A Scuffled Collection - Devastating Fates Collab! - Aradellia, GentleReverie, amadeusofnohr (2024)

Chapter 1: At the end of twilight


Tags: soulmate au, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, family dynamics, developing friendships, helping eachother work through trauma

WARNING: The subject of child abuse does appear in this chapter, though briefly and without graphic descriptions.

Chapter Text

All those born in these lands are destined for another , the textbooks claimed. It was fate’s choice for you, the one person in the entire world who would be able to make you whole.

Ryoma remembered the day he had discovered his soulmate mark. He had been told a dozen stories about how people figured out the methods to find their soulmates. Marks and wounds, words and tattoos. Some people would lose senses, and others would be plagued by visions. Ryoma had been curious as to what he would get. His father had a set of tattoos on his body, twin ribbons tied around each wrist. One red, intertwined with red maple leaves, and one blue with twirling splashes of water. He didn’t understand what two ribbons meant until the day Mikoto came into his life as his new mother.

The day he found his mark, his heart had dropped out of his chest and onto the floor.

Splashed directly in the middle of his left pectoral muscle was a symbol. A symbol stained shades of purple and brownish black.

The Nohrian national emblem, surrounded by a wreath of thorns. It was not simply the emblem of Nohr.

It was the version used solely for the Nohrian royal family.

Ryoma remembered devastation. The feeling of betrayal and heartbreak was stronger than he could ever imagine. What kind of sick joke was this, to be soulmates with someone not just from Nohr, but a member of the royal family? Did the fates think he was simply marriable fodder, doomed to be made into a tool to end a war with no victors? He couldn’t accept it. He wouldn’t accept it, not in a long shot.

And so, he hid it away. He rarely spoke of his mark. He refused to answer questions concerning what ailed him in his search for his soulmate. As far as he was aware, he had no soulmate. The mark didn’t exist on his chest, and it had never existed. He would try everything to hide it away, even teasing the horrific idea of ripping it off or tattooing over it to erase its existence.

But yet every time the subject came up, he hesitated. When the option was truly made available to ‘remove’ his mark and wipe away any hope of fate looking upon him with love, he hesitated. Something in him, something raw and desperate and begging for love, kept him from ever removing it. He could hide it, cover it up, make it disappear temporarily with makeup, anything and everything, but he could never cross the line to remove his destiny.

Kagero would reveal to him her own set of markers for her soulmate, out of solidarity and mutual respect. Kagero, too, hid hers away from the world, but for reasons incredibly personal. She knew who her soulmate was already. She had known for many, many years, but refused to speak on the subject. Ryoma could only speculate why she refused to speak on it. Perhaps they were dead, or perhaps like his own, her soulmate lay on the other side of the Bottomless Canyon.

Saizo spoke to him once on the subject of his own soulmate identifier. Small, and nearly missed at first inspection, Saizo revealed the unusual scarring across his sides. Kagero would figure out that they were scars of the future, a similar mark to those who bear words, and Ryoma would figure out quickly that they would be burn scars. The implication was rather terrifying, considering Saizo’s status as his retainer, but Saizo did not seem bothered by the fact. A scar was a scar, no matter the method it was added to his body.

In secret, Ryoma would reveal his own to his retainers. His most trusted companions outside of his family. They were just as shocked as he had been upon seeing it for the first time.

Neither of them had words of wisdom to share on the weight of that mark. They all knew what it meant.

On the eve of battle, readying to head out into the open plains that bridged Nohr and Hoshido, Ryoma found himself staring into his reflection. Stripped of the top half of his yukata, he stared at the mark once again. The years had been kind to his mark, keeping the bold colors as bright as the day they were placed upon his skin.

The dusk’s thorns. The mark of royalty.

He could potentially meet his soulmate on the battlefield today. Whoever it was, he would have no choice but to raise his arms, raise his blade, and strike them down. Something within him shivered at that thought, terrified of being robbed of a happiness his soul sang for. Perhaps it was confusion, or childish yearn for what could have been.

There was no use wishing upon stars, and living in the shadow of ‘what-ifs’. He had made up his mind long ago. As long as this war continued, as long as Nohr would not stand down, he would not hold back. If he was the hand that murdered his own soulmate, then he would do so with pride. Even if it hurt his soul forever, even if it broke him from the inside-out, he would not stop this war over the whims of his own fate.

He put his clothing back on, hiding away the mark once again. In its place, stamped into his red armor, was the symbol of his own kingdom. He strode out of his tent, and met his men just on the edge of camp. Looking across the vast planes riddled with the remnants of magic attacks and littered with the remains of weapons, Ryoma wondered how many more bodies would fill the graves destined to be made there. It was a veritable graveyard, and soon it would once again be a bloody battlefield.

“My lord!” One of his commanders called out, approaching him swiftly before kneeling down. “I bring news from the front. The army’s leader has arrived on the front lines.”

“An honorable position. Do we know who leads it?” Ryoma asked.

“Yes, my lord. Crown Prince Xander is leading the Nohrian army. The vanguard made note that he seemed to be awaiting your arrival.”

A shudder ran up Ryoma’s chest, curling around his mark. A familiar burning sensation squirmed its way underneath his skin and armor, the bitter reminder of what lay there hidden from any and all eyes. Just as he had before, he ignored it, and faced toward the approaching Nohrian hoard. There would be nothing stopping him from striking Xander down.

“Good. There is no one more fitting to face me. Have the men readied. We march to war. Leave the Crown Prince to me!”

“Yes, sir!”

Xander took the moment hidden away in his tent to look at his soulmate mark.

In the partially cracked hand mirror in his hands, the bright red of Hoshidan’s royal emblem looked back at him. Colored a deep emboldening scarlet, the double ringed emblem had been altered to include a second set of points filling in the empty spaces between the original, colored a sparkling gold.

When he had first seen the mark, he had been excited. The idea that he would have a soulmate at all was a dream come true, even if they were of another kingdom. He had been young, naïve, and desperate back then. In the age of time where his confidence was missing, and the court sneered down upon him for his meekness, any little sparkle of hope and happiness was accepted and cherished.

At least until the day he revealed the mark to his father.

He gently touched the lingering scars that surrounded and warped the mark, one such rough ridge clipping into the lower second ring of the emblem and skewing it.

His father’s response to his happiness had been a hot iron; a brand. He claimed it was to cleanse him of filth, to sturdy his mind in the face of such insolent whims as a soulmate, especially one who claimed themselves under the banner of Hoshido. Men who gripped his wrists and shoulders too tightly held him down onto his knees as Iago, the slimy disgusting wretch of an advisor, smiled with horrible glee as he pressed the white-hot iron into his skin to burn away his most beloved connection to someone else in this world.

He remembered his mother, furious and fiery, holding him close as she tried to wipe away his numerous tears over the mangling of his mark. He remembered her fearful whispers that she no longer could recognize her own soulmate, if his answer to anything that touched Hoshido would be iron and fire.

Back then, he didn’t understand his Father’s actions. In time, he would simply swallow the bitter pill of Father’s lessons and move on, away from the little burning hope he once had. Even a year ago, he didn’t bother questioning those actions. It had been just, and it had done exactly as his father intended. His mind had been made sturdy, and no longer was he blinded by the whims of fate. His mind was not clouded with the thought of reuniting with the other half of his soul, instead fully focused on his duties as crown prince.

Now in the midst of a different kind of war at Corrin’s side, he found himself thinking about it from a different angle. A fresh perspective as to what his scarred mark meant to him now.

Under Corrin’s command, he had found himself in the same space as the Hoshidans. While he had assumed at first his mark had been pointing to a simple Hoshidan, the revelation that it was meant for the royal family quickly narrowed down his potential soulmates to a single digit number. Hinoka had already found her soulmate, removing her from the pool of people.

Three potential candidates. Princess Sakura, Prince Takumi, and High Prince Ryoma.

He had toyed with the idea of attempting to figure out the exact person when he first joined Corrin’s side two months ago. However, he found himself entirely rebuffed at the idea by more than one person, especially Corrin. The subject of soulmates was a touchy subject among the Hoshidan royalty, it appeared. So much so that outside of Hinoka, the subject was practically taboo amongst them.

Xander set down his hand mirror, and buttoned his shirt back up. If he could not investigate it directly, then he would simply let it ride the winds. Eventually, he would get the answer to his most important question but he would let it happen naturally. No longer would he deny it, and no longer would he ignore it.

Leaving his tent aside, he wandered through the castle grounds and approached the quickly filling mess hall for lunch. Familiar Nohrians and unfamiliar Hoshidans filled tables, chattering over their plates as they shared their meals.

“Prince Xander.”

Xander turned to his left by the call of his name, finding himself face to face with a smiling Ryoma. The high prince was dressed down from his normal armor, wearing a casual red and white yukata. He kept his right hand casually set into the folds of his yukata, exposing a bit more of his collarbone then he had expected. The sight was nice to the eyes, though he would never admit it to the prince’s face.

“Prince Ryoma.”

“Are you planning to eat here, or with your family?” Ryoma asked.

A curious question. Xander’s eyes strayed briefly to what he could see behind Ryoma’s wider frame. Sakura sat at a mostly empty table, alongside Peri. He hadn’t expected Peri to be welcoming to the idea of the Hoshidans, but perhaps it would be good for her. Broadening one’s horizons would be beneficial, and while he would never force Peri to change her ways, it might just be the avenue for her to take to find some peace from the horrors he knew she still harbored.

“I was hopeful to eat it alone, but I would not be against company.” Xander told him. The answer seemed to be what Ryoma was hoping for, an excited glint coming to his eyes.

“Would you mind joining us, then?”

It was then that Peri caught sight of Xander, standing up suddenly from her spot. The jarring motion jostled the cups on the table, causing Sakura to squeak as she attempted to keep them upright.

“Lord Xanderrrrr! Come join us! Princess Sakura was telling us about something really interesting!”

Xander sighed. He couldn’t reject the offer now, especially with Peri so excited. “I wouldn’t mind at all.”

As Xander queued for his meal, Ryoma retreated back to his table with Sakura and Peri. As he waited for his share, he glanced over once more at the table. Peri was excitedly talking about something, causing Sakura to gasp at her words before laughing. Ryoma too joined in on the laughter, raising a hand and continuing on whatever thought Peri had begun. The sight made Xander smile warmly. Peace had been a distant thought for him, and he could have never imagined coexistence like this before.

With food now in hand, Xander joined the three of them at the table, taking up the spot to Ryoma’s left. As he sat down, Sakura smiled behind her hand and whispered something to Peri. In turn, Peri giggled back and whispered something back to her.

“What are you two whispering about?” Xander asked with suspicion.

“N-nothing bad, Prince Xander!” Sakura defended herself.

“Girl things, milord.” Peri said teasingly, “You’re not allowed to know!”

“I see.”

“Certainly the two of you aren’t plotting something now, are you?” Ryoma asked.

At the accusation, Sakura looked at Peri nervously before picking up her chopsticks once more and busying herself with her meal. Ryoma arched an eyebrow at her, but she refused to budge from her burst of enthusiasm about her meal. Peri simply hummed at Ryoma’s accusing tone, tipping her drink back and draining it entirely before setting it back on the table.

“If you don’t mind me saying, my lords, but you two are rather close now, aren’t you?”

Xander choked on the mouthful of food he had just put into his mouth, coughing roughly before swallowing it down just as roughly. Ryoma avoided a choking fate, instead narrowing his eyes suspiciously. Sakura paused in shoving rice into her mouth and set her bowl down shakily, knowing how she couldn’t escape her brother’s questions.

“What would make you say that, Peri?” Ryoma asked. He glanced briefly at Xander as he recovered from his choking incident, chugging down his water to clear his throat.

“Well, ever since you two made peace, you always talk together alone so much!” Peri explained. “Peri knows a thing when she sees it!”

“Peri!” Xander exclaimed. “Surely, you know this is quite inappropriate to talk about.”

“My lord, with all due respect, Peri is here to ensure your happiness, and if that means helping you seek out companionship, Peri will do whatever she can to do it!” She declared proudly.

Ryoma smothered a smirk that came to his face, hid his unspoken blush with a hand, and snorted quietly. It was the noise that finally broke Xander, groaning as he hid his face in his hands in the face of Peri child-like laughter at his mortification. She was getting worse then Laslow in the realm of relationships, and that was a terrifying idea. Laslow was a mess for his inability to cease his flirting and being painfully bad at it, and now Peri was declaring herself his matchmaker before two of the few people he could be fated for.

“B-but it is true, big brother.” Sakura spoke up. “Y-you and Prince Xander are g-getting close. It’s… I think it’s a good thing for you.”

“Sakura…” Ryoma hadn’t expected an earnest response.

Sakura gently touched the bracelet on her hands, a finely made bracelet woven with a dozen different strands all in different colors. She seemed to trace over the few colored red, Xander realized.

“I know you don’t like talking about it… but maybe things could be happening in your favor, big brother.”

The subject caused Ryoma to turn silent. His eyes drifted away from Sakura and down to his meal. Just as Xander had heard, the subject of soulmates was a sensitive one. More so for the high prince then their youngest princess. He was curious about the reasons behind such different reactions.

“U-um, Prince Xander, if you don’t mind me asking… have you found yours?”

His soulmate. Xander laid his arms onto the table before him. “I have not, no.”

Peri kept quiet on the subject herself, returning to her meal. She was aware of his soulmate mark, ensuring that her promise to not speak on the subject on his behalf was kept by ignoring the subject entirely. Even if she fooled around in his name for happiness, she would not insert herself into his rekindled search for the mark that matched his own.

“D-do you have any clue about who it could be?” Sakura asked further.

Xander had to be careful. Two of his three potential candidates sat beside him and before him. It felt uncomfortable to reveal something so important in such a public space. He bit down on the want to admit the truth.

“I have narrowed it down to a few people, but it has been difficult to try and figure out who it is exactly.” Xander admitted. “What about you, Princess Sakura?”

Sakura shook her head. “I don’t know either. My mark is a bit unique, y-you see.”

“Do you mind if I ask what it is?” Xander asked. He returned momentarily to his meal, not wanting to waste food if it could be avoided. He noted with a glance that Ryoma had returned to his meal just the same, quiet and withdrawn just as he had been since the subject of soulmates had come up.

“Um… w-well I don’t think it would hurt to tell you.” Sakura nervously plucked at her bracelet once more, looking up at Xander. “I-It affects my eyes. I can’t see most colors.”

“Colors?” Xander looked up from his meal.

‘It’s not Princess Sakura, then. Soulmate marks mirror one another. Down to two. However…’

“What colors can you see?”

Sakura smiled. “Red, mainly. I can tell your eyes are a sort of red color, though it’s a bit muddy.”

Xander couldn’t help but smile a little. As long as he remembered, he had known the soulmate marks of his siblings. Leo’s eyesight was extremely poor, rendering him blind in many situations. He was prone to losing his eyesight suddenly and without warning, relying almost entirely on his sense of touch and hearing.

Elise had struggled to see colors, just the same as Sakura. Only instead of red, it was purples and some pinks that she could see.

He would have to figure out a way to get those two together somehow. The business of war had kept them from meeting so far, and he knew Elise was excited to finally meet her Hoshidan counterpart. How happy she would be to learn that Sakura might just be her soulmate.

“W-what about yours, Prince Xander?” Sakura asked. “I-if that’s okay.”

Eyes fell upon Xander. His eyes fell upon Peri first, seeking a silent council from her gaze. While Peri had struggles with her speech, her conduct as a noble lady, she had wisdom in mysterious places. Her eyes shared with him a brief warmth, an encouraging look that told him to take the leap and seek out what he wanted from fate.

Sakura’s were earnest and sparkling with curiosity and hope. She spoke from a place of honesty, wishing to build bridges for Nohr and Hoshido alike. While her works shook, there was strength underneath it; a fighting spirit hidden by her gentle nature and nervous disposition.

Ryoma’s eyes were the hardest to read. Clouded by a lingering suspicion, his eyes gave away very little to Xander. However, there was something strangely intense in his gaze, as if he waited on bated breath for Xander’s answer. He had been mostly absent in the conversation on soulmate marks, but this single question had drawn his attention so strongly?

“...my mark was damaged.” Xander admitted, the words heavy with long-suppressed emotion. “That’s all I am willing to say.”

“I-I understand!” Sakura said. She bowed her head toward him. “Thank y-you nonetheless for sharing that with me.”

“Come on now,” Peri encouraged the table, sensing the cold air that had begun to surround them. “We have food to eat! It’s Peri’s turn again to tell you a hilarious tale from the travels at my lord’s side!”

“Is that what you’ve been doing, Peri?” Xander asked, raising an eyebrow. “Divulging my deepest secrets from the past?”

Peri puffed out her chest with pride, brandishing her fork like her lance. “Only a few!”

Ryoma was seated cross-legged on the floor of his tent, carefully tending to the repairs of Raijinto when the tent flaps were carefully opened. Drawn from his delicate work, he set down his tools, placed Raijinto back onto the nearby stand, and stood up to greet his curious visitor. Normally, only three people were allowed to casually enter his private quarters. The first two had been the same for many years, that being his retainers Kagero and Saizo.

The new addition to that list was-


The call of his name drew Xander’s attention to Ryoma, leaning casually against the pole that held aloft the heavy canvas of the large tent. He couldn’t help but smile as Xander’s eyes fell to his partially opened yukata, and where his arm lay nestled within it. It had been something Ryoma had noticed early on, that Xander seemed to always notice any scrap of nudity he displayed, as if it was an affront to upstanding society. Though in time, he learned that it was more Xander admiring something he couldn’t quite resist. In a way, it was Xander’s way of blatantly throwing out upright societal rules by staring at him so brazenly.

“Is everything alright?” Ryoma asked.

Xander nodded. “Everything is… fine.”

Ryoma could hear the unspoken ‘but’ immediately. He moved from his lounged spot on the pole to Xander’s side, gently taking hold of one of the man’s forearms and pulling him in closer. Without hesitation, Xander allowed himself to follow Ryoma’s guidance, sighing as Ryoma’s hand came to rest on the taller man’s cheek.

“What worries you, Xander?” Ryoma murmured. “You know not to hide from me.”

Xander let out another sigh, slower and deeper then the relieving one before. Words seemed to perch on Xander’s lips, but refused to be spoken. He seemed to weigh those words heavily, before speaking.

“I bring news, but most of all I must ask something of you.” Xander said. Ryoma’s brow furrowed, and Xander continued.

“Leo and Takumi have matching marks.”


Surprise punctuated the single word fiercely. Takumi’s mark had been so different from the rest of the family, removing an entire sense from Takumi’s body and robbing him of his ability to feel any pain. It was a relief to know that at last his brother could feel the touch of another without fearing or dreading it-

Soulmate marks. Ryoma’s worried expression bled into one of understanding.

“...you wish to finally talk about it.”

Ryoma wasn’t a blind man by any means on the subject. He had spent his lifetime ignoring his own mark, unable to accept the purple symbol he thought little more than a stain for many years. It was only in these months working alongside Corrin, and then alongside Nohr, that he began to slowly accept the emblem upon his skin. He noticed the feeling of lightning crawling over his skin at the sight or mention of Xander wasn’t mere coincidence, or an escalation of his own physical issues.

With Leo struck off the list he had made in his head, it left only one potential candidate for the matching mark to his.

The man he already held in his arms. The same man who only a week ago finally crossed the divide between dawn and dusk and risked his happiness to admit to feelings terrifyingly bold and warm.

Xander’s eyes fluttered closed briefly. His voice seemed to tremble, betraying his fraught thoughts and worried mind. “I am.”

Words were difficult on the subject of soulmates between them. Ryoma spent his life ignoring it, burying it, and pretending it did not exist. Xander spent his life mourning it, forced by blood and iron to ignore it and throw it away, but never truly abandoning that glimmer of happiness from years ago.

Ryoma guided Xander to the other side of the tent, closing the flap behind them for further security. He let go of Xander’s arm to collect up his tools from the floor, setting them onto his desk before lifting and moving Raijinto and its stand to allow for enough room for Xander to sit on the laid out tatami mats. He placed the sword carefully onto its original raised stand, and made a mental note to return to the work later.

Tension lingered in the air between them as Xander and Ryoma took up their spots on the tatami. Neither seemed willing to take the leap to reveal their marks, the topic remaining taboo even now when the barriers between them had changed and ultimately disappeared. From enemies, to friends, and now to tentative lovers, their relationship had changed to a degree unable to be predicted by either of them.

The silence lingered, and their gazes met repeatedly without a word spoken. It was Xander who finally broke the silence with a deep breath.

“I’m uncertain where we should start with this.”

Ryoma chuckled weakly. “We can agree on that. Let’s start with something simple. What is your soulmate mark?”

Xander hesitated. He shook his head at the foolish inaction, and steadied himself. “It is a symbol on my body.”

Ryoma hesitated just the same. Unconsciously, his hand came to rest on his chest, leaving the comfort of where it hung just inside his yukata. That mark, so lovingly tended to but cruelly ignored, would finally have its matching pair.

“Mine is the same.” Ryoma said. “An emblem.”

Xander’s eyes fell to Ryoma’s chest, watching as his hand hid away underneath the layers of his yukata. He could only venture to guess that his mark was on his chest, a mirrored reflection of where Xander’s mark rested on his.

Ryoma, without prompting, let the sleeve of his yukata fall from his shoulder. The motion startled Xander for the briefest moment, surprised by the trust Ryoma would have in him to see his soulmate mark. Even if this were at last the final stop on his journey for his soulmate, it was one done with extreme caution and a trust built on months of work and dedication.

Ryoma’s hand covered the mark on the left side of his chest. He glanced briefly at Xander, at the hope that peeked out from the sincere look in his eyes, and smiled.

His hand drew away, revealing the royal Nohrian emblem emblazoned upon his skin.

At the sight of it, Xander smiled. A smile Ryoma had never seen him use before. Hopeful, excited. A childlike joy. Xander’s hands move deftly, unbuttoning his waistcoat, pulling it off, and setting it aside. Ryoma watched stunned as Xander just as quickly unbuttoned his shirt, untucked it from his pants, and pulled the right side away from his chest, revealing the matching royal Hoshidan emblem on his chest.

Surrounded by a scar long healed, warping parts of it, it was still the familiar emblem Ryoma knew better than anyone. At that moment, Ryoma met Xander’s eyes.

The pains of the past, the fears of the past, they all fell away in that moment. The suffering and desolation disappeared as they met in the middle, and held each other tight. The paths their fingers take along each other's skin are charged with electricity and fire, holding tight onto the hope they had harbored and at last grasping it tight with all their might.

A coming of a twilight thought a myth, the future kings of the lands cradle in their hands their fate, and see before them a brighter tomorrow.

Chapter 2: By long-sought miracles

Chapter by Aradellia, GentleReverie


Tags: slow burn, working through trauma, developing friendships, pokemon au, enemies to friends to lovers, family dynamics, men in feminine wear, feh seasonal alt, weddings, sexy witch laurent

Chapter by GentleReverie!

Chapter Text

The moon hung low over the forest, casting eerie shadows that danced with the rustling leaves. Xander adjusted the laces of his dress, the rich fabric clinging to his form in a way that felt both alien and restrictive. His younger brother, Leo, stood nearby, fidgeting with the hem of his own gown.

"Do we really have to wear these?" Leo grumbled, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment and irritation.

"Yes," Xander replied, sighing. "It's the only way to get past the guards unnoticed. We need to blend in at the masquerade ball, and this is the best way."

The gowns were breathtaking, each a masterpiece of design and craftsmanship. Intricate embroidery adorned every inch, shimmering threads catching the light with every movement. Flowing skirts swished elegantly, the fabric hugging their bodies and chests in a way that accentuated their forms beautifully.

Xander's gown was a deep sapphire blue, matching the intensity of his eyes. The bodice was encrusted with tiny, glistening crystals that caught the light like stars in a midnight sky. The dress hugged his broad shoulders and muscular chest before cascading down into a voluminous skirt that flared out with each step, the luxurious fabric creating a regal silhouette.

Leo's gown, in contrast, was a delicate shade of lavender, a color that complemented his fair complexion and golden hair. The neckline was adorned with intricate lace, delicate and refined, adding a touch of softness to the structured bodice. The dress clung to his slender frame, highlighting his lithe figure, before flowing into a graceful skirt that moved with an ethereal lightness. The gown's hem was embellished with tiny pearls, each one meticulously sewn on, adding a subtle yet exquisite detail to the overall look.

Elise giggled from the sidelines, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You two look amazing! I've never seen you both look so... elegant ."

"Let us be done with this quickly," Xander ordered, clearly a bit embarrassed, leading the way toward the grand hall where the ball was already in full swing.

As they approached the entrance, Xander's mind raced. The mission was simple: gather information on the enemy's plans without drawing attention to themselves. But the execution required finesse and patience, especially with his siblings in tow.

The hall was a whirlwind of colors and sounds, reminiscent of the grand halls of Denerim's palace. Bann and Arl mingled under ornate chandeliers, their laughter and conversations blending with the soft music played by a lute-strumming bard. Tapestries depicting the history of Ferelden adorned the walls, adding a touch of the kingdom’s storied past to the festive atmosphere.

Xander and Leo weaved through the crowd, their disguises allowing them to move unnoticed. The rich embroidery of their gowns matched the lavish attire of the Ferelden nobility, and the faint scent of Andraste’s Grace, pinned to their breasts, wafted through the air, mingling with the aroma of spiced wine and roasted meat. They passed a group of Grey Wardens, their iconic griffon insignias gleaming under the candlelight, and overheard snatches of conversation about the Blight and darkspawn attacks near the Bannorn. The hall's opulence contrasted sharply with the tales of hardship and valor, grounding the brothers in the reality of their mission amidst the grandeur. They weaved through the crowd, their disguises allowing them to move unnoticed.

"Remember, we're here for information, not to draw attention," Xander whispered to Leo, who nodded curtly.

They split up, each taking a different path through the sea of faces. Xander's steps were light, his movements graceful despite the unfamiliar attire. His eyes landed on a familiar figure in the distance.

Laurent, a scholarly mage from the same realm as their own, stood near the buffet table, dressed as a witch. His hat was enormous, casting a shadow over his face, and his dress was a striking black with purple accents. The outfit hugged his frame, leaving little to the imagination.

Xander stifled a laugh, appreciating the irony of the situation. He made his way over, curiosity piqued. "Laurent? Is that you?"

Laurent turned, eyes widening in recognition. He nodded in greeting. "Xander. What a surprise to see you here. And in such... interesting attire."

"Likewise," Xander said. "What brings you to this masquerade?"

"A bit of research, actually," Laurent replied, adjusting his hat. "These gatherings are a goldmine of information… if you know where to look."

"Indeed," Xander agreed, glancing around. "Just keep a low profile. We can't afford to be discovered."

Laurent nodded, and with a brief exchange of smiles, they parted ways.

The cold winds of Ferelden whipped through the darkened streets as Xander pulled his cloak tighter around his broad shoulders. His siblings trailed behind him, curiosity and trepidation on their faces. Xander's steel-gray eyes scanned the desolate surroundings, his mind sharp and alert.

“Are we really going to meet that famed mage again tonight?” Leo’s voice cut through the silence. He looked both regal and out of place in the rough streets of Denerim.

“Yes,” Xander replied. “We need his help if we are to stop the Blight and bring peace to these lands.”

Elise skipped ahead, her dress flaring with each step. “I think it’s exciting! Do you think he’ll have a cauldron and everything?”

Camilla chuckled. “We’ll see, Elise. But remember, mages can be tricky. We must stay on our guard.”

As they approached the mage’s lair, a dilapidated tower on the outskirts of the city, a sense of foreboding settled over them. Xander knocked on the heavy wooden door, the sound echoing ominously.

The door creaked open, revealing a tall figure cloaked in shadows. The witch stepped into the light. A black witch's hat sat perched atop his head. His attire was equally striking: a form-fitting black dress adorned with intricate, dark runes, and a lantern that emitted an eerie, soft glow.

Laurent’s crimson eyes gleamed. “Welcome, children of Nohr. I’ve been expecting you.”

Xander stepped forward. “We seek your aid, Laurent. The Blight threatens, and we have nowhere else to turn.”

“A most persistent plague. Very well, I shall assist you. But first, there are matters to discuss. Come in.”

The interior of the tower was a labyrinth of books, potions, and strange artifacts. Xander and his siblings followed Laurent into a dimly lit room, the air thick with the scent of herbs and old parchment. Laurent gestured for them to sit around a large, circular table.

Leo fidgeted with his cloak, looking uncomfortable. “Why are you helping us?”

Laurent’s eyes sparkled with amusem*nt. “Chaos is a ladder. And I quite enjoy watching how people climb.”

Xander leaned forward, his gaze unwavering. “What do you need from us in return?”

Laurent tapped his chin thoughtfully. “A simple exchange. Your loyalty and a promise to uphold our agreement, no matter the cost.”

Xander nodded solemnly. “Agreed.”

Xander, Camilla, and Elise sat around a crackling fire, its warmth a welcome relief from the chill of the Ferelden evening.

Elise, ever the bundle of energy, bounced on her seat, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Xander, tell us again about that time you bumped into Ryoma at the market!”

Xander’s face reddened instantly, a sight that never failed to amuse his siblings. “It was a chance encounter, nothing more.”

“Oh, come, brother,” Camilla purred, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm. “You can’t deny the way your eyes lit up when you saw him. The mighty Templar, Ryoma, your sworn enemy. Yet, you were as red as a tomato!”

Xander groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “I am a Circle mage, and he is the head of the Templars. There’s nothing more to it than that. Our paths cross out of necessity, not by choice.”

Elise giggled, leaning closer to Xander. “Admit it, you like him! You’re always so composed, but he gets under your skin like no one else. It’s adorable.”

“Adorable, perhaps,” Camilla added with a sly smile. “But also dangerous. A mage and a Templar... it’s the stuff of tragic romances.”

Xander sighed, unable to hide his exasperation. “You two are impossible. Ryoma is our enemy. We can never see eye to eye, not with any Templar.”

“But isn’t that what makes it so thrilling?” Elise teased, her grin widening. “The forbidden love, the tension, the drama!”

“Besides,” Camilla interjected, her tone softening slightly, “we’ve all seen the way you two look at each other. There’s more than just enmity there, Xander. Whether you admit it or not, something’s brewing.”

Xander glanced between his sisters. Despite their teasing, he knew they spoke from a place of genuine care. “I appreciate your concern, truly. But my duty is to our mission and to our family. Ryoma and I... whatever that is, it can’t come before that.”

Elise pouted but relented, her playful demeanor returning. “Fine, fine. But don’t think we’ll stop teasing you anytime soon. It’s too much fun!”

Camilla chuckled, wrapping an arm around Xander’s shoulders. “And remember, we’re here for you. No matter what happens, family comes first.”

The journey back to their camp took Xander and his siblings through a dense forest, the path illuminated by the faint glow of the moonlight. The air was cool, filled with the scent of pine and earth, and the sounds of nocturnal creatures echoed in the distance.

As they neared a clearing, Xander halted abruptly, raising a hand to signal silence. Elise and Leo followed suit, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

"I hear voices," Xander whispered, his hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his sword. "Stay alert."

They crept forward, peering through the thick foliage. In the clearing, a group of individuals gathered around a campfire, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames. The atmosphere was tense yet familiar, the air heavy with the weight of unspoken words.

Xander recognized them immediately: the legendary heroes of Ferelden. At the center sat Alistair, his broad shoulders and easy smile unmistakable. Beside him, Morrigan, the enigmatic witch of the wilds, her piercing gaze flickering in the firelight. Sten, the stoic Qunari warrior, and Leliana, the bard with a voice as sweet as honey, completed the group.

Xander motioned for his siblings to stay put and stepped into the clearing, his presence causing the group to tense.

"Who goes there?" Alistair called out, his hand moving to his sword.

"A friend," Xander replied, stepping into the light. "We mean you no harm."

Alistair's eyes narrowed, scrutinizing Xander's appearance. "You don't look like any friend I know."

"We are travelers," Xander explained. "On a mission of our own. My name is Xander, and these are my siblings, Leo and Elise."

Morrigan's eyes flickered with recognition. "You are not of this world, are you?"

Xander shook his head. "No, we come from a land called Nohr. We found ourselves here by chance and are simply trying to find our way."

Alistair relaxed slightly, his curiosity piqued. "Nohr, you say? Never heard of it. But then again, stranger things have happened."

Leliana smiled warmly. "Join us, then. We could use some new stories to lighten the mood."

Xander nodded, motioning for Leo and Elise to join him. They settled around the campfire, the warmth of the flames a welcome relief from the chill of the night.

"So, what brings you to Ferelden?" Alistair asked, his tone more friendly now.

"We're on a mission," Xander replied, choosing his words carefully. "Gathering information and seeking allies."

Morrigan raised an eyebrow. "Allies for what purpose?"

"To protect our home," Leo interjected. "We face many threats, and we need all the help we can get."

Sten, who had remained silent until now, spoke up. "Strength lies in unity. If you seek allies, you must prove your worth."

Xander nodded. "We are prepared to do so. Our skills and loyalty are unwavering."

Leliana leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Tell us more about your land and your journey. We have time, and stories are always welcome."

As the night wore on, Xander and his siblings shared tales of Nohr, their adventures, and the challenges they faced. In return, the Ferelden heroes spoke of their battles, their triumphs, and their losses. The bond of shared experiences and mutual respect grew stronger with each passing hour.

By the time the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, Xander felt a sense of camaraderie with these legendary heroes. They might have come from different worlds, but their goals and values aligned.

"Thank you for your hospitality," Xander said as they prepared to part ways. "We will not forget your kindness."

Alistair clasped his hand in a firm shake. "And we won't forget your stories. Safe travels, Xander of Nohr. May your journey be swift and your mission successful."

As Xander and his siblings continued their journey, guided by Alistair's directions, they stumbled upon a mysterious, swirling portal hidden within a secluded glade. The portal shimmered with a soft, iridescent light, beckoning them with an air of inevitability. Without hesitation, they stepped through the portal together, hand in hand.

On the other side, they found themselves in a realm suspended in celebration. Flowers and festoons adorned every surface, and the air hummed with joy. Endless green meadows stretched under a cerulean sky, leading to a grand pavilion with white draperies flowing in the breeze.

To their astonishment, they were now clad in exquisite wedding garments. Xander wore a regal suit, white and gold threads intricately woven together, complementing his stately presence. His siblings were dressed in similarly lavish outfits, their initial confusion giving way to laughter.

“It’s a wedding!” Corrin giggled, as she and Elise immediately linked hands and ran to explore. Camilla found an exquisite rose bunch, savoring its beautiful scent.

As they approached the pavilion, Xander’s gaze found Ryoma, dressed in a resplendent samurai’s wedding kimono. His eyes lit up upon seeing Xander.

“… Prince Xander!” Ryoma called out, his voice filled with warmth and a hint of nervousness. “I never imagined we’d meet again like this.”

“Neither did I,” Xander replied, walking toward him with a nervous chuckle. “But it feels right, does it not?”

Ryoma nodded. “We’ve faced so much war together. It only makes sense that we find peace together too.”

With the blessings of heroes from across realms, Xander and Ryoma seized this moment. The ceremony was a beautiful blend of Nohrian grandeur and Hoshidan traditions. As they exchanged vows beneath the arch of blooming flowers, their past roles and divisions faded away. The heroes who had gathered cheered, some with tears in their eyes, moved by the power of a love that transcended worlds and wars… but none so loud as Princess Camilla.

“Ryoma. I vow to stand by your side, through every battle and every peace,” Xander declared, his voice steady and heartfelt. His large gloved hands embraced Ryoma’s bare ones.

“Xander. I vow to honor and cherish you, with every breath and every beat of my heart,” Ryoma replied, his voice husky and filled with emotion.

With that, they sealed their vows with a kiss, and the very world around them seemed to hold its breath, the moment suspended in time.

The celebration that followed was filled with music, laughter, dances, and stories exchanged between heroes of different times and places. As the festivities drew to a close, the portal flickered gently, reminding them of their responsibilities back in their respective realms. With heavy hearts but hopeful spirits, Xander and Ryoma, along with Xander’s siblings, bid farewell, carrying with them memories that would sustain them through whatever challenges awaited.

“Until we meet again,” Xander whispered, his hand lingering on Ryoma’s cheek.

“Until then,” Ryoma replied, their foreheads touching one last time.

Chapter 3: Budding cooperations


Tags: Soul East AU, developing friendships, family dynamics

Written by amadeusofnohr!

Chapter Text

Sakura was going to take her first step towards becoming a Death Weapon today, as an official student of the Death Weapon Meister Academy today. Her siblings had all offered to meet her early and walk her in, and she had of course agreed, relieved to not have to do something so different alone. Unfortunately, Ryoma and Hinoka had been dragged off on missions alongside their weapons, which left Takumi. It sort of worked out, since the two younger Hoshidan siblings were both weapons, while their older siblings were both meisters.

Their family was well-known at the DWMA, with them and the associates they sponsored being an important part of the DWMA student body, especially as the students her family produced were always in the elite class of fighters.

It was a bit of a daunting reputation to live up to. Hinoka had told her over and over again that she had her own strengths when practicing with her, but Sakura felt sick to her stomach every time she thought of actually having to fight, to have blood on her hands, and on her, quite literally. Ryoma never said anything too positive or too negative, trying to stick to the truth without discouraging her, but she knew he was worried about her future.

But she just had to hold her head high and at least try. She knew the missions the DWMA sent students on were important. The only thing that made her feel worse than thoughts of violence were thoughts of those horrid corrupted Kishin souls preying on innocent people who didn’t know what was happening.

She wished she could just be some kind of healer, just help people, but that wasn’t how being a weapon worked. She was born with this power, so she should use it for the greater good, or so Ryoma liked to tell her.

She felt someone flick her forehead and blinked back to awareness.

“Hey, you okay there?” It was Takumi, a concerned look on his face. Her normally taciturn brother being so gentle made her realize just how pale her face must be right now.


“Look, don’t sweat it. You’ve got plenty of time to find your footing. You already know Hana and Subaki, right? And all of us, of course.”

“R-right…” They had started earlier than she did since she was younger, but she was on friendly terms with them, the feisty Death Sword Hana and the persnickety and graceful meister Subaki, both of them sponsored into the DWMA by the Hoshidan family. They had paired off quickly as a weapon and meister pair, despite their bickering, but they were at least familiar faces.

“Say, T-Takumi…”


“How long did it take you to meet Oboro and Hinata?”

He huffed. “Don’t worry about that. Just take things at your own pace. And as stupid as it sounds, be yourself. It took me a long time to learn that one.”


She had heard plenty of stories of first days and first years from her older siblings, so there wasn’t really much more advice he could give that she hadn’t heard already.

They fell silent. Sakura hesitated, but reached out and grabbed the back of Takumi’s shirt, a habit she had been scolded for plenty when she was little. He didn’t protest, just patted her on the head awkwardly, and led her to where her class was meeting.

“Hinoka and Ryoma will be back in time for dinner, they told me to make you promise to meet up. Got it?”

She nodded. With that, Takumi left her.

Right by the door was someone to hand her a sticker to wear with the word “WEAPON” printed on it. Then the only thing to do was to join the crowd of other students milling around. Sakura bit her lip. She decided to give herself time. Just ten minutes, then she would talk to at least one person. She edged around the crowd in the center of the room, towards the door to the balcony.

It wasn’t exactly refreshing, given the heat, but it was better than being in that crowd. Sakura sighed, resting her hands on the railing and staring down at the ground far below.

It hadn’t even been an hour and she already felt like it wasn’t going well.

If she didn’t talk to anyone, there were going to be icebreaker events held for the next two weeks so that any freshman, or even older students who still hadn’t found a partner, would have more chances to mingle with more of their peers. Those were bound to be less stressful than just being shoved into a room of strangers. Icebreakers came with prompts.

“Hey! Hey!”

Sakura blinked, dragged from her thoughts for the second time that day. She startled and looked around, terrified it was someone from inside the classroom who was going to call her out for hiding out here.

At first, she didn’t see anyone, and a shiver went up her spine. A ghost ?!?

“Hey! Down here!”

Finally, she peered over the railing of the balcony. Below her was a blonde girl wearing a black and pink version of the school uniform, pink plaid vest and black skirt and pink-striped socks. Her hair was pulled into two pigtails, tied with purple bows.

“Uh… A-are you talking to me?”

“Course I am, silly!” The girl winked. “I’m a liiiittle lost. Do you know where the freshmen are supposed to be?”

“W-welll… Right up here.”

“Oh! Do you know how to get in from out here?”

The school was a labyrinth, and Sakura could only shake her head. Takumi had led her in from a different building, crossing a skyway to get to this one.

“Well, I won’t let a little thing like a wall stop me.”

The blonde approached the wall running, continuing up the wall vertically, making it a surprising way up before she started to fall. Sakura squeaked in surprise. Acting on instinct, she threw herself forward and focused , felt herself fade away.

Her weapon form was a staff. Her senses were the same, but a little different. The tip of the staff was flared, a thin circle of glass where she would usually have her face peer out of. It lodged between the bars of the balcony, the shaft just within the blonde girl’s reach.

She felt a warm hand close around her. From there, the girl clambered over the railing and pulled Sakura free just in time. She couldn’t hold the transformation for long right now. When she reformed into her human appearance, they were holding hands.

The blonde shook her hand vigorously. “Thanks a lot! My siblings told me they would give me a tour, but I wanted to do this on my own.” She puffed out her cheeks, pouting. “I was maybe a little stubborn, but it worked out! I owe you one! I’m gonna go get my nametag.”

Then she was gone, dashing inside cheerfully.

Sakura was left stunned in her wake.

The blonde returned only two minutes later.

“Oh! I didn’t introduce myself.” She peeled the back off her sticker, stuck it proudly on her vest. “Elise!” It read “MEISTER.”

“S-Sakura…” Elise had them shake hands again, and Sakura realized belatedly who exactly she was speaking to. The Hoshido family wasn’t the only one that regularly produced powerful fighters and sponsored students… the Nohr family did too… and between the name Elise and those purple bows, Sakura knew exactly who she was talking to… The youngest daughter of her family’s most famous rivals.

“Oh! You’re a weapon! That’s really convenient! I was impressed by how quickly you transformed earlier! Do you wanna be partners?”

“Y-you haven’t even talked to anyone else yet…”

“Psh, there’ll be time for that later if I want. It’s gotta be a stroke of fate that we happened to meet here! Come on, I’ll be a good roommate, I swear, I’m super clean!”


And that was how Sakura somehow ended up with a partner who felt like way more than she could handle.

Elise actually was a good roommate. She kept her side of the room tidy, and had surprisingly few belongings. She wasn’t too loud, and woke up around the same time Sakura did.

The downside was she insisted on doing everything together, which meant somehow Sakura got dragged to all the freshmen welcome party events. Water balloon fights, buffets, silent discos… it was endless.

“I-is this really going to be useful for training?”

“Of course! How can we fight together if we aren’t friends?”

Which was actually pretty sound logic, even if admittedly Sakura didn’t always speak more than a handful of words while they were at the crazy events.

Sunday night found Elise laying on her bed, kicking her legs around audibly in the middle of the night.

“Hey, are you awake?”

“I am.”

“Do you get, like, homesick at all?”

“Um… Well, my siblings are all here. They’re older than me, so I guess I got used to being the only kid around… But it’s different being here.”

“Yeah. When my siblings were around, I at least saw them everyday when they were on summer break. But now even though we’re in the same place they’re too busy for me!”

“We really are supposed to be independent now, I guess. That’s what my sister always told me.”

Sakura couldn’t see her in the dark, but she knew her cheeks were puffing out again.

“Sure, sure. I’m a big girl now. But I can still want to see my siblings, can’t I?”

Sakura, who had been able to see her siblings regularly for dinner, wondered what was keeping the Nohr family away from the school for so long. Or was something keeping her siblings here when they should’ve been away?

“Of course. I’m sure they want to see you, too.”

“You really think so?”

“Y-yes. I’ve only known you for a week, but you always listen to what I say, and you’re so bubbly… If you were my sister, I would miss hearing you talk to me.”

“Sakura! You’re too sweet!” If Elise sounded like she was crying, Sakura wasn’t going to say anything.

“Um, Elise. Are there any books you really like?”


“Or stories.”

“Like fairy tales? Yeah, sure, all the classics. Brother’s Grimm and all that.”

Sakura was thinking more Disney, but…

“One of my siblings used to read to me at night. I, uh, could read you something, if you wanted.”

“Go ahead.”

Sakura didn’t want to turn the lights on and expose Elise’s red-eyed face, so she just closed her eyes and recited a story from memory. Elise had been so good to her, at her side through all the scary social events, and she wanted to help her if she could.

It seemed to work, because soon Elise was quiet, the only sound left the sound of her sleeping breaths.

Monday, they had to attend class. Their first class together was, unsurprisingly, one where they were supposed to work on their teamwork.

Sakura could transform just fine, and Elise was quite good with the wooden staff she practiced with, but they always seemed to misstep when working together. Elise would stretch out Sakura too far away from her, swipe too fast, and Sakura would freeze, scared, and untransform, falling into a heap on the mat below them.


Elise sighed.

“No, no, it’s my fault, too. We’re in this together, alright? Your mistakes are my mistakes. Being a meister isn’t just about moving the weapon, I’m supposed to be considerate of you. I have an idea, okay? Meet me after school by the cafeteria.”

Sakura could only nod, too guilty about her part in their lack of progress.

She regretted agreeing when she showed up and found Elise standing beside a tall woman with purple hair who was dressed in sleek black leather clothes and heeled boots. She could only be Camilla, the heiress of the Nohr family, second only to the heir himself.

Sakura opened her mouth, then let it shut.

Camilla smiled when she saw her.

“Is this my dear little sister’s partner?” She cooed. Her eyes narrowed as she smiled, calculating. “You didn’t tell me you snagged one of the Hoshidans!”

“I what?” Elise furrowed her brow.

“The youngest daughter of the main family herself, if I’m not mistaken.”

Sakura bowed. “P-pleased to meet you Miss Camilla. Please take care of me.”

“I should be the one telling you to take care of Elise!” Camilla ruffled Elise’s hair.

“Oh my gosh, you’re that Sakura! Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I’m sorry! But you were so nice, and I didn’t want you to hate me…”

“I wouldn’t hate you! Ever! I’m just sad. We would have so much more to talk about if you had told me.” Her famous pout appeared again. “I would’ve asked you how the heck Ryoma gets his hair to look like that without getting his shurikens tangled in it.”

That broke the tension, sending Sakura and Camilla both into a fit of giggles.

“Now, now, dears. Elise told me she felt like she was having a bit of trouble with her weapon, so she came to me for advice. I have two weapons myself, both quite the handful, so I’m the right person to help. Now, Sakura, you tell me what you think the problem is.”

“Big sister, I already told you the problem!”

Camilla shook her finger. “You told me what you thought it was. I need to hear it from Sakura.”

Despite the scary look, Camilla was actually able to guide them through a pretty helpful conversation. Elise had heard stories of the prickly Selena and the cold, unreadable Beruka, and she supposed Camilla had to have quite the meister chops to wield the two of them, especially at the same time.

“Now, you two run along now. Remember what I said!”

Elise and Sakura saluted, because Camilla objected to any more bowing.

“Yes ma’am!” They chorused.

“That’s more like it! You’re more in sync already!”

When Camilla left, they turned to each other.

“So, what do you wanna do first?”

Camilla had suggested all kinds of activities that would take both of their involvement, rather than Elise just dragging Sakura through the motions.

“I think playing instruments together would be nice. I’ve never seen anyone play the violin before.”

It made Sakura smile a little, to think of loud Elise playing something so graceful.

“Then let’s go!”

Sakura followed after, feeling leagues more hopeful about being able to help people as a weapon than she had when she first stepped foot into the school.

Chapter 4: Journey to a new dawn

Chapter by Aradellia, GentleReverie


Tags: Pokemon AU, helping through the trauma, slow burn, developing friendships, enemies to friends to lovers, family dynamics

Written by GentleReverie!

Chapter Text

The small village of Veridian was bustling with activity as children gathered for the annual Pokémon starter ceremony.

Leo, a small boy of ten, clutched Xander’s hand as they approached the village square. His eyes darted around, taking in the excitement and nervous energy in the air.

Nearby, a confident boy with silver hair (that reminded Leo of a pineapple) and a mischievous smile caught Leo’s attention. He was talking animatedly with a group of kids, his Rowlet perched proudly on his shoulder. Leo hid behind Xander shyly.

"That’s Takumi," Xander said with a smile. "He's known for being quite skilled, even at his age."

Takumi noticed Leo staring and walked over. "Hi, I’m Takumi. Looks like we’re getting our first Pokémon today." He stuck out a confident hand.

Leo hesitated, then shook his hand. "I’m Leo. N…nice to meet you."

From that moment, their friendly rivalry began.

The morning sun peeked through the canopy of the forest. Leo stretched, feeling the warmth on his skin as he emerged from his tent. Litwick, his faithful companion, floated beside him, its flame flickering softly.

"Morning, Litwick," Leo greeted, smiling at the little ghost Pokémon. The routine of waking up early, training, and sharing these quiet moments had become a comforting rhythm in their journey.

Nearby, Takumi was already up, practicing with his Rowlet. The bird Pokémon swooped gracefully through the air, responding to Takumi's commands with precision. He spotted Leo and gave him a wave.

"Mornin’," Takumi called. His smile was as bright as the sun, and Leo felt a flutter in his chest.

"Morning, Takumi," Leo replied, walking over to join him. "How're you and Rowlet doing?"

"Great! We've been working on his speed and agility," Takumi said. "Want to practice together?"

Leo nodded. "Absolutely. Let's see how Litwick and Rowlet do in a friendly match."

As they set up a small training area, the bond between them and their Pokémon became evident. Litwick and Rowlet faced off, both determined yet playful, reflecting the relationship between their trainers.

It was a bright, sunny afternoon when Owain first met his new partner: a tiny Pichu with sparkling eyes and an abundance of energy. They had just arrived at the Pokémon Center after a long day of exploring, and Nurse Joy handed over the Poké Ball with a warm smile.

"Here you go, Owain. Take good care of your new friend," she said.

Owain's eyes lit up with excitement as he released Pichu from his Poké Ball. The little electric mouse blinked up at him, tilting its head curiously.

"Hey there, little guy," Owain greeted, kneeling to be at eye level with Pichu. "I'm Owain. We're going to have so many adventures together!"

Pichu's cheeks sparked with excitement, and it let out a joyful "Pichu!"

Owain grinned, feeling a surge of affection for his new companion. He had always dreamed of becoming a legendary Pokémon trainer, and this was the first step on that journey. But before they could embark on their epic quests, there was something important that needed to be done.

"You need a name," Owain declared, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "A name that strikes fear into the hearts of our enemies. A name that embodies your power and potential."

Pichu looked up at him, his eyes wide with anticipation.

After a moment of intense contemplation, Owain's face lit up with a dramatic flourish. "I have it! From this day forth, you shall be known as... DEATHBRINGER!"

Pichu's ears perked up, and it bounced excitedly on its tiny feet. "Pichu, Pichu!"

"Do you like it?" Owain asked, laughing as Pichu nodded enthusiastically. "Then DEATHBRINGER it is!"

DEATHBRINGER beamed with pride, running over to Owain and jumping into his arms. Owain caught his partner, hugging it tightly. "We'll show everyone what we're made of," he whispered, feeling a deep connection with his Pokémon. "Together, we're unstoppable."


The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the narrow alleyways of the town. Niles wandered through the dimly lit streets, feeling the familiar pang of loneliness gnawing at his heart. The laughter and chatter of other trainers echoed in the distance, but it only served to deepen his sense of isolation.

He kicked at a loose pebble, watching it skitter away. "Just another night alone," he muttered to himself, stuffing his hands into his pockets. As he walked, a faint rustling sound caught his attention. Curious, he followed the noise to a dark, narrow alleyway.

There, hidden among the discarded crates and trash, he spotted a small, shivering form. A Sneasel, his fur matted and dirty, crouched against the wall, eyes wide with fear. Niles' heart clenched at the sight. He knew all too well what it felt like to be abandoned, left to fend for oneself.

"Hey," Niles said softly, crouching down to appear less threatening. The Sneasel flinched at his voice, pressing tighter against the wall.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," Niles promised, reaching out a tentative hand. "I've been where you are.”

The Sneasel's eyes flickered with a mix of fear and curiosity. It hesitated, then took a small, cautious step toward Niles. "That's it," Niles encouraged, keeping his voice gentle. "You're safe now."

Slowly, inch by inch, the Sneasel approached him, its movements tentative and wary. When it finally reached him, Niles gently stroked its fur, feeling the tension in its small body begin to ease.

"You must be hungry," Niles said, pulling out a berry from his bag. He offered it to the Sneasel, who sniffed it cautiously before nibbling at it.

"You know," Niles said softly, "I was abandoned too. Maybe we can help each other? What do you say?"

The Sneasel looked up at him, its eyes reflecting a glimmer of hope.

Leo clutched his Poké Ball tightly, the cool metal grounding him as he faced the morning sun. His heart raced with anticipation and a flicker of anxiety. Today was the day he would begin his Pokémon journey with his friends, Owain and Niles. Each step forward felt like a step away from the shadows of his past.

"Ready, Litwick?" Leo whispered, releasing his starter Pokémon. The small ghostly flame flickered in response, a soft glow of reassurance. Litwick had been his companion through many dark nights, both literal and metaphorical.

"Hey, Leo!" Owain's voice rang out, full of boundless energy. He sprinted over, his Pichu—DEATHBRINGER—riding on his shoulder. "Today's the day we become legends!"

Niles sauntered over too. His Sneasel followed closely, eyes gleaming with mischief. "Or, we could just have some fun messing with Takumi," he suggested. Niles always knew how to lighten the mood, even if it meant causing a bit of trouble.

Leo's smile faltered at the mention of Takumi. Their rivalry had grown intense, but it was complicated. They pushed each other, challenged each other, but beneath the surface, there was something more— a connection that neither fully understood yet.

As if on cue, Takumi appeared, his Rowlet perched proudly on his arm. "Leo," he acknowledged with a nod, eyes sharp and challenging. "Ready to lose again?"

Leo's grip on Litwick's Poké Ball tightened. "In your dreams."

Their journey took them to the Haunted Forest, a place shrouded in mystery and danger. It was the perfect place for Litwick to shine, but it also meant confronting some of Leo's deepest fears.

"Stay close," Leo instructed, his voice steady despite his racing heart. Litwick floated beside him, casting an eerie glow that illuminated their path. Owain and Niles were just ahead, DEATHBRINGER and Sneasel ready for anything. The forest was eerily silent, the air thick with tension.

Suddenly, a ghostly figure appeared, its eyes glowing with malice. "A Haunter," Niles observed, his Sneasel already in a battle stance.

Leo took a deep breath. "Litwick, use Flamethrower!" The battle was intense, and as it raged on, Leo felt his confidence waver. The memories of his father's harsh words resurfaced, but then he remembered Takumi's voice, clear and strong. "You can do this, Leo!"

With renewed determination, Leo commanded Litwick with precision, and together, they defeated the Haunter. Another step towards conquering his fears.

The next decade of Leo’s journey was filled with excitement and challenges. Together with Owain and Niles, and sometimes even Takumi, they battled wild Pokémon, trained tirelessly, and learned to rely on each other.

That night, on his weekend trip with Takumi, Leo often found himself lost in thought as the flickering fire reflected his gaze. His mind drifted back to the harsh words of his father. "You'll never be good enough."

Those words haunted him, still, gnawing at his confidence. Even now, with his friends by his side, the shadow of self-doubt lingered. His breath hitched, and his binder felt extra tight and constricting around his ribcage. Drawing a breath felt like a knife to his lungs.

Takumi’s eyes flicked over to him, hearing Leo’s pained gasp. “What’s wrong?” he asked, bluntly. Something Leo had always loved about him— his frank and genuine care and sometimes the brusqueness with which he displayed it.

"You were distracted in today's battle," Takumi continued, getting up and sitting beside him. Decidueye cooed softly, as if agreeing.

Leo sighed, staring into the flickering campfire. "Just thinking."

Takumi's eyes softened, losing their usual edge. "About your father?"

Leo nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"You don't have to be perfect, Leo," Takumi said quietly. His hand found Leo’s. "You just have to be you. That's enough."

The sincerity in Takumi's voice struck a chord in Leo. He had always seen Takumi as a rival, but moments like these revealed his deeper understanding and care. Maybe one day he could let himself believe in those words.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the forest floor, Leo and Takumi found a secluded spot by a small pond to rest. Their Pokémon played nearby as the water reflected the colors of the sunset, creating a serene and magical atmosphere. The day was still warm, as it usually was in late summer, so both men discarded their shirts: Leo clad in just his binder, and Takumi bare-chested, the crescent-moon scars on his chest a testament to how much he’d finally grown into himself in the years they’d been together.

Takumi turned to Leo, his expression serious yet gentle. "Leo, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

Leo's heart skipped a beat. "What?"

Takumi took a deep breath. "I love you. You will always be good enough, especially to me.”

Leo felt a lump in his throat, the old wounds threatening to resurface. But Takumi's words were like a balm. He felt tears spill, unbidden, and buried his face in his arms, embarrassed by his overreaction.

Takumi’s gentle voice kept him from breaking into a million pieces, as did the comforting hand on his back rubbing slow, calming circles. "You can never get rid of me. Try all you want.”

Leo nodded, feeling a swell of gratitude and affection. He would never want to.

Leo awoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains of the Pokémon Center. Beside him, Chandelure’s flame flickered gently, casting comforting shadows on the walls. The memories of their recent gym victory still lingered, filling him with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the future.

As he stretched and got out of bed, he noticed a letter on the bedside table, bearing the seal of the Pokémon League. His heart skipped a beat.

"What's that?" Owain's voice was groggy as he peered over from his bunk, DEATHBRINGER still snoozing on top of his chest.

Leo carefully broke the seal and read the letter aloud, excitement growing with each word. "We've been invited to participate in the Champion’s Tournament.”

Niles, always the early riser, strolled in with Weavile at his heels. "Sounds like an adventure," he said, a smirk playing on his lips. "Count me in."

Takumi joined him, handing over a canteen of water. "You've grown a lot, Leo," he remarked, his tone sincere. "Not just as a trainer, but as a person. You’re ready for this."

Leo took a sip, feeling a warmth spread through him that had nothing to do with the warmth of the fireplace. "It's thanks to you," he admitted. "And to Chandelure, Owain and Niles. I couldn't have done it alone."

Takumi shook his head. "No, it's thanks to you. You're the one who fights your battles. I'm just here to remind you that you're not alone."

One evening, as they rested by a river, Owain regaled them with tales of legendary Pokémon.

"One day, DEATHBRINGER and I will be legends too," he declared, his eyes shining with ambition. DEATHBRINGER let out an energetic “Rai, Rai!” and posed dramatically.

Niles chuckled, shaking his head. "Incredible."

Leo hid a smile, feeling a warmth spread through him. Despite the darkness of his past, moments like these made him believe in a brighter future.

Leo stood across from Takumi, eyes blazing.

"May the best trainer win," Takumi said, a competitive glint in his eyes.

"May the best trainer win," Leo echoed, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

The battle was fierce, their Pokémon giving it their all. Chandelure’s flames danced against Decidueye’s graceful movements, each move calculated and precise. It was a test of their skills, their bond, and their determination.

In the end, it was Leo who emerged victorious. As the crowd erupted in cheers, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He had proven himself, not just to Takumi or his friends, but to himself.

Takumi approached, a proud, unwavering smile on his face. "Well look at you, bigshot. You finally beat me."

Leo smiled back, his heart swelling. He didn’t realize how much joy a heart could contain.

The tournament grounds were a sight to behold— an arena surrounded by towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls. The air buzzed with excitement as trainers from all over the world gathered to prove their mettle.

Each battle pushed Leo and his friends to their limits. Owain's DEATHBRINGER dazzled the crowd with his agility and power, while Niles's Weavile proved to be a formidable opponent having mastered both ice and darkness.

Leo's first match was against a seasoned trainer named Laurent, whose team was renowned for their strength and strategy. As the battle commenced, Chandelure faced off against Laurent’s powerful Alakazam. The intense waves from Alakazam’s psychic were nearly overwhelming, but Leo remained focused.

"Shadow Ball!" Leo commanded. The ghostly blue flames danced around Alakazam, causing it to flinch.

"Dark Pulse!" Laurent countered.

The battle raged on. Despite the pressure, Leo felt a strange calm. He had faced his fears, overcome his doubts, and now, he trusted in himself and his Pokémon.

With a final command, Chandelure unleashed a powerful Shadow Ball, knocking Alakazam out and securing Leo's victory. The crowd erupted in cheers.

As they camped under the stars, Leo looked around at his friends, feeling a deep sense of contentment. They had come so far, and there was still so much more to explore, so many more battles to fight. He hugged his legs to his knees, watching the stars twinkle in their multitudes above. Niles slept somewhere to his left, almost purring in his sleep. Owain, on the other hand, snored like a middle aged man. Leo shook his head. Some things would never change.

Takumi came to sit beside him, their shoulders touching. "What's next for us?"

Leo mused, the possibilities endless in his mind.

Chapter 5: A secret tied in lace

Chapter by Aradellia, GentleReverie


Tags: maid outfits, maid Xander, family dynamics, men in feminine wear, developing friendships

Chapter Text

“Why are you in here again?”

Hinoka looked up from her spot lounged across the chaise in Xander’s private quarters, looking over the back of it to peek at the hard work still ongoing. Camilla continued to busy herself around Xander, pins precariously perched between her lips as she worked to fix up the popped seams of the maid dress Xander wore. Sewing supplies covered the nearby bordeaux, ribbons and lace laid across the mirror and delicate velvet boxes full of bobby pins and sewing needles popped open atop the beautiful mahogany counter space.

“Moral support.” Hinoka said bluntly. “And eye candy.”

Camilla popped the pins from her mouth out, stabbing one into Xander’s side and causing him to wince and curse at the sudden sharp pain.

“She’s my muse, you goose. Now stay still.”

Xander frowned. “Maybe if you did not suddenly stab me and risk me bleeding onto it.”

“Then don’t question why my girlfriend is watching. Hush!” Camilla shushed Xander’s next statement without another jab. Just as swiftly as she had stabbed him did she pluck the pins from Xander’s dress and put them back between her lips for safekeeping.

Xander had recruited Camilla for a mission so secret, it could ruin the reputation of the Nohrian royal family forever if anyone were aware of it. He had told Camilla that no one, not even her retainers, were allowed to join her for this endeavor. And yet, she brought Hinoka with her, perhaps the worst decision she had ever made.

“If you’re worried about this leaking, you shouldn’t.” Hinoka reassured Xander, sitting up properly and lounging her chin atop the back of the chaise to look at him properly. “I’m under strict oath. That and I’m running interference to keep my brother as far away from this room as possible until we’re done.”

“And here, I honestly believed my sister brought you in here to blackmail me.” Xander muttered.

“I can still do that, you know.” Camilla mentioned. She had her pins now between her fingers, stepping aside for a moment to stab them into the pin cushion placed on a nearby chair. “Many people would love to know the King of Nohr has a maid fe-”

“Do not finish that sentence, Camilla.” Xander warned.

Hinoka snorted, hiding back behind the chaise as Xander’s fiery eyes turned to her. With that tasteful threat hanging in the air, Xander submitted to Camilla’s working hands and let her continue under the watching eyes of her girlfriend.

Xander had a plan. One he had been preparing for Ryoma since it was announced the Hoshidan royal family would be staying in Nohr for an extended period in a show of goodwill. However, his plan had nearly been foiled when he found the most important piece of his plan in tatters. He suspected rats, or perhaps moths, but no answer had been found.

Emergency repairs to the maid outfit he kept hidden away were required posthaste. Camilla was his only hope.

“Alright, I think that does it.” Camilla clapped her hands together as she stepped back from Xander. “Spin for me.”

Pushing down his embarrassment, Xander spun on one foot as requested. The skirt of his maid dress lifted slightly with the motion, though thankfully didn’t completely expose him. He completed his one spin gracefully, and returned to his feet. The giggling that had been prevalent behind the chaise stopped dead as he spun, replaced with a single gasp, though Xander opted to ignore it for his own embarrassed sake.

“I got it all fixed.” Camilla declared. “It’s all ready.”

“You got matching stockings for that, Xander?” Hinoka asked cheekily.

This time, Camilla came to his aid, bopping her girlfriend gently on her forehead. “Be nice to him now, my love. Don’t tease him.”

“Alriiiight.” Hinoka conceded. She sat up from her lounging spot, stood from the couch and rounded it to join Camilla. “Doesn’t look half bad.”

“Are you done eyeballing me?” Xander asked, his tone monotone.

“We are, yes.” Camilla gently bumped her hip into Hinoka as she spoke. “We’ll send Ryoma your way when we leave. Unless you need a little more time…?”

Xander hummed in thought. He still had a few more things to prepare. He still needed to put on the rest of his ensemble, and ready for Ryoma’s arrival. He looked over briefly at his messy bordeaux, and the pile of unopened boxes hidden just within his closet.

“Give me fifteen minutes.”

Hinoka grinned. “Done and done!”

Ten minutes later, Xander’s work was complete. He tugged idly on his stockings, making sure they were as far up as they could go on his thighs. It had been a struggle to find any that would fit on his legs, and harder still to ensure they would not rip when he moved. He double checked his garters attached to the stockings as well. It had been his solution to the bigger stocking problem at hand. It meant he was wearing a scandalous garter belt underneath his dress, but it was a worthwhile addition to the wardrobe to ensure he did not have to fiddle and fix his slipping stockings.

With his attire complete, he set down the final piece of his elaborate gift. A small bell, placed upon the table in Xander’s private sitting room. The table was filled with foods from both Nohr and Hoshido, a light midday snack between their larger planned meals.

He adjusted the small note set on the table, and stepped back to look over his work. He adjusted plates and empty glasses, gently pushed certain food items around to better present them for Ryoma as he walked in. Nitpicking the spread on the table took him several more minutes, enraptured by every detail to ensure the most pleasing sight when Ryoma walked in. He was adjusting the tablecloth when he heard the door open behind him, standing in shock as Ryoma walked in and froze at the sight he found.


Xander was frozen like a deer in lamplight, startled by Ryoma’s appearance. He had thought he had more time before Ryoma was due to enter, and unknowingly wasted his few remaining minutes nitpicking over the exact placement of finger foods. He watched as Ryoma’s eyes wandered, looking him up and down multiple times before focusing on Xander’s reddened face.

“...this is certainly a surprise.” Ryoma said lightly. “I wasn’t sure what to expect, considering Hinoka’s crypticness.”

Xander was tongue-tied. He felt embarrassed, being caught in the act and ruining his elaborate plans for a nice surprise. A sullen feeling crept into him, realizing that much like the mysterious assailant to his maid dress, his plans had been foiled by foolishness.

“Well, I certainly ruined the better surprise.” Xander said. A pout formed on his face as he planted his hands on his lace-covered hips. “But at least you seem pleased.”

“More than pleased.” Ryoma announced. He swiftly closed the door behind him, taking up one of Xander’s hands and placing a gentle kiss along the seam of the gloves he wore. “Where have you been hiding this?”

“Somewhere you wouldn’t stick your nose.” Xander replied, steadying himself as Ryoma released his hand and stepped into his personal space.

Ryoma hummed idly at Xander’s words. His eyes ventured to the table, and its elaborate setup of foods and drinks, and one very curious object. One that Ryoma did not hesitate to pick up and dangle between his fingers as he turned back to Xander.

“A bell.” Ryoma noted. A smirk came to his lips. “Were you going to surprise me with the full experience of you being a maid?”

While the setup had been flawless, and the execution messy, Xander’s plans were still in motion. He straightened his back, and steadied his flustered expression back into something more presentable for his role. The shift did not go unnoticed by Ryoma, who looked at him with pleased surprise as the change happened.

“Only if you would call for me.” Xander replied, placing a hand onto his chest. “My lord.”

Ryoma did not hesitate to raise the bell in his hand, his expression betraying the excitement he hid behind the sly smile on his face.

The bell rang a moment later, and Xander went to work.

A Scuffled Collection - Devastating Fates Collab! - Aradellia, GentleReverie, amadeusofnohr (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.