because I knew this was a bad idea.

Could I make Riolu strong? Of course! Lucario were fast powerhouses, and they would suit my training style perfectly.

Only one problem. Riolu and I didn’t exactly get along. I could see her derision in her eyes as she looked at me.

I looked at her now, and saw that same emotion still. Riolu had no interest in me as a trainer. She didn’t want this.

“You know she doesn’t want to join me.” I told Lucario, “She wants to stay with you.”

“Lu. Lucario. Lucar, ri ri Lucario.” She spoke, although her words were more for Riolu.

“Ri, Rio!” Riolu argued and Lucario looked at her, and then, the taller pokemon knelt down and placed her paws on her daughter's shoulders.

I couldn’t follow the conversation that went on between them, but Riolu looked down. Then she looked back up. Her spine straightened and she barked out something looking firm despite the tears in her eyes.

Lucario looked down on her daughter with pride that even I could see and nodded, stepping back and the small family split.

Riolu walked over to me and barked at me with a pointed finger.

A challenge, an offer, and a grim resignation. She wasn’t happy.

Which is why I instantly reached down, grabbed a clod of dirt and smashed it into her face full force.

“Riiii!” screamed in shock at the sudden mud attack stepping back and blowing her tongue out as I had managed to get some right into her mouth!


“Hahaha! You look so stupid!” I crowed out in delight, practically bending over and laughing at the look of complete shock on her face.

“Riolu!” She roared and leapt at me.

A moment later I was crashing into the dirt, the two of us scrambling to beat the other, I grabbed an ear and tugged it, earning a yelp, while she smashed a mud clod into my face, we rolled around, as we fought each other constantly changing who is winning with every new move.

I smashed her face into the mud, she bit my arm earning her freedom from a headlock. And then we were both on our backs gasping for breath.

“Ow.” I muttered, and she whined a bit too. “Pbthh.” I spit mud out of my mouth unable to really use my hands as they were covered in mud from earlier.

“Blegh!” Riolu grunted as she wiped at her face. With a wince I stood up and headed for my bag which he been lost in the scuffle. I vaguely recall her choking me with the strap for a second. Before I smashed it into Riolu’s snout.

I grabbed my water bottle and after a few seconds mostly had my face and hands mud free, at least enough that I wasn’t tasting dirt anymore.

I walked over to the grumbling Riolu and poured out some water over her head. She glared at me from behind one eye, but eventually just accepted it, taking some water to spit, and washing her eye and paws.

“You’re kinda dumb you know.” I said aloud. Loud enough that everyone could hear me. I noticed Ivy was still sitting watching all of this, even eating a snack with her Fomantis as if this was a funny show.

“Ri!” Riolu replied back with a glare, and I scoffed.

“I wasn’t talking just to you.” I said and then spun and pointed a strong finger at Lucario. “You! Idiot! Moron! Stupid!” I called out hammering in my words to the surprise of the older Jackal.

“Lu?” She asked shocked, a finger pointing up at her face like she couldn’t believe that I was calling her stupid.

“Yes you! You were going to let Riolu run off with a strange human, someone she doesn’t even get along with! Dummy! Riolu obviously still wants to stay with you, but you didn’t think at all! Idiot! If you want Riolu to come with me so she can get stronger, then why don’t you just come along as well! Idiiiiot!” I yelled at the top of my volume.

Then I sighed and patted my clothes down. Looking to Riolu who looked just as surprised.

“Adults, am I right? So how about it? Both of you can come along. I’ll train Riolu if you want, and Lucario can train or not if you want, but at least you’ll be close to Riolu to make sure she is okay. I mean. I have tons of pokeballs.” I said with a shrug, pulling two pokeballs out of my bag handing one to Riolu to her surprise and then walking over to Lucario.

“Chansey! Chanse, Chan chan!” Chansey called out, miming smacking herself in the forehead, and then throwing me a fins up. I returned her thumbs up immediately.

“So how about it?” I offered a pokeball. And Lucario looked down at it.


Chapter 49

Chapter Text


“Yes Ivy?”

“Ow!” I yelped as Ivy kicked me in the shin. “What was that for?”

“Nothing.” She said firmly and I pouted at her. Okay so yes, Ivy had been making eyes at Lucario since we first ran into the pair.

But it wasn’t like I was going to use her on my team!

“Can we get back to actually battling?” Ivy asked, and I nodded a bit embarrassed.

“Sorry. We keep getting distracted.”

“It’s fine I guess… Are you going to let them out?”

I looked at the two pokeballs I was holding and sighed.

“Yeah I guess. Come on out!” I called and Riolu and Lucario both appeared from my pokeballs.

Both pokemon shared a look of surprise as they sort of checked over themselves.

“See? Nothing weird about pokeballs.” I offered and Lucario nodded slowly, while Riolu scoffed. “Right, well. Ivy and I are doing some more battle practice if you want to watch. Or I guess you can head back to the cave or go back in the pokeballs if you want. Up to you.” I offered and Lucario nodded, walking towards the edge of our little clearing and settling in. Riolu looked from her mother to me and then back to me.

She scoffed and hurried after her mom.

This time I rolled my eyes and turned back to Ivy. “Ready?”

“Yeah!” She said and threw out Sewaddle.

“Sew! Sew!” He cheered and just as Ivy was going to give him a command he turned around and leapt for Ivy.

Poor Ivy screeched as he smacked right into her, and started sewing leaves into her hair.

It might take a bit before Sewaddle is ready for battle…


Lucario and Riolu followed us back to the cave after Ivy and I had battled each other out.

Mostly for me it was Mimikyu, since Gible was still a little early for that. But Ivy had an array of grass types that Mimikyu battled through with Chansey recovering everyone afterwards.

I just kept looking towards Lucario and Riolu as they followed the two of us back.

This whole situation was so complicated.

Riolu certainly hadn’t been on my capture list. There was only one fighting type in Kitakami that I was on the lookout for, but if Lucario wanted her daughter to grow strong… Then I couldn’t deny I was a good bet for that. Chansey and Gravity alone would turn her into a powerhouse.

That and Lucario were famous for being able to sense bad intentions. If Lucario, or Riolu hung around my stable it would keep things so much safer!


Riolu was a little brat!

I huffed as I entered the cave and flopped onto my sleeping bag.

“That was good training.” Ivy offered as she settled in herself. As she sat she noticed that there was a hidden leaf sewn into the back of her pants as it crackled as she sat down. Sighing, she reached back and fiddled with it until it came out.

“It was. Mimikyu definitely deserves his rest.” I patted his pokeball. Chansey might be able to heal, but that didn’t mean the constant battles didn’t take something out of him.

He’d rest up until I made him some food, and then I would let him eat and sleep it off.

“Ri, Rio, Ri?” Riolu demanded as she stood beside me, and I almost scoffed at her obvious desire before I controlled myself.

She might be a brat, but Riolu was my responsibility now.

“No training yet. We need to work on our connection before we can do battle training.” I explained calmly. Then because I was going to be nice to my new pokemon I patted the bag beside me.

“Here sit, I’ll explain it.” I offered and while her eyes narrowed at me, eventually she looked to her mom who nodded, and Riolu settled in beside me.

Lucario though settled into a spot a bit farther away, just sort of watching as she leaned against the wall arms crossed…

Damn she was so cool!

I shook my head to get rid of the distraction. Then because I was going to explain this, I might as well pull out another who needed to hear it.

“Hold on.” I told Riolu and carefully I grabbed my blood covered pokeball although it was much cleaner now as the blood had mostly dried off and flaked. I released Gible.

“Gib?” She asked as she popped up a bit further into the cave and away from anyone in particular.

“Hey Gible, I’m going to explain to Riolu about training, how we are going to get super strong. Do you want to come join us?” I offered and Gible looked at me.

I looked at her.

She looked at me.

Riolu looked from Gible to me.

And then Gible’s mouth opened wide.


“I see.” I answered without seeing anything at all.

What was that supposed to mean!?

Then she just walked over and plopped down next to me on the sleeping bag.


“Right… Anyway, training! So! First Chansey is going to give you an examination and we are going to come up with a nutrition plan! You can’t grow stronger if you aren’t eating everything your body needs to grow! So that is step one.”

Riolu nodded slowly like she was trying to understand, while Gible just sat there mouth open…

Ah, no she was drooling now. I guess the word eating had made her hungry.

“Once that is settled we will get into training. Now I have a few secret training methods to raise strength, but at first we aren’t going to use them.” I explained feet kicking. “With all of you that I captured here in Kitakami, I’m going to focus on two things. One, battle training. Teaching you how to react in pokemon battles, so you can grow strong there. Ivy helped with that already today.” I said and Ivy looked up from where she was grooming her Fomantis, the one that she battled with.

“I’m just using you to teach my pokemon that.” She replied back with a sinister smile.

I just ignored her, even as Riolu sort of scooted behind me a bit at Ivy’s smile.

“Anyways, but then? Then we are going to do special training.” I smacked a fist lightly into my palm. “I have a training method to make you physically strong, but we are going to develop a secret method to make our special attacks better!”


I looked over to Gible and realized.

She had no idea what was going on. She was actually looking over at Fomantis with predatory eyes.

So I distracted her, “Gible?” I asked to get her attention, and when she was focused on me, I reached out and picked her up.

“Gib?” She reacted in a little surprise, but was still calm as I planted her in my lap, and started scritching.

Her scales were rough, but not sharp, like they would be with Rough Skin, but it still felt weird to stroke her, but she really liked it as she leaned into me and just sort of relaxed. Mouth open and a sigh of delight escaped her.


“Right. Riolu… We don’t get along.” I added and she rolled her eyes and scoffed, as if that was obvious. “But you want to get stronger don’t you?” I added and she froze and then looked to Lucario, then to me.

“Riolu.” She nodded firm, and I could see the fire in her eyes. Yeah, Riolu wasn’t at the same level as Arcanine, but she was going to chase strength almost as avidly.

“Well then, Experience and power. Power I can give you just through training, and while you won’t have to listen to me too much, you will have to listen to Chansey, if you get yourself hurt you’ll never get strong.”

My strong words had an impact and she nodded slowly.

“Then if you want experience in battles… Well that means you will have to listen to me, to trust me. I can’t battle with you against others if you don’t listen.” I explained and instantly Riolu reacted with a scoff.

Yeah, that’s sort of what I mean.

“We’ll work on it.” You brat!

I looked down at Gible, and couldn’t help but smile. She was so cute. Look at her chompers! Even if I felt like my hands where she had bit me were tingling. That was just the fear! And the best way to overcome the fear was to just go forward full power!

So I squeezed Gible tightly. “You are gonna be so strong, and will be one of my best friends.” I whispered to her.

“Hey Vicky?” Ivy asked after a minute and I looked up.

“Yeah what’s up Ivy?”

“How long are we going to stay in Kitakami?” I blinked in surprise. Ivy looked a little embarrassed but I nodded.

We had been here a while. “You want to go home?”

“Maybe soon? I have a lot of training to do, and it’ll be easier if I’m at home.”

“Right… Plus when we get back it’ll probably be a day or so until the league examines our new friends.”

“You think it’ll take that long?”

“Probably? Governments can be slow about things… There’s still a pokemon I want to catch, but I’ll need to go searching… Well actually a few, but they’ll be easier…. Oh wait, Lucario?” I asked, looking to the older pokemon. “Do you know if there are any Petilil, or Liligant here in Kitakami?”

“Lu? Lucario.” She asked, and then nodded.

“Wait! Isn’t that the grass type you mentioned!”

“Yep! Do you know where we could find them? Ivy was searching for one.”


Ivy jumped up, almost ready to run out of the cave, but I was looking at Lucario because…

“Do you know where Kommo-o, or any of their line are at?”

Instantly Lucario’s face drooped. Like she was tired. Slowly, almost like she was forcing herself she nodded. “Lucario, Rio, Lu.” She added but she nodded.

“Kommo-o?” Ivy asked and I nodded.

“They are another dragon type. A very defensive one, that’s also a Fighting type.” I explained and then Ivy looked at me, and just giggled.

“Vicky, are you trying to be a Dragon Master?”

“Well… Maybe! They’re cute!”

“Dragons are supposed to be hard to train.”

“Actually! I think that’s wrong!” I said pointing at Gible. “See Gible and most first evolution dragon types, tend to be a little weaker on average.” I hugged Gible tightly. “Not that they are incapable or anything! But they aren’t the strongest, and they tend to take a long time to evolve! I don’t think they are hard to train, I think they just take a long time to train, and people conflate the two!”


I puffed out my cheeks at Ivy’s flat response. “Dragons do tend to have anger issues, yes, but they are also very kind! Most Dragons love hugs and affection! Look at Dragonite!”

Ivy opened her mouth and then closed it.

“Dragonite is very sweet.”

“Hehe! See! Listen to Dragon Master Vicky! She is going to show Kanto how lovely and nice all the dragons are!”

I laughed spinning around in a full circle, which ended up being a massive mistake.

My ponytail flopped around, and into Gibles mouth, which meant she had one response.


“Nooo! Gible! Let go! That’s my hair!”


“It looks… Okay?”

I looked over at Ivy pouting, and definitely not crying.


“Yeah! Sure! You look cuter with shorter hair!” Ivy assured me. Scissors in hand. I had lost about seventy percent of my ponytail to Gibles stomach.

I sniffled and continued to poke the floor with a finger. Gibles sharp shark teeth had cut most of my ponytail off and it was only thanks to Ivy that I didn’t look like a toddler had decided to cut their own hair.

“You can stop at a salon when we get back to Kanto. I’m sure everyone will want you to look your best for the League.” Ivy offered but I just shook my hair.

I didn’t want to look good for the League. I wanted my ponytail!

“C’mon Vicky. It’s okay. It’ll grow back.”

“Yeah I know.” I grumbled, deciding I had moped long enough. I rose up and rubbed at my face, definitely not clearing up tears. “Lucario!” I called out pointing right at her as she pointed at herself. “Yes you! Where are the Petilil?”

“Luca.” She pointed out of the cave which didn’t do much good, but Ivy was almost buzzing.

“Is it close enough for you to guide Ivy?” I asked, and she blinked before nodding. “Good! Then you take Ivy, Riolu! You are my guide to the Kommo-o. We go out and maybe head home tomorrow? Maybe the day after! I still need to go fishing after all.” I giggled at that joke, because I definitely wasn’t going to use a fishing pole.

“Lu?” Lucario hesitated, but I just smiled and released Dragonite.

“Pree?” She trilled as she stretched looking around for what was going on.

“Riolu is going to guide us to another group of Dragons!” I explained and Dragonite perked up in interest, then pointed at herself, and I nodded.

“Yep! Garchomp responded well to your appearance, so we are going to do that again!”

“Gib?” Gible asked, looking away from the wall she had been staring at for the last few minutes.

“Ah, we aren’t going to see your family right now… Unless you want to?” I offered and Gible just stared at me.

Then she shook herself, to my surprise actually reacting to my words. A negative response, but still. She was able to understand a little, whether that was only because she wanted too, or just because her family had that much of an impact on her.

Either way, my irritation at the loss of my hair still existed, but I recognized Gibles reaction.

I walked over and before she could react, I pulled her into a hug, lifting her off her feet and holding her tightly.

“It’s okay Gible. You’ll see. You are definitely someone we all want around.” I told her, even as she seemed to be utterly still more in shock than anything.

“Drag.” Dragonite added in walking over and lifting me right off my feet, and squeezing Gible and I in a big squishy hug!

Gible would realize someday that she was loved.


“Rio!” Riolu pointed from behind me. We had all set out after hug time.

“Drag!” Dragonite agreed and we banked around the mountain.

I actually wasn’t surprised where Riolu was guiding us. The Paradise Barrens on the north west side of the mountain, had been where you could find them in the game.

Now if only Riolu would stop jabbing me in the side as we flew along this could be more peaceful.

I jabbed back, getting a solid connection to her getting a nice “Oof!” From the jackal.

“Drag! Dragonite!” Dragonite scolded both of us as she looked back at us for a moment and Riolu and I both stopped roughhousing under Dragonites judgemental stare.

“Sorry.” I said to Dragonite and Riolu, even if she had started it.

“Rio.” She apologized as well, although I think in her case it was more the angry Dragonite glaring at her.

“Drag.” She nodded pleased and then with a single flap of her wings we were moving again at a rapid pace.

“Which way?” I asked and Riolu pointed, and Dragonite adjusted, but as we started flying over the barrens I realized I didn’t even need to ask any more.

Because I could hear them,

The sounds of metal ringing up from the barrens. Clashing of steel, and roars of dragons!

I could feel myself growing even more excited as Dragonite shifted and surged forward.

More cuties!

Dragonite winged up and pulled to a stop atop a large rock overlooking what looked like an arena.

Compacted dirt and rock, and… The pokemon were playing music, sort of.

A group of Jangmo-o were challenging each other. Scales were slammed into to make noise as they faced their opponents, and each side responded with a shift in the group and then a large noise ringing out.

It was… Familiar. Like I had seen this before somewhere.

I slipped off Dragonites back. Riolu hopped off and whined a bit as she clapped her paws against her ears.

Oh! That explains why Lucario had looked so put out about the Kommo-o!

“Want to go back in your ball?” I offered and despite her discomfort she shook her head glaring at me.

But I also couldn’t just let her keep getting hurt like this… I grabbed my bag and dug through it, medical section, med kit, and… yep! I had some. I grabbed a bunch of cotton balls and offered them to Riolu who just looked at me like I was crazy.

“Put them in your ears!” I said loud enough to be heard and she blinked before looking at them and then she swiftly started snatching them up and stuffing them into her ears.

She blinked.

“Rio!” She belted out much louder than needed, but looking actually happy.

Then I could turn back to the view, but Dragonite I noticed was very focused on what was happening.

But not the little Jangmo-o. While I was distracted they had four Hakamo-o join them and they were adding their own noise to the group.

But then Two Kommo-o stepped out, and that is what Dragonite was focused on.

Then they rang out, and this time I pressed my hands against my ears to block out the noise.

But it wasn’t just noise. I blinked, as I realized what it was.

With the larger Dragons being bipedal I was able to recognize what was happening.

They were dancing. Choreographed dancing, but one I had seen the like of before.

It was a Haka. The Dragons were performing a Haka against each other!

I felt my mouth drop open, because it was f*cking cool!

They shook, they slammed palms against chest plates, and elbows, stomped in time, and the differences in metal coats lent a musical element to it. The tinier Jangmo-o. Brassy Hakamo-o, and the booming bass of the Kommo-o.

This was both training, challenge, and culture all tied into one.

Dragonite was focused and interested due to the draconic challenge inherent.

And then it ended. Both sides finished their challenge, and the crowd of other dragons around all rose a voice together, calling out and making noise.

It was as cacophonous as their Z move.

Then I giggled, because it was like a group of parents watching a little league game.
They were calling out who they thought had done the best. Pointing and clattering against each other. I had a feeling that a brawl would break out soon if not for a single loud ringing.

Not the largest.

Not the toughest.

No. But that was definitely the oldest Kommo-o. His ringing sound wasn’t as loud. It quavered in a way that told me the steel of his armor was not as strong as it should be.

But at the sound everyone went silent.

And then He stepped in between the two groups, looking them both over, and pointed at the one on his left.

The ones on his right bowed at his judgment, and there was a great cheer for the victors.

“That looks like fun!” I said and Dragonite beside me looked over and nodded happily. We were both on one thought.

I wanted to do it too!

I looked to Riolu and gave her a big smile.

She instantly seemed to realize my intentions. She shook her head.

I nodded.

She shook harder.

I Nodded. HARDER.

She made to run.

Dragonite picked her up.

Both of us smiled brightly.

“RIO!” She howled, but it was too late. Dragonite leapt, as I jumped on her back and we both flew over to get involved!

Chapter 50

Chapter Text

We landed with a light puff of air and dust just outside Kommo-o arena.

The Dragons reacted forming into lines, the littlest ones pushed back. Clanging scales and hard looks were sent our way. Even the little Jangmo-o formed a wall of shields behind their elders like tiny little hoplites, and the elder was quickly hidden behind the bulk of two Kommo-o.

Dragonite rose up to her full height, as I worked my magic, grabbing Riolu out of her arms, and standing on Dragonites left, with Rioly on mine.

Then, I started the challenge.

“Ha!” I called out as I stomped on the ground, spreading my legs. I had seen a Haka before in a previous life. I knew there was a song that went with it, but I had no idea what it was.

So I improvised!

“Do what I do.” I told Riolu and Dragonite, and Dragonite instantly joined in, stomping just after, and mimicking my stance.

I looked to Riolu who looked so done with this entire situation.

So I looked at her, glaring when she seemed to refuse. She looked at me, then she looked up.

She sighed, and I turned to see Dragonites face go from looking fearsome to happy and gentle.

I almost giggled. Dragonite could be scary if she wanted to!

Then Riolu gave a cry and slammed her right leg into the ground as she squared her stance.

This sent a current through the Kommo-o and a moment later a decision was made a Kommo-o, a Hakamo-o, and a Jangmo-o all squared up opposite us.

Wait… Why was the other Jangmo-o in the middle? That’s my spot! The leader spot! That should be a Kommo-o!

They had matched us, just with Hakamo-o in Riolu’s place, and Kommo-o facing Dragonite.


I shook it off, if they thought I was the weakest, I would just prove them wrong!

The Dragons mimicked my own actions, each of them in turn slamming their right foot down, or in Jangmo-o's case, two right feet. And then we faced each other.

“I want to be, the very best!” I yelled out, slamming my right hand into my left elbow. That was a move from the Haka’s I had seen so long ago. My pokemon mimicked me, even calling out alongside me, just one step behind. Which actually was kinda cute!

But I couldn’t get distracted now! I was the leader!

“Like no one ever was!” I slammed my left foot stepping forward.

“To catch them is my real test!” Another elbow slap.

“To train them is my cause!” This time I slapped my chest.

Then the Kommo-o interrupted, copying my movements, and calling out his own Haka in denial, obviously not impressed.

Damn! Pokemon theme song didn’t work, I thought for sure it would!

“Enough of this! What are you doing here child!” A human voice called out interrupting my next line! It was a good one I was going to start going into how strong I had trained my friends!

I looked over and…

“That’s a really nice hat.” I said flatly, it was the only thing that popped into my head.

“It’s a helmet!” The old man snapped back.

He was wearing a Kommo-o shaped Kabuto helmet. Like an old Samurai.

The old man's Jinbei, his clothes were just like the Mossui town villagers though.

The Jangmo-o opposite me suddenly released a call, and the dragons all cheered.

Oh… “Hey! You interrupted so I lost!” I yelped, realizing what had happened. I looked to Riolu who just scoffed at me, showing no sympathy as she ended her stance and just rolled her eyes at me. But then I looked to Dragonite, who…

Oh she was super mad.

She actually reminded me more of Iris’s Dragonite at that moment. All red in the face and glaring, like steam was going to pop out of her ears.

Ah. Dragon pride, and she had just been beaten basically by accident.

Before she could start an Outrage, or something I reached up and grabbed her hand.

“We’ll work on it, and do even better next time! We’ll blow them away!” I told her, and she looked away from the old man to me, and I smiled happily up at her, and then her face relaxed and she picked me up.

“Pree!” She whined, sounding a bit irritated, but at least she wasn’t mad anymore. She hugged me using me as a stress ball as she grumbled a bit over my head as she glared at the old man, but she would look back down at me, and calm down with a bit of a huff.


“Che! Don’t think just because you have a dragon that it makes it alright for poaching!”

“Wha-” I interrupted Dragonites hug because I was so shocked! “Poaching!”

“Of course! Don’t think I’m a fool! You came to capture a Kommo-o for your very own! Well you can’t! These are all mine!” He crowed out as he stomped over but as he did, it became very obvious to me that this situation wasn’t as simple as this old man was hinting at.

Because all of the Dragons were watching him with the same eyes they were looking at me.

As an outsider.

He walked over, and a Hakamo-o. Didn’t move to let him pass, the dragon glared and stood its ground and the old man had to sort of awkwardly scoot around them.

“I don’t think they belong to you.” I argued as he approached, but my accusation made the old man absolutely blow up.

“I am TETSURYU TETSUHARA! My family ruled Kitakami for eighteen generations! It is my own ancestor that brought these great dragons to Kitakami from a far and distant land! You dare!”

“Your ancestors went to Alola?” I questioned because I mean… I guess that was possible?

“Wha!?” He gasped as if I had stabbed him as he stepped back and pointed an accusing finger at me. “How do you know the name of the secret islands my ancestor visited during his sea voyage!? The place full of dangerous, and powerful pokemon! With barbaric people that he had to fight his way back to Kitakami from!?”

I blinked.

“Alola is a resort island though?”

The man looked at me.

I looked at him.

“N-nonsense! The beasts of Alola were recorded as being the most dangerous in the entire world! He traveled to the island during the great exploration of the seas! He captured many powerful rare pokemon and brought them home along with fearsome and terrible treasures from the natives! The people were evil barbarians! Barely living out of mud huts! He-”

“Kinda sounds like a pirate.” I interjected.

The man’s voice left him as he just gaped at me. Speechless.

I sort of just hung there awkwardly as Dragonite hadn’t let go of me yet…

“Yep.” I offered, popping the P as loud as I could.

“YOU DARE!?” He screeched loud enough even the Kommo-o winced at his scream, or at least some of them did.

Heh. Kommo-o had Soundproof.

“Rio.” Riolu added, actually agreeing with me as she nodded along.

“K-k-k!” He sort of got stuck trying to speak, his face going red in outrage.

“Ko-Mo-o.” A voice interrupted and I looked as the elder Kommo-o walked over. The ancient dragon walked slowly. And I could see why. His hips looked bulgy.

“T-this girl!” The old man shrieked pointing at me, but looking to Kommo-o.

The Dragon just shrugged walking over and to my surprise just reached out and plopped a hand onto the old mans helmet.

The old man quieted and growled, but didn’t argue against the Dragon.

The interaction, and the realization at just how old this Kommo-o probably was…

“Was he your pokemon?”

The old man glanced to me, and his shoulders shook for a moment. “No. He has led the Kommo-o here since long before I was born… I tried many times as a child to capture him. But I was never worthy of that.” The old man explained haltingly, as he caught his breath.

“My Ancestor brought them here, and we were even known for the great strength of the noble armored Pokemon in ages past… When we were Samurai that protected this land, we were not pirates!”

I kinda wanted to point out that a Samurai could still be a pirate, but I didn’t really want to argue with this old man.

“Ko. Komo.” The Elder turned to me, and he looked me over… No, I realized. He looked at Dragonite.

“Drag. Dragonite.” She greeted him back and just with that the Elder seemed to realize something. He looked down to me, our eyes met..

“Ko? Kommo-o?” He asked, and Dragonite trilled a laugh. Before I could ask what he had said her hand came up and plopped on my head patting my head.

“Heh?” But Dragonite didn’t answer, just continued to pat me.

The Elder nodded slowly, seemingly pleased. He turned and walked back into the crowd, and the entire horde seemed to relax. Turning to go about their day as if nothing had happened.

“Well that was weird.” I said, but the old man just scoffed.

“The Leader sees something in you. I’m surprised, the last time some brat snooped around here, the entire horde worked together to send them packing. Pfft. Damned blonde brats.”

“Rude.” I remarked, so what if I was blonde?

“Well as you can see, the Kommo-o aren’t for capturing to outsiders. Go on, leave.” He said throwing shoo gestures at me.

“No thanks.” I said, because I wasn’t a dog, and these Kommo-o weren’t his.

“Erk! What? I told you to leave!”

“And I already said I don’t think they belong to you. They seem more willing to put up with you than anything.” Then I shrugged out of Dragonites grip. “But I won’t capture them randomly. I’ll only capture a pokemon that wants to be my friend.”

“Pfeh. None of them have ever been willing to join a trainer. So you are wasting your time… And mine for having to watch you!”

I looked at him, and realized what he had actually said. “You must have been interacting with them for a long time trying to find a partner… Sorry, that kinda sucks.”

“They are all my pokemon!” He denied, but his overreaction told a lot.

The number one Kommo-o fan couldn’t capture one… Rough.

“Oh look! How cute!” I called out, immediately distracted from the old man by a pair of Jangmo-o rough housing, Head butting until they were standing on their hind legs as they pushed their heads together, their little scratchy claws making metallic shrieks on each other's metal plates.

“Yes, the little ones often face each other to grow stronger. The first one to fall back, or show their back will fail. They are pokemon that never retreat in the face of their enemies, they learn this even as babies.” The old man offered, and I realized that I hadn’t been wrong in calling him the number one Kommo-o fan!

He was totally nerd gushing!

“Does their armor get bigger, or just thicker or denser?”

“Their armored plates grow larger based on how often they are shed! But they always shed their plates about once every few years. The poor pokemon always look so embarrassed with their growing in plates.” He offered and I really wanted to squeal at the idea of an embarrassed Hakamo-o hiding his armorless body from the others.

So cute! Wanted to hug!

“Rio, Riolu lu.” Riolu interrupted reaching over and poking my cheek in irritation.

“Wha- What?” I demanded as I slapped her hand away. Then she pointed and I gasped, and then glared.

There were more than a few Dragons looking at Dragonite and greeting her. A few were even daring to try and court her! I recognized blushing teeangers! Hakamo-o! You! There was even a Kommo-o that was dragon dancing at her! Flexing and showing off his body!

“Milotic!” I called out and released my prettiest boy!

He appeared with a trilling greeting as he stretched before he too noticed the problem.

“Drag! Dragonite.” Dragonite greeted him a little awkwardly as she was sort of leaning away from all the boys that were hounding her.

“Miii!” He hissed out, and the Hakamo-o, and Kommo-o that were flirting with Dragonite focused on him.

“Is that!? A Milotic!?” The old man asked, but I ignored him.

Instantly they all gathered up into a line, to challenge Milotic, but to my anger, and Milotics as well, they formed a line between Dragonite and Milotic. That was on purpose.

They danced, clapping steel and stomping earth in challenge for what they thought they could take.

Milotic watched seemingly confused for a moment, but even if he wasn’t a dragon, he wouldn’t allow anyone to try and take his Waifu from him.

He glanced at me as they worked, and I nodded and then gave him some clues. I smacked my elbow trying to make it loud and danced a little.

He blinked and looked from me to the group.

Then he seemed rather fed up, as they were still in their Haka he reached up and slapped the earth with his tail.

The sound of it didn’t shriek like metal, it rumbled rock. It was a noise alien to the Kommo-o squad.

Milotic uses pseudo-Earthquake! It’s super effective!

The dragon boys all jolted and Milotic then continued, A noise built up and then exploded out of him, as he took a deep breath and then exhaled full power out of his spouts.

The wind whistled sharply, and he shifted and danced.

Dragon Dance.

He danced, slapping his tail to the earth, with every beat.

Damn… Milotic had gotten pretty good at Dragon Dance. He even managed it while distracted!

The movement definitely threw the Hakamo-o squad for a loop as they looked to their leader, The Kommo-o just glared and slammed his armor, a massive noise almost like a gong echoed out.

Suddenly the Hakamo-o shifted and stepped back.

“Your Milotic is in trouble. That was a battle challenge. Kommo-o won’t accept just a dance to determine who is the winner anymore.” The old man offered, having been watching with sharp eyes the whole time.

“Oh… Well that’s fine then. Milotic! Smack him around! Don’t let anyone try to steal your girl!” I called out, not intending on doing any trainer orders.

Milotic didn’t need it. That Kommo-o wasn’t the biggest one in the arena. No he was likely one of the youngest, still hanging out with Hakamo-o.

Milotic howled out a challenge back, and then it was on. Kommo-o charged fist co*cked back, but as he approached he shifted and leapt into an uppercut that rocked back Milotics head.

I gasped. Sky Uppercut? But why had Milotic just taken the hit! I trained him better than that.

Kommo-o howled in victory but went silent as Milotic slowly moved his head back down pushing back against the first embedded against his scales.



Then Milotics head went steal and he arced up before slamming face first into the Kommo-o. The shriek of metal was familiar. Sounded like a Kommo-o battle, and a moment later Kommo-o staggered back.

There was a beat picking up, as Kommo-o around the arena stomped a foot.

Then the Hakamo-o joined in, and the Jangmo-o did too.

This straightened the spine of the Kommo-o, and he shifted himself. Then he too slammed forward and his own Steel Head slammed into Milotic.

I relaxed. Despite the noise echoing out, and Milotics grunt of pain. Well…

Milotic was resistant against Steel Type, and I wasn’t about to tell Kommo-o that.

Another echoing sound of steel on steel, and the Kommo-o had enough. That was all he could take, his legs buckled and he slammed into the ground unable to continue to battle against Milotics overwhelming physical power.

“MILOOOO!” He roared out a noise he didn’t usually make as he straightened up and glared at the Hakamo-o that very quickly took a few steps back, never turning from him, but still showing they didn’t want any of Milotics attention.

The arena then turned into a clatter of noise as the Dragons cheered the battle slapping steel or stomping stone.


“Great job!” I called out over the noise and then as Milotic turned to me, I pointed.

Dragonite was giving her husbando bedroom eyes. Milotic went a little pink at the look and then he seemingly decided to say f*ck it.

“Milooooo!” He roared again and strutted as much as one can without legs over to Dragonite before pulling her away.


“I’ll explain it when you’re older.” I told Riolu who looked confused at why my pokemon had just run off into the desert. Milotic wrapped around his big waifu as she flew him away from prying eyes.

“Can’t say I was expecting that.” The old man suddenly spoke up looking a little confused at the situation. “That Milotic shouldn’t have beaten a Kommo-o, even if that little one was just evolved.”

“Kommo-o is pretty strong, but I mean… My pokemon won’t lose.” I said, fully confident in my team.

He scoffed and looked away. Heh. The Kommo-o fanboy old man didn’t like seeing his favored pokemon get beaten!

But with that situation concluded. I looked around.

I sighed, and walked over to the unconscious Kommo-o. I reached for my belt, and grabbed Chansey’s ball, but before I could do anything else, there was a noise, and multiple howls of outrage. I jolted at the sudden noise, and looked up at the very angry crowd of Dragons.

I blinked, but none of them seemed willing to calm down, and then I looked at my hand. Full of Pokeball…


I dropped the pokeball and then in a burst of light Chansey appeared beside me.

The Dragons had jolted forward at the movement, like they were going to attack me, but then stalled out as Chansey appeared instead of a capture.

“I’m not going to try and capture him.” I called out loudly, and then Chansey looked around before looking at the Kommo-o then at me.

“Chanse?” She asked, waving at him and then at me.

I coughed to hide a laugh, because I recognized that noise.

‘Again?’ That was what Chansey asked me. Appearing in a Dragon den with an unconscious dragon, it did sound like what happened with Garchomp.

She sighed and then started healing. Her actions calmed down the area.

“Huh. That’s not something you see every day. You a member of the Joys?”

“What? No! I’m blonde!”

“I don’t know! Maybe you do that thing those kids do nowadays! Dyeing their hair all sorts of colors!”

“I don’t! Other trainers can capture a Chansey you know!”

The old man grumbled and shrugged his shoulders, but seemed pleased as the knocked out Kommo-o rose up shakily and then wandered off looking a bit dazed.

“Ko! Komo-o.” A voice old and gravely called out and I looked surprised to see the Elder Kommo-o again. He staggered forward slowly approaching me. Chansey greeted him and without even speaking she walked up and started checking him over.

I could tell he was shocked at her presumption, but a moment later as she blasted a bit of pink into his hip he sighed and his eyes fluttered almost closed and any outrage he had was gone.

“Chansey, Chanse Chan.” She spoke as she worked, definitely berating the old Kommo-o as she worked to help him out.

Kommo-o all around had another flash of outrage at her audacity but had calmed quickly at his noise of relief. Then they approached to look over what Chansey was doing.

She ignored the onlookers and instead focused on healing, even reaching out and doing some muscle rubs.

Elder Kommo-o looked like he was in heaven.

Old man Tetsuryu looked like he was in shock.

“Should I capture a Chansey?” He wondered to himself in a whisper and I smiled.

Yes. The answer if you should capture a Chansey is always yes, because they are amazing.

Finally Chansey stepped back and nodded. “Chanse. Chansey chanse, chan.” She explained, seeming to rattle off some instructions to the Elder, and he slowly nodded, seeming a bit dazed at her rapid fire explanation.

“Ko. Komo-o, Komo.” He responded and she tittered and waved it off, before pointing at me.

I then pointed at me, because why was I being pointed at.

“Chan, Chan, sey.” She explained and he looked from her to me, before slowly his head nodded.

“Komo.” He said and then to my surprise he waved to me, to approach.

I did, reaching Chansey’s side wondering what was going on, and then the Elder settled into a stance.

“Ah. The Leaders dance? For you?” Tetsuryu gasped in shock. He looked from me to the old dragon and then seemed to regain himself, rubbing at his chin, before deciding something. “He’s shown me this multiple times, but I can’t figure out what he is trying to show… Watch well.” He said to me, his pride in the Elder out weighing his dislike of me.

Watching was definitely on the plan, but I winced at the creak of his joints despite Chansey’s help, at the weakness the old dragon displayed. His clawed hands shook as he held them out, and as he moved his arms.

But I watched wondering what it meant, but slowly I recognized something. A movement that I knew like the back of my hand, how could anyone forget the position for the Kamehameha wave!?

I instantly wigged to what was happening, I suppressed my gasp. I knew what he was testing! What he was trying to convey! To show!

I took the starting stance, and as the old Dragon finished he looked to me, a pleased look in his eyes, and he restarted despite his obvious exhaustion.

I copied him, doing my best to follow and connect. I had to memorize this!

When we finished as I slammed my fists together infront of me, I roared it out.

The name of this move!

“CLANGOROUS SOULBLAZE!” I called, and for just a moment, despite not having a Z crystal, despite not having any connection to this Dragon, I felt it.

We connected.

Everything went silent. The Elder’s eyes were opened wide in shock behind his armor, and the entire clan of dragons stared at me.

Our eyes locked on each other and I knew just how amazing an offering the Elder dragon had given me.

“Thank you. Elder. For teaching me the moves. One day. I hope I earn the right to finish the trials.” I spoke gently, the only thing that I could think of to say.

“What was that? What is Clangorous Souldblaze?” Old man Tetsuryu asked, and I looked at him, finally breaking the eye lock with the Elder.

“It’s the name of a Z move. Kommo-o’s specific Z move in fact.”

“What… What is a Z move?” The old man asked, almost desperate for an answer.

“It’s a connection between pokemon and trainer. Working together in sync, to create a move of incredible power, but more importantly. To show their bond to each other.” I answered back. Then I did the moves again. Syncing the moves as best as I remembered.

“Each Z move has motions connected to it! You learn the motions from the pokemon, they know it! It’s a part of them! A creation of bonds between human and pokemon! Proof we were always meant to help each other!” I extolled as I finished once again. Proving I had memorized it.

“Ko.” The Elder answered back nodding, and I smiled at him.

“But you need three things to perform a Z move.” I added on a little sadly. “A Z ring. A piece of a legendary pokemon forged into an item that can help empower humans. A Z crystal, of the correct type, or pokemon, to insert into the Z ring. A connection forms between trainer and pokemon. And of course the most important thing of all! A friend! You can’t do it if you aren’t friends with your pokemon!”

The Elder Dragon suddenly started jolting, and I almost flinched before I realized he wasn’t in danger, or sick. He was laughing, a wheezing noise of delight.

He calmed after a few moments and nodded, agreeing with me. “Ko, komo. Kom kom.” He chattered in his gravely voice and then he turned and called out.


“Ko!” The rest of the dragons all responded and an excitement ran through everyone.

A few moments later The dragons lined up and the Elder looked among them. Before pointing.

“Jan!? Jang!” A Jangmo-o called out having been pointed out by the Elder and the little guy ran forward eagerly practically galloping before skidding to a stop.


“Jaaaang!” He cheered, leaping and doing a cute little wiggle with his legs as they were off the ground before landing and then nodding, looking pumped up, barely able to stop himself from tippy tapping his legs as he tried to look serious.

Then the little Jangmo-o turned to me, and I knew.

“I see.” I agreed simply then because it was the right way to do it, I hunkered down and started the Haka for the Clangorous Soulblaze. As I worked, Jangmo-o followed along as he could without fully free arms, but when I finished, I was sure.

“Hello Jangmo-o! I’m Vicky! My dream is to have fun, explore the world, train powerful pokemon and live my life without regrets!” I called out loudly, then I dug into my bag and pulled out a Premier ball.

“Will you join me? Travel the world and grow stronger than anyone!?”

“Jang!” He cheered and leapt, and the ball clacked shut.

I had a Jangmo-o!

“Eeeee!” I cheered, tapping my feet in place as I delighted in my new friend!

“Ko.” The gravely voice called and I looked up from the pokeball to see Kommo-o digging under his armor for a moment, and then…


“Ko.” He spoke opening up his palm, and there in resting was… “Kommomium Z.” A Z Crystal. Old. It was an old Z Crystal, something I could tell from a single glance. The yellow crystal was scuffed with age, yet the black symbol inside was still visible.

“I don’t have a Z ring.” I explained and Kommo-o just offered it to me again.

I nodded, reaching out and taking the Z crystal. “I’ll… I promise, I’ll find a way to use this. Even if I have to go to Alola.”

“Komo.” The Elder rumbled gently, and then reached out and patted me on the head.

“I don’t understand.” Tetsuryu muttered, looking a little lost. “Why? Why wasn’t I… Why didn’t you ever choose me? I’ve been with you my entire life.”

“Ko. Komo.” The Elder rumbled, trying to sound comforting, but I don’t think it really helped.

The old man just looked kind of devastated.

I didn’t know what to say, and by the time I tried to say something. It was too late.

Tetsuryu turned and walked away. A long walk ahead of him, as I think he was heading towards Mossui town.

I watched him go along with the Elder, just like me, I could tell the Elder didn’t feel good about what had happened.

I shook it off. I couldn’t change what had happened. Only do the best I could. I squeezed the pokeball in one hand, and the Z Crystal in the other.


I was going to have to go someday. But that was for the future, now? Now I needed to check in on Ivy, see how her day of exploration had gone, and prepare.

It was getting close to time to head home. But my feet couldn’t move.

“I… I don’t know why you didn’t give it to him. He obviously loves you and your family… But I promise, I’ll train Jangmo-o until he becomes very strong… And I’ll love him and be his friend for my entire life.”

“Ko.” The Elder offered, looking at me, and nodding seemingly pleased.

Okay now I had to gather up Chansey who was wandering around offering her healing, and then gather up Dragonite and Milotic… Well maybe I would give them a while to themselves.

Chapter 51

Chapter Text

When I got back to the cave Ivy wasn’t there. I flopped onto my sleeping bag and sighed, I was actually kind of glad that Ivy had mentioned going back.

Despite the journey giving me ample experience spending so long out in the wilds, I did kind of want to go sleep in my own bed for a while.

Tomorrow, I told myself. Ivy had already mentioned she was ready, unless she changed her mind after today. Tomorrow night I would sleep at home.

Since Ivy wasn’t here, and our trip was ending, I decided to go all out.

“Come out! Everyone!” I called, releasing everyone except the Goomy.

Gible blinked as she appeared next to Chansey, Jangmo-o looked around at all of my friends, Mimikyu quickly jumped onto my shoulder and rubbed against my cheek.

And I just smiled as my team relaxed.

Even Gyarados was released, although for him he had to be released outside the cave, so once again the entrance was covered by his face as he rested just outside.

“Everyone! Meet our new friends!” I called out and everyone looked at the new smaller pokemon.

I spent a few minutes introducing everyone. Making sure to bring everyone over to Gyarados for a hello as well.

Gyarados seemed unbothered by my new friends, which was good. And I made sure to spend a few minutes just hanging out with my Blue Heart.

Unfortunately, this cave had been too small, and he wasn’t a good pokemon to use while trying to capture new friends. So he had been rather left out for this adventure.

Once everyone was settled around the cave. I started cooking.

I hummed, as I got to spend some time getting to know my new friends.

Jangmo-o, for instance, liked bitter stuff. He didn’t have much interest in spicy food, but also would eat it despite his dislike as I offered him spicy berries and he chomped down and acted brave at the heat.

It was when I offered him a Chesto berry to see how he reacted to everything, that he gagged and looked horrified.

So he didn’t like Dry berries.

“I promise you won’t have to eat another one.” I calmed him with a sliced Rawst and the bitter flavor calmed him down.

I laughed when Gible got distracted staring at the fire zoning out until she was startled by Milotic as he wiggled around. Her instinctual reaction to clamp down wasn’t something I should laugh at, but it was really funny.

Milotics squeal of surprise was very girlish, and Dragonite quickly popped the bitey ball off his tail and handed her to me with a look, before pulling Milotic close and fussing over the teeth marks in his tail.

He was fine of course, but he was playing into it. Whining and laying over Dragonite as if he was a war hero. I just kept laughing as I held the very confused Dragon. I’m pretty sure Gible didn’t even know she had bit him. Hanging out in my arms, only to open her mouth and drool whenever I carried her near the food that I was preparing.

It was… Nice. All of my pokemon hanging around getting to know each other.

Riolu was sitting near Arcanine who was chattering with her. The two’s puppy yips were super adorable.

If only I had a Goomy to add to the atmosphere…

I shook that off and focused on finishing dinner, a big final meal in Kitakami before we left in the morning.

Gyarados shifted, the sound of his bulk scratching dirt and rock had me looking at the cave entrance, and I smiled as Ivy walked in followed by Lucario.

Both of them looked around in surprise at all the pokemon.

“Come on in! I’m working on dinner!” I called out and Ivy smiled brightly as she hurried in.

“Great, I'm starving! Lucario was very nice to take me to where I could find the Petilil, but her understanding of how easy it is for a human to hike up a mountain.” She complained and flopped onto her wooden stump with a sigh.

Lucario just huffed a laugh as she settled in next to Riolu who quickly threw a hug around her mothers waist.

I warmed at the sight, smiling happily as everyone was relaxing and happy.

“So you found one?”

“I did. Petilil are so cute Vicky! I found a nice little girl that wants to see the world!” She said while holding a pokeball in her hands.

“Well why not release everyone… Well maybe slowly, so we don’t have any surprises.” I said waving Gible around a bit hinting that she was the one I was worried about without actually saying it.

Ivy nodded. And a moment later after a few whispered words to her pokeball, a Petilil appeared in Ivy’s lap.

“Pet? Pet!?” She asked, looking around before nearly yelping at the sight of all the pokemon around her.

“It’s okay Petilil. This is my friend Vicky, and these are all her friends. We are all friends here.” She assured her little grass type, and I just smiled and waved at her before sticking a spoon in the curry and giving it a taste. Just about done.


I looked down and smiled and tilted a second spoonful into my hungry sharks mouth, Gible chomped at it, once it hit her tongue and then tried chewing a bit as she swallowed. Her chewing was more to force it into her throat than to actually chew her food.

I would have to be careful not to feed her anything she couldn’t swallow whole.

“Did you like that?” I asked, but that was a silly question, because Gible didn’t care what it tasted like as long as she could eat it.

I giggled, plopping the spoon into the pot and rubbing Gibles belly earning a breathy sigh from my little dragon.

I looked around and everyone was having a good time, relaxing and enjoying eachothers company.

Yeah. This felt right.

“Dinner time!” I called out and laughed at the chaos.


The next morning I woke up super early to my alarm. Stretching and groaning as if I was twenty years older as I shut off the poketch and rose up. It was still dark in the cave as I fumbled around a bit.

“Vicky?” Ivy asked blearily from inside her tent but I just waved her off.

“It’s okay Ivy go back to sleep.” I whispered as I finished zipping up my wetsuit.

“What are you doing? I thought we were leaving today?”

“We are. I just have one last thing I need to do, but it’s a private thing. Go back to sleep. I’ll be back in a few hours and then we’ll head out.” I spoke softly as I kneeled over near her tent. “Just get some extra sleep.”

She blinked at me before sighing and shrugging. “Kay.” Then she closed her tent back up and I could hear her flopping back into her pillow.

I rose up and headed out. The sun was just starting to rise and the barest sliver of light could be seen over the mountain tops to the east and the morning air was bitterly cold.

“Gyarados!” I called out and my big blue heart appeared and stretched before looking down at me. “Let’s go for a flight!” I told him, and I could see his eyes widen in happiness as he wiggled at me. A moment later I was climbing up onto his horns, and then he started his dance.

He still needed a Dragon Dance boost to get into the air. But I hoped with a bit more than a month before the League, the training would let him fly without any more boosts. It would be all the more dramatic!

Finally he finished dancing and a whoop of delight escaped me, Gyarados pointed his face to the sky and claimed his destiny!

We soared upwards, past the trees, and roosted pokemon, until finally we were into the sky and Gyarados made me giggle at his flight. It was more like swimming in the air than actual flying. He curved his body and flowed up and down to generate the lift. And quickly we rose.

“We have some time! Why don’t you take us around the mountain!” I called out and Gyarados roared out in pleasure, and did just that. Drawing us closer to the mountain and then flying up in a long spiral.

I don’t know if I would ever come back to Kitakami. I think I would someday, if just for Gible, but it might be a long time. So I wanted to take one last look at it.

This place was beautiful for all its natural wonder. So little human impact on this place. It was a land of monsters.

I looked towards the mountains and saw Pokemon hurrying away from the flying Gyarados swimming through their territory. Nothing poked its head out once it caught sight of my Blue Heart.

We swam slowly upwards along the north side of the mountain, hitting the west, and basically turning the world back into nighttime as the great mountain blocked the light on the west side.

We flew past the Garchomp and her nest. Although I didn’t see any of them active. Probably still snoozing away.

By the time we hit the southern section of the mountain again, the sun was rising, and we curved around into the bright light of the sun claiming it’s ownership of everything it’s light touched.

“How pretty.” I whispered, and even reached into my bag as I remembered and grabbed my camera. A quick picture, making sure to get Gyarados’s horn in the frame just because I thought it was funnier that way, and then I put that away.

We flew over the apple orchards of Mossui town. Far below us now, and I had no idea if anyone saw us. But I didn’t care!

This was freedom! This was adventure!

This was happiness.

I reached down and scratched behind my good boy's crest earning a rumbling purr as we continued up.

For a moment I was at the right angle to see the mountain in all its dread glory. The rock arched to look like a skull, and it made me wonder about the mountain's most infamous resident.


Should I have gone looking for her? I hesitated, mostly because I wasn’t sure if I should. If the ‘loyal’ three woke up, would Mossui be okay without her? Would she even want to leave without her masks?

I didn’t know. I looked as I flew around the mountain but I didn’t see any splashes of green that could be her.

Then we were up and over and Gyarados flowed almost straight upwards as he reached the top of the mountain and for a moment it was like he was flying over the dragon gate again. Soaring in the sky.

Then he leveled out and simply flew in a circle above it all The very summit of the mountain below him, as he circled it, for a short time the world belonged to him.

“That was amazing!” I told him scratching him once again and he wiggled in delight as he flew.

“Okay! Let’s set down there!” I called out and we flowed down towards the top of the mountain. Towards the large pool there, and the crystals growing from it.

None of that interested me though.

We landed with a crunch of rock as Gyarados settled and I hopped off stretching from the flight.

“Okay! First we need our ambassador!” I called out as I threw Milotics pokeball. He released with a trill and stretched himself as if he was waking up before he floated over to me and gave me a cheek rub and even greeted Gyarados happily who wiggled at him.

Everyone was good friends!

“Okay! Milotic. We are looking for any other Milotic, or Feebas! I have some of your Prism Scales, so let’s make some new friends for the Stable!”

“Mii!” He agreed, and I did have to return Gyarados as there wasn’t enough room in the water for him.

But he looked very zen with our flight up the mountain, his mouth closed and eyes narrowed in pleasure as he disappeared into red light.

I jumped into the water, and Milotic dived in around me, spinning the water and making everything bubbles for a minute making me giggle around my rebreather.

Then we were off. Grabbing onto a fin we went exploring. The actual caldera lake itself didn’t have any Feebas or Milotic, but there were tunnels down deeper into the mountain that we swam down.

The first one was a bit weird because it eventually flowed back upwards and there was an air pocket that we had to walk through the tunnel before it dropped back down into a cave with another lake as the runoff.

We leapt together giggling the whole while as we splashed into the water.

Milotic instantly reacted as we settled and spun around me.

He lashed out and I looked over to laugh as I saw what had happened. Some Arrokuda had launched at us, only to get Iron Tailed.

That earned us some space, and the pokemon flowed away.

But Milotic and I were on a mission! So we went hunting.

The first lake didn’t have any Feebas, so we moved on, going through a river that connected to a small waterfall and then we landed in that cave.

There instantly I spotted our target.

A Feebas.

Then as we approached I noticed another!

I smiled widely as we swam over. New friends!


Arcanine landed us outside the cave with a roar of greeting. I just gave out a groan, all that flying, swimming, and then riding made me stiff, and I was gonna be stuck on Dragonite soon as well.

But it was fine. I slipped off and stretched. Then I pet Arcanine because she was very warm, and it was a cool morning with all the swimming I had done.


“Yeah! I’m back!” I called out and kissed Arcanine on her snoot earning me a lick across my own nose in turn which had me sputtering before Arcanine huffed out a doggy giggle.

“Yeah, yeah laugh it up.” I grumbled at her as I headed inside.

The camp was all picked up. Only the fire pit now cleaned of ashes and our stumps to sit on showing anyone had been here.

“It’s almost sad to see the cave without our stuff in it.” I commented and Ivy just sent me a flat look.

“Vicky, it's a cave. Let’s go.” I laughed at that, because what else could I say as I nodded.

I quickly grabbed my bag and started throwing on some warm clothes on top of my wet suit.

I mean, Arcanine had already given me a full dry off, but wet suit and warm clothes should keep me toasty on our flight.

“You got your jacket and stuff.”

“Of course! I’m not stupid.” Ivy countered petulantly, but I just nodded. As she quickly went into her bag to grab her jacket.

“In that case… I guess it’s time to say goodbye to Kitakami.” I said and Ivy went quiet before nodding as she grabbed her bag.

“Yeah.” She offered and hurried towards the entrance. Obviously ready to leave.

Yesterday I had been too, but despite the fact I had been a bit homesick… I kinda liked our little cave. It was a nice little place to explore the area from.

“Until next time.” I bid farewell to the little cave and turned away. Dragonite popped out a moment later and she pumped her arms.

“Pree! Drag, Drago!” She cheered and I laughed at how eager she was to go for a new flight.

“Alright Dragonite. Let’s go home!”

“Yeah!” Ivy cheered and we both giggled as we climbed onto Dragonites back.

But I was ready for the cold this time!


Once again nothing came close to touching us as we blasted straight home. In fact I think Dragonite was moving even faster this time. Since she knew where to go, there was no need to limit her speed to match my directions. She seemed to know exactly where home was, and made no attempt to hide how eager she was to get there.

A few hours later I pointed out to Ivy and she smiled as we flew over what was undoubtedly, Mt. Moon.

With that, I could follow along with my eyes the road from Pewter that leads through Viridian Forest, and then home.

Viridian City.

“Preee!” Dragonite cheered as she saw the berry orchards and then we were there, waves of wind coming off her, ruffling the grass outside the house and then with a pomf noise we landed.

“Home!” I cheered in delight and instantly the noise responded back.

Growlithe barks came from inside the house and the orchard. Milotic trilling greeted us from the stream and then I heard the noise of the front door opening and Mama came blitzing out of the house.


“Mama!” I cheered back jumping off Dragonite and then getting swept up in Mama’s warm hug.

“Thank goodness!” Mama whispered back and I giggled at her hug. “Really not being able to get an update from you girls had us so worried. Ivy, it’s good to see you!”

“Ah. Thanks Mrs. Ferrous.”

“It’s just Aunty Haruka, Ivy. Come! Come in. I’ll call your parents! They’ve been eager to hear any update about you girls! Also we have to call the League.” Mama grumbled out but I didn’t care because home!

I turned to Dragonite who nodded. She looked a little tired after the flight, so I returned her. Normally I would let everyone out. But I might need my friends to kick some league agent in the face to get my friends.

I laughed in delight as I felt a cold nose poke right into my hand, and turned to pick up one of the Growlithe that were all eager to greet me. I was swarmed by puppies that were all barking alerts.

“I’m not a stranger you goobs!” I yelled out laughing as I was tackled and pinned down by a herd of puppies.

“Alright you lot, let Vicky up.” Mama called out only after a few moments of me getting puppy nibbles in my hair and on my ears.

“Vicky? What happened to your hair?” Mama asked suddenly as I was sitting up and I reached for my pony tail only to feel it end much much shorter than it should…

“UGH.” I groaned as I was reminded of my loss. “It’s horrible! The worst thing that ever happened to me!” I whined and then Ivy the traitor spoke up.

“Her Gible clamped onto her hair and basically swallowed it. I did what I could to neaten it up a little.”

“What? Oh Vicky… What’s a Gible?” Mama went from sympathetic to confused in an instant.

“Cute! Also a bit derpy… Sharp teeth though!” I answered, conveying the important information.

“Small dragon type. Very aggressive, but mostly instinct driven from what I’ve seen. Vicky gets along with her okay.” Ivy added, giving way too much info!

“So you did it? You caught another Dragon?” Mama asked, sounding a bit worried and all I could do was grin widely.

“I don’t like that smile.”

“Vicky has two new Dragon types. Although her second one was much nicer.”

“Three! Goomy are dragons!” I answered back and Ivy looked at me like she didn’t really believe me.

Then I heard it!


“Dratini!” I called out happily as my little noodle slithered across the grass, slipping up and over Growlithe that were still making trouble around my feet and then leaping right for me. I quickly wrapped him in a hug and spun him around.

“I missed you soooo much!” I told him as he nuzzled into my cheek, he was a little wet so he must have been swimming.

“Well come on then. Let’s get you girls inside, and warmed up, you both look half frozen.” Mama offered putting warm hands onto my cheek to check and doing the same to Ivy who flushed at the attention.

I followed inside, and Mama settled us both at the kitchen table, as she made her calls she threw the kettle on the oven, to get us both some warm tea.


But Ivy liked tea, so I didn’t complain, plus other than warming my hands on it. Dratini was sneaking sips. As he cuddled up over my shoulders.

Instead, almost anxiously, Mama made her calls, the second one done with a much more formal language, then a call to Gram Gram.

Then once everything was done. Mama settled across from us as she poured us some tea. I grabbed the cups to warm my hands which was nice.

“So… Tell me everything.” Mama demanded, and I smiled as Ivy and I both started at the same time.

“The flight was great.” I started, only to be cut off by Ivy.

“But the Fearow we saw couldn’t catch us so, it was actually really safe, I was worried, but Dragonite is so fast!”


“Oh yeah, we saw a few of them as we flew over some random place. They tried to chase us, but that was never an option, we left them in our dust without even paying them any attention. Then we got to Kitakami.”

“The Mountain was so big!” Ivy added.

“Yeah it was huge. So many pokemon there too. Ivy caught like a bunch of Mono Grass types. Cause she is obsessed with Grass typ- Ow!”

“I’m not obsessed! I’m not even a mono trainer!” She hissed at me, and I just raised an eyebrow at her.

“I have three non-grass types!”

“Out of how many?”

“Girls!” Mama cut in, which was good, because Ivy was about to jump me. She might look nice and cute, but she was vicious! “How about you just keep telling me about your trip.”

“Right! So we visited Mossui town first! The people there didn’t really get what we were doing, but they didn’t care if we captured pokemon! So we took advantage of that!” I started into the story as Mama sat enthralled as we each shared bits of the story that maybe we each tried to hide.

So what if I got into a fist fight with a Pokemon!? Don’t tell her that Ivy!

Chapter 52

Chapter Text

“Ivy!” The call went up from outside as a car parked in front of the house, and nearly instantly Ivy was rushing out of the kitchen. I smiled at Mama as we both got up, and then the front yard was a scene that was very sweet.

Ivy and her Mama and Papa.

Funnily enough Ivy’s Mama didn’t have green hair, instead her deep blue almost black color sort of matched Ivy’s darker green hair compared to her Papa.

It was cute how you could see both parents in Ivy.

A few moments later, still clutching to Ivy, her mother looks up and smiles at Mama and I.

“It’s good to see you too Vicky.”

“Aunty Ami, nice to see you! Uncle Mori.” I greeted with a waved hand.

“Little Vicky, and Haruka thank you for watching after Ivy.” Uncle Mori offered and I smiled back.

“Come on in. Let’s get you all out of the cold.” Mama added and soon everyone was packed into our living room. Growlithe Puppies warming feet, or licking toes depending on how naughty they were feeling.

“I caught so many grass types!” Ivy was speaking with an exuberance she hadn’t shown to Mama before. “They are all so amazing, Daddy! You should see Petilil! She is so beautiful! And Fomantis! I caught an entire bushel of them!” She squealed happily. And Uncle Mori looked surprised and very pleased.

“I wasn’t sure I really wanted you to head out of the region, little flower, but it sounds like you made the most of it!”


“And Sewaddle.” I added to her list. Noticing the missing member.

Ivy clammed up sending me a look. “Seedot as well.” She confirmed, but she was squirming trying to pretend Sewaddle hadn’t been brought up.


“It’s a Grass and Bug type. They are very sweet, love to sew little leaf clothes for other pokemon and themselves… Ivy’s is a little-”

“Fine! He is fine. Just needs some training! Yep! Just fine!” Ivy cut in, interrupting and throwing me a look.

“He sews leaves into everything, and has no concept of not destroying something for more material.” I added. Much to Ivy’s direct and fierce annoyance.

Hehe! Shouldn’t have mentioned my Riolu fist fight to Mama Ivy!

“Sounds like quite a pokemon.” Uncle Mori added, looking like he was desperately trying not to laugh. He adjusted his little round glasses to distract him, but it was obvious he was very amused.

“Ugh… He’s difficult so far. He ruined my tent! But it’ll be fine, I’ll figure out how to keep him from sewing everything in sight… Eventually.” She admitted bashfully, but her spine firmed as she spoke.

Then there was the sound of a car engine outside, and I perked up.

“Papa?” I asked rushing for the door only to skid to a stop once I was outside and into a frown.

That wasn’t Papa’s car.

No, that was a pair of nice black estate cars, which meant only one thing. “Sorry Dratini. Go into your pokeball for a while okay? We’ll have a chance to meet up soon.”

“Tini.” He whined but I was firm and returned him. Then I focused on the cars.

“Tsk.” I offered as I turned back inside to get Mama. The men in suits stepping out were League guys.

“Vicky? Oh I see.” Mama added frowning. She had obviously been hoping it was Papa too.

“Should we just close the door and pretend we didn’t see them?” I asked, earning a scoffed laughter from Mama but she shook her head.

“No dear, they are here because that’s the rules. You agreed to let them inspect your new pokemon didn’t you?”

“Yeah.” I grumbled but nodded as I turned around and faced the men walking up the path.

I recognized one of them.

“It’s cigarette guy.” I mumbled glaring.

“Who?” Mama asked, but before I could answer they walked up.

“Mrs. Ferrous, Ms. Ferrous. Thank you for reaching out to us so promptly. We had word of you entering Kanto Airspace.” The frumpled man greeted us, and I just glared at him. “I see that you remember me.”

“Yeah. Your team bothered my Milotic.”

“I guess they did. Just in case you don’t remember. I’m Chief of Ecology with the Association Richard Brushfire.” He introduced himself, with a hand offered to Mama which she took. “My associate is the newly instated chief of the Indigo region combined ecology.”

“I am Kisuke Fujimura. Thank you for going along with our new foreign pokemon introductions.” He greeted. The man was short, with little round glasses like Uncle Mori, but at least he looked more put together than Cigarette guy. Speaking of.

“Just so you know, I have an entire herd of Growlithe now, and they would love to light that Cigarette for you, but they aren’t well trained.” I explained plainly to the man that had a cigarette halfway to his mouth. Making sure to use my hands to make an explosion to tell him what I meant.

“I see.” He offered, but then Mama cut in.

“I called to inform the League that we would head over once everything settled in. I didn’t expect you.”

“I know. I apologize for our early arrival Mrs. Ferrous, but please understand. This is a rather unique circ*mstance in general. Your daughter has eyes on her from multiple agencies, and when we granted her leave to travel out of the region there was a lot of politics involved.” Kisuke replied with an apologetic air.

“And that explains your presence?” Mama asked her own voice not apologetic at all.

“The League has decided to ensure there was no chance of foul play… We are here to escort you and the Vinewood family to the inspection site… At your convenience of course.” Cigarette guy added.

Mama frowned and I could feel how close she was to telling them where they could take their escort. But instead she nodded, patting me on the shoulder.

“Then be welcome in my home. We are waiting on my husband still.”

“Of course.”

I headed in first and I could see Ivy’s family wondering what was going on.

“League guys showed up. They are here to escort us to the inspection site.” I explained and I could see Uncle Mori frown deeply before his face went calm.

“Thank you Vicky. Don’t worry. We’ll take care of everything.” He offered, and I threw him a smile. Uncle Mori was a cool guy. Unassuming, but if you see him around his starter Venusaur you understood the guy knew how to battle.

The two men followed Mama in, and I quickly gathered some extra chairs so everyone could sit.

Then the whole thing got awkward. The League men introduced themselves to Ivy’s family, but no one really wanted to talk with the strangers just sitting there.

The men to my surprise took it with good grace, thanking Mama for the tea she handed out, and seeming to do their best not to be a bother.

“Ms. Ferrous, Ms. Vinewood. The League is very happy you both returned unharmed. You definitely had us worried, being out of contact for so long, but you did mention it could be a while. The Kanto Association wants to make sure to mention how proud we are of your growth during your journey this year.” Mr. Fujimura offered and I nodded slowly, not really in the mood to be congratulated by some random guy, but Ivy looked pleased, so alright fine.

“Thanks.” I answered and he smiled and nodded back.

“If you don’t mind me asking, we are all very curious. How did this journey to distant Kitakami go? Did you find any of the rare pokemon you believed could be found?” Mr. Fujimura asked eagerly, his tone of voice casual, like he was just someone interested in such a rare trip, and not already interrogating us.

“We found a few.” I answered and then shrugged. “I think I count as a Dragon Master now? How many Dragon types does a trainer have to have before they count as a Mono type master?” I asked, and the two men blinked in shock at my random question, before Ivy just sighed and rolled her eyes.

“It doesn’t work like that Vicky, and now who's the Mono type trainer?”

“Still you!” I teased and Ivy glared at me as I laughed at her.

The sound of another car had me jumping out of my seat. “Papa!” I yelled happily as I raced out and this time I was right, Papa was stepping out of his car glaring at the two cars parked nearby while Gram Gram was also in the passenger seat.

“Trouble!” Papa called out and I slammed into him full tilt laughing in delight.

“Heh.” Gram Gram laughed at my full tilt tackle attack.

Papa picked me right up and swung me around then bear hugged the life right out of me! Papa was a Bewear!

Finally he let me go and I could breath and Papa looked down at me and we both smiled.

“Welcome home Vicky.”

“I’m home!” I called out and laughed as Gram Gram walked over and grabbed a hug of her own.

“Glad you are back, Granddaughter of mine. You had all of us worried! Silly girl.” Gram Gram offered her hug tight.

“It was fun! But I’m glad to be home. I met lots of new friends! Oh and the League is already here.” I said the last part in a whisper and Gram Gram nodded.

“I expected. Were they pushy at all?”

“No actually, they weren’t.”

“Good. Perhaps they learned then.” She added as she side hugged me, as we walked.

Papa entered and Mama gave him a relieved smile and they took a moment to greet each other before Papa turned to the League officials, then he turned away from them.


“Victor, you old dog.” Uncle Mori greeted back and both men sent each other smirks.

There might just be a battle between the two older men sometime soon.

“Mr. Ferrous. I’m Richard Brushfire, Chief of Ecology, and my associate is Kisuke Fujimura, Chief of Indigo combined Ecology.”

“A pleasure.” Kisuke greeted as both men had risen to their feet.

“Nice to meet you.” Papa said, surprising me because he didn’t sound all that hostile or angry with them. “I assume the League is eager to begin their inspection.”

“It is a priority. Normally we would have wanted Victoria and Ivy to head straight to an inspection site, but we understand that children coming back from such a far journey have their own needs.”

Papa exhaled through his nose before nodding. “I appreciate that you didn’t rush us. Let’s get everyone ready and head out?” Papa asked, looking at Uncle Mori before anything else.

“I’m not pleased with being rushed, but we have been given some leeway.” He replied and rose up. And then we all started moving.

Gram Gram split off for a moment to speak to Aunty Ami whispering something to her that had the woman nodding seriously, but then we were out the door.

“Guard the house.” Papa called out to the pack of Growlithe that were all watching the going on, and in a single movement they all rushed off, taking up guard positions around the house and orchard.

I smiled at how eager they all were despite a boring job ahead of them. Papa had done a lot of training with them, they all had wagging tails.

We clambered into the two vehicles, apparently the League was pretty firm on us going with them and not taking our own cars.

We all packed in. One car for my family, the other for Ivy’s. Our Driver was Mr. Fujimura who seemed affable as he even opened the door for Gram Gram.

Papa sat up front putting me in the back seat between Mama and Gram Gram. And then we were off. Heading through Viridian.

Gram Gram of course pretended Fujimura didn’t exist through the trip.

“Did you enjoy your trip?”

“Yeah! It was fun! The people in Kitakami weren’t very nice, but they weren’t mean either. Just not really sure what I was doing. But the pokemon! They were all so wild! We got attacked a couple of times by big packs of pokemon! But it was fine my team sent them running, but the pokemon were very wild.”

“Hmph. Sounds like this Kitakami needs to train better Rangers.” Gram Gram replied not sounding too happy at the fact I was attacked, but I shrugged.

“I think it’s okay. It means lots of strong pokemon live there, unbothered by humans. I’ll have to tell you about all the pokemon I met… Another time.” I added looking forward and seeing the tiny glasses of the man looking at me through the rear view mirror.

“Yes, when we have less ears, I want to hear all about it.”

“Apologies, I can’t help but listen in, since I’m here, but I do admit, traveling so far out of Kanto? To a region practically untouched by people? Heh. I did my journey and traveled through Johto for my second year, but I never traveled farther than that. It’s fascinating.” Fujimura offered not at all offended with our words.

I had to admit, that was something I hadn’t considered.

“Is it really that weird? Don’t lots of trainers leave Kanto after their journey to explore more?”

“Some sure. Most don’t go far overland though. It’s dangerous, so they are more likely to head out into the ocean and end up on the coast somewhere before needing to head back. It’s a common story. There is a Ranger Corps that all require three fully evolved flying types so they can handle long distance travel rescue.”

“Sounds fun.”

“Heh! I’m told it’s incredibly boring.”

“Still… It was a really interesting adventure, and I would definitely go again, or even go somewhere else someday.” I added for the man. Throwing him a bone.

He nodded in thanks to my added words. “Not too far now.” He mentioned turning off the road we were on, onto a smaller road leading into the forests just west of Viridian at the base of the mountains. There we came across a gated little set of buildings.

“This is a League inspection site… Well it is now. It used to be a watch post from what I understand. But repurposing old buildings for joint work between Kanto and Johto is the new interest between governments.”

“I was wondering why we were coming out here and not up the mountain.”

“Heh, they are gearing everything up for the League. Road restructuring. It would take hours to get anywhere up the mountain.”

We pulled into the little parking lot in front of the building and a few moments later, the second car did the same.

“Come on in.” Mr. Brushfire waved us to follow, the man already puffing on a cigarette as he walked, but he put it out before entering the entrance. Not that I wasn’t wrinkling my nose and holding my breath at the stink of it.

Inside was a pretty normal looking office space with a man dressed in a lab coat at the desk.

“Oh! Is this them?” He asked, rising to his feet in a rush.

“Victoria Ferrous, and Ivy Vinewood. Here to get their foreign caught pokemon inspected.” Brushfire offered and the scientist practically giggled in delight as he looked us over.

“Perfect! Excellent! I am Dr. Jima. Please follow me!” He gestured for us to follow and we did. As we walked another researcher joined us, and then a third, all of them looked excited.

We moved through the building and then into a large room. It was almost completely empty besides a single wooden desk with a computer, connected to what looked like a scanning device that hung over a metal framed… Bed? It looked like a hospital bed, except it was all steel below some padding. Heavy duty.

“Rated for up to a thousand pounds! Do let me know if any of the pokemon you brought with are heavier than that, or taller than the room?” The Dr. Asked and when Ivy and I both shook our heads he nodded almost looking disappointed.

“Alright, let’s split you up now to get this done.” He said and another researcher stepped forward, but I frowned.

“Can’t we just stay together? Our parents haven’t seen our new friends.” I asked, and I could see Aunt Ami nodding along with Papa.

“Oh well.. Sure! More inspections for me I guess!” He chuckled and his two colleagues both deflated.

“I’ll get the scanner setup then.” One offered and the other just sighed and walked over to the computer to turn it on.

“Alright then! How about we start. Go ahead and release one of the caught pokemon onto the scanner.”

“What if we have more than one of a species?” Ivy asked as we both looked at eachother.

“Oh! How delightful! Variance in information?” He said, looking eager. “Go ahead and release them all then! Haha!” He said with a loud chuckle.

This guy was a bit crazy.

“Not a good idea for me.” I muttered, the Goomy horde was still a thing. “Ivy, you want to start?”

“Sure.” She shrugged and then grabbed some pokeballs from her bag.

“Foo!” “Fomantis?” “Fo Fo!” The five Fomantis called out in surprise at their new surroundings as Ivy released them onto the bed. They were confused and their cries grew louder. Ivy instantly walked over and talked to them, touching leaves and comforting their confusion.

“This is inside a building, it’s nothing to be scared about. I know there isn’t much sunlight, but we have to do this and then I’ll take you home and there will be all the sunlight you could ever want!”

“Oh Ivy look at them!” Aunty Ami cooed as she came over to inspect her daughter's new pokemon.


“Hello, I’m Ivy’s mother. You’re Fomantis?”

“Fo!” They all greeted cheering for her now that they knew she was related to Ivy.

Ivy’s Fomantis were very cute.

“How delightful!” Dr. Jima commented as he looked on, his hands writing notes. “Grass Bug types?”

“Pure Grass actually.” I said before I could think about it. Ivy was distracted smiling at her new friends and introducing them to her dad so she wasnt’ going to speak about them to the researcher. “They look like bug types, but aren’t. It’s purely camouflage.”

“Really? Are you sure?” He asked, looking surprised at my answer.

“Yep. Pure Grass type. It’s pretty common in Kitakami.”

“Interesting! I’ll have to test it myself, but that’s a rather unique evolutionary trait!” He looked very happy just in general waving at his colleagues, who began taking pictures.

“Can we get all humans just a step away from the table? Yes, thank you. Just a quick scan.” He assured us and then the arm of the machine was angled by one of the researchers, and a moment later they nodded.

“All done! Thank you!” He called out and we all relaxed, there wasn’t even an ominous noise or anything. “That’s all we need! Thank you. We see no immediate issues, so we look forward to welcoming the Fomantis line of pokemon to Kanto.” Dr. Jima said semi formally, but then relaxed. “Well mostly. Please keep in mind that politics is a different beast to science entirely. We send our approval, but that is only half of it.”

“That’s fine.” Uncle Mori offered. “I doubt the League would dare.” He said firmly with an ominous edge.

I guess as one of the prime Bulbasaur breeders in Kanto they had a bit of sway.

“Next pokemon?” Dr. Jima asked, and Ivy looked at me. “Your turn.” She said with a smile and I shrugged.

“Sure. Mimikyu has probably been sad, stuck in his pokeball all day.”

“Oh gosh.” Ivy whispered, and when I looked at her, she just sent me a sinister smile and waved me on.

I shrugged, and released Mimikyu.

“Kku? Kukuku!” he questioned, at the strange surroundings before seeing me. His neck crackled as he jerked his body to focus on me, the noise echoing through the room making it even louder than it had been before. “Kukuk!” He cheered out and leapt at me shadowy arms wide for a hug.

“Hehe!” I giggled back as he impacted my chest and I spun him around as I hugged him tight.


“Is that an attack!?” One of the researchers asked, hands reaching for a pokeball, but I ignored them all as I hugged my friend.

“Mimikyu! We did it! We are all the way in Kanto now! This is the inspection I told you about, remember?” I asked him as I finished spinning around for a bit.

“Kukkuku!” He agreed, pulling in his shadow arms and then climbing up onto my shoulder like he wanted.

“Agatha is going to be giddy.” Gram Gram said dryly, and I smiled at her.

“Good guess! Mimikyu is a Ghost, and Fairy type!” I told her, and it wasn’t Dr. Jima that spoke but one of the others.

“Fairy typing isn’t a thing! It’s just a normal type, with an ability.” He said almost snidely.

I looked at him, about to argue but Dr. Jima reached out and put a hand on the mans shoulder whispering something to him and the man reddened and looked like he was going to argue before Dr. Jim glanced at the door and the man huffed and stomped out.

“I apologize about that. Men of science sometimes have difficulty changing their viewpoints when facts begin changing, but concrete proof hasn’t been established.”

“So, Fairy type is real?” Mama asked, and I looked at her with a bit of hurt. I had told her that!

“We are moving more and more towards that conclusion. Too many factors matchup. We are still working it all out.” He confirmed. “There is a lot of data to collect, and it’s not easy to confirm without extensive testing. Jus the type matchups alone.” He shook his head.

“Fairy type is immune to Dragon type moves. They are weak to Poison and Steel, and resistant against Fighting, Bug, and Dark type. Fairy moves are strong against Fighting, Dragon, and Dark Types. Oh and Poison, Steel, and Fire are resistant against Fairy moves.”

My explanation was taken with shock, but I wasn’t even done!

“Jigglypuff and Clefairy are Fairy types here in Kanto. With a few others. Mr. Mime for example.” I added, and Dr. Jima looked at me with a very focused look.

“How do you know all of that?” He asked, eyes narrowed.

“I think it’s fairly obvious.” I said firmly, before walking over to the bed and placing Mimikyu on top of it.

“Hey buddy they are going to do some pictures and scans-” before I could even finish he was already bunching up his disguise around him. “I know. I know. Don’t worry I won’t let them peak.” I assured him soothing him as I reached out, and grabbed for his little shadow claw. Holding his hand.

“What’s this?” Dr. Jima asked at my words.

“Mimikyu, hide their true form under their disguise which they make themselves. Most of the time they copy Pikachu, because they want people to like them like everyone likes Pikachu.” I explained, but then I turned deadly serious. “Looking at a Mimikyu directly can result in death. I’m not sure the exact cause obviously. Whether it’s actually killing someone out of fright, or just some weird effect they have. Either way. Don’t peek under his disguise. Mimikyu is a very good boy and will do everything he can to assist you, but you can’t peek for your own safety.”

The room was silent, and I could see Mama and Papa giving me a look.

I very purposefully looked away from their worried look.

“Mimikyu is a sweetie though, and will do everything in his power to make sure that doesn’t happen.” I added, and Mimikyu was nice enough to agree, his head shaking up and down rapidly.

“KukuKku!” He offered. I just pretended not to see the way it made everyone in the room besides Ivy flinch.

“Hmm. I’ll have to check our requirements. I’m not sure we can accept a pokemon without a complete inspection.” Dr. Jima added, and I crossed my arms.

“Really! Really really! Don’t try to look under his disguise, it really is dangerous.” I confirmed, and Dr. Jima nodded

“Very well, Let’s finish our inspection as much as we can without it… That sound he made, is he alright?”

“Oh! The crackling noise? That’s just the sticks he uses to make the frame of his disguise! I’m going to take him to an arts and crafts store later and find all sorts of new things for him to improve his disguise with! He wears it all day everyday so it’s my responsibility to make it comforta- DON’T!” I screeched but it was too late.

Researcher number 2 had moved slowly while I was chatting and accidently distracted everyone.

He had pulled up Mimikyu’s disguise.

“Chansey!” I called out instantly because the guy had peeked under, Mimikyu had shrieked and then the man started foaming at the mouth, eyes rolling back into his head and falling to the floor twitching.

Mimikyu instantly started crying, and the adults were making noise, yelling, or calling for help.

Chansey was working on the researcher so he might survive.

But I focused on what was important.

I scooped up my little guy and held him close to my chest.

“It’ll be okay Mimikyu. It’ll be okay.”

Chapter 53

Chapter Text

The few minutes after researcher 2 pulled a real idiot move, were strange.

A few League trainers rushed in, pokeballs ready, only to find Chansey saving the researchers life and everyone pissed off or scared. Mr. Brushfire came in behind them as well looking around trying to figure out what was happening.

Then Dr. Jima calmed everything down, explaining it was a research accident. Which I argued was very much not an accident, because an accident isn’t usually something done intentionally.

But eventually an ambulance showed up, and idiot researcher 2 was picked up and rushed out. Although I think Chansey had already saved his life. Idiot got lucky.

At least he was breathing more normally and started to become responsive when he was hauled away.

And I had some confirmation on how Mimikyu’s thing worked.

It had been instant once the researcher had peeked, and it had sort of looked like a mix of massive fear, and a heart attack.

Everyone had been too busy at first dealing with researcher 2, but as he was now pulling out of the room on a stretcher two Machops holding each end as the EMS worked on the guy. Finally what I knew would happen happened.

Papa turned to me. “Vicky? Your new pokemon…”

“Mimikyu is my friend Papa. He stays with me.” I said firmly, I could tell Papa was feeling out the situation, and he sighed at my words.

“That may not be up to you.” Mr. Brushfire broke in. “A pokemon like that could be labeled as too dangerous for integration.”

“I hear Sinnoh is nice.” I answered back simply with a dark edge to my voice. I wasn’t going to be bullied, and I wasn’t going to let someone bully my little buddy!

He had been despondent in my arms ever since it happened, barely moving only to sniffle quietly from time to time. I was pissed about it!

“Ms. Ferrous, please understand, this is a… complicated time between Johto and Kanto. A pokemon with such a strange effect could cause some problems, that might lead to all the work that’s been done over the last decade to unify the regions to fall apart.”

“Your researcher did something I explicitly said would cause him harm! I’ve had Mimikyu for a while and never even came close to looking under his disguise. Ivy either! Would a researcher stick his head in a Feraligators mouth after being told not to? What kind of researchers are we dealing with? Mimikyu isn’t dangerous! They hate that seeing them hurts people!”

Dr. Jima, walked back into the room having followed his colleague out of the room, but as he did he came in half way through my rant at Brushfire. Dr. Jima cleared his throat. “Again Ms. Ferrous I do apologize for my colleagues actions. You did an excellent job breaking down the dangers of your pokemon, and it was our mistake in not listening.”

“A pokemon that can kill someone just by sight, is a bit more serious than a pokemon with sharp teeth.” Mr. Brushfire argued, looking stressed and rubbing at his chin. The way his fingers twitched told me he really wanted a cigarette.

“Pfeh!” A voice called out and everyone twitched as suddenly in the corner there was an old woman leaning on a cane.

“Oh hey Agatha.” I greeted.

“Little brat. I see you found something interesting.” She agreed and stepped forward.

“Ms. Agatha.” Brushfire greeted her respectfully. “You know that the department of Ecology is the one in charge of inspections. It’s up to our decision in the end.”

“Pfeh. You don’t even know what you are looking at. A Ghost and…”

“Fairy.” I answered while rocking Mimikyu in my arms.

“Huh, guess that’ll get those researchers rushing around to prove or disprove that claim. Let’s see.” She said as she walked over and peered down into my arms.

“He’s a little sensitive right now, Agatha.” I explained. I liked Agatha, but she could be a bit brusque, and for Mimikyu I would tell her to f*ck off just as quickly as I would the researchers.

“So I see. A bit sensitive for a ghost, but I suppose that comes with the Fairy typing. Hello there little thing.” She greeted, with an offered hand, and to my surprise Mimikyu reached out to her hand, his claw accepting her handshake.

“KuKku.” He spoke and even Agatha blinked in surprise.

“Heh… Heh, Hehehehe!” She chuckled, then broke into cackles much to my own and Mimikyu’s confusion. He looked up at me and then back to her.

“I have no idea.” I whispered, but Agatha slowly stopped her laughter.

“That is a lovely Ghost type. I can’t wait to see you train him into a real fighter. You, brat!” She said pointing her cane at Brushfire. “You’ll be getting a call from your boss soon enough. Pick it up.” And then Agatha moved away, stopping only briefly to chat with Gram Gram.

“Really Agatha?”

“What? These fools have no idea at all what your little brat brought with her! That Ghosty is going to traumatize an entire generation of poor brats! I can’t wait to be the most feared type again!” Agatha cackled as she walked out of the room.

Just not through the door. She just walked into a wall, and disappeared into darkness.

“Okay, that’s actually really cool. I’mma gonna need to learn how to do that.” I muttered and Mama instantly put a hand on my shoulder.


I just shrugged because Mama couldn’t stop me! But the amusem*nt disappeared when Mimikyu shifted in my arms.

“Don’t worry Mimikyu, you aren’t going anywhere. Forever and ever remember?” I told him and that earned me a whine of need as he hugged me again even tighter.

“Well then.” Brushfire said, still looking like he wanted a cigarette. “Please give us a few minutes before we continue the inspection.”

I nodded and settled onto the bed with Mimikyu in my lap and just continued comforting my sensitive little guy.

Eventually Dr. Jima finished going in and out of the room as he responded to calls or issues.

“Good news, Dr. Isu is stable and expected to make a full recovery. He is still unconscious now, but he woke up and was responding normally.”

I nodded only caring about the man's fate for the academics of it. Telling someone not to touch fire, and then watching them stick their hands into the flame sort of destroyed my sympathy for them.

It did make me want to try it myself at some point, with Chansey on hand… No, it was too soon for that. Mimikyu would definitely cry.

“So… Shall we continue?” Dr. Jima asked, clapping his hands together and trying to seem positive as if a massive f*ckup hadn’t just happened.

“As long as you don’t peek under Mimikyu’s disguise too.” I grumbled, and the Doctor nodded, Practically bowing.

“I will heed your warning about your pokemon Ms. Ferrous.”

I nodded a little pleased at the man's deference to my words.

“You ready to continue Mimikyu? I’ll be right here. I promise.” I whispered to him and he sort of snuggled in tighter, before eventually gathering himself and bravely nodded.


“That’s my guy.” I whispered back proud of him for being so brave. Then I placed him on the bed, and Dr. Jima walked over and adjusted the scanner above Mimikyu.

“Just a moment then… Done.” He said having walked over to the computer and pushing the button. “Well that’s the scanning done. The report on Mimikyu will of course…” He went quiet as a phone rang.

“That hag.” Brushfire grumbled as he pulled out his phone. I almost laughed because it was one of the massive bricks that first generation cell phones looked like. He quickly answered the phone and then walked out.

“Oh my. I hope Ms. Agatha didn’t cause another issue.” Dr. Jima added and I had to snort at that.

“I don’t think Agatha does anything without causing an issue.” I responded and Gram Gram chuckled at my words.

Not long after Brushfire returned and nodded. “The visual hazard of your pokemon is going to be ignored as long as no intentional use is recorded.” Brushfire added and I blinked.

“That’s dumb, of course I’m not going to do that! Mimikyu is shy, and doesn’t want to hurt anyone!” I snapped, but Brushfire just nodded and waved at Dr. Jima.

“Well then, let’s continue.”

“I’m up next then!” Ivy called and this time I knew what she was going to pull out.

“Phan?” Phantump asked as he appeared in such a strange space.

It kinda made me giggle at how confused the pokemon from Kitakami were at just being inside a building. Nervous at how everyone was looking at him, Phantump looked for Ivy and then floated over to her, sticking himself halfway behind her and even cutely putting his hand into his mouth like he was sucking on his thumb.

“Oh. Is it another Ghost type? Ivy?” Aunty Ami spoke first. Everyone had been surprised at the little guy's appearance.

“Grass and Ghost. Phantump ran into us in Kitakami, and well… He was out in a storm, Vicky picked him up while half asleep and brought him inside and then dumped him on me… But he’s a sweetheart!” Ivy added, as she quickly wrapped her arm around Phantump holding him up like the baby he was.

“I see… But a Ghost type?” Auntie Ami hesitantly added, obviously uncomfortable. Everyone looked a little concerned as well, staring at the little stump ghost with some obvious hesitation.

As Agatha had just mentioned. Ghosts were the most feared type for a lot of people… But wait?

Slowly Phantump was introduced to Uncle Mori, and Aunt Ami, and soon they were both cooing over the cutie.

His inspection went by quickly, and then it was back to my turn.

“Oh so… If we caught a lot of a pokemon, how do you want to do the inspection?” I asked, looking into the Goomy pocket in my bag.

Mimikyu climbed up to my shoulder as I tried to work and I gave him a smile for freeing my arms.

“Oh? Did you catch a lot of a particular species?” Dr. Jima asked looking interested.

“I got like forty Goomy in here.” I explained, as I grabbed one of the balls and then I hesitated not releasing one.

“Ms. Ferrous? Is there a problem?”

“Goomy, are very shy, and they won’t have any idea what is going on in here. Ivy? Can I get a few leaves?” I asked as I grabbed a plate out of my bag and then set it on the bed, and then grabbed my canteen to pour a little water into it.

“Phantump?” She asked, and the little guy plucked a leaf off his stump.

“Thanks cutie!” I said at Phantump, and then placed it into the plate.

Then I released a Goomy.

“Gooo?” It cooed out in surprise as it looked around.

“Hi Goomy.” I greeted drawing his attention. “Do you remember me? We’ve traveled really far from Kitakami now. We are in a building right now okay?” I watched as they looked around, taking i n the sights of all the people and the fact they were inside something that wasn’t a cave.

“We have to do a quick check up for you, and then you and your family will be released at my stable okay? Are you thirsty? Hungry? I got a little snack for you.” I offered.

“That’s… Interesting?” Dr. Jima spoke, and I could see everyone looking at Goomy in curiosity.

It was a pretty unique looking pokemon!

“Goo? Goomy.” He… She? Seemed to be a little scared, but they did scoot over to the plate and slip inside, cooing a bit as they sucked up the water.

The leaf was quickly gathered up and chewed up and they looked a lot happier after.

“I see, I see. How interesting.” Dr. Jima spoke, gathering Goomy’s attention. “Hello little one.” He spoke and Goomy sort of woogled a bit nervously at his presence. “Poison typing? It resembles Grimer to an extent.” He muttered to himself as he sort of crouch around inspecting the new pokemon.

“Pure Dragon actually. All three stages of it’s evolution are pure Dragon.” I answered with a shrug.

“What?” The gasp came from many of the adults around the room. But it was Brushfire that I was focused on, his jaw had dropped. “That’s a Dragon type?”

“Yep! Goomy! They start off very small, but they grow big and strong when they evolve.” I answered, reaching out and while Goomy was a bit nervous at my approaching hands, I gave its cheeks a squeeze as I lifted it up a bit letting it stretch out and then let go, letting it wiggle as its weight brought it back down.

Instantly giggles were my reward.

So I did it again.

“Goo! Goomy!” They squealed in delight as I played squeeze the Goomy slime.

“They don’t look like a dragon type.” Brushfire, added, but Dr. Jima waved him off.

“Pokemon looks can be a distraction. Young Ivy showed us one just earlier with her Fomantis. It is a very unique specimen though. You said you had forty of them?”

“Yep! They weren’t treated nicely by the people of Kitakami, they were hunting them down.” I explained frowning. “Goomy are herbivores, so I think there was once a crop issue with them, and so the people in Kitakami reacted badly. But they are cute little Dragons that just want friends.” I said smiling at my giggling Goo.

“I see. Let’s see what we can get from the scanner then. Since you have multiple of them, I will need a male and female for the inspection.”

“Oh… Hey Goomy? Are you a Boy, or a Girl?” I asked, waving my right, and then left hand in front of them.

“Goomy.” He replied tapping on my right hand.

“Heh. Handy that. Can you get a female?”

“That… Might take a minute. I’m gonna need some more water.” I muttered, but looking at my hands… “I’m gonna need a sink first.” I decided. My hands were a bit slimy.

“Oh, that’s quite a mess.” Mama said, cringing and looking grossed out.

“It’s okay Mama. They are just slimy little boys.” I teased the little guy and he looked confused, but pleased that I reached out with a care and stroked over his head, his cute little horns wiggled at my touch.

After a quick hand washing I dug back into my bag and this time pulled a few pokeballs out.

It took three before I got a confirmed female.

But this was okay because four Goomy all piled into a plate as I poured a bit of water on them to their delight, would never not be a fun time!

“Well no obvious male female differences.” Dr. Jima rattled off, as he prepared a scan and I just distracted my little goo.

“Oh… Ms. Ferrous please use the anti-bacterial soap at the washing station immediately. As you say they aren’t poison types, that doesn’t mean that they are clean. Their slime seems to be teeming with bacteria.”

I could practically feel Mama and Papa’s focus directed on me, and I nodded.

“Of course. They spend most of their time crawling through damp forests, or caves and drinking from stagnant puddles. I’m sure most of that will clear off with a bit of cleaning, and access to fresh water without predators constantly a worry.” I added doing as asked and cleaning up.

I wasn’t that worried though. Of course you should wash your hands with soap after handling slime pokemon! That would be weird if you didn’t!

“Well, other than the bacteria issue. I’m not seeing any problems in the inspection.” Dr. Jima added, and Brushfire nodded. He had been distracted making notes of his own, and seemingly itching to make a call.

“Okay Goomy! Next time I release you, you’ll be at our new home!” I called out and the Goomy perked up at my words. I guess the fact they weren’t being mistreated had given my words a bit more backing. “I’ll see you all soon.” I told them and returned them.

“Okay Ivy… Your turn.” I mentioned, and then very obviously walked over to Mama, Papa, and Gram Gram, tugging them away from the bed.

“Vicky?” Papa asked.

“Oh it’s fine… Just funny.” I mentioned in a whisper. Then I turned to Ivy who was starting to flush a bit red.

“That’s not funny!” She hissed at me and I shrugged. Cause it was.


“It’s not bad Mom. Just… Sewaddle is a bit difficult.” She said and then she pulled a pokeball from her hip and released him.

“Sew? Sew, Sewaddle… Sewaddle!” He cheered after looking around and then leapt off despite Ivy trying to keep him on the table.

And then Ivy was attacked.

“Sewaddle! Stop, we have to get an insp-Hey! That’s my hair!” She whined at him as he started sewing leaves into her hair as she struggled to bring him back to the bed.

“Well look at that.” Uncle Mori spoke and walked over, and then plucked Sewaddle up off Ivy’s hair as she struggled with him. Holding him up and to my surprise holding Sewaddle firmly as he couldn’t quite escape.

“Well hello there… You aren’t a grass type? No, he is, Bug, Grass? Yeah I think you two are right. Bug Grass.”

“Yep!” I called out as Ivy looked embarrassed.

“Sew?” Sewaddle finally stopped struggled to get back to Ivy’s hair and finish his project and then looked at Uncle Mori.

A moment later he was sewing Leaves into the sleeve of his shirt despite being held tightly.

“Bit of a one track mind on this one.”

“Sewaddle love sewing clothes for other pokemon and themselves!” I called out adding some details. “Although I think this one is a bit more obsessed than normal! They are very nice pokemon though!”

I laughed as eventually Uncle Mori helped Ivy settle Sewaddle on the bed to get scanned by basically just sacrificing his sleeve so Sewaddle would stay still enough.

“Bug types are a bit more of an issue for introduction than most others, as their quick life span can cause issues, but as a male that shouldn’t be an issue. Just alert the League if any more Sewaddle are brought into Kanto.” Dr. Jima spoke as he prepped everything to scan the new pokemon.

Ivy nodded, barely able to look at the Doctor as she quickly returned Sewaddle. Her face was super red from how embarrassed she was!

“It’s kinda nice to not be the one with a difficult pokemon.” I said a bit too loudly, and Ivy looked at me with a glare.

“Yeah? I know what your next pokemon is Vicky! Go on! It’s all yours!” She said with a big smile as this time she grabbed her parents and moved them away from the bed.

“Pfft. Please. She’s… Fine.” I waved off, but I did sort of make sure my family stayed in the corner… No reason.

“Just uh… Don’t make any sudden movements… Actually let me be clear. Stay back, and don’t make noise or move around. I don’t know how she will handle such a new place.” I told Dr. Jima seriously, the man nodded slowly and took a few steps back and nodded strongly.


“Come on out Gible!” I released her and she appeared on top of the bed. I stilled because what I was afraid of happened. The new surroundings had startled her. I very slowly raised a hand to the Doctor telling him to stay back for sure.

Gibles eyes were dilated, and she was slowly panning her body around looking around mouth held open ready to attack.

“Hey Gible.” I greeted gently, and she shifted to me. We stared at each other for a few moments, she was calming but before she left attack mode entirely. Dr. Jima shifted on his feet.

“Gib!” She cried as she reacted, leaping full bore mouth open towards the movement.

“Nope!” I called out snagging her out of the air by her horn and spinning her around in a circle to bleed off her momentum.

She went to bite me, but I flipped her upside down, grabbing her under an arm and started stroking her belly.

Very quickly the tension in her little body went limp.

“Yeah that’s it. Easy does it.” I whispered as I settled her more firmly in my arms. “Sorry about that. It’s complicated.” I explained. I did my best to ignore the looks I knew were striking right into the back of my head.

“Oh my. A Gible. That’s an excellent capture Ms. Ferrous!” Dr. Jima said in a whisper. Obviously knowing what a Gible was.

“Vicky, what was that?” Mama asked me firmly not sounding happy.

“Gible are raised in creches. Basically a rocky sandy pit. Anything that gets too close gets swarmed by Gible looking for food. It’s their instinct to bite at everything right off the bat… And Gible was the smallest, and she wasn’t treated well. So she’s… Well I’m working on her.” I said and plopped Gible down onto the bed.

Funnily enough now that she had a second to think about what was going on the bed’s soft top distracted her as she reached down and started pressing into it again and again as if never seeing something like it before.

“Might want to get your scan.” I muttered, and Dr. Jima quickly did just that as Gible continued to push into the cushion fascinated by terrain that was softed than my sleeping bag. Come to think of it, she had liked my sleeping bag too.

“Hey Gible. We are going back into your ball for just a bit longer okay? Then I’ll show you home. You’ll love it.” I said soothingy, reaching out stroking a hand over her fin. A moment later she disappeared into her pokeball.

“Another Dragon type Ms. Ferrous?”

“Dragon and Ground yeah.” I offered and looked over to Brushfire, he had been the one to speak.

“You are going to make my job harder. That was a female. You brought one of Sinnoh’s most prized pokemon back to Kanto, and a female.” He enunciated her gender strongly as he looked at me with an intense gaze.

“She’s a girl yeah.”

“Arceus.” Papa, cursed in surprise loud enough that I heard him.

“What? I literally went to Kitakami saying I was going to bring back pokemon, why is it suddenly a thing?” I asked looking to Papa who ran a hand over his face.

“Vicky, a female means we can breed them! A new pokemon on it’s own is one thing but breeding them is another. You said they are found in Sinnoh?” Papa asked, but it wasn’t me who got a chance to respond.

“The current Sinnoh Champion has a Garchomp, the final evolution. It would be like bringing home a Dragonite… Which I guess you’ve already dealt with once.” Brushfire responded sarcastically.

“Pfeh! Hehehe!” Gram Gram started cackling. “You’re damn right we did! My Grandaughter doesn’t care about what should be possible or not! Good job Victoria.” Gram Gram offered and I just shrugged.

“I just like them.” I answered back.

“Well, this is going to be an interesting meeting I’ll have after this.” Kisuke Fujimura spoke up, and I jolted. He had been sort of blending into the wall for the last while. I had practically forgotten he existed…

Which was weird, because I had ninja training so I wouldn’t do that!

My eyes narrowed, but the man just smiled.

“It will be an interesting few days you’ve created for us Ms. Ferrous, but please do go on.”

I huffed but turned to Ivy.

She realized it was her turn and nodded. Petilil appeared on the bed and looked around, before simply looking comfortable with Ivy nearby and started glancing around. Ivy’s family cooed in delight.

Petilil eventually got examined and Ivy’s parents were absolutely delighted at another pure grass type. Ivy was practically blooming under all the praise and I couldn’t help but smile in delight at her obvious pleasure at her parents pride.

“Okay this will be a double feature.” I said, and Ivy did the smart thing and tugged her parents away from the bed.

“A dangerous pokemon?” Brushfire asked, and Ivy just snorted before I could say anything.

“Only if you’re Vicky.”

“She’s a brat!” I confirmed and then released Riolu and Lucario.


“Rio!” Riolu delight in her new surroundings while Lucario instantly homed in on all the adults she didn’t know and seemed to be checking them out.

Riolu for once wasn’t messing with me, and instead was looking around at everything in excitement her tail starting to wag as she explored the room.

“Riolu!” She cheered as she discovered the bed had padding and she quickly climbed up on top of it and bounced around, giggling at the way the padding pushed her back up.

“Lucario and a Riolu!” Dr. Jim gasped, his hands practically danced across his notepad, and even Brushfire looked shocked.

Really guys this was like the third rare pokemon I brought back. You should be more mentally ready for this.

“Lu?” Lucario asked me and I smiled.

“Everything is okay. We are in Kanto. The government has to do an inspection of the pokemon I brought back, it’ll only take a minute and then we can go home.”

“Luca.” She confirmed her understanding with a nod and looked around before her eyes locked on Papa’s.


“Hi, I’m Vicky’s father.” Papa greeted and Lucario nodded slowly, bowing a bit herself.

“Rio… Rio! Rio rio!” Riolu noticed and locked eyes on Papa and then bounced over to my surprise. She wasn’t bratty at all and ran around Papa in a circle like she was examining something interesting before seeming to like what she had found.

Papa, probably relying on his dog training instincts, reached out to the eager looking Riolu and patted her on the head.

“That’s a good girl huh?” He asked, and Riolu melted.

Oh no. Papa was a dog trainer! Of course dog pokemon would like him!

“Hey!” I growled out and Papa looked embarrassed for a second, probably thinking I was yelling at him for stealing my pokemon. “Don’t steal my Papa! He’s mine!”

“Rio? Rio rio rio!” Riolu responded by laughing and raising up her paws and grabbing Papa’s hand to press against her head… Then she stuck out her tongue!

“Gonna give you a Vicky Papa stealing kick if you keep this up!” I threatened and Riolu just huffed at me. Steal my Papa will you!

“Vicky, don't threaten your pokemon! What’s got into you?” Mama asked, while Papa just looked confused.

I did the most drastic thing I could to a momma’s girl like Riolu. I walked over to Lucario and pouted at her demanding attention.

She seemed to pick up what I wanted and huffed out through her snout. But reached up and patted me on the head.

“Rio!” Riolu shouted in shock at what she saw. Growling, she looked very close to going for a Riolu Mama stealing kick herself.

“Excuse me. I apologize if I am interrupting, but the scans?” Dr. Jima asked and everyone looked at him, as the tension broke. Lucario nodded and walked forward prepared to start.

“Ah, a pleasure to meet you! Please just sit up on the bed there.”

Lucario nodded, and a few seconds later she was scanned, and then she waved Riolu to come join her.

Melting slowly away from Papa who hadn’t stopped head patting her! She finally broke away and rushed to jump on the bed again.

Once they were both scanned I returned them both and pouted at Papa until he finally gave in and patted me on the head too.

That was probably the most surprising catch of the day so far.” Brushfire muttered as he pulled a cigarette and only thought better of it at the last second. “Where did you find a Lucario family like that?” He asked, and I ignored him as I was demanding affection.

But Ivy the traitor answered.

“Vicky got into a fist fight with Riolu, after Riolu kicked her in the face.”

“Don’t tell them that!” I moaned.

“Vicky? Ivy said that you fought that pokemon before… Are you okay? That’s dangerous you know?”

“Oh don’t worry Mama. I won that fight!” I said, smirking.

“You both got sick from fighting in a freezing stream.” Ivy added, and I shot her a look. Stop tattling!


“My turn then.” Ivy said ignoring my glare, as she released her Seedot. Leading to a much easier scan process than pretty much any pokemon so far. Seedot was looking around and was distracted for the entire process.

“Vicky?” Papa asked, once Ivy was done.

“Yeah I still have another.” I answered, and pulled out my last premier ball.

“Jangmo-o!” The little guy cried out as he was released, and just like all the Kitakami pokemon, he nearly flinched as he took in his strange new position. His cute little paws worked at the padding under him in confusion and then as it took his interest looking down at his feet, he did it in interest.

“Okay Vicky. I’m not even going to try and guess. What is this one?” Papa asked, and I smiled at him, his voice attracting Jangmo-o’s attention. The little Dragon turned to him and then seeing people he braced into a stance, I could see the flinch in everyone expecting an attack, but then he broke into a cute little Haka dance!

He was challenging Papa, since he was such a big guy and that was probably Jangmo-o’s instinctual reaction to a strange situation.

Considering Papa had no idea what was going on I walked over, surprising Jangmo-o, but then I settled my stance, and his eyes widened in delight, at the situation following along with what he expected.

We danced at each other and I could tell that even Ivy had no idea what was going on, as I accepted the challenge, and then when we finished we stilled.

Jangmo-o’s tail was wagging in delight despite it being a challenge.

“I think you beat me on that one.” I deferred to his experience and he yipped in delight and spun around dancing on the soft bed in circles. I walked over and opened my arms, mostly because it just felt right, and a moment later Jangmo-o leapt into my arms. I giggled as I spun him around.

“Vicky? Mind filling us in?” Gram Gram asked… Well she was more ordering.

“Oh right. This is Jangmo-o! He’s also a dragon type!” I confirmed as I showed him off. His scales glistened in the light as I moved him around.

“He becomes a Dragon Fighting type once he evolves!” I told them happily. “They do Haka dances to each other as a challenge. I had to take part in Kitakami, and the elder Kommo-o showed me a secret dance… When I learned it, he offered Jangmo-o to come with me.”

“A… secret dance?” Papa asked and I nodded simply.

“A secret dance.” I confirmed and then didn’t say anything more about it as I moved back and settled Jangmo-o onto the table.

“I’m not about to be bitten if I get closer am I?” Dr. Jima asked, and I didn’t even need to respond as Jangmo-o scoffed.

“Jang. Jangmo!” He said and then puffed up his chest and stood proudly… For a few seconds and then looked at me in confusion.

“It’s a quick inspection, Jangmo-o. Dr. Jima here is going to do a quick scan, and then we’ll be all done and we can go home! Are you excited to see your new home?” I asked him, and he did another cute little claw tap dance.

“I see?”

“Jangmo-o, are proud warrior pokemon! They wouldn’t hurt someone without warning.” I assured the Doctor. “Isn’t that right?’

“Jang!” He roared in agreement and once more puffed himself out like he was a Samurai on a battlefield.

Sooo Cute!

A few moments later, scan complete, we were done.

“Well. that was certainly a collection. I swear I’ve heard of Jangmo-o before…” Dr. Jima trailed off as he tapped his chin.

“Alola. They are native to Alola.” I answered back without missing a beat even as I played with Jangmo-o. Lifting his front legs to his confusion before he realized I was helping him dance with his hind ones.

We did a little dance together, both of us delighting in it.

“That’s right! Of course of course!” Dr. Jima rushed to the computer and started typing away.

“Doctor?” Brushfire asked, and the man blinked, tearing his eyes away from the computer.

“Oh yes, pardon me, we did receive a small mention about the Kommo-o line of Dragon types from a researcher living in Alola. The data was sparse as the Kahuna still seek to keep outsiders from their private reserves. I do believe this will be the first official file on the pokemon!”

“Alright then… Ms. Ferrous, any other pokemon?”

“Just a few Milotic, I don’t think they count though, cause I believe the inspection was for foreign pokemon… right?” I asked, and Papa nodded patting me on the shoulder.

“That’s right. I read the paperwork myself.” Papa said and then glared.

“Alright, just know that if any pokemon that isn’t a Milotic is sent through without approval, it’ll look bad.” Brushfire added gravely.

“Why would I do that?” I asked confused and Brushfire nodded slowly before snorting.

“Yeah, that’s true.”

“Then.., All we need to do is re-establish the connection between your pokeballs and the Indigo transfer service. Your pokemon will be held in the transfer service while the inspection is approved.” Dr. Jima said suddenly and I jerked.

“What? Why? I want to show my Pokemon their new home!”

“Just a short time Ms. Ferrous. The inspection process is new. You and Ms. Vinewood are the first trainers to take part in it, so I assure you while we are going through some teething pains.” He said looking around at the fact he was now the only researcher left in the room after losing two of his colleagues. “Well it should be a short process, with how many eyes are on the process. I suggest you go home and your pokemon should be in your hands within an hour or two.” He offered with a wink.

I clutched Jangmo-o’s claws for a second before letting him go.

“Just a few hours and then I’ll show you around… Okay?” I asked, and he puffed up once more.

“Jang!” Heh. I guess I had more than one brave dragon.

“Return.” I asked him, and then looked at Mimikyu, who was still hanging out on my shoulder. “You okay too?”

“K-kuku….” He said a little more despondent, but I pulled him into a strong hug.

“You’ll love it. All the new friends you can make. And we’ll be together.” I told him and I got another shadow claw hug, before he finally seemed okay with returning.

Once that was done I nodded.

“I guess… that’s it.”

“Excellent. I’ll go ahead and do that now…

And on my body my pokeballs shifted. All of my new friends disappeared in a burst of red light.

I looked at Ivy and the same had happened to her.

“Alright Vicky. Let’s go.” Papa said, guiding us out of the building. Brushfire, and Fujimura both drove us home. Ivy and I split up, and I saw her through the window of the car as our car turned towards home first and I waved. She did the same.

Ivy and I had just finished a massive adventure, now it was time to enjoy the reward of returning home.

Family affection!

We stopped and let out, and Papa said something to Brushfire, quietly enough I couldn’t hear and then we were home!

“Hoooome!” I called out, stretching out in delight. Growlithe called back, and Milotic trilled. I was just about to run inside when Papa plopped a heavy hand on my head and tilted me towards the family car. “What?”

“We are going to the Clan compound Trouble. You want to be there when your pokemon are transferred right?” He asked, and I gasped.

That’s right! They weren’t coming here!

“Yes! We have to go!” I demanded tugging on Papa’s hand to urge him towards the car. He just laughed and let me tug him along.

Chapter 54

Chapter Text

The drive to Fuschia city was filled with me going into everything that happened on the adventure once again.

“So then I spent the morning with Milotic going through the caves full of water looking for Feebas! It was really nice. Gyarados was so happy that we got to spend some time together going up the mountain.”

“Well it’s good that your Gyarados is gentle with you.” Mama offered, and I just smiled.

“Gyarados is a sweetheart Mama. I didn’t get to spend a lot of time with him in Kitakami, the cave we found wasn’t big enough for him. So it was the first time all trip we spent any time together.”

“Well swimming up a mountain would be an interesting experience.” Mama said with a bit of sarcasm in her voice.

She still wasn’t comfortable with Gyarados, and that was fine… But swim? I blinked realizing my parents still didn’t know about my Blue Hearts special ability. I felt my lips twitch into a smirk. They were going to lose their sh*t when it finally came out.

But then the happiness slowly seeped out.

“Do you think my friends will be okay… In the system I mean?” I asked, because it felt so bad for them to be locked away into the transfer system.

“The pokemon transfer system stasis locks the pokemon in it Vicky. They won’t even notice something happened until they are sent over.” Papa said and I felt my foot tapping.

“Are you sure? What if they do notice that time passes and can’t get out?” There were sci-fi stories that had that as a terrible fate!

“There were a ton of tests done by Bill before the system was allowed. A lot of trainers had similar fears Vicky. They are fine, it’s completely safe.” Papa assured me, his eyes catching mine in the rear view mirror. “Trust me.”


“I still can’t believe you found so many dragon types.” Papa said, changing the subject as he drove us along.

“It’s not that hard when you have a dragonite and Arcanine to ride around on. Also we asked Lucario where to find the Kommo-o, so that was even easier.”

“And a Lucario!” Papa gushed. “I’ve only ever heard of them before! They are supposed to be the best police support pokemon in the world!”

“Yeah their Aura ability lets them sense emotions and they can track from like a half mile, or a mile? Something like that.” I added and Papa only looked more interested after that.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you this excited about a new pokemon in a long time dear.” Mama said, sounding very amused.

“Well I mean! I train Growlithe for the police, of course I’d be interested in another dog pokemon that could be incredibly useful.”

“Hehe!” I just giggled at Papa’s obvious excitement. “Well Papa, maybe you can help me train them? Lucario only joined me, because she wanted training for Riolu, even if Riolu is a brat. So I’m going to be training them.”

“Oh? That’s right you did say that… Well I can definitely help.” Papa added looking excited at the challenge.

“Alright enough you dogs!” Gram Gram added giving Papa and I a glare which we both just sort of laughed off. “We are here.”

And we were. Papa was pulling the car into the small parking area outside the clan compound. I stepped out in a hurry but slowed once I was out of the car because…

It still felt weird. The clan compound. The Clan thing in general.

“C’mon Trouble. Let’s go up to the main house. That’s where the pokemon transfer device is set up.” Papa said, throwing a heavy arm over my shoulders and I nodded.

Time to face the Clan.

We passed through the entrance. The old Persian at the entrance glanced up at us, from his cute little stone lantern cat bed, but he didn’t even raise his head just ignoring us as we passed through.

We walked forward and to my continued surprise, everyone saw Papa and Gram Gram and everyone was delighted.

“Aunty!” Voices called out waving at Gram Gram earning scoffs, but hugs from her nonetheless when they approached, and many of them men around Papa’s age would walk over and thump Papa on the back delighted at seeing him here.

Mama and I were a bit more awkward, but we both got attention still. Plenty of people were delighted to meet Mama, and lots of older women greeted me happily too.

Super awkward. We were stopped multiple times on our way towards the main house, until it felt like we were stuck entirely. People swarming Papa and Gram Gram.

I managed to take a few steps away from the gathering for a moment to catch my breath only to notice a little boy, sitting on the steps of a shop glaring at me from above the head of a Meowth that he was clutching to his little chest.

Both of them shared the same glare.


“Is that your Meowth?” I asked, because talking about pokemon was easier than talking about family history I had no knowledge of.

“Meowf doesn’t like you.” He said firmly, and I smirked because I knew exactly how to handle Meowth.

Before either of them could react, I settled into a crouch and used my instant kill move.

Double cheek scritch!

A move I perfected on Persian and Meowth Gram Gram would raise.

The Meowth made to swipe at me, but then melted and started purring.

I knew the secret spots!

The little boy looked surprised at my actions and then glared.

“Meowf doesn’t like outsiders.” He grumbled, and I just chuckled.

“I’m a member of the Ferrous Clan too.” I said and he blinked.

“I’ve never seen you.”

“Yeah I live in Viridian city. I’ll be around more often though. My pokemon are being stabled here. I’m Victoria. Just call me Vicky though.”

The little boy nodded, “Jamesth.” He added with a lisp that made me want to giggle but I made sure not too. “Alright. See you around.”

“Bye.” He muttered quietly, but seemed pleased when his Meowth didn’t follow after me, and instead rubbed its cheeks against him wanting more pets.

Papa had been distracted by a group of men, three of them dragging him over to some sort of workshop where the men were talking about some project they were doing. Mama was being chattered at by a group of women, being introduced to children and family.

Gram Gram was absolutely lambasting a kid that had gotten muddy, even as she had a handkerchief out and was cleaning him up.

And there I stood, feeling suddenly very alone.

I didn’t feel like I was meant to be here. The people were all strangers, despite everyone in my family seeming to fit in like a piece in a puzzle that had been missing.

“Hey.” The voice casually calling out to me, made me tear my eyes away and there was Elizabeth. Looking much more casual in her clothing than I had ever seen her before. Shorts flip flops and a T-shirt.

“You look different.”

“I don’t dress up all the time.” She muttered grumpily. “And shouldn’t I be saying that?” She asked, playing with her hair which made me reach up to my ruined ponytail.” I pouted and stopped fussing with it and she went on. “I heard from Grandpa that you were back. Did you catch something?”

“A lot actually! Kitakami was kinda crazy. Pokemon were really aggressive, and the people had no battling culture.”

“What really? What do they do?”

“Tricks I think? One guy had pokedolls that he used to run away with.” I answered back and then the two of us actually had our eyes met.

You know. It was something I hadn’t really thought about before but Elizabeth and I had very similar eyes. We were different everywhere else, but we had similar eyes.

“I’m… Sorry I guess?” I answered and that came out totally wrong. f*ck.


“No, sorry that… It came out wrong. Um… Your dad, Uncle Leo, when I mentioned Kitakami he was trying to get me to take you with me, but I didn’t. I took my friend Ivy… Sorry. For not bringing you along.”

She looked me over for a while before snorting. “Don’t worry about it. No offense, Victoria, but we don’t really get along.”

Our eyes met, and an understanding passed.

“True. I didn’t not invite you because I don’t like you or anything. I just wanted a fun adventure with my friend.”

Elizabeth nodded. “Maybe next time, but I accept your apology, even if it’s not needed. Papa often tries to push me into things without actually asking.”

“Great… I mean, cool. I’m going to… Go I guess? We are waiting for my new pokemon to be released to me.”

“Hmm… I’ll show you where your transfer system is. Papa set it up in the office. Come on.”

“Thank Arceus, I was super worried I would have to search around for it.”

“It’s fine. Everyone is distracted anyways.”

“Yeah they really are. Is that usual?”

“Your dad… Uncle Victor is kinda infamous. His whole thing… I don’t really know, let’s just say that despite him being excommunicated, he never really strayed from being a major topic of conversation. I heard just as many stories good and bad about your father growing up as I did about mine.”

“Well they are brothers, so I guess most stories would have them both in it.”

She didn’t say anything to that, and we continued walking on, a few kids waved at Elizabeth but she just bowed at them in apology as we passed, something she had done last time too. Up to the main house we went, and then to my amusem*nt into the same office that Grandpa Roy had led me to before. With the PC on the table.

“The PC is set up for the transfer system. The actual device is here.” And she opened up a cupboard that was along the wall and there it was.

A transfer device. Just like the ones Koga used in his Gym.

“Oh? I see Elizabeth already showed you where it is little Vicky.” Grandpa Roy called out standing at the door.

“Yep! Everyone got a bit distracted, but Elizabeth showed me.”

“Good. Good job Lizzy. Proud of you.” He offered as he stepped in, and patted her hair to my amusem*nt doing it carefully so he didn’t mess her hair. That was the movement of a man that had been chewed out for that before.

“Great. So I’ll just wait until they send them.” I confirmed firmly as I walked over to the chair and pulled it over and then settled down into it. Staring at the machine.

“Eager to get your pokemon are you?”

“I don’t really like that they made it take so long… Some of my new friends are a bit sensitive.”

“I see. Well, I’m sure they will send them over soon. You don’t have to wait here Victoria, there is an alert if anything gets sent over.”

“I’ll wait… I want to wait.” I said firmly. Grandpa Roy nodded.

“I understand. In that case let me grab a chair, maybe you can fill this old man in about distant… Kitakami?”

“Sure. I can tell you about it.” I agreed, and to my surprise Elizabeth settled in as well, the three of us chattering as I talked about the journey.


I was rather happily telling about the Garchomp nest when there was a beep that went through the entire house.

“Oh that’s the transfer alarm.” Grandpa Roy said and looked at the machine, where suddenly pokeballs started appearing. They appeared in a small groove set into a tray that rotated letting another pokeball be pushed through. When the pokeball reached the final space it was pushed off and into a hopper where the balls were locked away.

One, two, three, I waited and counted, Some white premier balls, and a lot more normal red ones, which had me grinning. Goomy!

Then the machine shut down and processed the rest of the balls into the hopper.

“How do I get them?”

“Ah there is a password.” Grandpa Roy said with a wink and walked me through accessing the panel, although he struggled with getting the password in a few times as the technology seemed to confuse him,

Eventually it opened up like a safe, and there they were, all my pokeballs on tray after tray.

I quickly started grabbing them, but didn’t have enough arm space.

“Why don’t we help out.” Grandpa Roy offered with a laugh, and started shrinking them down so I could carry them easier, and he helped out. Even Elizabeth grabbed a few.

“I forgot they did that.” I muttered, too excited to wait as once I had them all I rose up and sort of took a few steps forward and then a few sideways then stopped.

“Ah! The stable! Right it’s out back.” I muttered and this time I knew where to go. Ignoring Grandpa Roy’s laughter.

I was just excited!

I passed by Gram Gram who was sitting seiza in an open Kantonese style room facing the back of the building where the stable was located.

“Hi Gram Gram! Bye Gram Gram!” I shouted as I ran right past her and nearly leapt off the wooden porch.

“Careful Trouble!” She called after me, but I wasn’t stopping!

I made it to the stream where the Milotic now lived. I was noticed immediately, and calls of delight, trilling musical sounds as the Milotic greeted me. I quickly found a spot and dropped all the pokeballs into the grass as Milotic came out to greet me.

“Hi everyone!” I greeted and was quickly dogpiled in Milotic happy to see me. “Do you like your new home? Are there any problems? Is it warm enough? Does it get too cold?” I demanded and just received trilling laughs in return.

“Jeeze. Slow down.” Elizabeth muttered as she caught up and just dropped the pokeballs next to me.

“Never.” I said simply mostly muffled in Milotic flesh. “Okay! I got new friends to introduce!” I called out and that earned a lot of attention. Milotic that hadn’t jumped out of the water to greet me, now did so. And I was surrounded by the prettiest eels!

“Such pretty fish!” I exclaimed in honest love of how they all looked, and I received many proud looks as they spun in the air and showed off their sparkling scales.

I shook my head to refocus.

“Okay! Let’s get everything sorted. Come on out everyone!” I called, releasing my team.

Arcanine immediately became my backrest, cuddling up behind me showing off how excited she was with her tail thumping. Dragonite and Milotic both cheered when I released Dratini and that caused the entire Milotic flock to cheer and dance in delight at the family's reunion.

I gave them some time as I just watched as they cuddled and hugged, and I could tell from the way Milotic and Dragonite chattered that they were telling Dratini all about the adventure they had gone on.

The way he turned then, looking to me, for perhaps the first time I saw something in his eyes.

He wasn’t a baby anymore I realized. It had been a few months since his birth. He had grown well, everything about him looked like a fully actualized pokemon.

I nodded to him, acknowledging that fire in his eyes.

Dratini was ready for training. Ready for battle.

I smiled.

Once they settled around I noticed what Chansey and my Blue Heart were up to. Chansey was going around giving everyone check ups, although the Milotic were mostly just flowing around her in delight, spinning her around as they rubbed against her in greeting.

She had a smile on her face, but the way her flippers were twitching told me, if the Milotic didn’t knock that off they were going to get tossed around a bit.

Gyarados flowed into the water as he was summoned, and was mostly just looking at me, hanging high over our head, looking calm and happy.

Blue Heart still seemed at peace after our morning flight.

I would have to do that more often.

Then I grabbed one of the new white pokeballs.

This one I knew. And I released it.

“Ku? Kukukku!” Mimikyu called out as he realized he was on grass.

“Mimikyu… Welcome home!”I greeted him when he finally noticed me, and there was a moment of stillness, before my little cry baby burst into happy tears and charged at me.

He slammed into my chest and I just laughed, not at him, but with him because Mimikyu! I had a Mimikyu!

I grabbed another pokeball, and this time it was Jangmo-o who popped out, he looked around, and then quickly started tippy tapping his feet as he looked around at all the new pokemon and the new space!

He didn’t run to me like Mimikyu, instead rushing around to each pokemon and squaring right up to them and barking a greeting before rushing to the next one.

Completely fearless, he even ran up to Gyarados.

Blue Heart bent down to look and the little Dragon didn’t flinch despite his size making him less than a morsel for Gyarados, and then Gyarados greeted him with a grunt.

Jangmo-o’s tail wagged and he rushed to the next pokemon.

I felt soothed at the noise of Milotic and just pokemon noises, everyone was happy, and excited.

The faint flakes of red on the next pokeball were enough to have me sit up.

“Come on out Gible.” I called, and a moment later my least tame pokemon popped out onto the grass.

Her mouth was already half open as she took in the sights around her. The many large pokemon.

“Gib.” She said, not even a greeting, or a noise of confusion. Simply a grunt.

Then she saw me, and our eyes met. She stared, but she wasn’t going fully into her instincts, she just… Was staring.

“You hungry?” I asked, and a moment later, despite not moving or reacting in any other way…

She was drooling. I snorted, I couldn’t help it, and I nodded. “Okay come here, I’ll give you a snack.” I said, patting the grass next to me, and Gible did just that walking over carefully, almost as if she was expecting an attack from a direction, but knew she couldn’t do anything about it, before she reached me, and then with a few more Gible grunts she sat down beside me.

I pulled out of my bag some berry chunks and I calmly reached over despite her focus and gently took her hand. Then I dropped the chunk into her hand.

It disappeared in an instant into her maw, hand and all, and she started chewing before she even pulled her hand out.

“Gible.” I sighed, and pulled her hand free, noticing she had definitely chewed her own hand a bit. Chansey came over and a moment later Gible was okay, but I was really going to need some work with her.

“Do you want to sit with me, or wander around and meet everyone? All the pokemon here are my friends too.” I asked, and Gible just sort of sat there zoned out. “Okay.” I said and then turned back to my pokeball pile.

The pair of pokeballs that I knew should be released together were grabbed and then I threw them out.

“Rio!.. Rio!?” Riolu gasped as she appeared looking around in surprise at her new surroundings.

Lucario said nothing, simply gaining a serious look as she took everything in. She relaxed quickly though as she realized that there was no danger, and that the pokemon surrounding her were mostly ones she had met before.

“Hey you two. Welcome home.” I offered and to my surprise while Riolu scoffed, Lucario stiffened up at my words looking at me with a serious look before she nodded. Her shoulders relaxed and she walked over. Riolu whined as Lucario settled down next to me and nodded, seemingly deciding to be comfortable as she rested against Arcanine whose tail was still wagging.

Although I knew that the reason her tail was wagging was because she wanted to fight Lucario more than anything else.

Riolu huffed and instead of settling by her Mama, she started wandering around, exploring.

I nodded, grabbing the next batch.

Milotic appeared in bursts of light, each one trilling as they looked around, some seeing me and greeting me, but soon more and more noticed the river full of Milotic and seemed to gasp hovering over to greet their shared species.

The newbies were hesitant, scared of being sent away, but I could see my old friends were all happy to see them Greeting them with trills of delight and eager wiggles.

Five new Milotic joined the flock.

That left perhaps the most sensitive release.

I grabbed a Goomy pokeball and released it. Watched as the slug materialized and then looked around. Then before it could fully process I released another. And another. They started gathering up close to each other as they were a bit intimidated by the horde of pokemon around them.

But they calmed when everyone offered them a greeting, or just gave them little attention.

Soon I ended up releasing Brave, I noticed instantly because he zooped around gathering all the Goomy into a pile and glaring at everything that was getting too close.

Then, finally the last pokeball was released.

And there it was.

An entire dollop of Goomy!

So cute! I didn’t jump up right away, instead I let them sort of get used to what was going on. Brave was still woogling around them in a circle like a guard dog with sheep, but eventually even he slowed down when no one made any motion to bother him.

Then I slowly got up and had all of the Goomy turn towards me. A few gentle steps forward and I settled back down on the grass just a bit away from them.

“Hi! Welcome to Kanto. We are very very far from where you were before.” I explained, and to my happiness one of the Goomy slid out of the dollop.

Ah! It was the one I released during the examination! I was pretty sure!

He wobbled right up to me, and greeted me.


“Hey Goomy!” I greeted back in delight, because it was great. I reached down and then enjoyed my game of squeeze the goo!

He giggled in delight, and soon despite Braves efforts to keep them in order, more Goomy wandered over to me, chattering away.

“So I figured we can show you the whole place, and find a place you like that you can call home. We have a river, and even some rocks and stuff. I can probably get a cave set up for you if you want that.” I started explaining even while I stretched out the one Goomy.

They all chattered at that seemingly liking the idea, even if Brave just glared at me.

“Goo!” He called out and slurped, and woogled over the others until he was in front of me. “Goom.” He stated bluntly, and I slowly nodded even if I didn’t quite understand.

“You're the boss.” I said and he blinked at that, before sort of wiggling in place before nodding.

“Goomy.” He said and then turned to his others. And called out, and soon there was a trail of Goomy, each of them following behind Brave as he started off towards the river, before sort of slurping along the bank as it was too deep for him.

The Goomy all lined up and followed. Like a slime train! I giggled as I watched, it might take a while to get the Goomy settled and comfortable, but I was willing to give them time.

I wiped my gooey hands on the grass… Then I did it again. “Okay I’m gonna need a towel.” I muttered, hands still covered in goo.

Chapter 55

Chapter Text

As I stood up to get a towel I noticed I hadn’t been alone.

Which should have been fairly obvious since Gram Gram had been sitting out on the porch to start with.

Mama, Papa, Gram Gram, Grandpa Roy, and Elizabeth were sitting on the porch watching.

I flushed a little.

“You were all watching?” I said calmly and without my voice sounding like I was shrieking.

“Of course.” Papa said, smiling as he rose up and walked over. He handed me a towel and I quickly wiped my hands clean.

“I sorta forgot you all were here.” I admitted and Papa laughed at my words ruffling my hair.

“How’re your pokemon settling in?”

“I think everyone will be pretty good, except Goomy, they are hunting for a spot to settle down in. I’m going to try and help make them comfortable. Otherwise everything is-”

I was interrupted by a cry of shock. I looked over and wanted to face palm. Instead I ran as fast as I could to get over there.

Gible had bitten onto one of the flock Milotics tail, and the Milotic was freaking out at the sudden chomp. Her cry freaking out as Gible didn’t let go.

Luckily her tail was mostly scales so it would be okay, but it was still a pampered pet pokemon. They weren’t used to training, except for a few of them which had wanted a bit more excercise.

“Hold on! I’m coming! Gible! Let go! No bite!” I called but I knew she wasn’t listening, or maybe not understanding, with a leap I managed to wrap my hands around Gibles body, despite Milotic waving her around.

I gasped as Milotic didn’t notice my added weight, as she continued to freak.

“Calm down Milotic! Gible let go!” I called out, and then finally Gible’s jaw proved a bit weaker and we slipped off.

I took the crash wrapping around Gible to keep her from getting hurt as I rolled in the grass to bleed off momentum.


“I’m okay!” I called out a little hoarse. That had knocked the wind out of me a bit, but I was more focused on Gible who wasn’t handling the situation well. She was trying to bite. Her teeth snapping as I held her off and tried to keep some gentle pressure on her.

Eventually without anything getting in her mouth she calmed down suddenly. She stopped mouth open as she waited for something to get within bite range, but instead I whispered to her quietly.

“That’s it. Calm down, it’s okay. You aren’t hurt, nothing is wrong. Calm down.” I whispered. Slowly she blinked, and then again. And every time it was like her eyes brightened.

“Yeah. That’s it.” I soothed, looking away for the first time to see Chansey was already on duty taking care of Milotic who was crying and laying over Chansey as she sobbed…

Okay those were Totodile tears if I ever saw them even Chansey had noticed and was looking less and less willing to put up with Milotics nonsense.

Papa was there kneeling beside me, but staying out of it so that Gible wouldn’t bite. “Trouble? That was dangerous. You okay?”

“I’m fine. I’m okay. Everyone's okay.” I assured him as I looked down at Gible that was now looking around at me, and at Papa as she was taking in the surroundings. “You feel okay Gible?”

“Gib?” She responded, but I got the feeling it was less because she understood my question, and more because she recognized her name.

“That’s a good girl.” I told her, stroking her lightly to soothe her down. “I’ll just have to be more careful not to let you out of my sight in the future.” I told her. “How about you take a nap for now okay?”

“Gib?” She responded again seemingly not understanding, but enjoying the way I stroked her belly.

With a bit of effort I got to my feet, and wandered over until I found her pokeball. And she disappeared in red light.

I made sure to put her ball onto my belt and turned to Papa who didn’t look happy.

“Vicky, what is that? That’s twice now that pokemon has… Don’t give me that look.” He said, sighing and pressing his head into his hand.

“This is just how I look.” I told him, but even I could tell my chin was raised and I was glaring as I held her ball carefully in my hands.

“Just be careful. I’ve seen pokemon that feral before. It’s rare, but sometimes wild Growlithe get that way especially if they don’t have a pack.”

“I think she’s very very young more than anything Papa.” I admitted and Papa nodded.

“Take care of her Vicky, but don’t forget to take care of yourself first. Just because a bite won’t kill you, doesn’t mean you won’t be in a lot of pain. Or lose a finger!” He said and I carefully kept the ball around my palms.

The scars had mostly healed by now, but new flesh was still paler than normal.

“I’ll work on it. She’s one of my priorities.”

“Okay. Good. Don’t think we won’t help.” Papa offered, suddenly kneeling down and pulling me into a hug. “We are all so proud of you Vicky. You’ve done so much, proved you have what it takes, more than I ever did. Don’t think we don’t see it. Even if we worry for you.”

“Papa.” I said blushing and embarrassed as he held me tight.

“Alright, I’ll stop. Promise all of us if you need something to ask. This is a lot of Pokemon to handle at once.” Papa said, looking over my new horde of monsters.

“Hehe!” I preened as I pulled away and rushed off. Time to get to work!

“Milotic! Please make sure the new pretty noodles are welcomed by the flock! Dragonite! Can you watch the little Dragons? Jangmo-o, Dratini, and Gible.” I said hurrying over and offering her the pokeball. She looked at it, and then nodded, taking it from me.

Without hesitation she released Gible who for once didn’t immediately attack as she appeared so close to Dragonite, no Gible looked up and up and up. And mostly just shrunk down.

“Draaaag!” Dragonite called out and suddenly Dratini came running, and Jangmo-o having heard me came hustling over too.

Jangmo-o’s little feet tippy tapping in excitement as he lined up!

Eeee! My Pokemon are the cutest!

“Riolu, Lucario! Can you stay with Chansey! Chansey! Light exercise with anyone that wants? No Arcanine! That doesn’t mean we are going all out!” I called out as my dog instantly rose to her feet only for ears to fold and flop back down.

“I’ll get to the training with you soon.” I told her although that didn’t do more than make her ears perk up a little. “Mimikyu? You can stay with me, or go with Chansey to get some exercise, she is really good at that.” I offered, but my shoulder pokemon just wrapped his shadow claws around me for a second.

Nodding at his obvious response I turned to my biggest pokemon.

“Blue Heart! You big cutie!” I called out as he had followed me with his face the whole time. “You can do whatever you want of course my darling.” I told him, and he just wiggled and continued to follow me from the river.

“Okay! Goomy parade!” I called as I turned to them and started chasing after. They weren’t the fastest pokemon, but they weren’t just normal slugs either, they had made some good distance, as Brave led them on a winding path around. I noticed that some of the bushes had a lot of their bottom leaves chewed off, as the procession had moved past them.

I would have to talk to Grandpa Roy about putting more buses into the Stable. Maybe talk to Ivy about getting some grass types to revitalize them? Either way, there were still the berry trees as well, that would provide a lot of food.

Hurrying on I passed the slowest Goomy, then I slowed and our eyes met.

“You want a lift?” I asked, bending down and offering my hands. Slowly the Goomy looked from my hands. To the distant back of the next one, and he or she slipped on. “Hehe!” I giggled as their body slurped into place and then I rose up and continued hurrying easily out pacing the Goomy and finding the main Goomy train.

Brave at the distant head was still pioneering new areas, trying to find a place that would suit him.

As I ran to catch up, I started considering that myself. I hadn’t done a lot of exploring here, but I knew there was an underground cave for the Milotic, could we get another cave for the Goomy as well? That would probably be the best option. That or find a nice bushy area and make a couple of dens for them.

But first, I would have to talk to Brave, and get him to actually accept my help. Reaching him, he looked away from under the bush he was checking to glare at me. Puffing up and glaring.


“I know, I know. But I can help.” I told him as I flopped on the ground cross legged, putting the slowest Goomy onto the ground which had them giggle as they rushed over to their friends chirping and chattering happily.

I guess Goomy liked rides!


“Listen. I know this place is new to you, and you want to do things your way… But you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here to help. I told you didn’t I? That I would bring you somewhere safe? I did. I didn’t lie. You can rely on me.” I said raising my arm and flexing while patting my bicep only to wince at the goo on my hands.

“Goom, goomy.” He raised himself up nice and big.

“I know. You’re their leader. They are lucky to have you. You worked so hard to keep everyone safe. I’m on your side. Whatever you need, I’ll help you. If you need a cave, I can help make one for you. If you want little burrows I can do that. I can bring in more bushes for you all to eat, and I can move the stream around too if I have to!”

I waved at the water that was trickling along.

“This place. It’s meant to be perfect for my pokemon, so whatever you need Goomy. Just tell me.”

“Goo?” The idea rushed through the Goomy train. I could hear them chattering, but Brave hadn’t let out his puffed up size, just glaring and firm.

Then slowly the slow Goomy I had helped woogled over and rubbed against Brave.

“Goomy? Goo?”

And Brave deflated looking tired. “Goo.” He seemed to agree not quite sullenly, but not happy.

I reached over before he could react, and picked him up. And plopped him in my lap.


“You’re such a good boy.” I told him, and then hesitated. “Umm. You are a boy right? Ah, Right hand is you are a boy, left is if you are a girl.” I offered and a moment later Brave looked up at me, and huffed woogling over and onto my left hand.

“Oh! You’re a girl! I’m sorry!” I apologized, actually a little embarrassed. Brave was a strong hearted warrior woman!

“Goom.” She offered with a huff settling herself in my hand.

So I lifted her up and let her slurp around a bit, doing the squeeze game.

Instantly my hand was full of giggling slime. Letting her stretch out had the usually tacturn Goomy giggle and wiggle around as I let her go to floop back together, she blinked looking at me.

I looked at her.

My smile spread across my face.

Her face puffed up in embarrassment.

“So cute!” I declared and before she could escape I squeezed her up and enjoyed the sound of delighted Goomy giggles.

Oh no. This could be addictive.


Instead of leading the entire pack around trying to find a place. I ended up carrying Brave around, moving much faster than she could to explore the whole property. Even finding the chain link fence that indicated the end of the purchased land.

It was a pretty large plot of land, about five acres, with a large amount of extra forest all around it. The fact the clan had bought it entirely to hold Milotic was pretty striking, but I guess it was pretty easy to get a loan when you can just point at Milotic.

It took a bit, but I walked Goomy around the whole place, and in the end she wasn’t satisfied about where she wanted to plant her dollop. She kept looking under things, and checking rocks but not finding what she wanted.

“Goom.” She denied with a shaking head.

“Okay! Then, let’s head back. We can talk to Grandpa Roy. With the extra Milotic I brought back I shouldn’t hear any complaints about bringing in a crew for a bit of work. Until then, I’m sure we can find a place you guys will feel comfortable.” I offered and slowly Brave nodded. But she looked like she didn’t want to do it.

I just soothed her by grabbing some leaves from passing bushes as we walked and she happily munched on them.

Brave might be a serious leader of her dollop, but she was just as cute as all the others! She just tried to hide her cute side!

I returned and saw Papa to my surprise talking with Lucario as they both stood over Riolu who was sniffing at the ground.

“Trouble. Welcome back.”

“Hey Papa, Lucario. Goomy didn’t find a good place to settle everyone… But what are you doing?”

“Oh I was chatting with Lucario here, and I explained what I do with Growlithe.” He offered with an embarrassed look. “She thought the fact I could teach Growlithe how to track with their nose was weird. So I offered to show her… And so now I’m teaching Riolu how to do it. It’s just the standard Growlithe tracking training.” He offered.

“Rio!” Riolu called out and we all looked at her, as she pulled a ball out from under a bush with a grin.

“Good job.” Papa offered and I never saw Riolu look happier as she stood up straight and puffed out her chest. “It takes a lot of work to keep your nose trained up. Vicky knows how to do the tracking training too. So she can make sure you keep the skill.” Papa offered reaching over and patting Riolu on the head.

She didn’t like what he said as she scoffed and instead reached up and grabbed his hand and grinned.

Wait… Hey!

I glared at her, but when Riolu noticed she just sent me an oh so superior look!

Well I’ll show her! Another asskicking on the Vicky express-


I blinked and looked down at Goomy who was looking up at me.

“Right, focus on the important things.” I told her, and nodded. “Papa, Goomy needs something we don’t have. I need a damp cave that can keep them safe.”

“Ah well… Let’s go talk to Uncle Roy. He’ll be able to sort that out.” Papa said, lifting his hand away from Riolu who pouted at him, but then I followed Papa as he led me away. I stopped before going too far. Staring at Riolu who glared back at me.

“Good job, with the tracking. It’s a really useful skill to have. Keep it up. We’ll do some move training once I get everyone settled in.” I told her, and Riolu blinked back in surprise. Then I hurried after Papa.

Saying praise at Riolu the little brat left a bad taste in my mouth!

But I hurried after Papa and there sitting at a small outdoor table resting on cushions was Grandpa Roy, Gram Gram, Elizabeth, and even Uncle Leopold was here now.

“Uncle.” Papa greeted, and then looked at Leopold.

Both men met each others eyes, and a lot of information passed between them. Papa looked away first.

“Pardon the interruption, but Vicky has an issue with the stable space.” Papa said and Grandpa Roy perked up.

“Oh? Something we need?”

“I don’t have a rock, or ground type that can adjust the ground, and the Goomy need a cave. Maybe a space for the river to flow through as well? They like damp dark spaces.” I explained as I shifted my hands up and down letting Brave undulate in my hands.

She was trying to stay serious even as she looked like she wanted to giggle.

“Ah I see! Well that is something we can take care of! Elizabeth, Mind stepping in?”

“Of course Grandfather.” She accepted and then rose up.

Oh right, she would probably have more than just one Skitty!

“You have a rock type, or Ground type? What kind? Is it cute?”

“I think so.” She offered back and stepped away. “Where is a good place for this cave?” She questioned, and I had to think about it for a while. I wanted them to be close by to the entrance so they were protected, especially since they weren’t strong at first, but I also needed a place that was big enough for a Goodra, or at least a Sliggoo.

It hit me, and I smiled. “I think I know! Follow me!” I called out running off while Elizabeth followed at a slower pace.

Then I came up to the small waterfall and I grinned. It was definitely high enough to have a cave behind it!

“Behind the waterfall! Do you think that’ll work? It won’t hurt your pokemon will it?”

“It’ll annoy them, but nothing a nice meal won’t cheer up. Come on out!” She threw not one, but two pokeballs!

One popped out a Sandslash that stretched and wiggled its long claws. The other released a Delcatty.

“Ahhhh How cute!” I cooed and ran forward.

“Hey Careful! Delcatty doesn’t like-” Elizabeth tried to call out, but I ran right past her Delcatty and up to her Sandslash.

“Look at this handsome one! What a strong and good looking Sandslash!” I cooed and he instantly perked up as I was paying attention to him as he puffed out his chest.


“Look at those spines! You have a good diet! And you exercise a lot I can tell.” I said cooing at him as I reached out and gently scritched his chin which got him wiggling in delight.

“Catty.” A very unimpressed Delcatty snapped from behind me, I turned around to see her puffed up and irritated.

“What’s wrong Delcatty?” I asked and she immediately turned her head away from me. “I think you’re very cute.” I offered, but she refused to look at me as she continued to ignore me. I looked to Elizabeth and shrugged.

“You are the weirdest kid.” She answered back but shook it off. “Alright, a cave behind the waterfall, we can do that. How big does the entrance need to be… A foot across or so?”

“More like two or more. Sliggoo are about two feet tall… I think we’ll need to hold off on making any sort of Goodra sized entrances until one of you evolve into one.” I told Brave who looked up at me in surprise, before nodding slowly.

“Two feet. Alright. Sandslash! Delcatty! We are making a cave behind the waterfall! I know neither of you like water, but it needs to be done. Work together okay? Both of you go into a dig. Sandslash you are going to be in charge of securing the walls and roof. Use Rock tomb, and set up a sand pit, just like in the Milotic cave!” She called out and both pokemon looked to the waterfall and then back to Elizabeth before slumping. But both rose up and went to it. Even if Delcatty gave me a glare as she walked past.

Then I got to watch as the two dug into the earth. Sandslash using…

I’m pretty sure that was Rock Tomb to bring up rock to make sure the cave was secure and would last.

And then they both disappeared behind the waterfall.

“That’s so cool. I can’t wait until Gible gets bigger we can make secret caves and stuff.”

“Gible… The little dragon type, with all the teeth?”

“She’s a dragon and ground type!” I answered and Elizabeth twitched but nodded at my words.

“She’ll be a powerful asset.”

“Garchomp are crazy strong. The Dragon typing removes their weakness to water. They don’t like it, but it won’t hurt them any more than any other move.” I explained because I loved gushing about my future pokemon!


“Hehe! Not just that, but Garchomp can fly. So they can fly, run very fast, dig, and swim. They are really versatile!” Elizabeth sort of blinked as she tried to imagine it, but I could see her lack of understanding. She had never seen a Garchomp before.

It was sort of hard to imagine a monster like a Garchomp.

“But that’s my only ground, or rock type… For now… I want an ancient pokemon someday. I just need to find a fossil someday.”

“Oh? I’ve heard about the resurrection machine. Even fought a Omanyte once.” She offered. “Water Rock type was difficult to beat.”

“Brock has a Kabutops. It was pretty strong.”

“Oh? When I faced him, he didn’t use it. What moves did it have?”

“Oh it used a Cross Poison, and some rocks moves… Stone Edge? That sounds right. Otherwise it had water moves. Whirlpool and stuff.”

“Interesting.” She muttered as she seemed to take in this information.

“Worried about fighting a Kabutops?”

“Eventually. The resurrection machine means more and more ancient pokemon are popping up. I want to be ready.”

“Well all of them will have a Rock typing with another typing as well. So fighting types are usually a solid bet.” I offered and she looked to me.

“There are only two pokemon successfully revived, just because they both are Rock type doesn’t mean they will all be Rock type.”

“Pretty sure I’m right though.” I answered back with a shrug.”But in the end the amount of pokemon is so vast we’ll probably never know about them all.” I said with a happy smile.

I couldn’t wait to see just how many pokemon filled this world. Maybe even new pokemon that I’ve never seen before?

I shrugged. It didn’t matter. It was so fun either way. There were so many already.

“Looks like they finished.” Elizabeth called out as Sandslash came spinning out of the hole behind the waterfall doing its best to shed water as it landed and then sat back like it was tired as he groomed itself.

Delcatty came out a minute later looking a little bedraggled. She walked over to Elizabeth and just meowed demanding attention.

“Alright guys. Let’s get some towels, and we’ll get you both all dried out. Thank you.” She said giving Delcatty a scratch and pressing her head against Sandslashs before returning them both.

“Elizabeth… Thanks.” I said as I rose up, “The goomy and I really appreciate it.” I said waving Brave up and down letting her sort of undulate in my hands as she started giggling a little despite trying to be serious.

She looked at me, and for a moment it looked like she really wanted to say something, but she held back.

“I wouldn’t mind some practice battles before the League, you are going to train up between now and then, right?”

“Yep! Lots and lots of training. I’ll be… Probably here a lot.” I said as I realized I would either have to leave a lot of my pokemon here when I went home, or… Or I needed to stay here as I trained.

The idea didn’t leave me happy, and Elizabeth noticed, but didn’t poke it.

“If you want to stay… You’re welcome. You have a room here.” Then she just waved me off and headed back to the main house.

I turned back towards the waterfall cave.

“Let’s check out your new home okay?”

“Goo!” And I hurried over. Letting Goomy slip inside, and I could hear the happy calls from her as she looked around. Eventually she came out and gave me a look.

It was more than just thanks, and I glowed as she crawled over and made a sort of motion that had her wiggling up and down, then I realized she wanted up.

I picked her back up and settled her on my shoulder. This shirt was already going to need a long visit with a washing machine soon anyways.

“Goo! Goomy.” She called out, getting the attention of some of the Goomy.

“Gooooomy!” I yelled out getting much more attention.

“Goom! Goomy goo!” Brave called out, and soon the horde of slimes woogled towards us.

I looked over at Brave and she looked so… Happy. That her family was safe. Soon the cave had a steady stream of slimes slipping in.

Today was a good day.

Chapter 56


Interlude Chapter

Chapter Text

Mossui Town Hunter

“Why do you continue to not hear me! A small foreign girl came across a Mimikyu! We should be looking for her body!” He argued growing heated as once again his words left no impact on the older man.

“The girl and the other as well, are not one of us. I will not allow another to head into the deep forest just to find a body.” The elder offered with a sigh. “Yuki-chan. Let it go.”

“I fled! I tried to grab her and drag her out of there but she fought me so I… I left her.” He admitted to the Elder sitting across from the older man, both of them at the Elders home sitting out on his porch watching the fields.

“I know Yuki. You mustn’t blame yourself, or hold such blame in your heart. You did what you could. They were children, but they were odd. They did things differently from us. If our warnings are not heeded… We can do what we can to help, but we can’t take up the lives of all people on our shoulders.”

“I regret it. She was so young. So small.”

“Then let her spirit not haunt you, but lift your shoulders. Use her memory as something to grow from.”

“I will try… I will try.” Yukito stared out over the fields. He had lived his entire life here in Mossui, had chosen to become a hunter to explore. To get away from the confines of the village.

But perhaps he wasn’t meant for this.

“The other girl is likely still alive.” He muttered trying not to sound petulant.

“If she is, and she needs help, then Mossui will be open to her.” The Elder offered looking conflicted even as he spoke. “To allow children to travel so far from home alone? What madness exists out beyond the mountains?” He asked more to himself, but even Yukito didn’t know.

They sat there quietly, in the morning air wondering what was going on with the world. What insanity would send children so young into the wilderness. Mossui rarely had the strongest pokemon trainers, like other regions, but its children all grew up!

Yukito had met a Sinnohan trainer once. A man that had been at Stormpoint Port at the same time that Yukito had been with a trade caravan. Mossui had one truck that it used to transport rice and apples up over the mountains to the coast and bring back everything they needed.

But that man had scared Yukito. He had been challenged out of nowhere to a pokemon battle, which had baffled Yukito. Pokemon battles were never done anywhere but at the safest times. No one battled outside the village!

Even if Stormpoint Port had been pretty safe, it was obvious that Yukito was a traveler.

Yet, his own ardor had pushed him on. He had agreed, it was the first time Yukito understood the difference between Mossui and the rest of the world in truth.

This man, just a random wanderer from a great region, had defeated both of his pokemon without effort. It had been disappointing all around for both teenagers.

Yukito had fled in embarrassment after the battle.

The foreigners were so strange. So powerful, and yet it was like none cared about Kitakami.

The sound of rushed footsteps disrupted Yukito’s wandering mind.

“Really, Hideko? You know better.” The Elder said turning to glare at his granddaughter, but the teenaged girl breathing heavily and rushing up onto the porch ignored the reproach.

The only person in the village that did with such casual ease.

“Look! Up!” She gasped and pointed and Yukito did so before gasping and feeling his knees going weak.


“No… No!” The Elder gasped, hands trembling and afraid.

Because above their village. Highlighted in the first light of morning was a Gyarados.

A flying Gyarados.

Impossible. Those beasts when roused from the rivers rampaged with such power. The only beasts that worried the villagers more was the Ogre, or the Great Matriarch of the mountain.

The Garchomp that ruled with brutal force.

“No no! Look!” Hideko called out and pointed up but Yukito wasn’t sure what she meant. He had very much noticed the flying disaster.

A disaster that should not be able to fly!

“No, look at its head! Don’t you see the gold?” She demanded and then Yuki looked less at the entire moving calamity.

There. “Wait.” He muttered then as the realization sunk in he spoke louder. “Wait!”

“That’s the foreign girl.” The Elder spoke with surety the words that Yuki wasn’t sure he could say.

“She’s alive.”

“I’ll say she is more than just that.” Hideko said, looking up. “We noticed her as we were picking up apples at first light. She’s not moving very fast, but that’s her, the foreign girl.”

“Lord Arceus. Truly you treasure some more than others.” The Elder spoke a snippet of an old prayer. “Be thankful Yuki, it seems your actions did not end in death after all… Even the evil Mimikyu, would not have challenged such a beast after all.”

“Yeah.” He said quietly, looking up at something wondrous and impossible and wondering.

Why? Why could he not reach such strength but foreigners could?

Perhaps… Perhaps it was time to find out.


Richard Brushfire
Chief of Kanto Ecology for the League

He really wished he could smoke.

Another meeting, another waste of time, but that was his life. He spent half his life in these meetings so his men could get some actual work done.

The big heads all demanded another meeting, as if they didn’t have the same report he had already made on this topic.

Nope they wanted a face to face meeting. Richard honestly wanted to one day ask them all if they were even capable of reading.

Maybe on his last day before retirement? Yeah that sounded good.

“We all know what this means! Garchomp! The powerhouse of Sinnoh here!”

“We should implement a breeding program! With just a few females, we could have an entire host of them!”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Richard cut in. “Garchomp is rated purple on the ecology disaster index. Small groups are fine due to frequent infighting, and splintering into even smaller groups which make them manageable. But a powerful Alpha rising up and a trainer to keep everything settled would be a disaster of untold proportions. As outlined in my report.”

The man he interrupted sent a glare at Richard, not the first time. The old war hawk. Daniel Tsunada, was a man that always attempted to create every advantage for Kanto possible. Even at the expense of Kanto’s ecological health. The man was short sighted in the extreme.

No, you moron breeding Grimer to then send to Johto is not a good idea!

But Richard didn’t say that aloud. Instead the Kanto League President cut in. “We are trying to settle tensions gentlemen, let’s keep that as our priority. Champion Lance is in agreement, so for once we have a top down press for continued peace, on both sides of the mountain. Richard, I’ve read your report, but I want your opinion of the introduced pokemon from the Kanto perspective. Issues, benefits.” The president asked with hand running through his beard.

“I can’t speak on it much President Goodshow. The pokemon brought in are either semi known, or complete unknowns. The Mimikyu alone has entire teams currently looking into its scans. And into what researcher Katsu has managed to share from his experience.”

“Nearly killing a grown man with a single glance? Seems like a dangerous pokemon, potentially too dangerous for a young trainer. Why was its entrance into the region allowed?” Tsunada cut in, the man stuffing out a cigar as he rumbled.

Damn Richard wanted a cigarette. f*ckers always smoked, but he wouldn’t be allowed to until it was over.

“Ms. Ferrous was approved due to her trainer rating. With all eight badges, as well as approval from both Elite Four Agatha, who specializes in Ghost types, and Gym Leader Koga speaking for her, she is rated to handle Black rated Pokemon.” Richard replied instantly.

“Nonsense. A ten year old with such a pokemon is begging for an accident!”

“The girl seemed the most aware of the dangers of her pokemon. She went out of her way to warn everyone, and reacted quickly to both save Researcher Katsu’s life, as well as to make sure no further damage could be done.” Which was something Richard had really wanted to ask her about.

The girl was just too confident in handling a pokemon Richard himself wouldn’t have allowed anywhere near him.

“Ms. Ferrous’s trainer rating is not up for discussion.” The President cut in. “She has earned it, just as any trainer is capable of doing so, her age doesn’t enter into it.” The president replied, still stroking a hand through his beard. “Richard. Moving on from the Mimikyu, will there be any issues from the other pokemon. The dragons?”

“Difficult to say Mr. President. We simply don’t know anything about these pokemon to handle such an estimation. For now, we are setting up Rangers to keep watch around their current habitat.”

“Good. That should do well to give us a baseline. Such a treasure to have new pokemon in our region. I believe our League will only be all the more impressive in a few years.” The President replied happily. Probably the only man in the room honestly just pleased to have new pokemon in the region for the League, and not for war potential, or for their own power.

Richard really, really wanted a cig.

“I agree.” A voice called out and everyone stiffened. A chair that had been in a corner of the room spun around showing the Champion. The Champion that had been in the meeting the whole time…


“Champion. I didn’t know you were invited to this meeting.” Tsunada bit out with a growl, the mans cigar smothered to ashes as he slammed it down.

“President Goodshow requested my presence, as a show of faith to the Johto half of the Indigo League, regarding the current issue.”

“President!” Tsunada growled looking at Goodshow like he wished he could strangle the man. “This is a meeting for the Kanto League! To allow a Johtan to sit in, and not even inform us!”

“Be at peace Tsunada, Champion Lance was requested for an important reason, and has my complete trust in this situation. His specialty after all.” He then turned to Lance. “Champion? As the pre-eminent Dragon Master of our shared regions, what do you think of our newest additions? ”

“Fascinating. I read the report, and saw the scans.” Tsunada nearly growled at that reveal, but everyone ignored him. Giving the Johtans the reports and scans was part of the agreement. Why get irritated with it? Richard really wanted to know what went through these old mens heads sometimes.

“I’m familiar with Ms. Ferrous, but this is a unique opportunity. I would appreciate it if the League would approve a visit. I would like to learn more about these new dragons she brought over, before I make my own attempt to travel to distant Kitakami.”

“What nonsense is this! That information should have been restricted! To allow him to know where the source is!”

“Tsunada sit down.” President Goodshow snapped out, his affable demeanor gone as he glared out from around his almost famous beard. Slowly the man did so red and glaring. “The peace agreement made between leagues after the last war, was very clear Tsunada. We keep only one Champion position to keep the political pressure of trying to prove who is the best champion out of people's minds. No need for a war with everyone sure their champion is best when there is only one champion for both regions.” Goodshaw began as if speaking to a child about historical fact.

“We have had a marked decrease in conflict on our border, between our regions. Peace. Something we all crave, Johtan and Kantonian alike. This is the best step forward we have had in decades. Indigo was once unified after all, it is a shame for us to kill our own cousins so routinely.” The man reminded the room, looking even at Richard who really REALLY wished he had a cigarette.

Yeah Indigo had been one, probably five hundred years ago. It had been split in a civil war so long ago, and with so much destruction that even the exact reason for the war was long lost to time.

It had led to centuries of war between the two regions. Centuries where each side had honed themselves against the other.

But with recent changes to technology. Recent changes to the League, and recent worldwide changes, with planes becoming powerful enough to fly around the world. With sea travel improving with new understanding of pokemon ecology.

His own department was responsible for the oceanic trade path across the entire coast of Yamato. Something unheard of just a century ago. Not even touching on the distant ocean trade opening up in the last few decades. Alola, Unova, there was a rumor that he hadn’t been sure of about a safe ocean liner path to Galar.

But bringing up unification was a bad call. Richard could tell.

Tsunada had calmed, his face gone suspiciously blank.

Something everyone had noticed, but not commented on.

“And yet Lance, should not be here without our awareness. That’s practically treason.” Tsunada grumbled, but the president shook his head.

“There was nothing up for discussion that was private information.” The president reminded everyone, giving Tsunada a look telling him that his own xenophobia towards Johto had been his own embarrassment.

“I assure you gentlemen, as I have said many times in the past. Despite my origin, I wish to make sure the Indigo experiment continues in peace. Combining our pokemon Leagues through the Indigo League is something I approved of from the start.” Lance interrupted, trying to be reasonable.

“And when it fails, you will go back to Johto and then come at us with all the force of the Blackthorn.”

“Or I will fight to keep the peace from the fools that are trying to stir up trouble.” Lance responded. “We’ve all lost something to war with each other. Let the children fight each other safely through the League and leave the borders as they are I say.” He called looking over the men. Men of the Kanto Association. Many of whom nodded along, a rare thing indeed.

Richard noted Tsunada wasn’t one of them.

“If it helps. I planned on doing an inspection of the Ferrous Clan Stable in a few days, to make sure everything is up to par. The Champion could escort me.” Richard offered. Something everyone in the room understood was the exact opposite.

Richard would be escorting Lance, keeping him in sight and making sure nothing went missing on his visit.

“I approve, but I am not the one we will need to ask. Richard when you inform the Ferrous clan of the inspection, please request to bring along Champion Lance. Lance my boy, I apologize, but it will be up to them if you are welcome.”

“I understand.” The Champion said agreeably, shaking his cape out a bit as he shifted. “Until then. I will speak to the Silver League President about the situation, about how open the Indigo League has been regarding such a drastic shift. President. Indigo League chairmembers.” He offered a small bow and turned his cape flaring behind him.

Then Lance was gone, and Richard had another headache to deal with.

“I will be reaching out to discuss today's surprise President Goodshow.” Tsunada said as he rose up in one motion. “I assure you that many of the governors of Kanto will not be pleased to hear of this!”

The President didn’t do anything, and the meeting thankfully ended. Finally time to smoke.

“Brushfire?” He stopped as the President called. f*ck.

“Yes sir?”

“Give me a moment of your time.” Goodshow requested rising out of his chair and walking over to one side of the meeting room. To the large map of Kanto, so Richard followed.

“What can I do for you sir?”

“Push for the Ferrous clan to accept Lance's meeting. No threats, but make it known that this request comes from me if you have to.”

“Sir? Is it really that important?”

“Blackthorn is one of Johto’s most powerful clans, but they have old pacts with the Silver League. Pacts to join in whatever wars are called. Lance being Champion lets him exempt himself from the normal call to arms. Gives him an excuse to firmly plant himself between the regions as a bulwark as tall as Mt. Silver.” Goodshow reached into his jacket and pulled a cigarette case out, offering one to Richard.

Well, never let it be said Richard refused such a generous offer. “I didn’t know you smoked.” He offered candidly. Bending down he accepted the President's light as well, smoking the crisper brand compared to his own.

“Only behind closed doors my boy, can’t let the children see a man in my position smoking away. Best they think I abhor it all, so they do as well. At least that’s the dream.” He replied and Richard nodded.

“So you want to butter Lance up?”

“Not just that. I hope that Lance brings those pokemon back from Kitakami himself.”

“Sir? Losing an advantage like that? Is it worth it?”

“Old thinking Brushfire. Old, war like thinking. What’s the point of an advantage you intend to never use? No. Better to sell such an ‘expensive’ gift for something far greater. Despite our openness about the situation there are still grumblings from Johto. Grumblings that have been causing issues.” Goodshow blew out a cloud of smoke as he stared at the map.

Then the President turned and looked up at Richard. The President may be small, but he had a powerful presence at times. When he continued speaking Richard was listening.

“Troublemakers are as always spending their political capital to cause issues. What do you think will happen when Johto soon has their own new dragons? And it was because Kanto allowed it, in the spirit of peace?”

The idea framed in Richards mind. He wasn’t a politician but he could understand it.

Men and women on the other side of the mountain stirring up unrest, suddenly silenced when their champion is assisted in empowering himself.

“You want to weaken the opposition to peace, and empower those calling for it… But Sir, if Kanto is offering this boon to a Johtan champion, you are weakening the Johtan warmongers, but you might be enhancing the Kanto side.”

“Yes.” He agreed simply and didn’t say anything more staring at the map of Kanto.

Richard smoked that cigarette, and nothing more needed to be said. He withdrew without another word, heading to make some calls.


Elizabeth Ferrous

Elizabeth wasn’t sure what to feel.

Her little cousin seemed so delighted as Pokemon after Pokemon that Elizabeth had never heard of came out of pokeballs.

Elizabeth knew she was a strong trainer. She knew she had talent, taking Skitty to the conference and through skill and clan knowledge of cat types earning her place.

But that and this was something else.

The Gyarados alone had Elizabeth stepping well back, back up onto the porch overlooking her cousin's stable.

The section of land behind the clan had previously been pretty small, The Fuschia ninja clan had owned the woods, and the Ferrous Clan had struggled to try and buy it.

Only with the money from the Milotic had it been approved.

The fact Koga of all people was fond of her cousin was just as weird. She had been allowed to sit in on the meeting between Daddy, and Gym Leader Koga for the land.

The Gym Leader had mentioned it would do Victoria well to have a stable away from Viridian.

So Elizabeth knew that Victoria was trouble. Knew that she was a strong trainer, with luck and skill.

But before this Elizabeth had only seen her pokemon by themselves.

Her Arcanine way back on the first day they met, the day that Elizabeth knew that the little blonde would be more than just a distant unwelcome cousin..

Then a Dragonite when she flew away after the clan meeting.

But looking over her entire team had Elizabeth assessing it objectively.

She knew more about Milotic than most since she had been helping take care of the flock that was transferred and even helping the team brought in to adjust the entire landscaping.

But Victoria’s partner? It was night and day compared to the pampered flock.

Thick muscles shone under its scales. It was larger, thicker, and longer, and moved with a grace on land that even some of the flock couldn’t get in the water.

Powerful. Elegant. Beautiful.

Elizabeth admitted her jealousy, and moved on.

Arcanine was a beast. Dragonite was a Dragonite. She couldn’t even properly assess them. They were strong though.

But the Gyarados? That had Elizabeth paying it extra attention. She had fought a trainer with a Gyarados before in the conference.

He had knocked her out. His Gyarados had been a brutal rampaging beast, even Skitty using Thunderbolt hadn’t managed to stop the beast until it crashed on top of her.

Her agile fighting style countered by overwhelming bulk.

But that Gyarados, while bigger than her Cousins was an uncontrollable beast. Its trainer hadn’t given it a single order during the fight.

He couldn’t. Even in the end, after defeating Skitty it had needed to be returned to keep it from attacking her.

The Trainer… Yaro? Yilo? Something like that. He had nearly lost his win because of it.

He had been knocked out in the next round, because he had been banned from using his Gyarados after its attack on her.

So Elizabeth had studied Gyarados, trying to figure out a method to have won the battle.

Yet… Victoria’s Gyarados didn’t rampage. Didn’t attack. Didn’t even mind when Milotic floated around it or on top of it.

It just swam there sedately, eyes locked onto Victoria with a calm intensity.

If it hadn’t just been there unmoving for the last few minutes she would have assumed it was planning on attacking.

“Blue Heart! You big cutie! You can do whatever you want of course my darling.” She called out to her Gyarados who just sort of wiggled at her in response.

It made no sense. How had she done it? How had she made her Gyarados so placid? So controllable?

And who the hell called Gyarados a Darling?

Elizabeth shook her head, as her cousin ran off to chase after the littlest pokemon Victoria had brought back. Goomy? She didn’t get why she wanted so many poison types. But Victoria seemed to delight in them, and Elizabeth wasn’t going to comment on liking weird Pokemon. Her Sandslash wasn’t considered cute to most people, but Snicker was one of her best friends.

Elizabeth would need to watch her cousin. To figure out a way of defeating her, because she didn’t plan on losing the conference this year.

But she also knew that there was a gulf between them. Luck, rare pokemon… Maybe even skill. Although that one was what Elizabeth was betting she could win on. That and experience.

As she watched her cousin run back later with a Goomy in her hands. Elizabeth agreed to help.

The fact Victoria might be an enemy she faces in the conference, had nothing to do with the future of the clan.

This and that were two different things.

Chapter 57

Chapter Text

“Mama?” I asked, surprised at what I came across when I came back inside. I had just hit the bathroom to wash all the slime off, and use a bunch of soap. I had spoken with Chansey about what to do with the bacteria covering our Goomy, and after a quick discussion, Chansey had assured me she would get what was needed.

But I still needed to clean up, and entering the house I saw Mama sitting in a nice little sitting room with Elizabeth's mother right across from her.

The other woman was in a fancy Yukata and Mama seemed surprisingly at ease, sitting across from her, in her much simpler clothes, both women were taking tea of all things.


“Vicky, taking a break?”

“Just getting some food before getting back to it. I need to finish planning the training plan with Chansey, and do some team bonding… But I could take a break.” I assured Mama, seeing the way her face had shifted to disappointment as I talked.

“Good. Melissa was telling me about a hair salon we can head to.” Mama said rising up and Melissa did as well.

“I’ll escort you Haruka dear.” Melissa offered with a titter, and I quirked an eyebrow because Melissa hadn’t been nearly that nice the last time I saw her.

“That would be a gift. Thank you.” Mama responded and so I was quickly pulled along into the orbit of the two women. We left the main house, down the street, with people greeting Melissa… Aunt Melissa? I suppose that was accurate.

We walked down the street. Then Aunt Melissa led us into a shop on the street, inside the compound.

I blinked as we walked into a barbershop of all things.

I guess people in the compound needed haircuts too, and someone knew how to do it.

“Melissa! Good to see you, you’re early.” A man called out, currently working on giving another younger man a shave, but I was mostly just shocked at the size of the guy's arms.

This guy had arms the size of my torso, and yet he was gently shaving his client without issue.

His black hair was Kantonese through and through, but he actually had the same eyes as many of the Ferrous clan.

Something I was starting to pick up as they were similar to my own eyes. Only the shape being different, as I copied Mama in that respect.

“Little Victoria needs her hair fixed after a training accident Koga.” She said and I almost flinched at the name, before realizing it wasn’t that uncommon a name, not that I didn’t look around for ninjas anyways.

There were always ninjas.

“Heh. Well let me finish this up, and I’ll make sure it’s cleaned up.” He offered with a baritone rumble, never taking his eyes off his client, and he continued to work, and we all three settled into chairs that Melissa guided us into.

Just a few minutes later the shave was complete and the man that was practically wider than he was tall looked over and then looked directly at me.

“That’s gonna need a touch up alright. What happened, little one?”

“Oh, Gible has a snapping tendency, and my ponytail landed right in her mouth. Chomped right down on it.” I explained even moving my arms up and down in an alligator snapping motion.

“Well that’s a shame. Let’s see what we can do to straighten that up. Here little Victoria.” He gestured patting a chair. I did as asked rushing up and he quickly combed my hair out a bit seeing the damage that Ivy had done trying to help.

Well she certainly did more repair that Gible had, but still.

“Huh, scissors?”

“My friend Ivy helped. I still had half a ponytail… Only half.”

“Ah I see.” He muttered, and he had my hair on display and I winced at how rough the cut was. He asked a few more questions about looks and I nodded eventually.

I’d take what I could get.


“Still playing with it?” Mama asked as we returned to the main house.

“It still feels weird.” I said back. My hand ran through my hair with a single motion. It was so short, but Gible hadn’t exactly given me a choice. Short hair… When was the last time I had short hair… Before I died?

I shook off that thought and focused on the future.

“It’s fine. Just hair. Even if I miss my ponytail. I’ll grow it out again.” I said and firmed up. “I need to get back to work. Umm… Aunt Melissa, do you know where an arts and crafts store is around here?” I asked, to the other woman that had been following us back.

She blinked in surprise at the sudden strange question before nodding slowly.

“Good. I need to get Mimikyu. One sec!”


“KuKkUkuuk?” Mimikyu asked from my shoulder as he looked around the store. Aunt Melissa had pulled through, this was the perfect place.

“Yep. It’s amazing right? Anything you need. I can buy it for you. So let’s get you sorted out okay?” I asked, and was instantly wrapped around in a tear filled hug around my head as Mimikyu cried out his little heart.

“I told you, didn't I? We’re together forever and ever.”

“Kuku!” He agreed, bouncing on my shoulder like an excited kid. Soon we stepped further in, going through aisle after aisle. A cart pushed ahead, I ended up delighting in picking up lots of things.

New yellow cloth was the first thing he chose. His previous disguise was rough and worn with patches in places, but I urged him to grab other colors as well. Mimikyu picked Pikachu to be loved, but I loved Mimikyu no matter what his costume showed.

So we grabbed blue, and a pink, and even a nice red. With some other colors as well. Stuffing so many rolls of cloth into the cart brought attention.

“Welcome! Do you need any assistance?” The worker asked, and I perked up.

“Yes! My little buddy is gathering everything he needs for his disguise. Do you have anything that he can replace his neck with? It makes a-” *CrRrrRackle.* The noise of Mimikyu turning to look at the woman, the costume's neck turning a full 180 cracking the sticks he used to hold up the head.

Unfortunately, I did forget that not everyone was prepared for a Mimikyu.

The woman screamed as she leapt into the air and then crashed into a display of the cloth rolls knocking the whole thing over on top of her… Well I guess I should have expected that.

“sh*t.” I cursed, as I rushed forward, ignoring Mama’s glare as she did the same. Crap, I cursed in front of the parents. Not good.

“Oh my Arceus.” The girl offered as we uncovered her, her hand clutching her chest. “What?”

“Sorry sorry! Nothing to be afraid of!” I called out loudly. Petting Mimikyu who had slumped over at the scream.

“Look see, it’s just sticks.” I explained reaching up and into Mimikyu’s disguise. He squeaked out in surprise as I pushed my hand past his cool, not quite slimy body and grabbed one of the sticks and pulled it out. Then I worked it with my hands, and the same crackling noise echoed out.

The woman looked from my hands, to me, to Mimikyu before slowly nodding “R-Right… Right.”

“Sorry he spooked you, Mimikyu, is the sweetest. I need to help him fix his disguise so people are more comfortable with him. He’s really a sweetheart.”

“Kukuku?” He said quietly to the worker.

“Ah… I see… Is that handmade?” She asked, now close enough to see Mimikyu’s disguise in full.

“Kuku!” He cheered, nodding his big head floppily… Well more floppy than normal since I stole a stick. Sorry buddy.

“That’s… pretty impressive… Why does he wear it?”

“Mimikyu are a ghost type, and their true form… It’s hard to say, let’s just say people and pokemon don’t react safely to it, but he’s actually really sweet… All of them are. They wear disguises to meet people and make friends.” I explain as I finally help the woman back to her feet.

“It’s uh… Very well done. A bit simple, but I’ve seen worse for sure… I think… I think we have some plastic framing that will work to help hold the neck up… Maybe some cloth paint as well? If you want to put on eyes?”

“That would be great!” I agreed as Mimikyu perked up.

I smiled as the woman calmed down and even watched fascinated as Mimikyu did some preliminary work with the plastic framing pieces to replace all of the sticks in the neck of his disguise. Making it stand up straighter, and look a lot better with just that.

“Heh… A pokemon that likes sewing and cloth hobby work? That’s cute.” She said and I swear Mimikyu absolutely died. He was so excited at having another person call him cute he was practically buzzing.

As I pushed the cart full of stuff towards Papa’s car I nodded. Definitely coming back to this store again. Had to show off Mimikyu’s upgraded work in the future after all!


“You sure? You can take the time.” I asked him, but Mimikyu shook his head. “Alright. Then training first it is.” I said. We had just got back to the clan house and I had asked if Mimikyu wanted to work on his disguise while I went out back and got training.

But he wanted to train.

I nodded.

“Let’s get to it then.” I said and headed outside. I couldn’t do everything, I wasn’t about to use Gravity training after all, but everyone needed some work on other things anyways.

I walked out into chaos, which… Yeah I should have expected that.

Dratini had climbed up onto Gyarados but was more hanging off his whisker which wasn’t geat. It couldn’t be comfortable, but I could see why as Gible was resting right below Dratini, mouth open.

Dragonite was distracted holding Jangmo-o in one hand and Riolu in the other, both of the two looking like they were about to fight.

An entire dollop of Goomy were hiding under a bush as Arcanine kept trying to get at them, her tail wagging.

Sighing. I went to work. Walking over I snatched up Gible with a quick motion her jaw snapped a few times but she relaxed once Dratini was out of sight.

That was going to cause trouble in the future.

Then I walked over to Arcanine. I cleared my throat but my dog was way too focused on bothering the huddling Goomy.

Well then.

“Gyarados! Water gun!” I called out, knowing my big boy would follow me. Arcanine jerked up but as her head was stuck in a bush she was blasted with water making her whine as finally broke free of the bush and sent me a hurt look, her fur waterlogged and leaking.

“Leave the Goomy alone.” I told her firmly, and she pouted. Then smirked, and I knew what was coming.

“Dammit! Don’t you da-” I huddled up covering Gible as suddenly water was flying everywhere, as Arcanine started shaking. My hat shifted and I realized Mimikyu was using it to block the water from him and my face. What a good boy!

“You little brat.” I told Arcanine whose tail was already wagging happily.

“Go get checked up by Chansey. Training time.” I told her, and before I even finished the ‘T’ word she was off.

Gible, I noticed as I rose up and wiped my face with a free hand didn’t seem to be bothered by the water, and was mostly just looking around. Seemingly enjoying being carried around. That was nice.

“You okay Mimikyu?” I asked, and I Mimikyu nodded, showing he was still dry. “Good. That was smart. Good job.” I told him and he preened under the words. “Alright Goomy? Sorry for Arcanine, she isn’t going to hurt you, she just wants to play. If she bothers you again just call for help, and one of my other friends will get her away, okay?”

I asked the huddled dollop in the shadows of the bush, but none of them seemed interested in responding back. I threw them a smile and moved away. Giving them some space.

“Dragonite! If those two don’t want to cool off, go dunk them in the river for a second!” I called out as I walked past her, heading straight towards Chansey who was seemingly enjoying a light workout, dropping to the ground, doing a pushup, to push her back to her feet, and then bending down to touch her toes and then restarting.

“Chansey, we are going to do some training.” I called out and she perked up and smiled happily as she hurried over.

I watched as a very wet Riolu and Jangmo-o were brought over. A fluffier than normal Arcanine appeared in a blur, and then everyone gathered around.

“Alright! Team! It’s time to prepare for the fight of our lives! In just over a month the Conference begins, and I intend on winning!” I called out shooting a fist into the sky, Arcanine jumped happily at my words, and Dragonite cutely mimicked me along with Chansey, but most of the others weren’t responding as well.

That’s fine. We would forge our bonds through training!

“Okay first off! Let’s line up. We are going to focus on pressurizing our attacks today! Yes Arcanine, that means no running around for now. I need that fire burning! Dragonite! Twister! We don’t want to go crazy with Hurricane. But try to strengthen the winds! It should carry over to improving Hurricane as well!”

She nodded and started working, but she wouldn’t be alone!

“Dratini! What are you standing around for! Time to work on twister too! Show your Mama and Papa and all your friends what you can do!” I called out, and Dratini who had been hanging around on Gyarados’s head suddenly leapt off and joined in.

I smiled as the two pokemon got to work, Dratini getting some tips from his mom.

“Milotic, Gyarados! Arcanine! All three of you are together. You boys are going to try and pump out water to put out any fire that Arcanine makes! Arcanine! I know you can burn! So burn!” I yelled out and she howled running off for a spot and the two noodle boys hurrying after.

“Don’t forget to pressurize the water!” I called out and Milotic slumped as he realized he would have to work hard too.

“Lucario!”I called out to the older Jackal that had been watching in bemusem*nt from the porch. “Yep you! Chansey is going to run you through some workouts!” I said winking at Chansey who looked super happy, my Goddess clapping her fins in delight as she hurried over on her tiny little legs, much faster than most pokemon would expect and then since Lucario hadn’t moved grabbing her paw and just dragging her away.


“Hehehehe” I laughed ominously as I dropped a hand right onto Riolu’s shoulder. “Oh no. You aren’t ready for the hell of a full Chansey workout.” I told her, holding her back, Riolu looked back with fear in her eyes.

And found no mercy in mine!

“Vacuum Wave.” I told her. Pointing. “Start blasting it into Dragonite and Dratini’s Twister. I’ll come by to guide you into making your attacks more powerful. Don’t hurt yourself, if you feel tired let me know.” I told her, and then as she was still looking surprised I pushed her forward.

“Training time!” I yelled and Riolu to my surprise nodded stiffly and ran to stand beside Dratini.

I took a moment to make sure everyone was jumping to it, before I looked at my remaining pokemon that needed training. Including Gible still in my arms.

“Jangmo-o.” I called and he Perked up looking a little deflated, but at my call he jumped to his feet and puffed up.


“You don’t have any ranged attacks do you?” I asked and he deflated, practically melting into the grass as he fell onto his belly.

Was he a Jangmo-o or a Goomy!? I wanted to giggle at how cute it was, but he needed trainer Vicky right now.

“That’s okay.” I told him kneeling down to push my palm into his cheek and raising his head. “It’s my job to teach you, and train you. So come on.” I told him as I rose over to the porch where Papa was hanging out.

It didn’t escape me that Lucario had been hanging around papa… Again.

I narrowed my eyes at him as he sipped from a drink. “Vicky?”

“I need you to hold this.” I told him pushing Gible into his lap.

“Wha- Vicky!”

“Gible stay with Papa okay? That’s a good girl.” I told her rubbing her on the head in the way she liked.

“Vicky, I’m not really comfortable with this.”

“Just hold her for a little, don’t put your hands near her mouth, and maybe give her some F.O.O.D if she starts getting up. She’s a baby, treat her like a little puppy.” I told him, making sure to spell the food word. He looked like he was going to argue, but Gible had settled into his lap without a care.

“Gib.” She said aloud. And Papa sort of petted her head causing her to open her mouth and purr.

I didn’t say anything more. It wasn’t needed. Papa was already falling for her!

Turning I got to a new space and stood across from Jangmo-o. “Alright little guy. You get special training today. Give me one second though. Mimikyu? Did you think I forgot about you?” I asked, and giggled at the little wiggle he gave.

“You are in the same boat as Jangmo-o here, so you are training together today.” I told him as he hopped off and settled next to Jangmo-o. The two pokemon side eyed each other seemingly still not sure about each other.

“Okay! So we aren’t doing physical training today. You both noticed right? We are traying to enhance special attacks, usually they are ranged attacks, neither of you have a good one yet. So we are going to work on that today.”

“First! Mimikyu, you are using Ghost energy, and Jangmo-o Dragon energy. Mimikyu. Gather up your ghost energy, but don’t let it go. Try to let it gather together as an attack, compress it like this.” I told him making a squeezing gesture. “We are going to learn how to use Shadow Ball!”

“Jangmo-o! You have Dragon tail. Take that energy you use, and try to draw it u p through your body to your face! We are going to learn Dragon Pulse! It’s a really good ranged attack! Slow and steady! Gather your dragon energy! Let it flow through you! Learn to control it!”

I worked with both of the pokemon for a while before moving on.

“Riolu! You are just forming the attack and sending it out! Compress it down, Try to stuff more power into the Vacuum! Hold it and squeeze it with all your might, then let it go!” I called and while there wasn’t any improvement the first time Riolu nodded and set in to work. Our antagonism set aside as Riolu did want to grow stronger.

“Dratini, let the twister start, but don’t just cut it off, push more power in after.” I told him as the little noddle nodded at my instruction.

Dragonite already had compression down pretty well, but we didn’t usually work on her wind control. Normally focusing on Dragon energy. “Keep it up!”

And through the crowd I moved. Checking on Arcanine, Milotic, and Gyarados, who had thankfully not burned down a forest or knocked over any trees yet. Arcanine had found a rocky spot like a good girl and was blasting it with fire, as Gyarados just emptied out on the spot.

Milotic spot spraying much smaller bursts of water.

That was good. Milotic had always been pretty good at pressurizing his attacks. But he needed to do more.

“Milotic, go bigger! I want to see lots of water!” I called out and he looked at me plaintively, but I just kept looking at him and he eventually relented his next attack, losing a lot of the pressure but being much wider.

I went by everyone. Working with my entire team as we slowly improved. Eventually Lucario was given a break so Chansey could go around and check on everyone. I walked over to the poor older dog who was laying on her back breathing crazily.

“Chansey put you through her crazy routines huh? Yeah she’s got some really tough workouts. Don’t worry. You’ll get a break soon.” I told her and she just kept gasping for air, not even whining at me because she couldn’t sacrifice the oxygen.

There there.

Chapter 58


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Food time!” I called out, finally finishing the evening meal for all my pokemon.

Having more than twice what I had before made things more complicated, but thankfully most of my new tummies were small guys, so it actually wasn’t that much more food than before.

“Don’t you think that’s a little extravagant?” Elizabeth suddenly asked from behind me.

It was getting close to dinner time for humans too, and more and more people had been gathering on the porch at the little table there watching as I ran my pokemon through their final bit of training then started preparing their meal.

“Nope.” I answered back without hesitation. “Each of my pokemon receive the food they need after their exercise, along with vitamins that they burn naturally, and I use berries to help flavor the food to their liking. I can’t ask them to work hard without a reward. This is just the basic trainer stuff. They fight for us. We take care of them.”

Turning around I could tell that Elizabeth probably didn’t agree with my philosophy, which was sad, but also as much as I felt for her pokemon, it just meant her pokemon would never grow truly strong.

So advantage get, I guess?

“Food is done!” Grandpa Roy called out and I hesitated as I noticed it.

A family dinner out on the porch.

A family dinner alongside Uncle Leopold's family. I could already see the glare that Uncle Leo was shooting at Papa.


But I followed after a moment. I had been running around all afternoon working with my friends. I was hungry too.

“Thank you.” I offered to Aunt Melissa as she settled a plate in my spot and she nodded, smiling faintly, but it looked less like a real smile, and more like just one she was wearing at the time. I did notice how she pointedly didn’t fill Papa’s plate like she did some of the others. A minor snub, but one all the same.

We settled in.

“Victoria, your training has been going well?” Grandpa Roy asked as everyone took a seat.

“Yeah mostly. I need to get a TM or talk to my friend Zelos. Jangmo-o needs a ranged attack, and I think Dragon Pulse would be perfect. Her Fraxure knows it, should be able to trade her for tips on how to learn it.”

“Fraxure?” Elizabeth asks, looking confused.

“It’s a dragon type usually found in Unova. Super duper strong physical attacker. Haxor, it’s evolved form trades in some of the defense other dragon types get, for just pure brute force… Ahhhh I wish I could have one! They are super cute with axe faces!” I told her using my fingers like axe blades to show her what I meant.

“Unova? Oh! Is that the ambassador's daughter?” Uncle Leopold asked suddenly interested and I nodded.

“Yeah, Zelos Bia, she went to my school. She’s… Nice?” I offered. Because she wasn’t, but she also wasn’t cruel. Just sort of blunt and a bit… “She’s a bit of a disaster though.” I added thinking back to her first day at school where she got so upset after getting muddy, and how she didn’t know how to cook.

“Sounds like an interesting girl.” Uncle Leo said. “You said you were friends?” I was about to stuff some food in my mouth but stopped and brought the fluffy white rice back to my bowl.

“Yeah! We are rivals! I can’t wait to see her again, I should call her!” I said happily, she should definitely have all eight badges, by now. I wonder how much training she’s done! Would she have advice for raising little dragons?

“Good. A good relationship with the Unovan ambassador is very good. Perhaps invite her over? I wouldn’t mind a moment to speak to her father about how he has enjoyed Kanto.” Uncle Leo added, and it clicked.

Ah, he was trying to use me as a connection for politics….

Eh, whatever.

“Speaking of the League. Vicky.” Granda Roy added and I put my chopsticks down again. Food… So close!


“We received a message this afternoon from them, they had a request for you, and for us regarding the stable.”

“Tell them no take backs. The Goomy aren’t going anywhere even if they say super please!”

The table went quiet as everyone looked at me.

“What? Was it not about getting a Goomy? They are really cute you know!” I explained making a woogle gesture with my hands.


“I don’t believe your Goomy are the focus of the request, but they were involved. There was a request to have a guest come and visit the stable. The Champion, Lance.”

“Huh? Okay sure?” I offered with a shrug. Stupid Lance, and his stupid spiky hair… And his cool cape. I bet I could pull off a cape. Better than him even!

“Interesting.” Grandpa Roy offered, stroking his chin.“ I will be honest and say the clan is very hesitant to accept such a request. I was almost hoping you would refuse outright to give me an easy excuse.”

“Huh, why? Lance is a Dragon Master, I’m honestly really surprised I didn’t see him come barging in during the inspection. It makes sense he would want to see them.”

“Lance might be Champion, but he is a Blackthorn. A Johtan.” Grandpa Roy said seriously, looking serious with the way his face firmed into a scowl.

“So? The League already shared all the information about the dragons I brought back right? Let him come. That way he’ll have an idea of what is coming for him! I’m gonna kick his flying ass!”


“Sorry, his Flying butt!”

“Flying?” Elizabeth asked, wondering what I was talking about.

“Ah, that’s Lance's secret, he doesn’t want it to get out… Lance isn’t a Dragon Type specialist! He’s a Flying type. Almost all of his pokemon are flying types.” I answered. I had seen Lance's battles on the TV before.

“No, he isn’t!” Elizabeth argued back instantly, nearly slapping the table.

“Dragonite? Flying Dragon. Gyarados? Flying Water. Aerodactyl? Flying Rock.” I ran off my fingers as I spoke. “He has a Charizard too, although he doesn’t use it much. Flying Fire. I don’t think I ever saw, does he have a Kingdra?” I asked, and it was Grandpa Roy that nodded.

“He does. He used it during the Elite Four Battle against Blaine, when he claimed the Championship.”

“Aerodactly?” Elizabeth mentioned, but I ignored her, because I was on a roll!

“Okay so one pokemon that’s not Flying. Pretty good, for a Flying type specialist. Rock Types are his weakness by the way. Almost all of his pokemon are weak against it.” I offered then since everyone was finally silent I scooped some food into my mouth.

Ah! So nice to have a bit of peace and quiet.

“Heh.” Papa broke the tension with a chuckle that had Mama joining him.

“You hear that Roy? The proud Dragons of the Blackthorn are flying specialists.” Gram Gram replied and that had Grandpa Roy chuckling alongside her.

“Well Dragon Specialist or not.” Grandpa Roy had to stop to chuckle a bit before continuing. “The League urged us to accept his request in this matter. You have no issues with it?”

“Nope…. Oh wait! Dratini. I wasn’t supposed to show that we had a baby.” I told Papa and he nodded looking to Grandpa Roy.

“That was wise then. But I think the clan has moved past that point.” He offered, and I turned around to see all my pokemon.

“Yeah probably.” I waved at Dragonite who was doing her best to make sure Gible didn’t eat anyone while they ate.

She waved back.

“But I don’t care if Lance comes. It’ll just mean he gets to see how much I’ve grown! I don’t care if he sees and gets to make plans.” I said getting ready for another bite. “I’ll just crush whatever he comes up with!”


“Do you want me to head home to feed the Growlithe.” I whispered to Papa after dinner.

Mama and Papa were acting pretty comfy, and Grandpa Roy had offered them to stay over.

I had whispered the question into Papa’s ear while he hemmed and hawwed about it. Papa and Mama were still..

Well there was a tension running through the house even with everyone seemingly trying to make it work.

“I don’t know Trouble. I don’t know if I really should stay.” He whispered back, looking uncomfortable, but I gave him a look.

“Do you want to?” I asked, and he did look tempted. “If you want to, then do it. This is your home too. Besides, Grandpa Roy wants you to help out tomorrow right? I think he wants to spend time with you.” I informed my Papa who huffed out a laugh and rubbed my hair.

“Dear? Do you want to stay tonight? Vicky has been kind enough to offer to fly home to make sure everyone is fed and settled.”

“Oh… Well if Vicky is willing?” Mama said looking away from the conversation she had been enjoying with Aunty Melissa, and Elizabeth, the three of them had been giggling and talking about fashion and stuff.

The moment someone had mentioned some new fashion styles and looked at me, I had fled to Papa.

“I think it would be nice to stay over. Melissa was telling me about how they planted all the new berry trees… I wouldn’t mind checking them out in the morning.”

“Then I’ll be back!” I proclaimed thankful that everything had started to work out.

But before I could go, I was stopped.

Uncle Leo was returning to the room, and while standing in the doorway he had a look on his face that was rather telling. The way I stopped brought attention from the other adults sitting around the dining room table, and Papa stilled when he caught sight of his brother.

This caused Uncle Leo to meet Papa’s eyes, and I could tell that something was going on.

Papa sighed and then stood up.

“Why don’t you go on Vicky. Make sure the Growlithe are fed.” He said and then stepped away towards Uncle Leo. I could feel the tension in the room, everyone was quiet as the two brothers came face to face and Papa spoke. “Why don’t we go somewhere private.” He offered to his brother.

Uncle Leo’s eyes flickered around the room, mostly to his own family and he nodded.

“Yes, that would be best.” He said calmly but with a hiss to his speech that spoke of how much he was holding back.

I watched locked to the ground as this all happened.

“Vicky. Go on now.” Mama said from where she was sitting, and I was aware enough that she wanted me to be away from whatever was about to happen.

Sighing internally I nodded.

“I’ll be back.” Then I ran out, skipping over the porch and ignoring the much colder nearly winter air. I spotted Dragonite and hurried over.

While the humans ate, I had given my Pokemon time to rest, all except Gible who I had given Dragonite a break from watching by taking her with me.


“Can you fly me back home really quick? I need to feed the Growlithe, and make sure the Milotic are situated for the night. Mama and Papa are staying the night.”

She stirred from where her feet were sitting in the water. Milotic was already napping with Dratini curled up with him which was why she wasn’t wrapped up in her Hubbys coils.

I looked around for a moment checking on everyone.

Most of the pokemon had started settling in now. I noticed the little shed set up against the house had been opened as well.

Considering I couldn’t see some of my friends I had an idea of where they were.

I shrugged. I would make sure everyone was comfortable when I got back.

“KuKkkuuk?” A voice called out and I looked down to see Mimikyu hurrying over waving at me. I stopped and he skidded to a stop.

“What’s up buddy?” I asked as I bent down and he pointed at me. No, at my bag.

“Oh you want your supplies?”

He nodded rapidly, and I smiled laughing at his eagerness. “Sure! Here, take the bag that way it’s easier to move around. I’ll be back soon okay?”

“Kukuk!” he cheered, taking my bag carefully and then skidding away towards the main house. I giggled as I watched him sort of zig zag away. Mimikyu ran so cutely!

“C’mon Dragonite! Let’s go for a flight!” She nodded looking happy as she stretched out and I climbed up as she flapped her wings once and we were off.

While up in the sky I noticed Papa and Uncle Leo out to the side of the house. The only reason I noticed was Arcany was standing besides Papa.

I couldn’t make out what the pokemon next to Uncle Leo was, but I could figure what was happening.

Papa was Pokemon battling… I was tempted to watch, but decided to give him some privacy and a moment later Dragonite looked away as well and we were off.


Feeding the pups and checking everything over didn’t take long. It was a pretty normal chore, so not very long after I left I returned. Dragonite landing without a sound.

The yard was quiet, as most of my team looked to be settled in for their sleep. I watched as Dragonite wandered over to Milotic and cuddled in with him.

I peeked into the shed and wasn’t surprised to see arcanine passed out, but Jangmo-o cuddled up to her belly was adorable. The little guy cuddled in and was seemingly quite happy with the warmth.

I quickly pulled out my camera and frowned when I realized with how dark it was, there was no way the picture would come out.

Instead I just sighed and wandered back out. I walked along the stream noticing Gyarados was sleeping in the water. His bubbles floating up to pop on the surface, and the rest of the flock were probably camped out in their little hidden cave. I stopped by the Goomy cave, delighted that I could see a few of them through the waterfall, napping with bubbles growing and shrinking from their faces.

Slime bubbles!

I giggled quietly and moved on.

Not seeing Chansey I wandered inside. There most of the lights were turned down, but Mama was waiting for me, sitting out on the porch with a blanket over her shoulders.

“Vicky, how was the flight?”

“Cold! But fun. House is good. Growlithe are fed and back on duty… Except for Pillow. I am pretty sure he stole my bed again.”

“He always does.” Mama said and pulled me into a side hug as she led me in.

“Have you seen Chansey? She wasn’t outside.”

“Ah. She’s in the living room, with your father.” Mama said, saying ‘father’ with a drip of irritation.

“Did the pokemon battle between Papa and Uncle Leo get out of hand?”

“Oh if only.” Mama said sarcastically. She opened the door and I saw what happened.

“You had better thank Chansey for her help.” I told the two grown ass men that looked like they had gotten into a fight with a Hitmonchan and lost.

Papa was holding a bloody rag to his nose, and Uncle Leo had a split lip.

Both were dirty, clothes damaged. And of course Chansey was being kind and healing them up…

If they looked like this after Chansey had been helping?

I sighed. “Chansey? Want to sleep with me tonight?” I asked, and she blinked before smiling happily and throwing me a fins up.

I nodded and looked at Papa.

“You should see the other guy?” He offered to my unimpressed look and that made me roll my eyes as widely as I could.

“Shut up Vic. Your mouth smells like sh*t.”

“You threw it in my face, you cheat!” Papa argued back, rising out of the couch as Leo did the same, both men looked ready for round two, before the Goddess descended on them.

A single push and she sent both fully grown men onto their asses back in the chair and couch they had been using. Poor Uncle Leo almost tipped completely over at the force and looked a little startled when he managed to get the chairs legs back onto the ground.

“Chansey.” She said simply a complete denial.

“Yeah don’t do that. Chansey has my permission to beat both of you up.” I say and Chansey looked over and threw me a wink.

We both knew she didn’t need my permission.

I winked back and then left the room. I had been shown what room I could use while staying here, and as I walked in. I found my final two pokemon. Riolu and Lucario were both inside. Riolu had evidently decided pillows were the best thing ever.

She was asleep on the fainting couch in the room, but utterly covered in pillows. Lucario was beside her, looking pretty comfortable herself on the couch with a big pillow behind her.

“Want a blanket?” I asked quietly, so as not to wake up Riolu and she shook her head.

“Chansey will come in soon.” I told her and Lucario nodded at that. Then I looked around for another of my missing friends. The faint light coming under the closet was what caught my eye. Along with the cord that was sticking under the door. I checked inside, and found a mess of colors and fabric and all sorts.

My appearance caused Mimikyu to still before I blinked at him.

“I’m going to bed. Don’t stay up too late. You can sleep in tomorrow, but we will still be doing training. Okay?”

“KuKu!” Satisfied I closed the door and yawned. Time for sleep.

A few moments later ready for bed, I gently placed Gibles' pokeball on the side table beside me.

“Good night Gible. I can’t wait until we can both take a nap together.” I told her with a smile as I settled in and closed my eyes. I was mostly asleep when Chansey came in, slipping into the covers and cuddling with me.

Chansey might be full of muscles, but she was still soft and I cuddled closer as dreams came.


The next morning after a quick breakfast for everyone. It was time to get to work.

“Be a good boy for Lucario okay?” I asked Jangmo-o who had been up early alongside Arcanine. Arcanine seemed to have gotten a little attached to the little guy.

Then again they both had a battle desire in them.

“Jang!” He barked out, his tail wagging.

So cute!

I pressed my forehead to his head scale then pulled away.

“Okay guys! I’ll be back soon!” And I hopped up onto Dragonites back and disappeared into the early morning sky.

I couldn’t go full out training next to the Ferrous clan house. Not even just because I didn’t want to share Gravity training, but because my pokemon caused serious damage when they got going.

So we flew off, and I had the perfect place to go in mind.

We landed not long after, at a familiar landscape. I stretched and walked over to the small hole in the dirt and rock that we had left.

“He used to be so tiny.” I muttered and then I released everyone, and it only took a few moments before everyone realized where we were.

“Training time!” I called out, even as Gyarados took a moment to look around. This was the waterfall he had risen from after all. The place we first met.

Our place.

He looked to me, and our eyes met. He leaned in, and I hugged him for a minute as I could practically feel the emotions flowing out over my Blue Heart.

But soon enough Arcanine was whining for attention and I pulled away leaving a kiss on his nose.

“Alright! Chansey! Slow them down!” I called out and Chansey cheered and then everything got really heavy. Gyarados even slumping as he was the least used to the heavy Gravity.

“Alright everyone! Same as yesterday, just with Gravity giving us a double exercise now! Gyarados! Not you! We need to work on your physique some more! You’ve had the least time out of everyone. So we are going to push you hard my Heart.”

Gyarados let out a roar that wavered quite a bit more than normal as he tried to rise back up.

Gyarados had the least time under Gravity, and he was definitely the largest of my pokemon he had the most amount of weight to deal with.

“The rest of you! You know what moves to focus on, let’s go!”

I grinned as I ran alongside the river with Gyarados. Letting him work on strengthening himself.

“Use Ice Fang!” I called out, and Gyarados did so, the energy rushing to his face and forming into a row of fangs that he used to bite at nothing. “Now again! That’s the move we are going to practice today! We are aiming for the top! Just like with the waterfall! It’s gonna be hard! We’ll fail again and again! But we won’t give up!” I roared and Gyarados roared along with me.


Probably going to be a short break from the consistent posting next time. Backlog of PTV is getting a bit short.

Chapter 59


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

After a second meal to recover from the workout, most of my team went back into their balls, and I rode Arcanine back home.

Despite working herself to a froth, she still wanted more, so I let her get a good cool down run back to Viridian City.

We stopped our charge outside the house and I smiled as I slipped off Arcanine who was puffing lightly ready for more, but also ready for a break.

“Take a rest Arcanine. We’ll have more blasting training this afternoon back at the clan house.” I told her, and she whined a bit wanting to run around forever. But I stroked through her sweat soaked mane for a moment and returned her.

Then I was assaulted by Puppies.

“What? Hey stop it! You idiots.” I grumbled, as I was surrounded by Growlithe and barked at like I was an intruder. Of course they knew I wasn’t. Of course I also knew that. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t fun for them to show off how good they were at surrounding an intruder.

“I guess no one wants treats?” My question was almost completely smothered by the barking they were doing, but at the ‘T’ word entirely different from the one I had to be careful using around Arcanine, they all went silent.

“Grow! Growli!” I was promptly told as they all sat their butts on the grass and rose up begging.

“Papa is a bad influence on all of you.” I informed them, but despite everything I kneeled down and started pulling out treats. Each of them received one for doing a good job protecting home, before they all rushed off to go eat it in their own special places.

“Dorks.” I told their backs as I stepped inside and then headed for what I had returned home for.

The phone.

It took me a bit of digging through my bag. Mimikyu had definitely gone through everything last night, but I found my old school journal that I had used to write down important phone numbers for my journey, including the one I had managed to talk Zelos into giving me.

I plugged the numbers away and then the phone rang once before a deep male voice with a strange accent answered.

“Bia Residence.”

“Oh, I’m looking for Zelos. Is she home from her Journey?”

“Who may I ask is calling?”

“Vicky! I’m Zelos’s friend!”

“I see. One moment.” I waited curiously for about a minute before the phone was picked up.

“Vicky?” The familiar voice came over and I cheered.

“Zelos! Hi!”

“Yes, hello Vicky. Something you need?”

“I wanted to ask you for some training help if you would be willing?” I asked and a moment later I could hear her grumbling through the phone before she spoke clearly.

“What do you have in mind?”

“I want to teach my pokemon Dragon Pulse. Your Fraxure used it before. I was hoping he wouldn’t mind taking a moment to try and teach it to my team. In exchange, I can offer some move services to your pokemon! Or just sparring partners, or anything!”

The line went quiet for a moment, and then Zelos spoke quickly.

“Fine, come over. I could use a sparring partner.”

“Great! Um, Zelos?”


“Where do you live? I’ve never been over before.”

The line went silent again and I smiled at the silence.


“Whoa, this is a nice place.” I mentioned as Arcanine came to a stop. Zelos apparently lived in a rich neighborhood, no surprise there, but her small mansion had an actual fancy gate to come onto the land as well!

Not sure what to do I shrugged, and with a motion Arcanine jumped right over the gate, and then trotted up to the entrance, down the gravel driveway.

Before I could even hop off when I finally reached the front entrance, the door opened, and it wasn’t Zelos, but a larger man, that made me blink.

He looked American?

No, it was more that he looked European. Sure a lot of people in Kanto didn’t have the Epicanthal fold, but they usually still had some Asian features.

I just realized that other than Zelos, this was the first Unovan, I had ever met.

“Hi! I’m Vicky! Zelos’s friend.” I said as I hoped off Arcanine and then noticed how the man's eyes were locked onto Arcanine.

“She’s a beautiful creature.” He finally said and I could feel myself brighten up.

“Thanks! Arcanine is great! You should see Papa’s Arcanine, he’s a big ol’ chonker.” I informed the man this important information, and then patted Arcanine who was just happy to have gotten to run around some more.

“Daddy!” Zelos called out as she squeezed out from around him and then spun around facing him. “This is Vicky. She’s my… Friend.”

“So I see.” The man blinked and looked over at me, his big bushy beard kept his lips mostly hidden, but I could see the smile even so. “My daughter had some struggles when she first came to Kanto. Thank you for being her friend.”


“No problem! She’s a good person.” I replied back and then looked to Zellos. “Where should we go?”

“Follow me!” She demanded and stomped back down the steps running around to the side of the mansion.

I waved goodbye at Zelos’s Papa, and hurried after my friend. She glared at me when I caught up before sighing and nodding.

“Okay we can use this area for training as long as we don’t ruin it too much. Papa will be mad if we cause too much damage.”

“Okay! So I want to teach my pokemon Dragon Pulse. What can I help you with? I know how to teach Iron Tail pretty well! And-”

“Vicky.” I blinked, nodding, as Zelos cuts me off with an outstretched hand. “I’m pretty good on TM's, if I need a new move I can get one. But what I need is someone to sharpen my pokemon against.”

“Battle buddies!” I whispered excitedly and Zelos slumped.

“Don’t call it that.”

“But that’s what you want!”

“I just need some experience in battling for some of my newer pokemon and… Fraxure needs a challenge. He still hasn’t evolved.” She explained and I calmed down nodding.

“Deal. You teach my pokemon Dragon Pulse, and I’ll give your Fraxure strong challenges.” Already the idea was forming. I knew exactly how to push Fraxure.

Zelos blinked and nodded. “You got it, and I need some battle experience for my new pokemon.”

“Oh you caught some! Yay! Zelos that’s awesome! What cool pokemon did you catch show me!”

She rolled her eyes trying to act distant, but I could see the way her back was straight as she grabbed some pokeballs and a moment later, Zelos’s team appeared and I gasped.

“It’s a Scyther!”

“Scyyyyy-Ther!” The bug pokemon proclaimed at my exclamation raising its blades into the sky and then striking them.

“Of course! A Scyther was a perfect addition to my team! Strong and fast! Skilled attacks to sync with my style!”

“Awesome, and a Ponyta! Eee! Look at its cute little hooves!” I cooed at the Ponyta that looked to me and flung its fiery mane as if not impressed.

It was just like Zelos!

I restrained myself from touching it though. Didn’t want to get burned.

“Gong! Gong-gong!” The third newest pokemon greeted me, this one actually flopping over and wanting attention which I jumped into. Scratching Dewgongs chin, loving its soft silky fur.

“You noticed Dewgong as well.” Zelos said a little snootily.

“She’s so cute! What a friendly pokemon.” I said back, and I could tell Zelos wasn’t entirely happy about the last bit.

“Well, she still needs some training in how to comport herself.” She offered back and I just looked to Dewgong who looked utterly enthralled with my scritching.

Yeah good luck with that Zelos.

“They are fun additions! Where did you even get a Ponyta?”

“Hmph… When I was traveling, I stopped at a Ranch and purchased one for travel. You and your Arcanine gave me the idea.” She offered and I blinked.

Then I couldn’t help but laugh. “Ivy got a Tauros from the Safari Zone, for the same reason!” I informed Zelos who offered her own chuckle.

“Ivy always was obsessed with Mrs. Hikaru’s Tauros.”

“We just got used to dealing with him. You should see her Tauros though, he loves Ivy.”

That earned an actual laugh from the girl as she giggled.

But I pulled away from the Dewgong and rose up.

“So training.” I refocused and Zelos’s eyes narrowed as she refocused as well.

“Training.” She agreed. “You help Fraxure with battle. Scyther with some battle experience, he’s only used to fighting wild pokemon, and he… Well he still underestimates his enemies. And Ponyta could use some help as well… She doesn’t have the endurance she should, I don’t think it’s diet, I double and triple checked that.” She offered and I nodded.

“Dragonite will help Fraxure, Dragon on Dragon. I’ll battle your Scyther with Milotic,. He’ll be the best to give him a surprise challenge, even if the fighting style will be similar to your Serperior. And Arcanine and Chansey can help Pontya. We can figure out what’s keeping her endurance down.”

Zelos nodded.

“Serperior can teach Dragon Pulse… But if your Dragonite is busy with Fraxure that won’t work.”

“Heh! Don’t worry. Dragonite has lots of endurance! We’ll do that part later.” Zelos nodded and we got to work. First I whispered to Dragonite what to do, and she went over to challenge Fraxure.

Best way to get a Dragon to push itself was a stronger dragon challenging it!

Chansey was on Ponyta who looked confused at Chanseys check up.

Then it came down to us.

“Milotic! Iron tail, Let’s go!” I called and Scyther reacted, Zelos guiding him forward.

“Fury Cutter! Deflect the attacks away! Don’t let even one get through!” She called out, as Milotic did exactly what I needed him to. Slowly striking with incredible force pushing Scyther back a step with every deflection even as it quickly learned not to block fully.

I was smiling and so was Zelos as we battled, the roars of Dragons echoing around us, and the fire types quickly getting into a competition as Ponyta’s competitive spirit burned brighter.

But I focused on the battle, and Fury Cutter was growing in strength!

Milotic’s blows went from overpowering completely to actually managing to be stopped by the strong bug pokemon.

“Milotic! He thinks his strength is enough! Now! Iron Tail!” I called out loudly, and Milotic roared as its attack blasted forward, Syther tried to step into the block like it had been, but this time the blow blew through his guard and sent him flying.

“Scyther!” Zelos called concerned, but slowly the Scyther rose up.

“Scy!” He called out a challenge, eyes locked onto Milotic. I looked away to Zelos whose eyes locked with mine. She nodded.

Good. Scyther was feeling actually challenged.

“Alright! Keep it up Milotic!” I called out as I turned to check in with Dragonite.

Serperior was looking arrogant as it belted out another Dragon Pulse, the purplish energy, flowing out of its mouth, with a roar as it arced over the field to hit a small pond the energy caused an explosion of force as the water burst up into the air.

“Drag. Dragon?”

“Serp.” Serperior responded with a scoff. As Dragonite tried. I watched as she gathered Dragon energy, with easy instinct, but then she brought it up to her mouth and roared even louder than Serperior only for the energy to disperse.

“Serp. Serperior!”

“Zelos? Any tips?” I asked her and she just shook her head as she walked over. Looking just as annoyed as Serperior as the two stared down at Dragonite and I.

“I used a TM for Serperior and Fraxure. I didn’t try to teach them directly. That always takes too long. Why don’t you just buy a TM?” She asked me.

It was a question I had considered before deciding not to.

“I don’t think they do a good job teaching a pokemon a move.” I answered back. “There is something about training through the whole process, learning it from the start, the failures, and successes that I think makes a move stronger.”

“That’s why you take time to practice the move after learning it. I’m not talking about just using a TM and then thinking you’ve mastered it.” She grumbled and I nodded. That was definitely a path, but for this? For a Dragon with a dragon type move, I think there is something useful in learning how to shift their dragon energy in a new way themselves.

Besides, the goal was to have a ranged attack to practice energy compression for all the dragons. Dragonite and Dratini might already have Twister, but a dragon pulse would help more for everyone else..

“Ugh fine.” Zelos grumbled, after I didn’t respond having gotten lost in thought. “Serperior! Make it as weak as possible!” She called out, and the snake nodded without hesitation and started preparing it.

A faint wave of dragon energy then escaped her throat, as she roared just as loud as before.

“It doesn’t have anything to do with how loud you roar.” I called out what I noticed instantly, Dragonite nodding along with that slowly. She was looking frustrated already.

Her dragon pride not liking seeing her attacks be weaker than a non dragon.

“Slow and steady Dragonite! Build it up slow. We don’t need to shoot it fast yet.” I added and she turned to do just that, slowly building up the energy in a way that looked about right, and then instead of roaring she opened her mouth and just rumbled in her throat.

Slowly whiffs of purple energy escaped her mouth.

“That’s already an improvement.” I called out happily even if Dragonite turned to look at me with a put out expression.

“It’s called training for a reason! Gotta keep going, again!” I called and she firmed up and nodded.

Training on my team was serious business. It had to be with Arcanine leaping into it with ecstatic desire.

Unless you were a certain lazy fish.

“Don’t think I’m not noticing you slacking Milotic! I want to see Scyther feeling every blow!” I called out and instantly my lazy lazy fish jerked upwards from where he had been sort of slumped over ready to stop and Scyther went from taking an easy to block blow to getting smashed with a powerful sending him flying across the grass.

“Scyther?” Zelos called worried, but he got up and bared his blades again ready to charge in. Zelos’s expression shifted from concern to pride.

“You found a good pokemon.”

“He found me technically.” She answered back. “It was a bit of a surprise. I was cooking, and he popped out of a bush. He had an injured leg, and couldn’t move very fast, so he was starving. I fed him and decided to take him to a pokemon center.” She explained and then didn’t say anything more.

“And he wanted to be your friend after? Your friendship moved his warrior spirit and he chose to spend the rest of his life at your side?” I prompted, but the moment I finished the slowly creeping red growing over Zelos’s face told me that I hadn’t hit the mark.

“It isn’t important!”

I raised an eyebrow and she went red before glaring.

“He wanted to run off! So I tried to force him, but he refused to listen so I had Serperior knock him out, and I captured him! I ran to the pokemon center and got him healed up.”

“Wow Zelos, that’s… Really impressive.” I demurred and that didn’t make Zelos happy. She reached out to smack me, but I dodged and then we were off, she was chasing me around to smack me, and I kept just ahead.


“Dragon Pulse!” I called and Dragonite rumbled and from her mouth came a gathering of energy.

But it wasn’t the same as Serperior.

Where Serperior had sent out a beam of energy, which is what I was expecting, Dragonite instead formed an orb of energy, it was small, and the color was different from Serperiors, but eventually it fired off and smashed into the water.

“That… Was different?” I muttered wondering why it was so different unless we had accidentally learned a different move?

“It’s fine.” Zelos said with a shake. “Fraxure shoots out an orb like that. His is a different color though.” She says with a shrug, and I look back.

That’s right. In the anime, attacks sometimes looked different… I had a sudden burst of inspiration, a surety of knowledge that I had just realized something important. Pokemon moves… They were much more complicated than I had ever realized.

I had always relied on the brute force approach, just honing an ability to hit harder, but Zelos had shown me before that something as simple as shifting how you use a tail attack could turn it from a club into a sword.

Why wouldn’t all moves be so flexible?

Professor Kukui wasn’t it? The professor of Moves?

I suddenly had a feeling that if I ever faced that man in battle he would be a lot lot lot stronger than I would have ranked him before this moment.

“We should take a break.” Zelos suddenly said, startling me right out of my thoughts. “Dragonite looks tired, and you got it now. So there is no point in pushing.” She said and I nodded in agreement.

Then I rushed forward and before Dragonite could respond I jumped into her.

“Great job!” I cheered happily. “You learned it so fast!”

“Preee!” She trilled happily as she swung me around and then we were hugging and laughing. Eventually I was back on my feet, but Dragonites claws were in my hands and we started spinning around dancing in delight as Arcanine howled happily at the sight, and Milotic trilled his own cheer.

“Jeeze, it was just one move.” Zelos said, fingers pressed into her forehead “Let’s just… not let anyone see this.”

“And a hooray for Serperior!” I cheered, and Dragonite did as I said, rushing over and before Serperior could escape the grass snake was lifted up over Dragonites head and the dance continued, all the pokemon cheering in happiness.

Even Zelos’s team got in on the action.

“Please don’t let anyone see this.” Zelos muttered to herself before rushing in and trying and failing to break it all up.

“It’s not that easy to stop a training success party Zelos!” I cheered as I grabbed her from behind and spun her around.

“Let me go you dork! Vickyyyyy!” She howled to the sky as we all trainer and pokemon danced in happiness at another success no matter how small.


I landed back at the Ferrous Clan house a few hours later, after making a promise to come challenge Zelos some more. Ready to do some training.

“Rest for a bit okay?” I told Dragonite who looked worn out, but not terribly so, she nodded and walked over to take a seat next to the river to dip her feet into. A few moments later Dratini was there and she was delighted to see her baby.

“Vicky. Back again?” Grandpa Roy called out from the porch and I waved at him before hurrying over.

“Yep! I just spent the afternoon with a friend teaching Dragonite how to use Dragon Pulse. So I’m going to do some more training with the little ones today. Teaching it to everyone.”

“Oh? Is a move all you needed?”

“It’s a good ranged dragon type move.” I answered back with a shrug. “Is it just you?” I asked back and he chuckled.

“Leo is off doing some work for the clan. Elizabeth is off training, seeing you train yesterday has gotten her fired up. You might get a battle challenge sometime soon, if I’m not mistaken.”

“That could be fun. I could use some more practice.” I answered back, walking over to the table and joining Grandpa Roy.

“Heh. I’m sure Elizabeth is thinking the same. You have everything you need? The clan is happy to help. We could pick up some TM‘s?” Grandpa Roy offered rather leadingly.

I just shook my head. “No thanks. I’ve used a few already. The training to learn the move is important for my team. Especially the little ones.” Although I said that, I kept flashing back to the differences in Dragon Pulse.

I shook it off. “I’ve got some work to do. Thanks for the offer though.” I told Grandpa Roy as I jumped off the porch and rushed over to gather my team with a sharp whistle.

Releasing my pokemon, I looked them over. Everyone that trained with Zelos looked a bit worn, but Chansey had kept them healed up.

“Okay! Dragonite. I do need your help a bit, but just to explain and maybe show a Dragon Pulse once or twice. We just need to show the little ones.”

“Drag.” She agreed and then I called out orders mostly to rest up as it was now the little ones turn.

Jangmo-o, Gible, and Dratini were easy. They both rushed up, while Gible was still in her pokeball.

“Where’s Riolu and Mimikyu?” I asked after looking around, neither Lucario or Riolu were around. Frowning, I realized I needed to focus on the three in front of me for a moment.

“Jangmo-o, Dratini. You two are learning from Dragonite today. Gible? Hey, you want to play with me?” I asked her, and she looked at me.


Neither a refusal, or an agreement, but I nodded, she was calm so I reached over to her calmly noting the way her eyes followed the motion, but they didn’t dilate, readying an attack, and I stroked her tummy getting a warm rumble as she opened her mouth.

“Let’s play some learning games okay?” I asked, and still got no response, but that was okay. I gathered her up and walked over to an empty area. I wanted a big space for Gible.

“Chansey, can you find the missing ones?”

“Chanse!” She agreed and started asking around. Perfect.

“Okay Gible!” I called out as I settled her back on her feet. “Today we are going to play a game. Called Vicky says! I’m going to call out an order, and you follow. If you do enough in a row, you get a reward.” I explained, even if I was pretty sure she wasn’t picking up all of it. But that was okay. I was trying to associate listening to me with a good thing anyways.

I also didn’t say Treat, because if she started thinking about food, I might not get any response from her.

I settled in the grass in front of her, and waved a little to get her to lock her eyes on me.

“That’s it! First one. Vicky says look at me.” I said and when she kept her eyes on me, I nodded, and started the process. Pulling out a bit of berry which instantly had her drooling.

“Okay Gible, I’m going to hand this to you. Gentle, girl. Gentle.” Muttered calmly as I reached out with my other hand and grabbed her claw and then brought it out to put the berry into her palm.

It was hard as she instantly went for a bite as it drew close, but I managed to adjust her lunge and then plop the berry chunk into her palm.

It took a second as she was trying to swallow nothing before she realized she hadn’t eaten anything…

Or maybe she just thought she had. But then she looked at her palm and instantly stuffed it into her mouth.

“Easy girl. Don’t bite yourself.” I told her, reaching out to pull her hand out of her mouth, but she instantly jerked and snapped at me only barely missing as I grabbed her to keep her back. I held her for a minute as she continued to snap at me for a moment.

After a bit I managed to shift my grip on her, and slowly rub her stomach. She soothed quickly, her eyes dilating back to normal after a minute and then she looked at me as if she had no idea what had happened.

“Papa nicknamed me Trouble, but I think you’re going to be more trouble than I ever was.” I told her. Then frowned…

“Mostly.” I admitted because I knew the depth of my troublemaking better than anyone.

“Ready to continue Gible?”


“Good. Let’s get you settled back down okay?” I offered and she nodded.

At least I knew what my first step with her was. I needed to wean her off of the food defensiveness. She had to understand food was safe here. She didn’t have to fight for it, or she would bite someone.

“Let’s keep playing our game then okay?” I asked with a gentle smile as I adjusted myself to be able to easier grab her if she went for another bite.


Wasn't planning on posting today, but Mango To Sleep's wonderful Omake series, Particularly "Iron Victory" Had me absolutely in Pokemon mode after reading it.

You can find it here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/52077916/chapters/131710024 Everyone Should give it a read, it's great stuff!

Chapter 60

Chapter Text

I took one look at the object that Chansey was carrying out from the house above her head and realized I was in danger.

I quickly settled Gible slightly away from me and started laughing. Long and hard, and without restraint.

Because the missing two pokemon had been found, and it looks like Riolu had really pissed off Mimikyu.

The pup was bound in reams of cloth, constricting her into a burrito filling. Riolu's fur was covered in markings and scribbles done with a black marker…

The look on her face as she heard me laughing only made me laugh harder because she was not happy.

"Wh-Wha? What?" I managed to strangle out, but it wasn't Chansey that answered, but Mimikyu landing on my shoulder and then pointing with his shadow claw, sounding pissed, but also defensive… A bit of fear?

Oh Mimikyu was worried about how I would react. I quickly gathered him up ignoring his hissed rumblings and hugged him soothing and tight.

"You aren't in trouble." I assured him, before looking at Riolu, barely restrained myself from laughing and looked at Chansey.

"Chanse." She settled Riolu on the grass in front of me, and then gently swatted Riolu's head.

Yep. "You did something bad huh?" I asked her, and she rumbled and growled, but the cloth wrapped around her mouth muffled her pretty well. "Okay Mimikyu? Can you help me untie her? I don't want to rip any of your cloth. This is the stuff I bought you right?"

"Kukuku! KUku! Kukuu!" Mimikyu started up again, nearly ranting as he kept pointing his shadowy finger at Riolu.

Wow Riolu really made him mad.

"Okay okay. Let's all calm down." I assured the group, mostly looking at Gible who hadn't really moved from where I had placed her on the grass as she seemed happy to just stare up into the sky.

Slowly we got Riolu unwrapped, and now she was howling up a storm and pointing at Mimikyu.

"Rio! Riolu! Rio rio Riiiii!" She whined but even I could tell she was lying her ass off.

"Naughty." I called her and she made a scoffing refusal.

"Where is Lucario?" I asked and Riolu instantly went silent, her eyes wide, before she burst into motion forward trying to press her paws to my mouth.

"Rio! Rio rioluuuu!" She begged and I quirked an eyebrow at her, as I reached up and pulled her paws from my face.

"Okay first off. We find out what you did. Mimikyu? Can you show me?" I asked and he nodded, instantly scurrying off in his silly zig zag pattern towards the house. Riolu ended up sitting seiza in front of me, with Chansey sort of looming over her, keeping her still.

Then Mimikyu returned, and I instantly saw what happened.

He carried with him a frame made of the plastic bits we had bought for him, but it was obvious someone had messed it up…

I tilted my head, Why did it look so weird?

"Riolu did this? How?" I asked, more to myself, but Mimikyu decided to show it off.

He zipped over and then smacked it onto Riolu's head…

"Pfft!" I desperately kept from laughing. Mostly because I didn't want to hurt Mimikyu's feelings, but I understood now. The way Riolu's head was tilting down in embarrassment?

She had put on the plastic support for Mimikyu's costume onto her head, because with it sort of pushed down over her, it looked like a tiara… Sort of. If you squinted.

"Okay okay!" I called out and waved Mimikyu over and hugged him tight. "I'm sorry it got damaged, that must have taken you a while huh?" I asked, and he nodded his neck floppy. And crackling as he was, back to? Or still using sticks.

"Alright. Riolu, we probably should have laid some better ground rules about things. But let me say something important. You shouldn't play with something that doesn't belong to you without asking first. Mimikyu spent a long time making that." I even reached over and took it off her head, and held it out. "Look how complicated it is."

She tilted her head away from it and refused to look at it.

I moved it over back into her field of view and she arched her neck up to not be able to see it, and then around.

God I'd seen Arcanine do the same thing when she chewed on something she wasn't supposed to.

"Riolu." I said bluntly. "Here is your punishment. First, you won't get any special treats tonight with dinner." I said and she gasped looking at me in surprise.

I fed my pokemon good after all!

"Second, you are going to apologize to Mimikyu, and truly, deeply mean it. Or else I bring Lucario into this."

"Rio!" She denied and then her head fell and nodded.

"And third-"


"Yes, there is more. You will help Mimikyu in fixing it."



"Hey, both of you." I said looking at Mimikyu who had refused even harsher than Riolu had. "I know you are angry Mimikyu, and you have reason to. But you two are also on my team, that means you are family of a sort. You'll be around each other for a long time."

"Kuukkuk!" He still denied tugging at me with his claws, and I swept him up.

"Oh Mimikyu, it's not a punishment… Although I can understand why you feel that way. Riolu needs to help you. That means you can put her to work. This is a punishment for her. But I understand I am asking you to let her into your space… Maybe a little help? She can hold the cloth for you as you ready it, or anything you need." I explain and with that. I could see Mimikyu's head tilt, and he turned to Riolu.

Very quickly there was a sinister "KukuKukukUku." Coming out of him as he stared at Riolu, and the pup went from frustrated at the situation to looking a little worried.


"Alright. Riolu? You understand?" I demanded and while she did look like she wanted to refuse glancing over at the still muttering Mimikyu she hung her head and nodded. "Good. Now this is training time, which you missed. Go practice Vacuum Wave." I demanded and she perked up a bit at that.

Training wasn't really a punishment to pokemon after all.

She hurried off with Chansey nodding to me and patting me on the head as she ran past, I looked and realized Mimikyu wasn't going anywhere. Staying on my shoulder that he climbed up onto.

"I'm working with Gible. You want to help?" I asked him and he sort of jerked up and down in a nod, but it wasn't a very convincing one.

"That's okay, you don't have to do anything if you don't want to. I like the company. I'm trying to get her used to eating around others and not snapping." I said and he perked up when I offered him just to stay. Then I looked to Gible who was still just staring off into the sky into the clouds.

I didn't interrupt at first, just watching her. She really was seemingly very happy to just sit there staring at whatever caught her interest…

There was a time for training, teaching.

And there was a time for building our connection.

I walked over and settled next to her, then I just laid back until I was staring up at the sky.

"It's nice. What a perfect day." I said and to my surprise she reacted, slowly leaning back until she was trying to copy me, but failing because of her fin.

Deciding to help, I reached out and grabbed and pulled her close, and then settled her in the crook of my arm letting her lay back staring up at the sky with me.

She went still seemingly satisfied, and Mimikyu joined me, slipping into my other arm seemingly wanting what Gible got.

I smiled as Both pokemon got comfortable and we just stared into the passing clouds for a while.


After Gible fell asleep and started snoring cutely, I returned her, and got back to work.

Dragonite was being reliable though and was teaching Jangmo-o and Dratini Dragon Pulse like she should but Riolu had somehow ducked out of Chanseys view and was slacking, throwing pebbles into the growing lake…

Listen, when you have multiple pokemon including water types practicing moves, landscapes change. It was fine. I had checked with Grandpa Roy and considering how easy it is to fix things, as long as we didn't wreck the trees around the property we were good.

So we had a lake.

I decided to deal with Riolu last.

I noticed Dratini was doing the best with Dragon Pulse, he was actually nearly getting it, and his pulse looked…

Well it reminded me of Water Pulse which fit, because of course Dratini knew Water Pulse from Milotic.

His Dragon Pulse was a single dragon headed beam with a sort of spiral of energy to it.


Also extra interesting.

"Mimikyu? Let's have you start practicing some more okay? Remember Shadow Ball. Concentrate your Ghost energy into a ball. Try to compress it and then shoot it out. Slow and steady okay?" I told him and he nodded, leaping off my shoulder to get to work nearby.

But I had an idea.

"Milotic! Come here!" I called out, pulling him away from where he was mostly just playing in the water after giving up on training without direct supervision. He hurried over and made to look like he was working the whole time.

What a goof.

"Milotic, learn Dragon Pulse too, okay?" I asked, and he perked up, hurrying over and greeting his waifu with a face rub, and then he prodded Dratini earning giggles.

Aww.. So cute! Happy family!

I gave them a bit of time for Dratini to show off and Dragonite to explain how to use Dragon Pulse as I walked over to Jangmo-o.

Who wasn't quite there yet.

"Hey Jangmo-o." I greeted him and he sort of slouched looking away from me as his last attempt hadn't quite made it past just making him glow a bit.

"Jan. Mo-o." He muttered, and I nodded.

"You're doing great."

"Mo." He denied looking to Dratini.

"Dratini already has a basis for it, He's been learning how to use Water Pulse. Notice how it looks different for him, than it does for Dragonite?" I asked and Jangmo-o looked over at them, they weren't using the moves just yet, but slowly he nodded as he remembered.

"Well Dratini is relying on his previous knowledge. We are starting from scratch. Nothing to worry about. Let's try again. Maybe I can help." I told him, and after a moment he nodded and rose to his feet. Slowly he began gathering his energy. But then when he released it, there was nothing but a sort of puff noise, and nothing.

"Hmm. Do it again." I asked, and he nodded, glowing again, gathering his energy, and then he opened his mouth and just a puff of nothing came out.

"You know how to use a Dragon Tail right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Okay do that first." I urged him, and he nodded closed his eyes and a moment later, I gasped in delight.

Jangmo-o's Dragon tail was a bit different from Dragonites! Where she just flowed the energy into a long limb and struck with it to enhance its power, Jangmo-o's had a textured scaled design, and was much stubbier.

But it was also really pretty!

Why was it different?

"Can you make it longer?" I asked, and Jangmo-o closed his eyes again and growled a bit, but the length didn't really change.

It was the same move.

It gave the same thing. Strengthening a tail whip with Dragon type energy to send an enemy flying, but it was less of a ranged attack, and more of a close in brawler move.

But more importantly? As I looked at Jangmo-o's tail I knew for an absolute fact, we were going to be doing a lot of move training in the future.

"Okay take that energy now Jangmo-o. And try to use Dragon Pulse! Instead of trying to force it to your face, flow it to your tail. Gather it up, and shoot it off!"

He looked surprised at my words before nodding, and as he shifted his stance to be stable his tail swept up. The scaled energy shifted, flowing towards the tip as it slowly gathered up.

More and more.

Growing denser, and then.

It just sort of poofed.

Jangmo-o took an instant to look back and realize it hadn't worked.

"Jaaaaaang!" He cried out flopping to the floor and… Well he threw a tantrum. Crying out in frustration and anger as he rolled around on his belly scratching the grass and dirt.

He wasn't very old either, I realized. Just like Gible, he might have had a better childhood. But he was still a little baby.

Carefully I reached over ignoring the way my dragon family were all looking over wondering what was going on, as I gently used both hands to lift under his belly.

He was scratching and howling rather wildly, so I was extra careful, but eventually I got him up and pressed his back against my chest as I held him gently.

"It's okay. Everything is okay."I whispered to him as he howled and bit and scratched at the air. Snapping his jaws around not to bite me, but just to bite at whatever had frustrated him to such an extent.

Slowly as I whispered and held him he calmed down, big dollops of tears in his eyes as she slowed down out of tiredness.

Now that he wasn't scratching and biting I shifted, holding him tighter so I could hug harder.

"It's okay little dragon. You didn't succeed so far, that just means you grow stronger until you do. You'll grow. We'll grow together, and there is no rush. Slow and steady. Until you are the strongest." I told him as comfortingly as I could.

Slowly his muffled angry whines turned into needy whines and he shifted in my grip until he was facing me and curling into my hug. Burying his face into my neck so he could hide his tears.

Dragonite seeing that I had things under control gave me a nod. And then gathered Dratini and Milotic's attention to keep teaching.

I rocked the little baby until he was all out of tears and his breathing turned to a more normal pace.

"Feeling better?" I asked him and he grumbled but didn't take his head out from the crook of my neck. "That's okay. You get a hug for as long as you need." I told him, more than happy to hug the little dragon for as long as he needed.

Honestly the whole situation was very cute, so I didn't mind at all!

I looked over the grounds as I held him. Checking on Mimikyu, who was doing a good job still trying to get Shadow Ball down. My team was still resting from the morning's hard training so that mostly just left the Goomy.

I spotted them from time to time. Wandering around watching.

There were a few along the banks of the new lake hiding in bushes watching as Dragonite taught.

I had a feeling more than a couple Goomy might be wanting to learn Dragon Pulse.

Goomy might be weak, and not very brave over all, but they were still dragons. They still had their pride, the desire to someday grow strong.

I would have to try and work with them more soon.

But Chansey and I were still working on something with that.

I felt Jangmo-o shift in my arms, pushing his little claws away from me, and I released the tight hug as he climbed down quickly, hiding his face.

He was trying to put on a brave front to me, but he had just been bawling in frustration.

"Jang." He said and then firmed up facing back at the new lake, and his tail started glowing again.

He might have just had a tantrum, but he was still a proud dragon it seems, not ready to give up yet.

"That's right! We'll do it for sure! If not this time then the next!" I told him pumping him up. "If not then? Then after! I believe in you Jangmo-o!" I called out and he roared his tail glowing brighter as he shifted the energy, arcing it up to the tip of his tail where it capped with a big armored scale and then he shifted his roar growing and again it didn't do anything. Just a puff as it failed.

But he shook it off and tried again, and I nodded proud of him for sure.

He'd get it. Already his energy was starting to move faster. Shift around smoother.

That's why I wanted to train them without a TM. The act of failing would make them stronger!


Eventually everyone was tuckered out from training and I called an end. Going to prepare everyone's meal as I considered what to do.

Mama and Papa had gone home, but I had new pokemon here. Did I leave and go home, just fly or ride in every morning? Or just stay here…

I really had wanted to spend a night or two in my bed, but my pokemon needed me, especially Gible, but I wasn't sure taking her home was a safe idea.

Curious and affectionate Growlithe might cause problems, especially since to Gible they may very be bite sized.

I sighed as I continued stirring the food.

Life got so complicated when you had responsibility beyond making camp and putting your feet up on your Arcanines fluff.

"I was wondering what that smell was." Elizabeth called out from the porch. To my surprise my cousin was wearing a swimsuit and half wrapped in a towel.

"Went to the ocean?"

"Yep. Met some friends and did some training." She explained and I nodded back. Makes sense she was coming for the conference too.

"We might face each other in the conference." I offered as I tasted what I was cooking and nodded. It was almost ready.

She didn't respond at first, just looking out over the large space full of my pokemon.

The very large powerful pokemon. I could see the way she was processing them. Probably trying to come up with a strategy if she had to face them.

"We might." She agreed as she shifted, instead of standing over me on the porch she took a few steps forward and settled in to sit on the edge next to me. "And if we do, I'll fight to win."

"Good. That's how it should be." I said as I looked over at my older cousin. "It must be kind of weird. To have me and Papa showing up more often. To be part of the clan."

"It's frustrating, yes. But everyone is doing better now. You brought even more Milotic back from Kitakami. Dad was practically jumping for joy. Each Milotic represents a lot of wealth over the years."

"Yeah. I could get more. It's not that hard really."

"Yeah." She answered back and I got my answer.

Yep, she knew.

"I'm surprised. Why hasn't anyone else tried to get a Milotic if you know the trick?"

"Only the head family knows." She says bluntly. "And while I am tempted to find one myself… It wouldn't be ready in time for the conference regardless. I'm surprised you don't seem bothered by that."

"Why would I?" I asked completely honestly. "If Gram Gram hadn't made me promise not to tell, I'd have told everyone how to get a Milotic. They're great." Then I leaned in and whispered the next part. "Feebas deserve to be treated better since they are so amazing."

She scoffed. "The whole clan benefits from the knowledge. We bought new land. Opened new businesses! Everyone is benefiting. But if the secret leaked then all of that would disappear. The Clan would probably break up, and we would go right back to square one."

"That sucks." I said simply because I didn't really have an opinion on it all.

I didn't know what it had been like before they Clan started coming back together, and I was still pretty much an outsider.

I guess losing the stable would suck though. This was a lot of space, and there were people that fed my pokemon and took care of them if I was gone.

"Well if you end up getting a Milotic let me know. I can offer some tips." I offered and she looked for half a second like she was going to humor me, before she once more looked out to the fields.

"I'll take you up on that." She said instead, seriously.

"Food's done!" I called out and instantly there was chaos as everyone came charging over.

Chapter 61

Chapter Text

In the end after dinner I rode Arcanine back home. Gible on my belt while leaving Dragonite and Milotic at the Stable so they could be cute with Dratini some more.

We skidded to a halt as we finally made it home and I sighed in delight at the familiar sights. I could see the light in the kitchen through the window and so I hurried to the door and then through.

“I’m home!”

“Vicky! I didn’t think you were going to come home tonight.” Mama called out as she stuck her head out of the kitchen and smiled as she saw me. I instantly went in for a hug and squeezed tight.

“I want to sleep in my own bed.” I explained bluntly, and Mama smiled down at me.

“Alright, well you missed dinner. Are you hungry?”

“I already ate.” I said as I took the chance to run past her to the living room. Papa was there, already off the couch and walking over so I slammed into him and giggled as I was spun around.

“There's my Trouble. Staying out late even! What a troublemaker!”

“You love it.” I told him back and he just laughed and hugged me tighter for a second.

“Welcome home.”

I just smiled brilliantly, before rushing around and saying hello to everyone. Arcany even sat up from where he was lazing beside the couch, his puppy bed acting as a pillow for him, but he greeted me with a slobbery lick as I approached for a hug fending me off.


But I pushed through for a big hug regardless.

Which was interrupted by Arcanine as she came in and practically flopped on top of me and Arcany.

My muffled voice probably couldn’t be made out as I yelled at her for dropping on top of me, as she greeted Arcany as well.

Finally she moved a bit letting me escape floof hell, and I glared as she continued to make herself comfortable.

“You are such a pain.” I poked her a bit but she ignored me looking pleased at her game.

Then I looked up and blinked because what I was seeing couldn’t possibly be real.

Lucario, who was holding a load of laundry in her arms, was standing in the doorway.

Lucario nodded at me, and walked past, making a questioning noise.

“Oh! Lucario you are a dear! That can go over here, I’ll fold it up.” Mama called out sounding pleased.

“Wha? Why is Lucario here!?” I demanded pointing, looking at Papa who looked confused.

“She wanted to give Riolu some space to grow around the others without her there, so she asked if she could come with us. I mean… I thought it was a good idea.” Papa offered and I felt my jaw drop because that was so mean!

“You shouldn’t steal pokemon Papa. Bad! Straight to Poke jail.” I told him walking over and poking at him.

He huffed one of his laughs and dropped a heavy hand onto my head. “We didn’t steal your pokemon Vicky. That’s silly.” He said as he settled back onto the couch and a few moments later Lucario came out looking around and then noticing Papa she perked up and walked over settling onto the couch beside him.

“Lu Luca?”

“No you didn’t miss anything. I paused the tape.” Papa said before hitting the remote controller for the VHS player and starting up the movie they had been watching.

“Lu!” She called out happily as the movie started. Some cop drama movie that Papa really liked…

“Not stealing my… Butt.” I muttered glaring at the obvious bond already growing between Papa and Lucario. She was attentive and listening to him as he explained something in the movie and she even let out a bark of a laugh at the movie's joke.

“I'm going to bed!” I decided aloud and headed for my room only pouting a little.

“What? C’mon Trouble come watch the movie with us.” Papa called back but I waved him off.

“Seen it! Besides, I've been running around all day! I want a shower and bed.” I called back and made to do just that.

It was perfect, except for one of the Growlithe deciding he just HAD to save me from the shower water.


I woke up warm and comfy.

Pillow lived up to his namesake. He might have stolen my pillow and refused to let me use it, but he was getting big enough I could use him as a pillow and we both liked that well enough.

Especially as it was getting cold.

Growlithe are very warm and snuggly.

I was more than happy to sleep in for the day, the first day in my own bed after everything, but as usual there was a brown noser in the house that took his duties far too seriously.

“No.” I told him firmly, as Arcany was looming over me suddenly, his stinky breath warming my face. “Sleeping.”

“Whoof.” He huffed at me, and I knew from his tone he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

“I get to sleep in, no school.” I mumbled, but Arcany only heard me refusing and so reacted. Whuffing at me louder, but I would not be controlled! I reached around until I found my pillow, ignoring that Pillow was sleeping on it and yanked it to smack Arcany in the face with it.

The looming silence of course meant I win.

Pillow grumbled at me, just as blearily and started pushing at me with his paw to make me let him go, but he was warm! It was cold out today!

Then something clamped down on my ankle. And I was suddenly no longer laying down.

“Wha! Arcany! Let go!” I whined at him one foot up in the air as Arcany was holding me by my ankle. The heavy pajama’s thankfully kept his teeth from puncturing but it wasn’t comfortable.

He looked at me, eyes narrowed. I know what he wanted. He wanted me to get up.

But I would not be intimidated!

“Never.” I told him firmly and that was my decision.

He turned yanking me off the bed and started prancing out of my room.

“Ow. Ow. Ow.” I mumbled as he dragged me right into the hallway and then into the living room. I was skidding around on the wood floors as he dragged me straight into the kitchen where Mama looked down at me in surprise.

“This is all Papa’s fault.” I declared firmly, and with every intent to murder Papa for this.

But then not just Mama, but Lucario who had been sitting at the table started laughing, Lucario’s bark like amusem*nt, surprised me, and threw me out of my promises of pain.

“It’s not funny.” I mumbled despite knowing it was. I just wanted to sleep though.

Finally Arcany let me go and I groaned as I stretched out my leg.

Which is right when Papa came in.

“Trouble you shouldn’t lay on the floor in the kitchen.” Papa said his tone chiding as he walked over to take a seat as well.

“You’re all the worst.” I decided, realizing that Arcany had let me go because he had heard Papa.

I scrambled up and pointed at Papa.

“Arcany dragged me around with his mouth! What happened to that being bad training!” I demanded and Papa blinked at me, then looked around to everyone trying to figure out what was going on.

Then he noticed Arcany’s look and nodded.

“Ah I see. Arcany… Good job not hurting Vicky.” He said and reached over and patted him on the head.

I narrowed my eyes glaring at Papa who was doing his best not to laugh at my obvious irritation.

“I think Arcany needs some exercise.” I decided the best vengeance I could. Arcany perked up at the words and Papa instantly realized the problem.

“No. Don’t you say-”

“Arcany? Walkies!” I chirped and instantly there was chaos.

Arcany was a big dog. Like… Mega super big. It’s really hard to compare Arcany to anything but like a grizzly bear when it comes down to his size.

He was not an inside pet. Of course that didn’t stop Papa and Arcany from forcing it, but there had been some restructuring of the house when Arcany had evolved. Nothing could be left in a hallway, or that could be knocked over by Arcany’s tail wiping it out.

So when I say a four hundred pound dog decided that right that moment, the only thing that existed was it, and the outdoors it only partially describes the chaos of Arcany jumping to his feet and practically leaping at Papa demanding Walkies.

I of course did the smart thing and slipped under the kitchen table. Safely ensconced away in the one thing in the kitchen that was Arcany proof well… Arcany resistant.


I finished sweeping up the last of the broken plate and dumped it all into the trash.

Mama oversaw my punishment with Meowth on her shoulder and both of them glared at me without a hint of mercy. Poor Meowth had been laying on the back of the couch that Arcany had knocked over in his excitement.

Right now no one in the house was happy with me. Lucario was irritated as she had been knocked out of the chair she had been happily enjoying her breakfast in.

I on the other hand felt zero shame about the entire situation.

“Wow. Papa sure needs to work on training Arcany more if this is the kind of trouble he makes!” I chirped out happily even if no one was accepting of my sh*ttery.

“If the conference wasn’t coming up you’d be grounded for that.” Mama said sternly and I pouted at that.

“Sorry.” I admitted. Maybe I had… Escalated a bit more than I should have. “I don’t really hate when Arcany drags me around either. It’s funny I guess.” I admitted and Mama snorted.

“Don’t apologize just to me.” She demanded, and I sighed.

“Sorry Lucario. I ruined your breakfast.” I offered the pokemon that had been standing next to Mama, her arms crossed glaring.

“Lu!” She nodded seemingly accepting my apology even if she wasn’t happy about it.

“Ah I see you got everything cleaned up.” Papa called out as he entered the kitchen, sweat rolling down his forehead a bit.

I could hear Arcany prancing around in the yard.

“Trouble cleaned up her mess. Now Vicky what do you have to say?”

“Sorry Papa. I knew Arcany would get excited, and that was bad enough, but I shouldn’t have used him like that because I was mad. That’s not fair to Arcany.”

Papa looked at me for a moment and nodded.

“I’m sorry to Trouble. I shouldn’t tease you so much. Arcany knows he isn’t supposed to pick you up like that. I’ll talk to him about it.”

“I think he does it cause he knows I don’t mind. He’s always careful.” I said back, running a hand through my still messy hair. “I don’t mind that he does it. It’s a game we’ve been doing forever. I just got annoyed today. I guess.”

“Hmm.” Papa said as he pulled me into a hug. “Maybe you’re finally becoming a teenager! I hear they are moody all the time.”

“I mean… I’ll be eleven in a month-ish.”

“Arceus save me from my daughter as a teenager.” Mama said faux fainting as she raised a hand to her forehead.

“I’ll be a great teenager!” I argued back but Mama just looked at Papa and they did the silent communication thing.

“Well let me get Lucario some breakfast.” I said, pulling away. “I still need to head out for morning training with the team, and then evening training with the babies.”

“Alright. Get to it Vicky, but you better be on your best behavior for a while.” Mama said, bending down and kissing me on the forehead. “Now get.”

“Yep! Lucario, do you want to come with me to morning training? I can take you to the Clan house to see Riolu after.”

“Lu.” She agreed immediately, and then to my surprise looked to Papa. “Cario?”

“Oh that’s fine. Whenever you want you can go. Bug me or Vicky anytime. Arcany can definitely get you there in a flash if Trouble isn’t around.” Papa offered, as he realized what Lucario wanted without issue.

She looked pleased and nodded.

Dangit. Papa! Stop stealing my pokemon!


“It’s okay just breathe.” I told Lucario. I was crouched on the ground next to her, as she struggled under Gravity. The Pokemon hadn’t taken my warning about preparing into account, and had nearly fallen on her face as Chansey had dropped the world onto our shoulders.

“L-L-Lu!” She stuttered out grindingly.

“Just breathe. If you need help just tell us. Chansey can get you out in a hurry. Don’t push it. Just let yourself get used to it.” I told her, Chansey was hovering closeby as well.

Of course Arcanine was already running around enjoying the workout. My Blue Heart was also swimming haltingly in the shallow end, working his body.

He wasn’t quite as bad as Lucario, but he was also the least used to the Gravity out of my main team.

Dragonite was already jogging around, as I had her working on her Dragon Pulse. Trying to get the skill locked down.

“Lu!” Lucario growled and managed to fully extend her arms, although it left her quivering.

“Don’t push, really. It’ll take a bit for your body to adapt to it.” I warned and she did seem to finally heed my warning as her quivering arms grew worse.

Eventually she settled back on the grass and just breathed in and out, sucking in breaths full of air.

Yikes. I hadn’t expected it to knock Lucario out this much. I looked at Chansey who smiled back at me.

Chansey had gotten a whole lot of practice with this move. Hell, it was undoubtedly her best move. She used it until she couldn’t over and over again for months. Chanseys Mastery over this one move was pretty insane.

It also meant it felt a lot heavier than it was when she had first figured it out.



“Can you change anything about Gravity? Like, make it lighter?” I asked and she hummed, fin going up to her mouth and tapping a few times before sort of tilting around a bit.

She wasn’t sure.

“We really didn’t do a lot of training with this move did we? Next break, let’s play around with it a bit okay?”

“Chanse!” She agreed, looking pleased.

Then I tilted my head to Lucario and Chansey nodded, waving me off.

I rose with a bit of strain and walked over to Arcanine.

“Hey! I’m not seeing you do anything but run around! Fire!” I demanded and she shifted from running in circles around the little lake to burning up and then blasting fire into the lake.

“Milo!” Milotic called out, for once not needing me to prod him into action, as he shuddered, holding in the energy for his attack gathering it up and then blasting it out. A wave of water rushed out and slammed into the steam cloud Arcanine had made washing over it and upsetting the lake even more than it had been a moment before.

Everyone was doing well. But since my difficult partner was being active. I turned to Dragonite.

Her Dragon Pulse was still the orb variety. I noticed she tended towards gathering power and then releasing it all.

But I also knew that Dragon Pulse could act more like a beam attack.

So what made some pokemon use one version over the other?



“Instead of gathering up all the energy. Just shoot the Dragon pulse right away, and keep forcing energy out.” I offered and she blinked then blinked again. Cutely raising a hand to her chin and tilting her head.

She didn’t get it.

“Right now, you’re more like. Oooooh Pew! Right?” I offered showing myself with my hands in front of me, and then shooting the attack after. “Instead try going Pew-raaaa!” I said instantly raising my hands and shooting out while holding it.

She blinked and then because I wasn’t Ash she just started laughing at me and pointing.

“Okay that didn’t make any sense. Right.” I said, nodding. “Instead of gathering up energy, just shoot it out and keep pushing energy into it, just like how you do Dragon Pulse now.”

She sort of looked like she wasn’t sure it would work. But she nodded. And then she shot her hands out, and instead of a beam, or a ball, something completely different happened.

A pulse of purple energy burst from her in every way, it was light. Barely even ruffling my hat, but with just that Dragonite looked at her hands in shock.

“Well… That was what I was going to suggest we try next.” I offered and she looked at me and nodded firmly.

“Can you do it again… But this time charge it up?”

“Drag.” She agreed and I stepped back as she got to work. She didn’t quite get it up to the level of an attack, but the fact she was able to use Dragon Pulse in a completely different way?

That opened up possibilities!

I looked at the rest of my team. How many of their moves could be adjusted or changed? I briefly considered if it was worth spending time on something like this before the Conference but I shook that off.

Increasing a pokemon's mastery of their moves could only be a good thing.

“Arcanine!” I called out and she rushed over tail wagging and obviously wondering why I had pulled her away from her game of burn the lake away while Milotic fought her to keep it topped up.


“Got an idea. I want you to use Fire Fang for me.” I told her, and she tilted her head before nodding, and instantly her mouth opened, and a set of fiery fangs appeared around her head ready to chomp down with her jaws.

“So I want you to think about how you form that move okay? Now instead of forming the big fangs, try to fill your mouth with fire instead. I explained, pointing at my mouth.

Faster on the uptake when it came to battle Arcanine didn’t even hesitate and as the Fire Fang dissipated it appeared again only this time it was a burst of fire inside her mouth, practically breathing fire she opened her mouth to show me.

“Might be a neat trick to use in case you need a smaller bite.” I muttered thinking about if it was a small pokemon the full size fangs might not reach which would be a lot of wasted power.

Then again this version would likely be harder to hit. Arcanine had a big bite, but the Fire Fangs were larger…

“Can you do both?” I asked, and Arcanine blinked head tilted, and a moment later her mouth was aflame while much weaker fiery fangs appeared around her jaws. She blinked, showing it off and I nodded.

“Okay that? That is cool.” I told her and her tail started wagging happily as I looked it over. “Work on that for now. And we’ll have to check some of your other moves later too.” I told her only making her tail wag harder as the idea of more training was never a bad thing for her.

With that, I checked on Gyarados. He was doing a great job swimming back and forth through the current, which was actually pretty tough. Heavy Gravity in water wasn’t pleasant to try and get through.

“How’re you doing?” I called up to him, and he blinked for a moment as if he was just sort of sleeping before looking down and instantly his face turned happy.

A rumble deep from his throat escaped him as he leaned in, and I reached up at the same time already knowing what was coming.

The sun disappeared.

Chapter 62

Chapter Text

“Riolu!” The little pup shouted out in shock at the sight of her mom. I had released everyone and Lucario basically flopped onto the grass bonelessly as soon as she appeared. We were back at the Ferrous compound. Morning heavy training was done. Even I felt some muscles ache from just walking around under the Gravity.

“Lu.” Lucario muttered, her voice muffled by the grass but eventually as Riolu was getting a little frantic she slowly sat up, her arms shaking just lifting up her body. “Lucario.” She said, sounding more normal as she assured her daughter.

“Day one of training. Lucario did well.” I told Riolu, who looked at me like I was a monster. Eyes wide and shocked.

“Lu. Lucario. Cario.” She assured her daughter then flopped back into the grass.

“Rio!” Riolu called out in shock and then looked at me.

“Relax, you’re heavy duty training won’t happen for a while. We are focusing on other things first.” I assured her, but it didn’t seem to do much actual reassurance. Although maybe it was the sinister laughter I offered after. So I just let her worry over her mother for a while. She would relax once Lucario had some time to rest.

Instead I focused on the rest of the forest around me.

To my delight the Goomy were out and about. The little slugs were happily munching on leaves delighting in the ample food and safety. But it reminded me about the whole bacteria thing.

“Chansey, The Goomy Bacteria problem. You said to leave it to you, is there something I need to do?” I asked after releasing her, and she stretched a bit before tittering at me, and then waving me after her. I followed her to the barn where there was a bucket that Chansey showed to me.

I didn’t get it.

She tittered again, and then handed me a bottle of… Soap?

I looked it over, and noticed it was the sort of stuff that Nurse Joy used in the pokemon centers. A medical cleaner?

I looked over the back and blinked.

“Pokemon safe?”

“Chanse.” She assured me nodding and mimed pouring some into the bucket and then filling it with water, and then making a ‘dunking’ motion.

“You just dunk the Goomy in, and they are good?”

“Chanse.” She nodded, puffing up looking proud.

“That’s amazing Chansey. We should get it done soon then!”

“Chanse.” She denied waving me off. Then waving her fin in a circle. When I didn’t get that. She tapped on her wrist and looked at it like a watch.

“Before? You already did it.” She nodded happily and I was shocked.

When had that happened!?

“When? I’ve been here every day.”

She mimed sleeping and then pointed at me, and then pointed far away.

“When I went home. You did it that night.” I asked and she nodded.

So I slammed into her with a big hug.

She stiffened in surprise at my sudden attack, but she softened and patted my back.

“Thank you Chansey.” I whispered, I hadn’t known she had done this! She never even told me!

“Chansey.” She murmured soothingly and I pulled back.

“You should… I would have helped.”

“Chansey.” She waved it off and patted my head.

“You’re too nice to me.” I told her simply and then just hugged her again.

Not like hugging Chansey was a bad thing.

Eventually we headed back outside and I had to refocus. I headed over to the first Goomy I saw, one happily munching at the bottom leaves of a bush who looked up at me with his cute little eyes as I approached.

“Hi! Are you happy? Got enough food?” I asked, and it woogled for a minute before straightening up.

“Goom, Goomy!” It cheered and I smiled back. They were happy.

I stood up and got ready to get back to it. I was just happy they were happy.

Looking around I noted a lot of them wandering around, and even noticed it was harder to find them as there were less slime trails. I hadn’t even noticed but Chansey’s bath for them must have done more than just make them safer to be around.

“Alright! Let’s get training!” I called out and gathered up my little team.

Jangmo-o happily followed after Dragonite, practically prancing as he chased her. Dratini was already wrapped around her ankle and cheering happily at every step. They would be on Dragon Pulse Training. Perfect training for the baby pokemon.

Riolu quickly got back to work as well, under her mothers eyes she worked twice as hard. Focusing her Vacuum Wave tighter and tighter. I nodded at her improvement just from a day of focused training. Enhanced diet would also help.

I noticed Mimikyu wasn’t around and headed inside. In the room that had been given to me before I heard him before I entered. The closet light was on, and he seemed to be talking to himself, as I could hear him.

“KukKu. KukUukk.” His voice came out and I cleared my throat.


“Kukuk!” He cheered and the closet door opened with the head of his disguise peaking out.

“It’s training time. Do you want to keep working on your project, or come practice?” I asked, and he cheered happily as he disappeared for a second, I heard some ruffling around and then he came out walking over to me.

Happily I bent down to give him a ride and walked back out to the growing section of the stable that was our move practice area. The fact a pond was growing larger every day was something I was ignoring!

“Alright buddy. We are still working on Shadow Ball. You’ve made massive improvements though! Don’t get disheartened, okay?”

“Kukuku!” He cheered seemingly unbothered by his inability to finish the move yet.

While that happened. I moved back and grabbed a certain pokeball.

Time to do more work with Gible.

Releasing her she thankfully didn’t attack, looking around and seemingly comfortable with the yard now.

“Hey Gible. How’re you today?” I asked as I kneeled down. She had focused on me as I spoke, but as I got down to her level she lost interest and started looking around.

“Gib.” She said, and started walking away on her tiny little legs. Waddling along.

Arceus, my little shark dragon was the cutest.

Interested to see what was on her mind I got up and followed after her, but it didn't take long to figure out what had caught her attention.

The sound of roaring and blasts of energy.

Dragonite training the two dragon kids.

She was explaining Dragon Pulse and shooting it off, the energy ball smashed into the water and exploded.

And this whole situation definitely caught Gible’s attention.

She waddled over. Mouth open, and muttering her name every once in a while.

“Gible.” She muttered as she started at the blast of draconic energy.

Eventually she stopped approaching and just watched, as the little ones tried to get the move.

“Do you want to learn too?” I asked, and she didn’t really react. Just watching with an absent look in her eyes.

It was hard to tell if she was incredibly interested, or already half asleep.

So I settled in, giving her time to figure it out. Dragonite got both of the boys started. Jangmo-o let out a chime like roar over and over as he tried to get it to work.

Dratini though was quiet, more focused, I could see that unlike Jangmo-o he was forming his energy.

Neither were getting it yet, but both on their path.

Dragonite nodded and stepped back letting the two boys hammer their head into the act of learning a new move for a while.

But that gave me a chance, I waved, and Dragonite walked over greeting me with a wave of her own before she looked down at Gible.

Gible looked more through Dragonite than anything.


“She got interested in you teaching the boys.” I explained, and she nodded, settling onto the grass with a sigh beside me. We settled into a moment of quiet. Dragonite was pretty tired from the morning training, but I could tell she was very interested in Dratini’s training.

“He’s picking it up quick.” I offered and she burst into a smile and nodded back.

“Drag. Dragon Dra.” She replied back happily, and threw out a few punches while looking proud. It took me a second and she pointed at Dratini and then at her.

“Ah. Yeah, he’s definitely a fighter like his Mama.” I agreed, she preened at my understanding. I glanced over at Gible. Still quiet, and focused. “Dragonite? Do you have any advice for this one?” I asked, nodding towards Gible.

Dragonite looked to me, and then to Gible, and sort of scrunched up a bit in thought.

“Drag.” She offered, and patted me on the head and then called out. “Dragonite! Drag!” And suddenly Dratini hurried away from the water’s edge and approached looking serious. He looked from Dragonite to Gible and Dragonite nodded. Dratini arched up.

Ready for a fight.

“Is that wise?” I asked and once more Dragonite patted me on the head.

“Drag!” She spoke and reached out and pushed Gible forward.

Gible didn’t react super well. Snapping at air and sort of looking around. Then towards Dratini.

“Tini!” He challenged her, and Gible stared.

Before just rushing forward, mouth open.

I felt myself lean forward worried, but Dratini was older, and probably wiser.

A twister arced out and instead of biting him, Gible bit into the dragon tinged air and launched away.

“Gib. Gib gib gib.” She uttered as she rolled. And I think it was the first time I heard her give out a noise of pain.

I rose up, but Dragonite trilled, reassuring.

And Gible rose up.

Her body shimmered. She opened her mouth and out came a roaring rage of energy.

It wasn’t quite Dragon Pulse. Dratini dodged, and it surprisingly did some damage to the ground as it tore through.

Then it was over and Gible stood there, steam coming from her mouth as she stared.

I waited to see what would happen next, but time slowly continued and slowly I realized Gible wasn’t going to attack again. I walked over cautiously.

“Gible?” I asked, but she didn’t respond and as I reached over to touch her, ready for her to snap, instead she just sort of teetered and then fell over. “Gible!” I gasped, reaching out, but it was a moment later I heard it.

Snoring. Gible was asleep.

“Did… Did you tire yourself out so you went to sleep with your eyes open?” I asked aloud because what else was I supposed to do with this!? “This little ball shaped dragon was the weirdest dragon ever! I ended up just laughing, not sure what else to do and picked her up. With a bit of work I helped her close her eyelids and she murmured in her sleep and seemed to rest easier.

“Dragon. Dragonite.” Dragonite called out and then started tittering to herself as well. Dratini though slumped. Looking rather bummed out that his battle had ended so fast.

“Good job Dratini, thank you.” I told him as I walked by stopping to reach out and pet his head. “Why don’t you get back to training. I want to see your Dragon Pulse.”

“Dra! Tini!” He chirped and slithered away. Jangmo-o I noticed had seemed to make a bit of progress while Dratini was distracted, and the little noodle got worked up to try and catch up.

Aww, they had a little rivalry!

I walked Gible back to the house. Deciding to get some food started. I had a feeling she was going to be hungry when she woke up.

By the time the food was cooking, the smell had hit Gible, and had woken her right back up.

Splitting off a snack for her as I finished the meal for everyone. I kept half an eye on her.

That attack. It hadn’t been Dragon Pulse, and it hadn’t been Dragon Breath, it had been odd.

The only thing I could think of was Dragon Rage.

It made sense. Gible wasn’t strong. She was way too young for an attack like that. But Dragon Rage made sense.

“Did you have fun in the battle?” I asked her, and she blinked at me, looking towards my hands for food, only to see a ladle instead.


I just rolled my eyes. “Alright.” I agreed, and cut up a few more berry bits for her to chomp down. I dropped the bits onto the porch I was sitting on, in a way she couldn’t just bite it so she had to grab it.

She was still practically biting herself when she did, but it didn’t seem to hurt her too bad.

Eventually food was done. I called everyone for food, and started portioning it out. Gible thankfully didn’t interfere, just sitting there drooling for more.

Feeding her, I did what I had started doing every time I fed her. Stroking her head, and horns. Making sure she understood that I was there, and wasn’t stealing her food.

The last thing I wanted was for Gible to grow up with a food aggression. It would take work, but I wanted Gible to be happy.


I was washing the dishes in the stream, when I noticed it. A goomy that was approaching. Slowly woogling over until it was by my elbow.

“Hello there.”

“Goom.” It called out, and I instantly knew who this was.

“Oh that you Brave?” I asked and she undulated up and down as her agreement. “Nice to see you.” I greeted her. The Goomy had been pretty focused for the few days since they got their cave. They had explored all over, and with the understanding the fence around the area was the perimeter of their safe space, had explored it all.

Grandpa Roy had done as I asked and had a few landscapers come in, and set up some more bushes especially around the river, and the Goomy had happily settled in with their food and habitat settled.

“Goom. Goomy.” She called and then looked over towards where the distant sound of Jangmo-o’s chime like roar echoed out.

I looked at her, and felt myself want to jump at the chance.

This was it! She was finally reaching out! Taking a deep breath I calmed myself down and set the dishes to the side.

“I don’t mind at all, if you want to join us for training.” I offered happily. “If you get stronger, you can protect your family better.”

“Goom.” She nodded, looking pleased at my easy acceptance.

“You know, the offer is still there.” I said, turning to look at her fully. “If you want to join my team. I’ll go all out teaching you, and helping you grow stronger. All the way to Goodra.” I added, and Goomy’s little eyes widened at the name of their final evolution.

But she hesitated looking away towards the ground, and then towards the little cave. I looked over as well. To the line of Goomy going in and out.

All of them chattered to each other.

They were happy.

“You want to protect them.” I said and Brave nodded looking up at me.


“I know we only met a little bit ago… But I want to protect them too.” I explained simply as I smiled at their happy little wandering. “Right now, they have lots of protection, but it’s true they could have more… I’ll help you regardless, but if you’re on my team. You’ll travel. You’ll fight battles that you can’t imagine, and you’ll grow from it.”

The quiet after that stretched, Brave woogled in place for a while staring at her family. At the people she was the protector of.

I reached out, and picked her up, much to her surprise.

“Let’s protect them. Together.” I offered, bending down and going forehead to forehead. Our eyes met. “Please, I want to be your friend.” I offered quietly, eyes closed and just trying to convey how much it meant to me. How much I wanted this little goo to accept me.

“Goomy.” She said quietly, and then I opened my eyes because the feeling was so strange. She was rubbing her forehead against mine.

She had accepted.

“Yes!” I whooped rising up and spinning around earning a little squeal and then I settled back down, flopping into the grass as I settled her on my lap.

“We’ll need to change out your pokeball for a Premier ball.” I told her, with a wobbly smile as I felt tears coming to my eyes.

I was so happy!

Goomy smiled, and I melted.

Chapter 63


Thank you all for waiting. Gosh it's been 25 days since the last PTV update!

Chapter Text

The next day I swapped things around. Morning training was with the little ones at the stable.

“Alright! Dragon Pulse!” I called out, and Dratini nodded. He shimmered for a moment, and then roared, a purple energy leapt from his mouth, arcing out and shifting around, a dragon-like figure seemingly leading the energy and then it smashed into the water.

The beam kept up for a few seconds before Dratini couldn’t keep it up anymore. Huffing tiredly he looked up to me and I gave him my most gigawatt smile.

“Amazing job!” I cheered, jumping into the air, and then rushing over to lift him up and jump around with him. Earning happy giggles from the little dragon.

I had taken on some direct work with Dratini because as I spun him around I saw why Dragonite was a little distracted. She was helping not just Brave, but an entire horde of Goomy learn Dragon Pulse.

Brave now had a white pokeball.

She had agreed and was on my team, and needed to catch up to Jangmo-o, and Dratini who were both at the point of managing Dragon Pulse. Being taught it really made it easier to pick up.

But as Brave had been invited to learn Dragon pulse along with the other dragon kids. She had hurried off and come back with an entire dollop.

They had all wanted to learn.

Even if they weren’t on my team, the Goomy still wanted to get strong. In response to their desires Dragonite had put her hands on her hips and nodded.

Then got down to teaching.

It would be a while before the Goomy got it, but I really looked forward to seeing the Goomy all shooting Dragon Pulses together. I bet it would look amazing.

“Tini!” I turned back to my little noodle and rubbing my nose against his own.

“Yeah buddy you did it. Want to go show your Papa?” I asked, and Dratini perked up and nodded rapidly. I laughed as I ran off, Dratini laying over my shoulder to Milotic who was lazing around but still doing important work.

Milotic was working with Gible today.

I had realized as important as it was for me to help socialize her, I also needed some help.

Dragonite was a great main choice. The large dragon had wrecked Garchomp, and even Gible was aware of her in a way she wasn’t other pokemon or people.

Milotic though, wasn’t weak either. And he could throw down Dragon power like the best of them.

Right now I had Gible and Milotic spending time, as Milotic was supposed to be talking to, and trying to get her interested in things.

As I ran up, I could see the plan was rather doomed to failure, but at least Gible wasn’t trying to bite him anymore.

No, instead she was on her back snoring curled up in Milotic coils as Milotic shirked his duty and napped too.

“Tini!” Dratini called out as he caught sight of it, and slithered off my shoulder rushing forward.

The little guy instantly slipped up into Milotics coils and made noises for attention.

Oh? Was Dratini actually being jealous? Did seeing Gible sleep with his Papa strike him as wrong and make him want to kick her out for taking what is his?

Nope. He instantly rubbed against his Papa and then cutely yawned and curled up too.

I slowed to a stop as I realized all three of the pokemon were now napping.

Staring for a moment I felt myself just chuckling at the situation.

I guess for once Milotic would get a pass.

If everyone over here wanted an early nap…

If you can’t beat them, join them right? Slipping up onto Milotic who opened a big eye before stilling as he realized it was me.

I just ignored his sweating as he realized he had been caught, and instead slipped over to Gible, gently slipping in beside her, I made sure to reach out my hand wrapped around her horn in case she woke up and chose violence, I could hold her back and then curled up into the cuddle pile for my own nap.

Milotic breathed out in relief and then laid his head back down nuzzling me and Dratini. The wind was cold, but the morning sun, and dragon scales were warm. I soon found myself dozing off.

It would have been great if we weren’t interrupted.


“‘M sleepn’” I mumbled back, opening my eyes a little to see, not just Grandpa Roy. “Oh, right.” Upon opening my eyes I saw the reason I was having morning training with the kids today.

Besides Grandpa Roy stood two men, two men I had met before.

“Lance. Cigarette guy.” I greeted them as I started to gently detangle myself from sleeping pokemon.

Milotic finally opened his eyes as well, and he glared as he rose up to his full height looming over us.

His coils shifted, and I had to grab Gible as I was pushed to my feet. Dratini wrapped around his Papa’s neck glanced around to see what had caused the end of his nap.

Milotic pushed into Lance's space, glaring down at him. And then huffing just once, the air escaping from his neck with a faint whistle of warning.

“Vicky-” Grandpa Roy started but Lance cut him off.

“I don’t think he likes me very much.”

“Dragonite is his wife.” I explained simply as adjusted Gible into a baby carry. She was still snoring away completely unconcerned with anything going on.

“I see?” Lance offered seeming more confused than anything as Milotic breathed out heavily into Lance's face before floating off.

Today was the day Lance, and Brushfire were going to visit. Lance wanted to see the new Dragons, and ask me questions about Kitakami. Something apparently the League had told Uncle Leo that they wanted us to allow this.

And so here we were.

Lance looked away from Milotic, having noticed Dratini around his neck, to look at me.

Our eyes met.

“We should have a battle.” I told him, and he blinked at my sudden words.

Yet instead of turning me down, his chin tilted up and he smirked.

“I would like that, but it wouldn’t be fair to battle you now. Win the Conference, and prove yourself against the Elite Four. I will give you a battle you will never forget then.” He offered back a look shared between us that I had to respect.

He wasn’t just bullsh*tting, actually telling me to reach the peak.

“I’ll see you there then.” I said dead serious. Then I looked back to the area around us. “Right. You’re here to learn about the new dragons, and you’re here for an inspection… No smoking.” I demanded and Brushfire’s shoulders slumped, but he nodded to me.

“Indeed I am very curious about the new species… Your Gible? Hmm, she’s small.” Lance spoke looking down at Gible in my arms.

“Gible was the runt of her family. I’m pretty sure she’s only a few weeks or so old, and she’s a bit of a weird one.” I answered Lances’ question. “I’m still working with her to not just bite and stuff everything into her mouth. So don’t touch her.” I ordered and despite my warning it did look like Lance had to hold himself back from doing the opposite.

I couldn’t blame him for that. Resisting petting a pokemon was hard for me too.

“It’s rare to have that issue with Dratini. They are often gentle, almost skittish as children.” He offered and I nodded.

“I can see it. C’mon, I’ll show you where the kids are.” I jerked my head towards where the sound of explosions could still be heard.

I walked ahead, gently rocking Gible, actually pretty happy at how comfortable she was acting with all the motion, and noise.

She was pretty cute like this, mouth wide open and breathing in and out cutely.

We turned through a copse of trees and there it was.

The pond we were making through repeated attacks. Dragonite was greeting Milotic and Dratini and the others were all there. Jangmo-o still working on his attacks, alongside the Goomy horde.

“Hoh?” Lance muttered as we approached his words completely taken over by his stare at Dragonite.

“What?” I demanded a little petulantly, daring him to call her weak again.

“Your Dragonites muscle definition is extraordinary.” He stated simply, his voice showing nothing but respect. “I’m interested in your training methods for her.” He said, in a way that sounded like the words escaped him before he could think of them.

Before I could respond, intending to scoff at him, Dragonite had noticed us. She stomped over and this time she made sure she was right in his face and standing at her full height, arms crossed.

The sound of her stomping had jerked Gible awake, or maybe something else. Sensing a rampaging dragon? I soothed her in my arms, but I had to admit I was impressed with Lance’s response.

“You’re beautiful.” Lance offered, and the words caught Dragonite off guard. Her defensive attitude shifted as she was so confused as she looked at me.

“I don’t know.” I replied back with a shrug not sure what Lance was up to.

“When I saw you last as a Dragonair you were healthy, but not a battler. Now?” He asked, and Dragonite huffed a bit at that. “You’ve grown magnificently. Although I can still see the hallmarks that you aren’t of our line.” He explained.

I wasn’t really sure if I could imagine how Dragonite used to be as a Dragonair. She was how she was for me.

“We train a lot. To beat you.” I explained and that got Dragonite back on task, puffing up with her arms recrossed looking down at Lance.

“You think you are ready for that?” He asked, and Dragonite huffed, nodding and glaring.

“Come on out. Partner.” Lance offered, and instantly the atmosphere changed.

A Dragonite appeared.


Like really really big. I’d seen this Dragonite before of course. This was Lance’s Ace. I’d literally watched him battle before, but it was one thing to see something on TV and another to have it right next to you, and be able to compare.

Lance's Dragonite was a full head larger than my girl. Wider too. But he wasn’t dumpy. No he just was bigger. Fuller.

At the appearance of such a powerful dragon there was a reaction among my friends. Gible froze eyes locked ahead in my arms. Her whole body tense.

Dragonite flinched back. The Goomy all flinched away. Jangmo-o squared up, but he was definitely looking worried.

“You’ve noticed it.” Lance spoke, bringing my focus back to him. “Blackthorn breeds Dragonite to make them stronger, and has done so for centuries. Our Dragonite are larger than wild caught. Their scales are stronger to enhance their defensive powers.” He explained running hand across his partners side.

His Dragonite didn’t notice, because there was a Dragonite vs. Dragonite stare down.

“But my Dragonite’s stronger.” I responded back. Startling the man who had been staring up at his partner extolling his virtues.

And I couldn’t allow that.

“Dragonite’s muscle definition isn’t just for looks. It’s pure power. Functional.” I argued standing beside her and staring at both Lance and his Dragonite. “But that’s not all. I don’t mind sharing this, since you’ll see as I punch through the Elite Four. Dragonite is fast! That muscle isn’t just power, but speed as well!”

“Hoh? You think that’ll be enough? My Partner is the distillation of all the Blackthorn work with Dragonite over the centuries. Breeding, training, everything.”

“And I’ll crush that thinking.” I argued back. “All of that is fine, but it doesn’t make a strong pokemon. Bonds do. Friendship. I’ll show you how much we can grow and crush all that old thinking.” I decided, and Lance broke not into a smirk, but a smile.

“Defeat me then, Victoria Ferrous. If you can.”

“Pru?” Lance's Dragonite asked, Lance turned and reached up to pat his cheek.

“It’ll be a fun challenge, won’t it partner?”


“Tini!” Dratini called out, crawling up his Mama’s leg and then around her back until he was resting on her shoulders. He glared up at the big Dragonite. “Drat! Dratini! Tini!”

“Drag.” The big guy responded back, but he wasn’t angry. The big Dragonite just seemed amused.

“Your Dratini has a lot of pride in his mother.” Lance offered, and I nodded.

“Of course. Dratini knows his Mama is the strongest Dragonite there is.” I said and Dratini looked at me and nodded whistling cutely in agreement.

“We’ll see.” Lance offered, but he shook himself lightly. “As much as I would enjoy speaking about Dragonite all day. I am here to ask you some questions about the new dragon types found in Kitakami.” He said, and I nodded. Dragonite, realizing this wasn’t going to become a battle, seemed to relax a bit, but was still shooting looks of aggression at the big guy.

“Alright. Jangmo-o! Come here buddy!” I called my armored boy, and he rushed over. He hadn’t been practicing his Dragon Pulse anyways, distracted as he was by the new stuff happening.

He galloped over and then stopped staring down Lance.

Then he did a shimmy. And then another and leapt backwards in a full 360.

Lance stood there.

I stood there without saying or doing anything.

Slowly, I realized Lance wasn’t going to understand. He didn’t have the context to know what Jangmo-o was showing him. Lance knelt down which was the wrong thing to do. “Greetings little Dragon.” Lance spoke, but it wasn’t right. My little guy kept glaring before he slumped and sighed, at the idiot human, before running over to me, and spinning in between my feet.

“Hey buddy.” I told him as I knelt down to pet him with one hand even as I held Gible in the other.

Jangmo-o liked scratches under his scales. They were constantly growing and shifting after all, and they got itchy.

“I don’t understand.” Lance explained and I nodded.

“I can’t tell you. Not directly. But when you go to Kitakami, and you find his family. I suggest you watch before approaching. Maybe if you watch long enough, you’ll understand why you lost Jangmo-o’s interest just now.” I explained simply shrugging my shoulders. Jangmo-o wasn’t even looking at the man anymore, walking away as if he was completely uninteresting.

Lance nodded slowly looking confused, and also desperate to pet Jangmo-o. He was a Dragon lover…

I sighed. “If you want a clue? Don’t treat them like Dratini. Dratini and Dragonite have a completely different culture to Kommo-o. Listen and watch, and understand how they interact with each other. That’s how you must interact with them.”

This time Lance nodded more firmly. “Thank you.”

“It’s nothing. If you can’t figure it out, then you aren’t worthy to make friends with them.” Then because Lance was kind of pathetic looking, not being able to pet any of the Dragons so far. I walked over to the Goomy horde that had all pressed together at the appearance of Dragonite.

“Brave, can you come here?” I asked, and then the goomy that was in front of the pack broke off and slimed over. Brave looked up at me and spoke.


“I’d really appreciate a few minutes.” I explained and she sort of undulated a bit before jumping up into my hand that I had left open for her.

Once again I was struck that while Brave was still sort of slimy feeling, she wasn’t actually coated in it anymore.

The soap that Chansey had used, had really left them with so much less mucus over their bodies. Walking over Lance was looking at me in confusion as I sighed and waved at him.

“Go ahead and hold out your hand.” I demanded and Lance looked me over obviously confused.

He looked at Goony. She had spun around to look at him and she wiggled a bit.

To my surprise, Lance's look of confusion vanished as his eyebrows nearly slammed together. Which is saying something because Lance had really sharp eyebrows.

Without a word he held out his hand, and Brave looked from me to him before slowly crawling across the gap to land in his palm.

Lance stared down at Brave for a long while as she stared up at him, and then slowly, Lance reached out his other hand and stroked her cheek a little earning a gurgling purr.

“This is a Dragon type.”

“Yep.” I responded, popping the P sound as loud as I could. “Goomy is a pure Dragon type.”

Lance looked up at me, finally tearing his eyes from Goomy. “Pure?”

“Yep.” I responded with equally as much force, then because Goomy was getting bored I waved at him. “Do this.” I said, showing my hand squeezing a bit.

It took a moment but Lance squeezed down on Goomy, earning giggles of delight as she was released.

Lance's expression was one of understanding.

He did it again. Brave giggled happily.

Nirvana was reached.


“Not that this isn’t fascinating, but uh… We still need to finish our inspection.” Mr. Brushfire called out after not nearly long enough, as Lance and I both whirled to glare at the man.

We had only finished squeezing like… Half of the Goomy! What about all the others! We couldn’t just not give them attention too!

“Mr. Brushfire, I will ask for a further moment of your time.” Lance said rather strongly and then went back to squishing the Goomy.

I nodded and squished the Goomy as well.

Squish, squish, squish.

“Goo, goo goo goomy!” They giggled. Ah. This was the life.

But Lance finally broke the silence between us.

“You captured a lot of them.”

“The natives of Kitakami saw them as a pest, they were being hunted. So I had to rescue them.”

“I see.” He muttered a little darkly, before sighing and then switching to a new Goomy that was practically bouncing to be next. “I will have to capture some myself. I don’t suppose you would share their location?”

“I honestly don’t know.” I answered back, tossing the Goomy in my hands up into the air a few times much to its delight. “When I was there, this group was the only nest I found. I brought all of them with me.”

“I see.”

“But check caves, and damp spaces. I found them on the east side of the mountain, but there are other streams and things that some of them might live by, they eat leaves, and like dampe places.”

“I will take your words to heart.” He replied sincerely, and then he sighed, gently placing the Goomy onto the ground and patting its head. “As much as I wish to continue…”

I looked at him and nodded.

“Alright. Sorry everyone! We’ll play again later okay?” I asked and the Goomy that hadn’t gotten a chance slumped, but eventually started slurping away towards the nearest bush or the stream.

“Victoria. I requested to come today to ask you about Kitakami, but that wasn’t my only purpose.”

“Champion, you should be careful of your next words.” Grandpa Roy cut in. He had been sitting on the table on the porch watching over us, but hearing what Lance had said he had instantly cut in rising up as well.

Lance looked to him and nodded.

“Rest assured, I mean no harm. Victoria… If you were a child of Johto, I would have already offered you an apprenticeship with the Blackthorn. A few years as an apprentice and… It doesn't matter in the end.” He replied with a sigh. “You are a daughter of Kanto.”

“Yep.” I answered back cheekily. That was pretty sweet of him to say honestly.

Dangit. I kinda liked Lance.

He had this arrogance about him, but he had quickly started playing with the Goomy. Anyone who was friends with Goomy was a friend to me.

“And so, there will be trouble.” Lance continued sighing as he looked over my pokemon all chilling around the land. “There were Johto men unhappy about your Milotic trade from the beginning, but the decision was to let it continue as Johto has a trade agreement with Kanto. We benefited as well. But this? Not just the usual warmongers are angry about the situation.” He spoke simply and straight forward towards me.

Like an adult speaking to a child.

“Champion. I don’t believe I like where this conversation is going.” Grandpa Roy spoke again and Lance looked to him and bowed his head.

“I apologize Mr. Ferrous. I simply wish to convey the situation to her. Victoria’s actions should be celebrated, but… The world is not always so kind.” He continued to stare down Grandpa Roy who eventually nodded.

“I would like to hear how much danger my Grandaughter is in with Johto.”

“Less than she would have been just a few years ago. I am Champion now.” He stated arrogantly, but it wasn’t meant to be that way. To Lance it was just fact.

What a chad.

“You will protect her?” Grandpa Roy asked, and Lance bowed his head.

“As much as I am able. Not even I can stop the tide of politics entirely.”

“So… People in Johto are upset I have Dragons?” I asked, as the conversation went silent for a moment, and Lance refocused on me.

“Not just Dragons Victoria. New dragons. New pokemon entirely. I will be leaving on a trip to Kitakami soon. My hope is that capturing the pokemon for Johto will help calm the tensions again. Know that many in my Clan do not mind your actions, and now that we have met again I will speak in your favor… But there will always be dissenting voices.”

“Yeah I get that.” I said kicking my feet a bit.

How much of this was something I really had to do anything about? Should I do anything about it? What was the right choice here?

A large part of me didn't care about the politics involved. It was dumb. What pokemon I captured wasn’t anyone's business but mine, and certainly not a group of people on another side of the Mt. Silver that had even less to do with me.

But the thing about politics is that it didn’t care if you wanted to take part.

“How bad of a threat is it? Should I be worried about someone attacking me?”

“No.” Lance said instantly, but then he hesitated.

That was explanation enough.

“So… The people that are angry with me… Any of them strong?”

“No.” He responded again instantly, the arrogance of a dragon on full display. “But they are not wise.”

“Hmm.” I muttered thinking about the situation. “That you are telling me this at all, tells me that it’s more of a threat than you want to admit to me.” I decided on saying,. And Lance's face blanked for a moment then he bowed.

“That is indeed the truth. You have good eyes.”

“So what exactly do they want from me?” I demanded, and Lance hesitated.

“Nothing solid enough for me to share.”

“If you felt that I needed to be warned, then I should hear the rest. You aren’t protecting me by keeping me ignorant.” I spoke back softly. Glaring at the grass.

I was starting to get angry.

Lance shifted, looking to Grandpa Roy who was still stone faced.

Brushfire was practically clawing at the air for a cigarette I noticed. This hadn’t gone the way the man had expected I assumed.

Finally Lance turned back to me.

“There is talk about Johto using political pressure to try and force the issue… Removal of the pokemon to Johto. But that will not happen, once I return from Kitakami, I will balance the scales, and the issue will end.”


“Vicky. There is nothing to worry over.” Grandpa Roy cut in then. “Kanto will not roll over at this demand. And neither will the clan allow it.”

“Thanks Grandpa Roy.” I said back with a smile, but honestly… “I’m not that worried about that though. No one is taking my friends away.” I explained simply.

Instead I decided enough was enough. I rose up and stretched. “I think I’m just going to have to remind everyone who they are dealing with.” I decided and smiled as the decision was made.

“And who are we dealing with?” Lance asked, and I turned to him and smirked.

“You’ll find out. Champion Lance… Master of Flying type pokemon!” I called out pointing at him. “Don’t think I don’t know! I know your secret!”

Lance looked startled at my sudden yelling before his face flattened. “That joke again?” He grumbled, and I cackled at his tired irritation.

“So I’m not the only one that knows your dastardly secret!”

“I am not a Flying type specialist.” He argued, but I just laughed ignoring his argument. “Very well Victoria. I hope you take my warning seriously, but don’t let it alter your path. Your journey is not yet complete.”

I opened my mouth to blow off what he said, but instead I gave him a bow. “Thank you for the warning Champion. I will take it to heart, but it won’t alter my path.”

“Good. You certainly have the attitude of a Dragon Master.”

Lance rose up and rejoined Brushfire, and after a short walk around the property. They both left. Lance climbing atop his Dragonite and whooshing away.

“Vicky? I don’t exactly approve, but the warning from the Champion was serious.”

“Oh I know. I think… I think I need to reach out to someone, and then get back to training. I need to be so strong during the conference that no one ever thinks they can take my friends from me again.”

I stomped off, I guess it was time to stop playing around.

Chapter 64

Chapter Text

After getting back from a very important conversation I headed out in the afternoon sun to do some more training.

I was fired up, and my pokemon reacted to it. Dragonite had rushed us back to our training area and we had gone at it.

“Full power!” I called out and Gyarados roared as he hit the waterfall.

He couldn’t swim up it. Chansey had the whole area blanketed with Gravity, it was too much, but that hadn’t stopped us before! He started swimming against the current trying to rise and failing, but it didn’t matter. Failure was growth. Failure was strength.

I turned to check over the rest of my team and nodded. Chansey was being absolutely brutal. I had explained what the plan was, and she had nodded along without a second thought.

We had spent twenty minutes going over the training plan we had been using before, and figuring out how much further we could push it.

It was why Dragonite wasn’t just working out or training like normal.

She was pushing a boulder around, back and forth under heavy Gravity.

Dragonites scales shimmered with her sweat as she worked hard.

But Chansey was there. Healing and working her up.

Chansey was also working out along side Dragonite. Literally doing pushups, or running circles around the boulder calling out support to the dragon.

Arcanine and Milotic had also pitted themselves against each other.

Milotic was fired up. More so than usual.

I had spent some time explaining to my team what had happened, and what it meant for us.

The fact that there were people in Johto pushing to take some of my friends away from me? That it meant we had to prove to everyone that trying to do something so stupid was foolish had fired my big fish up.

So much so that he was actually pushing Arcanine back.

Milotic was slinging Water Pulse, and Surf around pushing Arcanines fire right back as she ran around in circles nearly constantly moving while blasting him with flame.

The whole area was a steam filled hell as Arcanine held nothing back, but she was actually being pushed back from her type disadvantage.

Not something that usually happened, as Arcanine usually bullied Milotic.

Of course she wasn’t unhappy about this. It only seemed to fire her up even more.

Lucario, the final member of the heavy Gravity training, was more mobile than before. She was stomping around moving against the air itself and struggling, but she was getting stronger.

I nodded, checking the sky to see the sun dwindling. Arcanines fire gave us light but it was getting close to break time.

My team was growing.


“That’s it!” I called out the next morning. Mimikyu cried out as he threw the swirling orb of energy and it flew a distance before smashing into the water, exploding outward.

“KukKuuku!” He cried out and I ran over and swept him up into a hug.

“That looked like Shadowball to me!” I cried out and he cried back. We spun around in circles much to Mimikyu’s delight as I laughed happily at his success!

My pokemon were growing so strong!

I stopped spinning feeling a little dizzy as I looked to the rest of my little guys.

Brave had picked up Dragon Pulse much faster than either of the boys. She had been a natural with it. Her natural Dragon Pulse was the orb type. Gathering energy infront of her and then shooting it off with a cute little cry.

Her learning it so fast had lit a fire in Dratini and Jangmo-o, both boys quick to work even harder to strengthen their attacks.

They were doing great learning to pressurize the attack. I would need to set them up for some actual battle training soon.

Glancing over I looked at Riolu who was working well under Lucario’s eyes.

Lucario’s tiredness had continued to shock the crap out of the little brat, and she had started giving Chansey actual fearful looks whenever the Goddess walked past her.


I made sure to smile widely at the brat whenever she noticed me, while telling her she would get the same training soon.

She looked almost as eager at the idea as she was fearful. Heh, Fighting types.

“Take a break okay?” I told Mimikyu who chittered happily as I let him go and he hurried back to the house.

He had refused to let me see inside the closet, but I was looking forward to his project.

Then I looked at my most difficult pokemon.

Gible was currently watching the dragons work with blank eyes. Time to do more training.

“Gible! Jump up!” I called and she didn’t move, instead sort of turning to look at me.


I slumped. Getting Gible to take orders had been ineffective so far. But we were still trying!.

“C’mon Gible. I know you can do it. Jump up!” I called jumping up myself to show her.

Slowly she blinked.

She stood up, and then just toddled over to me.

“Gib!” She called out and to my surprise didn’t bite instead reaching up for my hand and grabbing it.

I stared down at her, she stared up at me.

And then she looked back towards the Dragons training…

“Well this is okay too.” I admitted, as I sat down with her her hand in mine.


“Dragon Pulse!” I called out, and Jangmo-o glowed as he launched the attack.

Mimikyu, who had come out of the house after lunch to get more training, was the Dragons sparring partner.

I smirked as Mimikyu tried to dodge and this time the attack hit, but instead of damaging him it just sort of splashed off Mimikyu.

“Jang!” Jangmo-o cheered at the hit, and Mimikyu sagged a bit before perking back up.

“Alright! Mimikyu! Next time, hit the Dragon Pulse with a Shadow Ball!” I called and Jangmo-o didn’t hesitate in charging up another Dragon Pulse.

Jangmo-o’s Dragon Pulse came out as a roaring Dragon. He was more of a beam user, and it tracked… Sorta, towards Mimikyu.

Mimikyu who was quick to charge up a Shadow Ball and throw it at the attack,

The two energies collided and I nodded, while Jangmo-o was able to slow the Shadow Ball it was obvious that right at the start. The Shadow Ball had more force behind it.

Yet as I watched it slowed down as Jangmo-o kept up the pressure and then it burst as the Dragon Pulse surged through…

But by then Mimikyu was already charging up another shot.

“Do it again!” I called out, wanting more information, and again the attacks clashed.

I understood that time.

Once Mimikyu launched the Shadow Ball that was it. The attack was completely free, giving Mimikyu a chance to move around and attack again.

But the beam like Dragon Pulse was able to be directed by Jangmo-o, and pumped in more power over time letting it keep up.

Both had benefits and negatives.

It was going to be up to me to train my team to use the right move, at the right time.

“Alright! Good job!”


“Riolu! Rio rio rio!” Riolu laughed as I chased after her.

“Get back here you little brat!” I roared, chasing her down. I woke up today to the feeling of smashing my face full of whipped cream!

Who had shown Riolu that prank? Where had Riolu even gotten the Pidgey feather? No that doesn’t matter, because I was going to shove this can of whipped cream up Riolu’s As-

“Victoria.” Uncle Leo called out, and I stopped, letting Riolu laugh as she made her escape. I turned to him and pouted, but he did look pleased that I had stopped running.


“Please do not run inside the Clan home.” He spoke and I sighed, and nodded. Probably a good idea. There was expensive stuff in the place I didn’t want to break.

“Oh look at you.” Auntie Melissa cooed, giggling as she walked over. Pulling out a napkin and without hesitating starting to wipe my face off.

“It’s Riolu’s fault.” I grumbled, and Auntie Melissa just tittered herself. “When I find out who gave her that idea…” I grumbled and Auntie Melissa quirked her lips trying to stem a smile.

“It was probably Elizabeth dear.”

“Wat.” I said flatly, looking quite annoyed.

“Elizabeth is rather fond of pranks, she’s grown out of doing them, but I remember when she got Leo with this one.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about dear.” Uncle Leo said firmly, and while normally I would have laughed at his really bad denial, I was still just irritated.

That little brat.

A few moments later my face was clean… Ish.

“Why don’t you go wash up. We will be having breakfast soon.”

“Yeah alright.” I grumbled, not wanting to take out my mood on Auntie Melissa, she wasn’t so bad.

I stomped off, swearing I would get Riolu for this later.

After a quick shower and a few minutes cleaning my bed of stray whipped cream. I headed to breakfast.

I was already back in training mode. We had been pushing hard, but that was because soon we were going to go for the top.

And to prove a point.

When I made it outside I was surprised to see some of my team already working hard.

Jangmo-o was standing besides Dratini, both of them blasting draconic power into the water.

I stayed back to watch for a while. Just to see what was happening. Slowly both boys each shot, one after another. Then I smiled as I realized. They were seeing who was strongest by comparing the sizes of the splash.

Their little cheers at ‘defeating’ the other was cute.

I walked over interrupting as I scooped both of them up.

“So proud of you two!” I cheered, rubbing a cheek against Dratini earning a happy squeal, even as Jangmo-o protested the attention, until I rubbed my cheek against his own and he went from protesting to sort of faux whining.

“Tini!” Dratini cheered and I laughed as he coiled around me and hugged me.

“You both are so cute! Starting training early. Just make sure you both don’t overdo it okay?” I reminded and got nods from both of the boys before I settled down and put them back on their feet.

Dratini was more than happy to cuddle, but Jangmo-o stalked off stiff legged for a minute until he finally turned back towards me, and huffed.

I just gave him a big bright smile.

“You’re both growing so much so fast. It’ll be time to go do some battles soon.” I told them, and both Dragons blinked.



“Yep!” I assured them. “I figure, once both of you figure out all three ways we know of to use Dragon Pulse, I’ll take you to the pokemon center, and let you battle.”

Both boys blinked, and turned to each other. Firmly nodding. I smiled as the fire lit up in both of the dragons as they raced off to work on their move.

“All three ways?” A voice asked then.

“Three that I know of.” I answered back as I turned to see Grandpa Roy having followed me to the battle area.

“Hmm. That’s not something many trainers focus on. It tends to spread the pokemon a bit thin. Better to focus on one way of doing things so they are focused. Faster to release the move that is needed.”

“Hmm, maybe, probably true in most cases, but I think flexibility is important. Besides… I think there is something to teaching them how to adjust the moves as well.” Grandpa Roy shrugged and walked over to stand beside me, looking over my pokemon that now that I was here, were getting ready.

Although I noticed Riolu wasn’t around.

“Is she still hiding?” I grumbled as I looked around and didn’t see her. “Arcanine? Can you find Riolu and drag her out here? We have training to do!”

Arcanine had been staring at the training the whole time, eager to jump in, but knowing it wasn’t her turn. The few times she had flared up and tried to train with the little ones she had sent them scattering and disrupting their efforts.

“Arc!” She seemed to cheer as she jumped to her feet and started sniffing, then she was off.

I turned away from the boys towards where Dragonite was working with my difficult girl.

Gible was staring up at Dragonite as she spoke calmly to the little dragon. I wasn’t sure what they were talking about, but Dragonite was large and powerful enough Gible never really stopped paying attention to her when Dragonit was near.

Brave was there as well, and seemed to be part of Dragonites lesson, as Dragonite waved at Brave who was puffing up a bit as Gibles eyes focused on her.


“Goom!” Goomy called out responding to whatever Gible had said… Or hadn’t said. She was cute, but real head empty still.

Then Gible moved, her mouth opened to attack, but Brave responded with a Dragon Pulse, the energy blasting out of her in the full blast attack, causing Gibles mouth to chomp onto the energy and then be forced away.

“Gib.” She spoke up a few moments later, blinking seemingly in surprise at her new position as if she didn’t know what happened to cause her to be so far away from where she was a moment before.

I approached, and settled next to Brave. Dragonite gave me a look and nodded but then focused on Gible.

“Drag. Dragonite, Dragon.” She said and Gib did a slow blink and didn’t seem to respond.

“Goo. Goomy goom.” Brave muttered under her breath, seemingly unhappy.

“Sorry about her.” I told Brave who looked at me a little grumpily. “Please forgive her, we are still trying to help her.” I offered and Brave grumbled a bit, but allowed me to pick her up and put her in my lap.

“Dragon.” Dragonite spoke, waving her hand at Gible and sighing a bit.

Yeah I didn’t think it would be simple.

“Gible. Come here.” I asked, waving at her, and after a few moments she did rise back up and approach. “Can I have your hand?” I asked, holding out my hand palm up as she approached, and she stilled as she stared at my fingers.

I could see the instinct in her, to attack, fighting against the confusion of the situation.

After all, by this point my hand had given her a lot of good things. Food, attention, and we had done the hand holding thing a lot by now.

So slowly she held out her little hand and placed it on mine. I smiled happily, making sure not to show my teeth as I tugged her a little closer.

“Gible, this is Brave our friend. She’s going to fight with us. To grow strong and protect all of us together.” I explained, and then I gently brought the hand onto Braves head. Even as she looked at me displeased.

But it settled. Gibles little claw touching the top of Goomy’s head.

“See? She isn’t going to hurt you, if you don’t hurt her. We’re all friends here. Friends don’t hurt. They help. They are nice.” I explained softly and I watched to see how Gible would respond.

First she squeezed Goomy, which she didn’t seem to like or dislike, and then Gible did it again, and again and then finally she took her hand away seemingly satisfied, and that was a perfect chance.

I pulled out a berry and offered it to Gible.

“That’s right. Good job.” I said calmly, and then Gible moved to stuff the food in her mouth, but with a bit of experience I pulled my hand away, but as she opened her mouth after realizing there was nothing inside, I dropped it into her mouth.

“Gib.” She exclaimed softly as she started chewing the berry chunk.

Then I offered one to Goomy, and Dragonite, then another to Gible as she had been watching the chunks disappear with hunger.

After her second chunk she was confused.

So I passed more to everyone ending once more with Gible.

“See? You don’t have to fight for food anymore. There will always be food for my Gible.” I told her, and reached out, this time not seeing any food she didn’t snap, and started scratching her behind her horns, a place her little hands couldn’t reach.

Soon I had a mouth open, head empty drooling Gible in my lap besides Brave who looked annoyed with having to share.

“Want to join in the training some more Brave? You did great on your Dragon Pulse before.”

“Goom!” She confirmed and woogled into a little leap off my lap and then off across the grass to join the boys.

Then I looked to Dragonite.

“Did that go well?” I asked, her and Dragonite chuckled out a trilling laugh as she reached down and patted my head.

I guess so.

Not long after Arcanine came trotting back. Riolu held by the scruff and dropped the pup in front of me, Arcanine’s tail wagging at doing a good job.

“Alright, Arcanine, why don’t you go do some flame training. I still want your fires hotter for the battles ahead.” I told her, and before I was finished she was off in a flash of heat that smacked me in the face.

Then I looked to Riolu who looked like she was going to bail.

“Don’t even think about it. It’s training time. If you want to do pranks, you can hide until training time, but you should be here even if you are trying to avoid trouble. Go on. You know what to do.” I told her pointing at the water and she looked a little surprised at how light I was being. She rose up, swiped the grass off her legs and then stalked over to the water to join in.

Of course she didn’t know I was going to push her into the river later. But that was after training. Pranks and training don’t go well together.


“I’m home!” I called out, as I walked inside.

Afternoon training with my big team had been fun but it took a bit of juggling. Lucario had gotten another dose of Gravity and had already started handling it better. Walking around with a bit more ease even if she was still incapable of more than that.

I had been forced to leave Gible in her pokeball after lunch, giving her time to rest, and also so she wouldn’t terrorize the rest of my friends without ‘adult’ supervision.

The reason I was home instead of just camping out at the Clan house was due to the clan wanting to do some work with the Milotic enclosure.

There had been some slight damage to the sides of the stream with the Milotic rubbing against the mud, and so they needed to come in and reinforce the stream so the berry tree section wouldn’t get washed away when it rained.

So since they were doing that, I had headed home to give my team some home time.

I had released everyone outside, and as I walked in to tackle Papa in a hug, I noticed Lucario also wearily following in behind me.

“Trouble.” Papa whispered as he hugged me tightly, and then turned to Lucario and blinked. “Oh man. She sure put you through the wringer didn’t she? You look like you just went twelve rounds with a Primeape.” Papa told Lucario who slumped a bit.

“Oh! Look at you, come in.” Mama said waving Lucario in, and soon Pokemon and people were all resting on the couch. Lucario seemed flattered when Mama came back with a cup of juice that Lucario was sipping from seemingly quite enjoying it.

It was still kinda annoying how quickly she had settled in with my parents.

It wasn’t fair!

But she was happy, and that was the most important part.

“I ran Lucario through some more G-Training.” I told Papa in a whisper and he nodded.

“It’s been a while since we hit Arcany with that. Think we should give him another session?” Papa asked, and before I could respond, Arcany’s big head flopped over the back of the couch and just whined at the two of us.

Big pleading eyes just begging not to be put through another Chansey training session.

“I think Arcany, is plenty strong Papa.” I said and threw the big pup a wink, and he sent me a doggy grin in return.

“You really shouldn’t take his side Trouble.” Papa grumbled, but he reached over his shoulder and scratched Arcany’s muzzle.

“Not doing it for Riolu yet?” Papa asked and I shook my head.

“No. I made that mistake once before.” I said bluntly. “Arcanine has amazing battle instincts, but I think she would be even stronger right now, if I had given her more time as a Growlithe going to battles and really letting her learn how to beat a superior opponent.”

“Ah, that’s possible. I’ve seen her move. She’s practically unstoppable, but…”

“Exactly, but she won’t always be the strongest, and she has a big weak spot when handling that. I learned my lesson though. Eventually my team will gain that experience, but it’s a lot easier to gain the experience first, then power them up.”

“Heh. Only for you Trouble.” Papa said, hugging me tightly, and honestly?

That was fine. This was nice.

Chapter 65

Chapter Text

“Pillow, stop.” I grumbled half asleep. It was early, the sun wasn’t even up and Pillow had decided that I had taken up too much of my own bed. His cold nose, and wet tongue were doing a good job of forcing me away from the warm comfort of my own pillow.

He did not in fact stop.

“Pillow.” I growled, opening bleary eyes to see him having already settled down onto my pillow, my new pillow.

“Where is your pillow?” I asked and he didn’t respond, simply yawned as he settled into a comfortable nap.

I sat up and blinked, it was dark and I couldn’t see. So I got up and turned on the light, wincing at the brightness as I blinked to clear my eyes I found the issue.

“You little sh*t.” I grumbled, walking over to the side of my bed where the pillow had fallen off. I don’t know how it had fallen off, but that was apparently enough for Pillow to decide in the middle of the night that my pillow was now the better choice.

I threw it on top of the bed and glared as Pillow yawned and stretched and pranced over then settled back onto his chosen pillow.

Turning the lights off, I was just crawling back in, when I heard the noise and looked out the window.

“Gyarados.” I muttered as he was facing the window and breathing hard enough to fog the window up.

“What are you doing up?” I asked sleepily, but I didn’t get an answer, and I wasn’t just going to leave him out there.

I walked over and opened the window, earning a happy wiggle from my biggest boy.

“You should be asleep, Blue Heart.” I told him, as I stroked his nose, but he made no motion to retreat. He must have heard me grumbling at Pillow and thought I was up.

I looked over at my clock and after blinking a few times I got my eyes to actually focus and saw it was just before six.

“This is truly a cursed hour.” I muttered, the sun wasn’t even up! Stupid winter.

Gyarados, throated a purring noise that earned my full attention.

He wasn’t the most vocal of my friends, but it made when he did make noise for what he wanted all the more important.

“Hungry?” I asked, and he teetered telling me no. “Bored?” No. He continued to just stare at me, and finally I understood.

“Okay.” I assured him as I moved away. Quickly grabbing some socks, then doubling them up just in case. Slipping into my favorite clunky boots. I grabbed my jacket and slipped into that. Then once I was sure I would be warm, I stepped out of my window and onto his crest.

He was lonely.

I held onto him as we worked back towards the stream, and then he settled on the inner island, under the berry trees, just staring out into the open field. I rested back gently, scritching him underneath his horns, as we just relaxed, him half in the stream to keep himself comfortable, resting his jaw on the grass and then slowly. The sun rose, the whole time the two of us simply enjoyed each other's presence.

It was a good morning.


“KkuukUku!” Was the response that greeted me as Dragonite landed at the stable.

“Mimikyu?” I asked as he ran right up to me and leapt into my arms, I jostled a bit as he crawled up to my shoulder and then with his shadowy arm he pointed towards the house urgently.

“Okay.” I said starting to move before remembering other than Dragonite everyone was in their pokeball. I spun a bit, throwing out all the pokeballs on my hip. “Dragonite! Chansey! Start everyone's training for now okay?”

Then I faced forward and hurried into the Clan house. I bypassed Grandpa Roy who was out on the porch with a wave, as Mimikyu guided me right towards my room. As I entered he leapt off and landed on the bed and sort of wiggled a bit like he was nervous before patting the bed next to him. I jumped, and as I did he nodded and then leapt off surprising me.

But then he rushed into the closet, peeking out one last time to make sure I was sitting and then he disappeared.

“Oooh!” I whispered practically feeling the stars in my eyes!

Mimikyu’s costume was done! I settled in to wait, and didn’t have to wait long.

Then slowly the door opened, the light on behind him, giving the shadow the first thing through, and then he walked out in an uncomfortable shuffle.

“Eeeee!” I released and before he could react I was off the bed and scooping him up and spinning around in delight. “So cuuuute!” I cheered as I held him out to arms length to see.

Mimikyu looked like Milotic!

He made a Milotic costume! I’m DYING!

“Eeeee!” I squealed as I wrapped him back into a hug and spun around and around. “You are such a cutie!”

By this point my affection was having an effect and Mimikyu was starting to cry, hugging me tighter and tighter, but it didn’t matter, because I had the cutest Mimikyu of them all!

“You are amazing. Look at this!” I finally managed to break out of the spiral of cuteness to settle on my knees with Mimikyu on the bed in front of me. “The tail is so well done! And… Oh! Are those actual Milotic scales?”

“KukKKuku!” He said showing off the tail of his costume.

They weren’t the Prism scales, but Milotic had more than just those. He had sown a few of their more normal scales into the tail of the costume, and I noticed it twitch around. I reached out and gently explored and nodded.

“Using your Wood Hammer to move the tail?”

“Kuku!” He confirmed and I flashing him a bright smile at how smart he was.

“Arceus above, this is so cute, and well made! We have to show everyone! I bet that lady at the arts and crafts store is going to lose her mind over this!” I told him, and I could see him wiggle in embarrassment, but no way, was I not going to show off his work!

“C’mon, let’s show everyone! I bet all the Milotic will be so flattered!” And I hauled him up and out of the house, jumping right onto the grass outside. “Everyone! Come look!” I shouted out, and got a lot of startled looks, but I kneeled down and settled Mimikyu onto the grass letting him show off his new costume to everyone.

The head didn’t creak anymore. The bottom of the costume I noticed was thicker, so it wouldn’t rip while moving across the ground. As he had folded it, and it seemed to be tighter near the bottom…

Making it harder for someone to just lift up the edge… Stupid researcher, making Mimikyu worried about that sort of thing!

But it was cute.

He even had the little horn, and two red strands of cloth on each side to represent the fins! Eeee! So cute!

The eyes were little buttons!

Everyone gathered around, and started chattering away. Chansey was clapping delighted at the sight of it, and Dragonite made a cute little squealing noise and made grabby hands, but kept herself from picking up Mimikyu for a Dragon hug.

Dratini was the most vocal as he ran around Mimikyu cheering out little dragon noises of happiness.

Milotic my boy blinked down at Mimikyu in surprise, and then after a bit of trilling and eldritch talk back and forth. Milotic started wheezing out his laugh, seeming quite happy with the choice.

The Flock also got involved, those who obviously helped Mimikyu with scales cheered him with an orchestral sounding song that had him using his ghostly claws to press onto his eyes holes in embarrassment.

But overall? It was a good moment. A moment that I hoped Mimikyu would remember for the rest of his life. That he had nothing to be afraid of anymore. He would never be lonely again.


“Dragon Pulse!” I called out, and my little dragon’s did so. Jangmo-o was first, his Dragon Pulse was the orb shaped attack. The energy gathered up a very pretty turquoise color, and then blasted out slamming into the water with a splashing roar.

Dratini went next, trilling as it gathered power, and a moment later a roaring dragon beam, burst forth. It zigged and zagged, under Dratini’s control and then smashed into the water, but he didn’t just stop, Dratini kept it up, letting the power continue to pulse from him. It had his cute little rings of power that trailed around the central beam.

Something Water Pulse often had, but I couldn’t see in any of the other Dragons move.

Then it ended and Dratini was still fired up, he looked to me, and I nodded. My proud smile had him trilling happily.

Then Brave leapt forward yelling as purple energy roared out, a complete Dragon Pulse. The energy came from all around her, and just before she hit the water, it rushed out, pushing the water away from her and letting her land in the mud below.

Then her pulse ended and she turned around to show off when the water came rushing back in and sending her rolling in the waves.

A few moments later she came out of the water laughing and giggling.

“Alright! I agree! A deal is a deal.” I called out and all three of them looked up at me with wide eyes. “You’re ready for battle!” I called out, and the three Dragons cheered, Even Brave had been excited at the idea of going out and having real battles. Especially now that she had a strong attack!

“Goom!” She cheered woogling up and down happily.

Suddenly Riolu came sliding in front of me, and pointed her paw at herself. “Rio Riolu!”

“Yes Riolu. I’ll take you as well.” I agreed and her eyes sparkled at the idea of battles, before realizing who it was that she was looking at and she crossed her arms and huffed.

“You’ll have to listen to me, if you want to battle.” I reminded her, but I didn’t get a response back.

Instead I looked at the rest.

Mimikyu looked excited and I nodded to him as well.

“That’s right! Let’s go do some battles!” I roared and my little team roared alongside me.

Other than Riolu who puffed herself up looking arrogant and haughty.

I nodded. It was time.

Returning everyone, I took a moment to register which team was the one I was currently using and then I grabbed my stuff and raced out of the Clan house.

A few of the old ladies and people along the street selling things waved at me, and despite how weird it was as I barely knew them I waved back as I raced out of the clan compound, and down the dusty street.

It felt weird needing to run myself, but well… Arcanine was stuck at home for now.

“Doing okay Mimikyu?” I asked as I ran, and he cheered from my shoulder. His Milotic costume's tail bounced along with my pace and he sounded happy.


“That’s the spirit!” I called back and then continued on. It didn’t take long before I raced down the street and found the pokemon center.

Taking a moment to catch my breath just outside. I watched the battle square.

It was right across the street from the pokemon center, and I could see battles were already taking place.

Once my breath was caught I headed across. I was so excited!

Would I lose?

Would my team struggle and pull through against crazy odds? I didn’t know! And that was exciting!

Unluckily, this was Fuschia city, and not Celadon. There were only half a dozen people here to battle, most of them kids, but one was an older man in a suit that seemed quite happy to watch the battle happen, a Pidgeotto on his knee.

I made myself known walking over to the little section by the stands, where the battlers were gathered.

“Anyone looking for a match?” I asked, and got a couple of little kid glares at my offer.

It was like I was back in school with all the kids ready to battle at a pin drop.

“Yeah I’ll take you on! I’m Ichimaru, and I won’t lose!” He called out, the boy was nearly shaved bald, with just a prickling of hair on his head to cover him.

It made me kinda giggle, but either way, I was in.

“You got it!”

And we raced to one of the battle zones.

“Alright!” He called out, pulling out a pokeball that likely belonged to a family pet. “Go Zubat!” He called out and I blinked at the odd pokemon.

Then again this was Fuschia. The kid was probably the son of a ninja.

“Nice! Alright. Mimikyu! Let’s go! Time to test out your new costume!” And then my shoulder pokemon leapt off and landed with a small puff of air on the course.

“What? What is that? Some doll? You can’t fight with a Pokedoll!” Ichi cried out and I laughed.

“He’s not a doll, but a Pokemon! Mimikyu, Send a Shadow Ball into the court!” I called and then the energy gathered quickly and smashed into the dirt in front of him, kicking up rocks, and making Ichi’s eyes widen in shock.

“What pokemon is that? I’ve never seen it before!” Ichi called out, and I could see more and more of the people around coming to see as well.

“Mimikyu! He’s a Ghost, Fairy type pokemon!” I called out, and the boy frowned before pulling out a familiar stack of papers out of his pocket. He opened it to the first few pages and took a bit to look through it.

“There’s no such thing as a Fairy type! The Pokedex says so!” He demanded at me, like I was lying to him.

Giggling a bit I smiled. “It’s real! No, one really knows much about it here in Kanto, but it’s a real typing! Poison, or Steel type attacks are strong against it, but it’s strong against Bug, Dark, and Fighting!” I left out Dragon. “Mimikyu is also Ghost type, so add those onto its strengths and weaknesses.”

This kid didn’t have any dragon types after all, no point in mentioning it.

Ichi took a moment to try to figure out what he should use, but instead just nodded.

“Battle start!” He called out and I nodded.

“Shadow Ball!”

“Zubat, use Poison Fang!” Ichi called out slower and the two attacks met.

Mimikyu’s Shadow Ball shot forward, nearly howling through the wind as the energy was compacted well, And to my delight, It wasn’t fast enough. Zubat ignoring Ichi’s orders dodged the attack first, seemingly ignoring the call to attack. Only then did it move in for a bite.

Purple fangs appeared around its mouth as it moved in, but Mimikyu and I weren’t done.

“Fend it off buddy!” I called, and Mimikyu’s Shadow Claw flew out and scratched at the air causing Zubat to flinch back from the strike.

“You can do it Zubat!” Ichi roared out, putting all his faith in his pokemon… I couldn’t do anything less!

“You can do it Mimikyu!” I roared, arm raised up and Mimikyu spun around, revealing the Shadow ball he was generating with his other hand while keeping the Zubat away with the other.

It rocked out, and Zubat couldn’t quite dodge it, knocking the Zubat away, and then to my delight. It wasn’t over.

Zubat was able to continue!

“Use Supersonic!” Ichi called out, and I winced, because one that was really loud. And two? It was a bad call.

“Normal attacks don’t work on Ghost!” I called out, but with the noise I doubt Ichi could hear me.

Instead Mimikyu just gathered up another Shadow Ball and fired it off.

Having already been clipped Zubat was struck fully this time unable to dodge and it hit the dirt with a shriek.

“Zubat!” Ichi called out and I pressed a finger against my ears to clear out the ringing sound. A moment later Zubat was returned and Ichi glared at me before turning and running to the pokemon center.

But I just sent him a wave before turning to Mimikyu, who jumped into my arms with a happy cry!

“You did it buddy!” I called out, spinning around and letting Mimikyu enjoy his moment.

“Impressive. I’ve never seen such a pokemon before.” The old man with the Pidgeotto called back, and I flashed him a grin.

“Come battle, me and I’ll show you a few more!” Then to my delight the old man did just that, rising up with Pidgeotto flying to the ring first.

Once he was there he nodded.

“Alright! Jangmo-o!” I called out, my armored Dragon appeared with a cute little roar. Then he focused up, sensing the battle ahead, scratching his claws into the dirt.

“Interesting Jangmo-o, you said?”

“Yep! A Dragon Type Pokemon!” I said pleased, and then doubly pleased at the old man's surprised look.

“Indeed?” And he nodded. “Let’s begin.”

“Jangmo-o! Show off your power! Let’s go!”

“Pidgeotto, Sand Attack!”

And the two pit their attacks against each other. Jangmo-o was slower, and by the time his Orb Dragon Pulse was ready, the sand was already slamming into his face, starting to blinding him.

His attack shot off arcing through the sky but with a wing tip the Pidgeotto missed, the attack leaving a trail through the kicked up sand.

“It’s okay buddy! Try again!” I called, and the old man wasn’t done.

“Use Gust!”

Jangmo-o was struck, once more Pidgeotto, was just too fast, but that was okay. He buckled down his claws gripping the dirt, and kept it from launching him away, although I could tell it still wore him out, the wind smashing into him.

He launched his second Dragon Pulse, and this time it cut through the wind and struck the faster Pokemon. Pidgeotto definitely felt it, as it was rocked to the side but it didn’t hit the floor, and continued to stay in the air.

“Quick attack!” The old man called, and I had a split second.

“Protect! Don’t let him push you around!” And Jangmo-o roared as the shield appeared, causing Pidgeotto to crash into the immovable force for a moment.

“Dragon Tail!” I called out, and Jangmo-o spun to make the attack, at the same moment Pidgeotto swept both wings and launched itself back into the sky, the Dragon Tail missed carving a line in the dirt.

“Impressive!” The old man called. “But I believe this is where it ends. Pidgeotto Twister!” The old man called out the dragon type move, and I knew that he was right.

Win or lose, here it was.

“Dragon Pulse! Blast the energy away Jangmo-o! Don’t let this bird push you around!”

I watched as Jangmo-o started gathering power, even as the Dragon type winds rushed down. I watched as he squatted down, and continued gathering energy, even as the Twister came closer and closer.

He stared down the attack and then I realized what Jangmo-o was planning.

The twister hit, even as the Dragon Pulse grew larger and larger. He let it strike him, let it knock him around, and then Jangmo-o raised his head to the sky, straight into the twister and launched the orb. It cut through the weaker Twister, punching right through, and then slamming into Pidgeotto.

The cry of pain was loud, but the battle was over.

Jangmo-o slumped into the dirt, panting and exhausted.

But he had gotten the attack through. I rushed forward, and picked up Jangmo-o, who whined a bit at how exhausted he was as I picked him up, curling him onto his back I held him gently checking for injuries.

“You did it! I’m so amazed. That was awesome.” I whispered to him as I held him to my chest, even as Pidgeotto flew over head before fluttering its wings to land on the old man's shoulder.

“Jang.” He muttered weakly, and I leaned in and nuzzled him.

“No. It was amazing. That Pidgeotto had all the advantages, but you still knocked it around. Way to go.”

“Jang.” He muttered, still weakly but a bit happier.

“Go ahead and return buddy. Get some rest.” He disappeared in a flash of light and I nodded to the older man. “You have more pokemon than just your Pidgeotto?” I asked, and the old man smirked.

“I do.”

“Great! Then let’s continue!”

I moved back to the trainer area and grabbed another pokeball. This time it was Dratini’s turn.

He appeared and trilled a happy welcome, and then looked around spotting the Pidgeotto and sending it a happy trill in greeting, before turning more serious and whistling a warning.

He was trying to sound like a tough guy, but it was a cute little whistle!


But while the Pidgeotto just remained ready, the old man’s face had gone slack.

“Is that?”

“Dratini! Oh don’t worry, I’m not a member of the Blackthorn. Kanto has their own Dragon Master now!” I said, poking my chest proudly.

I was the only Dragon trainer in Kanto, and so I was able to give myself the title! Good job Vicky!

“Heh. Dragon Master?” The old man asked, and then chuckled loudly. “Very well! Let’s test you!”

“Battle start!” I called, and the old man reacted.


“Dragon Pulse!” I called and Dratini didn’t have the same issue as Jangmo-o with the move. The purple twister shot down, but Dratini’s dragon headed beam erupted out. Weakly at first, as it struck the twister, getting tangled and pushed back, but then Dratini continued to give his little roar, and the beam grew wider, and wider!

Soon before Twister reached it fully formed, pushing through the other Dragon Type move.

“Dodge!” The old man called this time seeing what was happening, and Pidgeotto jerked to the side. The Twister stopped, never reaching Dratini, but that wasn’t the right call this time!

The Dragon beam zigged and zagged and homed in on Pidgeotto who hadn’t dodged far enough that the beam couldn’t adjust to it.

The Dragon Pulse outran the bird and it cried out as it was flung through the air as the dragon energy slammed into Pidgeotto.

But even then. It wasn’t done.

“Impressive move! I wasn’t expecting that! Did you train your pokemon to use a different move?”

“Nope! Both moves are Dragon Pulse! Some Dragons just use the move in different forms! I told you! I’m a Dragon Master!” I said proudly, even if I was mostly joking. “Dratini! Once again!”

“I won’t hold back then. Pidgeotto! Use Aerial Ace!”

“Dratini! Dragon Pulse, push it away!” There was no dodging Aerial Ace normally, you just had to blunt the attack, or knock it aside.

Unfortunately. Dratini’s Dragon Pulse was too weak. It didn’t grow fast enough and so when it did strike the charging bird, the energy of Aerial Ace blew right through. The beam split at the power of Pidgeotto’s beak splicing through and then finally as it started to grow strong, it was too late.

Dratini cried as he was knocked aside, and when it was over. Dratini was laying on the dirt knocked out. His poor eyes were swirling.

“Dratini Return!” I called out, bringing him back, as there was still dust and other stuff smacking around the dirt lot.

His Dragon Pulse had picked up power just near the end, but had still split and dug grooves in the dirt.

“Good work. That was amazing.” I whispered and then looked up at the old man. His Pidgeotto had landed on his shoulder, and I could see the bird was breathing heavily. It was definitely worn out.

“Your Pidgeotto is so strong!” I couldn’t help but gush, and the old man laughed. But, I wasn’t joking. That Pidgeotto was actually really strong. Probably close to evolving for sure.

“She’s a strong one alright! Those Dragons of yours… They’re young?”

“Yep! Just little ones! These are their first battles!” I confirmed happily, and the man blinked in shock.

“You should have told me, I wouldn’t have gone so hard.” He called out in return, and I just laughed at that.

“No way! They are Dragons! When they are all set up, they are going to be so excited to grow strong enough to beat you! You did them a huge favor!” There was always a worry that a pokemon would take a loss badly. But I knew my Dragons had plenty of support, and I would assure them through it all regardless.

This had been what I wanted. A loss.

A loss meant they would learn. They would have a challenge, and grow to overcome it.

This… This was perfect.

“Hey, you want to try your other pokemon? I still have a few more pokemon that need some battles!”

“I thought you would never ask!” The old man offered happily, returning his Pidgeotto, and to my utter and complete delight, releasing one of my favorite pokemon.


Chapter 66

Chapter Text

“Gooom!” Brave roared as she pulsed, knocking the flames of a flamethrower away as she charged right into Charmanders fire.

The draconic energy swept the flame away and let Brave charge right into the surprised lizard's face.

Then she roared and a water gun slammed into Charmanders face earning a cry of pain.

Huh, I didn’t even know she had that move!

“Back off Goomy quick!” I called, and Brave hesitated a bit too long. Charmander rose up, and the old man called out.

“Dragon Breath!”

Charmander instantly attacked, a burst of purple flames shot out, and washed over Brave who cried out at the super effective move. Brave wavered and fell back.

“Return!” I called out, and Brave disappeared.

I smiled at the pokeball. “Good job Brave. You’re amazing, we’ll keep working on it. I promise.” Then I replaced the ball and grabbed another.

“It’s your turn Riolu!” I called out and Riolu hit the floor before looking around in surprise before seeing the pokemon opposite her.

“Rio! Riolu!” She called out pointing in shock looking around and then at me.

“Yeah it’s a battle, silly!” I told her, and she jolted at the word before shaking and then throwing both arms into the air.


“Is everything alright?”

“It’s our first battle together that’s all! Riolu focus up, let’s use what you learned, okay?” I explained to the old man who nodded, still looking pleased.

“Very well. Charmander! Flamethrower!”

“Vacuum Wave!” I called out, but as something I should have expected. Riolu is a little sh*t and instead of attacking with Vacuum Wave she yelped and ran away from the flamethrower that went at her.

“Riolu! Vacuum Wave back! Push back the fire!” I called, but she didn’t listen to me, instead continuing to try and dodge the attack, before finally she didn’t quite get away.

“Rioooo!” She yelped holding her butt as the fire burned her, and then she got angry.

I sighed, as I realized she wasn’t going to listen to me at all.

She charged her claws glowing with a Metal Claw.

Which was a terrible choice of course, but Riolu was angry and not listening, she charged in, and thanks to some tumbles managed to get close even as Charmander continued to blast fire at her, slamming a Metal Claw into Charmanders face, causing the poor lizard to yelp at the scratches on his face.

Then he roared and blasted an even larger Flamethrower into Riolu’s face.

I winced as she was launched back sputtering and rolling, and already close to being out.

“Riolu! You have to listen in a battle! Vacuum Wave this time!” I called, but she turned to look at me with a glare, before turning back to Charmander and I almost returned her there.

But I held off.

If she wanted to do this herself… Then I wouldn’t interfere.

Riolu’s body highlighted as she tried a Quick Attack, getting in around the flamethrower, but it wasn’t enough.

A moment later Charmander hit her with a scratch of his own and she cried out falling to the ground as she skidded across the earth.

She was done.

I called out a return and sighed.

“I think that means you win.” I told the old man, who looked a little embarrassed.

“Your pokemon, Riolu? Will she be alright?”

“Oh yeah, we don’t get along great. We’ll have to sit down and have a talk soon I think.” I said with a shrug.

“Well young lady, it was a fun battle!” He assured me, and I just smiled.

“It was! I haven’t lost in a long time, old man! So you better be proud! I’ll let you tell people you defeated me!” I told him joking.

“Hah! Well young one, all journeys start slow.” He offered but hesitated. “I’ve never seen many of your pokemon.”

“I traveled out of Kanto to a distant land and made lots of new friends!” I explained proudly. “They’re all young, and need experience. So I brought them here to get some.”

The old man nodded, smiling as he reached out and patted my shoulder. “Impressive young one. Why don’t we get our pokemon healed up, and I’m sure there are others that wish to battle you.”

“Yeah! It’ll be great!” I cheered happily.

And I was happy. Win or lose who cared? My pokemon would get stronger, but more importantly. I looked around the crowd, and felt like I was just like the other kids.

Sure my pokemon were rare, and I had a full set, but most of the kids here were about the same level of power.

I felt like I was just another kid spending an afternoon after school battling today.

I smiled as I rushed off to the pokemon center. A bit of healing, and I just knew my dragons would be ready for round two.

Riolu on the other hand needed a talk.


“Satisfied?” I asked Riolu after releasing her. We were inside the pokemon center break room. I had decided a more comfortable environment would work best. Riolu after popping out had instantly jumped onto the couch and bounced a bunch.

Riolu really liked soft things.

But she was ignoring me now.

“Riolu.” I prompted, and again she ignored me just bouncing happily and pretending I wasn’t there. “Okay. I’ll take you back to the Stable, you’re still welcome to stay as Lucario is training with me… But we’re done.” I answered back bluntly. Getting a reaction.

“Rio!” Her shocked gasp didn’t make me change my mind.

“Riolu… I want to train you, I told Lucario I would make you a strong pokemon… But part of that is listening to me during training and battles. I can’t train you, if you don’t listen to me.”

“Rio! Riolu lu!” She argued and it took me a second to understand what she was getting at. She was making the motions for Vacuum Wave and then a denial.

“Ah, see that’s where you are wrong.” I told her bluntly. Getting a glare from the pup. “You’re Vacuum Wave is the move I’ve had you practice the most remember? It’s gotten strong. Against Charmander one of three things would have happened. You’d overpower the Flamethrower. Be overpowered by the flamethrower. Or the attacks would cancel out.” I explained offering up three fingers, and she just scoffed in turn.

“Riolu! Lu!”

“If your attack overpowered Charmander, you’d have the advantage.” I explained then lowered a finger. “If he overpowered you, at least the attack would have been blunted, using up so much energy getting through your own attack, and giving you a chance to dodge. If it was even, then Charmander would have no choice to switch to close combat moves. You noticed it didn’t you? Charmander used Scratch. It didn’t have a lot of experience in battle either.”

“Rrrrrr.” She growled, arms crossed and I sighed. I wasn’t getting through to her. She was being defensive.

Her refusal to listen wasn’t a matter of logic. She just didn’t want to listen, so she didn’t.

“So we’re back to the start. Do you want to find another trainer, or just wait until Lucario is ready to leave?” I asked, and Riolu blinked at the sudden question. “I’m not going to kick you out, but if you don’t want to stay, then Lucario probably won’t stay for long either. I told Lucario I would train you, but I can’t do that.”

“Rio!” She grumbled as she rose up and then just paced back and forth for a bit. “Riolu. Ri, lu!” She then pointed at herself and flexed her arms and pointed at me, and stuck her tongue out.

Then to my surprise she got a bit worked up.

“Rio! Riolu lu rio, riolu! Rio ri!” She chattered away pointing and I nodded, breathing in and out.

I get the issue now.

“You… You want to know why you aren’t doing the same training as Lucario.” I said and Riolu nodded.

“Rio!” She punching her chest, and I nodded.

Okay, this wasn’t just Riolu being a brat, but her actually being upset that I was training Lucario, but not putting Riolu through the same training.

She was confused, and defensive.

“Okay. Fine. Let me explain it. The reason you aren’t doing the same training as your mother is because if we did that training, you would get pretty strong, and then it would take you ten times as long to get any stronger.”

She blinked at my explanation and scoffed.

“I’m serious. Arcanine. Milotic, even Dragonite to a lesser extent. I made a mistake in my training of them. I had them get too strong too fast, too specialized. I didn’t focus on making all of their abilities strong, instead I over focused.” I pointed a finger right at her nose, which had her crossing her eyes to stare at it. “I’m not holding you back. I’m making sure that when you evolve you will be unbeatable!”

She looked from finger to my eyes, then she scoffed at me. She stood up on the couch and slapped a paw to her chest again. “Riolu rio rio!” She said, sounding overly proud and looking down haughtily at me.

“Riolu. I’m not going to fight you over this.” I told her. “Not this. This is too serious. Being a Pokemon trainer is important to me.” I had told myself long before I became a trainer, I wouldn’t do an Ash and Charizard. If a pokemon didn’t want to be on my team, I wouldn’t force it. “I’m not going to send you into a battle if we can’t work together plain and simple.”

I looked at her, and she looked at me, and I knew.

We didn’t have the connection of trainer and pokemon. It wasn’t like with the others, where I knew we were unified in purpose.

Riolu was too headstrong and we still didn’t get along…

Not that I had really done too much to change that. I had treated her respectfully while training, but we still pranked each other outside of it.

“Do you want to battle with me?” I offered this time for maybe the first time actually speaking to Riolu directly.

This time I wasn’t agreeing to Lucario, who was pressuring her daughter, but speaking to the pokemon that I think I could eventually get along with… Most of the time. Probably.

She looked at my offered hand in surprise. And then our eyes met.

I was serious and I did my best to convey that.

For a moment, there was something there. It felt like Riolu was more than before. That there was an understanding between us that was beyond just the physical.

Riolu was testing me, I think.

Whatever she found she huffed a moment later and stood up landing on her feet off the couch and putting her hands on her hips as she peered up at me before finally she nodded.

Reaching out she placed a paw in my hand.

I blinked.

She blinked.

“Paw BEANS!” I gasped in delight! I had never seen the inside of Riolu’s paw before, and while it was curled in sort of like a fist, it had little pink beans!


“So cute!” I cooed, and she was definitely unhappy with me as she glared back as she tore her paw away from me.

“Aww. I wanted to push them some more.” I whined, and she scoffed putting both paws behind her back like she was protecting them from me.

Heh. I’d get those beans someday!

I shook it off. Right, it was time to test our fresh agreement.

“There’s a Charmander out there that needs an asswhooping.” I informed Riolu, who jerked at my language, before her muzzle split into a sinister smile. “Let’s go kick some ass. Together.”



“Oh? Back again?”

“Yep! Riolu and I want a rematch if that’s okay!” I called out to the old man that was once more resting on the stands around the battle fields. There were two kids fighting with Pidgey and Rattata right now, but that battle would end soon.

He looked at Riolu seemingly checking her over and then he nodded.

“Very well. I can’t deny that I’m interested in seeing more of your strange Pokemon.” He offered with a gentle smile.

I smiled back sharply, noticing Riolu was sharing my look.

The old man blinked at our smiles, but seemed to just accept it as is.

A few moments later the kids cleared the arena, and Riolu and I took our position.

“Go Charmander.” The old man called and Charmander cheered happily as it appeared looking around with a gentle look until it saw Riolu, and then moved into a battle position, mouth full of teeth.


“Begin!” The old man called out, and I threw out a hand.

“Vacuum Wave!” This time my call out was heeded, and even as Charmander prepped a Flamethrower at the old man's call Riolu shifted sideways gathering power at her hip.

Truly the Kamehameha wave position was the strongest of all!

And then as the stream of fire left Charmander, the flame was wide, but not well concentrated. Charmander was young.

And then with a roar as the flames were about to reach her Riolu cried out. “Riooooo!” And thrust her Vacuum Wave forward. The attack struck the flames and blew straight through it splitting the fire that suddenly sprayed wildly as it was punched through.

Charmander didn’t even see it, too focused on the flamethrower the Vacuum Wave slammed into his face, rocking the poor cutie lizard back and sending him rolling on the dusty lot a cry of pain escaping him.

“Rio!” Riolu cheered happily at the reversal of the last match.

“Quick Attack!” I called out, as Charmander rose up, and Riolu jerked, looking like she was going to hesitate, before she glowed white and burst forward in a blur of speed.

“Charmander! Use Flamethrower! Force her back!” The old man called and Charmander tried, but Quick Attack was too much for him.

Riolu appeared slamming into the Charmander knocking them both into the dirt, but Riolu had just landed another strong attack, and Charmander was feeling it.

“Vacuum Wave!” I called out, as Charmander rose onto his arms and legs and made to just blast the area around her.


“Do it! Then use the gathered energy as a shield!” I called out and Riolu instantly slammed her paws together in front of her, and then as she stretched them apart the whine of the Vacuum Wave starting up whistled over the arena, and when Charmander burst with a Flamethrower instead of slamming right into Riolu, it slammed into the orb of spinning energy and suddenly it was sucked in and reflected, and flame spun crazily, not that it left Riolu entirely untouched.

“Launch it!” I called and Riolu winced as she adjusted her grip on the attack and then sent it forward.

It wasn’t as strong as it could have been, it had been weakened considerably by the Flamethrower, and how quickly Riolu had brought it forth, but she had trained for days on this one move, learning how to compress the energy she put into the Vacuum Wave to enhance its strength.

And, Riolu also really wanted to win.

“Char!” The poor lizard hunkered down to try and last through the attack, but it ended up sprawling, knocked around.

The dust took a moment to clear at Riolu was ready, paws clenched into fists and ready for another attack but as it all cleared away Charmander was slumped looking knocked out.

“Charmander, return.” The old man called and Riolu looked up in shock looking from him to me, and I was smiling happily.

“You won!” I assured her, and Riolu brightened, leaping into the air and cheering at her victory.

A moment later she was next to me and leaping, and we spun around for a second as we both laughed in delight at our victory.

Then she was once more on her feet as I put her down and she looked up at me.

I looked down at her.

She swung a fist into my side.

“You little!” I growled as I bent over from the blow, and she burst into laughter.

“Ri ri ri ri!” She mocked me, arms wrapped around her stomach as she laughed at me.

“Are you alright?” The old man asked, hurrying over looking shocked, but I waved him off.

“I’m fine. Riolu you little brat.” I grumbled at her, rubbing my side.

She just smirked at me, but I could see the energy flowing through her. She was incredibly excited to win.

“Return.” I called out and she disappeared. I'd have to find Lucario soon to let Riolu gush to her mom about her first victory.

The Old man was looking down at me with a concerned look on his face.

“Riolu barely tapped me.” I assured him. “She’s a bit of a prankster, and we don’t always get along. That was just her way of telling me ‘don’t think it means we are best friends.” I told him. “Besides, if she really hit me, I would be sending her into the ground.” I told him, patting my bicep with one hand.

“I see.” He spoke, but didn’t seem like he agreed.

“How’s Charmander?”

“Oh, he’s doing fine. A rest and he’ll be happy as ever. You gave him a good battle.”

“Thanks! You’re pretty good at battles!” I offered him, and the man had a little wistful smile on his face.

“Oh I was quite good in my youth. Not someone a youngster would know. I was no Blaine, but I did well on my journey. Your own must be going well. To have so many strange pokemon.”

“It’s… Been interesting.” I decided for a moment thinking back on all that I had done. I hadn’t really thought much about the journey as a whole, but looking at the old man who was reminiscing…

“I guess It’ll be something I think about all my life… But mine isn’t over yet! The League first, and then maybe a new region! New pokemon and friends and enemies to make!”

The man let out a laugh that caught him off guard. “I don’t think making enemies is normally a part of the journey.”

“Heh. They’re just doing it wrong then!” I decided smiling brightly.

Now, I still had some more friends to give some training to. I looked around and nodded.

“Hey you!” I yelled until my eyes met with another kid. “Our eyes met! That means we have to battle!” I proclaimed and the boy looked confused for a minute before scoffing.

“You sound like an old lady!”

“Shut up and fight me!” Proclamation complete I sent a wave at the old man who tipped his hat to me, as he walked back over to the bleachers and settled in to watch.


Back home. I was going over everyone’s experience, while also doing some skinship.

“You were very good.” I told Brave as I squeezed her a little. “We’ll work on Dragon Pulse some more, but you really caught that Rattata off guard! It was very impressive.”

“Goom!” She delighted as I showered her with attention and discussion about what we had done wrong and what we could do better.

Of course there was a problem that I was ignoring.

I smiled down at Brave, even as warm breath was huffed across the back of my neck. What’s that? Something behind me? Ah you must be mistaken!

I continued to shower Brave with affection.


“Ah, someone must have left a motor on somewhere.” I muttered blankly and then went back to telling Brave about what her tackle had looked like from my point of view.

I ignored the massive cold nose pressed right into the back of my neck. Nope. It didn’t exist.

Just like the Arcanine who had been absolutely locked onto my ass for the last ten minutes, definitely wasn’t there.


She certainly wasn’t throwing a tantrum after missing out on battles! That couldn’t be! Finally Arcanine seemed to realize I wasn’t paying attention to her and she reacted.

“Aaaaaarc!” She whined, flopping back loudly and then rolling back and forth while howling.

I of course was struck by her tail multiple times which I couldn’t ignore. Knocked around by tail whip I put Brave down and looked at Arcanine who was having a tantrum.

“Why are you acting like a baby?” I asked her without giving in at all.

Arcanine stopped rolling, her howling ended and she looked at me pleading. Yeah you can’t trick me. I know you weren’t throwing an actual tantrum! You just wanted attention so I would go find a battle for you!

I narrowed my eyes. Jangmo-o’s tantrum must have been noticed by my too smart for her own good dog.

“No it didn’t work.”

“Aaaarc!” She howled returning to rolling around like she was dying.

“What is going on out here?” Uncle Leo called out as he stomped out looking shocked at the sight of Arcanine and I. I was crouching beside her with my chin in my hand as I watched dispassionately.

“Arcanine is throwing a faux tantrum because she didn’t get to battle. Even if she knows they were battles for the little ones.” I reminded her, but that only made her stop rolling to look at me, with a pleading look. “I’m not going to find a challenge for you right now. I’m still giving after action reports to all the little ones.”

“Aaaaarc!” She howled again, and I realized I wasn’t going to be able to ignore her.

“Better stand back Uncle Leo.” I offered as I rose up and then leapt.

“Aaaaarc-eee!” She squealed as I leapt right onto her belly and grabbed on

“What’s this? It can’t be my strong girl who never loses a fight! No, she wouldn’t be crying and whining like a baby right?” I asked, making her pay attention to me, and in that moment as I turned it around, Arcanine went still, all of her howling and playing over as she then changed tactics.

She started pretending I wasn’t there. Shifting her head away from me even as I tried to meet our eyes.

“Oh? What’s this?” I wondered as I continued wiggling around trying to get her to look at me, but she refused. Finally I huffed and nodded. “That’s what I thought. If my battle pup is a good girl, I’ll try and find some good warm up matches before the League.” I said and that earned me her full attention and her tail waking up going full speed.

“Yeah yeah, don’t give me that look.” I told her, reaching out to push her muzzle away, only she wiggled around until she was staring at me, and then our new game was made.

I didn’t notice when Uncle Leo left, but at least the noise was over.

“C’mon you great pile of floof. You can help me explain to the little ones about battles.” I decided. It wasn’t exactly what she wanted, but it was good enough.

Chapter 67

Chapter Text

The next day after finishing up a new improved training for the little ones. I changed into travel clothes.

“Are you sure?” I asked, as I put on my hat and looked over at Lucario.

“Lu.” She agreed, giving me a firm nod. There had been a shift in dynamic after Riolu and I had battled together. Riolu had gushed so much about the battle despite our clashing that Lucario had surprised me last night.

She had asked to take part in a battle as well.

How could I refuse?

I had been planning an expedition anyway. I held out her pokeball, and she tapped it with her paw, disappearing inside.

“KukKuu.” A forlorn noise came from the porch and I looked over to see that Mimikyu was slumped despite still wearing his Milotic costume.

“Oh honey.” I whispered as I walked over, uncaring that I technically had a meeting scheduled. My little guy would always take my attention first. I walked over and sat down, and then pulled off my hat and flopped it down on top of him.


“I’m sorry.” I told him. “I know you want to come with me, but it’ll just be for a short time. I’ll be back before you know it.”

He peeked up at me from beneath my straw hat, and it was silent pouting saying that wasn’t true that made me reach down and pick him up.

“Forever and ever.” I reminded him with a whisper. Leaning into the hug of his shadow arms as he wrapped me in a hug. “I’ve gone home before. It’s just like that. You’ll see. I’ll be back soon, and we’ll have new stories to share, and I’ll be so happy to see you, I’ll hold my arms out and hug you so tight just like now.”


“Of course I promise! It’s just a short trip.A few days!” I pulled the hat off him and instead nuzzled my right into him. “You’re my friend. I wish I could take you with, but I can only take six pokemon with me for this.”

He slowly nodded into my chest but didn’t stop hugging me.

It was cute how dependent he was acting. He hadn’t seemed to worry when I was just going between home and stable, but when I told him I was going out somewhere else, it had freaked him out a little.

“Kkuk.” He finally, slowly untangled from me and hopped off, landing beside me, and sort of refusing to look at me.

So of course I had to figure out a way to perk him up…

“You know… There is something…” I said humming a bit as I considered it.

Well, you know what? I was basically pulling a full come at me bro. Why not take it a step farther?

“So, can you do that for me?” I asked, and Mimikyu this time puffed up. I smiled softly as as I patted him on the head.

He just needed some assurance, I would be back. It was silly, but he needed it. So with this he had it.

I rose releasing Arcanine who was practically buzzing. Jumping onto her back, I didn’t have to say a word. We were in sync for this. She was off, running across the city and then into a familiar mansion.

I stopped outside and walked up to the entrance, and just as I was about to knock I tilted backwards as something blurred past where my head had been.

“That’s really rude.”

“Had to see if your training has held.” Janine offered smirking at me. “You’re late.”

“I had a pokemon emergency.”

“Well you had better hurry then.” I nodded and stepped inside, leaping instantly over the tripwire then rolling forward only stopping to re-secure my hat. I moved on, rolling my eyes at the two ninja that had ambushed me upon entering. Trip wires and invisible glass I would smash my nose into was old hat.

I was totally prepared for this!

“Shoot, that’s the floor gone.” I cursed as the trapdoor activated below me making the floor literally disappear from one second to the next.

That was a new one! That hadn’t been there before! “That’s cheating!” I screamed up as I fell down the slide.

“That’s training!” Janine’s voice echoed from above.

“That’s training.” I mocked to myself as I kept sliding down until I fell into the ‘pit’ the basem*nt of the compound. As I rolled hitting the bottom I looked around ready to jump, but realized I wasn’t going to be attacked.

Normally there would be a ninja down here to battle any trainer that fell inside.

I waited a moment and then Janine came sliding down behind me.

“That was mean.” I told her, and I could see her grin behind her mask.

“You allowed yourself to relax, and believe you were safe.”

“Yeah yeah. Never safe. Always be vigilant.” I grumbled at the ninja girl.

A moment later one of Janine’s pokeballs popped open, and I opened my arms to the leaping Venonat.

“Hey Venonat!” I greeted, happily spinning the bug around for a bit. “How are you? Has Janine been feeding you okay?”

“Vveno-nat!” It cheered up at me happily and nuzzled into my hug.

“Of course I have!” Janine said outraged, and I laughed at her. Knowing she was being honest. Janine was a good trainer after all.

“I’m just teasing.”

“Hmph! Well I see my Venonat still likes you.”

“Yeah, we were good partners during training. Weren’t we?”


“Well you should hurry, Father is still waiting for you.” Janine reminded me with an impish glint in her eye.

“And whose fault is it that I’m later than I was?” I asked her. Venonat jumping from my arms and cheerily heading out of the room, happy to lead Janine and I out.

“I don’t know what you mean? Who would fall for such an obvious pitfall?” She mocked, and I scoffed.

“Obvious my as-nevermind.” I grumbled. At least I got to see Venonat again.


“You are late.”

“I had a pokemon emergency.” I answered back and then bowed. “Koga.”

“Victoria.” He greeted me in turn, and waved me to sit. I settled onto the cushion and looked out over the courtyard we had once battled. It looked better, but there were still spots where Milotic’s tunnels had damaged the grass, or other damage remained.

“Everything has been settled. Here.” He handed me a small booklet, and I took it, checking it over and smiling at my own face looking back at me.

“Thank you Koga. I know this was probably not easy.”

“The opposite. I reached out to the Champion Lance, and he was quite amused. He ensured it was approved.” Koga looked to me, then with his face as blank as always. “Are you sure? You can still stop now, but once you begin.”

“Never step back. Never stop moving forward.” I decided to answer him after a moment snapping the little booklet shut. “This whole situation stinks, and the adults made it this way. So I’m going to cause enough of a shock that will throw everything into question.”


“It’s the only choice I have.” I answered back firmly. “I have to make a statement. I won’t be the first to win a Conference in their first year. Others have done it. But this?” I slapped the booklet. “I looked you know. No one has ever done this.”

“You’re time is not long.”

“Time? Koga I plan on finishing this basically without stopping. It’s about making a statement remember?” I rose up and he nodded, not agreeing with what I was doing, or denying me.

“You may fumble.”

“Then I take a rest, and hit them again.” I shrugged. “Doing it in one sweep would help, but no one can deny that just doing it is something else entirely.”

“Good. Don’t allow your expectations to cloud your judgment.”

I considered saying something smart, but instead I just bowed as I rose. “Thank you for your advice Koga-Sensei.”

He nodded, not saying anything else, as I threw out my second ride for this trip. Dragonite nodded to me, already filled in on the plan, but before I jumped on I stopped.

“Have you made friends with a Golbat enough to Evolve one into a Crobat?” I asked, and Koga sipped at his tea for a moment.

“I have not.”

I stared at Koga for a moment, wondering what I could say, and instead I decided to just be blunt.

“Take a walk with your pokemon with him on your shoulder… Or your arm depending on his preference. Golbat likes to hang right? Take him back to where you first met him. Tell him that you wish to deepen your bond, that you want to be his friend and grow stronger together… And find out his favorite food. Pokemon love that sort of thing.” I told the old ninja.

“You believe that will work.”

“It can work. There will be struggles, and dissatisfaction on both sides, but that’s how all friendships are. It takes time to build that bond, but when it firms… Amazing things can happen.”

He was staring back at me now. Our eyes meeting fully.

“I will consider it.”

“Tell Janine then. She has a Golbat too right? I bet she’ll do it before you do.” I said cheekily, and winked at the girl who had been listening the whole time. Hanging out in the rafters on the porch not far from us. “Alright I’m off! Seeya!” I cheered and jumped onto Dragonites back and we disappeared into the blue sky.


It didn’t take us long to reach our destination. Once again showing just how fast Dragonite was in the air. Even with the mountain in the way.

Finding the right city wasn’t too hard either, there were plenty of markings to follow if you had a ninja tell you what to look for.

We landed right in the middle of the city, and I noted the difference between what a Dragonite landing would normally mean in Kanto, to what it was like in Johto.

Instead of gasps of shock and hands reaching for pokeballs before stopping. We got surprised looks, and then smiles.

I smiled back and waved, no need to be rude after all.

This was Violet City, Johto. I looked past Dragonite who turned to look at what I was focused on and I could see her wings twitch in excitement.

A gym battle. We had done more training, but the fact was, the one thing my team needed was experience. Just as I had explained to Riolu, strengthening my team too fast had stunted them in their experience.

So if I couldn’t go to the normal battle courts and enjoy some training? I’d go to the masters. Koga had settled everything. Registering my acceptance in the Johto Gym circuit, and confirming I had a passport for Johto in case of any trouble.

I also knew he hadn’t actually warned the poor bastards.

Dragonite turned to look at me, and I could see the eagerness in her eyes. She wasn’t a full battle maniac like Arcanine, but she liked growing stronger too.

I nodded, and returned her, heading inside.

The doors opened leading to a very open lobby. The glass building that was like a giant aviary had an open interior. I could look up, and see into the rest of the space. The chirp of birds could be heard as well.

“Hello! Welcome to the Violet City Gym!” The secretary greeted me with a pleasant smile as I stalked in. I was ready. My team were ready.

Time to sweep Johto.

“Hi! I’m Victoria Ferrous of Viridian City! I’m here to challenge Falkner to a battle! Please tell him!” And then I grinned a smile full of teeth spreading across my face.

“Let me fight your strongest team!”



He stepped out into the gym. A late battle request, far later than normal. His gym circuit rush ended months ago. He was culturally the ‘first’ gym that should be attempted in Johto.

Of course not all the trainers followed the course, and so he was still capable of handling everything up to seven badge matches normally.

Only Blackthorn handed out the eighth badge after all.

But that didn’t mean Falkner had never done matches at that level. Trainers looking to test themselves, conference matches himself, tournaments he had taken part in. There were many reasons why he would draw on his strongest friends.

A challenge from a Kanto Trainer? That was unusual. Especially one that was taking the badge challenge.

One that had no Johtan badges? Not unknown. It had happened before. The conflict between regions had caused plenty of arrogant trainers crossing over both sides over the years. Although Falkner had only heard his father mention it before. He had only been Gym Leader for a few years after all.

It could be why this Kanto trainer had chosen him first. Doubtful they had any respect for the Johtan order.

Then again Bugsy was even newer in his position.

But, he had been challenged, the girl was legally allowed to be here, Maka had checked, and so Falkner would battle.

The wind of his arena was already blowing his Kimono, letting him feel the air currents of the open topped battle area.

The girl was already in position… Interesting outfit. A farmer girl from Kanto it seems, but if he mocked her, it would only be to his own embarrassment…

And Whitney would kill him if she ever found out.

“I am Falkner! Violet City Gym Leader! Master of Flying Type Pokemon. You seek my Zephyr Badge?”

“I do! Please! Battle me with everything you have! Hold nothing back!” The girl shouted out eagerly.

She was young. Maka had checked, this was her first year, she hadn’t even had a first conference yet.

She believed she was capable of taking him at his full strength? Then he would dissuade her of this arrogance.

She asked for everything. So he would give it. To show her how high the winds carried to the very top.

Maka called out the rules for the battle. And Falkner as Gym Leader Began. “Pidgeot! Go!”

Falkner felt confident as the girl looked up at his Pidgeot, as one of his strongest pokemon took to the air.

Pidgeot for all their power were fairly common, many early trainers would capture a Pidgey, but a well trained Pidgeot was something altogether different.

“Lucario!” She called out, releasing… Falkner frowned, he had never seen a pokemon like that before. Fighting Type? It looked like it, that would be a disadvantage if true.

The girl and pokemon shared a glance and a nod together.

“Aerial Ace!” He cried out the moment the battle was on.

“Aura Sphere! Keep it between you and the Pidgeot!” She called out, but it was far too slow, his call had finished by the time Pidgeot had already begun.

His pokemon knew how to start a match after all. Pidgeot glowing with energy slammed into the pokemon, sending it rolling along the floor in a tumble.

Hmm. That was odd.

As the pokemon came out of its tumble, the girl didn’t offer any orders, instead the glowing attack in the Lucario’s hands blasted forth.

“Dodge!” He called, and Pidgeot swooped, without even focusing on the attack, trusting his word, his wings tucked in, he dropped and then soared back.

But the glowing Orb didn’t relent at all!

It was relentless. “Protect!” He called instead, and Pidgeot turned, the Aura Sphere had chased him down but a moment later it amounted to nothing. The white shield appeared and the orb exploded atop it with some power.

Falkner narrowed his eyes, that was a dangerous move. A homing move like that would be trouble to deal with.

“Lucario! Don’t let up! Again!” She called before the explosion had even finished. The blue dog-like pokemon crouched down and gathered another orb of power. It grew faster this time. Not having to deal with just being hit, the Lucario seemed more focused.

Falkner saw all of this, and gave an order.

“Swoop in!” He called, an order that Pidgeot would know means Brave Bird. He watched as Pidgeot dropped, energy already gathering on him once more before his wings opened, for half a moment redirecting his angle straight towards the Lucario.

The Aura Sphere had been launched as he spoke, and it had missed despite it continuing to track after the bird, but Pidgeot was now on the attack.

The trainer looked like she was following, just as she was about to order something. Lucario roared, and a Protect formed around her.

Falkner realized then that this girl's pokemon wasn’t in sync with her. There wasn’t a reliable breath of wind between them. It was discordant and fighting.

This girl thought she was going to come challenge him for his Zephyr Badge? He would teach her that the level of Johto Gym Leaders wasn’t any lower than Kanto!

Pidgeot struck the shield, the energy surrounding him vanishing as the energy simply couldn’t finish. It was a good thing in Falkners mind. No hit, no recoil.

Unfortunately it did stop Pidgeot long enough for the Aura Sphere to strike him. He cried out at the hit, but a moment later his powerful wings burst forth pushing all the smoke away in a moment.

Good, Falkner didn’t want this challenger to believe she had him for even a moment.

“Quick Attack!” She called out, obviously hoping to hit Pidgeot while he was close to the ground.

“Attack!” Falkner called in turn. The exact same white energy surrounded Pidgeot.

Both Pokemon used Quick Attack. It was a mistake on this girl’s part to think that Pidgeot would retreat!

Both pokemon rushed the other, and Falkner couldn't help but smirk.

The Lucario was slower, Not by a lot which was impressive and spoke of good training, but Pidgeot were legendary for their speed!

Pidgeot smashed into Lucario first, its wing nearly doubling her over, but she was tenacious.

The Lucario fought back, swinging a blow into Pidgeot’s back that caused Falkners bird to cry out.

They both spun off, Pidgeot taking to the air this time actually retreating, while Lucario fell to one knee.

“Lucario!” She called out, looking worried. Then the Lucario glanced back and nodded. And the worry melted confidence replaced it.

Where the confidence came from Falkner didn’t know, but if she wasn’t returning it was still an active battle.

“Tail Wind!” Falkner ordered and Pidgeot spun before flapping once and suddenly a wind started up, blowing over the building behind him across the arena and into the girls face. It was Falkners favorite method of reminding challengers the power of wind!

But the girl was un bothered. Reaching up and grabbing the goggles on her head over her eyes. She seemed completely unbothered by the move that Falkner had often gotten raged at for making.

Huh, he could respect that.

He refocused on the battle. The Lucario had already started creating another Aura Sphere without the girl saying a word. Was the pokemon one of her parents? Was she using it to try and gain the badge? But then why come to Johto?

None of this made sense.

“Pidgeot finish this!” Falkner called. The Lucario couldn’t take many more hits. Whatever the girl planned he would find out, and overcome it through skill. Pidgeot began glowing again as he dove into an Aerial Ace.

To Falkners surprise there was no hesitation in the girl. The moment he called the attack she started speaking as well.

“Lucario! Fire the Aura sphere to your left, and run to your right! Now!” Falkner frowned at her words, what was she planning? The Aura Sphere shot off, and Lucario started running.

Again the pokemons good fitness impressed Falkner, he had never seen these pokemon before, but they were strong. He noticed the Aura Sphere slowing and then turning back around, but scoffed. It wouldn’t reach in time. Pidgeot would strike first.

Lucario nearly made it to the outer edge of the arena Pidgeot flat with the floor, the wind shrieking at his passing. Then the girl gave her next order.

“Now! Quick Attack back!”

“What?” He asked aloud, wondering what she was thinking? But then he understood.

Lucario glowed white and blitzed back the way she had come slamming right into Pidgeot.

The Lucario came out the loser, smashing backwards into the arena wall, even as Pidgeot flinched from the strike, Quick Attack had landed first, and Pidgeot was regaining control when it happened.

The Aura Sphere that had already started shooting back towards Pidgeot as Lucario stalled her out struck.

“Pidgeot!” Falkner called out in shock the dust cloud of the explosion, keeping him from knowing.

“Lucario! Return!” The girl called out, surprising Falkner as his eyes had been on the dust cloud surrounding his own pokemon. The girl hadn’t hesitated. Simply pulling her pokemon off the field now that it couldn’t battle anymore.

Then the dust was blown away. Pidgeot cried out ruffled and battered, not in great shape, but still there.

“Good job Lucario, we both still have a lot to learn, but I think we might just be okay.” The girl said, speaking to her pokeball with a smile.

Hmm. What was her name again, Victoria? He supposed if she was kind enough with her pokemon he would remember her name. Kantonian or not.

“Now you know the power of Bird Pokemon! Pidgeot! Show them the power of the wind beneath your wings!” Falkner called out at the first round victory. He smiled, that was a good line. A bit different than his usual. He would have to remember them, maybe practice them a bit, polish them up and use them in future Gym battles.

Victoria just looked confused, then simply shrugged her tiny shoulders, and threw out a second pokeball.

“What?” Falkner asked, his voice carried by the wind rushing past him because that wasn’t right.

That was an Arcanine.

“Awoooooo!” The massive canine howled fire bursting from her, and the Tail Wind shifted, the entire flow of the arena altered at the heat coming off the Legendary Pokemon.


Falkner hesitated too long, and Maka coughed into her fist. He nodded to her, signaling the battle begin.

“Pidgeot! Use-”

“Go!” Victoria called out, almost sounding like she was cheering, and then Pidgeot was down. Smashed into the earth, in the blink of an eye. Arcanine’s mouth wrapped around its throat. Then it looked up tail wagging happily as if just waiting to attack again.

“Pidgeot! Return!”

Falkner looked at that thing and had to wonder. What the hell was going on.

Chapter 68


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I think Falkner wasn’t taking his loss well. I met his glare with a soft smile just waiting for the official stuff to end.

His fist was gripped tight as he held his badge.

He didn’t speak. So I decided I would be the bigger person.

“You fought really well. I wasn’t expecting that Tri-Attack combo.” I offered.

“You…” You ground out, but didn’t say anything more as he seemed to be mastering himself. “You have a powerful, well trained pokemon.”

“Yeah Arcanine is a good girl.” I confirmed patting at her pokeball. I felt kind of bad, but Falkner just didn’t have any pokemon capable of keeping up with Arcanine.

She had blitzed through the entire rest of his team, her speed overwhelming the birds she was facing.

Even when they surged into the sky, it only meant Arcanine had some time to power up, and after that?

Well a powered up Arcanine wasn’t really stoppable without something to counter it. Not something Falkner had.

So he got sweeped.

Overwhelming force met type focused skill, and plowed through it.

“You have earned the Star Zephyr Badge through your actions today… But if you think this means anything.” He said offering the badge, and definitely not doing the usual Gym Leader stuff.

I accepted the badge gently, treating it with respect as I slipped it into my Badge case.

“It just means I overcame a strong challenge.” I replied back after, looking the older teen in his eyes. “I don’t give a damn about Johto-Kanto relations. Politics is stupid, and I won’t live my life afraid of it. I’m here to get extra experience before my first conference, because I’m going to win, and then? Then I’m going to fight Lance and prove my Dragonite is strong.” I pushed my badge case into its spot and gave the boy a final nod.

Then I walked away.

I had known politics would be brought up, and that some of the Gym Leaders would see this as a political thing.

It sort of was, but it had nothing to do with Johto-Kanto Relations.

I just wanted to beat all of Lance's achievements, so no one would call my pokemon weak again. I didn’t really care about winning most of the time, but my pokemon had their pride, and it was my job to train them into the best they could be. So I wouldn’t let Lance's words be remembered, I would wipe them all away with victory!

Plus, I liked the badges! I left Falkners gym leaving the confused teenager in my wake as I headed to the pokemon center. Nurse Joys didn’t care about what region you came from, so the pink haired nurse behind the counter greeted me happily and took Arcanine and Lucario for some healing.

Lucario had done well, but I hoped her loss didn’t beat her down. She still had at least a month or so of Gravity training before she was hitting the point where it started really showing. Although she was stronger already.

I stretched as I settled into a seat at the pokecenter and just watched the news for a while. Nothing really interesting was happening although there was mentions of the conference coming up and how tickets were out and traffic would increase on the way and blah blah blah.

“And here they are! Your Lucario is fully recovered, and your Arcanine oh my! She was so fluffy!”

“Your cousins always say the same thing.” I told her as I took back the pokeballs with a smile and Nurse Joy laughed in delight at my reveal.

Alright. Time to continue on.

Bugsy next.

I threw out Dragonite to give Arcanine a rest and hopped on. Azalea town wasn’t too far, just deeper into the forests of Johto, thankfully it was a straight shot south over Route 32.

Dragonite flapped her wings and we were off, to the stares of interest from the Violet Town Residents.

None of them would know that I was a Kanto girl and not a member of the Blackthorn. So other than interested looks no one stopped me.

Dragonite raced through the air easily carrying me over what would have been a long walk high above.

I sat up a bit, the wind hitting my face as I held one hand on my hat to keep it on to just let the wind flow over my face.

I missed traveling. It was funny how eager I had been for home and a real bed, but now I was already feeling nostalgic for camping and traveling.

Or maybe I just loved flying. Magic Dragon rides were pretty much the best thing ever.

We followed the route into Azalea town without any issues, slowly coming in for a landing in town. I looked around and noticed once again a few interested looks but no real shock or surprise.

It was kind of funny how calm people reacted to Dragonite here in Johto.

I found the Gym without any trouble and Dragonite returned to her ball as I entered inside, only to find the whole place deserted.

“Hello? Is anyone here?”

“Huh? Oh a challenger?” A voice called out from behind the desk and I blinked as an old man sat up from a chair he had completely reclined, blinking from behind his massive co*ke bottle glasses before seeing me.

“Hello.” I greeted the old man who sort of stared at me for a while before his eyes widened.

“Right a challenger indeed! You are here to challenge our Bugsy?”

“Yep!” I agreed instantly, the old man had broken into a big grin as he asked, making the whole situation pleasant. More pleasant than Falkners gym for sure.

“Well I’m sorry to say but Bugsy isn’t in! He’s off in the forest catching bugs!” The old man exclaimed and then cackled at my expression.

“Huh… Any time he’ll be back?”

“Oh not likely until late, all the kids looking to challenge him have come through already by now, you might be the last challenge he gets this year!” I nodded at that, and instantly decided to track him down.

“I’ll have to find him then!” I said, maybe I could still get the match done today. “Any particular area he goes to?”

“Oh no, the whole forest is his playground. If you are going to hunt him down… Well good luck!” The old man offered cackling and I sighed, this was going to be a thing wasn’t it?

I rushed back out the door, and released Arcanine. Time to track down a bug trainer!



It was nice to finally get away from the months of constant battles. Sure it was good experience for his team. Bugs grew fast after all. A pokemon freshly caught might be his new ace in a single season. It was fun!

Bugs were always happy to grow stronger.

The problem was, that even at their best, they weren’t always up to the same level as other pokemon.

Bugsy was proud of his specialization. Happy to be the Gym Leader of Azalea. Everyone always supported him.

But it was frustrating not to be the best. The one time he had fought against Clair had been eye opening. His strongest Scyther simply couldn’t stand up against her Dragon Types.

It had been frustrating then, but instead of trying to move away from Bug Type like so many trainers did, he decided instead to master them.

Just like the bugs he trained he would grow strong fast as well!

It was why he was out in the forest again. He needed to capture new pokemon for his low level challenges. Too many of his friends had evolved over the season!

It was always funny when a trainer came in for their first badge and had a Spinarak evolve mid match becoming too much for the new trainer.

Bugsy was pretty famous for how many evolutions happened in his battles after all.

He hummed a little, a noise that the bugs of the forest didn’t mind, they made vibrations like that themselves, and often he had discovered humming, soothed them more than anything. He was trying to track down a Scyther that had moved into the forest.

It was aggressive, trying to fill out a territory by pushing out other Scyther that Bugsy had bred and released.

He would need to capture it and get it to understand that it could coexist as part of his territory. Of course other than the injured bugs in the meantime this was all positive for him. Bugsy loved having more Scythers around.

They were very cute with how often they tried to be fierce!

He was still tracking it down, when he heard it. The sound of a battle!

He started racing. Oh no! Many of the pokemon in the forest were his, this section all belonged to Azalea town as a sanctuary! It was clearly marked! Were some kids poaching again!?

He started rushing towards the noise and he could smell fire.

Oh no!

He leapt over a stream, making it to the other side with an off and dropped off his bug net, he would have to pick it up later, he had to rush!

He burst out of a bush just in time to see.

The Scyther he had been hunting was on the ground! Knocked out by…

Was that an Arcanine!? He had only seen them on murals before!

Then the girl with the big bright hat that was standing nearby reached for her belt, for a pokeball!

No! This area was a reserve! No capturing was allowed!

“Hey stop it!” He shouted but it was too late and a pokeball was thrown. He was hoping the ball wouldn’t be a capture. The Rangers were angry enough when this happened, but the Johto Pokemon League would likely get this girl in so much trouble for catching a pokemon here!

But to his shock the pokeball opened and a Chansey popped out.

“Chanse!” She cheered, even as both the Arcanine and the girl's eyes were locked onto him. The Pink pokemon walked over and started healing the Scyther.

“THAT’S BUGSY! GET HIM!” She shouted loudly and Bugsy jumped a bit startling at the sudden aggression.

“Wha-Eeeeee!” He screamed as before he could react there was a massive Arcanine leaping right at him!

A few seconds of motion without connection led to Bugsy pretty sure he was on his back with his mouth full of fluff. A few seconds later the fluff was shifted and he realized he had an Arcanine laying on top of him staring down into his face.

Oh no. Was the girl evil? A member of some Poacher group!? He opened his mouth to try and say something when suddenly Arcanine leaned down and a long tongue ran straight up his face.

Oh it was in his mouth!

She didn’t stop. Continuing to lick lick lick lick lick!

Was this a Lickitung!?

“Sto-Opppp!” He shouted, but it didn’t stop. The attack continued, and he was starting to get dizzy before suddenly it did stop. He blinked saliva out of his eyes and saw the girl had her Arcanines muzzle in her hands holding her mouth closed.

“I said get him. That’s on me.” She said, sounding a little annoyed. “But you know better.” Then the blonde turned to Bugsy with an apologetic smile. “Sorry about Arcanine. She’s… Well she means well. C’mon Arcanine, get off. You caught him. Good girl.”

A few moments later he was free and wiping his face with what he could to get his face dry.

“What is going on?” He demanded, and the girl just laughed, he looked up to see her rubbing at the back of her head.

“Well I’m here to challenge your gym, and the nice old man at the counter said you were in the forest so I went hunting for you, but we couldn’t find you, and then a cool Scyther showed up demanding a battle, so Arcanine battled him, and then you showed up! So everything worked out!”

He looked up at her for a moment.

“Scyther are cool, yeah.”

“Yeah!” She agreed happily.

Okay fine. She couldn’t be that bad of a person if she thought Scyther were cool.


“You’re from Kanto!?” He repeated in shock and I just nodded happily. He had been staring at Arcanine after getting off her, and mentioning he hadn’t heard of any trainers with one, when I told him I was from Viridian City.

“I’m here in Johto to get all the badges here before the League Conference! I want to give my pokemon lots of experience against stronger trainers… And I want to mess with Lance. He’s actually kinda nice? But I want to beat him!”

Bugsy blinked at me for a moment before sort of shaking his head. “I don’t think that’s really going to happen. Lance is… Amazing.”

“He’s a Dragon type nerd… But I like Dragon types too! So I get it!” I offered with a happy smile. I mean Bugsy was a Bug Type nerd so he was similar.

“Champion Lance isn’t a nerd!”

“I’ve met him. He’s a total nerd. I mean, I am too. I’m a pokemon Nerd, but Lance is definitely a Dragon Nerd.” I offered and Bugsy seemed to be getting a little heated at my words.

“The Champion isn’t a nerd! Stop insulting him!”

“I’m not though? Nerds are just people that are obsessed with their thing to the point they will take social negatives to be able to keep doing it. Like Lance and his love of Dragon Types. The cape is cool, but I bet he got all sorts of remarks about it until he became so strong no one would insult him.”

“That… Probably happened.” Bugsy admitted.

“See! And you’re a bug type nerd! Which is cool! I don’t mean anything mean about it! You love bug types and are totally obsessed. It’s cool! You definitely have a lot of love.” I explained and my words at least seemed to keep him from getting angry as the purple haired boy rubbed at his hair, wincing a bit as some saliva got on his hands.

“No one has ever called me a nerd as something other than an insult before.” He finally decided on and I shrugged.

“Eh, the best way to get rid of the sting of an insult is to take it over. It still has some negative connotations. But if I was trying to capture a Bug type Pokemon, and I was having trouble, I’d go to the bug type nerd. You know?”

“Sure.” He offered after a moment of seeming uncomfortable thought. “Anyways, I wasn’t planning on going back to the Gym tonight.”

“Aww. C’mon don’t you want a fun battle? I want to challenge your strongest team to try for the Star Badge! Won’t that be fun?”

“Sorry I have to take care of…” He looked over at the Scyther that was currently being babied by Chansey. The poor bug had woken up after facing Arcanine and seemed to want to try its luck against the healer, only for Chansey to… Dissuade him of that.

He was now laying on his stomach doing everything he could not to meet Chansey’s eyes. Scyther took that as a threat display I think? Either way he was thoroughly cowed.

“The Scyther?”

“He’s a stray to the area. Came in a week ago and was trying to carve out some territory. I needed to capture him and settle him in so he doesn’t cause any more harm… You can’t capture him. This land is a reserve… Sorry.”

I blinked at the sudden shift and looked around to see if he was talking to someone else, but no one was there.

“I wasn’t planning on capturing him though? I mean, Scyther are cool, and I would love a Scizor. But I already have lots of pokemon. I really don’t need any more right now.”


I laughed at the sort of confused look on the boys face. “You have to deal with people trying to capture pokemon here a lot?”

“All the time. Although the League, and Rangers will fix it, the trainer always gets in trouble, and I try to avoid that.” He explained looking a little bashful. “New trainers tend to be quick to catch pokemon without really thinking. I’d hate for them to end up with a mark on their license so soon.”

“You’re a nice guy aren’t you Bugsy?” I asked and then I laughed at the blush on his face.

“Anyway, I guess if the Scyther is already here, I can take care of settling him and give you a match after?”

“Sure! Want some help?” I asked more than anything I was just curious how a Bug trainer would handle integrating a new pokemon into already filled land.

Seriously, the entire forest was full of Bug Pokemon. Arcanine had ended up needing to go slow just to not step on anyone!

“Oh.. Um, I guess? Are you okay with bugs?” He asked, and I smiled happily. As if bugs bothered me!


“Hahaha sooo ticklish!” I laughed in delight as an army of Caterpie crawled all over me. Their sticky suction cup legs tickled as they explored every inch of me trying to get more of the berries I had offered them.

While settling in the Scyther, that was mostly introducing him to other… Alpha? Leader Pokemon? They weren’t quite Alpha pokemon as I thought of them, but leader pokemon worked best. The ones that the other listened to. We came across all sorts of fun spots. Like the Metapod forest. Hundreds of Metapods hanging down from trees from String Shot giving everything the feel of a weeping willow.

The Caterpie were everywhere in this area too. And I had made the correct decision to offer them some berries.

“Huh.” Bugsy muttered as I did my best to pull exploring Caterpie from inside my shirt, or from under my hat. Offering them a bit of berry when I caught them.

“What?” I asked when I finally caught my breath from giggling when I got most of the horde off my self.

“Most girls freak out when bugs are on them.”

“It’s a Caterpie. Pokemon are wonderful, why would I freak out?” I asked honestly, as I looked up as the brim of my hat was folded entirely over my face. I could feel a Caterpie crawling along the brim even if my hat couldn’t really hold him up.

I wrangled him as well, and just put him on my shoulder, and gave him a little piece that he happily cried out for and started munching away.

Caterpie are the cutest!

“Oh! Um… Don’t freak out!” Bugsy called out and I blinked at the sudden worry. Then a moment later I felt it. Something land on my hat.

“Oh? A new friend huh? Hungry?” I offered to the weight, and held up a berry.

Then a moment later a form I hadn’t seen yet leaned out over my hat and I saw why Bugsy was so concerned.

A Spinarak was a bit more than a Caterpie after all.

“Oooh!” I gasped as I watched the spider take the bit of berry from my hands, munching it down happily. Once it was fully gone I reached up and pulled my hat off, supporting it so I could bring it down to eye level. I saw Bugsy looking like he was going to rush in any moment, but I ignored him, and instead settled down cross legged in the grass with my hat on my lap.

“I’ve never seen a Spinarak in person before! They don’t really show up in Kanto much.” I explained to Bugsy. “Hello Spinarak. I’m Vicky, did you like the berry?” I asked and watched as the six legged spider spun around to stare at me with its cute little eyes.

Then it opened its mouth, its fangs opening and closing a whole bunch.

“Yep, you liked it. For a cutie like you I can give another piece okay?” I said winking at it as I pulled another berry chunk out of my bag and watched happily as he devoured it.

Little guy must have been starving!

“I’ve never seen a girl not scream when a Spinarak lands on them… They are poisonous, you know?”

“Venomous technically.” I agreed with a laugh. “But you only have to worry about that if the pokemon intends on hurting you. This guy was just hungry.”

“Girl actually.” Bugsy commented and I perked up happily.

“Really? How can you tell?”

“Oh uh… It just has a different spinneret?” He offered pointing at its rear end.

“I guess I can’t tell since I’ve never seen one before.” I offered with a shrug. Suddenly I remembered that I wasn’t actually here to play with cute pokemon. “Oh! Right. The battle! I got distracted.”

“I get distracted with bug pokemon too.” He offered with a smile that had me returning it. Bugsy was pretty cool.


Bugsy was not very cool.

I had decided to use Milotic for this battle, to give Arcanine a rest.

Also because if I didn’t Arcanine would want every battle. And Milotic had just been too much. Bugsy had been a super impressive battler for what he had. He came up with a lot of interesting strategies, even using a Scythers Sword Dance to block attacks!

It just… Hadn’t been enough to really match the overwhelming power of Big Eel.

“You uh… Okay?”

“I’m fine.” He said as he was struggling to wipe his eyes. “I’m not hurt.”

“Well not physically.” I whispered and settled down next to him. I had challenged Bugsy’s strongest team, and while it had been impressive, it hadn’t really been awe inspiring. I’d put him around the same level as Brock?

He was good, had some interesting strategies, but just didn’t have the power to recapture a sweep once it started.

“You want Chansey to look over your friends?” I asked, and he looked up, his face red and puffy and nodded.

Milotic hadn’t swept his whole team like Arcanine basically had Falkner, but it was close, and I only pulled Milotic back to give Lucario another shot. She had done great against his Ariados. Battering through to earn her victory in a much more impressive showing than against Falkner despite so little time having passed.

Lucario just needed experience with her increased strength, and experience battling trainers. She already had the battle instincts from the wild.

I settled in beside him on the grassy Azalea Gym floor as all of his pokemon were released, and Chansey looked them over. Seemingly quite happy to help out.

“You fought really well.”

“You beat me completely.”

“So? I only have my main team, and a second group of younger pokemon I’m training right now. You have like a dozen different groups?”

“That was still my strongest team, and they couldn’t beat a single one of your pokemon.”

“Milotic is a wall that’s hard to beat… And he gets tougher if you give him a status effect. When you poisoned him, it only made his defense stronger.” I explained and Bugsy slumped.

“I didn’t know that.”

“Not many people do! Milotic are super rare! I’m one of the biggest Milotic specialists in the world!” I said proudly.

I wasn’t sure if that was true, but that was a title I would wear with pride.

“I know bug types, but other pokemon… I don’t know them. It’s why I’m a good Gym Trainer, but not a good battler. I always use the wrong tactics.” He offered and I frowned at his slumped head.

“That’s not true. Scyther using Sword Dance to cut through my attacks was amazing.”

“But he didn’t do anything against your Milotic.”

“That’s because Scyther is a stronger attacker, but Milotic is a strong defender. It was just a difficult match up since Milotic was already poisoned and so his defenses were really strong.”

Bugsy just shook his head, not saying anything else. Then slowly after a bit he reached into his pocket. “Here. It’s like the third Star Badge I’ve given out this year… None of the other Gym leaders have given out that many.” He whispered tiredly and I frowned.

“So? Who cares what they do?”

“I’m supposed to be the Gym leader here, but I’m weak.” He mumbled looking up. “You’re from Kanto… I’m supposed to be able to defend against any Kantonian trainer if there is an attack, or if there is a war… But I can’t… You beat me so easily.”

“I have all of the Kanto Gyms Star Badges.” I said suddenly, and Bugsy twitched as he looked up right into my eyes. “I also hit Falkner this morning and earned his. I’m planning on hitting every Major gym and taking a Star Badge before the conference.”

“Impossible. If Pryce doesn’t stop you… Clair will.”

“Maybe. But I’m going to try anyway. I told you, remember? I plan on fighting Lance. I can’t be afraid of something like this.” Then I got more serious. “So don’t compare normal Kanto trainers to me. You fought well Bugsy, and I’ll be honest. I would hate to come to Azalea Town if I was planning on trouble. Look around! You have hundreds of pokemon around here that would fight for you. More even!” I said waving around.

The battle had been intense, but there was a marked section of his gym that was meant for battles. The rest of it? Was full of Bug Types. Hanging from every branch, from every surface.

This place would be a nightmare to assault, unless you were just trying to burn the whole thing down.

I winced at my own thought. Best not to think about that again.

“How’d you get so strong?” He asked and I blinked, then I leaned back.

“I got lucky.” I answered truthfully. “I found pokemon that would be my friends, and trained them as best as I could. I focused on them. When I got my eighth badge in Viridian City I only had six pokemon, but only five of them were battlers.” I offered truthfully. “I did a lot to learn about diet, and how to prepare food for them to make sure they could grow strong, and… I got lucky finding my friends that could grow so strong.”

It was the truth. Luck played a major part in it. If I had never run into Feebas what would my first pokemon be? Growlithe? Would Papa have brought her home if I hadn’t already earned an early trainer license?

Chansey wouldn’t have happened. Would I have ventured out and tried to catch a Magikarp?

Okay, yeah I likely would have tried to capture a Magikarp.

I laughed at the image of me with a Magikarp trying to beat Brock. Man that would have been funny.

“I want to be strong too.” He whispered, reminding me I was sitting next to Bugsy who wasn’t happy currently.

“Well… You have a lot of strong pokemon. Do you go out and battle people anymore?” I asked, and he shook his head.

“Not really? I’m so busy with the gym I don’t have time.”

“Then maybe you need to broaden your experience! You should go out into the world and find some trainers to battle.”

“I can’t. The Gym is my responsibility. I can’t be gone for long.”

“Then don’t go out for long? Do you have a pokemon you can ride?” I asked and he shook his head.

Right there weren't a lot of big bug types in this area. No wait, only like two could even learn Fly… Ugh. Pokemon game rules were so weird sometimes!


A/N: Hehe! Might seem a little silly to post another story when I just went on a hiatus, but I uh... Just sort of tinkered with PTV and had a chapter. Oops!

Chapter 69


Bit of a quick A/N My hiatus for my other story and likely PTV is going to extend another week or two!

Chapter Text

Since it was already getting dark I decided to stay in Azalea town’s Pokemon Center.

Sure I could go home, riding Dragonite, or Arcanine, but I would just have to come back in the morning, and I already had everything set up for me to be gone for a short trip.

So I got a Pokemon Center room, which was thankfully easy as Azalea town was in a slow period now that the League was coming to a close soon.

“Is everyone comfy?” I asked, I looked around the room. Chansey was using the chair in the room, it was a fold out, and she looked quite content with a blanket over her and her little feet up.

Arcanine was comfortable everywhere, but I had given her a pillow to drool into and she was happy.

Dragonite and Milotic were both curled up in the bed, and Milotic was already snoozing as Dragonite opened her eyes at my call and smiled sleepily.

Gyarados was happier sleeping in his ball, but I’d get up early and we would have some time during breakfast to let him stretch.

I always felt a little bad that he was too big for most rooms.

Lucario to my amusem*nt was laying on top of Arcanine seemingly quite comfortable in her fur.

Unfortunately I had done that before and Arcanine had a tendency to move in her sleep. She’d likely get thrown around in the middle of the night.

But everyone looked ready. I flipped the lights and made my way over to my bed in the dark where I curled up, as I settled in, Milotics fin flowed over me, and I turned to see his eye was open a bit.

I smiled and cuddled in.


“That’s my boy!” I cheered as Gyarados happily dropped the beach ball onto the dirt at my feet.

He was getting some morning exercise playing in a stream that ran through the town. While I was throwing a beach ball into the stream and he was fetching it.

“Umm… Excuse me!” A voice called out and I looked over to see Bugsy of all people looking nervous as he approached.

“Hey Bugsy!” I greeted him as Gyarados returned the beach ball again. I grabbed it from him and gave him a big smile before leaning back and chucking it as far as I could and he twisted and chased after it.

“Umm.. That’s a Gyarados.”

“Yep! Isn’t he cute?” I asked as he returned and dropped the ball, but I reached up and squeezed his big old cheeks, getting a gurgle in turn which wasn’t a laugh, but was close to a pleased noise.

“R-right… I uh…” He seemed to firm himself up. “You’re planning on traveling to the other Johto Gyms right?”


“Please let me come with you. You’re right. I think I need to get away from the Gym for a bit, see Johto again, and watch high end battles. Please take me with you!” He asked, bending over in a deep bow, and I blinked.

Huh. I didn’t really expect to run into a Brock Development….

“Sure! More the merrier!” I offered back laughing at the boys completely bent over bow stiffening up as he realized how quickly I agreed.


“Sure. C’mon I’m about to finish breakfast for my team before we head out, why don’t you join me?” I offered, waving to the little camping area I had set up to cook in. I was playing with Gyarados as the water in the pot heated up.

“Oh… Sure!”


“Wow.” Bugsy whispered behind me. I turned to send him a smirk as Dragonite’s wings beat once more and we were rocketing forward again.

I guess any Johto boy would have some fascination with Dragonite, and it was probably pretty rare they got to ride on one's back.

“Yeah! It’s great right?” I asked and he nodded. His short fluffy hair flowing straight backwards was pretty funny looking.

I decided to be mature and not tease him about it though. We traveled north west, right out of Azalea town, and with only once confirming from Bugsy we soon saw Goldenrod City. Sticking out of seemingly the side of a forest on the beaches was a big radio tower as well.

Thankfully it made it easy to spot. With a few moments circling the City we spotted a pokemon center and easily touched down.

Bugsy jumped off first his legs a little wobbly as he seemed a bit shaken by the speed.

“So how was it?”


“Your first Dragonite ride?”

“Amazing! I mean. Not as cool as finding a new Butterfree nest, but still great!” He offered and I couldn’t help but burst into laughter at his words.

“You’re definitely a bug nerd.” I teased as I stifled my laughter, but he pouted at me in turn. “Don’t worry, nothing wrong with being a nerd. I’m a pokemon nerd too!” I said poking my chest.

He looked at me a little oddly for a minute before seemingly perking up that I wasn’t making fun of him.

“So do you know where the Gym is?”

“Oh! Umm.. It should be over there?” He said pointing outside of the town and I nodded.

“Let’s go find it then!” I called out as I returned Dragonite and started running, I was looking forward to this!


“Aww.” I groaned as the Gym had a sign on it saying it was closed for the day. “I didn’t have this problem in Kanto. The Gym Leaders were just there!”

“Well… It is near the end of the season? The only Gym leaders that’ll still be busy are Pryce and Claire… Maybe.” Bugsy offered although it took him a while as he was catching his breath. He had good stamina, but he still got a bit worn out after chasing after me.

I hummed. As I took in the closed doors and sign. I could probably pull an Ash and just make a nuisance of myself, but that was kinda rude.

On the other hand I really didn’t want to be left waiting for a long time to finish the Gyms! I was on a time limit!

“Do you think we could bring her back for the battle? No, that’s dumb. I guess we’ll just have to come back tomorrow. Want to go to Cianwood, or Ecruteak, do you think?” I asked Bugsy and he blinked in surprise at my question.

“Why don’t we just wait?”

“Cause it’ll only take like an hour to get to another city. Dragonite ride, remember?” I asked, laughing at the blank look on the purple haired boys face. Then he reached up and slapped each of his cheeks and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“That’s right! I keep forgetting. I don’t usually get to move that fast!” He explained and I giggled.

“Well it’s not fast movement, but can’t Butterfree learn Teleport?” I asked and Bugsy stilled for a moment as he considered it.

“I’m not sure.”

And I hummed. I vaguely remember using a Butterfree to rush back to Pokemon Centers in one of the games…

Wait, Arcanine can learn Teleport! I wonder how useful it would be in real life instead of just a game? Could Arcanine instant transmission around a battlefield?

“Mwahahahaha!” I laughed in delight at the idea and ignored Bugsy’s uncomfortable stepping away as I considered it.

I quickly grabbed a notepad out of my bag and wrote that down for later.

“Anyways.” I said returning back to what I was going to say. “Teleport Butterfree. Something to think about right? It’ll let you move around a lot faster.”

“Yeah… Yeah!” Bugsy said, puffing up. “This is why I wanted to leave Azalea town. I’d never have even considered that!”

“Mhmm! You have to explore the world and meet new people and get new ideas from all over! That’s what it means to be a Pokemon Trainer.” I said and he looked surprised at my words before smiling.


“Well no point standing here… I think… Let’s go fight Ghost boy.” I decided firmly. I needed more practice against Ghost types for when I face Agatha anyways.

So Morty would be a good challenge.

“Morty? Are you sure? He’s… Really strong.”

“So is Agatha, and I’m aiming to face her soon. It’ll be good practice!” I decided and instantly released Dragonite who looked around in confusion at not being in battle.

“Sorry! Looks like the Gym is closed today. So we are going to another city farther north. Feel like a flight?” I asked and she nodded happily pumping her arms.

“C’mon Bugsy!” I called out and laughed as he awkwardly approached Dragonite for another ride.


“Stop there!” I called out pointing and Dragonite dipped a wing instead of landing in the city she headed straight for the large tower.

There wasn’t really a good landing spot and I didn’t want to just enter without permission, but Dragonite hovered around the top of it, which was perfect.

I couldn’t help myself and looked around.

Lugia? Ho-Oh? Were you around? Did you want to battle? To share a meal? I didn’t have a Silver or Rainbow Feather so I doubt they would appear, but there was always a chance.

Of course they were both Legendaries so I probably shouldn’t mess with them…

Then again Lugia had a baby and that was the cutest thing ever.

“Vicky?” Bugsy asked, and I shook my head clear.

“It’s nothing Bugsy! C’mon Dragonite! Let’s land at the pokemon center!” I called out and we once more dipped with a single flap to start gently soaring down towards the ground below.

The Pokemon Center’s red roof was easily visible and we soon landed just outside. Our appearance of course brought lots of attention. Kids and adults both gasping at the sight of a Dragonite and pointing.

I could practically hear them muttering Blackthorn as they talked, but I just grinned all the wider.

Gonna have to teach them that Johto aren’t the only Dragonite trainers around.

“They’re all watching us.” Bugsy whispered and I looked at him.

“Yeah? What’s wrong?” I asked because the boy was sounding almost nervous.

“I’m just not used to people looking at me.” He revealed after a moment, the poor boy was shifting nervously in place.

“Even as the Gym Leader?”

“Azalea is pretty small, and it’s different with all the Uncles and Aunties.” He revealed and I really had to hold myself back from snorting. Bugsy was like the favorite child in a village of older men and women.

I wondered if Ash had something similar with Pallet Town and all the older people there? Wait… Azalea Town was the Pallet of Johto, wasn’t it? Bugsy was young and the Gym Leader, but almost everyone that lived there was older…

I shook it off. Hopefully everything would calm down and any worries over war between Kanto, and Johto would fade away, and instead all these old trainers could just have a wonderful retirement with their friends.

I smiled at the thought and then refocused.

“They aren’t really looking at you Bugsy. They are looking at the pokemon. So if you are nervous, why don’t you release a cool pokemon and distract everyone?”

“But most people aren’t interested in bugs!” He whispered and I had to wonder, did Bugsy live in the one place in Johto where everyone hated Bug Types or something? Bug Types were awesome!

I looked over the crowd that had been staring at Dragonite who I haven’t returned yet and smiled. Almost all of them were younger boys. “You have your Scyther with you right?”


“Release him and see for yourself.” I told the boy with a roll of my eyes, and then after a moment Bugsy did so and the dull sound of a crowd across the street talking about Dragonite surged as all the young boys started shouting and cheering at the sight of the very popular Bug Type.

“It’s a Scyther!” “So cool!” “Use Swords Dance!” The younger boys all cheered out, and to my utter amusem*nt Dragonite who had been enjoying the attention of the crowd slumped a little as she realized that more than half the crowd was now much more interested in the Scyther.

I get it. Scyther was cool.

“Do you know where the Gym is?” I asked Bugsy but he didn’t hear me, instead his ears were red and he was ducking his head at all the attention his Scyther got.

Heh. Maybe telling him how to become the center of attention was the exact opposite of what he wanted.


I considered saving him. Arcanine would probably drag the attention back, but Bugsy was the Gym Leader, and so he should learn to deal with this… Probably

Okay forcing him into it was mean.

“C’mon let's grab some food.” I called out, grabbing Bugsy and dragging him inside. Dragonite and Scyther both followed us. Inside the Pokemon Center it was cool and surprisingly empty. I guess most of the Trainers would be closer to Mount Silver by this point.

Nurse Joy behind the desk blinked in surprise at the sight of our Pokemon, Johto was like Kanto in that walking around with Pokemon out wasn’t considered the thing to do.

But she only gave us a smile as we approached.

“Welcome to the Ecruteak Pokemon Center!”

“Thank you Nurse Joy! We are just here for a light lunch before trying to hunt down Morty!” I told her, and she blinked before looking over to the side. I followed her gaze where a familiar enough looking man was sitting in the pokemon center lounge. He was looking over at me.

“Morty! I Challenge you!” I cried out happily, swiftly pointing a finger at the man that was relaxing on the couch.

“Sorry, I’m on my break.” He said after a moment and then turned back to the TV that was displaying some Pokemon battle.

I deflated and looked at Bugsy with a pout.

“What is it with all you Gym Leaders not taking battles right now?”

“It is just before the end of the circuit. The only Gyms that would still be super busy is Mahogany and-”

“Blackthorn. Which you should already know!” Morty called out from the couch interrupting Bugsy.

It took me a minute to realize that Morty saw Dragonite and came to conclusions. Smirking, I stalked over and pulled out my Wallet. Then with a flourish I pulled out my Trainer ID Card.

My Kanto Trainer ID Card.

“I’ve never been to Blackthorn. But beating Claire is part of the training to beat Lance.” I explained to the older man who took my card with a surprised look on his face.

“Wait. You’re from Kanto?” He asked in surprise and I grinned.

“That’s right! I’m Kanto’s first Dragon Master! Victoria Ferrous!” I called out with a smile. Once more proclaiming my Masterhood as the one trainer with the most number of Dragon types in Kanto and Johto I took the title by default, at least in my mind.

“Kanto trainer with a Dragonite?” Morty whispered and his eyes met mine.

Ah. I recognized that look!

I felt my smile go sharp as I knew what was coming.

“Well, I guess I’m accepting a challenger today after all.” He rose up and looked down on me… Annoying. But then he spoke. “I Morty of the Ecruteak Gym accept your challenge Victoria Ferrous.”

I smiled like Gible and nodded. Time to battle!

As we were walking out Morty paused and seemed to realize something, turning around to Nurse Joy he smiled bashfully. “Raincheck on our date?”

Nurse Joy just smiled and I felt a cold shiver go down my spine.

Morty was dating Nurse Joy? Well… He might not be anymore. Before he could say anything, there was the noise of a rumbling vibration. It took me a moment before I actually recognized it.

“Oh it’s a Gengar!” I called out looking around. The noise wasn’t coming from Morty’s shadow which told me he was weak.

Agatha kept like a dozen Gengar in hers! If Morty didn’t even have one? Lame. Super lame.

But I finally spotted the red eyes coming out of the leafy potted plant by the door. It gave off enough Shadows to hide in.

“Ah, Gengar is safe, he isn’t a dan-” Morty started saying something, but I had already approached Gengar and offered a Cheri Berry slice.

I had to be careful holding the sliced bit of spicy berry. Because they were basically peppers and rubbing my eyes or something would really suck. But I was dealing with a Gengar and if there was one thing I knew about Gengar?

They were all Naughty in one way or another.

A moment later a dark form popped out of the shadows and a big tooth filled maw opened up larger enough to devour my upper body and then it chomped down on my hand.

“Pfft. That’s not enough to scare me.” I told him with a laugh. “Gengar can’t learn Bite.” I teased him and poked his forehead as Gengar had started licking my hand to take every drop of the Cheri berry.

“Gengar, you shouldn’t be trying to scare people.” Morty said with a long suffering sigh.

“Was it good?” I asked, and Gengar pulled away with a pop leaving my hand utterly soaked in spit. “Gross.” I decided and Gengar started howling with giggles at my dead pan statement.

“You aren’t scared?” Bugsy asked, and I looked over to see the boy had taken more than a couple steps back from Gengar. Scyther was even standing protectively in front of Bugsy.

Dragonite was just looking bored scratching at her tummy as she waited patiently.

“Nope. Gengar likes to scare people, but especially a trainer Gengar isn’t going to be dangerous.” Then because I noticed Gengar puffing up. I winked at him. “Not that he couldn’t be super dangerous and scary if he wanted.”

My addition had Gengar’s smile stretch across his body as he cheered looking up to Morty.

“Okay okay. You win pal. You win.” He said, surrendering to the Gengar who cheered.

I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but that was okay. Gengar seemed happy enough. Casually I walked over to Nurse Joy who thankfully handed me a towel and I started wiping down my hand.

Gengar drool was kinda smelly.


Milotic crashed backwards at Gengars surprise Sucker Punch as Gengar had appeared out of the floor to disrupt Milotics next attempt at attacking.

“C’mon Milotic don’t give up! Recovery!” I called out, that was now the second time Morty had turned my plan around. Milotics Hydro-Dig hadn’t worked when Gengar had just jumped into the earth and got into a battle with Milotic underground before they had both surged back to the surface.

Then when I tried to attack again a nasty Sucker Punch.

Considering he had been hitting me with status effect after status effect the entire match was really starting to wear on me. Stupid Confuse Ray!

Okay fine.

“Milotic! Ice Shield!” I called, and in return Milotic nodded, Gengar hopped away in turn. Morty was staring intently trying to understand what I was up to.

And then Milotic started blasting Ice Beam everywhere. The bottom of the Gym floor was already well saturated with water, So very quickly spires of ice shot up giving Milotic some cover and making Gengar dance around them hesitating.

“Gengar! Keep up the pressure!” Morty called out and I nodded. Shadow Ball appeared between Gengars hands and he threw it forward.

Milotic shot up a spire of ice and while it didn’t stop the attack entirely. The Shadow Ball still had to chew through the defense first.

Milotic grunted as he took the hit and focused up on his goal.

We were synced, I could feel it, he knew what I wanted, and he did it.

“Gengar! Knock it down!” Morty called and Gengar cackled as he disappeared into the floor.

“Milotic! Get ready!” I called out in turn and Morty frowned. Gengar was moving and probably couldn’t hear, so it was already too late!

As the Ghost popped up behind Milotic despite my noodle boy's attempts to keep an eye out around him, I saw a powerful Shadow Ball begin growing, but then Milotic reacted, his tail flared with power. Water flowed over it, turning it from something already beautiful into something that glittered in the cool air, practically crystalizing with a bit of ice at the cold temperature.

It shimmered for half a moment before coming down so catastrophically on Gengars head that the poor Ghost disappeared. The ground cracked and I was forced to balance myself as the entire arena shook.

Then everything went silent for a while before Milotic lifted his tail revealing the hole Gengar was now embedded into.

“Gym Leader Morty’s Gengar can no longer battle!” Bugsy called out from where he had been roped into working as the referee.

I looked up before blinking and taking a moment to rattle off numbers on my fingers.

Morty had used how many pokemon again?

“Well this match was my loss.” He called out looking shocked and I blinked.

Ah, I guess that was six wasn’t it? I had gotten so into the battling I hadn’t been keeping track.

I smiled happily as I threw out Chansey, who went to help Gengar as Morty was hurrying over to his pokemon, and I rushed up.

Time to get another Star Badge!

Chapter 70

Chapter Text

I wasn’t sure how this happened, but I was currently sitting in a nice living room with the curtains open and warm sunlight filtering in, as Ghost pokemon danced all around us through the air. Some tried to scare me and Bugsy, and my giggles kept escaping me as Bugsy yelped when Gengar kept jumping out of his tea cup. Seriously, it was hilarious.

I wish I had Mimikyu with me. I bet he would love this.

“You’re an odd one. Especially for a Kantonian.” Morty finally said and I blinked looking away from where one of his Haunters was blowing cold air across Bugsy’s neck making him constantly flinch and look around.

“That’s kinda rude.”

“No, it’s not.” He finally decided taking a sip. “You really don’t mind them at all.”

“Who?” And then I realized what he meant and laughed. “Why would I? They’re Pokemon! I love Pokemon!”

“Ghost types have a reputation, it’s rare that kids can stand to be around them without a lot of time or effort. I host classes bi-weekly that lets the trainers and kids in town get used to Ghost Types.”

“Heh! Well Agatha is friends with my Grandmother, and even if she wasn’t walking around with Gengar in her shadow… Well, her main partner likes Chesto Berries the most.” I added, because this was important information.

Pretty sure he was Modest natured. Which meant his Special Attacks would be crazy, but his physical ones would be weaker.

Morty blinked at this before leaning in a bit. “You are talking about Agatha, the Ghost Tamer, of the Elite Four?”


Morty shakes his head for a moment. “That explains a lot.”

“I feel like you have the wrong impression, but that’s fine.” I shrugged it really didn’t matter. “Besides, I have a Ghost type Pokemon too!”

“Really?” Morty asked, sitting up and I nodded.

“My Mimikyu! He’s a Ghost and Fairy type! He’s the cutest!” I again offered this very important information, and then looked to the side at the Ghastly that had been constantly staring at me over the side of the couch. “Sorry.” I whispered an apology. Gastly is cute, but Mimikyu is the cuter-er-est!

“Mimikyu? That was you! I got the updated report that a new Ghost type was found!” Morty went from being calm and laid back to suddenly sitting up. “Can I see him?”

“He’s back in Kanto right now.” I explained and Morty continued to look hoping I would offer to grab him, but I didn’t.

It would be a bit inconvenient for everyone back home to trade out my pokemon twice just because Morty wanted to see Mimikyu.

“I’ll be at the Conference, if you want to meet him then?”

Morty nodded then. “I’ll take you up on that. I study Ghost Types, and I’d love to learn everything I can.”

“You’re a researcher?”

“Eh. I’m not a professor or anything, but I work with Professor Elm on his research when Ghost Types come up.”

I nod at that. Makes sense.

“Do you help when Bug Types come up?” I asked Bugsy and he flinched a bit, having been focusing on the Haunter that was messing with him that he wasn’t listening.

“Ah.. Not really? I’m pretty new to being a Gym Leader, and Bug types are pretty well understood.”

I nodded at that as I took a sip of the tea, and grimaced.

“That’s mean.” I told the room, and heard plenty of giggles.

“Did they mess with your drink?” Morty asked and I nodded.

“Salt.” I explained and he sighed at that.

“Sorry about them. Do you-”

“Don’t worry about it. I want to continue on anyway. Head to Goldenrod and wait for Whitney.”

“I see.” Morty said, with a nod. “Well I won’t hold you. Congratulations again on winning your Fog Badge. You earned it.”

“Thanks! It was a fun battle! You coming Bugsy?”

“Y-Yes!” The purple haired boy called as he jumped to his feet and raced out of the room actually zooming past me as he did. I took a moment to turn and see Morty give his Haunter a look as the pokemon laughed itself silly.

“Aww, he likes you.” I inform the boy who shuddered at my words rather than respond favorably. But then again Haunters show their affection by messing with you, and Bugsy was a bug man at heart.

We left the little hom attached to Morty’s gym and wandered back onto the streets of Ecruteak.

“Let’s fly back and rest at the Pokemon Center. I’d rather not force Dragonite to fly right before a battle if I can help it.”

“Oh sure.” Bugsy responded, still looking behind him towards the house. I looked back and smirked. The home's formerly warm entrance was dark and sinister, as Ghosts laughed from the shadows, darkening the corners.

How cute they were saying goodbye!

“Bye! I love you!” I called out with a big wave towards the shadows and I noticed the shadows ripple and sway back.

“C’mon!” I cheered and hopped onto Dragonites back, Bugsy scrambling to jump on.


“And that’s dinner.” I said with a sigh wiping my head. Pokemon centers did have a Kitchen area and I had just finished cleaning up the last of my pots. I walked back out into the lobby room and smiled.

We had been the only real trainers staying here tonight, so Nurse Joy hadn’t minded Bugsy and I releasing all of our friends.

Well, except for Gyarados. My blue boy was just too big for inside stuff, but he was most comfortable without so many people anyway.

I walked over, stepping over Milotic’s tail, he didn’t take up as much room as he and Dragonite cuddled thankfully.

Arcanine was already snoring, laying on her side plate clean, and Lucario was sitting in seiza having finished her own meal. I turned to Bugsy's half of the room and grinned as Butterfree fluttered around happily.

“Those berries you brought were really good.”

“Thanks! My Mama went all over on her journey and picked up berry seeds, and opened a berry farm in Viridian.” I explained as I settled in to finish off my meal as well that Chansey had been guarding for me.

“Huh, really?”

I looked up and Bugsy flushed red a little as he looked away. “I just thought.. You know since you’re so strong, that your parents would be like Gym Leaders or something.” He explained and I nodded.

“Nope. Papa never finished his Journey at all, he only got a few badges before stopping. He works with the Police as a Growlithe trainer though. He’s the one that brought me Growlithe.” I said pointing at Arcanine. “She was too headstrong for police work. But she’s perfect as a battle Pokemon.”

He smiled at my affection and despite sleeping Arcanines tail started wagging. Which knocked Lucario a bunch until she decided to simply move.

“My parents aren’t trainers at all. I mean. Dad has Shuckle, but he isn’t really…” Bugsy trailed off and I nodded.

“Shuckle Juice?”


“That’s fun. I’ve never had fresh Juice before, only the bottled stuff at the stores.”

“Oh it’s great! Shuckle loves storing Aspear! So his Juice is sorta sour, but it’s great.”

I nodded at that and looked over his team. “So if your parents aren’t trainers, why Gym Leader?”

“Oh… Well, it was sort of an accident? I’ve always ran off into the woods to play with the Bug Pokemon, and one day a little girl, Kana, got lost in the forest. She’s the Grandchild of Hikori-Oba-Sama, and she’s her only parent, her… They died in the war.” He added quickly, brushing it over.


“I sent my friends into the forest and ended up finding her, and Butterfree led her to us while communicating with Beedrill, and so we found her quickly.”

“Big dang hero.” I said simply and he flushed at that, his ears going red.

“It was nothing! But everyone at the village thought I was impressive, and so they asked me to take over the Gym. The license was old, and the reason there was no Gym Leader was just because no one wanted to do it. So… I did.”

“You’re a good Gym Leader.” I decided right then and there and he shook his slightly shaggy purple hair back and forth hiding his eyes.

“I’m weak.”

“So?” I asked back as I took a bit of my food. “Strength isn’t everything. Heart is. You proved you were the Gym Leader when you rescued Kana. That’s what people will remember about you. Not how many young trainers you defeat.”

“I just want to be strong too.” He explained and I nodded. We were both young. Kids basically. Even if Bugsy was fully into Teenager stage.

“Then grow strong. Learn new things, train pokemon. It doesn’t have to be tomorrow. Bug Types grow fast.”

He looked like he wanted to say something, but didn’t and I frowned, guessing what he was going to reply with.

‘They grow fast, but don’t end up strong.’

Sure stat wise that was sorta true…

“You know… I have a friend who has a Butterfree on her team.” I commented, and he looked up towards me confused.

“That’s Nice?”

“Mhmm. She’s going to absolutely destroy most of the competition at this year's Conference.” I added and he blinked. “You should go to the Conference. See what I mean.”

“Ah. Well, it’s kinda far.” He replied.

“Good thing you know someone that is going that has a Dragonite.” I mentioned hiking a thumb back at Dragonite who looked up and waved.

“You don’t have to.”

“Eh. There is more to Pokemon than just strength… And that’s coming from me who trains for that. Skill, combinations, or just experience are all major factors.”

He nodded slowly and I nodded back at his acceptance.



“What!? Again?” I squawked in outrage as I noticed the sign on Whitney's gym again!

“Maybe she forgot to take it off?” Bugsy offered but I shook my head. As I walked up to the door and peeked in.

Yep empty.

I slumped and then felt my spine stiffen.

“That’s it! I’m pulling an anime protagonist. She can’t have gone far!”

“Uh, what?” Bugsy questioned behind me as I rushed around the back of the Gym.

The Gym was connected to fields. She was definitely back there, and I was going to get my battle!

“C’mon!” I called out as I ran and I heard Bugsy start chasing not long after. Thankfully it didn’t take long to find who I was looking for. Whitney was out in the fields surrounded by Miltank and while I approached the fence and climbed up I didn’t leap off into the area.

There was being brash anime protagonist, and there was being rude. This was a farm, and there was no telling how her Pokemon would react.

So I made sure she could see me, and sat on her fence and waited.

“Umm?” Bugsy asked as I settled in.

“She saw me, so I’m going to stay here until she comes over to talk to me. Then I challenge her.” I explained and Bugsy nodded slowly.

Then we settled in to wait.

To no surprise at all, Bugsy grew bored and ended up poking around the grass looking at Bugs. Animal bugs and not Pokemon, although if he had found a Spinarak or something he’d be in love.

It took a while, but eventually our continued presence meant the farm girl walked over. Wiping at her forehead with a towel she had over her shoulders she looked me and Bugsy over before stopping.

Bugsy had completely lost track of his surroundings. And had been whispering to himself about the bugs he found for a while now.

Whitney instantly crinkled her nose and shivered at Bugsy obviously playing with Bugs.

“Hi!” I greeted distracting her as I rose up. “I’m Victoria Ferrous! I came by yesterday but you were closed, but I’m looking for a Gym Battle!” I explained loudly and she tilted her head but shrugged.

“Sorry I’m closed down now, and won’t open again until the start of the conference.”

“What? But it’s still within the time frame!”

“Yeah, but I run a farm, and do some work on the side for modeling work! I don’t have time to be here constantly. So I closed the Gym for the last month to get things taken care of.” She explained calmly.

“But I need your badge! C’mon! Don’t you want a fun battle?”

“Not really.”

“I’m from Kanto! Grr! Evil Kanto trainer!”

“Oh how nice. Traveling to a different region for your Journey must be hard.” She offered, but her tone wasn’t entirely honest. She was just f*cking with me.

Dangit. I needed all of the Star Badges to f*ck with Lance! How dare she f*ck with me!

“Ah… Miss Whitney? Isn’t it against the Gym rules to shut down the gym for any length of time without a clear and direct reason?” Bugsy called out interrupting as he tilted his head.

“Wh-what do you know?” She asked back grumpily and Bugsy just looked confused.

“Um… I’m Bugsy?”


“I run the Azalea Town Gym? We met at the Gym Leader meetings?”

The girl blinked looking at Bugsy for a moment before a light redness came across her nose.

“Of course! I just didn't recognize you! Nice to me-see you again!” She offered and I just looked at her blankly.

She totally didn’t remember him. Like at all.

“Well I’m on leave right now too.” Bugsy offered, “But my leave is only scheduled for a short time, and I’ll be back before the conference in case of any last minute challengers… Also I’m out of the city, but you’re right here?”

“I-I was going to head to Goldenrod later today! I’m just taking care of the farm!”

Both of us looked at the girl judgingly, me mostly just copying Bugsy and eventually she broke.

“Fine. I’ll give you a Gym Battle.” She mumbled and I smiled happily.


When I had asked for her strongest team Whitney had looked at me weirdly, but then smiled and agreed.

Her mistake.

“Tauros! Out!” Bugsy called out as ref and Whitney looked on in shock.

“Arc!” My girl barked happily after basically counter charging Tauros and winning.


“Yeah Arcanine is like that!” I called out and she growled before returning and throwing out another pokemon.

“Wigglytuff!” It called out and danced a bit before focusing up and looking serious.

“Let them hear!” Whitney called out.

“Go!” I called and Arcanine blasted through Wigglytuff sending the pokemon rolling in the grasslands of Whitney's Gym arena.

I smiled and then focused as Wigglytuff rose up and sang.

It hadn’t been a knock out?”

“Heh! You think she’s just a cute face? She’s tough!” Whitney called out and I focused as Arcanine turned to strike again but instead slumped into the grass a snot bubble already flowing out of her nose as she fell asleep.

“Alright! Wiggly! Pain Split!” I winced as Wigglytuff weakly nodded and then used its move energy flowed between Arcanine and Wigglytuff.

But Wigglytuff definitely got the better of the deal.

Pain Split added up the HP of both pokemon and then split it equally.

Arcanine was going to be beat up now.

“Return!” I called out before anything else could be done.


"Dragonite! Punch!" I called and before Whitney could react. My girl blurred across the field with Extreme speed and rammed into Wigglytuff at crazy speeds. Lightning striking at the hit.

“A dragonite! And another speedster!? Are you cheating?” She shouted outraged and I just laughed, because all my pokemon were fast!

“Wigglytuff can no longer battle!”

Whitney nodded.

It was time.

“Go! Miltank!”

“Dragonite Return! Sorry girl.” I whispered to her ball, she had sent me a look for pulling her. Then I swapped to a new pokeball.

“This one is going to be tough. This is her Ace partner, but I think you can handle it though. Go Lucario!”

“Lu! Lu!” Lucario cried out pumping herself up.

So far she had struggled in these battles, but this was her perfect match,

“Milll!” Miltank roared without Whitney needing to say a thing as she tucked into a ball and started rolling.

While I was surprised she used this move right away, I wasn’t surprised at seeing it.

In the Games Whitney was famous for Rollout.

“Lucario! Slam into Miltank! Use Aura Sphere!” I called out and she nodded, and rushed forward.

Lucario reached out both paws and slammed them into Miltank pushing back against the surging Miltank, for a moment there was a grinding noise, before Lucario managed to push. Sending Miltank ramping up over the Aura Sphere.

Lucario blinked in surprise for a moment at how little the attack affected her before, shifting and gathering up energy for another Aura sphere.

Whitney frowned as she watched her Miltank land and she just kept spinning back around for another attack.

Huh. That Rollout had done more than it should. Rollout took a few turns to really get hitting that hard. I had just a moment and I brought up everything I remember about Rollout… Defense Curl?

Had Whitney combined Rollout and Defense Curl? That would boost Rollout's initial damage and make it even more powerful!

“What is that Pokemon?” She demanded and I called back just as Lucario’s Aura Sphere finished charging.

“Lucario! A Steel and Fighting Type!” I called out and Whitney flinched just as Aura Sphere was launched.

Miltank was amazing though. I could see it shift and dodge quickly in another direction, using the speed of Rollout to just keep going.

But despite her skill with the move, I had called out for Aura Sphere for a reason.

The Sphere simply shot after Miltank following every rapid fire dodge as Lucario controlled it until it struck.

Lucario didn’t need to dodge against Miltank as she worked because Miltank was so busy trying to dodge the sphere.

Miltank mooed as she was blown out of her rollout and sent tumbling across the grass. I expected her to continue to Rollout, but instead to my shock Whitney spoke.

“Miltank! Strength!” Whitney called out, and Miltank actually listened. A moment later the ground around the pokemon erupted as if a boulder smashed into the ground. Obscuring Miltank.

It was impressive. Not quite as impressive as the Nidoking from Pallet, but it broke up the terrain around her, and Miltank disappeared into the earth in a pseudo Dig.

Heh. Not bad. Especially since Rollout wasn’t supposed to be a move you could just stop… I guess Whitney had trained Miltank in how to interrupt the move.

“Lucario! Use Detect! Don’t let her sneak up on you!” I called and Whitney didn’t like that, but in the end shrugged.

“It’s too late now! Get ready!” She called taunting and I frowned.

A moment later I heard it. A Moo and then as the dust cleared…

Miltank was sleeping?

“Sorry! But this is going to be my win, Kanto girl!” Whitney called out, which was a bit much because she was down to one pokemon, but then I saw what came next.

Miltank, despite being asleep, curled up and started a rollout!

“Rest and Sleep talk!” I called out instantly pointing at her and her grin flinched shifted into a glare and then a nod.

“That’s right! And if you know that, then you should know Miltank is fully healed and ready for battle!”

Lucario shifted without a word and dodged the first assault of Rollout.

Detect was useful in dodging a move you can’t see after all!

But… “Lucario! Aura Sphere!”

She nodded and gathered energy even as Miltank spun around and as Miltank was about to strike Lucario pushed forward. Aura Sphere slamming into the rolling pokemon and both attacks sparked off eachother.

It only took a moment, but the Type Advantage showed through, Miltank ended up once again ramping up and over Lucario who wasn’t injured.

Already, she was turning ready for another Aura sphere but I frowned, when Miltank rolled straight into the area she had used her strength on…

No way.

“Using Rollout in between other moves, and keeping the benefit!? You want to talk about cheating!” I called out in outrage and Whitney laughed.

Somehow while asleep, and Sleep talking Miltank was still getting the power boost of Rollout, while also seemingly healing since two Aura Spheres should have knocked her out.

Damn, that was a crazy combo!

I felt my face splitting into a grin, this was… Fun! It was so cool to see new moves and combos that you couldn’t do in the games.

This was fun. Really really fun!

“Lucario! Work Up! We’ll have to win in one hit!”

“Hah! You think you can do that? Miltank won’t let you!”

I saw it then. There was too much dust from Rollout keeping Miltank hidden, but at Whitney's words the dust shifted enough.

Miltanks Strength had created a bowl in the earth, and she had been racing around it in circles!

While asleep.

And keeping Rollout going.

Whitney might be annoying, but… She was an expert trainer. This was something that couldn’t be done without lots of effort.

“Tank it! Keep the Work up going!” I called and Lucario nodded. She didn’t look happy, but she did it.

Gathering energy flowed over her, and her mouth split in a growl.

And then Rollout slammed into her, the blow so powerful it launched her upwards, sending her pinwheeling into the sky.

“Pfft.” Bugsy let out loud enough I heard and I had to stop myself from laughing as well, because it was kinda funny.

But more importantly? I didn’t like it when people hurt my friends.

Lucario landed without too much trouble, and the energy of Work Up was still flowing over her.

“Can you take it again?” I called and Lucario nodded and instantly refocused and the energy grew even larger, and Lucario looked angrier. Her eyes glowing red.

Then she turned and was slammed into by Rollout. The hit was so loud it actually caused wind to kick up.

Rollout was getting too strong. It was only because Lucario had a double Type Advantage that she wasn’t put into the ground.

“NOW!” I called and Lucario turned. Aura Sphere glowing much brighter than before as out of the dust Miltank came through like a wrecking ball.

The clash was explosive and Aura sphere was bigger, Rollout was hitting harder.

It didn’t just scrape off and send Miltank flying off. The energy exploded and I pulled my goggles down just to keep my eyes on the battle.

“Miltank!” Whitney called out in shock first, and then as the dust cleared enough for me to see. Miltank was on her back, eyes dizzy and Lucario was sitting beside her gasping for breath.

“Miltank can no longer battle! The Winner is Challenger Victoria Ferrous!”

“Yes!” I cheered and rushed in and to Lucario’s surprise jumped into her laughing all the while as I hugged her tightly. “You did it!” I cheered and Lucario huffed a little pleased noise.

Chapter 71


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“This! This isn’t fair!” Whitney cried out as she glared at me.

“I won.” I reminded her and that only made her angrier. Her face went red as she glared at me.

“You shouldn’t have! My Miltank can’t lose to some!” She trailed off waving at me, and then she stomped off, whipping around and marching away…

“My badge?” I called after her, but she was gone stomping to her Gym building and entering with a loud slam of the door.

“Is Whitney okay?” Bugsy asked, and I looked at him incredulously.

“Her!? I’m the one that should be getting a badge! Hey, come back!” I demanded running to the gym but the door was locked, and after a minute of banging she didn’t come back out.

“I think she’ll come out… Eventually?” Bugsy tried to offer but I glared and huffed and just pulled up my goggles and shrugged.

“Forget it. I’m taking Lucario to the pokemon center.” I grumbled and stomped off. I’d have to talk to someone else if Whitney really was going to refuse to give me the star badge.

Grumbling all the way about prissy farm girls I stomped into the Pokemon center and felt something relax as Nurse Joy greeted me.

Kanto or Johto it hardly mattered. Nurse Joy was always there.

Passing over my pokemon I flopped on the couch of the Pokemon center and considered the battle.

Sleep Talk was a good move to combo with rest, but you had no control of what move your pokemon did. For Whitney to have her Miltank use Rollout… Was it chance, she had gotten it in one, or training?

I think training. There was no hesitation or surprise or delight on her face as the sleep Rollout had started. She knew it would happen.

That’s… Really impressive.

Too bad she was also a massive butt.

I shook it off, no point in getting angry. I’d complain about it later or something. I looked at Bugsy who was looking a little antsy.

Heh. Antsy.

“You okay?”

“Yeah! I’m fine… I just.. I’ll be back okay?” He said and rose up and I watched as he stomped off.

Huh, I guess the kid had a bit of spine to him after all.


“And that’s why Lance is actually a Flying Type trainer, pretending to be a Dragon Master.” I whispered to the group of children. Once my team was returned to me, I headed out back to check out the battling area, and ended up impressing everyone with Dragonite.

So they had instantly assumed I was a member of the Blackthorne Clan, and so I had made sure to use that assumption to spread the truth!

“But Lance is a Dragon Master! That’s why he’s so cool! And wears the cape!”

“A cape that flaps in the breeze… Like a Flying Type master!” I denied instantly as I crouched among the small group of boys. “Think of Falkner! He has his flowy Kimono right? It’s the same thing! To test the wind!”

“B-But Lance is so cool!”

“Yeah! He isn’t some lame flying type Master!” Another called out.

“Then explain how all of his pokemon are Flying type?” I asked and stumped the kids.

Which instantly got a reaction as many young kids don’t like being proven wrong they started raging.

“You’re wrong! Stupid!”

“No! You’re stupid!” I argued back and the boy that said it glared and reached for a pokeball before looking over at Dragonite and slumping.

Yeah sorry kid, staking it on a Pokemon battle isn’t going to work against me! Mwahahaha!


“Oh? Bugsy, welcome ba-Oh it’s you.” I grumbled as I rose up. Bugsy was walking over with a blank faced Whitney.

“That’s right.” She said as she sped up, walking past Bugsy without issue, her longer legs putting in work.

Then she stopped in front of me and breathed in and out.

“Congratulations on your victory. You defeated me, and earned this.” She said then and held out a Plain Badge.

One that I didn’t take.

She looked at me, and I looked at her.

“I defeated your strongest team.” I reminded her, and she winced her hand closing on the Plain Badge a moment before putting it in her pocket and pulling out another.

This one had the Star.

“You… You earned this.” She said, struggling to get the words out.

Gently I took the badge. Looking it over. A fine addition to my collection, I decided.

I pulled off my pack and pulled out my Badge case, and placed it inside.

Then I looked at her. She was struggling to control her emotions, but I was going to be the bigger person.

“You have an amazing Pokemon in your Miltank. That sleep talk combo was crazy. I can’t imagine the amount of training with Rest and Sleep Talk it took to get a pokemon to always choose a specific move.”

“A long time.” She answered and I nodded, as she did as well. Then she turned away.

Bugsy remained watching her go with a look on his face that I’ve seen on plenty of boys before.

“Thank you Bugsy.” I answered then and he jerked a bit at the sound of my voice.

“Oh, it’s no problem! I… I can’t have anyone thinking the Johto Gym Leaders aren’t good honorable people!” He demurred looking a little embarrassed.

“I know. Whitney was just surprised. I never thought I wouldn’t end up getting my badge.”

“Good! Yeah…” He trailed off watching Whitney and I smiled a bit.

“At least she’ll remember who you are now.”

“Yeah.” He whispered a bit breathily before freezing up and turning to look at me, and my evil smirk.

“Bugsy and Whitney~” I started, and the kids who had been watching in awe as I got a badge instantly jumped in, like all tiny terrors would!

“Sitting in a Tree! K.I.S-”

“I’m not!” Bugsy yelled interrupting them and they burst into a sprint running away giggling as Bugsy chased them for a minute.



“There it is!” I shouted over the wind, happy at the sight of Cianwood City coming up out of the waves.

We hadn’t gotten lost, but Dragonite and I did have to follow the direction a ship was coming from to get the right angle.

And there it was.

“Great!” Bugsy called out. We hadn’t been riding on Dragonite for long, but I think the wonder of it had mostly run out by now, and the ocean crossing a massive bay didn’t really feel very entertaining.

As we came in for a landing on the beach I made sure to keep an eye out over the town.

Chuck the Gym Leader was a fighting type specialist and he had a Dojo style gym. There were a few buildings I could see that were likely the right one, but more importantly, I spotted the Pokemon Center.

We landed with a soft puff of air as Dragonite flapped her wings to stop her momentum, and soon Bugsy and I were on the sand stretching out and happy to have feet on the ground again.

It hadn’t been a long flight, but it was still a flight.

“Wow. We just crossed the entire bay in what, an hour?” Bugsy asked and I shrugged.

“Something like that, but it was mostly because Dragonite didn’t know exactly where the city was. So we went a bit slower so we didn’t miss it.”

“Dragonite is so amazing.” Bugsy said and of course my girl preened at the words tilting her head back and huffing happily.

“Yeah she’s amazing. You ready for a rest?” I asked her and she nodded, but then she slapped a hand on her bicep at the same time while giving me a confident look. “Ah, still ready for a battle? Well don’t worry, I’ll be putting my faith in your punch power for this battle if I call you.”

“Drag!” She chirped happily at the idea, and disappeared into the Pokeball a moment later.

“Ah! The beach here is pretty nice.” I mentioned, as I looked around. Cianwood had a pretty heavy duty concrete barrier against the ocean, but the beach was both delightfully empty, not full of tourists like Cinnabar, and it was just miles of golden sand.

“Yeah it is nice. Most people just go to Goldenrod, it’s famous for its beaches, but I guess Cianwood is pretty nice too. Too bad it’s too cold to really enjoy.” Bugsy mentioned, and I nodded shivering a bit myself. Winter wasn’t just coming, Winter was here.

“Hey! Don’t go in the water!” A voice called from up above them. I looked up and saw an older woman waving at us frantically. I shrugged and headed up the concrete steps.

“Hello!” I greeted her and she sighed.

“Good. It’s Tentacool breeding season right now. The beach is closed down to keep anyone from getting hurt.” She explained and I just nodded. Jellyfish swarm, gotcha.

“O-oh!” Bugsy whispered, sounding startled as he heard the news though. “That could have been bad.” He muttered as he stared back over the water.

“Eh. I’m not that worried.” I said and then at the woman's glare I raised my hands. “Not that I’m planning on testing it! Jeeze.” I whispered as she stopped glaring. “Tentacool don’t usually come out to the beach and it’s not like I was going to jump in.”

“Now… I saw you two come in on that Dragonite. Is there something you two need in Cianwood? We don’t do tourists much.” She asked and I grinned brightly.

“First the Pokemon Center, and then we are here to visit the Gym! I’m challenging Chuck!”

“Ah, trainers. A bit late aren’t you?”

“I have a Dragonite, distance is irrelevant.” I answered back and that earned me a guffaw from the older women.

“You’re an interesting one aren’t you Blackthorne? Alright, Pokemon Center is down there, and Chucks Gym is just a bit beyond it.” She confirmed, and then turned away heading back to a little cafe on the side of the street above the beach before I could deny being a Blackthorne.

That was kinda annoying, but at least in the future no one would make that mistake again once I blew up the Conference.

“Pokemon Center!” I called out hand raised and Bugsy sighed as he chased after me.


I spent a few hours relaxing in the Pokemon center giving Dragonite time to cool down from her flight, and Lucario more time to rest after her battle.

But then it was time.

“Thank you Nurse Joy! I love you!” I called out happily as I left the pokemon center, to the amused giggles of the pink haired nurse.

Cianwood Nurse Joy was super nice! After hearing I was going to fight Chuck she had checked over my team and even worked with Dragonite a bit, to make sure her wings were ready for a battle after a flight.

“This’ll be your fifth badge.” Bugsy mentioned casually as I stalked forward, I slowed a bit and met his eyes.

“Yep! What’s up?”

“It’s just… You’ve already gathered five Badges… Star Badges! You’re a really strong trainer.” He added and when I just waited for him to actually say something he finally got it out.

“I want to fight you again.” He said and I blinked at his admittance. “I’ve been watching you battle… And I want to battle you again. I won’t… I won’t lose next time.”

I looked him over, at his confidence, and smirked.

“After I beat Clair. I’ll look forward to it!” I told him and got a nod in turn.

Another battle against Bugsy? Sounds fun!

But then we were there. The Gym. I grinned as it had a bell out front, along with a sigh. ‘Challengers should ring the bell to announce themselves.’

I rang it instantly, it rang soft and gentle. A nice noise.

“Mwahahaha!” A voice shot out from inside and Bugsy jumped but my smile just grew as Chuck came stomping out the entrance of the house beside the Gym.

“Who has come to challenge me!?” He shouted rambunctiously, and I raised my hand.

“I'm your challenger today! Victoria Ferrous!”

“I am Chuck of the Cianwood City Gym! I accept!”

“Yes!” Finally a Gym Leader that just was there to battle without any other nonsense! “Chuck! I want to fight your strongest team! Hold nothing back!”

“Hahaha! You wish to challenge my strongest team? Are you sure? I will blow you away with martial training and pure muscle!” He roared out, but I couldn’t help but look down at his gut, that was a bit… Big.

“I do!” I shouted out, deciding to keep the energy instead of calling him out.

“VERY WELL!” He roared and raced back into the gym and I rushed to follow him without a word.

Our eyes had met, a battle was inevitable after all!

We raced into a large dojo-like battle arena and I was getting excited but then Chuck suddenly yelled out.

“Honey!? Where are my pokeballs?”

And I slumped as I realized the man had completely lost his own team.


After a long search Chuck had realized his main team's Pokeballs were at the Pokemon Center for a checkup, and while we waited, Chuck’s wife fed Bugsy and I dinner.

And it was a lot of food, but that woman could cook.

Finally, afterwards, the Pokemon had arrived as Nurse Joy had given Chuck a look for calling and asking her to deliver them.


And then we battled.

“Lu! Lucario!” She shouted as Chucks Machamp charged in.

“Maaaachamp!” The pokemon roared as the two fighting types tore into each other. While Machamp tore into the area with overwhelming power, Lucario and I were using a different method.

“Keep it up! Detect through!” I called out, as Lucario was using the move to see what would come next and dodge around.

“Pin her down Machamp!” Chuck roared and Lucario struggled. Type weakness to fighting, against a truly powerful fighting type made things a bit hard on her.

“Now!” I called, and Lucario switched from Detect. Just as she was struck by a painful Mach punch, she shifted, and then spun with the attack. Her foot coming out and smashing into Machamps chin with so much force the much much larger pokemon was lifted straight off the floor.

“C-Counter!” Chuck roared out in shock and then delight laughing happily as Lucario completed her spin and landed and then fell to one knee.

Chuck and I both watched, but Machamp was out, and his shoulders slumped a small amount.

“Amazing! Using Detect first? I see. I understand! You used it until you were sure you were taking a hit that Lucario would still be standing after, and was strong enough to knock out Machamp?”

“That’s right! Lucario actually has a type weakness to fighting moves because of her Steel Type! So if she was going to win, it had to be decisive!”

“Mwahahaha! Such spirit! Excellent! Planning out a battle before it begins is an excellent start! But you haven’t defeated me yet, and your Lucario can not do the same move again! I hope you are ready!”

I laughed as the man shouted out. He was definitely full of energy, but I hadn’t really planned it specifically. I looked at Lucario and she looked at me.

She nodded, and I raised the pokeball to return her.

It had actually been her idea.

Lucario knew how to fight after all. I was just polishing her up and strengthening her up. That and teaching her to fight Pokemon battles, and not just feral fighting.

But I placed her back on my belt and reached for another pokemon.

The last Pokemon I think I would be using in today's match.

“Sorry Chuck. But you are the perfect fight to let my next pokemon really stretch her legs. So this match? It’s already over.” I said playing the heel a bit to the man which he delighted in, flexing his chest and raising his arms.

“Then you will be surprised at the power of Fighting Pokemon!”

Then I tossed a pokeball, and a Goddess descended.


Afterwards it was quiet. Even Bugsy was too shocked to call the match.

Chansey was standing there unharmed in a now destroyed arena bouncing lightly on her toes and looking as usual like she was just happy to be there. Chansey heals OP, Please don't nerf!

Before her lay her last foe. The poor Polywrath was completely flat faced into the ground before the power of the Goddess.

“T-thats?” Chuck whispered, having progressively lost his energy as the battle continued, shock replacing it.

“Chansey! I love you!” I shouted out, as I charged and jumped into a big hug. I guess I was feeling affectionate today. Chansey swung me around and we both giggled as we hugged tight.

“What was that!?” Bugsy finally let loose, unable to stop himself, and I turned and smirked at him.

“Chansey, is… Strong.” I decided and Chansey perked up standing up straight. She nodded her head in agreement beside me.

Chuck suddenly took a step forward and then another as he approached and Chansey and I looked as he fell to his knees and grabbed Chanseys flipper.

“A-Amazing! You’re perfect!” The man started crying and I blinked before smiling proudly as I made out “Perfect physique.” And “A goddess.” In there.

So Chuck had seen it too. Chansey was truly a goddess descended upon us mere mortals to achieve peak gains.


“And there.” He confirmed handing off the Storm Badge, with star. “With this! You have proof that you have defeated me! Chuck of Cianwood City! The Storm Badge is proof of your accomplishment, and of your excellent training! I vow to train 24 hours a day to reach nirvana! A goddess has shown the way!” He cheered out and I laughed in delight at his excitement.

“Chan-Chansey chanse.” Chansey spoke, waving a flipper at him in embarrassment.

But I was glad I had chosen to give Chansey a chance to stretch her legs here. For one Chuck understood.

For another?

I glanced at Chansey and our eyes met.

Understanding passed and I grinned in delight as she looked equally happy. She had really enjoyed this. A battle. A workout for her, but more importantly, she had gone through five additional Pokemon. This was the longest amount of time she had spent battling outside training with the team.

For once Chansey was the absolute victor of this match, and she had definitely enjoyed it. She truly had found her battling spirit working with Koga, and our bond had grown ever stronger.

“Chanse?” She asked pointing and I nodded offering the badge to her, which she took and looked it over. I noticed she smiled brighter, happier as she looked down on the badge, no doubt seeing her own face reflected in the star.

“We did it.” I said smiling as Chansey looked up from the badge to me. She nodded slowly, but her spreading smile told me the truth.

She reached out and grabbed me, and I laughed in delight as she spun me around while hugging me tight.

I hugged her back and we both laughed in delight. “We did it Chansey! We won the badge!” I called out cheering, and then there was something more. A flash, a connection and I blinked back the white light as I felt the flippers holding me grow and change.

I gasped as I looked up in the same gentle eyes. As she looked down on me.



We shouted together and instantly started moving. Dancing around in delight, my hands in her flippers as we cheered and celebrated.


And so the Goddess ascends! GitC will restart tomorrow at the normal time!

Chapter 72

Chapter Text

“Hehehe!” I continued to giggle as Blissey was being silly and carrying me around like I was a stray cat as she sauntered out of the Gym without looking back, and then marching to the Pokemon center.

“W-wait up!” Bugsy called out, but Blissey didn’t wait up, and instead, continued on, practically skipping down the street and entering the pokemon center with a triumphant stride. I wasn’t sure what Blissey was doing, but I was totally there for it, because for a moment.

Yeah. Friendship Evolution was really cool, and there was something that had sparked between us. It was more than just a happy feeling. It was something real.

We were friends. Blissey and I. More than just people working together, or her chasing after a weird kid and making sure her pokemon were healthy.

Blissey… Blissey thought of me as a friend.

I giggled some more at the thought and then Blissey stopped.

“Bliss! Blissey!” She cried out to the mostly empty pokemon center.

But the Chansey and Nurse Joy that worked here both jerked as if scolded and suddenly Blissey was surrounded by pink.

“Oh my! Look at you!” Nurse Joy cried out, and Chansey was cheering as well, literally pulling out little paper fans from somewhere and she was dancing and cheering Blissey on like she had just finished first in a race.

It was super cute, especially as I looked up I could see Blissey’s smile bright and happy.

“Congratulations!” Nurse Joy offered first to Blissey, grabbing her fin and shaking it happily, and then leaning down to grab my hand.

“Thanks!” I said and Nurse Joy smiled at my obvious happiness.

“What’s the big deal?” Bugsy finally asked as he had reached the entrance in time to see all of this and was breathing heavily. “I mean, I’ve never heard of a Blissey before, but… Is it that weird?”

“Oh my, yes!” Nurse Joy broke in before I could say anything. “The exact mechanics between evolving into a Blissey aren’t truly understood! Every Blissey is a wonderful addition to the world! They spread happiness and healing wherever they go!” Nurse Joy gushed and I giggled as I noticed Blissey getting a little embarrassed by the all words.

“Blissey is a Friendship Evolution.” I added instantly to Nurse Joy with a big smile. “All you have to do is be Chanseys friend and battle together until your bond grows big and strong and then Bwooom! Blissey is here!” I cheered out and Blissey giggled and patted me on the head, but I realized a moment later, Blissey action wasn’t in agreement but the same emotion Nurse Joy gave me.

A sort of affectionate disbelief.

I looked up and realized Blissey was the same. She didn’t quite understand either.

“Friendship evolution is a thing!” I called waving my arms around but Nurse Joy just giggled and joined Blissey in patting my head.

“Making friends with your Pokemon is very important.” Nurse Joy offered, but it wasn’t really genuine.

I slumped. Fine I’ll just have to prove it!


Considering it was getting late,Bugsy and I jumped once more onto Dragonites back and flew back across the ocean to the mainland. Olivine City was really easy to find as we just followed the boats and ships that were either heading out, or rushing back to the city as the sun drooped low.

That and the large lighthouse that flared bright light into the sea letting us home in on it.

Flying over the port city for a bit we spotted the pokemon center and landed.

Everything was going normally, until we actually entered the Pokemon Center when suddenly Nurse Joy pounced on me. Chansey and Nurse Joy both hit party poppers showering Bugsy and I in confetti.


“Chansey!” They both cheered and I blinked, having been a little startled.


“Another Blissey has come into the world! How wonderful!” Nurse Joy spoke, hands folded in front of her face and stars practically in her eyes. “Can you let her out?”

“Ahhh, sure?” I offered, confused and did so.

“Blissey!” She greeted the world and then blinked at the new set of Nurse Joy and Chansey that were both staring at her with sparkly eyes

“It’s true! Our sister was telling the truth!”

I laughed at the attention Blissey was getting making her be a little embarrassed.

It seems a Blissey appearing was a big deal, and Nurse Joy back in Cianwood had put out the word to all of her sisters. Nurse Joy explained as we were all bunched up on a couch as she offered us some fancy tea, that was definitely not something normally offered to Pokemon Center trainers.

Bugsy and I were both quietly sipping at the treat as Nurse Joy’s Chansey chattered away at Blissey acting almost starstruck.

It was… Strange. I get that Chansey themselves aren’t the most common right now. And Blissey isn’t an easy evolution to get in a world where they aren’t common battlers, and on top of that, the idea of friendship causing Pokemon to evolve not being understood or accepted…

I watched as Blissey flexed and the corded muscle stretched under her skin and yep.

Blissey was still buff. Maybe even more buff. The Chansey looked shocked and I think there was a bit of envy too.

I was just finishing the tea when I realized…

Blissey would be stronger now than she was before… Would her Gravity be stronger too?

I shuddered a bit.

At least Arcanine would be happy.


The next morning bright and early I walked over to the Olivine City Gym.

Thankfully like Chuck Jasmine the Steel Type Gym Leader was still actually holding matches at her Gym despite it being so close to the end of the cycle.

Walking inside the fancy almost high tech gym, I walked up to the secretary at the front, Bugsy following behind me.

“I’d like to challenge Jasmine!” I greeted smiling and the secretary gave me a smile that told me that wasn’t the first time she’d heard that.

Ten minutes later there I was. Standing across from the girl that wasn’t smiling kindly at me, but was looking at me with judging eyes.

I guess she already knew who I was.

“Victoria. I was wondering when you would come here.”

“Jasmine! Please let me face your strongest team!” I greeted in turn and she nodded, pulling one of her six pokeballs on her hip.

She was already prepared for this.

The referee wasn’t Bugsy this time, and then finally it began.

“Go! Steelix!” She called and I blinked. That was her Ace I think?

Oh well.

“Go! My Blue Heart!” I cheered and threw.

Opposite the enormous Steelix Gyarados appeared roaring his rage, as he looked on at the pokemon across from him.

“A-a Gyarados!?” Jasmine cried out in shock at his appearance, even taking a step back for a moment before firming her resolve. “I didn’t know you had one!”

“This is his first Johto battle!” I called out in turn. Jasmine and I having a stare down even as Gyarados and Steelix did as well. A moment went between all of us. Steelix was pissed at Gyarados, and my Blue Heart was equally pissed at Steelix.

A rivalry.

Then it was time to begin.

“Steelix! Rock Throw!”

“Get em! Use Aqua Tail!” I called out, Gyarados wasn’t as good at picking moves against different types, but what he could do was get into the fight.

Rocks were launched at him as Steelix swiped its steel tail into the ground and flung them, but my Blue Heart roared in rage as he charged. Water flowing up his tail as he surged across the ground sort of like a snake.

He wasn’t as fast without flying, but Steelix wasn’t exactly a quick pokemon.

The first rock bashed Gyarados in his face and I winced in sympathetic pain, but he ignored it, his roar of rage growing only louder as he plowed through. Smashing his head into Steelix seemingly uncaring about the fact he bashed his head into a chunk of steel as his tail flashed out.

Steelix wasn’t unaffected though, he was pushed back, and roared back in pain, when a moment later the Aqua Tail lifted the Steel type off the ground, bending it over at the force of the blow.

Gyarados wasn’t quite as fully fleshed out as Arcanine. He had gotten the least amount of Gravity training of my main team besides Lucario…

But he was also a Gyarados and Gyarados were good at brutal physical fighting.

“Steelix! Thunder Fang!”

“Gyarados! Lightning Rod!” I demanded and grinned as he couldn’t pull back fast enough to escape the bite, but he didn’t need to.

A moment later the lightning arcing between Steelix’s fangs clamped onto Gyarados, but his tail was covered in Steel Type Energy and a moment later it flowed over him and then down. Instantly I noticed Jasmine figuring out my trick, and I think there was actually a hint of respect in her eyes.

“Now! Waterfall!” I roared out and Gyarados surged, water blew upwards from around where he touched the ground, and slammed into Steelix and it only pushed Gyarados further, as his whole body bent into the blow.

Waterfall was probably his strongest Water Type move after all. Considering how often he had climbed the Waterfall to evolve.

Steelix roared in pain.

“No! Steelix! Don’t let him push you around!” Jasmine yelled out, and the Steel Snake turned and slammed into Gyarados once more with a Thunder Fang.

Considering Gyarados was surging up in water…

I winced as my poor Blue Heart roared in pain, but it swiftly turned to anger. And he slammed an Aqua Tail into Steelix to try and remove him.

I watched as the two snakes curled against each other. Basically failing to properly keep distance, they simply slammed whatever move they could into the other as they rolled and tumbled. The ground shook, the arena quaked. I rushed back grabbing Bugsy and pushing us down as the two rolled past us, crushing the area we had just been in their brutal battle.

But then it happened.

Gyarados had gotten his fangs into Steelix and lifted.

A moment later Steelix hung in Gyarados’s mouth moving to try and escape as Gyarados hefted the incredibly heavy pokemon up.

I watched as light grew.

“STEELIX!” Jasmine shouted, but I had my own orders.

“That’s right! Blue Heart! You’ll win this fight! Here we go! That power is burning hot! Its strength tells you to grasp victory! HYPER BEAM!” I roared out in delight at what was happening.

Much to Bugsy’s shock as I was practically sitting on him, and then everything in the arena went white. A blast of energy erupted from my Lazer Fish, slamming point blank into Steelix that couldn’t escape no matter how hard he tried.

The energy had nowhere to go. Only out, so it slammed into him and sheared off, blasting sideways out of Blue Hearts mouth. The arena suffered, but I didn’t care, because Steelix roared as Gyarados let out everything he had.

Then it grew dark and Gyarados slumped, dropping Steelix who crashed into the arena floor. Then quiet followed.

Gyarados was huffing strongly, obviously exhausted. I winced as I saw that he was injured from his battle. Steelix had definitely left its mark. But I waited.

He deserved a chance to celebrate his victory.

“Steelix is unable to battle!” The referee finally called out a moment later. Gyarados roared to the sky, before turning to me.

“Good job!” I cheered and his roar took on a happy note as he slithered over and pushed himself right into me.

Of course he ended up lifting me off my feet, but that was no problem. Just held onto his face as he delighted in my hug.

“Great job! I knew you could do it! You’re amazing!” I called, words just for him, and that was enough to satisfy my lonely boy..

I was back on my feet soon and I returned him, even as Jasmine, having already returned Steelix sent out another Pokemon. This time a Magneton.

Placing Blue Hearts Pokeball back on my belt, I ran my hand across them to find the next pokemon that Jasmine would face.

“Go! Lucario!”


Jasmine fell to her knees shortly after returning her Skarmory.

Dragonite roared, hands raised up as she proclaimed her victory, not something I’d normally see in her, but that Skarmory had been tough!

That and her Forretress that had hit Dragonite the battle just before with a Gyro Ball. Considering that move got stronger compared to the differences in speed between each pokemon and Dragonite was all about that speed…

It had really knocked Dragonite around, but she had taken that personally, and had decided to crush Jasmine's last pokemon in turn to really push through her dislike of being struck so powerfully.

I walked across the battlefield even as Jasmine continued to stay sunk on her knees.

There was always a bit of empathy in that I hated losing too.

But in order for me to win, I had to make others lose. To overcome the politics, it meant I had to become someone who only won.

Dragonite walked over beside me, our eyes met and I smiled as she was still looking tough and fearsome, but I knew all she wanted to do was get healed up and get pampered by her Hubby.

I nodded to her, and then looked to Jasmine.

“That was an amazing battle!”

“I didn’t… I couldn’t knock out any of your pokemon.” She whispered and I nodded at that. Gyarados was the closest. But Lucario had fought well winning once. She was growing well, and in the end, I had pulled her back because she wouldn’t have managed another victory. Then Arcanine had gotten her turn.

“I returned my pokemon, so it’s not like I’m untouched.” I countered trying to be nice.

She released a scoff that was all air as she looked up, there were tears in her eyes, but there was also a sense of steel in behind the tears.

“I’ve never been beaten so hard before.” She eventually decided and rose up. “It won’t happen again!” She demanded as she towered over me and I felt my own smile grow from my awkward apologetic one to one that was all teeth and fangs.

“Good! Face me again! Get stronger and stronger! Challenge me again and again!” I demanded and the girl stepped back abruptly. Ah! That might have been a bit too much.

I laughed rubbing at the back of my head. “I look forward to facing you again. You really surprised me with some of your moves. Your Skarmory is crazy!”

“You took out Steelix before I could… I heard from Whitney, and so I sent my Ace out first… Usually the others do some prep work to buff him up when I’m doing serious battles… I underestimated you.” She offered and I blinked because that was interesting!

That meant our next battle would be even better!

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a case. When she opened it she looked through it and slowly brought out a Badge.

“The Mineral Badge, is given to trainers that have proven that they have forged their pokemon to Steel… I offer it to you. With a Star to prove you have overcome the Olivine City Gym today, and forever.”

“Thank you.” I offered out taking the badge from her with gentle hands and smiling as I showed it to Dragonite who looked proud, but not interested in it.

I took out my case and popped it open, and I heard her gasp, as I slowly inserted it inside.

She was tall enough that she was looking down and able to see the case.

“Is that?”

“It’s the proof of my journey so far.” I said after a while. I wasn’t sure what else to say, but it seemed to have been enough Jasmine swallowed and then nodded.

“You… Whitney was being a brat.” She decided after a moment with a grumble and a look that wasn’t at me, but at something far away. “You’ve definitely earned my badge. I look forward to seeing this year's Conference.”

“You’ll see me there.” I agreed and that was that.

I turned and Bugsy waved goodbye to Jasmine.

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I don’t think Jasmine recognized him either.

Poor Bugsy. He was too new of a Gym Leader that the others didn’t even recognize him outside of his Gym.

I looked over and his eyes weren’t really following me.

Bugsy had the eyes of a boy that wanted a battle.

I smirked and turned away. I’d give him another one, but not now. We needed to rest everyone up. And maybe ride Arcanine to possibly the most dangerous Gym in Johto. Even including the Blackthorn Gym.

Mahogany Town was ruled over by Pryce. Pryce who had been one of the most powerful Johto Trainers for so long he was practically an institution.

He was also in Mahogany Town.


I kept my head on a swivel looking for the one thing I expected I wouldn’t see until it was too late as we entered Mahogany Town.


Just like Fuchsia was Kanto’s Ninja Town, Mahogany Town was literally called the Hiding Place of Ninjas.

At least I was pretty sure this wasn’t the Manga, and Pryce wasn’t actually an evil big bad.

But he was likely going to be pissed with a Kanto trainer showing up.

“Brrr.” Behind me I noticed Bugsy shivering a bit.

“Shorts are nice, until it suddenly starts snowing.” I reminded him and he nodded. Luckily Arcanine was nice and warm and Bugsy was warming his hands against her fur.

Arcanine on the other hand?

I looked over her head and noticed her tongue sticking out as she kept attacking the snowflakes that flowed past her head.

“Alright, just take us to the Pokemon Center, and we can do some running around.”

“Arc!” She cheered and took off causing Bugsy to yelp as he held onto me tightly to keep from falling off.

Arcanine raced through the sleepy snowy Town, and it didn't’ take us long to find the Pokemon Center and slide inside.


“Arcanine!” I scolded her but she didn’t care, having barely slowed for the automatic doors she ended up sliding on the ice purposefully even sitting a bit and letting herself spin around as we all came flying into the center.

“Ow.” Bugsy whispered, but he was okay, and I reached down and helped him up.

“Oh. Welcome?” Nurse Joy called out and then I noticed her eyes widening as she saw me…

This was going to become a thing wasn’t it?


“Okay!” Bugsy offered, returning to the main room now wearing pants and a jacket, where Blissey was happily chatting with Nurse Joy's Chansey as Nurse Joy gushed over Blissey.

I smiled at Blisseys happiness, because she enjoyed the happiness that her presence brought. Even if it was embarrassing her a little.

She hadn’t even had anyone eat her egg yet!

Waving to Bugsy I looked away from those three.

“Great. Arcanine is warming up with some more runs, but I’ll be heading to see Pryce soon.” I told him and he nodded firmly.

“Do you think you’ll win? Pryce isn’t like the others.” Bugsy added and I frowned.

Yeah. Johto had a lot of newbie gym leaders.

Kanto did too after all, but I had already fought the best.

I nodded. “I’ve fought the best Kanto has already too. Even the old guys. Blaine… Was strong. Really strong. I can beat Pryce.” I told him and he nodded slowly, not looking like he quite believed me.

“Is that what you think?” A voice growled out and I looked towards the door. Pryce had just walked in, stalking in the snow coating his boots as he casually knocked off the powder.

I rose up, because there was a reason he was here, and it was me.

“That’s right.” I said, firmly and the old man's scowl grew dark. Real rage covered his face.

This was a man that hated me.

“Then come, I’ll show you the strength of a Glacier.” He demanded and I nodded. Our eyes had met after all.

He turned and instantly came face to snout with a lightly panting Arcanine. Arcanine had been sent out on a run after all, and she returned instantly, she lapped across Pryces face in a greeting and walked right past him. Prancing as she entered the Pokemon Center to look at me.

I felt myself shift into a smile, fighting as my lips wanted to quirk up. The look on Pryce’s face was picture worthy. I bet Blaine would give me real pokedollars for it. But I turned to focus on Arcanine.

“Hey Arcanine. You ready for a battle?” And of course at the ‘B’ word it was all over.

It was time to battle.

Chapter 73

Chapter Text

I felt my teeth clatter together. Pryces opening act had been to slam some sort of bastard child of Hail and Blizzard into each other and it had started snowing like crazy ever since. Literally blocking out sight with how dense it was, and I was pretty sure he could keep powering it up with another Hail. Or scarily it might be self perpetuating.

If not for my goggles I might not even be able to see through just how cold the world around me was.

But it didn’t matter.

Arcanines Fire had cut through Pokemon after Pokemon, and then when I finally pulled her back Lucario had come out, to get experience of what pokemon battles were like at the highest peak.

She hadn’t managed a KO, but she had weakened Pryces Dewgong enough that My Blue Heart had knocked it out. Then had managed a good deal of damage before we ended up where we were now.

Pryces Lapras against Milotic. His final pokemon.

My Lazy Fish was going all out. Water against Ice and Water.

But Pryce was a f*cking asshole!

“Wake up Milotic!” I called out, as Pryce had taken brutal advantage of just how many status effects Lapras could inflict. Frozen, Sleep, and Confusion, all while dropping Blizzards constantly on the field.

“Miiii!” Milotic awoke as Lapras smashed another massive chunk of ice where he had been a moment before.

Lapras was using some variant of Sheer Cold I think to make Icebergs in the arena and then Surf to Smash them into Milotic whenever he was disabled.

Milotic was doing well against it, but they were still brutal attacks. The Iceberg might have been dodged, but it didn’t stop and hit the solid earth around the lake that we were fighting in, that had once been nothing but solid ice until Arcanine had melted it down, and Pryce had used it to launch a insanely powerful Avalanche.

It was lucky that Arcanine wasn’t a Charmander, or else she might have gone out if she had been dunked into the freezing water so hard.

But Milotic was in his element, and suddenly all of Pryces work to defeat my fire type was working against him.

Lapras, realizing its Iceberg had missed, dived into the water to prepare another one, but Milotic was in the water too.

And I could feel it. The way he had shifted and cried out when he woke back up. The water blasted out of his spouts when he realized he had been put to sleep again.

A moment later Lapras was launched out of the water, Milotic under the Lapras with his tail covered in Dragon Scales.

Dragon Tail wasn’t his strongest move, but it was a strong normally effective move in this case.

Lapras hit the water again with a massive splash, and through the snow that still coated everything I could see Pryce, his own face covered in goggles, and a bandana was not pleased.

“Milotic! Twister!” I shouted at him and I saw his eye shift to me for a second confirming he had heard me.

A moment later he dived into the water just as Lapras breached the surface, already shooting Ice Beams around to make room.

Then from the water a purple tornado shot out, but it wasn’t just the dragon type energy, along with it came water.

Lapras reacted with an Ice Beam blasting against the energy of the Twister and slowing it, but it was still sucking water into it, and finally when the attacks finished there was an Iceberg of my own.

Milotic surged forth and his tail was co*cked back.

Pryce yelled something, but I couldn’t hear him. The sound of the blizzard and cracking ice made any orders given by one of us incredibly hard to hear from the other.

And then it was launched. The massive spike of Ice was Aqua Tailed right out of the water and smashed into Lapras with terrific force.

I smiled as water shot forward in a wave, and even Pryce had to jump back to avoid the wave of freezing water that nearly swamped him.

Try to freeze me out? Let’s see how you like being dunked in arctic water yourself Ice Boy!

Lapras shook off the attack, once more opening her mouth and singing and I watched as Milotic froze, his eyes blinking slowly as he fought it, but then he slumped once more asleep.

And once more the battle reset.

I smirked as Lapras, used Life Dew, at least I’m pretty sure that’s what the move was, and some of the wounds it had taken faded away as it restored it’s health. Milotics Aqua Ring was already working.

What Pryce didn’t know is that Milotic had already used Safeguard once he woke up and had a chance.

The moment he heard Sing, he had just instantly used Recover and pretended to be asleep..

I wasn’t kidding when I said it was a reset. Between the two Milotic had definitely recovered more health, and Lapras and Pryce now both thought they had the advantage.

I watched in the water, as Milotic slowly curled up. Pryce might have been able to catch it, but I doubted he could see very clearly, not with how much of a mess we had just made of the water and the snow still falling.

Coil increased Attack, Defense, and accuracy of moves.

Once the move was complete, It was time.

“Extreme Dragon Tail!” I roared out as loud as I could to be heard over the noise.

A momentary flicker, as Milotic opened his eyes, and then a blur, a noise so familiar echoed out, and suddenly Milotic was gone.

Extreme Speed.

I could tell I caught Lapras and Pryce off guard as neither reacted before it was already over.

The only thing that remained was the half second of cavitation through the water that connected where Milotic had been, to where Lapras had been.

Because the poor Lapras was smashed hard enough to fly out of the water as Milotic showed just how much the lazy fish had been forced into muscle training.

Pryce had nearly been knocked off his feet as Lapras landed near him, the poor things eyes were all dizzy.

Knocked out.

Huh. I didn’t expect a knock out there. I thought it would have taken another hit.

Finally Pryce grabbed a pokeball and a moment later Lapras was gone.

“Miiiii!” Milotic whistled out through his spouts as he leapt out of the water showing off how pretty he was before splashing down.

Neither Pryce or I moved after. Even as Milotic splashed around in delight. Only once the blizzard finally ended letting us have some ability to see did we both move.

The arena was a mess, and I could hardly see the ground. Water had splashed up everywhere and it was literally freezing. Slowly we each stepped down from our battle locations. Old stone carved into platforms near the lake. Each taking our own path, as we picked our way back towards the building that had a heated room.

Bugsy was sitting outside of it, still rubbing his hands together as he had stayed out to watch.

Pryce reached it first, the old man had a lot of experience walking over the stone ice, and freezing water.

He stepped right past Bugsy and into the almost blistering hot room.

But I wasn’t heading there right away. At the edge of the lake I turned and Milotic was there. He was aware enough not to start rubbing against me, but while I was definitely cold, he seemed unbothered by the cold.

“You did amazing.” I told him.

“Miiii!” He shouted out a whistle cry before wiggling in delight.

“I’m so impressed right now. But I’m also super duper freezing. You want to return?” I asked and he nodded.

“We’ll talk later.” I told him as I placed his pokeball on my belt with frozen fingers and hurried to the building.

Bugsy looked relieved when I arrived and opened the door as I rushed in.

“Close the door!” The old man scolded, but he did once we were both inside, and Pryce glared. As he had already collapsed into a big comfy chair, around a fire pit, only it didn’t have a fire, but a Slugma sleeping in it.

Bugsy and I both hurried over and stuck out our hands shivering despite the heat as I felt warmth spread back through my hands.

“Beaten by a child.” Pryce finally spoke and I looked up to meet his eyes.

Anger and disgust continued to mar his face, but there was something else there.

A hint of respect buried under everything.

“You’re strong.” I told him, honestly.

“Tsk. You beat three of my pokemon with just that Arcanine. Strong. If you hadn’t just beaten me, I’d ask if you even know the meaning of the word.” He grumbled a bit. Then spoke again. “You defeated me… It’s yours.” He tossed something and I fumbled to grab it, before managing.

The Glacier Badge, with a star.

“And you! If the old master of Azalea Town could see his successor now! Following around a Kanto girl!”

Bugsy jerked back as if struck but to my surprise he didn’t fold.

“Vicky agreed to let me accompany her, and I’ve learned a lot. I’ve seen more high end battles in the last week than I have… Ever.” He answered truthfully. “It showed me a lot. My own weakness, especially. I don’t think I bring shame to anyone in realizing how much I still have to learn.”

His retort sent Pryce back a bit but the old man scoffed.

“Good, grow strong. But keep in mind what it means for her to be from Kanto. You’ll face her someday, on a battlefield. Or as she comes to raid your home.”

“If she does, then I’ll fight her!” Bugsy said, shocking me as he sat up. “But maybe if we make friends! Maybe there won’t be any fighting anymore!”

“Friends, what a pointless concept. You’ll understand someday, when those friends of yours betray you.” Pryce responded back, then he turned to me. “Once you are warm, get out. I have to allow you to battle the Gym, doesn’t mean I have to like a damn Kanton brat stay any longer than that.”

“Sure.” I offered and instead of staying any longer I stood up. Time to have a brisk walk to the Pokemon Center.


“I’m sorry.” Bugsy offered as we flopped onto the not quite as warm Pokemon Center, but with my pokemon handed off Arcanine would likely be out and about soon acting as a good space heater.

“What?” I asked then as I looked up from my paper cup of hot chocolate that Nurse Joy had given Bugsy and I when we came in. I guess facing Pryce meant a lot of kids came in freezing their butts off.

“About Gym Leader Pryce… He shouldn’t have spoken like that.” Bugsy said then and I just started laughing. Which was probably a bit mean. “It’s not funny!”

“It kinda is. Listen, Pyrce has his reasons, and I don’t like them either. But I also just don’t care.”

Bugsy looked at me in surprise. “What? You should!”

“Eh. It takes too much energy to care what other people think. I’m just going to live my life, and the people that are angry or bitter? That’s not my problem. So I’m just not going to worry about it. If I have to, I’ll just fight Pryce again!” I laughed at that, and Bugsy nodded slowly.

Bugsy in the end looked away. “He still shouldn’t have treated you like that. We’re Johtans, we are supposed to be better than that.”

“You know Bugsy, if you think so? Then just show people that you are better and other people will follow.” I said and then I smiled. “I think, if you are the normal Johtan, then they are pretty nice actually.”

I laughed as he flushed a bit, and nodded.

Now? Now just wait for Nurse Joy to finish healing my team.

It was time to face my final challenge.


The sun wasn’t quite setting, but considering Blackthorn City was up in the mountains, it felt later as we flew through the mountain passes.

I didn’t even need to guide Dragonite so much. Not here. No, we just looked around and could practically follow the signs.

If the markings of Dragons scraping the mountains wasn’t enough. If the slight smell that I associated with Dragonite wasn’t there. If the faint sound of Dragonite noises echoed off the mountains wasn’t enough.

It was the fact that as soon as we entered the mountain space we had followers.

Dragonite flew by, some coming down close to take a look before flying away. All of them were trained Pokemon. Not a single wild one among the bunch. Just Dragonite living their lives in the mountains when not with their trainer coming to check out the new arrival.

Then we cleared around the side of a mountain, following a road that hugged the mountain, and it opened up into a basin. Probably a volcanic one if I had to guess..

And there it was. A full city.

And a whole lot of Dragons.

Dragonite looked back at me, as we flew in and I nodded. We both knew what we were here for.

Dragonite slowed, to a hover and I could feel her muscles clenching under us.

“Wha-What’s going on?” Bugsy asked, over the wind, but I ignored him for a moment. Because Dragonite let it all out.

A roar, a release of all the power she had gained a statement and a challenge.

Instantly many Dragonite bolted away. Some that I could see around the area looked up, but Dragonite were pretty chill. So none of them seemed to rush to react.

Except one. It only took a minute before we got a response.

An echo of a roar returned to us, and out from a large compound sectioned off in one part of the city came a rather large Dragonite.

I could tell, because despite being far away, it was still very visible. And as it approached, I expected Clair. Lance should still be in Kitakami after all, but I was doubly surprised.

Riding casually on this rather large Dragonites back was actually an old man.

What little hair on his head long gone white, bushy white beard, and eyebrows that covered his eyes practically. He rode the Dragonite like he was just sitting at a table to eat lunch.

This was a Dragon Master.

I felt my smile widen into a feral grin.

The Dragonite was ancient. His scales gone slightly pale around the edges, and more than a few scars covered the Dragons face, giving him a fierce miene, if not for his big cute eyes that spoke to me of curiosity more than anger.

“Oh no!” Bugsy whispered into my ear as his arms gripped me tight, but I realized there wasn’t going to be a fight right away.

The Dragon Master waved down and I nodded, Dragonite, following back to the large compound that he had come from.

Following him, I glanced down and laughed at all the people on the streets below looking up to see what was going on.

We landed in a sand garden, but the old Dragonite didn’t seem to care that his footsteps ruined the careful waves.

We landed opposite, and followed the Dragon Masters move to slide off onto solid ground. Dragonite then rose up and stared down the old Dragon.

Well stared up, but surprisingly the big old Dragon seemed a bit hesitant at her fiery glare.

Maybe it was the fact she was flexing showing off muscles under her scales that rippled with tension.

Yeah. It was definitely the muscles.

The old man walked over, slowly using a wooden cane to step forward.

There standing before Dragonite he rose up straighter, which didn’t seem entirely comfortable, but he looked up at Dragonite, looking her over quietly.

“And what’s this? Not one from our stock. Looks more like… Ah, yes, I recognize that coloration. How is the island?” He asked me and I twitched, before smiling.


“Yes it was. She was wild when you met her?”

“She was a Dragonair then.”

“Ah, how wonderful. I am Ald Blackthorn.”

“Ah! Victoria Ferrous! Of Viridian City! Nice to meet you” I greeted with a bow that he returned with a small dip, mostly as it seemed difficult to get lower.

“You have a strong bond between each other… How about becoming my apprentice, hmm?” His rough, almost tired voice asked suddenly and I just blinked at the sudden question.

I could hear Bugsy gasp behind me. I wasn’t so completely stupid as to realize that what the old man, who was definitely the Master of the Blackthorn had just said was a big deal….


“I don’t need a Master.” I said denying him with an apologetic smile. “Love, good food, and working together… And hugs.” I ticked off my fingers. “That’s all that a Dragon Master needs to know.” I said firmly reaching over and patting Dragonite who shifted from mean mugging the older Dragon to looking happily at me even reaching over and patting my head.

“Pree!” She agreed and we smiled together.

The old man actually went stock still for a moment like I had just hit him with a Thunderbolt. Then with a wheezy noise he started laughing nearly hysterically, bending over onto his cane he laughed and laughed.

I wasn’t offended. Instead I felt my smile growing, and burst into my own laughter. The two of us laughed in delight, two people understanding each other.

Finally he caught his breath, coughing a bit which sounded a bit weak, but finally he spoke again. “For a young girl from Kanto, to understand Dragons so well? Ah, perhaps the world truly has changed, no perhaps we simply were too stubborn to change with it! You speak the truth. You have the heart of a Dragon.” He said and I actually flushed a little in pleasure at being acknowledged!

Now I just needed everyone to accept my official title of Dragon Master. I was ready to get rid of the (Self Proclaimed) part of it!

“Nonsense!” A voice yelled out disturbing the atmosphere. And there was Clair coming flying in on a Dragonair before leaping off it to land in the sand with a three point landing. She rose, flaring her cape and instantly turned to the Master. “Don’t say such things Grandfather! This is a girl from Kanto! Our enemy!” She argued and the old man said nothing, under the blue haired woman's onslaught, and then she turned to me.

“You! Just because you managed to find yourself a Dragonite, doesn-” She cut herself off when she looked away from me, and took in my girl in all her glory. “D-doesn’t mean you are worthy?” She finally said and I realized that Clair hadn’t expected Dragonite.

No one expected the Muscle Mommy Dragonite.

Dragonite meanwhile looked at the Dragonair that Clair had rode in on, and with a snort of air, the Dragonair flinched.

“You speak from hatred, and not your heart.” The Dragon Master said then, and reached up to pat Clair on the shoulder. “Ease your heart, and listen.”

“Grandfather! This… Now isn’t the time for that. This girl…” Clair looked at me, and her glare was fully set. “You may have beaten the young Gym Leaders of Johto, but this is where your little invasion ends. You will find the Blackthorn Gym to not be as unprepared for battle as the others!”

“I fought Pryce though?” I interrupted. Clair had set her hands on her hips and let her cape flap in the breeze that I realized that Dragonair was causing… Okay that was a good idea. Taking a note!

But my interruption caused her to twitch and her haughty look shifted once more to hot headed anger.

“That’s not the point!” She yelled at me, as she tried to loom over me.

“H-hey! That’s not fair!” Bugsy suddenly interrupted, but then he quailed under Clair’s glare. “Vicky isn’t doing anything wrong.” He mumbled out.

“She’s trying some political stunt to make Kanto seem more powerful than Johto! Of course she is doing something wrong!”

“Actually I’m doing this to shut up the Pokemon Association and make sure that none of them get the idea they can take my friends away.” I told her honestly. “And maaaaybe to mess with Lance a little bit. But Lance is cool, so it’s more about being able to tease him later.”

My words had Clair go silent as her mouth dropped open a bit at the statement I just dropped on her.

“That? No, this is the Blackthorn Gym, and I am Clair! Heir to the Blackthorn Clan. You won’t take another Badge. This is where this all ends!” Clair called out, once more trying to look regal with her cape…

But she does realize what she just said right? I considered not poking her, but… She was reminding me of something, and I just had to!

“I mean… You are the last Gym so obviously this is where it ends?” I prompted. Smirking a bit as her mouth once more dropped open a tiny bit and an exhale of air left her as she seemed to only grow more enraged.

Now what was my brain trying to connect here. There was something about this… Angry… Dragon… Angry… Dragonair…

“Oh! I get it now! You’re one of those Dragons! The one that is still super defensive and quick to anger, because your pride was stung! Aww man, you remind me of that one Dragonite… And Dragonair.” I muttered. Iris and her Dragon! And Dragonites former paramour from the Island.

I wonder what happened to that Dragonair, last I had seen of him, he had tucked his tail and ran away after Milotic knocked him out.

Ah well.

I focused back on Clair who was making a noise similar to a kettle, and the gentle chuckle of the Dragon Master wasn’t helping things.

“The heart of a Dragon indeed.” The old man offered, and I noticed a faint wink under his massive eyebrows.

“Stop playing!” Clair came back with a roar and pointed a finger at me, almost like an outstretched claw. “You’ve come to challenge my Gym? Then a challenge you will get!” She said hissing out, and I nodded.

I caught her eyes, no longer letting her glare matter at all, as I felt my face curve into a sinister smile.

“Our eyes met.” I informed her, and that was all that needed to be said.

Chapter 74

Chapter Text

The Blackthorn arena was really big. Ornate, and set up with a large pool of water in the middle.

As we all walked in, I noticed Clair twitch as the Old Master settled onto a bench on the side of the arena to watch.

But then she shook it off and focused on me.

“Challenger of Blackthorn! You stand upon the peak of battle! Prepare yourself!” She roared out, and I heard the speech in her tone. This was probably what she said to everyone that came through.

“This will be a six on six match! No returns.” The girl that appeared out of a side room spoke up. She was obviously the referee.

“Clair!” I called out then before we could throw out our pokemon. “I’m going to start with my Dragonite!” I informed her and held out the pokeball.

She glared and nodded. Perfectly understanding.

And then it was called, and we both tossed our pokeballs into the arena.


“Draaaa!” They both called out. My Dragonite was the more aggressive of the two, but that was to be expected. She was here to prove a point after all.

“That’s right, Dragonite! We’ll make them choke on calling you weak!” I called out and that got Dragonite even more fired up.

Clair scoffed, but I could see her Dragonite shift.

Her Dragonite was shaped more like Lances. A bit tubby if I was honest. But wider, bulkier in frame.

It wasn’t nearly as large as her cousin's partner. This Dragonite was strong, but…


“GO!” I roared out, at the same time Clair said her own move.

But it was too late for that. The Dragon Pulse that her Dragonite began charging was cut off, A Dragon Rush slammed into the Dragonite and my girl made no motion to stop as she simply kept pushing. A moment later Clair yelped as her Dragonite was launched straight past her into the building and a torrent of dust and debris swept over her.

“Draaaaa!” Dragonite roared as she floated over the water. That had been a brutal opener.

“Dragonite!” Clair called out, but not in worry, but in anger. “Return it!”

“Draaa!” The roar came out of the dust as suddenly the buzz of noise I attributed to Extreme Speed was heard.

I just grinned.

Clair's Dragonite exploded out of the dust, Extreme Speed making it blur as it rushed my girl.

But my Dragonite fought with Arcanine, Clair’s Dragonite was crazy fast for a moment but when it ended. My Dragonite had managed to grab the claw that was aiming for her face, even if it sent both of them rocketing into the ground.

Unfortunately for Clair, While her Dragon was bigger than mine, mostly in width, I had no doubt what was going to happen next.

Dragonite pushed and suddenly Claire's Dragon yelped and then was slammed sideways as a Dragon Tail slammed into her side. The mass of energy scales covering Dragonites tail made it look like a club as it smashed into the other Dragon and then they were launched back once more smashing into the water of the pool.

Then everything got quiet for a second.

Clair looked from the pool to my Dragonite, and then to me.

And I knew that this match was already over. Because in her eyes I saw the failure of any Dragon. Fear. But then Clair’s eyes hardened, and that fear turned into anger.

Huh. Clair was like Iris’s Dragonite. Some Dragons when you pricked their pride would jump to anger, but for fear to bring up Anger as well? No wonder Iris’s Dragonite rampaged so much.

“Dragonite!” Clair called out. “This isn’t over!” She called, and I knew that she was telling Dragonite to start some trick.

“Dragon Dance!” I called out, and Clair took that in without giving any show of what she felt. Then the wind picked up.

Ah, I think I get it.

The water suddenly surged out of the pool as a Hurricane gathered it all up and turned a hurricane into a Waterspout. And in that surge of water Clair's Dragonite was in charge.

The difference between the way I trained my Dragonite, and the way Clair, and maybe the Blackthorn all did.

I focused on turning her into a monstrous bruiser. Using her defensive ability to just let her keep pushing.

They focused on defense, and special attacks.

The hurricane shifted and slammed into Dragonite, not that it would truly hurt her, but a moment later I caught Claire's plan.

Because the entire thing started freezing.

“Ice huh?” I muttered, as I caught it. Clair's Dragonite came launching itself through the Waterspout spinning around as a smaller tornado of Ice and freezing the wind and water together.

She reached Dragonite and slammed into her, and even I winced at the noise of just how much Ice the Dragonite had dragged up with her.

A moment later it was over, and the Waterspout finished freezing over, as Clair's Dragonite rushed out of the top.

Leaving my girl frozen inside.

But, while it was a really fancy move. It was complicated and intricate, it had one weakness.

“Too weak.” I called out, loud enough for Clair to hear, and her head locked towards me like I had just punched her. “That’s a nice combo move, but Dragonite already finished Dragon Dance.” I called out, and then we all heard it. The Ice cracked, then more and suddenly it burst apart with the sound of a chainsaw blasting through it.

Clair's Dragonite had stopped moving to see. Slow. The pokemon was too used to stopping mid battle to look and see if her enemy was still fighting.

Clair’s Dragonite was bulky, but it only made her a wider target.

Clair’s Dragonite had a moment where suddenly her vision was flooded by an angry Dragon, but without the time to react.

Clair… Was far too used to fighting gentle battles, where you never accidentally hit a trainer with an attack. Did she never have a Lt. Surge tell her the dangers? Or a Blaine to almost throw terrain hazards at her?

You don’t stop just because you wanted to see if your move would work. You slip into another move.

If you hit an enemy with a rock. Start using a buff move while they get out.

If you smashed an enemy away. Charge up another attack for when they come back. I nodded to myself.

I was still learning. Still had much to gain from every battle, and this was one of them. I’d remind my team about it, on the next training session. And have them all train to instantly switch to something else and not just stand around to see if the battle is over.

The ground shifted under me for a second at the force of Dragonite plowing Clair’s dragon into the ground with a Dragon Rush as big as I had ever seen from her.

Dragonite was fully engaged in this battle, and Clair for all her anger, wasn’t synergizing with her partner.

“Dragonite! Dragon Dance!” I called out instantly once Dragonite burst away from the crater she had created, and she jumped to listen. Then I turned to Clair.

“You’re too angry!” I called out, “You’re Dragonite isn’t, so you aren’t synced up! Either get your Dragon angry, or calm down!” I yelled at her, and she looked for a second like she was going to blow her top.

Then she stopped and breathed.

And as she did, her Dragonite rose itself out of the dirt wincing a bit as it weakly rose.

“Dragonite!” Clair called, but this time it wasn’t anger, and the two finally synced up.

A moment later her Dragonite was in the air rushing forward once more, but not quite at Extreme Speed levels.

Did she not train her Pokemon to use Extreme Speed to move around? It wasn’t like you had to have a pokemon use Fly to fly in the air. You could have them move at their top speed using a tiny bit of the Extreme Speed Energy before switching it to another.

I mean I had discovered that with Arcanine years ago!

Then again, Extreme Speed was a Blackthorn Dragonite special, and not something that is normal for the species. So maybe they just never integrated it?

I shook it off.

Clair’s Dragonite made its move. As it approached I caught it!

“Protect!” I roared out as I caught the trace sign of power building up. Dragonite didn’t hesitate, crossing her arms, and building a Protect shield as the energy suddenly unleashed.

The wave of power was pretty intense. One of the strongest Hyper Beams I had ever seen ripped out of the Dragonite’s mouth.

It rolled over my girl, the energy shooting off sharply as it deflected off the Protect shield.

And then it was over.

Clair's Dragonite gasped heavily, too tired to do much as the smoke cleared and Dragonite roared, Claws of Dragon energy shooting from her claws and she charged into a Dragon Rush.

“Dragonite… Return.” Clair called out and her partner vanished from the crater it had been smashed into. She looked at her pokeball with a long conflicted look on her face, before finally putting it back on her hip.

Then her eyes met mine. “You… Very well. Grandfather is right.” She said and then drew another pokeball. “You have the heart of a Dragon, I’ll acknowledge that… But that? That has nothing to do with this! And I won’t let you win so easily! Go! Dragonite!”

I gasped in delight, another Dragonite!? Did she trick me and not use her strongest right at the start? I couldn’t tell. This one wasn’t as big, but it looked… Hmm. A different build? Clair’s second Dragonite roared out in challenge long and loud.

“Yes.” I said, without restraint as I felt Dragonites returning roar. She was a little beat up, but that was that, and this was this. Dragonite had some recovery moves. And she had a Dragon Dance already buffing her but I couldn’t let Clair think I only knew how to Dragon Rush. “We won’t be stopped! Clair! Fight me! Show me everything you have, but don’t think for a second, that I won’t show you what I can do too! DRAGONITE! DRACO METEOR!” I howled at the top of my lungs and Dragontie joined me.

A screaming wind ripped apart as Dragonite swallowed the orb of Draconic energy that formed in front of her.

The look Clair gave me was one of horror. Of disbelief. She couldn’t accept that I knew this move.

The Old Master though? Him I noticed was smiling brightly, like Christmas had just come early.

And I laughed letting my delight echo across the battlefield as the Energy of Draco meteor descended, coming to wipe out everything that dared to exist.


“I can’t believe you would do that!” Clair shrieked at me, but I was far too happy to care.

Dragonite hadn’t managed a full sweep. Too many Dragon and Ice attacks had finally taken her out, but pulling out Milotic to take revenge against the Kingdra had surprised Clair enough especially when Milotic had pulled out Dragon Move after Dragon Move.

Then of course Clair had finished off with a Gyarados…

I just laughed harder as Blue Heart nuzzled up to me. That had been a very quick match, in fact it had shocked me just how fast my Blue Heart had battered Claire's Gyarados into unconsciousness.

Maybe she just didn’t train it right?

But now Clair was complaining about the damage to the arena.

What had once been a nice fancy little arena with buildings around it, and a pool in the center was now just craters and ruins.

“If you aren’t ready for a Draco Meteor, don’t pick a fight with a Dragon Master!” I proclaimed fist raised and laughed harder at the way her face went red.

“How do you even know about Draco Meteor!? Grandfather?” Clair demanded looking to the old man that had hobbled over, but he was more interested in Blue Heart, as my sweetheart was perfectly content with cheek rubs as we rubbed our face together.

“Victoria.” He said then turning away from Gyarados to look at me. “If you would, I would like to know how your Dragonite learned Draco Meteor. It is a unique move. Passed down among the Dragon Clans.”

“I taught it to her.” I said simply looking him in the eye to show that I wasn’t joking.

“Impossible! Only the elders can know the secret to-”

“First you raise your draconic energy to its maximum, then bring it all to your chest, condense it, and then release it!” I informed her, giving the same instructions I gave to Dragonite so long ago.

Clair stalled out, her mouth hanging open, and then I heard some chuckles from the Old Master.

“She’s got you there Granddaughter.” He offered and then stroked at his beard a bit. “And you got me too. You taught your pokemon the move yourself… To think. Can I ask, where did you learn this move? It’s supposed to be a closely guarded secret. Not even my Granddaughter knew the instructions.” He explained and I looked at Clair..

Yeah she looked embarrassed that she didn’t know.

“Speaking of Clair. Please remember the value of this knowledge.”

“O-of course! I won’t tell anyone!” She stuttered out, but then both of them looked to me.

Now how do I explain… I could lie and make up a story about meeting the old lady that Ash learned from…

“I’ve been training my pokemon in enhancing their moves. Compressing their energy is a good way to give their power a bit of a kick. It was mostly an accident, until we figured it out.” I explained, and the old man nodded slowly, while Clair continued to look on in disbelief.

“Draco Meteor has been discovered by many across the years. This isn’t unheard of… But to think, a child not even of a Dragon Clan discovering it? Will you not reconsider becoming my apprentice? I assure you, there is much to learn still, even for you.”

I blinked in surprise at the question. The first time had been almost joking, but not, but now he asked again, and he sounded way more serious.

“Grandfather! She is still from Kanto! You can’t just… Invite her in! You know the laws.”

“Ah? Yes, that’s right. There is a law for such a thing.” He mumbled then surprised me with his beard stroking and then he smirked under his beard. “Well there is an easy way to ignore that. After all, a Dragon Master is welcome in Blackthorn from before Johto ever made such silly laws. Victoria Ferrous. I recognize you, someone who recreated Draco Meteor, who has a dragon's heart as a Dragon Master.”

I pointed at myself and he nodded. Making me realize I could actually be knocking off that (Self Proclaimed) Section of my title a lot sooner than I expected!

“G-g K-y N-nnnn!” Clair made a choking noise as if her throat was completely sealing shut.

But I ignored her breakdown and looked at the old Man. No at Ald Blackthorn.

“Thank you.” I responded honestly. I wasn’t sure just what it really meant, and I had been joking about it before, but this was definitely something more serious than just being called a good trainer.

“Hmm! It is no issue. It is the duty of the Dragon Masters to grant the title to those that deserve it.” He said happily and then reached out to Clair who jerked at his touch. “Mhmm.” He offered.

“Wha-? Oh.” She took a deep breath and let it out.

“Dragon Master Ferrous.” She spoke to me, and I jerked a bit at just how official she spoke. Then she reached into her a pouch attached to the back of her belt and held out.

The Rising Badge. With a Star.

“You have defeated me at my best. Proving yourself to have earned this badge… I’ve never handed this badge out to someone that wasn’t from Johto. I want you to know that… I will not let this lie. You’ve defeated me now, but I’ll learn from this defeat, and come to challenge you next time.”

“I’ll be ready.” I said back firmly, because the idea of battling her again wasn’t a bad one. Dragon Trainers were fun. Once she had managed to regain some semblance of pacing after I knocked out her first two Dragonites, she had set up some brutal combos.

Unfortunately they would have worked better with her Dragonite and not desperately trying to play catchup with her Charizard.

I took the badge and looked it over. The Dragon shaped head was cool. I had always liked this badge.

I pulled out my badge case and had to struggle a bit to make room for it.

The cases weren’t meant to carry so many badges.

Putting it away I looked up and into the eyes of Clair and the Ald.

“I’ll think about your offer. It’s tempting, like a lot! I love learning new things about my friends, and I’m sure you all know so many things about Dragon Types, and Dragonite in particular. It sounds amazing.” I said and Ald’s beard shifted into a grin at my words. “But… I’ve been running all around Johto over the last couple days. All I really want to do is get home and sleep in my own bed.”

“Hah! Of course!” Ald said. “The doors to the clan will always be open. Dragon Masters no matter their origin are welcome here no matter the situation.” He reminded me, and that was that.

I turned, catching Bugsy’s rather shocked eyes at everything that had happened… And noticed he was really standing far away? I tilted my head and looked over at Gyarados that was still basically looming over me…

I smiled and hugged him. So cute!

Ah, that’s right. The sun is basically down, and I still need to get Bugsy home.

“C’mon Bugsy! To Azalea Town! I called and he jerked in surprise at my words before nodding.


Dragonite was a little sore from the battle, but after Nurse Joy looked her over, she was willing and able to fly again.

I think she was just as excited to get home as well.

Considering she had been there already, it didn’t take long at all for us to fly down into sleepy Azalea Town, to drop Bugsy off.

The only thing was, he had been real quiet on the flight over.

As we landed, we stepped off and I looked at him, as he looked at me.

“Raincheck on that battle?” I asked, because honestly I was tired and wanted to go home.

“Yeah… I want to do some training first.” He said and I nodded, but neither of us moved.

Finally he spoke. “You weren’t what I was expecting… And you beat Clair.”

“I’ve beaten all the Kanto Gyms. Clair was strong, but I had more trouble with Koga,”

“That’s not what I mean, I mean… I’ve learned a lot from you. Moves, strategies. But more importantly… I think I understand now.” He said and he stood up straight, his floofy hair usually covering his eyes a bit was pushed aside.

“I’ll become a Bug Master. I’ll learn everything I can about my friends too… And soon I’ll challenge you again. Just like Clair said! Next time it’ll be us coming to challenge you! So, so Dragon Master Vicky! Be ready!” He ended his speech pointing a finger at me, and I felt myself practically vibrating at the idea of more fun battles.

“Yeah! I can’t wait!” I exclaimed, hands shooting into the sky. “Come and challenge me whenever! Learn new things and test them against me! And together let’s grow stronger and show the bonds we have with our friends!”

Bugsy smiled happily at my words, and then before anything else I stepped in and pulled him into a tight hug.

“This was really fun. I’m glad you decided to come with!” I stepped back and then nodded. “Okay! It’s late and I want to get home before my parents are in bed! Good bye for now Bugsy! Smell ya later!” I called out laughing as I jumped onto Dragonite, and we buzzed off into the sky.

I could just faintly hear “Smell ya later?” Echoing back from behind me, making me laugh as Dragonite soared into the sky.


I burst through the front door ignoring the barking of the Growlithe guards as I rushed inside. I found Mama first in the kitchen, looking like she was just finishing washing some dishes. I jumped into the hug that she only barely caught me in time and I was laughing and hugging and just loving the fact I was home.

“Vicky! Wha- Welcome home!” She cheered for me, squeezing me back and holding me tight.

“Victor! Vicky is home!” Mama called out and Papa was already surging into the kitchen mostly at the Growlithe packs barking and then he laughed in delight and swept both Mama and I up into a hug that had me squeeze between him and Mama as he spun us around.

It was the best feeling ever, and I never wanted it to end.

Of course it did, when Mama laughingly finally poked me to stop hugging her, and sit around the couch.

Instead I flopped on top of Arcany who whoofed a bit at me, but didn’t get up from where he was happily flopped across the living room, and I got to enjoy some moments of the Growlithe pack running up and licking my fingers as I lay limply on top of Arcany.

But then it was story time.

“So then Bugsy and I traveled out of Azalea Town.”

“Wait, you traveled with a Johto Gym Leader, a boy?” Papa asked, and I nodded.

“Yep. Bugsy is a total Bug Type nerd, so we got along great. He… I think he discovered his reasons to train to get strong along the trip. Plus he helped me out a lot in Goldenrod! But let me tell you the story in order.” I started and Papa nodded with just a grumble.

Heh, Papa was being protective because Bugsy was a boy. That’s cute. I wonder if Bugsy would get an Arcanine talk instead of a Shotgun talk if he ever came over. The idea had me giggling as I continued.

I went through the entire journey. The battles. The evolution of Blissey, and finally.

“Wait… He called you a Dragon Master?” Mama asked, sounding a little faint.

“Mhmm! It sounded pretty official and everything.”

“That’s because it is Vicky.” Mama said and Papa nodded along.

“It takes a lot to become a Master of a type of Pokemon, and it’s not just a title, it’s a responsibility. Rangers might reach out to Masters of a type if they are facing a difficult pokemon… You’re the only Dragon Master in Kanto.”

“Cool.” I said and snuggled deeper into Arcanys fur. Ahh! It smelled like home.

“It’s… Nevermind. I’m sure the association will send someone to discuss what it means soon enough. I’m honestly not even sure about it all.”

“Me either.” Papa added. “Being registered as a Master of a Type is… Big.”

“I think the sixteen star badges will probably mean more.” I offered and reached into my pocket and pulled out my Badge Case.

Mama and Papa both inhaled. Sure I had told them I had done it, but hearing and seeing were two different things I guess.

Mama reached out and I handed them over, and both of them looked over the shining badges with a look of awe.

Yeah it’s pretty awesome. I felt myself yawn a bit and my eyes closed. Arcany was so warm.


Pokemon Trainer Vicky - Seras0 - Pocket Monsters (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.